Have you ever started a business in your game? >Inns/Taverns don't count unless it had some interesting gimmick

Have you ever started a business in your game?
>Inns/Taverns don't count unless it had some interesting gimmick

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 months ago
  2. 3 months ago

    Unironically one of my players did this in our CoC game a few years ago
    Good kid, wonder what hes up to nowadays

    • 3 months ago

      >this roll feels a little light! Are you jackin' me?!

      I'm the Mack Daddy of Heimlich County and I play it straight up G!

  3. 3 months ago

    I started a wizard school

  4. 3 months ago

    Played a cyberpunk Digimon game where we were hackers whose front operation was a tech repair shop in a strip mall.

    • 3 months ago

      Did they actually offer good service to customers?

  5. 3 months ago

    I invested in a village's mill and part of their yearly tithe went to me. For what that's worth.

  6. 3 months ago

    Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCIUf8eYPqA

  7. 3 months ago

    Not a business but my friend wanted to day trade and get into stocks in cyberpunk. GM had no clue how he should play it and eventually talked the dude out of it because he didn’t know how to make it work in a balanced manner

    • 3 months ago

      flip a coin whether he profits or loses on each trade

  8. 3 months ago

    Tangentially related, but one of my background ideas for a fantasy campaign I want to run is "You all just slain a dragon. The king has rewarded you with the title to this castle, the adjacent town, and the surrounding lands. Now that you're lords, you're responsible for the monster infestations in the nearby abandoned mines, the poverty AND the tax collecting in the town and the outlying farms, raising a certain number of soldiers for the King's army, and enforcing the laws on use of magic in your fief. Have fun."

  9. 3 months ago

    Assuming Rogue Trader games don't count, I had a wizard PC set up a mobile farm of highly illegal shrooms on the party's ship. Whenever the party made port the rogue did drug dealing as side hustle and the cleric sold antidotes for the sudden surge of demonic possession.
    Results were mixed and the party pretty soon adopted a policy of not revisiting towns and stocking enough paint to repaint their ship if necessary.

  10. 3 months ago

    No, but I remember circa '14 having a player that was absolutely obsessed with Breaking Bad, so we had to deal with his homosexualry and his attempts to run a drug dealing ring. After 3 months I told him to simply look for a different group, because it was just wasn't working out for anyone - I had to divert from actual scenarios, the rest of the group wasn't interested, and he was completely fricking clueless himself. For frick's sake, we were playing Tunnels & Trolls, why the frick would anyone try to force into it drug smuggling.
    THEN I met that guy during summer '18, and he was running a random table in the local library as a GM. It was Fate, it was a high fantasy pulp setting... and the actual plot was about bags of drugs sewn into a group of slaves our party was tasked to escorting.
    Man has clearly some issues, while being too old for chalking it up as "drugs, lmao" moronation.

  11. 3 months ago

    Sure have. This will take a small amount of explaining.

    My favorite race in D&D is called Dvati. They're all born as identical twins which are actually a single individual occupying two physical locations. This has lots of funky rules interactions like all your mental stats being shared but all your physical stats being separate. But I need to emphasize that both bodies are controlled by the same mind; they are one character.

    My favorite class in all of gaming is called Vitalist. It's a psionic healing class that might be better described as 'logistical support' more than an HP dispenser. Its key feature is that it can connect nearby people into a telepathic network they project in an AoE around themselves. This lets them heal at a distance but also gives everyone in the network Telepathy with everyone else in the network.

    So I made a Dvati Vitalist and made a pretty penny by setting up a totally secure communication service. One body was in town A, and the other was in town B. Someone could come in with a message, give it to me in town A, and I'd transcribe it on the spot in town B. For direct communication, they could make an appointment where I'd add two parties to the network in different cities, connecting them like a telephone operator, because while both bodies projected the AoE network there was still only ever one network shared between both my locations.

    Turns out faster-than-light infinite-range practically undetectable communication is in high demand in a pre-electricity setting.

  12. 3 months ago

    One of my DMs tried to make us interested in the starter town ("Maybe use some gold to improve things, bigger town = bigger missions maybe?") but the players I was with didn't pick up on it and we used some money to buy passage to a bigger city by a boat. DM had to shuffle a ton of shit around because we were supposed to find that line of dialog interesting so he had to move npcs to the 'new' city.
    I felt bad, cause soon as the group was all about getting the boat ride I saw his face fall a bit, but truthfully I'm glad we left. I don't wanna play animal crossing.

  13. 3 months ago
  14. 3 months ago

    Had a Fixer/Lawman in a Cyberpunk RED game who side hustle was a LAN version of Craigslist out of some Arcade Style kiosks, he'd set it up in a bar and people could pay 1eb to add a listing or post a classified if they didn't have a phone or didn't want a digital paper trail. Posted small bounties for dickheads and requests for useful items; anyone who was on my shit list I'd set a standing payment of 4eb for any new photos or recordings of (rival) dealers intermittently. Didn't make much but was a good narrative way to get new players in the Job Roster

  15. 3 months ago
    New Game Group

    I learned "Artistic Ability" (tattoo) but have yet to use it.

  16. 3 months ago

    Yes! The party in a Descent into Avernus Campaign I was in opened, "The Chicken Tree casino, brothel, and resort" which was pretty much exactly as it sounds.

    It was placed in avernus, so wayward souls could come and live out their vices near a tree with a ton of abyssal chickens in it, hence the name.

    Whenever we got leverage over an npc, we got them to help. For example, we freed an empyrean, who helped us finish putting the roof on the building. Another example was a Dao who we managed to convince to be the manager of the place while we were off adventuring. She would get a sizeable cut of the proceeds, and get to torture the other employees!

    Speaking of employees, what we'd do is that right before we killed a devil, we would offer them the chance to sign an infernal contract with us in exchange for not dying that basically made them our thralls, so "employees" isn't quite an accurate term, but that's what we called them.

    Good times.

  17. 3 months ago

    I like to have my players have some control of a business, and even try and work it into the start of the campaign. It tends to keep them grounded in one location much easier, gives them something interesting to do with their money, down time, and random skills, and given time, gives them real incentive to care about things like the town or city being threatened sort of threats that they might otherwise not give a shit about.

    Plus, rather than just throwing treasure at your players for them to pawn off, you can have their main source of income come from the business itself, negating the need for them to explore areas that somehow have tons of gold and treasure. Plus, you can then later threaten that income through the campaign, forcing them to choose between protecting/expanding their business and furthering the campaign, giving mechanical choice to various issues within the flow of the story.

  18. 3 months ago

    once you start a tavern you need to:
    - lure costumers in;
    - deal with the competition, which will realistically have better chefs than you;
    - deal with the local mafia, unless you want to pay a hefty weekly fee;
    - get exotic ingredients on a constant rate.
    what else? Would this not be interesting enough?

    • 3 months ago

      >- deal with the competition, which will realistically have better chefs than you;
      >- deal with the local mafia, unless you want to pay a hefty weekly fee;
      >- lure costumers in;
      customers are automatically lured in when you're the only establishment in the region
      >- get exotic ingredients on a constant rate.
      murder, chop up the corpses
      truly an ideal side hustle for murderhobo

  19. 3 months ago

    Not really a business; but our party discovered a deposit of rare metals, and some of us are working on a plan to sell the mining rights to two competing kingdoms behind each other's backs, use the fighting between them as cover to rapidly strip-mine it ourselves, and sell the ore from under their noses to a third kingdom. Still working out the fine detail, but the hope is that all three kingdoms will be too busy blowing up at each other to chase after us when we take our ill-gotten gains and retire somewhere FAR away from them all.

  20. 3 months ago

    my MU invented fractional reserve banking and I got banned from the group

  21. 3 months ago

    Almost an entire exalted campaign we had revolved around my sidereal's prostitute house.

  22. 3 months ago

    Ages ago I was in an Underdark hexcrawl campaign and the DM had his own take on things so we couldn't quite expect how known monsters would act. Drow turned out to be LE merchant types with cities founded around geothermal springs and conducted all business in the hot baths. The more important the business the hotter the bath they'd opt for, claiming inability to endure the heat equated to weak business ability and loss of potential contracts. My thief, having desecrated a mysterious altar and been cursed into a tiefling with all the chart rolls (one of which was fire resist) just went "I got this" and became the party business face. Ended up running my own import/export business between the drow and surface, mainly weird Underdark materials and reagents for luxury items from above.

  23. 3 months ago

    Played a isekai parody setting where the adventurers decided to use their Earthly given knowledge to open a pizzeria to try and make some money in the city after saving the local lord from an embarrassing scandal.

  24. 3 months ago

    I'd kill for the chance.

    • 3 months ago

      Why? What would you do?

      • 3 months ago

        I want to. I'd kill someone.

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