Have you ever RPed on an online game before?

Have you ever RPed on an online game before?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Yes from noble rppvp events to degenerecy

  2. 2 years ago

    >playing the game not counting as RP

  3. 2 years ago

    only fun RP like you would do in your backyard as a kid, not like serious RP where you act like a stuck up troony with mental disorders and a massive power trip for 24/7

  4. 2 years ago

    I did ERP

  5. 2 years ago

    I played Garrys Mod and Face of Mankind
    Roleplaying for the sake of roleplaying is gay. You need mechanics to encourage and reward the roleplaying. Otherwise it's just schizoplay.

    • 2 years ago

      Do you also think enjoying delicious food is gay? Not only are there no mechanics to reward eating it, but there are mechanics to discourage eating it, since delicious food usually makes you fat.

      • 2 years ago

        Why would you roleplay in a game where there's no meaningful gameplay systems to support that roleplay? Youre just a schizo in the middle of Orgrimar playing pretend while everyone is queued for their dailies in their daily simulator.

      • 2 years ago

        >Not only are there no mechanics to reward eating it,
        Your tastebuds, you fricking moron.

    • 2 years ago

      >theatre is a bunch of bipolar schizos hallucinating on a stage
      >movies are a bunch of bipolar schizos playing pretend in front of a camera except they have money to use real objects and locations instead of their imaginations
      >mock trials is a room full of schizos believing they're deciding someone's fate
      >faires and themed cities are schizo festivals full of morons who think they've traveled back in time

      • 2 years ago

        >kids playing outside are little schizo homosexuals seeing things and working with systems that aren't there

  6. 2 years ago

    I used to erp with someone in flyff 16 years ago.

  7. 2 years ago

    Yes, Freelancer Discovery about exactly 13 years ago

  8. 2 years ago

    I played as an orc with one of the orc guilds in UO. It's fun for a while but eventually starts to become a little boring having to stay in character.

  9. 2 years ago

    I played Prologue WoW.

  10. 2 years ago


  11. 2 years ago

    Good roleplay is hard to come across nowadays. The only time I'm able to roleplay with any success recently is in Minecraft.

  12. 2 years ago

    The majority of MMO roleplay these days is just night clubs

  13. 2 years ago

    I remember dabbling a bit with RP (mostly in games that weren't meant for it) in the early-mid 2000s. Fun times, although for some reason I have a really hard time getting into RP nowadays. I think the introduction of voice chat and all the powertripping admins (who are literally children) kind of killed it for me. Along with all the microtransaction schemes you see now in a lot of the popular RP servers (at least in Gmod/Roblox). Some of it might be that I'm almost 30 and don't want to spend my gaming time playing house with children.

    Here's what I remember playing:

    >Fallout Tactics
    Actually had a decent RP community, although things typically devolved to RDM at the end. Custom map scripting allowed for more flexibility than you would expect, with a gun shop, mayor's office, police station, and all the other RP essentials. I can't find much info on this nowadays, but we set up our games on GameSpy Arcade and would play on special RP maps. Here's a screenshot of one.

    >Tribes 2 Construction Mod
    Probably my favorite RP experience. The game had pretty much nothing to facilitate RP (other than basic emotes like sitting/laying down + chat), but the construction tools allowed one to rapidly build structures, spaceships, roads, vehicle pads, projectile cannons, force fields, and other items. I recall building cities with roads and a bar, a seaside island resort, a Dr.Evil-style mountain base, a space station, and all sorts of houses over the years I spent playing this. Actually spent way more time playing this mode hanging out and roleplaying than in regular Tribes. Was great fun.

    • 2 years ago

      I downloaded this once because some qt3.14 geeky ginger blonde girl at my school was into it and I wanted to play it with her.
      It was 2D furshit and I didn't like it. Pretty sure it cost a subscription fee to do anything worthwhile, and I hated that shit as a broke kid at the time.

      I don't remember anything else about it since I was just playing it to talk to this chick. It was pointless anyway, since she wasn't interested, and made herself ugly by going to tanning beds until she looked like a cross between Jersey Shore and Trump, or like one of those party slags from the UK. Nearly two decades later and she looks like a wrinkled leather bag. I'm not a furry so it wouldn't have worked out anyway.

      I remember playing RP in normal construct mode, and with very early RP plugins that implemented a cash system and pretty much nothing else.

      rp_hometown1999 was my personal favorite map. rp_goobcityv8_hlwnv3 was also another popular early RP map.

      Before Gmod had Lua support and stable multiplayer, HL2DM was a popular choice for RP as well. I don't recall much about that other than rotating/freezing items was about the only thing you could do, and the server had to have sv_cheats enabled to do this. We still had lots of fun though. If anything, I think all the modern fancy RP systems kind of take the fun out of it, since they encourage a "right way" to RP. Back then, we were just figuring stuff out and having fun. Shit now feels too serious and tryhard.

      • 2 years ago

        If it wasn't for the furshit I think I would have stayed. It was a really neat aesthetic in terms of the art style and environments. As usual, shit communities can ruin good games.

      • 2 years ago

        Those were the days. I LOVED hl2dm/gmod rp in those 2005-2012 days. Good times. Probably invested like 3000 hours between the both games in that time. I tried to return and yeah, the trends I saw in 2012 played out like I thought. Tons of servers bumped up the "real money cash" systems. And you either had "I'm too poor to play GTA online" servers or "here's a list of 100 rules". I liked those casuals RP servers that were popular in the early days where people didn't behave like c**ts 100% of the time with rdm, but also they didn't have a book of rules to read.

    • 2 years ago

      >Tribes 2 Construction Mod
      My nigguh. I also spent so much time in this mod. I have nothing but fond memories of it. It had so much potential, even compared to similar mods or building games nowadays. I remember making some crazy underground bases, huge sculptures, buildings/cities... Though never spent much time actually RPing as I was just being an autist builder 99% of the time.

    • 2 years ago

      >Tribes 2 Construction Mod
      My nigguh. I also spent so much time in this mod. I have nothing but fond memories of it. It had so much potential, even compared to similar mods or building games nowadays. I remember making some crazy underground bases, huge sculptures, buildings/cities... Though never spent much time actually RPing as I was just being an autist builder 99% of the time.

      I don't think there's ever been a better rotation/snap system in a building mod than T2. How did they do it? How did no one else learn?

  14. 2 years ago

    I don't think I ever actually roleplayed but one time back in like 2000 I was playing Everquest and some female half elf ran up to me to ask about a bow I was selling. I was 10 and I had no idea what the frick she was talking about when she said she would trade "oral pleasures" for the bow. She then started some ERP shit where she thoroughly described getting face fricked by my dwarf dude and then asked for the bow when she was done.

  15. 2 years ago

    All the time back when i played Nexus kingdom of the winds. The game kind of depended on rping though.

  16. 2 years ago

    what game is this

    • 2 years ago

      Ultima Online

  17. 2 years ago

    some when iw as younger.
    I miss it, id like some dedicated RP games with more actual options

  18. 2 years ago

    i roleplayed as a home depot employee on gmod

  19. 2 years ago

    been playing red dead goldrush rp for the last week. very comfy

  20. 2 years ago

    Me and my friend would pretend to be darkmoon fair vendors in wow and sell people fireworks and shit. We had outfits and everything. 2 gnomes yelling darkmoon fair shit while shooting fire works in goldshire. Made like 300 gold one night from tips

  21. 2 years ago

    jailbreak on gmod when I was a kid, if that counts

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