Solid player base, Easy Matchmaking, Customizable multiplayer playlists, Tons of different game modes for PVP and PVE, No grinding for gear or perks or other battlepass bullshit. How the hell is this game not more popular than it is? Am I just a nostalgia-gay for the early Halo games, or are zoomers just too dumb to appreciate anything that isn't "Muh COD" or "Muh battle royale"? What are your thoughts on the state of online FPS games in 2023, anon?

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  1. 8 months ago

    >No grinding for gear
    Explain spartan points

    • 8 months ago

      When I say "gear" I'm talking about weapons or equipment that affects gameplay that you grind to unlock. All the stuff you get with spartan points is just optional cosmetic reskins for vehicles, armor, and weapons which don't affect gameplay

      • 8 months ago

        It's an elephant in the room that you didn't address.

    • 8 months ago

      cosmetics and shit you will barely see while playing. I honestly forgot it's even in the game half the time. I have like 30 spartan points saved up and will probably never redeem them

      online is boring and repetitive
      hire a team to make an infinitely generating landscape with forge and multiplayer with survival mechanisms and halo enemies + build system

      sounds terrible

      • 8 months ago

        >cosmetics and shit you will barely see while playing
        It's a game you play with your eyes, anon. You don't have to be disingenuous. In fact, being disingenuous instead of honest and humble will bring you the end every OP hopes to avoid, looking like a homosexual. Honesty at least makes you a respectable homosexual. Learn from this.

        • 8 months ago

          the fact that you can't even conceive of someone not being shook by cosmetics is beyond pathetic. sorry you were born defective I guess

          • 8 months ago

            You're very upset. Just be humble. It feels good and makes others like you more.

            • 8 months ago

              crying about unlockable visor colors in a halo remaster and then going on a long rant about being humble and taking the high ground is not something respectable people do but tell yourself whatever you want

              • 8 months ago

                You forgot why you're even upset. I kek'd.

            • 8 months ago

              the fact that you can't even conceive of someone not being shook by cosmetics is beyond pathetic. sorry you were born defective I guess

              Come on buddies, Let's not fight. It's a Friday afternoon, Fall weather is settling in. I remember as a teen when Halo 2 came out, hauling my heavy ass TV over to my friend's house, and getting a big ass Lan party going. So much fun. The shit talking, The in game shenanigans (Hearing your friends curse and yell from the other room when you blow up the warthog they're all riding in). No school tomorrow, the smell of Pizza and wings permeating the living room as we all got amped up on caffeinated drinks.

              What are some cozy gaming memories you you guys have, Halo or otherwise?

              • 8 months ago

                garbage compactor, infection, race maps. I really think infinite would have done a lot better if it launched with a lively custom server browser. also I always thought invasion on reach was underrated

            • 8 months ago

              people hated Jesus though

        • 8 months ago

          OP here, it was a different anon that talked about cosmetics being "shit you hardly see". I've got some cool vehicle and weapons skins I enjoy.

      • 8 months ago

        based default colour scheme chad

        • 8 months ago

          Fricking perfect

  2. 8 months ago

    online is boring and repetitive
    hire a team to make an infinitely generating landscape with forge and multiplayer with survival mechanisms and halo enemies + build system

    • 8 months ago

      > infinite landscape

      Battle royale gay detected. Some of us have fricking lives, anon. Jobs, family, etc. I would rather spend my precious couple hours of free time playing many rounds in a variety of game modes instead of wandering around some giant ass map looking for things to loot and shoot.

    • 8 months ago

      go back to your repetitive battle royale crap

      • 8 months ago

        I'm leaning more Minecraft but w/e

  3. 8 months ago

    It was a shitshow of a collection until it released on PC.
    Then they actually bothered to fix the console version too.
    As of now, it's pretty good for what it is .

    • 8 months ago

      the mods really help it, but idk if the consoles get any of that goodness.

      • 8 months ago

        They don't get anything mod related sadly but excluding that the collection holds up fine most of the time now.
        There are still annoyances, mainly campaign issues but I guess they're going to take their sweet time to fix them.
        On other hand, I wonder if they'll bother to port the remaining 2-3 maps from Halo Online into 3.
        Even if they're shit it's better to have them.

  4. 8 months ago

    It has a laughably bad selection for ranked playlists is the biggest issue for matchmaking. It's great for running through the stories with friends as well even though the Halo 2 campaign still has desync issues and Halo 3 runs like ass in certain sections for some reason. Plus it taking 5+ years to get to a half decent state soured some people permanently I would assume.

    • 8 months ago

      Fair enough. I like to kick back with a few drinks after work and just enjoy the social playlists with my friends, sometimes we dive into some custom Firefight which is fun as hell too.

  5. 8 months ago

    it's great, even modded a bit, and it all works on linux

  6. 8 months ago

    Because zoomers and hispanics need their dopamine dose of sprint, slide, and climber or otherwise they would not play it.

    • 8 months ago

      Agreed. I miss dual wielding, and I kinda wish modern game developers would just make the default player movement faster (like in quake, doom) instead of letting me intermittently sprint. Just my preference for FPS games though.

    • 8 months ago

      Dual wielding SMGs in H3 auto slayer is one of my favourite things. It's a damn shame the feature just got dropped entirely instead of tinkering with it to see if they can make it better.

      • 8 months ago

        Hell yeah, brother.

      • 8 months ago

        I'm more curious why they didn't even try it again. It's not like dual wielding dominated H3, that would still be the BR. It also added cool skill mechanics like being able to block charged plasma pistol shots if you timed a melee just right to block it with the dropped gun.

        • 8 months ago

          Because this little homosexual strongly believed that it "hindered" grenading while holding two weapons and "balancing reasons" (because of the pro gays and their obsession with precession weapons)
          That shit doesn't happen with multiple keybinds or with modern xbox controllers. It just drops the weapon, so you can throw the nade, but you can quickly pick it up.

  7. 8 months ago

    Too bad it's still Gaylo and thus automatically dogshit.

    • 8 months ago

      > gets filtered by the Bungie Halo games

      Who hurt you, anon?

  8. 8 months ago

    Online isn't what it used to be, purely because companies have squashed everything that made Xbox live on 360 and of Xbox so much fun. That aside, they've pretty much fixed it from the unplayable state it releases in and it's a good enough way to play every halo game with playing.

  9. 8 months ago

    >releases broken on xbox for years
    >ported it on PC way too late, Halo was already dead
    >343 didn't make separate lobbies for input devices on PC until a year(s) later when all the KB+M players already left
    >343 continue to release shitty nameplates or shitty looking armour (before), yet still no fixes for the bugs in the game
    I don't think zoomers even care about Halo and rightfully so it's been shit for years. The Bungie Halo games and its OSTs are kino.

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