Guild Wars 2

What went wrong?

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    troonys as always

    • 9 months ago

      >a literally who identifies with their character
      the west has fallen, the troony is too powerful

    • 9 months ago

      You can clearly see how he has no will to live anymore, his mind is so twisted he can't even stand together in his two feet without the rampant thoughts of wanting to neck himself.
      He will argue that he's not mentally ill, but his eyes lost on the horizon tell another story.

    • 9 months ago


      i played for like 9 years, but quite when the SJW shit was too much. what a fricken waste of a game

    • 9 months ago

      Reminder that the troony that help frick up the story with that fat b***h now spread his cancer to the Sims

    • 9 months ago

      >come to Ganker
      >click on video game thread
      >some alt-right incel immediately starts showing everyone how obsessed with trannies they are

      • 9 months ago

        Its one of the first game that shove that crap in people faces. Everyone not playing GW 2 laugh and think it won't happen to their game. That was over 11 years ago.

        • 9 months ago

          >shove it in your faces
          >1 npc offhandedly mentions it if you ask them
          >added 4 years after the game launched

          • 9 months ago

            >place it in the center of a hub for fractal portal, pvp, wvw, raid, and the dungeon shop
            >it brags about being a "girl" to every other npc
            >on repeats forever

        • 9 months ago

          The only one shoving crap in peoples faces is you, you troony obsessed freak

      • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago

            why are you gay

            • 9 months ago

              No, I will not have sex with you

    • 9 months ago

      Definitely would

      • 9 months ago

        Any straight man would. Republicans and capitalists don't want men lusting over trannies though because they need more babies to keep the profit machine flowing. This is the only reason they've been pushing anti-trans propaganda for the past 8 years.

  2. 9 months ago

    One of the worst marketing teams out there.
    I doubt most players know about the 3 expansions the game has, one of them releasing in the last month.

    • 9 months ago

      Frick I meant to say 4 expansions, the one in cantha was that forgettable to me.

      • 9 months ago

        dont blame you for forgetting it. it was forgettable for me aswell. terrible collections, story was shit the moment you landed to the new area. maps shit to navigate. gang war and aetherblade was somewhat okay

    • 9 months ago

      >I doubt most players know about the 3 expansions the game has, one of them releasing in the last month.
      No the game constantly reminds you every week or so with obnoxious popups at the bottom right

      • 9 months ago

        I should have been clearer, previous players.
        Much of the bitterness towards the game comes from a view held from 10 years ago. Players that have long abandoned the game.

  3. 9 months ago

    It's not the first game, that's what went wrong

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      souless. GW1 was trash.

      • 9 months ago

        GW1 perfected the instance mission format for an MMO, but I can understand the beef if you were expecting a more traditional MMO, I sure did.
        If you weren't a pleb, GvG wars was fricking huge.

        • 9 months ago

          >get gw1 as a kid
          >expect to see other players killing mobs in the starter zone, as i've experienced before in other MMOs
          >am alone
          >never boot it again

        • 9 months ago

          GvG was the original e-sport if I recall correctly.

      • 9 months ago

        wrong, GW2 is the soulless cashgrab garbage

        • 9 months ago

          Very true, the kind of end tier armor designs were pure shit, it was more than enough of a reason for people to bail for WoW or FFXIV. The truly nice gear was store bought. The cosmetic legendaries were more like AH rewards. I had a friend that said GW2 was more like a trading game, make gold off the market and flip legendaries.

    • 9 months ago

      >h*mans only
      Into the trash where it belongs.

    • 9 months ago

      best "mmo" ever made

      souless. GW1 was trash.

      irredeemable zoomer filth you have no idea about anything, it would make sense that a soulless being couldn't recognize soul if it hit them in the face

    • 9 months ago

      Ascalon, home. At least it was until the Charr fricked everything up

  4. 9 months ago

    I only played the base game, and I fell for the hype. I really enjoyed the leveling experience, the zones were nice, the public quests whatever they were called were cool, the story was okay up to level 50 when you meet the mary sue plant man. The endgame was atrocious, rubberbanding mobs in dungeons, wtf? The only thing to do was a massive gold grind for legendary weapon but frick that. I quit.

    • 9 months ago

      Seems to be the experience most had. Played the base game ages back and knows nothing of what has changed in the 10 years since launch. The Content get's better as time goes along but there is nothing to give the player this impression without actually buying it first.

      • 9 months ago

        the content peaks in Heart of Thorns then gets increasingly worse as time goes on

    • 9 months ago

      I feel you man, once you hit level 50 and you think you are about to take on dragons, it's 3 undead maps and you are left shaking your head about what the frick is the big bad, wasn't it a set of dragons?

  5. 9 months ago

    I got bored and tried it recently. I created the class with illusions. Combat felt kinda janky so I quit at lvl 15.

  6. 9 months ago

    Garbage vomit looking ground effects
    QA team is single pajeet working for 1 shilling per hour
    Controller support could be better
    Eternity to get an actual flying mount
    Shitty fragmented way to buy expansions if you want to experience the entire story in linear fashion
    Need to read wikis to understand basic combat
    No consistent, coherent and clear art direction
    Aging engine ugly by modern standards

  7. 9 months ago


  8. 9 months ago

    No holy trinity.

    >b-but dodgerolling around dungeons spamming resurrects faster than mobs can kill you while everything runs around randomly in all directions is fun!
    no it isn't

    • 9 months ago

      >he doesn’t know

    • 9 months ago

      The actual meta in GW2 is even fricking worse than the standard MMO mechanics.
      When you have no resources to manage and the only thing that hinders your DPS is your cooldowns the only thing that matters is spamming the same fricking skills over and over again in a SPECIFIC order.
      Granted, you do need a healer/buffer and DPS, so there is some kind of "trinity".

      • 9 months ago

        >the only thing that matters is spamming the same fricking skills over and over again in a SPECIFIC order.
        That's literally every MMO
        And before rotations and cooldowns were a thing in MMOs, you spammed a single skill

        • 9 months ago

          GW2 really has it a lot worse than other MMOs on some departments though
          >easy to interrupt abilities with other abilities
          >punished with 5s cooldown if you do so
          >quickness is mandatory/calculated for but you will not get used to it via open world
          >have to finish auto attack combos that isn't particularly easy to discern
          >auto attacks are 0.3~0.6 seconds each instead of ~1.5s and require constant weaving
          >some rotations require 3-4 sequential button presses in half to a second
          don't get me wrong it's probably fun for chuds into fast paced action combat but it does increase both the barrier for entry and skill ceiling a lot

          • 9 months ago

            Big problem is I have no idea who GW2's audience is. What does it excel at as an MMORPG that you can't find better elsewhere? Or is the F2P/B2P angle the real draw as secondary MMO?

            • 9 months ago

              >What does it excel at as an MMORPG that you can't find better elsewhere?
              Open world content. XIV has none, and WoW's is... just not as good I guess? It's still not worth dealing with the slog of shit attached to doing fun open world events. However, even Rift did open world events better back before it went f2p/p2w. So I guess the answer would be jumping puzzles.

              • 9 months ago

                You bring up Rift, but so did Tabula Rasa and Warhammer Online. I still GW2 has the best implementation of what is essentially a public quest concept on repeat timers. I wonder how many people never saw how many Dynamic Events in GW2 have chains that continue or even fail states with their own chains.

            • 9 months ago

              GW2 excels at open world PvE and World vs World (because no MMOs do it anymore)

              • 9 months ago

                >and World vs World (because no MMOs do it anymore)
                He says while whoever is facing Maguma Wastes server is just laying down and letting them win because no one fricking plays WvW because of how unbalanced the populations are.

              • 9 months ago

                WvW alliances any day now

            • 9 months ago

              People who don't like the usual MMO garbage + no sub fee.

              Is berserker still the only good set? I kind of want to play it a bit again but not if all the gear I had is now shit.

              Yes, zerk is perfectly fine for most DPS builds.

              • 9 months ago

                You're not supposed to have a buff like might or protection for longer than a few seconds, especially solo. That's why team compositions value classes like mesmers and guardians for constant boon spam through various means when needed. There are solo builds for something like weavers that shit out auras left and right if you want it.

                Orr farming (and I assume you mean temple events) was 10 years ago and even then it paled in comparison to dungeons and fractals. Silverwastes is the default f2p endgame farm, has been for years.

                What do you mean? Condi builds are an option, but combos give you auras and other effects depending on your build, that's how it always worked.

                >trains of players standing at checkpoints every 15 minutes as events trigger

                What meta chain are you even thinking of? The whole point of a meta is that events flow into one another and there are no breaks if done efficiently.

                You can post as many pictures as you want, this game is ugly as shit and even this image from GW1 looks less dated than gw2's

                It's not the first game, that's what went wrong

              • 9 months ago

                More pictures? Sure thing, anon!

              • 9 months ago

                >no sub fee.
                That's probably a big draw. I know I got into gw1 back in the day because my broke high schooler ass couldn't afford a WoW sub.

            • 9 months ago

              Most of the playerbase are in their 50s and play it like second life just afking in divinity's reach and lions arch

            • 9 months ago

              > I have no idea who GW2's audience is.
              I would've agreed with no sub fee

              People who don't like the usual MMO garbage + no sub fee.

              Yes, zerk is perfectly fine for most DPS builds.

              , but then I would be massively coping and lying because I absolutely paypigged a frickton over the years for convenience and sometimes even a skin I really like. Frankly I'm probably worse off because of it.

              It excels in combat in a few ways and the way the world is structured (while maps have instances, you can really meet basically everyone on your continent almost seemlessly, XIV caught up hard on that but they still have the obnoxious server transfer.
              It's mostly staying alive from open world, story content, and milking dolphins and whales with 25 euro skins.

              For me? Personally? It's the friends I made along the way
              and Charr

            • 9 months ago

              Well, it's an actual MMO for starters. WoW and FF14 are completely focused on instanced content and single-player campaigns.
              On the other hand, most of GW2 is played with hundreds of other players. It's a giga-casual MMO of course, but it's an MMO nonetheless.

              Also, GW2 nailed how a themepark MMO should be designed. The "base structure" of a themepark MMO, so to speak.
              But I really dislike many of their design choices (combat and class design in particular), and the quality of the content itself is very inconsistent.

              Also, the game's unplayable without a wiki. They keep adding new stuff on top of old stuff, and now it's a confusing mess of a videogame. "In order to gear up, you need to do this content from 2012, then this content from 2015, unlock this specific living world chapter from 2016, then farm this boss introduced last year. The optimal stat combination for your build? Well, it didn't even exist before the latest expansion, so... you can't enjoy the content in sequential order. You need to skip ten years ahead, gear up, then maybe go back if you want to."
              They should streamline all of this.

              One last thing, I really dislike how monetization messes with the game itself. The only reason why the inventory is so bad is because they want you to buy bag expansions. And even WITH bag and bank expansions, inventory management is still a pain in the ass.

              • 9 months ago

                >They should streamline all of this.

                They added ascended gear for dailies. I also don't see what's complicated about "get gold, buy exotic gear on TP." If you're looking for specific account bound stats for a build, by that point you're not a beginner player.

              • 9 months ago

                you know a game's dead when dailies take over

              • 9 months ago

                The game always had dailies. Difference is now you have extra rewards tied to them.

              • 9 months ago

                You also have to be level 80 to access Wizard's Vault unlike the old log-in system.

              • 9 months ago

                It's been dead then for quite some time, anon. It's now double dead.

                >I only bought the expacs and some very cheap skins once or twice.
                Psh, post API key and let me analyze you, the amount of passive aggressive grifting the game does to push you towards paypigging for p2w if you play for any amount is obnoxious to the point I refuse to believe anyone who didn't either luck out on an infusion drop or no-lifed the game could suffer through it without paying real money.
                >5 character slots
                >1 bank tab
                >100 slot inventory limit unless before it becomes extremely gold costly
                >basically no shared slots
                >salvaging kits
                >free keys and first BLCs have a high chance for a rare

                Just used the character/shared slots I got from the expacs, everything else I got with gold. No rare drops or anything, just casually accumulated over the years and I won some gems in a guild race or two. I didn't spend gold on legendaries so I just got gems with gold instead when something was on sale, like the salvage kits or inventory bag slots. I think I bought a roller beetle skin and a glider or two, but that's it.

              • 9 months ago

                That's just "stuff" on top of other "stuff", which is exactly what I was complaining about.
                In theory, all content should be (more or less) equally valuable. If I want let's say Harrier's gear for my build, I should be able to run around doing whatever the frick I want, and slowly gather enough currency to buy what I need. Base game, expansions, living worlds, it doesn't matter.

                But that's not how GW2 works. Because Harrier's is a Path of Fire-exclusive stats combination. So I can only get what I need if I play PoF content.
                What if I just beat the base game and want to enjoy the story? I have to choose between going through tens of hours of ""worthless"" (= useless for my progression) content and enjoy the story in chronological order, or skipping ahead and spoil the story for myself.

                And even if I don't care about the story at all, the way gear is distributed makes no sense. It's completely arbitrary and way more confusing than it needs to be.
                -You need a weapon? You'll get a free weapon at the end of PoF.
                -You need a ring? You won't find any ring in PoF, Living Story Chapter 1 or 2. But if you farm enough tokens in Chapter 3, you'll get the ring you need. Just one ring though, for the other one you should farm Strikes instead.
                -As for the amulet, you can get one for free if you do this giga-secret achievement in LS Chapter 4. Just follow a guide on YouTube and you'll be done in ten minutes. PLEASE DON'T WASTE YOUR LAURELS, THE DEVS ARE TRYING TO SCAM YOU.
                -And the gloves, you get those for free with dailies now lmao.

                When you need a 14000 word-long wiki page to even understand how the frick you're supposed to gear up in this game... maybe it's a problem.

              • 9 months ago

                >gear up
                yes, if you're in the single digit percentage of players actually doing the highest end fractals. 90% of players don't need that guide AND can participate in end game regardless.

              • 9 months ago

                >don't have 15k achievement pt
                >kick 🙂

              • 9 months ago

                I'd take you with me.
                I did high end fractals everyday. It was me and my 2 buddies and we'd open up and take whoever.
                As long as they weren't shitheads, we didn't even care if they struggled or died.

                Haven't played since PoF though. Good to know the "elite" community is still garbage, as always.

              • 9 months ago

                >getting a new trinket looked like a load of effort
                >delve into getting a legendary one
                >never have to think about getting trinkets again
                Even before getting them I wasn't the sort to fuss over a few stats here and there. A competent player with celestial gear will out perform a shit player with optimised gear

       Gearing up and getting stronger is fun for everyone, not just the top 1%.
                Just to be clear, I'm not complaining about how long it takes to gear up. If you do follow a guide, you can get full Ascended in no time. Exotic gear in 90% there, and you can buy a full set from the trading post for pennies. How quick you can gear up is not the issue... if anything it's a bit too quick.

                But it's confusing as frick. Because in 2013, getting (let's say) an Ascended amulet was supposed to be very hard and time consuming. But in 2016, they added a much easier way to get the same item. And then in 2020, getting an Ascended amulet is even easier: just beat this jumping puzzle or whatever, it takes ten minutes with Blish HUD. And now in 2023 you can get one for free by completing dailies, you just need to buy the latest expansion and gather 10 mining nodes or whatever.
                And all of these systems exist at the same time, in the same game. When they decided "you know what, getting an Ascended amulet should be easier," they didn't go back and tweaked the old systems. They added new, easier systems on top of the old ones. And then even newer ones. And even newer ones. Ten years of content stacked on top of each other.

                They should streamline the whole thing. How long should it take for a player to go from Exotic to Ascended? A week, two weeks, a month? It's up to the developers to decide. And then ALL systems in the game should take more or less the same time. So the player is free to play whatever content he desires.
                No ones wants to spend two weeks spamming events in a random living world released half a decade ago, when they can get the same exact item in five minutes. But the player can't know this unless he follows a guide.

              • 9 months ago

                Not him the same could be said with getting a dragon waifu mount but, they "streamline" that, and now its part of the new expansion's advertisement.

              • 9 months ago

                That's not what I meant with "streamline", I didn't mean "it should be easier."
                They should decide how long it takes to farm something, an ascended amulet for example. Let's say they decide it should take a week.
                Then no matter what you do in the game, no matter what content you farm, no matter from what era of GW2, in order to get an ascended amulet you always need to farm for (more or less) a week. So, as a player, you know you can just play whatever content you want. You can focus on doing what's most fun for you.

                But in current GW2, they have ways that take a month, two weeks, a week, a day, five minutes. For the same item. If you don't look at the wiki, you can't possibly know that doing X is a complete waste of time, money and resources; you should be doing Y instead, a new super-fast system they introduced last year.

                The monetization is a bit of a pain but it is a "buy to play" title. You CAN trade the premium currency for in-game standard currency last I checked so there is a way to do so, just like both "premium lootboxes" and "premium keys" to open them drop in game just by playing too, so its far from the worst I've seen.

                It actually has a frickload of player friendly features
                >Horizontal progression once you get to max level
                >Old content is almost all available all the time, so it isn't like you miss out on lot of stuff.
                >Jumping puzzles and other sort of unusual for MMO stuff to do, as well as public quests and the like.
                >MASSIVELY account-wide and alt friendly. You unlock most stuff account-wide (pets, cosmetics, mounts, frickloads of dyes etc) which is great and can share between your characters in a shared bank.
                >Classes are different and have their own story bits at creation and after. Races are outside of standard MMO design by a bit. You've got Humans, Big Giant Fricking Nordic Humans, Plant People that are sort of closest to Elves but not really, Tiny race of techno-magic gnome/yordle style, and Big Edgy Cats, as I recall.
                >There's a mainline base story as you level, a character story depending on some of the choices you made at creation, and then at max level the Living Season system shows up which is progression in the world. They finally made LS1 revamped and FREE for everyone, with all the other ones are free if you log in when they roll out and/or a retro respin, or you can buy them all.
                Frankly one of the things that annoys me the most is that for the fantastic dye system there is no "default" appearance for gear. You dye the slot, so you get a new set of boots and if you dyed the last ones in 3 different shades of red the new ones will have exactly the same colors. I wish each item had a default appearance and THEN you applied dyes to them or at least the 'dye remover" should be "default" not "actually a brown color itself".

                I don't mind the monetization per se. Once you own everything you need, money is kinda worthless so you can exchange it for gems and slowly buy skins and shit from the cash shop.
                The only thing I truly hate is the inventory. It's masterfully designed to be as annoying as possible, to force players to buy bag expansions, bank expansions, unlimited salvage kits and unlimited gathering tools from the cash shop.

                And even when you DO buy everything you can from the cash shop, it still sucks. It just sucks less.

              • 9 months ago

                This is a really good point, actually. I've not played for years but am thinking of going back since I got a cheap version of the latest expansions deluxe etc. Though to be honest, even a cumbersome "there's an easier way to do this" system is better than FFXIV has their "we rarely if ever update certain things notably the old Relic weapons" grind. They really should streamline shit though as you say, but it could be much worse given how Zodiac weapons in FFXIV are just skins but are nearly the same grind as they were a decade ago (yes yes one or two steps of their huge grind potential were made slightly easier years ago, its still a kick in the dick and hasn't been touched since. )

              • 9 months ago

                getting a Zodiac is way easier nowadays than it used to be

              • 9 months ago

                >getting a new trinket looked like a load of effort
                >delve into getting a legendary one
                >never have to think about getting trinkets again
                Even before getting them I wasn't the sort to fuss over a few stats here and there. A competent player with celestial gear will out perform a shit player with optimised gear

              • 9 months ago

                A shit player can get mechanically better.
                A celestial player will always be a celestial player.

    • 9 months ago

      >no it isn't
      shit take
      reviving morons while trying not to get killed by the big bad was top tier fun

  9. 9 months ago

    It's not Final fantasy XIV

    • 9 months ago

      Good, FFXIV is even worse

  10. 9 months ago

    Did they ever make anything of the combo abilities, the combo starter fields and finishers?
    It was the one mechanic that could of saved this game, instead there was this stupid as frick meta around condition stacks.

    • 9 months ago

      What do you mean? Condi builds are an option, but combos give you auras and other effects depending on your build, that's how it always worked.

      They fricked up every decision they made for the game. Didn't want to bother making dungeons so they made fractals, which they also did not want to bother making so they focused on map events, which are basically just trains of players standing at checkpoints every 15 minutes as events trigger. Terrible terrible terrible, even PvP became useless grind to get the skinned gear over 4 seasons or something like that.

      >trains of players standing at checkpoints every 15 minutes as events trigger

      What meta chain are you even thinking of? The whole point of a meta is that events flow into one another and there are no breaks if done efficiently.

      • 9 months ago

        That lasted 4 fricking seconds, it wasn't worth the effort to perform at all. Granted I played till those weekly story expansions happened and it was the stupidest fricking shit I've seen a studio do.

        • 9 months ago

          You're not supposed to have a buff like might or protection for longer than a few seconds, especially solo. That's why team compositions value classes like mesmers and guardians for constant boon spam through various means when needed. There are solo builds for something like weavers that shit out auras left and right if you want it.

          He's probably talking about how certain map based events gated progress, I distinctly remember camping a lot for undead map events cause that was the only end game content.

          Orr farming (and I assume you mean temple events) was 10 years ago and even then it paled in comparison to dungeons and fractals. Silverwastes is the default f2p endgame farm, has been for years.

          • 9 months ago

            I haven't seen any game similar to 1 in any way shape or form, makes me sad. You can play through these days with AI dudes but peak 2006 pvp is forever lost to time

            >I haven't seen any game similar to 1 in any way shape or form
            Battleforge was basically RTS GW. There is a private server with updates and shit.

      • 9 months ago

        He's probably talking about how certain map based events gated progress, I distinctly remember camping a lot for undead map events cause that was the only end game content.

  11. 9 months ago

    They fricked up every decision they made for the game. Didn't want to bother making dungeons so they made fractals, which they also did not want to bother making so they focused on map events, which are basically just trains of players standing at checkpoints every 15 minutes as events trigger. Terrible terrible terrible, even PvP became useless grind to get the skinned gear over 4 seasons or something like that.

  12. 9 months ago

    hired women, owned by koreans
    beat up the bigot

  13. 9 months ago

    I played it at launch and up until the first expansion. I loved it and I've wanted to pick it up again a few times over the years, but it looks like total shit every time I've thought about it.
    I wish I could play it again like it was at release.
    I saw a clip of Monster Hunter World that looked a bit like it had the same vibe from the norn area. So I thought about picking it up, just for the vibe.

  14. 9 months ago

    GW1 was unique and still is. GW2 is a souless Wow clone.

    • 9 months ago

      >gw2 is such a good wow clone that wow repeatedly steals features from gw2

    • 9 months ago

      >Wow clone
      Some mentally unhinged FF14 troony spotted who really is tired of playing an actual WoW clone. GW2 has almost nothing to do with WoW.

    • 9 months ago

      GW2 couldn't be further removed from WoW in terms of overall approach. Back in the day people ranted because it no longer controlled like GW1, but rather like everyone other third-person MMORPG. Shit like that.

  15. 9 months ago

    trannies took over. at least I had some fun with the vanilla game.

    • 9 months ago

      Trannies took over from day 1 in GW2, and it shows with how shit the main story was. Thank god they had a decent team for all the heart quests.

  16. 9 months ago

    >Lied to GW1 playerbase about the sequel being just like GW1 but better
    >Made garbage story with conflicting ideas, first it's all about the player until it suddenly becomes all about salad man
    >Double down on garbage SJW story focusing on muh lesbian love story for no reason
    >Items you can get that are not from the cash shop look like boring garbage
    >No endgame
    >Everyone is a jack of all trades, master of none
    >Try and fail to bait back GW1 players with nostalgia bait expansions
    The entire game is shit to the core and always has been

    • 9 months ago

      >garbage SJW story focusing on muh lesbian love story for no reason
      ESG$$$$ is plenty reason and likely one of the primary reasons they even remained afloat for all these years
      >GW2 developed by ArenaNet
      >ArenaNet subsidiary of NCsoft

      >Vanguard and Blackrock are in the top 4 shareholders of NCsoft
      brother when i say every time, i mean ~~*every time*~~

      • 9 months ago

        NCSoft was garbage long before ESG was even a concept

      • 9 months ago

        GW2 was way before ESG.

      • 9 months ago

        >lil zoomer has no idea who NCSoft is and thinks they're bad because of his latest boogeyman
        god I hate this place

        • 9 months ago

          you are free to leave.

    • 9 months ago

      >about the sequel being just like GW1 but better
      They didn't lie about that, gw1 was shit.

    • 9 months ago

      Fricking this.
      I even bought the books that they released before the game which served as a bridge between GW1 and 2. I am still mad that they took out everything I liked about the first game.

    • 9 months ago

      I come to the game not expecting it to be GW1 and I was still disappointed. The Living Story really damage my perceptive of the game. Who knew that hiring morons from a online series as VA is a bad idea? Who knew that hiring a fat b***h with a failed novel will start shoving all her crap into the game is a bad idea. Who knew that having a fricking Mary Sue and using tumblr characters as your main characters is a bad idea. Who knew that ignoring WvW because WvW is a giant waste of time is a bad idea. Who knew that using FOMO and removing content IS A BAD IDEA? Who knew that abandoning old content that was decent (dungeon), make new content, and then abandoning it is a bad idea?

      • 9 months ago

        I think all old content is now accessible, the only one you can't do whenever is the april fools super adventure game.

        • 9 months ago

          I am aware you need to unlock them but that doesn't stop it from being bad. Holy frick, they keep using that fat b***h's OC and it always bring down the story's quality. The fact that Braham is still alive after being a moronic emo, lead a failed guild, and then cause a Charr civil war because he was a moron just pisses me off.

  17. 9 months ago

    >Turn comfy ORPG into an MMORPG
    >It goes to shit

    • 9 months ago

      God gw1 was comfy.

      Is there any game similar to it that's popular today? I mean I bet there's not a lot of people left playing gw1 except for a few diehards and people coming to check it out and then leave right?

      • 9 months ago

        I haven't seen any game similar to 1 in any way shape or form, makes me sad. You can play through these days with AI dudes but peak 2006 pvp is forever lost to time

      • 9 months ago

        It's just not the same when there's no new updates coming and most of the playerbase is gone. A game like it will never be made again

        • 9 months ago

          Until someone does

    • 9 months ago

      GW2 is comfy

  18. 9 months ago

    you know what went wrong, we've been over this. all this could have been avoided if normies accepted GW1 for what it is and the "not a real MMO" comment didn't drive NCSoft to insanity.

    • 9 months ago

      >"not a real MMO"
      Yes. The game was advertised as an Online Roleplaying Game, an MMORPG. Why are Koreans so fricking stupid when it comes to video games?

      • 9 months ago

        What does the MM stand for anon

        • 9 months ago

          Massive multiplayer? What about it?

  19. 9 months ago

    >Game turns into complete shit
    Apologize to mommy Ree right now

    • 9 months ago

      >mfw realizing Norn women were modeled after her

      • 9 months ago

        Bruh she literally selfinserted as Eir Stegalkin

    • 9 months ago

      she and mcburger actually drove the story into shit so no. A fricking work for hire disney writer actually had to save the shitpile those two created. She also created the godawful sylvari who should of never been a playable race

  20. 9 months ago

    When the original Anet devs left and we were left with McDouble. It was all down hill from there. I'm still not over how the NuAnet actively supports RMT as long as they get a cut. How many years has it been now that Abjured/USA is rigging the leaderboard/tournaments and wintrading? Selling titles and gizmos? This game had so much potential, but it was all thrown down the drain.

    • 9 months ago

      >This game had so much potential
      The game was doomed from the start because it is not Guild Wars

  21. 9 months ago

    So did Anet hire indians to shill the new expansion? Absolutely felt like it. Anyway, time for my ritual post. May frog reign eternal and Gw2 be plagued by brazilians and other swathoids.

    • 9 months ago

      I think about 90% of whats in that picture doesn't apply any more. It predates the first expansion, server changes, specialisations, gliding, mounts, world boss reworks, factals, raids, skill build reworks, masteries
      Named individuals like angel mcoy have been let got a long time back. Various named characters like traeherne killed off too.
      Those issues were apparent and relevant those 8 years ago but aren't what's wrong today.

  22. 9 months ago

    You know the game is sinking when the plot is adjusted to the budget of the game, doing a zone with floating islands reusing assets of the game is fricking cheap

    • 9 months ago

      When this ship crashes and burns it will be the ultimate vindication.

    • 9 months ago

      You know the game is sinking because one of the lead competent devs making good endgame content resigned because he was doing 80 hour workweeks due to being the only competent dev, and they don't have the manpower available to fix bugs.

  23. 9 months ago

    troony + anet

  24. 9 months ago

    Is berserker still the only good set? I kind of want to play it a bit again but not if all the gear I had is now shit.

    • 9 months ago

      Berserker is still the only good power dmg set yeah

    • 9 months ago

      Berserker is still good but there's plenty of other good sets. Getting full exotic armor is dirt cheap, and for ascended armor you can change stats of your gear by tossing them into the mystic forge.

  25. 9 months ago

    >what went wrong

    All I ever wanted from this game was for them to put in half the effort they did for female clothing as they did for male versions. Now the game's graphics look outdated as frick and the game has just stagnated for the last 5 or so years with its clunky 5 button combat system.

  26. 9 months ago

    Dunno. I played it for three weeks when it first came out and never since.

  27. 9 months ago
  28. 9 months ago

    5k hours played and not bought the new "expansion".

    The good devs left or got laid off. All that's left are fresh college graduates that leave after a year and the cycle will repeat.

    • 9 months ago

      >The good devs left or got laid off.
      The good devs get moved to work on other projects, which eventually get shut down by NCSoft because they are going nowhere

  29. 9 months ago

    I played gw2 from beta to the second expansion. My main problem was that the world feels empty, seeing some events was cool don't get me wrong, but after doing them for 100 times and seeing 100 other players just rushing them they lost their charm, if you get bored of doing all the events over and over you might try exploring but most of jumping puzzles are boring and most of mini dungeons were forgettable. 2nd problem was that the classes felt too samey, everyone has heal, everyone can instant res, and the worst thing about classes imo was that there was no lore about them, a warrior has to do the same things as a mesmer in order to get a skill point, it would have been so much cooler if classes had different skill points, a warrior has to fight in the arena and become the champion so he get a skill point, a thief sneaks into a bandit cave and steals their treasure, ding thats a skill point, a necro has to commune with a vengeful spirit and put them to rest, nope all we got in the end was beat a npc until you get a skill point, commune with power point. 3rd problem I have is that the story is meh, every character after intro is somewhat famous, frick around a bit you join an order, do some missions get some allies your partner dies, unite the orders go to Orr kill Zhaitan, and done you are a hero, and guess what all the choices you make have minimal impact on the world, you get different allies in the final dungeon and you might encounter assassins' if you join order of the whispers. Most characters are boring and under utilized, if you are a human your first story arc is saving your sister you two talk and that's it she fricks off, she doesn't appear in your home instance she just disappears, a character you save during order of whispers arc doesn't say a damn thing to you when you meet her again, your order partner who dies to save you isn't talked about again, despite you fighting against a zombie dragon who raises the dead they just stay dead.

  30. 9 months ago

    Everything in the jungle felt like a slog

  31. 9 months ago

    Is it just me or has the map design really taken a nose dive in SotO? It's like they were so focused on the flying mount they forgot how to create something explorable on foot

    • 9 months ago

      >so focused on the flying mount
      Frick me, is grinding for that thing mandatory now?

      • 9 months ago

        >complaining about grinding
        >in an mmo
        Most players can't even muster the 250g for the griffon. People now have 2 ways to get a skyscale and the newer way seems even quicker.

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah it was the gold req that made me balk at even trying to get that thing.

          • 9 months ago

            Completely worth it. Especially now you can freely dismount in midair and swap between the two along with updrafts refreshing their energy.

      • 9 months ago

        I think you get a free one only for SotO maps, but it is a mandatory mount this expansion yeah

    • 9 months ago

      It is the first of the new cycle of expacs, and thus exists as a "best of" expansion. The fractal islands are both asset reuse and demos for each previous expac for new players. The skyscale is treated as a default mount bonus incentive as well. (I'm honestly not sure if the raptor is unlocked for you if you just buy SotO. It should be?) The Amnytas meta is a Tarir-like meta that is the safest bet for someone new to the concept. Whatever the third map will have will be a harder meta Chak Gerent, but not as hard like Soo-Won. It's meant to be a vertical slice for the entire game for new people.

      >so focused on the flying mount
      Frick me, is grinding for that thing mandatory now?

      They have a shorter collection for it in SotO to unlock it fully. You can use it normally in the SotO maps from the start. Doing both collections gives you a buffed up skyscale, and there's one more extra grindy collection for an ugly demon skin for it.

      > I have no idea who GW2's audience is.
      I would've agreed with no sub fee [...], but then I would be massively coping and lying because I absolutely paypigged a frickton over the years for convenience and sometimes even a skin I really like. Frankly I'm probably worse off because of it.

      It excels in combat in a few ways and the way the world is structured (while maps have instances, you can really meet basically everyone on your continent almost seemlessly, XIV caught up hard on that but they still have the obnoxious server transfer.
      It's mostly staying alive from open world, story content, and milking dolphins and whales with 25 euro skins.

      For me? Personally? It's the friends I made along the way
      and Charr

      I only bought the expacs and some very cheap skins once or twice.

      • 9 months ago

        >I only bought the expacs and some very cheap skins once or twice.
        Psh, post API key and let me analyze you, the amount of passive aggressive grifting the game does to push you towards paypigging for p2w if you play for any amount is obnoxious to the point I refuse to believe anyone who didn't either luck out on an infusion drop or no-lifed the game could suffer through it without paying real money.
        >5 character slots
        >1 bank tab
        >100 slot inventory limit unless before it becomes extremely gold costly
        >basically no shared slots
        >salvaging kits
        >free keys and first BLCs have a high chance for a rare

    • 9 months ago

      Map design has taken a nose dive since HoT because mounts are cancer.

  32. 9 months ago

    troony game.

  33. 9 months ago

    It sucked from the beginning. It was always a heavily watered down version of GW1

  34. 9 months ago

    >GW2 mounts didn't become genre standard

  35. 9 months ago

    I still can't believe they made base game free and charged full price for an expansion. Also it's been forever since a new class and never since a new race

    • 9 months ago

      Theres already 3 light, heavy and medium amour classes, I don't think they want to alter that balance. Any of the class specialisations are the nearest thing you're going to get to a new class.
      As for a new race. it would mean integrating that into their terrible base game story and I think if they touched that code the whole thing would unravel.

      • 9 months ago

        >Theres already 3 light, heavy and medium amour classes, I don't think they want to alter that balance. Any of the class specialisations are the nearest thing you're going to get to a new class.
        I'm just not sure how a studio writes themselves into a corner with players expecting another class because of the Revenant, while simultaneously finding a way around it by introducing elite specs.

        • 9 months ago

          >why yes, how you can tell I play piano professionally?

          • 9 months ago

            As someone who started as an ele main, it's been eye-opening to try out other classes. There's so much effort into playing a squishy light armor class at melee range just for muh dps. Meanwhile, I could just play herald and still do tons of damage while also shitting out boons, including quickness.

  36. 9 months ago

    The Skyscale killed one of the few things good about this game

  37. 9 months ago

    Tldr: It's boring if you play alone or not mmo addict

    I've played it for couple of years in around 2014 and it was my first (and last) mmo - plot was cool until plant dude Mary Sue came around, then high level stuff like grinding dugeons was a pain in the arse and game felt more like a job, so I fricked off for half a year or so. Then they've added a living world storyline and I did some quests even, but rewards demanded, yet again, spending an obscene amount of time to get them since I was a littleaged peckfrick who didn't want to join a guild of random people because they would either do anything but playing the game or demanding some moronic level of investment into it.

    Then I came around when they've rebuilt the central hub into some soulless monstruocity, didn't get the plot at all and as a final "frick you" devs decided to make old players pay for the game for a second time (which is an outrageous concept - either make me pay every month or make me pay once) and I've fricked off for another couple of years.

    Then I saw game being on sale and decided "frick it, 40% is an ok price for dlc" and regretted it since I've forgot mail and game code and couldn't play it from my old account and I couldn't get the same achievements I got on the previous one and story became some some sort of power ranger's shit and I've fricked off completely.

  38. 9 months ago

    Can you play GW1 solo now for story and MTG deck building?

    • 9 months ago

      >Can you play GW1 solo now for story
      Yes but no one ever tells you how much time and effort it takes if you're starting fresh. It's much harder than most old vets make it seem because they have all the unlocks and knowledge.

    • 9 months ago

      You could ever since the nightfall expansion added heroes.

    • 9 months ago

      Absolutely. Just grab the heroes from Nightfall first, the default henchmen won't help much.

    • 9 months ago

      I bought it a year ago and that's how I played it. I was playing all campaigns in order so I only had henchmen for the most part instead of the heroes from Nightfall, I had to look up strategies for a few levels but it was still doable.

  39. 9 months ago


  40. 9 months ago

    >circlejerking Fear not this night
    Yes, circlejerk a song dedicated to the biggest mary sure race in vidya. I want every sylvari and the pale tree burn.

    • 9 months ago

      >the leader of the army takes credit for the army
      imagine my shock!

  41. 9 months ago

    they forgot to make a good video game

  42. 9 months ago

    I miss login screens bros, launchers are beyond soulless

  43. 9 months ago

    It was all downhill from here

  44. 9 months ago

    Game was always garbage. Exploration and leveling was pure fricking kino, but then you hit lvl 80

    • 9 months ago

      Its not even fricking kino after Lions Arch.

  45. 9 months ago

    >WTS Droknars Rush for 9p per person

  46. 9 months ago

    PoF dialogues between my toon and npcs made me physically cringe multiple time.

  47. 9 months ago

    They came out swinging out the closet real hard in the very first tutorial zone. Dropped it right there and then.

  48. 9 months ago

    I got permbanned for saying Black person.
    Not going to play this slop.

    • 9 months ago

      sucks to be moronic.
      maybe goodwill will hire you

  49. 9 months ago

    The monetization is a bit of a pain but it is a "buy to play" title. You CAN trade the premium currency for in-game standard currency last I checked so there is a way to do so, just like both "premium lootboxes" and "premium keys" to open them drop in game just by playing too, so its far from the worst I've seen.

    It actually has a frickload of player friendly features
    >Horizontal progression once you get to max level
    >Old content is almost all available all the time, so it isn't like you miss out on lot of stuff.
    >Jumping puzzles and other sort of unusual for MMO stuff to do, as well as public quests and the like.
    >MASSIVELY account-wide and alt friendly. You unlock most stuff account-wide (pets, cosmetics, mounts, frickloads of dyes etc) which is great and can share between your characters in a shared bank.
    >Classes are different and have their own story bits at creation and after. Races are outside of standard MMO design by a bit. You've got Humans, Big Giant Fricking Nordic Humans, Plant People that are sort of closest to Elves but not really, Tiny race of techno-magic gnome/yordle style, and Big Edgy Cats, as I recall.
    >There's a mainline base story as you level, a character story depending on some of the choices you made at creation, and then at max level the Living Season system shows up which is progression in the world. They finally made LS1 revamped and FREE for everyone, with all the other ones are free if you log in when they roll out and/or a retro respin, or you can buy them all.
    Frankly one of the things that annoys me the most is that for the fantastic dye system there is no "default" appearance for gear. You dye the slot, so you get a new set of boots and if you dyed the last ones in 3 different shades of red the new ones will have exactly the same colors. I wish each item had a default appearance and THEN you applied dyes to them or at least the 'dye remover" should be "default" not "actually a brown color itself".

    • 9 months ago

      The dye page has a "remove dye" option, looks like an eraser. Most gear means it goes to the same shade of brown but that would be its technical default.

    • 9 months ago

      >>It actually has a frickload of player friendly features
      GW2 is massively p2w, being able to grind 50000 hours ingame to unlock all the convenience features you could pay for with 10 hours of work doesn't make it not p2w

      The dye page has a "remove dye" option, looks like an eraser. Most gear means it goes to the same shade of brown but that would be its technical default.

      There's some bug with dye remover as well where it doesn't immediately reset to its proper colour, gotta relog for it or something.

    • 9 months ago

      To me its ridiculous how come industry has not at all followed after GW2 in QoL and just plain features. Shit like auto sort inventory, transfer ingredients to a bank from anywhere, fricking MOUNTS, etc.

      • 9 months ago

        >GW2 Path of Fire released in 2017
        >Amazing, high quality mounts
        >Every new MMO I've seen released afterwards still has trash mount animations compared to gw2

        Frick me, I never realized how good the mount system is compared to other games

        • 9 months ago

          It's not really animations for me as much as mounts in other MMOs are just "X% faster movement speed". GW2 mounts do so much more without even getting into flying.

          • 9 months ago

            GW2 mounts are superior but there's two problems I have it personally, first one being that some mounts (especially skyscale) are significantly better than others to the point of making weaker mounts almost irrelevant.

            Second one being the lack of mount variety. I see gw2 taking a quality of quantity approach, which is nice but it also means you won't end up like WoW or FF14 that have a large variety/collection of different mounts. You won't have things like robot spiders, walking plants, golems, hydras, cars etc in gw2 and I don't think applying new skins to existing models will solve that.

            • 9 months ago

              Those are just skins that do the same thing. Annoyingly they considered having one of the mounts to be a spider but through against it because arachnophobes are tremendous pussies.

              • 9 months ago

                >arachnophobes are tremendous pussies.
                Honestly I think its just virtue signaling that only came about after the release of the game, Grounded. I myself am an arachnophobe, I will surrender my bathroom to a spider if I see one but I do not feel any fear or anxiety towards videogame spiders because my brain knows the difference.

            • 9 months ago

              What grinds my gears about the more traditional MMO mount systems is that there is nothing stopping them from making categories of mounts and just doing what GW2 did mechanically, you would essentially get the best of both worlds and you could have super special mounts that does cool shit like different kinds of handling during flight (helicopter vs airplane for example) or have a gimmick attached to a mount like double jumping or something like minor wall climbing. The problem is that devs tries to design their worlds to encourage one type of movement over the other which they then ignore by giving you the "best at everything mount" eventually but if they just stop doing that you'd see more fun movement options and a larger variation of mount usage in MMOs

        • 9 months ago

          As much as I loathe GW2, its mount system is by far the best in the genre.

      • 9 months ago

        WoW with the AdiBags addon is the best inventory in any MMO I've played. By far, nothing is even remotely close.
        They also added a bag for materials this expansion, and an "auto-deposit materials to bank" feature. You still need to talk to the NPC, it's not Wi-Fi like in GW2. But it's better than before I guess.
        Oh, and they kinda copied mounts as well.

        Maybe one day they'll copy horizontal progression as well? Maybe they'll understand that chasing higher and higher numbers every single expansions is getting old?

  50. 9 months ago

    I am a wow refugee, downloaded this shit yesterday. Any tips?

    • 9 months ago

      uninstall it and play something else

      • 9 months ago

        why? everyone is praising it

        • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago

            when I was searching how to replace wow I only read super positive reviews about gw2 how it's the most underrated game ever made, and every youtube video is like 20 minutes of gd2 toes sucking

            • 9 months ago

              It's almost as if the only people still playing or giving a shit about GW2, is braindead drooling fanboys.

            • 9 months ago

              It depends on what you liked about WoW. In GW2 the fun part is exploring and doing open-world events; unlike WoW, it's an actual MMORPG.
              Dungeons and raids are there, but they suck. The combat system and class design are not well suited for structured PvE. So, if that's what you want to do... feel free to uninstall lmao.

              • 9 months ago

                You wouldnt happen to find Assassin's Creed to be amazing games, would you.

              • 9 months ago

                I only played the very first one and I hated it. But I get what you mean, it IS "Ubisoft: The MMO". Still, "Ubisoft: The MMO" with 100s of players is fun, what can I say. It's by far the best open-world among themepark MMOs, especially HoT.

              • 9 months ago

                no this is what actually hooked me, because solo pve and exploration is exactly what I'm looking for in mmo

              • 9 months ago

                >Dungeons and raids are there, but they suck

        • 9 months ago

          Those people are moronic. This is just an MMO version of an Ubisoft game.

    • 9 months ago

      cat or rat?

    • 9 months ago

      Don't concern yourself with stats during leveling at all. Feel free to ignore or follow the storyline as you see fit. Pick a direction and go. I'd recommend turning off the content compass in the upper right and getting used to action camera combat. Picking mesmer as a starting class might be clunky as it doesn't shine early on, otherwise choose whatever looks interesting. You can send materials you pick up to the bank directly from your inventory at any time, click the upper right icons above the inventory itself.

    • 9 months ago

      When exploring, just get distracted by whatever you find or events are there, don't feel it necessary to 100% a zone before moving on.
      The stuff you see is the oldest part of the game and the arguably worst content. Heart of thorns, the first expansion, and onwards are improvements for both getting around, combat options and gameplay.

    • 9 months ago

      don't pick ele
      follow mentors/commanders when you see their icon on the map as they're probably leading an army for events
      take your time and explore zone to zone

    • 9 months ago

      The game has everything hooked into its wiki. One of the best game related wikis out there. Alt-clicking on an item puts a code in chat, typing "/wiki " before it will automatically open the relevant page.

  51. 9 months ago

    >What went wrong?

    1:Not making a trinity system. Unironically
    2: exaggerate particle effects
    3: No monks, ritualists
    4: No seamless world transitions like WoW has
    5: No vertical progression
    6; No addon support
    7: Destroying Guild Wars 1 Skill system
    8: No random arenas

  52. 9 months ago

    No idea. I clocked in 2500 hours in vanilla, before the first expansion hit. I stopped playing quite a bit before it even. I had my fun with it

    • 9 months ago

      >I clocked in 2500 hours in Guild Wars 2

  53. 9 months ago

    The best challenge gw2 can provide is to came up with the character's name that is not already taken

  54. 9 months ago

    no endgame

    • 9 months ago

      That's not even the issue for me. My problem is that they sold the PvE experience as a Zerg Fest meta experience. It's not fun.

  55. 9 months ago

    game had potential but it shat on GW and went full sjw
    im just here for big mommy norns so start posting qt norns

  56. 9 months ago

    honestly, been playing a lot of gw2 now with soto, for reference, i played a bit of each expansion but never too much
    End of dragons expansion was absolutely terrible storywise, undigestable woke dialogue everywhere and the stupidest story so far.
    this one though, i havent seen any woke stuff mentioned, plot makes sense and is straightforward, and content seems alright. I will agree though that map design sucks and i miss the level design from icebrood saga and path of fire

    This mmo is the only one that feels like a mmo.
    Wow is just a gear treadmill where you do the same 6 dungeons every fricking day with mythic plus, how anyone plays that shit is beyond me.
    xiv is just people ERPing and everyone wears modern day clothes. the bossfights are cool but thats pretty much it. story sucks ass after endwalker, and the population is entirely formed by trannies who identify as their catgirl / femra / bunnygirl.

    gw2 has no outdated content so i can do whatever, and every thing i do feels rewarding enough as progress towards something. maps are lively, world vs world pvp is only found in this game, and theres quite a bunch of playstyles.
    I wish there was tanking though. i dont get the point of getting rid of the holy trinity when a new meta forms anyway and everything is based arround having permanent alacracity, quickness and mashing shields on everyone to survive damage.

    • 9 months ago

      >gw2 has no outdated content

    • 9 months ago

      I like the demons in soto but hate the super special squad
      >muh special mursaat
      >muh special jotunn
      >muh special dwarf

      • 9 months ago

        For me its the opposite. I like them because its the first time being able to interact with a non evil mursaat, a non crazed jotunn and a flesh dwarf. I didn't like how the kryptis were all just reused enemies though, I wanted something new. The greater demons like cerus look cool though.

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