Have your roleplay ever created any problems in game or make other player/players hate you?

Have your roleplay ever created any problems in game or make other player/players hate you? When it wasn't your behaviour but literally your character's decisions, that sparked conflict.
Pic a bit related.

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  1. 9 months ago

    You decide your character's behaviour. Stop trying to pretend it isn't your fault.

    • 9 months ago

      If you created a character that acts in a way that fricks over everybody, that was a conscious decision by the player.
      Random generation aside, of course.

    • 9 months ago

      If you created a character that acts in a way that fricks over everybody, that was a conscious decision by the player.
      Random generation aside, of course.

      nogames or badgames
      either way git gud

      • 9 months ago

        I have had people go out of their way to do shitty things under the guise of either "its what my character would do" or "I am just trying to have fun" as if they are the only real person at the table.

  2. 9 months ago

    Here’s a fun little thing to do to your friends you play with, especially if you want to make a dramatic character or have a character that discovers the meaning of friendship and teamwork.

    Before you start doing anything that’s awful or could hurt people’s feelings by what you say in character. Go out of character and explain why you’re going to act that way. Why you don’t believe this personally, but that you want to punctuate WHY you’re character is hurt/broken/edgy.
    It serves the benefit of softening the blow and it allows your fellow players to brace themselves.

    The key here is that your character needs to be growing and you need to be open to growth from what your fellow players suggest.
    Having the edgy character develop over 20 sessions to save the party in and otherwise unwinnable circumstance can be super meaningful. But if done wrong, everyone will be grateful that the butthole you made as a sock puppet died and ignominious death.

  3. 9 months ago

    >Have your roleplay ever created any problems in game or make other player/players hate you?
    Not exactly. More the reverse.
    I fricking hate one person at my current table because he is an butthole.
    I thought it was his character's problem, because he was playing a shitty nobleman... but a few characters in one shots acted the same assholish way.
    He's been pissing off the DM with his diva nonsense and the first thing out of the DM's mouth was an offer to kick him.
    I hated his character, but now I realize it's him I actually hate.

  4. 9 months ago

    The "it's what my character would do" argument only holds so much water. Yes, the difference between playing a Neutral Good Cleric and a Chaotic Neutral Rogue is going to result in some different decisions. When the town at the center of the campaign is besieged by an army of cultists of an evil god diametrically opposed to the Cleric's, the Cleric is likely to want to stay and help the people, the Rogue might just want to flee with its pathetic thieving life. That's interaction between character and setting. And tensions between characters can follow from that, or even from things that don't much change how they'd react to a situation; I've played a Glory Paladin working with a Vengeance Paladin, I wanted to slay a dragon because it was an epic deed worth remembering in song, he wanted to slay a dragon because a dragon killed his entire mercenary company, and while we had enough goals in common we did occasionally butt heads over methodology or different circumstances that came up (especially when the hoard of the dragon's bratty young daughter had a suit of plate armor in it).

    However, if you bring a character to the table who's intentionally disruptive, or a spotlight hog, or a blue falcon, or who takes some moronic joke too far until you're putting everyone else in danger, and you're trying to excuse that character as "it's what my character would do"? At best you need to burn the character sheet and make a new character, at worst you need to leave the table. Because it's you who made that character and brought it to the game. When the character tries to steal the Wizard's spellbook, it's you rolling the d20 for the sleight of hand check. When you're on a wooden ship with kegs of gunpowder for its cannons in the middle of the open ocean, it's your voice speaking that you're going to burn a big chunk of the party's rations over a religious taboo no matter how much danger it puts you in.

    • 9 months ago

      >or a spotlight hog
      Not to be le epic Reddit contraire, but I just wanted to say while the other things are almost wholly indefensible in my opinion there are groups that absolutely need a spotlight hog. I kept trying to push two of my players recently to take more roleplay initiative and it turns out they didn't want the burden of "deciding stuff" as a player and just wanted the adventure. It was something I hadn't really encountered before, but I realized it was a surprisingly nice compliment to me and the two other players.

    • 9 months ago

      Characters can but heads for many reasons, not just alignment. You have different personal goals, you have flaws, aspirations, modus operandi. The deeper the character that you create, the easier to rp it will be, the more realistic will interactions with the world and the group will seem.

  5. 9 months ago

    Yes and it got worse after his character (a nuker sorcerer with 0 utility) decided to attack my wizard. At level 7. While I had all my spell slots.
    His character eventually died a few sessions later due to some bullshit homebrew ability the DM allowed backfiring hard.
    He took a break from D&D before coming back with a cleric hybrid, can't remember exactly. Years later and we aren't exactly friends just because my wizard and his sorcerer disagreed on a few issues, like not selling the my character to the guys who were obviously evil.

  6. 9 months ago

    One of my characters is an alcoholic despite her young age. She cannot refuse a drink, you offer her alcohol she WILL take it and can drink herself unconscious if left unchecked. Of course some people take issue with me "depicting underage drinking" (implying that's a thing in a fantasy world) instead of using it as a hook for roleplay.

    • 9 months ago

      >underaged girls
      are you also transitioning?

  7. 9 months ago

    >When it wasn't your behaviour but literally your character's decisions, that sparked conflict.
    ... what?
    How fricking new to this hobby are you, OP? Have you even played a single fricking session in your life? What the frick do you think "roleplaying" means? Doing funny voices?

    • 9 months ago

      I've seen oldgays being mad over what a fictional character did/said to/about their fictional character. Some people are just moronic.

    • 9 months ago

      He means out-of-character fights resulting from in-character actions.

  8. 9 months ago

    I got one
    >Running a 5e one shot with two other players.
    >One of the players runs an half-elf or something I dont remember.
    >Other runs some sort of bear race, never heard of it.
    >I run a human, stylized as a southern gentleman.
    >Bear player makes it clear their race is discriminated against in setting, GM confirms.
    >Game starts players introduce themselves.
    >Bear girl introduces themselves.
    >Goes by they/them pronouns.
    >Shrug it off, whatever they might be cool.
    >Continue roleplaying my character
    >I make some IC jabs at the bear for playing an obviously monsterous race.
    >Think along the lines of a southern "Bless your heart" when you do something dumb
    >Player stops the game because "they" are offended.
    >Remind them that my character is a generic human and that they themselves said that their characters race was discriminated against.
    >She continues to stop and go the game whenever shes offended
    >Try to (again) explain my rationale and the difference between in character and out of character
    >She RQs.

    In hindsight, the moment that pronouns came out I should've gotten out of dodge, but I wanted to be wrong. I just dont understand why you would make a character knowing full well that it will be discriminated against and then be mad when youre discriminated against.

    • 9 months ago

      Not to sound like some offended gay, but usually it's best to discuss such interactions before with the DM so he can better guide such interactions. I played some drunken prostitutemonger once who deeply hated elves. But since my DM knew my character and the other people characters, he managed to somehow make a fun adventure. He even exaggerated my characters flaws by making him do stupid shit while drunk like making him wake up in a elf brothel. Just to turn out, that the lady he was getting it on with, was the sister of the elven PC. He now was forced to pay of an honor price and was forced to join an expedition together with the elf PC.
      That being said, such drastic things better should be discussed first.

  9. 9 months ago

    >Have your roleplay ever created any problems in game or make other player/players hate you?
    Learn to speak English

  10. 9 months ago

    The capacity to separate the player from the character is fundamentally the ability to separate reality from fiction.
    If you think that the character has no will of its own within the setting, that it exists purely as a puppet for the player, then you are so lacking in imagination that it isn't a reach to say you probably believe that actors stand for everything they say or do when playing a character.
    Which means you're fricking moronic.

  11. 9 months ago


    So, average /misc/tard? Got it. Shouldn't you homosexuals think anime is a israeli psyop to feminize the west or something?

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