Greyhawk RPGA

Continuing an earlier thread where forgotten texts where found

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 12 months ago

    Hey, are the adventures in order? And if they are, what kind of order? Level?

    • 12 months ago

      The adventures are overall organized by region then chronologically by year then by level range, with more higher level adventures concluding the years-long story arcs in conclusions of wildly varying quality. We'll try to get to the regional conclusion in this thread.

      Some also are connected in mini-arcs like "part three of the ______ ____ _____ series"

      Also, some adventures are still lost to me but if I have time and there's specific interest I'll see what I can do.

  2. 12 months ago

    Okay since Anon started the thread I'll follow through on my promise. Here's how you guys start it, dubs chooses a region from this wiki list ("Greyhawk Regions" column)

    Whatever region gets the first dubs I'll post what I have with a brief summary in my own words. The campaign lasted eight years (2001-2008, 3e) so my goal will be one year per day and we'll see if there's enough discussion about them to keep it alive till next Sunday (my current D&D day).


    • 12 months ago


      And here's Zeb Cook's Official History of the Greyhawk Wars. This is as close to a "Dragonlance Saga" as you're going to get. 99.44% less storyshitting!

      That's useful, thanks

    • 12 months ago

      Where's the Horned Society? I want info on that.

      • 12 months ago

        Iuz destroyed the horned society after Robilar released him from the Godtrap. It was one of the things that set The Wars in motion.


        That's useful, thanks

        You have to pick a region! Your dubs would have been wasted!!

    • 12 months ago

      Gimme Verbobonk. Bonk.

      • 12 months ago

        I do love Verbobonc. Right there by Hommlet and Nulb

  3. 12 months ago

    Ngl I'm banking on nobody getting dubs until after midnight so I can slack off tonight and get to it during the day tomorrow but here's a post-Wars map. These adventures are set on this map, with the national borders like this. Classically we use the Darlene map but that's how it was back in the day.

    During 2e when Gary was pushed out and Greenwood was the belle, the way TSR deck ded to wreck Greyhawk was with the Greyhawk Wars "box set" which is actually a mediocre war game not D&D at all. You were supposed to just determine the outcome of the Wars (foreshadowed constantly in 1e but never triggered) for your own home campaign and go from there but the RPGA determined a canonical outcome and, well, here is the resulting nations.

  4. 12 months ago

    And here's Zeb Cook's Official History of the Greyhawk Wars. This is as close to a "Dragonlance Saga" as you're going to get. 99.44% less storyshitting!

  5. 12 months ago

    These have been good threads - intently reading, DLing.

  6. 12 months ago

    There have been a couple of variations of The Great Greyhawk Campaign, some from Gygax and some from other bloggers
    Here’s my more striped down version.
    B2 + B1 or A0
    T2& T3 (the party clears the top of the Temple but cannot progress)
    T3& T4, Party clears remaining Temple and nodes
    WG4 + S4
    At this point there’s not much left but single-handedly save the Wild Coast from the Humanoids or being overthrowing Iuz.

    • 12 months ago

      Pic semi-related. Your campaign is very heavily TAGDQ, and my project is TAGQD-oriented.

      Been trying to track down every module written as a prequel/sequel to any of the TAGDQ modules. This is what I compiled a year or two ago. If anyone has more than I'd be happy to adopt them into the campaign.

      Probably should move Unfriendly Skies after G6 at some point, given the flying theme. I think Unfriendly Skies may have also had sequels or tied into another set of modules for 4E, but I'm not sure.

      Also related: here's a video by Tim Cain (creator of Fallout) talking about when he made the Temple of Elemental Evil game and talked to Gygax about cut content involving chaotic good paladins and Lolth:

      • 12 months ago


        If it pleases the court, I'm going to indulge in some very quick backstory. First, I should say that in the beginning it seems like the dates that events happened in Greyhawk corresponded vaguely to actual real world years, e.g. AD&D came out in the late 1970s and The Classics are set in the late 570s CY.

        An important thing that happened in the late 560s (was this actually played by Gygaxi/Arneson/Kuntz?) was the destruction of the original Temple of Elemental Evil by this army called The Righteous Host lead by this guy named Prince Thrommel, a Paladin Lord of Rao and heir apparent to the kingdom of Furyondy.

        In, I wanna say 2013 the very last issue of Dungeon Magazine was published digitally and to go out with a bang they decided to publish a canonical module describing the pivotal Battle of Emridy Meadows that turned back the Horde and allowed for the destruction of the temple. It was written for the then-playtest D&D Next which would later become 5e. It could probably be run with either 4e or 5e (or ideally the final draft of Next, which I like as a separate system).

        This is a really cool adventure made up of four iirc chained micro-adventures with a way to track the impact their resolutions have on the final Battle - and a number of official hooks for additional adventures to be developed by DMs. Players not only meet Thrommel but the leaders of the local factions including not just Wilfrick (more on him later) but also a gnome matron and a dwarven warlord - also appearing is a certain Serten, official member of the Citadel of Eight - a well known but minimally storied character.

        But hey, in my world everything is either a prequel or a sequel to TAGDQ

      • 12 months ago


        But hey, in my world everything is either a prequel or a sequel to TAGDQ

        Yes, Verbobonc is the region which Hommlet and Nulb are located in the backwater of. You might also see in particular [...] begins with the PCs attempting to enter the actual Temple (oEE) and being turned away by a garrison of knights. They also end up having a confrontation with Giants so you can see how these are not just tied to TAGDQ regionally but also thematically.

        Oh, Lady Assberry's parents were also killed by the Hoard (oEE) back in the day.

        Well damn, this is a pretty great find for my project, so thank you. Awesome to see a direct prequel module for ToEE possibly connected to something Gygax had gotten up to.

        Putting the two LG modules you linked directly before 3E's "Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil" since they all take place in 591. I'm not great with the Greyhawk timeline I admit, but this is quite the find so thanks. Got anything else linked to TAGDQ in your trove?

        • 12 months ago

          Dungeon 221 takes place way back in the beginning, in 569cy or thereabouts. That is the ORIGINAL Temple of Elemental Evil. The one in T1-4 is a sham restoration propped up by Iuz after his escape from the Godtrap.

          • 12 months ago

            Cool shit. I remember a bit of this was actually included in RToEE's background info. Probably more of it in ToEE.

            • 12 months ago

              I actually exchanged a couple emails with Gygax himself in the late 90s about his intention for roles the Princes of Elemental Evil in ToEE and for the literal Cthulhu Mythos in D1-2 which he swapped out to Tharizdun. People like to challenge me on that and maybe he was just patronizing some kid, he didn't really seem to have anything fully developed about it but he acknowledge that my observations about perhaps his intentions from reading the module were correct. None of my players have ever made it to the DQ Blizzard at the end of that quest path. I always kill them all before then or some drama breaks up the party. Oh, also I have a pretty strong suspicion that there's a portal to Ravenloft in Q1 from the Demonweb Pits. Reference to mists and a powerful vampire lord on the other side if I recall correctly.

              Anyway I'm finished with my meeting - my cool Streaming camera didn't work on Google Meet for some reason and it was long and stressful but I'll see if I can bang out a couple more of these 592cy modules for you guys in the next hour.

              • 12 months ago

                You mind posting these emails, if you still have them?

              • 12 months ago

                I don't. It was literally 25 years ago. I will get that little people module posted though.

              • 12 months ago

                >ctrl-f'd for "vampire" and "mist"
                >no results

                Which release version? I tried the Queen of the Spiders compilation from 1986, didn't find anything connected to Ravenloft. The original Q1 came out in 1980 and Ravenloft in 1983, so that version is probably a no.

              • 12 months ago

                I think your PDF's not OCR'd. Vampires Lolth uses as shock troops for new worlds on Level 3, room 20. Mist world on Level 4, portal J. It's certainly not even implicitly Ravenloft but it could be the beginnings of the idea. Just look at that illustration!

      • 12 months ago

        Forgot about the later adventures, thanks

        • 12 months ago

          No problem. Picrel is updated with linked modules from this thread, and slightly rearranged based on a speculative timeline

  7. 12 months ago

    You have the adventures you could post / post a zip of up on af or something? The ones in vault 2.0 are mostly corrupted, and I no longer have them.

    • 12 months ago

      I've pulled together what I believe to be about an 80% complete archive but it's difficult to say for sure because of the inconsistent file conventions. Some years for some regions have no special scenarios whatsoever, some have lots. In some regions the special modules are numbered along with the normal modules, in some regions they're named separately. Some modules have supplementary maps in image format while most don't but some that don't are supposed to and there's no way to tell THAT without actually reading through the adventures. It really needs gone through with a fine tooth comb, which is what I intend to do one region per thread per week - assuming anybody even has enough interest to request one and get dubs. If not, maybe I'll get to it in another year of two.

      • 12 months ago

        While that sounds interesting and I know frick all about Greyhawk, I would also be happy to get a dump of what you have.

        I'll look into greyhawk a bit to request a zone that sounds neat as well tomorrow.

        • 12 months ago

          People just dumping and redumping archives without ever looking at the contents is how the collection got into such a corrupted incomplete state to begin with. Ganker is the perfect place to go through it pdf by pdf without much fear of the dire "do not reproduce" warnings on every module (they're owned by the authors, not Wizards or the RPGA).

          On the major Greyhawk Discord channel they have a policy you have to agree to right at the beginning to not post scans or anything you don't personally own which makes it too suspect to discuss either these RPGA modules or the $700 CZ2 which was only on the shelves for about 5 minutes before Gary died and Gail pulled the license - and those are the materials I'm currently working through.

          • 12 months ago

            Thats fair.

            I've got the most complete archive of the 3e wotc art galleries I can find. I saved the gallery pages years ago, with a bot, before the archive went down.

            My archive of the articles is less complete, but those seem to all be on wayback at least.

            I've recently started categorizing the images, most of them are not really labelled but I'm at least putting them in folders. I don't have the time to meticulously label and tag the files from there though. When I finish folderimg them I will likely call it done, and share what I have in 3eg. I don't think anyone with the time to do it cares enough to label and tag them all, but it would be pretty awesome if they were tagged.

            Bonus points if the lower quality ones could be swapped out for higher quality copies from the artist - which seems to only be doable for the Todd Lockwood ones that he sells prints of, or the rare ones by Reynolds or Wood shared on social media. Where thats not possible, adding in cleaned up AI upscales of the best ones we can find would also be fantastic.

            But I don't know if anybody but me even cares about the art, and I just don't have the time to curate the collection to that standard.

            • 12 months ago

              Yeah so you get where I'm coming from then.

              So here's VER1-02 - Giants on the Move (or) "How To Shear Your Knob Without Even Trying"

              The PCs are trying to hit up The Classic - motherfrickin Temple of Elemental evil but... POOL'S CLOSED. Weird, right? After they're turned away by knights in full harness some gnome comes up to them all like "Hey you want a job?"

              Remember the gnomes have officially seceded from Verbobonc and they've been suffering raids on their lands from jerk humans, which they have their gnomey ways of handling but this last time it was goddamn giants. Why is it always goddamn giants? You gotta have a LOT of gnomes for the gnomey ways to work on giants. It's gonna take five days to accumulate a sufficient swarm and they need a group of sucke- I mean "adventurers" to go and, like... check out where the giant camp is.

              So the PCs are fricking BLINDFOLDED and dropped in The Hills where they are supposed to do almost like a survivor thing were they crawl along for a while and eventually find a giant camp there's no way in hell they can assault and then, whatever. Come back and tell the gnomes about it so they can, I dunno, bring the right shoe hammers with them. Thing is on the way back the PCs come across this fricking OGRE with an injured wolf he's trying to get to drink from the stream but it's probably hopeless. The PCs can be all like "GIANT KILL IT" or they can heal the wolf in which case the ogre will be grateful enough to give them a head start to their gnome, uh, airlift. Then he returns to his job, presumably for he and his wolf pet as perimeter guards to be immediately slaughtered by the incoming Gnomeswarm a few days later. I would expect some especially Furhomosexual PCs to actually warn this ogre dude about the raid but that possibility isn't accounted for in the adventure.

              They get back to the gnomes, presumably report their intelligence the gnomes say they're just out to "annoy" the giants and ogres.

              • 12 months ago

                I get where youre coming from yeah. Its interesting to hear you going through your curated collection, even if its all new to me.

                I'm much more familiar with the pre-4e forgotten realms stuff, in large part because there just wasny a lot of Greyhawk to be had during 3e in a little rural town with no RPGA presence.

                And I really like the 3e Lockwood/Wood/Reynolds art, enough that I saved it all back in the fay, though I've just recently started sorting through any of it beyond just having it sitting in a zip on my harddrive for the past decade.

              • 12 months ago

                2E Living City RPGA Forgotten Realms modules plz

              • 12 months ago

                I think he's collectig these for his greyhawk c2ollection, not his RPGA collection. Lol

              • 12 months ago

                3e is False Editions, RPGA material for 2E was published under the imprimatur of TSR, Inc. and therefore fully Canon and Legal for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, a serious ruleset for Real Men, authored and authorized by Gary Gygax Himself, containing the Rap Magic of Tupac, in which the gold and xp are real, which died for our sins yet lives, played by Real Men, that we may remain free of SJWs and inferior rulesets. True AD&D. RPGA. Provide them. Also Living Jungle.

              • 12 months ago

                The living FR stuff was put out under Lorraine Williams after they pushed Gygax out of the company and made a shitty FOE AD&D knockoff without proper dungeoncrawling mechanics and with bloated combat xp, scrub.

                [And I dont have them to post them]

              • 12 months ago

                >VER1-05 - Games Afoot, A Big Foot

                Goddamn are you guys sick of gnomes yet? I should really run this for my player who loves gnomes. This is the first time I'm going through these in this particular way and.. yeah, lots of gnomes.

                This one is a direct sequel to "Giants on the Move", also set in Sheerknob - which it turns out is the gnome village those other(?) PCs almost massacred inbetween. Glad they didn't, although remember that swarm of gnomes that was supposed to go tickle the giants and tease the ogres? Yeah... they didn't come back.

                So off we go to check up on them. (It might be fun for me to write these summaries as if I were an adventurer journaling my experience on them). We report to the "stake out" area that was the last known contact with the raiding crew. Turns out giants can also be silly because there are a number of gnome corpses staked out here. We also encounter a lone ranger ogre with a wolf - but it ain't that ONE so.. We either avoid him or hafta kill him this time.

                In tracking the assault, we find various battle scenes including one with a sick bespoke gnomish throwing axe embedded in a giant skull, "fly true - strike hard". It belongs to Chiselwood Keenbolt, a gnome killmongler who we find to be eh pretty cool guy as we track his party's capture, escape and running hit-and-skip battle through the hills.

                At one of these scenes of battle we find a lone ranger Ogre and wolf messing with some injured gnomes and if we don't just kill him, we find that this one IS that one from before, Rex. He's just trying to triage the severely wounded, two gnomes and an orc. Resolutions here vary.

                Probably the party continues to track Keenbolt, eventually finding the final surviving squad under his lead making a climactic final stand with gnome civilians to defend their home village from orcs, ogres and yep some fricking giants.

                Hol up. These slot into the original Temple of Elemental Evil?

              • 12 months ago

                Yes, Verbobonc is the region which Hommlet and Nulb are located in the backwater of. You might also see in particular

                Yeah so you get where I'm coming from then.

                So here's VER1-02 - Giants on the Move (or) "How To Shear Your Knob Without Even Trying"

                The PCs are trying to hit up The Classic - motherfrickin Temple of Elemental evil but... POOL'S CLOSED. Weird, right? After they're turned away by knights in full harness some gnome comes up to them all like "Hey you want a job?"

                Remember the gnomes have officially seceded from Verbobonc and they've been suffering raids on their lands from jerk humans, which they have their gnomey ways of handling but this last time it was goddamn giants. Why is it always goddamn giants? You gotta have a LOT of gnomes for the gnomey ways to work on giants. It's gonna take five days to accumulate a sufficient swarm and they need a group of sucke- I mean "adventurers" to go and, like... check out where the giant camp is.

                So the PCs are fricking BLINDFOLDED and dropped in The Hills where they are supposed to do almost like a survivor thing were they crawl along for a while and eventually find a giant camp there's no way in hell they can assault and then, whatever. Come back and tell the gnomes about it so they can, I dunno, bring the right shoe hammers with them. Thing is on the way back the PCs come across this fricking OGRE with an injured wolf he's trying to get to drink from the stream but it's probably hopeless. The PCs can be all like "GIANT KILL IT" or they can heal the wolf in which case the ogre will be grateful enough to give them a head start to their gnome, uh, airlift. Then he returns to his job, presumably for he and his wolf pet as perimeter guards to be immediately slaughtered by the incoming Gnomeswarm a few days later. I would expect some especially Furhomosexual PCs to actually warn this ogre dude about the raid but that possibility isn't accounted for in the adventure.

                They get back to the gnomes, presumably report their intelligence the gnomes say they're just out to "annoy" the giants and ogres.

                begins with the PCs attempting to enter the actual Temple (oEE) and being turned away by a garrison of knights. They also end up having a confrontation with Giants so you can see how these are not just tied to TAGDQ regionally but also thematically.

                Oh, Lady Assberry's parents were also killed by the Hoard (oEE) back in the day.

      • 12 months ago

        I would be willing to help search through the archive so we can do it in less than two years

        • 12 months ago

          Okay cool. It's Monday morning, I have a little time to kill before I can even go to Sam's club without paying extra (what's that about?) So let's see how this goes.

          Id be interested in how Verbobonc appears in adventures.

          Gimme Verbobonk. Bonk.

          Okay that's two for Verbobonc and Verbobonc is the address that I've already done the beginning of a gameplay treatment for so let's 'bonc

  8. 12 months ago

    Id be interested in how Verbobonc appears in adventures.

  9. 12 months ago

    If it pleases the court, I'm going to indulge in some very quick backstory. First, I should say that in the beginning it seems like the dates that events happened in Greyhawk corresponded vaguely to actual real world years, e.g. AD&D came out in the late 1970s and The Classics are set in the late 570s CY.

    An important thing that happened in the late 560s (was this actually played by Gygaxi/Arneson/Kuntz?) was the destruction of the original Temple of Elemental Evil by this army called The Righteous Host lead by this guy named Prince Thrommel, a Paladin Lord of Rao and heir apparent to the kingdom of Furyondy.

    In, I wanna say 2013 the very last issue of Dungeon Magazine was published digitally and to go out with a bang they decided to publish a canonical module describing the pivotal Battle of Emridy Meadows that turned back the Horde and allowed for the destruction of the temple. It was written for the then-playtest D&D Next which would later become 5e. It could probably be run with either 4e or 5e (or ideally the final draft of Next, which I like as a separate system).

    This is a really cool adventure made up of four iirc chained micro-adventures with a way to track the impact their resolutions have on the final Battle - and a number of official hooks for additional adventures to be developed by DMs. Players not only meet Thrommel but the leaders of the local factions including not just Wilfrick (more on him later) but also a gnome matron and a dwarven warlord - also appearing is a certain Serten, official member of the Citadel of Eight - a well known but minimally storied character.

    • 12 months ago

      My players wanted to play this adventure as bandits under the command of Smigmol so I started them in the "abandoned" farmhouse outside Nulb, sent to kick off the adventure by assassinating the captured bandit before he could talk to The Righteous Host in their warcamp.

      They had almost definitively tipped the balance to where Evil would triumph even way back then but were almost flipped by this minor NPC Sir Geon, an LG CO in command of a squad of Knights of the Hart assaulted by a band of orcs who had an ogre with them. Good PCs were meant to rescue them as they fought valiantly and my evil PCs were actually inspired by this low ranking knight's valiance of standing toe to toe with this ogre and taking him down that they stepped in and mopped up the orcs but, against all odds (two successful death saves) Geon succumbed to his injuries and the players were so confused that they completely abandoned that chapter of the module, letting Serten die off-screen rather than the pivotal moment I had envisioned fighting against the lich Kel the Eldest.

      tl;dr, you can let Greyhawk adventures resolve in ways wildly against Canon and still use most of the existing, later, material. It's adaptable! Greyhawk is a setting you don't have to be afraid to DM in without knowing all the Canon!

  10. 12 months ago

    So anyway, the events of T1-4 happen, players get to meet some NPCs/Former PCs who adventured with that Wilfrick guy, (the Viscount - kind of a big deal) apparently explicitly Jaroo the Druid of the Grove (I just recently discovered), the ever popular Burne & Rufus (room mate fighter and wizard featured on the back cover of T1), Elmo and Otis (secret knights) and just a whole bunch of other NPCs. T1-4 is pretty much the comfiest place in The World afaic and is where the plurality of my game hours have been spent so I won't talk about it too much other than to plug Goodman Games loving two-volume hardcover 5e adaptation.

    One important place that my home campaigns typically deviate from Canon is that Thrommel, who has been kidnapped by Elemental Evil in retaliation for his command of The Host, is often found and rescued by the PCs. The 90s group treated him good and respectfully restored him to the throne but my recent group decapitated him then realized what they'd done and hauled ass with his complete (but headless) body back to where they'd stashed a resurrection scroll, sewed his head back on and resurrected him (and stole his magic items). You can read all about Thrommel here

    It looks like he's a huge part of the Furyondy Living Greyhawk material so maybe we'll do that next week. I'm sure my '90s players' timeline would diverge from this Canon but I could see my '20s players Thrommel pulling into Chendl as a for real vampire since they were just all like "Okay, I guess we can buy you a riding horse. See ya."

    So anyway then the Greyhawk Wars happened, I don't think much happened to the 'bonc because most of that shit was in the East and North. Somebody can check me on that but the map for post-wars didn't contradict anything when I was using it for T1-4 wilderness adventuring.

    This is the map of the region you see in the front of my campaign book there and the official Living Greyawk map.

  11. 12 months ago

    Alright I'ma do some shit I gotta do. Fricking discuss. I know we haven't even gotten to the post-wars, Living Greyhawk material yet but I promise you that Battle of Emridy Meadows adventure in Dungeon 221 is sick.

  12. 12 months ago

    Damn still nothing huh? Okay well I guess I'll hang out here while I eat my kraut dog. I feel like I should probably mention this often overlooked 2e module WG8, Fate of Istus. It came out right after the deservedly much maligned WG7 version of Greyhawk Ruins that turns Gary's personal dungeon into a joke. WG8 takes this goddess of fate, Istus and she decides to unleash a magical plague on The World. It's made to explain the transition from 1e to 2e mechanics and is also a bit of a coffin nail on the setting. It's not even a very good module as a whole.

    What's important about it is that it serves as a final grand tour of the Flanaess "as it was". It's really a series of small adventures that I think work better if you just remove the whole magical plague gimmick and insert your own motivations in their place. They try to evoke The Classics (the Verbobonc one is a cult of Elemental Evil that even has miniature Yellowskulls) and they are, ultimately, location based adventures.

    The Verbobonc one (and most others) have what are even now usually the most canonical city maps. Find attached a lovingly hand-drawn version of this map.

    Find the keyed WG8 version at

    • 12 months ago

      I'm lurking but I don't know enough about the subject to have anythin worth contributing. Youre not talking into the void.

      • 12 months ago

        Well hey alright! Feel free to just digest it from a player's perspective. Just because of your bump I'll also do VER1-02 in this little burst after I post this map for Beltar's Realm. This adventure is an example of one where the map is NOT in the main pdf. I have this one but don't count on me having all of them (although if you catch a pdf missing one that I don't acknowledge please bring it to my attention)

        • 12 months ago

          >VER1-06 - Forest of Mysteries

          If any of the characters helped track down Viscount Half-Elf's dingus they might have encountered this ranger who is now looking for people to find a missing unicorn. Assuming we're game we are taken and told to camp out in this beautiful secluded Gnarley grove and not to wreck up the place. Assuming we don't chop down any trees or rotiserrie roast any squirrels, the next morning we're taken to meet "The Oak Father" who has a stag escort us to the area at the edge of the Fens of Tor where we might have gone trying to retrieve Lady Assberry's Sword and Stone. Sure enough the trail leads to the same fricking dungeon from . Still/Once again full of orcs and even nastier ones but characters who thoroughly cleaned it out may know about the secret door and just give it the old zerp and flerp. Or they can do it the hard way.

          This module makes special point of mentioning the giant camp and duke dickhole too though it doesn't seem to feature them(?) and it also makes a point of tracking the waning and now waxing of the moon (which those Adri modules last thread also did)

    • 12 months ago

      Sorry been busy with IRL stuff so i didn’t have time to check in here today. I realy apprechiate you going full history teacher mode and giving the background of this area. Keep up the info as im archiving all the pdfs and maps you share on my end

      • 12 months ago

        There are also certificates that served as official proof of stuff if they were attached to characters but I don't really consider them very important - though they can show what's important for later play (or just b***hin magic items)

        Yep. Back up & collect all the things. You can't count on online services continuing to exist or not delete the shit you care about.

        If I ever manage to really truly complete it I'll probably put it on The Internet Archive - they seem to have a preservationist mentality and manage to avoid DCMA

        • 12 months ago

          Last i heard they where getting sued by book publishers for their digital lending. So you should upload it somewhere else as well in case the internet archive goes down.

          • 12 months ago

            The internet archive is backed by a good amount of money. From what I understand it's very unlikely to go down, but they may have to delist a ton of books.

          • 12 months ago

            This material isn't owned by any publishers though it's owned by the individual authors which turns out to suck in a way because there can't be just one big deal to republish all the adventures plus just one random author out of the dozens can decide to pitch a fit and regular sites will just comply, take the whole archive down. will just laugh at them, "You're who now? homie we got Steamboat Willy on this motherfricker"

            The internet archive is backed by a good amount of money. From what I understand it's very unlikely to go down, but they may have to delist a ton of books.

            I donate to them and I'm cheap as hell.

  13. 12 months ago

    I'm going to go ahead and post these Living adventures still in chronological but not-necessarily in numerical order. Modules from any given year can be played in any order, except ones in a series and this is #1 of the "Viscount Series".

    I was shocked just now to discover that, although Verbobonc, behind the Shield Lands, was indeed not active in The Wars there was still an attempt at annexation of the viscounty by Furyondy, away from the arch-clericy of Veluna. Old Wilfrick (once Burne & Rufus's Castle Hommlet was complete) couldn't handle the political pressure and died in his sleep. His son and rightful heir, Fenward the Left Handed defunded the police and really really pissed off the Kron Hills Gnomes, who openly declared independence - but also the elves in the Gnarly Forest, who just sort of stoically bore it (This is where Melf hangs out. Heard of that guy?)

    So this Simon Bar-Sinister lookin butthole was "revealed" to secretly be a member of the Scarlet Brotherhood and EVERYBODY started hating him. But wait! Those documents were conclusively shown to be fake news but it didn't help him for shit and he was killed by his own police chief while "resisting arrest" and then that cop also "killed himself". It's crazy how all this feels kind of current but it was written circa 2000.

    So anyway, with Greyfist sitting there empty something needed to be done and since the title of Viscount is dynastic they quickly beat the bushes and found this half-elven bastard son of Wilfrick named Langard that he probably conceived while he was all fricked up on druid squeezin's. He's an alright guy but not exactly... uh... "Viscounty".

    So that's where we're going to start here - and also because I see this module is the one corrupted in the torrent that's still alive. VER1-03 Gift of Beauty.

    Langard is trying to make his first seasonal festival a cool one and had a dingus made to give to the hot elf queen down south, but it's been geshtolhen!

  14. 12 months ago

    So I feel like I should talk about these elves at least a little bit. Like a hundred, two hundred whatever years ago there was this Hateful War where the Lortmil Mountain Dwarves sort of tricked all the other good aligned nations in the area to help them push the humanoids out of their lands (I have a Humanoid campaign idea set at this time).

    This was good for the Dwarves, bad for basically everyone else but especially the gnomes, elves and elf-adjacent fairy types because the humanoid refugees migrated through the Kron Hills, the Gnarly Woods and ultimately sort of made The Pomarj marshland their new home ("blending" with the human pioneers already there).

    There are these extra-pretty variety of elves most often referred to as Moon Elves (Celene is the name of both the Kingdom and one of the two physical moons) who occupy this defensible mountain valley tightly edged by a river. Their queen was extra pissed about the whole thing and the refugees were passing right by her kingdom (on the other side of the river) so she fricking closed her borders. Closed 'em tight. Moon magic tight. (why is this all so current?) and they stayed that way for whatever centuries. Elves don't care about that shit.

    So yeah, they're like mysterious and powerful and blah blah blah but there is also that nearby forest I've been mentioning, the Gnarly and that's where "normal" elves in the area generally come from. Wood Elves you'd call 'em. I guess there are also a "High Elf" neighborhood in Verbobonc you can see on the map and key I provided.

    So Melf (the Acid Arrow guy) is a cousin of Queen Cougar (Yolande) and he is always trying to get her to open the borders and is the defacto commander of this semi-official elven order called Knights of Luna (the other moon).

    I post about all this because, while I don't even know it myself, I already strongly expect this Langard guy is also a Knight of Luna and sucking up to Yolande is going to be a high priority.

  15. 12 months ago

    Not feeling it? Okay I'll just dump the whole year 591cy(2001) in release order. There were no Specials - or I don't have any anyway.

    >VER1-01 - Noble Ambitions

    This is a LOCAL LORD adventure, number 1 in the Nobility series. Young Sexy Lady Assberry is a countess in absentia. She was but a babe when her father and mother sent her to the walled capital in anticipation of the Host of Elemental Evil reaching their county - and there they died, to a man.

    But yo that was twenty fricking years ago and the county seat was still there, sitting or whatever. Lady Elinor grew up there in Verbobonc but she's all like, "Guess it's about time to move back into the Mansion" and deputizes the PCs to house Asbury, sticks a tabard bearing the sword and stone (worn by her dead ass dad and mom) the PCs are supposed to go find or whatever to secure her birthright and shit - and some treasure I guess, whatever. There's also this Duke Dickhole guy who's trying to frick her and also get her lands but she's not interested in any of that shit.

    So the PCs head down to Asbury, meet some locals, learn some history from the grassroots, talk to the mayor find out some shit. They end up in this dungeon full of orcs "Beltar's Realm" (Beltar is some cave goddess or something IDK) that they kill and get the sword and stone plus surprise, a special gift again for Moonb***h of Celene (this b***h's ass must be delicious for so many people to be trying to kiss it). This one was from the Archclericy of Veluna (next door neighbors, the region I was unfortunately in) but got raided on its way during The Wars.

    The PCs get to decide what to do with all that shit but they get pretty fricked if they do anything other than try to get it back to its rightful owners. Duke Dickhole shows up and tries to hassle them too, right out of the cave but then Lady Assberry shows up and runs him off. Feasting, rewards, the whole nine yards.

    Here it is, the one meant to kick off the whole thing VER1-01 - Noble Ambitions

    • 12 months ago

      If it makes you feel better about it I'll be saving the files and also copying your commentary into word to save as accompanying pdfs when I get to my PC.
      t. Lurker with an extensive 3e art collection scraped from the old archives.

  16. 12 months ago

    Yeah we're past the dreamy trust that everything is out there in "The Cloud" and the time is now to do our part and preserve what we care about. I was going through a bit of a dry spell with the ladies and general fatshitness when Living Greyhawk was going on that (combined with not being a very big Veluna fan) had me pretty cynical about this material when it was actively being supported.

    Plus in general I like the post-mortem period. I'm not a consoomer so I generally collect when the second hand market for shit troughs, a decade or so after it was popular. That's why I was all about Greyhawk during my early serious years as a D&D collector - because it was during the 90s when TSR was shitting on it, everyone wanted Realms stuff and was dumping their classics. I bought so many 1e lots for like $30 on early eBay that are worth ten times that now.

    • 12 months ago

      Yep. Back up & collect all the things. You can't count on online services continuing to exist or not delete the shit you care about.

  17. 12 months ago

    Okay let's quickly knock out VER1-04 - How Greenway Was My Valley.

    It's another gnome adventure only this time the gnomes are the ones doing the raiding! On the lands that humans seized from gnomes under Viscount von Left-Handed a few years back, that is. They haven't killed anybody but they're burning down inns and shit. In fact, the PCs have to camp after they find the inn they're sent to stay at burned down.

    They travel over to DeChutes Ford (I should probably be specifying these locations on the map up there) on on to Far Downs. Shit is pretty tense down here, people are literally up in arms. They track some gnome raiders to a gnome village and...? Maybe murder a bunch of gnomes? That's fine but what they're really supposed to do is track down the HUMANS who just burned down the GNOMES' inn - or whatever, burned something down.

    They track them down these dudes and catch them Disguising themSelfs with scrolls. If they don't just kill them all they can interrogate them to find out a bunch of info, immediately pointing them to a training camp nearby operated by some ass named Maris but also, assuming the person interrogated is a human, that he was recruited back in Verbobonc by Duke Dickhole (Lord Millard) at this tavern called The Braying Ass. Half-orcs have a similar but much more pointless story about being recruited by nobody at a tavern in Nulb (near the ToEE) called "The Virgin Nymph". That one's not on any of MY Nulb maps! Woooooo!

  18. 12 months ago

    >VER1-05 - Games Afoot, A Big Foot

    Goddamn are you guys sick of gnomes yet? I should really run this for my player who loves gnomes. This is the first time I'm going through these in this particular way and.. yeah, lots of gnomes.

    This one is a direct sequel to "Giants on the Move", also set in Sheerknob - which it turns out is the gnome village those other(?) PCs almost massacred inbetween. Glad they didn't, although remember that swarm of gnomes that was supposed to go tickle the giants and tease the ogres? Yeah... they didn't come back.

    So off we go to check up on them. (It might be fun for me to write these summaries as if I were an adventurer journaling my experience on them). We report to the "stake out" area that was the last known contact with the raiding crew. Turns out giants can also be silly because there are a number of gnome corpses staked out here. We also encounter a lone ranger ogre with a wolf - but it ain't that ONE so.. We either avoid him or hafta kill him this time.

    In tracking the assault, we find various battle scenes including one with a sick bespoke gnomish throwing axe embedded in a giant skull, "fly true - strike hard". It belongs to Chiselwood Keenbolt, a gnome killmongler who we find to be eh pretty cool guy as we track his party's capture, escape and running hit-and-skip battle through the hills.

    At one of these scenes of battle we find a lone ranger Ogre and wolf messing with some injured gnomes and if we don't just kill him, we find that this one IS that one from before, Rex. He's just trying to triage the severely wounded, two gnomes and an orc. Resolutions here vary.

    Probably the party continues to track Keenbolt, eventually finding the final surviving squad under his lead making a climactic final stand with gnome civilians to defend their home village from orcs, ogres and yep some fricking giants.

  19. 12 months ago

    Half way through my promised work for the day. I may be doing the last couple after the missus is asleep.

    • 12 months ago

      Appreciated. It's been a good read.

      • 12 months ago

        I got a whole week's worth in the tube

  20. 12 months ago
  21. 12 months ago

    >VER1-07 - Knocking on the Keep

    This is a dwarfy one. First in the "Dwarf Series" in fact. When heroes retrieved the Sword and Stone for Lady Assberry or maybe even just now rescuing that unicorn, Swath they probably rescued this dwarf in there. Somebody rescued him anyway because he became The official Assberry Armorer and he's so happy that he wants to make the lady a super special shirt. And he needs super special metal. Dwarven metal!

    You can learn this whole story about this dwarf, how his whole party and almost he himself was sacrificed to that cave goddess but they'd been searching for THE Rock Hall, ancestral dwarven citadel.

    Buckle up for even MORE dry dwarf shit like that because you need to go see this boring ass dwarf's boring ass dad and have a long conversation about rocks and smelting. They bring Elder Dad a present from Boring Ted but Dad is like "Thanks" and just sticks it in a drawer. Cold.

    So it would ordinarily be no problem to buy some of this special Dwarven metal but the "mountain harvest" wagons haven't come back. Shit! They've been stopped by bandits and the party needs to... kill bandits!

    So the bandits get killed or robbed or tricked or whatever and the party finds a half written letter about a dwarven holy artifact that has recently been stolen from Verbobonc! Whoa!

    They can just take the ore and scoot if they want but if they opt to accompany the dwarfs in the search for the relic (or I guess go after it all for themselves) they find the bandit outpost destroyed and an ancient Dwarven Standard discarded. They pretty much need to take that Standard back to the Rockhall dwarves if they want to know what it is but goddamn it turns out the flagpole is actually the shaft of "Axe of the Worm Slayer" a relic of THE Rock Hall. And the tapestry has a map hidden in its weave with, like dwarf metal threads. The Rockhall clan is so happy! Boring Ted is so happy! Lady Assberry is happy because she's given a super pretty mithril shirt!

  22. 12 months ago

    Reminder people still kind of think these Lortmil Mountain dwarves suck because of what they did in The Hateful War.

    • 12 months ago

      Do all of these modules have dates?

      • 12 months ago

        Every single one of these takes place in 591cy(2002). Trying to get through the 591 ones today. We'll do 592 tomorrow.

  23. 12 months ago

    >VER1-08 - Abbey of Intrigue

    This is a kinda murder mystery adventure. Some catholic type monk stumbles into the kitchen door of the inn and dies, handing over bloody documents "For the Abbot only". Some other brother pops in pretty soon asking what's up but the party probably should give those documents directly to the Abbot. There's a temple to Heironeous and it has a real Franciscan vibe with sprinkled with some sweet Irish tropes as a bonus - the hamlet of the temple is called Larney. It used to be a lot holier than it is now but somebody about ten years back stole their relic, the preserved body of The Valorous Knight from his Chapel.

    So the bloody documents seem to connect the missing body to the goblins that dead monk was working on and... there's another dead monk at the monastery! Head cut clean off. Obviously somebody needs to figure out what's going on. Might be a bad apple. Gee I wonder who it might be.

    So the party goes and even though this is a weird adventure it does have its own little dungeon and no surprise at the end, the monk who tried to intercept the diary pages is the one who stole the reliquary (dusty old brown paladin corpse) and was trying to sacrifice it to Hextor but he tries to accuse the PCs. Presumably they will have found enough evidence while poking around to sufficiently exonerate them and implicate him. Also they can get his wand of Cure Light Wounds which, as any 3e player can tell you is handy as frick.

  24. 12 months ago

    This next one says it's part 3 of the "Viscount" series which started with the one about the Dingus for the Moon Queenie, which even though I posted it first was actually number 3. I'm positive none of the ones between there and here said they were part 2 of the Viscount series but I guess it must have been that one about the unicorn Swath that had a character from part 1 in it.

  25. 12 months ago

    >VER1-09 Knights for Days

    This is a full on political adventure. Some nobleman, Janaar organized the merchants in support of Viscount Half-Elf (this night tie into the Verbobonc chapter from Fate of Istus iirc) but then Langard failed to thank him in a speech where he DID recognize this particular knight with a distinct red beard who Janaar decides to ruin just to make the Viscount look bad for praising him.

    This adventure more closely examines the fake news machine in the 'bonc that I talked about this morning. There's a bit about the knight having a secret girlfriend and that's why he's acting evasive under questioning.

    There's a whole almost procedural investigative bit where some of the details unravel but guess who's county this supposed clandestine meeting with hill giants supposedly took place? Duke Dickhole! (Lord Milinous). The party encounters some of his sheriff detectives also looking into the case so it seems legit but...

  26. 12 months ago

    The next and final module for today will be a horror adventure about a traveling freakshow zoo and a blizzard. In a couple hours.

  27. 12 months ago

    Thanks for all the adventures and lore, smoggy anon.

    • 12 months ago

      No problem, I'm just going to post this last one and get it in before midnight. Horror is all about ambiance so suffice to say that there's this kind of creepy menagerie that's our up a Big Top to weather this blizzard and a couple beast priests pursuing a horrible monster, the Beasteater, seek refuge from the storm. They don't like all these beasts in cages... Where they can be so easily... beasteaten.

  28. 12 months ago

    That's it for today but I'm going to try to dump all the certificates for these adventures. They show what was mechanically important.

    • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago
        • 12 months ago
          • 12 months ago
            • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago

                Okay that's all of it. If the thread is still here in the morning I'll start on 592cy

  29. 12 months ago

    Aight, since we're talking about Living Greyhawk, I got some b***hing to do.

    I live in Northern California, so back in '04 or whatever that was I was playing in the Theocracy of the Pale, which is a hardline theocracy based around worship of a lawful good god named Pholtus. There's a theme of the government losing its way and going more Lawful Neutral than Lawful Good, and so I decided to make a Lawful Good cleric who was very much a reformer. Might not have a chance to affect anything, but it's roleplaying, so eh, let's have fun with it.

    It's worth noting that I'm a usenet-tier atheist at this point (like a reddit tier atheist before reddit was big). Hell, I still am. But it's *roleplaying*, I'm playing a character. So I play the character as lawful, and good, and he's very much "my country, right or wrong, when wrong to be put right, when right to be supported" or however that phrase goes.

    The GM, however, is a real piece of shit who thinks that the antagonist in these adventures should be the government itself, and over the course of a few adventures broke the rules to frick us over and try to portray the Pale as the villain in unreasonable ways. Monks tumbling up ladders to avoid AROs, which doesn't work in 3.X DnD, etc. Eventually my character dies, and they have a system where you can go into debt to buy a raise dead from the church - but he talks to the region heads to get the thing denied.

    So wherever you are Dale, frick you and I hope you're not having fun.

    • 12 months ago

      >play in weekly, 10+ table Pathfinder Society
      >have assistant venture captain who is a power abusing butthole
      >try talking to him, but he's autistic and dumber than the smauggay
      >talk to venture captain and all the other organizers
      >have his whole adventure retconned in favor of the part
      >story unrelated
      Dale was in the right and you know it.

      • 12 months ago

        Nah, Dale was a fricktard. He was injecting his own politics into the game to a stupid degree. And I nominally agree with his politics - but he was ruining everyone's game with it.

        • 12 months ago

          So everyone was against you and everyone else was crazy?

          Aight, since we're talking about Living Greyhawk, I got some b***hing to do.

          I live in Northern California, so back in '04 or whatever that was I was playing in the Theocracy of the Pale, which is a hardline theocracy based around worship of a lawful good god named Pholtus. There's a theme of the government losing its way and going more Lawful Neutral than Lawful Good, and so I decided to make a Lawful Good cleric who was very much a reformer. Might not have a chance to affect anything, but it's roleplaying, so eh, let's have fun with it.

          It's worth noting that I'm a usenet-tier atheist at this point (like a reddit tier atheist before reddit was big). Hell, I still am. But it's *roleplaying*, I'm playing a character. So I play the character as lawful, and good, and he's very much "my country, right or wrong, when wrong to be put right, when right to be supported" or however that phrase goes.

          The GM, however, is a real piece of shit who thinks that the antagonist in these adventures should be the government itself, and over the course of a few adventures broke the rules to frick us over and try to portray the Pale as the villain in unreasonable ways. Monks tumbling up ladders to avoid AROs, which doesn't work in 3.X DnD, etc. Eventually my character dies, and they have a system where you can go into debt to buy a raise dead from the church - but he talks to the region heads to get the thing denied.

          So wherever you are Dale, frick you and I hope you're not having fun.

          >Calls self a moronic anti-christian
          >makes contrarian character
          >lets their character die
          >complains that the theme of the game is just politics
          >the dastardly rule breaking being cried about was some obvious and plausible skill usage that wasn't explicitly detailed to be RAW
          >crying about monks at all in 3.x
          >blames Dale instead of himself but everyone else sided with Dale to keep the contrarian character dead
          Low self-awareness That Guy.

          • 12 months ago

            Nah, everyone was against Dale. There's more shit, like he had to get threatened with legal action by the local LGS to stop claiming he was running games out of their location when he was running them in his garage.

            And no, you can't tumble up ladders. The regional heads sided with Dale, but I don't think Dale gave them the full story.

  30. 12 months ago

    Who is the best god and why is it Trithereon?

    • 12 months ago

      While he is pretty freat i always had Xan Yae as a special deity to me. I always liked her as a more personal and interesting version of Boccob. She also makes a great parton for Monk/Cleric style characters and excuses to go dungeon delving

  31. 12 months ago

    It's a new day and a new year for the purposes of this thread, 592cy! The first adventure is going to be another political murder mystery in the Abbey of the Valorous Knight, you will engender as a monastery of Heironeous that specializes in training monks to tumble up ladders!

    • 12 months ago

      Tumbling could be used if combines with a climb check, as silly as it sounds training monks for such a thing wouldn’t be mostly useless

  32. 12 months ago

    Okay here's VER2-01 The Enemy Within

    It's back to Larneystone for another murder mystery with the Franciscan friar ass monks of the crusty dead guy. These guys sure like getting murdered! This time they're pretty sure it was monk on monk crime. Squire Nepotism, the son of the Local Lord is in custody and there's eye witnesses - but there were witnesses to Sir Redbeard meeting with those giants too!

    This time Vic was a full blown ass kicker though and the witnesses say that he just stood there while Squire Nepotism stuck him like a pig in the alley. Sonny Boy says he doesn't remember shit. Yes he got a little drunk and was arguing with Fisty McDeadguy but then he went to a whole other bar (they got lotsa bars for a little monastery village) and get way drunker with his buddies from the mill.

    Over at the mill one of the buddies is at work but the other one hasn't shown and the investigation gets interrupted by locals pissed off that dude hasn't been hanged yet they think because Daddy says no. Shemp may reveal that the missing dude is an illegitimate brother of the accused but if he gets a chance he'll run off into the woods and get murdered.

    Ditto if the half-brother/half-prostitute is located and questioned except it takes even a more delicate (or rougher) hand to keep him from running off and getting murdered. He can actually point the finger at this guy who paid him to slip Squire Nepotism a mickey and turns out to be yup a priest of Hextor. Or he might just also run off to the woods to get murdered.

    At any rate, either Halfprostitute points them to or they follow the tracks from his murdered body to... That same cabin with the secret door behind the fireplace. Seems they really like reusing dungeon maps in this block.

    This is a political style Local Lord adventure with stacked lords. The mayor tier one seems like kind of a douche but the count tier one is more reasonable. Neither of them is Duke Dickhole. It would probably be worth charting all of them.

    • 12 months ago

      New day new module, these baguettes sure love their murder mysteries and recycling dungeons it seems

      • 12 months ago

        New day new YEAR'S worth of modules - hopefully. That's my goal. I got a fricking meeting today and not one but two events I want to participate in this afternoon....

        But! On the bright side, there's only 8 of them for 592cy versus 10 of them yesterday for 591cy but it was a lot. These summaries may become even more slapdash - but that's kind of one of my points in general about Greyhawk!

        These adventures are pretty linear and narrative. That's not really my style but it's how "Lore" gets laid out and Anon has been asking for more Lore in these Greyhawk threads so I'm endeavoring to share some depth that exists.

        However, these adventures are nicely broken up and ADAPTABLE. They were written with other paths open and the adventures themselves are kind of vague and can be assembled in different ways to work if the story is different. They're even sometimes slightly inconsistent from adventure to adventure, which is why I don't give a frick about blithely summarizing summaries for y'all's amusement.

        Dale shmoozing Regional Heads and my whole feeling about what a silly thing to waste time with aside, the machine cranked out some serviceable material here - generally better than what was in Dungeon Magazine and they are a bit obscure so here we are.

        The next adventure will be another one with that Rockhome dwarf the players rescued from the cave goddess orc cult who still wishes he could find THE Rock Home and impress his dad.

  33. 12 months ago

    >VER2-02 - Granite Keep

    Okay so this loose bard is banging Lady Assberry's seneschal, which is like a mayor/butler. She goes from town to town like a sailor and in this ONE town way out West, Jose Quervo at this bar called The Beggars Beast they repeat a story about some shepherd kid who might have seen THE Rock Home! or Hall? Rock Hall?

    So that boring dwarf you saved who works for Lady Assberry was like, "Whoa" because he never searched at Jose Quervo back when he was wandering and almost getting sacrificed to orcish cave goddesses. He's busy for the next four years making mithril shirts and shit so he gets the father of his apprentice to follow Lia the bawd around trying to find adventurers to go look - and tonight Lia Songbird is the headliner at the inn the players are hanging around in!

    Her performance is actually a song or spoken word or something about this Rock Hall place, bigass box text. The dude, who is actually a human who just wants to be a dwarf (sheesh) recruits the characters and I had to read this like three times but basically Lia is heading in a different direction so she won't show the party where Jose Quavaero actually is. They have to go ask the local dwarf who's some kind of white trash dwarf with dogs and a fence. He tells them which way to go and that it'll be real fricking cold so bundle up.

    They also (instead might?) happen across this, like, AirBNB of Fharlangan owned by Pioneer Traveler Tammy that's on the road up into the mountains where they can learn about the God of Wanderers who is actually a pretty cool and well established Greyhawk god. I think these two encounters (Hiker and Trash Dwarf) are in the wrong order but whatever.

    There's a bit where we travel through the mountains, meet some actual Verbobonc Army dudes and a real fortress that says this side of the Viscounty is maybe more dangerous. Some wolves might breathe ice on you. Sooner or later though, one of them moon elves is using dragon magic against hunters and dogs.

    • 12 months ago

      (cot'd) - this is a pretty long one so bear with me.

      So finally they get to Jose Quavaero in the mountains and find the Beggar's Beast Tavern. Don't ask me why Lia Songbird was here, I guess they give a pretty good cut of the door and points on the drinks.

      They're able to find this guy who tells the story of his son finding THE Rock Hall and sure enough he takes them right to the kid. The kid is actually willing to go with them and show them where he found it. It's a cave up in the mountains, which is already kind of discouraging because this is supposed to be some magnificent place.

      They go in this cave and find... a replica of the gates. Carved into the inside of a hidden cave. There's a puzzle they have to save to open a door behind which they find a diary that has more clues to maybe take back to Dwarf Elder Dad and put on the pile with that standard they found when they were recovering the ore. I wonder how big that pile needs to get? Maybe the thread will last long enough for us to find out.

  34. 12 months ago

    Doesn't look like I'm going to have time before 3 to write up the next adventure but it's another gnome one - and this time not about giants. Looks like it's going to involve gnomes picking on halflings and there's gonna be some kobolds thrown in. One of them weenie adventures.

    • 12 months ago

      I feel like the gnomes miht stumble upon the great hall innone of their wars or tricks. And so this is building that point up. But hey tommorow can be a “leap year” so you can continue with the one year a day thing

      • 12 months ago

        I'll cram em all in today one way or another of it'll never get done

  35. 12 months ago

    >VER2-03 - A Friend in Need

    This adventure starts at an inn in the Kron hills literally just a day North of Kron itself and for some reason there's some rowdy warriors in black in there being rowdy and they hassle some halfling. I assumed they would be gnomes but I guess they're humans, I don't know why humans would think they could get away with being racist against little people in the Kron Hills to start with and I think it would be funnier if they were gnomes who were racist against halflings but maybe there's some reason they're humans. I would probably turn them into gnomes but then maybe I'd regret it.

    Anyway a brawl breaks out. Maybe this brawl could be funny if it was an inn full of gnomes and halflings against a half dozen humans. The party is assumed to back up the halfling and get invited back to his Thorp, Gallows Corner. Oh, did I mention that this adventure takes place during the 3-day full moon? No reason. Don't even worry about it.

    So this halfling, Anrew is super friendly and accommodating. Brings them to an inn and probably pays for a room, some jokes can be made about this place being extra small and so forth. But then in busts somebody! A villager has been murdered! Every freakin' time!

    So Gallow's End isn't the cheerful place you might expect - or probably wouldn't. Dudes be gettin attacked by animals, the cemetery be gettin dug up and for some reason the miller's apprentice's name gets brought up but whatever, the players will probably forget about that when the Thorp Idiot takes center stage. The Idiot is a half-orc who does stuff that requires mule strength around the town and he's left doing manual labor outdoors while halflings, uh - smoke and drink? So he sees things. Weird things. Like he heard screaming and saw dog people attacking using balls of fire and ghosts who live in his hair.

    So if they remember or are railroaded into heading there, they go to the mill The miller has noticed that all the rats and rat eating cats are gone.

    • 12 months ago

      Why are my summaries getting LONGER when I have LESS time? So the miller found his apprentice standing motionless in the middle of the grain after being woke by noises and now he believes in ghosts.

      Players can check out the graveyard if they want. Some dude who had his throat torn out and his blood drained ain't in his grave anymore.

      Also, there are hot springs. That probably should have been a selling point from the beginning. The thorp is called "Gallium's Corner" in this part of the summary, maybe that had been the first draft name. Some priest of Fharlanghan (The Wanderer, mentioned last adventure) put the springs in his pamphlet or whatever and now they have a trickle of tourists coming to visit them.

      The halflings have been getting murdered by some dire wolf or something and they probably go to chase it. It can just lead them to an entrance to the dungeon if they haven't found the barely hidden staircase in the mill or the secret entrance hidden in the cemetery by now.

      There's halflings down there being ordered around by some human butthole who's trying to find the key to this evil tower in the gnarley wood he has a map to - turns out the Gnome Mayor (Hedman) wears the key as a necklace and these kobolds really hate gnomes. There's a clock on the adventure (players hate that) and if they take more than four days to interfere with the plan, the Hedman gets his hed smashed and Jepesh gets away with the key - and maybe the players still get to feel like heroes if they kill that dire wolf. Dumbasses.

  36. 12 months ago

    Okay this one's pretty straight forward but still neat

    >VER2-04 - Goblin Krown

    Some insane squire girl stumbles up to the PCs dragging and swinging her sword at imaginary goblins, says something about some village. Tobren. She also mistakes any half orc for her CO Sir Keval.

    The party heads to the town and find it about half sacked by goblin raiders. They can find some goblins wearing scraps of farming clothes and digging around but they run if they can.

    Eventually they find a wagon being led by goblins that has some tired up ladies inside. They say that one of the goblins is wearing their missing husband's tunic. Basically they're just housewives and didn't see much until goblins came and captured them.

    Then a ghost shows up! He's not a friendly ghost but he is a good one and gives the players a vision of his last moments of life, fighting dome nine foot tall bat winged goblin king and managing to decrapitate him before succumbing to his injuries. Major emphasis on the crown falling at his feet and the goblin minions starting to transform. There's a handout. Also a bunch of info about this good ghost and his history but nobody really cares.

    So the ghost guess the party to this two back to back combat scenario that varies be depending on their level but ultimately they fight a sorcerer that's halfway transformed into a goblin king and, well, goblin minions many of whom are dressed like people including definitely one in Sir Half-Orc's armor. If you haven't anyway figured it out this crown not only commands goblins but can turn people into goblins - also gradually into the goblin king of you wear it so don't wear it!

    This adventure is straight forward but it has a whole bunch of ways to instantly die so I like it. Also pretty good loot to make up for all the save or suck.

    • 12 months ago

      Also this adventure has an Erinyes in it but she escapes by teleporting back to hell unless the players really take serious measures to catch her. There's a way to note if they do.

  37. 12 months ago

    Lotta auto-correct typos but I'm half way done and it's only 8:30. Yikes.

  38. 12 months ago

    >VER2-05 - Silver Moon

    Official part 3 of the giant series. More gnome silliness in Sheerknob, apparently they have a noble rank called Moot and there's a Moot Hall. It's almost like this is supposed to take place immediately after the thing with that gnome killmongler even though it was the previous year. For whatever reason, the party is leaving Sheerknob and heading back to the 'bonc. The gnomes warn them that things are getting bad or there and they should be careful.

    I dunno if the players have been hanging out with these gnomes for months or what but the hills around Sheerknob have gone all to shit. This is basically an all combat adventure foreshadowed by some ranger leading them around a safer way through this ruined temple of Ehlonna the foresty/elfy goddess. There's a Contemplative there who refuses to abandon the shrine. The players are supposed to go to the Gnarley and get reinforcements but there's a Giant outpost blocking the way and there's some hooded men there with the giants. They go around and discover the ranger rendezvous point deserted. Not knowing what to do next they call and are attacked by the undead remains of the rangers they were looking for.

    In the morning some other rangers show up and the war tide that was seeming more and more dire turns. The players are able to head back to the Ehlonna temple where those NPCs have recovered and destroy or at least cripple the now less-manned giant outpost. It's a huge battle that should swing back and forth until those literal army guys ('Bonc Borderers) we met in the mountains on the way to Jose Quervo ride in, fighting in perfect harmony with the Gnarley Rangers and frick shit up. The PCs are expected to return to the Borderer Station and make a full report. They make some contacts with these guys, Captain Roanik and the garrison commander Sir Goodwyn - unless they don't.

  39. 12 months ago

    anon let me just say, as a Hoosieranon, you now have inspired me to try to run this set with IRL friends, as a quick question though, are these modules just supposed to be played as themselves in a story set, or are there other published modules and adventures meant to be between them?

    • 12 months ago

      No these adventures are set in a time a few years later than any other Greyhawk modules I'm aware of and amount to sizeable self-contained campaigns for each of the Living Greyhawk regions.


      After the dark treants are dealt with a grig (grasshopper fairy) named Larko runs into the scene, terrified of a demonic spider pursuing him and warns the players to run! It's a Retriever which is indeed no minor threat and though parties toward the higher end of the recommended levels for this adventure can probably beat it they might want to save their resources because either way when they get back to the fairy hootenanny, things are gonna get worse - but not until after the fairies explain that the werecreatures aren't actually so bad, what you really gotta look out for is the Great Dire Dark whatever the frick that is. It probably has something to do with that shadowy pit opening up vomiting forth shadow condors and The Great Dire Dark's Feyhunter, a Vrock named Vershanshin. It's a nasty fight and while the party is busy with the Feyhunter, the condors really mop up all the pixies and leprechauns and sprites and any other cute little thing they can sink their talons into.

      It's a real dark End of Glory Part 1

  40. 12 months ago

    >VER2-06 - Glory Town

    Are we playing Darkbad? Because this adventure is dark and bad. A guy hires the players to deliver the biggest riding horse in town to the leader of Glory, a little boomtown dead in the middle of the Iron Wood and the Iron Wood is basically the most dangerous region of the whole Viscounty. Literally crawling with werewolves and it turns out this Gray Elf running the town is out to exterminate them. He might even be the elf the players might have helped fight hunters in the mountains or else there are a lot of elven dragon disciples around these parts. Apparently he came from a tribe if gray elves who peacefully cohabitate with the were creatures and after he became more civilized he found out that was super bad so returned to wipe 'em out - and make a buck off herbs and pelts and stuff while he's at it - but on the way to Glory, the party gets ambushed by lumberjacks who are actually wererats. Except for one who's just too dumb to know his coworkers were wererats until they transformed. He apologizes and offers to bring them back to the living camp, which is just right next to Glory anyway.

    In Glory there's a mother and son hung up in cages being tested under the full moon for lycanthropy and the players are told they have to add well, unless they are very proactive about hiding their encounter with the were rats (or quiet and strong enough to be uninjured). There's a number of ways this can go. Basically either they'll get on Glory Boy's good side, get kicked out of town and go to the logging camp (or go to help the big dumb lumberjack who's upset over a misunderstanding) or they'll end up outside the walls of town wandering around in the spooky woods and get the shit scared of of them by a huge wereboar. All three possibilities end up with them being sent to the gray elf tribe's primitive outpost.

    Or what's left of it. It's all jacked up, dead elves everywhere and then the trees themselves animate through dark magics and attack (cot'd)

  41. 12 months ago

    >VER2-07 - Master of Puppets

    Final chapter of Abbey of the Valorous Knight

    The Abbot's friend, Master Grayfield's estate is being beset openly by the undead! This is probably the work of that priest of Hextor who escaped punishment for the pig-sticking incident by smashing the gem in his ring and teleporting!

    The party travels to the estate and meets Master Greyfild and his staff then start getting attacked by waves after waves of undead. They'd best conserve their resources because they aren't going to get any rest before they have to venture into the well trapped family crypt to find there on the sacrificial alter... The priest of Hextor! It wasn't him at all, it was Master Greyfild! A fricking Animus - which you may recall me talking about in the previous thread is a special Greyhawk exclusive lich-like undead sleeper agent usually in the direct service of The Great Aerdi Kingdom. They retain all their class levels they had in life and gain potent undead abilities that compliment them. If the party is exhausted for this battle they're fricked.

  42. 12 months ago

    >VER2-08 - Griffons Blood

    It's Brewfest and Duke Dickhole is getting a promotion on an anti-giant platform. Pushing out a long serving aristocrat under the sponsorship of his hunting buddy Lord Kolgrim.

    This is a real political adventure that can progress a number of ways depending on which arcs the players are focusing on but ultimately there are a bunch of Wild Hunt themed encounters climaxing at Kolgrim's hunting lodge where he's found dead (Dickhole Milinous nowhere to be found but the guards are wearing his crest) and it turns out it was actually Lady Kolgrim who was a cleric of Tharizdun, the Elder Elemental Eye climaxing a month long ritual with a heinous human sacrifice in hopes of bringing Lord Balan, Huntmaster of Belial from the 4th layer of hell into the Prime Material - and she can do it, too.

    And that's the end of 592cy

  43. 12 months ago

    Pretty good year this one. Surprisingly few mentions of the cave and gnomes

    • 12 months ago

      Thanks again. Interesting read. Clearly I missed out on some neat stuff back in the day.

  44. 12 months ago

    593cy has right regular modules plus three half-block intro modules to kick off new level 1 players I'll knock them out first. This one is for kids.

    >VERi3-01 - Cat Burglar

    A little girl's cat is missing. The party pursues it into a nearby sewer where they fight rats, a toy soldier and finally a goblin named Groot who just wants to pet the cat.

    When they return to the little girl they learn she doesn't really care that much about the car, it was just to prove she was responsible enough to get dad to begin her apprenticeship. PC disposition of the cat can vary.

    • 12 months ago

      Sounds silly and actualy a good intro for young players

    • 12 months ago

      I meant eight but apparently I also meant four intro modules because this next one is split in two

      >VERi3-02 - A Hunting We Will Go Round 1

      This adventure happens in Sobanwych, which I didn't even think was part of Verbobonc but I guess it would be. It's at the end of a river fork that leads into the Gnarley so it's a port where large shops can dock and send wagons on the High Road into Hommlet but, understandably, the whole Temple of Elemental Evil thing has hurt business. You guys are following these adventures in the mail here

      So anyway, the events of T1-4 happen, players get to meet some NPCs/Former PCs who adventured with that Wilfrick guy, (the Viscount - kind of a big deal) apparently explicitly Jaroo the Druid of the Grove (I just recently discovered), the ever popular Burne & Rufus (room mate fighter and wizard featured on the back cover of T1), Elmo and Otis (secret knights) and just a whole bunch of other NPCs. T1-4 is pretty much the comfiest place in The World afaic and is where the plurality of my game hours have been spent so I won't talk about it too much other than to plug Goodman Games loving two-volume hardcover 5e adaptation.

      One important place that my home campaigns typically deviate from Canon is that Thrommel, who has been kidnapped by Elemental Evil in retaliation for his command of The Host, is often found and rescued by the PCs. The 90s group treated him good and respectfully restored him to the throne but my recent group decapitated him then realized what they'd done and hauled ass with his complete (but headless) body back to where they'd stashed a resurrection scroll, sewed his head back on and resurrected him (and stole his magic items). You can read all about Thrommel here

      It looks like he's a huge part of the Furyondy Living Greyhawk material so maybe we'll do that next week. I'm sure my '90s players' timeline would diverge from this Canon but I could see my '20s players Thrommel pulling into Chendl as a for real vampire since they were just all like "Okay, I guess we can buy you a riding horse. See ya."

      So anyway then the Greyhawk Wars happened, I don't think much happened to the 'bonc because most of that shit was in the East and North. Somebody can check me on that but the map for post-wars didn't contradict anything when I was using it for T1-4 wilderness adventuring.

      This is the map of the region you see in the front of my campaign book there and the official Living Greyawk map.


      The town is trying to throw a feast for the harvest festival, which would chronologically be more toward the end of the year so I don't know if I should be summarizing it in the morning but frick it whatever. The chef wants an impressive main course for the feast and a wild boar has been jacking shit up around town and has a bounty on its head so we're killing two birds with one stone, giving the party a scroll of Gentle Repose to use as a preservative and they're supposed to go get this pig but they're not the only party after the prize.

  45. 12 months ago

    You're playing it slide, Boys. I know these intro modules aren't as interesting because they have nothing to do with the main story but hey

    > VERi3-02 - A Hunting We Will Go Round 2

    So Round 2 is actually the same thing. This adventure covers the actual hunting of the boar. More about the rival party but probably the most noteworthy element of this adventure is the info about Sobanwych. There's a temple of Wenta there, so the harvest festival is probably a big thing to them. They also have a brewery if not a brewery/temple combination because Wenta and there are NPCs to meet as well. A Headman and a Brewmaster. The famous chef they've hired is also a dwarf with a gnome bard companion.

    • 12 months ago

      Sorry pal but there isn't much to be said except these are surprisingly wholesome adventures after the earlier mass murders

      • 12 months ago

        There is also the fact that you are the defacto loremaster so intelligent discussions would be mostly moot. For myself the only stuff i realy know about greyhawk is reading the original greyhawk book and playing the ToEE Game. and of course the 3.5 standard greyhawk stuff

        Shit, I don't even like "Lore". I'm taking some fair liberties already with my summaries which are really early drafts of adaptations to the tone of my own game and I encourage you to do the same. Again Greyhawk = Adaptable


        >VERi3-03 - Teeth of the Storm

        If that first one was a 'bonc intro for kids this one is a 'bonc intro for adults. It's all spoopy on the West Siiiiide (whitely Tupac gestures) of the region, near the Iron Wood on the road to Veluna.

        Lady Assberry's stagecoach has been smashed on a creepy bridge! Her guardsmen too! She was thrown clear when the coach was destroyed but injured and unconscious! Elinor, nooooo! She's okay though, but she doesn't know what happened just BOOM "Is the phone ringing? Goidnight"

        After maybe a heal spell or just a little light fluffing she's on her feet but then the skelebones of her guard gorily Burst out from their flesh and attack! Assuming that gets sorted she suggests everyone regroups at the nearby creepy tavern Gravedigger's Rest where the Local Lord soon drops in. He's some goth as frick vampire lookin dude named Chondell. He recognizes Lady Asbury and sits at her table with her. The conversation doesn't get very far, his dead son might come up, until there's the sound outside of somebody choking a chicken! Or.. a horse. Something. Peeking out the windows into the dark and stormy night (did I mention it's dark and stormy? There are mechanics in here for it) the players spot a troll! A stealth blue-black troll! Tavern patrons are all like "Oh yeah that'll be the bridge troll" apparently when he gets hungry he sniffs out sometime crossing the bridge he wants to eat then eats them, specifically them. Even comes and gets them in their beds if necessary. He can't get in the Inn though so frick him.

        Nobody is saying it but it seems like he's after Lord Chad the Impaler over there. Lady Assberry seems to like him too. It comes up that the reason for his hot emo vibe is not only is his son dead, he's UNDEAD and it would be just great for the party to "lay him to rest" if they could.

        If the PCs put together that the troll is after Chondell, he's willing to distract it while they go double check the troll bridge for more undead (cot'd)

        OH, also the inn owner is some gypsy type who has already said she bets it's not the troll who fricked up the Assberry Train. The players can get some kinda anti-undead charm from her but it stops working after this because apparently you can't get persistent loot from intro scenarios.

        If the players DONT put together that the troll is after Lord Chad they can distract it and sneak out of its agro range pretty easily but he'll stay right there and keep chatting up Lady Assberry who's catching what he's throwing out if you know what I mean.

        Either way they had back to the bridge and fight a wight that was once Chad's son Sergei. He's a teenage fair haired version of his dad except, you know - crazy with glowing eyes and claws. Wight shit.

        Once the undead is dead-dead the troll turns up and makes a bee line right for the corpse. Picks it up, sniffs it and takes a bite. It was Sergei it had the hunger for! Must not taste very good though because it spits it out and goes under the bridge. Lord Chondell shows up and gives them the nod but asks them to freaking bury the thing for him, "bury it deep - now I must go <swoosh>" (back to Lady Assberry I bet) but there's pretty decent reward money for this one, the most dangerous if the intro modules for the year.

        Then there's an epilogue scene where the troll, hibernating under the bridge, turns into a wight.

  46. 12 months ago

    In glancing at their scene the dwarf chef with gnome bard companion give me picrel vibes

    Up next the final 593cy intro module VERi3-03 - Teeth of the Storm

  47. 12 months ago

    >VERi3-03 - Teeth of the Storm

    If that first one was a 'bonc intro for kids this one is a 'bonc intro for adults. It's all spoopy on the West Siiiiide (whitely Tupac gestures) of the region, near the Iron Wood on the road to Veluna.

    Lady Assberry's stagecoach has been smashed on a creepy bridge! Her guardsmen too! She was thrown clear when the coach was destroyed but injured and unconscious! Elinor, nooooo! She's okay though, but she doesn't know what happened just BOOM "Is the phone ringing? Goidnight"

    After maybe a heal spell or just a little light fluffing she's on her feet but then the skelebones of her guard gorily Burst out from their flesh and attack! Assuming that gets sorted she suggests everyone regroups at the nearby creepy tavern Gravedigger's Rest where the Local Lord soon drops in. He's some goth as frick vampire lookin dude named Chondell. He recognizes Lady Asbury and sits at her table with her. The conversation doesn't get very far, his dead son might come up, until there's the sound outside of somebody choking a chicken! Or.. a horse. Something. Peeking out the windows into the dark and stormy night (did I mention it's dark and stormy? There are mechanics in here for it) the players spot a troll! A stealth blue-black troll! Tavern patrons are all like "Oh yeah that'll be the bridge troll" apparently when he gets hungry he sniffs out sometime crossing the bridge he wants to eat then eats them, specifically them. Even comes and gets them in their beds if necessary. He can't get in the Inn though so frick him.

    Nobody is saying it but it seems like he's after Lord Chad the Impaler over there. Lady Assberry seems to like him too. It comes up that the reason for his hot emo vibe is not only is his son dead, he's UNDEAD and it would be just great for the party to "lay him to rest" if they could.

    If the PCs put together that the troll is after Chondell, he's willing to distract it while they go double check the troll bridge for more undead (cot'd)

    • 12 months ago

      >Dark and stormy night. how about a dark and stormy Knight instead?

  48. 12 months ago

    There is also the fact that you are the defacto loremaster so intelligent discussions would be mostly moot. For myself the only stuff i realy know about greyhawk is reading the original greyhawk book and playing the ToEE Game. and of course the 3.5 standard greyhawk stuff

    • 12 months ago

      >There is also the fact that you are the defacto loremaster so intelligent discussions would be mostly moot
      That and people on the board have seen this particular namegay post before.
      It's regular pattern recognition working against him as even people with a lot of nostalgia for Greyhawk will begin to doubt whether it was actually ever good when they see someone so mentally deficient and dysfunctional trying to represent it.

      • 12 months ago

        He is atleast trying even if he makes it seem rather comedic

        • 12 months ago

          If it's not fun why bother? I see that quote is currently associated with Death Stranding. I can understand having poignant experiences alone or perhaps even with someone you love but when playing games with friends, it should be fun.

          >There is also the fact that you are the defacto loremaster so intelligent discussions would be mostly moot
          That and people on the board have seen this particular namegay post before.
          It's regular pattern recognition working against him as even people with a lot of nostalgia for Greyhawk will begin to doubt whether it was actually ever good when they see someone so mentally deficient and dysfunctional trying to represent it.

          Which I guess that's what's up with you and Anons like you, right? Real contempt for the "Beer & Pretzels" implementation of D&D. For your own sake, I hope you have a network of friends who all are sitting in exactly the same height of horse but somehow I doubt it. More likely you find yourself constantly "surrounded" by "idiots" but never among us, huh? Lonely at the top.

        • 12 months ago

          >he is at least trying.
          Don't be a shithead, I think he's doing a great job here. If he wasn't a bottom tier poster everywhere else it'd be more optimal.

          See how easily he reverted to his state of brainless and incoherent drowning? It's a delicate balance.
          Harrass him in other threads but not here, the goal should be to maintain /tg/ quality high.

          • 12 months ago

            The quality of my adapted summaries in this thread is certainly not high. It IS voluminous, which can often fool the intensely left brained.

            Or at least it has been. I'm only about 1/3 of the way done (with one region out of nineteen) and I'm already finding my motivation ebbing.

  49. 12 months ago

    Alright it's afternoon for new already so let's get to the meat of 593cy, the Normal Modules.

    >VER3-01 - Armor Class

    This adventure features a probably Harry Potter inspired school for young nobles called Soldragon Academy. It's literally the opposite though, for rich kids to learn the tactical art of war as nobles learn it plus arts & sciences and... cotillion or whatever.

    The players get hired as, like, substitute teachers because there's a problem. The ghost of a gnome instructor who was torn apart by a Local Lord's dogs in the courtyard a few decades ago and who's usually pretty John Cleesey has been getting all Vincent Schiavelli lately and scaring students and staff away. In fact, the school is only about half full.

    The players meet some gruff and drill sergeant like instructor with one arm who clearly don't care for cotillion. He, the Headmaster Mert and the PCs are taking the kids on a field trip where they get attacked by a sorceress and scattered.

    This was all part of Lefty's plan. He's the one responsible for the ghost menace. The ghost actually loves the kids but being missing an arm didn't stop Carvel from digging up his bones in the courtyard while it was being replanted recently. He wants to start his own full on military academy but he's no necromancer so the ghost of Oggmun is demanding one of his bones back every time or something so that gravy train is at its last stop.

    Luckily for Lefty (he thinks) he met this only slightly hideous lady recently who seemed willing to pretend to be an evil sorceress and attack the field trip. Lefty is gambling this'll be the final nail in Soldragon Academy's coffin.

    Unfortunately, Lefty's new girlfriend is actually a swamp hag who, along with her whole coven, is two timing him with some even more simpering giants. If the players rescue at least a few kids from them and save the headmaster they can go back to find Lefty has already changed the locks and hung up a new sign. He's willing to fight for his squat

  50. 12 months ago

    >VER3-02 - How Much Wood Would

    This one has loggers but ones who work in the east side, in the Gnarley where trees don't come to life and try to chop YOU down. The mayor's son's coffin gets stolen! Who steals a coffin? Wood bandits, that's who. Especially coffins made of this particularly trendy wood, Ipp. Presumably what Ipswitches are made of.

    So the party recovers the coffin and goes off to where Ipp is milled to figure out whats causing this spike in the demand. Turns out it's some tree hugging druid they have to deal with. Of fricking course.

  51. 12 months ago

    Up next, VER3-03 - Glory Dimmed, party two of the Glory Trilogy. I didn't realize that Shannus guy the Grey Elf founder/mayor of Glory (the town in the Iron Wood from which he hunts lycanthropes) isn't just a dragon disciple, he's a fricking Large size category half-dragon.

    This is a cool dark adventure with a little dungeon and more new edgy NPCs. I like this West Side shit. Taking more than five minutes reading this one.

  52. 12 months ago

    Oh I guess you become like a half dragon as you gain dragon disciple levels. Man, haven't looked at Tome & Blood in a LONG time now.

    • 12 months ago

      The last feature is you gaining the Half dragon template and some stat boosts, Its a pretty good class for people going into Natural attacks and like dragons

      • 12 months ago

        It also probably makes you look goth as frick if you're a gray elf to begin with.

  53. 12 months ago

    This dude's gonna turn out to be in league with The Great Dire Dark, I bet.

  54. 12 months ago

    Also, this shit isn't about "Nostalgia for Greyhawk" because it's the most recent, modern storyshit-era version of Greyhawk. Crucially, it's Post-Wars. Anybody looking for Greyhawk nostalgia would not play in a Post-Wars campaign. Unless they have nostalgia for literally this specific 'Naughties Living-era Greyhawk. God, how depressing.

    Not that I'm disparaging these modules, they're quite usable and as a side effect of the RPGA format they're nice and modular, ready to be remixed and reshuffled. Which is how I use them. If deep-cut variety loregays want to dive in and "ackshyully" all my posts that's great! Please update the Encyclopedia Greyhawkiana with your research.

  55. 12 months ago

    Here's what I'll do. I'm just gonna post Glory Dimmed right now. It'll be easier for me to read it on my phone while I'm at my 5 year old's terrible, terrible soccer game and then kids night at Rooster's afterward. If there isn't a better adapted summary here than mine by the time I find time to actually write one, I'll go ahead and write one.

  56. 12 months ago

    "maintain /tg/ quality high" lol I'ma remember that one

    • 12 months ago

      Imagine bragging about lowering board quality.

      • 12 months ago

        Ganker was never good

        Thanks for the thread, OP. Ages back, my brother noticed an intriguing ad for the "Living Greyhawk" campaign included with our starter set but we were too young to grasp what it was for; weren't we already playing DnD? Plenty of excitement in the core tomes as it was, and so I grew up solely on our own silly homebrew.
        It's neat seeing the material we missed in such rare detail, not some dry footnote to a legendary setting. Would've been from Bissel, had we participated (and gained a few years).

        You're welcome. We've made it through another night and soon I'll pick it up with VER3-04 - A Matter of Love, an adventure that seems to be about a fiance who got cold feet and disappeared with a betrothal gift but is actually much more, involving The Hand of a certain Secret cult.

        Maybe we'll do Bissell at some point in the future. I'm most interested in this Dark Thrommel material in Furyondy next but who knows where we'll go or what we'll find.

        • 12 months ago

          >Ganker was never good
          That's not true.
          The quality of this place depends entirely upon its posters.
          Shitposters post shit. Quality posters post quality.
          An individual poster can be either one of these, depending upon what they choose to post.
          Your post quality, in the past, has never been 'quality' - as you well know!
          But these past days, you have chosen to contribute posts of some quality - actual contribution.
          This is good! THIS makes the site better!
          Keep doing this.
          I'm no dnd player or greyhawk fan - I simply recognize that, on this day, you are posting decent quality posts. Finally.
          Thank you for making Ganker better today.

          • 12 months ago

            I don't think you really understand Ganker very well. The real point of Ganker is to, with minimal filter, amuse people like you around the theme of various shared interests. I can assure you that the vast majority of my posts do exactly that. I continue to, foolishly perhaps, hold out some hope that I might be influencing younger people who share my interests to also embrace my philosophies. In /tg/ these are an unpopular sort of "gamist" middle ground between narrative storyshitters, which I must assume you are to be eating up this Lore, and pseudo-gamist contrarian OSR types who also don't actually want to play games with rules, but like to pretend they are while actually wanting to use DM fiat to inflict their cruel whims on their players.

            >tl;Dr the majority of /tg/ is out to get their hypothetical players to appreciate their creative writing or to gladly suffer their cruel abuses but I'm here for the sliver of Anon in the middle.

            I'm glad you're enjoying this tremendous storyshit but I assure you if I ever run this material for real players I will adapt it considerably more than I already am in my summaries.

            • 12 months ago

              >deliberate misinterpretation
              >self-agrandizing delusions
              >le no gaems maymay
              >storyshitter vs east european mudcore distraction
              Ah! You're back to your old form! Spastic butthurt shrieking. That was easy.
              Clearly you understand how to be cancerous.
              Clearly you understand how to frick with people here, instead of making things better.
              [claps ironically]

              • 12 months ago

                Choose the middle path, Anon. Moderation in all things.

              • 12 months ago

                >ironic pic
                >blithering self-aggrandizement continues
                Dug that one out of the archives, too, eh? kek
                Go back to contributing, you stupid, fragile-egoed name-gay.
                All you have to do is shut up and post shit. Not hard, even for a newbieet like you.

                But oh noes! Your fee-fees are hurt, so now you gotta sperg. As always.

                Great contribution.

            • 12 months ago

              >I can assure you that the vast majority of my posts do exactly that.
              The vast majority of your posts are so confused and so objectively incorrect that the only reasonable conclusion is that they are intentionally and deliberately wrong in order to drive people away from your philosophies.

              You seriously fantasize that you're grabbing some saintly moderates when no one ever agrees with you? Baffling delusions.

  57. 12 months ago

    Yeah that's what I thought.

    >VER3-03 - Glory Dimmed (APL 4-12)

    So that dumb lumberjack, Fenton, is getting his head kicked by bullies. He's as big as all of them put together and they don't really do any damage but the party needs to run them off. Fenton is out to find some help, maybe from the PCs who maybe made friends with him before when they were the ones getting their asses kicked by wererats. He needs help back at the logging camp. A big stack of logs collapsed through the ground and opened up a spooooooky catacomb. The camp master, Henk and some of Fenton's friends went down in it and haven't came back.

    On the way to Glory, the party finds some dead dudes wearing ragged clothes and some chunks of evil lookin ooze. It might be put together that these are were-creatures who have turned back into people because they're dead and the ooze, well... it might be chunks of demons. This will be a lot easier to figure out if the players have already done the other Glory adventure. If and ONLY if any players have specifically earned the Trust of Henk they can get a spot check to meet a Lantern Archon who's friends with Henk and who can give some insight into what's going on in the Iron Wood - he's friends with the were creatures who it's pretty unlikely the players are on good terms with unless they were just wandering around outside Glory's walls at night and met that scary ass Wereboar the Gouger.

    When they make it to the logging camp, sure enough there's a big ass hole down into some catacombs and right about then Shannus Half-Dragonicus shows up and pretty much takes the lead. Which is cool and all for about two minutes before they come to a fork in the path where he decides they should split up because he's too big to fit down the rubble strewn passage that he wants the players to go down. It's possible to convince him otherwise or contrive a different approach but we'll assume they just do what Shannus says.

  58. 12 months ago

    Past the rubble, after maybe getting hit with some poison traps the players encounter the zombified zombies of Henk the Logging Foreman and some lumberjacks who they probably chop up real good and don't raise from the dead. Apparently you can't do that once somebody's undead.

    Then they find a door with a junior jumble on it: BASKS ON SUDDEN RUIN. You guys are so fricking smart why don't you solve it?

    Anyway, the PCs must have because they open the door and FWIP a Web goes off! It's like combat! Only it's really not, it's Shannus on the other side of the door - he's Webbed a grig and not just any grig, that fun grig from before! But somebody's pulled his wings off. Apparently there's a torture chamber up ahead with all them Fey that Vrock, the Feyhunter hunted.

    But wait! Some loggers also show up! Some big ape is Mighty Joe Younging the hell out of the camp! Shannus takes off to defend Glory! What will the players do? They literally can't do both.

    If they decide to help the camp they've probably made a mistake since the yeti lookin motherfricker is gone. If they chase him, they can catch a Succubus Exhibitionist expositing quite explicitly like "If you turn on your master, the Moonlord then MY master The Great Dire Darkness will let you smash whatever you want!" oh and the entrance to the catacombs will have collapsed, sealing the fairies in fairyfrickland

    If they stay down and help the little fairies and brownies and sprites and leprechauns they find some much more gruesome weirdos - a slimy tusked critter systematically torturing them with iron implements, cables and almost sci-fi stuff. There's also some evil furry children learning the ropes and slicing up brownies. One important thing to learn here for later adventures is how iron effects fey creatures. They can also actively converse with these guys unlike King Dong.

  59. 12 months ago

    NOW the party can get back to Glory but it's all fricked up. Walls and gates breached, buildings knocked down, townspeople torn limb from limb. If players are paying close attention they'll notice a new head on a pike outside the gates, we're oar the gouger. Shannus is really stepping up the extermination campaign and right about then along comes his former tribe, the degenerate gray elves of the southern wood The Mist Children. They've been attacked be werecreatures and have had enough of tolerant cohabitation. The Wood us at the brink of war.

    But the players hear a voice in their head. It's The Moonlord! Leader of the lycanthropes! He says he has something super secret for them if they just meet him in the deep dark woods, alone.

    Of course they go and eventually are led to a hide tanning skinhouse with dead elves being processed. It's guarded by big wolves and rats! The players can immediately attack but if they wait they'll see The Great Dire Darkness himself - and probably suffer some handicaps in the ensuing fight against the quasits who were impersonating lycanthropes when they attacked The Mist Children. The Dire Darkness craves WAR!

    end of Faded Glory

  60. 12 months ago

    Thanks for the thread, OP. Ages back, my brother noticed an intriguing ad for the "Living Greyhawk" campaign included with our starter set but we were too young to grasp what it was for; weren't we already playing DnD? Plenty of excitement in the core tomes as it was, and so I grew up solely on our own silly homebrew.
    It's neat seeing the material we missed in such rare detail, not some dry footnote to a legendary setting. Would've been from Bissel, had we participated (and gained a few years).

  61. 12 months ago

    The only good thing about Greyhawk is the Gygax-era stuff including modules and Kuntz tie-ins.

    • 12 months ago

      It is certainly the greatest and defining work but supplementary materials can consciously be laid on top of and take the form of that foundation.

  62. 12 months ago

    Hey GreyhawRPG Anon, longtime Greyhawk fan here too. Have some RPGa adventures i adquiered while playing it, and later.

    Dont ask me how, but i got Tusmit, Splintered Suns meta region, Naeire and Lordship of the Isles stuff. Do you have a place to do a file dump?

    Also, Kelanen is best "almost god".

    • 12 months ago

      Okay I'm going through it and there's a LOT missing, from Tusmit anyway which is all I've gone through so far but I'm going to do the other two after this. I was going to suggest just starting another thread to dump any of this stuff you have into individual posts but it looks like there's enough lost material you might possibly have that you might want to just zip it and throw it up on some free file hosting site, I'll download it immediately and add it to my large archive.

      >Missing Kelanenon Material
      TUS1-00 <Gazeteer>
      TUS2-I01 Elimination
      TUS3-INTR03 Festival Games
      TUS4-I01 Ignorance is No Excuse
      TUS4-INTR01 All The Pasha's Horses And All The Pasha's Men
      TUS4-INTR02 Promenons-Nous Dans Le Bois TUS4-INTR03 In Love And War TUS4-INTR04 22 Short Mods About Tusmit TUS4-INTR05 Rebellion TUS4-INTR06 Stoned As A Rock
      TUS5-I05 ??????
      TUS5-I06 ??????
      TUS5-I07 Spy Games
      TUS5-INTR02 Trial Of The Dragon
      TUS5-INTR03 Run To The Hills
      TUS5-INTR04 Out Of The Frying Pan
      TUS5-INTR05 Last Stand In The Sehla
      TUS5-INTR06 Festival Of The Harvest
      TUS5-INTR07 Treasures Of Tusmit
      TUS5-INTR08 Revenge
      TUS5-INTR09 Udgru Challenge
      TUS6-I01 Spy Vs Spy
      TUS6-I02 Tales Of The Ashes
      TUS6-I03 Unravelling The Fabric Of Tusmit
      TUS6-I04 The Meeting
      TUS7-05 Rising Ire
      TUS7-INT01 Seeds Of Hate
      TUS7-INT02 Trials

      Again, if you have squirreled away any of this material you could be doing a great service. Going on now to check my Splintered Suns and Naerie sections (I had started doing Naerie in the last thread that ended up sliding off)

      • 12 months ago

        Shit these were messy

        TUS4-INTR02 Promenons-Nous Dans Le Bois
        TUS4-INTR03 In Love And War
        TUS4-INTR04 22 Short Mods About Tusmit
        TUS4-INTR05 Rebellion
        TUS4-INTR06 Stoned As A Rock

  63. 12 months ago

    >Missing Kelanenon Material
    >Splintered Suns
    ESA1? (All?)
    ESA2? (All?)
    ESA2-02 Legacy of Madness

    Why do the module prefixes switch back and forth between ESA and TSS? I could probably read through them and find out. Oddly, I also have a module in my archive called TSS9-01 The Luminous Cloud that is not on Canonfire's spreadsheet.

    • 12 months ago

      To further clarify, I have no Splintered Suns modules before 593 then what I have lines up correctly with what's on Canonfire for 593-598 then I have a 599 module in there that Canonfire doesn't list.

  64. 12 months ago

    >Missing Kelanenon Material
    NAE1-00 <Gazetteer>
    Wow, Naerie was almost fully complete

    >Lordship of the Isles
    Okay Canonfire and my archive both seem to agree that there was nothing much done with this region. We have exactly two modules ISLi4-01 Worse than a Theft and ISL6-01 The Luminous Cloud which I guess is where that (incorrectly tagged?) TSS9-01 module came from, I assume there's some kind of lore reason for that.

    So yeah Tusmit could really need your help as there is definitely considerable adventures lost out there that you might have. If you have any Splintered Suns modules for 591 or 592 those are also unknown and if there's basically anything at all for the Lordship of the Isles other than those two modules that would at least be something. Thanks a ton in advance, it would be a great addition to my collection - especially the Tusmit stuff.

    • 12 months ago

      I have the Naerie Gazetteer right here.

      • 12 months ago


        • 12 months ago

          Naerie is the easiest to find, since its website is still up. Note that this version is updated for 2021, its content is the exact way it was at the end of 2008. If you want an older version you should be able to find it with Wayback.

          • 12 months ago

            a lot of the links are dead. Its a real shame the adventures are as well, Even the new players guide is dead with no archive for it

  65. 12 months ago

    More people finding things is good, since that way there is less chance of things being lost to time

  66. 12 months ago

    Give me some hours and i will drop all what i have from Greyhawk RPGA into a file and post it in a filesharing site.

    Another option is to open a MEGA folder

  67. 12 months ago

    This has been a good series of threads, and I hope it continues. I have been collecting RPGA stuff, and this has filled up some holes in my collection. Here's my challenge to you, Smaug: What do you have that's related to Sea Barons and Lordship of the Isles?

    • 12 months ago

      I just checked Lordship of the Isles and my directories are practically empty. Sea Barons similarly so, I have one 592 adventure one 596 adventure and one 599 adventure that presumably caps it.

      • 12 months ago

        Post the 596 adventure for Sea Barons, it's the only one I am missing.

        • 12 months ago

          Shit now that I look at it, it's only the AR sheet for that year. I do have two 591 Sea Barons adventures in this other source though. Do you have them?

          • 12 months ago

            I don't have any 591 Sea Barons stuff, so post it.

            • 12 months ago
            • 12 months ago

              I see these are in Italian. I tried machine translating them but they haven't been OCR'd

  68. 12 months ago

    Greyhawk? more like Gay wiener, Amirite?

  69. 12 months ago

    Okay well I've allowed myself to be torn away from the 'bonc long enough. Time to pick up. It's 593cy and spring is in the air. It's...

    >VER3-04 - A Matter of Love

    First and foremost, apparently there have been Black Stone Hearts seeded in these treasure caches. I dunno if anybody looked at the certificates for 591 (I certainly didn't) but they might have been on there. Anyway they start exploding! I think this might have been some part of the overarching Greyhawk storyline so.. Yeah, that's happening! And all over the Flanaess! Ethereal creatures pop out - like maybe my beloved yoink monkeys, Ethereal Filchers.

    This adventure takes place in Fort Wilfrick. Wilfrick was the Viscount in The Classic Era, I talked about him earlier. The fort is having a funeral (a lot of these adventures sure involve memento mori) and a bunch of nobles are here for it. Trying to out-noble each other.

    The PCs might just easy think of that as background shit when the local baker's daughter - this is a fort, right? Well it has a bakery or maybe he makes hard tack a trail biscuits. He's got a daughter though and she's got a missing fiance. She drops a little nugget about him having usedta be a thief and if the players agree to help her immediately, off they go. If they hang out at the Inn where the funeral is going on a bit longer they get recruited to catch a thief who has stolen the neck-gem of Lady Avgustin (Not Augustin, and no I'm not "adapting" this one) so yeah, we have a likely suspect.

    At the bakery, surprisingly - all hell is breaking loose! The house detective from House Avgustus who asked us about the thief must have been here investigating because now his ripped open body is being hurled through the bakery front window, donuts everywhere! Inside the baker and his daughter with the missing fiance are similarly ripped up and, in my game, probably face down in sheet cakes like Chris Farley.


    • 12 months ago

      the culprit, apparently (it's not super clearly described in the module) is another goddamn monkey much-less-Mighty Joe Younging up the place! I dunno if this is meant to be parallel to that Possessed Gorillon in the last adventure but it's similar enough that I would make it seem connected. This one is weak enough the players can kill it. The girl has a map clenched in her bloody hand! How cliche.

      The map leads to the farm that her fiance bought, supposedly with money he stole from nobles in Dyvers. It's had the barn cleared out of all the horses and the stable hand has been backstabbed in the back. He's wearing the same crest as the people who're claiming the israeliteel was stolen from them. Weird, right? Or maybe not. Who cares?

      Searching the stable, the players find a long but damaged and incomplete journal. The journal belongs to some guy with the same name as the missing fiance but from this thing it seems like he's a son of house Avgustus and in the journal he's been researching his family's lineage to this guy named Kas who, if you made your DC12 knowledge history check you know is the guy who worked for and then killed Vecna. If they go inside the house they can find a bookcase that's been straight burned down.

      Whether they find any of that shit out or not, they're probably going to find the horse tracks leading away from the farm. It says they need to Track feat but I don't see any other way to proceed on the adventure so let's assume they do in fact Track.

      The tracks lead to a big creepy tree! The tree is growing over an old staircase leading down into a catacomb but there's space between the roots to step through. The players can find an inscription that tells them this is where The Sword of Kas was forged. Yes the same sword that dumbass Goliath Barbarian on Critical Role has.

      The place is just full of the souls of heroes or at least the smoke that remains after the souls of heroes are consumed. It'll do some Ravenloft lite shit to you.

      • 12 months ago

        After somebody almost definitely gets cursed up real good and loses 6 con they probably move on through the mist and get to be given the creeps by some wretched souls chained to statues. SIXTEEN statues with sixteen wretched souls forced to sit there chained for eternity staring at statues of themselves before they decided to try and frick with Vecna. Heavy. Also feels like the author shouting out character descriptions of his homies. There's a whole handout about it.

        In the next room there's some statue that tries to kill them. Probably a welcome break from the doom and gloom then they get to actually check out the forge itself. Neat. Nothing happens there so they get a chance to absorb the historical gravitas of the location.

        Then, from the next room - "No! Muh BIRFRIGHT!" "Somebody please kill this idiot" twang-thunk "AUGH". Something is definitely happening in there.

        So here's where the players can make a pivotal choice. Ideally, they can rush in there in time to see Justin shot in the back and collapse dead just shy of pressing the stone into a recess in the wall. There's some cultists here! Pretty nasty ones, a whole adventuring part of 'em. They got names and everything for some reason even though they explicitly will not talk, negotiate or surrender. Better kill 'em and take that dead dude and the stone back to the Avgustuses. Maybe keep the whole "descended from Kas the Bloody-Handed" thing hush hush, probably don't even bring it up to them.

        Thing is, it's super easy for that stone to touch the wall and if it does CR-RACK the thing busts open and a whole bunch of evil energy that blasts them and gives them a negative level as well as probably some other bad shit that might happen later.

        This module has a whole shitload of appendixes. It has a pretty thorough decription of Fort Wilfrick (now Renamed to Fort Swan) and like four different strength versions of every character in that clutch of The Hand that presumably got murdered.

  70. 12 months ago

    Tusmit stuff

  71. 12 months ago

    • 12 months ago

      Thanks for these, more that shall be saved. And more i can steal for my games

      • 12 months ago

        Thanks for bumping it. We'll get through 593 sooner or later I guess

  72. 12 months ago

    Newb question

    Why did WOTC move away from Greyhawk and make Forgotten Realms the default setting for later D&D editions? What did FR have over Greyhawk?

    • 12 months ago

      No association with Gygax. It wasn't a quality thing.

    • 12 months ago

      (cot'd) So this is pretty crazy about there being an entire supplementary module tacked on here that players have to do a specific combination of searching and role playing to even have the opportunity to play.

      This Extended Play Option has Lord Nasal (Vaswell) look at the note and express his doubts about its authenticity. Conveniently, Lord Nasal's cousin Sir Barney is Duke Dickhole's scribe and can check out the note if you take it to him.

      So off the party heads to Chateau Dickhole. On the way they have a couple combat encounters, first with more kobolds who are this time wearing ill-fitting tunics with the Dickhole Crest on them. After that it's bandits and when the bandits are sufficiently stomped, who sidles up but Duke Dickhole himself with his personal bodyguards and Sir Barney as well. He accuses the party of banditry!

      As you can imagine this encounter can just go a whole huge number of different ways but the BEST way is for them to prove they're not bandits without bringing up the document or accusing Duke Dickhole (he'll deny it and the PCs will get Infamy) and then role playing into some situation where they can speak to Sir Barney personally. He's pretty friendly when he finds out his cousin sent them and less of a snob, being just a scribe. He tells the players that the document is a forgery... but do they believe him? END

      What Anon said but it wasn't WoTC it was T$R (under the Blumes, not Gary's TSR) that tried to bury Greyhawk and other greedy shit that ultimately sent the company into decline. When WoTC stepped in the snap up that bargain, they were still nerds and nerds with money from Magic's massive success. They actually moved back TOWARD Greyhawk with not just the general background of the core 3e materials but with this whole Living Greyhawk thing in association with the RPGA. Now Mattel is doing something parallel to what T$R did in the 90s. Predictable. 6e will follow the trend "even numbered editions are not successful"

  73. 12 months ago

    Okay let's get back to it!

    >VER3-05 - Something's Rotten in Eglath

    This is a weird adventure - you can see how the structure of the campaign is taking shape. Superficially it's an adventure where we meet another fairly unpleasant Local Lord Nasal.

    There's an intro where the players are (weirdly specifically) eating on a tavern balcony overlooking the main markey in the city and one of them Border Patrol guys comes up, gives them a little shit for being so hard to find and throws the balled up Handout with the location onto their table and just HAW HAW HAW stomps off. The note says "We're poor as shit but please help us anyway"

    So the players head to this little dirt farming community Elgath. The dirt peasants throw them a dirt feast and it's pretty pathetic but their leader Dilbert seems Lawful and Good. Then they direct us up to the Lord's mansion. It's pretty mansiony. Not REGAL but much better than the trailer park that the peasants live in. Lord Nasal is playing a board game and ignores them for a long ass time then is generally snotty. He's been getting burglarized every night, random stuff stolen but now his wax seal which is actually an inconvenience. His solution as always is simply to tax the peasants even harder, until they turn in the thief. What a b***h.

    Except it's not a peasant. It's a kobold, as the party discovers when they presumably stake out the same window the thief always comes in through. He leads them into a decent little dungeon that made me double take its name dropping the Cuyahoga River, reminding me how geographically near me this module was written. These kobolds are obeying the instructions of somebody they call Greenfather. It's like the ghost of a dragon or some shit, might come into play later? The crazy thing about THIS module is that there's like a whole ADDITIONAL module tacked onto it that can only be bridged into if players find a note in the dungeon signed by DUKE DICKHOLE (Lord Milinous) and bring it to Lord Nasal.

  74. 12 months ago

    Instead of a lot of people autisticly screaming at eachother perhaps sone of those could actualy post higher quality posts. Be the chsnge you want to see and all that.

    • 12 months ago

      Maybe you should post modules instead of responding to bait.

  75. 12 months ago

    How do you follow Queen of the Spiders?

    • 12 months ago

      Either the annoying high level WG modules, planetravelling with the Manual of the Planes or you kick off the Greyhawk Wars and have the playrs shape history.

  76. 12 months ago

    Alright you bumped it for 24 hours and I literally have nothing better to do other than play a video game so...

    Up next VER3-06 - Never Read Somebody's Diary

    • 12 months ago

      Oh, please, yes!
      Gib us moar of your pearls from heaven!
      Now that your butthurt has cooled off some, we get moar goodies - yay you!
      Thank you for deigning to grace us with more of your autistic shit!
      Don't get mad and sulk for 24 hours, again - that'd be sad!

  77. 12 months ago

    So I ended up getting a text like seconds later but now I'm reading through this adventure pretty intently, for me anyway, and before I even get started let me talk about Lareth.

    Motherfricking Lareth The Beautiful, Chosen of Lolth and first miniboss of the Temple of Elemental Evil. Characters are fairly low level, still idealistic. Lareth is described as charismatic - Gary specifically says Lolth will be particularly displeased if any harm were to befall him and additionally that a cult assassin will be dispatched after anyone who kills him. I've always played this as him being willing to surrender after his troops are killed and I always play him as charismatic in addition to being explicitly handsome - and PLAYERS NEVER KILL THE FRICKER. Four times I've ran a party through the moathouse and every single time they've taken him into custody and he's escaped. Apparently in the canonical version of events, he's killed and resurrected ugly. Frick that. People do not get John Keats I swear to fricking god.

  78. 12 months ago

    Okay let's get started going through

    >VER3-06 - Never Read Somebody's Diary

    The PCs are traveling along the edge or through the Gnarley. It says they're returning from Sheerknob but that doesn't seem like it makes any sense to me since this year that area is supposedly pretty crawling with giants but whatever. They have a fun little encounter with a pixie who fricks with them a little. She says they need to do a mission for Her Lady who it turns out is a Swanmay, a swan who can take the form of a human maiden although the PCs probably don't find that out just yet. Mystery fairy forest lady.

    Whatever, we get it it's magical. The issue is that there's a lost patrol of Gnarley (Wood) Elf Rangers gone missing. Apparently Swanmays are, like, lieutenants or something I guess. So they go looking for this lost elf squad and find one fighting some orcs. Assuming they don't just let the orc kill him, they find that he's a mess. All fricked up, using orc equipment, about half dead. He says he and his party got attacked by spiders and spidermen who bit 'em and knocked 'em out then he woke up in a cave, tied up with his friends and saw a fricking DROW PRIESTESS. He ran, had a hell of a time but now the players have saved him.

    They track down his campsite, they can see where they all were attacked by clawed monsters or more specific if someone has a much better Survival ability than a "save and talk to the elf" ability. They can go on to find a bunch of corpses, a merchant caravan slaughtered and the horses eaten from the inside out. Gruesome!

    A tracking challenge where the easy trail to follow gets ambushed but the less obvious trail allows a sneak-past, then The Cave to theoretically sneak up on some drow guards and into a "dungeon" that's two dead ends and one immediate final encounter. It's DROW! and maybe a Drider! Presumably they get defeated and MAYBE the players find the Diary of Lareth the Beautiful which provides the location of a Drow outpost in the Lortmils. END

  79. 12 months ago

    This one is a 4th part of the gnome/giant series. I think that might be the first Part 4 we've come to.

    >VER3-07 - Decision at Sheernobb

    I guess that last one was set on the road North of Sheerknob because when the players destroyed or seriously damaged that giant camp, the giant presence in the area diminished somewhat but not stopped. The characters are dropping in to find that it's much more of a fort now than a village. Confidence in Our Heroes has inspired them to try to hold here against the enemy forces. These are gnomes at their most serious but Mayor Glen Dork still want to drink and joke and merry-make for the players. Killmongler Keenbolt comes in and somewhat seriously leads the players through the hall with lots of gnome pats on the backs and butts. Into a side room where there are three gnomish scouts.

    Oh shit. One of these gnomish scouts is dead and another is practically dead. The least dead one reports that the fricking giants are coming. In force. Yeah. It's War.

    It's like a war movie. Keenbolt assigns the party to hold this room to protect Glenndarc and whoever, and to serve as a reserve force. They can barricade the hall as they chose then a strike force of fricking Ogre Magi (Full on Oni) attack! It's a strategic decapitation attempt! Presumably we win (Glen is low key a level 7 wizard)

    Just then, gnome messengers appear. No one has seen Keenbolt and the walls are being fully assaulted. The players have to decide between two options to re-enforce and afterward in addition to magic giant loot it will prove that Keenbolt did the other. After successfully turning back the other prong of the assault he and his squad were also hit by an Oni Strike Force and wiped out. The players find the bits of his body completely torn to pieces!

    More intense fighting all through the night - these little squeeky heroes taking on huge ass giants. The decision is made, Sheerknob is doomed and will be evacuated to Greenway Valley. (cot'd)

  80. 12 months ago

    Actually I guess what happened to Keenbolt isn't discovered until after the whole night of fighting. That would have more gravitas, in the dawn light and the decision to abandon the fort would be heavier.

  81. 12 months ago


    This is the point where the module takes a pleasant four way fork in the railroad. Players can do one and only one option.

    >The craziest option: Stay behind with Keenbolt's successor Swiftoe on a suicide mission to delay the giants and distract from the evacuation
    This literally is only for the bravest or most foolhardy adventurers but the gnomes have a few gnome tricks up their sleeves, they have some kind of a Caligari Cabinet with murder holes and escape hatches that if the group follows Swiftoe's orders they're able to kill quite a few giants from before having to zerp and flerp out the back way safely.

    >The vengeful option: Accompany Keenbolt's cousin Meldreeb to find and murder those murderous Oni
    This could be some borderline Apocalypse Now shit. The party with this Meldreeb guy really stalks these Ogre Magi, encountering and neutralizing some regular ogre camps along the way then discovering one way or another that the Oni Assassins have realized they're being tracked and doubled back, beginning a cat and mouse kind of encounter where surprise can be a disaster.

    >The altruistic option: Accompany the refugees to Greenway Valley
    This operation is commanded by Brimblesock, cautious for a gnome. Of course the refugees are attacked by ogres which they repel but the party has to fight a group of trolls, which they haven't seen before this point. The refugees suffer loses and must find a water source to set up camp near. The gnomes and players watch the glowing horizon as Sheerknob burns through the night. The water source turns out to feed a stream that leads straight to Greenway

    >The coward option: The party makes their own way back North to Verbobonc. Glen Dork (or his successor Mumbleflash) advises a path and they have no combats but still observe the glow from the burning of Sheerknob


  82. 12 months ago

    My earliest D&D experience was with Year 1 Core/Adaptable/Keoland Living Greyhawk modules...over 20 years ago now, I guess. I played weekly with randoms in a FLGS now long gone. A friend and I always said LG would be a lot better with a home group. When LG ended, I grabbed everything I could find for our homebrew "Undead Greyhawk" use. The campaign didn't last, but I still have 2k+ modules on an old HDD. Wish I weren't out of town this weekend. If the thread doesn't die, I'll be back with what I have.

    • 12 months ago

      I agree. At the time, I didn't want to be saddled into the geographic region I was assigned and now in reviewing the material I can see how it's getting in its own way a little bit. It could have been cool to be "THE Group" in a region who was actually influencing the campaign but of course the majority of players are just swept along on someone else's adventure. Playing it at home, you can adapt it and take it in whatever different directions you might see fit.

      • 12 months ago

        Thing is, you did actually have a way to impact your region's story...if you could travel to cons where modules premiered. The results of those tables were used to write sequels, so you could see the impact year to year. Most players never did, though.

        Another aspect of "curated" LG was the ability to weed out trash modules and only play good ones. But when I ran Undead Greyhawk for people who never played Living, they seemed to appreciate good stuff less because they weren't exposed to the trash first. Though, to be fair, the campaign had other issues.

  83. 12 months ago

    Coming soon, the final adventure for year 3, VER3-08 - Mirror in a Quagmire. Some creepy Krony lady needs the players to dig something up for her. A Dickhole/Assberry adjacent adventure where the players can get their armor enchanted +2 if they play their cards right.

    • 12 months ago

      So do you have a place where we could just download all of these or are you just gonna hold us hostage drip feeding it in this thread?

      • 12 months ago

        Sure thing just go ahead and read through all the modules I've posted so far to check if there's any supplemental material like maps or illustrations that any of them are missing and I'll look up the hashes on the specific two torrents that I believe everything in this thread is available in - although they should be pretty easy to locate yourself with all these filenames. I have a foggy recollection of digging up a map, possibly that cave that the Boring Dwarf got rescued from. Pretty sure I did post that supplementary image already though. That's what I'm looking for from Anon here, to help me check over these one at a time for any missing supplemental material. It's the most time consuming part of working to complete the archive although if other regions are as incomplete as Tusmit I'll have it cut out for me trying to get a truly complete set to put on

        • 12 months ago

          This is a very worthwhile project that I wish I could help with. I encourage otheranons to help out. This is alot of valuable content being offered that just needs a little attention and organization as I see it.

  84. 12 months ago

    >VER3-08 - Mirror in a Quagmire

    This adventure starts out with the characters in an inn at the edge of the Kron Hills. There are two bad options of drinks and an elderly hippie asks them to help her with a quest. If they agree the room goes all fuzzy and they wake up laying in a forest clearing. This will happen to them a lot dealing with this b***h.

    They pick themselves up and find their way to a little cottage in the woods with a symbol of Beory. The crone subjects them to a combination of light housework and sexual harassment for a while to test if they're sufficiently obedient and will quite easily mog them if they aren't (She's an 18th! level cleric). Once they've swept the cobwebs out of her chimney for her she calls them children and tells them she needs them to go on a quest for her. She doesn't really offer any more info and goes back to her weird grandma cougar shit but the players can get her to tell them, among a bunch of other things, that she wants the root under an assassin vine - or "a vine that kills men" if there's no nature types to discern her bullshit. Then she roofies everybody again and tucks them into, I dunno, bunk beds or something.

    They wake up dumped by the side of some road with goblins going through their gear. Once they kill the goblins they find a twig and a note pinned to the back of the most handsome character. The note is a recipe for cookies that also has a shopping list - a flask of swamp water, a tailfeather of a morning dove, 2cp from a dead man and the roots of a vine that kills men. The Ipp Switch divining rod will supposedly direct them to the last one, once they're in the swamp. Then they're supposed to go back to the original inn, break the stick and she'll come.

    The characters wander around for a little bit along the road and come to a sign there there's a rest stop or convenience store or whatever ahead. When they get there it's burned down and Duke Dickhole's men are poking around through the wreckage. (cot'd)

  85. 12 months ago

    Duke Dickhole's men tell the party to frick off but if a character reports the goblins they'll make a record of it and converse a little bit, they'll allow them to look through the burnt wreckage or the party can also do it after they leave. It's real easy to find two copper pieces clutched in the innkeeper's corpse's burned up hand but the dickhole cops might not appreciate the party taking them. On the other hand it's medium hard to find the trapdoor that the inkeeper's family is still sheltering in (trapped under fallen timber) and extra hard to get them handed over to the authorities but it's a rare chance to earn Dickhole Milinous Favor points. Also easy to just leave 'em down there and never know they existed in the first place.

    From here it's right on to the Fens of Tor swamp. They fight a pig on the way then camp, presumably pretty close to the swamp where they're attacked by skeletons in the night and then gently coaxed in by the aforementioned morning dove's cooing.

    The Ipp Switch is... kind of phallic. Usually all flexible, it gets stiff once the characters are in the swamp and pulls in the direction of... quicksand-like mud! It doesn't know to go around. Once the players avoid or save themselves from that...

    There's a glow up ahead, the sound of breaking glass and a magical inhuman scream! The Ipp Switch goes flacid! The characters approach and find a stone full length mirror frame propped up facing a human shaped tree with mirror shards on the ground. If anyone is brave enough to run right up there they can catch a glimpse of a big dark pissed off dude in the mirror shards before the magic fades away. The assassin vine attacks!

    After the combat (I do love 3e assassin vines) the characters can easily dig loose soil around the roots and find buried among them a wooden box with a dude inside. The roots are all growing inside his body which is also additionally messed up over time, broken badly healed bones... (cot'd)

    • 12 months ago

      But the dude in the box is alive! Thanks to the Ring of Sustenance on his finger and he also has his head resting on a +2 Darkwood Buckler. Some parties might just loot this here and now and split. Some might be curious where this is all going but most probably just follow the railroad. Three consecutive DC20 heal checks can remove all the vines from his body without damaging it, there's a little minigame about how much damage is done to his current HPs based on how much the heal checks are failed by so this would be a good time to remember to Take 20.

      Assuming they completely clean this dude up he's about six feet all with very long hair and eyes although he remains comatose. He can't tolerate exposure to sunlight or being fed any meat but if he's nursed with juices he'll start to physically recover.

      The correct thing to do is bring him to the inn and turn him over to Athelia. She says his name is Sigh (she namedropped a former lover Sojorn when she was at her most "relaxed" in her cottage with her capti- uh guests) and she takes him back to her garden. If the players demand to be paid she pays them but if they're cool about it she pays them even more, they get a an Influence point with her AND earn a Favor which consists of that +2 armor enchantment OR a choice of other enhancements to already + armor. Shit!

      This is a very worthwhile project that I wish I could help with. I encourage otheranons to help out. This is alot of valuable content being offered that just needs a little attention and organization as I see it.

      Really any anon can go through any module thoroughly and check for any overlooked but necessary supplemental files that are not in the thread. In this one case, for Verbobonc, I have already skimmed them once for that and I have more personal interest in the material for actual use in my game. I figured that would carry me through a trial run of a thread like this. Future ones will have far less effort on my part, basically paraphrasing of Adventure Summaries and pointing out obvious missing modules that Anon might attempt to track down "while we're there". This thread has been way more work than I want to volunteer for.

  86. 12 months ago

    Anyone familiar with Age of Worms? I wanna run it someday

    • 12 months ago

      I also am itching to run it. In addition to my players having interacted with Bucknard on his way to Wormcrawl Fissure their current characters agreed to allow some orcs they met exploring Gary's final module CZ2 Upper Works to continue working a silver mine that's running out. When they return the orcs are going to refuse to pay out the final lode unless they agree to escorts them to Diamond Lake to try to open a new mine there.

      Thing is, you did actually have a way to impact your region's story...if you could travel to cons where modules premiered. The results of those tables were used to write sequels, so you could see the impact year to year. Most players never did, though.

      Another aspect of "curated" LG was the ability to weed out trash modules and only play good ones. But when I ran Undead Greyhawk for people who never played Living, they seemed to appreciate good stuff less because they weren't exposed to the trash first. Though, to be fair, the campaign had other issues.

      Fair enough, that was at a time when my convention group of four couples were all broken up, my sausage fest players ghosted me for trying to create a new multi-couple dynamic, the local shop had closed and I just didn't have the heart to go it alone.

      • 12 months ago

        You might like this handbook on AOW:!-PEACH!

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