Greenskin biology

I don't get it. Genetically speaking orcs, goblins, snotlings and squigs should all be the exact same species, and all the fenotypal differences should be environmental, in a similar way to let's say how ants form into workers or soldiers or queens. But how do "subspecies" like gnoblars or black orcs, or even simple subcultures like night goblins fit into this?`Gnoblars seem to be solely associated with ogres, with absolutely no connection to any other greenskins. How is that? Why don't their tribes produce any orcs and why are they so different from the normal goblins in general? Or black orcs, i do understand that they're genetically edited by chaos dwarf sorcery, but what else comes from this edited greenskin seed than black orcs? Are there "black goblins" or something? Do they even reproduce naturally or are they all test tube babies from some chaos dvarf laboratory?
To me all this seems like just a massive plot hole in the lore.

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  1. 2 months ago

    Warhammer Fantasy greenskins don't work like 40k ones.

    • 2 months ago


      Greenskins are related but not in the way you think. Squigs are just animals that tend to share the same environments as other greeenskins and greenskins have become adept at "domesticating". While GW continues to be coy about the existence of female greenskins, they exist, and greenskins reproduce in the typical fashion. Black Orcs are the result of Chaos Dwarfs experimenting with controlled breeding over a population of Orc slaves to produce a hardier specimen, who then overthrew their masters and ended up integrating with natural Orc populations. Hobgoblins are just the result of successful goblin populations in the desolate steppes growing larger and stronger than their cousins over time. Gnoblars are the opposite, having fallen under the thumb of the Ogres, any Gnoblars that grow too large become more appetizing and are eaten by the Ogres, but given that they are from Goblin stock they're not as stupid as Snotlings.


    • 2 months ago

      The Skarsnik novel disagrees.

      • 2 months ago

        Not canon

    • 2 months ago

      Warhammer Fantasy is just a primitive world in 40k.

      • 2 months ago

        How do you explain the end times and age of Sigmar then?

      • 2 months ago

        Warhammer 40k is just a magical realm in a crystal ball in a wizards tower in warhammer fantasy.

        • 2 months ago

          That was never canon.

          How do you explain the end times and age of Sigmar then?

          Word of God said once that WHFB world inside the Eye of Terror.

          • 2 months ago

            >Word of God said once that WHFB world inside the Eye of Terror.
            I need a source for that.

    • 2 months ago

      They're explicitly the same species.

  2. 2 months ago

    The same way all single cell organisms evolve. Random genetic errors that produce positive results survive and thrive.
    Gnoblers are only in fantasy and AOS. A slave race to ogres. Their size is due to ogren "selective breeding", they favor the small but strong gnoblers. So any orcs would most likely be smashed.

  3. 2 months ago


    Greenskins are related but not in the way you think. Squigs are just animals that tend to share the same environments as other greeenskins and greenskins have become adept at "domesticating". While GW continues to be coy about the existence of female greenskins, they exist, and greenskins reproduce in the typical fashion. Black Orcs are the result of Chaos Dwarfs experimenting with controlled breeding over a population of Orc slaves to produce a hardier specimen, who then overthrew their masters and ended up integrating with natural Orc populations. Hobgoblins are just the result of successful goblin populations in the desolate steppes growing larger and stronger than their cousins over time. Gnoblars are the opposite, having fallen under the thumb of the Ogres, any Gnoblars that grow too large become more appetizing and are eaten by the Ogres, but given that they are from Goblin stock they're not as stupid as Snotlings.

    • 2 months ago

      Warhammer Fantasy greenskins don't work like 40k ones.

      The Skarsnik novel and 7th ed main army book have the Greenskins reproducing via spores.
      Why do you gain by spreading misinformation like that?
      Everything that anon wrote in his paragraph is wrong.

  4. 2 months ago

    you may want to learn about epigenetics
    and consider the fact greenskins are psychic and psychoreactive, not to mention the symbiosis they have with their ideal ecosystem

    the same spores will produce a different thing depending on the physical environment, including amount of nutrients, water, heat, light and symbiotic fungi, the original parent likely leaves an epigenetic imprinting on the spore and the surrounding magical context that gets influenced by the natural magic the unnatural magics and the influence of local greenskin populations or active waaaghs, will also play a role in reinforcing or editing the imprinting
    plus whatever emerges first will inevitably become a filter that actively selects what spawns and what doesn't in its most immediate vicinity by aggressively clobbering what may appear as a threat to it, which is especially true in goblin-dominated tribes compared to orc-dominated ones

  5. 2 months ago

    >greenskins reproduce in the typical fashion
    Oi wut?

  6. 2 months ago

    Where did you get the moronic idea that different species of fungus are all the same species? Just because they have a common ancestor? So do you and your house plant

  7. 2 months ago

    They are designed by the Old Ones to spawn specific subspecies, some such as the brain boyz are extinct or degenerated now making the orks just a moronic tide of screaming green idiots and the grots plotting a communist revolution.
    Blorcs are literally genetically and magically engineered by Chaos Dwarfs, gnoblars have no lore because they're just uglier and dumber snotlings/goblins, hobgoblins exist specifically to be the Joker who fricks up greenskin SOCIETY.
    >no connection
    gnoblars are native to gnoblar country and were enslaved as ogres because they aren't good eating but they are amusing.
    >black goblins
    3 seconds on any wiki would tell you what I already told you.
    >night goblins
    Live underground, worship the Bad Moon
    >forest goblins
    Live in the forest, worship the 8-legged god
    >savage orcs
    Orcs but dumber
    >age of sigmar
    The corporate board decided they wanted sneaky orcs and space marine orcs.

    • 2 months ago

      >The corporate board decided they wanted sneaky orcs and space marine orcs.
      Yeah and they look pretty cool. Supergoblins was a nice idea but those models aren't very good.

  8. 2 months ago

    The standard greenskin encampment will have a very simple structure of how spores develop when in a standard enviroment, this being squigs showing up, goblins then to wrangle the squigs and build encampments, and finally orcs. Alternate variants come about in different conditions for the spore.
    >night goblins being in caves with large sums of psychedelics
    >forest goblins come about by being in close proximity to the spiders
    >gnoblars are within ogre territory
    >hobgobblins are in the steppe
    In these situations the lack of orcs is due to the environment changing how the goblins function thus not allowing the conditions for orc spores to fully develop as they would in a standard environment. Black Orcs on the other hand are specifically designed by the chaos dwarves thus are not part of the natural orc reproduction cycle, as they were intended to be better slaves they are able to come to maturity without the need or squigs or goblins.

    • 2 months ago

      I think that night goblins and forest goblins are just cultural phenomenoms with no fundamental inborn differences to rest of greenskinkin whatsoever, to the point that any random goblin who for some reason wanders into these tribes would integrate in perfectly.

  9. 2 months ago

    Something to consider: humans on the same continent usually have a 7% difference in variation. Humans on another continent have an 8% variance. But despite this, humans are 99% genetically identical to any other human. Chimps and bonobos share 98.7% of the same DNA as us, despite being dramatically different in appearance. With gorillas, it's apparently a 1.6% in DNA compared to humans. I could see a similar difference between orcs, goblins, and snotlings. Squigs would probably be a bit higher of a difference.

    • 2 months ago

      Their biology is fundamentally different form sexually reproducing mammals, they reproduce via spores that carry all the genetic material for all greenskin life, and any of these spores can grow into any type of greenskin, be it an orc, a gobling, a snotling or a squig, depending on circumstances. Even if there were genetic differences between different greenskin populations, within their own tribe their DNA is identical no matter which phenotype they belong to.

  10. 2 months ago

    Shut up, nerd.

  11. 2 months ago

    >To me all this seems like just a massive plot hole in the lore.

    See Brassicas.

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