Grind enjoyers

Why do rpg makers hate grind enjoyers. I feel like there are no rpgs anymore that really reward players who want to grind for drops, stats, etc etc.

>favorite grindy rpg?
>any good grindy rpgs out there?
>games coming out?

Ive always looked for something akin to runescape but singleplayer. Im certain it doesnt really exist but also i never see discussions about grindy rpgs in a positive light in the first place

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  1. 4 months ago

    I downloaded secrets of grindea on steam because I was super bored. Was even more bored after do not recommend.

    Tried octopath and those were pretty fun but I also dont really care for the party based systems that jrpg's are obsessed with.

    any rpg with a final fantasy class progression/class ability mixing system similar?

    • 4 months ago

      >favorite grindy rpg
      hard to decide since i played so many, city of heroes has a decent grind and isn’t completely barren like other old MMOs i play. personally my favorite mmo is zero, even though the private servers have probably less than 50 people on at once. closer to 0 probably, but at least they are up.

      tree of savior, project ascension, city of heroes, if you are deadset on not playing MMO kino there is ghostlore. abstract kino choice: star traders frontiers

      • 4 months ago

        played star traders its actually cool but its totally a mobile game and I was actually getting fricked up my assassins and the like quite often for total game overs

  2. 4 months ago

    I heard disgaea 5 is solid but I actually have no clue what that game is supposed to be in the first place. I see giant numbers and like team fighting but I dont know what is going on in any clips/pics

    • 4 months ago

      Disgaea 5 is a based strategy JRPG with grinding being a key component of the series. Play it, it's fantastic.

      • 4 months ago

        ive heard good things and ive been hovering over the purchase button for a few months now maybe tonight i send it

  3. 4 months ago

    Play old MMOs like Everquest or FFXI, they were practically designed to keep you grinding forever.

    • 4 months ago

      XI especially since you could level every job on a single character, and leveling the job is just the start, gearing jobs is the real grindy part. The game allows you to swap gear mid battle which means that you'll need several different set of equipment for every ability you activate, or weapon skill you use, or a set to mitigate each type of damage, or maximize your HP/MP/TP generation, and you'll use all of these sets in every battle you fight, and you'll be a gimp if you don't set up several gear swaps, each set requiring you to collect a dozen individual pieces, each piece usually being a rare drop off an even rarer monster that only spawns as a lottery after killing this specific other monster for several hours straight.

  4. 4 months ago

    Last Epoch just out of EA today, it's grindy like all iso-arpg but constant progression rate unlike d4 which turns to shit after 70 and better all around.

    They improved the graphics a good bit, lighting and fx system, controller upgrades (controller is still a bit jank in the menus but playable) added 2 classes.
    Always had the best expandable stash system in arpg of all time to satisfy your collector autism, and the best crafting system as well which is not based on p2win or any of that crap.

    They just patched in the full offline mode.

    • 4 months ago

      Play old MMOs like Everquest or FFXI, they were practically designed to keep you grinding forever.

      thank you for you contribute gentlemen

  5. 4 months ago

    Oh shit! I'm Sorry.. I though it's a thread for 'grid' enjoyers

    • 4 months ago

      Sorry for what? Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our grids. Especially since they’re such good shape and all.

  6. 4 months ago

    I've been playing RSC if you enjoy the runescape grind. I got bored of OSRS since everything was dropping from minigames and mobs that everything became kind of worthless. At least where skilling is concerned.

    • 4 months ago

      classic? wasnt aware it was still playable

      • 4 months ago

        it's at I play preservation, personally and I enjoy it. Just got 45 mining yesterday

  7. 4 months ago

    Here's a couple games I think you'd enjoy if you like grinding for items

    • 4 months ago

      Also Elden Ring. Almost every enemy has rare drops.

  8. 4 months ago

    If you want a single player action RPG with lots of grinding and the promise of ultimate power at the end of it all, then I recommend Astlibra. You're constantly grinding out all sorts of mechanincs, while new ones get added to your toolset. It's very comfy for RPG Grindaholic

  9. 4 months ago

    I only play grinding games to hang out with people, I just flirted with guys the entire time I played osrs tbqh

  10. 4 months ago

    You have brain damage and also possibly a mongoloid. You are the perfect goy that modern ~~*game designers*~~ want. 'Gameified' Skinner boxes are not video games and will never be video games.

    • 4 months ago

      meds now

  11. 4 months ago

    when someone says they like "grind" what they really are saying is that they like non-games and simply being occupied without thought. the only good "grindy" games are games that are designed around the idea of actively using game mechanics to elimiate grind completely anyways- the antithesis of the brainless rpg player.

    • 4 months ago

      just say its not for you, homosexual

      why even click the thread you loser

      your opinion is not that valuable

      now post grindy rpg or gtfo

      • 4 months ago

        Digimon world 2. I'm not so sure it actually respects the grind game so much as grindy, but its a game that just feels comfortable to click on and play.

    • 4 months ago

      I like to grind while I listen to audiobooks. Something to do while my mind is occupied.

    • 4 months ago

      You have brain damage and also possibly a mongoloid. You are the perfect goy that modern ~~*game designers*~~ want. 'Gameified' Skinner boxes are not video games and will never be video games.

      >Why do rpg makers hate grind enjoyers.
      Because most people who like that shit don't actually care about the rpg part, and they've long since moved on to even more time wasting gambling like mmos and gachashit.
      Just about everyone else thoroughly hates the idea of grinding, so you're basically asking why devs don't cater to a demo composed by just (you).

      The RPG genre is designed to be pure hedonistic POWER FANTASY. But it isn't satisfying to be born a God in sandbox mode, so you must start off weak and earn your Godhood through training AKA grinding. The act of grinding in and of itself can be pleasurable depending on game mechanics, but it is totally integral to the RPG experience to the point where an RPG without the ability to grind to overcome obstacles simply isn't an RPG anymore but a strategy game. That is fine but this is /vrpg/ not /vst/. If you don't want to POWER FANTASY, if you don't like 80s movie training montages, if you don't like shounen training arcs before the big tournament, then quite simply you don't have enough testosterone to be playing RPGs and should stick to Chess or Call of Duty or frisbee golf or whatever girly boys are into nowadays.

      >lvl 65 at the start

      Have you maxed your license board? That seems like that would come much quicker than whatever the max level is.

      FFXII is an amazing grinding game. I've gotten to level 99 grinding Dustia before entering the sewers. Your best weapon is a Burning Bow (+63) from Dive Talons, but you can also get a Heavy Lance (+53) from the rare Fideliant in the Westersand, a Kotetsu (+50) from Werewolves in Giza, and Gladius (+45 wind) from the rare Lindbur Wolf.

      The real grind comes from Danjuro, Zodiac Spear in the Henne Mines, Diamond Armlet treasurs in the Cerobi Steppe, etc. If you're clinically insane you can try to get 99 of everything obtainable. The closest I ever got was a full set of Zodiac Spears.

      And if you're really beyond saving, you can try to get perfect HP/MP. The easy method relies on using RNG manipulation which requires specific PS2 models, and the hard way will take a literal decade of resetting. I tried and gave up on that and live with imperfect HP/MP. You can use the Ulillillia method to get "close to perfect" HP/MP by resetting a reasonable number of times per level per character.

      • 4 months ago

        I have ff12 its the only ff ive ever had because I bought it on a whim from gamestop as a young lad. Its cool but the steam port feels very janky for some reason. maybe i get into it again

        • 4 months ago

          The Steam version felt a little off and I can't really say why. I feel that way about most JRPGs on Steam though, especially Tales of Symphonia (another good grinding game because of the many, many playthroughs, plus you can farm herbs and Rune Bottles to permanently raise stats to max).

          I recommend the original PS2 version if you have a PS2, or just emulate on PCSX2 (it works very well nowadays even on toasters) and play it once for the license board. I think the IZJS version for PS2 is the best though. The Zodiac Age port for PS4/Switch/PC is too easy and even though there are mods for PC, they change too many things I don't want.

  12. 4 months ago

    Siralim Ultimate is my go to for pure grindan. Set up some crazy ass broken team then murder everything into infinity.

  13. 4 months ago

    >Why do rpg makers hate grind enjoyers.
    Because most people who like that shit don't actually care about the rpg part, and they've long since moved on to even more time wasting gambling like mmos and gachashit.
    Just about everyone else thoroughly hates the idea of grinding, so you're basically asking why devs don't cater to a demo composed by just (you).

    • 4 months ago

      They could just make it optional, allow monsters to spawn indefinetely.

      Grindy single player games?
      Ffx ff12 ff 13-2 are all like 300 hours each.
      Jagex published a single player idle game thats like runescape but all menus and timers.
      U can do that in elite dangerous though the controls are a hurdle
      Literally any survival game.
      I think what you really want is lightly modded minecraft tho.

      In ff12 (non zodiac) I am currently at level 65 early in the game still without any other people in the party, I wanna reach level 100 to try and kill that elemental blob in the desert

      • 4 months ago

        >lvl 65 at the start

        Have you maxed your license board? That seems like that would come much quicker than whatever the max level is.

        • 4 months ago

          Like 80% done I think

  14. 4 months ago

    Tactics Ogre Reborn has lots of opportunity to grind for rare items in the end game. You can also grind stat increases and cursed weapons, which consume units and become more powerful the more stats you pour into character that is consumed by them. If you like grinding, there’s ample to grind for.

  15. 4 months ago

    Grindy single player games?
    Ffx ff12 ff 13-2 are all like 300 hours each.
    Jagex published a single player idle game thats like runescape but all menus and timers.
    U can do that in elite dangerous though the controls are a hurdle
    Literally any survival game.
    I think what you really want is lightly modded minecraft tho.

    • 4 months ago

      >idle game
      >lightly modded minecraft

  16. 4 months ago

    Level scaling was a mistake.

  17. 4 months ago

    I am mad there are no really grindy RTWP games outside of FFXII and Xenogears?

    • 4 months ago

      There are plenty of NWN modules that are just that.

      • 4 months ago

        I've never found any DnD games to be particularly good grind games. You usually only have like 20 levels to play with before you're max level, and you go through maybe half dozen stages (mundane, masterwork, +1, +2, ect) in gear over the entire course of the game instead of dozens and the difference between level 1 and 20 is like 10 to 100 instead of something like 10 to 100,000 as you can expect from other RPGs. A good grind game will have numerous incremental stages of power and several hours of grind between them, and ideally each of these stages feels like a unique step over the previous stage.

    • 4 months ago

      the new yakuza game is like that
      kenshi fits

  18. 4 months ago

    It's RPGMaker, but nothing scratches my grindan autism quite like this game.

  19. 4 months ago

    >OSRS Ironman
    >Map chunk unlocking with self-determined requirements.
    >Semi-random missions that mean I'm spreading time between different skills
    >Limited area so grinding in different ways and locations
    >Taking missions and content as it comes rather than seeking X,Y,Z for efficiency.
    It's really made the game fresh again for me, I think this will be the account I don't get burnout from.

    • 4 months ago

      i wish they actually had gamemode like this instead of just runelite plugins

  20. 4 months ago

    I like grinds with interesting routing. Deciding what to grind on, for what, when to switch to other grinds. Being on the look out for interesting opportunities.

    If its just killing fields A,B, C etc. I hate it

  21. 4 months ago

    >I want rewards in a single player game locked behind unnecessarily long farms for the sake of prolonging content
    Just grind IRL tardo

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