Has Beamdog been dethroned by an even more egregiously dogshit enhanced edition made by 'fans'?

Has Beamdog been dethroned by an even more egregiously dogshit enhanced edition made by 'fans'?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Wouldn't know, I've never installed a Beamdog version and have zero desire to replay IWD2. Seems like a thread created as an attempt to cause a nerd slapfight.

  2. 4 months ago

    everyone seems to really like iwd2ee and its now the golden standard for rpg fan projects

    • 4 months ago

      >golden standard for rpg fan projects
      Not when Barkley, Shut up and Jam: Gaiden exists and is yet to be topped.

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      >golden standard for rpg fan projects

      • 4 months ago

        None of these are fun or good or even creative.

    • 4 months ago

      personally I REALLY liked this mod, probably in my top 5 crpg experiences
      I hadn't heard much until I saw a thread here and decided to play it after seeing that you could fly, turn into a ghost, and blow shit around (in infinity engine) with wind gust
      pretty cool shit that didnt seem like just a gimmick, actually useful in combat which is what IWD is all about

      only thing I remember from my vanilla play through years ago was how fricking tedious just about every zone was (also buggy as hell)
      >really out of place time puzzle
      >ice b***h that you have to kill in spirit form? mine bugged out of course costing me hours
      >monastery ninja warrior montage, this also bugged out costing me hours
      >999 rounds of battle square
      all mostly fixed in EE it seemed to me

      all the people complaining about how its not faithful or w/e the frick are moronic imo, its actually fun which is more than can be said about 90% of the brand new AAA games coming out now

      • 4 months ago

        >t. got filtered by the REAL battle at big bridge


  3. 4 months ago

    Best ee ever
    It's a mod though

  4. 4 months ago

    I don’t like the iwd2 EE. I would’ve liked it if it stayed in its lane and merely updated the original with QoL features and improvements but it adds all kinds of ridiculous shit that’s not based in the original game or tabletop. It’s not an improved version of the original, it’s a completely different game. It’s bloated troony fan fiction.

    • 4 months ago

      Isn't it incredibly modular and you can choose exactly what feature you want installed?

      • 4 months ago

        >Isn't it incredibly modular and you can choose exactly what feature you want installed?
        Possibly, but the stupidity of what I saw convinced me that the developers had poor taste and judgement, and that I was no longer interested in playing their mod. I just replayed the game vanilla instead.

    • 4 months ago

      >I would’ve liked it if it stayed in its lane and merely updated the original with QoL features and improvements but it adds all kinds of ridiculous shit
      its modular. You could just not install those components.
      > It’s not an improved version of the original, it’s a completely different game.
      Yes a completely different game: an actually good one, as opposed to vanilla IWD2 which is a rushed and unfinished game

      • 4 months ago

        >You could just not install those components.
        You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?
        Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.
        A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.
        Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
        Therefore by their fruits you will know them.

        • 4 months ago

          Allow me to interject for a moment but you may temporally get some bad eggs from a sick hen

        • 4 months ago

          It's a video game mod not a tree dumb frick.

          • 4 months ago

            >t. IQ two sigma below mean prevents comprehending metaphor
            Sad, many such cases

            • 4 months ago

              It's been a bad metaphor ever since it was put to parchment.

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Just edit your save if you want to cheat.

      • 4 months ago

        >QoL features
        What did he mean by this?

  5. 4 months ago

    IWD2 was never good but this mod made it 10 times worse

    • 4 months ago

      >IWD2 was never good
      It's kinda the bastard stepchild of all the infinity engine games. Was the only one I never beat back in the day. Now that I finished it, I'll probably never replay it.

  6. 4 months ago

    I might be the only one who thinks this, but I enjoyed the Icewind Dale games more than Baldur's Gate.

    • 4 months ago

      You’re not the only one, I’ve heard that before. Personally I like BG 1 and 2 but IWD has a different vibe and I can see why some would prefer it. Full party character creation is a plus too (can do it in BG but with a workaround, not intended)

    • 4 months ago

      BG1 is kinda meh overall and BG2 cursed crpg's with its focus on romance and solving your developers OCs side-characters issues.
      Nah, I prefer the party-building of the ID games, it's atmosphere, music, aesthetic, tone and stronger focus on pure gameplay (dungeon crawling).

      • 4 months ago

        >ID games, it's atmosphere, music, aesthetic, tone
        Esp iwd 1 excels at these.

      • 4 months ago

        >with its focus on romance

        The only romance that is even somewhat expanded upon is the Jaheira one. Viconia and Aerie have both, in total, about 20 minutes of content, with Nalia, Valygar, and Haer'Dalis all cut from the game.
        This notion of "it focused on romances" is completely erroneous. They were an afterthought. BioWare simply hit gold because - surprise, surprise - romances and intimate relationships are integral part of life, so when you roleplay one, you want it, as well, especially since it's much, much less embarrassing than doing it with PnP.

        • 4 months ago

          >romances and intimate relationships are integral part of life, so when you roleplay one, you want it, as well
          by that logic you should include desk-jobs in rpgs
          no, frick you, give me adventure, miss me with that VN shit

          • 4 months ago

            >you should include desk-jobs in rpgs
            You mean like Papers, Please? Or Return of the Obra Dinn?

        • 4 months ago

          BG2 did it well, but they clearly had no idea just how dangerous a trend they were setting. If the devs knew then where romances would wind up, they never would have done it.

          • 4 months ago

            Is that why the same devs kept doing it in consequent games? Also, let's not exaggerate - there was a period of many years where only BioWare were introducing fleshed out romances and relationships in their RPGs. Black Isle (Fallout 2); Bethesda (Fallout 3) or Troika (Arcanum) added sexuality and romances either as jokes and/or in a much reduced capacity.

    • 4 months ago

      There are millions of people with an extra chromosome that might also like IWD more than BG.

      • 4 months ago

        I'm not an Anunnaki and whoever told you otherwise doesn't know anything about us.

    • 4 months ago

      naw, I've always liked IWD way more than BG

    • 4 months ago

      I'm with you anon
      IWD took away a lot of the stuff I didn't like about BG and just left the dungeon crawling/fighting
      Sometimes you reach a point where you don't want to do all the extra stuff (like talking) and you'd rather go out and just kill stuff

      • 4 months ago

        I actually think people who say BG1 is better than IWD are mentally moronic, because the reasons they almost always give are completely imaginary; BG1 has no choices and no reactivity, so the only difference between the linearity of IWD and BG1 is that BG1 has a lot of filler - dogshit quests and gigantic maps with little to do in them. IWD simply cuts out the fat and gets right to gameplay. IWD has better encounter design, better aesthetics and full party creation. If anyone is seriously playing BG1 for the "story" they are definitely mentally moronic.

        BG2 is a more understandable preference since there is a lot of npc interaction, some minor choice and reactivity and it has a very good/diverse bestiary and great itemization.

        • 4 months ago

          >great itemization
          Whoa there, BG2 has terrible itemization. They give you super items before every encounter to trivialize it. Zero decision making required.

          • 4 months ago

            >They give you super items before every encounter to trivialize it
            List five examples. You say this every thread about bg3 and you never cite a single example. I can’t think of anything close to this except maybe the gear in Firkraags dungeon.

            • 4 months ago

              >List five examples.
              Athkatla spoonfeeds you daystar which wrecks everything right up until the end of SoA.
              You get the anti level drain amulet right before the tomb.
              Firkraag gives you fire gear.
              Mindflayers give you brine juice that makes you immune to everything.
              You get the super cape from the fish guys before underdark.

              and a bunch of other stuff, idk im too drunk to think right now

              • 4 months ago

                oh and the very first trader you see in the game gives you a shield that makes all beholders in the game a non-issue lmao

              • 4 months ago

                >Athkatla spoonfeeds you daystar
                Daystar is good, yes, but it's a completely optional area that many people miss. It's neither spoonfed to you, nor is it conveniently placed before any kind of dungeon or quest in which you need it.
                >You get the anti level drain amulet right before the tomb
                Good example.
                >Firkraag gives you fire gear
                I mentioned this in my post, this now counts as -1 example.
                >Mindflayers give you brine juice that makes you immune to everything
                Eh, sorta. Does make you immune to psionics, doesn't make you immune to getting your brain sucked out (sure hope your warrior didn't dump INT to 3 to min max!). You're also locked in that dungeon so if they didn't give you a crutch, it would be easy for a bad/inexperienced player to be softlocked in there and unable to progress, which is likely why it was added.
                >You get the super cape from the fish guys before underdark
                Eh, I had to look up the one you're talking about. Cloak of mirroring? Pretty good, but also you played the Beamdog troony version of the game that inexplicably buffed the shit out of it, and also it's just a powerful magic item that you get 2/3rds of the way through a game that goes from the mid-to-epic levels. And it's not really more relevant to the Underdark than any other portion of the game. Weak example.

                oh and the very first trader you see in the game gives you a shield that makes all beholders in the game a non-issue lmao

                >oh and the very first trader you see in the game gives you a shield that makes all beholders in the game a non-issue lmao
                This wasn't in the base game, it was in an obscure pre-order bonus, and has to be modded in to the game. You can buy it from an optional merchant, it's not "given" to you. It does trivialize beholders, true, hence it being traditionally called the "Shield of Cheese" and most players choose to not use it. It's also not given to you near or immediately before the beholder dungeon, the only place in the game it's really useful. Weak example.

              • 4 months ago

                If you're going to say things don't count for arbitrary reasons don't ask. No one wants to have a discussion with a moron. Another example: The troll keep showering you with fire and poison arrows, and then the flail. I played through the whole game and noted each time this happens, it was pretty much every dungeon.

              • 4 months ago

                >If you're going to say things don't count for arbitrary reasons don't ask. No one wants to have a discussion with a moron. Another example: The troll keep showering you with fire and poison arrows, and then the flail. I played through the whole game and noted each time this happens, it was pretty much every dungeon.
                Now you're shifting the goalposts, and when called out for your low-quality examples, you call it "arbitrary". Methinks the "lady" doth protest too much.
                Your original claim was
                >They give you super items before every encounter to trivialize it
                and you struggle to name more than a couple of examples, in a sprawling and lengthy game. Level drain amulet, sure, Firekraag dungeon, sure (I pointed that one out myself, as an example). Troll keep and tools to kill trolls, sure (did you also complain about the copious fire damage potions sprinkled throughout IWD2 to kill the trolls in that game?). Then you're really reaching after that. "There's a powerful magic sword in the game" is simply moronic. Same with "there's a powerful magical cape in an epic-level adventure", neither of those things are directly related to, or trivialize, the content that follows them. Likewise with Balduran's Shield, that wasn't even in the base game. If you found that right before the beholder dungeon you'd have a point, but you don't.

              • 4 months ago

                >There's a powerful magic sword in the game" is simply moronic.
                How is giving you a +4 sword right out the gate that does bonus damage against 90% of enemies in the game "moronic"? And you're defending adding broken dlc items in the game, another excellent feature pioneered by bioware. It's almost like this game is complete cancer. All these black isle/early bioware cultists are always goyslop loving shitters that can't handle playing anything else and try to drag everyone else down with them. Like you go to the vampire dungeon and they have free wooden stakes all over the place. Who the frick defends this shit lmao? And we're not even getting into the billions of potions and scrolls the games give you, because God forbid it discouraged you from running a full party of broken casters with resource throttling, too hard for bioware diapers.

              • 4 months ago

                >How is giving you a +4 sword right out the gate
                It's a +2 that does double damage against undead. You played the troony fan fic version of the game where Beamdog went in and fricked everything up, it wasn't +4 in the original game.
                >that does bonus damage against 90% of enemies in the game
                90% of the enemies in the game aren't undead. You resort to hyperbole because you're backed into a corner and you know you're wrong, but you can't admit it.
                >And you're defending adding broken dlc items in the game
                I'm doing no such thing, I'm pointing out that the item you're referring to 1. Wasn't in the base game, and 2. Isn't given to you immediately before the beholder dungeon, which is the phenomenon you're complaining about and alleging to happen in every dungeon in the game.
                >Like you go to the vampire dungeon and they have free wooden stakes all over the place
                Literally the only way to kill them. I guess they could've had a merchant sell them and require you to bring your own?

                Don't forget to dilate.

              • 4 months ago

                >You played the troony fan fic version of the game where Beamdog
                Every bg2 cultist plays SCS which exclusively updates for EE. (IWD2EE doesn't have this problem, by the way)
                >90% of the enemies in the game aren't undead
                Daystar strikes as a +4 weapon against all evil opponents, which is virtually all opponents.
                >Literally the only way to kill them. I guess they could've had a merchant sell them and require you to bring your own?
                God forbid you had to prepare for a dungeon after being told items were necessary for it. That's far too much thinking.
                >le dilate
                Go be a troony obsessed freak loser somewhere else, you can hang out with the enlightened 12 year olds on sharty.

              • 4 months ago

                >Every bg2 cultist
                Good thing there aren't any of those in this discussion!
                >plays SCS
                What's that got to do with what's being discussed? I tried it for BG1 and wasn't impressed, never tried it for BG2. Adds puzzle game gameplay to mage wank where you have to use a precise order of spells to remove enemy protections. Not my cup of tea.
                >IWD2EE doesn't have this problem, by the way
                The IWD2EE doesn't require the IWD2EE? What a selling point.
                >Daystar strikes as a +4 weapon against all evil opponents
                1. This was only changed in the Beamdog fan fiction mod, not in the original game.
                2. This is still not an example of "you're about to go into a dungeon, here's an item that trivializes the threat in that dungeon by making you immune". It's a good weapon in a game full of good weapons.
                >God forbid you had to prepare for a dungeon after being told items were necessary for it
                If you want to argue that it's gamey and silly to find stakes to kill a vampire in a vampire's lair, and it would be more realistic to require the player to bring their own stakes, then sure, that's a reasonable argument, and I agree with you there. However, the stakes do not in any way "trivialize" the dungeon, as you still need to "kill" them the traditional way before the stakes are useful, the stakes merely allow the player to finish off the helpless and defeated vampire.
                Literally who?

              • 4 months ago

                >The IWD2EE doesn't require the IWD2EE?
                There is no beamdog version of EE, it's entirely made by fans, so they aren't tied down to a shit version of the game for the entire foreseeable future.

              • 4 months ago

                You are correct, however the argument of the anon to whom I was responding was a non-sequitur. I pointed out that the weapon he was attempting to cite to support his argument was modified by Beamdog in their “EE” and was not so in the original game, and he attempted to deflect by claiming that anyone who still plays BG2 must be using the EE because a mod they must play requires it (I replayed BG2 within the last year, never used SCS, never gonna play the EE)

              • 4 months ago

                I don't know why you think a bug preventing a weapon from working properly is an upside.

              • 4 months ago

                >I don't know why you think a bug preventing a weapon from working properly is an upside.
                You are incorrect. There was no bug to fix and the weapon already worked great, and Beamdog's change radically improved the weapon. In the base game, it's a +2 longsword, that has an additional +2 to hit evil enemies, additional +2 to damage vs evil enemies, and doubles weapon+enchantment damage to undead (adding an extra 1d8+2 magic damage versus undead). Beamdog increased the enhancement bonus to +4 (!) and kept the +2 to hit vs evil and +2 damage vs evil on top of this, so not only is it capable of hitting almost any enemy in the game, when it wasn't before (many of the hardest foes are immune to weapons of +2 enhancement bonus or lower), but that means Beamdog also gave it an extra +2 to hit evil, +2 damage vs evil, and +2 damage vs undead, on top of what it already had.

              • 4 months ago

                No, you are arguing with a strawman because you're a delusional biodrone.

              • 4 months ago

                >t. has completely ran out of arguments
                I accept your concession.

          • 4 months ago

            You're a moron. BG2 has awesome itemization. Most of the examples you gave are only really relevant to people who've beaten the game already and you can't fault the dev team for ensuring even morons like you can make it through. You can't say BG2 itemization sucks because they put a pretty good long sword behind a lich in the city. Only a veteran player will know how to get the sword, or even know that it's there. Most people are going to get rekt by that Lich and actually killing him or stealing it will be expensive. Furthermore, it's really only useful if you have a char with the proficiency in longsword, which applies to most other strong items. It's only easy for someone who's beaten the game to "know". BG2 items are 100% handmade. There are a ton of well made, awesome items. Tons of each item type with many varied effects. They just don't make games like this anymore. Furthermore, if you're complaining about power creep, you need to understand that they weren't in the original SoA. For anyone who just bought the normal game, there were no bonus merchants or EE additions. I will concede that the items introduced by them are too much, but for the OG game that is simply not a valid argument. It is Diablo style randomization that's the true plague on gaming. Also, as a D&D based RPG it is totally up to you whether or not you want to partake in certain items, spells, abilities, strategies or tactics. The game us intentionally unbalanced so that the PC can mold the experience to his liking. Games these days don't let you do that and it sucks. It's like turning the fun meter down in a single player RPG because Karen says something is unbalanced. Frick off.

        • 4 months ago

          >BG1 has a lot of filler - dogshit quests and gigantic maps with little to do in them. IWD simply cuts out the fat and gets right to gameplay
          Did you ever stop to consider that maybe the quests and the exploration of bg1 is, in fact, the gameplay? And that dungeon crawling and combat in iwd1 is the gameplay of that game? They’re different games with different focuses. You are an utter pseud.

          • 4 months ago

            >id you ever stop to consider that maybe the quests and the exploration of bg1 is, in fact, the gameplay?
            its not, theres zero reason to go into the wilderness and you're wrong

          • 4 months ago

            >Did you ever stop to consider that maybe the quests and the exploration of bg1 is, in fact, the gameplay?
            Yes I did, and I said it was dogshit. You're an idiot.

            You could remove 90% of the maps from BG1 and 100% of the dogshit fedex quests and it would be a BETTER GAME. It would be comparable to a BETTER game called Icewind Dale.

            • 4 months ago

              They're different games with different feels. Some people enjoy a comfy "tromping through the woods with a low level DnD party, doing menial quests to scrape together enough gold for some new gear". The idiot is you for not understanding that other people can like different things than you like and for different reasons than you like things, but you trannies and your estrogen pills, which impair your reasoning, are chronically unable to distinguish between your subjective opinions and objective facts. I like BG1 and IWD for different reasons and have enjoyed both games, but I wouldn't insult someone who prefers one or the other, because they're different styles of games that are appealing for different reasons. homosexual.

              • 4 months ago

                The overworld of BG1 is just bad and boring, not even that anon and good for you that you still managed to enjoy it. But it's not the same as actual dungeons with layouts and encounter design.

              • 4 months ago

                >The overworld of BG1 is just bad and boring
                By modern standards maybe, but it was well received at the time. Nowadays open worlds are done to death so early attempts like BG1s seem pretty dated

              • 4 months ago

                Games don't age, if it's bad now it was always bad.

              • 4 months ago

                >Games don't age, if it's bad now it was always bad.
                Strongly disagree. There's always a floating cutoff where, although a game may have been revolutionary, influential, and lots of fun in its day, it's simply janky, clunky, and borderline-unplayable today. This doesn't mean it's a bad game, it just means its a product of its time and should be viewed as such. Where this cut-off is exactly depends on the individual, what contemporaneous games they've played, and one's personal tolerance for jank. It's easier to replay old games if you have nostalgia for it because you played it as a kid, while someone who is trying to play it for the first time and has no attachment to it might dislike it and find it unbearable.

              • 4 months ago

                >This doesn't mean it's a bad game
                Yeah it literally does and there's hundreds of games that still hold up today. The only thing that has changed is your ignorance, but you are too provideful to accept you were ignorant and got fleeced. Playing and praising shit games because they are old is not commendable. The age of a game does not make it more enjoyable.

              • 4 months ago

                *too prideful

              • 4 months ago

                >a bunch of projection and strawman arguments

              • 4 months ago

                >But it's not the same as actual dungeons
                It's not a dungeon-crawling game. It was never intended to be, although there are some dungeons in it (they're fairly flimsy, the only real one is in the expansion). For those who prefer a game focused on dungeon-crawling and combat, that's what IWD was for. If you prefer a heavily dungeon crawling focused game, then fair enough, that's personal preference.

              • 4 months ago

                >The overworld of BG1 is just bad and boring

                The overworld of BG1 is the best, true to the pen&paper version version of this part of the Forgotten Realms in a video game. Period.

                You are just accustomed to Disney Park overworlds where you crash with a mind flayer ship, meet a demon, a gith, a vampire, a tiefling refuge camp in a druid grove and fight a drow priestess on your first day of adventuring. OmG So AwEsOmE!

        • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      I'm with you anon
      IWD took away a lot of the stuff I didn't like about BG and just left the dungeon crawling/fighting
      Sometimes you reach a point where you don't want to do all the extra stuff (like talking) and you'd rather go out and just kill stuff

      There is another aspect why Icewind Dale could be considered "better".
      In a weird way it is a better role-playing game than BG, because you can actually role-play whatever you want. You are not forced to be a Bhaalspawn.

      What the Baldurs Gate games (1, 2 and Throne of Bhaal) have over Icewind Dale is the huge story arc, potential for your main character and NPC party interactions.

      Different itches to scratch:

      You want grow from a lowly 1 Lvl character to a Lvl 30 demi-god with a god option at the end: Baldur's Gate 1, 2 and Throne of Bhaal
      You want to be an adventurer in the Forgotten Realms without the Bhaalspawn baggage: Icewind Dale

      • 4 months ago

        >Different itches to scratch
        This is why I like both games for different reasons.

      • 4 months ago

        >Symbaroum pic
        Now that would be a cool setting for a dungeon crawler computer RPG.

  7. 4 months ago

    Is it finally out? What makes it so bad or is it just the typical "everything is shit" 4chins mentality at play

    • 4 months ago

      I like it a lot. Adds great items, repairs quests, adds HD, changes enemies and encounters and their ai and is overall the to go experience. It repairs broken classes and adds 100 spells.

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, it's great and you can choose what new stuff you want to install. It's just the new thing bad b***hing as usual.

    • 4 months ago

      It changes quite a bit of you install all options. Also, significantly increases difficulty, similar to SCS.

    • 4 months ago

      >What makes it so bad or is it just the typical "everything is shit" 4chins mentality at play
      We had like 4 bump limit threads on it during the first week, it's just the usual moron

      • 4 months ago

        >We had like 4 bump limit threads on it during the first week
        Why do you lie like this? The first thread took a week to hit the bump limit (fairly rapid for /vrpg/, I'll admit), the second one took two weeks, and the third one took over four weeks.

        • 4 months ago

          >>We had like 4 bump limit threads on it during the first week
          >Why do you lie like this? The first thread took a week to hit the bump limit (fairly rapid for /vrpg/, I'll admit), the second one took two weeks, and the third one took over four weeks.
          Note how he didn’t reply to this, either. Just compulsively lying about basic facts that are easily checked by anyone. Sometimes lying about the very thread they’re posting in. He is of his father, the father of lies.

          • 4 months ago

            >Note how he didn’t reply to this,
            Probably because he's right and that actually happened, and you are wrong. Now you are grasping at different posts because you lost the last argument. Why would anyone want to have a discussion with you when your entire modus operandi is:
            >Game is the worst thing ever because *random absurd claim X*
            >X doesn't exist you made that up, we will now have a 300 post back and forth with half the board calling you a moron as you repeat the same thing over and over while screaming about blacks and trannies
            >UHHHHHHH Game is the worst thing ever because *random absurd claim Y*
            >rinse and repeat
            Just swallow a shotgun, this is ridiculous. Every post you make is poison.

          • 4 months ago

            There was multiple bump limit threads on day 1 lmao

            • 4 months ago

              >There was multiple bump limit threads on day 1 lmao
              IWD2EE came out on November 4th. /vrpg/ got roughly 1200-1500 posts per day that first week, with a 500 post bump limit. You're going to say with a straight face that IWD2EE was 80%+ of the traffic on this board? Why do you lie so badly? Is this the power of chutzpah?

              >Note how he didn’t reply to this,
              Probably because he's right and that actually happened, and you are wrong. Now you are grasping at different posts because you lost the last argument. Why would anyone want to have a discussion with you when your entire modus operandi is:
              >Game is the worst thing ever because *random absurd claim X*
              >X doesn't exist you made that up, we will now have a 300 post back and forth with half the board calling you a moron as you repeat the same thing over and over while screaming about blacks and trannies
              >UHHHHHHH Game is the worst thing ever because *random absurd claim Y*
              >rinse and repeat
              Just swallow a shotgun, this is ridiculous. Every post you make is poison.

              >that actually happened
              Go ahead and post the archive links to these "four bump limit threads the first week". You won't, because that shit didn't happen. That would've been like 20% of the entire board.
              Posted the 5th, ended on the 11th, about a week. (this thread was specifically about the EE)
              Posted on the 10th, ended on the 18th, about a week. (this thread was about vanilla IWD2, but also included discussion of the EE)
              Posted on the 18th, ended on the 2nd, about two weeks. (this thread was specifically about the EE)
              >https://arch.b4k.co/vrpg/thread/3295378/#3295378 (this thread was about vanilla IWD2, but also included discussion of the EE)
              Posted on the 1st, ended on the 29th, about four weeks.

              Four bump limit threads in two months, with two of the four threads being about vanilla IWD2, and not explicitly the EE. I even noted that, admittedly, a thread hitting the bump limit in a week was fairly fast for a slow board like /vrpg/, but you homosexuals can't even be like "shit it wasn't literal, it was just a figure of speech for how fast the board was moving", no, you have to literally insist that we were getting 2,000 posts per day about a troony mod for a two-decade old niche game.

  8. 4 months ago

    IWD2EE is better than bg1 and 2, so there's no reason to play them now.

  9. 4 months ago

    >the iwd2EE troony discord has entered the chat

  10. 4 months ago

    Gotta say just having AoO and real 3e sneak attack changes the feel of combat a lot. Really fun mod especially for me who has played infinity engine games since I was a kid

  11. 4 months ago

    >bioware gives you ope-ope items
    Half of them are meant to be easter eggs to reward people who explored everything. Once internet spoiled all of that they became free overpowered items. The other half is essentially proto-overpowered-DLC-for$$$, which was decline. Something like Robe of Vecna should have been gated behind an insanely difficult fight like Rogue Rebalancing Vendrus to justify that kind of power.

    Also nobody gives you items. You're in control of your own game. If you're a Black person who goes full meta knowledge and then complains that game is too easy or devs are tarded, it's your own fault.

    • 4 months ago

      >The other half is essentially proto-overpowered-DLC-for$$$
      I don't think that was the intention, I think they heard complaints about gold being useless so they made a shop full of expensive powerful items to spend it on.

  12. 4 months ago

    >Current (bad) game:
    >Better than old (good) bioware

    >Current (bad) game:
    >Worse than old (good) bioware + modding community

    There I said it, and it really IS that simple. Yes the original BG1 and BG2 suck dick now, but when you add all the cool mods like SCS, Rogue Rebalancing, Tweaks etc. The game is unbeatable. And the only real reason for it is due to scripting. Modern devs can't code or script for shit, so they bloat difficulty with mass waves or do autismstats like Owlcucks. That kind of difficulty is not fun, hence no longlivety. It's why Kingmaker and Wrath are pretty much dead save for a cadre of autist-builders with no life, but to their disadvantage they don't mod Kingmaker or Wrath. There will NOT be an SCS for Shitmaker and Wrath of Trannies, hence they suck.

    TL:DR: Wake me up when SCS exists for new (bad) games. Otherwise, shut the frick up, and accept the simple fact of the matter that your game exists only to farm plebs with "Whoa!" factor and possibly whitewash money for the mafiaBlack folk.

  13. 4 months ago

    Some stuff in the mod is good, some is moronic OP bullshit that's thrown in there just because. And you can't get rid of the moronic shit like OP spells or items without completely skipping the responding module.

  14. 4 months ago

    You homies b***hing about Daystar when the real game breaking OP weapon is Flail of Ages due to its insane non-save Slow on hit. Or the speed weapons like Belm. Or Improved Haste. Someone was high as a kite when designing those things.

    • 4 months ago

      He brought up daystar as an example of his complaint that “every dungeon in the game is trivialized by some overpowered item you get right before it” and I pointed out repeatedly that daystar is a poor example to support that claim.

  15. 4 months ago

    Give this IP to Larian already, can't wait to play Icewind Dale from them.

    • 4 months ago

      7/10 bait

  16. 4 months ago

    I honestly feel like there's no reason to play bg1 and 2 anymore. I stopped recommending them to beginners. They're not good entry level games any more and the danger of them not moving on to better things and instead living in a hugbox is too great. Better to forget them.

    • 4 months ago

      You got BTFO so you want to take your ball and go home with it. Sour grapes.

      • 4 months ago

        This is my first time posting in this thread. I genuinely believe bg2 is like a 3/10 on the crpg quality scale and only morons like it.

        • 4 months ago

          >This is my first time posting in this thread
          You're lying. You avatargay so much that you think you can get away with pretending to be someone else without avatargayging, but you have a very particular posting style, opinions, and favored words, and you stick out like a sore thumb. I can easily recognize your posts, and the board is worse for them.

          • 4 months ago

            You actually need meds.

            • 4 months ago

              nah, he's not wrong, i recognize your posting style too troon

              • 4 months ago

                When you bump the bg2 thread and scurry straight to this one it sort of makes your mental illness obvious. You need to try harder than attacking ghosts and shadows. To IWD2EE's credit, there doesn't appear to be any criticism of the game in this thread, but heaps of criticism of BG2, which leads me to believe you haven't played IWD2EE or you're too stupid to evaluate games critically, or perhaps IWD2EE truly is many magnitudes better than any iteration of BG2. All around low quality posts regardless of whether it was one person or a team effort, you are not doing this board any favors by posting here.

      • 4 months ago

        >if I post dumb shit over and over and act pigheaded that means I beat my opponent

    • 4 months ago


  17. 4 months ago


    Where is the criticism? I don't see any. I don't like thing is not a criticism.

  18. 4 months ago


    >Some stuff in the mod is good, some is moronic OP bullshit that's thrown in there just because
    Actually, IWD2EE has been thoroughly patched since release day and it's much more balanced than BG2 ever was, so I'm not sure how this is an issue unless you really, really dislike bg2 as well, which would be understandable.

  19. 4 months ago


    >Post nose.
    Anyone else notice how the dumbest and most poorly thought out posts are always /misc/tards? This is making me want to vote democrat.

    • 4 months ago

      >t. deflecting member of the long nose tribe
      Look at the kvetching when called out on the simplest and most unnecessary lies.

      • 4 months ago

        Dig the hole deeper.

        • 4 months ago

          Isn't that what you were doing in NY?

          • 4 months ago

            Looks like you completely dropped your argument about the game to spew dumb /misc/ shit, of course you like braindead goyfeed like bg2. Bet you bump TES and NV threads every day too while thinking you're super smart and le redpilled for filling your head with slop.

  20. 4 months ago


    "I dont like it" is not a criticism. It's an opinion, with no value. Critique has to be substantial; it has to actually be about something, not just your opinion. Any idiot can say he likes or doesn't like something.

    What's more is these "criticism" posts are from the same person, which is you. You're so upset about this mod in such a characteristically stupid way that I can immediately identify who you are from that very first thread, despite this ostensibly being an anonymous board. Your posting follows a pattern of people ignoring your trite opinion, then you resorting to /misc/ tier shitposting about trannies and israelites to get. Before I had you pegged as the kind of moron who has nothing substantial to say but wants attention anyway, but now I'm thinking there's something more interesting at work here, because theres no way this isnt personal for you. Did one of these EE trannies rape you or something?

    • 4 months ago

      >we're reaching levels of projection that shouldn't even be possible
      I was actually interested in the mod before it came out. I don't have strong feelings about the mod either way, I stated my opinion earlier in the thread: I looked at the changelist and while some of it was appealing, they added too much bloat and changes I didn't want in my game, and so I chose to not use it. What I was looking for was just QoL improvements, not content changes. I firmly believe "less is more" for modding. If people enjoy playing it and think it's fun, then that's great for them. I was the OP of the fourth thread of the ones I linked above, and I explicitly stated that EE chat was welcome for anons who were playing the EE.

      However, there's a very vocal minority of posters on this board who get emotionally invested into games and get incredibly defensive when they're criticized, as the game is now an extension of their self. Most notable examples I've seen are IWD2EE and BG3, for whatever reason they only seem to be into cRPGs, I don't see this kind of behavior in the weeb threads (I usually just ignore those). It's extremely telling when they want to hysterically argue and triple down on matters of objective fact that they're incorrect about, not merely subjective takes or opinions. Like a dude in that first thread got all assblasted because he couldn't tell the difference that the mod had changed something from vanilla, and obstinately insisted that the modified behavior was the vanilla behavior. So they engage in very dishonest behavior, they samegay, they lie, and they project it all onto the other.
      >*gets emotionally invested in some dumb mod*
      >no YOU'RE emotionally invested
      >no YOU'RE samegayging
      >*brings up trannies and Black folk*
      >no YOU'RE bringing up trannies and Black folk
      It's all so tiresome.
      I don't particularly give two shits about the IWD2EE, but it is entertaining to argue with morons who are wrong, but vainly insist they're right.

      • 4 months ago

        Like look at Mahirotroony/Moeblob in this very thread. Wanted to argue about BG2, said a bunch of wrong and dumb shit in this thread, I helpfully corrected him with factual information, he got BTFO, abandoned all of his previous claims and was reduced to minor quibbling about one of them, then leaves the thread, comes back pretending to be someone else, then is all
        >n-n-no I didn't get BTFO, YOU got BTFO
        >I-I-I didn't lose the argument, YOU did
        It's just pathetic, honestly. There's a handful of extremely intellectually dishonest and argumentative posters that want to derail threads and have moronic arguments in every thread. I think they are deeply unhappy people on the inside, and come on here to try to drag everyone else down to their level, rather than just talking about RPGs with other anons like a normal autist.

        • 4 months ago

          You genuinely seem nuts.

          • 4 months ago

            On a mad board, only the mad are sane.

            • 4 months ago

              No, I think you genuinely need a break from this board. I'm starting to notice your unique posting style and all the posts are really bad and unhinged.

              • 4 months ago

                >projecting troony literally just repeating what I said to him back at me
                lol, lmao

              • 4 months ago

                You've genuinely gone off the deep end. Every time you enter a thread that thread is basically ruined.

              • 4 months ago

                >Every time you enter a thread that thread is basically ruined.
                Please stop signing your posts. Everyone who’s read this board for more than 5 minutes recognizes your God-awful posting style. You avatargay with the same three pictures that everyone knows will precede some garbage opinions and argumentative shitting, and then when you get BTFO you LARP like you’re someone else by dropping the avatargayging and coming back into the thread to start over. You’re embarrassing yourself.

              • 4 months ago

                It really you, man. You're really the problem and you don't realize how absurdly obnoxious you are. I'm not even who you think I am, you're just fricking nuts.

              • 4 months ago


              • 4 months ago

                I'm really not. Please take a break. You are really annoying and you have terrible takes on just about everything. You argue like a ten year old and you care more about winning arguments that the truth. Every time you enter a thread its exhausting, even if people ignore you, you just start making more and more absurd claims, samegayging, and spewing /misc/ shit. Its so bad. You are easily the worst poster on the entire board.

              • 4 months ago

                >really annoying
                >terrible takes on just about everything
                >argue like a ten year old
                >care more about winning arguments that the truth
                >Every time you enter a thread it’s exhausting
                >even if people ignore you, you just start making more and more absurd claims
                >easily the worst poster on the entire board
                We’ve done it, lads, finally: a post composed of 100% pure projection. Fricking Bingo.

              • 4 months ago

                Whatever, enjoy your awful thread alone.

              • 4 months ago

                He's right, I can see you going on a rampage through all the threads at the top of the catalogue and you seem like a complete moron with a very limited and boring schtick.

              • 4 months ago

                i dont think its even a schtick, I think we are looking at a genuinely mentally ill poster

              • 4 months ago

                >I can see you going on a rampage through all the threads at the top of the catalogue
                Lmao, I was asleep, some “rampage”. Link these posts so that I can laugh at your foolishness (you won’t, because there aren’t any)

                I thought you’d be satisfied by letting you have the last word with your “whatever enjoy your shitty thread” comment, yet you were apparently furiously f5’ing the catalog looking for a pretext to bump this thread again, and youre replying to yourself and talking about yourself in the third person. You are obsessed, dude. Let it go. Take the L and move on. You “you’re mentally ill” homosexuals are the most unwell and projecting anons on this board, every time.

        • 4 months ago

          This may come as a shock to you but I've only made 5-10 posts this week on this board at most, I've genuinely been busy.

          • 4 months ago

            You have 5-10 posts in this thread alone. You are one of the most dishonest posters on this board, and no one believes you.

  21. 4 months ago

    This fan EE shit is actually good?
    Well, I'm glad to hear it. I'm a big IWD2 fan. Kind of. It's complicated. The game is a mixed bag after the bridge. With some really low lows.

    Anyway, I will play it next winter. Too early for a replay for me.
    Now I have to look up what this thing actually adds.

    • 4 months ago

      Yes. It's not perfect but it's an improvement over vanilla. Classes are more balanced against each other and none of the classes are shit anymore. Items are more interesting, ignore the moron crying about OP items earlier because he doesn't know what he's talking about. Enemies are more interesting and harder to handle overall. The most tedious parts of the midgame are brought down to a more reasonable level. Spells are a wash because some of the worst offenders from vanilla are brought down but there are new spells to take their place.

      • 4 months ago

        Greatest improvements imo are the area loot, skipping the battle square, and skipping the time loop in the lava cave

        • 4 months ago

          I reckon stuff like AoOs and grappling are the most impressive on a technical level. Conspicuously missing from vanilla despite being things that help distinguish 3e combat from 2e

          • 4 months ago

            Iwd2 is a funny game. When it came out I got the sense that it was intended to be 2nd ed and was shoehorned into 3rd halfway through development

  22. 4 months ago

    Does it fix any bugs the original had? Because last time I played it, I got one at the yuan-ti temple that turned the screen black, and I couldn't figure out how to fix it.

    • 4 months ago

      >Does it fix any bugs the original had

    • 4 months ago

      I've only experienced a few crashes, but nothing that prevented progress. Make sure you are at the last official patch before installing EE. EE also has autosave on crash.

      • 4 months ago

        Correction, the only major bug I had was using the gust of wind spell in the battle when you leave the mindflayer citidel. Oswald didn't appear so I could progress to Kuldahar. I had to load a save from before the battle and redo it.

  23. 4 months ago

    Did they add multiplayer yet? No mp no play

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