Heaven Burns Red

We're only 4 weeks away from the 1st anniversary live stream! 4.2 is coming for sure this time... right?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 year ago

    If only a minor bit of criticism that he found through skimming the hashtag is what got Maeda to deactivate his twitter account again, then I can't imagine how he would react to people's inevitable backlash if 4.2 somehow doesn't come out on the anniversary.

    • 1 year ago

      4.2 not coming out isn't his fault though right? Or is it?
      The criticisms of the current event stung him because he is 100% responsible for the scenario, so when people said it sucked it's all on him. Something being late is nowhere as as painful as being bad.

      • 1 year ago

        It's not his fault here either. The game has so many issues, and with the year passing and a meh event coming out, people just get a reason to be angry.
        There aren't even many people waiting for 4.2 if we can trust the graph. If major backlash exists, it's because people aren't progressing with the main story and similar issues.

        In the end, it's just a trigger at a time where people tend to look back at the year, with the new year coming. Many always say they only play HBR for the story. But if that isn't always good enough to hide the ugly side of HBR, it's gonna cause issues.
        HBR did a few things to mitigate stuff, but there's still a whole frickton left to do. For one thing, they should REALLY bring back guarantees of rerun banners. Them stopping doing that is so fricking greedy and stupid. All these single freepulls also do jack shit. It's better to give out quartz. HBR is a fricking god awful game if you are bricked. I know, because for a long time I was.
        People not progressing probably don't do so because of the level cap. That is mostly nice for people who have already beaten 4.1 and get now help doing the higher end prisms and the new dungeon. And while the situation is better with the higher level cap, it's still not helping those who lack basic shit like an SS healer (or Aoi).

        • 1 year ago

          Gacha isn't a charity

          • 1 year ago

            Strange how pretty much any other modern successful gacha out there takes care of this a whole fricking lot better then. Reruns with actual pities are the most normal thing.
            HBR is greedy in the most pointless way possible, and wasn't even like this from the start. What's so hard to do things that pretty much all other successful new games do?

            Eventually it'll bite them, because a nice story will only carry you so far. A story can't be the sole carry of a gacha forever.

            • 1 year ago

              The new year's bag already pissed off some people. You can blame the ones that didn't read, that's what you get for expecting a good deal from WFS.

            • 1 year ago

              Works for Umas and Fate.

    • 1 year ago

      He needs to learn from Nasu

  2. 1 year ago

    Atelier Tama was fun

  3. 1 year ago

    Usually this guy would wait about 100 posts or so before his threadly complaining how oppressed f2p can't do all optional whale content. Have some tact.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah that's why I don't come to the thread much anymore, this moron writing walls of text really pissed me off.

    • 1 year ago

      If you'd pay attention, you'd understand that the entire point here is that people still struggle with chapter 3 and also 4.1. This has nothing to do with whale content.
      But yeah, I know that's hard.

      The new year's bag already pissed off some people. You can blame the ones that didn't read, that's what you get for expecting a good deal from WFS.

      Common issue. But I'll never care much about that, because if you spend a lot of money and don't actually care to look into what you actually get from it, you apparently don't mind spending that money for nothing.
      That said, that video still makes a few good points, like how these packs are sold in the "quartz" section you get to by tapping on the "+" behind quartz. Or if you want to pull the paid only scam, it gets you right there where you can buy.. packages without quartz apparently. This is definitely preventable. I can also understand that people think the value is the lowest for the most costly package. I agree. There's not necessarily an issue with that, but given the section it's sold in, it's bound to be confusing to the point people assume it includes quartz. Though again, it's a lot of money, you should always make sure.

      They should definitely rework the store though. And just because you do offer detailed information about everything, doesn't mean that these offers are fine. I do believe they definitely intended these to be a little scammy, like how the 10 pull with guaranteed SS can also roll a random SS, but it's not bound to your choice of the SS pool you did. I dunno how other games handle this, but I know that the one scam Blue Archive ever sold, did not separate the guarantee and the random component, nor do I remember this in any other gacha. Seems also very unnecessary to do. No wonder people start to think there may be intention to make people buy stuff they wouldn't normally want.

      tl;dr: Both share the fault here.

      • 1 year ago

        I've hardly seen anyone mention any struggles since the level cap. At this point I'd say it's more disinterest and having other things to focus on that would be keeping people from getting further into the game. WFS badly need 4.2's reception to be good.

  4. 1 year ago

    I have no idea what to spend my life on anymore.

    • 1 year ago

      You don't have 6 +6 bracelets yet. You could also burn more orb skills into your favorite party.

      • 1 year ago

        More orbs wouldn't be a bad idea, but I don't have enough non-LB0 DPS to justify another round of grinding the crit orb on, which is what I'm waiting for. +6 is also pretty useless to me as I have no characters who use wis for their ult, so if all else fails I'm gonna grind more elemental bracers instead.

        • 1 year ago

          just be me and just afk farm everything i don't know what half of the shit i'm farming does

          i have like 10 bells of each colour and have no idea what they do

          doesn't matter though since the gsame is pretty easy i can just afk battle S+ event bosses lol

          • 1 year ago

            >i have like 10 bells of each colour and have no idea what they do
            You can use them to give characters tiny permanent stat boosts and unlock additional skill slots.
            Each set of bells gives +1 to one stat and at 1, 5, 10 and 20 sets of bells used the character gains a skill slot.
            Mostly useful for characters who have multiple alts.

  5. 1 year ago

    I didn't know people made these and could sell them

    • 1 year ago

      >and could sell them
      I think it's the same as with the manga doujins. As long as you only sell a small capacity on a con and not trying to go commercial with it/pretend you're the copyright holder they will generally close their eyes.

  6. 1 year ago

    >Ruka's VA as a guest
    >future updates info
    Should be a nice stream.
    >Also, a big announcement about the second collab cafe!
    Why the frick are you announcing it in the stream tease instead of announcing it on stream.

  7. 1 year ago

    Images before disaster

  8. 1 year ago

    >No new styles
    It's over

    • 1 year ago

      Surely they will do the "bait out your savings before the anni gacha" gacha later, it's a classic.

  9. 1 year ago

    >31X gacha
    No, you're not bating me with this, tough luck.

  10. 1 year ago

    >They're still working on 4.2
    >Might not make it for anniversary
    Not a good sign

    • 1 year ago

      I still hope they're not moronic enough to let it happen. Unless they have an anime announcement to compensate, but even then it's still fricking doom to miss the anniversary like that, at least bring the PV and the exact release date there.

  11. 1 year ago

    >first that Seira alt
    >now this
    Are we a coomer game now?

    • 1 year ago

      Seira's S was there already

  12. 1 year ago

    Guess who's getting new poses:
    Fubuki: Anger, LittleJoy
    Mari: Superiority2
    Megumi Ordinary: Pose_02, Pose_03, Pose_04, Joy2, Sadness, optional "Item", optional sweat
    Yanagi: Shy, optional blush

    • 1 year ago

      It's coming, isn't it?

    • 1 year ago

      >Megumi Ordinary: Pose_02, Pose_03, Pose_04, Joy2, Sadness, optional "Item", optional sweat
      Let's fricking go.

  13. 1 year ago

    It's kinda weird how 31X are the only unit that got the completely unique squad mechanic with negative energy and any cost abilities. Everyone else are just getting normal effects, or generic effects everyone share, elements everyone share etc. but 31X specifically have something nobody else has. It would be much nicer if every unit had something like that, their own special thing.

    • 1 year ago

      It'd be nice if the dp sacrifice mechanic actually led to something new and interesting, but so far yunyun's is pointless when her ult is just the same if not better and Maria's is useless in boss fights because it still makes you attack and use up buffs

    • 1 year ago

      There is also 31F's boost gimmick

      It's not his fault here either. The game has so many issues, and with the year passing and a meh event coming out, people just get a reason to be angry.
      There aren't even many people waiting for 4.2 if we can trust the graph. If major backlash exists, it's because people aren't progressing with the main story and similar issues.

      In the end, it's just a trigger at a time where people tend to look back at the year, with the new year coming. Many always say they only play HBR for the story. But if that isn't always good enough to hide the ugly side of HBR, it's gonna cause issues.
      HBR did a few things to mitigate stuff, but there's still a whole frickton left to do. For one thing, they should REALLY bring back guarantees of rerun banners. Them stopping doing that is so fricking greedy and stupid. All these single freepulls also do jack shit. It's better to give out quartz. HBR is a fricking god awful game if you are bricked. I know, because for a long time I was.
      People not progressing probably don't do so because of the level cap. That is mostly nice for people who have already beaten 4.1 and get now help doing the higher end prisms and the new dungeon. And while the situation is better with the higher level cap, it's still not helping those who lack basic shit like an SS healer (or Aoi).

      New buffer gacha has a choosable spark instead of it being random. Looks like the bait gacha has arrived.

      • 1 year ago

        I think the anni gacha won't have a buffer so it isn't even really a bait if you really need one.

    • 1 year ago

      gaijin power

    • 1 year ago

      31X has "usable above 0".
      31E has special vanguard buffs.
      31F has charge.
      30G has dual roles (maybe a stretch).
      31D has....||not being good||.

  14. 1 year ago

    For the anniversary gacha, one of the units is very easy to predict (31A, most likely Ruka, if not her then either Megumi or Karen), but I wonder who the second one will be. Are they going to be the most boring frickers in this world and release alt Aoi after having Aoi as the half anni event gacha?

    • 1 year ago

      It will be Ruka/Yuki valentines themed yuri shipping gacha!!

    • 1 year ago

      I hope so

    • 1 year ago

      Why not? Yuki and Aoi are my bet yet again, with Ruka getting the mid-month SS.

    • 1 year ago

      As much as I dislike it Aoi alt seems to have a high chance with her being fan fave and all. Or throw a curveball and put in Tezuka.

      • 1 year ago

        Tezuka/Nanami anni banner!

    • 1 year ago

      I've thought about it being Aoi, but they really seem to have no clue about what they want to do with defenders at the moment. They've already given Aoi her gimmick too. So they either make her another "defender"=buffer or maybe they'll change her role. There's also the case that the half anniversary "event" was an Aoi event so her getting a SS was near guaranteed. For anniversary though they'll tie in the main story instead. Kind of like the Megumi, Mononyan gacha. I think it can either two ways
      >Start of the month
      Megumi + 31A alt/story prominent character
      >Week 2
      31X event
      Or the reverse where the 31X event happens first. This really all depends on whether or not they finish 4.2 in time

  15. 1 year ago

    Yuki and Megumi both have huge potential(if you get what I mean) for the next swimsuit alt, have that in mind when making a prediction. I think they will go with swimsuit Yuki this year.

    • 1 year ago

      Yuki's crazy, but even she's not crazy enough to wear a swimsuit in February.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm not talking about swimsuits in February, I'm saying that if any of them is getting it in August, they obviously won't get shit now, maybe second gacha S at best.

  16. 1 year ago

    >Megumi procing literally every single stun
    >Bungo not whiffing her ults
    The RNG chad I'm aspiring to be.

    • 1 year ago

      Can't believe I still don't have Bun-chan and I've been playing since launch.
      For me it was
      >higumin Trick Cannon
      >attack debuff every time
      I can improve this to around 300k or so, but I'm lazy.

  17. 1 year ago

    My late Christmas present

  18. 1 year ago

    Maria being ice is just them course correcting and randomly assigning her to ice because ice is lacking units, right? I rewatched the stream segment and I refuse to believe this attack animation wasn't supposed to be dark or something just like how Carol was dark in beta and then got changed to lightning.

    • 1 year ago

      Them changing Carol in the first place was one of the first signs I saw that they had no plan to begin with.

      • 1 year ago

        I don't know, I had no issues with Carol, that lightning attack looked fine on her. But this one, you have this dark Nun with her edgy sword doing this ominous attack, there's blood and shit and it's ice because they sprinkled some ice particles on it, it just doesn't feel right, like it doesn't fit.

    • 1 year ago

      It seems more like a way for them to give each weapon type a hitter of every element. Slash and pierce already has all elements. Blunt is still missing lightning. The remaining blunts that don't have SSs (Maria, Vritica, Akari, and Aina) they were going to have to give ice and lightning to two of them. Akari and Aina wouldn't make sense since they're part of 31D's dark team so there was only Vritica and Maria. I'm pretty sure they want Megumi's 2nd alt to be a lightning hitter too so there was only ice.

      • 1 year ago

        >I'm pretty sure they want Megumi's 2nd alt to be a lightning hitter too
        If they really want to do that, I hope they will at least give her a proper attack skill and not
        >an attack that tickles your enemy with (whip out your calculator)% probability of a stun

  19. 1 year ago

    can't believe there still are no doujins

    • 1 year ago

      Gacha doujin artists are mostly secondaries/main story speedrun enjoyers, the game you actually have to play properly is a very hard sell to them.

  20. 1 year ago

    I always dismissed A-chan as a fake ice style. I stand corrected. Sometimes it's worth to make a meme team around Bungo, even if Bungo does what she always does (fail) and A chan has to carry her ass. I was surprised that her attack dealt as much damage and caused way more destruction rate than it should be, mathematically. (1 hit buff with +3 hits should mean 8+6 base destruction = 70 total, but even with the DP shield still there it was over 200% after her attack)

    I got curious and LB0 A-chan then oneshot 94+35, through most of the DP shield as well. I really don't think this behaves correctly, but I take that "feature". How that 8sp basic skill goes up to over 800k damage.. I don't need to know. But it sure does.

    • 1 year ago

      Each extra hit buff (excluding the upcoming YunYun) provides +40% bonus damage and damage rate. If you use her buff twice, that means +240% damage and damage rate, multiplicative. It's an incredibly powerful buff, literally the most powerful one in the game. It's the reason why styles with this buff do not have elemental ultimates, because it would be too easy to buff them to ridiculously high damage.

      • 1 year ago

        The way I understood it for the QED girl is that it takes the total hit of her ult, divides the full ult power by that, and adds 2 more hits that deal that exact damage.
        Of course what you say could still be, because 66% more damage and 80% more damage is honestly impossible to discern in this case. It'd also mean her ult would benefit a lot more from it than I thought. And it explains this damage better. It still doesn't explain the big destruction rate, because even a factor of 2.2 applied to 40% base isn't over 100. Maybe I saw something wrong, but I don't think so? That was just one hit buff. Does anything else effect that? Like for example fragile? I know there's direct buff related to it, but I obviously didn't use that with this team (or have it for that matter)

        • 1 year ago

          The +40% bonus to damage and DR is read from the game files and confirmed from testing. The DR calculation is done by multiplying the skill multiplier by the enemy multiplier, and then finally the extra hit multiplier.
          So if you used Adel's ultimate against the current score attack:
          Enemy DR Multiplier: 5
          Adel Ult DR Multiplier: 11.2
          0 buff DR: 5*11.2=56%
          1 buff DR: 5*11.2*(1+.4*3)=123.2%
          2 buff DR: 5*11.2*(1+.4*6)=190.4%

          Irene does work the same as well, she just only gets +2 hits per buff instead of +3 so its not as powerful (but still powerful).

          • 1 year ago

            Then I don't know what happened to the destruction. But not that important, I think at least the damage kinda adds up.
            I guess that makes some SS LB3 +3 Hit for one skill also quite a bit better. Though I only know vanilla Karen has that, and she can't use the elemental skill.

            • 1 year ago

              Yes, the LB3 with +3 hit is really strong. Maki is the other one that has it. Both her and Karen are extremely strong in dungeon at LB3.

        • 1 year ago

          Also to your question on anything else like fragile affecting it, the answer is no. The only buff/debuff that affects DR rate is Niina's buff that you mentioned.

  21. 1 year ago

    I got back to the game after leaving it for two weeks and did the latest update but the sound now is all distorted and stuttering
    Is it from steam? I only have hbr so I didn’t check other games
    It was working fine last time I played it

    • 1 year ago

      When I had sound problems, I had Steam validate the game files and redownload broken ones and that fixed it. You could also try clearing the game's cache and have it redownload the files that Steam doesn't download. If it's not the files, then the problem lies elsewhere.

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks anon it worked.

  22. 1 year ago

    does anyone actually unlock permanent orb skills

    • 1 year ago

      I unlocked crit orb on my favorite team. Especially since there was a quartz mission when it released. Nothing since then. We'd need actually good orbs with more than 1 use to justify doing that.

    • 1 year ago

      I have it on 3 chars I used initially. Currently it's not really necessary to do though.
      On the flipside, what even to spend life on. By now I just run from 46-48 in that new dungeon collecting 10 thingies. I can't be bothered to spend more time than that already takes.
      I'd take the 45 boss with me, but if I want a no rng involved attempt, I'd need to go with a more annoying team for the rest, so I don't even do that. 350 border is bad if the big hit of an ult doesn't crit.

    • 1 year ago

      All my attackers and breakers have the crit orb skill now. I never even touched any other orb boss.

    • 1 year ago

      Just the crit orb on my main team so I could also carry the OD orb. It was mandatory for me in my hoju runs when I was still doing them. I'm still waiting to pull another good DPS or a dupe for an existing one so I can justify fully learning it on my remaining LB1s.

    • 1 year ago

      I have drive gain on a bunch of characters. Crit is a non-issue if you're using Higumin.

  23. 1 year ago

    I think this weekend boss is the last I can do without major LBs. Even this already felt like it either needs that, or very good combo parties. I needed both the ice team and light team.
    Killed the boss (barely) in the second vulnerability phase, but not sure if I could've gotten the power to even do much in the third. And then there's the problem called living.

    I could've and probably should've kept the OD3 for the second party, but I wanted to limit test ice. Bungo said "nope" though, so I never got to see her damage after two fully powered hits of A-Chan, together with 2 water debuffs, 2 def debuffs, ice field, enhance and Higuchi alt ult. Sad.

  24. 1 year ago
  25. 1 year ago
  26. 1 year ago

    Are they going to add separate light and dark debuffers? Having to use Hisamecchi and her weird double debuff on a blaster just for that is kinda weird.

    • 1 year ago

      So far they have avoided giving the same type of debuff to 2 characters. So there might be AoE light or dark down, but unless they change how they handle duplicate skills Hisame will continue to be indispensable.

      • 1 year ago

        >So far they have avoided giving the same type of debuff to 2 characters.
        They don't care about giving normal defense downs and fragile to literally fricking everyone, so maybe they can make an exception here too.

  27. 1 year ago

    Light is so weird actually. It seemed like such a favorable element getting everything, but when you look at it now, isn't it silly as frick composition-wise with "Hisame debuffer" and "Wakki buffer"? Obviously you can still play it effectively and do gorillion damage with Yuina, but it just feels so awkward in comparison with the other elements getting more efficient units even if they lack some things still.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't mind Hisame being a debuffer and such, what I miss with light is having a defender like Ichiko/Seira that both buffs and provides lots of defensive abilities. Before Wakki got the light up buff I was hoping Chie would get that with an Ichiko-style ult.

    • 1 year ago

      You do not use Wakki.

      Light: Miya (comes with free fragile), Higuchi alt, Yanagi, Hisame, Blaster (can be Kura but doesn't have to be), and probably Yuina if you have her. If you don't need a blaster, MC light can help as well. There's also Bungo alt for breaking purposes now.
      The elemental buffs are really bad when they are on attacks. But even if they aren't they don't perform that well, because enhance buffs add to each other as far as I know. If you give a unit a Higuchi alt ult lvl 10 + enhance lvl 10 they sit at bonus 182% damage (before style upgrades), which multiplies with debuffs. So even a 30% def debuff would increase damage by 84%, which is more than you'd get out of your elemental buff on an attack. Those don't scale with skill lvl, and are measured against the enemy border. Also any further debuffs also multiplies, making it quickly not just better, but WAY better.
      Wakki alt is in an especially bad place, as she's not even a buffer, so her style upgrades do not increase her buffs. Which I think is fricking moronic. No idea what they were smoking. She's completely garbage.

      • 1 year ago

        >Wakki alt is in an especially bad place, as she's not even a buffer, so her style upgrades do not increase her buffs. Which I think is fricking moronic. No idea what they were smoking. She's completely garbage.
        It feels like they have a checkbox list of things they need to implement and they were like
        >Frick, we're almost a year in and we still don't have these. This attacker is a light buffer! This healer is a lightning buffer! This defender is an ice buffer! This healer gets an ice attack!
        The buffer thing happened in like a 2 or 3 weeks window, isn't it.

        • 1 year ago

          It could also be that they don't have ideas for balanced new skills and so until they run out of the "obvious" ones they are going to make those.

          • 1 year ago

            It could be the opposite. Like, they already have a set of new skills in mind they will introduce in the 2nd year, but it would be really shitty to give fire some new cool tools while ice or lightning still don't have their basics yet. They will give a proper ice debuff to Sharo or some alt, and then it's more or less covered gameplay-wise, any missing generic attacks can happen later.

            • 1 year ago

              >proper ice debuff
              Bungo has that already.

              • 1 year ago

                She doesn't. AoE def downs are worse than ST ones, it's not like fragile where it doesn't matter.

              • 1 year ago

                Then other elements need more stuff as well though. It's not like elec, light or dark have aoe def down.
                Wouldn't be surprised if they don't care. The elemental buffs are also so vastly different on what they are. Shit low cost offensive ults, def buffing ults and a normal cost normal power ult.

              • 1 year ago

                >It's not like elec, light or dark have aoe def down.
                Well, you don't really need aoe def down in the first place, so they're fine with that.

  28. 1 year ago

    >Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
    More Carol is always welcome

  29. 1 year ago
  30. 1 year ago
  31. 1 year ago

    So Maria is crazy. A healer that has higher potential damage than LB3 Monaka. Wtf?
    And then there's YunYun. Literally double damage (with 2 buffs), that's crazy. Considering she has defense down too, she is now a must include in any meta team.

    • 1 year ago

      When it says Yunyun's ultimate increases the allies' next attack's hit count by 5, what does that do to single hit ultimates?

      • 1 year ago

        I don't think we have a precedent, so it will need to be tested. My guess is that it just splits the damage in X.

    • 1 year ago

      >Considering she has defense down too, she is now a must include in any meta team.
      I don't know, we're getting one more of these ebin must have buffers and they won't fit in a single team.

      • 1 year ago

        YunYun now has the strongest buff, by far. And the fact that she contributes both a really strong buff as well as standard debuff (defense down), I don't see anything replacing her unless WFS just gets on a big power creep train. (Which is possible, but hasn't been their MO so far)

        • 1 year ago

          Does she really? Didn't they say they gave her the nerfed version of the buff? I really doubt they'd be giving us free gibs on a rate up if the styles were actually good

          • 1 year ago

            The normal version of the buff is 40% per hit. YunYun's is 10% but she also gives 5 hits. So 2 buffs = 100% bonus damage, and it's multiplicative.

            • 1 year ago

              This is really going to help all those poor idiots with 1 hit ultis. Also insanely good for OD building, and blaster.
              I really didn't wanna pull so short before anni, but if this is really a double banner of really good units.. well.

              • 1 year ago

                Okay, I checked the styles now, and that's most likely a skip. I didn't expect the yunyun hit buff to be single target only AND this expensive on top of it. And it's not like you can take the sp=3 girl with you, as you don't really have the slots in typical teams. A much worse Higuchi alt, also being not very compatible with her either. If you want to apply the hit buff twice, you basically waste the enhance included in Higuchi's ult.
                Maria also seems like shit unless you lb3 her. Her moves are just not good to build tokens. Also a healer is supposed to heal and not deal damage.
                Those dp eating abilities also look awful.

                I think I'm good, unless people report these things work much better than it looks on paper. I hoped the hitbuff is not on an ultimate and a lot more affordable, to allow 1hit aoe moves to get more use in dungeons. Alas.

              • 1 year ago

                >I didn't expect the yunyun hit buff to be single target only AND this expensive on top of it. And it's not like you can take the sp=3 girl with you, as you don't really have the slots in typical teams.
                She obviously was intended to be the boss/score attack autism minmax style, not sure why are you surprised.

              • 1 year ago

                I dunno. Maybe just hoping for them to realize how crap 1 hit ultis (especially aoe) are?
                But yeah, expecting good design of new styles is something I probably shouldn't do. At least she's not as fricked as Shiki's SS, who you'd probably never use.

                Still, the dp loss moves must be the absolutely worst idea they had to this day. Healing is a flat amount, but the dp loss a %. You can't come up with worse shit. Looking forward to tons of ruined styles.

              • 1 year ago

                >But yeah, expecting good design of new styles is something I probably shouldn't do.
                Her ability being spammable with no restrictions or prerequisites would be some of the most broken shit in the entire game, not "good design".

              • 1 year ago

                Would it be broken? An elemental debuff adds 45% damage. She adds 50% for one person. Sure, the debuff is only for the element (but that's why you use it) and sure the hit buff also helps with the destruction rate (I hope) and can apply to aoe attacks.
                Still, you make it out as much better than it is if I don't miss something. I'd understand if it's stronger than 50%. It's just a minor increase over even her S style's 6 cost def down the way it is right now, provided there's 1 enemy only. After all debuffs also multiply into each other.

                If it'd be a readily usable hit buff without the enhance, and not limited in use (nor this expensive), it could be nice to use for OD building (something that is direly needed in the game to be honest), and to make 1hit attacks better in dungeons. As it is, it's nice to have, but not that good. She has so much big competition among buffers.
                For theoretical high damage attempts she's obviously mandatory, but for normal play I don't think it does enough if you already have Higuchi alt.
                Also I'm not sure if there's even room in a typical party if you use Higuchi alt. Provided we go as before with typical Healer, Higuchi alt, field, debuff, we only have 2 slots left. Usually you take either a blaster and a breaker if DP is high, or a blaster and attacker if it's not. I guess you could go only blaster, but I'm not sold. Maybe in elec teams? Ice doesn't have single target debuff, but the ice blaster doesn't need a hit buff.

                Don't get me wrong, I like the girl, I'd like her to be good. And there have been cases where I was very wrong about something being good or not, so I'm definitely waiting to see what people do with her. For now, I'm skeptical though.

    • 1 year ago

      >Considering she has defense down too
      This is so stupid btw.
      >be a debuffer
      >have like one debuff
      >if you're lucky, you can maybe get a 2nd one, but it's either on an alt (so you need 2 styles just to function) or on an inefficient ult(or both)
      >be an already good buffer(YunYun) or blaster(Maki)
      >you also get your defense down or fragile on top just because
      Why are they doing this? It isn't like Yamawaki getting a shit buff because she's an attacker, this just straight up diminishes the entire class existence.

      • 1 year ago

        I don't think anyone would say WFS has been doing a good job with designing the various styles.

  32. 1 year ago

    I've heard there's a popularity poll banner in the datamine, is it true?

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        I wonder if they will show the result of this on the anni stream or not. It always feels awkward as frick if some girl is on the lower side and her VAs is present and has to pretend she's having fun looking at it.

      • 1 year ago

        This is definitely rigged if Nanase doesn't take first place and Fubuki last place

  33. 1 year ago

    Aoe elemental defense downs are the future filler debuffs, so they don't have to invent something new, at least 3 styles will get their skill slots wasted by that.

    • 1 year ago

      >future filler debuffs, so they don't have to invent something new
      There are also stuns(Miko is the most recent victim), imprison, confusion and even "frick you" pure damage/self buff on a debuffer skills, then can hold for an entire year with that if they want.

  34. 1 year ago

    You say that, until all future bosses and score attacks are double/triple battles

    • 1 year ago

      I can see them doing multi target bosses at some point. Not really about multiple bosses, just three "regions" you can hit, and all deal damage. I'd like that to an extend, to give the low hit aoe ultis a little more of a reason to exist. Just not too dominating, otherwise single target ults will become too shit.

  35. 1 year ago

    It's so dumb that the orb bosses are elemental and require you to use three slots on the characters you want to unlock. How am I supposed to give my firetime crit buffs

  36. 1 year ago
  37. 1 year ago

    Yep, you would never use Shiki, not even once.

    • 1 year ago

      Nice whaling.

      • 1 year ago

        >moving the goalpost
        Of course you would.

  38. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago
  39. 1 year ago

    oh boy I feel bad for anyone whose oshi is Maria

  40. 1 year ago

    We're in the era of dropping fields now.

    • 1 year ago

      Some jp youtubers were predicting fields getting powercreeped soon even before this style, they're like a single debuff in damage increase, but without stacking.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, Thunder won big with this. They can just slot Higumin and still have a field available.
        I'm sure I can get more score if I slot Minori for Mind's eye but I was lazy.

        • 1 year ago

          The addition of YunYun also helps light team, because you can remove Megumi and still have fragile for weak bosses from Miya.

    • 1 year ago

      >the era of dropping fields
      Do you even need to minmax the elements anymore? Higuchi + YunYun + debuffs and your attacker is going ham, if you can add a field or a buff, good, if you can't, who cares, the damage is still enormous. All they need to do to completely break everything is to add a new strong generic debuff like fragile and any meta team will be just Higuchi + YunYun + Whatever debuffer that gets it.

      • 1 year ago

        You've got it right. Obviously people that have fun with big numbers can get even bigger numbers, but having these generic buffers in your pocket will let you sub in any element that is convenient for a boss.
        If the enemy has a weakness, you can add Minori to your list for another generic damage doubling and then Blaster+Healer for an easy time.

      • 1 year ago

        Just like this anon said

        You've got it right. Obviously people that have fun with big numbers can get even bigger numbers, but having these generic buffers in your pocket will let you sub in any element that is convenient for a boss.
        If the enemy has a weakness, you can add Minori to your list for another generic damage doubling and then Blaster+Healer for an easy time.

        I enjoy big numbers getting bigger. Simple as.

  41. 1 year ago

    I don't have that luxury

  42. 1 year ago

    who are you supposed to put drive gain on

    • 1 year ago

      I give it to my blasters or attackers, who usually can’t do anything too useful until the enemy’s DP is broken. Every other role has more important things to spend their SP on.

  43. 1 year ago

    YunYun seems like a perfect pre-anni gacha bait, wonder what they will prepare for the actual thing.

    • 1 year ago

      The question is how will the anni banner be attractive? Higher rate up? Popular characters? Or will they push more power creep?

      • 1 year ago

        >Higher rate up?
        I don't expect any generosity from WFS at this point.
        >Popular characters?
        It will have a 31A member, so yes. The other girl will probably also be a relatively popular character's alt, at least that's my assumption, it's the very first anniversary after all.
        >Or will they push more power creep?
        They will be strong, but how strong is really a question. Sometimes I get the feeling they often have no idea just how broken or how shit some of the styles they release actually are, like they design them without thinking how this game actually works.

  44. 1 year ago

    Looking at all the recent styles, we're probably getting some sort of a lightning attack. I think it might be Ruka, some anon was predicting lightning Megumi earlier.

  45. 1 year ago

    YunYun bros eating good with both the solid style and the great memory event.

  46. 1 year ago

    So how's Maria? JP is surprisingly positive on her, but I just don't see the point of this whole counter stuff and investing into a character who pretty much needs LB3 by default. Is it because they happy they don't have to coin flip Bungo anymore?

    • 1 year ago

      She has the highest damage ult in the game and she has that while also having healing skills. That's pretty outstanding.
      (For reference, at 10 tokens Maria does 30k damage, LB3 Monaka does 25k damage, Bungo does 18k damage. Before any buffs/skill levels etc.)
      Also her LB3 does not add damage, it just makes gaining tokens easier. So it's hardly required for her to be good. But it's still nice.
      Because she is a healer and ice also has Seira, it means you can run a lineup without a dedicated healer much easier. You have Seira providing defense buffs and emergency heals, and Maria provides heals while getting to 10 tokens. Overall it's a very strong package for score attack or hard mode.
      It's not going to revolutionize the game or flip everything on its head, but she is certainly good. Really her only downside is that she doesn't have an AoE damage skill, so she isn't very useful in dungeon.

      • 1 year ago

        For casual players, Maria won't work though. Her recover is too bad, as it costs more than the regular one, and recover is simply outdated. Most attacks deal more damage than it heals, per turn. Her SS attack is also really bad.
        All she has is her ultimate. It's good, yeah. If you get the tokens. But Monaka, with all her slowness and issues, can help in a lot more ways. She's good enough in dungeons (as a token user, I actually consider that kinda important), and doesn't need a 5 active turns to get all her charges.

        Lb3 Maria however is going to be ultra good if they actually give her a decent S move eventually.

        >the era of dropping fields
        Do you even need to minmax the elements anymore? Higuchi + YunYun + debuffs and your attacker is going ham, if you can add a field or a buff, good, if you can't, who cares, the damage is still enormous. All they need to do to completely break everything is to add a new strong generic debuff like fragile and any meta team will be just Higuchi + YunYun + Whatever debuffer that gets it.

        Isn't YunYun "just" 50%? I mean sure, you can use her instead of other things, but if it's just about damage, a single target elemental def down does the same. She does benefit a less elemental focused approach for sure though. Which, to be honest, is nice.
        Not like everyone is a buffer magnet like I am. I have all fields and most elemental debuffs. (Hisame, Bungo, and SS Kozue for her S move)
        And yes, she is super good for elec, which suffered due to Higuchi alt being so busted.

        • 1 year ago

          >Isn't YunYun "just" 50%?
          YunYun can use her buff twice, so it's 100% and it's also multiplicative. For hitting the highest damage/scores, YunYun is incredible. She provides a 2x buff, a doping buff, and the standard defense down debuff. In terms of added power per slot, she outperforms any other character.
          If I'm right, this also makes the party with highest damage against weakness now:
          Yuina, YunYun, Hisame, Minori, Miya, Wakki
          Because YunYun has defense down and Miya has fragile, you get an extra slot that most use on Megumi. With that party you should be able to hit over 120M damage on the plant.

          • 1 year ago

            It's 100% from the stack, but iirc it works even better due to how it multiplies and how the multi hit mechanic works with the crits. Basically, she provides a better damage output increase to ANY element than any pure element buffer does, as long as the character does only one thing(field/buff) she's just straight up better. But that wasn't enough for them, she also has a def down to devalue debuffers like Megumi too.

            What makes it different from a regular buff being additive? Is there a scan of the gameplay book yet? There really should be an official documentation of the unique interactions of each buff

            • 1 year ago

              Don't know about the gameplay book, but this is a translated version of a JP chart on how the damage combines.

              • 1 year ago

                ah so unlike regular buffs that only go up by a little when applied twice, extra hits gets a base x2. What does enemy border refer to? Also do the other ones that say max 2 stacks get the whole % added to it too or is it like damage buffs where it only goes up a little?

              • 1 year ago

                >ah so unlike regular buffs that only go up by a little when applied twice, extra hits gets a base x2.
                Not quite. Every buff/debuff can be applied twice and it will provide precisely double the effect...in a vacuum. So since some buffs combine together additively, the overall effect on your total damage is that extra buffs don't provide the same amount as their listed number.
                >What does enemy border refer to?
                Enemies have a stat value which is referred to as enemy border. This value is measured against your stats to determine whether you deal minimum, maximum, or somewhere in the middle damage. It also applies to debuffs as well.
                >Also do the other ones that say max 2 stacks get the whole % added to it too or is it like damage buffs where it only goes up a little?
                As I said above, everything with 2 stacks gets the full effect, but when you combine them together it gets diluted. Let's use an example.
                You do 100 damage.
                You use 50% enhance twice. That's a 100% bonus, you deal 200 damage.
                You use 50% elemental enhance twice. That's a 100% bonus, you deal 200 damage. Ok, consistent.
                You use both 50% enhance and 50% elemental enhance twice. That's a 300% bonus, you deal 300 damage. Even though individually, each buff doubled your damage, when combined, it only provides a 3x bonus rather than a 4x bonus.

              • 1 year ago

                Oh ok so that's how that works. What determines the dilution value though? Is it a constant number or does it differ between buffs/debuffs?

              • 1 year ago

                So there is no "dilution value", it's just how the math works.
                If the buffs I mentioned were multiplicative, the formula would be:
                Since it is additive, instead it works like this:
                That's why when you add more and more buffs of the same type, they all get diluted. But its not by some arbitrary value, its just how the math works out.

              • 1 year ago

                While I haven't tested it, shouldn't def debuffs multiply? I feel like they do, from what I've played. Damage increases way too much if they didn't, and all of my damage tests also basically showcased that. Otherwise I wouldn't know where quite a bit of damage would come from.

                My knowledge was always like this: Similar buffs stack additive, debuffs multiply. And that did work out during some admittedly limited testing. Though given damage variance and that at least fragile multiplies, it could be a border thing. I generally assumed low rolls.

              • 1 year ago

                I've tested it myself and defense down and elemental defense down do combine additively. You can use the damage calculator to estimate what the damage would be in either case and then measure it in game. It matches the additive case.

              • 1 year ago

                Alright. Still, while I can see YunYun's SS being really good on paper, I still think in practice she's having trouble with SP. Double using her ult and then doing def down twice sets you back 34 SP. That's a whole lot. You'd normally want to split up the work. Same reason why you'd ideally not want Higuchi do a lightning field. It's just 13 more SP you'd rather use on the alt ultimate. You could obviously use the sp=3 skill, but that's also an entire slot filled, with a character that doesn't even really benefit from YunYun's ult, as she can buff her hits herself.

                I'd still give the edge to Higuchi alt, but this is definitely a good character that is working with basically anything. Don't think I have the luxury of pulling her though. Sitting at 29k free quartz, and they haven't exactly been generous on that front recently, just lot's of single daily pulls that never do anything for me.
                I also kinda want more offensive things. I have all buffer but YunYun now, Tsukasa alt and Seira.

              • 1 year ago

                So it's possible we're arguing different things. YunYun is not a style that necessary makes the game more convenient. She also isn't the best in dungeon (her "doping" is a lot worse in dungeon than Higuchi's unless you never take a hit).
                What YunYun provides is the ability to significantly increase your top damage for things like score attack or hard mode. If you like chasing big numbers, there is no replacement for YunYun. She'll increase your top end by a lot.
                34 SP is a lot, but it's doable with OD3. Which is not hard to get for any score attack (unless its nerfed by that score attack rule).
                When it comes to doing battles just to get through them, Higuchi SS2 is pretty amazing. Giving enhance, crit, and crit buff in one go is amazing and let's you turn your brain off and kill whatever you want. No worrying about juggling critical thinking orb usage, just go. Her doping is also the best buffer skill for dungeon.

              • 1 year ago

                >Double using her ult and then doing def down twice sets you back 34 SP
                That's just as much as Megumi full combo needs and that never stopped people from doing it. Also, you can do the def down first, then your second buff is basically available as long as you have any SP at all. If you meant more causal situation of clearing random trash, then it isn't about her, she the high autism style.

                Yeah, I agree on the "high damage" thing. Of course, for maximizing damage she's a god.
                I still think she's good for most people anyways though.

                I'm not in the position to think about any hard boss past chapter 2, and that's alright, so I can't say much. I have seen the numbers though, and you probably want to take anything you can.

              • 1 year ago

                >Double using her ult and then doing def down twice sets you back 34 SP
                That's just as much as Megumi full combo needs and that never stopped people from doing it. Also, you can do the def down first, then your second buff is basically available as long as you have any SP at all. If you meant more causal situation of clearing random trash, then it isn't about her, she the high autism style.

              • 1 year ago

                By the way, this pic is from https://twitter.com/gazou774 if you ever feel the need to see some real autism, you can go there.

            • 1 year ago

              I have no idea how the actual math on it stacks, but people tester her and her output is insane, it just works. I also didn't think she will be that amazing when they introduced her, but apparently she just is.

        • 1 year ago

          It's 100% from the stack, but iirc it works even better due to how it multiplies and how the multi hit mechanic works with the crits. Basically, she provides a better damage output increase to ANY element than any pure element buffer does, as long as the character does only one thing(field/buff) she's just straight up better. But that wasn't enough for them, she also has a def down to devalue debuffers like Megumi too.

  47. 1 year ago

    Element icons non-JP versions use.

    • 1 year ago

      I could get used to these.

  48. 1 year ago

    >Using Misato's A when her SS came out earlier than most
    They did her dirty, just like her ult.

    • 1 year ago

      It makes sense just for the squad consistency. Also pulling out the "have a nice day" sign one and then looking at your opponent is an absolute power move.

  49. 1 year ago

    >2 fragile & 2 def down by Megumin
    >2 light def down by Hisame
    >2 light atk buffs by Xmas Wakki
    >2 dopings by Higumin
    Yuina hit the plant for 5.3M damage but didn't kill it somehow.

    >1 def down by Megumin
    >1 doping by Higumin
    Yuina hit the plant for 2.5M.

    Both were crits at maximum DR. Last time without Hisame or Wakki but the same stats on Yuina I got her to 5M. I must be doing something wrong.

    • 1 year ago

      First one sounds really low, I did a similar setup but I had Miya and Higumin with the crit damage buff and hit for around 25M. I guess the crit damage up is just insane.

  50. 1 year ago

    Some people were complaining about getting their favorites released late, but you actually get this top powercreep performance on your girl first style already, how is it even a bad thing. Then you look at the 31a early alts, and it's like ewww.

    • 1 year ago

      It's bad if you're not interested in power creep and just want to have them. There's no content in the game that requires you to have the kind of stuff that's taken for granted these days, like LB3 Higuchi2, and I don't see that ever becoming the case for the likes of story content or 98+35. I always just end up having more quartz to pull with in that case though.

      • 1 year ago

        It isn't about being "interested in power creep", it's about being able to use your girl freely instead of feeling bad about her being a minus one slot on your team that's dear to your heart.

        • 1 year ago

          We have so many SS tokens even without additional spending that that's not an issue anymore unless you're horrifically unlucky with pulling the characters you want in the first place. Maybe one day LB1s will no longer be enough for the likes of 98+35 or even the story content, but until then I'm going to continue hoping to pull Fire Ruka over any of the current OP stuff.

    • 1 year ago

      Thankfully my favorite is still high tier even though she released early.
      And hey, not every new style has been OP powercreep. (Sorry Wakki)

      • 1 year ago

        >Sorry Wakki
        I still refuse to believe Wakki alt was designed by a person who understands how this game plays and how trash of a style it actually was. I also refuse to believe they fully realized just how strong YunYun was, to be honest, you really don't release a complete meta changer unit 2 weeks before the anniversary, even as a bait.

  51. 1 year ago

    For an example of the power of the new SS, from the famous mega whale.

  52. 1 year ago

    Suddenly got a strong premonition of the bunny girl alt for the the year of rabbit.

  53. 1 year ago

    Yesterday I build a party for the weekend boss, just to then realize they don't give you fights before. Why so inconsistent? Also the appeal of these is that you do not auto attack for 20 turns, but actually have a fun fight from the start. At least to me.
    I could've rebuild a party with 2 healer so I can actually heal through the relatively boring and harmless boss attacks, but I lost all interest at that point. Felt like a nice one to get Misato out of the "never ever used" stash, but alas.

    • 1 year ago

      The plant weekend boss never had fights leading up to it even before they let you skip them for other weekends.

      • 1 year ago

        The last time they did this freepull on banner thing, they didn't really have any ingame notice for it at first. But this time it's marked pretty obviously on the gacha icon on the main menu and such from the get go. Also, curiously, the first time they did this (Iroha), it was also marked I think, so it probably was just a weird oversight.

        Sure, but it's not like you could take your OD into the normal version of the other boss fights either. If they changed that for the others, I feel change could've been done here, too. Also, when there's no fights why go through all the story? Just overall strange, especially given the prerendered cutscene and all.

        • 1 year ago

          No it's not. The paid roll notice is there.

  54. 1 year ago

    I hope you all didn't forget that Yunyun's gacha has a free draw every day even if the daily login bonus screen doesn't bring it up.

    • 1 year ago

      What the hell
      How long has that been going?

      • 1 year ago

        Should've been there for the stream

    • 1 year ago

      Thats how I got my yunyun

  55. 1 year ago

    1 hour to go. Seems like pure filler(the anniversary stream is in 10 days), but who knows.

  56. 1 year ago

    Wonder arrow on the bottom right is 30B

  57. 1 year ago

    3k login bonus, new SA goes up to 120 and the character vote is probably tied to an eventual pickup banner. Pretty boring.

    • 1 year ago

      They will announce the rest of the campaign on the actual event, the campaign page is filled with "COMING SOON" .

    • 1 year ago

      >character vote is probably tied to an eventual pickup banner
      The style vote is. This format is fairly weird, like I love Megumi's alt and think it's one of the prettiest styles in the game, but I don't need a new gacha for it. Especially now that she's about to get a 2nd alt, which will surely be better. But then if you fancy an attacking style, it's a completely different topic, you fricking want this shit.

  58. 1 year ago

    Not going to lie, I got a real strong "anime announcement" vibe from the way the VAs teased the anniversary reveals. I'm not going to overhype myself for no reason, but it really felt that way.

    • 1 year ago

      I really do wonder how they're going to even make an anime out of the current content. Imo there are 4 major hurdles they need to overcome
      >the choices
      >the free time events
      >translating the video gamey aspects into something watchable
      >the pacing
      Honestly I can't see them succeeding unless they add new content to bridge scenes together and develop characters further. But that would most likely mean taking Maeda away from the game and that would mean longer waits between chapters. Though he might not even want to work on the anime. As it stands, the anime is shaping up to be a persona4/5 situation where it's just a major downgrade from the source material and not worth watching

      • 1 year ago

        Eh, I don't know. If you know you can't adapt literally everything... you don't even try to adapt literally everything. Just focus on adapting the main story and more relevant free time events, it the staff isn't shit, it would be fine. And if people want more, then, well, they can play the game, it's right there.

        • 1 year ago

          It should ignore the main story and make a slice of life comedy about the characters instead.

      • 1 year ago

        >I really do wonder how they're going to even make an anime
        Honestly I would like it if it was just new bonding events made into an anime.

        • 1 year ago

          If they make an anime, it has to be a gateway to the franchise, to get more players, to get more fan artists, to give people like

          why are there still no doujins

          what they want, to possibly open the road to global. It's more of a marketing opportunity, really.

      • 1 year ago

        Key anime adaptations usually turn out to be fine, even those with lots of choices and optional events like Clannad and Little Busters so I think it won't be a problem. I'm more interested in seeing how they canonically fight the cancers, what with those elemental attacks and all that.

        • 1 year ago

          >what with those elemental attacks and all that.
          I think most of the ebin ult attacks are either non-canon or something they will be able to do in the future, but not in the current chapters.

  59. 1 year ago

    These new plushies are the funniest ones they did so far.

    • 1 year ago

      Fumo soon

    • 1 year ago

      Fumo soon

      We're getting nesoberi too. I like the "love live eyes" ones more, but unfortunately most of the franchises don't use them.

      • 1 year ago
  60. 1 year ago

    why are there still no doujins

  61. 1 year ago

    I know who my style vote is going to. Initial Yuki never had a <=3 character rate up outside of the initial 31A rate up so it's high time she got one now.

    • 1 year ago

      She carried me a lot during early game. When the game launched my reroll was her, Megumin and Higumin.
      I haven't used her in so long though.

    • 1 year ago

      This is literally the worst offensive style in the game though. Lower than average power, 2 turns disabled (we haven't seen this in a long time, for fricking good reasons), and only 1 hit making it even trash in dungeons.
      Okay, Wakki alt is probably worse now, but that should've been a buffer to begin with.

      She is my highest LB: 2.5. I still don't use her. If I use her, it's the alt, at lb0. If this game ever revisits older styles and makes them better (like a lot of gacha do, be it 6 star in pricon, equip slot 4 in BA, rearm in counterside..), Yukki's vanilla style really needs some massive love. Some old styles are still pretty damn good even today. Hers was always kinda cope.

  62. 1 year ago

    I have no idea what the frick this is, but apparently we're kamige of the year.

    • 1 year ago

      Why, Japanese language!?
      Everyone pronounces it "yiaa" anyway, they should just go and invent a katakana for yi already like they did for many others

  63. 1 year ago

    is there a cap to the weekly mission juice that you can store up?

    • 1 year ago


  64. 1 year ago

    >SS tier support in Yunyun
    >31X event and Sharo SS soon
    >Anniversary in a week
    Please wfs... Sell us a SS choice ticket...

    • 1 year ago

      >Anniversary in a week
      >Sell us a SS choice ticket..

  65. 1 year ago

    So if my only SS styles are the free Ruka, Seira 1, Tama 1, Megu alt LB2, Tsukasa alt, Byakko, and Higuchi alt, should I wait for 1st anniv or just spend all my quartz on the 1.5x banner? Surely WFS won't pull some bullshit like running a 2x banner on anniv right after the 1.5x one right?

    • 1 year ago

      Absolutely wait. There's no way there won't be something broken or more generous.

    • 1 year ago

      Now that's one heck of a garbage lineup if I ever saw one. Good luck. At the very least you have one char that will be very appreciated once you actually have good chars in general, and Tama is also never really bad to have. Could be worse.

      • 1 year ago

        >meta healer
        >meta buffers
        >meta debuffer
        >serviceable blaster
        He's missing a proper attacker style, but how is it garbage, what the hell.

  66. 1 year ago

    >A new event will be released from 11:00 on 2/10!
    >Details at the 1st Anniversary Party on 2/5 (Sun)!
    >Check the live broadcast on the official Youtube!
    Is it from the game news and I'm blind or was this datamined? I had no idea it's already confirmed we're getting an event.

    • 1 year ago

      The (untranslated) text is almost certainly taken directly from the game, just as it is for the other events when you look at that page.

  67. 1 year ago

    What kind of an event can they even release to justify not having 4.2 on time? Pull out Aoi for the 4th fricking time?

    • 1 year ago

      Once 4.2 is out, will I see the same complaining and concerns about chapter 5 for half a year or more?

      • 1 year ago

        How is 7(the best case scenario, can be worse) months between 2 story chapters isn't concerning for a new game? What are you even trying to deflect there?

        • 1 year ago

          I'm not deflecting for anyone. At this point I'm just sick of seeing people ask for 4.2. And if it just takes them this long to make it, I'm expect the same amount of complaining for the next story chapter. And then the next one.

          • 1 year ago

            If it takes them this long to make every chapter then this game is dead.

          • 1 year ago

            You see, people don't whine about this for fun. They're genuinely frustrated because it takes too long and we don't even know if this delay is justified or not.
            If 4.2 will introduce some new cool mechanics, rework the weaker parts of the game into something better, implement some new systems to streamline the development of future chapters and blah blah blah then it will be totally worth and we are wrong to complain about it now.
            But if it's just a normal chapter like the previous ones were and it takes them this long to get it out, then it's really fricking bad for the future of this game.
            And we don't know which one it is. When we were waiting for 4.1 there was that stream with the dev guy when he was like
            >Okay, there will be two parts instead of a single chapter, the first one will be called like that, we will try to release it for the half anni, here are the screenshots of the new maps, here are the photos of the mocap work etc.
            But now we only get "bro we're working on it we swear just wait a bit longer" and people don't know what to expect, what signals we're getting.

          • 1 year ago

            This game scenario is so immersive that we fully embraced our inner Megumi. 4.2 will fix her and it will fix us too.

        • 1 year ago

          /vmg/ is normally nowhere near as bad as /vg/, but it has an insane problem with people sucking off the most incompetent of devs every minute of the hour. The guy who regularly writes multiple paragraphs for his posts is nowhere near as bad as the likes of this idiot.

          • 1 year ago

            Nah that autist playing something he doesn't like is definitely worse.

            • 1 year ago

              People don't write big posts about things they don't like. It's the other way around. Unless it's a rage quit kinda deal.

              Regardless. One thing is for sure: People's expectations are pretty big right now.

          • 1 year ago

            I'd take the guy having no problems with this game or it's devs over the guy who keeps posting bad takes no one wants to read.

    • 1 year ago

      We went into some weird meta rambling from there, but my question was genuine. What kind of event would you announce for your anniversary? 31A is the most obvious answer, but we literally just had it. If not them, then what? Would some rando squad normal event suffice?

  68. 1 year ago

    Official account posting obscene pictures

    • 1 year ago


  69. 1 year ago

    thinking about picking this game back up, but first I want to know if Maeda made it out of his "they hated my event" depression yet

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe he did, but not on twitter, no.

    • 1 year ago

      that event hasn't even ended yet

  70. 1 year ago

    We will probably get an event PV tease like we usually do, if even the game will have an announcement about it pre-stream.

  71. 1 year ago

    My dad works at WFS. Anni gacha will be Ruka alt + MC of the next event. End of the month gacha will be Megumi alt + one of the remaining SS1.

  72. 1 year ago

    Man I thought the event gives 1 mil gp per mission so you can stock up for new chips, but it only gives 100k

  73. 1 year ago

    A score attack that’s unrelated to the next event, so it no longer drops event currency. Wonder if that’s a one-time change for the anniversary. And the ceiling for scores was raised even higher, although they said they changed how score bonuses are calculated.

    • 1 year ago

      Also need 180k to get the last S ticket now too, when it was only 120k previously, wasn't it?

    • 1 year ago

      It's the same kind of SA as the one we got before the Tropical event, even ending on the 9th like that one did. We'll go back to normal after that.

  74. 1 year ago

    are we rolling on the 1.5 banner?

    • 1 year ago

      It' obviously bait, but even if I wanted to I'm broke.

    • 1 year ago

      Wait until anniversary stream.

  75. 1 year ago

    I hope they show the anniversary/event rate up before yunyun ends. The only way I can see it being better than her is if it's a better mind's eye style

    • 1 year ago

      >I hope they show the anniversary/event rate up before yunyun ends.
      The anniversary banner will probably start on the actual anniversary this time, so I assume this won't happen unless it leaks somehow.

      are we rolling on the 1.5 banner?

      It's a 100% bait, hold.

  76. 1 year ago


  77. 1 year ago

    >no vulnerability = fragile debuffers are useless
    >def downs still work, but YunYun has it on a buffer, so if you have her there's no reason to field a def down debuffer either
    >3/5 of the elemental def downs are on blasters
    Amazing balance work from WFS as usual, what the frick is debuffer class even supposed to be about.

    • 1 year ago

      >are on blasters
      Wait, no, Bun-chan is a breaker. Breakers are also a weird neglected child role with everyone just using whatever their offensive style is to break shit.

    • 1 year ago

      Technically yunyun will not be as good as Miko at doing her debuff since the new style upgrades are out. 25% increase in debuff strength (or chance) on debuffers. If that justifies anything though is another matter.
      That SS design and skill design is very lacking isn't exactly new though. It's essentially a coinflip if an SS is good or not.

      • 1 year ago

        >If that justifies anything though is another matter.
        Yeah, I don't think the difference is big enough for it to be slot efficient. But it's an interesting topic, I have never seen anyone properly test how much these bonuses really add in practice, people just treat the off-class debuffs as the exact same thing, when in fact they're not. This also adds an another non-obvious layer to the elemental balance:
        Fire & Thunder debuffs (ST + Debuffer) > Light & Dark debuffs (ST, off-class) >>> Ice debuff (AoE, off-class)

  78. 1 year ago

    Tama's VA message.

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        Tsukasa. Only 3 days left, what the frick.

        • 1 year ago


          • 1 year ago


            • 1 year ago


  79. 1 year ago

    I'm excited for my free SS, please don't give me another Koju.

    • 1 year ago

      I'll take your Koju then.

  80. 1 year ago

    Someone made a HBR map for VR chat.

  81. 1 year ago

    I had to double healer this score attack. One thing this guy could do: Damage. For most that is probably the biggest issue in this score attack. Next week I'll be sticking to 91. 50% HP plus and healing reduction.. ehhh.

    That said, I got motivated to try 180k. Obviously got 179.5k (ice) at 98+35 at first. The follow up try (fire) one difficulty higher got then 200k. Game always needs to make things complicated.
    With double healer and well equipped/build chars and some synergy, the this time higher 180k goal score is doable with full lb0 SS.

  82. 1 year ago

    A child
    >waaah, my favorite girl is not the most optimal unit to use in the best of the best perfect meta squad nooooo
    A man with a dream:

    • 1 year ago

      >lvl 150 Megumi
      >lvl 150 Higumin
      >the rest are 120 & 130
      Very inspiring.

    • 1 year ago

      Why do people care so much about score attack anyway?

      • 1 year ago

        Because the only other thing to care about is the story, and the thing to do there is complain there isn't more out yet.

      • 1 year ago

        Why not? People can play with the game mechanics for fun, you can min max shit, or you can try to get certain squids/characters to work, or you can try to go as low rarity/sub-optimal as possible. Just be glad we don't have the fricking guild wars system, that's when everything goes to hell.

        • 1 year ago

          Squads, my sides.

  83. 1 year ago

    Do you have any non-generic(i.e. not just 4.2, the anime or some specific character gacha) hopes and dreams for the anniversary? I still hope that the non-vocalist 31A members will get character songs one day.

    • 1 year ago

      Stackable dungeons.

    • 1 year ago

      I dunno, I guess I'll just list game improvements
      >More interesting battle system that's not just gimped SMT
      >Fix debuffer and defender so they're not just another word for buffer
      >Do something interesting with the double team mechanic. Let us switch teams whenever or better yet let us use all 12 members at once
      >Start generalizing shitter alts like Magical Tama or Bloom Yuina
      >Let us level/reincarnate styles outside of team comp
      >Let us forge accessories at the home screen. I mean the cat's literally there on the table
      >Give us like 5 more team slots plox
      >Make selling things easier. Tell us what bonuses the accessories have so I don't have to constantly check before selling
      >Give us tower mode already so we can make use of the A and S styles
      >Give us quartz rewards for 100%ing a dungeon map. x100 per floor isn't too egregious. That'll actually give incentive to do your stupid dungeons
      >Don't make me spend 10+ minutes just to fight the element corridor bosses. Give us a teleport there ffs
      >Double the weekly mission gauge charge you get. It shouldn't take almost a year to fill it up to 200%
      >Give us a visible trophy for getting gold from score attack. Or at the very least tell us from which score attack they are from
      >Let us go straight to the choices
      >Start in auto mode if I went back to the home screen while still in auto
      >Keep the end of line marker static when the end of line is reached. It's useless if it just blinks 24/7
      >Let us skip straight to the bath scene if we're doing a bond episode and have already completed the day
      >Give quartz for 100%ing all choices?
      Don't spend 1/2 a year making your dumb 3D maps when most players never go back to them. I mean frick if you're going to make me run around the barren NY event maps multiple times, at least give good consolation. 100k gp per mission is laughable. I can farm that much in my sleep. Make it 1mil

  84. 1 year ago

    Dammit I caved in a spent everything on Yunyun. I can't see them releasing a better unit unless it's a better mind's eye or new multiplier buff

  85. 1 year ago

    >He spent?
    >Release it

  86. 1 year ago
  87. 1 year ago

    Gee I sure love getting SSes that are going to be permabenched. I wish there was a way to throw them away in exchange for even the tiniest of alternate rewards.

    • 1 year ago

      I'll take that over getting koju'd anyday

      • 1 year ago

        I'm the one who wanted the extra Koju earlier. I'd happily give away Maria for her.

        • 1 year ago

          At least you got something. My SS ratio is pretty messed up.
          Luckily it's not particularly important by now. If they make a chapter 4.2 I have trouble with.. oh boy.

  88. 1 year ago

    Yunyun is so evil. Tempting everyone to summon right before anniversary. I just know they're going to release a healer with an aoe heal and mind's eye. Then again, the only healer SS they have yet to release is 31E Muua. In fact most of the yet to be released generalizable styles are mostly debuffers. There's 1 breaker, 4 debuffers, 1 buffer, and 1 healer

    • 1 year ago

      I'm really surprised they didn't put her ability on some popular character's alt as an anni unit. Now the anni styles have to be completely insane to not feel underwhelming gameplay-wise, coming from this banner.

      • 1 year ago

        They don't understand how to play their own game so I fully expect the styles to being underwhelming gameplay wise, but we'll see.

  89. 1 year ago

    Sayonara, Ultimate Feeler-kun

  90. 1 year ago

    30 minutes to go.

    • 1 year ago

      I recognize that YukiRuka artstyle

  91. 1 year ago


  92. 1 year ago

    Megumi's VA acting was so fricking good, what the frick.

    • 1 year ago

      Anchan is into broadway

  93. 1 year ago
  94. 1 year ago

    Minutes until 4.2 is delayed

  95. 1 year ago

    Oof they're really just gunna blaze through the old pickups for asia. At least they have an easier time farming past events.

  96. 1 year ago

    >Yuki dies
    Oh no

    • 1 year ago

      >She's HOT and COOL
      Oh no
      >I already have her yukata alt at lb3

  97. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Attackers jerk off in the corner most of the fight anyway, why not. If I heard it right she gets a debuff on top of +50% HP because frick debuffers.

  98. 1 year ago

    Yikes Yuki got snubbed this time. Well maybe multi enemies are the future

  99. 1 year ago

    What the FRICK

    • 1 year ago

      It's like watching my Key anime

  100. 1 year ago

    We Rhythm game now.

  101. 1 year ago

    This game got fricking everything

    • 1 year ago

      This is going to be impossible on PC, isn't it. Not like I like rhythm games. Way too often they are timing games anyways, far away from actual rhythm, and I can't into that. I actually can play an instrument.

      As for the possibly limited chars/styles, I can't help but feel that makes something like global never happen. After all they want all to be one game, and that means a not yet available version would never get it. Unless this colab is coming out together with global, so Key fans bite.

      • 1 year ago

        They're adding controller support in the same patch, so it should be fine.

        • 1 year ago

          Like real full controller support for steam,unlike the not complete one they had?

      • 1 year ago

        I'm sure they'll rerun this collab when global eventually turns up. I actually think they'll make all past collabs permanent when that happens.

  102. 1 year ago

    As a rhythm game player, I love this. I hope the hard charts are challenging.

  103. 1 year ago

    I knew this was coming (was hinted at on the first survey). Didn't think they'll have it out now

  104. 1 year ago

    There are no flicks right?

  105. 1 year ago

    rip phone memory space..?

  106. 1 year ago

    It was amazing and then

  107. 1 year ago


  108. 1 year ago

    NINE months in total between 4.1 and 4.2. Damn.

  109. 1 year ago

    Could be wor

  110. 1 year ago

    It's over. I don't think Maeda knows how long it takes to develop all his ideas.

  111. 1 year ago

    Angel Beats collab! Finally some good news.

    • 1 year ago

      My jaw dropped for real

  112. 1 year ago

    >RukaYukichads won
    >Megumichads won hard
    >Keygays won
    >playerbase lost

  113. 1 year ago

    I expected it but why why why why why why why why why why

  114. 1 year ago

    No prerecorded Hanakana?

  115. 1 year ago

    I guess that big VA tease was for this collab, not for the anime.

  116. 1 year ago

    >limited gacha
    Yup I'm skipping rukayuki

    • 1 year ago

      I mean if you're not rolling for it as a charactergay, it isn't important anyway. Ruka is strong, but you can use non-shit attacker with the current buffers. Yukki looked like a filler style, unless I missed anything.

      • 1 year ago

        *can use any non-shit attacker

    • 1 year ago

      I have Yuki alt at lb3 so the banner wasn't too tempting, rolling on the limited is a no-brainer. I'll probably do a 10 on rukayuki once I get my paycheck.

  117. 1 year ago

    I thought they'd somehow work Little Busters in first but this works too.

  118. 1 year ago

    Oh wait you get yuri for free. I hope they're not duo pickup then

  119. 1 year ago

    From the sounds of it both Maeda and wfs didn't want to do collabs but Kakinuma convinced (forced) them. I wonder how this event will turn out

    • 1 year ago

      If it's popular, we're getting Charlotte girl cast x Megumi MC collab later for sure.

    • 1 year ago

      Wasn't having a 48-girl cast Kaki's choice as well? He seems to be associated with a lot of the bad stuff pertaining to the game. At least the collabs should be fine so long as they stick to Key (no males) and various yuri works since the monthly events have been somewhat middling recently anyway.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't believe for a second that Maeda wouldn't want to add Girls Dead Monster songs

  120. 1 year ago

    That 4.2 teaser opening scene looked REALLY good, like half-game cgi/half-anime.

  121. 1 year ago

    >No anime and global. 4.2 also delayed by 3 months. No gameplay updates either other than controller support
    >Rhythm game mode and Angel beats collab
    I'd say ok overall. The free gibs from the angel beats collab make up for it. Wish we'd had more free gibs for anniversary too though.

    • 1 year ago

      At least they were honest with the actual date instead of pulling out this "just wait a little bit more o-okay" card yet again.

  122. 1 year ago

    4.2 teaser.

  123. 1 year ago

    She instantly found a new e-girl lmao

    • 1 year ago

      Megumi is Maeda's self insert

    • 1 year ago

      So, is this outfit guaranteed to be her next alt or what.

    • 1 year ago

      Who's gonna sacrifice herself for the other?

      • 1 year ago

        >suddenly introduce new character
        >develop her through the chapter
        >make the player care for her
        >kill her
        cheap while maintaining the status quo from before her intriduction

        • 1 year ago

          *cheap way to produce emotional impact while maintaining the status quo from before her introduction

  124. 1 year ago

    I guess we're getting Yui for part 2 of the AS gacha. Pretty sure she'll be a scythe blaster

  125. 1 year ago

    Cancer is done, no seraph can compete with this shit.

    • 1 year ago

      If they actually give her an alt with a shovel for a weapon, I may just consider spending money to roll for her.

      • 1 year ago

        That would be funny as frick, but I guess this is her canonically learning how to do her DEKA NARE ult.

    • 1 year ago

      Found an interesting observation on JP twitter. This guy in the background is likely a remnant of the Megumi's psychic org judging by his outfit.

  126. 1 year ago

    is this kino bros?

  127. 1 year ago

    >Tama, Ruka and Yuki alts are already done
    >Megumi is probably April with the story chapter
    Well that was fast.

  128. 1 year ago

    This update gave us SI0004_02 and SV0004_02, a new version of White Spell. Also a still just for a memory story. You can play it already, but spoilered here just to leave the surprise. No new poses or expressions.

  129. 1 year ago

    The MC said something like “ we are finally at the point that you really can’t call this a mobile game anymore “ after 4.2 short teaser
    And I have to agree, that was some Hollywood movie shit

    • 1 year ago

      It's a pc game now. Wowies.

    • 1 year ago

      They can still turn it back into a mobile game if they allowed you to fast sweep dungeons to get mats.

    • 1 year ago

      I got so fricking confused by this sudden cutscene quality jump, especially when you can see how the 4.1 scenes looked like in her flashback.

  130. 1 year ago

    People thought Yunyun was a bait before the anni gacha, but in really this anni gacha was a bait so people won't roll their savings for Yunyun.

    • 1 year ago

      Good thing I secured YunYun on the last day. The new styles do show signs of power creep, but not as much as YunYun.

    • 1 year ago

      Everything is bait because of the limited SS.
      I'd still consider Higuchi alt better, if you'd for example reroll. Yunyun is definitely nice though, but she wouldn't do that much for me personally, as I don't min max, and do actually have all fields and more than enough buffer. Arguably something most don't. Especially for people with no/little SS buffer, she's probably a really useful one. Or if you wanna minmax damage.

      My 3 most wanted SS are actually:
      -Kozue alt (permanent -20 to a single enemy, as well as fragile on ult and ice element.. that banner with her and Higuchi alt was so broken, seriously)
      -Ichiko (I seriously lack someone to pull aggro and/or tank, and she adds to fire teams, too)
      -Isuzu (I like her, also 2 different def downs)

      • 1 year ago

        Limited SS are irrelevant to me as long as it's just a collab. I liked AB when it aired, but I really don't care if I can get them or not, I don't see myself playing these units over the actual canon characters for long anyway.

  131. 1 year ago

    Is leveling and upgrading shit in this game still annoying as frick?
    I ended up subconciously dropping this game 2 times already before even finishing all the story content because it required more gameplay than I like my mobile games to have

  132. 1 year ago

    >biggest swimsuit contender is gone
    So, who's the next swimsuit style then?
    Megumi instead of the story-adjacent gacha?
    Tsukasa for the second time because they can?
    No 31A?
    Tama or Yuki getting their SS4 in 6 months already?

    • 1 year ago


  133. 1 year ago


  134. 1 year ago

    They see me rollin'

    • 1 year ago

      Is Megumi sitting on the e-girl's lap?

      • 1 year ago

        Probably just clipping through, the video does say it's still in development.

  135. 1 year ago

    I assume future collabs will be key/maeda related too. Probably more on the key side. A lot of the older key character designs look really bad though. And all of the modern key games with good character designs have nothing to do with Maeda.

    • 1 year ago

      They can probably just do a 2nd AB collab first, there's enough girls for that. After that they can do Charlotte, it was fairly popular in Japan and it's about psychics, so it's an easy connection point.

      • 1 year ago

        the only thing good from charlotte was the op and ed. Also Charlotte is owned by Aniplex, not Key

        • 1 year ago

          AB was also aniplex x key, Kamisama too.

          • 1 year ago

            >kamisama collab in the future

  136. 1 year ago

    This game any fun if I can't read japanese? Played Another Eden for quite a long time but I feel like I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much if I couldn't read the story.

    • 1 year ago

      Some people have a screen reader setup with automatic translation, but even then it helps to know what kinds of errors machine translations usually contain. And the story in this game is really its selling point. If only reading isn't your strong suit but you know a little, then it being fully voiced might help.

    • 1 year ago

      saw some guy post this

    • 1 year ago

      I'd try watching some raws on yt to see if you can parse things out yourself first. There really isn't too much complicated japanese in the game except for the military stuff. That'll also give you a sense of the tone and story to see if you're still interested. And if you're fine with the tedium of text translators you can then set that up. Or you can wait another year for the global release

      • 1 year ago

        >Or you can wait another year for the global release
        Did this get confirmed for a global release?

    • 1 year ago

      There's also a couple of guys doing full translation on youtube if you don't mind the autism of rewatching scenes after playing them.

  137. 1 year ago

    Thunder somehow ended up being the most efficient min-max element out there.
    >field is also one of the best meta buffers in the game
    >buffer can also can use the best heal in the game
    >+50% attacker also got a def down
    Using elemental debuff + fragile with Koju is kinda ass, but she's a good character still.

    • 1 year ago

      You also don't need to use a Blaster if you have Ruka's ノーブルウェッジ from her SS2. Also, if your Koju is just sitting around not doing much during the fight, you can just feed SP around if necessary too, pretty nice team.

      • 1 year ago

        That attack is unfortunately only 8 base blast. And unlike A-Chan, she doesn't have any massive hit buff.
        Suppose it might matter more for very hard bosses, but alas. Score Attack (at least till 100) don't really need a blaster anyways. In a way, every single attack adds a bit of bonus damage, and it's more important to stick to an element for buffing/debuffing I feel. I had more success with Yukki alt and Ruka than with Karen alt and Ruka when it comes to fire. (for single target obviously)

  138. 1 year ago

    Maintenance = compensation

  139. 1 year ago

    >Seraph girls live like the elite of this world while actual humans live in a proper post-apocalyptic setting
    That's actually very interesting, I thought their domes were much more high tech than this.

    • 1 year ago

      I also didn't expect them to look quite that shitty on the inside, but not everyone has a Shinju-sama. I expected them to look more like Flavor Town across the bridge and not like repurposed industrial sites.

  140. 1 year ago

    We don't know anything about the AB! styles besides the attack type and element, do we? Really hope Yurippe will be an attacker so I no longer have to hope for a miraculous fire Ruka offrate pull or something.

    • 1 year ago

      We saw their ults in action, which doesn't tell us much but they both looked to be multi-hit and single target. No guarantee though.

  141. 1 year ago

    They really should have thought more about the 31A character classes. If Yuki was a buffer or a debuffer and her new style was boosting this new Ruka, this banner would be much, much cooler than what we actually got.

    • 1 year ago

      >They really should have thought more
      Could say this about a lot of things. I agree though. Imagine if all the pairs got paired ults like Yanagi and Maruyama.

      • 1 year ago

        >Imagine if all the pairs got paired ults like Yanagi and Maruyama.
        With that idea, Higuchi and Yunyun would be the base bicycles. Not sure about that. Hisame would also get around pretty well.

        I'd like to keep it at team synergy, but then again, the main squad is all over the place by now. Seems to not really commit to anything specific. Guess we'll get some ice and dark on the ones not having an alt yet..

        • 1 year ago

          I will laugh so hard if the only character who can literally shoot lightning from her hands won't get a lightning alt.

  142. 1 year ago

    whens the stream

  143. 1 year ago

    When should I start and is there a reroll target?

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >when to start
      Maybe now? The game is supposedly getting language change options so you can always switch to english when global comes out. China and Korea are also getting fricked out of all the quartz they could've had if they were day 1 players and if they're doing the same "everyone is a new jp player" thing for global, we'll get fricked out of even more quartz
      >reroll target

      • 1 year ago

        >not required
        Maybe if you don't want to have fun

      • 1 year ago

        >language change
        wait for real? time to dig back my account. good to see the old characters are still relevant in current meta

      • 1 year ago

        Wait seriously? Also steam or phone? Can I have crossplay with it, I mean lets say i start on steam can i continue on phone?

        • 1 year ago

          Yes, you can, just don't have both running at the same time. The only difference besides better controls is that there are some things you can't buy on the Steam version like monthly passes. You can buy them on mobile though and they'll still apply on Steam.

  144. 1 year ago

    Do I save my fricking gems for the limited gacha? Goddammit I've been saving this shit for like six months now

    • 1 year ago

      Well no reason to spend until we at least see if they are OP or not. Are you particularly missing something or are your gems just burning a hole in your pocket?

      • 1 year ago

        My roster isn't particularly meta, and the thought of missing out on characters always gives me an ulcer

    • 1 year ago

      I'm in a similar situation with something like 90k free gems saved up and Kanade definitely tempts me. I don't particularly care that it's a limited banner or that she might be shit, I just like Kanade and there's really not much else that I'm saving up for.

    • 1 year ago

      Hold until eos

      >when to start
      Maybe now? The game is supposedly getting language change options so you can always switch to english when global comes out. China and Korea are also getting fricked out of all the quartz they could've had if they were day 1 players and if they're doing the same "everyone is a new jp player" thing for global, we'll get fricked out of even more quartz
      >reroll target

      >Byakko SS

      • 1 year ago

        Her ssr normal ability has insane value if you want to build up break % + high hit count on her ult for dp building with a better downside than Karen. Not sure how she stacks up to the newer ones but she's certainly good.

        • 1 year ago

          Byakko is good, she has one of the best SP to DR conversions there is. But she isn't SS. Maybe S, but only if you consider her for blaster roll only. Only SS blaster is Adel, or LB3 Karen/Maki (the latter not being applicable to reroll).

  145. 1 year ago

    So....maeda still alive???

    • 1 year ago

      There's life outside of being menhera on twitter.

  146. 1 year ago

    is it a good time to start this game?
    does it have sweeps like Blue archive?

    • 1 year ago

      We have 2 free 10 rolls with 1 guaranteed SS coming from logins starting 2/10 (10 and 20 logins), so I'd say its a good time to start.
      Not familiar with Blue Archive, but there is no skip ticket or full skip functionality for gameplay. For a new player, a lot of the grinding you need to do is done AFK though (with the app shut off).

  147. 1 year ago

    Apparently, Another Eden started with 4 elements, then WFS added 3 more when the initial ones got too saturated. Something like that will probably happen to HBR too at some point.

  148. 1 year ago

    anyone? how was the anniversary stream

  149. 1 year ago


    boomp it please

  150. 1 year ago

    We won a sensor tower award, but that's whatever, the interesting part of this article is that HBR represents 80% of WFS revenue.

    • 1 year ago

      Holy shit

    • 1 year ago

      why are they killing it then

  151. 1 year ago

    Which account has the better start?

    • 1 year ago

      The bottom one looks better. Blasters really only show their usefulness in endgame content. For the story and dungeons you're better served with attackers.

      • 1 year ago

        Karen is like one of the absolutely best early dungeon chars. MC light, Yukki, that Tama.. they all suck. Kozue and Bungo are kinda okay though. Not nearly as good as Karen, but fine.
        MC light would require the august event's S style to not be bad in dungeons. Doable, you also have to get through 2(?) chapters for that.

        Regardless, I personally wouldn't take any of these. I'm way too scarred for lacking certain units to the point I only ever recommend vanilla Tama (tutorial roll) + Yanagi OR Higuchi alt. Better yet and. But that's just me.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah, I should have said that I wouldn't be happy with either one. By the standards of a year after release my starting lineup however was only okay, too, and the story only became easier to beat since then.

        • 1 year ago

          If there's anyone out of all of them that's sucky it'd be Koju. Everyone else at least fills a role, even base Yukki is a qol against horse prism and crab arena. Koju is just a waste of a team slot.

          • 1 year ago

            Now that's just wrong.
            Yukki does not really help much against any boss or crabs, because 1 hit is that bad. (unless you get yunyun SS) She's cope tier, aka you use that if you have literally nothing else.
            Kozue has both a dungeon aoe move, and SP recovery which can be very good in dungeons or to speed up bosses in general. At this point most of my arena/prism fights are qed+Higuchi turn 2 kills, but if you don't have that, Kozue gives you turn 4 if you have crit orbs.

            She definitely can be quite good, depending on what you have.. or rather what you don't have. I'd call her balanced. Which is obviously not enough to compete with the not very balanced stuff in the game.

            • 1 year ago

              Not sure what you're on about, Yukki can break just fine with 1 hit, as long as you have another aoe to finish the job you can 3 turn any duo prism boss and even the crabs. The only reason why I can't go lower than that is because I need Seira's ult. She and Hisame see a lot use for my dailies just for that. As for Koju, I've been bringing her everywhere and to everything to justify the spooks, but the only thing that comes to mind every time is how unneeded she is. I've never had any issues with sp recovery in dungeons and you fill up od meter fast anyways, and you can 3 turn anything with just Seira. It always ends up being better to bring someone else instead.

              • 1 year ago

                And if you don't have Seira? Kozue is good. Kozue is also better to take into dungeons, because unlike Seira who can give chars crit for 4 fights, Kozue allows the same but it can be split better via crit orbs.

                That said, you do not benefit from LB Kozue. That is true. And sure, you can use other chars to finish of fights when using Yukki vanilla, but that's still heavy cope. Enough situations where she doesn't break, and enough situations where her damage just gets wasted. I know the curse of 1hit units from blunt stuff. It's not great, no matter how you twist and turn it around. If I could, I'd use multi hit blunt units, but I only really have Monaka and Misato.

                I have an lb2.5 Yukki vanilla for quite some time now, and she's perma benched, unless I require her lb0 alt. In dungeons you can actually change styles freely, so it's possible to do normal encounters with the vanilla form and a boss with alt. (i.e. for weekend bosses, though that can be skipped now, or the growth dungeon) If I do not require the alt however, she stays home.
                I even prefer taking lb0 Hisame with me for dungeons. Unlike Yukki's ult, hers is actually absolutely awesome for dungeons and has carried me already during the jellyfish times of endgame chapter 3 dungeons pre nerf. Nostalgia... though those were dark days, not having any crits.

              • 1 year ago

                Now you're just bringing up hypotheticals for the sake of it, but even if I didn't have Seira, Koju still won't help with anything. I'll just use Shiki's charge and 3 turn from there. Your blog segment doesn't say anything about Koju so I'll just ignore that one.

              • 1 year ago

                >hypotheticals for the sake of it
                Gacha in a nutshell unless you have everyone. That's why these discussions are a waste of time.

              • 1 year ago

                Apparently, it's only a waste of time when you concede.

              • 1 year ago

                Good thing I'm not the same anon.

              • 1 year ago

                Excuse me then

  152. 1 year ago

    What do you suppose the freezing breath part of the chapter title refers to? All past chapter titles have spoiled an important character from the chapter. (1-Bungo, 2-Aoi, 3-Kura, 4.1-this one is moreso general, though I guess the most important decision was from Megumi)
    I can't think of any character that would fit with the frozen part of the title except for her...
    They also showed 31X. I'd rather they fridge Megumi and the new e-girl. Just anyone but her Maeda.

    • 1 year ago

      It's "Freezing breath and exploding emotions", so I'd say it will be like
      Ice zone / Desert zone thematic duality
      Sharo story(31A perspective) / Seething Megumi perspective
      Ice debuffer Sharo / Fire (whatever class, maybe not a debuffer) Megumi alt gacha

      • 1 year ago

        The ice from the text effect might imply something about the environment, but I highly doubt they had the time to create both an ice zone and desert zone. Also 31A was shown in the desert area that looked a lot like where Megumi is. Maybe at the dome's outskirts. Though which dome is anyone's guess. That desert and rock formations also don't look like they belong in Japan
        In all likelihood the freezing breath probably refers to the new e-girl and whatever is up with her. Based on the trailer, it looks like the mongolian death worm cancer is the next hub boss. I'm guessing 31X is there for Vritica to come up with a plan to use the chains on it. It's also seen taking some kind of hit at the end so maybe this implies Megumi returning but who knows

        • 1 year ago

          >but I highly doubt they had the time to create both an ice zone and desert zone
          I mean, you can see it in this shot.

          • 1 year ago

            Wow I never noticed that. It went by so fast that I thought it was just a zoom effect

      • 1 year ago

        Another concept I thought about is them using this theme to introduce a duo-element Fire&Ice style. They have already experimented with it, like Hisame and her Light&Dark debuff, but this time it would be a proper duo style, with an ult and everything.

  153. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      February 10th

      • 1 year ago

        thank you <3

  154. 1 year ago

    So when's the shaft anime announcement? The 10th?

  155. 1 year ago

    Are you a day 1 player?

    • 1 year ago

      Yes but it would seem I've missed quite a few days

    • 1 year ago

      WTF I thought it was tomorrow. I'm bricked and I will never recover...

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah, I even played the beta, but there was some time in summer when I couldn't get online. I'm at 363.

  156. 1 year ago

    Reminder there's maint in around 11 hours.

  157. 1 year ago

    >roll on the pre-anniversary banner
    >get 1st Yuki SS dupe
    >roll on the anniversary banner
    >get new Yuki SS
    Is the game trying to tell me something?

    • 1 year ago

      Yukki supremacy

  158. 1 year ago

    Apparently, the live mode was created by just one dude at WFS who likes rhythm games.

    • 1 year ago

      But did he add multiplayer rooms?

      • 1 year ago

        Next anni

      • 1 year ago

        Yuina senpai!!

    • 1 year ago

      I imagine their songs appearing in Chunithm a few months ago was some inspiration too

  159. 1 year ago

    >giving +50% to collab
    Oh, frick off.

  160. 1 year ago

    >light ele atk up before dmg
    >self mind's eye
    Goodbye Yuina...

    • 1 year ago

      I'm crying blood but I refuse to abandon Yuina senpai.

      • 1 year ago

        Always use whoever you want. The power creep train isn't gonna stop anytime soon.

  161. 1 year ago

    Had hoped Yurippe would be an attacker, but she'll still fit nicely in my backup fire team.

    • 1 year ago

      Her ulti increasing the break meter as well as dealing hp+30% is quite unique.
      I wonder if all SS styles from now on will have a free passive at LB0, or it’s just something they’re doing for the anniversary.

      • 1 year ago

        I'd expect the former given that suit Ruka and Yuki also have passives.
        I would like to see some of the older SSes get a touch-up at some point too. WFS loves power creep, but the likes of Ichigo would really benefit from retroactively getting an LB0 passive.

        • 1 year ago

          They did say in the stream that not all new SS will have LB0 passives. Also if Another Eden is any indication they will also have some ways to power up old SS styles later on.

        • 1 year ago

          LB0 passives are nice but not enough. Give old and weaker styles a module/ult buff that can be unlocked after reaching certain reincarnation levels. Improve Megumi's stun, Bungou's coinflip ult is now guaranteed, Misato's ult damage is buffed based on OD meter, there's a lot they can do.

          • 1 year ago

            It would be enough for me, but then I don't really play for the meta and there's not much that warrants having just the meta stuff right now anyway. You won't hear me complain if we got buffs that were more along the lines of what you mentioned than what I did.

          • 1 year ago

            Megumin's stun doesn't need to be improved "after reaching certain reincarnation levels", it needs to be straight up buffed/reworked. In what universe is this ability worth 14(15 on alt) SP? It barely does any damage unless you throw the full god tier min max whale setup at her that can boost basically any character in this game, and the stun probability isn't even that great because of how the formulas work. There's no use case for this ability unless you want to look at its animation for fun. Just spamming her 5SP skill is more effective if you're actually trying to play with the stun mechanic for whatever reason.

            • 1 year ago

              It's not that hard, make the stun guaranteed and stuns for 3 turns.

  162. 1 year ago

    >shill how amazing Yuina is every single time you have an opportunity
    >some random non-canon collab style just casually directly powercreeps her

  163. 1 year ago

    I have never seen these alt chibis before. And why is Megumi's seraph black, is this a mistake or a spoiler?

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        Fumo Yukki instabuy

  164. 1 year ago

    KakiP and Shimoda are having a hobo stream.

    • 1 year ago

      Extremely gay stream with 7k gays watching it

  165. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Smug yukki

  166. 1 year ago

    The anni icon looks so plain

  167. 1 year ago

    Wow, I know it's the anniversary but they must have something really big planned

    • 1 year ago

      nice. at least i know my life will get EOS before the game does

    • 1 year ago

      YukiRuka sex, trust the plan

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe just the switch to different languages. The assets are full of Korean and Chinese alternatives.

    • 1 year ago

      Customization for Ruka's mysterious room

  168. 1 year ago

    So they admitted that it's the 3D that takes them so long. Which would you rather prefer? Less 3D maps and environments, but faster story or higher quality content, but slower story

    • 1 year ago

      New pose files for the 3 collab girls. Yunyun gets Sadness2 & Sadness3. Tama also had one, but her new pose was clearly not finished yet, so I'll leave her for next time. Unfortunately without changing the program itself the new characters' names will be displayed as their file names in the list. I didn't plan for cast changes at the time.

      All the new images will follow later today. New music:
      SB0135_A, B & C

      If it really takes them this long, then I'm totally fine with them cutting back on the 3D aspects. I liked the outpost map in 4.1, but not that much.

    • 1 year ago

      Especially after how much Summer Pockets let me down, I only ever wanted this to be another good "mainline" Key VN, not a video game and certainly not a gacha game. I do not and never will care enough about the visuals and the gameplay because I don't like JRPGs, and while I certainly appreciate the effort that WFS are putting into this, it's clear that it's a bit out of their comfort zone. Moreover, it strikes me as poor prioritization and them not having a clear idea as to what HBR's identity should be.
      That said, did they go into detail regarding what aspect of the "3D" slowed them down so much? Because if the call to go this far came from Maeda then I'm going to be mad.

      • 1 year ago

        So is anyone planning on starting a korean or chinese account?

        It was the art. Which would make sense with the more extensive environments they have to draw and model. If everything was meticulously planned out like the original base was, then I can only imagine how long this new dome map took especially when it looks like it's big enough where you would want to use a vespa to travel around (though that can just be a cutscene). We won't know if it's Maeda's fault until the story comes out and see if it calls for all this extra detail. But from what they're saying, they just want the game to look more and more impressive

    • 1 year ago

      Faster story. The high quality 3D stuff is cool (especially the mocap cutscenes), but I'm here for the story. If it was static 2D sprites with voices I'd be satisfied, and their engine already goess well beyond that on the VN portions.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't care about the 3D shit as long as all dialogues still fully voiced, now thats what keep it apart from FGO

  169. 1 year ago

    >5 SP self mind eye
    The addition of some random buffer with non-ult mind eye removing Minori from the game is getting closer and closer.

  170. 1 year ago

    Forgive what may be a question born of ignorance but might my profile data be tied to my steam account and thus accessible from any device with the game downloaded or perchance this is not so and to switch to a new device I would need to transfer my data, same steam account or not. Again forgive an uninformed imbecile such as me for wasting a post on such nonsense. I hope my question is does not meet your eyes with pain. orz

    • 1 year ago

      I haven't tried switching devices since logging in through steam on my PC, but I did need to transfer data going from phone to steam, so if you're trying to go to a device without steam, you'll most likely need to transfer again. I only have steam on my one PC, so can't really test going to another PC/device with steam

  171. 1 year ago

    I will see you in 2099 bros..

  172. 1 year ago

    maint should be over in 30. Wonder if it'll get delayed

  173. 1 year ago

    I'm glad they're being responsible with this

  174. 1 year ago

    It's almost time

    • 1 year ago

      I'm sitting right at 58k, but hopefully I don't have to spark anything...

      • 1 year ago

        30 rolls, 2 S each...
        40th roll, Kanade and 4 S's
        50 back to 2 S...
        60 1 S...
        70 Kanade and 1 S
        80 1 S...
        90 Kanade and 1 S...
        100 1 S
        110 4 S
        same for 120-130...
        140 Karen?
        150 Yuina?!
        160 2 S
        170-200 S's...sparked yurippe...and now I'm broke, so saving for summer again

        • 1 year ago

          kanade drops at 170
          had to spark yuri


          Unless you guys were going for dupes, we get Yuri for free...

          • 1 year ago

            wtf i didnt know..

          • 1 year ago

            How do you get free yuri? From login bonus?

            • 1 year ago

              10 day login is a free 10 roll with guaranteed Yuri. 20 day is 10 roll SS ticket.

              I didn't know the steam version brings that much money for it to enter top 10 worldwide.

              Now sitting at #6. In some ways it's impressive, but steam is regularly used by JP too nowadays. 212 reviews in English, 379 in Japanese, and the rest in Chinese probably from HK or Taiwan. Those are daily charts, and steam it's not like triple A $60 games release that often so one dude dropping $200 on the packs is like buying a $20 indie game 10 times over or even a $60 3 times. Even if we took the number of people playing Kof at #9 and multiplied it by 10x sales for today, it would only take like $240k to beat it, and 16k sales is honestly generous.

      • 1 year ago

        >only 58k

        • 1 year ago

          Yea, I have awful luck when it comes to this game and have had to spark more than once anad also gone 30k with 0 SSs...meanwhile fgo with it's trash rates gives me SSR's in 10 tickets, so it balances out somewhere I guess?

          kanade drops at 170
          had to spark yuri


          Happened to me this time and during last summer too, I get one of the SS's and 0 of the other until sparking.

          Unless you guys were going for dupes, we get Yuri for free...

          I saw it, but wanted to get more than lb0 since it's limited. I'm not too upset since I wanted both Yuina and Karen for a long time and finally got both

  175. 1 year ago

    20 squad slots, thank you WFS.

  176. 1 year ago

    Better auto when..

  177. 1 year ago

    >9 blues and a yellow
    >Kanade as the first pull
    Okay then. I should've just pulled on the 1.5x banner.

  178. 1 year ago

    Channeling my inner Fubuki right now

  179. 1 year ago

    “We’re not Team 31A, we’ve become Team 31AB.”
    Oh u

  180. 1 year ago

    kanade drops at 170
    had to spark yuri


  181. 1 year ago

    not bad I guess

  182. 1 year ago

    Yui... Soon...

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      tbh other than tenshi I dont even remember AB casts that much

    • 1 year ago

      Weird how they used Angel Beats instead of SSS

      • 1 year ago

        Future collabs may not always have a convenient unit name, this is the safest option.

  183. 1 year ago

    wtf I just noticed that these new styles since the anniversary tux ones has their follow-up attack chance passive replaced by a party wide +10% element atk up. If Kanade had the regular passive, LB 0 Yuina would actually do more damage than LB 0 Kanade granted you have the right team. So this is the anniversary power creep

    • 1 year ago

      That's very unsurprising

  184. 1 year ago

    Nice got Yurippe the best gir--
    >we get Yuri for free

    • 1 year ago

      I swear if the next roll after this is another Yuri...

      • 1 year ago

        AIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE I'm scared now what sorcery is this?

    • 1 year ago

      I swear if the next roll after this is another Yuri...

      AIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE I'm scared now what sorcery is this?

      This hurts, but at least I finally got a SS buffer during my rolls. Along the way I got one more Yuri dupe, should I just complete the pity and get a Kanade dupe?

    • 1 year ago

      I swear if the next roll after this is another Yuri...

      AIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE I'm scared now what sorcery is this?

      This hurts, but at least I finally got a SS buffer during my rolls. Along the way I got one more Yuri dupe, should I just complete the pity and get a Kanade dupe?

      bro I got 4 yuris and one kanade too, objectively rigged

  185. 1 year ago

    rate the cover song

  186. 1 year ago

    what the hell, this is literally 2nd beats
    after 10 fricking years im more depressed now we will never truly know every AB character stories

  187. 1 year ago

    >1st roll
    Now what, keep going for LBs? Keep saving?

  188. 1 year ago

    Why are we getting this girl's whole backstory from birth to death? Don't tell me Maeda is using hbr to expand on this non character's story from AB

    • 1 year ago

      Why not? The main target of this collab are AB/Keygays anyway, it's cool for them to get this canon plot they would never see otherwise as 2nd beats is fricking dead in the water.

    • 1 year ago

      nobody who hasn't seen ab is playing this game

    • 1 year ago

      More like he didn't want to continue AB and went with something completely benign and isolated from AB. If you never planned on doing a collab event and don't want to expand on ABs actual story just pick a minor character and write them like you would any other HBR event. Now you've got a collab event that basically never touches the actual work

      • 1 year ago

        What are you talking about? AB's "actual story" is done, the only thing left is to expand on all the character backstories they had to skip like this event does.

        • 1 year ago

          That's what I'm saying, just in a roundabout way. There's collab events where the corpse of an old IP is dragged to life and forced to keep going, and there's ones like this that just build off something in the background

  189. 1 year ago

    >mindbroken into a bawd
    shame it didn't end with bad end

  190. 1 year ago

    They announced a bunch of figurines today.
    Tsukasa from Kotobukiya
    Megumi and Tama from F:NEX
    Yuina from Tenitol
    Haven't seen Yuki and Karen yet, but they will probably get an announcement later, doubt they will skip them like that.

    • 1 year ago

      Megumi, Tama and Yuina were showcased on wonfes today, but unfortunately it was forbidden to take photos.
      New announcement: Ruka, Karen, Tama from Sega.

      • 1 year ago

        >New announcement: Ruka, Karen, Tama from Sega.
        Correction: It seems it's all 6, just in 2 batches, this is the first one.
        Another new announcement is pic related, the first batch is Ruka, Yuki, Tama.

      • 1 year ago

        Based on text descriptions, it seems that Tama's pose is her SS style, Megumi's pose is either her end of battle screen pose or her A style, Yuina's pose is her S style.

        • 1 year ago

          Based Tamagay dropping real insights.

  191. 1 year ago

    Well AB fans are eating good from this event or rather just Miyuki fans. I honestly don't even remember her existing. The weakest parts of the event was definitely from the hbr side. It felt like a distraction when Maeda clearly just had a shower thought one day and decided to tie up loose ends for this character. It was alright I guess. It was a bit rushed and the tonal whiplash was as strong as ever, but I could see it being an actual addendum episode. I'm glad for the 16 Miyuki fans out there. Or maybe they're pissed that their one waifu got stolen

  192. 1 year ago

    Well, I know the controller detection is working because I have to leave mine disconnected when I play HBR now and don't want to see only Xbox prompts.

  193. 1 year ago

    I didn't know the steam version brings that much money for it to enter top 10 worldwide.

  194. 1 year ago

    Also how can you have an AB event and not have even a single reference to my boy T.K?
    Though strangely we didn't get an epilogue this time and it doesn't look like the AB crew are gone yet. I'm fairly certain this means we're getting a part 2 with more characters

    • 1 year ago

      I mean it makes sense. We got Irie, but no Sekine. Plus they can put in Shiina too. I always wanted to see Shiina's backstory since she's full on ninja.

  195. 1 year ago

    How do you get the soul accessories for the 3 event characters? It's not in the event shop

    • 1 year ago

      Buy them with GP from the cat.

    • 1 year ago

      The cat runs a shop, too

  196. 1 year ago

    Needed to spark, but I expected that with my luck. On the upside, I now have two chars I can actually put my limit breaks on without feeling bad, and I got a whole bunch of decent things on the way.

    -lb1 for Mari and A-chan. That will make my ice better, though A-chan is still kinda my only ice
    -lb1 for Kura. Fitting
    -lb1 for Yanagi. I don't think I have to say why that's nice
    -Tama alt alt. I'm not really too set up on lightning, but I suppose? My vanilla Tama doesn't have any LB, and the normal alt I don't have, so I take it.
    -Carole. Not sure if this is useful, but I guess I never had aoe lightning.
    -Yuri. Guess that means "free" lb1

    At least it's not much below average on SS for once. (209 pulls + 1 guarantee) Still not above either though. Can't say this is great, but this could've been a lot worse.

  197. 1 year ago

    Should I rewatch AB! before going through the monthly event? I've always found it to be weirdly forgettable by Maeda's standards.

    • 1 year ago

      I watched it for the first time this week to prepare for the event. It wasn’t that great, but there’s lots of little callbacks to it in the collab which I found quite cute.

  198. 1 year ago

    3k quartz for reaching first place of sales rank.

    • 1 year ago

      Damn, that now puts me at over 100k free quartz.

  199. 1 year ago

    Quick comparison between Yurippe and Niina DR gain. I really underestimated the DR buff Niina has on her Unique, plus the hit counts are almost the same.

  200. 1 year ago

    >be me about a month a go
    >get a qooapp bug
    >can't update the game
    >can't log in
    >didn't find a solution to the bug but I had my recovery code
    >uninstall, reinstall, log in, continue life as usual
    >be me two weeks ago
    >computer dies, lose all data including the file with the recovery codes
    >be moronic, don't make new ones
    >be me today
    >new app update
    >qooapp bug
    >uninstall, reinstall
    I sent an account recovery form but my memory is shit and I probably answered wrong on most of the identification questions lol
    oh well worst case scenario I'm finally liberated from one of my many gacha hells

    • 1 year ago

      why are you moronic

  201. 1 year ago

    which AB girl has rape backstory?

    • 1 year ago

      Anime onlys probably won't recognize her here but it's Yusa

  202. 1 year ago

    So the AB girls stay in hbr world?

  203. 1 year ago

    Well God is canon in the hbr world so they can finally confront it here

    • 1 year ago

      They wouldn't hurt such a cute little cat...

  204. 1 year ago

    Finally, a separate skit upload.

  205. 1 year ago

    Does anyone else's mouse cursor now disappear when it's not moving?

    • 1 year ago

      I experience while going through the event.

    • 1 year ago

      Mine keeps trying to disappear even while moving, it's really annoying. Probably related to the controller support, even though I disabled it.

  206. 1 year ago

    I really wish there was another way to farm the hoju items. I need to get Yurippe up to speed but I have next to no AOE and farming the dungeon is an exercise in extreme frustration.

    • 1 year ago

      I only went through chapter 4 once. Do the dungeons there drop them again on replay?

  207. 1 year ago

    It's kinda funny how "Even though VAs can sing, there are separate singers" was in the AB memes segment even though HBR is exactly the same.

  208. 1 year ago

    >do 80 rolls
    >get jack shit

    • 1 year ago

      Be like me and just don't pull at all.

      • 1 year ago

        why even play at that point it's not like there are regular story updates

    • 1 year ago

      why even play at that point it's not like there are regular story updates

      >doesn't play the game anymore
      >literally came to the thread just to whine
      Do you really have nothing else in your life you can do right now?

      • 1 year ago

        playing a real video game right now actually, this thread is third monitor content

    • 1 year ago

      git gud

  209. 1 year ago

    I just got into this game thanks to the Angel Beats collab and made it past Day 7. Story's pretty good so far I'm hoping nothing will happen to Luka or the psychic since they started to grow on me but knowing how Maeda works there's definitely going to be a twist somewhere. I have a few questions:
    Should I dive right into the AB collab or advance the main story more? Can I go back to previous days to increase a different parameter in that sixth sense chart without messing up? Is there a way to earn more GP and materials at a faster or better rate besides the Arena? Any advice that I should take heed of? Sorry for the blog, this game is just clicking for me even though I've been cautious towards Maeda's writing since Kamisama.

    • 1 year ago

      Your team is strong enough to make it through the event story right now, so go ahead. You can also unlock older events permanently later. Progressing through the main story also unlocks more upgrade options for your units because more dungeons and more materials become available to you,

      You can go back and redo any event during the main story that gave you a choice for how to spend time, but that'll cost you a life per replayed time slot. You can use those to increase your sixth sense stats or do character missions on certain days. Those stats only ever go up. Don't worry about using lives on those either. You'll get plenty more. Running the arena overnight feels the most effective way to earn GP. None of the activities really award that much compared to letting the game farm itself.

      Don't use quartz in place of lives. Nothing is that urgent in this game. Don't neglect accessories since their stat increases are what make units actually useful, but there's no need to unlock their extra stat slots until you have 5* or 6* accessories. Those use up items that are a bit annoying to accumulate. The main story shouldn't be much of a challenge especially if that's your starting team. The first wall may be the end of chapter 3, but by then you can just ask again.

      • 1 year ago

        You can still go back and replay dialogue choices for free sixth sense until you've exhausted them all, right?

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah, that also works.

    • 1 year ago

      The event will be story locked if it expects you to be at a certain point. This one wants new players anyway.

    • 1 year ago

      You should do the AB! colab as soon as you can since there is a chance it won't be added to the archive. The arena is the best way to get GP and low level materials but it takes time, the only alternatives are prism battles and events.
      You should also do the Ichigo event after you finished chapter 2 and Kura event after chapter 3 other than that just do what you want since nothing is time limited.
      >Can I go back to previous days to increase a different parameter in that sixth sense chart without messing up?
      Yes you can. The choices you made also reflected in later scenes too, this game has a lot of small hidden events so take your time to enjoy them.

      • 1 year ago

        It says it's limited and won't be added.

        • 1 year ago

          It is? I wasn't paying attention. I wonder if they would add it later though since Key probably has the rights to AB!

          • 1 year ago

            The license is generally held by the entire committee

  210. 1 year ago

    bros yugen is doing other mobage..

    • 1 year ago

      It's insane that he's taking up more work even after all those menhera tweets about being overloaded

      • 1 year ago

        This game was probably a few years in development, so it was already included in these tweets.

  211. 1 year ago

    Do we have any doujins yet

  212. 1 year ago

    >Get Higuchi alt
    Feels good to not get Koju'd every once in a while

  213. 1 year ago

    I hope we'll get more of these combo attack finishers like they did in this event for the actual story chapters and not just for collabs.

  214. 1 year ago

    >Almost 500k followers after being stuck at 450k for one year
    Will we get another 10 pull?

    • 1 year ago

      we just got another 3k from hitting 1st place in app store sales so I don't see why not

  215. 1 year ago

    I've been thinking about actually using some limit breaks.

    -colab units. Arguably necessary as their cap is 110 without any lb, and they can't make up with S styles. Kanade also has really fun battle lines, probably my second favorite ones after Mari.

    -Higuchi alt. With getting a free Yanagi lb1 now, I feel it might be time. Doesn't do anything for her level cap (lb1 vanilla), but this ult is there to stay.

    -Tama alt alt. I don't have any LB tama so far, and I can't help but love wis scaling ultimates. Downside is that her unique style growth is buffing her enhance skills. That feels lame, but with her gigantic wis (366, lb0 lvl 114, auto equipped) it might still be okay. For example, Mari lb1 lvl 120 auto equipped has 359 wis.

    Anything speaking against this?

    Also anyone else feels like the best colab style is actually the S? Tanky base stats, a really good blunt dungeon aoe move AND a good heal with the damage cut. If she'd not be limited, she'd be a really good unit for all new players, and maybe even some older players. Has heal increasing boosts for her style upgrades as well. If she ever gets a not sucky SS.. oh boy.

    • 1 year ago

      > really good blunt dungeon aoe move
      She reminds me of how Buri also pulled her weight during the e-girl event. Something about the move type feels wonky, maybe it's just the hit count. Probably overtuned because she isn't getting a SSR. With her full LB passive she has the potential to bring more to the table then a dedicated healer if you can get a reliable setup for it.

      Imagine recording all those voice lines and then making the story limited.

      At least he can re-use the general idea. For the inevitable Kami sama ni natta hi colab they can even reuse the previews of the anime.

      • 1 year ago

        >Kami sama ni natta hi colab
        Cut him some slack anon, he JUST made a new twitter account

  216. 1 year ago

    So I recently rerolled due to the AB collab, what do I need to know?

    • 1 year ago

      Skills that boost crit rate are broken

  217. 1 year ago

    Valentines day in about 12 hours. We're not getting an event or campaign are we?

  218. 1 year ago

    Broseph restored his account. It's locked for now and his new userpic/username are both emo as frick, but at least he's moving.

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      how does he live like this

      • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        He needs to leave his edgy teenager phase and get married already

        • 1 year ago

          Nah, he should just read more yuri.

  219. 1 year ago

    You know the dumb gag about waki and tezuka in the event. I feel like it's some kind of foreshadowing

  220. 1 year ago

    >Shounen Jump promo

  221. 1 year ago

    Kanada doko

  222. 1 year ago

    Anniversary rerun gacha will go through every banner we had before the anni, every banner gets 2 days, it goes until fricking April.

    • 1 year ago

      Torn on whether I should spark the Kozue/Seika SS2 banner or keep saving to double spark an eventual full 31B SS2 banner...

  223. 1 year ago

    Imagine recording all those voice lines and then making the story limited.

    • 1 year ago

      It'll be back next year

    • 1 year ago

      Everything does that with April Fools

    • 1 year ago

      I mean, limited events are pretty much standard in the gacha world, especially the collab ones, there's nothing weird about it. I just hope they won't get any funny ideas and decide to release limited styles/events with the normal characters because this one is a success.

  224. 1 year ago

    Wakki alt was already sad by itself, but Tenshi release made it "why do we even live"-tier.

  225. 1 year ago

    I can't decide if I should continue rolling to LB the event characters, or roll for tux Ruka, or just keep saving. My team isn't really meta, and stacked towards 斬 and fire but also gambling is just fun...

    • 1 year ago

      For me the priority is
      Characters I like > Any missing roles I need to play this game without hating myself > Saving for the next broken buffer(debuffer too when they make one)
      The current state is kinda funny, even though Ruka and Tenshi are pretty much the best attackers in the game, I... don't really need them? If you get the broken supports, they can make your attackers viable enough to clear everything you need in this game, so you can only go half meta slave, not full meta slave.

      • 1 year ago

        fumu, I keep getting fricked over because the characters I like fill a niche I already have covered. I don't have the latest buffers but I've been getting by, really only thing I'm missing is a good breaker

      • 1 year ago

        >I... don't really need them?
        Yeah, attackers are the least versatile and honestly you could even ignore them completely if you have good support instead like you said. YunYun, Higuchi SS2, and some elemental support and anyone will hit hard.

  226. 1 year ago

    does this game have a fricking welfare healer yet

    • 1 year ago

      Yes, the Angel Beats welfare character. She's technically a defender but she has a 9SP party heal and defense up.

      • 1 year ago

        thanks, probably going to drop FGO for this game because they would rather enter a multi-year filler arc for several years rather than ending the story so there's no reason for me to play until 2026 or so.

  227. 1 year ago

    if you're complaining about fgo delays
    oh you have no idea haha

    • 1 year ago

      a filler arc is not "a delay". And I find it cute that you seriously think the second half of chapter 4 taking this long is worse than FGO main story chapter release speed.

      • 1 year ago

        You do realize that we've already eclipsed the longest gap in fgo right? And it's only going to get worse

        • 1 year ago

          >You do realize that we've already eclipsed the longest gap in fgo right?
          I don't think there's more than a year between 4.1 and 4.2, no. Unless you count stuff like heian which is basically their game's equivalent of Iroha's fragment, and then you probably should count Iroha's fragment too.

  228. 1 year ago
  229. 1 year ago

    >no valentine event

    • 1 year ago

      It's not that kind of game, there's no MC for the player to self insert into.

      • 1 year ago

        There are plenty of pairs to make an event about. You could walk around flavor town and see them on dates if the devs don't feel like making that many VN segments. Ruka & Yuki could go on a totally-not-double-date with Tsukasa & Karerin. 31E could compete over Ichiko's affection. Mari could give a cooking class about making chocolate. You could see Ichigo spend the day at the graveyard. There are enough pairs to make an event with a series of short stories.

      • 1 year ago

        That's a stupid point. It's Ruka's game.

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe next year when they've gotten all the basics down.

    • 1 year ago

      Why should they? Valentines is much more of a het event rather just "pure love" thing in Japan, while girls obviously can do it still and the yuri authors obviously can write about it, it isn't something to focus on in particular.

  230. 1 year ago

    If anyone doubted from the infinite shilling, Maeda's favorite character is Yuina.

    • 1 year ago

      Usually his worst bits of writing happen when he writes about his favorites. It's like he can't stop being horny and doing weird shit when that happens. Looking at you, Tomoyo.

      • 1 year ago

        That would explain the Yuina event. Even if I ignore the plot what on earth did he do with both the dialogue and her character there? It's great when she gets flustered by an unexpected topic (girls love), its lame when she gets flustered every time she talks to Ruka. And that's not to mention wtf he was thinking with Yuina/Miya.

        • 1 year ago

          He was thinking that it leads to some of the best scenes in the game like Mya-san's memory.

    • 1 year ago

      did anyone scan this yet

      • 1 year ago

        I don't think it's released yet, it's just a preview.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm convinced she's everyone's favorite, she hits a lot points that appeal to waifugays.

      • 1 year ago

        We'll soon see with the poll results. Wasn't part of my 3 at least.

      • 1 year ago

        true, she's the jannu of the game

  231. 1 year ago

    No, not the poll results. I have lived quite well without knowing exactly how much the fanbase doesn't appreciate my favorite characters.

  232. 1 year ago

    Oh damn didn't think this game actually had bad ends.

  233. 1 year ago
  234. 1 year ago
  235. 1 year ago

    Yurippe really loses a lot of her bite when she doesn't have her number 2 to kick around and yell at.

  236. 1 year ago

    If they don't mind using already existing art for alts, then maybe they can reuse this one too. Megumi and Karen would be really nice. Using it just for some random irl collab and some merch always felt like such a waste to me.

  237. 1 year ago

    so there's no point to doing the dungeons for archived events right?

    • 1 year ago

      They give you tokens without spending life. So the "point" is acquiring more event tokens without spending life. If you'd prefer to spend life than the time on dungeon, then you aren't missing anything.

  238. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >that one guy who wants a human byakko version
      it's good to dream big

  239. 1 year ago

    Was it also maeda who wrote AB anime scenario or someone else?

    • 1 year ago

      He is. I think I've read somewhere that they cut out like half the contents he wrote though.

      • 1 year ago

        Given how bad the anime was, not surprising.
        The anime took at best 5 minutes for the tragic backstory of a girl. The HBR event took how long? The only thing sorta working was the mainstory at the end of the anime, because that was given more than 5 minutes time.

        The anime was good in terms of comedy and music, but in many other areas was super rushed and when it came to drama it used a sledgehammer via the protagonist's exaggerated reactions on what is little more than a random newspaper article about shit happened in the world.

  240. 1 year ago

    Rhythm game soon

  241. 1 year ago

    how high do the battle score requirements go in the main story? still doing chapter 3 and the game is getting really annoying to actually play already

    • 1 year ago

      Well that's going to happen if you're rushing the main story as a new player. Build up your team.

      • 1 year ago

        how the frick do I build up my team when the game gives me zero lifestones

        • 1 year ago

          Prism and for a while arena too. You can get a lot of levels out of 5 life in prism battles if you have a good team, and once you get one team to max level you can cycle out half the units and still challenge the hardest difficulty to get huge levels

        • 1 year ago

          For a new player the answer is honest afk leveling your characters in arena. Its a time gate but if you wait and let people level up above the content you are at, you can easily steam roll stuff. It's only in chapter 3 where it starts getting a little more difficult.

        • 1 year ago

          To give you an idea, when I was new last year in May, I needed 3 weeks to beat ch3. As in from the first day of playing till the end of ch3. That was the old ch3. Your version is a lot easier.

          Regardless, what you don't do now, you'll have to do for ch4 anyways. Ch4 isn't hard if you have a party, but if you don't, you'll hate everything. It's the first chapter designed around crits existing, and especially dungeons need aoe ultimates to not be annoying.

          • 1 year ago

            I beat chapter 3 just fine but I think I'll just have to accept the gameplay system of this game is way to fricking autistic for me to keep playing it, which is a shame because everything else is enjoyable. Honestly have no fricking idea how this game maintains new players, you go into chapter 4 and the boosters are now 950k GP each. Might as well just tell me to go frick myself straight up. Game keeps telling me to go create 6 star accessories but the battles that drop gems either require life or are another trillion hours of afk farm.
            Guess I'll just play the offline version that releases 10 years from now

            • 1 year ago

              It looks like they balanced a lot of the progression for day 1 players, taking into account the amount of time it took to release new content. They've been slowly realizing they fricked up when they keep showing stats with not enough people clearing chapter 3, much less 4.
              They've been making it better over time, but not good. Don't blame you.

            • 1 year ago

              >950k gp
              Yeah well, gp economy is weird. Chapter 4 will take a bit to prepare for, and if you farm your arena in an efficient way you do earn like what.. 400k+ per day right now? Given that this is basically just afk farming and free, it's not a huge deal.
              If you aren't that far yet, you obviously earn less, especially because you do not have chapter 4 arenas (although doubtful you'd be farming those better than ch3 when you struggle in 4 to begin with), but even then 200k is quite easily doable.

              For a gacha needing a month to prepare for content that took 5 months of dev time isn't really a big thing. In a way it's a good lesson for players to get comfortable with the game as a daily game. As long as you don't touch dungeons, it's pretty quick to do your stuff.
              Unfortunately dungeons still exist, and still have some rather important things anyone should really farm. I hope that that'll change at some point. I always watch anime during that, but yeah.

              As much story as this game does have, it's still a game. For what it's worth though, compared to other gacha, you can get to a quite good state relatively quickly, and catching up IS possible. Unlike other popular gacha like Blue Archive, where you can never truly catch up on shard farm and the likes. I've started HBR and BA around the same time, and while in BA I still feel exactly as much behind as at the beginning, in HBR I'm not behind at all.

  242. 1 year ago

    Well the ending sequence was alright if not extremely rushed, but I can’t get it out of my head that this is all for some girl who fell onto train tracks because she was scared from a dokkiri. Gonna need more than a few flashbacks in between comedy scenes to care about these randoms too.

    It is really bad enough to start pulling out the knives.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah I got a similar feeling, though I still liked it. While Miyuki was the central character the whole story revolved around, it wasn't her story. When the student council started breaking down because of their stupid plan (even if you don't think she'd kill herself, its still shitty) I said "Serves you right".

      • 1 year ago

        I'm not even sure if that was even a thing to begin with. This is something Yuri assumed, but in the end there are too many factors that make this questionable. That was kinda the entire point of the second half. Miyuki's attempt at showcasing that she doesn't think what Yuri figured out is true.

  243. 1 year ago

    I see the rerun banners include all current SS and not just the ones that existed at the time.

  244. 1 year ago

    I wonder if we're getting a quick new event like swimsuit into movie was during half-anni, or if it will take an eternity until this collab ends properly.

    • 1 year ago

      They need to publish angel beats second beat content they already finished somewhere, right?

      Don't worry, they'll be done by April.

  245. 1 year ago

    My level of Japanese can barely understand what people are saying but I won't give up

    • 1 year ago

      just read clannad with a text hooker and then hbr will be easy

      • 1 year ago

        the worst part about HBR is when they start doing operation shit, I just want to read the comfy SOL part

        • 1 year ago

          I really enjoy the actual tension of the battles (in story, not the gameplay). It's what makes military/action stories interesting. Pic related, I'm a sucker for lines like this.
          The briefings put me to sleep though.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah, I'm tired of the military aspects and just wish this was another "normal" long Key story. I'm waiting to see if 4.2 will prove me wrong, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

          I beat chapter 3 just fine but I think I'll just have to accept the gameplay system of this game is way to fricking autistic for me to keep playing it, which is a shame because everything else is enjoyable. Honestly have no fricking idea how this game maintains new players, you go into chapter 4 and the boosters are now 950k GP each. Might as well just tell me to go frick myself straight up. Game keeps telling me to go create 6 star accessories but the battles that drop gems either require life or are another trillion hours of afk farm.
          Guess I'll just play the offline version that releases 10 years from now

          >Game keeps telling me to go create 6 star accessories but the battles that drop gems either require life or are another trillion hours of afk farm.
          It's just padding. I doubt we would've gotten the likes of the gem prisms or the hoju dungeon if 4.1 and especially 4.2 released sooner than they did, and I really hope they'll streamline the process once 4.2 finally does come out.

          • 1 year ago

            >I'm waiting to see if 4.2 will prove me wrong
            4.2 will obviously still have the usual military stuff, they focused on Megumi as a more novel part in the teaser, but the actual chapter ratio won't be even remotely like that.

  246. 1 year ago

    -10pull scam with guaranteed Yuri: Nothing else.
    -Weekend boss: Down. That was number 5.
    -SS ticket for that: Tama dupe (and here I wanted to give her alt alt a LB..)
    -7 S tickets, the two last ones actually gave Seira (vanilla) and Inori, both new.

    While Seira is really outdated and I see no use for her, Inori is really nice.
    S tickets actually delivering. Makes up for the not so good SS luck I've had recently. Nowhere near enough to get to average, but still. Back two only 2 buffer SS missing. I know the game will give me all. It's still very adamant.

  247. 1 year ago


  248. 1 year ago

    Really surprised that there's no part 2 gacha or epilogue unless they want to cram that in on the 23rd. Thought they would have something cooking when the event story ended so abruptly on the hbr side

    • 1 year ago

      There's no way it would be so short otherwise

    • 1 year ago

      It's a weird thing, this event is 100% not canon(for HBR, Irie story is probably 100% canon to AB), so HBR side not closing this properly doesn't matter because it never actually happened anyway. I guess they could do something like Ruka waking up, but they already did it in the other event before.

  249. 1 year ago

    So who do you think the top 10 most popular and least popular characters are going to be?
    For most popular my guess is
    >1 Tama
    Liked by pretty much everyone
    >2 Yuki
    Same as Tama though there may be those that dislike her for being a buzzkill, not sure if that'll knock her out of top 2
    >3 Aoi
    She might as well be the poster girl for the game
    >4 Megumi
    Even prior to part 4 I'd say she was universally popular
    >5 Nanami
    I think there's enough meme power to bring her to top 5
    >6 Ruka
    >7 Karen
    >8 Bungo
    >9 Tsukasa
    7,8, and 9 are probably interchangeable
    >10 Yuina
    >Runner ups: Tezuka, Yamawaki, Hisame, Chie

    least popular
    >1 Vritica
    Walking stereotype that doesn't appeal to anybody. But I think there's a conspiracy, that she'll rank last no matter what because she'll get a major role in 4.2 and they'll make it some kind of PR thing where she winds up being in the top 10 afterwards
    >2 Irene
    Same as Vritica even if she gets more votes
    >3 Tenne
    Unfortunately being Bungo's babysitter doesn't do her any favors
    >4 Fubuki
    I'm sure she'll get some votes, but there might be some that want to meme her to last place
    >5 Yotsuha
    >6 Muua
    >7 Minori
    >8 Aina
    >9 Nikaido
    A character whose event isn't enough to save her. Maybe
    >10 Maki
    Simply because not everyone might have played her prism story.
    >Runner ups: Asamin (rarely gets screen time and not many may have played her bond event), Seira+Higuchi (they may get votes just for gameplay)

    • 1 year ago

      Fish girl will be last place together with the other 31d SSRlets. Without an SSR you mis out on screentime plus the goodwill of players who use/ have memories of using the character. I doubt I'm the only one that voted for the units that carried them ( Chie and Tsukasa).

      • 1 year ago

        >I doubt I'm the only one that voted for the units that carried them
        That's what the style voting was for.

        • 1 year ago

          I voted for cool styles /concepts and/or moves, not strong ones that carried me. Of course, I could only really vote for stuff I have.

          That said, I don't completely remember what I voted for. Other than Karen alt, and Byakko. Cat needs more love, and I always felt it was neat we had something like that, and Karen alt's ult is to me the best "feeling" ult. Especially if the first part breaks the enemy, and then they burn to death. Bundled with the voice line.. yeah. An easy favorite of mine.
          But the third style I really don't remember. Looking at my styles, I have a few candidates, so I probably just chose one of that. Might've been Miko. As old as this style is, I still love her ult. Extremely satisfying animation. If not that, maybe Miya. Her ult animation is also very satisfying to me. Barely used it so far though, but maybe with Kanade I'll get more use out of light now.

    • 1 year ago

      Let's be real, Top is 3 is probably Ruka, Aoi and Yuina. Would be surprised if Yuki makes it in with how annoying she is lately. Maeda please bring ikemen Yuki back.

    • 1 year ago

      A JP discord has an ongoing vote for favorite character. I think it's quite possible we get these top 3 as the winners.

      1. Tama
      2. Yuina
      3. Aoi
      4. Karen
      5. Ruka
      6. Tsukasa
      7. Inori
      8. Sharo
      9. Yuki
      10. Hisame

      • 1 year ago

        Whose pussy did Yuina lick to get that high?

    • 1 year ago

      I have completely given up trying to predict these things from my experience with the other franchises. There is usually this "silent majority", they don't like/retweet fanarts, they don't buy merch, they don't sperg about their characters on twitter, but they still vote because the game tells them to do so. Then you look at the results and you go like "Huh? Wait, what?".

    • 1 year ago

      There's no way Ruka isn't 1

  250. 1 year ago

    I thought maybe we will get an early event, but there's no stream teases, so 2 more weeks, I guess.

  251. 1 year ago

    Bros are bragging about KR/TW doing well, no idea if it's actually that good or if it's just marketing.

    • 1 year ago

      Well they mentioned getting #1 in play store rankings and that should be verifiable.

  252. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Happy birthday broken girl.

      On another note, I'm getting some weird "back to title" errors while shuttle running recently. Those aren't really new, but before it was a rare occurrence. Is that the colab? Wouldn't be surprised if the servers are weird.
      That said, every time it happens it seems to check if the data is okay on loading, though it always is.

      This ONLY happened during shuttle running so far (chapter 3, day 11, 10.30). Not actually farming dungeons, doing prisms, nor the weekend boss. Makes it even more weird actually..

      • 1 year ago

        I've had that happen once since the last update, but I also haven't been letting the game run as long as usual lately. It might be all the constantly changing gacha banners it has to load in now.

  253. 1 year ago

    As much as I want more AB characters, I'm pretty sure the next rate up will be suit Karen and Tsukasa to celebrate the release of the rhythm game mode

    • 1 year ago

      I don't know if they will go full suit because they already released non-suit Tama alt.

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe next year if Maeda stops being traumatized. I would say Sekine and Shiina, but more likely we'll get Iwasawa.

  254. 1 year ago

    More plushies for the plushie god

    • 1 year ago

      This one looks cuter than the others they've shown so far. Fumo soon.

  255. 1 year ago

    Was planning on letting the account sit in case the release English later down the road but I might as well play now.
    Is there a banner I should be on the lookout for? Also is there a beginners guide anywhere. I have no clue what is going on.

    • 1 year ago

      Banner-wise, every previous regular (1 or 2 SSes) banner up to and including YunYun/Maria is going to get a 2-day rerun each, so be on the lookout for that. The schedule's in the second link.

    • 1 year ago

      there are a couple of guides on youtube in english, or you can google translate game8's heaven burn red wiki

    • 1 year ago

      If I were you, I'd rush the event and try to get all the welfare's limit breaks asap. You have like less than 2 days until it poofs away forever (tm). Though since you're a new player I doubt you'll even have enough life stones to do that

      • 1 year ago

        The two day limit is only for the score attack. The story event itself is available until 10 march.

  256. 1 year ago

    good morning anons, i'm trying to form /vmg/'s team in the 4cc and i wanted to ask if you are interested in choosing a character to represent the thread on the team as a player, if you don't know what i'm talking about


    • 1 year ago

      I'd choose Aoi, but I'm biased because Ichigo was the /u/ yaya rep for this last cup.
      You should also ask again in the next thread since this one's just about to get bumped off.

      • 1 year ago

        should i? it's still page 10, this thread has at least 1-2 days left at least, anyway, i will be adding her to the final poll this saturday if


        is still up, any other suggestion feel free to share or mention 4cc/divegrass anywhere and i will take a look at it

        • 1 year ago

          Honestly any of the game's more important characters would probably grab some attention, like Ruka, Yuki, Yuina or Tama. Just wait and see if anyone else here mentions any names and go with that.

          • 1 year ago

            Tama and Karen are iconic mascot characters

            all of them? alright, just be aware that i will be limiting 2 reps for each thread, for the board as a whole to be more represented, if they get on the roster

          • 1 year ago

            I think Ruka would be the most representative. And also Yuina-senpai if 2 are allowed.

          • 1 year ago

            I think Ruka would be the most representative. And also Yuina-senpai if 2 are allowed.

            It should be Nanamin

        • 1 year ago

          Tama and Karen are iconic mascot characters

  257. 1 year ago

    we only play baseball and kabaddi here

  258. 1 year ago

    So, how many events are we going to get before 4.2? I guess two? One in early March, one in early April.

  259. 1 year ago

    >popularity poll results
    >collab cafe food
    >lawson goods
    Sounds like "I fricking sleep" stream, but we'll see.

    • 1 year ago

      I'd at least wanna see just how superior my taste in characters is to everyone else's.

    • 1 year ago

      I guess we're really not getting anything until the 10th. But the rhythm game mode should be out by 2/24 so there's no way they won't mention it unless it's delayed

  260. 1 year ago

    Around when should I worry about accessories and stuff? I just beat chapter 1 and I guess it's basically still a tutorial right

    • 1 year ago

      Chapter 1 and 2 you can face roll just by afk leveling your characters mostly. Chapter 3 is a spike in difficulty (though they nerfed it). So around then you may need to ensure you are doing some dungeons to get equipment that matches your level.

    • 1 year ago

      When you run into enemies that you're having trouble beating is a good time to upgrade. Don't bother unlocking those bonus slots though until you have 6* or at least good 5* accessories.

  261. 1 year ago

    How is Tsukasa higher than Karen, Yuki and Megumi, I see her gays the least on twitter and she has the least fanart too.

    • 1 year ago

      Pure airhead power

    • 1 year ago

      The skimpy mizugi

  262. 1 year ago

    There's no way Yuina is #1. This is rigged by maeda

  263. 1 year ago

    >Fricking Yuina is top 1
    >Not even Aoi could overtake her
    I don't get it, it's literally just some overwanked Jannu type, what people fricking find in her, how is she's higher than any other character in this top 15.

    • 1 year ago

      I mean, Aoi is just as bland. The only one saving the top 3 was Tama.

      • 1 year ago

        At least Aoi got a cool story chapter. Yuina is literally just "archetype the character", I genuinely can't comprehend this level of love she's getting, especially in this game with so many fun characters.

        • 1 year ago

          Her archetype is popular for a reason

        • 1 year ago

          If I dislike a character's personality, even if they are deep and well written I still don't like them. This goes the other way as well. If I really like a character's personality, even if its not fleshed out I still like them.

        • 1 year ago

          Aoi appeals to yuri fans and general Key fans, Yuina has more general appeal and Maeda fans tend to have the same tastes as him (see Tomoyo). That they both beat Tama is a nice surprise, especially when the gacha fans still came out in force and put Swimsuit Tsukasa at #1 in the other poll.

          • 1 year ago

            No one is surprised about the top 2

          • 1 year ago

            >when the gacha fans still came out in force and put Swimsuit Tsukasa at #1 in the other poll.
            I really did not expect that swimsuit to affect the outcome this much, not going to lie. I guess this is still a gacha, even if it doesn't pander to coomers as much as the other ones do.

            • 1 year ago

              I had an inkling it would be the case after seeing YunYun only at #7. The only ones who were ever going to compete here were the meta chasers and the coomers because all the other votes would be massively split.
              I'm just sad that Yuki2 didn't even make the top 10. Between that and Yuki herself only being at #8 in the regular poll, the yuri fan proportion is probably smaller than I would've hoped for a game like this.

    • 1 year ago

      I like that type.

  264. 1 year ago

    It's not fair, the 1st chapter babies fault......

  265. 1 year ago

    Meta slaves tried really hard to get their free YunYun gacha. It was close.

    • 1 year ago

      Lmao, they expanded the range it to include her still.

  266. 1 year ago

    >double boss

    • 1 year ago

      Your aoi bro?

  267. 1 year ago

    The AOE meta is slowly coming. Score attacks soon too...

  268. 1 year ago

    AoE fragile(Miya, Megumi) stocks are rising. I don't know if non-element AoE def downs are worth, the average increase from them is minuscule.

    • 1 year ago

      That's where the buffs shine, working for both AoE and ST. Given that a multi boss has to have less DP/HP than a single boss, you probably don't need as many debuffs/buffs to kill if you use proper AoE ults.

      • 1 year ago

        There probably are some proper debuff setups still. You can do something like
        >YunYun puts her buffs and 2 ST def downs on boss 1
        >Megumi puts 2 aoe fragile and 2 ST def downs on boss 2
        The question is if your slots can handle this and if the bosses are even strong enough to justify this kind of autism in the first place, maybe it's just a nothingburger.

  269. 1 year ago

    are the streams for this game always this terrible? This is even worse than FGO streams

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      It's better in the fact that it isn't FGO

    • 1 year ago

      Honestly I think the GBF ones are pretty bad

    • 1 year ago

      They have this problem where they force a stream every 2 weeks even if there's literally nothing important to talk about. Because of that we regularly get completely empty streams about nothing. Most games only do one stream a month, or even one stream every 2-3 months.

  270. 1 year ago

    Datamine anon, if you're here, the update is now available.

    • 1 year ago

      And this is how most of them look now. It's all so tiresome. At least the assets I'm most interested in still extract fine. I'm also seeing new options in the poses/expressions files. I hope my existing script can handle them, because there are a lot of them in this update.

      • 1 year ago

        Ouch. I'll let you know if the other dataminer I know figures out how to deal with this.

  271. 1 year ago

    Confirmation, were getting the live mode tommorow

  272. 1 year ago

    They said if you kill only one boss first, then the other one gets stronger, but didn't specify if it's """stronger""" or "stronger".

    • 1 year ago

      Probably means we're getting some sort of AOE attacker next month. Guess it took them long enough to start punishing people who only use single target stuff.

      • 1 year ago

        And then they will release a buffer who gives AoE to any unit while also buffing crits.

      • 1 year ago

        Eh, Yukki alt alt was just released, so chances are it's gonna be elec weak or some shit.
        I'll just ignore. I have no elec.

        • 1 year ago

          Nope it's ice. It's finally swimsuit sumomo's time to shine

          • 1 year ago

            >It's finally swimsuit sumomo's time to shine
            They will release an another aoe ice that's somehow better than her for the next event just because they can.

  273. 1 year ago

    It's getting kinda weird they still haven't said anything about Hisame VA.

  274. 1 year ago
  275. 1 year ago

    This double boss thing is probably a spoiler for 4.2 that was supposed to be already released by now and introduce the mechanic.

  276. 1 year ago

    It's not really a mechanic. Double prism battles were a thing for a long time now

    • 1 year ago

      They are both proper bosses and they power up if only one of them dies.

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