Greentexts and Reddit have ruined TTRPGs

Is it just me or does anyone else feel that way. Due to personal circumstances I only have online groups to play with right now. It appears to me that most players over there are more interested in being the protagonist of their own little reddit-horror-story rather than playing a game.

First thing I noticed were of course many bullshit applications. I literally had two applicants by now that wanted to play a variety of woodland animals in disguise (of course not fitting the tone, system or setting that was announced). Though those aren't too bad, since I can easily turn them away or are genuinly amusing.

The worse variant are the ones that latch on to minor complaints and throw a hissy fit, because some pseudo red flag they recognized from reddit and the victim mentality that comes with it. Had to quit two campaigns because of those c**ts.

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  1. 11 months ago

    First story:
    >Playing a sandbox dungeoncrawler (no D&D or OSR, mind you)
    >Group is exploring some ruins
    >Find a ruined stairwell that connects to the second level.
    >Unfortunately they ran out of climbing gear on the way there
    >An elf archeologist is the only PC able to scale the wall without risking injury
    >Carefully explores the upper level, but it's apparent that no one has been there for quite some time
    >Finds altar of a now minor deity that has fallen out of favor with the rest of the pantheon and some treasure
    >Dumps most of the treasure down the stairwell so the rest of the group can pack it up
    >Finds a heavily decorated figurine of said deity at the altar as well
    >Unfortunately tells me via voice chat that she's going to hide it so the rest of the group knows too
    >I let her do so and none of the other players voice any concerns at this point
    >Fast forward post session
    >Elf player has already left while some other players stayed behind "to give feedback"
    >Nothing out of the ordinary
    >Shitsplosion ensues
    >Some of the players are unhappy about loot being kept from
    >According to them this is equal to PvP and an absolut red flag in ttrpgs
    >I'll go over her reasoning
    >Wanted to research the altar and figurine before any of the major religions catch word of it (int the down tim of course)
    >Cult of the minor deity has been persecuted for a few cenuries and most of it's records have been destroyed and rewritten
    >Most other players aggree that this sounds sensible and apparently changed their minds
    >Next day
    >Have messages from half the group telling me they're leaving
    >"Holding back loot is equal to PvP and a total red flag in TTRPGs"

    • 11 months ago

      Playing a non-DnD game doest work if you're playing with DnD players.

      Unironically I have "What is the last TTRPG you played and enjoyed?" as an interview question, and if someone says DND their application is instantly thrown out.

      • 11 months ago

        lmao wtf, is this shit really so serious you guys have job interviews over it.

        back in my day the neighborhood boys would just get drunk and go play it in the basement. things used to be so much simpler

        • 11 months ago

          I am not 12 anymore and my neighborhood is full of zoomers whom I would not play with even as a paid DM.

      • 11 months ago

        This. I have "How many TTRPGS have you played? List your favorites." and if the list is just DnD and Pathfinder, I know that player is damaged goods that won't be worth the time or effort to fix.

      • 11 months ago

        People like you are part of the problem because there's plenty of us who play 5e because the playerbase for other games we like is insanely fricking tiny, niche, or both.
        You know how fricking tough it is to find enough dedicated people to want to play, or try to learn Legends of the Five Rings or even something like Mutants and Masterminds?
        Even if I acknowledge 5eBrainRot is 100% a thing, closing your door because of your own autistic hatred for DND just exacerbates the issue

        • 11 months ago

          nah frick you, get kept out by chad gatekeepers until you're not a fricking chore to be around.

          or just stop looking for specific games and enjoy playing "literally just not dnd". I enjoy reading systems in preparation for actual play, and finding people that seem cool to play with with what ever game they are running is the best experience you can hope to get

          • 11 months ago

            >Until youre not a fricking chore to be around
            Again, youre letting your bias of a system and playerbase influence why somebody might play that system.
            For ALOT of people, you either play 5e/Pathfinder or you realistically don't play tabletops, period.
            I'd argue that it's 5e, then Pathfinder, then COC, then anything after COC you're going to experience a MASSIVE dropoff in available players, and don't even get me started on trying to teach somebody a system as lore heavy as L5R

            • 11 months ago

              This is just pathetic.
              >you play 5e or you don't play
              No this isn't true, maybe at your gay ass hobby shop it's true but no, you can easily find a game of "literally anything but dnd". Go to any game finder and apply for the first game using a system that isn't dnd and isn't a system you already know you dislike.

              Get the PDF, read the rules and display to the GM you are willing to actually learn the game between sessions. That will automatically qualify you in the vast majority of cases unless you're applying for a LGBTQ+ friendly table.

              You are trying to sell me on the fact that you're a victim of circumstance not having the bare minimum awareness needed to understand that we've all been in your situation and know what the climate is like.
              How the frick do you think you're going to educate us on the climate when we all inhabit the same hobby?

              You're full of shit. Go to a gamefinder now and you will find a campaign within 2 days.

              • 11 months ago

                Now you're just a massive moron sperging about your hatred for DND.
                You're a fool if you think the vast majority of hobby stores don't overwhelmingly cater to what is arguably the most popular tabletop by a country mile.
                Is it impossible to find a game of say, L5R? No. Not at all. But it will take considerably more time and the pool that you can pull from is considerably smaller, which makes finding a game that is a good fit for you a much more time consuming process.
                >Just play "literally not DND"
                Ah yes my favorite. "Its not DND/the popular thing so its good just play it." Nevermind tons of systems suck ass or aesthetically boil down to "DND but edgy" "DND but grimdark" "DND but its in space."
                And like the other anon said, if youre denying someone because they've played 5e or 5e is the system they might have the most experience with, you're just making sure a potentially willing player coming to a new system is left out because of your own autistic biased

              • 11 months ago

                you continue to make excuses. Pathetic.
                >not dnd because it's popular
                no homosexual, not dnd because if you're going to play a shit system at least play a system with cool people and go through the experience of learning it. If you don't like it, tell your new cool gaming partners it's not for you and consider switching to a system you like more.

                I joined a game of Sentinal comic rpg and we enjoyed it for 4 sessions but it got tiring as it wasn't a system with much replayability, we then changed to a vastly different system song of swords.

                get a fricking clue. Take my advice. Go to a fricking gamefinder now. Don't post, go find a fricking game you sad excuse of a gamer.

              • 11 months ago

                Now you're just a massive moron sperging about your hatred for DND.
                You're a fool if you think the vast majority of hobby stores don't overwhelmingly cater to what is arguably the most popular tabletop by a country mile.
                Is it impossible to find a game of say, L5R? No. Not at all. But it will take considerably more time and the pool that you can pull from is considerably smaller, which makes finding a game that is a good fit for you a much more time consuming process.
                >Just play "literally not DND"
                Ah yes my favorite. "Its not DND/the popular thing so its good just play it." Nevermind tons of systems suck ass or aesthetically boil down to "DND but edgy" "DND but grimdark" "DND but its in space."
                And like the other anon said, if youre denying someone because they've played 5e or 5e is the system they might have the most experience with, you're just making sure a potentially willing player coming to a new system is left out because of your own autistic biased

                Get a room, you two.

      • 11 months ago

        What if they said
        “D&D, but it’s less of a game and more of a placeholder for actual games played once every couple of months”

    • 11 months ago

      >complaining about dogshit players leaving of their own volition
      What the frick are you doing, that's the second best case scenario after sniffing them out before they even join.
      You're the GM, players are plentiful, what the frick is the problem?

    • 11 months ago

      That's fricking deranged.
      I think in general that "every game is D&D" mentality is what's fricked this up. I don't think it's greentexts specifically, we had those for years and they hadn't fricked the hobby up until CR, BBT, and Stranger Things came along.

      Yes, D&D has been dominant for most of the existence of the hobby, but in the past people were more ABLE to approach other games on their own terms, not as just "D&D but different". Now there's so many "DnD Players" out there.

      Playing a non-DnD game doest work if you're playing with DnD players.

      Unironically I have "What is the last TTRPG you played and enjoyed?" as an interview question, and if someone says DND their application is instantly thrown out.

      is goddamn right.
      I actually do accept 5e players but only the ones who I've seen complaining about how sick they are of 5e.

    • 11 months ago

      Second story:
      >As a fun little encounter my players got introduced to a comically rude merchant
      >Guys prices are way too high so players don't want to buy anything
      >Merchant insists on camping together for safety
      >Players let him
      >NPC starts practicing his flute skills so the resting players have a penalty on their recovery rate and the guard a penalty on their guard test
      >Insults the players at every possibillity
      >Demands a portion of their food
      >Complains about their cooking
      >Tries to get touchy with the female PCs
      >Finally the players decide to teach this guy a lesson
      >Beat him up, tie him into a bundle, stuff him into a barrel and send him down a river
      >Most laugh about it and have some fun putting that loudmouth into place
      >Again shitsplosion, this time it was the next day in the chat
      >One player complains about how cruel the others were
      >Somehting, something murderhobos...

      lmao wtf, is this shit really so serious you guys have job interviews over it.

      back in my day the neighborhood boys would just get drunk and go play it in the basement. things used to be so much simpler

      That's how it should be honestly. Used to have it, but unfortunately of my group of four, two are not available right now and the other two don't want to play in a smaller group or online.

      >complaining about dogshit players leaving of their own volition
      What the frick are you doing, that's the second best case scenario after sniffing them out before they even join.
      You're the GM, players are plentiful, what the frick is the problem?

      Most often it's not a big deal, but like I said I don't play D&D. Most of the time I can get enough players, but sometimes two players leaving is the death of a campaign. Besides some people can be totally alright players until they have their tamper tantrum. Being a good player is not that hard.

      • 11 months ago

        >having to put up with temper tantrums because your can't afford to drop players
        >players probably know and exploit that for leverage
        Yeah, that sucks.
        t. GURPSgay.

        I would say I don't believe you but I joined a game of dnd (I hate dnd I joined because it was a real in person game which is very rare in the country I live in).
        First thing the GM told me was that they kicked two players out for not sharing party gold and that that is their number 1 red flag.

        I told them I don't give a frick about make believe currency and that I was playing a barbarian who was just going to hit shit.

        Campaign was pretty shit, GM teleported us from scene to scene in the module, we had no free reign. In the end I donated 1000 GP to a shrine of Tymora and got the Lucky feat for it. Then the rest of the party donated and the GM took a 5 minute break and then told them they didn't get anything, they then had a conversation about taking their money back for 30 minute.


        >I want a refund!
        >get me your manager, I mean God!

    • 11 months ago

      Stop playing with other people, problem solved

      Ten bucks says it was one manipulative c**t stirring up shit.

      lmao wtf, is this shit really so serious you guys have job interviews over it.

      back in my day the neighborhood boys would just get drunk and go play it in the basement. things used to be so much simpler

      Sure but doing this on the Internet is like going out into a rough part of town blindfolded and recruiting the first person you lay hands on.

    • 11 months ago

      I would say I don't believe you but I joined a game of dnd (I hate dnd I joined because it was a real in person game which is very rare in the country I live in).
      First thing the GM told me was that they kicked two players out for not sharing party gold and that that is their number 1 red flag.

      I told them I don't give a frick about make believe currency and that I was playing a barbarian who was just going to hit shit.

      Campaign was pretty shit, GM teleported us from scene to scene in the module, we had no free reign. In the end I donated 1000 GP to a shrine of Tymora and got the Lucky feat for it. Then the rest of the party donated and the GM took a 5 minute break and then told them they didn't get anything, they then had a conversation about taking their money back for 30 minute.


    • 11 months ago

      Though those guys are crazy, but if you're still running that game you won in the end. Those goons practically filtered themselves out of your game for you, you didn't even have to do any work lol.

    • 11 months ago

      >Ran out of climbing gear
      And immediately I knew this was a bullshit story made up by someone who doesn't play actual games. You realise climbing gear isn't a currency right? I don't spend 5 ropes to climb up a cliff.
      In fact I'll go so far as to say 99% of the bullshit complaints and horror stories people post here and on reddit are not true.

      • 11 months ago

        jeez, how embarrassing.
        I know multiple, MULTIPLE, systems in which climbing gear is a currency.

        • 11 months ago

          name 4. hardmode no traveler

          • 11 months ago

            Blades in the dark: Reusable in the best case scenario but easily expended on a partial success.
            Torchbearer: Similar situation only worse as team rolls don't reduce the chance of a partial success.
            Root: literally gained temporarily for a single action using the "resources" pool.

            Those are the three off the top of my head. that anon is still a literal moron.

      • 11 months ago

        >all systems must work exactly like the one I'm playing
        Autism: the post

    • 11 months ago

      >a red flag
      These are intended for close personal relationships. A weekly game is not going to psychologically undo you. The fact that somebody takes a game night so seriously as to declare a “red flag” situation is the only real red flag you can associate with such a minor meeting.

      Also, pvp should be 100% permitted if your system isn’t moronic.

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Filter your players better
      First session i alway torture my players a bit to filter out those who wont like the rest of my world

  2. 11 months ago

    This is literally only a problem with mainstream normieslop like DnD and Pathfinder. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    • 11 months ago

      There is a time and place for hytnpdnd, but i was literally playing pic related

    • 11 months ago

      Our worst troll, always rushing in to shitpost as early as he can.

      There is a time and place for hytnpdnd, but i was literally playing pic related

      There is no proper time to spam an irrelevant catchphrase only used by trolls.
      Advise a game, don't just repeat a forced troll mantra.

  3. 11 months ago

    Are you capable of making a thread discussing a topic that isn't almost a decade out of date, you dumb fricking moron?

  4. 11 months ago

    I play with an online D&D group and don't have these issues.

  5. 11 months ago

    It's not "greentexts" or "reddit" or "neckberdia". It's the fact that many new people joined the hobby, don't know a damn thing about table top etiquette and throw tamper tantrums when even the smallest thing doesn't go their way. On top of the fact that people think TTRPG just means playing a character with a funny voice without actually putting in effort to learn combat tactics, survival skills or even bothering to create logical arguments and just rely on the dice to do the talking for them has created a gaming culture that we have now. People are told they cab "be anything" so they take that to the logical conclusion and be freak shit races either because the system encourages it or because elves and dwarfs are seen as boring now.

    These people don't want to play a game, they want want to role play, which fine, there are a lot of system for that. Of course the problem is they think every system supports heavy role play and then get mad when told otherwise, blaming everything on old school grognards only to have game after game fall apart.

    • 11 months ago

      >blaming greentexts and reddit
      Those mostly affect clueless casuals flocking to DND, and they don't have 1/10th of the influence Critical Role has in the same domain.
      Immature players are a much older issue, and they're what you're dealing with.

      >muh newbies threatening my hobby
      You either teach newbies, or die irrelevant.
      Applies to all communities ever.
      >muh rollplaying
      Not a newbie thing, but behaviour trained by years and years of bad GMs.
      >muh freakshit
      Forcefully inserting your obsessions into irrelevant discussions is what turned furries into a laughing stock for the entire internet, are you sure you want to join them?

      • 11 months ago

        Look at all these non-arguments designed to only provoke me into giving anon a (you). My favorite one is "just teach every single noobie ever!"

        • 11 months ago

          >refuse to take in noobs
          >complain when noobs go somewhere else and learn badwrongfun
          >scoff when anon tells you to take in noobs
          Epic brooding edgelord RP, how do I unsubscribe?

    • 11 months ago

      >Tabletop ROLEPLAYING game
      >Omg why do these people always try to roleplay reeeeee
      >Muh freakshit
      Try again, this time without buzzwords

  6. 11 months ago

    It’s a teenager thing. Everyone wants to be a chaotic neutral funny man. I kinda grew out of that mindset as I got older.

  7. 11 months ago

    There were always spergs who told you about “That one time” that they were being a complete ass and their DM let them run wild and how heckin awesome it all was. But in person this was always cringey and more than anything made you want to avoid any kind of association with this person. Online, people are free to post all the cringe they want and without the element of physical presence, it becomes hilarious and fun to other spergs who then seek to create special stories of their own to share.
    I just want to play games and laugh with my friends. I don’t care about HOW FREAKING AWESOME your character concept is or how broken your build is gonna be when you tell everyone about it every time you get drunk with one of us for the next two decades.

  8. 11 months ago

    Daily reminder that the anti-D&D poster has never played a TTRPG and never will

    • 11 months ago

      >Everyone who hates D&D has never played games!
      Why are you like this you autistic sperg? It's bad enough you are shitting up the board with your shitty spam.

      • 11 months ago

        You are the spammer, and I'm not talking about everyone who hates D&D, I'm talking specifically about you, the dipshit moron who blames any problem that anyone has while playing a TTRPG on D&D, regardless of whether it's obviously system agnostic and regardless of whether they're even fricking playing D&D.

      • 11 months ago

        Don't feed the "worst troll of /tg/" troll, newbie.

      • 11 months ago

        The thing is, you can dislike D&D without shitposting about it. In fact, most people who dislike D&D do in fact avoid discussing the topic.
        Yet, you can't, and insist on shitposting. THAT'S why people are calling you out as our worst troll, because you can't help yourself because D&D lives rent free in your brain.

        You literally need a psychiatrist to fix you.

        • 11 months ago

          >our worst troll

        • 11 months ago
          In all fields

          No, it's just (you).

  9. 11 months ago

    Mostly I play AD&D with fellow old people over 40 with greybeards. That solves most of the problems. Any younger people are a vetted minority by existing known players. Often sons or other family.

  10. 11 months ago

    >I exist at a point in time where visible history impacts me
    >I cannot proselytize the way I enjoy games and am incapable of accurately expressing this in person
    >I therefore resort to soap-boxing on an anonymous internet hole

    There is a certain type of person who exists on /tg/ that is the primary source of their own woes. If I were an armchair psych-student I'd say these people found comfort in ttrpgs with fellow social outcasts, but rather than spring-boarding off the social ties they made there they receded, and are now attempting to defend a moment of time that no longer exists. Going as far as to brow beat youths who were in their exact same position because 'they aren't doing it right.' But I'm not an armchair student so I can't really say that. All I can be certain of is a very large segment of this board sucks at actually informing why they enjoy games and getting in with people who enjoy games for the same reason. Or worse, pretend that to assuage their egos.

  11. 11 months ago

    I ended up switching to Ironclaw to get away from this kind of shit. Great system but I feel unclean.
    My character is a former bandit named Ron.. He's also a bat.

    • 11 months ago

      You found the right answer and took the solo pill.

    • 11 months ago

      Unironically a fantastic game.
      >I feel unclean
      You know there's a no-fur refluff, right?

  12. 11 months ago

    It's not just you.
    Everybody too young to remember RPGs during the 90s and early 2000s feels the same way.
    You just entered the hobby during a golden age, or during the decline out of its latest golden age and don't remember how bad it could get. We had made up stories and terrible advice even before usenet.

  13. 11 months ago

    Why not just play dnd with friends?

    >play campaign with friends, one of them is GM
    >30 sessions in
    >sorcerer from abyss tries to kill children because they're annoying, can't land a hit
    >paladin dwarf "accidentally" hits child with his hammer and kills him, instantly raging the boss we've been fighting with
    >me as artificer loot the hidden stash of elf artificer-shopkeeper after finding nobody in the shop, only bloodstain and prosthetic arm
    >"guess he doesn't need any of this anymore"
    >tell no other characters where did i get loot
    >we're having fun all the way through campaign

    It's literally that simple, just play with your friends and you'll get fun out of game. Other players also came from Shadowrun, me personally from Cyberpunk 2020, it was, like, six campaigns of experience or so. I don't quite like dnd system, but nevertheless I'm having fun

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