Hasbro is trying to sell off DnD to Tencent

>Speed Daily exclusively learned that the American toy company Hasbro is seeking to sell its well-known IP “Dungeons & Dragons” (referred to as “DND” below), and Tencent is one of the potential buyers.
>At present, the negotiations are still in the early stages and both parties have not yet reached an agreement on the details of the transaction.

Couple that with this:
>There might be a good reason for this, but we'd want to look into it further before getting comfortable. With the recent loss, it's important to check if the business generated enough cash to pay its dividend. If Hasbro didn't generate enough cash to pay the dividend, then it must have either paid from cash in the bank or by borrowing money, neither of which is sustainable in the long term.
>Hasbro paid out more free cash flow than it generated - 160%, to be precise - last year, which we think is concerningly high. We're curious about why the company paid out more cash than it generated last year, since this can be one of the early signs that a dividend may be unsustainable.

Seems like the bread of two weeks ago is coming true, Hasbro is dead. https://archive.is/lz1Ut

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  1. 4 months ago

    Better than Disney getting it. Marginally.

    • 4 months ago

      Disney has no money to spend right now.

    • 4 months ago

      >Better than Disney getting it
      Are you drunk or shilling?, I’d much rather Disney own the ducking thing rather than DnD having to follow Chinese content guidelines.

      • 4 months ago

        Tencent would just set up Western subsidiaries to maintain the IP. It's just like how Tencent's subsidiary game studios don't follow Chinese law except when the game is released in China; they can do wahtever they want.

        • 4 months ago

          Tencent's strategy is
          >Throw money at it but leave it in hands of people that were there when they bought it
          >If return on investment, goto 10
          >If failed to return on investment, fire everyone and hire someone else to do it, then goto 10

      • 4 months ago

        >DnD having to follow Chinese content guidelines

        That would be big. And if they buy MtG as well, that would be a new golden age. Big hopes.

      • 4 months ago

        China will make sexy females again. Disney is just Hasbro with more content restrictions.

    • 4 months ago

      >Endless gacha games and micro transactions are preferable to merchandising and actual tabletop games

      Frick you, unironically slam your dick in a car door

      • 4 months ago

        >Implying Disney wouldn't do that but also go 'SO HOW ABOUT THEM UGLY FEMALE PROTAGONIOSTS EH?'
        Remember, Disney simps for the CCP and is 100% down with concentration camps.

      • 4 months ago

        Tencent is pretty hands off with a lot of it's IPs. I remember there was the same doom and gloom when they bought Digital Extremes (Warframe). But while there have been some attempts at new monetization it's no worse than DE was already doing.
        Now I'll be the first to eat my hat if they do go extreme monetization route. But it seems like WotC is already doing that with Beyond. They literally charge for Feats. Tencent owning the DnD IP would likely just mean a few DnD themed predatory gacha games and the main Tabletop team and IP being left alone.

        But all this is sort of moot. Tencent is named as a potential buyer because they try to buy everything. There are likely several companies lined up and interested in the IP.

        • 4 months ago

          >There are likely several companies lined up and interested in the IP.
          The question is who can afford it, really. Disney is out, they have no liquidity.

          • 4 months ago


            • 4 months ago

              That's a hilarious/awful thought. Wasn't the person who destroyed Hasbro some moron from Microshaft?

          • 4 months ago

            Sony owns frickloads of media IPs. Maybe them.

            The issue is less who can afford it and more who is actually placed to make use of it. Disney, Sony, Tencent aren't in the physical media space and Tabletop has a lot more to do with physical toys than digital media. If anything I can see someone like Amazon with experience in book production being interested.

    • 4 months ago

      This is your mind on /misc/
      Although DnD has been shit since the 3rd edition, and no matter which big corp buys it, it'll only maintain it in the garbage.

  2. 4 months ago

    What are we going to do when it burns, /tg/? Just enjoy the show?

    • 4 months ago

      Ill bring popcorn

      • 4 months ago

        >hasbro should be broke, why and how are they paying a dividend?

        Can we bring flowers to the funeral?

    • 4 months ago

      pretty much. Wizards already fricked it anyway so just watch the funeral pyre.

    • 4 months ago

      I plan to gloat. Also, to the people saying the Chinese would just keep the same team - WHAT team? They were all fired to save money, lol. Well except Mearls, he was fired for being a loud-mouth moron.

    • 4 months ago

      Mourn that TSR's battefed & abused legacy has been lost to the Chinese government who without a doubt will erase the past.

      • 4 months ago

        How are they going to do that? I'm just going to keep pirating and basically...you can't stop me, lol.

    • 4 months ago

      play actually good games
      then laugh about what weird chinese censorship and propaganda shows up in dnd

  3. 4 months ago

    I'm honestly sure that Tencent is gonna buy it and rush out a 6th edition. I genuinely wonder what will become of the DnD IP when Tencent gets its hands on it and potentially what will happen to tabletop roleplaying games in the east as a whole.

    And generally I wonder what will happen of tabletop culture as a whole if Tencent wants to push DnD harder.

    Will the social media culture of DnD 5E that is complained about here evaporate as 5E is replaced by 6E? Will Tencent try to stamp it out? Will western 6E and Eastern 6E be wildly different?
    Will 5E keep chugging along for another 10 years?
    Will 6E be too crunchy for 5E players and perhaps be a good edition?

    • 4 months ago

      >Will 5E keep chugging along for another 10 years?
      Νο. Everyone who plays 5e will stop the moment 6e comes out. There will be no loyal fan-base like with previous editions because the only character 5e has is that it's the new one.
      > Will western 6E and Eastern 6E be wildly different?
      Probably. But mostly due to licensing and intellectual property laws being very different in China.
      >Will 6E be too crunchy for 5E players and perhaps be a good edition?
      Who knows. There is a chance that its going to replace the sacred cows with simple trappings and thus be very different from previous editions, something in the scale of 4e even.

      One thing for certain. The ttrpg market has an actual chance to change wildly now that the trend-setter is in such different hands.

      I genuinely think that China is gonna try and remove what we would call "woke shit." Look up "Baizuo" China's apprehensive to western politics.

      It may unironically be done in a bad way where everybody is gonna lose. I don't expect Tencent to release two versions of DnD as one for the west and China. Were probably gonna get a clunky edition of 6E with a lot of signs of Chinese government regulation compliance.

      See China seems apprehensive to anything fun. They called online video games "spiritual opium" for goodness sake. If someone told me that they're gonna extend that label to tabletop roleplay games and tabletop wargames I'd believe it. So who knows how bogged down with Chinese censorship and regulations that Chinese DnD will have to deal with? The rules will definitely be affected and I for one believe a lot of fun will be handicapped out of the game mechanically whether the next edition is somehow more streamlined or crunchier something is gonna be lost due to Chinese regulations/censorship. Maybe the government will try to make it educational and there will be excessive crunch that even the most autistic neckbeards will find excessive. Who knows?

      Expect a lot of Eastern fantasy wankery too, but this is to be expected. I'm okay with this, but I'd totally get it if some people would find it too excessive.

      What worries me the most is that the art in the books may actually be done using AI as big companies like Tencent seem like the kind that would try to cut as many corners as possible.

      >China hates fun and online video games, censhorship blah blah blah this is your brain in propaganda.
      You really have no idea how many "western" titles are owned by the chinese huh? Digital Extremes, Grinding Gear Games, Paradox Interactive, fricking Epic Games, all are owned by tencent.

      • 4 months ago

        >Everyone who plays 5e will stop the moment 6e comes out.
        Hardly. There's plenty of us who play 5e before Tasha's, and other stuff. We just don't talk about it online because of people like you and idiotic consumers.

        we will enter a new era of fantasy heartbreakers with people releasing DnD 5e hacks for around a decade till everyone gets bored and stops playing dnd or enters into the hobby trying the new edition.
        AKA the same thing that happened after 3.5e.

        3.x is still very much played. As are 1e, 2e, and 4e. People just don't talk about it online if you don't know where to look because of idiotic fricks like you and anon above.

        • 4 months ago

          2nd edition AD&D is still played here.

          • 4 months ago

            Stop lying. No one has played 2e AD&D for 20 years.

            • 4 months ago

              I played 2e Monday night.

              • 4 months ago

                Lots of people still play it. It has staying power.

              • 4 months ago

                Always looked fun to me man. What class and race anon?

              • 4 months ago

                Human Bard my man. When you roll high, you can't just stick to the basic classes. It's dogshit mechanically but that's not why you play it.

      • 4 months ago

        >You really have no idea how many "western" titles are owned by the chinese huh? Digital Extremes, Grinding Gear Games, Paradox Interactive
        Paradox interactive isn't chinese owned, you fricking ape.
        Tencent owns 10,23 percent of paradox stock. Investment Aktiebolaget Spiltan and Westerinvest AB owns 17,23 and 33,33 percent, respectively.

      • 4 months ago

        >You really have no idea how many "western" titles are owned by the chinese huh?
        We’re actually well aware and it’s attributed as one of the many reasons so many western games and game companies are shit filled dumpster fires with predatory monetization schemes.

      • 4 months ago

        >Paradox Interactive
        A 9% share is not 'ownership'.

      • 4 months ago

        Nta but all those video game companies have gone to complete shit.

        • 4 months ago

          tbf that's why the Chinese were able to buy them. They're picking up dying companies to milk them dry.

    • 4 months ago

      It will becomes the chinese artstyle corporate coombait sloppa with overcomplicated mechanics made Impossible to be played without their AI assistant but we'll probably get a cool moba or something.

    • 4 months ago

      Nothing. Record of Lodoss War cornered the fantasy niche and Call of Cthulhu is significantly more popular than d&d in japan, korea and china because those motherfrickers love detective fiction way more than the mcu power fantasy of modern dungeons and dragons.

      • 4 months ago

        Damn, Asian nerds have some good fricking taste when they lay off anime for a while

  4. 4 months ago

    We are watching the death of a 100 year old company from petty, impatient greed.

    Pretty cool.

    • 4 months ago

      t. Not knower

      • 4 months ago

        Hasbro is collapsing

        • 4 months ago

          Maybe a little less quick than that. With more emphasis on how their greed led to this.

          • 4 months ago

            >bought overpriced company to try their own cinematic universe
            >one movie came out, flopped, scrubbed the whole idea
            >sold the media company for a staggering loss
            >cut quality in toys, decreasing their sales
            >cut toy staff to save money, further trashed name
            >gave suits massive bags of cash
            >oversaturated MTG with lower quality products that had no demand and did not sell
            >tried to turn D&D into a service, which failed
            >tried to rescind the OGL and cheat people out of money retroactively who used it, failed, ruined their name, drove off major content creators acting as free brand multipliers
            >fired almost all of the D&D team
            >fired a ton of the MTG team
            >Oh, and the D&D movie flopped

            The only thing to go well for them lately was BG3, which they had nothing to do with.

            • 4 months ago

              >Oh, and the D&D movie flopped
              The DND movie was really good and was profitable, just not shareholder moving goalposts profitable.

              The Marvel cinematic was slow AF to really take off, I think a lot of executives look at shit like The Avengers / Infinity War / Endgame where it was the culmination of a bunch of lesser movies before it that drew in a bigger audience for the finale movie. The first few movies made frickall by comparison.

              • 4 months ago

                Unless it made 2.5 times its budget, it did not make money. It was alright, pretty quipshitty but not too bad.

            • 4 months ago

              What company did they buy that started this runaway shit storm?

              >Oh, and the D&D movie flopped
              The DND movie was really good and was profitable, just not shareholder moving goalposts profitable.

              The Marvel cinematic was slow AF to really take off, I think a lot of executives look at shit like The Avengers / Infinity War / Endgame where it was the culmination of a bunch of lesser movies before it that drew in a bigger audience for the finale movie. The first few movies made frickall by comparison.

              It's not about raw revenue, it's about revenue minus expenses. The film budget is known, the advertising budget is not but is typically as big as the film budget. The D&D movie was not profitable.

            • 4 months ago

              Hasbro is still fricked, economically. Also not to be trusted.

              That reads more like something said to prevent investors from selling off Hasbro stock because people caught wind of their plan before it was finalized. The lower Hasbro's stock price goes the less Tencent would pay for the IP.

              >That reads more like something said to prevent investors from selling off Hasbro stock because people caught wind of their plan before it was finalized.
              Who knows? Would they ever lie? Thing is, Hasbro is more likely fricked than it isn't. But we still don't know the full financial context yet until they release their earnings reports and throw out those dividends., But yeah, these posts are spot on.

              and wieners *did* say he wasn't optimistic about Christmas.

              • 4 months ago

                For now we can only dwiddle our thumbs while we wait for the Q4 earnings report (February 13th) and the dividends (February 15th)

                The following things can happen:

                >Everything is fine and dandy, the company is turning around and losses aren't nearly as bad as they could be
                In this case the ''haha 2 more weeks'' posters are correct.
                >''We found investors willing to pump us full of money!''
                >''the end is nigh but we're pretending everything is dandy''

                In these two cases we know the doomposter anons calling happening are right.

  5. 4 months ago
  6. 4 months ago


    Thing is, we don't know exactly what happened in Q4 2023. wieners said he assumed it would be a shit season, but we don't know if they actually made money and improved their cashflow. If their cashflow didn't change, then they would have to use that cashflow to:
    >pay off debts (?)
    >pay interests on debts
    >pay $90 million in dividends
    >pay operational costs
    they don't appear to have the money for that. If so, then 2 MORE WEEKS is true. But for all we know someone dumped their company full of money like what happened with Mattel in 2018.

    Grab popcorn lads.

    • 4 months ago

      Why are their dividends forced so high? Are dividends usually a cut of profits, after operating expenses?

      • 4 months ago

        That is actually raising eyebrows on Wall Street as well, see second link in OP. And now you might think; why is no one paying attention?

        1) Wall Street doesn't understand what is going on because analysts don't know how D&D or Monopoly works
        2) The toy sector is right now at the toy fair in Nuremberg congratulating each other on being innovative and brilliant.

        • 4 months ago

          >see second link in OP

          Lol, that article was basically
          >hasbro should be broke, why and how are they paying a dividend?

          I wonder if I should short some Hasbro.

          • 4 months ago

            >hasbro should be broke, why and how are they paying a dividend?

        • 4 months ago

          Is that for the whole year or just a month?

  7. 4 months ago


    +5 Social Credit Po- I mean DnD Beyond tokens.

    • 4 months ago

      Ah sweet! Only 999,995 to go before I can get an Automatic Natural 20!!

      • 4 months ago

        >be a nice person IRL
        >get better rolls in DnD
        How is this a problem exactly? Shouldn't luck work like this? Do good and have good done to you.

  8. 4 months ago

    Let's be real, D&D has been such a shitshow these last few years that ANYONE would probably be an improvement over WotC.

    • 4 months ago

      That's exactly what they said about the swedish cuckolds at Paradox Interactive gutting White Wolf and assuming full control of World of Darkness. It can ALWAYS get worse.

      • 4 months ago

        They deserved it.

        • 4 months ago

          Sure, but they said Paradox would be better than they were. They weren't.

      • 4 months ago

        It's been nothing but shit since then. Martin Erickson might have been a complete loon but I doubt the lackluster Hunter and Werewolf games, with everything good and fun removed, would have been released on his watch.

  9. 4 months ago



    +5 Social Credit Po- I mean DnD Beyond tokens.

    I genuinely think that China is gonna try and remove what we would call "woke shit." Look up "Baizuo" China's apprehensive to western politics.

    It may unironically be done in a bad way where everybody is gonna lose. I don't expect Tencent to release two versions of DnD as one for the west and China. Were probably gonna get a clunky edition of 6E with a lot of signs of Chinese government regulation compliance.

    See China seems apprehensive to anything fun. They called online video games "spiritual opium" for goodness sake. If someone told me that they're gonna extend that label to tabletop roleplay games and tabletop wargames I'd believe it. So who knows how bogged down with Chinese censorship and regulations that Chinese DnD will have to deal with? The rules will definitely be affected and I for one believe a lot of fun will be handicapped out of the game mechanically whether the next edition is somehow more streamlined or crunchier something is gonna be lost due to Chinese regulations/censorship. Maybe the government will try to make it educational and there will be excessive crunch that even the most autistic neckbeards will find excessive. Who knows?

    Expect a lot of Eastern fantasy wankery too, but this is to be expected. I'm okay with this, but I'd totally get it if some people would find it too excessive.

    What worries me the most is that the art in the books may actually be done using AI as big companies like Tencent seem like the kind that would try to cut as many corners as possible.

    • 4 months ago

      Definitely there won't be skeletons. For whatever fricking reason China censors everything with skeletons.

      • 4 months ago

        They do it because it promotes superstition. You know, like the fact many Chinks believe the CCP lost the Mandate of Heaven.

    • 4 months ago

      If true, don't forget the ban on skeletons.

      • 4 months ago

        good luck

    • 4 months ago

      >They called online video games "spiritual opium" for goodness sake.
      that's a 100% correct definition of online games

    • 4 months ago

      So…no more Necromancy and skeletons?

      If true, don't forget the ban on skeletons.

      Tencent doesn't really enforce those rules or wokeness erasure upon those of it's western products that are doing well, they are relatively hands off creatively with foreign acquisitions. They got stakes on plenty of western fantasy video games already (such as Last Epoch) that still have spooky scary skeletons.

      >They called online video games "spiritual opium" for goodness sake.

      They also quietly dropped (at least for now) a draft for their legal regulation because it hurt the Chinese tech company stocks. CCP boomers don't have to like it, but selling gacha waifus is one of the most successful Chinese exports that is funding their actually productive tech enterprises and online infrastructure. CCP boomers in general seem frustrated about having to settle for soft power, they seem to really wish that they could pull off the old fashioned great power saber rattling as a foreign policy.

      • 4 months ago

        Anons itt would be surprised what Western franchises tencent already has its grubby fingers wrapped around. They'd be stupid to try to synchronize the chinese domestic market with the western one. Wildly different cultures.

        >Will 5E keep chugging along for another 10 years?
        Νο. Everyone who plays 5e will stop the moment 6e comes out. There will be no loyal fan-base like with previous editions because the only character 5e has is that it's the new one.
        > Will western 6E and Eastern 6E be wildly different?
        Probably. But mostly due to licensing and intellectual property laws being very different in China.
        >Will 6E be too crunchy for 5E players and perhaps be a good edition?
        Who knows. There is a chance that its going to replace the sacred cows with simple trappings and thus be very different from previous editions, something in the scale of 4e even.

        One thing for certain. The ttrpg market has an actual chance to change wildly now that the trend-setter is in such different hands.
        >China hates fun and online video games, censhorship blah blah blah this is your brain in propaganda.
        You really have no idea how many "western" titles are owned by the chinese huh? Digital Extremes, Grinding Gear Games, Paradox Interactive, fricking Epic Games, all are owned by tencent.

        >Everyone who plays 5e will stop the moment 6e comes out. There will be no loyal fan-base like with previous editions because the only character 5e has is that it's the new one.
        I doubt that. So many new players got into D&D via 5e and haven't learned another system in almost 10 years now. They might pick and choose some stuff from OneD&D but if a hypothetical 6e differs too much from 5e I don't see why 5e wouldn't retain a huge chunk of its current playerbase. Not to mention that 5e had a lot of time for 3rd party material to accumulate and there's still stuff releasing.
        Even entire 5e Derivatives. I'm certain we will have 5e grognards in 10 years who got into D&D with 5e and will never switch. It's just too big and will always get the nostalgia/comfort/habit bonus for an entire generation of ttrpg players.

        • 4 months ago

          we will enter a new era of fantasy heartbreakers with people releasing DnD 5e hacks for around a decade till everyone gets bored and stops playing dnd or enters into the hobby trying the new edition.
          AKA the same thing that happened after 3.5e.

          • 4 months ago

            Not saying new editions won't be played but that other anon predicted everyone dropping 5e asap and I don't see it happening so soon.
            A lot of normalgays play D&D now and they're not as deep into /tg/ as a hobby. The nerdiest friend in their circle runs the game and they play once or twice a month and still can't remember most rules.
            I don't see this casual playerbase being too eager to try a new system if it isn't for a huge social media marketing campaign and all the influencers shilling it.
            >le 5e bad
            is a very niche/Ganker sentiment because these casuals literally have no reference and don't care. expecting them to immediately switch to the next version doesn't make sense. They started playing 5e because it was the popular choice when they got into the hobby and it still is from my knowledge.

    • 4 months ago

      >What worries me the most is that the art in the books may actually be done using AI
      WotC already got caught doing this.

      • 4 months ago

        that shit was fricking hilarious
        >Make a proclamation that AI will not be used for art after throwing out everyone that actually made products
        >made ad for shitty wotc cards
        >ad contains clear AI imagery, cards probably do too but were too small to tell
        >everyone points this out
        >''nooooo consoomers this isn't AI art!''
        >get fricking community noted ''yeah it is''
        >delete tweets and backtrack 24h later with ''we didn't know it was AI art sooorrry it's this third party fault also you consoomers are meanies for calling us liars''

        • 4 months ago

          Almost as funny as their strop over the OGL
          >Hmph, we won! We won, not u nasty people calling us out for our hostile takeover tactics! WE WON
          Genuinely cringeworthy that whichever diversity hire was allowed to post that “apology”

          • 4 months ago

            you better take that back or I'll send the Pinkertons after you!

            • 4 months ago

              2 in the Pink.

          • 4 months ago

            Wasn't it more like "W-We won. Aad you won, but we did too, everybody wins but mostly us"

          • 4 months ago

            Diversity hire? Nah homie, blame where blame is due, this was a mayo cracker. Haven't you heard how the hobby will improve once they're all gone?

        • 4 months ago

          Almost as funny as their strop over the OGL
          >Hmph, we won! We won, not u nasty people calling us out for our hostile takeover tactics! WE WON
          Genuinely cringeworthy that whichever diversity hire was allowed to post that “apology”

          I'm not sure what encourages corpos to admit you got under their skin like that. At some point you'd think they'd learn that showing pain makes the internet kick harder.

          • 4 months ago

            Easier to pretend to apologize to their customers for their foolishness than let their competitors take any possible advantage of them looking foolish, no matter how small

    • 4 months ago

      Baldur Gay 3 is 10% Tencent owned and it features skeletons, homosexualry and everything else you have come to expect out of modern dnd

      • 4 months ago

        Trips of truth.
        Nothing will change, DnD is already a huge mass market product for the masses, blame Stranger Things if you want but there's nothing that would go worse if Chinks got to it.

        • 4 months ago

          I think it's funny how obvious the China shills have gotten. I hate the moderation on this site. Ganker should be nuked from space. I honestly prefer the advertisements on facebook at this point. Much more obvious. Pathetic.

      • 4 months ago

        Irrelevant, Tencent doesn't own enough of Larian to have any say whatsoever in what they do. Here it will be different

    • 4 months ago

      >They called online video games "spiritual opium" for goodness sake.
      Frick the CCP, but they're not entirely wrong to make the comparison. Obviously it doesn't apply to most games, but so many of them are built to absorb all of your free time for brief dopamine rushes, and not everyone has the mental fortitude to know when to stop playing (if even just for the night). It's one thing when you just don't want to stop having fun, but this shit is like an actual drug to a lot of people, it's kind of disgusting how manipulative it is.

      • 4 months ago

        Fun fact: right after doing this and everyone going "OMG BASEDBASEDBASED" the Chinese games industry instantly lost billions in value on the stock market and China freaked, completely backpeddaled and fired the official that said this stating he was an "enemy of the party poisoning the will of the people with outdated thinking" and are now full in on "funpay minibuy surprise mechanics".

        Its almost like china is just a capitalist police state pretending to be something else. Almost.

      • 4 months ago

        Maybe people weak enough to be sucked dry to gotcha should be treated with the same contempt as a heroin addict or meth-head.

        • 4 months ago

          It's funny how you think I'm talking about anything gacha-related. I was actually talking more about shit like Tarkov, League, basically anything that revolves around tiered ranking or losing hours of work to some sort of twist of fate. It preys on competitive nature, and the games themselves are built in a way that you're required to dump all your time into it or risk falling behind. Obviously, most casual players don't get snagged, but a sizable amount of dedicated players still do.

          • 4 months ago

            Not eliciting much sympathy there, either. I actually might feel more pity for a smackhead than a League player, lol.

            • 4 months ago

              idk, I feel like you're still missing my point. It's not the game itself, it's the garbage systems that makes players feel they need to dedicate every free moment to keeping up and staying on top of their ranking climb. You could throw League out the window and watch it splatter, but that wouldn't do anything about the rest of the games out there with the same timesink mechanics. The average gamer is kinda moronic when it comes to understanding value, and the companies that make their games abuse the hell out of that fact.

              • 4 months ago

                Adding to your point; League of Legend gates power in a cunning way, but gets to claim it's fair because you can spend 6 hours every single day with no missed days winning every game for 7 years and unlock half of the characters without paying any money.
                The trap is, of course, not only are you unlikey to win literally every game, but the fresh, hotnew stud character they released is objectively better than the ones you have, and the ones paying out for the new hotstud character every two weeks are going to win consistently and make you feel like a b***h for not buying the newcharacter hotstud yourself.

                World of Tanks does a similar thing, it pits free players against dickheads who purchased the best tank in the game, so that the buyers feel more skilled (and thereby more comfortable spending more money) and the freeplay losers feel powerless and out of options, leading them into making a purchase, which will, as mentioned just a moment ago, pit them against the free players and instantly give them a win on a silver dish.

              • 4 months ago

                I have never experienced this in League Of Legends, but people who feel this way can and often do just Ban whoever the new champion is for around a month or so. Also any old account can usually get a new champ if they're absolutely positively dying to play them. I've never heard any of my league friends discuss buying a champ with real money including the guy I know who his (very very low) challenger for a season. However I have heard a couple of my friends spend upwards of 200$ for a single skin, so I suspect that is where most of the money actually lies.

              • 4 months ago

                for the record this is coming from someone who grew up too broke to buy games and ended up playing "f2p" mmos and getting shitstomped all the time for having no dollar bills. League just doesn't have that style of power creep.

              • 4 months ago

                I usually don't even engage the "muh champ unlocks" argument, personally. There are enough champions in the game to make balancing them all an actual nightmare, and the new(ish) systems introducing shards and level rewards made it super easy to manage getting new champs. Not sure about other modes, but I know ARAM also has its own free pool of so many champs that are just available to everyone, so champs haven't really been a significant limitation for a few years now.

    • 4 months ago

      >Tencent gets D&D
      >All undead are removed from the game.
      Who knew Kelemvor was a communist.

    • 4 months ago

      Have you seen concept art briefs from WotC? They're practically on the order of AI prompts already.

      • 4 months ago

        They are AI prompts, they just clean up the eyes and hands in photoshop to make it less obvious.

    • 4 months ago

      China hates fun for its own people, but likes exporting it to the west because they see it as making us weaker.

  10. 4 months ago

    You will roll gacha for foxgirl waifus in 6e.

    • 4 months ago

      So, how is that not gonna make all of the money?

  11. 4 months ago

    Whatever D&D fans don't like, they can just rewrite.
    Because rewrite what you don't like means D&D isn't bad, remember?

  12. 4 months ago

    I wouldnt mind more China inspired settings

  13. 4 months ago

    So…no more Necromancy and skeletons?

    • 4 months ago

      If true, don't forget the ban on skeletons.

    • 4 months ago

      If true, don't forget the ban on skeletons.

      And ghosts, the CCP hate ghosts as a concept.

      Guess they are scared that all the people they’ve murdered will come back for vengeance somehow.

  14. 4 months ago

    Beautiful, i will bring popcorn.

  15. 4 months ago

    Having actually read the article, it seems to imply that Tencent is only in negotiations for “certain rights”, including video game adaptation rights.
    Do we have confirmation anywhere that the brand as a whole is up for sale?

    • 4 months ago

      Where does it say that? Do you mean the Chink source version?

      • 4 months ago

        The article seems to imply both. The first part of the article says D&D as a whole but near the end of talks about how Tencent wants "Adaptation rights" however the end of the article also talks about having control over the IP which is not the same thing so I think the article is poorly written.


        >Speed Daily exclusively learned that the American toy company Hasbro is seeking to sell its well-known IP “Dungeons & Dragons” (referred to as “DND” below), and Tencent is one of the potential buyers.
        >At present, the negotiations are still in the early stages and both parties have not yet reached an agreement on the details of the transaction.

        Couple that with this:
        >There might be a good reason for this, but we'd want to look into it further before getting comfortable. With the recent loss, it's important to check if the business generated enough cash to pay its dividend. If Hasbro didn't generate enough cash to pay the dividend, then it must have either paid from cash in the bank or by borrowing money, neither of which is sustainable in the long term.
        >Hasbro paid out more free cash flow than it generated - 160%, to be precise - last year, which we think is concerningly high. We're curious about why the company paid out more cash than it generated last year, since this can be one of the early signs that a dividend may be unsustainable.

        Seems like the bread of two weeks ago is coming true, Hasbro is dead. https://archive.is/lz1Ut

        If this is true we continue to see the coagulation of power into the hands of a smaller and smaller number of companies. Eventually the ones at the top will kill themselves trying to chase the dragon like Hasbro or merge with Disney or Tencent or whoever is one of the last two or three standing at the top of the sector. This is the efficiency of the market, concentrating power and money into the hands of an ever smaller number of shareholders and board members. I'm sure they have our best interests at heart.

    • 4 months ago

      You're right, the article itself states that
      >Tencent, represented by its overseas business department IEG Global, is in negotiations with the aim of acquiring a series of rights including the adaptation rights for electronic games such as DND
      The article seems confused. I think whoever wrote this doesn't know what DnD is and is conflating "rights to video games" with the tabletop itself.

      • 4 months ago

        ''acquiring rights'' can mean either buying it up altogether or getting a licensing agreement, so that doesn't help the confusion either. But given Hasbroke is begging for money given they don't have any anymore, see

        >hasbro should be broke, why and how are they paying a dividend?

        , who knows what it is the truth.

      • 4 months ago

        This is a trend with doomposters and ragebaiters. The article says one thing and they always spin it as "ITS HAPPENING GRAB POPCORN"

        • 4 months ago

          Black person...

          >Speed Daily exclusively learned that the American toy company Hasbro is seeking to SELL its well-known IP “Dungeons & Dragons” (referred to as “DND” below), and Tencent is one of the potential BUYERS.
          >According to informed sources, the financial crisis faced by Hasbro is the main reason for considering the SALE of DND
          >As a result, it was seen as a potential target BUYER by Hasbro. However, due to insufficient funds, Larian ultimately introduced this deal to shareholder Tencent.
          >According to the aforementioned IEG insiders, Tencent currently holds the game adaptation rights for many top-tier IPs. However, due to the licensing model mostly not being a one-time buyout, Tencent not only needs to bear high copyright fees and long-term revenue sharing but also frequently faces restrictions from its partners in terms of development and operation.
          If this acquisition is successful, it will enable Tencent to gain dominant control over the IP of Dungeons & Dragons, which will largely avoid the aforementioned issues.

          Wash your mouth with soap

          • 4 months ago

            Wake me when it actually happens that way instead of the doomposting being just "two more weeks" ragewank

            • 4 months ago

              That's the thing anon. All markers we have point to an immediate bankruptcy in 2 MORE WEEKS (and the days and weeks after that). But we're missing crucial data to be 100% certain, like how Christmas went and if people are pumping the company full of money like they did Mattel.

  16. 4 months ago

    Isn't TenCent also fricking flailing in a downward spiral as well because China decided it didn't like it's videogame industry in general, and said industry making money in particular?

    • 4 months ago

      that's why they 've been getting out of china using all the capital they have to buying anything foreign they can get their hands into these past few years

      • 4 months ago

        Isn't TenCent also fricking flailing in a downward spiral as well because China decided it didn't like it's videogame industry in general, and said industry making money in particular?

        That's what you get with a collapsing housing market

        • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        But... isn't TenCent literally an arm of the chinese government? Or am I thinking of the other one?

        • 4 months ago

          they are in part. Better think of them (in american terms) as a very large contractor. All their cybersecurity is still tied with the chinese government.
          It's their video games department that has been branching out.

        • 4 months ago

          Trick question. All corporations in China have CCP officers built into their structure. You can't operate a company in China without their explicit blessing, permission, and oversight. Sometimes that oversight is shit and corrupt as all hell, but it's still there, looming.

          • 4 months ago

            CCP is directly managing every company. It's more like the mob structure where you pay the boss his cut as long as you don't attract too much attention to yourself

        • 4 months ago

          The Chinese government owns a stake in a tencent subsidiary (WeChat so they can police online discourse) but no, tencent is not "literally an arm of the Chinese government" any more than Boeing is an arm of the US government. Tencent sucks up to the party but so does every big Chinese company or they won't be in business for long.

  17. 4 months ago

    >All the youtubers like xp to level 3 that were going "y-you just need to stop saying products are bad and let me enjoy things???" starting to get real nervous when talking about "t-the new players handbook is basically 6th edition and the start of a whole new thing".

    Screencap this: Dungeons and Dragons is going to be 3rd or 5th edition forever. Tencent will buy them and scrap all physical content to make it a live service videogame adjacent "geek lifestyle product" to sell you virtual dice and skins and its going to flop mightily when they realise they cannot in fact C&D existing virtual tabletop platforms and dungeons and dragons will be replaced in the mainstream by Pathfinder and 25 year old Zoomers will just stick with 5e until they die of microplastic suffusion in the chem mines in 2043.

    • 4 months ago

      i wish

  18. 4 months ago

    Who cares? I can get better rules online for free. And not even via piracy; there are free games out there better than 5e or whatever slop the Chinese would try to pass off as playable.

  19. 4 months ago

    >selling out your 2nd most profitable IP to the Chinese because otherwise it looks like the dividend you paid to shareholders is a bit too high
    I hate corporations.

    • 4 months ago

      a lot of people assume Hasbroke is doing this to pretend everything is dandy towards the boomer investors while the C-suite is looting the coffers

  20. 4 months ago

    >Get on /tg/
    >See CCP propaganda thread #254
    >If D&D is mentioned on the board at any point then CCP shills will actively ruin the thread
    >Shills the $19.99 per month D&D Beyond subscription, which is now mandatory to play the game
    >Can't make your own characters anymore, no rules for it, need to pay a $4.99 fee for a random gacha character
    >Rules are even more dumbed down, it just becomes a rules lite system to appeal to the masses
    >"aT lEaSt It'S nOt WoKe ShIt"

    • 4 months ago

      There will be 0 undead in D&D due to hurting Glorious Leaders Cultural Sensitivities, and Turn Undead will be changed to a simple Cast Out Evil blaster spell. /tg/ is fine with this.

      • 4 months ago

        The King came back, my dude, so there's always light somewhere in the tunnel!

    • 4 months ago

      >D&D now locks efficiently in all the smoothbrain vydiaroth hylics
      I don't see a fault there
      >Inb4 noooo le hobby dies without deeendeeeeee!!!!
      More likes corporate pigs get the frick away from our hobby, i want the total death of the ttrpg market, only small dedicated projects fostered by passionate individuals should stand.

      • 4 months ago

        This rarely happens because the majority of small projects wind up acting just as corporate as the people you hate or implode due to egos. The one that manages to survive just drowns out the rest and sells out anyway to start the process over.

    • 4 months ago

      >Laughs in analogue

    • 4 months ago

      >It'll go from one shit edition I won't play, to a different edition I won't play.
      Oh no. The humanity.

    • 4 months ago

      The joke is this is all what D&Drones already do and what WotC already plans to do, right?

      • 4 months ago


  21. 4 months ago

    I wonder how long it'll be until they somehow manage to put mandatory kernel level spyware into D&D.

    • 4 months ago

      It will come with their AI assistant

  22. 4 months ago

    kek, I remember about six months ago when people were saying that hasbro wanted to sell D&D and all the 5e frickers were screaming about how profitable D&D was to hasbro and that hasbro would never sell it. Funny how that worked out. I will laugh if tencent shelves D&D permanently, let there never be another shitty D&D product made ever again. I still have my old books and will still run games the way I want but all the 5e "fans" are completely braindead and can't run a game without a published product.

    • 4 months ago

      I'm not sure how to describe your mental illness. You're gross and weird

    • 4 months ago

      >i remember about six months ago when people were saying that hasbro wanted to sell D&D and all the 5e frickers were screaming about how profitable D&D was to hasbro
      But D&D while not as highly profitable as MtG is one of the few profitable IPs Hasbro has. It won't maintain them afloat but it's still one of the few things that (for now) brings in new customers

  23. 4 months ago

    Not if based nuclear weapons from heaven can cleanse this deal first! The demons shall be vanquished and the world will sigh in relief and salvation.

  24. 4 months ago

    Out of curiosity, is Habro owned by private equity by any chance?
    Gutting companies like this feels every private equity.

    • 4 months ago

      Wikipedia lists the owners as:
      The Vanguard Group (10.8%)
      Capital Research Global Investors (9.8%)
      BlackRock (8.4%)
      Alan G. Hassenfeld (6.1%)

      • 4 months ago

        Oh, i've seen some of those names before, those groups completely leech companies.

      • 4 months ago

        jesus, what doesn't black rock own?

        • 4 months ago

          >An investment company
          >Actually has investments
          >shocked pikachu face.
          They are probably evil though.

        • 4 months ago

          Your DNA, yet

          • 4 months ago

            It really depends. Have you fallen for one of the heritage trackers scams?

            • 4 months ago

              I haven't but my entire extended family has.

        • 4 months ago

          Anything that isn't publically listed AFAIK

          Out of curiosity, is Habro owned by private equity by any chance?
          Gutting companies like this feels every private equity.

          Yes, that is true, and it is known for private equities that they chop up companies once they notice those companies are dying anyways. However... why did those equities decide to bail Mattel then?

  25. 4 months ago


    Pathfinder, I suppose. It's worth consideration that CR is basically dead at this point and the BG3 hype has been cooling off, so the hobby is probably going to shed a lot of trendchasers if DnD itself gets fricked.

    • 4 months ago

      You really think so? I got the impression that Pathfinder 2e had not gotten a very excited reception. I suppose they are well-placed to try for the golden ring considering they have a matured product and they took advantage of the OGL scandal very adroitly.

      • 4 months ago

        I say Pathfinder mostly because it's so DnD adjacent and the name is reasonably well known, so it's the most poised to reabsorb the DnD crowd, should the titan ever fall. All this isn't to say Paizo is much better than WotC or particularly deserving to take the throne, mind you.

        • 4 months ago

          I reckon you're probably right. The only other 'big' fantasy IP is what, Warhammer? And C7 bungled the rollout on that pretty badly.

          • 4 months ago

            WFRP 4e is pretty great though

            • 4 months ago

              Warhammer is overrated slop

          • 4 months ago

            It's not really about the size of the IP per se. I think vibe of the setting and the weight of the system are important too. Pathfinder has already absorbed a lot of the people who want a 3.5e style system. If there was a neo-Paizo that jumped on the opportunity to make a 5e clone as DnD fell, it could be legitimate competition.

          • 4 months ago

            >And C7 bungled the rollout on that pretty badly.
            That's only an opinion held on /tg/. Both it and Soulbound are doing generally well.

            • 4 months ago

              Neither one is talked about anywhere outside of discord and their generals. Honestly, WFRP4e is barely discussed in the Warhammer generals at all.

              They did a lazy and slow job putting out content and chose the wrong stuff first, not to mention their sloppy editing at release. They definitely bungled.

              • 4 months ago

                >Honestly, WFRP4e is barely discussed on /tg/ at all.
                Reread my post anon. /tg/ isn't the majority of the TTRPG space online.

              • 4 months ago

                >Neither one is talked about anywhere outside of discord and their generals.
                It's got two fairly active threads on RPG net, and the you've just named the other two places major discussion is likely to take place. So, yeah. Super weird.

              • 4 months ago

                >RPG net
                A cesspool of total schizophrenics that makes this place look stable and successful.

              • 4 months ago

                Only if you're stuck in this particular echo chamber. It's not any different than any other place that's got active moderation and its own standards. Either way, it's a large forum talking about the game.

              • 4 months ago

                Nat, but RPGnet was run by lunatics before /tg/ existed. I initially came here because a friend told me about the anonymous posting and how it lacked RPGnet's ego-stroking bullshit mismanagement. IE, not from /tg/ echo chamber. I was there first. ENWorld and GiantITP have decent moderation. RPGNet does not.

              • 4 months ago

                I use both evenly. Neither is perfect and both are about as flawed as each other on the whole. Although, generally, a little over moderation does make for a better place to discuss games than being under moderated.

              • 4 months ago

                >They're both equally bad.
                Maybe today. This website has gotten a hell of a lot worse since 2010. Especially since the election squatters got here and never left. But in 2010, /tg/was unquestionably better than RPGnet.

                These days I spend some time here, and more time on ENWorld and GITP.

              • 4 months ago

                >This website has gotten a hell of a lot worse since 2010.
                Actually, you're right. This place is way worse now. I forget how bad it's gotten sometimes. If it weren't for the generals I wouldn't come here at all anymore.

              • 4 months ago

                The generals are what made it worse.

              • 4 months ago

                Yet they're the only place any discussion of games happens.

              • 4 months ago

                Generals should have been immediately shunted to /tgg/. But they're also the main real thing to come here for now. Creative people who make things have mostly moved to a trillion discord instances; & GMing threads die here almost immediately.

                And yeah,

                >This website has gotten a hell of a lot worse since 2010.
                Actually, you're right. This place is way worse now. I forget how bad it's gotten sometimes. If it weren't for the generals I wouldn't come here at all anymore.

                , I mostly show up for /3.5g/. I play a few other games, but they don't have generals here.

  26. 4 months ago

    CCP will give social credit for mixed groups of single people to play D&D in an effort to boost population growth

  27. 4 months ago


    With how much they are pushing DnDbeyond and the "new" edition as a sort of live service, probably they are just trying to milk the cow to the last drop. After that (1 or 2 years) they will probably sell the IP, but before that I don't see it happening.

    • 4 months ago

      I just don't see Beyond working out. I mean, it was an unmitigated disaster when they tried it back during 4e.

    • 4 months ago

      >Pay the price of a book, every month, and get a tenth of the content
      Just give me the book thanks.

  28. 4 months ago


    The DnD team isn't particularly large or wildly expensive, so it's not exactly hard for it to turn a profit so long as it maintains its market dominant position. And BG3 no doubt brought an upswing in sales, at least for a time.

    • 4 months ago

      Didn't they just fire their D&D head honcho? I suppose he was the expensive one.

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah, because you see it's not enough that WotC is essentially the only profitable wing of Hasbro, keeping the rest of the company afloat. They need to be meeting absurd growth projections too. So despite MtG and DnD both turning a profit, both teams got hit with layoffs.

        • 4 months ago

          I can't dredge up much sympathy. Both products have been a dull march of worse quality delivered with a sour attitude for a long while now.

          • 4 months ago

            It's not a coincidence. Hasbro started demanding massive growth from WotC around 2018-19, which is precisely when MtG really started going to shit. Unsurprising to anyone except Hasbro apparently, there's a limit to how long you can burn long-term health for short-term profits.

            • 4 months ago

              It's really a tale as old as sales at this point. MTG probably has an easier path to recovery and a more flexible customer base.

            • 4 months ago

              That's also when they started with the ridiculous HasbroVerse plans in earnest that costs them billions with nothing to show for it. It's crazy how much they fricked up the storytelling portfolio

        • 4 months ago

          It seems like the entertainment industry is in complete freefall, despite being somewhat profitable, just not profitable enough apparently.

          • 4 months ago

            Too much money in on place. I mean with movies and video games there's still a healthy indie/mid-size scene, but the big names there are getting as bloated as in our neck of the woods, with disappointment following disappointment. It's really very interesting.

  29. 4 months ago

    Reminder that February 13th is the day of revenge

    • 4 months ago

      You will throw away your meds?

  30. 4 months ago


  31. 4 months ago

    I welcome loose elves in slit-to-the-waist cheongsams, Taiwan is a country thoughever and the only legitimate Chinese government

  32. 4 months ago

    >All women have massive breasts
    >Zero black people
    >Wuxia fighters become the norm
    We’re gonna make it bros…

    • 4 months ago

      you're an idiot if you think China owning anything is a good thing

      • 4 months ago

        Did you really expect high quality posts from a moron posting K-On

      • 4 months ago

        Either they un-frick D&D, which is good.
        Or they frick it even worse, which is funny AND good.

        • 4 months ago

          Please I need the sauce

          • 4 months ago

            Ra from some BL manwha called Ennead, from what I found

      • 4 months ago

        You're an idiot if you think those of us who hate what Hasbro has done with D&D care what happens to it anymore. If Tencent fixes it via a vis Larian, great. If it continues to be trash but in a different way, we will continue to not buy it and play other games or older editions.

        • 4 months ago

          This. The game is beyond shit right now. Nothing they can do will make it worse

          • 4 months ago

            Its going to get worse just because you said that.

          • 4 months ago

            >Nothing they can do will make it worse
            You really did it now.

        • 4 months ago

          Larian is dogshit. They made a pornbrain propaganda piece disguised as a "game" that should have been AO. If thats what is gonna happen to D&D, its more over than it has ever been.

    • 4 months ago

      >Anime pedo
      >moronic take
      Like pottery.

      • 4 months ago

        Why are you so mad? Afraid Beijing is gonna take your toys away?

        • 4 months ago

          Farming for social credit points and (You)s?

    • 4 months ago


  33. 4 months ago

    >muh Tencent will remove undead from the game
    Tencent has owned league of legends for years, and the undead are still there, just looking lame and gay because they are unwilling to draw bones.
    And no, they aren't going to remove woke shit either. League is literally nothing but strong lesbian black women these days, and Tencent doesn't give a shit as long as they also make some loose costumes for cashcow characters to bring in profits.
    When they buy something out, they still have the original developers (woke amerishits) developing it, they just take their cuts.

    • 4 months ago

      I wonder show they are going to add skins to D&D.
      I mean, Im sure the player base would love to buy It, Im just wondering whatever It would be.

      • 4 months ago

        The return of 3e floppies but thinner and cheaper

  34. 4 months ago

    Chinese Dungeons and Dragons!
    No more undead.

  35. 4 months ago

    >Oriental adventures becomes a canon setting again
    I can live with this.

  36. 4 months ago

    You know, for some reason, I don't think a D&D owned by Tencent will be that bad, honestly.

    • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      >You know, for some reason, I don't think a D&D owned by Tencent will be that bad, honestly.
      I would be amazed if Tencent significantly molested the PnP side of things and wouldn't be surprised if they treated it like a loss leader or just farmed it out; they're interested in D&D because BG3 made a gorillion dollars and cleaned up at all of the awards shows and figure that that could happen a few more times.

      • 4 months ago

        Don't Tencent already own a significant part of Larian?

        • 4 months ago

          30% according to the meme that's spammed here every 20 minutes.

  37. 4 months ago


    You can't be from a website, dipshit. Stop being so tribal about where you like to talk about make believe games.

  38. 4 months ago

    I don't really care. The only thing which I'm slightly interested in is whether the modern D&D demographic is stupid enough to reflexively boycott it and disperse into other systems. I wouldn't be surprised if this was mainly to wrest some control of the vidya side of the franchise though.

  39. 4 months ago

    tencent is probably better at managing their properties than Hasbro. Purely from a consoomer standpoint I'm almost certain they are simply better at business. Plus if they don't go digital it's not like you have to worry about the product turning into Chinese spyware (instead of American spyware) anyways. Hasbro axes tons of the D&D team with little reason and no help or warning, when Tencent owned League of Legends axed people working on league of legends side projects that weren't selling well they gave them 6month pay severance package. Hasbro is an inch from death, Tencent has more money than God. Worst case scenario (and this would really suck) they try to market to China and stop publishing like, anything regarding undead due to Chinese censorship about corpses and making light of death or something like that. Something's gotta give and yeah I'm just glad it's not fricking Disney.

  40. 4 months ago

    All it will take for DnD to get pulverized is for an association of parents at some rural Chinese school accusing Tencent of publishing sorcerer and wizardry bullshit, arguing it's bad for the children's mental health, similar to USA circa 80's. Maybe together with some unrelated crime involving minors, where one of the kids had a DnD manual at home.

    • 4 months ago

      Don't worry I'm sure there's a consortium of Evergrande and Blackrock personnel working on removing those people from the right of home ownership as we speak. And there will be a Rabbi to come on television and let them all know that their moral outrage is somehow racist.

  41. 4 months ago

    >Hasbro going to jettison its D&D IP
    >Tencent owns 10% in Larian who made GOTY Baldur's Gate 3
    >Tencent and by extension Larian would own the D&D property so they wouldn't have to excess fees for trying to license it.

  42. 4 months ago

    Imagine the sheer synchronicity if Tencent winds up buying some portion of D&D right as the Year of the Dragon kicks off, and on the game's 50th anniversary.

    Gong xi fa cai.

    • 4 months ago

      It is ordained by the Mandate of Heaven.

    • 4 months ago

      >buying D&D in the year of the Dragon
      Oh anon. You're saying that the stars are aligning for such a moment?
      I'm not sure if I should be pleased or worried.

      • 4 months ago

        >very auspicious

  43. 4 months ago

    Stephen Glicker called this a couple of weeks back.
    Impressive that its actually happening.

  44. 4 months ago

    trading stalin for satan. They will crack down on third party releases, erase history of IP (Goodbye DTRPG reprints) & release a chinese peopaganda piece disguised as a TTRPG. Better disney have it than tencent, all they can do is beat & dead horse.

    • 4 months ago

      Sounds based to me.

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      >Better disney have it than tencent
      Tencent are more moral.

      • 4 months ago

        >more moral

        How are they going to do that? I'm just going to keep pirating and basically...you can't stop me, lol.

        for years the one good thing wotc did was offer POD via DTRPG/DMsguild of old editions. PDFs are finenits thepeople who want physicals im worried about.

    • 4 months ago

      >erase history of IP (Goodbye DTRPG reprints)
      WotC literally did this for the longest time until they badly needed money and then the DTRPG reprints became a thing.
      People don't remember this anymore, but a lot of 1e/2e material was hosted for free on WotC's website during the 3e days, as were a great deal of articles, maps, and more to expand the game and add things that they didn't have space for in book releases.
      Towards the start of D&DNext/5e it was declared that not only was hosting the 1e/2e content a waste of resources, but part of the reason that people still fought against 4e was because they had so much accessible 3e content. This was why suddenly the forums were unceremoniously deleted, and loads of content wiped off of the WotC websites.

      They resisted for a good long while from even talking about older editions, because as far as marketing was concerned, mentioning them at all hurt 5e sales.
      Which if anything condemns 5e.

      Tencent likes money.
      They'll keep everything available as long as those things make money.

  45. 4 months ago

    Enjoy your little brown books getting turned into little Red ones.

  46. 4 months ago

    there is not even a single 'good' thing that could come from d&d being owned by tencent
    however, the fact that this is even a discussion should require a lot of self-evaluation from d&d's current holders and custodians
    (there will be no self-reflection from them, of course, because nothing bad is ever their fault, it is always your fault, the consumer)
    they can all rot
    everything will get worse no matter who owns it from here, and I hope they all burn

  47. 4 months ago

    Tencent owning D&D as a trophy to brag about having the progenitor of all modern fantasy media isn't the worst outcome, there would be a lot of official D&D gacha games and shit and crossovers with League of Legends but I think people saying they'd somehow try and turn actual tabletop D&D into a gacha are kind of moronic, since that's LITERALLY what the awful Microsoft b***h Hasbro hired is ALREADY in the process of doing.

    If they treated it as an IP farm for spinoffs and other media like they do League it's probably one of the better outcomes, at least chainmail bikinis will definitely come back into fashion lol

  48. 4 months ago

    What the frick is this site? I've never heard of it until now, why is this not being reported on a site we actually recognize?

    Frick off OP, shove your AI-genned fake news up your c**t.

    • 4 months ago

      Pandaily is a Chinese tech business newspaper. Maybe you haven't hear about it because you're not interested in Chinese tech business?

      That said, I agree it's early to say anything.

  49. 4 months ago

    its dndover

  50. 4 months ago

    so uh whens the next pathfinder 1.75 gonna happen thats a fork of 1e

  51. 4 months ago

    Considering this doesn't effect GURPS at all

  52. 4 months ago

    Why are you complaining? The Chinese would make it way less gay than it is now.

  53. 4 months ago

    I just don't want Avalon Hill to get gutted, I want my HeroQuest stuff!

    At least getting Wizards of Zargon and Crypt of Perpetual Darkness made available.

  54. 4 months ago

    All we need now is for GW to collapse so the hobby has a chance to heal.

  55. 4 months ago

    At this point I kinda wish that Paizo somehow bought it, made galorion a DnD world, and had two different DnD lines: 3.75 for autists and 6e for the rest. All the rules and shit are made open source and they make the money off of modules and minis ect., and everyone save for people that hate DnD in general is happy.

  56. 4 months ago

    You know, for a nominally communist nation, China sure does seem to make an awful lot of money engaging in vulture capitalism.

    • 4 months ago

      They haven't been "communist" for decades anon.

    • 4 months ago

      China hasn't been Communist since the 90s.

  57. 4 months ago

    It's not like the Chinamen will do any worse

  58. 4 months ago

    you can erase my comments but you'll never stop me from being correct about china and protestants you fricking homosexual mods
    and stop taking ai money up your jizzholes and clean up this fricking board

  59. 4 months ago

    How is D&D doing so poorly it needs sold off? They just had BG3, then well enough received movie, and a bunch of brand tie ins. The system and its settings seem popular enough among casual players, so how is it fricking them?

    • 4 months ago

      Hasbro has unrealistic expectations of its IPs

    • 4 months ago

      for the same reason they want to go to VTT only; only DMs buy their products. Critical Role may have a ton of fans but the vast majority of them have never spent a dime on WOTC products. Same with BG3 players or movie watchers.

    • 4 months ago

      It's not d&d doing so poorly, it's Hasbro's entire line of... Everything. They're massively in debt and trying to squeeze every cent they can out of everything to make payments. Meanwhile they're still paying out dividends to investors they don't have the money for, and revenues are down across the board, while the execs clean out the coffers with big bonuses and fat paychecks, and lay off the staff to try to balance the books. It's not MTG, the entirety of Hasbro has been run into the ground. They're going to need to sell off more than just D&D.

      • 4 months ago

        Hey, if that isn't how businesses are supposed to work, then there would be laws against it. If you don't like it, go live somewhere communist.

        • 4 months ago

          >If that's not how businesses are supposed to work...
          Lots of things in this continent are designed in a moronic and unsustainable way. My country (leafland) does such things in a slightly less shit way than yours does. But publicly traded corporations are trash here too. If it's publicly traded, in this continent, expect short term tunnel vision and suicidal business practices to appease shareholders this quarter. But last I checked, we still have sole proprietorships, partnerships, and worker owned co-operatives in this continent too. And SJG and Steam, both private companies, don't do this autocannibalistic moronic nonsense.

          >Move somewhere communist!
          Or most of the EU, or Japan - really it's just the anglosphere where businesses being intentionally sabotaged for unsustainable short term shareholder profits is the norm, but even here, it's not the only option.

          • 4 months ago

            D&D being run from Belgium would be a huge step up, even if it's done for a Chinese videogame company. Get it the frick out of the anglosphere and run by Euros and they might think farther ahead than next Thursday.

  60. 4 months ago

    This likely means more adaptations. More adaptations means more normies. More normies is bad.
    This is therefore a bad thing.

  61. 4 months ago

    I know little of all this, but it's really weird that a company that's been around for a century cannot think long-term.

    • 4 months ago

      publicly traded companies only think per financial quarter. Often not even that far.

      • 4 months ago

        I feel like this didn't always used to be the case.

        What happened? Is it activist investors? Can we blame Warren Buffett?

        • 4 months ago

          It's shareholder primacy. You can blame John E. Bird, Flavius L. Brooke, Grant Fellows, Frank C. Kuhn, Joseph B. Moore, Russell C. Ostrander, Joseph H. Steere, and John W. Stone, the justices who oversaw Dodge v. Ford Motor Co. That case basically set the course for publicly traded companies in the USA. Henry Ford wanted to run his company in a stable and sustainable manner and to pay his workers better since the company was growing and they deserved a share of that growth. John & Horace Dodge disagreed and thought Ford's job was to maximize shareholder profits above all else.

          • 4 months ago

            The dodge Brothers were israeli btw. You left that part out.

            • 4 months ago

              Ford was right.

            • 4 months ago

              No they weren't; their dad was English-American and their mom Scottish immigrant.

        • 4 months ago

          >I feel like this didn't always used to be the case.
          It was always the case, you just weren't paying attention.

  62. 4 months ago

    I for one welcome our Chinese overlords. The game is already ruined by literal communist subhumans. Might as well let people who've actually seen communism give it a try. And we will have bigger breasts and less black people and 0 troonshit. We will never see a mouthy moron low-IQ 'activist" writer mouth off again either. It's a huge win, simple as.

  63. 4 months ago

    >Larian speculated to be the producer.
    >Their HQ is an hour away from my home.

    I'm preparing my resume. I promise I'll put weird tg references in the next edition.

  64. 4 months ago

    I hope this kills D&D forever.

    • 4 months ago

      The d20 system already did that. We never should have moved past THAC0.

      • 4 months ago

        Do you have any idea how stupid you sound?

        • 4 months ago

          He actually has somewhat of a point.

          I think d20 for everything is just a huge factor of randomness that is built into the system for what exactly. The thrill of rolling dice?

          When you see a Barbarian miss every attack because he rolls badly, while the wizard hits with every shot of his crossbow he is barely proficient with, you might get the idea that rolling dice was a fundamental mistake.

          • 4 months ago

            I'd argue that is an issue of target numbers and probability rather than an issue with the d20. 5e was set up so that when a Wizard has a good chance of hitting something a Barbarian would have a similar chance of missing. A decent level Barbarian shouldn't have a 70% hit rate when a Wizard has a 30% hit rate. The rates should be closer to 85%/30%

          • 4 months ago

            You will never convince anyone one way or the other so why bother bringing it up? I agree with you but it's pointless.

          • 4 months ago

            >guy complains about rolling dice in a tabletop games forum
            What are you doing here?

            • 4 months ago

              NTA, but it's about the specific implementation, and wanting stronger character differentiation. I get it. My biggest gripe about 5e is I that want much stronger character differentiation in skills such that the difference by mid levels between expertise and untrained is like +30 vs +0. Shit the untrained guy needs a good roll for, should already be an auto success for the expert by then, and the expert should be rolling for shit the amateur has no chance of doing in the skill. I suppose I could bolt on 3e-esque skill rules to 5e, but there's enough other problems with 5e that it was easier to just start houseruling 3e instead.

            • 4 months ago

              If I'm rolling dice they need to match my expectations for outcomes, not do moronic shit like give someone 10 times the chance of success they should actually have.

  65. 4 months ago

    Will 6E be fighter/martial/unga bunga edition?

  66. 4 months ago

    Relax guys it's just video game rights

    • 4 months ago

      Remember the Motto: Go Woke, Go Broke

    • 4 months ago

      Hasbro is still fricked, economically. Also not to be trusted.

    • 4 months ago

      That reads more like something said to prevent investors from selling off Hasbro stock because people caught wind of their plan before it was finalized. The lower Hasbro's stock price goes the less Tencent would pay for the IP.

    • 4 months ago

      Interesting wording on that. If they had already made a deal to sell off D&D then it would still be true that they "are not looking to sell" because they already finished looking. It also doesn't rule out the possibility of selling WotC as a whole, although I don't know if they'd even want to do that since it sounds like Hasbro is still making a profit from it.

      • 4 months ago

        Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. WoTC is beyond the point we can take their statements seriously.

  67. 4 months ago

    What the frick

  68. 4 months ago

    >MTG milks the game to death
    >Now forced to sell DnD because nobody is buying magic anymore
    Was he right?

    • 4 months ago

      History will prove him right. But he's playing a dangerous game not getting rid of his newer stock.

  69. 4 months ago

    Oh boy, I can't wait for more Chinese vidya shlop, where everyone looks the same, and no silly skeletons (because the Chinese are sooooo scared of skeletons for some reason) or anything else that is cool.

  70. 4 months ago

    Depictions of Skeletons are not banned in China. Part of the reason that in some cases Skeletons (in the form of the Undead) are removed is that they, just like Ghosts are seen as unlucky so media companies just don't include them very often as they may reduce popularity and thus sales.

  71. 4 months ago

    Imagine if we had just gatekept harder. This could have been prevented.

    • 4 months ago

      Impossible. Weakness always wins. They thrive in numbers. Saner people are too tired to speak. As soon as someone starts to complain, it’s already over.

      • 4 months ago

        Also, twitter-tier (tumblr-esque) artist types are a major part of the issue.

        You *cannot* criticize their enjoyments, especially their artwork—but they can sure as hell criticize yours!

        It blows my mind that people just let these pricks get away with everything.
        “Oh my god just ignore them, you don’t have to play” like it fixes anything at all.
        No, it puts out a truly disgusting precedent, forever. Why did we think this was a good idea? Letting cringe propagate?

  72. 4 months ago

    Also, twitter-tier (tumblr-esque) artist types are a major part of the issue.

    You *cannot* criticize their enjoyments, especially their artwork—but they can sure as hell criticize yours!

    • 4 months ago

      Impossible. Weakness always wins. They thrive in numbers. Saner people are too tired to speak. As soon as someone starts to complain, it’s already over.

      It blows my mind that people just let these pricks get away with everything.
      “Oh my god just ignore them, you don’t have to play” like it fixes anything at all.
      No, it puts out a truly disgusting precedent, forever. Why did we think this was a good idea? Letting cringe propagate?

      >It's /misc/Black folk pretending to like a hobby so they can try and drag it and it's actual enjoyers into their gay culture war time.
      Must be election year in America.

      • 4 months ago

        I never post on /misc/ ever. I’m just being aware of the hypocrisies.

        You labeling me “/pol/“ is precisely what I’m talking about too. As soon as you whip out the buzzwords, it is over.

        You can’t seriously think everyone fed up is a pol-tard, surely?

  73. 4 months ago

    DnD will turn into a cultivation game

    • 4 months ago

      >5 people group
      >ok people now lets silently meditate for 100 of years before we gather our party
      >you have to roll to not suffer qi deviation damage
      could be fun

  74. 4 months ago

    Do Westerners realize how racist the Chinese are

    They are going to get rid of dark skins and throw in white skins

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, but they will do it for the money. And they will monetize the market, western one. So they will double down on the things you have now.

      • 4 months ago

        There's no market for that shit, and the people who put it in have largely been fired to cut costs.

    • 4 months ago

      >Do Westerners realize how racist the Chinese are
      Many of them don't know how racist the Chinese really are. The ignorance is actually off the charts. And the new Chinese DnD will definitely reflect this.

      Don't forget that China also seems against western gay stuff so little things like pronouns and/or paragraphs about tolerance and inclusion may get removed as well. But as an anon said before in this thread. The book will have some Chinese propaganda or at the very least subtly espouse CCP values. So most likely were gonna lose anyways.
      Just can't avoid propaganda in my games anymore these days. Were just switching from one extreme to another.

      I wonder where the DnD 5E normies will go to if DnD 6E doesn't fall in line with their "culture."

      • 4 months ago

        >Many of them don't know how racist the Chinese really are. The ignorance is actually off the charts.
        Why won’t they listen?

        • 4 months ago

          Because the people who warned them are seen as bigots and literally Hitlers.

      • 4 months ago

        >doesn't fall in line with their "culture."
        They're not gonna sell this to their "culture", but western one.

      • 4 months ago

        You are talking about all of this like somehow it is not a bad thing? Chinese guidelines and reinterpretation will bring this hobby to a new golden age.

    • 4 months ago

      >Do Westerners realize how racist the Chinese are
      Many of them don't know how racist the Chinese really are. The ignorance is actually off the charts. And the new Chinese DnD will definitely reflect this.

      Don't forget that China also seems against western gay stuff so little things like pronouns and/or paragraphs about tolerance and inclusion may get removed as well. But as an anon said before in this thread. The book will have some Chinese propaganda or at the very least subtly espouse CCP values. So most likely were gonna lose anyways.
      Just can't avoid propaganda in my games anymore these days. Were just switching from one extreme to another.

      I wonder where the DnD 5E normies will go to if DnD 6E doesn't fall in line with their "culture."

      Imagine being a mildly intelligent person familiar with history and all of its repeats, realizing that toxic woke shit, unchecked immigration, and wound opening is bad, and you try to warn your peers and country about it, but this only makes you out to be some “bigot” or “racist” or “homophobe” or “islamophobe”.

      Fast forward ten years and you still don’t get an apology. No, the people who called you a racist islamophobic anti-gay bigot are doubling down, trying to improvise their mistakes. Destroying everything because they cannot handle that -they- are the ones making (big) mistakes.

      Virtue signalling, media power and peer pressure have absolutely rotted the world.

      • 4 months ago

        Stupidity (mass ignorance) is a motherfricking plague

        • 4 months ago

          Happy 18th birthday, anon.

          • 4 months ago

            How am I wrong? Look at how many people are pro-Hamas LOL. People under thirty are dangerously ignorant.

            • 4 months ago

              Ask them what “from the river to the sea” means and they will stare at you blank faced.

            • 4 months ago

              Are there people stupid enough to support an Israeli created terrorist group?

              • 4 months ago

                >an Israeli created terrorist group?
                Imagine actually believing this.

              • 4 months ago

                Literally funded by Netanyahu. It’s obvious what is actually happening. Netanyahu always intended to use Hamas for his own benefit.

              • 4 months ago

                Israel gave Palestine everything, from hospitals to water to electricity, lmfao. Hamas went out of its way to take out water pipes and turn them into weapons.


                I can be even more blunt, though. Israel is an innovational, progressive hot spot, so by default it has far more value than Palestine, which still executes gay people. The existence of Israel is a net benefit, as a bastion of western civilization which also gave you EVERYTHING.

              • 4 months ago

                Are you moronic? Israel was caught giving false leads to European media blaming Arab "terrorists" when their mossad agents were going around Europe and North America assassinating people, including an innocent Canadian guy. They threatened women and literal children with death, in person, to get husbands and fathers to stop helping Egypt develop militarily. Them using Hamas as a pretext for invasion is not only probable, it is damn near certain. Israel is an evil country.

              • 4 months ago

                Meds. Now.

              • 4 months ago

                Even wikipedia lists everything I mentioned. Stupid fricking lemming. Deny history all you want, its still history.

                That’s cool. Israel still offers the world a lot more innovational input than Palestine (which offers absolutely nothing, in-fact).

                Jews don’t go around Europe raping women like Arabic immigrants do.

                Yeah instead they facilitate sending Arabs to Europe so that Europeans will do the dirty work for them and take the heat for it. The entire middle east should be left to burn.

              • 4 months ago

                >Even wikipedia lists everything I mentioned.
                Don’t care. israelites are still pound-for-pound quality compared to sandBlack folk, which are just pure lack of quality, favouring quantity.

                This is why you shitters are fricking hysterical to me. You don’t even need to bring in history to point out how stupid present day Palestinians are.

              • 4 months ago

                That’s cool. Israel still offers the world a lot more innovational input than Palestine (which offers absolutely nothing, in-fact).

                Jews don’t go around Europe raping women like Arabic immigrants do.

              • 4 months ago

                >Them using Hamas as a pretext for invasion is not only probable
                There was an easy solution to this: Don’t attack a much bigger enemy.
                But they did. And now they’re getting their shit pushed In.
                “I just kicked a brick wall why does my foot hurt :((“

              • 4 months ago

                At least Israel cares enough to acknowledge innocent bystanders and misidentified hits, lol. Palestinians don’t actually care or give a single frick if you’re involved or not. They aren’t the type of people who will ask themselves “How many innocents did we just kill to rid ourselves of one bad guy?”, they just aren’t. The populace of Palestine goes out of its way parade around dead bodies of innocents. There is a clear and telling contrast, and Israeli israelites aren’t really even true Ashkenazi.

              • 4 months ago

                I don't care what happens in the middle east. It isnt my problem until the israelites make it my problem by shipping Arabs into my world

              • 4 months ago

                The israelite underrated the average goy’s intelligence; they are quickly realizing that brown skins are not preferable to light skins.

            • 4 months ago

              Person is smart, people are dumb. That's how humanity works. You've not made a new discovery.

              • 4 months ago

                >it’s happened before, calm down
                Sounds like you’re trying to make this an excuse to act like an idiot.
                Hey butthole, this is the most densely sophisticated the human race has ever been. Shit is right right now.

  75. 4 months ago

    >Chinese D&D
    Lmfao. Say goodbye to skeletons and Liches and all that.
    I'll spit on D&Dogshits grave. Rest in piss.

  76. 4 months ago

    Why would they remove the skeletons?

    • 4 months ago

      Because the Chinese are superstitious as hell and think it’s bad luck.

      Depictions of Skeletons are not banned in China. Part of the reason that in some cases Skeletons (in the form of the Undead) are removed is that they, just like Ghosts are seen as unlucky so media companies just don't include them very often as they may reduce popularity and thus sales.

      • 4 months ago

        How is that relevant? They will be selling it on the western market.

        • 4 months ago

          The Chinese think they know better. They will educate us.

  77. 4 months ago

    >yugioh is selling less than magic
    >doesn't have to pawn of stuff like metal gear and silent hill to stay afloat
    WotC really have the most moronic company CEOs ever. They've been handed gold and they still managed to piss it all away.

    • 4 months ago

      The difference is Konami isnt run by moronic leftoids.

  78. 4 months ago

    Uh.... why did Hasbro stock just take a nose-dive afterhours (lost 4% right after trading day ended)

    • 4 months ago

      Nothing out of the ordinary tbqh, happens quite often. Sometimes they will grow after hours.

    • 4 months ago


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