>grid-based combat against large enemies

>grid-based combat against large enemies
Am I alone in suffering the crashing break from immersion this causes? Enemies are whopping big cylinders. Wargamers don’t have to deal with trying to justify why a dragon’s claw can reach fifteen feet away from its bloated spherical body, but you can’t interact with it unless you cuddle up to its bulk.

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  1. 8 months ago

    have a nice day sloppergay

    • 8 months ago

      “Spherical dragon on a battlemap” didn’t turn up anything on google. So, eat cum?

      • 8 months ago

        >“Spherical dragon on a battlemap” didn’t turn up anything on google
        Don't care, get back to your containment thread, slopscum.

      • 8 months ago

        It's clearly AI generated gramps

        • 8 months ago

          Nobody cares.

          • 8 months ago

            A lot of people care, you're being disingenuous. Slop goes in its thread. NTA by the way.

            • 8 months ago

              No. Nobody actually scares. One or two screaming schizos is pretty much a statisctical error at this point.

              • 8 months ago

                >source: my ass

              • 8 months ago

                If people didn't care it wouldn't be weeks of arguing. Find a new line, loser. Try "I don't care," for a start.

          • 8 months ago

            I wouldn't care if you slopgays didn't have a permanent slopspam general. But you do so have a nice day slopscum.

            • 8 months ago

              This is not a slop thread. This is inane timewasting question thread. Learn the difference.

            • 8 months ago

              Does it really make a difference how the OP image is generated? Like if OP had started the exact same thread but drawn the OP image in MSPaint, would the thread be better?
              I don't like people cluttering the catalog with AI image generation threads, but the source of the OP image has no inherent bearing on the thread itself.

              • 8 months ago

                It doesn't, but why let a good seethe go to waste?

              • 8 months ago

                Seeing as we don't have "MSpaint shitscribble general" that has 7+ active threads at any given moment, yes

      • 8 months ago

        >the thing I was complaining about isn't real so I had to generate an image of it to complain about

      • 8 months ago

        I think it's a cute image.

      • 8 months ago

        >he didn't ask jeeves
        oh no no no

  2. 8 months ago

    >T-Rex tries to bit you
    >Ok, I hit it, it's head is as big as a small car, it should be eas...
    >No, it has 20ft reach so you can't hit it
    >But the head is bigger than 5 me's
    >Doesn't matter
    >I even have karmic strike...
    >Doesn't matter
    I know that feel

    • 8 months ago

      In theory wouldn't a ready action (assuming the game in question allows such action) work in said situation?

      • 8 months ago

        You don't have the reach, despite mosnter attacking you with half its body

        • 8 months ago

          it can reach you but you can't reach it. what's not to get?
          >but it's not fair!

          • 8 months ago

            >You can't reach the small sized car that is literally hitting you
            Guess I don't take damage either. Thanks, GM

      • 8 months ago

        Ready/Conditional actions just create a new arms race of reactions. "I ready an action to attack if he attacks me." Then everyone readies reaction attacks, and nobody actually attacks, until someone says "I ready an action to attack if he breathes", then all attacks go off simultaneously, defeating the point of initiative.

        • 8 months ago

          That's why limitations have to be codified, rather than being on a freeform basis.
          But codifying is video games, so never mind.

        • 8 months ago

          My DM finally canceled our dungeons & dragons game after I started the trend of our group holding actions whenever they walk in to a room in response to him having every enemy hold an action to get free attacks outside of initiative.

          • 8 months ago

            Your table sounds horrible. What led up to that? Even with my overuse of traps and mimics my players gleefully skip in instead of traipse.

    • 8 months ago

      I understand where you're coming from, but what would be the point in having reach if someone could attack you because you had it?

      • 8 months ago

        if initiative is equal and the monster attacks with its body i can see a retaliation from a reach attack. Like Dahlism in Street Fighter
        if it's using a spear/reach weapon or if init is faster than you cant retaliate

      • 8 months ago

        Reach is ok for weapons that aren't your bodyparts, like a spear, it's a very narrow and moderately durable object. You shouldn't have reach immunity when literally your object of attack is your face with your big eyes which is a vulnerable point

        • 8 months ago

          ? When the dragon is on the attack, your character should be more concerned with not getting gutted. That's why it doesn't trigger an opportunity attack. It's also why

          >GM: This is a sphere of annihilation
          >Player: Cool, I drink potion of enlargement and punch it
          >GM: You lose your arm
          >Player: Lol no, I have reach
          I assume you agree with the player in this situation?

          >say goodbye to your arm, filthy creature!
          >sorry, bro I have reach

          Are nonsensical as the context is different. Tricking a monster into self destruction or getting it stuck in the door become a whole other thing.

          • 8 months ago

            >with not getting gutted
            >"You have learned to strike when your opponent is most vulnerable: at the same instant your opponent strikes you"
            Karmic strike/Robillar's game is literally "I allow myself to be hit just so I can hit you back". There's no "concern about not getting gutted" when you're literally allowing the hit to strike back.

            • 8 months ago

              ? When the dragon is on the attack, your character should be more concerned with not getting gutted. That's why it doesn't trigger an opportunity attack. It's also why
              Are nonsensical as the context is different. Tricking a monster into self destruction or getting it stuck in the door become a whole other thing.

              Also forgot to say, it does trigger the AoO, 100% does, but due the reach rules you aren't allowed to complete your attack if you don't have comparable reach yourself.

              So again, a titan centipede decides to headbutt you, but you aren't allowed to hit its massive head because you don't have reach.

              • 8 months ago

                >It does trigger the AoO, 100% does,
                >Feat says otherwise
                Lol, lmao.

              • 8 months ago

                It does.
                There's a feat that grants you reach but only for AoOs. Meaning that if something triggers an AoO you now have an extra 5ft reach.

                Said feat works with Karmic and Robillar's despite not having reach before the monster attacks, if you were right that would mean that even with that feat you wouldn't be able to retaliate because you only gain reach when they provoke, if you say they don't provoke you don't get reach. Meaning that normally (without the reach for AoOs feat) they provoke, you simply can't make make the attack. Similar situation as if you had used all your AoO for that turn, monsters stills trigger the AoO, but you just can make an AoO.

              • 8 months ago

                I wouldn't allow that feat to work with the others, simple as. Don't care about FAQs either. Your thread is shit. Don't quote or reply to me

            • 8 months ago

              >Karmic Strike
              >You can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent that hits you in melee. On you action you choose to take a -4 penalty to your Armor Class in exchange for the ability to make an attack of opportunity against any creature that makes a successful melee attack, or melee touch attack against you. The opponent that hits you must be in your threatened area, and this feat does not grant you more attacks of opportunity than you are normally allowed in a round. You specify that you are activating this feat, and the change to Armor Class and your ability to make these special attacks of opportunity last until your next turn.

              So you're gonna lower your AC when the monster is outside your threat-zone? Sounds like bad planning and not understanding your build and what's conceptually going on.

              >Robilar's Gambit
              >At the start of your action, you can adopt a fighting stance that exposes you to harm but allows you to take advantage of your opponents' exposed defenses as they reach in to attack you. Anyone who strikes at you gains a +4 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against you. In return, they provoke attacks of opportunity from you each time they swing. Resolve your attack of opportunity after your foe's attack.

              This one at least doesn't have the threat range, play ball.

              • 8 months ago

                Well at least you're somewhat near the conversation now.

                Yes, that's how the rules work but OP's and my point is that "threat range" is weird when a creature attacks you with a massive body part. If I punch a cobra you wouldn't say "bro that's smart, the cobra has less range than you therefore you're 100% immune to any retaliation when you punch". It's absurd, at any point the cobra can bite your hand, but in game that works because reasons. I have way less problems if it's a pike, a fauchard, a glaive, a chain, etc (though one could argue you can still strike the weapon and destroy it if you have enough str/adamantine equipment/etc).

                >This one at least doesn't have the threat range, play ball.
                Robillar's doesn't work either if you lack the reach needed. Is not explicitly said but if the creature isn't in your range you can't strike it back (despite provoking AoO). Robilar's works lititerally the same as Karmic except in the bonuses you give to your opponent and where does your attack go in the stack (robillar's goes before your opponent's attack, Kamic goes after) but in both cases you can only retaliate against an enemy in your range even if the enemy literally moves its head towards you, coils its neck around your sword and then bites you.

                You can only hit the monster's base, but not its body, might as well have lasers and other intangible projectiles.

              • 8 months ago

                You were already outside of the conversation with not understanding that a round is just a handful of seconds with everyone's turn happening near simultaneously.

                It does.
                There's a feat that grants you reach but only for AoOs. Meaning that if something triggers an AoO you now have an extra 5ft reach.

                Said feat works with Karmic and Robillar's despite not having reach before the monster attacks, if you were right that would mean that even with that feat you wouldn't be able to retaliate because you only gain reach when they provoke, if you say they don't provoke you don't get reach. Meaning that normally (without the reach for AoOs feat) they provoke, you simply can't make make the attack. Similar situation as if you had used all your AoO for that turn, monsters stills trigger the AoO, but you just can make an AoO.

                So your real complaint is apparently feat tax. Really roundabout way to get there.

      • 8 months ago

        >GM: This is a sphere of annihilation
        >Player: Cool, I drink potion of enlargement and punch it
        >GM: You lose your arm
        >Player: Lol no, I have reach
        I assume you agree with the player in this situation?

    • 8 months ago

      This has nothing to do with "grid-based combat" and has everything to do with your shitty strawman.

      • 8 months ago

        >Wargamers don’t have to deal with trying to justify why a dragon’s claw can REACH fifteen feet AWAY from its bloated spherical body, but you CAN´T INTERACT with it unless you cuddle up to its bulk.
        Did you even read the entire OP's post? One of his points is literally that

        • 8 months ago

          That has nothing to do with what OP is talking about, moron

  3. 8 months ago

    git gud

  4. 8 months ago

    You just wanted to spam AI shit, didn't you?

  5. 8 months ago

    >say goodbye to your arm, filthy creature!
    >sorry, bro I have reach

  6. 8 months ago

    Systematic combat is always going to have flaws. If you don't like that don't use systematic combat (I don't.)

  7. 8 months ago

    D&D didn't have to bother justify it either. I'm sure if wargaming got to the same level of popularity as D&D or MtG in America I'm sure it'd also have a huge influx of newbies trying to change the system too.

    >Baaah!? Wargaming is popular you idiot!
    Yes it is, you and I both know it is. but it's not critical roll popular. Not even close.

  8. 8 months ago

    Why is your dragon fat? Dragons on grids are still serpentine cats with large whipping tails, flapping wings, and snaking necks. They coil, pounce, swipe, strike. With the grid, if you're using one, representing where their bulk is passively and their reach by wings tail, claw, and jaws extending 10-15-20 feet beyond that.

  9. 8 months ago

    >expecting any combat ruleset to be perfect and requiring zero homebrew
    >insisting on running scenarios that you know don't work well with the combat ruleset you're using
    >expecting a farily even odds fight with a creature 10x your size to not be immersion breaking in the first place
    That said, just houserule something like allowing retaliation regardless of range for attacks made using your own body.
    Or use a snake-like shape instead of a single circle to represent the dragon on the grid, but that comes with its own issues.

  10. 8 months ago

    So play on a mat without a grid and use rulers.

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