Halo 2

Released the same year as Half-Life 2.
>Better single player campaign
>Superior multiplayer
>Massive success
20 years later it is forgotten and Half-Life 2 is considered one of the best FPS ever made.

Why did this happen?
Half-Life 2 had shitty vehicle sequences, was quite easy even on hard, physics "puzzles" were a joke, and the game ended on a cliffhanger, not to mention the multiplayer sucks.

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  1. 7 months ago

    Nobody "forgot" Halo 2, it's still actively talked about by zoomers and played to this day. Half-Life 2 is a below-average FPS and a glorified tech demo.

    • 7 months ago

      >Half-Life 2 is a below-average FPS
      I agree, but many still think it is the best FPS ever made.

      • 7 months ago

        Fewer and fewer as this sentiment was brief. Halo 2 has resonated and reminds people of a better era, memories of HL2 are mired in early steam issues, the delays, the leak, and ultimately the people who try it today are often unmoved by the simplistic physics puzzles, the boring AI and lack of memorable moments. Halo 2 pulls out the stops every chapter and sticks with people.

        • 7 months ago

          >memories of HL2 are mired in early steam issues, the delays, the leak
          You really believe this shit or are you just fishing for (You)s? Have one then. While you are at it, ask yourself how many people who watch Formula 1 not only remember but base their opinion on the teams on the fact that last year Ferrari was 60 points ahead and both Red Bulls exploded for several races in a row.

    • 7 months ago

      >it's still actively talked about by zoomers
      Ah yes, the 30+ year old zoomers

    • 7 months ago

      Half Life 2 becomes way better in hind sight once you play moded campaigns that utilize the physics systems just like a VR game would.

      • 7 months ago

        >play moded campaigns that utilize the physics systems just like a VR game would.
        any recommendations anon?

      • 7 months ago

        >It's good with mods
        Not an argument.

  2. 7 months ago

    It's because HL2 is a better game and was also modded to hell and back and also Source.

    • 7 months ago

      >HL2 is a better game
      No its not.
      It was a tech demo for the source engine.

      • 7 months ago

        >No its not.
        It is.
        >It was a tech demo for the source engine.
        Correct. The debut game using the Source engine was a technical demonstration of said engine. Crazy concept, huh?

        • 7 months ago

          I cant play Half-Life 2 more than once in a short period of time. It becomes extremely boring. The hardest difficulty is not hard at all, you can cheese your way through it.

          HL2 deathmatch also really sucks.
          Halo is so much better.

  3. 7 months ago

    Its not. But unlike HL2 it got a sequel with better multiplayer and gameplay.

    • 7 months ago

      Both Halo 2 and Half-Life 2 got sequels in late 2007 (Episode 2 + other parts of The Orange Box for Half-Life) which became massive commercial successes.

      • 7 months ago

        The expansion packs are still HL2 just with more story, its not the same as a proper sequel with a really addictive multiplayer mode.

  4. 7 months ago

    In what world do you think Halo 2 is forgotten

  5. 7 months ago

    Halo's reputation has been permanently been tarnished by having nothing but shitty game after shitty game for the past 13 years. In fact its had nothing but shitty media in general, all the books, mini-series, and the tv show were terrible. Valve was smart and decided no half life games was a better alternative than a bunch of bad half life games.
    And why bring up that Half Life 2 ended on a cliffhanger? So did Halo 2. If you played it on PC it never even got resolved until the MCC released on pc like a decade and a half later. Also Halo 2 looks like shit compared to even other xbox shooters.

  6. 7 months ago

    half life being good is one of gamings greatest psyops.

  7. 7 months ago

    half life 2 has garrys mod
    halo 2 does not have garrys mod

    • 7 months ago
  8. 7 months ago

    Do you really need people to tell you that HL2 was a technological breakthrough and Halo 2 wasn't? Breakthroughs are remembered, even if they're shitty they're still remembered

  9. 7 months ago

    >20 years later it is forgotten and Half-Life 2 is considered one of the best FPS ever made.
    >Why did this happen?
    Because Half-Life 2 is one of the best FPS ever made and Halo 2 is simply one of the better Halo games, loved by XBOX owners of the time but otherwise unremarkable.

    • 7 months ago

      half life 2 is a shitty engine demo that goes nowhere. episode 2 is alright. the origiinal game is supremely gay boat ride sim.

  10. 7 months ago

    both are good and beloved.
    why must we think everything is a fight

  11. 7 months ago

    Does anyone even give a frick about Half Life 2? I honestly never see it mentioned or played or talked about. Who gives a shit.

  12. 7 months ago

    I would have walked under this very sign circa 2004/05 on my way to a strip club and then back in the other direction to Club 77 to listen to some electro/indie sleaze. Didn't even know Halo 2 existed then. Take me back, bro.

  13. 7 months ago

    Halo is repetitive console shooter with wonky controls, auto-aiming and copypasted levels which are nothing more than stringed together tiny arenas.
    It has no level design and no thought put into it.
    The only reason this series became as popular as it is is insane amount of Microsoft advertising.

  14. 7 months ago

    Halo 3 did everything 2 did better. Not retro though.

  15. 7 months ago

    Halo 2 was never forgotten and Half-life 2 got exposed as a game living off of marketing on Reddit upboats. Halo is still regarded as one of if not the greatest gaming series of all time. HL2 is only remembered for not getting a sequel meme.

  16. 7 months ago

    Halo 2 is the worst Bungie-era Halo game and it's still better than HL2.

  17. 7 months ago

    Probably because half life 2 is on the eternal platform called steam and lots of mods, games, and memes use assets from it. Halo 2 was on xbox original and then re-released years after being shutdown.

    morons are gonna mention it was on windows vista but no one fricking played that shit ass shit just like no one played half life 2 on xbox original.

    Fricking stupid question. Don't (You) me with your moronic shit replies.

  18. 7 months ago

    What a strange attempt at starting a brand flamewar. These threads always try to present the imaginary other side as seething losers and/or revisionists, when in reality there never was much hostility between the fans since the fanbases barely intersected thanks to exclusivity*. I don't know about console people but on PC everyone knew that on the XBox there is some praised shooter called Halo but noone really cared since PC gaming in general and FPS in particular were in a golden age.
    As for the list that OP posted,
    >better single player campaign
    Matter of taste. Many liked the solemn atmosphere of HL2.
    >muperior multiplayer
    Yes if you are talking about HL2 Deathmatch. But HL2's real multiplayer was CS Source, in which case, debatable. If you consider the time of PC release, bear in mind that Halo had Orange Box to deal with that included TF2, not the initial version.
    It's not like PC had a shortage of options besides either: UT2004 was THE multiplayer FPS of the time.
    >massive success
    That goes for both of them.
    *Yes, both of them were ported eventually, but that was a year later in case of Half Life 2 and three years later in case of Halo 2. Effectively they were exclusives.

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