Have you ever been to this store? I swear its a sect

Have you ever been to this store?
I swear it’s a sect

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 3 months ago

    Never trust a store that wont ever allow you to discuss non-store related properties.

    • 3 months ago

      How fricking stupid are you to need to be told something so base level? Apple will tell you to frick off, Lego will tell you to frick off if you cause a ruckus about another brand in their store, go complain in your 3D printer's store if you're going to be a borderline, non-verbal homosexual about the simplest little bit of tact. It is embarrassing to have to explain to an adult something that is the the social equivalent of wiping your own ass. Go 3d print your dialators.

      • 3 months ago

        >wiener slurping noises
        good point anon!

      • 3 months ago

        Walk into Mcdonalds and start loudly negatively comparing the establishment to the Burger King next door. See what happens.

        None of that is true. I don't get asked to leave a lego store if I mention megablocks. They know they make a million bucks a second, they're not that insecure.
        Apple doesn't kick me out because lol why would I be in apple, they're the same breed moron. That's a terrible example. Warhammer is the apple of wargames.

        Pro tip, if you walk into a Games Workshop and don't want to be harassed by the staff, politely tell them that you're looking for some paint to paint your Bolt Action army (or whatever else). They'll point you to the paints, then leave you alone as employees can't discuss anything non-GW related. They wont throw you out for it obviously and you'll be able to just browse in peace without having to have a tedious exchange. If you're too chickenshit for that, tell them you're a boomer who started playing with 40k 2nd/3rd edition and you're looking for some miniatures for your Chaos Renegades army. They give absolutely zero fricks about older hobbyists as they want to milk new players, and will also quickly leave you alone.

        Why the frick would I buy warhammer paints? You know they're designed to dry up and they don't have dropper tops. I don't want to be there. I'm just calling them gay for being such an insecure business.

        • 3 months ago

          Where did I say you had to buy the paints? My advice is if you happen to want to browse a GW without being harassed by staff trying to sell you shit. I don't care about the cringe anti-GW circlejerk, I think people who hate GW talk about them more often than the people who enjoy the hobby.

          • 3 months ago

            Well excuse me for not needing your expert guide on not getting relentlessly shilled to by the redshirts.

            What are some better paints to get? I tried Army Painter but they're all a bit shit in my experience.

            I use vallejo game color mostly. It's easy to get and it works just fine, and I frequently find my favorite version of a color. They do a good yellow and a good white.

            • 3 months ago

              apology accepted.

        • 3 months ago

          What are some better paints to get? I tried Army Painter but they're all a bit shit in my experience.

          • 3 months ago

            p3 paints

            • 3 months ago

              the only good thing to come out of PP

          • 3 months ago

            Army Painter was complete shit, but they have a new formula coming out (Fanatic) that seems promising. If they'd ever fricking release it so I can try a sample. It's promising enough that I'm willing to try it out, and my opinion of AP was so low that any I did wind up with went straight into the trash because free garbage is still garbage. If this new stuff lives up to the hype it might be pretty good. We'll see.

            • 3 months ago

              Lol, I like army painter. Gets the job done for me.

    • 3 months ago

      Walk into Mcdonalds and start loudly negatively comparing the establishment to the Burger King next door. See what happens.

      • 3 months ago

        No one's gonna give a shit. You think people working at McDonalds care about McDonalds? They don't.

      • 3 months ago

        I worked in an fast food restaurant when i was younger, we talk alot about different branch, even customer often say what they like or prefer with us and what they prefer in another place.

        If you go in audi shop and tell them what you like in a mercedes they wont throw you away thay would told you what is better in their car and try to sell you one.

        If you go in GW and told them what you like in third party models, they will just tel you that you can play in tournaments or events that they host because they havn't any arguments to justify their way.

    • 3 months ago

      Pro tip, if you walk into a Games Workshop and don't want to be harassed by the staff, politely tell them that you're looking for some paint to paint your Bolt Action army (or whatever else). They'll point you to the paints, then leave you alone as employees can't discuss anything non-GW related. They wont throw you out for it obviously and you'll be able to just browse in peace without having to have a tedious exchange. If you're too chickenshit for that, tell them you're a boomer who started playing with 40k 2nd/3rd edition and you're looking for some miniatures for your Chaos Renegades army. They give absolutely zero fricks about older hobbyists as they want to milk new players, and will also quickly leave you alone.

  2. 3 months ago

    When you go inside they will never let you leave, unless you worship one of their plastic soldiers

  3. 3 months ago

    They're husks these days

    In the 90s and 00s they were so busy

    • 3 months ago

      I remember my local gw being packed so tight you could barely move, and the internal temperature was so high from body heat they sometimes didn't need to bother with heating in winter.
      Now I walk past and the place is empty. On a "busy" day they have maybe 10 people in. Watching that community die was something else.

    • 3 months ago

      I've never figured out what killed this kind of thing, last time I remember my local GW running anything like this was around 2011-12 and pretty much stopped by 2013.
      Why did it die off so fast?

      • 3 months ago

        They went from having two/three full-time staff with a couple of part-timers to one-man stores

        • 3 months ago

          This. Apparently if you look at the stats, every single GW location in the world is currently profitable, but only when they have a single employee who works just below full-time hours (say 35-38 hours a week) so they don't have to give them benefits. Even then most of them likely aren't that profitable, but from a business standpoint it's worth having the physical stores to lure people in and provide a space to play that they control (i.e., all this discussion about talking about other games being a no-no, no 3D prints/3rd party shit, etc).

          • 3 months ago

            How do they run the store working less than 40 hours? must not be open all that much. Also, how does GW get the sole employee to be loyal if they don't even offer benefits. I can't imagine the pay is great, at least now when their games have been dying out.

            I used to go to the GW near me like 15 years ago, I'm pretty sure they closed though. The manager was a cool guy but he eventually left to start his own gaming store (which eventually flopped, sadly). There were two part timers that also were cool. But I've also been to other GWs where they were super salesmen in your face. My store was a comfy place to hangout and game, I was there somewhat regularly for a few years before moving. The worst part was the occasional really smelly autistic kid or adult. And the few sweaty try hards that would rules lawyer or straight up cheat in a "fun" match.

            • 3 months ago

              >must not be open all that much
              They aren't. Just as an example my local GW is open for 8 hours 3 days a week, 6 hours 2 days a week, closed Monday/Tuesday, and they also close mid-day during the guys break. In December they temporarily bring on a second guy to be open 7 days a week for the Holiday rush but that's the only time they're ever open all week. I'm pretty friendly with my local Redshirt and he doesn't make ends meet working there, he has a second part-time job he works a couple nights a week.
              >Also, how does GW get the sole employee to be loyal if they don't even offer benefits. I can't imagine the pay is great, at least now when their games have been dying out.
              They hire people who are willing to take shitty pay because they're passionate about Warhammer and they give them a 50% employee discount. They do also apparently sometimes give out end of the year bonuses as well.
              But yes, generally their pay is pretty bad. Peachy, the dude who was basically the "face" of their WarhammerTV channel for years after Duncan left was apparently making less than I do stocking shelves at a grocery store before he left for greener pastures. I can't imagine their retail employees are doing much better.

              • 3 months ago

                >be super
                >suck GW's wiener to get the job
                >shit pay/benefits
                >b-but at least I get my toy discount!
                Damn, that's depressing.

              • 3 months ago


        • 3 months ago

          This. Apparently if you look at the stats, every single GW location in the world is currently profitable, but only when they have a single employee who works just below full-time hours (say 35-38 hours a week) so they don't have to give them benefits. Even then most of them likely aren't that profitable, but from a business standpoint it's worth having the physical stores to lure people in and provide a space to play that they control (i.e., all this discussion about talking about other games being a no-no, no 3D prints/3rd party shit, etc).

          Anons already answered this for me but it's the truth.

          In my part of the country the dudes operating the stores in the very early 2010s were also trying to leave to brighter horizons.

          When they left they were replaced with corpo drones who did their best to shill product to every single person who walked in the doors. Made the atmosphere and environment very very uncomfortable at the smallest shops.

        • 3 months ago

          i was in one a year (or more?) ago to pick up a special order. Mark VI special weapons pack for Horus Heresy I think. There was a man and his son there, looking at the different sets, kind of lost. I told them about Kill Team, where you can essentially just buy 1 box of infantry and you have a playable force. That way they could buy 1 small thing and get a feel for assembling, painting and playing without dropping too much into the hobby right away. Someone else in the store directed them to the combat patrol boxes.
          If the store had more than 1 employee, the customers wouldn't have to be salesmen. Although shooting the shit is part of the hobby too I suppose.
          Didn't help that this store became fricking moronic during the scamdemic. The whole store was roped off and the employee would grab and ring up what you asked for, but you weren't allowed to walk around and browse. I took exactly zero precautions and never caught your super deadly make believe illness. But I sure as hell remember the stores that thought it was okay to participate in the gaslighting. I'm even less prone to buy at full price at a local GW store as opposed to ebay now.

      • 3 months ago

        Board game cafes.

        You can stand around a games workshop, or you can rent out a table for a trivial amount and get booze and snacks whilst you play.

      • 3 months ago

        Rampant price increases. Most can't afford to play nowadays. It's like motorbikes - they used to be the common low cost fun thing to buy before you got a car, now its an expensive branded designer activity for either men going throught their midlife crisis and trying to recapture their youth, or idle rich tossers who like to show off to other idle rich tossers.

      • 3 months ago

        Smart ceos raise prices, cut costs and ensure customers consoom but don't take up space in the store.
        >because the best way to ensure your social game thrives is by being antisocial

  4. 3 months ago

    I went into the one in Milan near the unviersity to buy some nuln oil and when I said that I need it to paint some ME stuff they started to talk about the old world instead saying i should look forward to it because it's fantasy like LoTR like if I didn't already know what warhammer is

    • 3 months ago

      I went there too. I quickly browsed through then I bought a box of armigers. I like the board they have to the side with the knight and I think they had a wall of primed monopose intercessors.

  5. 3 months ago

    worse, it's an addiction

  6. 3 months ago

    I've been to a few, and they're all nothing like the game shops when I was young. Space is such a premium in these stores that any table they have set up is almost exclusively for demo games. I remember as a kid I'd play for hours and hours at game stores after school, and I'd often buy a blister pack or two with my pocket money, No one going into these stores these days will get any sense of why people enjoy the hobby. And on top of all that, buying minis from a GW store is always the most expensive thing you can do! every other LGS will sell them for cheaper

  7. 3 months ago

    The sales staff have always been extremely aggressive and pushy no matter which one I've been to over the years. It was one of the reasons I stopped going to them. Just leave me the frick alone, I'll bring whatever I want to buy to the till. Sometimes I just want to look for a 5-10 minutes and then I'm off. Leave me the frick alone.

  8. 3 months ago

    That's ridiculous anon, nobody in a GW store is having sects.

  9. 3 months ago

    I was there as a kid in 2013 on vacation to UK. I regret not buying Riptide as they adviced.
    What has changed since then?

  10. 3 months ago

    One open up recently next to a taco place I get tacos from with me dad. I went in just to check it out, looking to see if they had anything to store some minis i had bought. The store guy came over and was nice but wouldn't shut up about Warhammer or Age of sigma. Got super oppressive used car salesman vibe from him. Took him 25 mins of prattle to get from the shelf to the register. Bought a case and solemnly swore never to enter a GW store ever again.

  11. 3 months ago

    I don't know why I'd go to one over an FLGS with better prices and way more variety.

  12. 3 months ago

    I go to my local GW about twice a month to play. It's only a 15 minute walk from my place, the lighting is good, the location is relatively spacious, and they have a good selection of fully painted loaner terrain to use which is more than I can say for any of the LGS's in town. The monthly freebie mini is also nice for painting practice and extra bits.
    I very rarely actually spend money in there though, as one of the LGS's in town sells GW product at 15% off.

  13. 3 months ago

    That was my local store when I was younger 🙂

  14. 3 months ago


  15. 3 months ago

    I have and my LGS somehow have a better selection of GW stuff than them.

  16. 3 months ago

    The problem I have with my local GW is the shop is fricking tiny with only one table and it's in a high traffic area so everyone games at the flgs which has like 16 tables and cheaper gw products

  17. 3 months ago

    >I swear it’s a sect
    Sects have women in them, its like 99% of the point of them.

    • 3 months ago

      I like to have sects in women, myself.

      • 3 months ago

        I like to ejaculate onto women's feet, if you know what I mean.

  18. 3 months ago

    I've only been to the GWS store in Manhattan a couple of times, years ago pre-pandemic. It had that amazing Tyranid head in the main window. I walked in, looked around, observed a couple of games going on, and left. Nice staff, good selection of wares.
    Haven't had the opportunity to go back in a while.

  19. 3 months ago

    Mine's just a sad little one-man operation in a nearby strip mall. Previous owner was cool but left at some point. New guy means well but didn't even know greenstuff was a thing last time I went in there. Either of them were the super clingy company shills I've heard about on /tg/ for years, so either I got lucky or the people that make these kind of threads like to b***h. Still pales in comparison to my local mom and pop LGS though, so I don't really visit it much these days.

  20. 3 months ago

    I feel like there are a lot of people who haven't visited brand-specific stores. This happens literally everywhere, because a store focused on a single brand can focus on pushing that single product, so they literally train you on being a salesman, not just a register operator.

  21. 3 months ago

    I only go to my local GW if I need to order in some specific small item which my other stores can't get in stock and I want to avoid the shipping costs.
    It's not a bad place, but a little too cramped to comfortably play there. At least it's well stocked and gets shit in though, and they're more willing to do weirder game types.
    Incidentally, I'm curious if any former employees can tell me something: If I order something from the website, but have it delivered to a GW store, does that count towards that store's sales quota? I don't really care either way, but didn't know if doing it that way means I'm effectively not helping that store in particular.

  22. 3 months ago

    I've been to my local GW a few times to pick up paints.
    No bad experiences, although they did try to convince me that hardware store primer is no good for minis (lol).

    • 3 months ago

      I just don't get why you would cheap out on the spray to save 10 dollars when chaos black works great every single time. I wasn't born yesterday; I've used every single brand. There is a clear and obvious difference when using the mini specific primers compared to the hardware store ones, side by side comparison, it would be obvious. And if you frick up because weather, moisture, wind, dust, etc you can strip mini primer to grey with simple green. Can simple green strip krylon or rustoleum after you inevitably frick up on your $80 model?

      • 3 months ago

        What? You can easily strip this with simple green. And it costs over 10 dollars less. And it's just as good. This also might shock you anon but you don't have to pay 80 dollars for minis either.

        • 3 months ago

          I've been using rustoleum on my models and only had issues on some terrain pieces that had this weird mottling thing happen. tried vallejo black and grey and no issues so far, but it does cost more

  23. 3 months ago

    I just hate it when you go inside a GW shop and the assistant will not stop bothering you with the weird GW marketing team approved "Warhammer banter". Man I just want to look at some models, I don't want to keep up a conversation about nothing which neither of use want to be in.

  24. 3 months ago

    the guy who ran my local GW in east london when I was a teen was absolutely based. I think his name was Andy, really friendly, not pushy at all and actually gave a frick about the kids who were dumped in there by their parents. Wonder what he's up to nowadays.

  25. 3 months ago

    It's fine to like nerdshit. it's fine to like nerdshit in public. It's not fine to look like that lumpy pear shaped soiboi in the purple shirt and like nerdshit in public. Have some fricking dignity and self control and eat less and exercise more and stop being such stereotypical cliches of human beings.

  26. 3 months ago

    Yes, I didn't know what it was and figured it was just a generic FLGS. I couldn't see back for enough to see it was nothing but Warhammer guys, and then one of the guys working asked what I was looking for. I was looking for a book and he told me they only sold Warhammer stuff, then he asked if I knew about Warhammer and if I wanted to watch a demo game. I politely told him I had an appointment and never went back

  27. 3 months ago

    Been to one when I wanted to get into RPGs because they had fantasy creatures on the front displays.
    First I asked for dice. They told me they only have d6s, and lots of them. Great, I wanted the weird dice I don't already have from my parents' Yahtzee and Monopoly games.
    Then I asked for games. They asked back whether I want Warhamer or 40k. We also have some Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game stuff. No-no, roleplaying games. We don't stock those.
    Finally I asked for miniatures, to represent the characters I imagined myself playing. They said things I didn't understand about army size and points. I said I'll just browse. The few individual minis they had were either overpriced, ugly or both, so I left after a few minutes.

  28. 3 months ago

    I think there's like one GW in my entire country. Only LGSs otherwise.

  29. 3 months ago


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