Happy 13th birthday to Gen 5!

Happy 13th birthday to Gen 5!

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    i can't believe pokemon's been shit for 13 years

    • 9 months ago


      discord posts

      • 9 months ago

        t. discord troony

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah, you're right. No game ever came close to Gen 5's quality since then, aside from maybe Legends Arceus.

  2. 9 months ago

    13 years? That can't be right I played this in 11th grade...

    • 9 months ago

      Apparently, I was 18 back then. That's weird.

  3. 9 months ago

    half as old as me wow I remember I beat this underleveled in my after school program

  4. 9 months ago

    >it's been 13 years since the best Pokémon game

  5. 9 months ago

    >it’s been 13 years since a pretty good game that has some issues but they don’t ruin it for me

  6. 9 months ago

    Oh god no don’t bring up these games
    Vp doesn’t care anymore

  7. 9 months ago

    To think I was only 6 when this came out. Unova is peak frfr.

  8. 9 months ago

    sorry borts I can’t just overlook all its flaws anymore discord is right

  9. 9 months ago

    >it's been 13 years since a Pokémon game released

  10. 9 months ago

    >13 years later and no other character can compare to train husbandos

    How the frick did Yusuke Ohmura do it

    • 9 months ago

      Emmet will never see his brother again.
      Thanks Arceus!

      • 9 months ago

        Not canon

    • 9 months ago

      I love these train autists so much

  11. 9 months ago


    >gen 5 started gym leaders having only 3 pokemon at most
    >gen 5 started the elite four having only 4 pokemon
    >gen 5 started rivals handing you constant free healing items
    >gen 5 started free lucky egg
    >gen 5 started putting a chansey expy in every route
    >gen 5 started doctors in every dungeon area
    >gen 5 started making the region a straight path to prevent people from not knowing how to progress
    >gen 5 started npcs explaining mechanics to you even when you tell them not to explain mechanics to you
    >gen 5 started westerners making ugly pokemon
    >gen 5 started poison not damaging you in the overworld anymore
    >gen 5 started the removal of content we'd never see in any future game like safari zone, game corner, battle frontier, and more
    >gen 5 started giving you a gift pokemon specifically to deal with a type disadvantage against the gym leader
    >gen 5 started making strength boulders 2x2 tiles to make puzzles with them non-existent
    >gen 5 started diversity
    >gen 5 started making the region a foreign theme park gimmick region
    All good

    • 9 months ago

      >one less pokemon to use super effective move on, big woop. In exchange, they have actual movepools and strategies
      >see above
      >you were going back to the Pokecentee anyway
      >how is this a bad thing?
      >how is this a bad thing?
      >how is this a bad thing?
      >it's been a straight path since gen 1, they just got rid off you needing to use Fly for the eighth gym
      >Gen 1 catching tutorial, or better would be Gen 2 mom explaining pokegear
      >how is this a bad thing?
      >Gen 4 removed the Game corner first, and the other two are also glorified RNGslop that you would just Google for easiest way to beat
      >how is this a bad thing?
      >you would just Google for easiest way to solve either way
      >how is this a bad thing?
      >how is this a bad thing?

  12. 9 months ago

    >It's been 13 years
    I miss old gen release cycles. Will never forget the fun we had with playing the jap rom leaks first

  13. 9 months ago


  14. 9 months ago


    Every remotely long area has at least one doctor NPC who will heal your Pokémon completely for free. So actually losing in this game is virtually impossible without handicapping yourself.

    The game has an absurd number of tutorials and roadblocks, such that the campaign involves virtually no gameplay outside of mashing through text and going where NPCs want you to go. The game has no respect for the players intelligence; unlike Gen 1, 2, 8, and 9, the catching tutorial and Pokemon Center tutorials are forced. Dialogue options that seemingly give you the choice to skip explanations give you the explanation anyway even if you select the negative option (e.g. Mr. Medal's explanation on medals). After Virbank Gym you're led around and forced to do a tutorial for a side mode that has virtually nothing to do with the entire rest of the game, and in of itself isn't even engaging because it consists of "select the obvious correct option to progress the script", so it's just more mashing through meaningless shit.

    Afterward, you can finally get to Castelia City. This is where you can tell the developers started putting noticeably less effort into the game and its holes as a rehash start to show. The map is almost entirely the same as BW1, and there are NPCs with nonsensically copy/pasted dialogue from BW1. The rest of the game is like this the last two gyms. The north is unsurprisingly roadblocked. The east entrance is also roadblocked for no real reason except to trick people into thinking the game is great for having a padded post-game instead of giving the player any agency (want to start breeding your Pokémon early? Frick you). So the only choice is to go is the new area, the sewer. However, since the game doesn't respect the player's intelligence, there's a worker blocking it until you talk to Iris to specifically lead you there.


    • 9 months ago

      Once you get to the Sewer there are more roadblocks and you can't fully explore it until you backtrack without your rival following and constantly healing you.
      After Castelia City and Route 4 there's yet another forced tutorial for the Join Avenue, which is basically just a tool to grind out items (some of which are inferior to other games, such as the Berry Shop, when in Gen 3-4 and 6-7 you can simply farm them for free). The catch is that it requires communicating with other players to fill up. So if you have no one to play with you're SOL and this area is completely useless.
      Nimbasa City and Route 5/16 play pretty much the same as BW1. Both bridges are roadblocked until the game wants you to access them and the forced Pokémon Musical tutorial is replaced with a forced Pokémon Grotto tutorial.

      At Driftveil City there are three (!) roadblocks, one for Clay Tunnel, one for the PWT, and one in Chargestone Cave. So like usual you're forced mash through the order the game forces you to do things.
      The rest of the game progresses the same way. Go through route, reach town, do the one thing the game actually lets you do, rinse and repeat. One hilarious thing that the game changes from BW1 is how you encounter the Swords of Justice. Instead of being hidden away in different areas of the game, they instead just stand there in the middle of routes for the player to easily encounter with zero effort during the story.


      • 9 months ago

        Rather than a Battle Frontier like the previous upper versions, they decided to add the Pokémon World Tournament, which is a complete downgrade gameplay wise, deciding to trade the streak based systems of the previous battle facilities with a simple tournament bracket which only requires three wins. This completely trivializes the difficulty to the point where even an unoptimized campaign team can easily clear it and kills the point of even bothering to play it rather than just going to PvP. The main appeal of this mode appears to be the spectacle of seeing all the previous characters magically (and nonsensically) show up in this brand new facility in this remote region. If you like to clap at dangling keys rather than have engaging, challenging gameplay, you might enjoy this.
        An additional battle facility they added was the Black Tower/White Treehollow. This is effectively a clone of the Battle Pyramid from Emerald, except with the key difference that you can use your full campaign team with levels not scaled, and you gain EXP like normal. Meaning, like the rest of the campaign, you can easily sweep through it with your overleveled team like usual, and the difficulty and replayability of it is gutted as a result.

        The rest of the postgame effectively just involves walking through old reused BW1 maps that have new Trainers on them while easily sweeping through them and further overleveling your Pokémon. Nothing about it is engaging and you never have a reason to revisit the maps again since there's no repeatable content.


        • 9 months ago

          Outside of the gameplay itself, the rest of the game is poorly polished. The sprites are animated horribly with robotic tweening rather than being redrawn manually by hand,
          resulting in the sprites being broken and distorted every time they move. The back sprites are inconsistently scaled and are zoomed by *2 like Gen 1, making them look horribly pixelated and low resolution compared to the DS's screen.
          The Pokemon are locked in their single idle animation so all the move animations are lazily stapled onto the Pokémon. If you want to see Charizard using Flamethrower out of its shoulder, maybe you'll like the animations.

          The bottom screen is the same as BW1, the C-Gear, which is effectively useless the entire game since it displays no useful information. This is far cry from useful bottom screens that had various tools such as DPPt's Poketch which had various apps, HGSS's bottom screen which allowed you to easily access registered items or run automatically (which was nonsensically removed) or XY's bottom screen which allows you to track your team's stats and see everyone around you online or locally. The game lacks the QoL additions from newer games, such as Destiny Knot breeding, Ability Capsules, Ability Patches, Bottle Caps, and Mints, so training Pokémon for online play is frustrating and tedious.

          The music is decent but they made the stupid choice to replace it with a badly done low HP beeping remix whenever your Pokémon happens to drop to low HP, which completely ruins the atmosphere of the battle.

          If you don't care about a game with well crafted gameplay, and instead want to gawk at all the returning characters and the number of maps the game decided to pointlessly lock to after the credits, then you'll think this game is good.

          • 9 months ago

            valid complaint though graphically pokemon has always been behind the curve
            also valid complaint
            >lacks modern QoL
            silly to argue this for just one game, since you could also say this about every gen prior
            valid complaint, the low hp beep remix is cute at first for unimportant battles but during any serious moment it gets real old real fast
            >gawk at returning characters
            >gen 5
            >returning characters
            okay bud
            >maps pointlessly locked after the credits
            postgame is a meme argument atp, content is content regardless of whether it's before or after the credits

        • 9 months ago

          >Massive tournament with every Gym Leader ever up to that point
          >Somehow inferior to some random tower with random schizo trainers with random Pokemon

          • 9 months ago

            piss easy nostalgia wank is inferior, yes

            • 9 months ago

              >Massive tournament with every Gym Leader ever up to that point
              It's a glorified Battle Tower themed around nostalgia pandering.

              >anti-PWTgays ignoring the subway again

          • 9 months ago

            >Massive tournament with every Gym Leader ever up to that point
            It's a glorified Battle Tower themed around nostalgia pandering.

        • 9 months ago

          >Blurry 48p image vs. a high-quality model used in a game 13 years later.
          Ok, I'm sure whatever you wrote is equally disingenuous.

    • 9 months ago

      Man xy was truly awful. It was so bad, not even gf was greedy enough to try and shit out a 3rd version

  15. 9 months ago

    Never thought I would use filtering, but considering how predictable the morons are I'm mostly viewing a sanitised threads. Just use some keywords to filter the morons and don't take their bait anons, you can do this even with the native extension

  16. 9 months ago

    Man the discord really couldn't help tripping over themselves to post the bait could they.

    • 9 months ago

      They're extremely predictable and contrary to what they think, extremely baitable. That's on display in this very thread

      • 9 months ago

        Man the discord really couldn't help tripping over themselves to post the bait could they.

        Not arguments.

        • 9 months ago

          You're not getting arguments b***hboy, cry for serotonin as you did in the threads you spammed hours ago. I'd still deny you that even if you seethe for centuries straight.

        • 9 months ago

          Why on earth would you think your obvious bait is worth an argument you sad little man

        • 9 months ago

          You are a pro-choice argument

    • 9 months ago

      the terrible troll betrays their own opinion

  17. 9 months ago


    What's wrong with putting more "Life" in cities? Would you rather having empty cities like johturd and kantroon?

    • 9 months ago

      It's not life when there's no soul involved. You can't even talk to them. They're soulless sprites that doesn't fit any concept of life. Shitnova's city is more soulless than any city in Kanto and Johto.

      • 9 months ago

        Genuine question, do you just go downtown and talk to literally everyone you meet?

        • 9 months ago

          Genuine question, are you really this fooled by swarms of soulless sprites?

          • 9 months ago

            >No response
            Nice try troll

      • 9 months ago

        lmao, go have a walk trough Manhattan and try talking to random busy city goers during their commute to work/home. You'd be swiftly ignored, in the best case.
        "Frick you talkin to me for, frickin wierdo"

        • 9 months ago

          That's how it is in most places in the world, except for apparently small towns in America according to American anons. Most people just want to be left alone.

  18. 9 months ago

    It's been a while, but since the announcement of USUM has happened, I've been thinking about you /vp/.
    I've been thinking about how pitiful this safespace of a board is with it's contrarian-like mindset. So let's get this started, shall we?

    Gen 5, the gen that single handedly almost killed the franchise and had a lot of the games core fans thinking of abandoning this sinking ship of a series due to the clear decline in quality.

    Let's take a look at the long list of objective facts that this gen did wrong.

    >Absolute dog shit dex filled to the brim with deviant art tier juvenile designs
    When you have one of the largest new dexes and I can't even put together a team of 6 (six) pokemon that I like, then you know there's a massive problem.
    This dex was made up of abominations, and I'm not even talking about the big offenders like garbodor and vanilluxe, I'm talking literally almost everything. There's maybe 4-5 good lines in this joke of a dex which is just laughable.

    >Bland and forgettable region
    >Trash team with a ridiculously bad looking uniform and an equally ridiculously bad reason for existing
    >Toddler tier story
    >Non existent difficulty (always makes me kek when the underage majority of this board says they had trouble with these games literally because these were the first games you millenial fuccbois grew up with)

    Positives about Gen V -
    Some great music
    The very few pokemon from this gen I do like are pure kino.

    And that's all.

    It brings a smile to my face whenever I come here and see the sperging out and tears about how gamefreak doesn't give the slightest shit about you or your shitty gen considering they're doing their absolute best to distance the new games from them which is without a doubt the correct move.
    Everywhere other than here (and I really do mean EVERYWHERE) rates gen 5 as the absolute bottom of the barrel worst games in the series. They scored shit, they sold shit, they are shit.

    Can't wait for some more new games which I actually enjoy

    • 9 months ago

      This has aged really well, hasn't it?
      BW remakes are coming next, so much for distancing from them.

  19. 9 months ago


    Every remotely long area has at least one doctor NPC who will heal your Pokémon completely for free. So actually losing in this game is virtually impossible without handicapping yourself.

    The game has an absurd number of tutorials and roadblocks, such that the campaign involves virtually no gameplay outside of mashing through text and going where NPCs want you to go. The game has no respect for the players intelligence; unlike Gen 1, 2, 8, and 9, the catching tutorial and Pokemon Center tutorials are forced. Dialogue options that seemingly give you the choice to skip explanations give you the explanation anyway even if you select the negative option (e.g. Mr. Medal's explanation on medals). After Virbank Gym you're led around and forced to do a tutorial for a side mode that has virtually nothing to do with the entire rest of the game, and in of itself isn't even engaging because it consists of "select the obvious correct option to progress the script", so it's just more mashing through meaningless shit.

    Afterward, you can finally get to Castelia City. This is where you can tell the developers started putting noticeably less effort into the game and its holes as a rehash start to show. The map is almost entirely the same as BW1, and there are NPCs with nonsensically copy/pasted dialogue from BW1. The rest of the game is like this the last two gyms. The north is unsurprisingly roadblocked. The east entrance is also roadblocked for no real reason except to trick people into thinking the game is great for having a padded post-game instead of giving the player any agency (want to start breeding your Pokémon early? Frick you). So the only choice is to go is the new area, the sewer. However, since the game doesn't respect the player's intelligence, there's a worker blocking it until you talk to Iris to specifically lead you there.


    Once you get to the Sewer there are more roadblocks and you can't fully explore it until you backtrack without your rival following and constantly healing you.
    After Castelia City and Route 4 there's yet another forced tutorial for the Join Avenue, which is basically just a tool to grind out items (some of which are inferior to other games, such as the Berry Shop, when in Gen 3-4 and 6-7 you can simply farm them for free). The catch is that it requires communicating with other players to fill up. So if you have no one to play with you're SOL and this area is completely useless.
    Nimbasa City and Route 5/16 play pretty much the same as BW1. Both bridges are roadblocked until the game wants you to access them and the forced Pokémon Musical tutorial is replaced with a forced Pokémon Grotto tutorial.

    At Driftveil City there are three (!) roadblocks, one for Clay Tunnel, one for the PWT, and one in Chargestone Cave. So like usual you're forced mash through the order the game forces you to do things.
    The rest of the game progresses the same way. Go through route, reach town, do the one thing the game actually lets you do, rinse and repeat. One hilarious thing that the game changes from BW1 is how you encounter the Swords of Justice. Instead of being hidden away in different areas of the game, they instead just stand there in the middle of routes for the player to easily encounter with zero effort during the story.


    Rather than a Battle Frontier like the previous upper versions, they decided to add the Pokémon World Tournament, which is a complete downgrade gameplay wise, deciding to trade the streak based systems of the previous battle facilities with a simple tournament bracket which only requires three wins. This completely trivializes the difficulty to the point where even an unoptimized campaign team can easily clear it and kills the point of even bothering to play it rather than just going to PvP. The main appeal of this mode appears to be the spectacle of seeing all the previous characters magically (and nonsensically) show up in this brand new facility in this remote region. If you like to clap at dangling keys rather than have engaging, challenging gameplay, you might enjoy this.
    An additional battle facility they added was the Black Tower/White Treehollow. This is effectively a clone of the Battle Pyramid from Emerald, except with the key difference that you can use your full campaign team with levels not scaled, and you gain EXP like normal. Meaning, like the rest of the campaign, you can easily sweep through it with your overleveled team like usual, and the difficulty and replayability of it is gutted as a result.

    The rest of the postgame effectively just involves walking through old reused BW1 maps that have new Trainers on them while easily sweeping through them and further overleveling your Pokémon. Nothing about it is engaging and you never have a reason to revisit the maps again since there's no repeatable content.


    Outside of the gameplay itself, the rest of the game is poorly polished. The sprites are animated horribly with robotic tweening rather than being redrawn manually by hand,
    resulting in the sprites being broken and distorted every time they move. The back sprites are inconsistently scaled and are zoomed by *2 like Gen 1, making them look horribly pixelated and low resolution compared to the DS's screen.
    The Pokemon are locked in their single idle animation so all the move animations are lazily stapled onto the Pokémon. If you want to see Charizard using Flamethrower out of its shoulder, maybe you'll like the animations.

    The bottom screen is the same as BW1, the C-Gear, which is effectively useless the entire game since it displays no useful information. This is far cry from useful bottom screens that had various tools such as DPPt's Poketch which had various apps, HGSS's bottom screen which allowed you to easily access registered items or run automatically (which was nonsensically removed) or XY's bottom screen which allows you to track your team's stats and see everyone around you online or locally. The game lacks the QoL additions from newer games, such as Destiny Knot breeding, Ability Capsules, Ability Patches, Bottle Caps, and Mints, so training Pokémon for online play is frustrating and tedious.

    The music is decent but they made the stupid choice to replace it with a badly done low HP beeping remix whenever your Pokémon happens to drop to low HP, which completely ruins the atmosphere of the battle.

    If you don't care about a game with well crafted gameplay, and instead want to gawk at all the returning characters and the number of maps the game decided to pointlessly lock to after the credits, then you'll think this game is good.

    It's been a while, but since the announcement of USUM has happened, I've been thinking about you /vp/.
    I've been thinking about how pitiful this safespace of a board is with it's contrarian-like mindset. So let's get this started, shall we?

    Gen 5, the gen that single handedly almost killed the franchise and had a lot of the games core fans thinking of abandoning this sinking ship of a series due to the clear decline in quality.

    Let's take a look at the long list of objective facts that this gen did wrong.

    >Absolute dog shit dex filled to the brim with deviant art tier juvenile designs
    When you have one of the largest new dexes and I can't even put together a team of 6 (six) pokemon that I like, then you know there's a massive problem.
    This dex was made up of abominations, and I'm not even talking about the big offenders like garbodor and vanilluxe, I'm talking literally almost everything. There's maybe 4-5 good lines in this joke of a dex which is just laughable.

    >Bland and forgettable region
    >Trash team with a ridiculously bad looking uniform and an equally ridiculously bad reason for existing
    >Toddler tier story
    >Non existent difficulty (always makes me kek when the underage majority of this board says they had trouble with these games literally because these were the first games you millenial fuccbois grew up with)

    Positives about Gen V -
    Some great music
    The very few pokemon from this gen I do like are pure kino.

    And that's all.

    It brings a smile to my face whenever I come here and see the sperging out and tears about how gamefreak doesn't give the slightest shit about you or your shitty gen considering they're doing their absolute best to distance the new games from them which is without a doubt the correct move.
    Everywhere other than here (and I really do mean EVERYWHERE) rates gen 5 as the absolute bottom of the barrel worst games in the series. They scored shit, they sold shit, they are shit.

    Can't wait for some more new games which I actually enjoy

    >words words words
    the left can't meme
    gen 5 is still golden era

    • 9 months ago

      >itt: discord has an autistic meltdown
      you live to see it


      lol nobody's responding to them yet they're still screaming into the void

      They've done it to themselves after the meltdown they've had since the last couple days. Mostly is them crying about SV DLC2 being set in a part of Unova and they couldn't get South Kalos. The thing is if you overexpose people with your moronation it just ends up making people desensitised.

      • 9 months ago

        >The thing is if you overexpose people with your moronation it just ends up making people desensitised.
        That's pretty much what happened to the Voreschizo with his Cynthia hate, people got bored and annoyed enough of him that once he was autistic enough to dox himself a real life stalker who was expelled from college, he's become a living meme

    • 9 months ago

      >itt: discord has an autistic meltdown
      you live to see it

      Discord subhuman projections

  20. 9 months ago

    Damn, it really has been 13 years. These were the first titles I was able to buy with my own money and I love B/W to death. I hope Masuda finds his spark again for the inevitable remakes because this game was his literal baby given how much he glowed in interviews for it.

    Also, Black > White. White got the better Psychic for sure but Black got the best bird and best dragon.

    • 9 months ago

      as much as i prefer mandibuzz over braviary, it doesn't make up for the lack of reuniclus because it comes at the very end of the game.
      that's why i bought White and Black 2, so i can use both.

      The schizo that made the anti Platinum wall of text did one for BW2 and that will probably now be spammed lol. I hate this board.

      they can spam it all they like, i'm not gonna read it

    • 9 months ago

      as much as i prefer mandibuzz over braviary, it doesn't make up for the lack of reuniclus because it comes at the very end of the game.
      that's why i bought White and Black 2, so i can use both.
      they can spam it all they like, i'm not gonna read it

      Never got someone to trade over mons you wanted? To be honest the only choice you need to make is which dragon you want. But playing the sequel will get you the opposite dragon regardless so it balances out imo

      • 9 months ago

        Nah, it was freshman year of college and I didn't know how big the Pokemon scene at my community college was. That and the GTS was still full clownshow.

        as much as i prefer mandibuzz over braviary, it doesn't make up for the lack of reuniclus because it comes at the very end of the game.
        that's why i bought White and Black 2, so i can use both.
        they can spam it all they like, i'm not gonna read it

        It's weird. The Black exclusives got better as the Gens went on while the White exclusives kinda stalled but got hyper buffed in Gen VIII.

    • 9 months ago

      Reshiram is canon for N, though?

      • 9 months ago

        No, never was. The first version is always the canon version.

        • 9 months ago

          N has both and Kyurem actually.

  21. 9 months ago

    >itt: discord has an autistic meltdown
    you live to see it

    • 9 months ago

      Don't drag Alola into their genwarring, the discorders hate it almost as much as Unova. Half of the time they turn to attacking gen 7 as soon as they get caight.

    • 9 months ago

      Except Johto fans are literally the ones doing these Discord raids, and there are multiple screecaps proving it.

  22. 9 months ago

    lol nobody's responding to them yet they're still screaming into the void

    • 9 months ago

      They so desperately want attention for stale bait it's actually funny.

  23. 9 months ago

    >final battle climax is a glorified cutscene where you're forced to catch a legendary with it's catch rate arbitrarily lowered to early-route shitmon catch rates
    >free legendaries plopped all over the hallway "routes"
    >the start of james turner, western regions, and diversity
    >free lucky egg
    Yeah.....i'm thinking this if the beginning of the end....but i guess the hideous tweened sprites are a little bit less ugly than 3d shit...... nevermind

    • 9 months ago

      the hideous tweened sprites are definitely hideous (not as PD as 3D, however), but selecting an "in between" frame to demonstrate that ugliness is like chastising a cartoon for its weird-looking smear frames

      • 9 months ago

        Gen 5 doesn't use smear frames.

    • 9 months ago

      battle climax is a glorified cutscene where you're forced to catch a legendary with it's catch rate arbitrarily lowered to early-route shitmon catch rates
      >>free legendaries plopped all over the hallway "routes"
      You can blame gen 4 for that.

  24. 9 months ago

    The schizo that made the anti Platinum wall of text did one for BW2 and that will probably now be spammed lol. I hate this board.

    • 9 months ago

      Just ignore it anon. Let these gays be moronic

      • 9 months ago

        The problem is that they don't work on attention.

    • 9 months ago

      >someone asks how Platinum or Gen 5 is bad
      >you get an essay with actual arguments referencing multiple specific examples and explanations on how the thing is bad

      >someone asks how Johto or Kalos is bad
      >"uhm....uh.....the game referenced kanto... and uh....it's forgettable..."

      Really makes you think.

  25. 9 months ago

    guess which game is constantly accused of having worse map design

  26. 9 months ago


    Based Unova turned genwun shitters into good designs

  27. 9 months ago


    >moron got confused over his spam files
    hilarious, got me to chuckle a bit.

  28. 9 months ago


    >It's the same guy pushing the Gen 2 victim narrative
    Of course.

    • 9 months ago

      Behind every anti-Unova post is a seething Johtroony.

  29. 9 months ago


    every Unova equivalent is better except for arguably Meowth/Persian, Hitmonlee/Hitmonchan, and Psyduck/Golduck

  30. 9 months ago

    it's probably a bot

  31. 9 months ago

    They think ignoring me will make their games any less shit. It just shows you have no argument.

    • 9 months ago

      Cry harder

  32. 9 months ago


  33. 9 months ago

    if you have to remind people to respond to your bait, you've lost
    also it's not a bot lol, these frickers do it for free

  34. 9 months ago



  35. 9 months ago

    I’m sure this will be a pleasant thread with no shitposting.

  36. 9 months ago

    No, Gen 120 was a mistake

  37. 9 months ago

    >lived to see the day /vp/ turns on gen 5

    • 9 months ago

      /vp/ still loves Gen 5, this is an inorganic thread full of Johtroony Discord raiders

  38. 9 months ago


  39. 9 months ago
  40. 9 months ago

    Gen 5 was really special for me. Kalosisraelites get the rope. Megas were a mistake.

  41. 9 months ago

    >all them (dead)s

    • 9 months ago

      You know your game is the best when the only people who have anything bad to say about it are discord shitposters.

      • 9 months ago

        was discord a thing in 2011?

  42. 9 months ago

    BW is 13 years and is still older than the anons that lurk here. Amazing!

  43. 9 months ago

    time flies

  44. 9 months ago

    >13 years
    Haha that can't be right, the DS is still fairly new after all, haha...

  45. 9 months ago

    Why did they not bring back seasons mechanic on gen 6 and later?

    • 9 months ago

      Normies complained about them making it take too long to catch certain pokemon. They wanted to be done with the game in a week or two and move on.

      • 9 months ago

        Get off your high horse. Literally everyone just went and changed their DS settings to get what they needed

        • 9 months ago

          nta I didn't because I'm not as insufferable as you are

    • 9 months ago

      Too much work for small indie dev team (don't ask how the small indie dev team managed to do it in the first place anyway)

    • 9 months ago

      GF wants every Gen to have their own "thing." And personally, I like that. It gives you a reason to go back to older games.

      • 9 months ago

        But the new thing in Gen 2 is it has a Day/Night cycle which they still keep even now

      • 9 months ago

        What is the "thing" from each gen that did not return for later ones?

        • 9 months ago

          I only know Radio is exclusive in Gen 2

    • 9 months ago
  46. 9 months ago

    >wanted to buy Black 2
    >cost a gorillion dollars now
    Oh no no no ignorant of the passage of time bros not like this

  47. 9 months ago

    Based not a big fan of gen 5 but got the guidebook today in its honor
    Rly looking forward to professor oak challenge run it tho
    Happy birthday B&W!

  48. 9 months ago

    >it’s been 13 years since Nagisa Kaworu

  49. 9 months ago

    >13 years later and Pokemon SV canonized the farting shitpost fanfiction BW populated by having bathrooms

  50. 9 months ago

    I love Generation V, it's so unloved yet it's probably one of the best generations.

    • 9 months ago

      It's only unloved if you were one of the spergs complaining about everything during launch period, and still holding those opinions to this.

      It's okay to be afraid of change, but, Unova changed almost jackshit about the franchise lmao.

  51. 9 months ago

    Damn I feel old.

  52. 9 months ago

    mid games

  53. 9 months ago


  54. 9 months ago

    I really think Gen4's success fooled a lot of us into thinking BW were worse than they really were.

    • 9 months ago

      No, gen 4 itself was pretty bad compared to gen 3.

  55. 9 months ago

    >average kalos forgetter

    • 9 months ago

      I like Kalos

  56. 9 months ago

    >still making brainlets seethe 13 years later
    Gen 5 is pretty good actually.

  57. 9 months ago

    >No fossils, daycare, or fishing rod before the post game
    What were they thinking?

  58. 9 months ago

    I remember pre-ordering white version when I was younger; being so excited the night before release that I couldn't sleep. I remember getting home from school, 2 badges in and never touched it again. I would eventually beat it years later, but it wasn't one I'd come back to.

    Said bad taste put me off the direct sequel (W2) for so long but when I finally played it...It's one of my favourites. The medals, pokemon variety, habitat list, side content. I love it all. I don't really care that the story doesn't take a front seat in a Pokemon game.

    Prime example: I got 3 badges in before putting down white version in a recent playthrough. I picked up the sequel again and I can't put it down again.

    • 9 months ago

      >BW was a boring slog and struggle to finish
      many such experiences

    • 9 months ago

      I was actually the opposite. B/W basically wrapped me around its finger while I found the sequel to be too much jangling keys and apologizing for doing things differently. I'd always wanted another game of entirely new mons and Black scratched that itch something fierce. I know there's some vitriol over a chunk of the Dex being remixes of Gen I mons but they have such better concepts and implementation that I can forgive that.

  59. 9 months ago

    13 years since I wanted a fossil Genesect form, or some other stuff like its body changing appearance type depending on the cassette equipped.
    It was never meant to be.

    • 9 months ago

      >a fossil Genesect form
      Maybe a Unova legends game might deliver

  60. 9 months ago


    Was posting the naked obese man with this really necessary?

  61. 9 months ago

    I was 13 when Gen 5 came out. Holy shit

  62. 9 months ago

    Best gen

  63. 9 months ago


    >kid is desperate
    Zoomzoom how's school?
    Sorry you missed pokemania and all the good shit back in the late 90s early 2000s, maybe next life eh?

  64. 9 months ago

    Mommy's gen

  65. 9 months ago

    >time really does fly when you're having fun

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