Guild Wars 1

Hello homosexuals of /vm/ we're playing GW1 in current year, we've got a 4 man group so far going through Prophecies from scratch together. We have space for 2-4 more people and we're hoping to beat all the games content together with no heroes or hench (or very few if possible). Come join us make a new proph character this is a great time to try GW1 with real people if you've ever been interested

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    We’ve only just started prophecies (~3 missions in) and it’s easy to catch up / do side quests when someone is afk

  2. 1 year ago

    Maybe continuing today at 4-5 PM we'll have to see who's available

    • 1 year ago

      this game not only has soul, but heart. oh lord.

      im in, questing here and there, getting some skills. -also turns out I already bought most of the skills I can unlock through quests. Should I not be so eager to buy skills at the skill vendor next time and just wait to get them for free from quest givers?

      • 1 year ago

        Lots of skills are only available from trainers, not quests. It’s generally best to save your skill points for learning those, but it’s not a big deal if you want to skip a skill quest or two
        Skill trainers can also teach you skills you’ve unlocked on other characters, which can get you some really powerful skills right away. I’m going to avoid that on this run personally, since it’s fun to make do with what you’ve got.

      • 1 year ago

        For proph yeah, proph has a lot of its skills in quests. Skill points aren't hard to get but sometimes nice to make sure you don't run too low

        Lots of skills are only available from trainers, not quests. It’s generally best to save your skill points for learning those, but it’s not a big deal if you want to skip a skill quest or two
        Skill trainers can also teach you skills you’ve unlocked on other characters, which can get you some really powerful skills right away. I’m going to avoid that on this run personally, since it’s fun to make do with what you’ve got.

        Yeah I think a good rule of thumb for our group is no elite/normal tomes unless there is a skill you desperately need for your build, and no using skills available in future campaigns (aka, no going to nightfall to pick up a skill while we're in proph, but can go to nightfall to past campaign if you REALLY want) Also looks like we have 3 people so far, wonder if our 4th will notice

        • 1 year ago

          I’ll be on my ele in 15

          • 1 year ago

            sweet we'll see if warrior friend notices we should definitely do that steam group idea though

            • 1 year ago

              I'm here. I had a nap and I need to quickly get some food in the oven. Give me 15-20 and I'll be in.

            • 1 year ago

              >game isn't on steam
              >let's make a steam group!
              Valve shilling knows no bounds.

              • 1 year ago

                >too new to remember Steam groups for anything
                We know.

              • 1 year ago


                It was on sale a week ago anon. Would you prefer we used Skype instead like they did back in the ancient days? lol

              • 1 year ago

                >too new to remember Steam groups for anything
                We know.

                You could stop being obtuse.

              • 1 year ago

                >moron is too stupid to find the store page for Guild Wars
                >"hurr durr you are too obtuse"
                Do you require a manual on how to breathe just in case you forget and asphyxiate??

              • 1 year ago

                never understood the skype homies when we had xfire

              • 1 year ago

                Wasn't Skype free when Xfire voice servers cost money to host? Or am I thinking of Vent?

              • 1 year ago

                Is Ventrilo still a thing?

      • 1 year ago

        Please take a break

  3. 1 year ago


  4. 1 year ago

    Bought the game when on sale, still stuck in pre-searing Ascalon, trying to get to level 10 to do Vanguard quests.
    I ain't leaving until I finish every single quest.

    • 1 year ago

      Trying to reach level 20 do get defender of Ascalon? We can invite you to the Ganker guild if you want

      I can’t login to my old 2005-2008 account anymore. It asks me to reset my password via email and I don’t have access to that email address anymore. V stupid, v frustrating.

      Try support, they're usually pretty good about stuff like that especially if you have the old activation codes

      • 1 year ago

        Our group has hit level 10-11 and we've stopped at Frost Gate for today. We'll be playing at 11 AM EST tomorrow in hopes of reaching Lions Arch

        If anyone's interested in joining we're still real early on and we got spot in our group

  5. 1 year ago

    I can’t login to my old 2005-2008 account anymore. It asks me to reset my password via email and I don’t have access to that email address anymore. V stupid, v frustrating.

    • 1 year ago

      Trying to reach level 20 do get defender of Ascalon? We can invite you to the Ganker guild if you want

      Try support, they're usually pretty good about stuff like that especially if you have the old activation codes

      Definitely ask support. I was able to recover mine with just the serial number on the back of the box I had in my desk drawer and maybe a character name

      Bought the game when on sale, still stuck in pre-searing Ascalon, trying to get to level 10 to do Vanguard quests.
      I ain't leaving until I finish every single quest.

      Make another character to reach for post searing stuff? I admire your dedication to pre searing but I fear post will be really boring for a LDoA

  6. 1 year ago

    We have a guild. If you want to play with us feel free to drop your name for an invite.

  7. 1 year ago

    If we want to play early just post when you show up, even if we want to start half an hour early.
    Should we try to advert on Ganker and do we want to before or after today's session?

    • 1 year ago

      Forgot to reply to this, maybe advert after today's game. I don't think anyone's going catch up to our group within an hour lol. Think we aim to hit LA for today then see if we can't get 2 more people

  8. 1 year ago

    is pvp still possible in this game like whatever the mode was called where you'd get 3 random players to team up with? id love to play that shit again so bad

    • 1 year ago

      Yes you can still PvP but most people you'll see are bots.

    • 1 year ago

      The community gets together every week to PvP together on Saturdays they do Fort Aspenwood. I think I've heard AB still happens but not sure I know some major guilds still run it.

  9. 1 year ago

    2/4 online, other half get on in.

    • 1 year ago

      Sure, I’ll be on my ele in a minute

  10. 1 year ago

    We made it to Lion's Arch today!

    We have room for FOUR (4!) more players!!

    Catching up takes little time at all and the game right now is overall low-investment so if you have ever wanted to play, NOW is the time.

  11. 1 year ago

    >What do I need to play?
    At minimum, Guild Wars Prophecies. However, I recommend Trilogy since it also includes Factions and Nightfall campaigns which we’ll play eventually. Eye of the North is just end game content, get it if you like the other 3.
    >How long will it take to catch up?
    We’re only at Lion’s Arch, which takes about 3 hours if you ignore side content. We’ve been going back to get side content whenever 1 person is afk, so it’s easy to catch up there.
    >What class should I pick?
    Whatever looks interesting. You get to pick a secondary class, and you’re allowed to try them all in the tutorial zone before you decide. They’re all fun and viable.
    >How do I join?
    After you make a Prophecies Roleplaying character (not a PvP only character), drop your character’s name in the thread and we’ll send you a guild invite.

    • 1 year ago

      >I recommend Trilogy
      Huh, I just checked and maybe the Complete edition is better for your money. Trilogy is $30 on Steam, but complete edition (including the $20 EotN) is only $40. That might be the better deal, but Steam probably goes on sale more often

  12. 1 year ago

    how shit is this game compared to gw2 (a very shit game)?

    • 1 year ago

      gw1 and gw2 are very different, but it would help if you said what you don’t like about gw2
      gw1 is tab target, not action combat
      gw1 is instanced outside of towns & outposts (ie, you won’t see any other players outside of towns, you get your own instance). Because of this, they can do some neat tricks like enemies appearing in their own parties. Enemies use player classes & skills, so you fight them in groups with a healer, frontline, 1-2 casters, etc. Gw1 content isn’t really designed to be soloed, but there are controllable AI party members (Heroes)
      There are ~3 thousand potential skills to go on your 8-slot skillbar. You can come up with all kinds of combinations.

      • 1 year ago

        >it would help if you said what you don’t like about gw2
        it's on the cusp of being a themepark, the endgame is needlessly and unbearably grindy, everything is for skins, stats are almost meaningless, you can almost entirely get through the game by mashing your keyboard when in combat, the world is massive but tiny because you can tp anywhere instantly, cringe playerbase

        from what you said gw1 sounds almost like a multiplayer dragon age game

        • 1 year ago

          for mechanics, this is basically nonexistent in gw1. The best armor in the game (statewise) is available straight from vendors, and while you have to get pretty far in Prophecies to get it, Factions almost gives it away. In fact, since we’ve reached Lions Arch and can travel to Factions, we could skip ahead and get the best armor after only ~3 hours of playtime, give or take. I suspect we won’t, since that would make prophecies a little too easy. Prestige armor, which is cosmetically much cooler, does require some grind. There aren’t many purchasable cosmetics, so this is how you show off.
          Weapons are a different story, but if you need a specific one there’s a million you can buy these days because the game is 17 years old.
          How you allocate them actually matters, but you can respec for free in any town. Try any build you want, but it matters what you commit to for that zone.
          >button mash
          Some builds are more forgiving, but as I said enemies have parties and player skills, so intelligent skill use goes a long way
          >fast travel
          It’s there, but the world feels rewarding to explore.
          >player base
          Only the diehard fans are still around, so they’re pretty cool

          • 1 year ago

            i appreciate the breakdown

            • 1 year ago

              No problem. People still playing this game are usually pretty passionate about it, so I’m happy to explain.

        • 1 year ago

          Its like a card deck building game, but RPG. Vertical progress is low, but horizontal progress is massive. You get 8 skill slots, further into each campaign you get more skills you can unlock. Elite skills you have to hunt down from bosses, each class has 20-40 elites and about 100~ skills. You shuffle your skills (while in a town) around like a card deck to have the perfect skill set to deal with the obstacle.

          You dual profession to create synergies between different classes or build a deck of npc who follow you around who compliment your build, such as running a necro who can weaken the armor of enemy with curses, then running a warrior with skills that trigger with bonus effects if the enemy is weakened.

          GW1 and GW2 are nothing alike, you can only imagine the GW1 playerbase rage when GW2 was released and it didn't remotely play anything like GW1. GW1 is a strategy RPG, GW2 is an action combat game.

          GW1 has very very nice visual integrity, very few glowy items unlike GW2 where the end game is become disco ball.

          Teleportation is extremely limited (only very sparsely populated towns around map).

          I like both games, but I'll always fondly play GW1 a thousand times I love every aspect of the game. The combat system (and WvW) are the one redeeming factor about GW2 imo.

  13. 1 year ago
    Marcus of Rodgort

    Are we still playing Sunday at 11am EST?

    • 1 year ago

      I have my weekly aq20 raid at 12 EST so I can play for an hour beforehand, or earlier, or afterward. Raid should be 2 hours max.

      • 1 year ago
        Marcus of Rodgort

        Whenever people are available. I'm good to go whenever just need to know when rest are good

        Gotcha. I’ll be around in ~2 hours then

    • 1 year ago

      Whenever people are available. I'm good to go whenever just need to know when rest are good

  14. 1 year ago

    I have an ironman ranger in the desert level 18, im willing to back track to play with real people though

    • 1 year ago

      We aren't doing true iron man so I wouldn't want to mess up your progress but we'd love to have you along, our group doesn't have a ranger currently so would be cool. You could also make a new character and catch up to us pretty quick but your choice. Just let me know player name to invite to the guild.

      We normally do most story progress on Friday/Saturday, sunday is usually side questing.

  15. 1 year ago

    I should be free in around half an hour if anyone wants to play. I have a feeling our eurogay will be absent.

    • 1 year ago
      Marcus of Rodgort

      Sure, I’ll be there in half an hour

    • 1 year ago

      Sounds good

    • 1 year ago

      regretfully confirming. I might get on in about 2 hours or so, however. if you're not on, I'll do some LA exploration meanwhiles.

  16. 1 year ago

    lol apparently theres a wedding taking place in Lion's Arch right now. How quaint.

    • 1 year ago

      Are the players getting married or is there a gw ERP community

      • 1 year ago

        the former... i assume? vOv

        • 1 year ago

          Oh yeah I forgot there was wedding outfits in this game

          Also we plan to do our next meetup on Friday and Saturday at 11 AM EST. Did we want to try and meet for any other days this week? Tuesday will be bad for me, but I'm free every other day of this week at almost any hour.

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah I'd be into it. Wednesday might be spotty for me but we normally play for short intervals so I could fit some time in.

            • 1 year ago

              Same, Wednesday is not great for me but I could probably do another day

              How about Thursday?

              Also Wintersday starts next week on Monday, if we're online for the first day it might be possible to do some of the special wintersday PvP arenas, as sometimes people do it on the first day.

          • 1 year ago
            Marcus of Rodgort

            Yeah I'd be into it. Wednesday might be spotty for me but we normally play for short intervals so I could fit some time in.

            Same, Wednesday is not great for me but I could probably do another day

            • 1 year ago

              How about Thursday?

              Also Wintersday starts next week on Monday, if we're online for the first day it might be possible to do some of the special wintersday PvP arenas, as sometimes people do it on the first day.

              Turns out I can do tomorrow any time between ~9:30 and ~1:30
              If any of the anons who wanted in but haven't made it yet want help catching up, I'm down to help with that.

    • 1 year ago

      the former... i assume? vOv

      Cute. Need help with anything?

    • 1 year ago

      the former... i assume? vOv

      >tfw no gf to get married with in a game
      It hurts bros.

      • 1 year ago

        >tfw met my gf at a generic party and not in GW
        >ywn have an in game marriage

  17. 1 year ago

    psa: runes are stupid cheap right now
    this is the lowest I've seen vigor, prodigy's, windwalker,, or really any derv/mesmer/general runes in the couple years I've been back playing
    good time to kit out some characters or heroes

    • 1 year ago

      Glad I'm not the only person who noticed that. Yeah would highly recommend mesmer runes if people are trying to kit out some heroes.

      I have no idea what's going on with the GW1 economy as of late, GotT are inflating at an insane rate, nearly doubled in value over span of a year and continuing to increase. Value of ecto isn't decreasing either despite the sheer volume of ectos in circulation.

      • 1 year ago

        gott are a hedge against botting because there's an account-based limit and the supplies are hard to bot (so many, changing weekly), plus there's constant demand from people wanting to open their own gwen doll and yakkington despite the horrendous EV
        I have a few stacks of ecto from casually selling gott but nowhere near enough to buy really rare irreplaceable shit like minis, and it's really hard to know what to hold when someone can spin up a bot farm and devalue whatever you've got. armbraces have gone up a fair bit too, from like 100e to >150, but they could get botted or some random boomer with 3000 duped arms could decide to crash the market, and there's nothing you can do

        • 1 year ago

          Likewise sitting on like 5 stacks of ecto from selling GotT. I'm just surprised at how quick the value jumped it's been at a stable 3-5 ecto value for as long as I could remember, seeing people buy them for 11 ecto each right now just insane to me.

    • 1 year ago

      Speaking of Runes, I salvaged a +3 Earth Magic yesterday while cranking through Winds of Change. Wasn't Big Rod planning on being an Earthgay? I'll throw this your way if you want it.

    • 1 year ago

      >39 plat for superior vigor
      I swear it was 35 last time I checked.

      • 1 year ago

        haven't been on a ton recently, but that beats the hell out of 100plat or being sold out, and 800g for minor vigor is just stupid cheap
        the mesmer/derv runes are more dramatic though

  18. 1 year ago
    >never ran Shards of Orr and already have its basic quest in my logs
    YOOOOOOOOOOOOO we runnin' this dungeon today.

    • 1 year ago

      I'd jump in but I don't think I have a character far enough into EotN for it

      Speaking of Runes, I salvaged a +3 Earth Magic yesterday while cranking through Winds of Change. Wasn't Big Rod planning on being an Earthgay? I'll throw this your way if you want it.

      Still deciding between air and earth.

      • 1 year ago

        Let's get you through EotN then so you can do more things. Do you even have a character that has completed all campaigns+EotN?

        • 1 year ago

          >Do you even have a character that has completed all campaigns+EotN?
          Not on this account, I don't think. I can see if I remember the password to my old one

    • 1 year ago

      soosc or just playing through? I haven't been playing with you guys, but either way I'll come through if it's night-time est

      • 1 year ago

        I'm going to try it with my heroes here shortly if you want to hop in.
        On that note, why does some of my (heroes') gear have Energy Storage +1 and some pieces don't?

        • 1 year ago

          can't get on til later sorry
          heroes have +1 to any attribute on their headpiece, so if you put a +2 energy storage rune on it, they'll have x+1+2 energy storage. anything else is just normal runes that don't stack

          • 1 year ago

            Frick sorry, it's Energy Recovery +1, not Storage. Like I just added a Vigor to a pair of hero boots and the Recovery is still visible/active.

            • 1 year ago

              I think elementalist armor just gives energy regen, the same way ranger armor gives +armor against elemental damage

              • 1 year ago

                That would make sense.
                If I frick up doing Shards of Orr, we can try later. I remember having a tough time a while back but I've also been upgrading my dudes heavily now.

  19. 1 year ago

    We did it! That was a ton of fun and I think I'll be doing another dungeon tonight, perhaps a shorter one. It took me until level 3 before I had realized that I had been here before but I got WTFpwned by standing together, in a small corridor no less, by a group of those Skeleton Wizards that AOE'd my ass down. With some careful planning and pulling and positioning, that only real trouble or scary moment(s) was a group of wizards later on, and the first wave of the boss fight before I saw that the undead version just had a ton of hp.
    Any advice where to check out next?

    • 1 year ago

      bogs is pretty easy, and you might roll the dice and get a froggy

  20. 1 year ago

    anyone on now and want to do shards of orr?

  21. 1 year ago

    As a reminder for our GW1 group we are continuing proph Friday and on Saturday at 11 AM EST

    • 1 year ago

      how far in proph are you?
      I have an lowish level ele who got a desert tour a while back, could get max armor from kaineng to join you guys, depending on how far you are

      • 1 year ago

        We're at Lion's Arch and haven't gone much further, aside from sidequests and discovering Beetletun, not quite at max armor stage yet.

      • 1 year ago

        We're all around levels 10-12, wearing the Ascalon City drip. Feel free to join even if you're a little ahead or behind us. Drop your character name and we'll send a guild invite.
        >discovering Beetletun
        oh shit I've been too lazy to do this one yet

        • 1 year ago

          he's lvl12 and has LA, so that works fine
          I got some sentimental attachment to my old guild, plus I'm an officer, can I just meet up and add you guys to friends or something?

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah, works for me. I bought a whole new account when it was on sale because I didn't want to leave my old guild from 2006, lol.
            We'll be in LA at 11 am EST tomorrow, add Marcus of Rodgort (me), Spirits Illusion, Constantine Semi, or Talenel Stonesinew

            • 1 year ago

              I probably can't be on for more than 15m tomorrow (east coast+working then), but I just added and renamed you all so I remember, that char's kensuke ishizu, if you'll excuse the lack of rp-ing, should've planned my period-appropriate 2007-era gw wiki userpage biography about how he was nobility and also a descendant of balthazar who was cooler than all the ascalonians

              • 1 year ago

                No problem, we'll be on Saturday at the same time if that works better, and Sunday there's usually folks around for an hour here and there to do side content
                >period-appropriate 2007-era gw wiki userpage biography about how he was nobility and also a descendant of balthazar who was cooler than all the ascalonians
                I miss those days, I still sometimes fish around the wiki to find peoples' ancient profiles

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah no worries we do 11 AM because we have a eurogay, and we're all free at that time. We can talk later and see what time works best with you, most of us seem to not be very busy lol

                When we get to Kaineng will anons turn their proph characters into merc heroes?

                Maybe, but probably not. We're a 4 man group at the moment, with a 1-2 other anons in the last week mentioned they were interested. Not much space for NPC's.

              • 1 year ago

                Oh shit, you're ok with later? Yeah playing at 5-8 PM EST works better with me.

                If marucs logs on we'll do some side questing and unlocking outposts like ToA, otherwise we'll try for 5 PM EST for now (and maybe in the future too)

                don't shift your schedule around me unless it suits you better, don't want to slow you down if I can't regularly make it, and outside of the desert for ascension and the 30 attribute points, infusion, and thk/ring of fire I can just have a friend on derv run me to whatever mission you're at

              • 1 year ago

                Nah it's all good we're still trying to find a time that works best for everyone (or at least 4/5ths of the group) so shifting it isn't a huge deal. And if you need to be run anywhere I can help

                Currently this weekend we're going try to meet on Saturday at 11 AM, and Sunday at 2-6 PM (EST) and we'll see if we can't work out a better time on those days.

                We might also meet on Monday at 11 AM for Wintersday starting to do some Wintersday PvP.

          • 1 year ago

            >not joining the oldest Official(TM) Ganker Guild Wars guild

    • 1 year ago

      When do you guys usually play? Is it

      • 1 year ago

        Usually weekends and between 11 AM and 6 PM,EST, lately we've been trying 2-6 PM games. For obvious reasons we won't be playing this weekend. But we might try to do story progress Friday. I'll post to here by Wednesday night or Thursday morning at latest if we're meeting on Friday or not, I update guild MOTD too.

        • 1 year ago

          Ah, one of those. That sucks. My work week starts on the weekend. Oh well.

  22. 1 year ago

    When we get to Kaineng will anons turn their proph characters into merc heroes?

    • 1 year ago

      oh, mr fancy. in my day we were thankful for razah and zei rei was an urban myth
      and we liked it that way

      • 1 year ago

        when playing through the campaigns solo it was like having a friend since I could bring my prof character along on my second adventure
        I have real friends now but I might get too attached to leave my dude in Tyria

    • 1 year ago

      Doesn't that cost real money?

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, it’s one of the few microtransactions in the game. Not required, but it can be fun.
        Unless you want a party of all mesmer heroes, which is a popular way to play solo

  23. 1 year ago

    >finally get to the last group of Rescue at Minister Cho's Estate HM
    >NPC dies because the mobs rush her as soon as I step onto the island
    >she's on the other side of me and the mobs
    lmao even
    what a shit fricking waste of 40 minutes

    • 1 year ago

      I know exactly the part you are talking about in WoC and I remember failing at that exact same part twice lol WoC is going to be an experience and test of suffering and pain we are willing to endure.

  24. 1 year ago

    2/4 if y'all wanna get going soon.

  25. 1 year ago

    Broskis, eugay here. I can't make it tonight for the 11 EST session, unfortunately.
    I am counting with tomorrow (Saturday), though.
    Also if theres any will to maybe try change up the schedule, my prefered time (most days) would be from 5 to 8 american EST time, perhaps even later, if we're having lots of fun.
    Same goes for tonight, if you'll be on at those times, I'll probably be able to pop in.

    • 1 year ago

      Oh shit, you're ok with later? Yeah playing at 5-8 PM EST works better with me.

      If marucs logs on we'll do some side questing and unlocking outposts like ToA, otherwise we'll try for 5 PM EST for now (and maybe in the future too)

    • 1 year ago
      Marcus of Rodgort

      Oh shit, you're ok with later? Yeah playing at 5-8 PM EST works better with me.

      If marucs logs on we'll do some side questing and unlocking outposts like ToA, otherwise we'll try for 5 PM EST for now (and maybe in the future too)

      5-8 might be tricky for me on Fridays, but it's probably better for Saturdays, excepting this Saturday

  26. 1 year ago

    >remembered they made skill pins while browsing the wiki
    >just copped an esurge on eBay
    >only AotL’s are replicas

    • 1 year ago

      That looks dope, dude.

    • 1 year ago

      Oh I won the complete set of these back in the day from a radio contest.

      • 1 year ago

        Awesome. Post pictures if you still have them.

        • 1 year ago

          They're somewhere in storage anon.

          • 1 year ago

            If you find them somewhere in storage, post pics

            • 1 year ago
              Zom Based

              not that anon and not badges, but this is my factions box i had tucked away. still have the manuscripts preserved.

              • 1 year ago


                Alright box chads we’re playing. The plan is to progress the story to get to 8 man parties since we’ve had ~9 anons join

                is my collection. I got into GW pretty late in life, with Nightfall, then the platinum edition. Later bought Trilogy & EotN so my brother could play.
                >eight man parties
                I could’ve sworn this happened as soon as Crystal Desert

              • 1 year ago

                ANON HAS POSTED BOX!!!!
                >tfw manuals still got that special paper smell

  27. 1 year ago

    how much catching up will I need to do if i join right now?

    • 1 year ago

      You’ll need to get to Lion’s Arch to make it to where we are in the story. If you’re new to the game, here’s a breakdown of your options:
      >See if anons want to do those missions again
      I certainly don’t mind, but I can’t say for sure everyone will go for this
      >Skip them
      Story missions are all technically towns in the open world. You can always just run to the next one without completing it. Downside, you don’t learn any of the story.
      How long will you be on, anon? If you’re going to be around a while, I can help get you through the early missions, if you need it.

      • 1 year ago

        Forgot the obvious third option of doing those missions yourself. Oops.

    • 1 year ago

      Jooo wish I’d seen this thread sooner. I’d love to play some GW again. I’m NEET-mode atm so I can play whenever.

      Are you the same anons or are we getting two new players? Rad.
      > but I can’t say for sure everyone will go for this
      Seems like people are happy to help catch up, Kryta will be more fun with 8 anyway

      • 1 year ago

        we are different anons but i (one who asked about catching up) might not join after all, life has caught up to me instead

        You’ll need to get to Lion’s Arch to make it to where we are in the story. If you’re new to the game, here’s a breakdown of your options:
        >See if anons want to do those missions again
        I certainly don’t mind, but I can’t say for sure everyone will go for this
        >Skip them
        Story missions are all technically towns in the open world. You can always just run to the next one without completing it. Downside, you don’t learn any of the story.
        How long will you be on, anon? If you’re going to be around a while, I can help get you through the early missions, if you need it.

        >can skip any quest you want
        that sounds absolutely cool, why don't other games do it like that too?

        • 1 year ago
          Marcus of Rodgort

          No problem if you can't make it every time, you hit max level / max gear pretty quick in this game so you don't have to worry about falling behind in stats, only in story progress
          >skip any quest
          There's even player-run services that can sprint you to later game areas to get powerful skills / gear / etc

    • 1 year ago

      I will literally log on right now and run you to the outpost we are at if you want to join us now lol it'd take maybe 30 minutes

      Alternatively you do the story, and we are maybe 3 hours in

      Jooo wish I’d seen this thread sooner. I’d love to play some GW again. I’m NEET-mode atm so I can play whenever.

      We'd love to have you! Goal is to have full player parties. We ride together we die together no henchies or heroes when possible go make a proph character

    • 1 year ago

      How can I force borderless windowed through a command line? Like -borderless or something? I have to manually change it every time I launch the game and it's frustrating.

      Jooo wish I’d seen this thread sooner. I’d love to play some GW again. I’m NEET-mode atm so I can play whenever.

      The most immediate thing you two should do if you'd like to play with us is make a character in the Prophecies campaign and post your name here so we can get you a guild invite.
      I think now/soon may be a good time for a Ganker thread since others are on and can help bump/discuss for a little while.

      • 1 year ago

        >I have to manually change it every time I launch the game and it's frustrating.
        You can run this game in borderless windowed?

        • 1 year ago

          Options menu under graphics.

  28. 1 year ago

    Jooo wish I’d seen this thread sooner. I’d love to play some GW again. I’m NEET-mode atm so I can play whenever.

    • 1 year ago

      Same anon as here . Unfortunately I found this thread right before the one major event I've got going on this winter, so I've been busy setting up for it and whatnot. Afterwards though, I'm going all in on catching up with you guys. I've played this game a shit ton, so I shouldn't need much, if any, help to get caught up - I'll just burn through the missions with henchmen over a couple days. Hopefully I can catch the end of Kryta or at least the Maguuma jungle missions since I probably remember those the least.

      I'm totally into the way you're approaching this playthrough btw. I've always wanted to reexperience the magic of Prophecies/Factions before the addition of heroes in Nightfall and EOTN made grouping with actual players mostly unnecessary. I've also always wanted to simulate being a noob again, with access only to limited skills from quests/trainers before I caved and bought all the skill packs from the store. So I'll be mindful of which skills are core/prophecies and stick to those, even if it makes the builds a little scuffed.

      Seeing what professions you've already got, I'll probably go with a mesmer. I generally like having class diversity as it just adds to the immersion for me to have everyone doing different stuff. Of course the beauty of GW is I could make a warrior or a ele and just run a less common build like axe/hammer war or water/earth ele and still be unique.

      Anyway, I'll come back and post my char's name once I've made it. Probably tomorrow.

      • 1 year ago

        With Christmas coming up our schedule will probably be looking weird so no rush.

        As far as skills the wiki is a fantastic resource. Each skill trainer has a list of what new skills they have. There is also a list of quests that give skills. And each skill on the wiki is listed for where it was added. Anything Core or Prophecies is open game right now.

      • 1 year ago

        same anone here
        I will make a monk. whether it ends up dps or heal monk idk, but I will make a monk

        • 1 year ago

          Wait, I gotta leave my OG guild even on my new char to join the Ganker guild? Frick, that's rough...

        • 1 year ago

          Wait, I gotta leave my OG guild even on my new char to join the Ganker guild? Frick, that's rough...

          Can one of you dudes just add me as a friend instead? My new monk's name is "Jimothy Staniels"

          • 1 year ago

            Got you added. If your guild was Luxon like us, I could invite you to an ALLIANCE.

            im this anon

            also my name is Dies Ruptor when any of the other anons has time to add me to the guild

            Sent 😉

            >see thread
            >nostalgia hits hard
            >rummage through the deepest part of my attic and dust off my old boxes
            >reminisce on all the good times I had with the game
            >become sad
            I can't even play the game anymore if I wanted to, iirc I closed the email linked to my og account in rage when said email got "hacked." But I still like hearing stories of the game I love.
            /lurker mode on

            I really need to get off my ass and make a support ticket to see about updating my email address.

            • 1 year ago
              Dies ruptor

              Joined, only 7 tho. Then again just started this character so.

              • 1 year ago

                Our backup Mo is around that. Leveling seems to go fairly quick. If you ever need/want help, don't hesitate to ask.

            • 1 year ago

              This is actually a great idea. If you don't want to leave your 10 year old inactive guild we can invite then to an alliance that way we have a shared chat. If you are Kurzick it's very easy to swap to Luxon.

              We'll be playing at 2 PM EST (4 hours from now) if you are new try to log on a little earlier than that just to make sure everything is good. I highly recommend everyone pick up better armor at LA so you don't get obliterated by enemies.

              • 1 year ago
                Marcus of Rodgort

                Tired of horrible plant person screeches and earrape spell sounds? You can actually re-enable 3d audio that was bricked with the release of Windows Vista. I highly recommend it.

                Yeah, but it’s got all the useful links.

                >better armor at LA
                You’ll want to grab it from the Hot Springs or Beetletun. For some reasons LA armor is the same as Ascalon City, but those two outposts have the improved armor values.

                >see thread
                >nostalgia hits hard
                >rummage through the deepest part of my attic and dust off my old boxes
                >reminisce on all the good times I had with the game
                >become sad
                I can't even play the game anymore if I wanted to, iirc I closed the email linked to my og account in rage when said email got "hacked." But I still like hearing stories of the game I love.
                /lurker mode on

                The support people are surprisingly good, at least they were a year ago. I was able to save my old account with, I think, the activation code in my old box, the name of the email in question, and a character name. They were able to update it to a new email and reset my password.

              • 1 year ago

                You guys can just go to Kaineng from LA to get max stat armor or are you guys just going to do prophecies only for now.

              • 1 year ago

                Prophecies -> Factions -> Nightfall is the plan. We'll pick up max armor once we make it there story-wise.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah the idea is prophecies only, armor, skills, heroes, etc

              • 1 year ago

                Nah I think it's boring to do that way. Sure we could pay someone to drok run but that just sucks the fun out of fighting level 15 enemies. Goal is to not invalidate the content

                Also I'll be like 5 minutes -Spirit

  29. 1 year ago


  30. 1 year ago
    Marcus of Rodgort

    Bros I tried zooming into first person and I think it crashed my game

  31. 1 year ago

    I wish I had woken up earlier to see this, but I am currently working on catching up to you guys
    name: Fm Lord Roberts

    • 1 year ago

      We're stopping for now, but tomorrow between 2 and 6 PM EST we're going play some more, if possible be on early so we can help you out with whatever needs doing. If you want we can invite you to the guild

      • 1 year ago

        I might be interested in joining. I havent played this game in over a decade though so I don't remember exactly if you can bring professions from other expansions prior to cap or not, but this looks fun, especially if there's people to play with and it's not just a henchmen botfest.

        I have experience in pretty much every profession except paragon, but my favorite is Assassin, and that's what i'd want to play tbh but I'm at work on break and saw this, thought i'd hit you up.

        • 1 year ago

          We're planning to work our way through each campaign but preferably with thematic characters, so no A/ or R/ until Factions and no D/ or P/ until Nightfall. Otherwise just drop a name sometime and we can add you to the guild or friend's list.

        • 1 year ago

          In general we are trying to progress through the game as it was released. So no derv, rit etc... till nightfall/factions. And in general I'm going to suggest people not use skills from future campaigns unless they are vitally important to your build being able to function.

          I think its far more interesting having to adapt your builds as you get access to better skills, for that reason no using tomes and skills from future campaigns it'd be boring if you'd just instantly have an endgame build that you effortless flatten enemies with till they are level 24 lol.

          If this means our nightfall or faction parties become 8 dervs or 8 ritualist I am down to see how we can make that work.

          • 1 year ago

            Considering you already have a W,N,Mo,E I'll play ranger I guess.

            In other news I got gwen finally after checking my gifts on one of my old characters bros!

            • 1 year ago

              Play what you want. Like I said if our parties ended up being 8 eles we could find a way to make it work lol. You'll have a chance to try at least 3 of them

              • 1 year ago

                Well, I'd like to think a diverse party is more "fun", and since I have experience anyway, it's no big deal, really. Whatever is needed, I can do it.

              • 1 year ago

                Honest to god, a monk would be great I was playing as a mesmer. But then yesterday I had a sudden horrifying realization that we had 6-8 people interested in the group and none of them are a monk and I have a phobia of trying to fight smoke phantoms or hydra without any monks. Very specific phobia I know. So I made a monk yesterday to ensure that didn't happen. I'm still leveling it, but a bit sad I didn't get to keep playing mesmer it has some really great denial and anti caster skillset that our group lacks.

                If no one wants to monk I'll gladly do it. But I would rather play monk for Factions. Our current party comp is pretty good otherwise.

              • 1 year ago

                Okay, I started playing ranger, but I can swap to monk no problemo! I'm just excited something like this exists to be honest.

                Guild wars was all I played back in the day on my PC. I still remember playing with minimum graphics settings cause my moms' potato just couldn't handle it, now a days I got a relatively overkill pc and man it didn't age half bad tbh

              • 1 year ago

                im this anon

                also my name is Dies Ruptor when any of the other anons has time to add me to the guild

      • 1 year ago

        You're already in a guild if you want an invite.

        I left the guild

        I’m going to be around pretty much all day tomorrow until 6:30 EST. It sounds like we’re planning for 2-6 EST to run Kryta missions. Any newcomers who want to try to catch up around before 2?

        I'll see how far I get tonight, I have another account so once I get out of pre-searing I can get my self to lions arch

    • 1 year ago

      You're already in a guild if you want an invite.

  32. 1 year ago

    To anons who were in the Ganker thread before it got archived, we have been doing some late game stuff but the new friend(s) obviously can’t so we usually do it when not everyone can make it

  33. 1 year ago

    >tfw havent been on in so long was promoted to guild leader somehow

  34. 1 year ago

    I'm getting the urge to play this again, might join you guys

  35. 1 year ago

    Why would you ever unslot Ebon Assassin?

    • 1 year ago

      To make room for other, more fun skills?

      • 1 year ago

        >15s rape machine
        >30s if you're feeling particularly vengeful of Prince Rurik Prince Rurik!
        >easy pull and tank
        >extra character/summon
        I now see why people say it's OP. What else is too strong?

        • 1 year ago

          In general most PvE only skills are badly balanced. I don't mind them in HM but in NM they can just solo carry a party lol

          Pain Inverter is also an egregious offender. It just insta kills most enemies and bosses

          Save Yourselves is also a bit bad but I'd be willing to overlook it. +100 armor basically gives entire party double HP

          • 1 year ago

            I need to grind my Luxon so I can have a whopping 6s of uptime instead of 5 but I can't muster the effort. I haven't tried Pain Inverter yet but good to know.

            • 1 year ago

              Fridays the community gets together for AB and on Saturdays the community gets together to play FA. Next Saturday if we aren't doing campaign I highly recommend it Fort Aspenwood is great

          • 1 year ago

            My go-to build on my assassin was A/W with way of the assassin, critical eye, into spamming death blossom -> moebius strike -> death blossom -> etc. I'd also throw in Save Yourselves, which I could maintain pretty much permanently from all the adrenaline gained from double striking.

            • 1 year ago

              >way of the assassin
              Should've been critical agility, mb.

            • 1 year ago

              The jagged strike > fox fang > death blossom with like max attack speed is the most broken combo for pve. Everything abuses it from W/A, D/A, R/A.

              • 1 year ago

                that was the exact build I used lmao, but I didn't look it up anywhere - just arrived at it naturally. so fun, and so good. especially with a mark of pain necro hero and a splinter weapon rit.

  36. 1 year ago
    Marcus of Rodgort

    I’m going to be around pretty much all day tomorrow until 6:30 EST. It sounds like we’re planning for 2-6 EST to run Kryta missions. Any newcomers who want to try to catch up around before 2?

  37. 1 year ago

    Three of us are online and chillin', about to do a skill quest if anybody isn't being social and wants to mingle.

  38. 1 year ago

    Lads I reinstalled. May I have an invite.

  39. 1 year ago

    >see thread
    >nostalgia hits hard
    >rummage through the deepest part of my attic and dust off my old boxes
    >reminisce on all the good times I had with the game
    >become sad
    I can't even play the game anymore if I wanted to, iirc I closed the email linked to my og account in rage when said email got "hacked." But I still like hearing stories of the game I love.
    /lurker mode on

    • 1 year ago

      Based physical copy saver. I only kept the eotn box like an idiot.

    • 1 year ago

      I sent them photos of my physical CD keys and named several of my characters, and they let me change my account's e-mail address.

  40. 1 year ago


  41. 1 year ago

  42. 1 year ago

    Alright box chads we’re playing. The plan is to progress the story to get to 8 man parties since we’ve had ~9 anons join

  43. 1 year ago

    About to embark on my journey to catch up with you dudes. There's still quite a few people in pre-searing!

    • 1 year ago

      Did you want a guild invite?

      • 1 year ago

        Don't think I could bear to leave this 🙁

        • 1 year ago

          Rip not guild leader if possible you swap your alliance to luxon we could have alliance chat with you

          • 1 year ago

            Every time I log in I've been guild leader due to actual GL's inactivity, but I always designate him back.

            • 1 year ago

              next time you get it, swap to luxon and join the alliance, then designate him back? Alliance chat would be nice if you're fine with doing that

    • 1 year ago
      Dies ruptor

      Wow, when I was on, it was totally empty, and then again, it was at 5 am, haha. Wonder if they're just leveling or going for title?

      • 1 year ago

        at 11 AM EST the ingame dailies reset so the most people are online at that hour. I've seen kamadan have up to 6 districts with 100 trades at that hour.

        Also possible you weren't in american district lol

        • 1 year ago
          Dies ruptor

          Oh yeah, i used to play with a chinese friend so its just a habit

  44. 1 year ago

    fricking knockdown immunity

    • 1 year ago

      >gypsie ettin
      wtf, you old-school farming sup vigors?

  45. 1 year ago
  46. 1 year ago

    Can't get the damn bees to cross the bridge AHHHH

  47. 1 year ago

    >jungle troll

    • 1 year ago

      I love jungle trolls. They're warriors rangers so they can use troll unguent lmao.
      If anyone has a mini jungle troll I'll pay good money for it

      • 1 year ago

        >If anyone has a mini jungle troll
        I probably have one I can give you. Let me check

        • 1 year ago
          Marcus of Rodgort

          Lookie lookie what I found 😉

          Awesome. You want anything for it? I've got a Mini Wind Rider I don't mind swapping

          • 1 year ago

            >You want anything for it?
            Nah, just happy to clear the inventory space and give to someone who might use it 🙂 where do u wanna meet? name is "omg its an assasinn" (misspelling intentional because some fricker sniped my name when I reset characters)

            • 1 year ago
              Marcus of Rodgort

              do you have quarrel falls? running to it rn

            • 1 year ago
              Marcus of Rodgort

              do you have quarrel falls? running to it rn

              • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        Lookie lookie what I found 😉

  48. 1 year ago

    the party is growing!
    Its such a good feeling running around and questing in a non-LFG party, too. Its been years since I've had this much fun in a 'mmo'. I love the challenge and making a new meme build every time we set out.
    Looking forward to next session! o7

    • 1 year ago

      you're all cute af

    • 1 year ago
      Marcus of Rodgort

      >4 out of 5 want to skip this cinematic
      it was worth not skipping to see the necromancer moonwalk away from the NPC we were supposed to talk to

  49. 1 year ago

    We stopped at Bloodstone Fen today for anyone hoping to catch up. Tomorrow at 11 AM EST we're going to do some Wintersday quests and Wintersday PvP right as holiday starts, all are welcome even if you aren't part of the prophecies group.

  50. 1 year ago

  51. 1 year ago

    how good is the support for gw?
    i had an old account that i moronicly used my school email for at the time, no idea what it was now, just the @ part. i remember my main character pretty well though, and i'm pretty sure what content i had if that mattered, but not the cd or the key, lost those a few moves ago.
    jw if there's even a slim chance i could possibly get it back.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah they're pretty reasonable from what I hear. Knowing any of your character names goes far, even if you don't have access to an old email.

      • 1 year ago

        cool. i might pop back in again if i manage to get it, literally all i need is the email, and i remember the password, so it shouldn't be too tall of an order.

    • 1 year ago

      cool. i might pop back in again if i manage to get it, literally all i need is the email, and i remember the password, so it shouldn't be too tall of an order.

      They're pretty good about recovering them. Give it a shot, and if it works post your character name and we can send a guild invite or a friend request if you'd rather stay in your guild

    • 1 year ago

      I forgot my password and they helped me just by remembering my account name and some of my character names.

  52. 1 year ago
    Dies ruptor

    What's the best way to make money on here in the current year? I used to make my gold selling greens and pets, but that doesn't seem like a viable option now. I need to start preparing for endgame armor, and iirc it's pretty pricey. Expansion doesn't matter. I just need something to farm. I've beaten everything years ago, so im open for anything.

    • 1 year ago

      Farming the weekly Gift of the Traveler. This week it's Mursaat Token's. You will always be albe to find someone buying them for 10 ectos each

  53. 1 year ago

    Wintersday has started!

    • 1 year ago

      maximum comfy

  54. 1 year ago

    Todays activities went pretty well. We got to play some snowball fight PvP, discovered a hidden bot farm and proceeded to farm it, and we worked on some wintersday quests.

    We're going try to do more story progress on this coming friday. Not sure on the day yet, let me know if you are free. Obviously no game this coming weekend.

  55. 1 year ago

    Which class has the sexiest armor designs and why is it Necromancer??

    • 1 year ago

      I see your necro scar pattern armor, and I raise you monk flowing armor.

      • 1 year ago

        Mm, flowing

    • 1 year ago

      livia doesn't count for you guys

  56. 1 year ago

    Add Kum Bubbles to the guild

    • 1 year ago

      Added check your guild invites

      • 1 year ago

        I’ll b on soon thanks

  57. 1 year ago

    >suddenly remember that traveling between zones used to take my potato PC a minute or two

  58. 1 year ago

    Much less than I thought.

    • 1 year ago

      I think I have like 500 extra hours idling nine rings, wish there was a way to preserve your global stats from that

  59. 1 year ago

    Since we’ve had a good amount of swapping runes and weapons and such, how do people feel about ironman?
    Essentially, no buying from rune traders & no taking crafting materials / gold / etc. from other characters on your account. The idea being that drops are more important / exciting when you can’t buy all the runes you need for 100g
    Would work even better with a full party, since you can swap runes to whoever needs them.

    • 1 year ago

      I can respect the dedication to the game's progression, but I think it'd probably get really tedious when it comes to materials. I'm no stranger to going out of my way to have Deldrimor Ingots crafted by specialty NPCs, but having to deal with salvaging bullshit for the materials you need for max armor or whatnot just seems annoying. I do like the rune idea, but I also more or less follow that same rule in my hardmode hero teams for the most part. I just load those frickers up with whatever I find and figure it out later.

      • 1 year ago

        One mechanic I think a lot of people forget is you can get max armor from collectors. During this proph playthrough I always made a habit of picking up monster trophies and usually I obtained 2-5 of each before we left the zone, and that was just me. Additionally we are a full party of players, which means drops aren't being stolen by NPC's.

        Ah, one of those. That sucks. My work week starts on the weekend. Oh well.

        One thing we're going to need to talk about at some point is how to keep organizing these in the future. Our original group picked those days and times because it was the 4 of us and they always worked out I am open to changing the days and times but would need to be on a day that worked for at least 75% of the group (so for a 8 man party, at least 6 of us need to be free). We now have about 8 people express interest in this idea over the span of 1-2 weeks, I'm always happy to have more people express interest (because we will never have all of those people on at the same time) but this many people makes it exceptionally hard to plan a time that works for everyone's schedules and its hard for me to keep track as well.

        So I'd like to propose this, I can keep posting a tentative schedule for what days we are doing story progress. Every time we progress the story I will post what quest we end on. People who are unable the meet those days due to real life or other commitments can propose a day and time for a catchup session. This could be a great opportunity to retry a mission bonus, try to get some monster trophy drops for collector armor, maybe you were indecisive about what class you want to play so you can run a backup class that you experiment with or use for the main group every now and then or try out some other wacky build.

        Try to at least give a 24 hour notice so people can notice the reply.

        Since we’ve had a good amount of swapping runes and weapons and such, how do people feel about ironman?
        Essentially, no buying from rune traders & no taking crafting materials / gold / etc. from other characters on your account. The idea being that drops are more important / exciting when you can’t buy all the runes you need for 100g
        Would work even better with a full party, since you can swap runes to whoever needs them.

        As far as the future we talked a bit about this last story progress I'd love to do a more ironman playthrough for when we start Factions.

  60. 1 year ago

    Yes, you can solo the entirety of Winds of Change HM as a Paragon. The difficulty overall wasn't what I imagined: most struggle came from proper positioning, completing the proper exploit, or too many waves of enemies that clog you up, which ultimately becomes trivializes with, once again, proper positioning.
    The story was poo. Most of the writing involves fighting the same factions back and forth, against an ultimately sociopathic leader purifying the land against anything which goes against the country (i.e., her ideals), advising a child figurehead who decides to maintain control over the Ministry and continue doing the same thing. Shoulda slaughtered that kid.

    Which sick weapons do I buy? Where do I go from here? UW solo team?

  61. 1 year ago

    I just started playing. Made a Ranger named Swole Jack.

    • 1 year ago

      What do you think you want your secondary to be?

      • 1 year ago

        no idea yet

    • 1 year ago

      As in you’ve never played it before? That’d be cool, since as far as I know we only have 1 other new guy.

      Are you still playing ?
      I am from EU and would be interested to come back a bit even more if it’s to play factions(my favorite by far).

      Do I have to have the steam version ?

      I can not play right now but would definitely be interested in like one weeks or two.

      Yep, still going. We just got to Bloodstone Fen, so about halfway through prophecies I think. We’re planning to play Factions once we finish Proph.
      >steam version
      Nope, thought it goes on steam sales pretty often if you ever wanted to buy an expansion / new account / etc

      One mechanic I think a lot of people forget is you can get max armor from collectors. During this proph playthrough I always made a habit of picking up monster trophies and usually I obtained 2-5 of each before we left the zone, and that was just me. Additionally we are a full party of players, which means drops aren't being stolen by NPC's.

      One thing we're going to need to talk about at some point is how to keep organizing these in the future. Our original group picked those days and times because it was the 4 of us and they always worked out I am open to changing the days and times but would need to be on a day that worked for at least 75% of the group (so for a 8 man party, at least 6 of us need to be free). We now have about 8 people express interest in this idea over the span of 1-2 weeks, I'm always happy to have more people express interest (because we will never have all of those people on at the same time) but this many people makes it exceptionally hard to plan a time that works for everyone's schedules and its hard for me to keep track as well.

      So I'd like to propose this, I can keep posting a tentative schedule for what days we are doing story progress. Every time we progress the story I will post what quest we end on. People who are unable the meet those days due to real life or other commitments can propose a day and time for a catchup session. This could be a great opportunity to retry a mission bonus, try to get some monster trophy drops for collector armor, maybe you were indecisive about what class you want to play so you can run a backup class that you experiment with or use for the main group every now and then or try out some other wacky build.

      Try to at least give a 24 hour notice so people can notice the reply.

      As far as the future we talked a bit about this last story progress I'd love to do a more ironman playthrough for when we start Factions.

      Sounds good. I appreciate all the organizing so far.

      • 1 year ago

        >As in you’ve never played it before?
        I dabbled when it was new, but never got to max level so essentially yeah I'm new

  62. 1 year ago

    Are you still playing ?
    I am from EU and would be interested to come back a bit even more if it’s to play factions(my favorite by far).

    Do I have to have the steam version ?

    I can not play right now but would definitely be interested in like one weeks or two.

    • 1 year ago

      Definitely a noob but I have very good memory finishing all the pve campaign when I was young.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah we still play every week, right now we are about halfway through prophecies we'll probably take a break this weekend though due to holidays. If you want a guild invite let me know a character name to invite.

      • 1 year ago

        >Do I have to have the steam version ?
        doesn't matter, steam just gives you the keys to redeem and boots the anet gw launcher

        As in you’ve never played it before? That’d be cool, since as far as I know we only have 1 other new guy.
        Yep, still going. We just got to Bloodstone Fen, so about halfway through prophecies I think. We’re planning to play Factions once we finish Proph.
        >steam version
        Nope, thought it goes on steam sales pretty often if you ever wanted to buy an expansion / new account / etc
        Sounds good. I appreciate all the organizing so far.

        How many are we right now playing?
        I will try to access my old account and post my pseudo tomorrow.

        • 1 year ago

          Currently in the guild, about 8.

          People in guild + people not in guild who expressed interest, about 12.

          People who showed up to last weekends story progress - 5 lol

          its hard to gauge actual numbers since some people change their minds and don't say anything or others can't make the planned time. It'd be pretty sick though if we ended up with 2 groups going through same time. In the future we could do urgoz/deep with 12 people, or even an 8v8 casual GvG scrimmage.

          • 1 year ago
            Dies ruptor

            Im one of the people in the guild but haven't been able to make the schedule (this week due to being inbetween moving to a new house) for the story, so I'm just working at my own pace and having fun. I do stay logged in, usually even if im not there, so it can be a little confusing if i am actually there. I do, however, want to participate eventually. It's just not been in the cards so far.

    • 1 year ago

      >Do I have to have the steam version ?
      doesn't matter, steam just gives you the keys to redeem and boots the anet gw launcher

    • 1 year ago

      Here my account.
      Don't judge me on the name I was quitte young at the time.

      I will definitely try to join the campaign when you start faction.

      • 1 year ago

        It's alright, we all have names that predate 2010, gives the game that extra vintage feeling seeing names from a decade ago. Will invite you when I log on later.

      • 1 year ago

        Am I supposed to be cringing at the fact that it’s “X the Warrior” or the fact that it’s in French (?)

        • 1 year ago

          Also that the french part is very wrong. Big spelling mistake.
          Ironically one of my less worst name which say a lot.

  63. 1 year ago

    Idk how often I can make the scheduled group stuff but if j stick with it pvp would be fun.

    • 1 year ago

      Well, throw out any times you could make it, otherwise there will be plenty of max level content once we hit the end of prophecies / factions / EoTN

      • 1 year ago

        ngl I don't really care about playing through pve content with people. I would make an effort to be there for pvp tho

        • 1 year ago

          woah youre hardcore

          • 1 year ago

            why are you being a gay about it? you can solo the entire game. can't solo guild pvp fights.

    • 1 year ago

      Todays activities went pretty well. We got to play some snowball fight PvP, discovered a hidden bot farm and proceeded to farm it, and we worked on some wintersday quests.

      We're going try to do more story progress on this coming friday. Not sure on the day yet, let me know if you are free. Obviously no game this coming weekend.

      >snowball fight PvP, discovered a hidden bot farm and proceeded to farm it
      I wasn't there for this, but HA is like 90% bots now, and thursday is the HA zcombat+double HA week, we could try getting a group together to either farm zcoins+faction (three and out) or try for halls

      • 1 year ago

        Sure, I'll be on for that.

        And yeah I've heard about the HA bots, the great snowball fight is interesting because they were resign bots could sit there doing nothing and as long as it wasn't one of the win teams, the bots would resign after 5 minutes. Farmed them for a couple hours to work on my Gamer title.

      • 1 year ago

        I'll be on at mission reset time if you want to do this later let me know.

  64. 1 year ago

    i used to love this game when i was younger used to play it with a good friend of mine... anyway would be anyone from the EU be interested in playing through this awesome game with me? drop your discord of whatever.

    • 1 year ago

      I think there are a couple eu players itt, just post a character name to join the guild

  65. 1 year ago

    For tomorrow's game we're going try to play at around 1:30 PM EST ish

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago
      Marcus of Rodgort

      Probably won’t be back until late Sunday, so no story progress for me. I’m in Ventari’s refuge so I can catch up quick if y’all want to try to make it out of the jungle

    • 1 year ago

      i will be reporting in unless I get too drunk within the remaining time

  66. 1 year ago

    sorry I was late for the guy doing halls, hope you guys made it and got a good fight

  67. 1 year ago

    Wife and I just started up again in Prophecies. Running around comfy pre-searing. I’m an R/W and she’s a N/Me. Shits comfy as frick. Probably go post-searing later today if anyone wants to join.

    • 1 year ago

      Post names if you would like a guild invite, etc.

      • 1 year ago

        Mind inviting me to your guild. Would love to get back involved with GW. Loved this game so much.

        A Day At The Fair

        • 1 year ago

          sent 😉

  68. 1 year ago

    If we've got the people we'll play, anyone around?

    • 1 year ago

      It's only me

      • 1 year ago

        trilogy is $15 until the 5th

        busy with christmas prep, sorry

        • 1 year ago

          all good we expected that, and yeah great time to pick up Trilogy

  69. 1 year ago

    hey guys, i bought the trilogy on steam and the download speeds seem to be super low like 40 kb/s.
    is there any way to uncap it?

    • 1 year ago

      I don’t remember the download speed being that bad, but this is a 2005 game in maintenance mode
      When you finally get in, let us know what you name your character. All the veteran players are really passionate about this game, so we’ll be happy to show you the ropes.

      • 1 year ago

        ive found out you can force the game to download all the maps at once so im doing that currently, the speed still doesn't rise higher than 70 kb/s so it'll take some time.
        and thanks for the offer but im in asia so wouldn't really be able to play with you guys

        • 1 year ago

          >im in asia so wouldn't really be able to play with you guys
          What time zone? Might be able to sort it out

        • 1 year ago

          You're still welcome to join the guild so you can have a social atmosphere to exist in. And if you need help at all, don't hesitate to ask. Some of us can hop on at random times to play with you.

  70. 1 year ago

    Prophecies/Factions era PvP will never come back and it hurts so bad 🙁

    • 1 year ago

      People still do HA, FA, AB, and occasionally JQ quite frequently. Few days ago I was doing HA with 3 other anons and we narrowly lost HA to a 5 and 7 player team during relic run. Final score was 23 - 27 - 25 we were 25.

  71. 1 year ago
    Marcus of Rodgort

    it finally arrived bros

    • 1 year ago
      Marcus of Rodgort

      oops, forgot phone pictures get rotated like that

  72. 1 year ago

    Merry Christmas gw1bros! Who’ll be around this coming week for wintersday?

  73. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        What's there to get?

        • 1 year ago


  74. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Whats the last zone you haven't vanquished? Also do it you son of a b***h.

      • 1 year ago

        Sage Lands was my last zone. Just finished it. No reason for it being last really - I found the rest of the Maguuma zones to be better/easier to vanquish than most other regions. Far fewer map-spanning patrols of one/two mobs you have to search for at the end.

    • 1 year ago

      could never do this shit
      hm missions is fine, but running around looking for a patrol of enemies, or scraping maps for a random map blob is my idea of hell

      • 1 year ago

        what else is there to do for the past 17 years bro

        • 1 year ago

          gitting gud at speed clears or running or whatever, playing through the campaigns with friends, getting into high-end pvp if you really need to sate masochism, taking a break instead of trying to fill time so you still enjoy it
          not trying to put you down at all if you're having fun, but you don't have to spend like 300 hours hugging walls or hoping the right prophecies boss spawns to cap a monk elite, just because the title's there. I feel like gwamm would kill the magic for me

    • 1 year ago

      Guardians and vanquishers are easy (tho vanquisher can be draining).
      Cart of gophers is a pain in the ass.

  75. 1 year ago
    Dies ruptor

    Hope everyone had a good wintersday, i'm excited to get back on the grind myself

    • 1 year ago

      >he hasn't been grinding ww for wintersday stacks 24/7

  76. 1 year ago

    Just bought the trilogy 😉
    Never played GW aside from 10 minutes of the second one so this should be interesting
    Although I'm currently in the crack addict stages of diablo 2 endgame so im not sure when I'll be on

    • 1 year ago

      i just rolled a propheices necro

      Nice, awesome to have more people joining. Tell us your character names and we can invite you to the guild, which is usually the best way to coordinate.

      Who all is going to be around this weekend?

      • 1 year ago

        Zom Based
        i remember reading you guys needing a healer so im going /monk

      • 1 year ago

        We're going try to play on Friday at 11 AM - 2:30 PM EST

        On Sunday we're going to play 2-5 PM EST,

        Haven't decided if we'll do a Saturday game yet (New Years day and all) so people might have other plans. That said, we are Ganker users no one here actually has a life (right?) so we'll talk about a possible Saturday game on Friday, if it's happening I'll post in this thread too (and update guild MOTD)

        Add me if you want, I sometimes play though mostly do JQ or zaishen dailies for fun
        Ragna Fall

        In the future I'd love to get us to do some classic GW1 PvP I use to do JQ/FA a ton back in the day, doing a 12 man urgoz/deep would be neat too.

        • 1 year ago

          I have the ZQ for Kanaxai (The Deep) from within the past week, would be neat to do that ever at any point.

        • 1 year ago
          Marcus of Rodgort

          I’m free Friday at those times
          Welcome to all the new anons

        • 1 year ago

          I’m free Friday at those times
          Welcome to all the new anons

          Anyone else around this morning?

      • 1 year ago
        Bonesy Wengleton

        Just bought the trilogy 😉
        Never played GW aside from 10 minutes of the second one so this should be interesting
        Although I'm currently in the crack addict stages of diablo 2 endgame so im not sure when I'll be on

        Names Bonesy Wengleton, might be a necro

        • 1 year ago

          sent 😉
          see you boys in a few hours

  77. 1 year ago
    Dies ruptor

    Some dude just randomly gave me 250e for free, can't tell if I should be excited or worried.

    • 1 year ago

      people have been playing for 17 years, with bots and dupes and so on along the way, some people just have a lot of money
      there was a guy playing the ww quest as "saint nick the giver," running around dropping ectos, rubies, and the odd armbrace (~150e), bone dragon staff (4+ arms), etc.

    • 1 year ago

      people have been playing for 17 years, with bots and dupes and so on along the way, some people just have a lot of money
      there was a guy playing the ww quest as "saint nick the giver," running around dropping ectos, rubies, and the odd armbrace (~150e), bone dragon staff (4+ arms), etc.

      and to add, I'm not even rich but if I'm talking to someone in kama or whatever who's new back, I'll usually give em 10 ecto or whatever and tell them to farm nick gifts to get themselves set up, 250e is probably like 50 plat to that guy

      • 1 year ago

        Am I new if I'm completed all campaign content but I only have 1e? Frick me I should have been loitering around on Christmas Day then again I don't even know what I would want to spend money on I think most Paragon gear looks bland and I like the pristine 'pure' look so I'm reluctant to dye it beyond the default White

        • 1 year ago

          >completed all campaign content but I only have 1e
          it's not like you accidentally get ecto through anything outside of player trading, unless you pick up plains farming as a hobby
          if you're on I'll front you the money to buy a nick set and sell the resulting gifts, if you search "wts nick set" and "wtb gott" on you can make like 80-95e/week for no effort

          • 1 year ago

            You're right.
            It isn't a big deal. I'm mostly just grumbling, perhaps at my own lack of initiative to pick up on easy money opportunities. I took a peak and wew lad 1e = 10p? WEW

  78. 1 year ago

    Due to the growing rates of inflation across Tyria, I will now be charging a mere 50e/week for guild sponsorship. 🙂

  79. 1 year ago

    i just rolled a propheices necro

  80. 1 year ago

    Add me if you want, I sometimes play though mostly do JQ or zaishen dailies for fun
    Ragna Fall

    • 1 year ago

      You are already in a guild.

      • 1 year ago

        I meant as friends, hetero. I'm not ready to leave just yet.

        • 1 year ago

          Fine, I'm ready now, just left.

  81. 1 year ago

    Hello im down for a go. ign : Sierra Icepunch

  82. 1 year ago

    God heroway dhuum will never not be stressful as I sit here dead on the ground for the last 25% of the dhuum's rest bar.

  83. 1 year ago

    I haven't played this in ages and never got super into the endgame, but I remember the builds and pvp being really fun. Is it still possible to do the lv10 pre-searing arenas or is that dead? Also I want to roll a new class, i only really played ranger/war/monk before; whats the most fun, assassin, ritualist, or ele?

    • 1 year ago

      Not sure about pre-searing arenas, they're probably pretty dead but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a day of the week when people run them, like FA on Saturdays.
      >assassin, ritualist, or ele
      If you want to play with us I'd reccomend ele, since we're trying to play through Prophecies before Factions. If not, both Assassin and Rit are my favorites, but you can't go wrong with the classic nuker ele getting those big damage numbers

      • 1 year ago

        is air ele any good? also what should I prioritize/ignore/skip in prophecies

        • 1 year ago

          I actually think prophecies air or water ele are pretty underrated. They have some pretty strong skills and elites available to them here. You are welcome to skip everything up until the current mission we are on (Bloodstone Fen). That said, I highly recommend you side quest, and explore. Prophecies has a ton of valuable skills who are only found in tiny shitter outposts dotted throughout Tyria. If nothing else, make sure you grab Temple of Ages as well, since after proph we might try

          We're going try to play on Friday at 11 AM - 2:30 PM EST

          On Sunday we're going to play 2-5 PM EST,

          Haven't decided if we'll do a Saturday game yet (New Years day and all) so people might have other plans. That said, we are Ganker users no one here actually has a life (right?) so we'll talk about a possible Saturday game on Friday, if it's happening I'll post in this thread too (and update guild MOTD)

          In the future I'd love to get us to do some classic GW1 PvP I use to do JQ/FA a ton back in the day, doing a 12 man urgoz/deep would be neat too.

          Also after thinking on a possible Saturday game for a while I've decided maybe we'll try to set up a game and sequence break for elites (again) we're more people now, and a bit more powerful. For those unfamiliar, you get Signet of Capture early in proph (Lion's Arch) however, the first available elite is not until the Desert (at least 7 missions), the first decent elite not until after desert (at least 11-12 missions) but if we walk south from Beacon's Perch there is some high level boss enemies we can snipe skills from, it's only a few patrolling groups but its difficult due to level difference. A few times ago our warrior got Defy Pain which was a great grab. Some of the available elites are -

          Necro - Offering of Blood (Blood energy management)
          Mesmer - Crippling Anguish (Illusion CC)
          Ele - Water Trident (Water spammable AoE)
          Warrior - Defy Pain (Strength powerful early tank skill)
          Monk - Life Barrier - (Protection massive damage reduction)

          Pic related is the path we'd have to take. The red dot is where most of the bosses we need spawn.

          So for anyone interested in getting early elites, we'll try on Saturday starting at 11 AM EST, till we get bored of dying horribly or something.

          • 1 year ago

            >Prophecies has a ton of valuable skills who are only found in tiny shitter outposts dotted throughout Tyria
            heh... nothing personnel firstwatch sergio...

            • 1 year ago

              >heh... nothing personnel firstwatch sergio...

    • 1 year ago

      >pre-searing arenas
      there's only one of these, and you have to have something like 8 people leave the starter area together to play it the one time
      there's one level-gated one in the shiverpeaks and equivalents in the other campaigns, but they're extremely dead, all the other ones from prophecies got rolled into RA (rarely active partially because of bots that will report you if you try to play). team arenas and hero battles are also gone now
      pvp happens in JQ all the time but with bots, FA and AB on certain player-organized days of the week, HA at the top level above a ladder of bots farming it, codex almost never, and gvg sometimes but I think they have rupt bot problems and are also buttholes with 16 years of skill to catch up to
      with the number of people itt we could probably force codex matches (4v4, almost always empty)

  84. 1 year ago
    Zom Based

    Due to a series of misfortunate events, I won't be able to play tomorrow. I should still be good for Sunday, though. (car problems)

  85. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago
      Dies ruptor

      The amount of nuts I've busted to nika in my younger years unf

  86. 1 year ago

    Damn guild is getting b i g surprised how many people are interested in GW1 still

    Also log in bro's its time to discover the white mantle did nothing wrong.

    • 1 year ago

      I’m getting some coffee bro I’ll be on in a sec

  87. 1 year ago

    Also, lord knows I will forget for the 4th week in a row so I am posting this here. Don't forget to pick up your book from this guy in LA, ask him to fill in the pages you've already done and carry the book around for rest of playthrough. You'll accumulate pages as we do more missions.

  88. 1 year ago

    Saw the thread on Ganker and piqued my interest. I think I only ever played base game and maybe the first expansion but an arena net account I had for my current email is closed due to some security shit and that may have been for GW2 rather than 1.
    Am I alright to just get trilogy on steam if I wanted to play?

    • 1 year ago

      Yes that's fine. Also ANet support is notoriously helpful and will usually swap your account to a new email if you remember any details at all, like even one character name.

  89. 1 year ago
    Constantine Semi

    Friends, I won't be coming on tonight. Family visit and all. I might be able to make it tomorrow, however. Have fun!

    • 1 year ago

      Today we reached Sanctum Cay, if you're looking to catch up to our group and need a run from LA to there just let me know.

      Let us know if you can, we'll happily go through maguuma missions with you. Their bonuses are fun.

      Saturday's game isn't a story prog but we'll start around 11 AM EST for anyone interested in getting early elites, or catching up on some missions together.

      Sunday's game will be at 2 PM EST, make sure you are caught up to Sanctum Cay by then as we go into the desert.

  90. 1 year ago

    I just booted up after not playing for about a year. Is there any particular class that's missing when you guys play or can we pick whatever? I usually play Warrior but I was thinking of making a fresh Monk character since I haven't played a caster in...15 years lol.

    • 1 year ago

      We have about 3 backup monks but I think only one has been committed to leveling. Just play whatever you have fun with. Right now our team is like
      >hammer W
      >E/Me going air
      >N blood/curses
      >Dom Mesmer
      >bunnythumper R/W

      • 1 year ago

        Today we reached Sanctum Cay, if you're looking to catch up to our group and need a run from LA to there just let me know.

        Let us know if you can, we'll happily go through maguuma missions with you. Their bonuses are fun.

        Saturday's game isn't a story prog but we'll start around 11 AM EST for anyone interested in getting early elites, or catching up on some missions together.

        Sunday's game will be at 2 PM EST, make sure you are caught up to Sanctum Cay by then as we go into the desert.

        Do you take any characters or just Proph mains?

        • 1 year ago

          Ideally, proph characters. We’re trying to play through all of the campaigns in order without getting heroes / skills / etc from future campaigns.

        • 1 year ago

          Either way, post your name for a guild invite.

    • 1 year ago

      also, the number of anons interested has grown beyond even the max party size. odds are we'll be able to make a solid party with whoever shows up on a given day regardless of what you pick
      So feel free to do whatever is fun

  91. 1 year ago


    proph only for now we're trying to play the game as it released, so no skills from future campaigns

  92. 1 year ago

    What is your favourite profession and why? I'm back from a hiatus of a couple of years and am currently trying to decide on a new profession. Have one of every at max lvl but wanna go for some fun titles this time around.

    • 1 year ago

      Necromancer, it has soul reaping.

    • 1 year ago

      Ele is most fun to play with other players (especially when there is a tank to ball enemies)

      Assassin or derv have some of the most satisfying melee in the game (assassin crit ASMR pls)

      Ranger honestly feels like the best designed (not too OP but has all sorts of synergies)

      Necro is probably the best rendition of a necromancer out if any game I've played. That said can be weird to play in some areas if you don't plan your build out.

      I've actually come to enjoy Mesmer more than I expected, it really rewards you for playing smart and having quick reactions there's nothing as satisfying as killing a monk by interrupting all of their skills until death.

      Warrior is about what you expect. Prot monk was ahead of its time in 2005 but now most games have some form of damage mitigation healer rather than raw heals.

      Paragon is Rit are for psychopaths (of which I am one)

      Yes I just listed like every class. I like them all for different reasons.

      Do you take any characters or just Proph mains?

      No skills or prof from later campaigns. We are playing the game as it released so no derv, para, rit, sin. That said if you have a factions ranger or something and you wanna join us. More than welcome.

      • 1 year ago

        >No skills or prof from later campaigns. We are playing the game as it released so no derv, para, rit, sin. That said if you have a factions ranger or something and you wanna join us. More than welcome.

        Nta but I've been getting back into GW2 after firing it up so my kid could jump around on the candycane puzzles, and I find that I would rather be playing GW1. My whole account is full of 20s but I guess I could kill one of them or pay the man. I remember being a decent healer but I'd need to retool my skills since I mostly played factions. I also don't remember shit about the game so there's that. Where are you all at now?

  93. 1 year ago
    Bonesy Wengleton

    how do i into necro
    never played guild wars before so builds, meta and all that jazz is very new to me
    minion master seems fun coming from diablo 2 but how do i go about attribute allocation, skills etc
    any tips for just general play would be appreciated too

    • 1 year ago

      Necro, especially Minion Master, is rough early on, from what little I personally know.
      You get skill points that you put toward attributes (for ex: you may spend 3 skill points to level Soul Reaping from 3 to 4.) I would buy ID and Salvage Kits and start IDing/salvaging everything you can for basic materials. Unlock your Xanlai chest asap and get the material storage component thing. If you need some platinum to get started, just holler.

    • 1 year ago

      Are you in prophecies and have you gone to the searing yet? These will affect skills available to you
      As far as stats, Death Magic is the most important stat for minion masters, with Soul Reaping also being good for keeping your energy high
      I would put points in the former every time you have enough points, with the rest in soul reaping. You can respec in any town, so play around with it

    • 1 year ago

      similar question as but for ele. I haven't played in at least a decade and don't remember anything. I made my first ele last night and played during work today when I had time, I logged out close to sanctum cay. I've just been using fire because I have the attunement and rodgorts available at the first skill trainer (somehow). Are the other elements viable or would I just be playing a nerfed version of fire? if so, what are some key skills for earth/air I should try to get asap? (aside from attunements) should I care about any crafting mats right now or just sell stuff, and where can I get the best bags possible?

      • 1 year ago

        >last night
        >sanctum cay
        Jesus Christ anon you really caught up. As far as skill trainers, I believe if one of your characters has learned a skill, any character can learn it at any trainer

        • 1 year ago

          oh I did not know that, thanks. I might use some really old chars to get access to different builds to try out on my ele

          >other elements
          They’re viable, but fire is going to be your best bet for raw damage output against groups. Against single targets Air beats it out, while Earth and Cold are more for buffing and debuffing
          It’s a bit of a pain, but I recommend just salvaging everything for mats.
          Just buy bags from any merchant, then apply a rune of holding, also from merchants. Have you been using the Xunlai chest? Usually I rarely get items into my belt, let alone my bags

          are the 5 slot bags the biggest I can get? I didn't want to drop a few hundred gold on something if I can find a better one later on. also there's no special/separate bank for mats is there?

          • 1 year ago

            From merchants there is an item called Rune of Holding I think, you can use it to increase your bags to 10 (ONLY BAGS, NOT YOUR BELT POUCH, ONLY BUY 2 OF THEM). There's ANOTHER +5 for belt pouch and bags (for total of 15 bag space) but its wicked expensive. There is also equipment bags but the 10-20 slot ones are expensive

          • 1 year ago

            >there's no special/separate bank for mats
            xunlai chests have a shared inventory across all your characters, you can get access for like 100 gold at a xunlai agent
            for another trivial amount, you get access to the materials tab (picrel) which can store up to 250, or one stack, of every material

      • 1 year ago

        >other elements
        They’re viable, but fire is going to be your best bet for raw damage output against groups. Against single targets Air beats it out, while Earth and Cold are more for buffing and debuffing
        It’s a bit of a pain, but I recommend just salvaging everything for mats.
        Just buy bags from any merchant, then apply a rune of holding, also from merchants. Have you been using the Xunlai chest? Usually I rarely get items into my belt, let alone my bags

      • 1 year ago

        >should I care about any crafting mats right now or just sell stuff
        always salvage the following: DUST IRON FEATHERS BONE
        they're used for consets so the value will always be high at some point (bones may be low now, but they've been the most expensive mat of the 4 at times within the last couple months). or you can craft your own consets, which sell for something like 3e/ or help you through hard content
        most armor and a lot of weapons will be cloth, tanned hide, granite slabs or wood planks which are not worth a ton, so focus on weapons which look like they have metal or a blade, wands, wings or other drops from birds, and mystical items (uncertain origin=dust)

        oh I did not know that, thanks. I might use some really old chars to get access to different builds to try out on my ele

        are the 5 slot bags the biggest I can get? I didn't want to drop a few hundred gold on something if I can find a better one later on. also there's no special/separate bank for mats is there?

        >5 slot bags the biggest I can get
        5 slot belt pouch, and two 10 slot bags with runes of holding is it for pure inventory space, there are also equipment pouches which only store weapons or armor
        there's a 5 slot one for 2000 gold, or you can earn a currency from playing daily missions or boss bounties for larger ones (up to 20 slots), but it takes a while to accrue that much of it

  94. 1 year ago

    Post one of those conjure w/e builds
    can't find shit on PvX

    • 1 year ago

      Found this one by searching “conjure” on PvX. Requires a factions-only elite but I suspect it’s just for skill allocation

      • 1 year ago

        maybe I'm moronic, I even tried looking at all W/ builds, oh well. I suppose this should work for any weapon then, just substitute appropriate skills

        • 1 year ago

          I would go for sword or axe over hammer. Sword has the fastest swing speed of the 3 iirc, so more conjure procs. Axe has more AoE potential, so could have higher dps than sword if you ball enemies enough

  95. 1 year ago

    What a lovely game, nice and slow perfect for an old frick such as myself, just me and my new bow chilling in the woods listening to Jeremy's calm tunes. I just bought it on steam, the trilogy is on sale now, never played it before and didn't read any guide or anything about it, so I am running completely blind. I rolled a ranger with monk secondary, thought some heals will be great to compliment my beast later on.

    • 1 year ago

      Ranger is a versatile class, you'll have fun with it.

    • 1 year ago

      You want a guild invite? No pressure to catch up

      • 1 year ago

        Sure, why not

      • 1 year ago

        should i be crafting the armor offered by new npcs whenever i find them or is that not the best use of mats/money

        similar question as but for ele. I haven't played in at least a decade and don't remember anything. I made my first ele last night and played during work today when I had time, I logged out close to sanctum cay. I've just been using fire because I have the attunement and rodgorts available at the first skill trainer (somehow). Are the other elements viable or would I just be playing a nerfed version of fire? if so, what are some key skills for earth/air I should try to get asap? (aside from attunements) should I care about any crafting mats right now or just sell stuff, and where can I get the best bags possible?

        can i get one? ele is named Spicy Fingers

        • 1 year ago

          >whenever i find them
          Double check to make sure the armor rating is actually better than what you’ve got. Very few outposts it’ll get better as you progress. There’s an argument for both crafting it and skipping it. On one hand, it’s fairly cheap and will help you survive. On the other, you can get max stat armor extremely quickly these days, so it’s up to you whether you want to skip ahead to grab it. The prophecies story gang (~5 anons have made it so far) is choosing not to skip ahead since it’s more fun that way, but many players do.
          I’ll send you that invite if no one beats me to it.

          • 1 year ago

            Every few outposts*

        • 1 year ago
          Dies ruptor

          It might be a bit annoying, but hold onto trophies from slain enemies. You can often trade them to collector npcs for weapon or armor upgrades, which can save you quite a bit vs. just making them outright at the vendor.

  96. 1 year ago

    Aiden giving me tools of war and I found a dinosaur too

    • 1 year ago

      >anon found Aidan
      Nice! I sometimes forget he’s back there way down at the fishing village
      Cool Moa, it was my first pet and I used it for a long time. If you didn’t know, Gregory will still follow you even if you take Charm Animal off your skill bar - you only need Comfort Animal

      • 1 year ago

        I did not know that ,thanks for the tip! Maybe I can swap it to a more useful skill later

    • 1 year ago

      Seeing pre searing skill bars always makes such a wave of nostalgia flow through me

    • 1 year ago

      should i be crafting the armor offered by new npcs whenever i find them or is that not the best use of mats/money

      can i get one? ele is named Spicy Fingers

      sent 😉

  97. 1 year ago

    I've got a brand new Nightfall Monk and Elementalist because it's the only way my autism will allow me to play those without spending the next three weeks getting Legendary Defender of Ascalon. How long does it take to get from Nightfall to Prophecies and backtrack to catch up to where you guys are?

    • 1 year ago

      You just have to hit level 10 and get the travel to LA quest in Kamadan. After that I can run run to Sanctum Cay on my assassin. It's a rather short walk still which is why we stopped there on Friday.

      Also we are playing today in like 45 minutes for anyone interested. No story prog but maybe we'll try elites again or redo some missions with other members.

      • 1 year ago

        I can join, send an invite to Mai Solkim.

  98. 1 year ago

    only 845hp today with both buffs

    • 1 year ago

      Alesia you fricking bich

    • 1 year ago

      Time to bully the rangers into grabbing symbiosis

      • 1 year ago

        Run signet of stamina, and never attack. Just look intimidating.

        • 1 year ago

          Swap to W/Me and there’s an illusionary weaponry build there. You’d have to lose Defy Pain for it though

  99. 1 year ago
    Dies ruptor

    I want to make a really fun smiting build, so im not just healing or cleansing shit

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah I plan to do the same in factions (RoJ is available) but there are some neat smiting elites in Proph too. If you plan to go for a smiting build make sure you have high Divine favor so each of your smite skills do good party healing.

      You'll have to be selective with when you cast your skills and wait for allies to be damaged first so you can heal them up.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah I plan to do the same in factions (RoJ is available) but there are some neat smiting elites in Proph too. If you plan to go for a smiting build make sure you have high Divine favor so each of your smite skills do good party healing.

      You'll have to be selective with when you cast your skills and wait for allies to be damaged first so you can heal them up.

      don't want to frick the ironman-esque thing up, but I have a q10 smiting cc you can have if you get an equivalent drop

      • 1 year ago

        Nah its all good we're still in prophecies mid game, it'll probably be at least another 2~ months before we start our factions play.

        Also speaking of things in the future, what does /vm/ think of this Me/Mo build? The basic premise behind is our party is sometimes very physical attack heavy (Ranger, Warrior, and in future Assassin, Derv, Para) so the idea is maintain Strength of Honor on every physical player (+20 damage to attacks, costs 1 regen pip per person I am maintaining). I'm using Mantra of Signets for self heal per signet and +15 armor, along with Artificer's insignia +15 more armor (3 per signet), and a fast casting shield I could have a +100 armor mesmer. If we end up having 6-7 physicals somehow maybe I swap Keystone for Lyssa's Aura. Obviously some things would have to be swapped out since they are Factions/Nightfall skills but not a huge deal.

        Build ID OQNDA6gOP/A9MKJTXP7BSg5Bw

        • 1 year ago

          forgot to include image

        • 1 year ago

          SoH only works on melee attacks. Bows and spears do not benefit from its effects. Additionally, I believe there's a 25 point cap on bonus armor you can receive from skills. You'll be tanky, but also enemy aggro usually works at a baseline of attacking enemies with the least armor and health, so you wouldn't be the target much. Ultimately Keystone Signet is an extremely powerful skill so you would still be very helpful as Mesmers tend to be.

          • 1 year ago

            Damn doesn't work on spears/bows? That sucks missed that bit.

            it'd be +15 armor from the mantra, and +15 armor from using an insignia, though honestly even an 85 armor mesmer would be pretty wild not counting the fast casting shield.

            • 1 year ago

              I believe armor and insignias work as intended, it's just a cap you get from skills. This matters more if you're working with stuff like Stand Your Ground and Watch Yourselves, cuz it would be overcapping then. Ultimately I think a Keystone Mesmer has a much higher potential than just a SoH slave, but you definitely accomplish what you set out to do with that build. I don't have any numbers in my head but I feel like there could be minmaxing to do with your signet cooldown reduction hooking up with Keystone in a rotation if you really wanted to get specific.

              • 1 year ago

                True that could be an interesting idea as well. I floated the idea for a bit of running something like Symbolic Celerity for more signet choices but decided current line up was good enough.

                I only really plan to use this if we end up with me casting it on like 3-4 people.

              • 1 year ago

                There's also the matter of it being fairly shitty in areas with fat enchant hate like the Crystal Desert. SoH probably isn't going to get covered in time before something slaps it off of them, especially since it's going to be on frontline characters who're gonna get shattered first. I think it's a situational build by area, but you could absolutely pivot the Keystone gimmick into a lot of different directions. Full Mesmer Keystone is a more disruptive alternative to Esurge shenanigans. Assassin in Deadly Arts has a few signets you could use if your party is heavy in conditions. SoH can be swapped out from Smiting in favor of something like a relevant Scourge hex. I do think that it'd matter quite a bit in areas where you're not getting stripped every fight.

          • 1 year ago

            It's multiple skills to 25 or one skill can break the cap.
            *laughs in Save Yourselves!*

  100. 1 year ago

    NINETEEN (19!) homies online within the past week.

    • 1 year ago

      12-13 just today we really gotta unlock those 8 man parties

      Also reminder we are playing tomorrow at 2-5 PM EST we are currently at Sanctum Cay which is rather close walk from LA.

      • 1 year ago

        Excited for 12 man dungeons

  101. 1 year ago

    Never really played Monk before, what's a better Prophecies secondary profession? /Me or /E?

    • 1 year ago

      /Me is more popular for energy management

      • 1 year ago

        Gotcha, I'll grab that then. I probably won't have time to reach Sanctum Cay before tomorrow's game, but I'll try to level up what I can. Looking to fully focus on Prot/Heal and not Smite, hopefully there are enough skills before the desert to make it worth it. Might take some of the pressure off the "backup Monks" so they can play what they originally wanted.

  102. 1 year ago

    Just rebought the trilogy on the steam sale and made a new account, god this game is so comfy

    how do i get a guild invite

    • 1 year ago

      Post in-game name here and someone from the guild will send an invite.

      • 1 year ago

        ingame name is Accursed Diagrams

        • 1 year ago

          sent 😉
          ass end of the night and 4 homies online

          • 1 year ago
            Zom Based

            >no sleep team

          • 1 year ago

            >he doesn’t want to ring in the new year in Kamadan

  103. 1 year ago

    >9 districts in Kamadan
    >district 1 not even close to full
    what is going on??

    • 1 year ago

  104. 1 year ago
    Anonymous is today's ZQ mission. Two missions past Sanctum Cay. Easy coins?

    • 1 year ago

      Nice catch, I'm unsure if we'll do anything past Sanctum Cay today I mentioned throughout the week plan is probably going to be to unlock all 3 of the desert mission outposts (maybe tiny ones too for skills), maybe do the 15 attribute quest today too. And then on next story prog day do all 3 missions at once, then aurgery rock. That way we don't have any weird scenarios going into Aurgery rock like someone who wasn't here last week didn't do Dunes of Despair or something.

      That said, everyone should grab that ZM free money.

      • 1 year ago

        I might be a bit late to today's game. But I expected that might happen so I jumped on earlier and unlocked Aurgery rock for my mesmer. Group up without me I'll probably be 30-60 min late.

      • 1 year ago
        Marcus of Rodgort

        I might be a bit late to today's game. But I expected that might happen so I jumped on earlier and unlocked Aurgery rock for my mesmer. Group up without me I'll probably be 30-60 min late.

        I’ll probably be 15-20 minutes late as well, apologies.

  105. 1 year ago

    Meet up in Sanctum Cay for the start of today's activities. We'll begin in 10 minutes.

  106. 1 year ago

    >Vizier Khilbron: "There is a traitor in your midst, one of the Shining Blade's own Inner Council."
    ><Party Leader>: "What? Who?"
    >Vizier Khilbron: "I believe you know him by the name Markis."
    >Vizier Khilbron: "He masquerades as your friend and confidant, but he is instead a White Mantle infiltrator."
    Knew something was funny with one of you frickers.

    • 1 year ago

      You can trust Kilbro, he's a good guy.

    • 1 year ago

      You can trust Kilbro, he's a good guy.

      I liked the mini-lich walking around in the cutscenes with him

  107. 1 year ago

    I really gotta rebind my screenshot key, lol
    Anyone want any of these runes?

    • 1 year ago

      What mesmer insignia is that in top right?

  108. 1 year ago

    in gif format and my laptop's shit resolution for period-authenticity

    • 1 year ago

      fukken saved

  109. 1 year ago
    comics I mentioned

    • 1 year ago

      >only 60 something
      you're like a baby, watch this

  110. 1 year ago

    We made big progress today. Had a 6 man group go through all of the desert together in current year was really cool.

    We've stopped at Dragon's Lair mission which is when we unlock 8 person parties! If you are interested and want to catch up post in thread and I'll gladly give you a desert tour so you can quickly unlock the outposts.

    Next week we are playing on Friday starting at 6 PM EST that will be story prog continuing from Dragon's Lair. Saturday will be 11 AM -5 PM we'll try to snag some elites, get some people caught up, maybe story prog, or we'll explore south shiverpeaks and unlock some towns. Sunday will be 2-5~ PM EST, and that'll be another story prog.

    Also worth mentioning tomorrow at 4 PM EST we'll try to get those Lonar Pass elites again for anyone interested.

    We had up to 13 people online in guild at one point was real cool.

    • 1 year ago


  111. 1 year ago


  112. 1 year ago
  113. 1 year ago

    did our war need an icy hammer head for a conjure build?

    • 1 year ago

      I have a firey axe haft if one of our warriors wants that

    • 1 year ago

      I have a firey axe haft if one of our warriors wants that

      If you gays are practically crafting me an elemental hammer then I'll try it out.

  114. 1 year ago

    so im looking around and what does it mean under wep for pic related? like what is 40/40 dom, +5^50 energy

    • 1 year ago

      40/40 means two items (wand and focus) with “halves the casting time of (dom) spells (20% chance)” and “halves the recharge time of (dom) skills (20% chance)”, because 20 + 20 = 40. 20% is the max you can get for these

      • 1 year ago

        i see thanks and what about 20/20?

        • 1 year ago

          20/20 is the same, but instead of stacking 2 items it’s for staffs which take up both hands.

          • 1 year ago

            Also, I might be mistaken but I think wands & focuses only reduce casting time / recharge time on one specific skill, while a staff will do all skills. Maybe a veteran itt can correct me if I’m wrong.

            It’s got both so each one is a 20/20 both make it 40/40.

            • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                People were discussing 40/40 and we’re confused about stuff so I linked the wiki article about them

              • 1 year ago

                But both the posts you replied to were discussing 20/20 staffs, not 40/40 sets

              • 1 year ago

                My bad, I was s p e e d reading at work.

              • 1 year ago

                But both the posts you replied to were discussing 20/20 staffs, not 40/40 sets

                Still, it’s useful to have the wiki article on hand. The gw1 wiki is a great resource.

                so im looking around and what does it mean under wep for pic related? like what is 40/40 dom, +5^50 energy

                Anyone here watch GWReborn’s videos? Never liked them as much as Doom Box or MozoGW, but he does upload a lot more often

        • 1 year ago

          20/20 is the same, but instead of stacking 2 items it’s for staffs which take up both hands.

          Also, I might be mistaken but I think wands & focuses only reduce casting time / recharge time on one specific skill, while a staff will do all skills. Maybe a veteran itt can correct me if I’m wrong.

    • 1 year ago

      40/40 means two items (wand and focus) with “halves the casting time of (dom) spells (20% chance)” and “halves the recharge time of (dom) skills (20% chance)”, because 20 + 20 = 40. 20% is the max you can get for these

      Oops, +5^50 is +5 energy while health is above 50%. This is just a shorthand that has developed over the years.

    • 1 year ago

      Still, it’s useful to have the wiki article on hand. The gw1 wiki is a great resource.
      Anyone here watch GWReborn’s videos? Never liked them as much as Doom Box or MozoGW, but he does upload a lot more often

      reborn is a shitter who bots
      I usually check peter kadar for farming, or gwpvx for builds

      • 1 year ago

        That’s a cope. Reborn is the most generous person in all of guild wars and truly runs a great community. You can run as many accounts as you want. You’re clearly a poor gay.

        • 1 year ago

          >the most generous person in all of guild wars
          >truly runs a great community
          sincerely hoping you're him posting anonymously and not actually this dumb

          • 1 year ago
            Zom Based

            not him just someone that has been graced with his generosity. Reborn is a truly genuine dude. I never understood why so many people have trashed talked him over the years.

  115. 1 year ago

    Not enough drama in the guild.

    • 1 year ago

      That’s a cope. Reborn is the most generous person in all of guild wars and truly runs a great community. You can run as many accounts as you want. You’re clearly a poor gay.

      Wish granted lol. Doesn’t Reborn run LGiT or he’s part of it or something? See a lot those guys running around, cool that there’s an alive guild

  116. 1 year ago

    The trilogy is on sale and I plan to buy, what is a functional class/subclass for someone new? I was thinking warrior/something else

    • 1 year ago

      Literally all of them are functional and have many builds that work in end-game.

    • 1 year ago

      Literally all of them are functional and have many builds that work in end-game.

      Anon is right. They all have multiple fun, viable builds and are fairly easy to understand. I would just pick the one you like best.
      If you’re interested in Warrior, you’ll have to pick the skills from your secondary more carefully. Warriors don’t have a lot of energy (but have adrenaline as an alternate resource) and can struggle to use many energy-intensive secondary skills. Just post in the thread if you have any build questions, people are happy to help

    • 1 year ago

      Can’t go wrong with warrior/monk

  117. 1 year ago

    Why the frick are there 4 districts of Kaineng in Europe?

    • 1 year ago

      Oh right, bots. What are they boting?

  118. 1 year ago

    /vm/ proph nostalgia world tour:
    >southern shiverpeaks
    >ring of fire
    >titan quests
    >sorrow's furnace
    missing anything?

    • 1 year ago

      Speaking of, anyone wanna do Tombs one of these days?

      • 1 year ago

        Just say when.

      • 1 year ago

        Just say when.

        I want at least the last 15 attribute points and a real elite before getting rectally ravaged by dream riders and dryders and shit

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah we've talked about it before but I'm thinking our post proph plans are sorrows furnace, topk, and FoW. After that we'll do some classic GW1 casual GvG's using proph balance (with possibility for some rewards). And then we'll make a new thread for our factions playthrough.

        As always I am surprised by how many people are interested in GW1

        The trilogy is on sale and I plan to buy, what is a functional class/subclass for someone new? I was thinking warrior/something else

        Also anon if you post your ingame name we can invite you to the guild if you'd like.

        • 1 year ago

          >As always I am surprised by how many people are interested in GW1
          Because there's no substitute.

  119. 1 year ago

  120. 1 year ago

    Just started playing this game a couple days ago for the first time, bought the trilogy on sale. I know I'm almost 20 years late to the party but I was never into this type of games when it was at its peak. So far I love it, even as a solo game with the henchmen.
    Any tips for a beginner or things I should keep in mind?

    • 1 year ago
      Dies ruptor

      salvage everything unless it's an upgrade, dont read too much into builds until you hit max level

    • 1 year ago

      >Any tips for a beginner or things I should keep in mind?
      Think of your entire team composition, not just your build and you'll be much more effective. Even if playing solo with heroes you're not running 8 skills, you're running 64 skill on 8 different characters.

    • 1 year ago

      If you want to join the thread guild, post your character’s name and we’ll send you an invite. Doesn’t come with any obligations, but if you do want to play with your fellow anons Guild chat is a good way to coordinate

  121. 1 year ago

    Can I remove upgrades I applied to a weapon? Or at least replace them with something else later on?

    • 1 year ago
      Dies ruptor

      Yessir, that's what expert/superior/perfect salvage kits are for.

      • 1 year ago

        Keep in mind that anything but the perfect kit has a chance to break the item (though you’ll still get the upgrade component back)

        So will I be forced to salvage the item and risk breaking it if I just want to replace the upgrade with a more powerful one later on, even if I don't care about getting the old upgrade back?

        • 1 year ago
          Zom Based

          you can eat the sacrifice of hte current mod and put the old mod over it as well, you dont need to take the mod out to replace it.

    • 1 year ago

      Yessir, that's what expert/superior/perfect salvage kits are for.

      Keep in mind that anything but the perfect kit has a chance to break the item (though you’ll still get the upgrade component back)

      • 1 year ago
        Zom Based

        Can I remove upgrades I applied to a weapon? Or at least replace them with something else later on?

        also want to add that perfect salvage kits come in uses of 5, and are rather pricy, so use them wisely on runes worth it. i generally only use them when extracting out of good weapons or elite armor, any non elite i just expert salvage, its cheap enough to make another one need be.

    • 1 year ago

      >replace them with something else later on?

      So will I be forced to salvage the item and risk breaking it if I just want to replace the upgrade with a more powerful one later on, even if I don't care about getting the old upgrade back?

      if you put a new mod on a weapon, or rune/insig on armor, you can't get whatever it replaced, but you'll preserve the weapon/armor
      adding mod: destroys old mod but 100% preserves weapon
      removing mod with expert salvage: 100% preserves the mod, but up to a 50% chance to destroy the thing it was on

  122. 1 year ago

    I still have the Arbor Bay ZQ vanq from yesterday if anybody wants to vanquish this big-as-frick place with me perhaps today. From the time of this post, the quest can still be picked up for the next 45 minutes.

    • 1 year ago

      Sure just let me know when you want to I need to VQ that area anyway. And the 250 * 2 weekly bonus will be nice.

  123. 1 year ago

    Can I get one of those guild invites ign Xezberzs Il (Capital i and lowercase L)

  124. 1 year ago

    I don't know which profession to pick to bring the most joy

    • 1 year ago
      Zom Based

      You cant go wrong with necromancer.

  125. 1 year ago

    Today's ZQ Vanquish is.... ! DELDRIMOR BOWL !
    >tfw only have two small Silverpeaks zones vanq'd

    • 1 year ago

      also the zm, iron mines of moladune, is like 3 missions away

  126. 1 year ago

    I need to finish this shit.

    • 1 year ago

      • 1 year ago

        I know. Got it all. Just too lazy to finish this.

    • 1 year ago

      Have fun (you won't)

    • 1 year ago
      Zom Based

  127. 1 year ago

    Did fricking Iron Mines, forgot to pick up the zaishen mission.
    Frick me.

  128. 1 year ago

    The spirit of Lord Rob is with me today.

  129. 1 year ago

    Reminder we're doing story prog tomorrow, Friday at 6 PM EST. We are currently at Dragon Lair mission. If you need a desert tour, or help catching up to the group please post in thread between now and then so I can help you catch up.

    • 1 year ago

      Three hours to go.

      • 1 year ago
        Marcus of Rodgort

        Let me know how far the progression gang gets, I’m going to miss tonight’s and tomorrow’s catch up session, but I’ll try to make it to where you all are by Sunday’s time

  130. 1 year ago

    Considering I don't have SWS for this Conjuring build, any suggestions on what to replace it with? Even if I did have it, it would be too strong. For now I'll keep Defy Pain. I have Hundred Blades already but this build uses low Swordsmanship so I may as well pick a better skill. An AOE would be cool too.
    reeeeeeeeeeeee i dont want to have to level Sunspear rank just to have a worthwhile AOE skill that isn't an Elite.

    • 1 year ago

      are you trying to set a character up in general or playing through prophecies with the guild?
      people aren't even doing unlocked skills from late-game skill trainers, let alone bringing in broken shit from other campaigns
      if you aren't, I have the thing to spawn the sws boss for you

  131. 1 year ago

    I don't have it bought and I cannot allow myself to give another cent to Arenanet after GW2.

    • 1 year ago

      Understandable anon I don't blame you. Have you considered g2a if you really want to play you'd avoid giving anet money that way.

      • 1 year ago

        I suppose it's sound advice to use a known fraudulent website to deprive a hated company of it's money, but there are 2 issues I see:
        1) g2a says their gw keys are sold out right now
        2) Anet still owns the game, meaning that I'm running the risk of them stealing my money by either banning me on the offchance they find out where I got my key, because they have banned g2a gw2 players before, or by hearing me say frick and banning me.
        >but anon, don't be ridiculous, it's a dead maintenance mode game kept up by 2 wagies, nobody's gonna ban you, that's just moronic paranoia!
        Ye, that's what I thought about GW2 before recieving my ban for saying frick. I'm just too burned to risk my funds.

        • 1 year ago

          You have to weigh which is more important: your interest in GW or completely understandable nu-AN hate.

          • 1 year ago

            Aye, I suppose I'm gonna have to go with the latter unless those homosexuals go bankrupt and release the the sourcecode or someshit (which won't happen because they are a property of NCSoft). It's not like I don't have a backlog, so I might as well go with the safer options. Wish you luck on your journey through Prophecies, if it's half as good as supposed oldgays told me over in Lion's Arch then I'm sure you're having a grand ol' time.

        • 1 year ago

          At any time of day you can enter kamadan and find people spamming RMT into trade chat 24/7 and they don't even ban that guy. It's almost pure anarchy here, and general GW1 consensus is frick anet and GW2.

          Shame about g2a being out though. Depending on how risky you are feeling can direct you to other websites which likely have it in stock if you don't feel like taking a risk, buying GW1 from steam means gaben takes a cut of the money going to anet.

          • 1 year ago

            You've given me some faith in the banning department, though to be honest with you I've heard this song and seen this dance before, so it's 100% reassuring. One way or another I won't even give up a gum stuck to my shoe for the A-troony-Net. I stuck with GW2 for a while until I liquified my assets and got back tripple the amount I spent on it through RMT and I still feel ripped off. Depending on how shady your alternatives are, I might be able to note them down for later.

            • 1 year ago

              Those same RMT websites that guy in kamadan is spamming LOL that guy been spamming the website for last 6 years out of curiosity went to website once and I remember they sell GW1 CD keys there. Dude's been spamming it for so many years and there are so many bots running around ingame that I'm like 50-50 on it being legit. That said, RMT website so just depends on how much you hate anet more than you hate the RMTer's.

        • 1 year ago

          Kinguin and cdkeys are viable alternatives.

  132. 1 year ago

    Tryptophan Signet seems to be a very overlooked skill.
    >For 20 seconds, target foe and all adjacent foes move and attack 40% slower.
    With no way to remove the debuff because it's a signet. That's big.

    • 1 year ago

      Would be better if it was a PvP skill, in general its rare to come across PvE enemies with heavy anti hex skills that could effectively counter something like an illusion mesmer or water ele who has similar snares with shorter cooldowns.

      All that said, it's a PvE only skill and those are almost always some degree of OP. If anet ever rebalanced some of the more absurd PvE skills it'd honestly be great, but with only 3 slots it's competing with stuff like ebon assassin, SV, summons, PI, those new elites etc...just not worth using a slot for.

      • 1 year ago

        As a follow up to this message* I actually think ebon vanguard sniper support is the most satisfying slept on PvE only skill. I use to run it on my ranger, only has a 10% chance of working but its pretty much a guaranteed insta kill. Great for quickly killing enemy monks, especially if theres multiple in one group. Also it just feels good watching enemy just fall over dead after being hit by it.

      • 1 year ago

        >Would be better if it was a PvP skill
        So you'd never get to use it now?

        • 1 year ago

          lmao, pretty much. But the thought of using it in PvP is more than enough to appease me

      • 1 year ago

        >PvE only skill and those are almost always some degree of OP
        Isn’t that the point? The devs wanted to leave in fun OP stuff for players to play around with, but made them PvE only so they didn’t massively unbalance PvP

  133. 1 year ago


  134. 1 year ago

    By the way, what's /vm/'s reply limit? We're approaching 500 posts, are we going to have to create a new thread soon or do you think we can hold out till Factions?

    • 1 year ago

      Yep, 500. We are autosaging now. We can discuss making a new thread once we finish today's progression since I doubt it would last for another week+.

      >No skills or prof from later campaigns. We are playing the game as it released so no derv, para, rit, sin. That said if you have a factions ranger or something and you wanna join us. More than welcome.

      Nta but I've been getting back into GW2 after firing it up so my kid could jump around on the candycane puzzles, and I find that I would rather be playing GW1. My whole account is full of 20s but I guess I could kill one of them or pay the man. I remember being a decent healer but I'd need to retool my skills since I mostly played factions. I also don't remember shit about the game so there's that. Where are you all at now?

      Today's progression starts at Dragon's Lair in Prophecies. We have a variety of new players and veterans, and in between, so come join us either way. If you want to get in on our Factions run, that will probably begin within the month.

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks, I've just revived my 20 monk/mes and I have a slot free to start Factions fresh. I can't promise just yet that I will be very active, but if I do commit to something I will stick to it. It will be a while before I figure out what the hell I am doing, but if there's room in the guild and some other non-core people to play with from time to time, I would appreciate an invite. Ingame name is Winterlong Osteth.

  135. 1 year ago
    Zom Based

    Cant wait for progression tonight.

  136. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      >not a single good cosplayer, not that I've seen any

  137. 1 year ago

    not to be an butthole, but can you guys use prophecies professions and skills for the rest of the game?
    it's moronic to have people getting collector weapons and passing runes around and doing skill quests to approximate the game's original power level, when you blow everyone else out with power-creeped stuff that makes the difficulty a joke. we got through lategame missions with overpulling, people afk, taking on mursaat uninfused, and never came close to wiping
    when prophecies came out it used to be really hard to get past thunderhead keep, people would coordinate builds and strategize and fail time after time, a large percentage of the playerbase never beat it at all, but if we have the same group we had today, we'll beat it first try without a sweat
    you can take broken meta shit and beat nm proph missions with heroes any time, you can literally bring an empty skill bar and just c-space the monks, it's much rarer to coordinate 8+ real people to play the game this way, and it's better to be underpowered and wipe a couple times than to beat the game without ever buildcrafting, gitting gud, having careful pulls and situational awareness and spikes we barely pull off, because that's the point and real joy of the game, not just grabbing the highest rated thing from pvxwiki and face-rolling through

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah agree, I tried to give people a friendly nudge when I saw something absurd. But in general people should try to stick in Prophecies/Core only skills and no PvE only skills for the time being. If you are bringing an existing non proph character the wiki is a fantastic resource as next to every skill says what campaign it got introduced with here's an example of one page.

      I won't hunt people down if they are lazy and accidently grab a NF skill or something but do try to limit the faction/nf and especially PvE only skills you use in our proph playthrough. We aren't a true ironman, but we more of the spirit of ironman. Always happy to have people over henchies but do try to get into the spirit of the game and do some wacky theory crafting. Having less skills available makes people more creative and there are some really fun builds you can make that you won't find on the PvX wiki.

      I still don't know how I feel on PvE only skills in general. And that's probably going to have to be something we talk about pre factions. There are some very obvious ones we've talked about in thread that are just outright banned outside of HM content for being absurd. But I wonder if its just better to say no PvE only skills because even the non absurd ones are still pretty OP and you'd be a fool not to take them.

      Above all else, we want to play this game the way the developers envisioned it as it released.

      On Sunday I'll probably make a new thread, provided we don't wipe much I'm expecting us to finish proph on Sunday? Next week we're going to be doing some end game proph content (FoW, Sorrows Furnace, Tomb of Primeval). And the week after that we'll do casual GvG with each other with some prizes I'll talk about that more next thread too.

      Thanks, I've just revived my 20 monk/mes and I have a slot free to start Factions fresh. I can't promise just yet that I will be very active, but if I do commit to something I will stick to it. It will be a while before I figure out what the hell I am doing, but if there's room in the guild and some other non-core people to play with from time to time, I would appreciate an invite. Ingame name is Winterlong Osteth.

      Happy to have you aboard anon! Invited.

      • 1 year ago

        >If you are bringing an existing non proph character the wiki is a fantastic resource as next to every skill says what campaign it got introduced with here's an example of one page
        this is great for theorycrafting, and you can also see ones you already have in your skills and attributes menu (k) or skill traders
        "sort by campaign" will block off skills into dropdowns for core, prophecies, etc.

        • 1 year ago

          Holy shit that is so cool I never even knew that existed!

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks for the invite re

        Thanks, I've just revived my 20 monk/mes and I have a slot free to start Factions fresh. I can't promise just yet that I will be very active, but if I do commit to something I will stick to it. It will be a while before I figure out what the hell I am doing, but if there's room in the guild and some other non-core people to play with from time to time, I would appreciate an invite. Ingame name is Winterlong Osteth.

        . I've been hopping on late and not doing much but I'll try and be around while others are active.

    • 1 year ago

      did you all get to thk?

      • 1 year ago

        Yes. We'll be exploring today, gathering some outposts and elite skills, and doing the second 15 attrib quest. Tomorrow is when we will probably complete Prophecies.

        • 1 year ago

          henchman thk to catch up is going to be brutal, lol
          don’t want to miss the ending though

          • 1 year ago

            honestly I found it easier than the crystal desert. I tried doing everything with henchman, wiped on every desert mission several times at least (thirsty river prob closer to 10) and had to completely respec my build a few times to get through. each mission in shiverpeaks was done first try though, they felt significantly easier

  138. 1 year ago
    >When GW was released in 2005, the audio component of Microsoft’s DirectX API was something called DirectSound. DirectSound had a 3D audio component called DirectSound3D, or DS3D, that could pan and amplify/attenuate sound sources based on their position relative to the camera in the game’s 3D world. PC’s with a high-end Creative sound card also had access to EAX, an extension to DS3D with a suite of hardware DSP effects for occlusion, obstruction, reverb, echo, etc. Like most games of its era, GW’s audio system was designed around DirectSound and DS3D, and owners of high-end PCs could get the “definitive” audio experience with EAX.
    >All that ended in 2007 with Windows Vista. Vista completely broke DS3D and EAX. Rather than fix it, Microsoft deprecated DirectSound and pushed developers to adopt its new XAudio2 API for future games. With DS3D and EAX broken, GW hasn’t sounded “right” in any version of Windows since XP.
    this fixes the shit sound (e.g. waterfalls being loud as frick FWOSHHHHHH), highly rec

  139. 1 year ago

    What time shall we ASSEMBLE today?

    • 1 year ago


  140. 1 year ago

    >wRPGgays be like, "Yo, this gameplay is fire!"

  141. 1 year ago

    anyone tried playing this on a steam deck? seems like with a decent control map it'd be very comfy

    • 1 year ago

      …does it run on a steam deck?

      • 1 year ago

        I'd be surprised if it didn't.. ive run far more demanding games on mine with no issue

        • 1 year ago

          I was thinking more operating system requirements. Isn’t the deck some bake of Linux?

          • 1 year ago

            you can run it with wine

      • 1 year ago

        I've seen people do it before, and if I ever get a Steam Deck that will be a reason lol

        honestly I found it easier than the crystal desert. I tried doing everything with henchman, wiped on every desert mission several times at least (thirsty river prob closer to 10) and had to completely respec my build a few times to get through. each mission in shiverpeaks was done first try though, they felt significantly easier

        I think southern shiverpeaks is a matter of patience, while the desert is just a question how competent are your builds and strategy. Southern Shiverpeaks can be brutal, but only if you try to rush and the missions often pressure you into rushing or overpulling obviously everything previously said about desert also applies.

  142. 1 year ago

    >it hurts when I strike you!

  143. 1 year ago

    if anyone is interested in leeching Z chest, wisp Braxton Surefoot in game to join. I got 20 something stacks left to go.

    • 1 year ago

      Does being in the isle of the nameless with someone opening the chest give everyone in the party progress towards the title???

      • 1 year ago

        he means come pick up the spare crap (id'd weaps, tomes, etc.)

  144. 1 year ago

    I still had energy and overcast space after a long fight with no refunded energy from the mesmer skills so I feel like I should tailor to spike harder, but air magic doesn't seem to do anything else but pbaoe skills

    • 1 year ago

      honestly the source of cracked armor is huge along with KD. Overall looks pretty good, if you wanted a better AoE option, thunderclap is faster to spam. But lightning surge just has such utility

  145. 1 year ago

    Is random arenas actually alive in modern GW1? I used to have so much fricking fun trying random builds in the arenas. The 4v4 gameplay of this game was fricking PEAK.

    • 1 year ago

      RA is botted during all but the most prime hours, and not just botted, but filled with bots that all report you if you make it in a game
      with so many people in the guild, I'm sure we could take over at least one pvp zone (codex, ra if we have a ton of people, or get factions games against each other)

      >pre-searing arenas
      there's only one of these, and you have to have something like 8 people leave the starter area together to play it the one time
      there's one level-gated one in the shiverpeaks and equivalents in the other campaigns, but they're extremely dead, all the other ones from prophecies got rolled into RA (rarely active partially because of bots that will report you if you try to play). team arenas and hero battles are also gone now
      pvp happens in JQ all the time but with bots, FA and AB on certain player-organized days of the week, HA at the top level above a ladder of bots farming it, codex almost never, and gvg sometimes but I think they have rupt bot problems and are also buttholes with 16 years of skill to catch up to
      with the number of people itt we could probably force codex matches (4v4, almost always empty)

      >pvp happens in JQ all the time but with bots, FA and AB on certain player-organized days of the week, HA at the top level above a ladder of bots farming it, codex almost never, and gvg sometimes but I think they have rupt bot problems at the top and are also buttholes with 16 years of skill to catch up to
      >with the number of people itt we could probably force codex matches (4v4, almost always empty)

      • 1 year ago

        >RA is botted during all but the most prime hours, and not just botted, but filled with bots that all report you if you make it in a game
        I just want to go home.....

      • 1 year ago

        >RA is botted during all but the most prime hours, and not just botted, but filled with bots that all report you if you make it in a game
        I just want to go home.....

        Every now and then I see players organize to take over RA but can be rare. High level HA is usually mostly players surprisingly (especially during double week), a few weeks ago me and some anons got into relic run with 2 other play teams. Was super close.

  146. 1 year ago
  147. 1 year ago

    New bread soon?

    • 1 year ago

      We're only on page 7 right now. The last thread on the board hasn't been bumped for 5 days so we have time.

    • 1 year ago

      We're only on page 7 right now. The last thread on the board hasn't been bumped for 5 days so we have time.

      After todays game I will make a new thread about our future PvP plans and post proph content along with discussing our team ironman factions playthrough.

      Also we are continuing today in like 30 minutes log on peeps 😛

  148. 1 year ago

    Rt/R with Great Dorf Weapon for the pet.

  149. 1 year ago

    When is a good time to sell rare mats? How do I track that? I see a price history on Kamadan but that's for buying, not selling.

    • 1 year ago

      >on Kamadan
      you mean the price charts on when you click an item's name?
      sell price is a regular amount under the buy one, if you're trying to judge trends you can do it from that price (people will buy/sell in kamadan for the midpoint between the two)
      a lot of rare mats sort of randomly fluctuate with player activity and botting, the basic patterns are ectos plummeting when people cash out (i.e. shing jea boardwalk is open), skyrocketing when they're the nick item for a week, and obby shards rising before a free fow week and falling after
      unless you're farming them, it's sort of a moot point. one nick gift set=100-110 ectos~=1k plat if you hold and sell at a high point, pure profit if you farm it or about 80% if you buy a set. the 1 plat difference from the price fluctuation on your random monstrous eye drop sort of pales in comparison, just keep it in your chest's storage until it's randomly crazy high or you need it

  150. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      fricking centaur

      hell yeah
      what a ride it was

  151. 1 year ago
  152. 1 year ago
  153. 1 year ago

    fricking centaur

    • 1 year ago

      n e i g h

  154. 1 year ago

    >make a 55 monk expecting to finally farm basic stuff like gold and trash items to sell for gold
    >only 1 in 20 enemies drops anything even when running solo
    I am sad.

  155. 1 year ago





    I have created a new thread, use this one for GW1 since we are getting close to archiving.

  156. 1 year ago

    Should we advertise the new thread on Ganker?

    • 1 year ago

      Are they ready for it?

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