Guild Wars 2

Any anons play? I started recently and I have been having a great time. When should I consider buying the expansions?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Someday in the distant future, people on this site will finally realize they are a tiny meaningless niche of gamers who don't actually buy video games, and absolutely NO major gaming company has EVER thought for a single moment of spending ANY money whatsoever on covert advertising here. Its not worth it to them. You aren't worth it. You are nothing. This site is nothing.

      • 11 months ago

        go back shill

  2. 11 months ago

    If you care about the story you'll need to buy the expansions and living world in order, which you can find on the wiki.
    The beat expansion imo is HoT, but don't play with mounts because it breaks the maps. PoF is a good expansion too despite the bad story.
    LWS3 and 4 are the best living worlds. 3 is varied and experimental (in a good way) and 4 is probably the second best block of content after HoT.

    • 11 months ago

      >The beat expansion imo is HoT

      • 11 months ago

        he's right though

        If you care about the story you'll need to buy the expansions and living world in order, which you can find on the wiki.
        The beat expansion imo is HoT, but don't play with mounts because it breaks the maps. PoF is a good expansion too despite the bad story.
        LWS3 and 4 are the best living worlds. 3 is varied and experimental (in a good way) and 4 is probably the second best block of content after HoT.

      • 11 months ago

        It's true though, unless you have the spatial awareness of a sub 100 IQ troglodyte.

    • 11 months ago

      going through HoT without a mount is the most tedious bullshit tho

      • 11 months ago

        Not him but isn't that only a problem if you didn't buy a single expansion? Which would not be possible if you're playing HoT?

  3. 11 months ago

    If you enjoy the gameplay, yes you should it is a lot of fun.

  4. 11 months ago

    I haven't played this game in over 10 years. I don't even know where my disk is at for it

  5. 11 months ago

    Troon game.

  6. 11 months ago

    It's just not a good game at all.

  7. 11 months ago

    Haven't played since last year, so idk what the game is like right now. By the expansions after you hit level 80 and if you're thinking about doing group content like WvW and Fractals.

  8. 11 months ago

    One of its selling points, removing the 'trinity' of tank/dps/healer actually became the biggest detriment. It's so aimless. I think they started to bring some of that dynamic into the game at some point but it was certainly too late. Last i saw, the only people who play are those who get to max level and spend real money on cosmetics and stand around chatting.

    • 11 months ago

      >the only people who play are those who get to max level and spend real money on cosmetics and stand around chatting
      >have a friend who plays this
      >only comes back around expansion release time
      >buys it day 1
      >buys new cosmetics for everything from weapons to armor to glides
      >plays for a month before dropping it
      >does all this again for the next release
      I just don't get it.

      • 11 months ago

        This is the age of the consoomer. People want their purchase-dopamine hits, then it wears off and they move on to the next thing.

      • 11 months ago

        That's how whales do it. They usually can't play for long cuz of real world obligations, so they come back for a little while, splurge, and take a break.
        I occasionally check back in like that too, but I don't bother with gem shop stuff

    • 11 months ago

      Did you play this game one time 10 years ago or something? They added roles game has roles now, but they are tank/healer (tanks are healers most of the time), boon/support DPS, and DPS. Plenty of people still play the game. Metas from as far back as Heart of Thorns still get multiple full maps of people running them.

    • 11 months ago

      >look at me I can parrot shit from 2013
      grandpa it's been 10 years the game is basically guild wars 3 now

  9. 11 months ago

    Isnt this just wow ripoff that was popular 10+ years ago?

  10. 11 months ago

    decent fashion simulator but shit gameplay wise

    • 11 months ago

      >decent fashion simulator
      looking like a collection of random neon and lightbulbs isn't fashion
      99% of characters are a veritable punch to your eyes

      • 11 months ago

        those flying orbs are legendary so people of course want to flex them so everyone ends up looking the same

        • 11 months ago

          >the legendary orbs
          >the legendary weapons looking like a discoball
          >the legendary weapons also leaving extremely bright and shiny prints
          >the legendary weapon skins on top of the legendary weapons adding the ugliest elemental VFX I've ever seen in a game except maybe FFXVI
          >the 10 types of VFX from infusions all stacking
          >the pure black and pure white, or max saturated colors
          >the extreme bloom that can't be disabled without losing metal and VFX effects for spells
          >the terrible actual armor designs, with like 2 or 3 exceptions
          >the mount skins leaving bright and obnoxious trailing and shining brighter than the in-game sun on top of all that
          It just looks awful and the players seem to always be doing everything they can to make it even worse

          • 11 months ago

            I don't have a pic right now, but it is shit like this that made me adopt a less is more style. My Sylvari ranger with Kudzu simply wears a mix of cultural armor. Looks much less obnoxious and fits with the plant footprint.

          • 11 months ago

            What annoys me about the legendary weapons is that they're for the most part completely unrelated to the lore.
            A disco ball? A short bow shooting unicorns? A pistol shooting confetti?
            Then the 3rd gen shat the bed even more, making the entire set share the same theme.

          • 11 months ago

            >giving players too much freedom only helps reveal how shit their tastes are
            It's funny how often this happens. From some of my own recent experiences, PSO2 is full of black/white/neon color braphogs. Even FFXIV, with it's limited number of faces, has people trying real hard to stand out. Then you enable that mod sync and suddenly everyone looks like they've stepped out of Second Life.

            • 11 months ago

              >Then you enable that mod sync and suddenly everyone looks like they've stepped out of Second Life.
              This is why I cant take FFXIVgays seriously, that shit on the right looks fricking awful. I hate how these games suggest giving players too much agency is a really bad idea, because 90 percent of players out there look like shit

              • 11 months ago

                at least thats opt in to eyesores, shit like

                >the legendary orbs
                >the legendary weapons looking like a discoball
                >the legendary weapons also leaving extremely bright and shiny prints
                >the legendary weapon skins on top of the legendary weapons adding the ugliest elemental VFX I've ever seen in a game except maybe FFXVI
                >the 10 types of VFX from infusions all stacking
                >the pure black and pure white, or max saturated colors
                >the extreme bloom that can't be disabled without losing metal and VFX effects for spells
                >the terrible actual armor designs, with like 2 or 3 exceptions
                >the mount skins leaving bright and obnoxious trailing and shining brighter than the in-game sun on top of all that
                It just looks awful and the players seem to always be doing everything they can to make it even worse

                left guy you will have to see going into towns or doing content

              • 11 months ago

                >at least thats opt in to eyesores
                Having the most polished turd isnt exactly a win

            • 11 months ago

              God I miss PSO2 and my Mexican gringo. Why did they have to kill that game??

      • 11 months ago

        looks like a genderbent Captain Marvel

  11. 11 months ago


  12. 11 months ago

    Cringe troony game play gw1 instead

  13. 11 months ago

    It's great and arguably the best MMO on the market right know but as you can see it's nearly impossible to discuss it here. There's an irrational hate against this game here. The usual far-right schizos will outright lie to make the game look like the worst woke shit ever. And GW1 fanboys pretending this game that has been sucessful for 11 years somehow died the month of its release are not helping.

    If you're not bored after hitting lvl 80 with your first character, and you want to explore new maps and unlock new things like mounts you can safely buy all the expansions. They're all good but they all have different strengths.

    The fourth expansion is coming in august with an interesting 'revamped' weapon system that seems to have a lot of people hyped. It's a good moment to get back into the game

    • 11 months ago

      my main gripe with the game is the combat feeling like weightless floaty shit.
      it could be a great game with proper combat that feels good.

  14. 11 months ago

    Only good expansion is the pack with Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire. It's currently on sale.
    Due to the dumb business model, you have to buy separately the season passes for each expansion, though there's an option for buying them with in-game gold.
    >Heart of Thorns
    Comes with gliding, raids, a new subclass for each profession and four new maps.
    >Path of Fire
    Introduces five mounts, plus one for open world PvP, one more round of subclasses, two more raids, five maps and TWO season passes that introduce respectively two more mounts and strike missions (i.e. easy mode raids).
    >End of Dragons
    Unlocks gliding and two mounts, plus introduces two group mounts (for land and for sailing), more strike missions, another round of subclasses, four new maps and fishing. Has no season passes.
    >Secrets of the Obscure
    Recently announced and releasing this August. Two maps at launch + a third one after six months, brings no new subclasses but more weapon choices for the existing ones as well as airborne mount combat and a battle pass. More info to be released SOON™.

    • 11 months ago

      >what's a season pass
      A season of 6—8 episodes linking together each expansion. As said before, you buy it either in-game OR in the mega pack from either Steam or the official site.
      Season 1 is a freebie, you get it in the core game. It's also the worst one BY FAR.
      Season 2 is the longest and lightest in content, requires the base game and nothing more.
      Season 3 has a dumb, 6-chapter story and good map variety and lets you unlock a legendary piece of equipment. It requires owning the Heart of Thorns + Path of Fire.
      Season 4 has probably the best story as well as the aforementioned two mounts, it's as long as the previous one and likewise gives you access to a legendary trinket. Also requires the HoT+PoF pack.
      Season 5 started as a "season to end all seasons" and got its own title, too, being often referred to as "The Icebrood Saga". Consists of one prologue, four episodes and an EXTREMELY rushed and unsatisfactory conclusion. It comes with strike missions and has the best gold farm in the game. Like the previous two, it requires the pack with Path of Fire.

      • 11 months ago

        my problem with living stories is they essentially let arena net half ass expansions. you can definitely see it with the last two, and it will REALLY be obvious with the upcoming one.

        • 11 months ago

          >and it will REALLY be obvious with the upcoming one.
          I still can't get over how much it looks like "we'll put in half the effort for a $5 lower price".

          • 11 months ago

            "Remember those drip feed story updates you used to get for free? Now you PAY for them!!!!"

            • 11 months ago

              You actually get less than half of a living world season now.
              Three maps instead of six, power-ups for one mount instead of anything new, one mastery recycling existing weapons and another one for accessing the new totally-not-a-battle-pass. As shit as EoD was, at least it came with five maps, two mounts and a set of elite specs and this shit costs five bucks less.
              Maybe the new expac is actually good but I'm certainly not getting it at launch.

    • 11 months ago

      Is the new expansion even worth the money? It doesn't look any exciting since it doesn't introduce new classes or specializations.

      • 11 months ago

        As I said, more info to come. On paper it sounds like shit and the developers have been underdelivering the last three years so I'm not exactly optimistic.

        >sudden shillsplosion
        Weird but definitely organic.

        First two posts you quoted are mine (as is

        >what do I do in the game
        PvE is split between open world (exploration and mostly mindless meta events where you autoattack mobs until they shit out loot), fractals (short 5-man dungeons with vertical equipment progression) and raids/strikes (10-man encounters, longer than fractals though strikes are very easy). Raids have been silently abandoned by the devs, so there's only going to be new strikes and fractals in the future.

        PvP only has two modes called Conquest and World vs World (a third one, Stronghold, was abandoned right after release). Conquest is a 5v5 score-based mode where you capture objectives, sometimes you can also play it 2v2. World vs World, or WvW, is an open world setting where three servers fight each other by capturing bases, securing resources and laying siege to forts/keeps. Conquest is played separately from everything else and your level and equipment don't matter, but it's a dying mode due to an abundance of bots and wintraders.

        ), I dislike the direction GW2 has taken as of late but there's definitely SOMETHING decent in the game. That said, PoF has the best mounts ever made and the class fantasy is unique enough to warrant trying out.

        Wasnt the last fractal like 5 years ago?

        There's been two new ones, unfortunately both are very conversation-heavy. The last one came out last week and it's a glorified strike mission preceded by a jumping puzzle so I'm not too happy with it.
        Every new expansion is apparently going to include a new strike mission and a new fractal from now on.

    • 11 months ago

      >what's a season pass
      A season of 6—8 episodes linking together each expansion. As said before, you buy it either in-game OR in the mega pack from either Steam or the official site.
      Season 1 is a freebie, you get it in the core game. It's also the worst one BY FAR.
      Season 2 is the longest and lightest in content, requires the base game and nothing more.
      Season 3 has a dumb, 6-chapter story and good map variety and lets you unlock a legendary piece of equipment. It requires owning the Heart of Thorns + Path of Fire.
      Season 4 has probably the best story as well as the aforementioned two mounts, it's as long as the previous one and likewise gives you access to a legendary trinket. Also requires the HoT+PoF pack.
      Season 5 started as a "season to end all seasons" and got its own title, too, being often referred to as "The Icebrood Saga". Consists of one prologue, four episodes and an EXTREMELY rushed and unsatisfactory conclusion. It comes with strike missions and has the best gold farm in the game. Like the previous two, it requires the pack with Path of Fire.

      Yeah played it since the launch, 11 years now
      Its honestly a great game, fantastic even. The best part of this game by far is exploration. Jumping puzzles remain my peak experience of this game. From the easy ones to the hard ones.
      Exploring maps is also really rewarding and have a nice feel. And they let you go quite deep with the achievments for each map after the vanilla maps, so you can really grind out each map
      The combat is good, not fantastic, but good. I do wish certain aspects of it was different and it wasnt so timing-based, and theres too big of a difference in damage between good players and bad players

      My main issue with the game is endgame challenges and itemisation. We have quite a few now with raids, fractals and strikes but still it always feels like something is lacking. The grouping system is also trash which makes it quite frustrating to get into these systems.
      Itemisation also feels lackluster. You can grind months for legendary gear but it will only be as good as other ascendant gear except you can easily swap the stats. I wish there was more impact and chase items

      >sudden shillsplosion
      Weird but definitely organic.

      • 11 months ago

        How am I a shill exactly?

    • 11 months ago

      >what's a season pass
      A season of 6—8 episodes linking together each expansion. As said before, you buy it either in-game OR in the mega pack from either Steam or the official site.
      Season 1 is a freebie, you get it in the core game. It's also the worst one BY FAR.
      Season 2 is the longest and lightest in content, requires the base game and nothing more.
      Season 3 has a dumb, 6-chapter story and good map variety and lets you unlock a legendary piece of equipment. It requires owning the Heart of Thorns + Path of Fire.
      Season 4 has probably the best story as well as the aforementioned two mounts, it's as long as the previous one and likewise gives you access to a legendary trinket. Also requires the HoT+PoF pack.
      Season 5 started as a "season to end all seasons" and got its own title, too, being often referred to as "The Icebrood Saga". Consists of one prologue, four episodes and an EXTREMELY rushed and unsatisfactory conclusion. It comes with strike missions and has the best gold farm in the game. Like the previous two, it requires the pack with Path of Fire.

      >what do I do in the game
      PvE is split between open world (exploration and mostly mindless meta events where you autoattack mobs until they shit out loot), fractals (short 5-man dungeons with vertical equipment progression) and raids/strikes (10-man encounters, longer than fractals though strikes are very easy). Raids have been silently abandoned by the devs, so there's only going to be new strikes and fractals in the future.

      PvP only has two modes called Conquest and World vs World (a third one, Stronghold, was abandoned right after release). Conquest is a 5v5 score-based mode where you capture objectives, sometimes you can also play it 2v2. World vs World, or WvW, is an open world setting where three servers fight each other by capturing bases, securing resources and laying siege to forts/keeps. Conquest is played separately from everything else and your level and equipment don't matter, but it's a dying mode due to an abundance of bots and wintraders.

      • 11 months ago

        Wasnt the last fractal like 5 years ago?

        • 11 months ago

          I think they added a new one like a week ago

          • 11 months ago

            Oh rly? I should check it out. I downloaded the game 3 days ago but havent gotten around to play it again. I stopped playing a couple weeks after the expac launch

      • 11 months ago

        Something I like in GW2 is you really can do whatever the frick you want as everything rewards you experience, karma or money. You could theoretically run around reviving npcs and players to level 80 if you were deranged enough, for example.

  15. 11 months ago

    Yeah played it since the launch, 11 years now
    Its honestly a great game, fantastic even. The best part of this game by far is exploration. Jumping puzzles remain my peak experience of this game. From the easy ones to the hard ones.
    Exploring maps is also really rewarding and have a nice feel. And they let you go quite deep with the achievments for each map after the vanilla maps, so you can really grind out each map
    The combat is good, not fantastic, but good. I do wish certain aspects of it was different and it wasnt so timing-based, and theres too big of a difference in damage between good players and bad players

    My main issue with the game is endgame challenges and itemisation. We have quite a few now with raids, fractals and strikes but still it always feels like something is lacking. The grouping system is also trash which makes it quite frustrating to get into these systems.
    Itemisation also feels lackluster. You can grind months for legendary gear but it will only be as good as other ascendant gear except you can easily swap the stats. I wish there was more impact and chase items

  16. 11 months ago

    Shit MMO.

    Play Albion Online instead

  17. 11 months ago

    >Secrets of the obscure only adding new weapon types, no new specialisations.
    >Not even adding a new weapon type

    This is one of the laziest expansions yet.

    • 11 months ago

      What they are adding is unchaining the weapons selection. First they will make specialization weapons universal. Then they will add new ones.

    • 11 months ago

      of the obscure only adding new weapon types, no new specialisations.
      While I agree it's a lazy expac I'm glad they're not adding more elite specs and are giving more options to the core professions. Like if you want to play a necromancer for example the core spec is dogshit and none of the elite specs really play into the necro fantasy of summoning minions to do your bidding. I don't think giving everyone access to elite spec weapons is going to be the magical bandaid fix to this issue but it's a start.

      I am watching teapot right now discussing the expansion reveal. Whats the problem with him? Drawn out vids?

      He's an anet partner and basically hypes up everything without being critical of anything.

      • 11 months ago

        >I'm glad they're not adding more elite specs and are giving more options to the core professions.
        They should've given the core specs some niche, then, rather than opening the floodgates.

        can players get that armour skin, or is it exclusive to NPCs?

        As a rule of thumb: if it looks good, you can't wear it.

        • 11 months ago

          fug, that really sucks
          I guess this jade tech skin is similar, but not as good looking

  18. 11 months ago

    I once met a girl with around a 1000 hours in this game, she was really cute but I was way too autistic to ask for contacts so I will never meet her again

    • 11 months ago

      >missed opportunity to be beta orbiter #330

  19. 11 months ago

    Play up through LW season 1, watch a story recap of living world 2, then play Heart of Thorns. LW season 2 has important story, but it's the most expensive one and you don't even get any new maps. Probably worth picking up living world season 3 at this point, but you can probably get away with a YouTube recap again. Play Path of Fire and definitely play Living World season 4 as it's probably the best part of the game. At that point if you're cheap you can farm Dragonfall for a while to buy the other living worlds with gold, they're probably going to go on sale for the anniversary next month.

    Do NOT buy the $100 pack even on it's current sale, what a fricking scam. Buy 3 expansion pack on sale, then wait for a Living World sale on the gem store. It's cheaper even if the LW is only 20% off which happens every few months, and WAY cheaper if you skip living world season 2.

    • 11 months ago

      >Probably worth picking up living world season 3 at this point, but you can probably get away with a YouTube recap again.
      LS3 is fun but LS4 and 5 bring better value. I'd say LS4 then 5 then 3 then, if you want the free legendary thingy, 2.

      Did you play this game one time 10 years ago or something? They added roles game has roles now, but they are tank/healer (tanks are healers most of the time), boon/support DPS, and DPS. Plenty of people still play the game. Metas from as far back as Heart of Thorns still get multiple full maps of people running them.

      >They added roles game has roles now, but they are tank/healer (tanks are healers most of the time), boon/support DPS, and DPS.
      NTA but the roles pretty much just rotate around granting two buffs (increase attack speed and decrease skill cooldowns) which is pretty terrible. Healing is usually carried out by one of the two boon providers and tanking only exists in some instanced content.

      >canon trannies
      >canon homosexuals
      >literal quests requiring you to "catch the bigot".

      Have fun, sis, just don't forget to dilate between sessions

      You are also forced to attend a lesbian wedding to complete the story of EoD.

      Not really, though you do have a point. The game has been a woke dumpster fire as early as Aid Worker Sya but the last expansion dialled it up a notch by talking about fascism, open borders and genders and being very preachy about it.
      The problem is that the storytelling has gotten very bad and can excuse the virtue signalling anymore because there's nothing at stake and every character is unlikeable.
      I COULD get mad at the "beat up the bigot" story mission or the "fascist fattener" achievement but I can't even remember when they happened in the story because it's all so damn boring.

      I remember when it launched on steam, people were so eager to help the newbies they blinded them with neon cosmetics and killed all the mobs so nobody could level

      >people were so eager to help the newbies
      Nah, they were eager to take screens about helping the newbies and post them on reddit for upboats.

  20. 11 months ago

    Post Asuras, homosexuals.

    • 11 months ago

      Nah, Sylvari are better.

      • 11 months ago

        It's a purely mindset thing, but game being B2P or F2P affects how I approach it. With a sub there's always this impending feeling of obligation or I'm "wasting my money".

  21. 11 months ago

    >canon trannies
    >canon homosexuals
    >literal quests requiring you to "catch the bigot".

    Have fun, sis, just don't forget to dilate between sessions

    • 11 months ago

      You are also forced to attend a lesbian wedding to complete the story of EoD.

  22. 11 months ago

    I've seen unnatural number of GW2 discussions and mentions recently. Has ANet started virally marketing their upcoming expansion?

    • 11 months ago

      >Everyone I dont like is a paid intern

  23. 11 months ago

    HoT had the most fun maps of any MMO I ever played.

    • 11 months ago

      game has some of the weirdest genre bests

      >heart of thorns
      indeed has some of THE best zones in any mmo I've ever played, down to having verticality and not being cakewalks by default

      >path of fire
      they added THE best mount system in the genre after at first refusing to even have mounts + flying that's somehow even better

      sadly, end of dragons had nothing on that peak level. maybe fishing is decent and siege turtle is interesting, but that's it.

  24. 11 months ago

    I have tried to get into GW2 so many fricking times but I always fall off because
    >bag and bank space is abhorrent without spending money
    >personal story is genuinely the worst I’ve ever played in an MMO by a mile
    >huge world with people everywhere but incredibly lonely because there’s no incentive to do dungeons or anything. jointing guilds is nowhere near as intuitive as it is in other MMOs
    >see that my class doesn’t get cool until I’m max level and get mastery points
    >conquest pvp is 2 real players and the rest are bots
    Waiting for the shill to respond to all of my points with a tirade that I will completely ignore because they’re sunk cost fallicied and stand in lion’s arch as a disco ball of $300 cosmetics

    • 11 months ago

      A bag slot is only 140 gold and the personal story is only like 4 quests that end and merge into the main story by level 30... Did you play for like 1 hour?

      • 11 months ago

        Absolute shill moron

        • 11 months ago

          The game gives you so much space for free... You get 5 character slots, even if you want to play an alt that's 3 character slots where you can get 120+ bag slots to store stuff on each one

          • 11 months ago

            Not to mention that the bank and purse store away all the mats and currencies that still waste space in some other mmos.

            • 11 months ago

              I don't like the game a whole lot, but it really is full of tiny QoL features you don't see often.

            • 11 months ago

              Yeah there’s nothing better than hoarding crafting materials for a crafting system that sucks fricking balls

  25. 11 months ago

    Tried it multiple times
    necros wth minions are still shit
    Tried getting the jade golem expansion but realized you have to play like 30 hours to levelup all the skill points for it

    • 11 months ago

      >Tried getting the jade golem expansion but realized you have to play like 30 hours to levelup all the skill points for it
      You're thinking strictly in hard leveling. Like one anon said everything you do gives you at least experience points. Not to mention levels in GW2 are already a breeze compared to the usual curve you see in games.

      • 11 months ago

        I mean since i t's an expansion power you need 30 skill points but form what I remember you can only get those in the expansions meaning playing with a gimped build

  26. 11 months ago

    Dropped with EoD release. No, I'm not mad about this particular quest, I'm mad about fundamentally shit mechanics and company behind it which I'm lazy to describe.

    • 11 months ago

      Those were the fun times indeed, but with this turnabout I'm simply not interest in participating the globohomo.

    • 11 months ago

      wtf is this real?

      • 11 months ago

        that's nothing, there's much worse
        there's a "Fascist Flattener" title or something to that effect
        the entire game is written in quips, alliterations and puns, with the worst Funimation-tier voice acting money can buy
        it really is nothing but pain

        • 11 months ago

          you do recognize that fascism is bad, right? like anything to do with modern-day misuse or misappropriation of the word nazi, fascist dictatorships and an exploited sense of nationalism to empower an authoritarian ruling elite is bad.

          • 11 months ago

            that's nothing, there's much worse
            there's a "Fascist Flattener" title or something to that effect
            the entire game is written in quips, alliterations and puns, with the worst Funimation-tier voice acting money can buy
            it really is nothing but pain


          • 11 months ago

            it may be, but why should i care about that agenda in a video game?

            • 11 months ago

              It's just part of the plot of the expansion that there are those seeking to amass power to a select few to overthrow the government in a way not unlike some real life fascists, as least as relates to Cantha. It's not about an agenda, it's about you being an above-the-law hero who can try to stop the sort of social or political dissent that will lead to abuses in Cantha's government and be pretty bad for everyone while your dragon is having a straight up bad time overseas and Su-won is being (voluntarily) used for some bad shit.

              • 11 months ago

                so glad i skipped that shit and dropped anet years ago thanks

    • 11 months ago

      beat up the bigot

      It's sad that EoD was supposed to be the Cantha expansion but it will only be remembered for this, the devs fricked up in a way that shouldn't be possible.

      I am watching teapot right now discussing the expansion reveal. Whats the problem with him? Drawn out vids?

      Constantly hyped about everything, treats everything he says like some controversial hot take, feels like a tiktoker constantly trying to get your attention in the most obnoxious ways yet sounds rehearsed and in no way genuine or convinced of what he's saying.
      His teatime videos can be decent when he invites people who actually have something to say, too bad it's mostly yes-men.

    • 11 months ago

      story is fricking terrible and so is gameplay
      going around the world exploring is one of the things they got right also not enough giant Norn qts

      >go into land you are not wanted in
      >start pushing your agendas and beliefs onto everyone
      >calls other biggots
      they have not self awarnesss do they

      • 11 months ago

        The writers failed to see that they actually proved the evil fascists right by making the Aetherblades show up and wreck shit the moment Cantha opens its borders.

        I'm so glad the whole dragon metaplot is over. I knew so many elder dragons would get old after the second or third dragon. Even Arenanet was sick of it by IBS.

        They were just too incompetent to pad each big, boring dragon with an actual compelling villain or two.

      • 11 months ago

        The writers failed to see that they actually proved the evil fascists right by making the Aetherblades show up and wreck shit the moment Cantha opens its borders.
        They were just too incompetent to pad each big, boring dragon with an actual compelling villain or two.

        Has /misc/ brain rot implanted itself so deeply in your head that you think the purists, who committed genocide on the dredge, wanted to genocide the tengu, wanted to seize total power and oppress Canthans and take civil Liberties were actually good? Fricking pathetic.

        • 11 months ago

          >muh pol
          If you could read, you'd notice how the problem is indeed that ANet's shoddy writing managed to make the Purists, of all people, have a point in the plot.

          • 11 months ago

            Weren't they a bunch of conspiracy nuts plotting a coupe?

  27. 11 months ago

    >Beat up the bigot

  28. 11 months ago

    I remember when it launched on steam, people were so eager to help the newbies they blinded them with neon cosmetics and killed all the mobs so nobody could level

    • 11 months ago

      GW2, like most cosmetic-centric games, just shows you can't buy good taste.

  29. 11 months ago

    combat feels impactless and while the stories and zones are nice I'm not really a fan of endgame being 99% sideways progression or cosmetic unlocks

  30. 11 months ago

    I play LotRO instead. THAT is how you nickel and dime people with half-assed expansions.

  31. 11 months ago

    Game is alright.
    I don’t like the latest xpac though

  32. 11 months ago

    Shitty archaic game for troons

  33. 11 months ago

    Nothing could beat Guild Wars 1 and you know it

    • 11 months ago

      is that wizard's folly?

    • 11 months ago

      I should have bought this when it was on sale for $15 on steam last year... it hasn't been on sale again all year. I only played the base game when it came out and never touched the rest. I never liked it because I wanted WoW without the sub, but I can probably appreciate it a lot more as a single player game now.

  34. 11 months ago

    Get expacs ASAP to get the roller beetle

  35. 11 months ago

    I quit XIV for GW2. Best decision of my life

    • 11 months ago

      >I quit a heterosexual game with attractive female characters, for an openly marxist game that champions transexuals and sodomites
      >Best decision of my life

      You could have just typed you are a dick-vacuuming homosexual.

      • 11 months ago

        >>I quit a heterosexual game with attractive female characters,
        >press Square to be gay

        • 11 months ago

          What are you referring to?

          Sorry, the anal worms are eating at your brain, and you are not making sense.

      • 11 months ago

        Why are you in a GW2 thread, troony?

      • 11 months ago

        >a heterosexual game with attractive female characters,
        Damn straight, look at these ABOMINABLE women that these evil american devs are pushing in their games.
        Thankfully BASED JAPAN is here to save us from this subversion of God's creation.

        • 11 months ago

          that's great but did they really nerf boobs and actually went back into GW1 and nerf statue boobs?

        • 11 months ago

          This screenshot is from the core game storyline which is over a decade old. You will have no more attractive women in your storyline. You WILL adventure with her bumbling moron mutt child and the wisecracking crippled jimmy neutron asura. You WILL attend the lesbian wedding. You WILL beat up the bigot and you WILL be happy.

        • 11 months ago

          Eir unironically got BLACKED and gave birth to a coal shitter Braham. And then they kill her off.

        • 11 months ago

          >posts a white woman from a decade ago
          >who fricked a bantu subsaharan Black person
          >and canonically gave birth of a mulatto mongrel

          You can't be serious Black person.

        • 11 months ago

          m8, Eir got shat on and was removed from the game 8 years ago, probably this horrid c**t here was furious about her popularity.

  36. 11 months ago

    I play both GW2 and FFXIV off and on. GW2 is easy to come back to whenever since it's free outside expansions. XIV is something to play for 1 month every 2-4 years.

  37. 11 months ago

    I like GW2. I like how early in EoD story, one of the lesbians makes sure to emphasize that some unimportant NPC nobody gives two shits about who was killed pre-Heart of Thorns was gay, had a husband and a son. Something that was never ever mentioned before. Guild Wars 2 always had great worldbuilding. You gotta let the player know these things to build a connection.
    I also like that they made a whole entire mission out of the lesbian characters getting married. I like that the representative of the nordic race is a Black person. I like the portrayal of tradition as bigotry. I like that there's zero nuance to the political opinions that are being pushed onto the player. Makes it easy to understand. You no want refugee = you r bigot. Very high educational value.
    And frick them for putting one of the turtle mount components behind the strike mission, too, I spent 3 hours in matchmaking and got the most incompetent fricks on the team

    • 11 months ago

      >turtle mount components behind the strike mission
      You can buy that directly with research notes now.

    • 11 months ago

      strike missions are puggable and the one needed for the turtle isn't even hard. you're casual+bad and even though the politics are cringe you're just using it to cope with being beaten at video games by cat-owning redditors

  38. 11 months ago

    >every gw2 thread is just the logo
    >almost no gameplay or screenshots posted
    mhm, totally natural

    • 11 months ago

      literally like From Software games

    • 11 months ago

      when that got brought up in the past that one guy from the gen would post his beetle mount slidding around like a hunk of dog turd on a sheet of ice
      >ctrl f
      no frog image
      and no
      link to the youtube vid showing their agenda pushing and why the last pack was a steaming pile of flop

      • 11 months ago

        Well there you go anon, here's the youtube thingy

        Frog guy was years ago and most of his points don't stand anymore, you're free to write your own essay on why GW2 is bad.

        • 11 months ago

          >most of his points don't stand anymore
          yes they do.

          • 11 months ago

            >most of his points don't stand anymore
            They still do, fricking shiller

            OK anons, then post the pic yourselves. I was there when the frog guy wrote his posts and agreed with pretty much all of them but that was also a long time ago and everything that's not the story or PvP has since improved.

            is the light armor mesmer still the best heavy armor tank in the game?

            Nah, ANet spent all of 2018 and 2019 nerfing chronomancer. Now it's still got some niche but it's nowhere near it used to be.

        • 11 months ago

          >most of his points don't stand anymore
          They still do, fricking shiller

      • 11 months ago

        >no frog image
        which one?

        • 11 months ago

          the one that gets all the (Yous) but they are learning to filter it and for a few year(s) are claiming it's "old and outdated"
          think it is

          • 11 months ago

            As those other anons said, it's not that outdated.
            While they have learned to do better in the expansions, the core experience was pretty much left untouched, which is where those criticisms arose from in the first place. It's even more laughable now when that core experience is the one given to the f2pers.

          • 11 months ago

            ohhhh, the image with the multiple Ganker posts that was too long of a read even for tl;dr standards? To be fair it was a poor shitposting image in the first place, these days you need webms and videos like

            Well there you go anon, here's the youtube thingy

            Frog guy was years ago and most of his points don't stand anymore, you're free to write your own essay on why GW2 is bad.

            • 11 months ago

              yeah you know the exact one you used to reply to it probably hundreds of times
              thanks, can you post it again or are you just that avatar poster from the gen?

              • 11 months ago

                >you used to reply to it probably hundreds of times
                Dont get schizo with me, I never replied to it. Ive literally never read it because its unironically too many words

    • 11 months ago

      im playing 🙂

    • 11 months ago

      >almost no gameplay or screenshots posted
      It bothers me this is the case, its never been easier to make webms these days, on the very computers required to play this decade old game in the first place.

      • 11 months ago

        What the frick would we take a gameplay webm of? What for?

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        You learn to intuit WvW because you sure as FRICK ain't getting anything from actually looking at zerg vs zerg.

  39. 11 months ago

    Honestly it's one of the few games that I would call legitimately bad.
    And they somehow made it worse with every patch and expansion.

  40. 11 months ago

    the game is not in a good state right now. all classes are overpowered and destroy all the raids easily. the gameplay is also being homogenized across all the classes to make them play similar, and rather boring.
    the devs added a shitty overtuned class in PoF (firebrand) and it ruined the game. and instead of nerfing it, they doubled down on it by adding another one in EoD (mechanist) that ruined the game even more.

    • 11 months ago

      >they doubled down on it by adding another one in EoD (mechanist) that ruined the game even more
      Mechanist hasn't been good for close to a year now, m8.
      Rifle/Alac!DPS Mech is THE lowest-damage Alacrity provider in the entire game and nobody wants it. Pistol/Condi!Mech is middling at best (parsing ~33/34k when braindead shit like Virtuoso is pushing 40k+). Heal/Alac!Mech is just okay/10, only passable for tanking and desperately lacks a good source of Stability for serious encounters. Plus, the distance check on how far away you can be from your mech before it starts shitting itself has been getting smaller and smaller with every patch, to the point where it basically has to be right ontop of you to function properly.
      The ignorant masses still go on like Mechanist is somehow still top tier, but it's just lackluster across the board compared to the alternatives these days.
      Heal/Quickbrand is still OP in PvE even after numerous reworks, however.

      • 11 months ago

        sword/axe soulbeast with proper gear, food, and boons does 25.7k afk damage on a golem after pressing 1 once and then taking your hands off the keyboard.

        • 11 months ago

          Balance is all sorts of fricked at the moment after the latest patch.
          >Druid is better off being a Condi!DPS spec than an actual healer
          >Heal!Scrapper is dead
          >All new Quick/Alac specs have boon generation built into their existing rotations and feel fluid, meanwhile old Quick/Alac specs have to go full John Fricking Madden on their keyboard to get the same results they did before, with unenjoyable elements littered all over the place (burning utility/defensive tools just to give Quick or Alac, etc.)
          >Quick!Deadeye nearly pushing 38k with a three-button rotation
          >Virtuoso being buffed despite already being the best Condi!DPS spec in the entire game for six months straight
          >Untamed is beyond garbage
          Guessing anet is hoping weaponmaster training in the new patch will pave-over all their bad decisions, but it's just going to make buildcraft a nightmare.

          She's likely coming back in the new expac, hopefully with a VA that's not Felicia Day.
          They replaced her with Taimi and didn't have a use for two asura tech geniuses. Not that I miss Zojja, but they could've at least mention her ONCE from 2015 to 2021…

          Taimi a cute.

          • 11 months ago

            Taimi deserve death. LS1 made her suck a scarlet dick sucker, and then turn her into deus ex machina while forcing your Asura character to follow her.

            Imagine being pissy about not being quoted.

      • 11 months ago

        >Mechanist hasn't been good for close to a year now, m8.
        Yeah I guess I should just ignore the sea of green and yellow everywhere I go huh? I'll believe it when the screen isnt 30% mechs

      • 11 months ago

        the game is not in a good state right now. all classes are overpowered and destroy all the raids easily. the gameplay is also being homogenized across all the classes to make them play similar, and rather boring.
        the devs added a shitty overtuned class in PoF (firebrand) and it ruined the game. and instead of nerfing it, they doubled down on it by adding another one in EoD (mechanist) that ruined the game even more.

        >Give the jade bot a lot of skins
        >Don't make actual mech skins
        How come Holo is the only engi spec that wasn't high APM, only good in WvW or ugly?

  41. 11 months ago

    is the light armor mesmer still the best heavy armor tank in the game?

  42. 11 months ago

    post yfw when you meem'd them into wasting billions on the whole DX9 fiasco

    • 11 months ago

      ty, it was me.

    • 11 months ago

      whoops not sure how kittened that up but it was meant for
      >I was there when the frog guy wrote his posts

  43. 11 months ago

    No, you dumbass. The base game is kinda okay but the expansions are fricking shit. They kill off / retire everyone you adventured with by the first expansion and replace them with a bunch of unlikables.

    • 11 months ago

      >a bunch of unlikables.
      Rytlock got to stay and he's cool, the rest are also shit except Eir because of her legs

    • 11 months ago

      >They just shoved Zojjia away and didn't even get her when Snaff appeared

      • 11 months ago

        That snaff part is just "WE KNOW YOU HATE BRAHAM BUT GIVE HIM A CHANCE! SEE HER DEAD MOM FORGIVE HIM!" It is also a lesson of not letting ECeleb as VA.

        • 11 months ago

          Why they didn't just recast Zojja's VA with a soundalike and bring her back into the main plot is beyond me.
          It's not like Anet hasn't done that before with Canach's VA even if he doesn't sound a thing like how he used to.

      • 11 months ago

        She's likely coming back in the new expac, hopefully with a VA that's not Felicia Day.

        Why they didn't just recast Zojja's VA with a soundalike and bring her back into the main plot is beyond me.
        It's not like Anet hasn't done that before with Canach's VA even if he doesn't sound a thing like how he used to.

        They replaced her with Taimi and didn't have a use for two asura tech geniuses. Not that I miss Zojja, but they could've at least mention her ONCE from 2015 to 2021…

  44. 11 months ago

    Base Necromancer is so boring but the Harbinger sounds so fun.

  45. 11 months ago

    I was really hoped in in this game, but I just lost all my drive when I was forced to level one level to put a point into the expansion skill tree, with how fricking slow you level in that game I just can't fathom being forced to do that without any quest or anything.
    Great game otherwise, maybe the MMO with the best monetization system.

  46. 11 months ago

    >Spend month uniting the different orders to combat the great evil
    >Slowly crawl through Orr from outpost to outpost
    >Strategically disrupt the dragon's powerbase through the pooled effort of all races and orders
    >After the impossible is done and the world was saved from a zombie apocalypse return to the main fort with everyone celebrating and Fear Not This Night starts playing

    Gameplay aside, from a rp perspective, I had a blast.

  47. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      yeah if you’re unhinged

      • 11 months ago

        Then I guess I am. Every character I've ever made has been an Asura.

    • 11 months ago

      she fricks human men btw

      • 11 months ago

        >That not brothel in old Lionsarch with a male Asura and scantily clad Norn female at the top

        • 11 months ago

          I kneel

    • 11 months ago

      asura best punching bag

  48. 11 months ago

    >tells the truth
    >it must be shitposting!
    Why do GW 2 players have brainrot

    • 11 months ago

      >too much of a pussy to reply directly
      many such cases. Also it is kind of shitposting when it is that frog image. Wasnt it dated back in 2012 or 2014?

  49. 11 months ago

    Which are your favorite zones?
    For me it has to be Grothmar Valley

    • 11 months ago

      In no specific order
      >thunderhead peak
      >desert highlands
      >auric basin
      >drizzlewood coast
      >fields of ruin
      Bjora marches gets a special mention for the spooky atmosphere, too bad for the colour-coded mobs and chests locked behind masteries.

      • 11 months ago

        They really upped the level on zones, its such a massive difference between the new and the old

  50. 11 months ago

    Anybody else stoked for the apache skyscale skins coming out in the new expac?

    • 11 months ago

      Commando should've been the last engi espec instead of mechanist, change my mind.


      Love how he's basically got nothing left to discuss. The game's lore nowadays is as deep as a puddle.

      homosexual and anet dick sucker that think his theories are facts

      At least he's not Teapot, I actually manage to watch WP videos till the end.

      • 11 months ago

        I am watching teapot right now discussing the expansion reveal. Whats the problem with him? Drawn out vids?

  51. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      homosexual and anet dick sucker that think his theories are facts

      • 11 months ago

        In what way is he an ant dick sucker?

    • 11 months ago

      >wooden potatoes
      still alive? long past his heyday.

      • 11 months ago

        Man i have watched this guy ever since the game released and he's always been there, always covering the game.
        I didnt play GW1 but I know he was around even back then. He must be one of the biggest OG guys of this game

        • 11 months ago

          >I didnt play GW1 but I know he was around even back then
          never heard of him
          t OG gw1 enjoyer since long time forever ago

    • 11 months ago

      Sad example of why you shouldn't pick "content creator" as a career for your one autismo game. I wonder why these people never move careers into an announcer or a radio host or some shit, anything they can use their voice in. AVGN would've definitely done better that way than by still making shitty videos into his 40s.

  52. 11 months ago

    beat up the bigot

  53. 11 months ago

    GW2 is a bad MMO and a bad sequel to GW1. That said, it's a good single player open world RPG. HoT is incredibly based, PoF was fun (and the mounts were quite a good addition to the game), haven't played EoD yet, living world varies in quality.

  54. 11 months ago

    Is the pvp any good?

    • 11 months ago

      looks like things are really bad

  55. 11 months ago

    How can you play GW1? Do you really have to buy it for $40???

    • 11 months ago
      The campaigns go for $15 on key sites and you can get EotN for about $12.

  56. 11 months ago

    All they had to do was make guild wars 1.5, how can you possibly frick that up? Bought this shit day 1 and was so disappointed.

    • 11 months ago

      ANet as a company is famous for having good ideas and then shitting all over them, Guild Wars 2 in itself is a masterclass on how to get everything wrong. If the company wasn't managed by clowns, GW2 would be up there with WoW.

      • 11 months ago

        I loved GW1 becuase it was not WoW and had hella based PvP. you could move UI elements.
        jesus christ i miss that.

      • 11 months ago

        It was never gonna be up there with WoW

        I wonder why literally every GW2 thread on Ganker is filled with jaded GW1 players who hated GW2? What attracts you people to fill up half the thread every time with your whining?

        • 11 months ago

          gw2 is a shit
          they really fricked over their veteran supporters

          • 11 months ago

            >muh veteran status!

            • 11 months ago

              i gave that up when guru shut down and died. it was sad.

        • 11 months ago

          Even removing the vet, the game shit on their own players constantly. Scarlet was a giant insult in character. there was whole lot of frick nothing in the living story. dev refuse to fix shit unless they simp for a female twitter or china. etc.

          • 11 months ago


  57. 11 months ago

    I think it's fun but it runs like total SHIT

    How does an >MMO that's like 12 years old or something get away with absolutely tanking frames so hard? If like more than 10 people are actively on screen my framerate fricking halves and I'm on a 5600x and a 3070 ti. How has optimization been ignored for so long?

    • 11 months ago

      As I said in

      ANet as a company is famous for having good ideas and then shitting all over them, Guild Wars 2 in itself is a masterclass on how to get everything wrong. If the company wasn't managed by clowns, GW2 would be up there with WoW.

      , clown management. They used the old GW1 engine which was created when multi-core CPUs weren't even conceived so it only runs on a single core. Because of the spaghetti code formed throughout seven years of development, it's impossible to touch the engine without breaking something. Instead of fixing what was broken, ANet used
      >muh spaghetti code
      as an excuse to be lazy and not address any of the technical issues. For example, back items are considered weapons by the engine which is why, even with lowest model quality setting, you always see wings and other equipped items on players.
      After ten years ANet decided to do something about it and upgraded the game from using DirectX9 to 11, and only after some reddit autist had dabbed on them by creating an add-on that made GW2 use DirectX12.

      Yo, haven't played in ages. Are there finally Pale Tree/sylvari themed mount skins?

      There's a magical stag mount. It uses jackal animations and is sold at premium price.
      There's also a mordrem hound jackal skin, so you can only ever have one salad-themed mount at a time.

      • 11 months ago

        Huh, I thought it would have been trivial to just resize the fern hound and maybe make similar skins for the others. No need for complicated sparkle stuff.
        Though the mordrem one might be intresting.

        • 11 months ago

          You'd think that was pretty simple, yet we have nothing like that. They did rip the sand lion model and made it into a premium mount, though.

          fug, that really sucks
          I guess this jade tech skin is similar, but not as good looking

          Anon, you have no idea how much I'm seething that we have no minsec armour sets.

          I've preordered the deluxe version of the expansion because I fricking love wizards. Really interested how the use of more weapons will work. There's gonna be some wild unkillable build everyone will abuse, knowing Anet's incompetence they'll do nothing for at least a few months.

          There was a beta last weekend testing the current weapons and people swear by hammer soulbeast, hammer weaver and sword/warhorn cata.

          • 11 months ago

            >hammer soulbeast
            I hope anything replaces sword/axe. Sword is so fricking ass to play with, the first 2 abilities make you fly all over the fricking place.

  58. 11 months ago

    Yo, haven't played in ages. Are there finally Pale Tree/sylvari themed mount skins?

    • 11 months ago

      yeah and they added tengu as a playable race

      • 11 months ago
  59. 11 months ago

    My acting Minister of Security can't be this cute.

    • 11 months ago

      can players get that armour skin, or is it exclusive to NPCs?

  60. 11 months ago
  61. 11 months ago

    bros is it true that there's a GW3 in development?

    • 11 months ago

      Aion whatever number it's at now or probably the mobile version if there is one.

      • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        man aion classic was kinda fun but they fricked it up from the get-go by adding battlepass shit and consumables that broke low level PvP if you weren't a paypig

        • 11 months ago

          >korean mmo
          this is typical behavior, never play a kmmo even if it looks fun
          they all follow the credit card meta

  62. 11 months ago

    every time i think about playing gw2 again i log in, kill 2-3 enemies in the open world and log out because i've experienced everything the game has to offer

  63. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      99% of asuras dont look this and the ones who look like this doesn't look as cute as your pic

    • 11 months ago

      what armor is that?
      also groce feet

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        I cannot wait until yordle mmo become a thing. It would probably be the biggest asura migration

      • 11 months ago

        you want some, rat boy?

        • 11 months ago

          what the hell

          • 11 months ago

            >He doesn't know about the giant pile of Asura and Charr porn.

    • 11 months ago

      >lemme post cute art of an asura that doesn't actually exist
      >actual asuras look like dysgenic israelites, full with sassy quips and nasal kvetching to boot

      • 11 months ago

        it's just tumblr man calm down
        i mean that is what gw2 -is-
        thumblr the game

      • 11 months ago

        it's okay to get hard, anon

    • 11 months ago

      Not a pedo. Sorry.

  64. 11 months ago

    I've preordered the deluxe version of the expansion because I fricking love wizards. Really interested how the use of more weapons will work. There's gonna be some wild unkillable build everyone will abuse, knowing Anet's incompetence they'll do nothing for at least a few months.

  65. 11 months ago


  66. 11 months ago

    Maybe I will return because I read they will give everyone a skyscale, that shit was a fricking grind

    • 11 months ago

      wait, seriously?

      • 11 months ago

        yes, they said that they are adding a very easy method to get one.

        • 11 months ago

          >inb4 Black Lion Skyscale Unlock, get your flying mount for 4,000 gems!

    • 11 months ago

      Skill issue, the return-to achievements give you literally all the materials you need for the mount. All that's left after that is the four-day time gated collection and some scavenger hunts.

  67. 11 months ago
  68. 11 months ago

    I'm so glad the whole dragon metaplot is over. I knew so many elder dragons would get old after the second or third dragon. Even Arenanet was sick of it by IBS.

    • 11 months ago

      the elder dragons were a classic case of "Always a Bigger Fish"
      by creating something so big, so awful, and so terrible to be bigger, more awful, and more terrible than literal walking deities whose mere battles could permanently destroy and later the landscape; they accidentally backed themselves into a literary corner, and since they didn't have the talent to avoid this they clearly couldn't write a good way out of it so we got the macguffin dragon who fixed all the issues nbd

  69. 11 months ago
  70. 11 months ago

    Guild wars 3 when?

    • 11 months ago


  71. 11 months ago

    buy the expansion then begin the path of fire quest and get your free raptor, it's gonna help immensely

  72. 11 months ago

    The best part about EoD is how the Purist basically got everything they wanted, were widely successful, and made Cantha stronger:

    >successfully eliminated the Afflicted,
    >crushed the Am Fah and the Jade Brotherhood
    >crushed all dissent and opposition
    >crushed the Tengu and forced them into hidding
    >crushed the Kurzicks and the Luxons and formally annexed them

    They successfully united the Canthan Empire under one flag and protected Cantha from humanity's downfall in Tyria and Elona.

    They only felt from power after Zaithan sank old Kaineng into the sea and began to abuse their power trying to turn the Empress at the time into a puppet. Even after their downfall (100 years before Gw2) Cantha still followed isolationist policies. Nobody is clamouring for downfall of the Canthan Empire for their past crimes or the restoration of Kurzick or Luxon independence. The Canthan Empire is still united under one flag. It is not only the strongest human nation, the most advanced empire, but a superpower on its own right.

    • 11 months ago

      Cringe fashy

  73. 11 months ago

    How many bigots will we get to punch in the new expansion?

    • 11 months ago

      None, because there's still no fist weapon.

    • 11 months ago

      The big bad and his minions look like a torment demons, although I suspect he will have a evil wizard lieutenant.

  74. 11 months ago

    >agender engineer
    >this line was altered without a hint of irony in a fricking medieval fantasy game

    • 11 months ago

      I'm gonna be honest, I didn't notice any of this until it was pointed out. How mentally ill do you need to be to go out of your way to get trigged by literally nothing?

      • 11 months ago

        If it wasn't such a big deal, why include it in the first place?

      • 11 months ago

        how vapid do you have to be to not see it?
        I'm a long time player, I actually enjoy the game, and the constant pandering in the stories is fricking stupid as shit
        EoD ends on a big gay (literal) wedding and then the LW content made you choose a date with several people who make it very clear they don't have a gender

        • 11 months ago

          >big gay wedding
          Bro.. it's a few lines of dialog in the middle of a bar. The close up kiss from like 10 years ago was way more in your face.

          • 11 months ago

            yes, exactly, they have been constantly doing this shit for years
            it's annoying, because the story isn't even good, it's actual literal bottom of the barrel trash
            Custer's Revenge has more literary depth than this game, which only has good shit from GW1 to go off of and they seem to be trying to destroy everything from that game

            • 11 months ago

              The story is your standard MMO garbage, but in this game it takes priority over everything else: raids took forever because they had to have a plot, strikes only exist as bosses from the story (and must be unlocked by playing the campaign), fractals are now more dialogue than gameplay and the few modes that don't require a story, like PvP and WvW, get shafted hard.
              If ANet put more focus on what's actually good in this game, there would be much fewer complaints about the plot.

              Yao being agender feels tacked on. Everything about him scream male. There's no hint of femiminity outside of his voice actor.

              When he's introduced he talks shit about a female colleague (i.e. Mai Trin) and accuses her of sucking up to their boss. ANet must have realised that this was problematic and chopped off his peepee.

              • 11 months ago

                I didn't mind the story too much. Haven't played EoD yet but I enjoyed Season 4 and IBS. Season 3 haven't played yet. Season 2 was an absolute fricking slog. The real criminal thing they did was get rid of those cutscenes where the characters talk to eachother that you could just skip.

    • 11 months ago

      Usoku and the Ministry of Purity were already planned by the time Wind of Change 10 years ago.

      • 11 months ago

        Barring the fact that Winds of Change were shit, it had nothing to do with agender engineers and Ministry of Purity had nothing to do with fricking racism and everything to do with the post plague recovery of Cantha.

        • 11 months ago

          Winds of Change was great. What are you talking about? And yes, the Ministry of Purity was all about eliminating threats to the empire and expelling or exterminating any non-human in Cantha. The fun parts is that they basically won. The heroes from Gw1 only delayed their rise to power and everything they did basically made the Canthan Empire stronger.

  75. 11 months ago

    She's back.

  76. 11 months ago

    >can disable skins and races in pvp so everyone looks the same
    made me uninstall

    • 11 months ago

      You should've played on launch when literally every PvP tryhard played Asura since you couldn't see shit from their animations. The forced human skins option was a blessing.

  77. 11 months ago

    Yao being agender feels tacked on. Everything about him scream male. There's no hint of femiminity outside of his voice actor.

  78. 11 months ago

    Game is casual fun, quickness deadeye and just spamming 3 buttons for max dps is comfy.

  79. 11 months ago

    is Ele still bad?

    • 11 months ago

      ele is literally broken OP in every content mode currently
      the lead balance dev is a israelite who plays ele

      • 11 months ago

        What'd they change? Last time I played, they made power builds useless.

        • 11 months ago

          Just rebalanced a lot of stuff. There isn't a single bad profession in the game right now, only a few remarkably bad specs that are scourge and chronomancer.

        • 11 months ago


          Just rebalanced a lot of stuff. There isn't a single bad profession in the game right now, only a few remarkably bad specs that are scourge and chronomancer.

          stated, minor changes
          however, they now have access to an elite called Catalysts which makes AoE fields which pulse buffs/damage/conditions/heals and has basically turned them into cancer

  80. 11 months ago

    how to improve gw2
    >make all expansions as big as PoF but as difficult as HoT
    >host daily troony and homosexualry bashing competitions
    >beat the authors until they write something better and then beat them again
    >beat the shit korean artists for their shit armor designs
    gw2 saved

    • 11 months ago

      Might as well just buy the IP, then declare GW 2 not canon follow by having a quest where you burn down the pale tree when its just a sapling

    • 11 months ago

      I would be fine if you could skip the dialog. But no, or else how could they push their political agenda?

  81. 11 months ago

    Play GW2

  82. 11 months ago

    Worst MMO of all time

    • 11 months ago

      nah, that frog has been wrong for a long time, and in a world full of pump and dump MMOs and most recently Amazon's abortion of an MMO, living under a rock

  83. 11 months ago

    HoT release was peak adventure. I have never felt that sense of danger and wonder in a savage land since I was a fricking kid. Too bad a couple weeks later they nerfed the regular enemies so people had an easier time traveling through the maps.

    PoF had great maps that used the mounts to great extents. Sadly the mounts break the rest of the content including the original maps and HoT. They break the atmosphere of both previous releases.

    EoD looks like a PS2 game. I dont know what happened. The game is old yes, but there were beautiful maps, specially HoT. EoD looks like shit.

    I dont know if its worth to start right now, I wouldnt even know where to start if I wanted to play from the beginning. I would probably see the pozz and abandon them game. I dont know what happened with the game, but it became extremely pozzed and the quirky millennial borderlands "did i?" dialogue is awful. Doesnt help that you cant skip conversation in the newer story arcs.

    First year of the game and HoT release were peak mmo.

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