>he doesn't have a crocodilian on his team

>he doesn't have a crocodilian on his team

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    Here before the clowncrocs apologists get in

  2. 11 months ago

    They're my favourite animals but they don't have a single mon I like

    • 11 months ago

      how is that even possible. Are you, like, moronic or something?

      • 11 months ago

        they all look like absolute ass and don't do the animals they're based on justice

        • 11 months ago

          >is litetally one of the best pokemon ever designed
          sorry you have shit taste

          • 11 months ago

            >unova mon

            • 11 months ago

              oh. He is moronic. I'm sorry about that bro, I didn't know

            • 11 months ago

              actually, it was planned for Gen 4, but they cut it when they changed Route 213 from a desert to a beach early on in development
              this is also why hippopotas/gible were shoved into random caves and skorupi was shoved into the great marsh

              • 11 months ago

                >Route 213
                In what world would that route ever make sense s a desert?

              • 11 months ago

                The world where they keep the sandstorms from the February 17th, 2006 build.

            • 11 months ago

              Yes, and ?

          • 11 months ago

            dude it’s a gharial with literal sunglasses and a pension for crime
            if that isn’t a jobmon, I don’t know what is

            • 11 months ago

              stupid question: what does that mean?

              • 11 months ago

                smart answer: pokemon with natural abilities which may recall or be reminiscent of a human work (example: birds are homosexual dancers so quaquaval kind of reminds of a brazilian dancer)

                moron answer: pokemon with a job

              • 11 months ago

                seconding the first explanation here
                basically Pokémon themed around real-life human jobs or occupations
                eg Cinderace plays soccer, Hitmonchan is a boxer, Meowscarada is a magician

                They have no depth beyond that theming and are often designed to invoke the attire that humans with those jobs wear or the tools that they use: Inteleon has massive sausage fingers to make them look more like guns and please the yaoi crowd, probably, Sawk wears a literal karate gi, Rhyperior is covered in plates made to look like a construction helmet and vest.

                They’ve always been a thing to some extent, but I personally feel they’ve gotten more and more blatant from gen 7 on to the point where they’re detrimental to suspension of disbelief and make the design look worse. If Incineroar was to be a wrestler, they could’ve just left it at the mask pattern instead of also putting it on two feet, giving it a ripped shirt and a literal belt of fire to resemble championship prizes, AND a Z-move with it doing a wrestling pose.
                It’s also incredibly hard to reconcile it with its first stage, Litten, due to there being almost no foreshadowing and 0 connection between “grumpy cat” and “heel wrestler” outside of maybe having a bad attitude (which the latter fakes while the former is genuine about).

                Krookodile is a very light example, in that it takes less from a literal job and more a human personality. Its design and portrayal is meant to invoke a criminal, and it seems to be a species-wide thing where every single member eventually grows up to be wicked and brutal. It’s got boots, it’s got sunglasses, it has a trademark evil grin- but they’re hardly very prominent and don’t hinder the animalistic origins it came from.

                It’s alright tbh, not its fault that Dark sort of forces human personalities onto its members to some extent due to being the literal “evil” type.

              • 11 months ago

                > detrimental to suspension of disbelief
                Literally never a thing in this series if you're hinging it off of the believability of these monsters (read: not animals) being something that you could find in the wild. Every Machamp and Machoke having belts, every Hypno having a string pendulum, every Kadabra and Alakazam having spoons, every Cubone having the skull of it's mom etc. already completely shattered any kind of irl analogue Pokemon as a whole could have.
                The only reason it'd bother you now whereas it didn't before (or, at least, it bothers you more now) is because you like the designs less, not because it's gotten any more egregious in terms of fricking with the world.

              • 11 months ago

                Yet Cubone or Kadabra living as animals in the wild is more believable than Cinderace or Sawk.

                Hell even Machamp has a way more animalistic demeanor than new gens Main-character mons.

              • 11 months ago

                >Yet Cubone or Kadabra living as animals in the wild is more believable than Cinderace or Sawk.
                No, not really. A species of animal in which every member adorns itself with the skulls of it's parent is patently ridiculous and entirely unbelievable if you know a lick about biology. A species in the wild in which every member not only wields a blatantly man-made utensil as weapons, but knows how to use it to bolster it's abilities is also complete hogwash given that level of intelligence would imply that they should be a species that exercises human-level dominance over the world they inhabit.
                No, you're either blinded by nostalgia or are masking your dislike of newer humanoids with some flimsy reasoning that falls apart with the slightest thought.

              • 11 months ago

                >A species of animal in which every member adorns itself with the skulls of it's parent is patently ridiculous and entirely unbelievable if you know a lick about biology.
                It's frustrating because there's a lot of things about Cubone and Marowak that make sense on their own, but not when you mash them all together into one organism.
                >We have plenty of semelparous species, where one or both of the parents die immediately after mating and/or giving birth. Salmon, octopuses, a few families of insects... but those are all r-selected species, and Cubone is clearly k-selected.
                >We have a few species that can use tools besides humans. Great apes, a few species of monkeys, crows, and sea otters have all entered the Stone Age. Some sort of ape-like creature using a large bone as a primitive bludgeon isn't a farfetched idea.
                >An animal adapted to THROWING objects to hunt prey is a little more out there... but it's happened. Once.
                I think the closest you can get to Cubone is some sort of primitive, hominid-like species that evolved from cynodonts, that lives in a hot savannah-like environment and becomes hairless to adapt, that lives in groups, and hunts larger animals with bones in hunting parties. If they're intelligent enough to develop culture, I can even see them wearing the skulls of their kills as trophies.
                But once you add every single mother dying in childbirth, the whole thing immediately implodes. It's impossible for your population to increase if every mother can only produce ONE egg before dying.
                And then existing in the same world as humans? Complete overkill. We would've wiped them out like all the other rival hominid species.

              • 11 months ago

                Twitter and reddit gays think this means "Pokemon with a job". Havent seen it used how it was originally since gen 9 leak season started

    • 11 months ago

      >balding musician
      >fat father's body type alligator
      >penis face with sunburn
      there really isn't any

  3. 11 months ago

    You know what would actually be kino? Gym leaders who use pokemon based on the same kind of animal. Like you would have a snake gym rodent gym crab gym etc

  4. 11 months ago

    I wish there was a Gharial.

    • 11 months ago

      >is litetally one of the best pokemon ever designed
      sorry you have shit taste

      • 11 months ago

        That's not a gharial its a donkey kong enemy
        It's name is literally krookoDILE it's a crocodile

        • 11 months ago

          And gharials are...?
          >also known as gavial or fish-eating crocodile, [...] a crocodilian in the family Gavialidae and among the longest of all living crocodilians.

          • 11 months ago

            crocodilian just means it's like a crocodile. alligators are also crocodilians are they crocodiles? no.

            • 11 months ago

              >alligators are also crocodilians are they crocodiles?
              While true, it doesn't help that an alternative name for gharials are...
              >fish-eating crocodile
              Either way, I think it counts no matter if it might be an edge-case.

              • 11 months ago

                i guess we shouldn't ever have a good deep sea angler fish because lanturn exists. i want a gharial not a dicknosed k rool knockoff.

              • 11 months ago

                >i guess we shouldn't ever have a good deep sea angler fish because lanturn exists.
                Now don't put words in my mouth: can there not be more than one?

              • 11 months ago

                ok fair. i just want a gharial that actually looks like a gharial. or at least not like a middle aged biker.

  5. 11 months ago

    I used Krookodile in back-to-back gens, and have used Feraligatr a bunch of times in the past. The only one I didn't stick with was Skeledirge because it's ugly.
    Nowadays I try and use Pokemon I've never used before.

    • 11 months ago

      How can you call Skeledirge ugly when the others look even worse?

      • 11 months ago

        Because that's a scenario your brain invented, and not reality.

      • 11 months ago

        Meowscarada look great. Quaquaval look gay and weird but at least not ugly. Skeledirge simply look ugly and irredeemable.

        • 11 months ago

          Being ugly > being a gay

          • 11 months ago

            This is correct. All 3 of the SV starters suck, but Skeledirge is still the best of the bunch.

        • 11 months ago

          >Meowscarada look great.
          No. Its preevo looks great. Only good thing about Meowscarada is the

  6. 11 months ago

    but I have

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