Haha what the hell are you doing Naka.

Haha what the hell are you doing Naka.

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CRIME Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    guess the rumors about naka being hard to work with were true

    • 2 years ago

      seriously why tf would he stalin'd Ohshima when celebrating nights? Dude designed the character

      never heard of them, where did you pick them up?

      • 2 years ago

        >seriously why tf would he stalin'd Ohshima
        Naka's assmad at Ohshima over the whole Balan Wonderworld debacle.

        • 2 years ago

          How is it Ohshima's fault that Naka made the entire fricking team despise him that they all supported his removal from the project?

        • 2 years ago

          Goddamn Naka's a fricking child and I'm glad he's at least getting called out for it.

    • 2 years ago

      Always was true

  2. 2 years ago

    Is that a woman underneath all the censorship kabal?

  3. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Fricker is mad that the real creator of Sonic is way better looking than him.

  4. 2 years ago

    Naka is the Inafune of Sonic

    • 2 years ago

      inafune was the exec producer and very hands on on onimusha, dead rising, zack & wiki, beatdown, etc. besides helping design MM and other works such as picrel. I dont get where the hate comes from

      • 2 years ago

        >responsible for out-sourcing many capcom IPs to western devs, starting the dark ages for Capcom
        >kickstarter failure MN09
        there are more reasons, but generally these are the two frickups he will be remembered and hated for

      • 2 years ago

        Soft words for resident israelite. In charge of money distribution. Glorified accountant.
        >Executive producer
        Head israelite. Head Bank teller. Owner of the bank.

  5. 2 years ago

    Obviously what happens when a bunch of young autists in the 80s gathered together to make video games and as they got older the autism could not be restrained.

  6. 2 years ago

    >Death solves all problems. No man, no problem.

  7. 2 years ago

    Reminder that Yuji Naka deserves to see having this flop associated to his name for screwing over the Sonic X-treme team when they really needed any help possible to meet deadlines. He later expressed relief when Sega of America finally pulled the plug after both developers almost die from crunch. He barely got what he fricking deserved. I hope he kills himself.

    >inb4 source
    >By August, Coffin had contracted severe pneumonia. Wallis praised Coffin's effort, calling him a "human dynamo", but said that Coffin had "worked himself into the ground" and that the team had no chance of meeting its deadline without him. Around the same time, Senn became so ill that he was told he had six months to live, though he survived. With both teams crippled, and only two months left before the deadline, Wallis canceled the game.

    >inb4 the game was going to be shit
    True, but that's not the point. I hate Naka's attitude about the project.

    He also screwed over another American development team:
    >Naka came to visit with his team to tour our studio [and] look at our tools and engine; we had a lot of proprietary [and] really phenomenal tech – I would say still to this day, [we had] some stuff that I haven't seen replicated quite at the level we had. [Naka] didn't realize that the people on my team, a lot of them spoke fluent Japanese, including my lead engineer. [Naka] started speaking in Japanese assuming that no one would understand; [he] started talking about what parts of our tech they were going take for Sonic and then basically said as soon as they ship, fire everyone but one of the engineers who knows their system and roll him onto our team for Sonic – and my team heard all that, so you can imagine how they felt. Naka was pretty powerful at Sega at that time.

    • 2 years ago

      This is what Yuji Naka thinks about Hirokazu Yasuhara, the game designer of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, and Sonic & Knuckles. He doesn't even call him by name.

      >Euro Gamer: What was your role on the original Sonic?
      >Yuji Naka: I was involved from the beginning of the creation of the game. I was responsible for designing the characters, and was the main programmer, while the mapping was done by the guy who left to join Naughty Dog to do Jak II. He was involved in until Sonic 3, and then he didn’t do anything at Sega. He was quite useless!

      >inb4 that's not an accurate translation
      He said the exact same thing to another news outlet.

      >CVG: What do you think of the way the Sonic games have evolved; was it a problem when one of your team members left to work with Sony?
      >Yuji Naka: Yeah, one of the guys from our team went to work on Jak and Daxter! As for the original titles, I was involved from the beginning, the creation of the game. The character was born in a kind of stream of creating, so I'm involved from the very beginning of the character. I gave the game direction, and I was the main programmer also.
      >So I was involved with every aspect of the original Sonics. Some of the details, like making a map, quite straight-forward stuff, was done by the guy who's working on Jak and Daxter right now. He was involved until Sonic 3, and after that for eight years he didn't do anything in Sega, so he was quite useless in Sega. We really didn't need him. He was really doing nothing with Sonic.

      Yasuhara and Naka never got along really well.
      >Yasuhara quit shortly after the release of Sonic & Knuckles, citing an argumentative relationship with Naka. ... Any bad blood is long forgotten in Naka's eyes, acknowledging the debt owed to his former workmate ...”
      Retro Gamer #26, page 26, July 2006.

      This is rly eye-opening. Recently I read a few of DQ's yuji horii's interviews also it'a jarring how he was all humble and brushing off his contributions to rpgs in jp, yet here is Naka going full-on me me me. Goddamn

  8. 2 years ago

    This is what Yuji Naka thinks about Hirokazu Yasuhara, the game designer of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Sonic the Hedgehog 3, and Sonic & Knuckles. He doesn't even call him by name.

    >Euro Gamer: What was your role on the original Sonic?
    >Yuji Naka: I was involved from the beginning of the creation of the game. I was responsible for designing the characters, and was the main programmer, while the mapping was done by the guy who left to join Naughty Dog to do Jak II. He was involved in until Sonic 3, and then he didn’t do anything at Sega. He was quite useless!

    >inb4 that's not an accurate translation
    He said the exact same thing to another news outlet.

    >CVG: What do you think of the way the Sonic games have evolved; was it a problem when one of your team members left to work with Sony?
    >Yuji Naka: Yeah, one of the guys from our team went to work on Jak and Daxter! As for the original titles, I was involved from the beginning, the creation of the game. The character was born in a kind of stream of creating, so I'm involved from the very beginning of the character. I gave the game direction, and I was the main programmer also.
    >So I was involved with every aspect of the original Sonics. Some of the details, like making a map, quite straight-forward stuff, was done by the guy who's working on Jak and Daxter right now. He was involved until Sonic 3, and after that for eight years he didn't do anything in Sega, so he was quite useless in Sega. We really didn't need him. He was really doing nothing with Sonic.

    Yasuhara and Naka never got along really well.
    >Yasuhara quit shortly after the release of Sonic & Knuckles, citing an argumentative relationship with Naka. ... Any bad blood is long forgotten in Naka's eyes, acknowledging the debt owed to his former workmate ...”
    Retro Gamer #26, page 26, July 2006.

  9. 2 years ago

    Did Balan just completely break Naka, or something?
    The game would have still been a pile of shit even if he wasn't booted out. There was no saving or fixing that game.

    • 2 years ago

      Wasn't the demo released before he was fired or something?

      • 2 years ago

        >Haha what the hell are you doing Naka.
        Being an old ass Japs who refuse to admit that his game was flawed.

        I think Balan was salvageable. Giving the player more than 2 actions on a controller and increasing movement speed would substantially improve it. Maybe not make it good but at least mediocre.

        Problem is that IIRC, any feedback that was made during the demo was swiftly ignored

  10. 2 years ago

    And people wonder why most Nintendo devs stay at the company for decades, considering the other options are shit like SEGA or Konami.

    • 2 years ago

      Naka is just shit in general, doesn't have anything to do with the company.

    • 2 years ago

      and considering what nintendo did to gunpei yokoi...

      • 2 years ago

        >Yokoi died on my birthday
        Feels weird, man.

    • 2 years ago

      Nintendo isn't a saint either

  11. 2 years ago

    Balan was fundamentally flawed and Naka is a petty b***h getting hit by karma.

    • 2 years ago

      I think Balan was salvageable. Giving the player more than 2 actions on a controller and increasing movement speed would substantially improve it. Maybe not make it good but at least mediocre.

  12. 2 years ago

    He went to the past and is making things right.
    And we only remember it because we're time travelers ourselves.

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