>Both are Hyper-advanced Alien species
>Both are mysterious and important
>Both are eventually revealed to fans
>Fans loved Chozo portrayal in Metroid
>Fans hated Forerunner portrayal in Halo

What's the difference Ganker?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Gaylo is cringe, Metroid is based

    • 2 years ago


      Halo fans have high standards
      Nintendo fans have low standards


  2. 2 years ago

    Halo fans have high standards
    Nintendo fans have low standards

    • 2 years ago

      If Halo fans had high standards they wouldn't be Halo fans.

      • 2 years ago

        they're not, anymore.

    • 2 years ago

      If that was the case then 343 would have been disbanded already.

      • 2 years ago

        343 fans are not halo fans, just like how 343 games are not halo games.

  3. 2 years ago

    Jesus, how moronic can those designd get? Such a shitty template for an advance civ

  4. 2 years ago

    Humans are forerunners, 343 is not and never will be canon

    • 2 years ago

      I think most people liked how the didact looked and was portrayed, and got moreso upset at how he was taken down by a qte and killed off in some random comic. the prometheans were disliked because of the gameplay and 4's general ammo scarcity, too

      they haven't been since the halo 3 terminals, it was bungie's decision to make them separate races

      • 2 years ago

        duuuuuuhhhhrrr frank o connor wrote they arent humen duuuhrhhrhhrrr even though guilty spark says cheif is forerunner duuuuuhhhhrhrrrr i loooove frank o connnnooor my favorite 343 employeee duuuhhrrrrrryrghrhrhrrrrr

        • 2 years ago

          spark was rampant, and humans are the forerunner's inheritors, the reclaimers. they are not descedants by blood, they were chosen

      • 2 years ago

        The didact looks like shit and forerunners got downgraded in halo4, some of the artist worked in metroid prime and it shows.

        The didact has been so disliked that they killed him in a comic.
        All the history after 3 is terrible, brutes have been always good secondaryes but terrible main villains.
        Current halo is as brain dead and souless as marvel movies.

      • 2 years ago

        >I think most people liked how the didact looked and was portrayed
        which universe do you live in

      • 2 years ago

        >they haven't been since the halo 3 terminals
        Ah yes, Frankie the janitor's schizophrenic ramblings that nobody checked.

        Reminder that this man literally contributed fricking nothing to the core franchise besides those Halo 3 terminals and some throwaway books. He's the definition of an office brown noser who got too big for his boots, and now peddles his own fanfiction that seemingly nobody else at Bungie was interested in. Sniffing his own farts because "haha I'm the creator of Mister Chief."

        • 2 years ago

          you can keep coping and denying but bungie confirmed that humans and forerunners are different

          • 2 years ago

            >Huh yeah, Halo? Uh yeah humans aren't forerunners, whatever, go buy glimmer in Destiny already
            Halo 2 story drafts that had to be cut for time had the Arbiter literally discover human remains in Forerunners tombs to frick with his faith.

            • 2 years ago

              yeah, it was a draft that never made it in the final game
              because in 3 they confirm the opposite

  5. 2 years ago

    The difference is 343 is moronic.

  6. 2 years ago


    Cool bird people.


    Ugly potato people

  7. 2 years ago

    Left looks cool, right looks like pretentious uninspired artstation schlop

  8. 2 years ago

    >Random Chozo soldier looks cooler than the Didact

    The absolute state of Gaylo

  9. 2 years ago

    Don't know what the frick is up with Halo, last one I played was 3 and they heavily implied that humans were the forerunners.

    But in Metroid the chozo were always a superpower space civ and their old shit always had importance to the plot. A living one showing up IS a big deal since they're also known as space war titans. Their leader fricking rapes samus singlehandedly and all other birds are miniboss level strong, I mean their fricking foot soldiers are torizo tier. The chozo have balls.

  10. 2 years ago

    343 forerunners are not canon.
    Humans are forerunners.

  11. 2 years ago

    343 is incompetent

  12. 2 years ago

    The difference is that the Didact was a boring tit who spews faux-poetic bollocks just like ever other Halo villain. Raven Beak is a gigachad with charisma and a direct connection to the heroine.

  13. 2 years ago

    Okay but how do they stack up against 40k's precursor races: The Eldar, The Necrons, or The Really Old Frogs?

    • 2 years ago

      My knowledge of 40k is limited, but the Forerunners built dozens, maybe hundreds or thousands of megaconstructs ranging from the size of planets to entire solar systems and were able to manipulate time and space and gravity to such an extent that they could alter the entire tilt of the galaxy's spinning axis; the Halos each obviously could wipe out life from 1/7th of the galaxy; and they had such utter mastery of FTL travel that it was used on the same scale and frequency as we use wifi IRL, for basically everything and anything from extremely mundane to basically mnaking pocket dimensions where time could be as slow or as fast as they want or being able to FTL jump distances as large as the diameter of the galaxy in just a few days.

      from what I understand they could probably solo 40k or at least match every other faction put together. Higher end flood and Precursors are even more OP

      • 2 years ago

        The way I understand it is that the ancient Eldar and Necrons are ill understood, maybe even the peak of Eldar Civilization is ill understood and that was relatively recent in Galactic History (Dark Age of Technology). They could kill stars/solar systems back during the War in Heaven, but I don't really know if they scale above that. The Necrons have the celestial Orrery which can blow up any star in the galaxy with a single button press, but they never use it because of the potentially devasting consquences. Don't really know exactly how powerful the Old Ones were, but I guess it can be assumed that they are relative to the Necrons during the war in heaven. So nothing that competes or even comes close to tilting the entire galaxy, as far as I'm aware of.

  14. 2 years ago

    Metroid bros, we win!

  15. 2 years ago

    one wasnt the product of a retcon

    • 2 years ago

      Which one?

  16. 2 years ago

    >Mertroid Shilling homosexual is a Trashlo homosexual brainlet.
    Why I'm not surprised...

    • 2 years ago

      >moronic altcuck frog is illiterate
      Many such cases.

  17. 2 years ago

    >Didact: *refuses to shut the hell up despite saying nothing of substance*
    >Raven Beak: Hadar sen olmen. (Power is everything.)

    • 2 years ago

      didact didn't rip off vergil

      • 2 years ago

        Well he should have, Vergil is cool as shit and actually fights rather then just talking most of the time, being a budget sith and "dying" in a quick time event.

        • 2 years ago

          >budget sith
          nobody thinks the qte is good, but his dialogue was fine
          he has perfectly good reasons to be pissed off at humanity

          • 2 years ago

            >budget sith
            This bit https://youtu.be/BWM_B1qHFdo?t=117

            • 2 years ago

              it looks cool

  18. 2 years ago

    Metroid has fairly sparse lore and all of it is good. Halo has a frickton of lore and most of it is bad. Metroid knows how to have just enough to be intriguing, Halo suffers from the same problem as something like Star Wars or Mass Effect where they just keep bogging the whole thing down with retcons and more background to muddy the whole thing.

    Halo 4 fricked the plot with the whole stupid forerunner thing. Humans were always meant to be the forerunners, lost to history until it was time to reclaim their birthright. In Dread, a few things change but they aren’t massive revelations that change the series in any crazy way. The Chozo are alive, they’re buttholes, and Samus’s supposedly benevolent saviors immediately turned her over to mad scientists to turn her into a bio weapon because birds are buttholes. It all made sense within the context of the sparse but meaty lore.

    >tl;dr the more lore you have the easier it is to frick it up carelessly

    • 2 years ago

      >The Chozo are alive, they’re buttholes
      Some of them are buttholes. Old Bird and Grey Voice were still good guys. I'm so glad we did actually get some evil chozo. Before Samus Returns, the chozo were depicted as wise and purely benevolent beings, so the idea of some of them being malevolent conquerors was immediately engaging.

      By contrast, the Forerunners were always depicted as grey at best. So one of them showing up and being a pretentious butthole isn't nearly as interesting.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah, that’s what made it so good. The last lore panel from Samus Returns set it up perfectly, the idea that a Chozo would order a faction of mostly peaceful scientists exterminated was shocking at the time, because we were led to believe the Chozo were benevolent precursors who wanted to uplift other species.

        • 2 years ago

          Another reason Raven Beak works and Didact doesn't? Has a real boss fight. And I mean a REAL boss fight. Goddamn, that battle was legit. Got filtered hard, and still loved it.

          I love the separate tribes idea, though I feel it has the potential to get stupid. Maybe A third tribe, and then leave it at that.

          • 2 years ago

            Seeing as Prime has more or less been quietly incorporated into the main canon with SR and Dread, that third tribe went to Tallon IV and fricking died.

            • 2 years ago

              I... suppose that tracks. Guess that means there's not much need to harp on it and potentially dilute things. We already had a whole game about the third chozo tribe!

              343 fans are not halo fans, just like how 343 games are not halo games.

              I don't wanna go all not muh on it, but things really did take a noticeable dip post Bungie. At least 4 had the John/Cortana stuff though. That part was good.

            • 2 years ago

              There's also the ones that settled Elysia, populated it with sapient robots, and then fricked off to god knows where.

              • 2 years ago

                >tfw it was never confirmed if the Elysians were wiped out or not
                Steambot bros...

                halo 4 is even worse then 5

                You're out of your mind. 5 damn near killed the franchise with how calamitously terrible it was.

              • 2 years ago

                >You're out of your mind. 5 damn near killed the franchise with how calamitously terrible it was.

                Both 4 and 5 have medicore campaigns, but 5 has drastically superior core gameplay and the best MP map design since Halo 2, so by extension also has some of the best multiplayer in the series and inarguably has the best forge.

                Even as it applies to the campaign, I think 5 might be slightly better then 4, in that at least Blue Team is one of the best misions in the series even if the rest of it is meh, wheras 4 is just meh the whole way through; and while I think 5 has more stupid ideas then 4's story does, with 4 actually having good narrative concepts, 4's execution of those concepts is awful wheras I think 5's execution of it's bad ideas is somewhat decent: Cortana being out of her mind in 5 and not even realizing how utterly fricked upo she was with schizo tier ranting for example I found way more compelling then her basically just being depressed and having temper tantrums in 4: How Chief and Cortana interact in 5 is how I WISH 4 handled her rampancy.

              • 2 years ago

                >How Chief and Cortana interact in 5 is how I WISH 4 handled her rampancy.
                ... You 'avin a giggle, mate?

              • 2 years ago

                No, not at all.

                Again, in 4, Cortana just acts deppressed and damsely, which is absolutely not her personality, and then has cringe temper tantrums which are impossible to take seriously. Chief acts delusional and desperate even though he's had no issue dealing with death his whole life and with people he's known way longer then Cortana, and acts like he somehow doesn't know what rampancy is or how it works.

                I've always detested that portrayal even if I think the basic idea behind 4's plot is good. Even back in 2012 I was saying I wish Cortana's rampancy was handled as more a gradual descent into delusion with her not even realizing anything was wrong with herself, and her gradually just becoming more dominant and controlling, exacerbating her existing personality traits rather then inverting them, eventually ending in her trying to trap chief on reqium to protect him while he tries to save her, but in the end does what needs to be done and takes her out himself.

                5 bringing Cortana back was fricking stupid, but the actual way their interactions are depicted is pretty in line with how I wish they had been in 4, and I legitmately think her writing and voice perfomances where she's being overly nice but saying fricked up shit and then you can hear the spite coming out of her voice when talking to Osiris is well done.

  19. 2 years ago

    In Metroid, the chozo are more mysterious than modern forerunner lore. 343 has made them so much less vague and questionable. The didact and whatever else that followed ruined any ounce of mystery the forerunners had. That's what made bungie's version more timeless and loved. Even after giving us so much more about the chozo race through Metroid dread and other sources like the manga, not a lot is known about the chozo.

  20. 2 years ago

    The reactions to the Chozo in Dread were pretty mixed because they were so bland compared to the glimpses we saw in the prime games.

    • 2 years ago

      Lmao primebabies

      • 2 years ago

        Don’t start you disingenuous tribalist homosexual. There is no feud between Metroidbros that isn’t completely fabricated.

        • 2 years ago

          There absolutely is, from what I’ve seen, and the reactions to the chozo weren’t mixed, so I don’t know what the frick you’re talking about

          • 2 years ago

            >Ganker is the entire internet
            pity (you)

            • 2 years ago

              >no argument, so I put words in your mouth lol
              Remarkable stuff, but please, tell me about these other sites whose opinions I should care about

  21. 2 years ago

    >Frick 343
    >Frick Microsoft
    >Frick nu-halo
    Bring bungie back.

    • 2 years ago

      Old Bungie is dead, nubungie is too busy tweeting woke shit and fricking up destiny more to be of any use

  22. 2 years ago

    The Chozo were always supposed to be contemporary, only recently disappearing in the prime games while the forerunners were never meant to be seen, having disappeared millennia ago. This meant that when a chozo became a major force in Dread it was more like fulfilling an expectation, while Halo only emphasized the forerunner after the trilogy which reeks of running out of ideas. the forerunner saga of halo also saw the series shift from heavy military scifi ala starship troopers and into more generic high fantasy in space, the series completely lost it's grit. the forerunners were also basically just ugly humans, while the chozo remained weird bird people which is just a far more interesting design. Raven Beak and the war tribe stuff also adds wrinkles to the benevelent chozo, showing they were as complex and fallible, which hadn't really been explored. The forerunners though just felt bland, generic.

    a lot of it comes down to the way their stories were told. halo was cutscene heavy, cinematic, poetic even. metroid was always subdued, simplistic. Half the metroid games have the same story which is just them remaking 1, sometimes literally. If Dread had no story at all it wouldn't really matter, but halo was always sold in part because of it's story and when they began to focus on the forerunners, that story took a big dip in quality.

  23. 2 years ago

    Halo might have crap villains, but it definitely has the better A.I buddy.

    >inb4 5
    There was no Halo 5, just like how there was no Other M. Shut the frick up.

    • 2 years ago

      halo 4 is even worse then 5

  24. 2 years ago

    I want a sangheili wife

  25. 2 years ago

    the chozo are goofy ass bird homies that create ultimate unkillable bio-weapons to fight other ultimate unkillable bio-weapons and then drown planets in acid when that doesn't work.

    the forerunners are weirdo self-serious nutsack heads with zero personality.

    • 2 years ago

      >drown planets in acid
      The logistics of that are fricking baffling. How is everything still intact? Bird magic, I guess.

      • 2 years ago

        >drown planet in acid
        >the unkillable galaxy threat is still there
        Oh well we tried, I hope no one will come to this random planet and wake up this evil...

  26. 2 years ago

    frickin yee yee ass haircut with the dude on the right

    • 2 years ago

      Plus he's built like a fridge. Shit is disgusting.

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