>He sexualizes pokmon

>He sexualizes pokémon

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  1. 11 months ago

    if you haven’t fapped to a pokemon before you’re in a small minority

    • 11 months ago

      Let's take the world population including the 3rd world counties. The majority of people don't play video games. Even after pokemon go most people don't play or watch Pokemon. It is amazingly popular, but I think most don't really pay attention to it. Maybe about half of people in 1st world countries were playing Pokemon Go at some point. But most people still don't fap to hentai, much less Pokemon. People who come to /vp/ though? Large majority here probably fap to Pokemon.

  2. 11 months ago

    >He sexualizes pokémon
    >He only sexualizes popular or furbait pokémon

    • 11 months ago

      Nobody cares about staraptor

      • 11 months ago

        You clearly have never visited one of the bird threads if you haven't seen every birdmon's cloaca posted at least once

        • 11 months ago

          still has a very low porn count compared to garde lopunny blaziken and even nidoqueen or ampharos

      • 11 months ago

        You clearly have never visited one of the bird threads if you haven't seen every birdmon's cloaca posted at least once

        • 11 months ago

          Hi Patohoro!

  3. 11 months ago

    Gardevoir are the most beautiful nonhuman creatures ever designed in human history, no exception. It's completely normal to sexualize them.

  4. 11 months ago

    >Pokémon sexualize you

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        Is it terminal? Should I get a second opinion?

      • 11 months ago

        The correct term is "severe". Even if the patient is an extreme case, you should not comment on that to not agitate the patient unless it is requested by them and deemed necessary for the treatment.

        Is it terminal? Should I get a second opinion?

        Here's mine: https://youtu.be/9ejzqm1KWjg

        • 11 months ago

          I don't think they went through medical school.
          Also, on a meta note, given the Japanese text, this is probably an iffy translation of something that the artist would know of. Who knows, maybe "severe" got mistranslated?

          • 11 months ago

            I'm aware of how Engrish can be but I still felt it needed to be said. Also, I'm pleasantly surprised to see my post was taken seriously.

            • 11 months ago

              Oh my goodness, what a cutie! For once a pic made me smile. Would let her examine me too

    • 11 months ago
  5. 11 months ago

    All these years and I still find opportunities to use this image

  6. 11 months ago

    >Pokemon sexualizes Pokemon

    Fixed that for you

    • 11 months ago

      I want her to do the Princess Peach down throw on my pelvis.

      • 11 months ago

        But anon, that would shatter your pelvis.

        • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      >singlehandedly proves that Pokemon is a coomer franchise
      How can one fruit mommy be so based

      • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          >Pfft, you call that PLAPing?

    • 11 months ago


  7. 11 months ago

    *stuffs you with cum*

  8. 11 months ago

    Pick another coomslop drawpleb who doesn't have a troony fetish OP

  9. 11 months ago

    so what?

  10. 11 months ago

    I want to rape them all.

  11. 11 months ago

    I do not sexualize them they are too sexy, I see a lopunny in my casual game and I have a boner for 2 hours

  12. 11 months ago

    >he doesn't jerk off to pokemon daily
    two legs, four legs, no legs, I don't care
    if it's attractive I'm gonna fap to it

  13. 11 months ago

    Yes. Particularly kinderbawd Kirlia!

  14. 11 months ago

    why would I not sexualize something that sexualizes us?

  15. 11 months ago


    >main head goes for the shaft while the other two go for each testicle
    Dear God...

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Shaft, balls, and ass.

  16. 11 months ago

    it been shown they are smart, so why not?, you think if she wanted your absol could not take a sultry pic of herself for you to find?

    • 11 months ago

      bruh i hardly think most pokemon are like the ones in mystery dungeon. that shit is in another world

      • 11 months ago

        what's your point anon
        the fact that it isn't a part of the mainline games doesn't stop it from existing and being a basis for people to work off of

        • 11 months ago

          yeah well 90% of this shit isn't being based on mystery dungeon, it's being based on these pokemon being animals and people wanting to frick them.

          and yet they know of humans, grovyle had a human friend my guy

          yeah, still not set in the main pokemon world. who's to say there aren't any humans living in the mystery dungeon world? we just haven't seen them.

          • 11 months ago

            >Speaking of the movies and consequently the TV show, do the cartoons and the movies and the video games overlap? Is that all one Pokémon world, or are they two separate universes?
            >Masuda: basically it’s the same place. Looking at it as a parallel world, or in some select spots being a parallel world might be more accurate.
            The Pokemon from Mystery Dungeon are no different from the Pokemon in the mainline games. You can understand them because you were transformed into one of them, but they're exactly the same mentally.

      • 11 months ago

        and yet they know of humans, grovyle had a human friend my guy

      • 11 months ago

        OP confirmed homosexual, post sexy pokemon

        >Bruh i hardly think
        That explains it

        • 11 months ago

          She cute.

  17. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Cute zoro.

    • 11 months ago

      That's an animal

      • 11 months ago

        So am I

  18. 11 months ago


    Not all Pokemon are coded as children, so you're wrong to say it's pedophilia. Lucario from the movie had an adult voice.

  19. 11 months ago

    >he actually has sex with flesh and blood w*men


    • 11 months ago

      Why not both? Especially if she'll share in the pokelove

  20. 11 months ago

    Good, I don't need a shit male mon like you involved with me.

    • 11 months ago

      Are you sure?

  21. 11 months ago


    >silly, stupid
    Okay, I will endeavor to have more in-depth and impactful groomer fantasies.

    • 11 months ago

      That poster always calls it that term, but Latias' romance subplot was truly deep and impactful. I remember it changing the way I looked at Pokemon as a whole, even moreso than Meowth.
      Meanwhile, he's saying Pokemon shouldn't ever be anything more complex than funny little pets. So he's calling people "inane" while advocating for something that's extremely vapid and inane itself.
      I don't understand people who have such a big problem with human/Pokemon relationships.

      • 11 months ago

        I personally have no problem with things like that, but why do they suddenly have to cross into a sexuality line?

        • 11 months ago

          People sexualize everything, it is what it is. That's rule 34.

  22. 11 months ago

    Stop caring about the sexuality of others

    • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      "Dog Fricker" isn't a sexuality, Cheryl.

    • 11 months ago

      a*glo-saxons simply can't

    • 11 months ago

      holy shit it's the legendary 1483155414771.jpg

    • 11 months ago

      Based chadcrozma, now, can I have sex with you ?

  23. 11 months ago


    Implying that I have patience to be a groomer
    Implying that I don't want to be the one getting raped
    Implying that Gardevoir is not a rock-bottom tier waifu for near-normies
    Implying that I'll ever pretend to care what does a greekoid subhuman thinks m about what my dick fancies

    • 11 months ago

      You seen like a king

  24. 11 months ago

    >Eriture has joined the server

  25. 11 months ago


    What's it like pretending to be a schizoposter. Can't come up with something original on your own? That's why the classic poster will always be better than you, and your posts not even worth the You.

  26. 11 months ago


    Then tell the designers to stop giving them feminine designs if you don't want people to lewd them.

  27. 11 months ago

    sexualize is not a thing
    if you see a horny pokemon bleeding out her c**t everywhere am I sexualizing it?

  28. 11 months ago


    I want you to stop saying pokephiles are rapists!!! Pokemon are just as intelligent and emotionally deep as humans, so it's NOT molestation or grooming! It doesn't matter if they're someone's pet in universe. You still can't "molest and groom" someone if they know what sex is and they have the capacity to consent to it, no matter what their role is in their universe. So just STFU and stop insulting people!!!

  29. 11 months ago

    Anyone who wants to frick a Pokémon has some deep rooted psychological issues that they never addressed

    I used to want Pokémon to be real. But People wanting to frick Pokémon is one of many reasons why this reality doesn’t deserve to have Pokémon. It is better for them to stay in a state of fantasy where the ills of humanity are kept to a minimum.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm gonna frick YOU anon now bend over homosexual

    • 11 months ago

      Sex isn’t an illness

      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      You sure are sanctimonious about a franchise where there exists canonical offspring of a male human/female pokémon relationship

      • 11 months ago

        what canonical offspring is this? i've never heard of them

        • 11 months ago

          A dude had Snorunts with a Froslass. You read his journal in Legends, half of which is held by the Snorunts and the other one by their mommy. It's basically a Pokémon retelling of the tale of Yuki-onna. Their story isn't a happy one and illusions were likely used, but yes, a human impregnated a Pokémon.

      • 11 months ago

        Sex isn’t an illness

        I'm gonna frick YOU anon now bend over homosexual

        Whatever you have to say to justify not seeing a psychiatrist to find out what went wrong in your childhood or your life to where you want to have sex with cartoon animals

        • 11 months ago

          What type of animal is this?

          • 11 months ago

            The fictional kind

            Seek therapy

            Not even gonna reply to the troony

            • 11 months ago

              Blasted in the ass

            • 11 months ago

              I won't seek therapy, because it's completely natural and nothing to be ashamed of.
              You're just a speciesist bigot who hates Pokemon and thinks they're beneath relationships with humans. It's just like how the racists from decades ago hated black/white marriage. Except instead of being against your fellow human, you're against magic sapient fantasy creatures instead.

              • 11 months ago

                Shut the frick up

                These are all the same false equivalences that the trannies try to draw which actually explains a lot

                Blacks and whites exist in real life, Pokémon do not

              • 11 months ago

                They don't exist, but if they did then you would be a speciesist bigot against them and outlaw them from falling in love with humans because you hate them.

              • 11 months ago

                >reddit spacing

              • 11 months ago

                rotom pressing a button

              • 11 months ago

                >trying to form an argument against troonism while posting a pic made by a troonyfricker and a pederast

              • 11 months ago

                They don't exist, but if they did then you would be a speciesist bigot against them and outlaw them from falling in love with humans because you hate them.

                There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to frick pokemon.
                Pokemon are intelligent.
                Some can even directly communicate with you.
                Does fricking an elf in a fantasy setting make someone a zoophile? Is Commander Shepard a zoophile for having sex with Liara and/or Tali?

                you people should be banned from owning any kind of animal. you would consider your dog intelligent for knowing what “sit” means and try to frick it. absolutely disgusting

              • 11 months ago

                most intelligent /vp/ user

              • 11 months ago

                It's disgusting of you to see a clearly sapient creature as a dog. They're as smart as humans and have displayed the same emotional depth as humans too, regardless what any of GameFreak's executives claim. If you still see them as the same as a dog then you're morally depraved.

              • 11 months ago

                i'm morally depraved for comparing pokemon to dogs and you aren't morally depraved for wanting to frick one? the cope is real

              • 11 months ago

                >I want master's wiener in me
                the hoops you people will jump through to justify wanting to frick animals is unreal

                >this fox (female) walks up to you
                >looks you directly in the eyes and starts talking in plain English
                >"Human, you and I are going to have SEX. You're going to MATE with me until my FOX PUSSY is full of your VIRILE HUMAN SEED. I'm ovulating RIGHT NOW."

                What is your response?

              • 11 months ago

                no thanks

              • 11 months ago

                Anon...are you okay? Why would you talk to a dumb animal? Pretty weird, bro

              • 11 months ago

                my response is frick no. you wouldn't do that if it was a person who walked up to you and said it because that's weird. and no way am i fricking some demon fox either

              • 11 months ago

                Woah woah woah, I thought pokemon were just dogs my dude
                Why are we comparing them to people all of a sudden? I mean sure this one made some noises that sounded a whole lot like speech but as we all know it's immoral to frick them because they're all dumb critters

              • 11 months ago

                no way gay

              • 11 months ago

                It's a trick, get an Axew
                don't end like Rookie

              • 11 months ago

                Yeah sure why not

              • 11 months ago

                They've shown time after time through the series that they have just as much emotional and intellectual depth as humans, so yeah, you're depraved for saying they're the same as dogs. You instantly dehumanize them just because daddy Masuda says so. I bet if God said brown haired people were subhumans, you would dehumanize them too.

              • 11 months ago

                you are mentally deficient

              • 11 months ago

                I'm mentally deficient because I don't instantly dehumanize fictional sapient creatures?

              • 11 months ago

                He's right. You're moronic bro. Not only are pokemon not real creatures (let alone animals) but from what we've seen of them in heir own setting, they are capable of sapience and self awareness. You have the "moral fiber" of a twitter user.

              • 11 months ago

                No? I understand that my dog is not intelligent. They don't know what sit means. They only understand the Pavlovian response to a certain mouth sound results in a situation that is beneficial to them (pets, toys, treats, or in certain breeds, the satisfaction from obedience).
                On the other hand, wild pokemon innately understand human language from the moment they're captured and can respond in individual manner to ambiguous commands, making command-level decisions for themselves. If they can understand the best move to use in a pokemon battle, they are far more intelligent than the level of understanding required to decide "I want master's wiener in me".

              • 11 months ago

                >someone's son wrote this

              • 11 months ago

                >he's a philosophical cuck beholden to the opinions of others

              • 11 months ago

                >I want master's wiener in me
                the hoops you people will jump through to justify wanting to frick animals is unreal

              • 11 months ago
              • 11 months ago

                most intelligent /vp/ user

                Death of the author
                Black person, that fox just spoke fluently in [whatever language you play the game in]
                That necessarily means it has enough intelligence to comprehend the meaning of words, articulate them, and then use language to deceive humans
                When something reaches that point, it's a sapient creature at least on par with humans in the same way that a non-human fantasy or sci-fi race is

                No? I understand that my dog is not intelligent. They don't know what sit means. They only understand the Pavlovian response to a certain mouth sound results in a situation that is beneficial to them (pets, toys, treats, or in certain breeds, the satisfaction from obedience).
                On the other hand, wild pokemon innately understand human language from the moment they're captured and can respond in individual manner to ambiguous commands, making command-level decisions for themselves. If they can understand the best move to use in a pokemon battle, they are far more intelligent than the level of understanding required to decide "I want master's wiener in me".

                This is what Raine Dog was about.

              • 11 months ago

                Reminder that this comic is a literal trans allegory (D.C. Simpson used to be a dude)

              • 11 months ago

                It wasn't a trans allegory, it was just partially inspired by that. It's a deconstruction of the "sapient pet" trope.

            • 11 months ago

              Why would you want to reply to yourself? Split personality disorder?

            • 11 months ago

              Can't I seek the rapey instead?

          • 11 months ago

            Bhaalspawn's former wife and his inspiration for trooning-out

            As a kid I felt funny when I saw human girls not cartoon animals

            Only Obstagoon can touch his cute bugwife down there!

          • 11 months ago

            >we'll never get a sequel to this because the artist is in jail
            god damn it

            • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                That's a pretty self-explanatory sentence. What do you not get?

              • 11 months ago

                Who is the artist and why is he in jail?

              • 11 months ago

                Not him but I heard about it before
                The guy is EroPharaoh; he made several short animated games, several Pokemon related. His most well known was the Gardevoir one but he also had one with May and another with Lana. I don't think he ever openly said what he's in for but some have said it's because the Lana game was seen as pedo shit.

              • 11 months ago

                If it was copyright then I guess you really can’t just change the name of the game and the characters to avoid getting arrested

              • 11 months ago

                >getting arrested for 2D
                Is he a Cannuck?

              • 11 months ago

                If he’s drawing comics about fricking Gardevoir he was a mentally ill freak like the rest of the depraved coomers ITT

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                Being sexually attracted to Gardevoir is completely normal. Gardevoir is the most beautiful creature ever designed.

        • 11 months ago

          First - pic related
          Second - the creators openly advocate these feelings, have you ever seen Tsareena, Mega Lopunny or Meowscarada for instance?

          • 11 months ago


            • 11 months ago

              I accept your concession.

        • 11 months ago

          >be a kid
          >see a pokemon
          >feel funny
          Ahhhhh video games were the problem once again. It's time to cancel Pokemon.

          • 11 months ago

            As a kid I felt funny when I saw human girls not cartoon animals

            • 11 months ago

              please do not punch butterfree in the dick he is not into CBT

              • 11 months ago

                Not a cartoon porn addict so I don’t know what CBT is

                The one blessing of this situation is that most of you cartoon porn addicts will never reproduce

              • 11 months ago

                >cartoon porn
                Anon now you're just being obtuse

              • 11 months ago

                >I don’t know what CBT is
                This person is a liar.

                Gotta love people arguing over whether it’s moral to want to frick a fictional character or not

                You’re on Ganker, you know what CBT means

                Cute cactus.

                kek, hope it's worth the pain.

        • 11 months ago

          Idiotic shitposter, given that sex with cartoon animals has existed since the dawn of humanity.

        • 11 months ago

          I want to have sex with cartoon people

        • 11 months ago

          You mean the same psychiatrtists who were forced by the LGBT lobby to say that people who want to carve holes in their midsections (or graft pieces of their forearm meat wrapped around an onflatable weenie-shaped balloon) to larp as the opossite gender are somehow NOT mentally ill individuals?
          Are you really gonna pull that kind of shitty non-argument right here and just now?

    • 11 months ago

      If you’re so butthurt about this then why would you even play a game that lewds and enables the sexual attraction of Pokémon?

      • 11 months ago

        it doesn't do either of those things

        • 11 months ago

          Why did they give Meowscarada a human woman's body?

          • 11 months ago

            this pokemon hardly has a woman's body. it just looks like how game freak does all their shitty anthro pokemon, biped with features of the animal its based on. if they gave the cat breasts or emphasised its ass or thighs maybe i'd say they gave it a human woman's body, but it's pretty average. people are just attracted to this because they're furries.

            • 11 months ago

              >it just looks like how game freak does all their shitty anthro pokemon, biped with features of the animal its based on.
              Meowscarada is the first and only Pokemon where they just completely copied a human body template onto it.
              >if they gave the cat breasts or emphasised its ass or thighs maybe i'd say they gave it a human woman's body
              None of the human have emphasized asses, and some of them are flat, so do they not have human bodies either? Either way, they would have given her breasts if there weren't herds of antipokephiles ready to ape out and call it zoophilia.

              • 11 months ago

                >Meowscarada is the first and only Pokemon where they just completely copied a human body template onto it.
                this is just not true, hitmonchan from gen 1 may as well have a human body. ceruledge and the other armour one from gen 9 look even more human than meowscarada. cinderace may as well be the same. same with delphox. the list goes on and on.
                >None of the human have emphasized asses, and some of them are flat, so do they not have human bodies either?
                some of the models got cake don't lie. and the flat ones are literally children please don't forget.

              • 11 months ago

                >this is just not true, hitmonchan from gen 1 may as well have a human body. ceruledge and the other armour one from gen 9 look even more human than meowscarada. cinderace may as well be the same. same with delphox. the list goes on and on.
                What are you talking about? None of those use the same model. Delphox is completely covered in fur, you can't even tell what she looks like under it.
                >some of the models got cake don't lie. and the flat ones are literally children please don't forget.
                They're all children. And none of them are modeled with prominent ass since it would be too provocative. And besides that, you can't see Meowscarada's ass anyways because her fur is like shorts.

              • 11 months ago

                meowscarada doesn't use the same model either man

              • 11 months ago

                >human woman's body?
                That's barely a human body but the fact you never seen a real woman doesn't surprise me

                It's shaped the exact same way as those humans, as if they used the same body template.

              • 11 months ago

                >It's shaped the exact same way as those humans
                fictional humans

          • 11 months ago

            >human woman's body?
            That's barely a human body but the fact you never seen a real woman doesn't surprise me

          • 11 months ago

            Because despite what pozzed media companies ran by israeli oligarchs (who thanks to unlimited funds can go on annual business-trips to developing nations just to rape local underaged prostitutes there) want to tell their leftarded consoomers, most videogames are bought and played by adolescent/tween heterosexual males aged anywhere around 15-25

        • 11 months ago

          >Mega Lopunny has ripped leggings
          >Meowscarda gets very jealous and can weaken the will of its trainer
          >Nidoqueen and Jynx have breasts
          >Gardevoir has a dress with implication of cleavage and is the yandere of Pokemon
          >Hatterene has the illusion of being curvaceous
          >An onscreen kissing scene
          What part of these characteristics isn't the sexualization of Pokemon?

          • 11 months ago

            Gardevoir has never been depicted as yandere.

            • 11 months ago

              You mean the game or artists depictions?

              • 11 months ago

                Any canon depictions.

              • 11 months ago

                Except for the Pokédex entry you’d be right

              • 11 months ago

                Wait for the one moron to come in and say Pokedex entries don't matter. ALAKAZAM IS A DUMB BEAST 1000IQ DOESNT MATTER.

              • 11 months ago

                No, none of them make Gardevoir out to be yandere.

          • 11 months ago

            >and is the yandere of Pokemon
            it's more close to a Guardian angel

            • 11 months ago

              No, none of them make Gardevoir out to be yandere.

              >Uses all her psychokinetic power to defend her trainer
              >Even at the cost of her own life
              How the frick is this not a severe attachment that resembles the likes of yanderes?

              • 11 months ago

                Because it's not portrayed as obsessive, possessive or unhealthy. They protect their trainer because they love them like a family member, and because it's their duty as Gardevoir. It's just like how a woman might take a bullet for her child or husband. She isn't "yandere" for that, she's brave and respectable.

              • 11 months ago

                Creating black holes out of sheer devotion and distress is extremely unhealthy. There’s a difference between taking damage and destroying a city to protect somebody

              • 11 months ago

                They don't destroy cities. They're small black holes.

              • 11 months ago

                Now try letting that happen when she can barely control her emotions while using up all her power

              • 11 months ago

                I don't care, they don't destroy cities. The pokedex specifically says they create SMALL black holes. It doesn't say they "destroy cities" ANYWHERE.
                They're noble, loving, beautiful creatures who AREN'T yanderes!

    • 11 months ago

      >I don't like it so there must be something wrong with them!
      Virgins seething because they can't imagine consensually bonding with their best friend in the most intimate and beautiful way possible.

      • 11 months ago

        You call people virgins, but you talk about consensually fricking a fictional animal. This is the most virgin thing I've ever heard. Make sure you get an early sleep buddy, don't want to miss out on sex ed tomorrow at school!

        • 11 months ago

          >He still can't imagine it
          My bad, I meant to say incelibates. And thanks, I ought to rest for work later today. You have a good sleep too, friend.

      • 11 months ago

        Homosexuals you mean. Imagine getting so weepy about what other men get off to lmao.

      • 11 months ago

        >He still can't imagine it
        My bad, I meant to say incelibates. And thanks, I ought to rest for work later today. You have a good sleep too, friend.


      • 11 months ago

        >He still can't imagine it
        My bad, I meant to say incelibates. And thanks, I ought to rest for work later today. You have a good sleep too, friend.


        Based Milotic wife enjoyers

  30. 11 months ago


    Just tell me that you support troons and think that they are not mentally ill gays so I can permanentny filter your fake-prude shitposts out of my conciousness.

  31. 11 months ago

    Yeah, Maractus in fact.

    • 11 months ago

      Gotta love people arguing over whether it’s moral to want to frick a fictional character or not


      Not a cartoon porn addict so I don’t know what CBT is

      The one blessing of this situation is that most of you cartoon porn addicts will never reproduce

      You’re on Ganker, you know what CBT means

      • 11 months ago

        >Gotta love people arguing over whether it’s moral to want to frick a fictional character or not
        My favourite is the Rocket Raccoon test. He can walk, talk, rock ballistics and is smarter than any IRL human - but he's still a raccoon. If you're ok with him fricking, you're an animal fricker. If you're not, you're a discriminatory butthole picking on a guy with insecurities. What will it be, homosexual?

        • 11 months ago

          >but he's still a raccoon
          Okay? He's a sapient raccoon
          The morality issue comes in with the sapience and the creature's understanding of what's happening, not just if it's non-human
          Is having sex with an Asari immoral?

          • 11 months ago

            Noooo you're only allowed to frick humans and aliens who look exactly like humans but different colors!

            • 11 months ago

              This is what ruined Mass Effect.

              • 11 months ago

                I always fricked the Turians. What is the point of the series if you don't copulate with different things? Kirk had the right idea.

        • 11 months ago

          Humans are apes, if you frick a human you're an animal fricker.

  32. 11 months ago

    SEX with pokemon

  33. 11 months ago

    No, no of course not. Who would do that?

  34. 11 months ago

    There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to frick pokemon.
    Pokemon are intelligent.
    Some can even directly communicate with you.
    Does fricking an elf in a fantasy setting make someone a zoophile? Is Commander Shepard a zoophile for having sex with Liara and/or Tali?

    • 11 months ago

      You just don't understand. The corporation and creator says they're like animals, so they are. It doesn't matter what some rogue employees sneak into the official media. There could be an NPC openly married to a talking Pokemon, and it would still be zoophilia.

      • 11 months ago

        Death of the author

        you people should be banned from owning any kind of animal. you would consider your dog intelligent for knowing what “sit” means and try to frick it. absolutely disgusting

        Black person, that fox just spoke fluently in [whatever language you play the game in]
        That necessarily means it has enough intelligence to comprehend the meaning of words, articulate them, and then use language to deceive humans
        When something reaches that point, it's a sapient creature at least on par with humans in the same way that a non-human fantasy or sci-fi race is

      • 11 months ago

        The corporation and creators have gone out of their way multiple times to make the distinction that Pokemon are not animals and are something seperate from the animal kingdom entirely.

        • 11 months ago

          That's a lie.

          • 11 months ago

            No it’s not.

            • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                Proof died over a decade ago in a random Black person turfwar skirmish, have you forgotten already?

              • 11 months ago

                Literally the page they released saying
                >do not call pokemon animals or pets, they are friends

              • 11 months ago

                What?? They've never said that.

              • 11 months ago

                Also, they call Persian a pet in its pokedex entry in Scarlet.

  35. 11 months ago

    Reminder that canonically:
    >humans were created by pokemon
    >humans and pokemon are the same
    >humans and pokemon married
    >humans and pokemon have sex
    >pokemon have initiated sexual contact
    >eggs come from female veganas and not the stork

    • 11 months ago

      no male vegana eggs :(?

      • 11 months ago

        Canonically there are no trannies, and any attempts by twitter to hijack characters for trans politics have been refuted by the developers.

        • 11 months ago

          Piece of shit devs want to have their cake and eat it too, they design obvious elgeebee-tard bait characters to draw their attention and then play stupid and pretend they want nothing to do with them, what a bunch of asinine crap

          • 11 months ago

            If you think any Pokemon character is LGBT bait you're just as moronic as they are. No, just because a character has a blue and pink color scheme doesn't mean they support trans rights. It's a very common color scheme. No, just because a male character is feminine or a female character is masculine doesn't mean they're trans. That shit is extremely common in anime and has been for decades.

            When we get a character literally waving a gay pride flag in a game or anime I'll concede the point. Until then shut the frick up and stop being moronic.

          • 11 months ago

            If you think any Pokemon character is LGBT bait you're just as moronic as they are. No, just because a character has a blue and pink color scheme doesn't mean they support trans rights. It's a very common color scheme. No, just because a male character is feminine or a female character is masculine doesn't mean they're trans. That shit is extremely common in anime and has been for decades.

            When we get a character literally waving a gay pride flag in a game or anime I'll concede the point. Until then shut the frick up and stop being moronic.

            This. It's basic Color Theory, that's why you see blues and pinks together. They are nearly opposite each other on the color wheel.

    • 11 months ago

      >eggs come from female veganas and not the stork
      Explain how a Magnemite or any other genderless mon makes an egg then if this is real

      • 11 months ago

        They don't. You can only breed "genderless" with Dittos.

  36. 11 months ago

    sorry guys this is my pet Black person, he sometimes posts "funny" things like this but he is harmless, he might be annoying sometimes, but he is all heart

  37. 11 months ago

    The porn addict coombrains jacking off 4x daily to cartoon animals are having a meltdown ITT

    Go see a therapist, stop watching porn and it will all be alright

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      You're a speciesist who loves to dehumanize fictional creatures. Why is it that whenever someone has a problem with pokephilia, it's always just because they're a human supremacist who can't stop calling them dogs?

      • 11 months ago

        bro wtf do you mean human supremacist??? they are cartoon animals with funny powers who aren't even real. you cannot tell me that these guys are sapient. maybe there are a few limited cases with legendaries and shit like that. but 99% of these frickers are cats, dogs, birds, fish, rats, rabbits, horses, and god knows what else. the cartoon doggy does not want "master's wiener". the cartoon doggy wants to play and fight other cartoon doggies. but you filthy degenerates want to frick the cartoon doggy. you are not attracted to it because of some level of sapience you believe they possess. you are attracted to it because you think the cartoon doggy is hot and you want to frick it. please, please, please stop talking. there is no way you justify this shit.

        • 11 months ago

          >wordswordswordswordswords arrrggggg I'm COOOOPING
          You still haven't refuted any of the counterexamples given, kid

          • 11 months ago

            what counter examples? that they're sapient? in what universe are 99% of them sapient

            • 11 months ago

              Name one Pokemon that isn't sapient

              • 11 months ago


        • 11 months ago

          I don't care about the pokeporn that much. I wouldn't frick 99% of Pokemon if they were real because, even though they're sapient, they remind me too much of real animals. But whenever someone shows up and starts sperging about pokephilia, it's ALWAYS, every time, exactly the same thing, that they just can't stop dehumanizing and insulting the Pokemon.

          • 11 months ago

            man i'm not insulting the pokemon. you can't dehumanise them because they were never human to begin with, they have been and always will be animals. are they animals with emotions? yes. are they animals that understand your every word and can properly express how they feel? no. someone sent a picture with a lapras being able to consent and listing language as a way for them to express this consent. there is no fricking way lapras even knows what consent is, and there is no way that it is going to want to frick a human. because most animals, including most humans, aren't attracted to things outside of their species. if you want to admire mewtwo for their sapience and go gargle on mewtwo genitals, go ahead. but there's no way that the funny furry pokemon comprehend what it is that you desire so much from them.

            • 11 months ago

              >are they animals that understand your every word and can properly express how they feel
              >there is no fricking way lapras even knows what consent is
              What are you basing this on?
              >there is no way that it is going to want to frick a human
              What are you basing this on?
              >because most animals, including most humans, aren't attracted to things outside of their species
              That's not even fricking applicable to Pokemon anyway, moron. They reproduce in egg groups and/or with an amorphous shapeshifting blob
              >but there's no way that the funny furry pokemon comprehend what it is that you desire so much from them
              Based on what?


              Wrong, Magikarp can understand your commands. If you tell it to use Splash, it's going to Splash. Magikarp has also been depicted in Pokemon media to have strong enough feelings and forward thinking to evolve just so it can frick someone up as a Gyarados.

              • 11 months ago

                please tell me where in pokemon media has it been shown that the pokemon know what consent is? of course they don't they are animals. and i knew egg groups were gonna get brought into this after i said that but i thought you wouldn't be stupid enough to. are humans in egg groups??? no. not even in the human-like egg group. because pokemon and humans do not interbreed. you said attraction other species isn't applicable because of egg groups yourself. pokemon may love their trainers, but they are never sexually attracted to them. don't even try to say otherwise because it's just absurd. and magikarp understands how to splash just like how a dog knows how to sit or rollover. just like every pokemon knows how to do moves based on your commands. that's not sapience it's training. you are a pokemon trainer after all.

              • 11 months ago

                >please tell me where in pokemon media has it been shown that the pokemon know what consent is?
                You made the initial claim that they don't. You have no basis for saying such. They can understand human concepts and language near-perfectly, so there's no reason to believe they couldn't at the very least be taught about it if they don't know already.
                >are humans in egg groups?
                One of them is literally called humanlike
                But if that means anything, I've got no fricking clue; humans apparently can frick Froslass and make Snorunts and it's in the fairy and mineral groups (also wew lad this dex entry confirms they literally lust for human men).
                >because pokemon and humans do not interbreed
                Yeah they do
                >but they are never sexually attracted to them
                Based on?
                >don't even try to say otherwise because it's just absurd
                Sneed and chuck
                >magikarp understands how to splash just like how a dog knows how to sit or rollover. just like every pokemon knows how to do moves based on your commands.
                Magikarp isn't just a trained animal, it can follow complex instructions like all Pokemon because it understands you.
                >that's not sapience it's training
                I don't have to train my Magikarp for it to understand the difference between when I want it to use Splash and use Tackle

              • 11 months ago

                >please tell me where in pokemon media has it been shown that the pokemon know what consent is?
                i said this because you when i initially said they don't know what it is you asked me what i was basing it on. i was basing it on the fact that not once has it been shown. i invited you to provide evidence challenging that, you didn't.
                >humans apparently can frick Froslass and make Snorunts
                i can't find anywhere that the guy and the frolass actually had kids. they were certainly involved but it's likely that the froslass was disguised as a human. she left him later on, presumably when he found out her identity. it mirrors a real japanese legend almost identically. froslass are supposedly the ghosts of human women, so i would concede that they are probably sapient in some way due to holding on to some humanity, which explains the dex entry and the man it lived with in the game.
                >because pokemon and humans do not interbreed
                i just proved that again unless you have any other examples
                >I don't have to train my Magikarp for it to understand the difference between when I want it to use Splash and use Tackle
                yeah i'm chalking that up to game mechanics, game freak wasn't going to program in some minigame where you train you pokemon in the difference in moves but we can assume they know as they've been trained, by the trainer.
                got anything else to say?

              • 11 months ago

                >i was basing it on the fact that not once has it been shown.
                Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, especially considering you know why such a thing is doubtful to be depicted in the first place. You can't claim that there's evidence that they wouldn't know whereas I can easily cite the fact that Pokemon are intelligent and understand human speech. If a Pokemon is smart enough to pretend to be your friend, lure you into a cave, and mug you then it's probably smart enough to understand the concept of consent.

              • 11 months ago

                i highly doubt they understand human intimacy and what consent is. maybe pokemon might that once were people (like the froslass from earlier), but most others are gonna have no idea. and they cannot be taught because they don't understand complex human speech. they may understand basic words and commands or be able to pick up on emotions, but they are not understanding most human speech.

              • 11 months ago

                All pokemon understand human speech
                The issue with communication comes from the fact that most of them can't speak in return; this is something so basic it was in the first episode of the anime. Pikachu knows what Ash is talking about.
                And then, you have Pokemon that actually do have the ability to speak like Zoroark, Rotom, various psychic types and legendaries, ect. They're an exception not because they understand you, but because they can actually talk back directly. Pokemon also communicate with each other regularly; this is depicted a lot in the anime as well but it's most obvious when Meowth, whom taught himself to talk out of sheer determination, acts as a translator for Pokemon that can't do the same.

              • 11 months ago

                most pokemon cannot understand human speech. this isn't even the case in the anime which is what you're now referencing. sure it's more common there, but so many things from the anime don't match up with the games. for example, battles aren't always turnbased, pokemon learn more than four moves, etc, etc. the only reason pokemon have any kind of communication ability in that show is to appeal to children. but if you look at the primary source of media for pokemon, the games, this is not the case. because the games take them being creatures, not characters far more seriously (or at least it did in the beginning). pokemon don't say their names (another thing to appeal to children) rather they have cries. wild pokemon attack people out in the wilderness by themselves, why? because they are wild animals. and say if a pokemon somehow could understand what consent is, if they cannot communicate that effectively, it's not consent. how would you know if your lapras or whatever is consenting if it can't talk? you could assume but if you assume in real life you got to jail for rape. there's a reason why people under the influence of drugs and alcohol can't legally consent, because they are not of clear mind and able to evaluate it. now do you think an animal, that may or may not be able to understand human speech, that cannot communicate back, that doesn't understand the concepts of human intimacy, can consent? no. you cannot use body language or anything like that as a reason for it to be ok to frick the pokemon, because body language is not synonymous across species. there is a fundamental difference in perspective between people and pokemon and because of that, it can't happen.

              • 11 months ago

                You're going to address any examples given above? Unless you do, you've lost the argument.

              • 11 months ago

                What in the flying frick
                Creepy ass rotom

              • 11 months ago

                which examples? the rotom and legendaries etc that can talk? i already said something about a froslass being sapient earlier. i keep saying "most pokemon", because like i thought i was alluding to earlier, there are some pokemon that are sapient. meaning yes they can probably consent and it becomes less weird. but i'm talking about the majority here. i don't believe that most pokemon are sapient for reasons i've already listed, and it's mostly these ones that get lewded to death. and that's what i think is fricked up. cartoon doggy, kitty, bunny, whatever the frick, can't consent but that's where most of the pokephilia shit gravitates toward. and most the time they aren't even anthropomorphic, they're just straight up animals. an when people are jerking off to a regular ass eevee or some random feral pokemon like that it really doesn't seem like "erm guys i like its personality" it then seems like you're a dogfricker. this is probably the last i'm saying on this unless someone brings up a good point but i think the anon who was doing that is gone now.

              • 11 months ago

                What about Zoroark?

                There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to frick pokemon.
                Pokemon are intelligent.
                Some can even directly communicate with you.
                Does fricking an elf in a fantasy setting make someone a zoophile? Is Commander Shepard a zoophile for having sex with Liara and/or Tali?

                So your point is that a handful of them can be sapient, but only those who were clearly portrayed as such in SOME of the games (conveniently disregarding PMD and other sidelines), and for the rest you automatically assume they're not sapient? This is very fallacious anon, if there are multiple examples of undeniable, unquestionable sapience among Pokémon, then it's much more plausible that all of them are, rather than that they're all exceptions. Or can you provide examples where some species' sapience is explicitly debunked? You would need quite the number of them to make a point about the majority. Also note that, as anon above said, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

                And you also disregard the anime, because of course you do. Because it abolishes your viewpoint from the very first episode. And for the sake of your argument you also assume that pokephiles are attracted to pokemon based on how they are in games and not the anime, where their sapience is much more blatant?
                To me it seems that in your case the amount of copium is intensifying to the point where we may not be able to contain it.

              • 11 months ago

                >What about Zoroark?
                if the zoroark talks and seemingly isn't just parroting something said to it, then like i said about the talking pokemon in the post you just replied to, i would consider it sapient.
                >conveniently disregarding PMD
                the pokemon in PMD are all sapient, but there's no evidence it's set in the main pokemon world. in fact the pokemon there are all sapient and form communities and even build towns. if normal pokemon are sapient then why don't we see any of them build towns?
                >if there are multiple examples of undeniable, unquestionable sapience among Pokémon, then it's much more plausible that all of them are
                i disagree with this for a couple of reasons. nearly all of these "unquestionably" sapient pokemon are either, a) psychic types, who's whole gimmick is having psychic powers and raised intelligence, b) ghosts types that were once human themselves, or c) legendary pokemon that are essentially gods, or possess a power divine. i don't think that you can look at these pokemon and assume that because they have sapience, all other pokemon do too. every single one has a reason. we don't see that in traditionally non-sapient pokemon.
                >And you also disregard the anime, because of course you do.
                well yeah, i disregard it because i think the rules are different. battling isn't the same, move limits aren't the same, locations exist in the anime that aren't anywhere in the games and vice versa, so of course i think that this also applies to pokemon having a level of sapience. do i think that all pokemon in the anime are sapient? no. but i do think they're shown to understand humans more than pokemon in other media. i already said that i think it was a choice on the behalf of the creators to make the show appeal to kids more, i know it worked for me when i was a kid.

              • 11 months ago

                Therefore it's fine to be in a romantic relationship with a Zoroark. Glad we agree on that much at least.
                >if normal pokemon are sapient then why don't we see any of them build towns?
                First - it's fallacious to assume that building towns is a requirement of any sort to be sapient. It's not. Unless you also believe that humans weren't sapient before building the first settlements either and when they lived in caves... like animals.
                Second - there is no need to build a civilization when there already exists one, where you're already widely accepted. In the parallel PMD world humans don't (almost) exist, so it fell upon Pokémon to build one.
                Speaking of building, Pokémon technically DID build the civilization - in close cooperation with humans, you see that as early as in gen1 games. We do see Pokémon building encampments alone in the anime though.
                I also recall seeing a quote from one of the creators the other day, regarding anime/game/alternative worlds, and it being stated that they're not different worlds, just alternate. The worlds might be different, but the building blocks are the same, Pokémon don't have different properties depending on whether it's a mainline game, PMD or anime. I can't back it up with a source right now, so believe it or not. Whatever, you don't seem like a type to be convinced anyway.
                >every single one has a reason. we don't see that in traditionally non-sapient pokemon.
                You mean every single time you have an excuse to deny Pokémon their sapience. Again, absence of evidence, not evidence of absence. So what about these examples of explicitly non-sapient Pokémon?
                >battling isn't the same, move limits aren't the same (...) so of course i think that this also applies to pokemon having a level of sapience
                That's just a ridiculous analogy. Sorry anon, but just because "dodge it" exists in anime it doesn't mean they are different creatures. It's absurd. And again, nothing ever states "clearly not sapient"...

              • 11 months ago

                >First - it's fallacious to assume that building towns is a requirement of any sort to be sapient.
                hey i don't think it's a requirement, i just think that there would have been at least one or two example in game had that been the case.
                >I also recall seeing a quote from one of the creators the other day
                yeah no i actually saw this quote the other day too. the building blocks are definitely the same but i would argue that there are worlds where they can have slightly different properties from the others while still being the same at their core. and that brings me too...
                >battling isn't the same, move limits aren't the same (...) so of course i think that this also applies to pokemon having a level of sapience
                ok, addressing your response to this. when i say battling isn't the same i meant stuff like you can do multiple after the other, the dodge you mentioned (which actually i totally forgot about), and other stuff like being able to learn moves they wouldn't normally be able to learn or they can learn more than four (the infamous snorlax using six different moves in one battle comes to mind). the whole point of me saying this was to show that there are slight differences between the mediums that pokemon is told, and one of those difference is that i do think pokemon are slightly more sapient, or intelligent in the anime than anything we've been shown in games. what i meant was that is i don't think we can use examples from the anime to justify pokemon overall. and i am kinda using the games to justify stuff i know, but they are the primary media where everything else is derived from, so personally i think it's fair to say that.
                >Again, absence of evidence, not evidence of absence
                and hey i just want to say that you're right, absence of evidence is not evidence of an absence, but i think it can go both ways. we can both say "oh there's no evidence there is/isn't", and because of that i think we are just gonna have to agree to disagree.

              • 11 months ago

                Well, in mainlines I got nothing solid. Some ruins and temples are arguable, but ultimately their exact origin is unknown (and for the purpose of world building it's better off that way).
                >we are just gonna have to agree to disagree
                Aye. Your argumentation isn't completely unreasonable, even though I disagree with it. But in this franchise headcanon has to fill in some gaps sometimes, and I'm not one to tell others how to enjoy it. Unless they try to spread debunked bullshit and ignore evidence and counterpoints, which you didn't do. Unlike Zozzle, for instance.
                You're not a shitposter and this discussion has been enjoyable, which doesn't come very often. Thanks for that.

                i have a plane to catch at six in the morning tomorrow so i'm off to sleep now so i probably won't respond anymore, but i wanna say thanks, we had a good argument. and even if we couldn't convince the other i think it was good that we kept it mostly civil. i even think we agree on some things, like i definitely think there are some sapient pokemon, which leaves the door open for your perspective of all being sapient. again, thanks. have a good day anon.

                >again, thanks. have a good day anon.
                You too, anon.

                haha, i hope you think i wasn't trying to shit all over anyones argument or whatever. i wasn't trying to come across that way. anyway thanks for the welcome, but i've been a regular for a few years. it's only recently i've started visiting /vp/ though.

                Initially suspected I was dealing with one of the massive copers, but glad it wasn't the case. It's been a pleasure actually arguing in good faith. Have a good one.

              • 11 months ago

                i have a plane to catch at six in the morning tomorrow so i'm off to sleep now so i probably won't respond anymore, but i wanna say thanks, we had a good argument. and even if we couldn't convince the other i think it was good that we kept it mostly civil. i even think we agree on some things, like i definitely think there are some sapient pokemon, which leaves the door open for your perspective of all being sapient. again, thanks. have a good day anon.

              • 11 months ago

                Therefore it's fine to be in a romantic relationship with a Zoroark. Glad we agree on that much at least.
                >if normal pokemon are sapient then why don't we see any of them build towns?
                First - it's fallacious to assume that building towns is a requirement of any sort to be sapient. It's not. Unless you also believe that humans weren't sapient before building the first settlements either and when they lived in caves... like animals.
                Second - there is no need to build a civilization when there already exists one, where you're already widely accepted. In the parallel PMD world humans don't (almost) exist, so it fell upon Pokémon to build one.
                Speaking of building, Pokémon technically DID build the civilization - in close cooperation with humans, you see that as early as in gen1 games. We do see Pokémon building encampments alone in the anime though.
                I also recall seeing a quote from one of the creators the other day, regarding anime/game/alternative worlds, and it being stated that they're not different worlds, just alternate. The worlds might be different, but the building blocks are the same, Pokémon don't have different properties depending on whether it's a mainline game, PMD or anime. I can't back it up with a source right now, so believe it or not. Whatever, you don't seem like a type to be convinced anyway.
                >every single one has a reason. we don't see that in traditionally non-sapient pokemon.
                You mean every single time you have an excuse to deny Pokémon their sapience. Again, absence of evidence, not evidence of absence. So what about these examples of explicitly non-sapient Pokémon?
                >battling isn't the same, move limits aren't the same (...) so of course i think that this also applies to pokemon having a level of sapience
                That's just a ridiculous analogy. Sorry anon, but just because "dodge it" exists in anime it doesn't mean they are different creatures. It's absurd. And again, nothing ever states "clearly not sapient"...

                Just remembered a solid example why the anime Pokémon are the same as the ones in games - Mt Moon Clefairy.

              • 11 months ago

                >What about Zoroark?
                if the zoroark talks and seemingly isn't just parroting something said to it, then like i said about the talking pokemon in the post you just replied to, i would consider it sapient.
                >conveniently disregarding PMD
                the pokemon in PMD are all sapient, but there's no evidence it's set in the main pokemon world. in fact the pokemon there are all sapient and form communities and even build towns. if normal pokemon are sapient then why don't we see any of them build towns?
                >if there are multiple examples of undeniable, unquestionable sapience among Pokémon, then it's much more plausible that all of them are
                i disagree with this for a couple of reasons. nearly all of these "unquestionably" sapient pokemon are either, a) psychic types, who's whole gimmick is having psychic powers and raised intelligence, b) ghosts types that were once human themselves, or c) legendary pokemon that are essentially gods, or possess a power divine. i don't think that you can look at these pokemon and assume that because they have sapience, all other pokemon do too. every single one has a reason. we don't see that in traditionally non-sapient pokemon.
                >And you also disregard the anime, because of course you do.
                well yeah, i disregard it because i think the rules are different. battling isn't the same, move limits aren't the same, locations exist in the anime that aren't anywhere in the games and vice versa, so of course i think that this also applies to pokemon having a level of sapience. do i think that all pokemon in the anime are sapient? no. but i do think they're shown to understand humans more than pokemon in other media. i already said that i think it was a choice on the behalf of the creators to make the show appeal to kids more, i know it worked for me when i was a kid.

                >you also assume that pokephiles are attracted to pokemon based on how they are in games and not the anime
                yeah well i believe that there's a difference between pokemon shown as characters in the show and regular pokemon. and most of this pokeporn stuff isn't based on characters, it's just some random pokemon getting railed by a guy. even looking through this thread, it's hardly people talking about cooming over characters, they're talking about creatures. the guy making out with a miltoic, some guy wanting to rape a ninetales, the guy asking a lapras for consent, just random pictures of pokemon with the caption "SEX", this is what i'm talking about. they are just sending pictures of the cartoon animals and talking about how they want to frick them. they don't wanna frick them because they're sapient, they wanna frick them cause that's just the kinda shit they're into

              • 11 months ago

                I was also doing such things to Zozzle to troll him, when he was still around (the real one). Sometimes we may argue in good faith, another time you'll get responses that are meant to disregard and disrespect you, shit all over your argumentation without a care and drive you away from the board. Welcome to Ganker.

              • 11 months ago

                haha, i hope you think i wasn't trying to shit all over anyones argument or whatever. i wasn't trying to come across that way. anyway thanks for the welcome, but i've been a regular for a few years. it's only recently i've started visiting /vp/ though.

              • 11 months ago

                >this isn't even the case in the anime
                Do you even watch the anime? Watch the first episode with Gothitelle. The human woman talks to it about moving on from the past and letting go of resentment. They understand human speech just fine.
                >the games
                Pokemon barely do anything in the games because the people who make them are more interested in human characters and sandwich simulators.

              • 11 months ago

                >most pokemon cannot understand human speech.
                they can clearly understand a trainer's command during battles.

              • 11 months ago

                Stupid secondary. Literally every interaction with pokemon in the game has them innately understanding their trainer, even moments after being captured. Play the fricking game for once.

            • 11 months ago

              You have no fricking idea what you're talking about. Meowth has been a translator multiple times, often just for the humans and not the Pokemon. Completely normal psychic Pokemon have talked to humans completely fluently. There are entire scenes where humans explain complex, abstract concepts to Pokemon, and the Pokemon understands it. Rotom are able to talk as soon as they have a speaker system. Chansey was reading medical books and writing on a clipboard in her episode with Jessie.
              They're as smart as humans, they just can't speak using their mouths.

    • 11 months ago

      t. Onihidden
      I still have your pedoshit comics on my HDD

  38. 11 months ago


    It's not grooming if they know exactly what they're getting into. Now shut up and let me frick my Passimian in peace

  39. 11 months ago

    I only sexualize tiny Pokemon like Budew. I want the plushie of it for...reasons.

  40. 11 months ago
  41. 11 months ago

    if you dont you aren't a real pokemon enjoyer

  42. 11 months ago
  43. 11 months ago

    Tsareena, Gardevoir, Mienshao, Lopunny, Pheromosa, Gothitelle. Haven't fapped to the others really.

  44. 11 months ago

    Yes, are you jealous or something?

    • 11 months ago

      You just know…

    • 11 months ago

      >Mikazuki Karasu is making comics again

  45. 11 months ago


    >We don't need to create a wall of text
    >proceeds to create a wall of text
    Stupid ice animal (critter), rape correction is necessary

  46. 11 months ago


    I don't give a shit about your post
    I don't care about dev opinions the most
    I would tongue her frosty box
    I would love her cause she's a fox
    I would pound her moist wet clam
    I'm going to frick my mons shitpost man.

  47. 11 months ago


    >Massive wall of text after saying we don't need a wall of text.

  48. 11 months ago

    Honest to god, how can people still argue that Pokemon are incapable of further thought when we literally had, in a mainline game, a character that can talk to Pokemon and accurately get information from them. There is literally no argument you can make against N that isn't pure cope.

    • 11 months ago

      And that doesn't matter. People here have a hard time grasping that given the way Pokémon are constructed that doesn't change anything. Do the deer in the Bambi novel stop being forest critters because they can articulate complex ideas and thoughts? No, because the context conceptualizes them as forest critters. Does being able to cast magic or have a different physical apperance omit a fictional character from being a person? No given that said character is presented as such.

      In media all these points are not uncommon, Snoopy being able to write a novel and act as a psychiatrist, Courage being able to use a computer, Scoobs being able to talk and so on but despite this they aren't conceptualized as people, they're still critters. Pokémon does this but with a more fantasy take, hence why Takeshi Shudo recognized that despite Pokémon having a wide array of inspiration, such as those of plants, objects and minerals, these creatures are critters and as to why our sources make a distinction between real critters and Pokémon without taking Pokémon out of the concept of what a critter is.

      Which is why Pokémon as a series has no trouble doing both, having Pokémon do people stuff but also having them do critter and pet actions as well. A Pokémon is not a person, it's not a romanceable partner, it is a cute, innocent magical critter constructed for children and out of Tajiri's childhood in nature. This is picked up easily by people, a response to a bunch of Pokémon being in the top 100 of the most sexualized opened the dialouge of why there's so much animals on that list, verily so Pokémon rise in that context has a lot to do with this construction and their popularity in a subculture that revolves around critters.

      • 11 months ago

        Did humans even visibly appear in the Bambi movie?
        Pokemon seem human because they keep sharing human moments with humans. That's why characters like Brian Griffin feel more like people than animals, even though they are technically animals who are kept as pets. Pokemon are like that, just not as frequently. All it takes to humanize something is a single human moment. It's not hard to understand.

      • 11 months ago

        >another Zozzle imposter appears
        You're small time

    • 11 months ago

      To no one's surprise, the artists who are disabled when it comes to social skills, are also autistic when it comes to fictional social skills. Dudes probably dump their pokeballs into a bowl with their keys because "they're dumb animals the pokeball takes care of their needs".

    • 11 months ago

      You bring up a good point with N.

      It's weird how many people don't even bother to read the actual in game text, or play the spin-offs or anything. So most people just assume they're stupid animals.

      Only the western fandom of course, Japan sees it differently.
      >pokemon reburst wast hated for treating the pokemon like shit (trapped forever in crystals and also still awake) and that pissed japanese fans off

  49. 11 months ago

    Still going to dick down Blissey (in love with me) regardless.

  50. 11 months ago

    ITT: autists who can't even understand human interaction try to tell you about pokemon psychology

  51. 11 months ago

    Why is is only fem mon that get this heat?
    No one cares about masculinemon/husbandomon. Actually took the sacrifice and went into a couple threads just to see the reaction and there is never anything calling them out as creeps, zoophiles, rapists, animal abusers, pedos or any of that. The thread just happens.
    Only waifumon threads get this and icefox moronation.

    • 11 months ago

      Icefox is a gardephile who likes imagining them as "innocent little critters" who are too innocent to consent to sex. He's been spotted on the Gardevoir subreddit before.

      • 11 months ago

        >stop fantasizing about pokemon as complex sapient creatures who can form meaningful emotional connections with people and give informed consent, fantasize about them being exotic slack-jawed frickmeat animals mindlessly subservient to human whims instead
        ...Not sure if based.

  52. 11 months ago


    My penis is seven inches long, but I still feel like it's really small because of dicks like this.

    • 11 months ago

      anon 99% of dicks that size in porn are fake
      like that's not even a joke they're just straight up fake

      • 11 months ago

        I never wanted to believe it before I saw a behind the scenes with a prop wiener and cum tube. They literally use makeup artists to give a good-looking dude with a small or average wiener a believable mega schlong. It's all fake. homies out here going insane because they can't live up to the big dick meme, but it was never real in the first place.

  53. 11 months ago


  54. 11 months ago


    This is staged, right? No white human could realisticly have a footlong dick, am I correct?
    And it certainly cannot be thicker than a cucumber, yes?
    This is why I only want to frick fictional preteens, they will never make fun of my chode

  55. 11 months ago

    Imagine not wanting to roughly breed pokemon personally.

  56. 11 months ago

    Anti-pokemon people are like the Westboro Baptist Church. Imagine seeing those morons on the side of the Route holding signs while you and your pokemon-wife laugh at them.

  57. 11 months ago

    In conclusion, use the harkness test to determine what you want to frick.
    Or don‘t since its all fiction anyways but please don‘t touch actual animals.

    • 11 months ago

      Basically this. We gravitate towards fictional characters and funny alien animals because they are in a vacuum, an idealized existence.
      Real animals are generally fricking disgusting, humans included. The idea of some 200lb whale's sweaty unwashed c**t is nauseating to think about.

      • 11 months ago

        877.4 lb whale pussy go crazy though

    • 11 months ago


  58. 11 months ago

    Thoughts on human/Pokemon impregnation?

    • 11 months ago

      Gotta decide what Egg group humans are in. Human-like seems obvious.

    • 11 months ago

      We have examples of it in Legends oddly enough.

    • 11 months ago

      Impossible, but we can try

    • 11 months ago

      beautiful and pure

      Gotta decide what Egg group humans are in. Human-like seems obvious.

      if a human impregnated a fairy/mineral in lore, then the sky is the limit

      • 11 months ago

        I looked this shit up cause i didn't remember this from PLA and i couldn't find anything. The guy did live with a froslass, and was married to it, but I don't think there was ever any mention of children. The froslass was also most likely disguised as a human and ran away when its true identity was discovered.

        • 11 months ago

          Snorunts hold on to a half of their daddy's journal, then startled by (you) they run off to their mommy (holding the other half)
          Also compare pic related with this

          • 11 months ago

            IDK if the snorunts holding the journal is conclusive evidence considering they already inhabit the area, and that they are connected to froslass, but it certainly doesn't take away from the idea. I would have thought that they would have at least evolved by now if they were his ancestor's children given how long ago that was.

            • 11 months ago

              And they'd just hold a half of the journal of a random deceased human? They even hesitate and stop for a moment before deciding to continue running for the protection of their mom. They clearly are attached to it.
              And if they weren't related to the man, then the entire journal would be held by Froslass. Especially since it later disappears to return "where it belongs".
              As for evolution- it isn't tied to age, and the relation to Froslass as her kids is better pronounced as Snorunts than as Glalie or another Froslass.

    • 11 months ago

      I do not care for rational compatibility, and instead propose every female Pokemon can be impregnated by a Human.

      • 11 months ago

        That's pretty much been my headcanon from the get-go with the same working for pokémon on human impregnation. Would explain how humans in the pokémon world all seem to have some level of innate elemental affinity, even if they don't have the ability to channel said elemental energies (humans being able to spar with fighting types, or straight-up psychic powers).

  59. 11 months ago

    What the hell were they thinking with this mega evo

    • 11 months ago

      pump the buny

    • 11 months ago

      note those leggings, were actually their skin.

  60. 11 months ago

    Where do you think you are

    • 11 months ago

      >he's back to making more fem duck pics

      • 11 months ago

        He's the kind of aurtist that gets obsessed with a specific target for a good while. Remember how he drew his Sandslash couple for like half a decade nonstop?

        • 11 months ago

          I've forgiven him that since he's making great quality art for a severely underrepresented duck girl, and even better, shifted to the purest form of love. Although his pics of solo fem Sandslash were good too.
          He also allowed me to see his NSFW twitter for following him, so that's a bonus

      • 11 months ago

        >fem duck
        >not cresselia

  61. 11 months ago

    idk but i always prefer the trainers over the pokemon

  62. 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      Where's the rest of the comic?
      It still has ears, eyes and a mouth.

  63. 11 months ago

    Fans ITT:
    >if I can't see it, it doesn't exist
    >a developer 30 years ago said something out of context
    >actual in-game text that doesn't support my shitpost is wrong

    • 11 months ago

      Nothing was said out of context and some is fairly recent, Tajiri's biography came out in 2019 and was only recently translated this year. The only people here taking things out of context is people who want to deny the foundations of the Pokémon franchise and who lack the critical thinking skills of contextualizing the situation, even when most folk can easily pick up on it and even the very same people working on the series stating as such. All in the name of trying to keep up a mirage using the series as a vehicle for this inanity.

      • 11 months ago

        Tajiri is probably a pokephile. He keeps commissioning waifumons and husbandomons that only pokephiles like. People who like "cute innocent critters" don't look for those species. They have no appeal outside of the pokephiliac demographic.

      • 11 months ago

        boo fricking hoo, tajiri's vision has been dead since the first episode of anime, so stick the foundations up your ass. you may now cry that the franchise is not what you wish it was.
        besides, tajiri was fantasizing about dog fighting, so if you take his word as gospel, you're probably a deranged freak too.

        • 11 months ago

          It hasn't been dead, it's still strong as ever which is why the series does the things it does. Indeed, I've pointed out the many ways the Pokemon series constructs Pokemon to be like real world cats and dogs, from their own behaviors to the way their owners treat them and talk of them and in fact this construct has become stronger as technology increases.

          For what purpose did Pokemon chew on shoes and grass, bark, sniff the floor and act as puppies do except to evoke the image of one? Why do trainers like Diantha talk of their Pokemon as if they're housecats even in 3rd party games? Why did the game add fetch, toys modeled after real pet toys in gen 8, why did they fence Pokemon in petting zoos in Legends of Arceus? Why do Pokemon behave like cute dogs in Scarlet and Violet complete with having zoomies? Why do trainers wash their Pokemon just as real pets? Why do Pokemon dry themselves like cats and dogs?

          It is very inane to deny that Taijiri vision of Pokemon as being in the mold of cats and dogs as dead. It's still very much alive and it still defines what Pokemon are and how they are perceived by people. Verily so.

      • 11 months ago

        >who lack the critical thinking skills of contextualizing the situation
        Ironic given you try to take the autistic direct approach of "This children's game doesn't have sex in it? Then pokemon don't have sex?" in spite of the term BREEDER being used by just about everyone.

  64. 11 months ago

    Reminder in pmd super there's literally sex jokes.

    • 11 months ago

      It's a shame because this happens with so many good Japanese IPs that are made for a more mature audience (younger teens, 12-16) that get beaten over the head and shipped as children (6-12) IPs.
      See: Fire Emblem, anything 4kids has touched, etc.

  65. 11 months ago

    I recently discovered that I would frick the shit out of Sneasler.

    • 11 months ago

      Just recently?

      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Can't blame you

      • 11 months ago

        Sneasler has some good fanart

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