Healing is difficult in MMOs.

DPS is just spamming the same rotation.
Tanking is spacial awarenes.
Healing is spacial awareness, correcting other peoples mistakes, dpsing and doing CC.
Show some respect.

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  1. 10 months ago

    I want to frick the healer

    • 10 months ago

      I feel very submissive when playing healer and I always get giddy whenever a tank knows how to lead the charge and then protects me as well.

      • 10 months ago

        That's fricking adorable

    • 10 months ago

      I feel very submissive when playing healer and I always get giddy whenever a tank knows how to lead the charge and then protects me as well.

      This is why I always choose DPS. Don't have to deal with any of this gay shit.
      Just have to pick enemies off, dodge AOE and wear F A B U L O U S armor.

  2. 10 months ago

    cum in healers

  3. 10 months ago

    assert dominance early and often, or you'll be made to wear the healer panties, of course, the latter is what most of you healers are going for anyway

  4. 10 months ago

    karkat got an upgrade

  5. 10 months ago

    i've only played ffxiv. is healing harder in other mmos? i thought healing in savage was really hard but i always hear people say healing in ffxiv is too easy

    • 10 months ago

      People are talking rubbish.
      Healing Is easy in FFXIV when you're with a good group. Playing with sprouts or incompetent people is difficult as healer.

      Savage is also challenging, especially shit like Deltascape V4

  6. 10 months ago

    actual healers fall asleep, barring a tiny minority of encounters, because it's so easy a fricking monkey could do it.
    Someone making an honest frick up and requiring you to actually do something new is the highlight of the raid

    • 10 months ago

      I'm annoyed we never got Dark Souls online, since the game's mechanics and spells are totally designed to have assistant helper characters. You can make a solid healer in the the game who does long range offense as well. But there's no point since it's mostly a single player game.

      Wish someone would make a 10 player multi-player version of Dark Souls, and rebalance everything around that.

      I actually rolled and made this top tier female faith archer/healer. Only used it properly as a support character a few times in co-op.

  7. 10 months ago

    Healing is NOT difficult, but it should be. Healing should be the hardest role in the game.

  8. 10 months ago

    withholding heals because someone messed up has got to be the most moronic shit ever, if you've ever done this, you should stop playing coop games because you're a selfish petulant child
    It's your fricking job to heal, it's not their job to avoid damage, it's nice when they do, but mistakes happen, if the DPS wasn't DPSing to punish the tank or healer for fricking up that'd be equally moronic.
    Imagine if the tank refused to pull because he felt like it?
    Never play with an arrogant player, being healer doesn't give you right to be a shithead.

    • 10 months ago

      I hate healing in games from a design point of view, so I always play healers because I don't enjoy games and consider them theoretically dominant, and I'll facilitate the enjoyment of others because I have the least to gain. I generally play healer while reading a book.
      I really wouldn't care if the tank refused to pull or whatever else, because it's a fricking game. But if someone wants to talk shit to me they can die. If that's a problem for your sense of importance maybe you should play a better game instead of being anal about casual social multiplayer.

  9. 10 months ago

    >Healing is difficult in MMOs
    Yeah, except for in FFXIV where it's the most braindead role.

  10. 10 months ago

    Healer is to rub tank's face with her bare soles because every tank is a footchad and after stimulation from healer's bare feet he can frick her for hours.

  11. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago


  12. 10 months ago

    The difficulty of playing healer is entirely your own hubris. Any problems that arise from being a healer arise entirely from you thinking you can get away with it. You might want to squeak in DPS, and begin to expect tanks to be use mitigations when it is personally convenient for you and not when it is optimal in their pulls. You might think natural health regeneration would be good enough for the DPS in certain situations, as they are definitely not going to get hit by a second mechanic. As a healer, your job is to heal. You crave to do other things, you greed some inconsequential DPS, and when the tank dies to damage, it's because you didn't heal. Healing is a simple role, but people want to do more, and punish everyone else for it.

    • 10 months ago

      t. stands in the fire

      • 10 months ago

        No I actually just started leveling a healer for the first time ever last night. Whenever I stopped healing in wall to wall pulls the tank lost 50% hp. Having done these pulls as a tank, I can verify that he did nothing wrong. I wanted to squeak in one cast that wasn't a heal and wiped the party. Besides actual ignorance, greed is the only actual threat in a raid and it's a healer's job to not be fricking greedy that's all it takes is to not press the fricking button when you know you shouldn't but your fingers hover over it anyway.

        • 10 months ago

          yeah. you don't get away with jumbo pulls before you have cure 2 anon

  13. 10 months ago

    i wish ffxiv would make healing in normal content more engaging. ex level healing is when i have the most fun i think, savage is too intense

  14. 10 months ago

    I’ve never played MMOs but I can imagine being a healer or support role does just suck. You’re volunteering to help people but the game doesn’t provide the kind of risk that makes such help feel special and important. So the people you’re helping feel entitled to the help without knowing why beyond “it makes the raid easier and I don’t want to waste time” AKA more fomo bullshit every MMO and live service does.

    • 10 months ago

      Games lack healers always. I play them to get fast ques and shit. Tank goes full moron, he dies, im not even going to bother. Enjoy your 2h que or deal with me frickfaces. Thats how you assert dominance in mmos

  15. 10 months ago

    >play a lvl 10 twink priest in world of warcrap
    >because of the fricked scaling i can be the dps, healer AND tank
    >now every tank and dps offers their bussies to me
    now THAT'S respect.

  16. 10 months ago

    Idk about MMOs but whenever I heal nigs in Elden Ring as a sunbro and start dueling the boss so they can get their shit together and properly reenter the fight, they almost always go "ooooh, we should bumrush da boss even though we just got healed by the paladin who's doing just fine without our dumbasses" and reaggro the boss to them and die immediately. Malenia hosts are especially bad about this. One time, I had a host AND the other fingers all run right into her fricking Waterfowl Dance after I healed them, aggro'd the b***h to me, and dodged 95% of it. I was so fricking mad I closed app

  17. 10 months ago

    >doing some modestly difficult M+ key early in the xpack
    >tank fricks up and we pull a pat and are almost certainly dead
    >I saw the pat coming and had already pre-HoTd everyone and was preparing to go dicks out
    >pat afford
    >pop all my fricking cooldowns and turn into a giant tree guy spamming druid heals everywhere
    >we live somehow
    >group is standing there, not sure how we survived, as I'm still a giant tree shapeshift and everyone is glowing green from my hots
    >tank: nice heals

    Still riding that high years later

  18. 10 months ago

    only ragnarok online has done healers right, every other game fails hard
    >does their job
    >essential to any party
    >self sustainable
    >multiple viable builds

    • 10 months ago

      Let me guess. Ragnarok is also the only MMO you have experience with.

      • 10 months ago


  19. 10 months ago

    For me it's the wannabe DPS tanks
    Because when you perform you can top it all

  20. 10 months ago

    healing in MMOs is gay and cringe it's only for women, "men" who are too effeminate for a real role or too lazy to perform that role

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