>have played fallout 1 to completion multiple times. >cant get myself passed fallout 2 early game

>have played fallout 1 to completion multiple times
>cant get myself passed fallout 2 early game
idk something about it just feels bland

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  1. 12 months ago

    Looking past the shítty reference humor, the thing that always annoyed me about FO2 was that every enemy is a damage sponge. You never got to feel strong.

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        yes this turns the game into one shot everything until you reach oil rig

  2. 12 months ago

    you probably made a shitty character and keep dying

  3. 12 months ago

    it was the filler ep on the way to 3D

  4. 12 months ago

    it isnt bland by any means. it certainly has perks over the original. but the morons developing the series clearly had no idea what to do with it. cuze the entire series feels like it was put together with duck tape.

    • 12 months ago

      >duck tape
      for all intense purposes anon, you need to visit a liberry

  5. 12 months ago

    The "shooting rats" phase of Fallout 1 is over in no time. In 2 it lasts a couple hours at least if you're thorough and don't just skip the first few locations. It does pick up eventually it just takes a lot longer because of the bigger scale.

  6. 12 months ago

    >STILL no option to join the Enclave
    fricking DROPPED

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        >STILL no option to join the Enclave
        fricking DROPPED

        seriously though, would it really have been too much to ask for them to implement something like that?
        now my only option is waiting for fo4 enclave mods like america rising 2 or dawn of america
        it's sad

        • 12 months ago

          This, it's a fricking RPG and you should at least be given the option.
          >america rising 2
          That mod was supposed to release last year and it just keeps getting delayed over and over again. I'm sick and tired of waiting.

        • 12 months ago

          How would you join the fricking enclave in 2? It makes no sense and the entire story and the enclave would have to be completely rewritten. The Enclave winning means you and everyone you have ever met would die horrible deaths from FEV curling. Unless you're braindead and suicidal you have no reason at all to help them, not that they would ever even accept a muties help in the first place.

          • 12 months ago

            Black person i just want something where you play as the enclave, it doesn't even have to be in fallout 2

    • 12 months ago

      How would you join the fricking enclave in 2? It makes no sense and the entire story and the enclave would have to be completely rewritten. The Enclave winning means you and everyone you have ever met would die horrible deaths from FEV curling. Unless you're braindead and suicidal you have no reason at all to help them, not that they would ever even accept a muties help in the first place.

      It should have been an "ending" like givng up your vault and joining the Unity in the original Fallout. It's always nice even if they go halfway with something like that.

      • 12 months ago

        That ending is ingame, just die on the oil rig and the enclave wins theres a game over narration and everything.

        • 12 months ago

          That isn't joining the Enclave though

          • 12 months ago

            You would never ever be able to join the enclave, you'd just fricking die. You've been infected by FEV by the start of the game, as I said, you'll be killed by FEV Curling in the case of an Enclave victory. You also *can* join the enclave, just do guard duty at navarro and leave the game on.

            The theme of Fo2 is new vs old and finding balance between the two sides. Enclave old, wants to kill the new thing the wasteland is becoming, represented by the Arroyo villagers. In the end, the V13 and Arroyo villagers come together to create a new nation while blowing up what is left of the evil, stifling old world.

            I cannot stress this enough, but the Enclave literally views the main character and every single person you meet subhuman, they don't want you, even after you kill them all. It would take serious rewriting to ever be able to join them in 2. You can't even join them in 3, and Autumn is a lot more reasonable than the majority of Enclave members in 2. And in 3 if you poison the water supply you are committing suicide, just a lot slower than if you were to """""join"""" them in 2. Like in 2 you would just instantly die if you helped them, helping the enclave in 2 would just be letting them shoot you dead and then they'd pin a new hire badge on your ashes or bullet ridden corpse.

            • 12 months ago

              The Enclave will use mainlanders when they are useful, as seen with them recruiting the person you come in place of at Navarro to do basic guard duty. As long as you can be used as a tool to forward the Enclave's grand plan they will want to use you rather than kill you, see Frank Horrigan for an example since if the Enclave followed their ideology in the simplest way possible as you describe where they just want to kill everyone they deem as not human.

              The whole point of the ending I'm proposing is that you betray your own people and die in the process once the Enclave unleashes the Curling 13. It wouldn't require a major rewrite since it's just your character being a moron and choosing a moronic option, it'd mirror the Unity ending in the original where your old self is effectively killed in the FEV vats and you come out to betray your people.

              All it has to be is a cutscene where you go to Arroyo, help kidnap everyone and then you are shown later dying to the effects of the FEV Curling. I just think it'd be a cool option to have where you can fly in the face of all reasoning and then later see the price you pay for doing so.

              • 12 months ago

                My only issue with that when compared with the "bad" ending of 1 is the lack of satisfaction. You still doom most if not all intelligent life in 1, but you're still a badass mutant getting shit done. If you had the "moron kills himself" ending it would be just that. It is narratively the same as just getting shot to death in the wasteland.

  7. 12 months ago

    >your a chosen tribal and grandson of main character of first game
    There’s no logical reason for your character to be evil. You save the world whilst also being a slaver child murderer etc is moronic

    • 12 months ago

      Even slaver child murderers die if the enclave succeeds

  8. 12 months ago

    Fallout 2 is easily the worst Fallout game

    • 12 months ago

      >3 and 4 exist
      You don't actually believe what you're saying right? Please reconsider posting such stupid shit in the future or else.

      • 12 months ago

        3 and 4 are better which just goes to show you how terrible Fallout 2 is. I'm not sure how that shitty game has any fans.

        • 12 months ago

          Nope. Wrong. Blatantly wrong.
          2 is an rpg and closest to the original games vision and treated its universe with respect and expanded it with new lore and ideas. 3 is derivative and is only related to 1 by labels alone, peel that away and it is in a completely different world. 4 turned this up a notch and decided to completely drop any respect for Fallout and decided that a game founded on player choice and consequence shouldn't have any of those things, that the average player wouldn't care about story or roleplaying and just wants to shoot things with no depth whatsoever. You are IMPERICALLY incorrect. Now go have a nice day shitposter.

    • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        Haha! The game said le homosexual!

        • 12 months ago

          Spotted a homosexual who didn't play Fallout 2.

    • 12 months ago

      >Isn't counting the Bethesda fanfiction
      Good. Bethesda fallout always has been and always will be a shitty fan series. Even ponygays do a better job.

  9. 12 months ago

    It wasn't made by the same people as Fallout 1, the original creators had some involvement but clearly not enough.

  10. 12 months ago

    Might be a skill issue. I thought 2 was pretty good.
    Obviously not as focused and as perfect as 1, but it improved upon a lot of things and is a pretty funny game as well. New Reno in particular kicks ass. Idk how anyone can call 2 bland with that place in the game, which leads me to believe that most people who hate 2 haven't played even 25% of it and write it off after or during temple of trials. Then they go on to whinge about muh references, as if thats actually an issue.

    • 12 months ago

      The Temple of Trials sucks wieners though, even the devs wanted it to be skipable and people defending it are moronic.

      • 12 months ago

        I agree, but they were forced to include s tutorial. Why they made it mandatory and not a button on the title screen, I have no idea. Good thing is that ToT (uoooh) is the only bad part of the game is front loaded, and is only at most 20 minutes long. Also it does function as an ok build tester, not as good as 1's rat cave, but serviceable, if you can't beat the ToT, then you need to learn how. It's a meta challenge for the player, a litmus test.

        • 12 months ago

          >Why they made it mandatory and not a button on the title screen, I have no idea.
          As far as I remember Brian Fargo or some other higher up insisted on having a mandatory tutorial.

  11. 12 months ago

    The atmosphere, theme, and feel of most areas are worse than 1. But it's still the same game otherwise. Sounds more like you got burned out.

  12. 12 months ago

    Am I in crazy-world or something? 2 is way better than 1. 1 is too barebones.

    • 12 months ago

      Nah, you just have shitty taste in video games. You are on Ganker so the company is good.

    • 12 months ago

      More doesn't mean better, it sure has more stuff but it most of its content is gay.

      • 12 months ago

        Insightful. I'm sure you have a lot to say about these games you have definitely played.

        • 12 months ago

          Are we going to pretend that half of Fallout 2s quests are anything more than just going from one place to another and talking to people and then going back to where you came from and talking some more? You almost have to go out of way to seek confrontation in many quests.

          • 12 months ago

            No need to pretend because they are more than that you dumb fricking moron

            • 12 months ago

              No they aren't. I played the game I was very bored, a lot of problems can be solved amicably by just talking to people or going somewhere and finding a thing or buying it. For all the problems that Wasteland 2 has it at least did that right and made it so you have to go out of your way if you want a peaceful solution.

              • 12 months ago

                What is your point? Nobody forced to play the game in a way you find boring. The good thing about these games is that you can solve your problems in any way you want. You can buy Vic from the slavers or more ideally just murder them all for example. Don't like Vault City? Then just murder them if thats more fun. Don't want to have to go back and forth from the haunted farm? Murder them all then. Fallout is supposed to be a game where the gameplay is a back and forth kind of deal, unlike most games where you just see a story unfold without your personal input.

              • 12 months ago

                >Nobody forced to play the game in a way you find boring.
                If the peaceful solution is the easiest and offers the best rewards there's no reason to go out of your way and start shooting everybody. Shooting everybody would be just as boring, especially since in Fallout 2 you can't even get that much from looting the bodies of random NPCs. It's just bad game design, if a game has a million boring quests it's not a good thing that you can choose not to do them. It's in no way a positive, it would have been better if the devs had just removed them or never made them in the first place.

        • 12 months ago

          it's not like that's some outlandish thing to say, even Chris Avellone has talked about how 2 having more content than 1 doesn't mean it's better before. some other devs of 2 have commented on how directionless it is in comparison to 1 too

      • 12 months ago

        Fallout 1
        >Fight rats in a cave at vault 13 (no skill checks, no alt options)
        >Fight scorpions in a cave at Shady Sands (no skill checks, 1 alt option)
        >Fight rats in a cave in vault 15 (3 floors, no lore, no skill checks, no alt options)

        Uhhh yeah the content in 1 was so much better, right guys?

  13. 12 months ago

    Play the Fallout Grand Strategy game instead

    • 12 months ago

      > not posting the superior Fallout Grand Strategy game

  14. 12 months ago

    >likes Fallout
    >calls Fallout 2 bland
    moron alert.

  15. 12 months ago

    It's super shit. 80% of the quests are fedex quests.

    • 12 months ago

      This. People that think Shitout 2 is still good haven't played it since the 90s. The jokes aged like milk.

  16. 12 months ago

    Fallout 2 is boring and fails at being funny. The "gameplay improvements" people talk about are extremely trivial. Like what, merchants restock their inventory? It's like the same morons who say Fallout 4 has better gameplay than New Vegas. They'll never explain what that means, they just say it like it's a fact.

    • 12 months ago

      Higher level cap, better companion controls, more weapons, better quest design that is still faithful to the original. More towns with more to do in them. Humor is subjective, but I would never trust someone who doesn't find 1 and 2 humorous.

      Unlike 2, 4 is a regression, while 2 is a progression, it lost the focus that 1 had, but made up for it in different departments.

      • 12 months ago

        >better quest design
        Ah yes, being a messenger boy going back and forth between settlements to simply deliver a message. Truly the peak of game design in RPGs.

        • 12 months ago

          People dickride FNV and in that game you're a literal mailman, how are you supposed to solve problems without traveling from place to place?

          >Nobody forced to play the game in a way you find boring.
          If the peaceful solution is the easiest and offers the best rewards there's no reason to go out of your way and start shooting everybody. Shooting everybody would be just as boring, especially since in Fallout 2 you can't even get that much from looting the bodies of random NPCs. It's just bad game design, if a game has a million boring quests it's not a good thing that you can choose not to do them. It's in no way a positive, it would have been better if the devs had just removed them or never made them in the first place.

          Of course the game is going to be boring to you if you read a guide on how to make your character good enough to do everything perfect without any struggle.

          • 12 months ago

            I don't like FNV either, mostly because I have an immense dislike for Bethesda's engine.

          • 12 months ago

            >Of course the game is going to be boring to you if you read a guide
            I didn't know anything about Fallout 2 when I played it. If had used a guide I maybe could have avoided all the boring quests. That's the thing about the boring quests in Fallout 2, you don't know that they're boring until you've beaten them, you play through them in hopes of some interesting and entertaining content and end up just being disappointed. It's only on repeat playthroughs or with a guide that you could even think about making these quests any fun. You're never going to know that a quest might just end after you've talked to three people but that's the way things go in Fallout 2.

            • 12 months ago

              Your lack of any examples tells me you aren't even attempting to argue in good faith.

              • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago

                And what is wrong with any of these?
                You just shat this screenshot here with no explanation and just expect me to write something to refute your subjective and insanely stupid opinions?

  17. 12 months ago

    can someone post the original pic. I just saw it it another tab and lost it

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