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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    He is legit my favorite character in any game and I've modeled my personality after this guy since I was 14

  2. 9 months ago

    boat master did nothing wrong

  3. 9 months ago

    Literally no one but morons sided with Jane over Kenny, especially when Kenny LITERALLY did nothing wrong all throughout season 2.
    >b-but he's wild and he says mean things!
    And? Every "monstrous" action he took was for the betterment and safety of the group.
    And yeah he got mad at Jane, but who gives a frick? She pretended to lose a fricking BABY because said baby inconvenienced her.

    • 9 months ago

      Frick off incel. Jane was the correct option

    • 9 months ago

      I wonder if Gankerirgins like Kenny because he's a walking human failure. He's racist, a cuck, carried by other people, has anger management issues,is extremely resentful and petty, incompetent, etc.

      You have to be very, very mentally ill to like him.

      Oh, so when Kenny is mean and violent and unpredictable and dangerous is ok, but when Larry is somewhat rude he's EVIL and must have his brains smashed with a rock

      Pathetic loser.

      • 9 months ago

        >HE'S. LE RACIST!! LE RACIST!!!
        lol fricking grow up, dude. It's not a big deal.

        • 9 months ago

          it's actually a big deal in the apocalypse, you need any survivors you could find and a racist person will probably kill survivors of a different race, might even organize into a racist militia if enough of them group up

      • 9 months ago

        >but when Larry is somewhat rude he's EVIL and must have his brains smashed with a rock
        The fat loser from season 1? Yes? He was a racist and incompetent fool, while Kenny was a proficient fighter and a great leader who was willing to do whatever it took to make sure his loved ones survived.

        >He's racist
        Clementine is half black and Kenny treats her like his own daughter. He was also a massive bro to Lee if you didn't frick him over

        • 9 months ago

          > Larry
          > Racist

          LMAO. You can accuse him of racism to get Mark on your side. You know very well that Larry hates Lee because Lee is LITERALLY A CONVICTED KILLER.

          But, as always, Kenny incels do all sort of fanfics and fantasies to support their agenda. Thank god Kenny is dead. Rest in pieces, cuck.

          • 9 months ago

            Killing politicians is based and everyone knows it. Larry was just a Trump supporting racist

          • 9 months ago

            Kenny and Lee are the only two reliable and competent men in the entire series

            • 9 months ago

              > Gets Hershel's son killed
              > Needs to be saved by a journalist because his son almost gets bitten
              > Is overpowered by farmboys
              > Can barely lift a salt block
              > Fricks up again when fighting farmboy
              > Can't pull Lee up the truck
              > Can't grab a single thing at the pharmacy
              > Can barely fix the RV
              > Gets his son killed
              > Gets his wife killed
              > Has a meltdown when he sees zombie boy
              > Gets beaten up by elderly men and gets the boat stolen

              Uh huh

              How reliable andcompetent, lmao.

              Kenny freaks are so pathetic.

          • 9 months ago

            Larry literally left Lee for dead after saving everyone in the pharmacy, and that was way long before he could know that Lee was going to prison, eat a dick

            • 9 months ago

              >long before he could know that Lee was going to prison, eat a dick

              You didn't play the game.

              Larry knew all along. He literally tells you after Kenny saves you in Episode 1.

              Why would you lie to me? How mentally ill are you that you think lying to me, someone who actually played the game, unlike you, will work in your favor?

              Who taught you that gaslighting people in Ganker of all places is an effective strategy? Tell them they did you a diservice. moron.

              • 9 months ago

                >of course the antagonizing butthole is telling the truth and not just trying to get Lee scared
                moron, they literally interacted for like 1 hour in the store, and they barely spoke to each other beaner

              • 9 months ago

                Lily herself tells you in Episode 3 that Larry told her since they met you that you were a convicted killer.

                Carley herself recognized you the second she saw you.

                What are you trying anon? Are you mentally ill?

                Are you seriously so sad and pathetic you're gonna start accusing a character from a 2011 game of being racist because they hate you over being a murderer?

                Are you ok in the head?

              • 9 months ago

                I never daid Larry was racist, i said that he left you for dead after saving everyone still at the store, including clem and duck, hes an ass who deserved to get his skull crushed, and no he did not know until much later

      • 9 months ago

        He's never racist. At the very most, he is ignorant but not coming from a place of negative prejudice. I don't think any of the characters show racial traits, Lee has the option to incorrectly say that people are racist though. In that sense, Lee is the only racist character.

        • 9 months ago

          >but when Larry is somewhat rude he's EVIL and must have his brains smashed with a rock
          The fat loser from season 1? Yes? He was a racist and incompetent fool, while Kenny was a proficient fighter and a great leader who was willing to do whatever it took to make sure his loved ones survived.

          >He's racist
          Clementine is half black and Kenny treats her like his own daughter. He was also a massive bro to Lee if you didn't frick him over

          There's a difference between saying racist shit to get a reaction out of somebody and actually being racist. Kenny was the former.

      • 9 months ago

        he was never racist and his two wives were loyal to him. keep seething janecuck you waifu got fricked by luke

      • 9 months ago

        I tried to save Larry even if he was mean because he was probably the strongest guy in the group even as an old man

    • 9 months ago

      Hating you for the entire game because you refused to kill Larry was moronic though. Would have made sense if Larry actually turned into a zombie and almost killed somebody

      • 9 months ago

        supposedly it was a bug, they meant to give him some leeway but miscoded it. Was supposed to be that you can disagree with him up to two times and he still likes you, but they fricked up the math so he only likes if you disagree twice or never

  4. 9 months ago

    >side with other people
    >they backstab you anyway eventually
    >side with Kenny
    >he always has your back
    >literally will die for you

    • 9 months ago

      > Side with Kenny all the time
      > Awww he's my fren he has my back!

      > Disagree with Kenny just once even if you supported him at every turn
      >>He tries to get Lee killed at the farm
      >> Tries to get Lee killed at the pharmacy twice
      >> Threatens to leave Lee and Clem behind
      >> Refuses to help find Clementine
      >> Claims you never helped him even if you did at every turn

      Kenny is cancer.

      • 9 months ago

        I only refused to help him kill Larry and Kenny still helped me most of the time in my S1 playthrough

        • 9 months ago

          >I only refused to help him kill Larry and Kenny

          Then you would know he literally attempts to get Lee killed 3 times through the game.

          But sure, defend the guy that tries to get you killed.

          • 9 months ago

            Don’t forget that they were in a confined space with a giant man with a heart condition and no medication and his heart stopped beating and they just found out everyone that dies becomes a walker.

            • 9 months ago

              Kenny didn't even want to try you stupid frick, this is not some hours long dead body it was a man who JUST got a heart attack and his daughter was trying to save him.

              Don't try to rationalize it as survival when you know VERY WELL the choice exists for mentally ill school shooters angry Larry was mean to them to go on a power trip and get to kill the dude who ws rude to them.

              Like how people go "Oh nazeem in Skyrim was mean to me? HEH, QUICKSAVE! kill kill kill!!! HAHAHA!! HOW DARE YOU BE MEAN TO ME!! YOU'RE JUST LIKE MY SCHOOL BULLY I HATE YOU REE!!".

              No, he helped me at the pharmacy since it took place before the farm, I don’t recall him trying to get me killed at the farm, and he helped with the rest of the gang in finding Clementine in the end of S1 for me

              No, he helped me at the pharmacy since it took place before the farm, I don’t recall him trying to get me killed at the farm, and he helped with the rest of the gang in finding Clementine in the end of S1 for me

              >I don’t recall

              You clearly don't because he tries to get Lee killed twice at the farm, refusing to help him when the Cannibals are about to kill him to the point even Lee calls him out, and then when you go back to the Pharmacy in Episode 3 he tries to get Lee killed when the door falls. If you did kill Larry he immediatly saves you, if not, he mocks you and leaves and you have to smash Q to push the door so the zombies don't kill you.

              Please, please, PLEASE don't talk about a game you don't recall. You stupid moron.

              • 9 months ago

                And how are they going to help him? I explained the whole situation and there was nothing that could be done given the circumstances. Also why are you getting so upset about this?

              • 9 months ago

                >And how are they going to help him?

                They were literally attempting CPR and Larry literally breathes again right before Larry kills him. Nobody is saying they have to make the fridge their new home and live with a cardiac there.

                Kenny didn't even want to try, he never liked Larry or Lily and he just wanted to kill him and then just leave to find his family, whom he neglected his whole life and gets killed a month later.

                Stop trying to pretend Larry was ACTUALLY dead.

              • 9 months ago

                And again no medication which is actually needed to stop the attack in the first place or else he’ll just keep going into it and considering that they’re locked in a cannibal freezer and don’t where their friends are they don’t have time to tend to the dying old man. So how about you stop pretending to be a sperg.

              • 9 months ago

                You don't understand how heart attacks or heart medication works, at all. Stop embarrassing yourself and just deal with the fact the choice is there just for school shooting incels, like you. Don't try to justify it.

              • 9 months ago

                If you can’t argue just stop, trying to pull the whole “you don’t know thing doesn’t work” also aspirin is the most common treatments for heart attacks so maybe you should do some more research.

              • 9 months ago

                > when someone has a sudden cardiac arrest and a bystander initiates CPR quickly, about 45% of them can survive.

                I'm gonna tell you again, stop trying to pretend it's a different situation other than you incels getting the chance to kill the character you hate.

                He JUST got the Heart attack and Kenny was more than readdy to bash his head in. Stop trying to pretend you did it for the good of the group, or it was a necessary evil. You're just a bitter incel.

              • 9 months ago

                That article talks about cardiac arrest and says they two different things
                Notice how both aspirin and nitroglycerin are both above CPR, not to mention the latter medication is what you get for Larry in the First episode. Maybe you should log off and calm down.

              • 9 months ago

                Fine speech, annoying homosexual

              • 9 months ago

                I love how ignorant people chime in with "YOU COULD'VE SAVED LARRY".
                Yeah, CPR could've saved Larry if the developers of the game had an ignorant grasp on how CPR works the same as you: CPR has like less than a 5% chance of reviving anyone.
                You absolute fricking moron.
                You know what CPR does?
                It's meant to let oxygenated blood reach your moronic brain while waiting for help to arrive, after 12 or so minutes at most, CPR is useless and you can go ahead and consider the person dead.

              • 9 months ago

                yeah and in the previous episode you used a pillow as a gun silencer, I think there is suppose to be some you know sense of disbelief. and narratively you can tell it fits a lot better to have Lee try to save Larry because his backstory is he killed a guy in a fight so now he's redeeming himself trying to save this piece of shit who has wanted him dead for almost 2 episodes, & naturally leads into Kenny's arc as he becomes the group's problem

              • 9 months ago

                1 - YOU WON'T RESUSCITATING SHIT

              • 9 months ago

                I don't need to spell this out for you because you should already know this but let's put it like this: Larry suddenly developing wizard powers is outside the stories sense of believability, that can't happen without breaking the setting. But Lee using a pillow as a silencer or possibly resuscitating Larry IS within the stories believability and these sort of things need to happen for the story to work. I see this same shit when people complain Lee couldn't walk around with his arm cut off like he does and realistically he should die from blood loss, I roll my eyes at such things. You can argue Larry was for sure going to die because real life logic that's fine but in the confines of the game it is within believability that the player & Lee would at least try to save Larry...

              • 9 months ago

                >Larry suddenly developing wizard powers is outside the stories sense of believability, that can't happen without breaking the setting
                You are an autistic moron that cannot grasp neither irony nor sarcasm and I am done wasting braincells on you, cretin.

              • 9 months ago

                >yeah and in the previous episode you used a pillow as a gun silencer
                Okay you're an actual moron

                Oh and before you reply to this comment talking about decibels, I'll save you the embarrassment by telling you no, it doesn't work like that

              • 9 months ago

                what the frick are you trying to prove with that video, are you really going to say the walkers 10 feet from Lee couldn't hear those shots because of the pillow muffle give me a break with that

                >Larry suddenly developing wizard powers is outside the stories sense of believability, that can't happen without breaking the setting
                You are an autistic moron that cannot grasp neither irony nor sarcasm and I am done wasting braincells on you, cretin.

                and shit like this, the argument is always 'well if the series has a sense of disbelief then why can't a character do [Insert Ridiculous Over-the-Top Thing]' the answer should be obvious: Lee using a pillow silencer is fine barely anyone will raise an eyebrow at it except really nerdy "cinemasins" types same with saving Larry. but that no longer applies when you do your stupid exaggerated "well then why doesn't Larry just burn a hole in the wall to escape if the laws of reality don't apply" kind of snarky nonargument

              • 9 months ago

                If you do the CPR segment quick enough, you can see Larry actually stir a bit before he gets as-salt-ed. Not exactly clear if it was him getting up as a man or as a corpse but it's definitely possible the developers were, in fact, ignorant about how CPR works

              • 9 months ago

                You mean like how recently deceased people’s corpses twitch and convulse?

              • 9 months ago

                It sounded more like gasping breaths last I recall, but it's been a bit. There was audio to it, not just movements, maybe that was unclear.

              • 9 months ago

                >If you do the CPR segment quick enough, you can see Larry actually stir a bit
                I find it hilarious that people keep saying this

                Ridiculous how many people are too moronic to understand that

              • 9 months ago

                Thanks for the smoking gun, you wouldn’t happen to have the Jane copypasta would you?

          • 9 months ago

            No, he helped me at the pharmacy since it took place before the farm, I don’t recall him trying to get me killed at the farm, and he helped with the rest of the gang in finding Clementine in the end of S1 for me

      • 9 months ago

        so dont disagree with him then, moron. He's literally right about everything

  5. 9 months ago

    Like others pointed out, at no point does he ever have anything but your back as Clem, and if you treat him right as Lee he is a true bro until the very end. Unlike SOME CHARACTERS.

    • 9 months ago

      Even if you don't always back Kenny's actions so long as you aren't a complete dickwad he'll note how you had his back when it really mattered and will help you find Clem

      • 9 months ago

        >he'll note how you had his back when it really mattered and will help you find Clem

        He won't. You have to beg him for him to come with you, otherwise he'll refuse saying " i don't remember you ever caring about me or my family".

        Please, stop lying, you get LITERALLY NOTHING from lying. So why would you ever go into internet forums to lie?

        Do you think anyone believes you? You keep being called out over your lies yet you keep going, are you mentally ill?

        • 9 months ago

          This is simply incorrect. I have never understood the motivations of people who act stupid on purpose.

          • 9 months ago

            You're a piece of shit anon

            You're a fricking piece of shit

            TWO SECONDS. IT TOOK ME TWO SECONDS to check that playthrough's episode 2, and guess what he did? HE FRICKING KILLED LARRY.

            How fricking dare you try to gaslight me? How fricking dare you post the video claiming "oh no he totally sides with you even if you kill Larry", WHEN THE DUDE IN THE VIDEO KILLED LARRY?

            I truly hope someone doxxes and kills you anon.
            You're a piece of shit. Keep gaslighting for real life relationships, not internet forums.

            • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              At what point did you specify anything about Larry? I'm not really following the entire reply chain because it's a little tiresome reading all of the inane shit you're screeching about, honestly. Didn't seem to come up in the reply chain of that particular post, anyway.

              • 9 months ago

                So you literally jumped into a conversation out of nowhere to post a random video trying to prove an anon wrong when you didn't even know what the discussion was about?

                Are you fricking stupid? What is wrong with you?

                Or is this your pathetic defense after being called out for gaslighting?

              • 9 months ago

                I shouldn't have to read your entire lunatic manifesto to engage in a reply chain, and it wasn't in there. If anything the first reply specified 'having his back when it mattered most' which reads like the Larry situation to me.

              • 9 months ago

                have a nice day gaslighting incel. You got exposed and now you try to pull a "hehe... didn't read!!! ha!".

                Nobody believes your shit.

            • 9 months ago

              That's episode 2, moronbro, he's talking about the scene in episode 4. He even linked it for you in his post

              This is simply incorrect. I have never understood the motivations of people who act stupid on purpose.

              you simply choose to ignore it because it didn't fit your narrative around Kenny

              • 9 months ago


                Let's slow down because you're clearly very, very stupid
                > I tell anon you have to beg Kenny to help you in Episode 4 if you DIDN'T KILL LARRY in Episode 2
                > Anon denies it
                > Anon posts a video showing that Larry does come with you in Episode 4 and gives nice speech about always having your back
                > Anon is a mentally ill gaslighter who thought i wouldn't check that dude's playthrough and find out that he DID KILL LARRY in Episode 2

                I am not saying, and never did say, Kenny doesn't come with you in EPISODE 4 if you were loyal to him. But you DO have to beg him to help you save Clem if you DID KILL LARRY in EPISODE 2.

                Are we clear now? Does that fit in your little head?
                Because what i stated are FACTS. You can't prove them wrong. Kenny WON'T come willingly if you did KILL LARRY. What did I do to you that was so bad that you have to try and gaslight me?
                Did i kill your family? Did i kick your dog?

                What could drive someone to go into an internet forum, see someone stating FACTS regarding a FRICKING VIDEOGAME and decide "Mmmmm i'm gonna post this video to gaslight that anon and everyone else, hehe, nobody will check that the dude in the video did kill larry".

                I know you guys are autistic incels, but people in real life don't take kindly to gaslighting, and it has no place in a discussion, specially not when you can easily be called out a liar.
                I pray none of you get a girlfriend because i fear for her safety if you're willing to lie like this regarding events in a VIDEOGAME.

              • 9 months ago

                Where in this post

                >he'll note how you had his back when it really mattered and will help you find Clem

                He won't. You have to beg him for him to come with you, otherwise he'll refuse saying " i don't remember you ever caring about me or my family".

                Please, stop lying, you get LITERALLY NOTHING from lying. So why would you ever go into internet forums to lie?

                Do you think anyone believes you? You keep being called out over your lies yet you keep going, are you mentally ill?

                did you talk about larry at all? That is the only post you had in this discussion chain before the reply happened
                Do you want people to scroll through the entire thread to find unrelated responses to where you may have brought that up? That's not really how threads work.

              • 9 months ago

                >That's not really how threads work.

                So you get involved in a conversation you don't know anything about because you didn't even read previous comments to check the context and you think it's acceptable to attempt to gaslight people?

                This anon literally lied.

                Even if you don't always back Kenny's actions so long as you aren't a complete dickwad he'll note how you had his back when it really mattered and will help you find Clem

                This bit is a huge lie
                >Even if you don't always back Kenny's actions so long as
                And you know it, because Kenny won't just come willingly and give the family speech if you did Kill Larry.

                So I ask you again, why did you get involved in a conversation you don't know anything about? How starved are you for social interactions that you saw two people talking, completly unrelated to you, and decided to but in, and instead of being constructive or civlized, you chose to gaslight people?

              • 9 months ago

                This took five seconds to google. You are wrong. You may continue your meltdown and scream about how I didn't physically get on the game right now and do an entire playthrough to prove it, but if you side with Kenny on literally everything except killing Larry, he still will come with you no matter what.

              • 9 months ago

                Oh well if a redditor says so it must be true, why would anyone doubt a redditor who doesn't provide any source or screenshot or video or anything.

                Oh wait reddit literally trying to get the smiling kid in the maga hat doxxed and killed.
                And Kyle rittenhouse doxxed and killed.

                Oh honey, not a great track record on your "five seconds to google" source?

                Don't worry, i'm sure when you come of age your professors at college will TOTALLY allow you to use reddit as a source on your essays.

              • 9 months ago

                There's a source further down from the telltale forums. But you will also just say that's not good enough, as predicted. I'm sure several separate instances now of people saying it is a possibility can't be true and the world itself conspires against you with misleading information. You like throwing around your argumentative buzzwords, but I get to use one this time.

              • 9 months ago

                >But you will also just say that's not good enough

                Probably because it's the exact same text?

        • 9 months ago

          That guy's telling the truth.

          He even says "In the end, family's all that matters". I remember that verbatim.

          • 9 months ago

            Prove it. By all means. If Kenny supported you in Episode 4 ending, you killed Larry. Simple as.

            Do no try to gaslight again because it's not gonna work, no idea who you're dealing with or with how many other people you were successful at gaslighting, but you don't get to pull that creepy shit here.

            • 9 months ago

              Nah. Can't be bothered. I just know it's true.

              • 9 months ago

                I did not play TWD but agree with this anon and believe he is right over the seething chimpanzee having a meltdown

              • 9 months ago

                Samegayging is very, very cringe anon.

  6. 9 months ago

    Name at least 2 things Kenny has done wrong or I will continue to kill Jane every playthrough.

  7. 9 months ago

    The moment I most fondly remember of these game is when you're resting with Luke, Kenny, Bonnie (and a couple other people I don't remember) in that electric generator place.
    Season 2 had the best moments. Someday I'll complete season 4 but I got bored in episode two or three. Also those days the game got suspended because of the company closing and then kirk saving it were crazy

  8. 9 months ago

    Did anyone actually figure out what was Jane's thought process was in the series? Like, what was their plan writing her character to be this stupid.

    • 9 months ago

      She wasn't stupid though?

      • 9 months ago

        She wasn't?

        • 9 months ago

          >”Hey! You know that labour compound we just escaped from? Lets go back there! I’m sure it’s not crawling with walkers or the people who enslaved us. And I’m certain 2 people can defend it even though 10+ people failed at doing so”

          • 9 months ago

            That place had supplies and it was good shelter, it was only destroyed by a Horde Clem herself brought there.

            Kenny wanted to go to some tralala fairyland in the snowy mountains with a fricking newborn baby that could freeze to death immediatly. If they had been wrong all 3 of them would have died, and being right didn't matter since the community was destroyed soon after and Clem had to escape.

      • 9 months ago

        She broke one of her biggest rules and then killed herself when she forgot that unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy and did even think to find some plan b. Even fricking Laurie in the show thought of that for frick sake.

      • 9 months ago

        >separating a baby from the group and leaving them alone and isolated in a setting where demons, bandits, and all manners of criminals rove the world in abundance
        >all to prove a point in an argument
        >not stupid

        • 9 months ago

          > Keeping a baby safe and warm inside of a car while you show the protagonist the dude is batshit crazy and a pscyho who's willing to hurt even Clementine is.... LE BAD


          She broke one of her biggest rules and then killed herself when she forgot that unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy and did even think to find some plan b. Even fricking Laurie in the show thought of that for frick sake.

          Ah yes, A New Frontier, Jane is stupid because... suicide!but Kenny is smart despite not knowing how to wear seatbelts and letting A WOMAN drive.

          • 9 months ago

            I explained why it was stupid in the last reply, can you not read?

          • 9 months ago

            >> Keeping a baby safe and warm inside of a car…
            This is your worst bait so far

            • 9 months ago

              You think AJ wasn't safe and warm in a car instead of outside in the middle of a snowstorm full of zombies?

              • 9 months ago

                Have you never gotten into a car during winter or think walkers can’t break into cars?

              • 9 months ago

                Ah yes I forgot zombies know how to open car doors, silly me.

              • 9 months ago

                >cars don’t have window that can be broken
                Very moronic anon, you can stop now I’m sure you’ve gotten enough (You)s.

              • 9 months ago

                >*cut to season 1 when the zombies overpowered the army*

              • 9 months ago

                >Ah yes I forgot zombies know how to open car doors, silly me.
                Then why didn't anyone just lock themselves inside cars to survive, are they stupid?

              • 9 months ago

                He would be safer if Jane just took him with her and didn’t try to manipulate Kenny and Clem. You know, something a normal non-despicable person would do?

              • 9 months ago

                A normal non despicable person doesn't go anywhere near Kenny, he's insane AND violent.

              • 9 months ago

                Season 2 Kenny would be one of the BEST people you could have in your group in a post apocalyptical scenario.
                He's heroic, he's a competent fighter, his decisions are sound and full of wisdom, he's willing to do the "ugly" and pragmatic decisions, and he's willing to die for the group

          • 9 months ago

            >Keeping a baby safe and warm inside of a car
            more like
            >leaving a baby ALONE in a hostile environment for several minutes
            What if a bandit finds the baby, anon? What if a zombie hears the baby crying? What if the baby harms itself while no one's watching it?
            What Jane did there was careless, moronic, and wholly lacking in empathy or even sanity
            > who's willing to hurt even Clementine
            Kenny didn't put his hands on Jane. He was rightfully going to murder Jane though, because it was clear (from an outsider's perspective) that Jane had gotten rid of the baby for being a hazard to the group. Her claim of "losing" the baby, a baby who couldn't even walk yet, was clear bullshit to anyone with a double digit IQ.

            • 9 months ago

              >What Jane did there was careless, moronic, and wholly lacking in empathy or even sanity

              Kinda like trying to murder someone because you're a psycho desperate to have a 2nd chance since you fricked up with Duck so you're willing to murder a woman because you just made up the fantasy scenario in your head that she killed the baby.

              >it was clear (from an outsider's perspective) that Jane had gotten rid of the baby for being a hazard to the group.

              You can't murder people because you made fantasy scenarios in your head about them being monster, do you realize that? Does that fit in your head?

              >was clear bullshit to anyone with a double digit IQ.

              Excuse me? Did you even play the game? She just arrived at the building without the baby, WITHOUT SAYING ANYTHING, and he immediatly freaked out and tried to murder her.

              I'd advice you to keep that pathetic "my fantasies are real and allow me to hurt people!" train of thought you have in videogames because if you ever take it to real life you're gonna spend the rest of your life in jail, psycho.

              • 9 months ago

                This is some shitty bait, reddit spacing, random punctuation, being this fricking mad over a Tell Tale game? Do you really need attention that bad?

              • 9 months ago

                Anon, one day you're going to have to grow up and deal with the fact you lost an internet discussion without having to resort to "NOOO I DIDN'T GET BTFOD... THAT WAS JUST A RUSSIAN TROLL!! ALSO UHH BAIT! AND UHHH REDDIT SPACING... Do i fit in yet Ganker frens?".

                Refrain from engaging in internet discussions if you're this fragile and prone to denial when you get btfod.

                Also, learn the fallacies, freak.

              • 9 months ago

                So what you’re saying is that you’re actually chimping out over this and aren’t just larping as a butthurt tourist to farm (You)s?

              • 9 months ago

                What i'm saying is that i truly feel sorry for a mentally ill loser like you that can't stand the fact you lost a vidya discussion in an internet forum so you need to start using fallacies and accusing others of being trolls.

                If you're not mature enough for conversations then don't engage in any, it's not like you're wanted, you could literlaly have a nice day right now and none of us would even find out. So why would you come to Ganker to argue, lose, and then start spamming "oh yeah? well uhh YOU'RE A TROLL and also uh REDDIT SPACING! HA!!"

                Grow up.

              • 9 months ago

                Buddy, you’re throwing an actual fit and writing seething walls of text over a fricking redneck in a video game

              • 9 months ago

                > Starts a discussion
                > Gets btfod
                > WOAH dude you are writing walls of text and uhh hhaving a fit, how dare you like, uhh btfo me.
                > Pepethefrog.png

                Could you try to fit in in Ganker any harder?
                Why do you bait people into a discussion only to have a panic attack when you're proven wrong?

                Are you like this in real life too? Do you give your mommy a picture of Pepe when she tells you to clean your room? Do you say "stop reddit spacing mooom!"?

              • 9 months ago

                If you’re actually winning why are you so upset? Seriously you keep writing these multiple paragraphs long rants about how pathetic I am and how sorry you feel but it all looks really insecure. What’s next are you going to saying “LOL YOU THINK I CARE THATS SUPER FUNNY IM LITERALLY LAUGHING” also you didn’t answer my question are you actually chimping out over this?

              • 9 months ago


                I'm not laughing, i'm in literally several other threads right now and playing DBD.

                >are you actually chimping out over this?

                I'm not chimping out. You started a discussion, i called you out, and you are so fragile that instead of either admitting you were wrong or having an argument against what I said, you immediatly went "REEDIT SPACING REDDIT SPACING! I HATE REDDIT,ALSO YOU HURT MY FEELINGS SO YOU'RE A TROLL!".

                Do you realize that's not how normal people act?
                How would you feel if in a political debate one politician started accusing the other one of being a troll and posted pictures of Pepe?

                Do you seriously think your behavior is acceptable or civilized?

              • 9 months ago

                >I'm not laughing, i'm in literally several other threads right now and playing DBD
                No you’re not you’re typing out paragraphs here since all of the other long ass post match exactly how you’re typing and what you’re arguing.
                >I'm not chimping out
                People that are calm don’t need to go on multiple paragraph long rants with random all caps, straw men, and insults. Also if you want people calling you out as a tourist don’t larp as one.

              • 9 months ago

                > How would you feel if in a political debate one politician started accusing the other one of being a troll and posted pictures of Pepe?
                That would be pretty based ngl, he’s got my vote

              • 9 months ago

                >murder a woman because you just made up the fantasy scenario in your head that she killed the baby.
                More like murdering a women for clearly throwing away a baby. She says she "lost" a baby that can't even walk, a baby that she was holding, and more importantly, a baby whom she's voiced multiple times that she has a clear dislike and distain for.
                So Kenny simply added 2 + 2, and saw that the crazy b***h tried to get rid of the baby. Jane "hiding" the baby to make Kenny freak out doesn't absolve her of her sin. She STILL put the baby in a situation where it could've been seriously harmed, kidnapped, or murderered
                >Did you even play the game
                Yes. I played it a launch, so it's been a while, but I very clearly remember Jane being in the wrong
                >he immediatly freaked out and tried to murder her.
                Because she said she "lost" the baby

              • 9 months ago

                >She says she "lost" a baby

                No. She literlaly shouts "It was an accident Kenny!". Do you know how hard it is to keep babies alive? Specially in a snowstorm surrounded by zombies?

                >she has a clear dislike and distain for.

                No. She didn't. She only questioned Rebecca once. Kenny already hated her from before because
                1. She was going to take Clem away
                2. She was a loner prone to abandoning the team

                >Jane "hiding" the baby to make Kenny freak out doesn't absolve her of her sin.

                Irrelevant. Her being little sister crazy doesn't stop Kenny from being in the wrong or beign exposed as a mentally ill psychopath, like you.

                >but I very clearly remember Jane being in the wrong

                So, you what, saw a 40 year old man beating up everything, being a violent mess, clearly mentally unstable to the point even Clementine is afraid of him, willing to kill a woman that's clearly sad shouting "it was an accident", and you go "oh yeah let's kill da b***h lmao!". Just say you hate women and move on.

                >Because she said she "lost" the baby

                I think i'm gonna stop engaging in discussions with you if you're just gonna start lying and making up shit.
                If you played the game years ago then maybe don't go into threads about them if you don't remember anything about it? She never says "i just lost the baby oops". Kys.
                How weak is your argument that you need to resort to made up fantasies?

                No wonder you like Kenny so much when you're just as schizo.

              • 9 months ago

                >"It was an accident Kenny!
                Yeah, an "accident". You just "lost" the baby you've shown clear distain and dislike to weeks. You just "lost" the baby that you implied we should get rid of. Again, like I said, anyone with a double digit IQ, can put 2 + 2 together.
                >She only questioned Rebecca once
                We're talking about the baby, not the mother.
                >She was going to take Clem away
                Which was moronic. Kenny was right to fear this. Jane is an incompetent morn that would've gotten Clem killed
                >She was a loner prone to abandoning the team
                You're...not helping your case here
                It's not irrelevant. Jane put the baby in a situation where it could've been killed, harmed, or kidnapped...all to BAIT Kenny into fighting her. Make no mistake, she WANTED Kenny to lose his marbles. She CRAFTED a scenario to make Kenny go crazy with rage, and she put a baby's life at risk to achieve said goal

              • 9 months ago

                > He refuses to even watch the scene even though he's LITERALLY using an interne browser right now.

                Ok, you're mentally ill. Not engaging with you anymore. You're either terrified of being proven wrong so you don't even want to watch the scene, which you could google right now, or you're trolling very hard.

                Unbelievable youre' told Jane at no point says "i lost the baby" and you keep insisting that's what happens. Stay miserable with your schizo fantasies dude, wonder on how many other aspects of your life you make up shit and then try to gaslight people talking with you about your fantasies being real.

              • 9 months ago

                I just watched the video.
                She enters the barn, lies to Kenny, and then when he runs out of the room to try and find the baby, Jane turns to Clem and basically implies that the situation is going to get violent...the situation Jane FALSELY created with LIES to goad Kenny into a fight
                >"how could you kill a fricking child" - Kenny
                That's what Kenny says, verbatim. He KNEW that Jane did something fishy. She doesn't deny it or try to de-escalate the situation either, instead she says
                >"It was an accident, Kenny"
                She also is the one to ESCALATE the fight by drawing a knife. Jane is also the FIRST person to draw blood, when she swings her knife at Kenny and cuts him.
                She then tries to seperate Kenny from Clem with intimation. She tells Kenny:
                >"Just go"
                But Kenny can't do this. This women has gotten a child killed, and now she wants to be Clementine's sole protector? When she's shown herself as a reckless moron and someone who abandons people when she's needed the most? Come the frick on, anon! Kenny was never leaving that area without Clem, because he KNEW Jane wouldn't be able to protect her.
                And surprise, surprise: the openings in the next season prove him right. Jane flakes on Clem and kills herself like a b***h, while Kenny DIES or SACRIFICES himself to make sure Clem can live.

              • 9 months ago

                >the situation Jane FALSELY created with LIES to goad Kenny into a fight

                Jane didn't have to create anything. Kenny was already crazy and ready to kill. He outright wanted Jane out of the group while they were in the car, he outright wanted to kick her out.

                Don't try to pretend "nooo Jane made him believe", nop, she just arrived at the TRAIN STATION, IT'S NOT A BARN, YOU STUPID FRICK, and Kenny just felt like deciding she's a child killer and tried to murder her.

                Wouldn't be different from me deciding you're a pedo and tipping the fbi right now. You can't decide random stuff about random strangers to try and kill them or hurt them, do you realize that? Does that fit in your head?

                >someone who abandons people when she's needed the most?

                Now that's weird. Are you projecting something? Did someone like Jane hurt your fee fees in real life? Because a normal person would never say that regarding a fictional videogame chracter anon, come on.

                >because he KNEW Jane wouldn't be able to protect her.

                He didn't give two shits about Clem anon if you watch the video he pushes the shit out of Clem in it and causes her to reopen her wounds.

                Just stop with your pathetic bias. Nobody cares about your personal issues against Jane or personal investment on such a shit character such as Kenny.

              • 9 months ago

                >Jane didn't have to create anything
                She did, because Kenny wouldn't have attacked her unless she pretended to get a baby killed.
                >He outright wanted Jane out of the group while they were in the car,
                He dislike her, but he was clearly tolerating her
                >Don't try to pretend "nooo Jane made him believe"
                But she did. You can't deny facts because they don't fit your narrative.
                > she just arrived at the TRAIN STATION, IT'S NOT A BARN, YOU STUPID FRICK,
                I skipped ahead in the video and made an assumption. My mistake.
                >Kenny just felt like deciding she's a child killer
                She says it was an "accident", then when Kenny accuses her of murdering the baby, she DOESN'T deny it.
                >You can't decide random stuff about random strangers to try and kill them or hurt them
                He was right about her though
                >Now that's weird. Are you projecting something?
                No? But you are about me ironically enough. Jane ABANDONED the group before, so she's not someone who can be trusted to protect Clementine
                >He didn't give two shits about Clem anon
                He does. He pushed her to the side because Clem was a child, too naive to understand that Jane needed to be dealt with for the atrocity she'd just committed.
                We see throughout season 2 that Kenny is willing to do ANYTHING to protect his group...never once in the story does he wrong Clementine, and the openings in season 3 reinforce this viewpoint, where he either dies for Clementine, or sacrifices himself so that she can get into Wellington (a safehaven). Meanwhile Jane KILLS herself and selfishly leaves Clem to take care of a baby

              • 9 months ago

                >Kenny wouldn't have attacked her unless she pretended to get a baby killed.

                Yes she would have. He was already doing that at the car.
                Clem didn't kill Aj yet that didn't stop Kenny from constantly throwing her around and causing her wound to reopen.

                >he was clearly tolerating her

                Stop reading. Not gonna engage with you anymore if you're just gonna lie. You clearly haven't even played the game to the point you JUST NOW had to watch a video of the ending of Season 2, and i dobut you even watched it considering you mistook that place for a barn.

              • 9 months ago

                >He was already doing that at the car.
                Words aren't attacks
                >Clem didn't kill Aj yet that didn't stop Kenny from constantly throwing her around and causing her wound to reopen
                And yet he's still the better choice to protect Clementine and the baby, really makes you think. Just how BAD is Jane if Kenny is the better choice?
                > You clearly haven't even played the game
                I did. It's been almost a decade since I played it though

              • 9 months ago

                I feel as if you're conveniently omitting that Jane was also projecting a 'second chance' in her eyes onto Clementine because of her sister that she just let die. Which makes the fact that she acks herself even more confusing
                >a bloo bloo bloo I feel bad about being an autist lone wolf and letting my sister die, but you can be my cool badass new lone wolf sister clementine, come hang out in this worthless overrun store
                >A new child to bring into this world I could raise and prove that I'm capable of caring for people after I failed my own flesh and blood? ACK

              • 9 months ago

                I never did. You're assuming me pointing out Kenny is horrible person and supporting the fact that Jane outed him as me being a Jane supporter.

                You're so incapable of discussion you immediatly need to turn everything into tribes. Are you like this in everything? Do you hear someone saying "Oh i don't like the color red" and you immediatly say "OH SO YOU HATE TRUMP AND MAGA HATS?"

              • 9 months ago

                Then, what precisely are you arguing about? Is this some enlightened centrist thing? The entire point of the game and the series to a lesser extent is seeing flawed people frick up. You're applying real world values of sanity and logic in a world where that simply does not exist. The man's wife just died, everyone he was traveling with were acting like complete morons and he calls everything out to the degree you would think he's holding the script and his reward for that is being abandoned by nearly everybody and the one person who stuck around is the glass eating mongoloid with zero investment towards anything you or him have going on beyond taking a girl who, depending on the events in S1, Kenny basically swears to protect and keep safe while he chases his new impossible far away idea of safety, and she is sitting there in the car not 15 minutes before the fight scene mocking his fricking dead family to his face. I don't think you support anything, honestly.

              • 9 months ago

                >Then, what precisely are you arguing about?

                Kenny is a piece of shit. A complete utter psychopath and its fans prove to be time and time again just as mentally ill. This thread being proof of it, considering how many times you Kenny incels have attempted
                1. Gaslighting
                2. Misdirection
                3. Fallacies
                4. Pepethefrog.png
                5. Accusations
                6. Schizo fantasies
                7. Exposed yourselves as people who didn't even play the game

                I care not for whatever tribal shit you want to pull. I care not for whatever "NOOOO BUT IF YOU DON'T LIKE LE GOD KENNY FROM THE MEMES... YOU MUST BE A SIMP FOR JANE!!!!!!".

                Are you all underage? Grow up already.

              • 9 months ago

                >You're all mentally ill
                >I HOPE SOMEONE DOXXES AND KILLS YOU less than 10 posts up
                Alright, bud, whatever you say. Being unable to empathize with people, especially in fiction, is a sign of some advanced form of spectrum disorder.

              • 9 months ago

                Take solace in that he’s just shitposting and he’s not actually this much of an autist.

              • 9 months ago

                We hope.

              • 9 months ago

                Honestly, man, I'd find it less embarrassing if he was just a giant autist. Even if I've been on this shithole for a long while I've never understood the draw of pretending to be a moron and being a dancing monkey to get people to interact with you on an anonymous imageboard of people you don't know and will likely never speak to directly again. If there's a name you an ascribe to the other party then doing a bunch of intentional logical fallacies can be a bit of fun, but here? Why?

              • 9 months ago

                Hes clearly mexican anon, no need to reason with them

              • 9 months ago

                > The Kenny incels are seething so hard they got btfod they are now being racist and using ad hominem

                Sad to see. Unsurprising though.

              • 9 months ago
              • 9 months ago

                The fact you just got serious and that you’re not denying it means he hit the nail on the head.

              • 9 months ago

                I'm not mexican though, if you weren't so new, you would know who I am.

                Alas, despite your desperation to fit in, despite your pathetic attempts at casual racism, despite your calls to reddit spacing and despite your Pepethefrog.jpgs, you're still nothing but a newbie.

                All I have to say to you is, lurk moar.

              • 9 months ago

                You’re only denying after getting called out, also I haven’t posted any images let alone Pepe ones. Maybe instead of desperately trying to look for a retort to try and deflect away you being Mexican you can calm down and stop shitposting. Also why do you have a picture of two dudes kissing save to your phone? Also calling anyone a newbie while phoneposting.

              • 9 months ago

                It’s an attention thing, usually people that do shit like this are zoomers from places like reddit or twatter that did it there but were banned or tracked down for being moronic. Then they heard about Ganker so they started coming here to do it with impunity. It is indeed very pathetic. Most likely when the thread reaches bump limit or something like that he’ll either come out and admit it and say something like “thanks for the (You)s as a final frick you. Or he’ll get btfo and say how he doesn’t care and that we’re all pathetic morons and that the thread has only strengthened his views before he leaves with his tail between his legs and makes another thread.

              • 9 months ago

                It’s an attention thing, usually people that do shit like this are zoomers from places like reddit or twatter that did it there but were banned or tracked down for being moronic. Then they heard about Ganker so they started coming here to do it with impunity. It is indeed very pathetic. Most likely when the thread reaches bump limit or something like that he’ll either come out and admit it and say something like “thanks for the (You)s as a final frick you. Or he’ll get btfo and say how he doesn’t care and that we’re all pathetic morons and that the thread has only strengthened his views before he leaves with his tail between his legs and makes another thread.

                The problem is that zoomers are incapable of understanding context
                The point of shitposting isn't receiving (you)s but to craft a comment that is so bad people feel the need to respond but not so bad people will just ignore it

                Shitposting is pretty much dead on Ganker because of the sheer amount of newbies replying to anything, back in my day if you tried to reply to half the thread with your moronic rants you'd just get ignored

              • 9 months ago

                > Gaslights random strangers over an internet videogame discussion
                >> NOOO YOU CAN'T WISH ME DEAD THAT'S MEAN 🙁

                Maybe don't gaslight people???

    • 9 months ago

      Her thought process was that having emotional attachments or grouping to others would end up getting Clemintine or someone else killed. Which is partly true as Clemintine ends up getting Lee killed over her parents, or the fact she ended up getting Omid and subsequently Christa killed. Or through that she ended up at the shack with Nick and the rest and it all goes downhill from there. Or Kenny's group so on so forth.. it makes sense from a logical standpoint, it's just the way she presents it is moronic. It's especially apparent after she admits to leaving her own sister to die. Kenny was the opposite, where finding something worth living for and protecting made the most sense, the only issue being that there's a chance that you could lose others you care about in the process. She gave up on humanity and the world only to care about herself. Kenny gave up on himself and only cared about the good in the world that was still left in it.

    • 9 months ago

      Attachments suck bro.

  9. 9 months ago

    Pretty sure most people picked Kenny out of loyalty to your bro, he couldn't filter that many

  10. 9 months ago

    >Ben dies

  11. 9 months ago

    >[Glass him]

  12. 9 months ago

    >side with Janny
    >kills herself in the ending
    wow so cool

  13. 9 months ago

    Does anyone have the pasta?

  14. 9 months ago

    Imagine simping for the manipulative bawd who will stab you in the back as soon as you become slightly inconvenient

  15. 9 months ago

    he sneeded millions

  16. 9 months ago

    Cool, a discord meltdown

  17. 9 months ago

    I want to impregnate Jane. She will kill herself during pregnancy so no child support. Perfect woman.

  18. 9 months ago

    Kenny did nothing wrong
    Ben tried his best

  19. 9 months ago

    remake when

  20. 9 months ago

    Seething wall of text guy hasn’t made a single good post tbh. It’s been awhile since I last played but since he’s so obviously wrong about literally everything I’ll assume this is an attempt at a totally epic not for realsies shitpost tirade and that he’s totally laughing ironically rn LOL and not really a deranged schizo, just for the sake of argument

  21. 9 months ago

    he was a b***hy obnoxious moron throughout S2 that soaked up so much screentime and screen presence just doing a weak rehash of his S1 arc, it's not even an exaggeration to say Kenny singlehandedly ruined S2. episode 4/5 primary storythread was suppose to be seeing Kenny's downfall but because the writers did not want the fan favorite Kenny to look too bad they just phoned it in, and in fact everyone else steps away from the season looking a lot more psychotic (ie Mike Bonnie Arvo Jane) than Kenny which you can tell was not intentional writing.

    • 9 months ago

      I think the core issue of this is that TWD S2 was fricking shit, honestly. The writing was on the wall when 400 days was basically a scam trying to advertise how your choices would influence S2 and characters you would meet but all of them other than the guaranteed one have one line at best, and saving characters who could die in early episodes had them written out within an episode and they, again, had near zero lines. Nick is a fricking glaring example of this if that's what his name was.
      Arvo was very obviously always a piece of shit though, he fricking shoots an eleven year old, even if he has a solid basis for a grudge which of course was caused by jane lmao it's completely moronic the rest of that group supported him at all

  22. 9 months ago

    I'm shocked to see such passionate posts about the game, since I'm here ill just give my own opinion, and that is personally, if I had to pick between Kenny or Jane to have ny back in the apocalypse I'm picking Kenny 100% of the time. Think about this. How is clem separated from Jane? Y'know, after she "forgot" AJ on a car in the middle of a massive blizzard surrounded by zombies but anyway... the way she leaves us is by offing herself, she abandons you because she's a mentally ill psycho who can't handle human attachment. Now let's examine what happens with Kenny. His belief at the moment is that Jane willingly tried to get rid of AJ (he was kinda right too, I doubt she would have shed any tears if the baby died in that car) she REGUKARLY showed disdain for looking after others who she considered a risk. And regularly tried to have you get rid of the baby and it "just so happens to go missing" when she is supposed to be looking after it. He reaches a conclusion anyone else would and then in aj effort to protect clem, goes to remove her, as she is obviously a threat. Now assuming you side with Kenny, he and you go retrace your steps to find AJ, and then you all live together for a very long time. How do you get separated from Kenny? A car accident. You are only away from him because he ended up dying, had this not happened I have no doubt in my mind they would have stuck together for as long as possible. No stupid fricking suicides over a kid and no psychopathic attempts at child murder by hiding a baby in the middle of nowhere in a car in the middle of a snowstorm surrounded by the undead. (The car was OFF by the way so if they hadn't gotten to him when they did he surely would have frozen to death.)

    • 9 months ago

      That's a cool post anon. Unfortunately you put serious time, effort and thought into your post in a thread that will ignore it because there's a schizo rant going on.

      • 9 months ago

        Your choice, I suppose. I'm just here to discuss the game since I'm a fan of it. I am a bit sad to see my opinion just discarded though.

        • 9 months ago

          >I am a bit sad to see my opinion just discarded though.

  23. 9 months ago

    Kenny Endings:
    1. Kenny sacrifices himself so that Clementine and the baby can go into a safehaven with people who can protect them
    Source: https://youtu.be/nvw7_RTFsck
    2. Kenny sacrifices himself so that Clementine and the baby can get away from the Zombies
    Source: https://youtu.be/UPOCbO_D0fY

    Jane Ending (there's only one lol)
    1. She kills herself, and leaves Clementine, a CHILD, to take care of a baby
    Source: https://youtu.be/efUnxQvpXDM

    Really makes you think.

    Kenny was right about this b***h. She's a selfish and irresponsible person who only cares about herself. Which is why she HIDES a baby in a situation where said baby could die...and it's also why she kills herself, knowing DAMN WELL that she has the RESPONSIBILITY of protecting a CHILD and a BABY

    • 9 months ago

      > You have to take a chance with the abusive mentally unstable psychopath in the case they might feel like sacrificing themselves in the future


      No, i don't think I will.

      • 9 months ago

        Wrong! You side with the pragmatic, wise man, who while he has anger issues and is haunted by his demons, is still a just, righteous man, who will do anything to protect (or avenge) the ones he loves.

      • 9 months ago

        >abusive mentally unstable psychopath
        that's exactly how I'd describe anyone who leaves a baby alone in an unheated car in the middle of a snowstorm with undead around just to prove a point.

        • 9 months ago

          How does it constitute to abuse or psychopathy?

          • 9 months ago

            Are you baiting?

            • 9 months ago

              He absolutely is, this has been pointed out multiple times.

              • 9 months ago

                I feel sad for you. How fragile must you be that the second someone hurts your feelings on the internet or proves you wrong and you have no come back you must resort to "Am i wrong? no... it's a baiter!".

                No one could ever possibly prove you wrong, right? it has to be a troll. After all you're always right! shame you never have anything to back you up.

              • 9 months ago

                You already tried this before Pedro and it didn’t work then either, in fact you stopped replying and moved on because you couldn’t argue against it.

              • 9 months ago

                >How fragile must you be that the second someone hurts your feelings
                You literally had to beg jannies to ban the other anon because you were mad at people laughing at your ugly face pussy lol

          • 9 months ago

            the baby is alone and very very cold in an old rusty car

            she's abusing a baby to prove a point. She's trying to prove that Kenny is a meanie who would get really mad if she DID abuse the baby, by actually genuinely abusing the baby by putting it in a dangerous situation. What if she died on the way back and nobody ever found the baby?

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah, which is why you should pick kenny instead of jane, the abusive mentally unstable psychopath who pretended to murder a baby so she could create false cause to actually murder kenny.

        • 9 months ago

          Does Clem know she was faking it when Kenny went crazy and tried to kill her? No.

          • 9 months ago

            Do your parents know you’re gay?

          • 9 months ago

            >does clem know she was faking murdering a baby?
            So clem thought she actually murdered a baby to goad kenny into knife range? And this is the person you should trust with your life, the one who just showed she'll happily kill anybody just as an emotional tool against others?

            • 9 months ago

              I think in the moment Clem is thinking the baby died in an accident, but Jane's plan is moronic there should have been a way to get this scene going without giving Jane a character assassination. It feels really shitty that we spent 4 episodes building up to Kenny's rage boiling over and this is how they deliver it, any interim-father would have reacted like this it makes all that posturing about Kenny's instability feel like a waste of time

        • 9 months ago

          It's hilarious how it plays out. I actually can't imagine how moronic janegays must feel in this situation
          >Kenny I ditched the baby!
          >*gets pressed to the ground and knife held at her throat*
          >Janegay shoots Kenny
          >whew that was a close one Clem, anyways the baby's in that car there rofl
          Like how do you not instantly feel like the dumbest piece of shit after that sequence of events for sticking up for her

  24. 9 months ago

    It's strange, but I don't really understand why we were supposed to be suspicious of Kenny in S2. Sure, he got weirdly fixated on the baby, but we know he'll do anything - literally anything - for his family.
    Meanwhile, Jane is badly untrustworthy. She flees every time she can, and she nearly causes a disaster by fricking Luke. More, when she realizes she's pregnant, she literally kills herself!
    I mean, that's an insane thing to do. Sure, she imparted useful information, but the woman is a complete flake. (Not to mention Kenny ends up being correct at the end.)
    It doesn't help that most of the group in S2 seems to be somewhat dumb (especially Nick, who just fricking sucks.)

  25. 9 months ago


    Yeah, exactly the type of gay to defend jane lmao, that's a face not even a bug chaser would love

  26. 9 months ago

    This video about him filtered millions (literally). Even Kennygays couldn’t argue with it https://youtu.be/vGl12Sv9SNs?si=GKLySxLUPqtcECI2

    • 9 months ago

      >video essay
      opinion discarded. If you can't articulate in your words why you believe your opinion is correct, then you've already lost the argument. Linking a 20 minutes ramble from some literal who with no credentials does little to help your claim

      • 9 months ago

        Can you not come up with your own arguments?

        Funny because you guys had this whole thread to come up with arguments to defend Kenny yet all you did was gaslight, throw personal attacks, derail the conversation and even admit you didn't play the game to the point you started MAKING UP SHIT that never happened in game.

        • 9 months ago

          That’s what you did, also you didn’t answer any of my questions, in the other reply. The fact you’re ignoring must mean I was on the money eh Pedro? Gay Mexican, that’s rough.

        • 9 months ago

          it's easy to defend Kenny when the story itself was too afraid to make Kenny look that bad, the way the game tries to convince you that he's lost his marbles is by making him b***hy and mistreat a guy who ambushed the group & shot Clem. they couldn't just make Mike & Bonnie leave the group in the middle of the night cus they're sick of Kenny they have to add in how they stole all our supplies leaving a baby to starve, they couldn't make Kenny violent with Jane without first tricking him into thinking she got the baby killed. they do these things because the writers are too cowardly to make Kenny look bad since so much of the S2 writing hinges on Kenny fanservice. no one wants to watch a youtuber try to pretend he's actually le deep & convincingly conveys an unstable broken man

          • 9 months ago

            I'm convinced that the people who bought the whole "kenny went mad!" narrative they were baiting people into are just emotional thinkers. They don't think about what Kenny is actually doing or why, they can't emphatize. Instead they just see what he's doing and their emotions tell them
            >isn't that sort of scary?
            >the music score was dramatic when he hit the russian child... Thats quite bad...
            and thats it. No other thought.

            Same sort of people that gape their mouths at starwars trailers because of the epic orchestra

    • 9 months ago

      Can you not come up with your own arguments?

    • 9 months ago

      >Trauma can't turn people into abusers
      That guy is a moronic pseud.

  27. 9 months ago


    >this is the guy calling you incel
    Holy shit

    • 9 months ago

      What was it? The post was deleted.

      • 9 months ago

        The gay got mad lmao what a pussy

        • 9 months ago

          Not Mexican, but not too far off either, that’s good shit thanks anon.

          • 9 months ago

            Yeah, hes always like this, he gets fricking defensive about everything and posts his homosexual porn, just search Farquaad or str8 on the archive and youll find his autism

            • 9 months ago

              I think I’ve seen him in multiple threads across Ganker, even earlier today he made an NV thread and was doing this same shit.

  28. 9 months ago

    Jesus anons, they are both the same people just at two very opposite extremes of survival. Jane admits to using people, letting people die, abandoning others, and doing morally grey things to survive on her own. She even asks and eventually tells clementine she'd be better off on her own away from others even though she's just a young girl. Kenny would go full Savanah Hotel Lee on a group of people just to save someone he cares about. If he doesn't like you, or you get in the way of what his idea of protecting that person is, he will show his disdain with you in whatever form he sees fit. One is so scared of attachment they end killing themselves after they find out they're pregnant, and the other is so afraid of losing that attachment he'd willingly kill or harm anyone who'd try and take them away from him. They both make sense and have reasonable ways of thinking, it's just that they both take it to the absolute extreme.

    • 9 months ago

      >Kenny would go full Savanah Hotel Lee on a group of people just to save someone he cares about.

      Uh huh

      • 9 months ago

        Are you blatantly being dense or what? What is he supposed to do at that point when he already knows the outcome, and secondly he wasn't even near her to stop that from happening or notice it. In case you forgot he was ready and willing to sacrifice everyone but her at the lodge in a shootout unless clem talks him out of it. Not only that, he was ready to frick Larry up for trying to say Duck got bit, and was unwilling to admit that Duck was infected and then goes on to ask you to let Ben die for getting him and Katja killed in the first place. He was already on a spiral downward at that point, and he's even worse in the sequel where he's far more controlling and possessive.

  29. 9 months ago

    I'll be honest, I do not remember not much about this game since it has been so long. But from what I do remember, I was a fan of both Kenny and Larry while playing. Clementine was alright. I have mixed feelings about Lee. Frick Jane though. That b***h deserved every bit of suffering that she got.

  30. 9 months ago

    >side with kenny
    >he gets clem to wellington (he was right and he found it) and makes sure she gets in even if he doesnt

    >side with jane
    >she kills herself because she had casual sex and leaves clem behind to deal with it herself

    It kinda makes sense people who picked Jane dont realize it was the wrong choice. They never got to see that Kenny was right

  31. 9 months ago

    To this day I'm genuinely amazed Clementine is literally the only black girl in a western game Ganker will daughterfu

    • 9 months ago

      she's like half asian isnt she

  32. 9 months ago

    Look at the gay seething at this thread kek.
    Being a racist somehow is the worst crime in a post-apocalyptic game.
    Kenny did nothing wrong

    • 9 months ago

      he's not even really racist, the worst he does is call Lee an "urban" and expects him to pick locks. It's not like he shoots Black folk for being Black folk or somethign

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah that was more ignorance than anything else. And he’s fine with Clementine and the others, not to mention he gets with an Indian lady in S2.

  33. 9 months ago

    >devs openly said they wanted less people to go with Kenny
    >make him as irrational and dumb as possible in S2
    >somehow he still always ends up being right in literally every situation
    >is the one guy who will actually die for Clem while the rest either backstab you or commit suicide like Jane

    Anyone who sided with Jane over Kenny just got fricked
    >yeah just look at this old man he is clearly not himself anymore so let me kill him please
    >i promise we will stick together and get through all of this
    >i got knocked up by Luke?
    >Sorry Clem - you are on your own no.....ACK!

    • 9 months ago

      >Anyone who sided with Jane over Kenny just got fricked

      People usually make choices in the moment, they are not sad pathetic losers desperate "to win" so they spoil what will happen in the future to pick what "wins"

      • 9 months ago

        What’s it like being a homosexual in South America?

        • 9 months ago

          You tell me.

          • 9 months ago

            Why is your head so misshapen? Also do you get your ass kicked for being a gay?

      • 9 months ago

        Choosing Jane was dumb in the first place. No rational person would do it

        >Kenny is the guy you've known for ages and you know hes got your back
        >Jane left the baby all alone in an abandoned car surrounded by zombies
        >actively wants to kill your old friends because she considers him a liability
        >also has a history of not being the most loyal person
        That and Kenny got proven right in every situation before that final encounter. Why would any rational person now go "nah, he is clearly mentally broken - lets get rid of this old bastard'

        Even if you didn't like Kenny in S1 - no one cna deny that he carried the entire group.

        • 9 months ago

          >no one cna deny that he carried the entire group.

          Let's see.
          1. His actions get the gay guy killed
          2. His actions get the mexican doctor tortured
          3. He has a meltdown and treats Clem like crap when Sarita dies, blaming her for the deaths of several people
          4. Goes full baby crazy with Alvin Jr. because he's desperate for a 2nd chance at fatherhood
          5. Is so baby crazy he makes the baby freeze because he wants to be a loner far away from the campfire
          6. Confesses to being suicidal several times
          7. His treatment of Arvo and the rest of the team get Clem shot
          8. Tries to murder Jane despite the baby's disappearence seemed to be an accident
          9. Hurts Clem during the fight

          He's shit in Season 2 anon.
          Meanwhile up until that moment Jane was nothing but the MVP. Constantly saving Clem, helping her, teaching her things, etc.

          In fact, in both ANF and Season 4 Clem still uses Jane's tactic to kill zombies.

          • 9 months ago

            >1. His actions get the gay guy killed

            >2. His actions get the mexican doctor tortured

            Ok two points in and i can already see why you in particular are upset

            • 9 months ago

              Samegayging? Are you really that desperate?

          • 9 months ago

            >akshuallly kenny is the reason why Arvo was a piece of shit - not the fact that Clem shot his sister after she became a zoomber

            • 9 months ago

              >arvo's group ambushes you at the end of ep4 even if you let him do his thing
              frick arvo and frick arvo defenders, kenny should've blasted him then and there

          • 9 months ago

            >1. His actions get the gay guy killed
            >2. His actions get the mexican doctor tortured
            Yeah that would bother you wouldn't it?

          • 9 months ago

            >1. His actions get the gay guy killed
            >2. His actions get the mexican doctor tortured

            >Bunch of strangers show up
            >Don't trust them but let them into your home and give them food
            >They fail to warn you they are being followed by a group of psychopaths
            >Get caught off-guard by those psychos and end up separated
            >Try to fight back
            >They kill people
            >This is your fault

            • 9 months ago

              >Someone fricks something up
              >Kenny tries to fix it
              >Everyone calls him a monster
              That's literally the entirety of season 2

              • 9 months ago

                It's charisma. TWD as a series is full of unrepentant monstrous psychopaths who motivate a bunch of people under their command because they inspire something or keep people safe. Kenny is trying to fill a leadership position and often recommends the correct course of action but he goes about it in a way that just makes him seem like a fricking freak who is one meltdown away from killing everyone and then himself.

      • 9 months ago

        >People usually make choices in the moment,
        I made all my choices in the moment and completely blind and went with kenny nearly every time. Jane was just a crazy b***h who tried to antagonize him incredibly hard for some reason

      • 9 months ago

        >People usually make choices in the moment,
        I made all my choices in the moment and completely blind and went with kenny nearly every time. Jane was just a crazy b***h who tried to antagonize him incredibly hard for some reason

        I put Kenny down and then when Jane was revealed to be a dumb c**t I just walked away. Much like I walked away from the series because S2 was fricking awful.

        • 9 months ago

          Shit taste throughout then, atleast you're consistent

          • 9 months ago

            Kenny wanted to die and Carver was right. Every single character in S2 besides Clementine were too moronic to live. I remember regretting I couldn't pop Jane and instead had to just walk away but after S3 came out I was comfortably confident with the fact she almost assuredly necked herself. Possibly even earlier.

  34. 9 months ago

    Kenny was a flawed human being but ultimately tried to do the right thing. He is easily right behind Lee in terms of surrogate father figure.

  35. 9 months ago

    >hey clem - lets prove that Kenny is not mentally stable by taking the baby and pretending that i lost it - i am sure a rational person would just go "meh, whatever - you made a mistake but it is what it is" in that situation

    • 9 months ago

      thats the ultimate point at which the janegay is made. A janegay would, actually and genuinely, forgive Jane in this situation. They're the ultimate simps who would simply give up on the baby because Jane is female

  36. 9 months ago

    I have no idea what happens in the series post season 2 and I was a big fan of the first one. I played one episode of S3 and stopped keeping up since.

  37. 9 months ago

    Don’t feed the latinx people.

  38. 9 months ago

    >game tries to constantly tell you that Kenny is dumb and that the magical safe land in the far north does not exist and thats its all but delusions and a dream
    >turns out Kenny was right and its objectively the best ending to get

  39. 9 months ago

    Yeah, its Kennys fault that everyone else in that group decided to let random strangers that tried to frick them into their camp which resulted into Clem getting shot and the frickers stealing all their supplies

    If Kenny got his will Arvo would have died right after his failed ambush attempt.
    >Kenny is a psycho for being very protective of the people he cares about

  40. 9 months ago

    All I know is both Jane and Kenny were crazy morons who both needed to be put down. In fact the entire group in S2 were awful

  41. 9 months ago

    >You hate Kenny? THAT MEANS YOU LIKE JANE
    No, I simply hate both and would kill both if the choice was presented.

    • 9 months ago

      you literally can, did you play this game

      • 9 months ago

        Can you though?
        You can get Kenny to kill Jane and after that shoot Kenny. You can't just go Dick Kickem and kill both yourself

  42. 9 months ago
  43. 9 months ago

    Maybe we really shouldn't let women drive.

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