
I no longer understand the concept of love.

This is a real screenshot from a real trailer that Sega released from the new Jet Set Radio.

For frame of reference, here's a pitched JSR project from 2016 that SEGA rejected.

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    Bro shut up, we all have to be positive about it and say it looks great because it's a new game from that old franchise you liked. You can't talk about how the art direction looks like fricking shit now because that isn't positive enough, everyone has to be positive about new product.

    • 6 months ago

      You say that, but that's genuinely how JSR fans are going to react.
      >Just be glad we're getting anything at all!
      >We have to support it because maybe they'll make more Jet Set Radio in the future!

      It's maddening.

      • 6 months ago

        I hadn't seen that Evolution demo before, the environment tones are a little dark but in terms of designs that looks great, it's a solid adaptation of the original aesthetics to a new more detailed style with suitable shading and texture work supporting it. That just makes this new Sega project look even worse by comparison with its ugly designs and shit lighting.

        It's how they're already reacting. I'm sick of mindless consumers acting like you're a bad guy for having quality standards for a series you love.

        • 6 months ago

          >If you are excited for any videogame in any series at any point no matter what you are a mindless consumer
          This is the kind of rhetoric now normalized on a board about discussing videogames. Damn, those bunkertroons did you guys dirty.

          • 6 months ago

            it's normalized because video games are dogshit after 2006
            halo and gta and wow ruined video games

            • 6 months ago

              Then go back to /vr/ you dumb motherfricker.

          • 6 months ago

            Disingenuous homosexual.
            Anyone who has played JSR/JSRF can tell you that whatever shit this is, is being made to make a quick buck from mindless consumers that just buy things because they're nostalgic for something from their childhood that shared the name.

            But of course, you knew that, you're just trying to start shit, and falseflagging by pretending that you're not deliberately contributing to declining board quality.

            • 6 months ago

              JSR was just a cel shaded Tony Hawk ripoff with a cool soundtrack. JSRF was just the same exact game with slightly better performance and a different soundtrack. They were never more than solid 7/10 experiences, and it's ironic that a thread predicated upon inspiring FUD in fricking Sega fans of all things is telling me that I'm the falseflagger. Even BRC was fairly mediocre given how discussion about it dried up in roughly three days. None of this is controversial to say, and if you pretend otherwise I can only assume you're baiting specifically to keep whining about how much you hate modern gaming.

              As someone who grew up with a Genesis and is just happy to see Golden Axe return it's kind of moronic and gay that you let 5 seconds of pre-alpha gameplay dictate how you feel about games you probably had no real attachment to in the first place.

              When was the last time you even played JSR? When was the last time you really sat down and looked at Sega's back catalog? Probably not in a while, since you're such a jaded fricking Black person you insist on dragging everyone down instead of being happy for once in your miserable life.

              • 6 months ago

                >JSR was just a cel shaded Tony Hawk ripoff with a cool soundtrack.
                Stopped reading there. Play either JSR or THPS before shitting on the dinner table.

                Thank you, don't come back.

              • 6 months ago

                I've been a fan of both series for my entire life and pretending one wasn't clearly inspired by the other is plain ignorance. I'm not calling the gameplay identical, you're assuming as such, and even worse is you're pretending like likening it to THPS is an indictment. Talk like an adult next time you reply instead of acting like a child with ODD.

              • 6 months ago

                >JSR was just a cel shaded Tony Hawk ripoff with a cool soundtrack. JSRF was just the same exact game with slightly better performance and a different soundtrack.
                People who say this just love exposing themselves as morons, huh?

              • 6 months ago

                Anon that's literally what the game is and it's not a bad thing.

              • 6 months ago

                It’s really not with how different the gameplay philosophy and design elements are from one another.

              • 6 months ago

                1 is definitely THPS adjacent, but very different. 2 is a completely different kind of game.

              • 6 months ago

                I'd be a bit more reluctant about it if it weren't for the fact that Bombrush Cyberfunk already came out this year and is a pretty damn good Jet Set Radio 3.
                SEGA giving us an actual Jet Set Radio title is just a bonus, even if It's not completely faithful to the original art style, I have BRC to scratch that itch already.

                Jet Set Radio Future is nothing like Tony Hawk other than the fact that you can grind.

              • 6 months ago

                Good thing for Team Reptile that Bomb Rush Cyberfunk managed to come out before this announcement.

                This too. But ironically I expect to be called a shill or troon in the coming months for talking about BRC in JSR3 threads, if sonic threads are of any indication.

              • 6 months ago

                Case in point

                Even if it didn't, the two games are clearly going for two very different styles.
                I don't really get the negativity in this thread, if you want Jet Set Radio 3, it already released this year, basically.

                I don't think the people complaining actually are fans of the game, they're just the typical doomer homosexuals who look at any sequel or series revival and go "LOOK SEE ITS DIFFERENT SO ITS WORSE"

                You should always assume in this age that a revival/remake/remaster is going to be shit.

              • 6 months ago

                Case in point what?
                I'm praising both games. As someone who is actually a fan of Jet Set Radio.

                As far as I'm concerned, Bombrush is a Jet Set Radio game, so the fact that both BRC and JSR 3 are a thing means we're feasting for the first time in 20 years.
                That's why I don't buy this negativity comes from actual fans of Jet Set Radio.

                For such a relatively niche franchise, fans of it are getting fed well after 20 years of famine.
                Either you want an absolutely faithful game that improves on a aspects gameplay-wise to make it less jank -- well you got BRC
                Or you're attached to the Jet Set Radio name branding or want to see a fresh take on Jet Set Radio -- well apparently you have Jet Set Radio 3.

                Either way we win, so what's the issue?

              • 6 months ago

                >Either you want an absolutely faithful game that improves on a aspects gameplay-wise to make it less jank -- well you got BRC
                Frick off

              • 6 months ago

                As a person who played every Jet Set Radio and Tony Hawk game even the shitty gimmicky ones, you are 100% incorrect.
                The only similarities Jet Set Radio and Tony Hawk have in common is that they are both based on extreme sports.

              • 6 months ago

                >JSR was just a cel shaded Tony Hawk ripoff with a cool soundtrack. JSRF was just the same exact game
                Dumb e-celeb poster

              • 6 months ago

                You've literally never played the game, why are you even in here? Freak

            • 6 months ago

              >Anyone who has played JSR/JSRF can tell you that whatever shit this is, is being made to make a quick buck from mindless consumers that just buy things because they're nostalgic for something from their childhood that shared the name.
              No, that was Cyberfunk, which looked and played exactly the same as JSR.

              • 6 months ago

                Cyberfunk plays like a (slightly worse) JSRF, not the original.

              • 6 months ago

                BRC plays more like THPS, it has a bigger emphasis on stunts and combos. JSR was more about the momentum and the painting.

              • 6 months ago

                I mean yeah, I just meant the controls are closer to Future's.

        • 6 months ago

          The Evo title was made up after the devs were barred from a project that was called "project halftone" I assume they reused some of the assets for that in the Evolution demo.

          You can see line halftones (picrel) used in a lot of the shading, which was presumably the whole point of the project, using halftones for detailing and shading. It makes it look more like a printed poster, as opposed to the more flat shading JSR had.

        • 6 months ago

          You are the bad guy lmao.
          “Quality standards” my ass, that’s just a buzzword for “I want to be miserable”. Get a grip.

      • 6 months ago

        Nah, I'm just laughing that Bomb Rush Cyberfunk beat them to the punch.
        It'll make Sega cost cutting and half assing this even more funny.

        • 6 months ago

          no one will care about you're take nor bombrush during the game's press release phases you are on poopiuem

    • 6 months ago

      >it's good because... the music composer is a twitter troony attention prostitute

      have a nice day zoomer

  2. 6 months ago

    You're right bro, everything that isn't from your childhood is shit, shit shit shit shit. JSR is pozzed, everyone should die, the west has fallen and the east has fallen.

    • 6 months ago

      Unironically this tho

      • 6 months ago

        Yes, yes, we know millennials like you are jaded useless sacks of shit.

        • 6 months ago

          Says the homosexual to everything with spite

  3. 6 months ago

    Im just pissed the guys wheel is clipping through the rail

  4. 6 months ago

    I genuinely don't know how anyone got excited over the prospect of all of those Sega games coming out. Does Sega have any actual competent in-house developers left other than the RGG team? I don't know how anyone can look at the current state of shit like Sonic and how basically everything they showed looked like an Unreal Engine "SEGA HIRE THIS MAN" demo and feel any sort of excitement unless they're okay with just consuming nothing but corporate slop

    • 6 months ago

      >Obvious mockup of a game without even a confirmed release date or anything
      >One in a series of 5+ new entries in franchises that were effectively abandonware
      >In a show where every other new reveal was a shitty looter shooter in space

      Yeah OP I agree with you totally this looks like shit and I hate everything, Sega really sucks I hate Sega I hate videogames I want to kill myself

      Case In Point:

    • 6 months ago

      >Does Sega have any actual competent in-house developers left other than the RGG team?
      Most of these are outsourced. Shinobi is coming from the Streets of Rage 4 developers.

      • 6 months ago

        >Shinobi is coming from the Streets of Rage 4 developers.
        Based! I have some hope now

    • 6 months ago

      this frogs looks like it's getting slapped on a daily basis

  5. 6 months ago

    Unreal engine slop. It's not even cel shaded. They don't even have outlines of the character models.

    Sega is dead.

  6. 6 months ago

    looks way better than the youtube concept you posted

  7. 6 months ago

    What's the appeal of this game? I played it for a hour and all I do was skate around town collecting spray cans then go paint some grafiti to provoke cops??

    Where is the fun in that? I don't get it

    • 6 months ago

      I played it as a kid so it's awesome, frick you

    • 6 months ago

      >he doesn't know

    • 6 months ago

      good art style and music
      the gameplay is mediocre

    • 6 months ago

      JSR is an arcade game with a huge focus on replaying and rerouting separate stages in order to get the best possible time while trying to avoid police and going for big tagging scores, hence the graffiti QTEs and why characters have differing stats that matter. Routing stages is important because the enemies in the level depend on how many (required) tags you've done and there's some big tags you REALLY don't want to be going after once the extra dangerous enemies show up. One of my favorite little bits is that when you hear the announcement that the advanced enemies are coming, the basic ones clear out - but the advanced ones don't actually appear until you do the NEXT required tag, which means free tags.
      JSRF is a more laidback, collect-a-thon platformer with large, interconnected levels that ask you out to properly navigate them to get to your next objective while also retooling the graffiti to be more multi-purpose (rocket boosting, activating switches, taking down cops, etc). With this in mind, it can become a Zones game or a close-quarters shooter with a different mode.
      While they have their similarities (performing tricks, racing other rivals, destroying helicopters with graffiti, etc), their core gameplay loop is fundamentally quite different from each other and are pretty damn fun.

      • 6 months ago

        You forgot JSR's best feature: the bonus missions where several levels get connected to each other for one huge run.

  8. 6 months ago

    i think it looks better than bomb rush cyberfunk. i think it'd have been much more soulless if they simply copied the original style. the only people who would have paid attention to the game would have been the tiny amount of original fans that love the aesthetic while most people would ignore it. i think the new game looks good so far, obviously we need to see how it looks at night, the other characters and we need a better bitrate but i like it more than hi fi rush for instance.

    i want to say that i am also not an OG fan of jet set radio and only played it a few years ago for the first time simply due to being a sega fan. i think lots of people who aren't hardcore fans of the original will think like me.

    • 6 months ago

      >i think it'd have been much more soulless if they simply copied the original style.
      Same, but people are going to shit on it for not being as stylized.
      If JSRF was announced today, people would be shitting themselves over K's redesign and write the game off is garbage. I need to see gameplay.

    • 6 months ago

      >the only people who would have paid attention to the game would have been the tiny amount of original fans that love the aesthetic while most people would ignore it.
      That's a good thing you fricking ape

      • 6 months ago

        no it's not. there's cyberfunk for that. it's not worth it to reboot a franchise if it cannot get a new audience and evolve the series

        • 6 months ago

          Pretty much. I'd rather they port future than make a replica of it.

        • 6 months ago

          It's not worth it to reboot an old franchise if it isn't supposed to appeal to the fans. Just make a new IP you fricking corporate suit.

          • 6 months ago

            it's supposed to do both. i was saying "appeal ONLY to old fans". of course it should appeal to old fans, but it's okay to piss off some of the hardcore old fans if it means you can get a whole bunch of new ones.

            the perfect example of that succeeding is Persona 3.

            • 6 months ago

              This. If your new game pisses off only the most autistic old fans (like OP) it's a bullseye. See Smash Bros. The mega autist fans are always a liability.

            • 6 months ago

              >but it's okay to piss off some of the hardcore old fans if it means you can get a whole bunch of new ones.
              Literal invader mentality
              >the perfect example of that succeeding is Persona 3.
              That was a sequel that took the series in a completely different direction, not a sequel that just looks like the old games but with no sense of style or direction and just coasting off the name to push through their incompetence. It's not even remotely comparable; the new JSR would need to change far more both in aesthetics and gameplay to be a similar situation.

              Frick you.

              Yes. The best game this year was one of the best remakes ever made precisely because it understood exactly what fans loved about the original and sought to enhance it instead of change it to appeal to a new audience.

              • 6 months ago

                >Literal invader mentality
       shit.everyshit.everything you like will be taken from you and you will never be happy again.

              • 6 months ago

                >That was a sequel that took the series in a completely different direction, not a sequel that just looks like the old games but with no sense of style or direction
                i thought the point is that it doesnt look like the original? it does have its own style and direction, it's just different. it is based off pop art

              • 6 months ago

                >>but it's okay to piss off some of the hardcore old fans if it means you can get a whole bunch of new ones.
                >Literal invader mentality
                Not him, but I agree with him. I can't tell you how many times I saw my fellow fans of a game make some super moronic criticism or suggestion about the game. Like I'm a Sonic fan for example. Do you think it's easy listening to autistic dipshits make terrible suggestion after terrible suggestion about where Sonic should go as a franchise? God I WISH Sega would piss them off, because their ideas are all garbage. Not every fan's opinion is equal.

              • 6 months ago

                >Fans make the only good Sonic game of the last decade (Mania)
                Not making a very good case here anon.

              • 6 months ago

                Yeah, and those fans pissed other fans off so hard they're seething to this day. And the people who like it wish it was MORE different.

                Endless recycling is the brainlet solution.

              • 6 months ago

                A lot of people called Mania a waste of time, because it wasn't 3D. And a rehash, because it used old level themes. The wrong Sonic fans got pissed off. The right Sonic fans got what they wanted. Mania could have been better though. Lots of wasted potential there.

              • 6 months ago

                >A lot of people called Mania a waste of time, because it wasn't 3D.

              • 6 months ago

                >He doesn't know about the Adventuregays

              • 6 months ago


                You really underestimate how stupid Sonic fans are.

              • 6 months ago



              • 6 months ago

                mania sucks, antisonicgays and 2dsonicgays can't make good games, and the notion that sonic.....lebad comes from talentless nostalgiatards that influenced this notion because they had a combo of focus testing ad inner industry turmoil
                no one was calling adventure 1/2 "shit" because gaming was uncorrupt by journos (until conker's bfd) and if you seen heroes/shadow critque by the same group the crit was emphasized on surface level aspects (story, writing) over gameplay while said group mixmatched into gameplay=number of characters inorder to spite kiddies for money (lolwut) antisonicgays are also the reason why gaming the way it is, but hey! alteast we have wojaks to make fun of them (and hateart with 3pac as a toilet)

              • 6 months ago

                antisonicgays also have no forms of long-term quality success, every internet funnyguy with overwhelming negative opinions about le....3d sonic games, eventually goes through a downfall and irrelevancy phase - no one could care less about former 1up guys, or 4playerpodcast have to say after gaming podcasts being realized as fillbusters (warning a huge podcast was the only good one based on information about the inner workings of the industry)

              • 6 months ago

                Talking about sonic games being bad is pointless because the people that enjoy them are autistic furries that just want the brand and don't give a frick how good the game is.

              • 6 months ago

                ohhhhhhh but doesn't cochise about everything sega=bad?

                even when pretend fans on here probably never played a non-sonic game on here, and just want to complain about them existing because it hurts their american pride! and "the consumer is always right" feefees

              • 6 months ago

                I grew up with Sega, I'm just saying Sonic fans are really autistic and don't care if the games suck.

              • 6 months ago

                ppl who play videogames/browse internet opinons are autistic in general, why should i care what another person thinks about sonic games, when the people criticizing them can't make good games or qaulity internet output (internet career) themselves?

              • 6 months ago

                its okay if you have autism and like sonic

              • 6 months ago

                le..le....le...le autism like everyone on the internet and can't be taken seriously in reallife (like me, but i don't care when ppl who hate me suck)

              • 6 months ago
              • 6 months ago

                Game Awards sucked btw

              • 6 months ago

                Even the devs agree with you, anon. Don't hide it in spoiler text. It's why they're making Penny's Big Breakaway.

              • 6 months ago

                >Example of sticking to old art styles is a game that looks nothing like the original.

              • 6 months ago
              • 6 months ago

                How is pointing out that Star Ocean 2 R is a terrible example of sticking to old aesthetics a strawman argument, you daft c**t?

              • 6 months ago

                Because I never said anything about SO2's art style, you fricking moron. You're wrong anyway because SO2 literally took the original's pre-rendered backgrounds and recreated them in a similar style in full 3D, which led to endless crying from children who didn't like the game looking like it did.

              • 6 months ago

                >Complains new Jet Set Radio looks different from old Jet Set Radio.
                >Points to a game that was remade from scratch as an example of doing things right.
                >Yeah, that looks nothing like the original game you dipshit.
                >"But I never said-"
                Absolute moron.
                You wouldn't accept Future's redesigns of they were new now.

              • 6 months ago

                to a game that was remade from scratch as an example of doing things right.
                You're legitimately illiterate and you can't follow post chains. You are too stupid to use this website.
                >>Yeah, that looks nothing like the original game you dipshit.
                And you're still wrong and ignoring it.

              • 6 months ago

                Keep ignoring the actual point of the discussion so you can pretend you won an Internet argument, I guess.

          • 6 months ago

            Frick you.

        • 6 months ago

          I feel like what people forget about both JSR games if that they were highly reflective of their respective time periods, with the fashion being a huge part of that. The devs took towards looking up fashion magazines and streetwear of the time to make the setting feel more authentic to modern street/youth culture. Beat here is decked out in modern skater/techwear fashion, which is pretty in-line with the fashion trends being put out today. I feel like if it didn’t go with this direction, it’d be missing the point. Hell, not even the first two JSR games had the same gameplay structure.

          • 6 months ago

            I don't give a frick about the fashion being updated, that was an obvious expectation. I give a frick about the lighting looking like total shit and the character designs being a massive downgrade with no sense of the originals' cartoonish style.

            • 6 months ago

              Prof K looks better than future bro future had some awful redesigns

              • 6 months ago

                rip your stinkditch harder, JGR homosexual
                nuK has basic b***h dreadlocks, it's a fricking awful design and no amount of dilation about a 22 year old game will change that

              • 6 months ago

                Future's K model is really bad, anon.
                I like its concept, but it looks horrible in motion. They gave him a new do and deaged him because people hated Future K.

              • 6 months ago

                Are you really so stupid that you think the problem is "he looks younger now" and not "he doesn't even remotely resemble the character in any way aside from the glasses"? Where the frick are the cartoonishly exaggerated proportions and expressions? Why the frick are you acting like his Future design is the problem when you're going from the art style on the left to the art style on the right?

              • 6 months ago

                he looks basically the same aside from the hair anon hes got the same fricking outfit and everything

              • 6 months ago

                Why are you adamant that a sequel having a different art style is just inherently bad?

                All I was saying is Future K is a way worse design and explaining why they probably went back towards 1 but changed his look up: closer to the version people like, but not copied because they want something new.

                Seriously, I love JSR's art style too, but they clearly want to try something different for the new one. It's not as experimental, but frick saying "no, this game about artistic expression MUST follow my expectations."

              • 6 months ago

                >Why are you adamant that a sequel having a different art style is just inherently bad?
                Because the art direction was one of the best parts of the original?

                Its like acting as if Katamari Damacy radically changing its style wouldn't piss people off.

              • 6 months ago

                >Game's entire visual identity is highly stylised, it literally kickstarted cel shading in video games
                >"Why do you care that the new entry is boring as frick realism with shitty lighting and no sense of the original style or identity?"

              • 6 months ago

                That sure is a lot of green text I didn't say.
                I prefer the old art style but, again, they clearly don't want to do the same thing Smilebit did 20 years ago and getting mad at artists for doing things you dislike is antithetical to the entire fricking point of the series.

              • 6 months ago

                >they clearly don't want to do the same thing Smilebit did 20 years ago
                No fricking shit moron, the question is why you think completely discarding an iconic art style for this new entry is something anyone should be accepting of.
                >and getting mad at artists for doing things you dislike is antithetical to the entire fricking point of the series.
                Ah yes, the message of artistic freedom and anti-establishment, it means a lot coming from what is now one of the biggest companies in Japan trying to sell you a product based on nostalgia while simultaneously changing it to pander to a hypothetical new audience.

              • 6 months ago

                Man, your arguments sure would go over a lot better if the new look wasn't bad. But it is bad. So why are you defending it so hard? "Artistic expression" my ass.

              • 6 months ago

                Man, even if it's not as unique, nobody in their right mind thinks Future is anything but the worst looking shot in

                I don't give a frick about the fashion being updated, that was an obvious expectation. I give a frick about the lighting looking like total shit and the character designs being a massive downgrade with no sense of the originals' cartoonish style.

                I know nostalgia is strong, I love these games too, but goddamn.

              • 6 months ago

                >Man, even if it's not as unique, nobody in their right mind thinks Future is anything but the worst looking shot in
                Wrong. Future's DJPK's style is a little questionable. I grant that. But he still looks like his character. The new guy doesn't. The new guy looks like an entirely new character. Also, check out how the K on his forehead goes from a bright graphic in JSR, to a mere line in JSRF, and then the new game retains the thin line. Like, why retain that feature out of them all? Why not go back to the thick graphic K?

                Anyway. They should go crazier with it. Stand his hair up. Make his lips bigger. Exaggerate his proportions. Zigzag his tie. Change his shirt, because as it is, he looks like he's got a dad bod. Or just do some other stuff I haven't even thought of. So long as it's more stylish. You're falling for graphics. The new one looks "better" graphically. But it's just not sitting right with me.

              • 6 months ago

                He kinda reminds me in the new one of that black guy from the Pro Skater 2 and 3 skate shop menus, anyone remember that dude with the dreads?

              • 6 months ago

                future redesigns are ass bro sorry you have shit taste

              • 6 months ago

                back erotic uoh

              • 6 months ago

                I think a couple are good, like Yoyo Graham.

            • 6 months ago

              >Jet Set Radio
              >Jet Set Radio Future
              >Jet Set Radio Unreal engine fan demo

              • 6 months ago

                >Cheap ass game relying on lighting gimmicks.
                Yep, that's JSR alright.

            • 6 months ago

              that pitched one just looks too slow, sure visually it looks a little better than the one sega pitched, but it looks like it played like hot ass. The enviorments are alot less detailed compared to the sega promo too.

              Gotta disagree, professor K looks the best out of the redesigns shown, the studio looks nice too, just wish it wasnt done in what looks like a damn persona game.

              JSR was just a cel shaded Tony Hawk ripoff with a cool soundtrack. JSRF was just the same exact game with slightly better performance and a different soundtrack. They were never more than solid 7/10 experiences, and it's ironic that a thread predicated upon inspiring FUD in fricking Sega fans of all things is telling me that I'm the falseflagger. Even BRC was fairly mediocre given how discussion about it dried up in roughly three days. None of this is controversial to say, and if you pretend otherwise I can only assume you're baiting specifically to keep whining about how much you hate modern gaming.

              As someone who grew up with a Genesis and is just happy to see Golden Axe return it's kind of moronic and gay that you let 5 seconds of pre-alpha gameplay dictate how you feel about games you probably had no real attachment to in the first place.

              When was the last time you even played JSR? When was the last time you really sat down and looked at Sega's back catalog? Probably not in a while, since you're such a jaded fricking Black person you insist on dragging everyone down instead of being happy for once in your miserable life.

              I semi agree with ya anon, though calling it a 7/10 is a disservice. JSR is more of a platformer than hawk sorta game, and it functions damn well when looked at just from that angle. Would agree the series wouldve benefitted a frickton from taking more influence from the trick system of comtemporaries though, it always felt like baby mode in comparison when looked from that angle. Shinobi looks like its gonna be the sleeper best out of these though, goldenaxe looked killer too. Streets of rage worried me a bit with its weird gameplay change, seemed more like a dynamite deika. Betting theres gonna be a new comix zone too given the atmosphere around that. WIth sega noticing they could probably make money by not just sitting on their asses on old properties and shitting out more and more mediocre sonic games, we might actually get some weird shit making a comeback. Afterburner, Chakan, hell Ecco would probably be massive for zoomers if done nowadays with that liminal bullshit getting huge. Op's right about one thing, people will have lower standards for properties that havent gotten love in years, its why its confusing they keep hitting the sonic button when that fanbase is so overwhelmed it doesnt even know what it wants.

          • 6 months ago

            Skaters either dress like gangbangers or hobos, not this

  9. 6 months ago

    Its all just imitation meat. Things you know, trying to take your money by nostalgia.

  10. 6 months ago

    Also insane for people to be against JSR appealing to new fans when both the original games bombed fricking hard and were commercial failures. How is JSR going to succeed if its not going to appeal to more people?

    • 6 months ago

      The original games didn't bomb.

  11. 6 months ago

    I wonder if the same people who hate new JSR also hated SF6 and shat all over it when it was first revealed, only for the game and its style to be a huge success

  12. 6 months ago

    Remember the game you love? ITS BACK!!!!!! Now with updated design to not offend virtue signalers on twitter. ENJOY

    • 6 months ago

      >JSRF Gum
      Meh. I prefer the original version.

      • 6 months ago

        Still too obscene

  13. 6 months ago

    i think the style of the original game was too childish for me and i vastly prefer the new one

  14. 6 months ago

    the original jet set radio controls like poopoo, antisonicfarts won't admit sonic adventure 2 and every other game has better grinding controls

  15. 6 months ago

    Bomb Rush Cyberfunk did it better

  16. 6 months ago

    They're just placeholder graphics.
    They're just placeholder graphics.
    They're just placeholder graphics.
    They're just placeholder graphics.
    They're just placeholder graphics!

  17. 6 months ago

    Graphics don't matter. Gameplay is all that matters.

  18. 6 months ago

    This is sega now.
    I mean look at sonic ffs, you don't have to like mania to see something is wrong and they are banking on nostalgia.

  19. 6 months ago

    Good thing for Team Reptile that Bomb Rush Cyberfunk managed to come out before this announcement.

    • 6 months ago

      Even if it didn't, the two games are clearly going for two very different styles.
      I don't really get the negativity in this thread, if you want Jet Set Radio 3, it already released this year, basically.

      I don't think the people complaining actually are fans of the game, they're just the typical doomer homosexuals who look at any sequel or series revival and go "LOOK SEE ITS DIFFERENT SO ITS WORSE"

      • 6 months ago

        toxic positivity

        • 6 months ago

          Buzzwords give you away as the doomer you are.
          Go Shazam some other game, homosexual.

      • 6 months ago

        Considering Sega's track record over the past 20 years, people are right to have feelings of doom toward them.

  20. 6 months ago

    >Jet Set Radio comes out
    >It's a Battle Royale

    • 6 months ago

      If it has a Splatoon style multiplayer mode where you have to tag the map more than your opponent and trip up the other players to interrupt their graffiti, that could be neat.

  21. 6 months ago

    I'm not autistic so I'll wait till more footage/gameplay gets shown off instead of making kneejerk reactions because it's not making 1:1 the same decisions when we've only seen 10 secs of game so far

  22. 6 months ago

    JSR was a mediocre game carried by a great soundtrack and bog standard cel shading making morons cream their pants

    • 6 months ago

      if piraha had her original character model in jsrf, i discard the original game to a friend honestly

  23. 6 months ago

    That screenshot looks better

  24. 6 months ago

    We have barely seen the game and you homosexuals are already doom posting.

    • 6 months ago

      It's generic doomer posters, people who haven't played any of the games they doompost about, but will go around thread to thread to doompost anyways.
      This is modern Ganker. I've seen it happen with every franchise I like that gets even a little bit of buzz, like people unironically shitposting about the scene of Kiryu crying at the end of Like a Dragon Gaiden context-less -- then those morons just moved onto the next shitpost which was Yong.

  25. 6 months ago

    i hope that Beat design is not final because it doesnt "pop" at all
    and i hope they're not going for the "the GGs are now old and washed up so it's okay the look like that" route

  26. 6 months ago

    Looks like an entirely different game that just happens to have JSR crossover costumes.

    • 6 months ago

      If it were an entirely new game people would be calling it a Jet Set Radio ripoff like they did BRC.
      Doomers don't care either way, any excuse to doompost.

      • 6 months ago

        Nobody JSR fan can look at the guy in the OP and think "yeah, that's beat". We all see it isn't him. Try as you might to put a positive spin on it. You know you don't see Beat.

        • 6 months ago

          Really? I immediately recognized him when they showed it at the game awards. Not that the game looks particularly good but you'd have to be kind of stupid not to see that this is supposed to be Beat in the shitty new style.

          • 6 months ago

            I mean, if I drew a blue spiky thing and called it Sonic, you would know what it's *supposed* to be. But you would also know it's not him.

            • 6 months ago

              splitting hairs

        • 6 months ago

          I do though.
          I'm not going to say the aesthetic is 100% my thing, I thought it looked meh when I saw the leak too, but at the same time, I LITERALLY already got a perfect translation of the Jet Set Radio Future artstyle in BRC.

          I see no reason to not give nu-JSR a chance for me to warm up to it.

          • 6 months ago

            >I LITERALLY already got a perfect translation of the Jet Set Radio Future artstyle in BRC.
            LMAO. No. BRC somehow looks cheaper than a game 20 years its senior. It's like the generic Wal-Mart brand version of JSRF.

            >I see no reason to not give nu-JSR a chance for me to warm up to it.
            I will warm up to it when it shows me something that looks good. Which it hasn't so far. The only compliment I can give it, is that I like the level of detail the characters have. But that's just graphics having advanced in so many years. The style is off, and the characters don't look like the characters. That's not Beat, that's his little cousin Bop.

            • 6 months ago

              You never played Jet Set Radio, anyone can tell.

              • 6 months ago

                Not the first time I've had to post my personal copy for morons like you.

              • 6 months ago

                >He saved a thumbnail

              • 6 months ago

                You got proven wrong with a thumbnail.
                I figured for this occasion, I should go capture my Dreamcast copy too. The old Dreamcast is pretty crusty. I don't know if it still works. But it did as of roughly 2-3 years ago.

                So if both sides of the spectrum are terrible to you, both an indie studio trying their hardest to replicate the soul of JSRF, and whatever studio SEGA is (presumably) outsourcing to trying to come up with a fresh new style, what is palatable to you?
                Like, what games do you even enjoy if neither take on the series is acceptable?

                I come across posters like you so often on Ganker, but It's hard to comprehend how you can have two choices in front of you that are polar opposites, but still nitpick both to death to the point of not being able to enjoy either.

                >So if both sides of the spectrum are terrible to you
                I wouldn't call BRC "terrible". I likely wouldn't have commented on it at all, but you put so much emphasis on how it's an "perfect translation", I couldn't let it slide. It's not terrible. Just not a perfect translation.

                >Like, what games do you even enjoy if neither take on the series is acceptable?
                Gravity Rush gets closer to the JSR visual style than anything else. That's not perfect either. But you can see how damn close it is. I bit of tweeking here and there, and you got it.

                >how you can have two choices in front of you that are polar opposites, but still nitpick both to death to the point of not being able to enjoy either.
                Why should I be content with what's before me, when both options aren't good? Can you not visualize an alternate option in your own mind? Or, even lacking that skill, can you not at least identify when what you're being shown is wrong?

              • 6 months ago

                >Gravity Rush gets closer to the JSR visual style than anything else
                Gravity Rush looks fricking nothing like JSR, what are you smoking?
                You can always suss out pretentious Gankertards by asking them to name another game, because they always out theirselves as dimwits when they're not mindlessly bashing whatever is put in front of them.

              • 6 months ago

                Completely unrelated but Gravity Rush 2 is sublime. It's a way better superhero game than Spider-Man 2 and yet it got barely a 6th of the recognition.

              • 6 months ago

                It was a low-profile PS4 exclusive, released years after people stopped being excited about the PS4. If it came out a year or two after the first one people would have gone crazy about it.

              • 6 months ago

                You lack vision. You can always tell the dimwits, because they can't see what's not put before them. No imagination. You can't visualize how to bridge Gravity Rush's style over to Jet Set Radio's style. And then you get frustrated with the likes of me, because I tell you that there's better. And you literally can't imagine better.

              • 6 months ago

                Gravity Rush doesn't look great though everything in that game is kind of muddy.

              • 6 months ago

                I have both the original games. I'm looking forward to the new one and I think it looks fine. Future changed up its look from the first game too so I'm not mad that they're adjusting the style of the new game, too. There's a lot of young people who never played the original so it makes sense to try and grow the audience a bit with a look that is a little more modern while still keeping the essence of JSR in tact.

              • 6 months ago

                You're one of those people who think they have to make way for a new generation, and allow yourself to get robbed of very big of culture by bad actors, all for the sake of youth. It's sad to see.

                Yes, JSRF changed somewhat, but it was still in the realm of what it should be. You got to see characters in new ways. Like Garam looks way gayer in Future. And Yoyo looks a lot trimmer and taller. That kind of thing. But for the most part, Gum was Gum, Beat was Beat, K was K.

                The guy in the OP is completely foreign. Aside from the color scheme and hair cut, he looks totally different. The face is off, the glasses are off. The overall fit, going from lightweight and trim to heavier and baggier. It's just off.

              • 6 months ago

                Shills and bots are already in action, you can see it from the way they talks.

              • 6 months ago

                Spic/Chink ESL Doomers are already in action, you can see from their lack of any fricking proofreading.
                Ganker has become overrun with your kind in the past couple of years, frick off already you parasites.

              • 6 months ago

                What are you going to do about it, stupid mutt?

            • 6 months ago

              Not the first time I've had to post my personal copy for morons like you.

              So if both sides of the spectrum are terrible to you, both an indie studio trying their hardest to replicate the soul of JSRF, and whatever studio SEGA is (presumably) outsourcing to trying to come up with a fresh new style, what is palatable to you?
              Like, what games do you even enjoy if neither take on the series is acceptable?

              I come across posters like you so often on Ganker, but It's hard to comprehend how you can have two choices in front of you that are polar opposites, but still nitpick both to death to the point of not being able to enjoy either.

      • 6 months ago

        doomies don't want to admit it, but what they bought into aspects of american exceptionalism (aka fans are what makes the games 'good' not the devs) enough to refuse taking responsibility for being wrong out of where they are in life at the moment, say, they dicksucked tom kalinske and used his recent success to spite sega (psycothefrog, heru sankofa) but looked at his twitter account, it's a indication that ir's joever for they're internet career to be taken seriously outside a auidence of 4 people and just admit they fricked up hard in life

        • 6 months ago

          that is, kalinske isn't successful at all at this point, and anyone who says otherwise will bring up old mentions while not alknowledging their states, like how he got flintstones vitamins only for those to become irrelevent and have info that they sent kids to hospitals (why they aren't seen anymore) heru dankofa or psycotheke will say 'leapfrog' but does anyone even care about leapfrog in this current entertainment climate? sega is still here and will be for another 40 years while your average sonic detractor media or person will go the way of a poo down the toilet in 5

  27. 6 months ago

    Bootlickers shoudl get the rope.
    The only game that seemed promising was shinobi and that is because is probably by lizard cube.
    Sega is fricking shit and should be already dead.

    • 6 months ago

      I'm guessing you played BRC and loved it then, anon?

  28. 6 months ago

    I hope these games succeed. I want traditional, arcade-style games with a AA budget to come back from the dead and dethrone AAA open world wokeslop with a ten year development cycle. Stop fricking b***hing. Games are trying to heal.

    • 6 months ago

      >I want traditional, arcade-style games with a AA budget
      yup, after that cool dragon game centry, medicore offbrand 2d games that cater to gen-x and millenials are going down like a poo down a toilet, like mediocre (worthless) games like penny's big flopaway and other nostalgia-influenced games

  29. 6 months ago

    I was dissapointed to learn that Shinobi is a 2D game. I want a new Ninja Gaiden so badly it's unreal.

  30. 6 months ago

    Why couldn't they get competent designers to replicate the JSR aesthetic?

    • 6 months ago

      They're clearly pushing out a bunch of cheap asset flips to try and make enough money to keep the studio open for another year.

      This is the trailer shot from the new Crazy Taxi. It literally looks like a "SEGA HIRE THIS MAN" meme.

      • 6 months ago

        Isn't this made by sumo digital? Why does it look like a YouTube tutorial for making crazy taxi in UE

        • 6 months ago

          Because It's unironically an alpha.

  31. 6 months ago

    I-It's just a beta!

  32. 6 months ago

    What is your point? The YouTube concept looks shit and if you wanted a fan knock-off JSR you already got bomb rush. I don't even understand what you're complaining about.

  33. 6 months ago

    >neon helmet
    >neon gloves
    >neon boots
    >neon dress
    >neon scarf
    >neon EVERYTHING
    Evolutions designs sucked.

    • 6 months ago

      I didn't expect JSR fans to have such shit taste, the rejected pitch looks awful.

      • 6 months ago

        They're not JSR fans.

  34. 6 months ago

    No, I don't think I'll be thankful just for getting a new game. I have standards after all.

  35. 6 months ago

    it's not a full game it's part of the sega 5-in-1 pack aka "the supergame". it's like a modern action 52

  36. 6 months ago

    >sonic mania gays (mania is good but)
    omaigawd graphics that look it was made in the 90s imma gonna cummmmmm
    >this game
    arggggghhhhhh why does this look like a ps3 gaem imma just gonna jerkoff my own hypocrisy

    • 6 months ago

      It doesn't just look like a ps3 game, it looks like a bad ps3 game.

  37. 6 months ago

    I'm happy with Bomb Rush and will give this a shot, I don't want new games to be shit despite the nature of the board. I would like a good JSR since Future isn't on PC and OG is just there after so many years.

  38. 6 months ago


  39. 6 months ago

    Why does every one of their 3d game announcements stink of unreal engine? Is it just because they are early in development or is UE really than souless? It's almost as obvious as gamemaker engine

  40. 6 months ago

    people posting here don't care about old sega ip

    post-ironism sonic fans who think sonic mania is the only good game in whatever years are ignorant to avoid caring about virtual on, or think shining in it's entirety was meant to be a srpg franchise (no, its always been a experimental game series with various styles and the first game was a dungeon crawl) and oldgays being mad orsuch are too obessed with their own doomerism and already switched to think the "brave americans trying to save the company" out of denial (you would have had a 2d sonic game on Dreamcast with classic sonic, if kalinske didn't make that deal with trip hawkins, amonsgst making tons of backwater short term goals)

    • 6 months ago

      I wish I could boldly bring up stongmen and autistic anecdotes out of nowhere as a baseline for all reality.

    • 6 months ago

      i only play vidya occasionally these days out of self-enjoyment to bother finishing them because i fell into the doomertrap, while walking outside and/or games being phased out as a necessary, gaming was meant to go down irrelevance after the media dicksucking nintendo for ethos of american exceptionalism (usually turning on nintendo) while demanding yuji naka's/sonic's "downfalls" - and well, i await the period of constant hateart of _alkaline_ gutter_trash and other old antisonic lllmunati being depicted in a bad light only to make those people start throwing furtinture around that their wives did it with tyrone

  41. 6 months ago

    The screenshot looks infinitely better wtf are you talking about.

  42. 6 months ago

    funny, now sega are the ones with big shoes to fill

  43. 6 months ago

    >The leaks were real.
    >Gum is really going to look this bad.

    • 6 months ago

      >Beat is now brown and looks like a beaner.
      >Combo is a founding member of the GGs, replacing Corn.

    • 6 months ago

      She doesn't look that bad aside from that dumb beanie or whatever she's wearing on her head. They should have just kept her helmet.

  44. 6 months ago

    It looks like shit, same with Crazy Taxi. Can't wait for Golden Axe and Shinobi however

  45. 6 months ago

    Don't care, playing Bombrush because I know they'll DLC this game up

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