Growing up and becoming SOFT

>played a bunch of violent games back then
>Loved GTA and shit
>Killing pedestrians was hilarious to me
Years later as an adult....
>Kill NPC, feel bad
>Can't be mean to npcs in RPGs
>Feels disturbed by evil missions in games
>Can't ever kill any animals
Anyone else went through something like this

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 8 months ago

    no, if anything I could kill in Minecraft with relative ease nowadays
    the past few years have been very enlightening

  2. 8 months ago

    Yes but eventually i went back to being a psychopath that kills without remorse

  3. 8 months ago

    Congratulations your prefrontal cortex developed between the time you played GTA and now

    • 8 months ago

      >I transheart science
      Anyway, I was seeing this GTA 2 mission where you pic a bus filled with people and send them to a meat grinder and that actually made seriously disturbed, back then I wouldn't give a shit

      • 8 months ago

        Hoo boy, that one stuck with me since childhood. If I remember right, you can watch the people on the conveyor, some throwing up, some fricking. Can't think of a more fricked up thing in a GTA game.

      • 8 months ago

        Hoo boy, that one stuck with me since childhood. If I remember right, you can watch the people on the conveyor, some throwing up, some fricking. Can't think of a more fricked up thing in a GTA game.

        >Pedestrians (PC/Dreamcast)
        >Hare Krishna (PlayStation)
        Why do you meat grind pajeets on the PlayStation version?

      • 8 months ago

        For me it was GTA SA mission where you lock a man in a porta potty, toss it in a pit and pour concrete over him.

  4. 8 months ago

    I remember when I first discovered in MGS3 you could slit someone's throat after getting them in a headlock for interrogation purposes. I slit so many throats that day, but of course during the Sorrow fight all of those corpses returned to haunt me. That was an eye opener. Of course it really depends on the game and how the violence is actually presented, how it feels for the player, but that led me to be more conscious of my actions in game, as gay as that sounds.

    • 8 months ago

      Kojima made you.

  5. 8 months ago

    Jesus Christ look at those.

    • 8 months ago

      Jews are dying in Palestine, and you commenting on pig balls!!?!

      • 8 months ago

        pig balls > some zionshit

      • 8 months ago

        We're sending them pork so they have food in the coming trials.

      • 8 months ago

        >jews dying
        They chose not to listen

        • 8 months ago

          A lot of israelites believe in Jesus.

  6. 8 months ago
    • 8 months ago

      stream that movie, if you're so great.

  7. 8 months ago

    Kids don't really have much of a sense of morals/empathy until they get through puberty, probably the reason why my school had people sharing around vids of beheadings/gore/lemonparty/etc type stuff to shock people with
    Also probably why a lot of internet crime like hacking/ddos/doxxing/etc is usually done by teens, like that group who hacked rockstar/uber/nvidia

    • 8 months ago

      Some people never leave that stage it seems, lots of stupid homosexuals who are like 30 years old and say "gore is cool and rad and you a pussy"

      • 8 months ago

        I'm trans btw. Not sure if that matters.

        • 8 months ago

          It matters, you're VALID sister omggggg

          you just got more in touch with your own mortality and as a self serving strategy decided doing X is now bad
          yours is a feeling born of egotism

          I feel like I'm less scared of dying now than I was back then

          • 8 months ago

            >Get older and hate living more
            okay moron

            frick that's a good point
            I guess you're less scared but you know it's way more likely to happen then it was when you thought you were the protagonist and not the mook pedestrian you ran over in GTA

          • 8 months ago

            Kek troony homosexual

      • 8 months ago

        kys homosexual pussy homosexual troony brain homosexual
        gore is cool and rad

      • 8 months ago

        People think looking at dudes getting turned into ground beef without twitching makes them badass, and forget that nothing is more pussy than needing to signal that you're badass. Granted, performative masculinity is the hottest shit these days.

        • 8 months ago

          There's nothing masculine about looking at gore. But there is something extremely feminine about people who can't stand the site of it and get emotional about it. It's extremely naive and shows they don't have any actual experience in the real world.

          • 8 months ago

            >Something feminine about not being able to look at gore
            >Nothing masculine about being able to look at gore

            • 8 months ago

              >people who can't stand the site of it and get emotional about it

              Great reading comprehension. Must be american.

              • 8 months ago

                Dumb esl poster

              • 8 months ago


              • 8 months ago

                >cant stand the site
                >not being able to look at
                Bro those are functionally identical statements.
                If it is feminine to take psychic damage from looking at gore, that inherently implies that it is masculine to look at gore without being bothered. Some people attempt to use being unbothered by gore as a performative showing of manliness, because they are desperately afraid people will think they're pussies otherwise.

  8. 8 months ago

    Themz some hawg bawlz

    • 8 months ago

      dem ballz be swangin' boyeeee

  9. 8 months ago

    I feel the opposite, I'm approaching pat bateman territory

    • 8 months ago

      Honestly no idea why people idolize him. He's a shallow, vain guy that is easily insecure despite his status. It's even worse that despite all his "success" he has nothing socially because the people around him are even worse.

      • 8 months ago

        there is some merit in being true to your own dark side I guess

        • 8 months ago

          >being true to your own dark side

          That's the thing. The movie/book is satire on how utterly corrupt modern US society is. Even a psychopathic serial killer like Bateman who thinks he finally changed something by being himself got nothing. Everyone else will never see you as a person evil or not. So the movie ends with him dazed as he realizes there is no escape as even his evil acts meant nothing

          • 8 months ago

            the fact that his actions didn't impact anything is somewhat irrelevant on a personal level
            now for bateman specifically you're right, but that's because bateman is oversocialized so the only meaning he finds is by impressing others

        • 8 months ago

          That's stupid. We're all monkeys deep down, still carrying the violence of millions of years of evolution in our brains. The whole point of being a human is being better than that little voice in the back of your head that says things like 'kill that guy' or 'slam your dick in a door' just because its something you could choose to do.

          • 8 months ago

            yes but you can either choose to acknowledge that voice exists or ignore it entirely hoping for the best
            a lot of people are unable to see themselves as the bad guy in specific situations but rather decide to rationalize whatever they're doing in a way that keeps their ego intact
            if there's some merit I can find in bateman is that he doesn't do that
            it's not like I'm a fan of him or anything

          • 8 months ago

            The problem is that most people don't even acknowledge that humans are capable of that kind of violence. It's like women who walk around drunk after midnight every friday and eventually one of them gets raped and killed. Yeah it's tragic and it shouldn't happen but to pretend like it can't happen to you just because it shouldn't is extremely naive.

  10. 8 months ago

    you just got more in touch with your own mortality and as a self serving strategy decided doing X is now bad
    yours is a feeling born of egotism

    • 8 months ago

      >Get older and hate living more
      okay moron

  11. 8 months ago

    You've been terminally online for too long and can now sympathize with the machines. Like many other poor souls your grip on fiction vs reality has slipped. You're a frog that's been turned gay.

    • 8 months ago

      op getting BTFO

    • 8 months ago

      op getting BTFO

      I only changed like this after I began to get out of my house, I'm at work now even.

  12. 8 months ago

    Buddy, I can relate hard. One of the blessings/curse of getting sober. It’s pretty good 90% of the time except when you hang with old friends and your blown away what a butthole they are drunk even though they are just the same and your now a b***h.
    Still, I think it’s a much more enlightened state and the place to be.

  13. 8 months ago

    >idiot thinks watching video game violence in HARD
    >gets older, stays an idiot, develops emotional relationship to characters in video games
    >ever thought about that you're not HARD or SOFT just a moron?

    • 8 months ago

      op getting BTFO

      Kek troony homosexual

      I'm trans btw. Not sure if that matters.

      Be happy you are not this seething Edgelord loser who will never be desired by a woman and will commit suicide all alone in a couple years.

      We're sending them pork so they have food in the coming trials.

      I laughed harder than I should of at that.

  14. 8 months ago

    you are a homosexual OP
    can't kill people and animals because you are too much of a pussy homosexual lol
    scared of gore? lol cry little baby gay go suck a dick

  15. 8 months ago

    That pig clearly loves and trusts him and is excited to be going on a walk with him... How do farmers do it bros? I eat pork but every time I actually see a pig in person I get a little twisted up inside. They're so smart ane sweet... how do you walk them to the butcher's block?

    • 8 months ago

      don't worry about it, the pig would eat you in a second too.
      he's happy, well fed, gets to frick a bunch of lady pigs and he gets to die nearly instantly while he's still young and healthy. much luckier than most of us.

      • 8 months ago

        Sure he'd eat me if I were dead but he wouldn't kill me. If you say otherwise you've never met a pig. They're fatter, smarter dogs.

        • 8 months ago

          haha what, they absolutely do attack and kill. there's multiple documented cases of pig attacks and fatalities. you're clearly the one that's never been around pigs. frickers try to bite all the time.

    • 8 months ago

      i'm not telling you to go vegan but you can definitely curb your consumption
      i used to eat meat at every single meal and then i realized i can easily cut that down to once a day, sometimes a few times a week and if i'm really stocked up i can go a month before i get taken somewhere that doesn't have good veggie options
      anyway, it made me appreciate more when i do eat meat.

    • 8 months ago

      They do it because we can’t bring ourselves to. We might be more than animals, but we are also omnivorous animals, and animals taste good. The best I think you or I can do short of going vegetarian is just try to be conscious of where the meat we eat comes from.

    • 8 months ago

      Easy. If we don't butcher livestock we don't have enough money to keep the farm running. If it's a choice between me and my family vs the pig there's no question.

  16. 8 months ago

    Nah. I've always been something of a goody.

  17. 8 months ago

    Yeah. Being unnecessarily cruel in video games makes me feel awful. That’s not the power fantasy I want from video games.

  18. 8 months ago

    Not quite, but I will say as soon as I had a kid edgy shit about kids dying instantly became unfunny. I watched the Chris Watts documentary and could not stop fricking seething through the entire thing.

    • 8 months ago

      I never understood why this Christ watts thing is somewhat of a meme, dude is a monster, there's literally nothing funny about it.

      • 8 months ago

        I found myself laughing out of shock at the footage of him smiling and pretending (poorly) that he doesn’t know how it happened, but I haven’t watched much more about the case because just reading about it made me feel awful.

      • 8 months ago

        Sounds like you've never been ass druk

      • 8 months ago

        Lots of comedy is about tragedy and atrocity anon. It's not because people endorse or like those things. It's more like coping with the ridiculousness of it.

        Like this


        He's a meme because he is a monster. The meme is ironically depicting him as a chad face to highlight the absurdity of how un-chadlike he is. It's not just evil, it's outright ridiculous that a grown man could do that shit to a little girl.

        • 8 months ago

          >The meme is ironically depicting him as a chad face to highlight the absurdity of how un-chadlike he is.

      • 8 months ago

        The video of him getting live caught by his neighbour and his reaction, along with the nature and reason for his crime, are what cemented him as a meme of sorts.

    • 8 months ago

      I never understood why this Christ watts thing is somewhat of a meme, dude is a monster, there's literally nothing funny about it.

      • 8 months ago

        I remember being 14 too anon, enjoy.

        • 8 months ago

          >if you don't share my sense of humor you are a child


        • 8 months ago

          >Has a kid
          >Immediately gets a stick up his ass wants to talk about maturity
          Sounds about right, same shit happened with a few of my friends.

    • 8 months ago

      Yeah this, now any time babies or kids are in mortal danger in media I'm upset from deep inside about it.

  19. 8 months ago

    did you know that pigs have two different types of cum

    it's true

    • 8 months ago

      So which ones your favorite?

      • 8 months ago


  20. 8 months ago

    >play Red Dead Redemption 2 as an adult male in 2023
    >spend entire irl days just hunting and fishing
    Video games are meant to be comfy escapekino like this.

    • 8 months ago

      >Never collect loan in Act 2
      >Run around the entire country hunting rare animals and fraternizing with strangers
      >Eventually run into the blind beggar who tells me to stop being afraid
      You know what I don't care, I might be stunting Arthurs growth but I WILL give him a good ending

    • 8 months ago

      the dialogue in that pic always sticks out to me

  21. 8 months ago

    Yeah I remember when I played Jade Empire and my dad got really disappointed in me that I enslaved the one masked samurai dude, he told me that I could have freed his soul but instead I enslaved him for greed and "because he looks cool" and I was no different than the enemy in the game. I was never the same after that

    • 8 months ago

      Your dad is great.

      • 8 months ago

        I know, I'm black btw and yet my dad pwns half of the dads people here had

  22. 8 months ago

    I still think killing people in games like GTA is fun but otherwise yes I don’t like being evil in RPGs

  23. 8 months ago

    good god

  24. 8 months ago

    >Daytime irl
    >Play GTA SA on PS2
    >Run over people
    >Have a grand ol' time
    >Pull an all-nighter into the wolf hours
    >Drive carefully
    >Respect NPC's
    >Imagine them going home to their families for some dinner or some shit
    >Make sure to not kill old grandmas or grandpas
    It only happens late at night.

    • 8 months ago

      My cousin actually had modded GTA3/VC for PS2 that removed all the women & old people peds from the game because my uncle didn't want him abusing women or some shit, or maybe was just to remove the prostitution from it.
      Still dunno how he had that back in like 2003, GTA modders are pretty crazy tho.

  25. 8 months ago

    I think you got brain damage or something, over empathetic to characters that aren't real. The reverse is usually true, as you get older you care more about real humans and not NPCs. Can you think of any reasons why your brain did this? Drugs, watching too much emotional TV, liberal media, traumatic experiences, something?

    I can understand growing out of excessive gore and violence (like SAW movies) from moronic teenage years but running over or even shooting pedestrians in GTA isnt very gory.

    • 8 months ago

      >about real humans and not NPCs.
      I care much more about both, moron, I don't like real life gore.

      • 8 months ago

        Please don't call me a moron. I understood quite clearly that you care about both, but we both know that logically you should not care about an NPC in a videogame because they are fictional depictions of a real human and not real humans. Please help explain why you think you developed this way

        • 8 months ago

          Because he's mentally deranged. Only people with serious mental problems has issues separating fantasy with reality.

          • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          I’m not that guy, but you contradicted yourself immediately.
          >The reverse is usually true, as you get older you care more about real humans and not NPCs.
          >I understood quite clearly that you care about both,

          • 8 months ago

            That isn't a contradiction. I'm saying most people (not the OP) care more about other humans and less about NPCs.
            The OP is saying he cares more about NPCs
            so in regards to the NPCs, he is reversed from normal attitudes

        • 8 months ago

          Because he's mentally deranged. Only people with serious mental problems has issues separating fantasy with reality.

          There's a lot wrong about me but that certainly isn't one of them, of course I know the difference between reality and fiction, The thing is that I let myself get immersed enough to care about what I'm consuming, and this is a seriously common thing in humans, fiction impacts people, a frickload of people are obsessed with fiction, a frickload of people have tatoos of fiction, we like movies, we like pretending, humans love fantasy.

          In fact I'd say anyone who goes "why do you care it's not real" has a less developed brain, we know it's not real, we still care because that's what humans do.

          • 8 months ago

            the only time Ive been like that was in Amnesia the dark descent you have to flood a chamber to clear a water passage. the chamber is a box with the audio sounds of a muffled man pounding on the walls pleading and begging. its fricked up and I looked for any other option to advance without killing the guy.
            But no, I disagree and would say your overly empathetic brain is less advanced and less developed, and its pure cope and rationalization.
            I'm interested in why a person can become overly empathetic and am trying to look for personal anecdotes from the OP or others on life experiences which may lead to that state of mind.

            • 8 months ago

              Well if you want a quick rundown on my life here it is
              >Be born
              >Fast forward to my first memories when I was 4-6 years old
              >Have a dog
              >Mom and dad had a terrible relationship, dad is an actual mental case
              >Whole family of frick ups who make my mom suffer
              >Grow up weird and angry because of my family
              >Me as a kid liked hurting other kids just to watch them cry, I gave them my toys just to take it back forcefully, liked beating little girls, Got pure ecstasy from making children cry and did moron shit like get my dog and put him in the closet or throw him up and down (never really hurting it)
              >Threw my sister's cat from the balcony (it survived)
              >Bullied at school but kind of deserved it because I was a genuine butthole and also a mental case with anger issues
              >Be teenager
              >Angrier and schizoer than ever
              >Edgy, sends gore to my friends
              >Got into fights all day
              >Wanted to kill a bunch of people
              >Literally had a child suffering fetish (yes I jerked off to children getting slapped around)
              >Dreamed about killing my dad
              >My first dog died
              >Felt insanely sad about it
              >Didn't change much though
              >Dad and mom divorced when I was 14
              >Went through a real bad time in matters of not having anything to eat at home
              Fast forward some years....
              >Realize I'm a frick up
              >Try to get better
              >Get a job
              >Suffer but learn a lot at it
              >Go back to church
              >Got a job as a receptionist
              >Somehow succeed at it even though I sucked at talking to people my whole life (still kinda suck sometimes)
              Now I'm here, I kind of just changed, I know God helped me change. I'm 19 now, and still have a long way to go, but I'm not the psychopath I thought I was nowadays, I still have some anger bursts but I'm very much more peaceful, I feel bad about killing ants and other bugs nowadays lol.

              • 8 months ago

                Also I did hit my head around when I was in schizo mode, and one of those old big TV's fell into my head and broke when I was like 4, so I wonder if I have some mild case of brain damage sometimes.

              • 8 months ago

                >but I'm not the psychopath I thought I was
                no you're probably even worse : you buried that shit in bullshit and now it's just waiting to explode

              • 8 months ago

                I didn't bury anything, that's the thing
                I don't thing people can change completely, you evolve by learning not to act on your impulses, I did indeed gain the capacity to feel empathy, but I still have a children torture fetish, I just don't act on it and I had a billion chances to do it by now, I still want to kill some people, I just don't act on it

                That's the thing I realized about most "self help" shit, they try to teach you to become someone you aren't and that's basically impossible, they teach you to emulate someone ELSE, I even went to a therapist and she shamed me for my fricked up thoughts, which made them worse....

                I'm still myself, I just learned more and came out better because of it, I refuse to let the dark thoughts win and I DESPISE people who can't control themselves, there's no excuse for anyone to not act better.

              • 8 months ago

                Ever consider that you ought to feel shameful for wanting to hurt children, and indulging yourself sexually in that desire?
                HMMM I wonder if god and/or jezus have anything to say about that.

              • 8 months ago

                You mean the same guys who's religious rituals happen to include genital mutilation on newborns?

              • 8 months ago

                okay fine
                now I just wonder why you decided to do that and why you're so opinionated on
                >I refuse to let the dark thoughts win and I DESPISE people who can't control themselves
                if it's only about proving others wrong you're still most likely fricked

              • 8 months ago

                >you decided to do
                It just felt right I guess , it just clicked in my head that I have to change.
                >Opinionated on
                Self control is in my core beliefs since a long time ago, part of it is because I was bullied by older kids and had no way to stop them, so I always despised feeling like something or someone is in control of me, getting drunk is a terrible experience for me because I feel like I lost control of myself
                I just find it so fulfilling when I do something RIGHT even though I had the potential or even wanted to do the WRONG, it's probably also related to how my dad had his schizo bipolar episodes and I hate thinking I'm anything like him, so that's it, I also have a very strong opinion against suicidal people and drug users, anyone who gives up on taking control of their own lives and living better are complete losers, I'm happy now,that more money than all of my friends and I have a great relationship with a lot of people, in my mind anyone can do it so they should go ahead and do it, none of that defeatist attitude around me.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh well good job for getting your life together anon, that is a pretty fricked up early life situation and im sorry you had to go through that. 19 is still pretty young though. I feel like I was kinda moronic and overly emotional until about 24

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah I feel like I have a long way to go.

                Ever consider that you ought to feel shameful for wanting to hurt children, and indulging yourself sexually in that desire?
                HMMM I wonder if god and/or jezus have anything to say about that.

                Yeah it's shameful sinful etc....If I was a Good person I wouldn't need redemption, God saves everyone who regrets their bad decisions.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh so for you religion is just a whitewash so you can keep sinning without guilt? Nice, what a shocker. I'm sure you'll NEVER hurt any children even though you're twerkin your gherkin to that fricked up shit every night.

              • 8 months ago

                You're judging me without knowing who I am anon, if I sinned without guilt I'd already be doomed, my religious beliefs don't come out of regret for bad shit I did, you're going to think I'm an actual nutcase now but I believe God sent me a message already and When I'm fully at peace I feel God in the nature, everytime I doubt his existence it's like I get slapped in the face with his undeniable existence

                And btw like I said, I work as a receptionist on a hotel dealing with people everyday, and I work without anyone around, I'm sane enough to get a job that anyone who's an actual schizo wouldn't handle, my mind is clear.

              • 8 months ago

                My dude you're fricking 19, stop replying to people trying to bait you on fricking Ganker. It's great you're getting better but people here are just trying to schizo you up.

              • 8 months ago

                Yeah I shouldn't, but it was a pretty good feeling to say all of this, I never talked about my actual life to anyone besides my best friend, it feels nice.

              • 8 months ago

                Everyone has weird anger and intrusive thoughts, you just had a shitty family that didn't teach you how to behave like a well adjusted human, so you embraced being a maladjusted gremlin. Good luck getting better. Also God's not real and every choice is your own.

              • 8 months ago

                Also I did hit my head around when I was in schizo mode, and one of those old big TV's fell into my head and broke when I was like 4, so I wonder if I have some mild case of brain damage sometimes.

                lol good luck kiddo
                I'd wager you'll be imprisoned by age 22

              • 8 months ago

                People doubting me makes me stronger, there's nothing more in this world that I want than to prove people wrong, so thanks for the helpful comments anon.

              • 8 months ago

                Ah, a fellow spite engine. Truly the most powerful motive force

              • 8 months ago

                I literally spent years drinking soda and eating bad shit and stopped just out of spite from people who thought I would never stop, I actually became skinny after stopping myself from eating like I pig, my spite is endless and it gives me strength to do whatever the frick I want.

              • 8 months ago

                I'm sure god's not real but in your case and others like it, I'm glad you "found" "god".

          • 8 months ago

            >Argumentum ad Populum


  26. 8 months ago

    Similar stuff going one here.
    >Child me
    >Play games
    >Amazed by things in games
    >Try to discover stuffs out
    >Adult me
    >Felt the need to finish games or I'm just wasting my time
    >If necessary, just look for walkthrough and get pass the area I'm stuck in
    >All about doing it efficiently and fast

  27. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      Love me some evil zone.

  28. 8 months ago

    Piggy Poop Balls

    • 8 months ago

      I hate Slavs so much it’s unreal.

    • 8 months ago

      Feed the fricking piggy ugghhhhhhh he's skinny as frick

      • 8 months ago

        Damn. I never noticed the pig poop balls pig was underfed.

        • 8 months ago

          Yeah I feel sad for him

    • 8 months ago

      pigga, that's nuts!

  29. 8 months ago

    i sort of did the opposite, i still feel bad whenever im mean to NPCs but whereas before i would try to play games non-lethally and save as many lives as possible (ie stealth darts n shit in Deus Ex), now i make sure every single enemy and potential enemy is killed in spectacular ways and i will kill neutral or even friendly NPCs if it gets me something i want (eg Give me the GEP Gun)

  30. 8 months ago

    Years ago
    >killing neutral or friendly NPCs is bad
    >even if they're annoying, ugly, or carry equipment I'm better off with
    >see a particularly ugly or annoying NPC
    >go out of my way to kill it without making others hostile

  31. 8 months ago

    I'm guessing this is a symptom of domestication because in nature those fat nuts would be an easy delicacy for predators.

  32. 8 months ago

    Why his balls so big?

  33. 8 months ago

    Always been like this. Violence as a side effect never bothered me, and I DARE a game to try and make me feel bad for killing someone who attacked me. But violence as the point never sat right. All games are designed so that you connect with the protagonist, and suffering for entertainment has never been a draw for me

  34. 8 months ago

    It's called empathy and it can be an acquired emotion; people can also lose it through trauma and become psychopathic like cops or gangbangers that never developed and had any in the first place.
    You didn't care when you were young because your brain wasn't fully developed.

    • 8 months ago

      It’s possible to actually lose it? I used to be way more empathetic when I was younger than i am now. I’ve had a buncha traumatic shit happen in my life and got diagnosed with ptsd, which I thought was bullshit until I started seeing it cause reoccurring issues in my romantic relationships, almost like clockwork.

      • 8 months ago

        >I’ve had a buncha traumatic shit happen in my life and got diagnosed with ptsd, which I thought was bullshit until I started seeing it cause reoccurring issues in my romantic relationships, almost like clockwork.

        that plainly isn't how life, reality, relationships, the brain, or trauma works

        you having complex interpersonal issues with relationships and then going "yep that's ptsd" basically gave you a predictable way to allow yourself to fail

        you don't have ptsd. how were you traumatized? do you understand this disorder was coined to talk about people who went through *traumatic* events? what traumatic event did you go through? was someone mean to you?

        • 8 months ago

          NTA but I'm so tired of fricking autists like you who think they know everything about the world

        • 8 months ago

          I was abused, molested as a kid, and then went off to Afghanistan like an idiot to avoid a broken home instead of just moving out. I was not prepared to kill people or be shot at like I thought I was before I actually saw combat. But I felt fine until after I came back and then started having a lot of issues, it got really bad years after until I realized I can’t just be a b***h and keep avoiding it and pretending nothings wrong.

        • 8 months ago

          Did that guy prove himself to you, or does the autistic armchair psychologist need to hear more?

          • 8 months ago

            homosexual is staying dead silent, fricking embarassing.

            Maybe if you are a screeching israeliteling in israelian kibutz or a first worlder then yeah but empathy came to me naturally and the more I experienced the world around me the more I lost of it

            I'm a third worlder, you're stupid.

            • 8 months ago

              I think the only homosexual here is you, anon. He replied to you. You just didn’t read it.

  35. 8 months ago

    In the start of fable theres a man cheating on his wife by kissing some hot young blonde behind the inn. He offers you coins to keep it a secret. Its considered "evil" to keep it a secret, and good to be a shitty little kid and go tattle to his wife. Why?

    • 8 months ago

      Because cheating on your spouse is evil, and accepting a bribe to look the other way means you allowed that evil to go unabated. I would say that if he hadn’t offered a bribe that the right thing to do would be to stay out of it entirely, but I think that man deserves to be punished for his hubris in thinking that a few coins can make what he’s doing anything but evil.

  36. 8 months ago

    Games changed as well.
    It hits you differently when you mow down a bunch of badly animated cardboard figurines that make comical noises when hit, as opposed to realistically ragdolling fairly accurate depictions of humans who scream from the top of their lungs, possibly beg for mercy, when you go about killing them.

    • 8 months ago

      This is absolutely worth pointing out. This example has been beaten to death on this board, but good god the fatalities in the new Mortal Kombat games are just straight-up gore porn. I also won’t play The Last of Us or its sequel because I find it completely disgusting that the developers were made to watch snuff films to the point of needing counseling to cope with everything that they saw.

  37. 8 months ago

    I can't even play a lot of hentai games because they're just too fricking rapey.
    Why can't I just grow old with a nice girl? That's the real fantasy...

    • 8 months ago

      >unironically think it's hotter to see handholding and sex where both sides are enjoying it

      It's over for me...

      • 8 months ago

        Pfft, loving, heterosexual sex? What are you? GAY?

  38. 8 months ago

    the world has a bunch of immensely horrible shit going on in it right now

    i was trying to watch the new mk fatalities like as a tradition and they just felt like sick, masturbatory nonsense that has dragged humanity down

    i think this stuff, indeed, was not good for us especially when taken to this extent and people need to not be surrounded by darkness. as it turns out that's actually essential

    humanity is getting badly, badly dragged down into the depths right now, look at AI-- AI shit comes out and there are already people on this board who have lost their life to making images of peach farting into bowsers mouth or whatever

  39. 8 months ago

    >Anyone else went through something like this
    Recently with REmake 4 in the throne room for that task where you have to vandalise the Salazar portrait. Shooting and slashing it wasn't doing anything and then it dawned on me the chicken egg which I'd just used to heal. I killed one of the chickens thinking they'd drop and egg. They did and I instantly felt bad for the chicken.
    It's moronic but I guess comes with age. I've teared up at commercials now so I get where you're coming from.

  40. 8 months ago

    You gay as frick

  41. 8 months ago

    Everyone who does it backwards (First feels no remorse and then it grows on him) is a literal NPC drone who just fakes empathy because of peer pressure
    t. always felt empathy and never killed npc's since the start and later learned to not care because it's fricking pixels bro

    • 8 months ago

      The contrary makes more sense, you felt fake empathy from pressure from your mom and dad, children don't understand empathy, they don't get why they should share their toys, every kid thinks they're the protagonist of the world.

      • 8 months ago

        Maybe if you are a screeching israeliteling in israelian kibutz or a first worlder then yeah but empathy came to me naturally and the more I experienced the world around me the more I lost of it

  42. 8 months ago

    I remember when I was 10 years old, if I ever spent too much time playing Conker's Bad Fur Day I'd start to feel weird as shit, thinking about my mortality. Seeing all these squirrels just dying and screaming fricked with me.

    • 8 months ago

      I got this at an earlier age in a much less subtle way from this book. I read this when I was around five or six. It’s a pretty great compilation of comics about death.

  43. 8 months ago

    >playing cyberpunk
    >make sure to never harm civvies, reload if I do
    >prioritise stealth and non lethal methods of dealing with enemies like chokes and hacking
    >when using non lethal methods, prioritise weaker enemies who have a lighter criminal record
    >make sure to dispose of any dead enemies in the dumpsters, but only if I'm 100% sure they're not breathing
    >feel really bad whenever I have to dispose of of someone who's still clearly breathing
    >early game v is fighting for survival, so going full lethal feels justified
    >end game is just V holding back and trying not to outright slaughter everyone
    >skippy asks me why I prefer to cripple people rather than kill
    >say I dunno

  44. 8 months ago

    Yeah, it's called growing up. I still laugh at edgy shit, but when it's on people who deserve it.

    כמו עזה.

    • 8 months ago
  45. 8 months ago

    I always had big trouble with the evulz. There are ways to dress it up for me to enjoy it though, like KOTOR's sith ending, for example. I can tolerate edgy porn too, although it always turns out for not very long, and not very evil.

  46. 8 months ago

    What's the evolutionary advantage of big pig nuts

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