Has anyone try it? I wanna use it to run some solo games using John Carter 2d20

Has anyone try it?
I wanna use it to run some solo games using John Carter 2d20

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  1. 4 months ago

    Solo RPG threads happen on /tg/ fairly regularly. I've not used Mythic, but if you drop into


    solo RPG thread or even


    lewd RPG thread (mostly solo gaming)
    they will probably have a rundown for you if you ask nicely.

  2. 4 months ago

    The entire concept of solo games are fricking moronic.
    It's completely pointless masturbation, unironically find at least one player or just write a fricking book.

    • 4 months ago

      It continues to baffle me that some of you gays are so badly codependent that you can't even imagine someone else having fun without having their hand held.

    • 4 months ago

      >The entire concept of solo games are fricking moronic.
      I may agree if you put the concept of singleplayer videogames alongside.

      • 4 months ago

        I guess it makes sense that friendless losers who have to resort to solo TRPGs would think TRPGs have the same appeal as vidya.

        • 4 months ago

          This is the Traditional games board not Ganker.

          A nice cope for being so cripplingly autistic you can't find a single other human to engage in a fundamentally cooperative activity.
          Playing an RPG by yourself is fricking moronic and pointless. The core of RPGs is the dynamic between a player or players and a referee to define the world and rule on outcomes. Without that there is no structure you're just wiritng a book while wanking yourself off.

          You must be very unimaginative to think that, also solo isn't necessarily mutually exclusive to traditional ttrpgs. I can see a lot of use in employing solo procedure to generate and test scenarios.

          • 4 months ago

            >I can see a lot of use in employing solo procedure to generate and test scenarios.
            Except no, that's not true at all, actual playtesting is infinitely superior and will give far better results than jerking yourself off.

            • 4 months ago

              And with whom you're going to playtest moron? The very table to which the game you're designing is made for?
              Also generating scenarios through procedure is a fun in itself because drives your ideas towards not immediately apparent directions.

              • 4 months ago

                >And with whom you're going to playtest moron?
                My friends, which I've done several times to great success. Having 3-4 more sets of eyes looking at your system can expose problems you didn't know were there and give you new ideas you didn't know you needed in the system.
                >Also generating scenarios through procedure is a fun in itself
                It's incredibly dull and creatively bankrupt. It's literally just rolling on tables and that shit is boring as hell and done 1000x better by video games. If you want to play table rolling simulator, go play a video game so those of us with actual social skills can enjoy a SOCIAL HOBBY like TTRPGs together without you misanthropes.
                >drives your ideas towards not immediately apparent directions.
                Except not immediately apparent =/= good. It's far better to have multiple people giving feedback in real time. I speak from experience, but you wouldn't know anything about that since you live in a whiteroom because everyone hates your guts.

              • 4 months ago

                >"Thanks guys, the module design is finally completed with your help. Now let me run again the same shit you already experienced in beta"
                Yeah, you're talking out if your ass, also if you think that procedures stop at die roll makes even more apparent that you're an unimaginative midwit.

              • 4 months ago

                >Yeah, you're talking out if your ass
                No, you are. Anyone who would stoop so low as to make fricking modules isn't a real game developer. They're a secondary at best.
                >also if you think that procedures stop at die roll
                That's my point numbnuts, outside of die roll you're not going to get any decent work done without stress tests, and you aren't going to have any of those doing solo play.
                >even more apparent that you're an unimaginative midwit.
                Says the creatively bankrupt homosexual making a fricking module. I make actual games, modules are not games, they are lazy, creatively bankrupt dogshit that homosexuals with no game design skill make for existing systems made by their betters.

              • 4 months ago

                >Damage control: the post
                Yeah Black keep dancing for my amusement.

              • 4 months ago

                >those of us with actual social skills can enjoy a SOCIAL HOBBY like TTRPGs together without you misanthropes
                you can

                Right. TTRPGs are inherently social games. Antisocial misanthropes like (you) do not belong in the hobby, video games are more your speed.

                >Antisocial misanthropes like (you) do not belong in the hobby
                they're not in the hobby

              • 4 months ago

                You are really swinging between not wanting to play with misanthropes, to insisting that misanthrope must play with you. You need to pick a side and stick with it.

            • 4 months ago

              Procedures and numbers can be tested alone when you're designing a game from scratch.
              Why would I waste multiple of my friends time on uncalibrated playtests?

              • 4 months ago

                >Procedures and numbers can be tested alone when you're designing a game from scratch.
                Sure, but independent of other mechanics and the actual chaos of a real game being run with multiple people all doing different shit they're utterly useless for determining how a game is balanced unless it's some dogshit ruleslite garbage where everything is roll die compare to target with no actual meat on the bones.
                >Why would I waste multiple of my friends time on uncalibrated playtests?
                To get a true experience and understand all the moving parts at once rather than theorycrafting in a whiteroom. You can make all the calculations you want, but unless that shit works in actual play with actual players and actual mechanics you're wasting your time.

      • 4 months ago

        Solo games aren't moronic but solo ttrpgs definitely aren't rpgs.

        This is the Traditional games board not Ganker.

        It continues to baffle me that some of you gays are so badly codependent that you can't even imagine someone else having fun without having their hand held.

        A nice cope for being so cripplingly autistic you can't find a single other human to engage in a fundamentally cooperative activity.
        Playing an RPG by yourself is fricking moronic and pointless. The core of RPGs is the dynamic between a player or players and a referee to define the world and rule on outcomes. Without that there is no structure you're just wiritng a book while wanking yourself off.

        • 4 months ago

          >The core of RPGs is the dynamic between a player or players and a referee

          • 4 months ago

            Right. TTRPGs are inherently social games. Antisocial misanthropes like (you) do not belong in the hobby, video games are more your speed.

            • 4 months ago

              They aren't. Solo rules have been in the hobby almost from the start.
              Solo video games aren't any more like solo RPGs than multi-player video games are like multi-player RPGs.

            • 4 months ago

              Incorrect. RPGs are for people who can pass the breakfast test. Stop trying to fit in and accept that colouring books are your only recourse.

          • 4 months ago

            Wrong? Are we even debating this? Are you people so blinded by your desire to be "right" that you ignore basic truths?

            • 4 months ago

              What's to debate? It's nonsense.

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                Nice "argument".

              • 4 months ago

                It is obviously not an argument. You should refresh your reading comprehension classes.We just both agreed that there is no use debating this. Why would you ever expect an argument? Are you mentally moronic as well as illiterate?

              • 4 months ago

                You seemed to want a debate for some reason, but didn't post anything remotely resembling one. I'm baffled as to what you're even doing other than being horrified by the idea of someone enjoying themselves without a crowd of people around them.

    • 4 months ago

      Solo games aren't moronic but solo ttrpgs definitely aren't rpgs.

    • 4 months ago

      It's essential playtests of your own game designs

    • 4 months ago

      SPBP. The only people who participate in solo "gaming" are misanthropes who are so vile even the bottom of the tabletop gaming barrel won't tolerate their homosexualry.

    • 4 months ago

      What about anons who share their solo games on /tg/?

    • 4 months ago

      Idk anon, I’ve done both of those alternatives and I enjoy playing solo games more than either.

    • 4 months ago
  3. 4 months ago

    I've got it and variations, I use both. Either to run solo games for myself in systems or using themes/concepts my players wouldn't be interested in, or to learn a new system before introducing it to my group.
    I also use it for lewd games, because I don't bring my fetishes to the Tabletop, but rp'ing them is fun.

  4. 4 months ago

    I ve recently tried running it in Mythras. Got a couple hours in it. It has been going ok but it has a lot of moving parts that i haven't internalized yet and there is a lot of going back and forth in the book, to the point where i would really like to make a play procedures pdf and print it.
    It's worth a try i think

  5. 4 months ago

    morons are getting hung up on terminology because they think RPG means "game you have to play with other people" instead of it just meaning "Roleplaying Game" which Solo RPG players do not pretend to mean otherwise.

    • 4 months ago

      >No-games get butthurt when called on not playing pretend nor having any way to confirm they actually do, since they do it "solo"

      • 4 months ago

        >t. can only cum in a circlejerk

    • 4 months ago

      Are people really talking in character by themselves when they solo game?

      • 4 months ago

        If you don’t walk around your house doing thanos impressions, you’re not a real human

      • 4 months ago

        Depending on who you ask here, voicing your character and play-acting are not true roleplaying.

        • 4 months ago

          If you're doing it in a room by yourself most would call it schizophrenia.

  6. 4 months ago

    The chaos factor system is neat if you want the narrative progression to have that "what will happen next?" quality that's lost when you have too much control. The random event and table stuff is useful too. Everything else feels like a rule put in for people who are completely aimless and those who have no understanding of tension.

  7. 4 months ago

    >muh solo games
    There is already a containment thread for those pretentious homosexuals, so go fricking there

  8. 4 months ago

    I imagine the people who play solo rpgs do so underneath a bare bulb at 2am while Pink Floyd's "Great Gig in the Sky" plays in the background at a barely audible volume.

  9. 4 months ago

    Why do you homosexuals even pretend that the structure of an RPG even works when you're alone.
    A dungeon crawl boardgame works alone since it turns into a complex puzzle. Videogames work alone because they were structured by the developers.

    But playing an RPG by yourself makes zero sense. There no true challenge, no possible surprise or discovery, no true interaction. You decide at every moment if there is five goblins or ten. What is even the point compared to literally any other activity you could do yourself, it's utterly meaningless.

    • 4 months ago

      >no true challenge
      rpg challenges boil down to die rolls
      >no possible surprise or discovery
      Mythic GME does generate random events. Also fate questions are a way in which you learn new information. If you knew how Mythic GME worked, you'd know how wrong you are. Because each scene of your game can possibly be forced by the system to be a random event, the game can go into unexpected directions. Fate questions also mess around with the facts of the setting, further introducing random and unexpected details.

      • 4 months ago

        >rpg challenges boil down to die rolls
        Only if you reduce it down to absurdity, the context of those roles and the decisions behind them form the true base of the game.
        >Mythic GME does generate random events. Also fate questions are a way in which you learn new information.
        Yes everyone uses random event tables when playing RPGs but there are clear limitations to them. Like repetition or having to bend reality to make it fit.
        And it still robs the true enjoyment of cooperative play and the surprise it brings when someone does something you never could have expected or changes the flow of the entire game through their decisions outside of your control.


        Please make a single friend for your own sake.

        • 4 months ago

          >And it still robs the true enjoyment of cooperative play and the surprise it brings when someone does something you never could have expected or changes the flow of the entire game through their decisions outside of your control.
          Except when the guy rolling a couple of words on a random table by himself does more improvised storytelling than the GM who has a table full of players but starts crying and shitting the second they diverge from his railroad.

          • 4 months ago

            Really not beating the cynical misanthrope accusations.

        • 4 months ago

          You obviously have never played a solo game, (or even have a clue as to what they actually are,) if you think you can't be surprised by the outcomes of tables or oracles. Solo roleplaying games use GM Emulators and oracles specifically to change the flow of the game and bring it outside of your control.

          Not everyone plays because they can't find a group. Some people honestly prefer solo play over playing with a group:
          >You can play whenever you want for as long as you want
          >You can play whatever you want. Whatever system, whatever character, whatever setting.
          >You don't have to wait for your turn.
          >You can focus on whichever aspects you prefer in a game. If you just like combat, you can do that. If you just like role playing, you can just focus on that.
          >You can try out things you can't comfortably or easily do in a group.
          >Your game is only limited by your own imagination and capacity for juggling characters, plot-points, and content in your head
          >Your game is largely left untouched by the FotM bullshit that everyone else is talking about in their group games. (Don't like a system, genre, trend, or fad that's currently going on in the tabletop gaming zeitgeist? You never even have to hear about it.)

          • 4 months ago

            You can also both solo-roleplay and play with a group.

            • 4 months ago

              Whaaaat? You think people can choose to do BOTH things? No way!

              • 4 months ago

                I mean it somehow isn't self-evident for the wannabe "I have friends" "normie" larpers who think they should imitate thr guy that bullied them in hs

              • 4 months ago

                >"I have friends" "normie" larpers
                Real normies don't brag about "having friends" and "being social." They assume that's the default.

        • 4 months ago

          >Please make a single friend for your own sake.
          You're an butthole, and then you wonder why I'd rather play a better game by myself then subject myself to sitting at a table with people like you.

    • 4 months ago

      >muh solo games
      There is already a containment thread for those pretentious homosexuals, so go fricking there

      Solo games aren't moronic but solo ttrpgs definitely aren't rpgs.

      The entire concept of solo games are fricking moronic.
      It's completely pointless masturbation, unironically find at least one player or just write a fricking book.

    • 4 months ago

      >There no true challenge, no possible surprise or discovery, no true interactio
      Skill issue

  10. 4 months ago

    >ITT: confidently incorrect morons who have no idea what they're talking about
    Mythic is great btw - works well for coop/gmless games too.

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