has moddding gone too far?

has moddding gone too far?

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  1. 10 months ago

    >Gankertard makes a Ganker-tier thread

    • 10 months ago

      This isn't Ganker-tier, OP isn't aggressively implying anyone with a different opinion is sub-human.

  2. 10 months ago

    What's the point, the AI won't be able to handle it and the player gets bored after some time.

    • 10 months ago

      It’s fun until you realize you are 100 turns in and have made little to no progress

      There is a definite audience for glacially slow meticulous campaigns that mods like Europa Barbarorum and Divide et Impera cater to. Or in another series, mods like Caveman2Cosmos. Mostly people who don't really play anything else and don't want to, and don't have any issue with dedicating large groups of time to a campaign in their favourite game.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah I know autistic people play strategy games, why do they feel it necessary to bloat these mods to hell and back just because they want to larp as some historic backwater

        • 10 months ago

          Because they find it fun. To them, it's not fun to play on a smaller map and have the whole thing conquered in 64 turns. They want the AI to be able to have plenty of room to blob too so they have more to conquer when they encounter them.

        • 10 months ago

          >why do they feel it necessary to bloat these mods to hell and back just because they want to larp as some historic backwater
          because its SOVL

        • 10 months ago

          the state or process of taking pleasure in something.

        • 10 months ago

          big maps are better frick you
          i played the 0.5 update as sparta and it was great. just conquering the peninsula with all the factions backstabbing me was a pain in the ass and a challenge. proper greek simulation, with even more greeks, that means even more fun and since all the greeks will be remastered, no more out of place rome 1 OG textures battling my remastered textures

          • 10 months ago

            There's a golden mean. Big maps with a ton of factions are good, but huge maps with barely enough factions to fill the void suck. Not to mention that more cities means more sieges, and Feral in all their wisdom didn't make sieges better nor try to help modders make sieges better.

            >they lost all the hype
            pretty much this and because of other things plenty of Rome player base just stayed on old Rome
            people who play old games, boomers, EE, tbh I don't really get why it not work on 7 when Warham III or 3k or any other title work
            right now?
            >not work on 7
            >new UI that can't be really modded
            >ugly unit cards
            >much less mods than old rome had(and porting is ass)
            on release?
            >not work on 7(it was release change and plenty of people get angry over that, not mention that old rome get bundled with remaster)
            >new shitty UI(much worse than it is now)
            >no modding limits lifted(sure they did it but hype was gone at this moment)
            >some new bugs(including new diplomacy)
            >plenty of was disappointed that it didn't get rooster expansion(in separate rule set)
            >no mods(they could contact some modders pre release and give them some time to port mods)
            >old path finding(which is shitty)
            >old AI(which is dumb)
            in the end they killed the hype(there were some) and divided player base and reduced changes for Med 2 remaster

            I forgot that the Win 10 only announcement was only made after it came out. Release was such a disaster.

            • 10 months ago

              >Big maps with a ton of factions are good
              thats what it is, there are a frick load of factions and roaming AI. Greece has a frick load of factions and the rest i assume will get filled as they complete the other cultures.
              >Not to mention that more cities means more sieges, and Feral in all their wisdom didn't make sieges better nor try to help modders make sieges better.
              you dont have to literally fight all the siege battles, you either starve them out or wait until an AI army comes to relieve the garrison for a more typical field battle.

    • 10 months ago

      Low iq Black folk like you sure do
      Good thing it filters homosexuals like you

      • 10 months ago

        Why are you so mad? Maybe you wanna talk about it in Discord?

    • 10 months ago

      You just described Total War games in general

  3. 10 months ago

    Yes, who needs that many provinces it barely works way too slow to be enjoyable.

    • 10 months ago

      It’s fun until you realize you are 100 turns in and have made little to no progress

  4. 10 months ago

    All I want is new maps (continents) and somewhat balanced units, but instead we get 300 regions added to the Peloponnesus and every single Greek City being a separate faction. Not to mention having several different LotR mods all in separate production because autism.

  5. 10 months ago

    >Think that unrestricted modder limits will lead to modders just doing things like adding new units and filling up the map with more factions of already existing mods
    >Instead decide to make new mods that are as bloated as humanly possible to the point of not even being fun to play
    Rome Remastered was a mistake

    • 10 months ago

      Why are you so dishonest? Both have happened.

      • 10 months ago

        Because the modding scene is dead so this is basically the only ambitious project around that's not a port. If you want me to be more specific, then I can say that Gudea (Allah bless him) has done a great job with the medieval mod port

        • 10 months ago

          There are so many mods in development or being ported right now, I’m hoping we get a beta release of the WW1 mod soon

          • 10 months ago

            >There are so many mods in development or being ported right now,
            yea hate how theyre all on discord tho. such a pain in the ass. barbarian empires is apparently getting ported over too.

          • 10 months ago

            Post them then

            • 10 months ago

              I should add that you shouldn't mention EB as a worthwhile port. It's worse than the original thanks to a number of bugs and borked AI and there's no fix in sight. There is also no active development on a port by a team, unless the current EB2 devs themselves said something that I missed

              • 10 months ago

                not that anon but
                tales of antiquity
                scourge of god
                glory of rome remastered
                decadentia imperii
                cultural conquest
                aguguss mod
                dagovax's ww2 mod
                the other LOTR mod port by Hoplite Mike
                Danymok is doing great stuff with his vanilla style units and i think he is doing a faction type submod too, he was working on Sparta last and showed some stuff pic related
                and im sure you can find more workshop mods WIP but i dont care to look for those right now

              • 10 months ago

                which is to say that yea RR should have not been fumbled so hard by Feral, they lost all the hype and thats why the scene is so small now. but thats okay, it still has room to grow especially with the RIS update in sight now and Kirsi seemingly fixing a crash that had plagued his big map for a loooong time now, so mods that used his map should be more stable and of course when he finishes his map too. last time RIS released their update, there was a bump in players for RR.

              • 10 months ago

                >they lost all the hype
                pretty much this and because of other things plenty of Rome player base just stayed on old Rome

                Who the frick still uses Windows 7

                people who play old games, boomers, EE, tbh I don't really get why it not work on 7 when Warham III or 3k or any other title work

                What's wrong with R:R? Was thinking of getting it also to try the hueg mod in the OP.

                right now?
                >not work on 7
                >new UI that can't be really modded
                >ugly unit cards
                >much less mods than old rome had(and porting is ass)
                on release?
                >not work on 7(it was release change and plenty of people get angry over that, not mention that old rome get bundled with remaster)
                >new shitty UI(much worse than it is now)
                >no modding limits lifted(sure they did it but hype was gone at this moment)
                >some new bugs(including new diplomacy)
                >plenty of was disappointed that it didn't get rooster expansion(in separate rule set)
                >no mods(they could contact some modders pre release and give them some time to port mods)
                >old path finding(which is shitty)
                >old AI(which is dumb)
                in the end they killed the hype(there were some) and divided player base and reduced changes for Med 2 remaster

              • 10 months ago

                >ugly unit cards
                oh noo
                what a fricking baby

              • 10 months ago

                the point is if you do a remaster do it right or frick off

              • 10 months ago

                >Get everything you asked for and more
                If I were a game developer I’d treat you like screeching women too

              • 10 months ago

                >>Get everything you asked for and more
                didn't asked for this and didn't get all I wanted(or more)
                also ugly cards was just topping on pile of shit
                why you can't address any other points?

                fugg that seems like a massive hassle maybe someone will make a tool that skims through the text files to help add and remove stuff but idk how easy that would be, if made thou would defiantly help

                it would be faster to just edit OG map and add fee provinces where you need them

              • 10 months ago

                which is to say that yea RR should have not been fumbled so hard by Feral, they lost all the hype and thats why the scene is so small now. but thats okay, it still has room to grow especially with the RIS update in sight now and Kirsi seemingly fixing a crash that had plagued his big map for a loooong time now, so mods that used his map should be more stable and of course when he finishes his map too. last time RIS released their update, there was a bump in players for RR.

                Thanks for the list. I've been checking RR workshop on and off for awhile now and never see much that is worth getting excited about. If there's stuff on the horizon then that's good, but we'll have to see what gets released and what doesn't.

              • 10 months ago

                honestly, i think it all hinges on RIS, because its not just the map but the resources it can offer. imagine if they get to 1.0. everyone and their mother will use their faction units for romans barbs greeks eastern factions that would help so much for all the other mods

    • 10 months ago

      Rome Remastered's version of RiS, which is the mod in OP, has both a very large map and new factions added with plenty more planned to fill the map with. It's just significantly easier in terms of devtime to add a frickton more regions than it is to add lots more factions, so the map ends up being expanded first.

  6. 10 months ago

    stop modding boring vanilla campaign, release more autistic mods for barbarian invasion
    angry man yelling at cloud

    • 10 months ago

      also this.
      fricking hell if there's barely any mod for barbarian invasion!

      the best fun i ever had was smash hun hordes using blobs of goth lancers

    • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      I have a lot of ideas for BI mods, I just need to sit down and get back into modding again.

      personally i like it, but the limitations of RTWR gets really bloated when you can only recruit one unit per turn and have to make these impossibly long recruitment lines every turn otherwise the AI just stomps you.
      paradoxically the recruitment from generals of Rome2 works efficiently to solve this problem.
      i wonder if it's even possible to mod this in remastered? make all faction units like mercenaries?
      but it would probably get flooded by angry screeches from the purists..

      med 2 recruitment have multiple slots and free upkeep slots for garrison right?

      You can have buildings give additional recruitment and building slots to build multiple units/buildings at once. I don't know if any released mods uses it but it's there.

      • 10 months ago

        >You can have buildings give additional recruitment
        its not the same tho, ive seen some ideas tossed around to have troops have hidden resources or some other modding technobabble to simulate recruitment limits in some janky hacky way

      • 10 months ago

        i wish there was a way to get beyond the 1 unit per turn recruitment but i've never seen it on any mod.
        and then there's the replenishment over time limit for recruitment to stop the AI from shitting out full stacks each turn.

        on the other side mercenaries do have some recruitment replenishment over time mechanic
        so the idea of making all recruitment based on generals would be actually easier to implement,
        only that refilling damaged units to fighting strength would probably still require sending them to a city...
        although now that i remember the medieval 2 mod for lord of the rings does have an unit replenishment only building, maybe that mechanic can be ported over to Rome1?

        • 10 months ago

          >so the idea of making all recruitment based on generals would be actually easier to implement,
          mercenaries have limits per region and slowly regenerate to max capped units
          I dunno if its possible to make faction only pools with faction specific units outside of one of all pool with generic merc

          • 10 months ago

            maybe one can make a mod where each region has a merc pool
            but then itd be a pain in the ass when the AI drains all your faction troops i guess

            • 10 months ago

              no i mean separate pools with faction troops that are only available to specific faction
              like macedon region would have
              >generic merc pool for everyone to hire
              >diadochi unit pool for hellen factions
              >Macedonian units pool for Macedon
              if you could make it you could make so some limited higher tier units are available from the start(aka you could hire some tiarii from the faction pool as a roman and roman only)

              • 10 months ago

                You probably can have culture based merc pools but they would still be more or less faction wide, but in areas mostly greek in culture or religion whatever you can have greek units but if that area gets taken by another culture they will after some time become unavailable for recruitment

              • 10 months ago

                from the look of the descr_mercenaries file there are pools of regions established as that culture (ex. roman/hellenic/egyptian pool) but those aren't really tied to the culture level so i don't know if it can change like you say.
                i'm not sure if tying mercenaries to culture level instead of just regions can be done...
                medieval2 can have recruitment tied to culture level tho so who knows?

              • 9 months ago

                hey so, i looked up how the files work and i may have found a way to make recruitment from generals viable.

                i will let you know if it works

          • 10 months ago

            that's a thing i have no data on, but i think while there is a shared pool of mercenaries there are possibly also some faction specific mercenaries if i remember correctly... but maybe it's in medieval?
            also the whole thing would probably hinge on if there is the possibility that buildings can alter the composition of the mercenary pool so that units are allowed by creating the appropriate buildings but only recruited by generals in the region.

            • 10 months ago

              >also the whole thing would probably hinge on if there is the possibility that buildings can alter the composition of the mercenary pool so that units are allowed by creating the appropriate buildings but only recruited by generals in the region.
              no idea of buildings but its more for allowing factions extra levy(or royal guard units early) in home areas

        • 10 months ago

          there is quite easy way add more recruitment and bulding points
          in export_descr_buildings add extra_recruitment_points (number of points you want want) or extra_construction_points (number of points you want) to the capabilities section of any building, if u added
          extra_recruitment_points 1
          you can recruit 2 units in 1 turn instead of one and recruit units that take 2 turns in one turn

          • 10 months ago

            oops forgot pic

            • 10 months ago

              that's a nice find!

              i was actually looking after mercenaries to see how viable it would be to have the ideas floating around here actually worked into the game and i found this video:

              which explains that mercenaries can be faction specific and also recruitable everywhere on the map by only the right faction.
              also with modifiers to spawning frequency and max unit count which will make it work just like medieval2 recruitment!

            • 10 months ago

              it work for og rome too or only for remaster?

              • 10 months ago

                I am pretty sure thats a feature only for the remastered modding.

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                There is an equivalent for med2 so it probably exists for rome 1 as well l search for it a bit you should find an answer try typing "rome 1 export_descr_buildings" i remember there was a few forum posts about it

          • 10 months ago

            but thats just a way to recruit faster, right? would there be any way to tie it to a seasonal system like you would find in EB2? so you can make recruitment way slower in winter but faster in spring?

            • 10 months ago

              maybe someone could make script that swaps a building in all settlements in summer would be building labed summer with some benefits and drawbacks and same for winter but idk if that is possible

              • 10 months ago

                >in summer would be building labed summer with some benefits and drawbacks and same for winter but idk if that is possible
                didnt EB have something like that?

              • 10 months ago

                idk sorry, but if does exist maybe could cannibalise the code and use for RR mods also

  7. 10 months ago

    personally i like it, but the limitations of RTWR gets really bloated when you can only recruit one unit per turn and have to make these impossibly long recruitment lines every turn otherwise the AI just stomps you.
    paradoxically the recruitment from generals of Rome2 works efficiently to solve this problem.
    i wonder if it's even possible to mod this in remastered? make all faction units like mercenaries?
    but it would probably get flooded by angry screeches from the purists..

    • 10 months ago

      med 2 recruitment have multiple slots and free upkeep slots for garrison right?

      • 10 months ago

        yes and i wish we could have medieval 2 remastered with steam workshop but sadly we must work with what we have.

        • 10 months ago

          Rome Remastered flopped and the intended audience almost entirely shat all over it and the concept of remasters in general, so I doubt CA would even consider allocating funds to such a project.

          • 10 months ago

            They already ported Med2 to mobile just like R1 before the Remaster, the work is half done already

            • 10 months ago

              Rome's mobile port did well, the PC Remaster release didn't.

              • 10 months ago

                >Trust me bro

            • 10 months ago

              People meme about Rome Remastered just being a straight mobile port, but it's not actually true. In the process of Remastered coming to PC, resources and development time were spent overhauling the graphics engine, the models and textures, voice acting for new faction intros, reworking the game engine to allow for extended modding capabilities etc.

              • 10 months ago

                And Med2 was based on the R1 engine. The work is already half done.

          • 10 months ago

            >Rome Remastered flopped and the intended audience almost entirely shat all over it
            and for a good fricking reason

            • 10 months ago

              What's wrong with R:R? Was thinking of getting it also to try the hueg mod in the OP.

              • 10 months ago

                >What's wrong with R:R?
                right now? nothing really unless the UI filters you and you still have Win 7. it only works with newer windows.
                at launch tho it didnt have all the modding features unlocked. it took them about 8 months later to fully unlock the games modding.

              • 10 months ago

                Who the frick still uses Windows 7

              • 10 months ago

                Broke ass Eastern Europeans

            • 10 months ago

              What's wrong with R:R? Was thinking of getting it also to try the hueg mod in the OP.

              who knows, he won't give the good fricking reason so i guess he's just venting.
              anyway you can just wait for a sale and buy it then

              would be interesting if they made short campaign victories example Sparta instead of having to conquer 100 cities could be just the Peloponnese or even just Athens would make more local campaigns but with upside of massive map

              you know you could just set yourself that as a goal and stop once you reach it?
              i mean a victory screen is nice and all but is it necessary?

              • 10 months ago

                yeah did that once with Syracuse game took over silly then raided parts of Carthage and Greece then quit was fun, but would prefer if they focused more on smaller scale instead of millions citys where 99% are irrelevant by half way through game where there is no challenge left really, maybe someone will port RIS to a smaller map one day

                I get overwhelmed if there are too much cities, especially when the map is zoomed in


              • 10 months ago

                >maybe someone will port RIS to a smaller map one day
                wouldnt it be easier to just remove settlements?

              • 10 months ago

                yeah would be easy fix but would leave vast empty areas but could increase movement distance help that

              • 10 months ago

                >yeah would be easy fix but would leave vast empty areas but could increase movement distance help that
                how does one remove settlements from the game? is there a text file somewhere?

              • 10 months ago

                tbh not rly knowledgeable about stuff like i have only done rly light mod stuff, hmm descr_strat has all the settlement info could try deleting the settlement information maybe that would work but prolly not as they have positions think that is just buildings inside the settlement

              • 10 months ago

                I don't know about rome remastered but in med 2 you basically have to do a bunch of shit: delete the texts of settlements in descr_strat and in the text file imperial_campaign_regions_and_settlement_names then you head over to world/maps/base and remove the region from map_regions.tga (you have to open with a paint program and split the region you want to remove into other existing ones) and again in the same file you open all text files and remove anything that mentions your regions name. Also if mercenaries are recruitable in the region you must go to descr_mercenaries and remove the region from there too same goes if it's a "hold region X" as winning condition again remove remove remove

              • 10 months ago

                fugg that seems like a massive hassle maybe someone will make a tool that skims through the text files to help add and remove stuff but idk how easy that would be, if made thou would defiantly help

          • 10 months ago

            >Rome Remastered flopped
            financially no. nick all star brawls had half the sales of rome remastered and it was quite literally dead as in 0 players after a month and its still getting a sequel. sales are all that matters and it certainly did good for a remaster of a decade old game that was already mogged by medieval 2. a remaster of said game would easily eclipse rome remastered if they announced it right now.

            • 10 months ago

              >He think they make those games for profit

              Wouldnt be surprised they do it to keep their hand on the IP and royalties, just like Disney with marvel cape content.

  8. 10 months ago

    what is even the point?

    • 10 months ago

      You know how some people outright refuse to even try ETW not because of the bugs or whatever, but simply because France is represented by a single province? It's that kind of thing, but next-level.

  9. 10 months ago

    would be interesting if they made short campaign victories example Sparta instead of having to conquer 100 cities could be just the Peloponnese or even just Athens would make more local campaigns but with upside of massive map

  10. 10 months ago

    I get overwhelmed if there are too much cities, especially when the map is zoomed in

  11. 10 months ago

    Huge ass map, but mostly empty. Desperately needs factions to fill it out.

  12. 10 months ago

    anyone know how to make retrained units in rome lose experience like in med 1 or in shogun?

    • 10 months ago

      Is Imperium Surrectum going to have faction reforms with faction specific objectives like EB had?
      And maybe some deeper building paths which can abstract technologies, or governments, or flavours? RTW mods deployed this so well.

      • 10 months ago

        scripting and all of that is planned

  13. 10 months ago

    red zed is going to do weekly weekend coverage on the new update until it drops in october 27th

    heres an interview with the mapper

  14. 10 months ago

    It fricking sucks that CA didn't allow to use the original graphics and UI and everything with the Remaster. I want the performance improvements and mod-ability with the original aesthetic. We'll never get it.

  15. 10 months ago

    barbarian empires port just released


  16. 10 months ago

    >2 hours talking about Greek City States

    • 10 months ago
  17. 10 months ago

    Is anyone playing a campaign right now?
    How long is it taking?
    Are you roleplaying or rushing?
    What are you doing in it?

    • 10 months ago

      i played a sparta campaign when 0.5 dropped. just waiting for the newest update.

    • 10 months ago

      Rome 2, playing as romans. Trying to get all three big victory conditons. I'm having fun with it. I'm going to play as the Iceni in it next as I'm a bong. Might do a parthia campgain after that. I must say the world is full of Greeks, Greeks in the north, Greeks in the south. Greeks weather you go.

      Then it's going to be empire divded as best gold boy. After that WRE in attlia.

  18. 10 months ago

    >1700 regions
    >5 factions
    No thanks I don't wanna fight the rebel faction the entire fricking game

    • 10 months ago

      >5 factions

      • 10 months ago

        but why

        • 9 months ago

          Why not?

          • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        thats a lot of greeks wonder if the other cultures would get as many

  19. 10 months ago

    Cant wait until these guys do the barbs. Probably like 2 years out though, apparently 0.7 will be romans and 0.8 will be carthage

    • 9 months ago

      i can't take seriously any mod that have hoplites using spears in that way, especially in formation

  20. 10 months ago

    hows the dipo AI? I always disliked how you couldn't form strong leagues and coalitions in vanilla.

  21. 9 months ago

    Has the glitch where every inputs stopped working has ever been fixed

  22. 9 months ago

    I tried to start as Syracuse, but I don't like the fact that I'm in debt so deep to start off. It doesn't make sense that Syracuse wouldn't have a fairly large standing army at the time.

    • 9 months ago

      thats how these mods are, hardcore usually means you are poor until you conquer some cities. they are gonna adjust it but it will still remain the same, fewer armies and lots of red debt.

      you can use this submod though

      • 9 months ago

        I'll slap that on there and see if it works any.

        Some historical context. Rome I/Medieval II are possibly the easiest Total War games in the series. No Realm Divide, no Legendary difficulty etc. They both have super-powered cav that can flatten whole armies once you learn how to micro properly. As a result modders, who generally played the game a lot and got good, made this kind of start as a suitable challenge.

        Yeah, I won't say I'm a veteran, but my first was Shogun and my favorites Med 1. I've played similar mods that start you in the red like Broken Crescent, but shit, it's hard to conquer anything in this mod if you're immediately in the red and can only muster six or seven units. I'll figure it out, this mod looks to awesome to quit.

        • 9 months ago

          why start a campaign now though? the new update is gonna come in october. you can plsy some other mods in the meantime.

          • 9 months ago

            >new update in october
            Really now? I guess I could hold off and do Babarum Mundi or something in the meanwhile.

    • 9 months ago

      Some historical context. Rome I/Medieval II are possibly the easiest Total War games in the series. No Realm Divide, no Legendary difficulty etc. They both have super-powered cav that can flatten whole armies once you learn how to micro properly. As a result modders, who generally played the game a lot and got good, made this kind of start as a suitable challenge.

  23. 9 months ago

    Unrestricted modding does create some stupid stuff.
    On the other hand we have things like Third Age DaC wich are fricking mindblowing.

  24. 9 months ago

    upload on the workshop

    • 9 months ago

      meant for

      hey so, i looked up how the files work and i may have found a way to make recruitment from generals viable.

      i will let you know if it works

      • 9 months ago

        i kind of hit a roadblock immediately

        changes that can be made:
        all faction units can be recruited by the general as mercenaries
        such units can easily replenish if the settlement has the capacity to recruit them

        1-i can't prevent the settlement from recruiting unless i remove the buildings ability to recruit.

        2-units recruited as mercenaries do not affect the population of the region

        3-buildings cannot affect the availability of mercenaries
        if i made a mod with just this generals would be able to recruit all of the faction's units regardless of where they are and who owns the land they are on and their rarity.

        but they would be limited by the regional mercenary replenishment (made global so they can't just pass a border and recruit more).

        in short it would just end up as an extra emergency recruitment pool that doesn't scale with territory

  25. 9 months ago

    what game+mod is in the OP image?

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Clearly it's 1700+ REGIONS

    • 9 months ago

      Rome Total War Remastered with the Imperium Surrectum mod

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