Hate to be that guy but Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is underperforming sales wise.

Hate to be that guy but Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is underperforming sales wise. Selling about half of what Remake sold in the same timeframe

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    part 3 already announced schizo

  2. 1 month ago

    >PS5 exclusive doesn't sell

    Yeah, consoles are dying and the PS4 is the last big hurrah for consoles. FF7 remake is about a decade too late: it'd be perfect as a two parter around 2014. Their next game should have been another PS4 duology covering FF6.

    Square as always fails to read market trends and makes weird shit no one asked for. People wanted an FF7 remake in 3D, and they got a stretched out trilogy with endless padding that kills the hype.

    • 1 month ago

      yeah. i’ll buy the game when it’s complete in 2042 and on sale as a bundle for $20
      imagine buying this slop 3-4 times full price when you can play the entirety of ff7 for like $5

      • 1 month ago

        they had the easiest home run in the history of gaming and turned it into a failure. it's so bizarre.

        japanese companies don't have any leadership, and are incapable of changing course in response to changing conditions or new data. square-enix is a rotting husk.

        • 1 month ago

          it's a problem with many japanese companies but Square is by far the worst. do they ahve anyone on their board who even has experience in gaming? Knowing your product should have some relevancy to the role. All these suits just think in terms of numbers when you need creativity.

          2014 was the perfect time for a FF7 two parter, to capitalize on those massive PS4 unit sales numbers. They really killed the hype by spacing this shit out so much.

          >oh boy 25% of the story
          >oh boy 25% more of the story
          >cant' wait for the other half!

          • 1 month ago

            They were in no position to have such a game out at that time. In the seventh generation they were busy shitting their pants like basically every other Japanese gaming company.

          • 1 month ago

            they didn't need any creativity though. they just had to remake ff7. it has nothing to do with the board, it is square's direct leadership and who they put in charge of teams. you can't dismiss this to suits.

          • 1 month ago

            When Japs become successful they suddenly think that they are some sort of Auteur and they lose connection to their playerbase that's when they make critical mistakes.

            • 1 month ago

              >When Japs become successful they suddenly think that they are some sort of Auteur and they lose connection to their playerbase that's when they make critical mistakes.

              omg I'm reading Suda51 shit and it's totally spot on. I'm not saying he's without talent, but the fame just gets to him. He directs Twilight Syndrome, and Moonlight Syndrome which are neat as hell games. But what does he think about them? He downplays them because he didn't have writing input on them, over later games he made which were "his vision". Meanwhile he has put out tripe that's way worse than his earliest games.

              The Japanese "auteurs" are just the lucky nerds who made it. There was no end to creative Japanese nerd boys in gaming and media at the time. Only a small subset happened to be in the right companies at the right time, and then think it's their unique talents that got them there.

              • 1 month ago

                suda51 is an irrelevant person

                i am about as big into video games as anyone who has ever come here and i've never played that shit. his recent product looked terribad.

              • 1 month ago

                Oh he's been pretty shit and up his own ass forever, just using him as an example. The quality of his work has significantly declined since he could never command a big enough budget and he got too much power. Inafune, Suda51, Kitase, Nojima, Nomura, all the same shit. Just lucky nerds and they get way too full of themselves.

                And critically seem to not "get" that their best work is behind them, and instead of cherishing that they want to do "new" material. Relevant to FF7 the writers (Nojima?) seem hellbent on "fixing" the "mistakes" of FF7, while throwing in endless fan pandering (Zack, Yuffie, etc) for no reason.

        • 1 month ago

          >they had the easiest home run in the history of gaming and turned it into a failure. it's so bizarre.
          Nah - not anymore. Now Nintendo has the easiest home-run potential in the current industry market via an OoT remake in the veins of FF7R (and watch them frick it up massively just like SE did with FF7.)

          >When Japs become successful they suddenly think that they are some sort of Auteur and they lose connection to their playerbase that's when they make critical mistakes.

          omg I'm reading Suda51 shit and it's totally spot on. I'm not saying he's without talent, but the fame just gets to him. He directs Twilight Syndrome, and Moonlight Syndrome which are neat as hell games. But what does he think about them? He downplays them because he didn't have writing input on them, over later games he made which were "his vision". Meanwhile he has put out tripe that's way worse than his earliest games.

          The Japanese "auteurs" are just the lucky nerds who made it. There was no end to creative Japanese nerd boys in gaming and media at the time. Only a small subset happened to be in the right companies at the right time, and then think it's their unique talents that got them there.

          Kojima is obviously to go-to pinnacle example of this problem.

          • 1 month ago

            >Nah - not anymore. Now Nintendo has the easiest home-run potential in the current industry market via an OoT remake

            OOT remake can't compete against stuff like genshin impact. FF7 remake was the biggest home run that has ever existed for any company. I have been playing video games since 1986.

            • 1 month ago

              Genshin is a very different game from OoT and as far as home-run potential goes, I'm referring to console exclusives specifically, not the mobile market (which generally blows any console/PC game out of the water, even shit like GTA.) I should've mentioned that in my previous post.
              As far as full-on remakes go, an OoT remake has the most potential right now, as it can ride off of the post BoTW/ToTK fame, both of which grossed over 20 million in sales alone.
              But seeing the current state Nintendo's in (doing well sales-wise while quality of their IPs are rapidly collapsing) I suspect they'll go full moron and frick it up by toning down on the darker elements and abandoning the traditional dungeon formula for the shitty BoTW Ubislop formula in order to cater to the post-BoTW era zoomers, or some stupid shit like that.

              • 1 month ago

                console exclusives are not an idea anymore, sony and square just learned that

                in the next year apple will announce plans for their phones as a "console" and this will effectively delete playstation out of existence

                i have been right many many times making predictions like this btw

              • 1 month ago

                I agree with you. Consoles are a dying breed, the future of gaming is clearly catered towards mobile & PC.
                But regardless, I'm still not sure why you still compared OoT to Genshin. I'm just going assume that you didn't play any of the older titles and suspect that BoTW was the de-facto formula for the series, hence your Genshin comparisons in the first place. Even then, the recent Zelda games were insanely successful sales-wise.

              • 1 month ago

                I don't think consoles will die simply because PC gaming is too expensive at the AAA level and most people don't have the brains for it.

              • 1 month ago

                Well mobile doesn't work for serious gaming either, thanks to fricked controls and a small screen (and most people don't have the brains to use their monitor as a projector either.)

              • 1 month ago

                consoles aren't going to come out, they're going to be suicide to make in the future. phones replaced them

                pc gaming isn't any more expensive than console gaming

              • 1 month ago

                PC parts have literally doubled or tripled in price over the last few years. The PS5 is a little more expensive than the PS4.
                How can a phone replace a console when it has no input capability and the games are all garbage?

              • 1 month ago

                go ahead, argue against the coming reality. don't say i didn't warn you.

                there isn't going to be a playstation 6, they literally *can't* make it. it will kill the company if they do.

              • 1 month ago

                You make no arguments. I'm playing Stellar Blade on PS5. How is that going to work on a phone, even if the phone is strong enough to run it?

              • 1 month ago

                you think you can't use controllers with phones or something? you aren't aware of the concept of a dock either?

                you aren't going to like this last part: the graphics of stellar blade don't matter whatsoever and don't impact its sales. the design yes, the level of the graphics no

                the next big console will be slower than a PS5. and it will dominate. from apple. it's a phone. many people in this thread already have one.

                I have been deeply into this industry since the 80s...times are changing. you haven't thought your responses through in general, so you aren't the type of person who can see/predict things like this. But i make large scale predictions and they come true, all the time.

              • 1 month ago

                At this point you could just use the TV itself as a console, with streaming.

              • 1 month ago

                it's possible, and will be more of a reality with some types of games and for some types of consumers

                sony committed the worst mistake in their history by being smugly excited that it was impossible to get a ps5, i think.

  3. 1 month ago

    I dont have PS5 so I cant buy rebirth. well, I havent bought remake either because I'm waiting for the 7r complete edition (heavily discounted). anyway chop chop square enix. you wont get my 20 bucks at this rate.

  4. 1 month ago

    >lets switch the story around because???

    Also the slow as molasses animations to hide load screens were infuriating.

    • 1 month ago

      >>lets switch the story around because???

      Becuase they want to fix the story which they see as filled with mistakes, and because they want a new experience to players (since everyone has played FF7). The last one is absurd, since they don't seem to realize not everyone who's 40 plays video games still, and there's a constant stream of people who drop off from gaming and new players all the time. 4 years gap makes the last game ANCIENT, so a game from 1997 might as well be the stone age.

      yes, Square totally values themselves.

      • 1 month ago

        all i wanted out of this product is to share FF7 with my wife who is 10 years younger. we tried to play in about 2019 and she just couldn't get into it due to random battles and stuff

        so that's the only thing I wanted "fix", maybe update the gameplay a little and go away from random battles, which were always a system to extend game length and basically nothing else. like FF7 with the same story and the new combat would be fine. we didn't play those games for the combat.

        • 1 month ago

          For pacing they could have done everything in 2 games. No Time Jannies, no padding. They had the gall to add a giant DLC to FF7 Remake and it was just some padding fan service with Yuffie that didn't move the plot forward. No, I don't give a shit what Yuffie was doing in Midgar.

          Changing the plot just makes it incomprehensible to new people. And if they wanted a Seph fight, they could have done Could x Seph in the Nibelheim flashback instead.

          Like Star Wars before it, they let fan pandering take stage so we KNOW it has to have a Sephiroth battle to be a real FF7 game right? Like how a real star wars movie is all about jedi and light sabers?

          • 1 month ago

            1 game. there was never ANY reason for this product to be more than 1 game if the original product was 1 game

            • 1 month ago

              But dood the game is just so big that you can't put it to one game!

              >OG Midgar takes barely 2 hours to clear

            • 1 month ago

              >1 game. there was never ANY reason for this product to be more than 1 game if the original product was 1 game

              There is a reason for more than one game, simply because of production budgets. You can make a very big scale game about stick figures, but if you want AAA graphics on a modern console you can't do that without spending 1 billion dollars. FF7 is a huuuuuge game with a huge scale so unless you turn the game into a series of hallways you can't do it. Just so many NPCs, locations, events, battles, etc.

              A duology splitting the story and locations in half works. But FF7 is huge so they managed to ADD FILLER to pad it to 3 games, which is just absurd. ending at Midgar? NUTS.

              • 1 month ago

                >There is a reason for more than one game, simply because of production budgets.

                No, no, no, no no, fricking no

                you are talking to me from the perspective of industry suits. I DON'T FRICKING CARE.

                ONE. GAME. the original was ONE GAME. you don't NEED massively overblown budgets.


                way to miss the fricking point entirely zoombro

              • 1 month ago

                >you are talking to me from the perspective of industry suits. I DON'T FRICKING CARE.

                Video games aren't powered on magic and fairy dust. Someone has to make them, someone has to buy them, and there has to be profit to be made to incentivize more games like this. Unfortunately, the profit motive is for shit mobile games and gatchas with console games on the way out.

                >way to miss the fricking point entirely zoombro

                I'm 39, and someone loaned me FF7 in grade 10 math class.

              • 1 month ago

                39 and repeating industry talking points that were disproven drastically in the last year by games like BG3

                >bro you need a 400 million dollar budget so you can buy outsourced Black person woman npc models

                the original game was somehow made on the most state of the art equipment that existed at the time and came out fine, i dunno, maybe just do the same thing again. oh, wait, the company doesn't have any talent or leadership.

      • 1 month ago

        >since everyone has played FF7
        Do you actually believe this?

        • 1 month ago

          Meant Square here. Surely they know that FF hasn't pulled in any new blood since FFX?

        • 1 month ago

          it was considered true but 10 years ago.

          • 1 month ago

            Nah, the fact that most people's idea of FF7 came from Compilation and Kingdom Hearts makes it clear that most hadn't played the original game even 10-15 years ago.

            • 1 month ago

              not true in places like Ganker

      • 1 month ago

        >since everyone has played FF7

        lol, I can assure you that the VAST majority of people under the 25-30 age bracket have not played the original game.

        • 1 month ago

          Few people under 30 have played any FF game made before 15.

  5. 1 month ago

    Rebirth isn't out yet

  6. 1 month ago

    FF7 popularity is overblown, majority of people don't give a shit about it outside of boomers who grew up with it and you have to factor in how many liked and put up with the nonsense they pulled in Demake which is few so of course they wouldn't touch Unbirth let alone buy a whole ass console for it
    Like an entire generation grew up having never played it and Square missed that window for them to give a shit during the PS3 to early PS4 era. Demake lifetime sales won't even pass that dog turd 15 from the looks of it and it's gonna be the best performing one out of the trilogy

    • 1 month ago

      they're staring down the barrel of a future where part 3 is met with a huge "meh" and they did this to themselves

      the company will go bankrupt within 2 years. I would bet money on it. Kadokawa will purchase their assets.

    • 1 month ago

      >FF7 popularity is overblown, majority of people don't give a shit about it outside of boomers who grew up with it

      Hense the remakes. But if they did it right, and made them PS4 games, released them in a timely manner, these would be pretty popular games. PS5 exclusivity is a total death sentence. These games should be cross-platform day 1. Square still thinks it's 1997 and they can get by with PlayStation exclusives.

      Jesus. Can you imagine Steam and Xbox releases on day 1? 2 million extra sales easily without trying.

  7. 1 month ago

    Unless if a game is directly affiliated with Nintendo, console-exclusive releases are just a death wish these days.

  8. 1 month ago

    >tfw Stellar Blade very likely may outsell FFVII
    what a world we live in where a mobile game studio’s first console game tops Final Fricking Fantasy VII

    • 1 month ago

      Square got greedy and padded shit out to kill excitement. Imagine waiting 2020 to 2028 to experience the story?

    • 1 month ago

      it's not final fantasy 7. it's a product made by japanese asiatics who had nothing to do with final fantasy 7.

      putting a visual artist as a designer/lead is one of the most absurd ideas i have ever seen happen in this industry, and he dragged the company under. great job square.

      my first final fantasy was final fantasy. I cancelled the series for myself after X. At this point I am praying for the company to die, I still remember 2 and 3 so fondly, secret of mana, 7, all that stuff from that era. It's like watching a friend's corpse walk around and then start jerking off with a justin beiber wig on.

      • 1 month ago

        >putting a visual artist as a designer/lead is one of the most absurd ideas i have ever seen happen in this industry, and he dragged the company under. great job square.

        Nomura's games have been the only AAA sellers. The real problems are likely Kitase and Nojima's writing. Kitase needs to reign everyone in, and doesn't seem to care, while nojima is hellbent on changing things for reason.

        Purely from a directing sense, FF7 seems well directed and respectful to the source material. The writing is abysmal.

        • 1 month ago

          No, anon-kun. Nomura isu za debiru.

        • 1 month ago

          >Nomura's games have been the only AAA sellers

          Disney's games. The games sold on the strength of Disney and always would have. The shit Nomura put in the game was just terrible looking characters, terrible combat, terrible everything.

        • 1 month ago

          Kitase was never the lead tard wrangler he's a part of this mess. Sakaguchi was the chief tard wrangler and with his absence you can see what these homosexuals got up to.

  9. 1 month ago

    >about to drop HIGE damage on boss with limit breaks
    >fight changes phase
    >boss goes immune to damage and I waste my damage

    Great fricking system.

  10. 1 month ago


  11. 1 month ago

    Fricking 2 year old boomers talking about old shit like Fortnite and BG3.

  12. 1 month ago

    I refused to buy rebirth simply because it was half of a game and I refuse to buy whatever the new one is called for the same reason. Shameless soulless cash grab shit, how about you hire devs that are passionate enough about a game that they can fricking finish it and sell me a completed product.

  13. 1 month ago

    Barry won.

  14. 1 month ago

    >Hate to be that guy
    Somehow I doubt that

  15. 1 month ago

    >rpg where nobody cant understand the story

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