This is why censorship in remakes is necessary

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    lose weight.

    • 4 months ago



    • 4 months ago

      Fat people deserve ridicule. The human skeletal and muscular system weren't designed to hold 300 pounds of fat and still function properly.

      It's true, but you shouldn't blame the people who often don't know better. You should blame the mega israelites corporations who literally work hard every day to make you addicted to poison in the food you potentially eat every day. Even when you actually try to escape their grasp, you still have to be careful looking at the labels of what you purchase, what they contain and oftentimes perform some drastic changes to your nutritional habits just to fight seed oils and sugar that's fricking everywhere. This is actually difficult to pull off long term for a lot of people, due to time constraints (easier to fix) and especially monetary constraints or environment you live in (very difficult to fix especially if you are in the US or a third world country).
      I used to be like you shitposting in daily fat hate threads on Ganker years ago until I dug deeper in the rabbit hole as a teen, eventually finding myself working in the field to try and help as many people as I can to save themselves. Remember people, you are what you eat. Good habits like exercise will help, but there are people who still get diseases and face complications even with a lifestyle more physical healthier than most sedentary people today. The obesity issue is increasing worldwide along with heart diseases, not only in the US, and it's up to people to stand up for themselves and denounce the turbo Black folk working for sugar lobbies trying to poison humanity to chase quick profits.

      t.work in nutrition

      • 4 months ago

        On one hand, yes, the real problem is the corporations who produce utter slop and the government that allows them to do so while. However, there comes a point when anyone should be able to know better. When someone is slightly overweight, it's easy to say that they've fallen victim to our shitty food culture. However, someone who crosses into morbid obesity should absolutely realize something is wrong, and they absolutely deserve some of the blame for not realizing how fricking unhealthy they are. If you're in a mobility scooter, you're no longer a victim but an active participant in the shitfest.

        • 4 months ago

          >However, someone who crosses into morbid obesity should absolutely realize something is wrong, and they absolutely deserve some of the blame for not realizing how fricking unhealthy they are. If you're in a mobility scooter, you're no longer a victim but an active participant in the shitfest.
          The trap here is believing these people don't realize or notice what's happening to them. But as with any negative condition, the worse it becomes the harder it is exponentially to take the first few steps to actually fix the problem. If your bodyweight increases by 20% while you're sedentary and inactive physically (could easily happen in a matter of weeks, like during festive periods) not only you have to lift 20% more but your body weakening due to inactivity makes things even harder to start or get back to a routine. After seeing a lot of different cases you quickly realize that it's not a lack of willpower that do these people in but the vicious cycle of their social circle, environment, finances (really can't stress this enough, slop is cheaper,easier to consume and makes you dumber as you eat it) and the nature of what they eat.
          Something that also often gets ignored in the media at large is that even thin people can be extremely unhealthy compared to bigger ones. The average skinny fat is could unironically hide more cholesterol and visceral fat than a trained sumo practitioner for instance. Life and the field taught me that making shortcuts assessing a person's situation based on their external physical appearance was immature and moronic. If I could go back in the past and punch my edgy teenage self who was laughing his ass off in those threads on Ganker, I would do it in a heartbeat. The real enemy are israelites

          • 4 months ago

            >Can't blame fat people for being fat
            >Blames the israelites for being israeli
            Gotta be consistent, bro

      • 4 months ago

        >don't blame the slob, blame the food companies
        >don't blame the addict, blame the drug dealer
        >don't blame the shooter, ban those guns

        When the frick did we turn into a society of children who coddle idiots and worship failure? No.

        If the drug user stops, the dealer is gone. He will be replaced if he (the dealer) is removed from the equation, because the demand is still there. If the fatty stops eating little debbie, the corp goes out of business. Banning them just creates incentive for new/different snacks. Personal. Fricking. Responsibility.

        • 4 months ago

          nta but it absolutely is the food.in America
          Pretty much anyone who has visited another country from the US loses weight in other countries, and anyone from other countries who visit the US gains weight. US has a lot of ingredients legal that are illegal in other countries.

          • 4 months ago

            Yes, our food is less healthy. Just eat healthy food. You think people in europe don't have McDonalds, Coca cola, or ice cream? They do, they just enjoy it responsibly

            What's more effective? Boomer bullshit platitutes and just browbeating people until avoid the omnipresent slop out there and the already slop poisoned who have been consuming slop since childhood just magically gain their leptin resistance back or banning the slop and punishing the slop peddlers?

            You want the government to literally decide what you eat like your a fricking child? How is that fair to someone like me who can enjoy junk food responsibly? Just stop being a fricking moron dude.

            • 4 months ago

              >You think people in europe don't have McDonalds, Coca cola, or ice cream? They do

              And it's nowhere near as shit and unhealthy as it is here.

              • 4 months ago

                Then don't drink it.

              • 4 months ago

                >In the US, to maintain a healthy weight you should never really touch anything on the shelves that isn't explicitly a health drink or water
                >Everywhere else, you can eat relatively normally and be fine as long as you don't go insanely overboard

                It's not reasonable.

              • 4 months ago

                Then have a heart attack at 50. Your fricking excuses can't un-kill you.

              • 4 months ago

                I used to smoke weed and cigarettes. I know fat people who have lost weight. Stop making excuses for yourself. Take responsibility.

                Trust me, no one here would have a problem with the pick yourself up by the bootstraps, sink or swim platitude if the people that did die of heart attacks at 50 did just that but an entire country of people eating up healthcare resources isn't sustainable so it isn't even close to being a serious solution.

              • 4 months ago

                The serious solution is then culling our nations biggest industry and export market? Maybe just don't drink soda

              • 4 months ago

                My sister hates European Fanta. She calls it piss water and misses the toxic colored American Fanta with no barley any orange in it

            • 4 months ago

              Your goverment keeps trash food cheaper than healthy food.
              They are deciding what people eat just by that.

              • 4 months ago

                No, it's not. Junk food is far more expensive than real food. That's just something fatties and lazies say to cope.

              • 4 months ago

                Today I ate

                -breakfast- egg sandwich with cheese, mayo, salt+pepper

                Lunch - two grilled cheese sandwiches with soup-

                Dinner (making now) -beef and homefries-

                All in all
                1$ loaf of bread
                2$ 12 eggs
                (Obviously I didn't use all the eggs and bread)
                >2$ cheese slices
                (I only used two today)
                >2$ 12lb potatoes
                (I used two)
                >5$ 1lb beef

                A quarter pounder meal at McDonalds costs 12$. You can eat for an entire week with that, you fat lazy moron.

              • 4 months ago

                >3 sandwiches with cheese
                >2 slices of cheese used

              • 4 months ago

                Okay, 3 slices and I forgot to add about 1$ for the soup. An onion and a pepper too. Either way, this food will last me quite a few more meals.

              • 4 months ago

                Goddamn, where are you buying 1 dollar loaf of bread and 2 dollars for 12 pounds of potatoes? I need to get that. I think my area has better prices on beef though. It's like 7 or something for 2.25 pounds if I recall.

              • 4 months ago

                has to be shit bread and bullshit potato prices if its in the US. Cheapo high fat content beef is of course cheaper per pound too. 85%, which is the average stuff is usually $5 a pound

              • 4 months ago

                I see. Well the only bread I buy is whole grain, cuz it's the next best option I got that won't leave a hole in my wallet next to "organic bread", and I usually just buy 2 10 pound bags of chicken for lunch/dinner with sandwiches and pasta.

              • 4 months ago

                Do you not have a local bakery?

              • 4 months ago

                Like an actual shop? Nope. There's stores with bakeries inside them but they like to jack the prices. Other than that, there's a local sweets bakery downtown.

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                i tend to buy whole/multi/12 grain and its "cheap" store brand stuff since the "good" shit is at least $4. Frick Dave's bread too, holy frick that's expensive

        • 4 months ago

          you would be an idiot if you think sheer force of will can compete against industries that knows people better than you do.

          • 4 months ago

            I used to smoke weed and cigarettes. I know fat people who have lost weight. Stop making excuses for yourself. Take responsibility.

            • 4 months ago

              No, anon. For me, this situation is like the mobile phone addiction, you can quit and all that, but once you see the machinery behind it is really hard to say a simple discipline can tame that beast. More and more the people that can quit are proven to be outliers, the rest feels happy being fat or addicted to something else

      • 4 months ago

        Part of the problem is that if you make someone feel bad about their weight, it only makes them less willing to change. I've heard many stories of someone genuinely trying to eat right and get fit, just for people to relentlessly mock the fat guy trying to go for a run

        • 4 months ago

          I've changed weights a lot and personally feel really bitter about it. When you do actually lose some and get any muscle definition, getting treated differently isn't a good thing. It makes it feel like something shallow was the only thing holding you back, and it'll be from people you know are judging you even if they put less work into their weight than you do.

          • 4 months ago

            Every year when I would start my summer job I'd lose some weight because I was being way more active. My family would comment on how good I looked every time and all it did was make me mad knowing that if they didn't make a comment about me losing weight it meant they thought I didn't look good.

          • 4 months ago

            Every year when I would start my summer job I'd lose some weight because I was being way more active. My family would comment on how good I looked every time and all it did was make me mad knowing that if they didn't make a comment about me losing weight it meant they thought I didn't look good.

            I honestly don't see the problem. Consider the girls you find attractive or goon to, what do they look like?

      • 4 months ago

        >You should blame the mega israelites corporations who literally work hard every day to make you addicted to poison in the food you potentially eat every day.
        No, you should blame yourself for being lazy and lacking discipline.

        • 4 months ago

          Anon the American food supply is poison. I'm not excusing fats, but something is fricked up here. I don't eat like a slob and still need to aggressively fast to drop pounds.

    • 4 months ago

      Why can't the world just admit that ugly people, in an attempt to follow their biological imparative to breed almost naturally become bitter, resentful and poisonous to civilization?

      • 4 months ago

        Is that why the majority on Ganker and Ganker are this way?

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah of course. It's that or autism.

          The problem is simple, you can't breed and lookism causes people to treat you like shit sub-consciously. So you just become evil. I mean look what the ugly women in political power are doing to the world.

          • 4 months ago

            >you can't breed and lookism causes people to treat you like shit sub-consciously
            What does any of that have to do with breeding?

      • 4 months ago

        Because the majority of the world isn't pretty and is 100 times easier to b***h than to do something about it.

      • 4 months ago

        Because of the spread of the sad delusion of equality.
        Society is structured to in theory give everyone a chance and make them think they are entitled to success for trying, but the reality of evolution and genetics means there are born losers whose ideal role in the species is to sacrifice themselves or just die in a ditch.

    • 4 months ago

      weird how the fats were not common back then, wonder why that is

      • 4 months ago

        It's definitely not the food being poison
        Everyone just got REALLY lazy in a single generation

    • 4 months ago

      Haha fat shaming is so funny
      I fat shame myself every other day, cope moron

      I'm trying but I'm tired and food and games are all I enjoy, and my job is draining my of my will to live

      Fat people deserve ridicule. The human skeletal and muscular system weren't designed to hold 300 pounds of fat and still function properly.

      Technically the skeleton and musculature can, it takes it a bit and you might get some painful microfractures in your feet or legs along the way but if you do even a slight amount of physical labor for work your bones will get sturdier and harder and you'll get selectively stronger, you can even sprint for a short period. Above 330 is actually a bigger difference for me than between 300 and 250, everything just gets sore and it's hard to do things and your legs rub together and you start to waddle a bit to keep them from doing so.
      What being obese really hurts is your organs, lung capacity, hormonal balance, etc

      Remember younger anons put down the fork and pick up the barbell, go walk a mile while you're young and fit enough that it doesn't hurt too bad.

    • 4 months ago

      Im a fat stupid alcoholic American dumb frick, and I 100% agree with this statement.

    • 4 months ago

      I can't, so the best I can do is eat healthy and hope my insides are healthier than I look.

  2. 4 months ago

    Fat people deserve ridicule. The human skeletal and muscular system weren't designed to hold 300 pounds of fat and still function properly.

    • 4 months ago

      The way you phrase it, it sounds like they deserve praise. To go on despite facing such challenges. Let's see you go through a day with 300 pounds of weight added to your body.

    • 4 months ago

      I mean, neither was it designed to post on imageboards or play video games.

    • 4 months ago

      Fat people need to be shamed.

      fat people are ugly and disgusting

      Me whenever I see a fat person in the bus, why do they have to take so much fricking space out of the normal people? They should have their own fat people bus with no seats so they lose some weight by standing up for once in their obese lives.

      what Ganker and many others don't realize is that it doesn't take that much to be "fat". I agree that most fat people are ugly, and anyone who weighs more than 200 lbs is almost guaranteed to be hideous, but what about short women with fat breasts and fat asses who weigh 150-200 lbs? Those are clinically overweight too, and they're hot as frick. You've probably jerked off to women with unhealthy BMIs without realizing it. Depending on race, estrogen level and other things, women can be quite overweight and still not look like a moronic blowfish like OP's pic.

      t. slim BBW enjoyer

      • 4 months ago

        >slim BBW
        Please leave.

      • 4 months ago

        >but what about short women with fat breasts and fat asses who weigh 150-200 lbs? Those are clinically overweight too, and they're hot as frick.
        Based BBW enjoyer. Don't forget about the built-in humiliation factor of being in a relationship with a woman who is either my height or smaller but heavier than me. Just as long as she isn't a smelly, actual circle than there is a lot of fun to be had there. There also needs to be a small bit of belly in the equation to because having only giant pairs of breasts and ass makes women look like literal cartoon characters.

      • 4 months ago

        anon, fat is distributed differently for men and women. dudes tend to have their fat around their belly and chest, while fat for women tends to accumulate around their thighs and glutes. it's why women that are around 150-200 pounds have thick thighs and fat asses but men just have man breasts.

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      >Fat people deserve ridicule

      Fat people need to be shamed.

      >Fat people need to be shamed.

      You got it all wrong. What fat people need is TREATMENT. Fatness is a serious debilitating DISEASE that almost always leads to death. For some reason people act like it's a personality trait or something, but it's not, it's a physical illness and like all illnesses it has to be cured.

      • 4 months ago

        Can we at least ridicule and shame the 'healthy at any size' fricks?

        btw shaming can and does lead to self improvement, especially since fatties are surrounded by enablers

        • 4 months ago

          >fatties are surrounded by enablers
          and it takes a LOT of enablers to surround someone of that size

      • 4 months ago

        Shame and ridicule are the treatment.

    • 4 months ago

      Former fat ass here. Absolutely bully them. I can understand not being able work out because of some life altering complication to your body but there's nothing brave and empowering about stuffing thousands of calories down your gullet a day and potentially dying of a heart attack or diabetes before you even get past your 40s. That there's fatties that are more than capable of getting on a treadmill for at least 30 minutes with no issues but would rather spend their entire day complaining about their weight whilst also gorging on more food is depressing.

      My only regret about losing all the weight I had was not starting sooner.

      • 4 months ago

        Two main things I noticed from losing weight I can call close to a negative. I got drunk easier and cold easier.

      • 4 months ago

        I've been crippled for close to a decade, I am out of bed an hour or two a day, the rest I am lying down or sitting.
        I am unhealthy, yes, 6'1 and 215, but I haven't ballooned to 300/400 because I don't eat 10,000 calories of pizza and drink a gallon of soda a day.

  3. 4 months ago

    Fat people need to be shamed.

  4. 4 months ago

    I bet she swallows.

  5. 4 months ago

    They didn’t censor or change the fat guy in P3 Reload

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah but that's a guy. Guys don't have feelings.

  6. 4 months ago

    fat people are ugly and disgusting

  7. 4 months ago

    All of the fat characters in japanese games should have a version of them that lost all the weight and looking great

    • 4 months ago

      Why was Prompto fat as a kid if he was a genetically altered clone sleeper agent designedt to kill Noctis?

      • 4 months ago

        Don’t ask logical and sensible questions. Just Consume and be like Barry

      • 4 months ago

        The anime staff didn't get the notes

      • 4 months ago

        To make him a better sleeper agent, you're not supposed to know he's genetically engineered until he's matured and is useful.

    • 4 months ago

      Can't believe I actually watched this anime and read the prequel story just for the game to come out and be shit

  8. 4 months ago

    Apply for a gym membership or get bullied into suicide fatty.

    • 4 months ago

      Gym is not a place for fat people.

      • 4 months ago

        Yes it is.

        • 4 months ago

          No it is not. You cant outrun the fork. Going to gym fatties would only destroy their knees and heart. Whatever pathetic calories they would burn in the gym they would refill with a single donut.

          • 4 months ago

            israelite propaganda to keep you weak, fat, and tired

            • 4 months ago

              >exercise is le bad
              >you must never improve
              lmao go demoralise elsewhere.

              You're moronic. Fatties need to get their diet sorted out before even considering the gym. Even a hardcore gym session can at most burn about 300 calories. That's a snickers bar.

              • 4 months ago

                Exercise burns more if you're fat actually but diet is definitely the most important part. Doing both is always the best idea. Home gym equipment is good, you can forget you're even exercising if you're engrossed in something.

              • 4 months ago

                >Exercise burns more if you're fat actually
                No its not. Because fat people cant push even moderate exercises they would be out of breath immediately. Only practical way is reducing food intake and losing weight first.

              • 4 months ago

                Gentle exercise over a longer period can be effective. You're not going to get a cardio workout from it, but you'll burn calories. Swimming in particular is good for fat people, that burns a ton even if you're slow.
                You're right that diet is the most important part. You're not going to lose weight if you don't fix that part. But supplementing diet with exercise is helpful even for fatties, especially since exercise can make you less hungry and serotonin helps with mental health.

          • 4 months ago

            >exercise is le bad
            >you must never improve
            lmao go demoralise elsewhere.

          • 4 months ago

            you cant outrun your diet, the only way to reliably lose weight is to permanently change your eating habits.

            exercise is good for other reasons, but for some reason many people think you need to do it to lose weight. It's secondary to diet on those terms.

          • 4 months ago

            >Going to gym fatties would only destroy their knees and heart.
            They can exercise in swimming pools. I think they even use that method for fat cats to protect their joints

            • 4 months ago
  9. 4 months ago

    How do people even get that fat in japan? You are constantly walking and food is expensive plus portions are small. Also if you are fat you have to pay a fat tax. Not to mention the constant social stigma.

    • 4 months ago

      It’s my genetics chudcel, read a book, god

    • 4 months ago

      Food is way cheaper in Japan than the US

      • 4 months ago

        morons found out that fresh fruit is ludicrously expensive in Japan and just started assuming that it meant all food was the same.

        • 4 months ago

          >fresh fruit is ludicrously expensive
          It is.
          In hindsight, it was cheaper overall because at least it was only the fruit that was very expensive while in the X, everything is overpriced.

    • 4 months ago

      >Also if you are fat you have to pay a fat tax
      Wait really?

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah, they consider it a drain on social health. They also have a limit for immigration.

    • 4 months ago

      A shit ton of bread + eating out all the time.

    • 4 months ago

      Pork and beef. Same thing is happening in China as the import of those items is leading to obesity becoming a concern.

  10. 4 months ago

    Me whenever I see a fat person in the bus, why do they have to take so much fricking space out of the normal people? They should have their own fat people bus with no seats so they lose some weight by standing up for once in their obese lives.

  11. 4 months ago

    Bad bait is bad but literally all the games make fun of guys in your group being unable to pull women or being awkward or off putting around them. If it's okay to make fun of males struggling that way, so should be making fun of ugly fat prostitutes

  12. 4 months ago

    They removed the troony from the beach too.

  13. 4 months ago

    t. fatty bum bum

  14. 4 months ago

    imagine the rimjobs

  15. 4 months ago

    We actually need MORE fatshaming than back then, the obesity crisis is really out of control nowadays

    • 4 months ago

      actually true. there are states in the US of As that literally has 50%+ obesity rate.

      • 4 months ago

        Don't think the US is the only ones. England is at 36% obesity and 53% of Europe is overweight

      • 4 months ago

        In-shape burger here, the obesity crisis is depressing. Like just when I go back to my old town and see how many people I went to elementary school with are now obese and covered in sores. Walking around as though they aren't visibly dying. Then I hear about any fatty online trying to push lies about fat being healthy and beautiful and it makes me sick. It's no different than pro-ana or bug chasers, it's people fetishizing laziness and gluttony and poor health.
        I don't hate fat people, they mostly just depress me. But fat people who fall into the pro-fat propaganda hole? Utter scum.

        • 4 months ago

          You should feel pitty for the ones that fall into the hole too. Know one whose doctor was telling them it was ok for years. Didn't stop till she had all sorts of problems that just couldn't be ignored anymore

    • 4 months ago

      Ban HFCS first (pro tip: you cant, and big corn will continue to poison nation)

      • 4 months ago

        You would just buy black market corn syrup, you fat frick.

  16. 4 months ago

    Crazy that there's people out there hoping for a P6 when everyone knows it will be chock full of modern LGBMEVSDICK1-0 tier cringe.

    • 4 months ago

      Now they can add a totally loose bimbo with plenty of TnA and escape the ratings by calling them a femboy

  17. 4 months ago

    i'm fat. it's funny.

    • 4 months ago

      how fat

  18. 4 months ago


  19. 4 months ago

    fat "people" should be mercilessly discriminated against by society until they stop being fat

  20. 4 months ago

    Just eat less. Consuming 2k calories a day isnt diffcult you fricking fat ass

  21. 4 months ago

    t. fatty

  22. 4 months ago

    fat people deserve it since it is a choice

    • 4 months ago

      >"Okay but what if this totally hypothetical disease happened and she couldn't lose weight cause her body went into starvation mode?"

      • 4 months ago

        lmao sounds like a loser to me just like all fat people

      • 4 months ago

        >b-but body stores fat to survive
        Okay. Use it.
        Use it for the purpose your body stored it for: survive without eating.
        If a twig-ass guy like me can fast a week, what excuse can someone with this "condition" have?

      • 4 months ago

        >make sure to eat small snacks between meals to keep your metabolism going

        • 4 months ago

          Indeed, did they even get called out in it? The others here seem to think they were being genuine too.

      • 4 months ago

        >starvation mode
        Literally only happens after about a week of ketosis. Fast. Fast you fat c**t

      • 4 months ago

        >they think eating all fricking day every day is healthy for them
        Jesus christ this is like discord groomers telling autistic people to chop their dicks off. Can all the health crisis' be traced back to internet disinfo cults? How fat were people before the internet?

        • 4 months ago

          This actually goes back to somewhere along 1950-1970 where radical(ly moronic) vegetarians being used as useful idiots by big grain who were lobbying for health guidelines (and in turn, regulations and taxes) of what is considered to be a healthy diet. Food all the idiots with "fat makes you fat! It's in the name!" when really, it's high carbs and sugar in general. So they tax animal products and educate people to limit eating any meat or eggs and suggest living on veggies and bread. But mostly bread. Something I learned that blew my mind was that vegan farming is even worse for the environment than meat farming because the amount of water and farm land to grow enough plant based food to just feed a small population is gigantic versus just farming cows for their milk and beef.

          And a no bullshit, just straight up honest scientific presentation by a Harvard professor.

          >The Atkin's diet is low carb, high protein lots of meat and fat.
          >The Japanese diet is high carbs, low meat and protein
          >What do these diets have in common? They both eliminate fructose

          • 4 months ago

            Sugar addiction has got to be the worst thing to happen from progress.
            I came back from Japan mostly eating stuff with no sugar added, and I came back home and ate my usual biscuit that always tasted non sugary at all and it felt like biting into a fricking sugar cube, I couldn't eat the 4 of them.
            That shit is fricking everywhere, that's probably why everyone is depressed, not getting their sugar doses.

          • 4 months ago

            It's physically impossible for the meat industry to be efficient. Feeding plants to animals to then eat the animals involves a ton of energy loss compared to just eating the plants.

            It's like when people are outraged over almon milk production needing a lot of water. It is true but milk is still way worse. Worldwide regular meat consumption is a horrible idea.

            • 4 months ago

              >Feeding plants to animals to then eat the animals involves a ton of energy loss compared to just eating the plants.
              Cows literally just eat grass.
              And chickens eat bugs. Egg yolk has nearly everything you need to live on just by itself. You can literally live entirely on eggs and be healthy,

              • 4 months ago

                Cows don't just eat grass and chickens don't just eat bugs. See how I mentioned worldwide and regular meat consumption? If you have access to free range meat great, but it's a minority and just not enough for the global population. If everyone ate solely free range, meat would go back to being a luxury item which is what it probably should be.

              • 4 months ago

                >but it's a minority and just not enough for the global population.
                Can't we please just stop feeding the Africans? Frick the "Global population." Seriously.

              • 4 months ago

                Even if you only look at Europe or the USA, there isn't enough land for affordable free range meat to be a thing.
                The Amazon isn't being chopped down to feed thirdies, it's so they can export meat.

              • 4 months ago

                >The Amazon
                Oh god, do you believe the Amazon actually produces "most of the world's air?"
                The Internet fricking sucks now. All this time I have been digging for my sources but nothing except the bullshit from Newsweek and the other "leftist" monolith sources that parrot the same pseudoscience. You would probably dismiss them as being "untrustworthy" anyway.
                Nuclear power is safer, would 100% solve our energy crisis,and produces even less radiation than coal plants BTW. And most of the air on earth is actually produces by underwater plants. The Amazon Rainforrest actually consumes as much air as it produces. So unless you think the unique horrors it produces are worth preserving it's not really that great.

              • 4 months ago

                >Nuclear power is safer
                And that's a bad thing!
                >would 100% solve our energy crisis
                For a while, then the demands would increase like they always do and it's back to the expansion phase. You can't satisfy fire by tossing it more fuel. Stop consuming. Put down the fork, fatty. It would be like "solving" obesity with wider pants and stronger suspenders.
                >produces even less radiation than coal plants BTW.
                So now you understand that the status quo solution has its costs too?

            • 4 months ago

              >Feeding plants to animals to then eat the animals involves a ton of energy loss compared to just eating the plants.
              You seriously think we're feeding livestock caesar salads or some shit. They eat expired foods and waste, essentially edible garbage.

              But if you want to "save energy", suit yourself. Eat up, b***h.

              • 4 months ago

                >You seriously think we're feeding livestock caesar salads or some shit
                I toss them caesar salads whenever they don't sell. It's rather neat how all the food we toss daily in grocery stores just goes toward creating more food; produce from composting and pork from animal feed. It's mind boggling how much we've rerouted the flow of biomass to our benefit.

      • 4 months ago

        starvation mode is real but you can simply avoid that by eating meals on a regular schedule so your body knows its getting food regularly.

        losing weight is easy you just eat less. ideally you want to work out so you don't become skinnyfat.

      • 4 months ago

        Does this person just think the body won't use the energy if you are actively expending it?

        • 4 months ago

          That's the point about "starvation mode." You're bogged down and sluggish because your body wants you to conserve calories.

      • 4 months ago

        Starvation mode is real but it's not like "oh you just magically get 200% benefit from food"
        It's that insidious thing where when you don't eat your body starts spamming "sleepy" signals and you can't function well.

      • 4 months ago

        not excusing bad habits, but you're just as moronic if you don't believe the body will hold onto fat to survive if it doesnt get fed. its why professionals tell you not to starve yourself as a way to lose weight.

        The few skinny people in this thread are just as negative brain as the obese excusing morons

        • 4 months ago

          Who is doing ascetic monk fasting and eating absolutely nothing over multiple days?

          • 4 months ago

            morons? Even the monks know what the frick they're doing

        • 4 months ago

          >not excusing bad habits, but you're just as moronic if you don't believe the body will hold onto fat to survive if it doesnt get fed. its why professionals tell you not to starve yourself as a way to lose weight.

          Professionals tell you not to starve yourself because people are fricking moronic to begin with and are either already on a vitamin or mineral deficit from unhealthy living, or they are trying to keep people from developing an eating disorder. Or you get the morons that "starve" themselves for a few days then gorge on their cheat day and wonder why they are gaining weight.

        • 4 months ago

          YOU KNOW

      • 4 months ago

        Starvation mode doesn’t exist. I’ve never seen a fat frick African tribesman. Have you? I’ve never seen somebody lost in the wild start gain weight and fat because they had nothing to eat. How fricking dumb are people? Any slow down of metabolism is not calorically insignificant enough to justify a gain of weight due to UNDER EATING. it doesn’t make any fricking sense. Frick fatties that think this.

        • 4 months ago

          If you're fat, you're body isn't going to go into starvation mode. It's gonna start eating the fat you clung onto for so long. Tumblrinas seem to have this idea that your body just holds onto the fat forever and ever without using it.

      • 4 months ago

        Fat is only stored when your body detects an excess of food

        There is no such thing as starvation mode, the thing they are thinking of is something your body does 24/7 and it doesn’t turn on or shut off

  23. 4 months ago

    It's not censorship, it's making the game better better. If the only joke is that she's fat then it wasn't a good joke to begin with.

  24. 4 months ago

    I'll frick her. Pussy is pussy after all.

  25. 4 months ago

    If you think this is fat shaming, you definitely didn't play Calligula Effect. There's a character in it that absolutely relishes on humiliating fatties.

  26. 4 months ago

    Yes. There's nothing worse than a fat woman. They deserve ridicule.

  27. 4 months ago


    Reddit is down the hall and to the right. Or is it too far for you

  28. 4 months ago

    Ryokan sex with Ms. Kashiwagi while Hanako watches and then cleans up the creampie.

  29. 4 months ago

    Obesity needs to be shamed, but it's more important to encourage fitness and better eating
    There's no excuse for being obese unless it's a medical condition where you absolutely can't stop it (bullshit)
    meanwhile, at least skinny people can have the excuse of
    >can't eat more
    >can't get good food
    >can't afford good food
    >might have issues where the body just refuses to use nutrients
    >might be hormonal issues

    Meanwhile, for majority of fats, the excuse is just:
    >but I can't stop
    >I'd rather die than not enjoy addictive food
    >I don't want to exercise, move, or limit my eating
    >I can't move (because you let yourself get that bad)

    • 4 months ago

      Have you ever heard of a condition called PCOS. Of course you haven't since you have your opinion and anything that could be contrary would be scary.

      • 4 months ago

        >cleaveland clinic site says you have a higher chance of getting it if you are obese
        It doesn't cause you to get fat, but if you are already fat then it can make it easier to stay fat and get fatter.
        The answer for most cases is to not get so fat in the first place.

  30. 4 months ago

    Whats with you face, fatty?

  31. 4 months ago

    Post the picture of her after weight loss.

    • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago

        Why is she wearing a car symbol?

      • 4 months ago

        >stops being fat
        >lips get thinner
        >eyes get bigger
        How can we make the japanese stop hating themselves?

        • 4 months ago

          Her eyelids were so fat that her eyes seemed smaller, and to some extent your lips get fatter along with you.

      • 4 months ago

        >implying she wouldn't have wrinkly jowls after losing the cushion behind the cheeks

  32. 4 months ago

    I want to eat her fat ass and whatever comes out of it so she knows that she matters

  33. 4 months ago

    never met a fat person I liked

  34. 4 months ago

    My sister has always been kind of fat. She always ate less than me, did a similar amount of exercise to me, but she was always chubby. At one point when we were younger she worked really hard, dieted, and got to a point where you'd almost call her 'normal' looking. But it didn't last long. It always damaged her confidence. Eventually she stopped caring that much but it's still a constant struggle for her. Honestly with the amount she eats, you'd think she'd be slim. Honestly, it's just bad luck, genes wise, with some people

    • 4 months ago

      Either she is sneaking food or needs to go to an endocrinologist. Hormone issues are pretty rare tho so most likely shes just being a fatty.

      • 4 months ago

        There was nothing to sneak when we were younger. Same shit. Really, some people's bodies do seem to be ultra-efficient at storing fat, just like some people have bodies where it's difficult for them to put on weight. Everyone knows someone who's like that: rake thin despite eating lots of shit. Of course the opposite could be possible too: someone eats a normal amount but is fat anyway

        • 4 months ago

          >There was nothing to sneak when we were younger.
          Were you watching her 24/7? Or were you from a broken home with no food at all?
          Yeah, everyone knows people who overwstimate or underestimate how much food they eat, for sure, but people with actual thyroid issues are rare. Even then, most medical issues that affect weight do not actually magically make food have more calories but simply affect appetite, like that moronic anon saying shes fat because of PCOS, it affects appetite due to insulin resistance. If you track your calories anyone can lose weight, fatties always want to believe they have some special condition and that is why they cannot lose weight. Disgusting creatures.

          • 4 months ago

            No but I mean we didn't have snacks or anything. Unless she was really into eating plain cereal, but I would've noticed. Prima facie it seems obvious that just like there is a bell curve in height and in intelligence, there would be a bell curve in efficiency of storing fat. Most people are ok at storing fat, some people are terrible at it (lanky people) and some people are great at it (fatties). That's the simple truth of the matter

            • 4 months ago

              >That's the simple truth of the matter
              That's the common self delusion tactic, yes.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm not saying there aren't people for whom the main blame is their own behaviors. I'm just saying there is certainly a genetic factor

              • 4 months ago

                My sister has always been kind of fat. She always ate less than me, did a similar amount of exercise to me, but she was always chubby. At one point when we were younger she worked really hard, dieted, and got to a point where you'd almost call her 'normal' looking. But it didn't last long. It always damaged her confidence. Eventually she stopped caring that much but it's still a constant struggle for her. Honestly with the amount she eats, you'd think she'd be slim. Honestly, it's just bad luck, genes wise, with some people

                Nobodies body can create or destroy extra calories as you can't bypass the laws of Thermodynamics. She was eating too many calories for her height and got fat. Its all calories in and out

              • 4 months ago

                You don't understand, lardy mcfatc**t is cursed to create calories via magic. It's a terrible curse and burden.

    • 4 months ago

      >Honestly, it's just bad luck, genes wise, with some people
      Wrong. Your sister eats too much, plain and simple. Her eating less or more than you doesn't matter. She eats too much for her body/level of activity. It is literally impossible to gain weight without consuming too many calories.

      • 4 months ago

        You said it yourself "for he body". That's what I mean. For some people the line seems to be a lot lower than for others. I mean there is no other explanation for it since as I have said she does NOT eat an abnormally large amount, never has.

        • 4 months ago

          >For some people the line seems to be a lot lower than for others.
          So she's overeating for her body then, so shes just being a fatty then. I'd love to eat as if I was a 7ft dutchman, but I don't because I would balloon up. Fatties just do not have self-control, they are little better than animals.

        • 4 months ago

          >never has
          That you know of. 80+% of fatties grossly underestimate how many calories they eat because they either think eyeballing their meal is sufficient when counting calories or actually believes snacking between meals doesn't count because "it's only one snickers".
          There are actually studies about this.

      • 4 months ago

        Obesogens exist. The source of a calorie is as important as the amount when it comes to generating fat

      • 4 months ago

        Problem comes when your fat cells multiply, pulling more calories for storage instead of burning. People that inherited their parents' poor eating habits will find that it's easier to regain lost weight in the future because those extra fat cells don't go away, despite holding less fat.
        It's the same way with muscles. If you bulk up, then lose it, it becomes easier to regain that muscle later on.

    • 4 months ago

      My brother is the opposite, no many how much junk food he eats he never gets fat, meanwhile my other brother and I have gotten fat when we were kids but I've managed to drop 100 pounds from not eating so much junk anymore and walking every day.

    • 4 months ago

      >t. pic related
      There's always something. Always. It's literally never genes, it's always that the person is sneaking food somewhere.

    • 4 months ago

      Women hold onto fat better than men. Diet culture before millennials had it mostly right. Ladies need to eat dainty little rabbit meals to lose weight. Men are like "yeah I switched to light beer and stopped putting milk in my coffee and the pounds just fell off".

  35. 4 months ago

    fattys should be ashamed of who they are, what they have become and will never have the willpower to escape

    • 4 months ago
      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          on the arms only

  36. 4 months ago

    Lose weight and stop paying for extra seats on a plane you shouldn't be riding.

  37. 4 months ago

    At some point, you have to realize that you are sick and tired of your current shit. It's not easy when you are used to your current state but it can happen if you make it.
    I was 318 a year and a half ago, I'm currently bordering between 225 and 230, I did end up stopping but I picked it back up more seriously.
    You guys can do it, if you tried
    Me personally, I did avoiding rice, bread, sugar and carbs, and limited my meals to twice a day and then I started doing push ups, crunches, as I got comfortable enough to do them.

    You can make it guys if you tried, you'll sleep better, you'll breathe better, you'll feel more alive.

  38. 4 months ago

    The reality is that it's all an emotional mindset.
    Once you break that barrier block, you can do it

  39. 4 months ago

    >destroys the moped
    >doesn't pay for the damages
    I fricking hate her

  40. 4 months ago

    Personatards would win the award for "worst threads in Ganker" if it existed.

  41. 4 months ago


  42. 4 months ago

    >person who wishes fat people dead is also the one who has a fat gf/bf irl (s/he's "chubby" so it doesn't count) or jerk offs to fatties daily
    many such cases

    • 4 months ago

      >fatty going for the classic in the closet defense mechanism
      How lazy, but I guess thats par for the course.

      • 4 months ago

        >NO! I'm not like the guys you said! I'm NOT!

        • 4 months ago

          >heh, ill invent a scenario that he cannot possibly prove wrong, I win
          I don't really care about fatties, just thought it was funny how lazy you were being. Fatties to me just means less competition for resources down the line.

          • 4 months ago

            >he's still coping about blowing fat loads to fat people
            lol stop being so tsun tsun

            • 4 months ago

              >NO, anyone that thinks i look disgusting secretly has a fetish for meeeee
              lol, you sure are fragile for someone with such thick skin, bones, etc.

              • 4 months ago

                Yes? Nazis have hard-ons for blacks, trannies for nazis and fat-haters for fatties.
                Sorry if you're upset you've been found out.

              • 4 months ago

                Ridiculous. You think no human being genuinely finds certain physical traits repulsive?

              • 4 months ago

                The same traits that turn one off turn another on. Some people find zits, surgical scarring or hairy buttholes incredibly hot, for example.

                You will die decades early for no reason besides "durr food tasty me no move"

                I don't think nazis thought much about Black folk, there weren't a whole lot in Germany, and if your logic holds true, are you saying that nazis actually loved israelites, gypsies, etc, based on them acting like they hated them by putting them in concentration camps and trying to mass deport them?
                You wouldn't mind the same treatment then, since its just love?

                >nazis sterilize the black population in their country
                >exterminate israelites en masse
                >"pshhh, they just wanted to frick them"
                You total fricking moron.

                at least try to keep your seething in check

              • 4 months ago

                >fat fetishists exist therefore anyone who thinks hippopotamus cosplayers look disgusting is a fetishist
                Diagnosis; fatbrained.

              • 4 months ago

                liking fatties is as much a fetish as liking feet

              • 4 months ago

                And both are deranged.

              • 4 months ago

                I don't think nazis thought much about Black folk, there weren't a whole lot in Germany, and if your logic holds true, are you saying that nazis actually loved israelites, gypsies, etc, based on them acting like they hated them by putting them in concentration camps and trying to mass deport them?
                You wouldn't mind the same treatment then, since its just love?

              • 4 months ago

                >nazis sterilize the black population in their country
                >exterminate israelites en masse
                >"pshhh, they just wanted to frick them"
                You total fricking moron.

              • 4 months ago

                I'm sick and tired of transgenderism and I would never be attracted to one, because they're MEN. Your logic isn't sound.

            • 4 months ago

              Delusional. Overweight people are repulsive. Just stop fricking eating. Do an intermittent fast. Cut down on calories. Stop drinking soda. Literally all you have to do is not make bad decisions and show an ounce of self control.

            • 4 months ago

              You will die decades early for no reason besides "durr food tasty me no move"

    • 4 months ago

      >find 95% of irl fat women disgusting
      >regularly coom to drawings of blob-sized 2d girls
      I don't get it.

      • 4 months ago

        2D is less likely to have skin tags, stretch marks, and dark patches of congealed oil and dead skin.

  43. 4 months ago

    >was obese for awhile
    >decide to stop eating less and monitoring my calories
    >now just in the lower overweight range and losing weight every week
    I need to start actually exercising more though, I'll admit. I haven't properly lifted in years.

    • 4 months ago

      If you did some proper exercise for a bit every other day you would've gain some muscle over time and burned even more calories maintaining them. It's about proper efficiency anon, but I can understand doing the bare minimum when you started out.

      • 4 months ago

        I know, and I'm beating myself for not doing it sooner. Even body weight stuff would be better than nothing.

      • 4 months ago

        I wish I could be assed to do shit that requires me to get down on the floor, like crunches. Sticking to squatz so I don't accidently propose or start a bloodfeud if some klickklick Black person moves in next door.

    • 4 months ago

      >be 300lbs
      >6 weeks of Alternate-day fasting
      >now 200lbs

      fast dieting is the way to go

      • 4 months ago

        >i lost 100lbs in 6 weeks
        i'm not even gonna bother doing the math but you're moronic, even straight fasting for that entire duration would cap out at like 70lbs lost absolute maximum and you're claiming to have done half that

        • 4 months ago

          Don't be so pessimistic. It's easy. You just gotta believe in yourself!

  44. 4 months ago

    Fat shaming has prevented more early heart attack deaths than fat acceptance, biznitch.

    • 4 months ago

      The fact that the original head of the Fat Acceptance movement died of a heart attack, and several others have had to deal with health issues, is just good karma. Even funnier that this started with body shaming and the idea that ridiculing those with genetic disorders, burns, and other major physical injuries was wrong, and then it devolved to being a cult of people that wanted to eat as much as they want when people realized it was the true purpose of the movement.

  45. 4 months ago

    I'd tap that with a gym membership

  46. 4 months ago

    It's weird that Persona 2 took a ton of approaches to characters that would be considered way more progressive now, despite being released in 1999.

    One of your party members is a former fat kid with a love interest that's embarrassed by the fact she became fat, but he loves her regardless. Your main character can actually be gay and it's treated as mostly the canon choice. And on the social consequences side, stepping in to solve your party's personal problems can actually rob them of emotional development, which leads to them not getting their upgraded Personas later on.

    • 4 months ago

      >but he loves her regardless.
      he doesn't even recognize her until she drops the weight

      • 4 months ago

        Well yeah, she's only called by a nickname and the last he saw her was years ago when she was thin. He talks her out of thinking she needs to be using the magic bullshit going on to be thin and continues dating her even after she goes back to her fat appearance, and it's not treated as a joke.

    • 4 months ago

      Persona 2 is the Persona game everyone online is begging for with mature cast and gay romance but they refuse to play it

      • 4 months ago

        It's too old and "outdated" for them
        Shit, the original Persona 3, a damn PS2 game, is that way for most of those people

      • 4 months ago

        The second P2 game really is with adults, but even the first one that's almost all high school students, they still approach most of these concepts that P3-5 won't touch.

        Like Tatsuya, your silent protagonist, is made out to be directionless and restless from your guidance counselor, unable to think of anything they want to do with their life after graduating high school. They're a delinquent that cuts classes, has a lighter, and rides a motorcycle. Like you get all these things before you see one battle and they build on it really well the whole game.

        Even with P5 trying to say you're an outcast but never backing it up, they never try to make you self-insert on a protagonist who's actually dreading the loss of freedom becoming an adult will be and the weight of those decisions they need to make soon. The best they'll do is make a side character vaguely freak out about their future because of grades and needing to get into a good college with no real goal for what they want out of college or life.

        • 4 months ago

          Ironically the p5 beta had a model for joker that had really tired and pissed off looking eyes. It sells the delinquent look pretty well, in the actual release hes too much of a pretty boy

    • 4 months ago

      Modern Atlus is basically Lisa's dad. That's what Hashino is.

      • 4 months ago

        >meanwhile its okay for the husband to bang jailbait escorts at a soapland after a long day at the kaisha
        What a silly culture those little yellow guys have.

        • 4 months ago

          Truly a world devoid of love is a sad world.

      • 4 months ago

        STEVEN SEAGAL?!!?

    • 4 months ago

      >And on the social consequences side, stepping in to solve your party's personal problems can actually rob them of emotional development, which leads to them not getting their upgraded Personas later on.
      Is it obvious? It sounds cool but I'm over wanting to read guides to play games, I stopped doing that and it's much more enjoyable, may still get the basics of last remnant before I play that though, The other option is just replaying shit and choosing other paths but if it's a jrpg that lasts dozens of hours I tend not to want to replay them.

      • 4 months ago

        The thing is, every character in the game can equip multiple Personas so not getting their "ultimate" one isn't that big a deal. But it is decently obvious, because it'll be a case of the party member confronting something as their big character moment, telling you to let them handle it, and then getting the option to trust them or to step in despite them asking you not to.

    • 4 months ago

      Chubby is cute
      Landwhales need bullying sometimes though

    • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      >it's treated as mostly the canon choice

      • 4 months ago

        Yea I don't get what he was trying to say either. Everyone knows Tatsuya almost fricked the world over for Maya

  47. 4 months ago

    Imagine the cowgirl

  48. 4 months ago

    As a fat ass losing weight, yes you should fricking fat shame. it's easily avoidable

    • 4 months ago

      Too many people get it in their head that "muh genetics" is a valid point and just believe they're doomed to be like their families, without realizing their families just sit around and eat tons of garbage. Even if specific genetics did prevent you from losing weight, only an absurdly small percentage of people would actually be affected by it in any meaningful way. Most people seem to just have a general oral fixation of needing to constantly consume due to boredom or as a learned habit growing up, but a fair amount of self control and discipline, as well as finding alternatives like gum really solves a lot of the barriers. Also tons of water consumption helps out too.

  49. 4 months ago

    Is that the fat guy from Linus's channel?

  50. 4 months ago

    The same topics over and over and you never get tired of it. You people are true NPCs.

    • 4 months ago

      He says in a persona thread where the gimmic is killing themselves

      • 4 months ago

        Actually the Gimmick is putting on sunglasses, P3 is killing yourself.

  51. 4 months ago

    >polBlack person falseflagging poorly because the people he prtends to be dont actually shit up Ganker unlike himself

  52. 4 months ago

    >She rejects Kanji because he's too ugly for her
    >Is best friends with the sex-pest cougar teacher
    She's not the butt of a joke, she's a subversion

  53. 4 months ago

    STFU fattie.
    I've heard death burns a lot of calories, you should give it a try.

  54. 4 months ago

    Her problem isn't that she's fat, her problem was how delusional she was about her fatness and acting like an upright c**t like as if she was some 10/10 supermodel. But Persona and Japan probably just hates fat people in general as well, in Persona 1 a fat student nearly goes school shooter because he couldn't control his persona. (although he does learn to control it and becomes a successful salesman in 2 because of his persona)

  55. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      >first line of second paragraph when the first paragraph is just a disclaimer

  56. 4 months ago

    Fat people can do the same things fit people can.

    • 4 months ago

      any time I see fat people doing anything related to mobility I wonder how their poor ankles can take it

    • 4 months ago

      Is this real or a mod?
      >ground shakes towards the end

  57. 4 months ago

    Fatties be gone

  58. 4 months ago

    You are literally torturing your body.
    Lose some weight, fatty.

  59. 4 months ago

    You're going to die before you hit 50 and you'll have no one to blame but yourself

    • 4 months ago

      fatties live a lot longer now thanks to modern medicine and welfare gibs because they physically can't work

      • 4 months ago

        >fatties live a lot longer now thanks to modern medicine

        That's a lie.
        Fatfluencers drop like flies after a certain age.

        • 4 months ago

          all the fatties in the new england area and florida in their 70s and 80s would like a word

          • 4 months ago

            They didn't eat the same slop current 30-40 somethings have. Getting fat after your prime hits different from getting fat during your prime.

            • 4 months ago

              no they just got fat from alcohol since their 20s

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah, well a lot of fat developmentally stunted Bluey watching 30-40s think alcohol is yucky and got fat from Cosmic Brownies and Taco Bell. So there's a fundamental difference.

              • 4 months ago

                I don't care about the source fat is fat and is a caused by a poor lifestyle choice they should either lose it or die quicker

              • 4 months ago

                >I don't care about the source fat is fat

                That's actually not true. Getting fat from dairy and meat vs getting fat from refined sugars and HFCS hits different.

              • 4 months ago

                this discussion obviously isn't about healthy fats I don't know why you brought it up

      • 4 months ago

        Yes, that's true, #healthateverysize. Anyone who says otherwise just has sour grapes because we get to enjoy more food than them.

        • 4 months ago

          I hope you choke on your own vomit to death.

          • 4 months ago

            How rude, #stopfatshaming! Your words are mean but you know what isn't? My Big Bacon Classic® Triple, and large blueberry lemonade, gotta get that vitamin C! Enjoy your lettuce, loser, hahaha.

  60. 4 months ago

    >t. Landwhale

  61. 4 months ago

    i cant believe you morons replied to a b8 thread

  62. 4 months ago


  63. 4 months ago

    bring back fat jokes and fatty humor and kill localizers

    • 4 months ago

      >kill localizers
      What did they do this time?

      • 4 months ago

        nothing, just in general. I've seen countless examples where especially fat jokes get removed in localized versions. And when you look at the some of the hambeasts that are themselves localizers, you know it's an issue that hits close to home as well

      • 4 months ago
  64. 4 months ago

    >live in a prosperous era of fat artists
    >no fat art

  65. 4 months ago


  66. 4 months ago

    where's the porn

    • 4 months ago

      Ohtani? Almost none, have one of the few that's out there

      • 4 months ago

        Artists slacking

  67. 4 months ago

    Ironic given that fatties make 95% of their playerbase

  68. 4 months ago

    These are the type of women who resort to sexual assault. Enjoy your reverse-rape bro!

  69. 4 months ago

    That's just a normal mexican mother size.

  70. 4 months ago
  71. 4 months ago

    Honestly Persona 4 couldn't survive if it was made today.
    Yosuke is flagrantly homophobic, mostly everyone who is a villain, be that capital V plot villain, or lowercase v comedy villain, especially whatshisname, is mostly just guilty of being ugly and annoying the cool, attractive kids, and Adachi takes a step down the path even unironic villains aren't allowed to take these days.

  72. 4 months ago

    so where would the funny be
    P4 is the best persona because its the most humorous and enjoyable

  73. 4 months ago


  74. 4 months ago

    >be me
    >invited my friend over
    >he's also fat
    >ended up watching tommy boy
    >90% of the jokes are fat jokes
    >laughed our asses off
    Only women care about "fat shaming."

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah it's what I've always noticed.
      >fat guy friend constantly talks about how its unhealthy and jokes about it
      >fat girl co-worker has 50 different excuses if it gets brought up
      What causes it?

      • 4 months ago

        As a fat guy (dropped 40 odd lbs, looking to lose some more before summer hits) I accept that it's ultimately my own fault. Maybe I got dealt a bad hand with terrible habits during childhood, maybe the food of the US is mostly addictive poison and what isn't is getting more expensive, maybe a whole bunch of other shit that's ultimately just excuses; i can choose to work around or overcome them and if I don't then it's my own fault. Males have both personal responsibility/agency as well as a sense of self-worth not exclusively tied to their personal appearance since they're actually valuable to society

  75. 4 months ago

    Imagine how hot she would be if she lost all that fat

  76. 4 months ago

    Where are the fat girls senpai

  77. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      heavy bottom/pear is an extremely underrated type of fatty. Shame stuff like that pic is rarer than gold and it's all just 'monobutt' homosexualry.

  78. 4 months ago

    Fat shaming can be funny and the obese are often hard on the eyes. Though their appearance is often still quite comical

  79. 4 months ago

    I don't even care that much about the weight aspect of it but intermittent fasting feels practically necessary to stay alert during the day

  80. 4 months ago

    looks like prozd lol

    • 4 months ago

      or that guy from linus tech tips

  81. 4 months ago

    hope she reads this bro + called out + lose weight + you smell like shit + stop making those homosexual dances whenever you eat something you fricking lard

  82. 4 months ago

    Reminder that dumb fat shamers created the even dumber fat acceptance movement with their bootstraps boomer muh personal responsibility bullshit and bullying and let the slop-peddling creators of the fat epidemic and the leptin resistance that is the source of it completely off the hook.

    No, being fat is not their fault. No, being fat is not a good thing. It's a systemic issue that requires a systemic solution.

    • 4 months ago

      >it's your fault because you let me be responsible for my own actions
      >if you could just make me not eat garbage, I woulden't have a problem
      Holy shit. You're pathetic.

      • 4 months ago

        What's more effective? Boomer bullshit platitutes and just browbeating people until avoid the omnipresent slop out there and the already slop poisoned who have been consuming slop since childhood just magically gain their leptin resistance back or banning the slop and punishing the slop peddlers?

        • 4 months ago

          You can't ban the slop and punish the peddlers if over 50% of the population still supports them. Getting rid of HFCS would be great, but how do you do that when the fatties will never support you doing so? Fatties are like trannies. They aren't the root of the problem, in some ways they're even victims, but they've become so rooted to the companies that enable them, that you cannot actually attack the problem without going through them.

          • 4 months ago

            >imfrickingplying the food being unhealthy to the degree it is is about making it tasty
            It's because of cost cutting bullshit that it's like that, in order to make food that's not like that you have to lose in the market.

            • 4 months ago

              What are you on about? When did I ever imply that at all? I'm just saying you can't force corporations to change because fat fricks make up the majority of the nation at this point.

  83. 4 months ago

    The utter hypocrisy from Atlus is amusing. It's like their trademark

    • 4 months ago

      this image edit is fricking confusing and i just got past this part

  84. 4 months ago

    why are they calling out their playerbase like this?

  85. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      I like BBI but I wish xhe were more active.

  86. 4 months ago

    I knew a girl who looked like this, I actually became smitten with her, and when I brought up the topic of her boobs, she told me they were just bags of fat.

  87. 4 months ago

    >makes a fat character
    >make their design show that they are indeed fat

  88. 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      This is ironic since I'm disgusted by clowns

  89. 4 months ago

    >Ugly on the inside
    >Ugly on the outside
    It's more common than some people think.

    • 4 months ago

      Why are they like this? Why won't the stupid fat b***h just let me love her and get loved back?

  90. 4 months ago

    >bro dont worry this girl i know will make a nice gf for you
    >anyway this is that girl i was tellin you about

  91. 4 months ago

    How do I stick to a diet unironically. I always fail 6-7 months in. I've lost 20kg and gained it back twice now. And it seems like I'm about to do it again.

    • 4 months ago

      Self control. Stop using food as a dopamine reward whenever you get stressed.

      • 4 months ago

        >Stop using food as a dopamine reward whenever you get stressed.
        But how do I actually do that? My dependence on sweets is on the same level as smokers or alcoholics

        • 4 months ago

          get rid or finish all the junk food in your pantry then learn to replace sweets and unhealthy shit with fruits and proteins. instead of eating a bag of chips go eat an apple or some strawberries, instead of eating a cheeseburger go eat a few cuts of rotisserie chicken.

          learn to replace meals with smaller quantities of healthier stuff, or drink something like pic related for large amount of protein that'll help keep you full, it tastes great and they sell it almost everywhere.

    • 4 months ago

      We have a finite set amount of time on this world anon. Stop eating so many carbs they literally make you into a fat happy moron.

  92. 4 months ago

    What does she look like in the remake?

    • 4 months ago

      P4 doesn't have a remake.

  93. 4 months ago

    Poor fatties

    • 4 months ago

      >get active
      The irony

    • 4 months ago

      >Munich and Berlin
      The people there are fat as shit, the frick is this person talking about?

    • 4 months ago

      I feellike she should have asked herself if she actually saw fat people over there.

  94. 4 months ago

    Fat shaming is based and more games should do it.

  95. 4 months ago


  96. 4 months ago

    Drop the cake and speak English, fatty

  97. 4 months ago

    It's very simple. Just stop eating. Don't consume. It's NOT doing an action. Is there anything simpler than that?

    • 4 months ago

      But what if your brain is forcing you to consume? We all have our vices

      • 4 months ago

        Fight it. Just stop.
        >t. Former smoker

  98. 4 months ago

    Fat people are not human.

  99. 4 months ago

    drink bleach, you fat moronic sack of shit

  100. 4 months ago

    ok fatty

  101. 4 months ago

    As a former obese (now still overweight BMI wise), no one likes fat people. Not even fat people, specially not fat people. Fat people are deformed human caricatures. People may say "I'm ~~*plus sized*~~ but I'm active and healthy". 90% of the time that's just because they are still young. The bill will arrive soon or later. Every single day spent being overweight is a day further damaging your body.
    Frick fat people, frick "body positive" morons, and specially frick chubby chasers for enabling this shit, making women think it's acceptable to be a lazy slob. Frick the cult of "thiccness"

  102. 4 months ago

    >just be yourself
    >but not like that lmao
    >poor, misfit, ugly, fat?
    >have a nice day NOW
    great message game

    • 4 months ago

      It's great advice. Stop being fat fatty.

  103. 4 months ago

    it's more about her being incredibly forward and harassing Yosuke all the time. he might've settled for her if she wasn't so incredibly aggressive and forcing it

  104. 4 months ago

    yu is a selfish prick. a single crumb of dick is all it would've taken to fix hanako

  105. 4 months ago


  106. 4 months ago

    Sex with Ohtani

  107. 4 months ago

    I'm begging you, anon, make your bait less obvious. How am I supposed to get angry and call you a worthless c**t like all the other worthless c**ts who demand censorship when you're clearly faking it?

  108. 4 months ago

    So do I just eat salads and drink water?
    Also how much protein should I consider?
    I’m 5’6 200 lbs btw

    • 4 months ago

      Does switching to salads and water sound like something you can keep up long term? If so yes, if not, try making small changes first. Use an app or something to track calorie intake so you know what you're working with. Eat healthy filling foods so you're not getting hungry and eating as much junk.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah I can do it I’ve lost like 70 lbs last year but ‘m having issues getting the last 30 off of me. I work out five days a week and I’m just trying to gain a lot of muscle since my skin is starting to sag.

        • 4 months ago

          Might be reaching a point where you're losing fat at the rate you're gaining muscle.

    • 4 months ago

      140lbs is middle of the road BMI for 5'6". If you take to lifting then increase protein intake to ~140-150 and decrease carbs by the same amount.

      • 4 months ago

        Man 140 lbs sounds so scrawny for me but I will try to at least get to 170 by this year. I want to fill out t shirts with muscles instead of fat so I’ll probably try to eat more chicken and beef with some broccoli and asparagus. I want to feel good when I look in the mirror

      • 4 months ago

        Can somebody explain why when I go to that site and toggle male/female option the BMI range of what's healthy doesn't change at all?
        Like a 5'8 healthy male should weigh more than a 5'8 healthy female right?

      • 4 months ago

        Lol anyone 5'6 has no reason to care about the rest of their appearance.

        • 4 months ago

          I’ll never understand why you guys try to make short guys feel shitty about something they can’t control. I’m just trying to get fit so I can feel better about looking in the mirror.

          • 4 months ago

            Because they were raised by single mothers and have b***h made mentalities.
            t. 6'0"

            • 4 months ago

              So what?
              Let guys improve their lives.
              Men should strive to become a better version of themselves regardless of their shortcomings.

          • 4 months ago

            I only make fun of those that are short if they're trying to improve themselves for moronic reasons, like trying to impress women.

            • 4 months ago

              I hate this pseud shit
              Guys mostly improve cuz they want GFs, people don't put effort into gym "just because" unless they enjoy it and it's unrealistic to be like
              >Well everyone should just enjoy it >:(

              • 4 months ago

                >Guys mostly improve cuz they want GFs
                I realize that, but it's still moronic and worthy of making fun of. You don't have to "enjoy it", but at least doing it for yourself is fine.

              • 4 months ago

                I do it so I can move like I'm 40 when I'm 80 like my grandmother but go off

              • 4 months ago

                i do it when i can so i can stay mobile and not turn to fricking stone bones. but frick its hard to wanna do it consistently each week, i mentally check out all the time. at least my job keeps me on my feet and lifting shit

              • 4 months ago

                Ok but like imagine you are a wizard, you're not thinking the long term problem of "what will I do when I'm 80" when you're not even sure if you have the mental fortitude to get to 35

    • 4 months ago

      Stop eating seed oils, cut them out completely
      Use only butter and beef tallow for frying and cooking, no exceptions, no I didn't forget anything on that list.
      If you're going to eat carbs, then make sure to make them yourself from good flour, if you're in the US then the shit they put in baked goods is toxic waste. Carbs aren't bad in and of themselves to get some variety and the calories you need, but they are the most heavily adulterated products around so people get all kind of allergies from the ingredients.
      Eat lots of free range eggs, dairy and beef, fish is good too. Include lots of butter and salt in your food, that makes it taste amazing and satiates you quickly so you stop stuffing your face with garbage.
      Then, after you do this, you should be able to control yourself more easily. Unless you have some mental problem that materializes itself as overeating, it's going to be the food you eat right now that's the problem. Change it to what your ancestors ate, and you will be as healthy as them.

      • 4 months ago

        God fish is so fricking EXPENSIVE though

        • 4 months ago

          Go fishing.

          • 4 months ago

            Actually, that does sound like a good alternative. But then I'd have to buy a rod and bait and learn how to skin them and stuff. It'd probably be better if I just went and fished as a side hustle or something.

            • 4 months ago

              Fishing is a pretty fun hobby. I go out almost every week.

              you need permits to fish bro

              They're cheap and help make sure fishing locations maintain stock.

          • 4 months ago

            you need permits to fish bro

            • 4 months ago

              Then go get one. What are you? My loser father who can't do shit and gives up at the first hurdle? Probably because he's too fat to climb over it...

  109. 4 months ago

    Twist fat slobs heads off

  110. 4 months ago

    Fat people should be shamed. And Yosuke is 100% right for being cautious around homosexuals.

    • 4 months ago

      Hes only saying that because he was gonna get raped in that one ending where he becomes a girl.

  111. 4 months ago

    I laughed my ass off when she jumped on and broke yosukes bike. Frick fat people.

  112. 4 months ago

    She was actually portrayed more sympathetically in the anime.

  113. 4 months ago

    Here we go

    • 4 months ago

      This level of toxicity is inadecuate and obsessive, the point is mainly that if you want someone to find you attractive or for you to consider yourself healthy, getting into shape is ideal

      • 4 months ago

        I agree with her on the heat part. The heat radiation fat people give off makes me sick

  114. 4 months ago

    Is aiming for a Goku build a good idea? I'm 5'9, Goku weighs 137 pounds and I weigh 160. Would you Goku's proportions are healthy, ignoring his comedically stylized hair?

    • 4 months ago

      >anime weight ever being accurate

    • 4 months ago

      Become 5 9 160 of muscle and you will be good

      • 4 months ago

        I got some decent triceps and biceps but they aren't defined. I need to work my core more. Chest, back, and hips. Legs too of course.

    • 4 months ago

      But the hair is how he gets his power.

      • 4 months ago

        I can actually make my hair look like Goku's since it's very thick and naturally curls. I wonder if I could sound like Goku...

  115. 4 months ago

    Honestly? I'd pound that slampig while fat shaming her.

    Only once or twice though.

  116. 4 months ago

    All fat people look the same to me as fat fills in all their features. Gives me Uncanny Valley feeling and I hate them all

  117. 4 months ago

    I have to physically restrain myself from trembling with hatred at the sight of a fat person

  118. 4 months ago

    >No Social Link where you help her through her self-image problems and encourage her weight-loss journey.
    That's, like, story telling 101.

  119. 4 months ago

    fats are subhuman and should be put down. you're a disgrace to the whole human race and a parasite to society. just put the fricking fork down you pig. and frick you fat filthy jannies, fatshaming is essential for a functional society.

  120. 4 months ago

    Nobody cares fat frick. Lose weight if you don't want to have a heart attack. Use that your anger to work out.

  121. 4 months ago

    But that's just how fat people normally look.

  122. 4 months ago

    I hope guys in my area keep getting more and more fat so women have no choice but to overlook my manletism. I swear I get way more attention from women than is natural for a 5'5" dork.

    • 4 months ago

      The problem isn't that you're a 5'5" dork, the problem is that you're a dork.
      You need to date a tall dork.

      • 4 months ago

        I love tall women and there's nothing more I would love than a tall dork gf.

    • 4 months ago

      i see dudes sub 6'0 get hot girls all the time. its not ur height bro

      • 4 months ago

        I think I worded myself poorly. I actually have been getting dates with women, especially since I started working out more and went from 150lbs to 135lbs. I'm just saying I live in one of the fattest cities in Canada and think it's helping me do better than what most people would expect.

  123. 4 months ago

    Yawn bow

  124. 4 months ago

    we all know japs aren't funny, OP. But there's nothing wrong with making fun of fat people.

    • 4 months ago

      Japs are absolutely funny. I was playing the Sakura Taisen reboot the other day and was losing it laughing all the time.

      • 4 months ago

        Americans can't laugh unless there is a laughtrack, or the characters are passive aggressive sarcastic quip machines

  125. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      same. hot fat chicks are out there abundantly and i would 100%

      • 4 months ago

        Cheers brother man

  126. 4 months ago

    I think that's ok. I'm fat but somewhat not small (188 cm aka 6'2) and I often make fun of midgets so it's ok if they make fun of me for being fat.

  127. 4 months ago

    I don't see how it's fat shaming, I'd love to pork her, in the ASS.

  128. 4 months ago

    fat people should be uncomfortable, they should feel like being fat is a bad thing
    fat jokes in media are one of the least harmful ways to get them to consider not being fat anymore

  129. 4 months ago

    say whatever you want about this bait but it reached bump limit

    • 4 months ago

      >360 posts
      >bump limit

      • 4 months ago

        It will reach it.

    • 4 months ago

      To be fair, you have fatgays, culture warriors and shitposters all in one thread. What did you expect?

  130. 4 months ago

    >Is that an attractive older woman? AAAAAHH STAY AWAY
    Why were they such homosexuals?

  131. 4 months ago

    >SEGAtlus didn't censor the Maiko social link
    Holy based.

    • 4 months ago

      Why would they censor it?

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          Only Ganker would find this character or social link sexual. Normal people don't think that way. The edgiest Persona has gotten with this is how you can date Ken as the female protagonist, which was most likely done to appeal to female fans in Japan since it's viewed differently by women there. In fact this could be why they aren't going to include her at all, since whether they include Ken romance or not, they would have to address it.

          • 4 months ago

            >normal people
            Don't exist with trannoids.

        • 4 months ago

          If you have ever had a <8 year old girl around you, and you're not objectively buttfrick ugly, it's pretty normal.
          You'd only think this is pedophilic if you're an actual pedophile yourself.

  132. 4 months ago

    Hey fatty! I've got a movie for you.. A fridge too far!

  133. 4 months ago

    People who don't look after themselves are generally terrible people. Someone who doesn't respect themself sure as hell isn't going to respect anyone else

  134. 4 months ago

    eat some carrots, fat homosexual

    • 4 months ago

      Why is his portrait so fricking bright?

      • 4 months ago

        he's a baby angel

  135. 4 months ago

    just cut up some fricking huge chicken breast i had after keeping it in the freezer for a few weeks. Sauteed it in some veggie oil, added taco seasoning, put it on "Street taco" size flour tortillas and added a couple spoons of guacamole and sour cream. god i love food bros

  136. 4 months ago

    >most obvious bait of all time
    >gonna hit the bump limit anyway
    classic Ganker

  137. 4 months ago

    I'm fat and can easily beat your ass.

  138. 4 months ago

    Most people who say they're fat because they have a disease are bullshitting, not gonna argue whether being fat is a disease or not but It's not healthy because it leads to having actual health issues and I'm saying this because my family is mostly obese, I am a bit fat (6'3, 230lbs) and I get fat easy, but I can solve it with a little bit of walking or jogging. If I don't lose my overweight it's because I'm lazy right now and lack discipline, not because my genes are shit, which they are and I started balding when I was 20, but they are not making me incapable of not being fat.

  139. 4 months ago

    Fat prostitute broke Yosuke's scooter so she deserves to be made fun of

  140. 4 months ago

    I can hear your computer seat gasping for air

  141. 4 months ago

    Yeah, fat frickers are desperate.

  142. 4 months ago

    Yes, she is fat and ugly, what of it?

  143. 4 months ago

    >Come from morbidly obese family
    >Get skinny for two years in college because wanted GF
    >No luck
    >Gain some weight back but still much skinner
    >Constantly internally mad at family for being so fricking huge that I can't get past them in the kitchen and needing C-Pap's.

  144. 4 months ago

    Would Dojima be okay with Yu being naked with Nanako?

  145. 4 months ago

    >don't exercise for a few years
    >get fatter
    >want to stop get fatter
    >try to get back into it
    >have a massive pulsating headache that lasts for days
    >lose all drive to exercise
    >get fatter

    It's over

    • 4 months ago

      Drink water.

  146. 4 months ago

    Fat people are ugly

  147. 4 months ago

    i didn't think it was very funny but that had nothing to do with the fat

  148. 4 months ago

    Man even if you're into fat chicks, the way they drew her is so weird it's amazing anyone is into that

  149. 4 months ago

    If she had a cute face I bet people would eat up a fat girl route

  150. 4 months ago


  151. 4 months ago

    Man i wish my problem could be sloved with a bit of exercise and a better diet. No amount of work will make me grow taller from 5'7. Fatties don't know how good they have it.

  152. 4 months ago

    >ragtag team of outsiders gang up against the authorities
    >cool kids bully fat and ugly kids and annoy teachers

    Why is Persona like this

  153. 4 months ago

    The gourmet king was still in 3 apparently, I didn't play it but I just looked it up. She's probably safe.

  154. 4 months ago

    just eat less

  155. 4 months ago

    i literally cook everything with butter and olive oil, make curries, drink on weekends, and i'm still losing weight (although my BMI is still pretty high at 26)
    it's easy. i don't even count calories

  156. 4 months ago

    As a fatty the only thing that annoys me is when people say weight less only requires a tiny ounce of self control, when in fact is takes a HERCULEAN amount when you've been accustomed to overeating since childhood

    About a decade ago I dropped over 60 pounds over the course of a year, but it was mentally torturous, every waking minute was a battle against my will to eat

    I didn't feel more energetic or confident or attractive after losing the weight and I eventually gained it all back plus interest

  157. 4 months ago

    Based persona 4. Not only is this huge b***h fat. She's literally a huge b***h. Golden dispels that homosexual thought process that people can be ugly on the outside but have hearts of gold. More often than not if someone is ugly on the outside (barring actual disfigurement that is not their fault) they're ugly on the inside. Being fat like her is absolutely under her control. Being unkempt and creepy is under that other gays control. Fat people are bad people.

  158. 4 months ago


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