Has Pokemon actually fallen in quality?

Has Pokemon actually fallen in quality?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Imagine the stench he had to endure sitting next to that mentally ill man

    • 8 months ago

      I keep being reminded how gross these people are. Imagine mutating yourself with drugs, sporting an open wound and also crossdressing lol

    • 8 months ago

      I keep being reminded how gross these people are. Imagine mutating yourself with drugs, sporting an open wound and also crossdressing lol

      link to video?

      • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago


        • 8 months ago

          Isn't this the guy who is known to associate with the goonclown?

  2. 8 months ago

    yes, BW restarted the downfall and the series never recovered

  3. 8 months ago


    • 8 months ago

      3 of those designs are undebatably good
      2 are debatably good
      1 is debatably bad

      • 8 months ago

        that's not about designs, he's making fun of geeta's team

  4. 8 months ago

    Everytime I look at this guy, I see him as a child molester or just he hiding something

    • 8 months ago

      He's going to be the antichrist.

    • 8 months ago

      Imagine the stench he had to endure sitting next to that mentally ill man


      • 8 months ago

        >child molester or just he hiding something
        I think it's just the moustache, and he's rich so you know.

        >Imagine the stench he had to endure sitting next to that mentally ill man
        In this shot mrCreature is sitting next to one of his friends who became transgender and iirc left his wife and kid in the process.

        • 8 months ago

          >Meh, I was expecting him to be an actual troonypedo like the former DragonflyCavern forum admin Alex Munroe, thank God&Anime his dick and balls don't work anymore…

  5. 8 months ago

    It has actually gotten better. Sadly, kids who grew up in the brand can't or won't accept that (because their hazy childhood memories of playing it filters out the dreky parts all the games have from their memories to leave only the good times).
    I'm playing it since '99. And the overall trend has been one of improvement, even if it's not suddenly 4K, 240FPS, chip-melting, leccy draining PREFORMANCEtm. They don't need to chase that shit, when odds are the children that's their core audience haven't been brainwashed by teenage marketing into believing that's critical to a video game, so are going to get invested in the creatures regardless.

    • 8 months ago

      You're wrong.

      You missed the fact that Pokémon ISN'T the games, the card game or the TV show. It's the Pokémon themselves. And yes, the quality has objectively fallen - there are so many ways one can demonstrate this:
      >new Pokémon literally just recolours of old ones with new typing
      >complete art style change that jars radically with the original
      >themes/inspirations repeated many times over
      >absolutely no break from the same pattern whatsoever
      >designs forgetting that they're monsters based on ghosts and yokai instead of random animals
      >placeholders and filler
      >overabundance of OP legendaries
      >massive overreach in trying to balance the type chart causing absolute chaos and imbalance
      Of course, the games are more technologically impressive than they've ever been if you look at it from a purely materialist perspective, but even looking at that angle, FOR THE TIME, Gold and Silver were the technological miracle.

      • 8 months ago

        >themes/inspirations repeated many times over
        >absolutely no break from the same pattern whatsoever
        >designs forgetting that they're monsters based on ghosts and yokai instead of random animals
        >placeholders and filler
        I mean, those parts have existed since gen I.

        • 8 months ago

          You can't really say that repetitive patterns were present in gen 1 because it was just one gen. One instance of something does not make a pattern, 3+ does.
          On the random animals front, the only "random" animals are Raticate and Rattata; every other "animal" Pokémon features a twist on some other aspect, for example Fearow (Onidrill - drill beak) having an exaggerated beak; even Rattata has the "rapid" element implied in its chewing theme.

          >new Pokémon literally just recolours of old ones with new typing
          Show me one example of this that isn't a regional variant. Variants aren't "lazy recolors" just because they take more direct inspiration from muh kanto than most others do.
          >complete art style change that jars radically with the original
          ah yes, because gen 1 sprites are... artistic. Somehow.
          >themes/inspirations repeated many times over
          What kids media DOESN'T focus on the power of friendship?
          >absolutely no break from the same pattern whatsoever
          Only legitimate point here
          >designs forgetting that they're monsters based on ghosts and yokai instead of random animals
          remember Krabby? Ekans? Arbok? Seel?
          >placeholders and filler
          KRABBY? SEEL?
          >overabundance of OP legendaries
          Because the 9 year olds the games are designed for just LOATHE blowing shit up with overpowered characters, it's just the WORST
          >massive overreach in trying to balance the type chart causing absolute chaos and imbalance
          They never tried very hard to balance it. There's an OP type? Just introduce a new type that's immune to the old OP type lmao. That was literally their strategy

          No offense but you're kind of a dumbfrick

          >Show me one example of this that isn't a regional variant.
          Need I go on?
          >ah yes, because gen 1 sprites are... artistic. Somehow.
          Deliberately misunderstanding the point
          Sprites are not art STYLE; compare Keldeo with Ponyta.
          >What kids media DOESN'T focus on the power of friendship?
          Again selecting a specific thing to misunderstand the point.
          By theming I mean specifically Pokémon design themes, such as all the Pikachu clones whose theme is literally just "new Pikachu"; the 3 billion frog Pokémon, the absolute cavalcade of generic fish Pokémon, etc
          >remember Krabby? Ekans? Arbok? Seel?
          See previous point; Ekans & Arbok both make a play on a snake monster; they're not random and generic just because the design is minimalistic.
          Krabby and Seel seem less forgiveable but they serve as jumping off points for their evolutions where they, again, become exaggerated monster versions of animals, using theming such as "KING of crabs" and serving as a sort of amalgam (mermaid mythology, walrus tusks) respectively.
          >KRABBY? SEEL?
          You need to get over this my guy
          >Because the 9 year olds the games are designed for just LOATHE blowing shit up with overpowered characters, it's just the WORST
          Talking about designs, not mechanics, once again are you paying
          >They never tried very hard to balance it. There's an OP type? Just introduce a new type that's immune to the old OP type lmao. That was literally their strategy
          Exactly, that sort of laziness lack of foresight is what causes complex systems to collapse.

          • 8 months ago

            > On the random animals front, the only "random" animals are Raticate and Rattata; every other "animal" Pokémon features a twist on some other aspect, for example Fearow (Onidrill - drill beak) having an exaggerated beak; even Rattata has the "rapid" element implied in its chewing theme
            Mate, you know you’re grasping at straws here and if that’s were you draw the line then newer generations don’t have “just animals” either.

            • 8 months ago

              I'm more than happy to concede on that single point, then, if you're going to take issue with it.
              What about ALL THE OTHER THINGS?
              Do all the other issues magically disappear because "gen 1 also had basic animals"? Of course not.

              • 8 months ago

                There’s also a ton of filler mind if that’s another point you want to discuss. You’re being dishonest if you’re going to claim Goldeen is anything more than just a fricking fish to fill water routes.

      • 8 months ago

        >new Pokémon literally just recolours of old ones with new typing
        Show me one example of this that isn't a regional variant. Variants aren't "lazy recolors" just because they take more direct inspiration from muh kanto than most others do.
        >complete art style change that jars radically with the original
        ah yes, because gen 1 sprites are... artistic. Somehow.
        >themes/inspirations repeated many times over
        What kids media DOESN'T focus on the power of friendship?
        >absolutely no break from the same pattern whatsoever
        Only legitimate point here
        >designs forgetting that they're monsters based on ghosts and yokai instead of random animals
        remember Krabby? Ekans? Arbok? Seel?
        >placeholders and filler
        KRABBY? SEEL?
        >overabundance of OP legendaries
        Because the 9 year olds the games are designed for just LOATHE blowing shit up with overpowered characters, it's just the WORST
        >massive overreach in trying to balance the type chart causing absolute chaos and imbalance
        They never tried very hard to balance it. There's an OP type? Just introduce a new type that's immune to the old OP type lmao. That was literally their strategy

        No offense but you're kind of a dumbfrick

        • 8 months ago

          homie you’re typing in fulls caps about a children’s game, calm down

  6. 8 months ago

    Yes, Pokemon has gotten larger in scope without extending the development period.
    Obviously there are problems with the performance but pretty much every aspect that is not integral to the core gameplay has been axed by the time SV came out. I no longer look forward to seeing what small details and features they add in the games since they don’t have time for that anymore.

  7. 8 months ago

    >everyone underage poster pretends to be a genwunner
    Pretty obvious that it has

  8. 8 months ago

    Yes, but not by much.
    It's gone from 8/10 to 7/10.

  9. 8 months ago

    Very noticeably around the time it switched to 3D, because most of their effort went into le graphix (despite them sucking at it).

    • 8 months ago

      there's a massive noticeable downgrade from gen 3 to 4

  10. 8 months ago

    Yes by a long shot

  11. 8 months ago

    since gen 3 graphics suckes menawhile other games in gba look better

  12. 8 months ago

    Pokemon's gotten worse, but it was honestly a country mile behind the competition in most aspects since like Gen 3. It just took until now for people realize it (largely because they can't brush off the quality discrepancy with the "le handheld" excuse despite many other handheld RPGs putting the series to shame in much the same fashion), but by now it's too late.
    People let the series slide by being "good enough" for so long that it's the accepted norm and most people go into the games with appropriately low standards that just barely me, even as the games continue a gradual perceived downwards spiral. It's literally the boiling frog scenario on a massive scale.

    • 8 months ago

      >that just barely me
      *that're just barely met

  13. 8 months ago

    It only fell in quality substantially due to how horrible gen 6 was. Everything before g6 was fluctuating and everything after g6 has been steadily increasing in quality. We are currently nowhere near gen 2 levels of quality but one day we will get there

  14. 8 months ago

    Kinda, yeah.

    I feel like since Gen 7, the games are becoming less about the creatures and more of a visual novel about the NPCs. I don’t care about Lilly or penny and their lives. You could argue that there’s always been characters and storylines to these games and yeah sure, but it feels like it’s more so the NPCs’ plots now and marketing/merchandise seems to show it.

    Also because of the suppose trade off for dexit. 2 generations in now and I don’t get what departments of the game have grown exactly now that there’s “more resources available. I was willing to be optimistic at first but so far I haven’t seen any non-dex features that have made me want to buy a game.

  15. 8 months ago

    It has for 20 years, how come you zoomers are only noticing this now?

  16. 8 months ago

    It took a massive nosedive right after BW2.
    XY was at least understandable since it was their first 3D game. Then, you got stuff like ORAS and the Gen 7 games that randomly dropped main features and really dumbed down the games. Sword and Shield were formulaic as frick, but the open spaces gave a bit of hope, which was then fricked by BDSP.
    I'd say that after Legends, the games began to finally start getting better again. SV also have some of the things that made Gen 7 and 8 shit, but they have some good things like the Area Zero part of the story which was one of the best sections of the entire franchise.

    • 8 months ago

      >It took a massive nosedive right after BW2
      Why can I berry farm in XY but not BW2?

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