Have you ever ran or played in a politics heavy campaign? Tell me about them!

Have you ever ran or played in a politics heavy campaign?

Tell me about them!

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  1. 3 months ago

    something about that art looks suspicious

    • 3 months ago

      You mean the character in the art looks suspicious?

  2. 3 months ago

    your art is shit puck, go away

    • 3 months ago

      Seems like decent art to me.

  3. 3 months ago


    It's real art.

    • 3 months ago

      This looks like "real art" in the sense that it looks like someone touched up an AI-generated piece to remove the jank and then tried to call it "real art".

  4. 3 months ago

    I always wanted to play Burning Wheel

    • 3 months ago

      Yeah! Of sounds like it has a lot of cool, original concepts for a TTRPG. I'd like to try it out as well!

      • 3 months ago

        I thought so beyond that I only know of psychological thriller games like Vaesen but I am unsure is what you want. Other stuff focuses more in kingdom creation but Stars Without Number does contain some elements of influence on the big picture.

        • 3 months ago

          I guess Pathfinder:Kingmaker is another one.

  5. 3 months ago

    I regularly play WoD and CoC. Hard to avoid politics (and the conspiracies around them) in those systems.

    • 3 months ago

      Based. I have to broaden my range in TTRPGs personally. WoD and CoC are definitely on my list of ones I wanna try out!

  6. 3 months ago

    I ran a long campaign where in the party propelled themselves to regional warlords (the bloody way) in order to promote their candidate in a land torn by a civil war. Lots of wheeling, lots of dealing, and lots and lots of violence as an extension of diplomacy. Very little of it was planned out, the players were just exceptionally ambitious at climbing the social ladder. If you want politics heavy, you just need a system that's good at politics (not DnD).

    • 3 months ago

      That's sound cool AF anon. Tell me more! What was the setting like?

      • 3 months ago

        I used Legend of the Five Rings 5E, basically setting was in not-Three-Kingdoms-China with the Imperial Dynasty all but on the brink of falling, with real power held by definitely-not-Dong Zhou, a half-foreign warlord (sort-of) ruling with an iron fist. But really he was barely holding on while the empire disintegrated into warlord/rebel factions. The party found a distant imperial cousin, fabricated some claims about them being more related to the late Emperor than she was, and started gathering support from locals. Or just like, killing everyone who wouldn't support them and replacing them. They just kept gathering allies and up-seating people until we ended the campaign with them as bona-fide warlords contenting for the ultimate prize, having rose from dirt-poor mercenaries on the frontier to local lords to warlords known in every household. It was a really natural stopping point, very dramatic as they proclaimed a new Empress with the backing of a coalition of the rebel great clans of the land.

        • 3 months ago

          Sounds like your campaign was based af.

          • 3 months ago

            Now go run your own political campaign anon

        • 3 months ago

          Was there a not-Cao Cao and not-Liu Bei?

          • 3 months ago

            Well, lots of Cao-Cao's, no Liu-Bei's. It was politics all the way down, anyone not after power didn't survive. The party honestly betrayed some genuinely good people to ladder-climb though.

  7. 3 months ago

    An honest review of Burning Wheel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsD92J_lG0k
    Duration: over 40 minutes.

    • 3 months ago

      I like the categories this guy has ratings for. It's very in-depth and useful.

  8. 3 months ago

    Watching Shogun really makes me want to play a Legend of the Five Rings campaign.

  9. 3 months ago

    >puckee21 slide thread

  10. 3 months ago

    I tried to once in a game where my players (me being the perma-DM) couldn't leave a city and its immediate surroundings.

  11. 3 months ago

    Yeah I had a Pathfinder campaign that was geared toward political intrigue. Except it completely fell apart because only one player wanted anything to do with it. Then my friend had an idea for a Savage Worlds character who was an artificer and noble scion. So I whipped up a campaign for that and it became possibly the best campaign I've ever DMed. And the political intrigue evolved semi naturally.
    >first adventure was a quest to negotiate with a dragon to give him powerstones to use to make a fantasy Iron Man supersuit.
    >after that adventure, Iron Man followed by White Wedding came on the radio
    >gave me idea to have his younger sister, who mostly just admired his inventions, be betrothed to another noble house
    >betrothment meant to show strength to prevent war from eastern baron
    >at wedding, eastern baron has two airships fire at the wedding ship
    >PC chases it down and rescues his sister
    >war breaks out
    >all sorts of angles to consider as characters continue along in the war and have to deal with various noble NPCs
    It isn't really intrigue now, but for the first 20 sessions it was. Now it's like, one-third intrigue since there's a war on. But there's a lot more to it that will definitely involve plotting and such.

    So I guess the point is that saying "I want to run an X campaign with Y tone" is a waste of time a lot of the time, as your campaign will evolve into something different from what you expected.

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