Heaven Burns Red

The new rhythm game mode and the second score attack are going live in a few hours. Who did you vote for in the popularity poll?

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  1. 1 year ago

    Ruka, Tama, Aoi.

    Anyone remember what the rewards for the rhythm game mode are? I hope they make it slightly difficult and worthwhile because if not I'm just gonna spend a few hours fcing, and that's basically it for the mode.

    • 1 year ago

      150 quartz and 3 lifestones per song, I think. Should be about 2000 quartz in total for the stuff that is currently available.

  2. 1 year ago

    Yuina, Hisame, Megumi
    It was very satisfying seeing my favorite win #1.

  3. 1 year ago

    New poses/expressions:
    Adelheid: Bravado, Fatigue, Serious2, Upset
    Carole: Tiresome
    Ichiko: Sadness2
    Isuzu: Joy3, Shy2, Upset3
    Kanata: Sadness4
    Mari: Neutral2
    Minori: Joy2, Upset2
    Mion: Anger2 (pic)
    Muua: Anger, GreatFatigue, Joy2, TightSmile, Upset2
    Niina: Upset2
    Tama: Pose_04, Sadness3

    I think there may be a 31E event coming. Karerin also has a new cutin.

    And in case there are newfriends around who are wondering what this means, you can download this tool right here to look at and save expressions from the game's character sprites:

    All part of a regular asset dump, not a complete one, only images and music. Although there really wasn't anything else noteworthy besides new gacha banners in this last update.

    • 1 year ago

      Maeda stop. Get some help.

    • 1 year ago

      Looking at this again, I bet Adel's gonna get her SS2 very soon. That'd be nice.

      • 1 year ago

        That one is one of those SS that could redefine the game or be completely useless. She has one of the most absurd self buffs.

        • 1 year ago

          There's always the legendary "Wakki alt-tier" option.

          • 1 year ago

            Until YunYun. Sure that one is weaker, but... it is kinda the next step.

        • 1 year ago

          They've been consistent in not giving elemental damage ults to characters with the strong +hit buffs.

  4. 1 year ago

    Aoi Nanamin Yuuki

  5. 1 year ago

    Ruka, Isuzu, and Mya-san

  6. 1 year ago

    I don't have good explanations for my picks. I just like these the most. I'm glad Tsukasa ranked highly, but being from 31A that was pretty much a given. And the styles are the ones I'm never surprised find useful in almost all my teams.

  7. 1 year ago

    I didn't expect there to be skills too

    • 1 year ago

      bwos.... what skills to use....

      • 1 year ago

        Always scoring

  8. 1 year ago

    Hard optional bosses might be impossible for me, but at least I can easily FC all the songs. That's what really matters.

  9. 1 year ago

    So in light of the fact I don't have Higuchi or Yunyun I should dump everything into the gacha now right? I'm looking for an excuse to dump everything.

    • 1 year ago

      Depends, do you like to do SA or Hoju speedruns? I've been using both for those.
      Though I kinda wonder how stuff might change regarding Higumin with the new orb coming up.

      So as a new player, should I just keep rolling the AB banner in hopes of dupes? Going by what I have talked with someone else, the AB characters might fall behind simply because they can't take skills from other styles. Plus the whole gone when they're gone thing due to Maeda.

      Tenshi-chan is strong right now, recommend you get her since she's limited and all that, but yeah, as you said, she might get crept down the road, but that's just the way of the soshage. You get Yurippe for free though.

  10. 1 year ago

    Isn’t this game 3%? How is this like the 3rd time already I’ve gone 100+ without an SS.

    • 1 year ago

      3% isn't that high

    • 1 year ago

      I pulled 5 SSR(+3 Yurripe) out of 200 rolls trying to search for Kanade. It's a luck issue anon

    • 1 year ago

      Everyone in NIKKE was pulling Makima and Power left and right while I didn't get even one SS in 15 multis. Their rate was 4%.

      Shit happens, anon.

  11. 1 year ago

    So as a new player, should I just keep rolling the AB banner in hopes of dupes? Going by what I have talked with someone else, the AB characters might fall behind simply because they can't take skills from other styles. Plus the whole gone when they're gone thing due to Maeda.

  12. 1 year ago

    I feel like the flicks are stricter than what I'm used to...

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah same. I play Bandori too and it feels that I'm missing flicks way more here.

  13. 1 year ago

    Don't worry Yuki, you're always number 1 in my heart.

  14. 1 year ago

    Who are the lowest popular characters tho? Why no balls, WFS?

  15. 1 year ago

    I haven't played a rhythm game in over a decade because of how shit I am at them.

  16. 1 year ago

    >they recorded a bunch of new lines just for the rhythm game mode

  17. 1 year ago

    Good thing I logged in. Free pull again, and a fakeout MC light lb2. I take it. She didn't want to get left behind, huh.

  18. 1 year ago

    1st place in TW app store. I guess these servers are doing fine, this really increases the chance of them trying EN at some point.

  19. 1 year ago

    I thought they were gunna add the angel beats songs in live mode too

  20. 1 year ago

    This gacha is so funny actually. You have this gameplaygay vs charactergay/coomers split, so half the styles are pure value meta and half are just bloat if you're NOT the charactergay of these specific girls.

    • 1 year ago

      Aren't Higumin and YunYun the only real gameplay style votes? Seira panders to both a bit, but she certainly didn't make the cut on her gameplay merit.

      • 1 year ago

        >Seira panders to both a bit, but she certainly didn't make the cut on her gameplay merit.
        I think Seira alt is 100% a gameplay vote. She was shilled really hard by the metagay youtubers/twitter&5ch gameplaygays, they all were like "you HAVE to get her, she's amazing" during her banner and it was just like barely a month before the poll started. If this poll was done on the next half anni instead of this anni, she probably wouldn't be there, but the recency bias is strong.

        • 1 year ago

          Really? Wow. I mean she is good, but she only benefits ice team. But if she was pushed hard by them then that's that.
          Adel is probably what I would vote as meta character #3 behind YunYun and Higumin.

        • 1 year ago

          Huh, I assumed Seira2's were coomer votes, same as with Tsukasa2. Seika2 is the one that struck me as the obvious metagay vote.

    • 1 year ago

      I dunno, all styles seem good for gameplay.
      Seira may not be as good as the fire equivalent, but is still pretty good for ice teams. Plus with her normal version, you have a still relevant crit buffer who thanks to the alt also gains access to a really good dungeon multihit aoe blunt move. That shit is REALLY rare.
      Tsukasa's ult is probably a bit outdated, but if you have vanilla, it's still pretty nice for fire. With the advent of Higuchi alt and YunYun taking the place of the best "no element" buffers, Tsukasa doesn't seem to be that great anymore, but new people would still get a lot out of her.
      MC light is a beast in new dungeons. Huge OD generation aoe ulti is just absolutely awesome to have. Same for Yuina alt.
      Don't need to talk about Higuchi alt and YunYun.
      I'd consider Aoi the worst out of the bunch, but by no means bad.

      It's a pretty good banner. I run dungeons with Karen alt, Miko and MC light for quite some time, and I can tell you these multi hit aoe ultis are a fricking god sent. I'd love a blunt multi hit aoe unit, but even if I'd get one, Monaka lb2 is really hard to replace.

      • 1 year ago

        >MC light is a beast in new dungeons. Huge OD generation aoe ulti is just absolutely awesome to have. Same for Yuina alt.
        I don't agree. Obviously, any non-complete-shit unit is good if you have nothing at all, but if you actually have something, these Ruka and Yuina aren't the attacker/blaster you look for unless you like them. This "kinda decent QoL" isn't cutting it when the alternatives are just insane. Imagine if it was Maki or A-san instead of Yuina, it's like day and night.
        >Tsukasa's ult is probably a bit outdated
        Tsukasa swimsuit is especially sad because the buffer powercreep in this game is just off the charts. You have Higumi, you have YunYun, you have elemental slots(if it's not fire, but then you need to have the other style still), they will probably pull out an another moronic broken buffer in a few months, there's just no place for her. Maybe she will get more lucky with her next alt.

        • 1 year ago

          I have lb1 A-San and she stays home. I prefer Karen (lb1) and MC light (lb1.. well, as of today lb2 but that's not important) over her in dungeons any day.
          The OD gain is really something not to underestimate. A-San's non ultimate skills are also not very good for dungeons either.

          Also talking down convenience in a game where the majority of shit is about convenience is just dumb. You don't need any of the broken units for anything relevant. Having them is just.. you guessed it, convenient. We all end up gravitating towards the most convenient styles to use in a specific situation. I'm sure you can also use something like swim Tsukasa just fine, the newer all around buffers are just more convenient.

  21. 1 year ago

    Use her name

    • 1 year ago

      Her name was Aoi Erika

  22. 1 year ago

    Why do people keep uploading these
    >look, I used Higuchi&Yunyun together with an attacker and the damage number is big
    videos like they accomplished something, I don't get it. I'd be more impressed if they didn't use them.

    • 1 year ago

      Asian "look what I can do with money!" showboating is my guess. I don't understand it in the slightest so I generally just stick to my art and story related circles.

    • 1 year ago

      I like seeing big numbers get bigger.

    • 1 year ago

      Videos like that have been a thing for as long as videos have existed, and the practice has been around as long as stat autism has. As long as there are numbers to exploit autistic people will exploit them, without regard to any kind of in game importance

      • 1 year ago

        Usually these games have some skill/perk trees or there's a large variety of meta units you can utilize or something else like that, so you can actually theorycraft something in your biggest number showcase. In this game it's basically pic related right now.

    • 1 year ago

      >why do people upload useless videos
      my dude, you have not seen the depths of youtube

  23. 1 year ago

    I don't know how to feel about this result.

    • 1 year ago

      Getting a YunYun copy alone is great, Aoi is just gravy.

  24. 1 year ago

    Speaking of large numbers
    What's the live mode skill meta? Do the skills stack in multipliers like regular pve?
    If they do stack, I guess the perfect team would be team leader, score up, perfect up, combo up, and then the last 2 is any of the previous 3. Otherwise wouldn't a full team of buffers be the best choice? Unless perfect up gives the most voltage and you're good.

    • 1 year ago

      I haven't gone into it too deep. But I talked with the game8 guy on twitter earlier about it, and mostly having a unit commander and attacker/breakers work well for high score.

    • 1 year ago

      Real human bean meta is
      >spam healers/debuffers/defenders
      >randomly tap on notes
      >try to look like you understand what you're doing(important)

  25. 1 year ago

    So in the event, was it just a coincidence that the flower field that they stayed in was filled with all the flowers that Irie had loved? Or was that the flowerfield that the glasses guy made after Irie had died in memorial to her? Also does the AB event set the stage for male characters appearing in the future as NPCs?

    • 1 year ago

      Didnt it grow around her

    • 1 year ago

      > Also does the AB event set the stage for male characters appearing in the future as NPCs?
      4.2 teaser already kinda did that.

  26. 1 year ago

    Should I just dump my gems as a new person into the current stuff to try to get stuff or just save for guarantees

    • 1 year ago

      It's worth it to get Kanade cause she's limited. save for guarantee otherwise.

    • 1 year ago

      You pretty much get a full free spark as a new player so dump everything into the AB! gacha.
      I'm a returning player who rolled a new account two weeks ago and am currently 164 rolls into the banner just from free quartz. Kanade hasn't appeared yet...

  27. 1 year ago

    If they're actually going to release new ice styles for the new orb boss, most likely candidates are a Ichigo and Byakko alt.

    • 1 year ago

      The alts don't always follow on the same elements though, 31C went form Light to Ice in like a month.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm just saying that because 31B is currently the only team on the ice track with Sumomo and Kozue. But I guess they can also retroactively give Tenne an ice alt like they did with Seria. They can also just skip the new orb fight and wait till the 31E or D event on the 9th. In which case I think that'll be an entire month without any new styles.

        • 1 year ago

          >In which case I think that'll be an entire month without any new styles.
          Technically yes, but we basically got 2 new banners(RukaYuki and AB) at the same time instead of them being spaced out through the month.

        • 1 year ago

          >But I guess they can also retroactively give Tenne an ice alt like they did with Seria
          I think she might be light too. The future debuffer styles are probably something like
          Vritika: Thunder, she had a thunder passive on her S
          Sharo: Ice, Maria was ice, so 31X seem to have an element split
          Fubuki: Dark, following 31D and her general aesthetics
          Aina: Maybe no element? No idea.
          Megumi alt: Fire? Thunder blunt debuffer would overlap with Vritika. Maybe she's not a debuffer.

          • 1 year ago

            The element split thing for 31x actually makes sense with how their team portrait looks. I really wouln't want Sharo to be a shitty ice debuffer though

  28. 1 year ago

    rate the rythm game

    • 1 year ago

      The quartz isn't enough of an incentive for me to touch it, but I'm glad it exists.

    • 1 year ago

      It needs more songs to be a real rhythm game. Also a harder difficulty level.

    • 1 year ago

      shit key config

      • 1 year ago

        You can change it. They actually put a ton of effort into this.

    • 1 year ago

      Pretty good for being developed by just one guy at WFS. Having some issues with flicks sometimes.

    • 1 year ago

      Fun gimmick. At worst it's a way to rewatch the lives at. My only problem is that it's scuffed to play with a Bluetooth headset. There is a setting that is supposed to help for bluetooth, but as far as i can tell it doesn't change when the notes appear visually, so it feels desynched to the rythm. Not sure if this is a problem on my end or just with rythm games in general.

  29. 1 year ago

    Since the AB characters didn't return, I hope we get three more of them for a full team and just integrate them as the new team.

  30. 1 year ago

    I want to skip the story to get faster rewards but then that means I have to go back and read later and I know that won't happen

  31. 1 year ago

    Any must roll characters? I'm here to check out the story and roll for eventual favs but if meta characters are necessary I might as well reroll for them now

    • 1 year ago

      Meta aside, the best thing to reroll for right now are probably the collab characters as they are limited. Especially Kanade since you will get a guaranteed Yuri if you log in 10 days during the event.

    • 1 year ago

      Only thing you must have to get through the story is a decent healer and you won't have to reroll for one right now because the welfare S rank unit from the AB! collab is really solid.
      Rerolling for one of the two current meta buffers (SS2 Seika or SS Yingxia) will trivialize every fight you'll encounter in the story and help greatly with other challenges but neither of them is really required.
      Absolutely do reroll for Kanade because she'll be gone in two weeks.

  32. 1 year ago

    Ruka looked really good as the real size statue, but the actual 1/7 is kinda whatever, can't say I'm particularly impressed or have any desire to buy it.

    • 1 year ago

      But what about the upskirt?

    • 1 year ago

      Depending on the price point that's either a cool base or a pretty boring sculpt.

  33. 1 year ago

    >Tsukasa was always in awakened mode on the team visual teasing ch.3
    >Megumi was always sad and slightly separated from the group teasing ch.4
    Tamabros, how do we interpret this.

  34. 1 year ago

    Didn't play mari's event before, do you get any good rewards from doing the dungeon?

    • 1 year ago

      You just get medals.

      • 1 year ago

        Are medals exchangeable between events or is it a specific medal per shop?

      • 1 year ago

        About the mari event, does it not gib 1500 gems? I started during summer event and those gave 1500 onwards.

        Are medals exchangeable between events or is it a specific medal per shop?

        specific medals

        • 1 year ago

          >About the mari event, does it not gib 1500 gems?
          It does not. A lot of the older events had important rewards (quartz, SS pieces) tied to the score attack rather than the event store. So if you missed the SA, you miss the rewards.
          They realized this later and fixed it, but didn't retroactively add stuff to the old stores.

          • 1 year ago

            Did we even have score attacks yet when Mari's event was live? The grind for it was the worst, but it was also the first. I'm glad they learned from it. I even preferred the event dungeons over how few tokens Mari's boss fight gave me.

  35. 1 year ago

    How are you supposed to do the guitar slide on PC?

    • 1 year ago

      You just don't, it works like it's a normal long note.

    • 1 year ago

      Keep the initial key pressed throughout.
      At the horizontal blue lines tap the key for that line.

      eg. in this situation you would hold N throughout and tap B at the blue line.

  36. 1 year ago

    are more events going to get 3x after mari?

    • 1 year ago

      Yes but they are going to be a month apart from each other

  37. 1 year ago

    When is the daily reset?

    • 1 year ago

      4AM in japan iirc

  38. 1 year ago

    Are dupes important in this game? I rerolled for the angel beats characters and got the buffer Seika. Should I just keep dumping my gems into angel beats or should I go for the popular vote banner?

    • 1 year ago

      Yes, pretty important. They raise the level cap by 10, which makes a big difference in the later content. You probably want to diversify in styles, attributes and elements, so the popular vote banner isn't a bad choice. In the beginning you'll be fine with any attribute, but then they'll start mattering more and more and so will elements like fire, thunder, etc. Kanade is pretty strong for her role but not a must-have unless you're really into Angel Beats. The other banner has a higher chance of giving you good styles.

    • 1 year ago

      Dupes are important for classes that actually attack because their stats get massively affected by it, not so much for the buffers/debuffers/healers, most of their effects either don't scale at all or barely scale.

    • 1 year ago

      As a new player you can get 3 free dupes from past events and ~7 free dupes per year from new events and the limit break device.
      Dupes are good but I wouldn't specifically roll for them unless you plan to spend serious money on this game.

  39. 1 year ago
  40. 1 year ago

    Decided to roll with the 3k quartz they gave us today and got lucky.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Welcome to the meta, enjoy your stay.

  41. 1 year ago

    I got a random SS but it was Elemental Tama without the cool hat. Is she really a healer? Why does a healer need to swing a fire sword around

    • 1 year ago

      Regular Tama has a sword too. Why not swing a fire sword around? It's cool.

  42. 1 year ago
  43. 1 year ago

    The rhythm game sucks on pc.

    • 1 year ago

      Why would you play a rhythm game on something you can't feel rhythm on?

  44. 1 year ago

    the writing in mari's event is worse than the island survival

  45. 1 year ago

    But the Mari event wasn't written by Maeda

  46. 1 year ago

    it's bad though

  47. 1 year ago

    I want her to frick ruka

  48. 1 year ago

    Burn my Soul - Ichigo ver.

    Apparently her VA's oshi is Aina for whatever reason

    • 1 year ago

      I hope Ichigo will sing in-game at some point, even if it's just for a gag. Aimi is great.

    • 1 year ago

      >for whatever reason
      You need good taste to understand

  49. 1 year ago

    Just finished listening to the new radio episode.
    Karen's VA popularity poll vote: Karen, Tama, Yamawaki(no ship pandering for you)
    Tama's VA: Tama, Karen, Megumi
    Apparently, Tsukasa's VA talks too much behind the scenes and simply won't shut up. Both of them also took the time to express how great Megumi's VA was and that they want to work with her again. That's pretty much all I got from it, you really don't lose much not listening to it weekly.

    • 1 year ago

      The absolute state of bakasa

  50. 1 year ago

    I'm so close to 200% and still have no plan for who to use it on.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah, I've been hoping for a Hisame or other 30G SS2 to dump it into but if that doesn't come out in time I'll probably just make my Yuina SS1 LB3.

    • 1 year ago

      I'll probably just use it on yunyun and maybe take her to lb3 for that 25% boost to buffs. But does her and Space Higuchi's passive only apply to certain buffs or all buffs?

      • 1 year ago

        It's everything that provides an enhance-like buff. So enhance, doping, and each of their buff ults. But not the thunder ult, and not the +hit bonus damage from YunYun.

        • 1 year ago

          >But does her and Space Higuchi's passive only apply to certain buffs or all buffs?
          It boosts attack ups specifically, so stuff like enhance or attack up part of their ults will get buffed, but their thunder field, crit damage increase, multi hit attack modifier won't get affected. By the way, why do they even have attack ups on their already busted ults when Tsukasa alt ult is literally just attack up and nothing else?

          >not the hit+ or crit damage up
          Ah, it's not as good as I thought it was. I guess I'll just give them to Kanade then

          • 1 year ago

            At least they're crystal clear about what it does. I remember when people here were guessing if +% debuff increase affects stun chance or not(it does).

            • 1 year ago

              There's something that increases debuff %? Is it an accessory/dungeon item or something?

              • 1 year ago

                It's from those hoju bonuses classes get, debuffers get +% debuff

              • 1 year ago

                Oh it's those stat things. Do they even show how much you have? I don't think they're listed anywhere in the parameter tabs

      • 1 year ago

        >But does her and Space Higuchi's passive only apply to certain buffs or all buffs?
        It boosts attack ups specifically, so stuff like enhance or attack up part of their ults will get buffed, but their thunder field, crit damage increase, multi hit attack modifier won't get affected. By the way, why do they even have attack ups on their already busted ults when Tsukasa alt ult is literally just attack up and nothing else?

  51. 1 year ago

    I wonder when someone will get that 1sp backline regen passive YunYun S and Shiki S have, they have shown surprising restrain in not giving it to any SS yet.

    • 1 year ago

      Because it's broken. It's so broken you are better off using yunyun S, even if you have her SS. Trading up to 1 sp/turn for her vs 1 sp for all in the back is an easy trade, provided yunyun is still tanky enough to stand in the front. Her damage (and as such stats) aren't really important otherwise.

      • 1 year ago

        It's not like things being broken stopped them from releasing it anyway before, the real question is when it will reach the level of their powercreep acceptance.

  52. 1 year ago

    By the way, how exactly do these buff/debuff boost effects work? Is it additive or multiplicative?

  53. 1 year ago

    What's the craziest arena stuff you pull off with lb0 carol? I went in with low expectations so her effortlessly one-shotting 超上級1 with just an enhance has me wondering what's possible.

  54. 1 year ago

    Should've called it overdrive

  55. 1 year ago

    Sora Amamiya started following HBR on twitter(she only follows works she actually participates in), nips are speculating she's either the new e-girl VA or Hisame replacement.

    • 1 year ago

      Wouldn't she be a pretty big name to put on Hisame? Not that I know much about the other VAs here. I'm not that well-versed in the culture.

      • 1 year ago

        Chapter 5 is 30G! Hisame the new main character! You heard it here first!

      • 1 year ago

        Kinda, but Hisame was also top 10 in the popularity poll, so you can capitalize on her as a character. But obviously it doesn't have to be her, with 4.2 expanding the world they can introduce more plot relevant characters.
        There's obviously also an option that it was a missclick from some intern managing her account, shit happens.

    • 1 year ago

      She unfollowed, but I did see it before she did. Suspicious...

    • 1 year ago

      Anons on 5ch noticed that Miku Itou is following HBR too now. Again, it doesn't have to mean anything, but still.

  56. 1 year ago

    The game won't give me a Megumi but I won't give up

    • 1 year ago

      At this point it's probably more beneficial to save for her next alt banner.

  57. 1 year ago

    Daily login SS day, and mine's probably going to go unused. Who did you get?

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Monaka dupe, putting her at LB2. Considering I'm focusing on 30G this is certainly one of the better outcomes. Last free gSS I got Bungo...

      • 1 year ago

        I got my third Monaka, too, but also a bonus Miya. She looks useful for dungeons but not so much for bosses if Megumi already has a defense debuff and fragile.

        • 1 year ago

          Nice! I also have Miya but without LBs I find it hard to bring her to the hoju dungeon. Megumi definitely overlaps her role in dungeon unless you really need Light Field.
          Miya is really nice in score attack, because you can run YunYun+Miya and get both of Megumi's debuffs with extra buffs to go with it.

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah, I wish I'd pulled Yunyun or even the second Higuchi. Technically if I get lucky the first Higumin also has a chance to apply a defense debuff with her ultimate. I'll have to try replacing Megumi with Miya since I use Higumin everywhere already.

            • 1 year ago

              This actually worked. I got my first 8-digit damage number when before I was getting 5-7M on the plant. I think Miya's light field definitely helped more than a second defense debuff.

    • 1 year ago

      I'll take an extra otamasan for free

    • 1 year ago

      Swimsuit Tsukasa

    • 1 year ago

      Chiroru. Lb2 now. WHY GOD WHY. I'm at like 240 days of playing now and I still have less SS than

      My SS after 77 days of playing. I know I don't have the most broken characters, but it was enough to beat the story, so I am fine with them.


    • 1 year ago

      I even finally got Kanade right after

  58. 1 year ago

    >Sumomo SS1 dupe
    Would be nice to get a character I like for once, but a dupe is a dupe.

  59. 1 year ago

    My SS after 77 days of playing. I know I don't have the most broken characters, but it was enough to beat the story, so I am fine with them.

    • 1 year ago

      That's not a bad selection. I'm pretty sure you could make it through most score attacks with that. A debuffer like Megumi would be really helpful though.

  60. 1 year ago

    Did my free 10 and the step up. Could've been better in terms of what I got, but quantity-wise the game is trying to make up much worse days.
    The popular banner is still going for a while, so I can decide if I want to try to get YunYun. But honestly, I'm fine without her. I think. Would've still kinda liked to get her.

    Now to think what to limit break aside of Kanade. I can never decide.

  61. 1 year ago

    >got Ichigo
    Fricking hell

  62. 1 year ago

    I got new Nina. Don't know what to feel about this though since I already have LB1 Byakko.

  63. 1 year ago

    Did they fix the bugs yet?

    • 1 year ago

      There are bugs?

  64. 1 year ago

    Had to grind some light stones anyways, so I did a little test run with Kanade lb1 lvl 115 against the boss. It's weak to slash and light. Enhance + Higuchi alt buff + 2 fragile (Miya) + 2 light def down (Hisame) + 2 self buffs -> casual 2 million damage against HP. I even forgot the field.

    She's a big girl all right. I'm not whale enough for the big number fetish, but she gets to pretty big numbers surprisingly fast. That's her only prism boss though, as the other ones get all qed'ed.

    • 1 year ago

      And then I realized that I haven't grinded those in forever, and you actually get dark stones from that boss. I suppose it makes sense, but alas. At least I could test her once. Back to qed it is.

  65. 1 year ago

    I wonder what they meant by "being nuisance to other users" when this game is 100% single player. Everything else is self explanatory.

    • 1 year ago

      They don't call it hebuBAN for nothing, I guess. That aside, I'm just as lost as you are.

    • 1 year ago

      They don't call it hebuBAN for nothing, I guess. That aside, I'm just as lost as you are.

      I guess account stealing?.

  66. 1 year ago

    4 SP for the crit damage buff. Pretty reasonable.
    Need to check for values vs Higumin, I'll post science in a bit if no one else does.

  67. 1 year ago

    Well this explains it better, but it's 20% crit damage at 450 wisdom. 10% less than Higumin's unique skill.

    • 1 year ago

      I've seen some guy on 5ch saying that it was as good as Higumi when they first added it with the files update, then it got pre-nerfed, but I don't datamine, so I can't say if it's true or if he's just bullshitting.

      • 1 year ago

        It was 30% at 450 WIS (15-30% range iirc) before the nerf, yes.

  68. 1 year ago

    The new orb bosses are no joke. A shame that the orb itself kinda is.

    • 1 year ago

      If you have Higuchi alt, I'd actually consider it good enough. It's a nice way to spend a turn and have Higuchi buff you, to then swap into the back. It's probably better than taking the crit chance orb for that, given that you reach 90% crit chance between charge and Higuchi alt. Unless you are unlucky, or they do another -50% crit chance score attack.

      • 1 year ago

        Good point. Right now I don't have her, but I'll be sparking the HiguKoju2 rerun banner later this month.

        • 1 year ago

          Though looking at the fight, I'm a little confused how to even beat that past the first.

          The strongest single target hits for 3230, and aoe goes for 2470. (field removed that is, which in itself takes some time) Maybe I don't understand how the AI is written on seraph db, but that looks like too much damage to me, for it come in the very same turn.
          Or are they alternating with their attacks or something? I'm not going to be able to play till later. But that looks like RNG central on first glance.

          • 1 year ago

            It's a bit overtuned, yes. Between that and this orb not being a high priority, I can't say I'm in any rush to get it done. It likely won't be an issue in a couple of months once 4.2 comes out and we get more ways to get stronger.
            >But that looks like RNG central on first glance.
            Judging from the few discussions I've seen so far, it is indeed a very RNG-heavy fight.

            • 1 year ago

              I've yet to try it, but I did a little theory crafting.

              lb 1 on everyone is likely required.

              -Higuchi alt

              Problem is, I JUST got Aoi, so I have her not trained at all, so I can't try this. But the idea is.

              -Aoi protects turn 4, 7, 11, 14. She will stay in the front all the time, other than in turn 6, 9 ,13 and up to 3 turns of your choice. She needs 40 sp to use all her ults by turn 14. Given the starting 4 SP, you need to regen 36. Without LB bonus, you'd get 28, so you need to stay 8 turns in the front. 4 are free (first turn, and 3 ultis), 4 are not. I think there's a good amount of wriggle room.
              -Mari helps with enhance and field removal, and has a water aoe nuke as well. This strategy might not even need a field remover like Mari, as it looks like only turn 4, 7 and so on use the element. But seraph db might be wrong there, I dunno. Just in case. If it's really not needed, you are likely better with a different char.
              -Higuchi's job is to hyper drug A chan and Mari.
              -A chan will charge twice and then use her ultimate with the help of Higuchi. OD drive bonus acc might be good. Mari/possibly someone else probably also wants to go like that, especially if the field isn't needed ASAP.
              -Tama and Yanagi keep the party alive from the regular big damage that hopefully isn't lethal.

              Once you hit turn 18, it's overdrive and killing time. You can probably get 1 good A chan aoe ulti out before that which hopefully breaks, which can screw up turns and their move sets. Needs testing.

              If someone has the necessary stuff, I'd like to hear if it could work. I need to get my Aoi going before I can test anything though. And recently I don't have time for shuttle running..

              • 1 year ago

                The thing with Aoi is that her invincibility is for individual attacks. It was annoying with the double gem prisms and it's brutal here since her stat spread isn't that great for tanking without the invulnerability and she doesn't have something like Ichiko's cheap regular taunt + def up. If I could, I'd definitely rather get the field out of the way and see if I can more consistently get a full combo out more quickly, but unfortunately I don't have Mari and my Seika1 is the only non-LB0 buffer I have, so I'm not exactly in a position to test either.

              • 1 year ago

                I know about the 2 actions only thing. What I forgot about is the fact she also absorbs aoe, and not just taunts after that. The first really bad turn is followed by 2 aoe apparently, and no matter who you are, taking 6 hits in your face isn't a thing. And you can't exactly keep her con and such low to only have it last 2 turns either. That makes SP management much worse. You'd basically need to swap her out after turn 4 for two turns. After turn 7 it should be fine to keep her in, as 8 doesn't have aoe, but 9 once again has. 10 you can once again be in.

                So basically she'd be in in turn 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14. Mathematically this works and it looks like you even have one free turn she doesn't need to be in, if I didn't math wrong.

                No matter what though, messy. The good thing is, the moment it works once, you get an acc for damage reduction. And requiring a full set of 50% cut accs from tier 2 before tackling tier 3 is needed this time as well. Against the old orb bosses, you could make do with 3..

  69. 1 year ago

    If next event is really 31E related, I'm sure they'll make Yotsuha busted someone like every new buffer now that elemental buffs are done with

  70. 1 year ago

    Another report about gorillions of money this game made.

    • 1 year ago

      I always expect this game to be way more niche with less spenders and then I get shellshocked

      • 1 year ago

        I still feel like it's just that the game has a very large proportion of whales compared to other games. A lot of them aren't exactly into yuri either so I'm not too thrilled about it, not when we've been getting so little on that front lately.

  71. 1 year ago

    They published Maeda's interview from the recent Famitsu issue.
    By the way, I have completely forgot there's a live concert this month, it got delayed an eternity ago.

  72. 1 year ago

    Our last SS debuffer release was like 5 months ago.

  73. 1 year ago

    4 turns and OD. Pretty consistent setup, I'm sure I could cut down Megumin to slot in someone else to learn the skill, if I had LB1 Swimomo.

  74. 1 year ago
  75. 1 year ago

    I'll be honest, though some ult animations look cool, a lot of this game's animations look really stiff and awkward. I hope they'd use that money to improve or add new animations for the basic skills instead of just reusing the same ones.

    • 1 year ago

      Never. It's also awful how they used the animations as part of the balance of the game, since # of hits gives you OD. So 打 is always fricked just because they animated it that way.

      • 1 year ago

        I think this can happen if enough people will put it into the questionnaires, ask them on fan meetings and stuff, they make enough money to do it. And this game only have 48 characters and some of them are already unique, so it's not that hard. They can even start with 31a only and then slowly proceed.

    • 1 year ago

      The non-spastic camerawork is one of the battle system's greatest points.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, I was looking at some gachas that were released recently to see how they compare with HBR and their camera is jumping around like crazy, the games are just jerking it off non-stop.

  76. 1 year ago

    I kind of missed it last month, but someone actually managed to take a sneak shot of the Yuina's figurine prototype.

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        So it goes

  77. 1 year ago

    I don't know when they undid the change, but I'm glad you're not restricted to Japanese names for your teams anymore.

    • 1 year ago

      Oh yeah, was glad when I noticed that was fixed. Would definitely be a pain with all the new team slots we have.

  78. 1 year ago

    I enjoy seeing Tama stand in front of vending machines

    • 1 year ago

      I think pretty much everyone enjoys Tama standing in front of vending machines. Her joy of finding a vending machine in that 3d base was something else.

      Where I live we barely have any. Usually only at train stations..

  79. 1 year ago
  80. 1 year ago

    I heard this game is pretty good but i'm not really into yuri, should i still give it a try?

    • 1 year ago

      Absolutely. It would be an incredible exaggeration to call this a yuri game. There is barely a scratch of romance in the game, and you could easily brush it off as a joke (which the writing mostly does too).
      The main story is about friendship, adversity, and discovering more about the world and situation they find themselves in. With lots of SOL mixed in (as with most Key works).

      • 1 year ago

        That sound pretty nice.
        I'll give it a try, thanks.

      • 1 year ago

        I wouldn't say it's focused on yuri but you'd be calling Maeda an exaggerator with that statement. I don't think there's any way around girls literally telling each other "I love you" and "I want to spend the rest of my life with you" being yuri, it just isn't center stage and you don't lose much by choosing not to focus on it if yuri isn't your thing.

        • 1 year ago

          I think what I'd say is at best is that it is a game that has some yuri in it, but it's not a yuri game. If you came into the game wanting to see romantic yuri relationships, you'd be disappointed. There's much better stories for that. It's just something you enjoy (or ignore) alongside the story.
          I like romantic stories, but outside of Kura's feelings towards Monaka there isn't a lot that I would actually classify as romance.

        • 1 year ago

          It's literal maintext yuri, but the overwhelming majority is restricted to some of the main story chapters and their related monthly events. Given the glacial pace of main story releases, you could easily say the yuri has stopped being a focus.

          I think what I'd say is at best is that it is a game that has some yuri in it, but it's not a yuri game. If you came into the game wanting to see romantic yuri relationships, you'd be disappointed. There's much better stories for that. It's just something you enjoy (or ignore) alongside the story.
          I like romantic stories, but outside of Kura's feelings towards Monaka there isn't a lot that I would actually classify as romance.

          Yeah, once I've sparked the HiguKoju2 rerun banner I'll probably be putting the game on hold for this reason. Maeda writing yuri is what I got into the game for and Requiem and 1186 firmly delivered on that front, but that's it. We've only been drip fed the rest of it in tiny chunks that are basically on a par with the rest of the comedy.

          • 1 year ago

            I'm honestly surprised Maeda wrote the story he did for the AB collab. Considering how HBR is more yuri than anything else.

            • 1 year ago

              I think it's because he finished writing Irie's story before HBR was a thing.

            • 1 year ago

              I think it's because he finished writing Irie's story before HBR was a thing.

              Yeah, there's no way this is anything other than a 2nd Beat story rehashed for the game. It's the first event so far that I've dropped and had to come back to later.

    • 1 year ago

      Absolutely. It would be an incredible exaggeration to call this a yuri game. There is barely a scratch of romance in the game, and you could easily brush it off as a joke (which the writing mostly does too).
      The main story is about friendship, adversity, and discovering more about the world and situation they find themselves in. With lots of SOL mixed in (as with most Key works).

      It's not a yuri *romance*, but "girl friendship", "girls overcoming adversity together", and "girls discovering more about the world and situation they find themselves in" still falls squarely into the yuri category.
      And they still haven't even started the true hardcore Ruka x Yuki yuri endgame that's foreshadowed by the unique seraphs and the reflection in the key visual.

  81. 1 year ago

    I dunno if the rhythm game mode is just bad on pc, or I'm just bad, but I never hit the right buttons, as it's visually hard to see on which lines these notes come on. I feel on pc at least color coding would really help here.
    It might however also just be my old music issue that I have with a lot of rhythm games. I can play an instrument, and the arbitrary placement of inputs tend to throw me really off, as the music clashes with that.

    Anyways, for the first time I saw 8 digit damage today (25m). Feeler is definitely easier than Red Crimson. No turn limit, no "can't damage me or get OD" turns. Chill battle.

    • 1 year ago

      Feeler is definitely my favorite boss fight now for that reason.

  82. 1 year ago

    How are you dealing 10 million+ damage? I've only ever been able to do Slug at 1.5 mil

    • 1 year ago

      I use the second team on the weekend boss exclusively to apply buffs and debuffs during OD3. For this latest one it was Miya's fragile x2, Hisame's light def down, X-mas Wakki's light attack buff x2, Higuchi's def down from her ultimate and then two dopings, Mion's charge from her ultimate and then Yuina-senpai hits the boss really hard. This week light attacks even got free crits, so no need for a crit boost.

      • 1 year ago

        Quite simple.
        Debuffs: Regular defense down, elemental defense down, fragile.
        Buffs: Higumin, Yunyun, elemental attack buff, charge, mind's eye.
        Add high destruction and the respective field to that and you got your big damage numbers.

        What limit break was your main dps at?

        • 1 year ago

          Broke 100 million!

          For another comparison, here is my team.
          Yuina: LB2 (Attacker)
          Miya: LB0 (Light field, fragile)
          Hisame: LB1 (Light defense down)
          YunYun: LB0 (Defense down, +Hit buff)
          Higumin: LB1 (+Crit damage)
          Minori: LB0 (Mind eye buff)

          • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Quite simple.
      Debuffs: Regular defense down, elemental defense down, fragile.
      Buffs: Higumin, Yunyun, elemental attack buff, charge, mind's eye.
      Add high destruction and the respective field to that and you got your big damage numbers.

  83. 1 year ago

    So with the AB event finally ending this week, it's finally time for another event and new banner. My guess is 31D since they are still missing the most. They have to give something to Fubuki already, right?

    • 1 year ago

      The datamined expressions in the last update point firmly towards 31E and specifically Muua. Unless there's new stuff from previous patches that hasn't been used yet, that's still my prediction.
      Fubuki having absolutely nothing is seriously sad though. 31D were hamstrung so hard by Misarin's event being terrible.

      • 1 year ago

        Oh I forgot about that. So then it'd be Yotsuha and Muua? Well hopefully the event does focus on Muua then. I don't like Yotsuha at all.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm not saying it's not happening, but don't they usually prepare these expressions for stuff that will happen in a month or two, not for something happening in a week?

  84. 1 year ago

    I just hope they reveal the new styles before the anniversary Ruka and Izumi gacha ends. They're probably the best electric styles for awhile, but they might also make Yotsuha another broken buffer

    • 1 year ago

      Well, it's like 99% guaranteed that they will reveal the new styles on stream this Thursday. I don't know if it will get datamined before the stream or not, sometimes they just randomly pre-update it early.

      • 1 year ago

        Last time they pushed the update just as the stream was ending. They'll probably do that from here on out.

  85. 1 year ago

    I think both the anniversary gacha and Angel Beats gacha should still be live when the new styles are announced, but the anniversary gacha quartz sale + tickets might end before then

  86. 1 year ago

    Wow, I remember when orb bosses came out I got mauled trying Lv 1, but with the level boost and HiguYun I'm bringing Lv3 from full DP to KO in a single ult. Sasuga meta

  87. 1 year ago

    New event.

    • 1 year ago

      Expressions really are such an easy way to guess who the next event is going to be about.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't know how they're going to give such a hedonistic degenerate a touching backstory

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago


  88. 1 year ago

    If it's two remaining 31E SS gacha + Ichiko event S, then I'm hibernating until April.

    • 1 year ago

      I'd be shocked if it was anything but that since Ichiko is the only 31E member without an S style. Best thing to do is to keep an eye on the calendar for rerun banners.

  89. 1 year ago

    Characters with no SS: Fubuki, Akari, Aina, Yotsuha (likely soon), Muua (soon), Vritika, Charlotta
    Characters with no S: Ichigo, Fubuki, Ichiko (likely soon), Chiroru, Maria
    How do we fix 31D?

    • 1 year ago

      We 31Delete them. What a weird squad of extras.

    • 1 year ago

      >How do we fix 31D?
      They will just get an event and then a non event "filler" banner later at some point like 31E got a few months ago.
      If 31X are actually relevant for 4.2 and it wasn't a random scene, then they will probably get one style with the story gacha and one style with the later story-related event.

      • 1 year ago

        >like 31E got a few months ago.
        Oh and 31X too, I forgot that YunYun + Maria was a completely random banner.

      • 1 year ago

        Also, I wonder which 31A member they are going to pick for the 4.2 gacha. A lot of users expect it to be Megumi for obvious reasons, but WFS never actually cared about that. Chapter 3 gacha was Megumi, chapter 4.1 gacha was Yuki, they only care about their own SS schedule, if they want Megumi to be this year swimsuit or yukata or something else, they are going proceed with it without thinking twice.

        • 1 year ago

          I would be really surprised if it's not her after the guest announcement. It's as if the stars have aligned for the opportunity to shill her new style.

  90. 1 year ago

    >Do one ten roll
    >It's another base sumomo dupe right after the sumomo dupe from free SS
    Amazing, 31B is my least favorite squad and I somehow got the permabenched Koju, Byakko and Sumomo to lb2.

    • 1 year ago

      The SS bloat is slowly becoming real. I'm in the opposite camp and only want 31Bs, but I keep getting SSes that will never leave the bench yet which would be really good for others, like Maria.

  91. 1 year ago

    Are they going to write an event where she meets a bunch of girls from the other squads who can interact with her masochistic tendencies in more entertaining ways than Ruka does, or is it going to be about muh sisters again?

    • 1 year ago

      They should write one where you stop posting.

      • 1 year ago

        What is this passive-aggressive moron reply? If you don't like something, talk like a normal human being, so people can understand what you're mad about.

  92. 1 year ago

    Oh fricking hell, this looks like a good one to roll on.

  93. 1 year ago

    Yeah I had a feeling they were going to give Mind Eye to more styles. Muua is probably the best healer in the game now. Kinda crazy how there's still no HP+50% for fire styles though

    • 1 year ago

      This "she's better than Higuchi, but for fire only" feels like such a desperate(but interesting) meta backpedal moment. They realized that if they continue with the current buffer trajectory, every element will have the exact save team changing only the attacker, so we're going back. Now every element will get a designated crit buffer, then they will probably start making elemental YunYuns too.

      >Yeah I had a feeling they were going to give Mind Eye to more styles.
      I find it funny how one sister just functionally replaced the other instead of rounding up the comp somehow.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah it's kinda egregious how Yotsuha and Muua pretty much replaces Ichiko and Minori. I'm fine with Muua, but Yotsuha and the trend of elemental Higuchis will presumably outright replace the original elemental buffers and I guess Higuchi once they're all here. Can't say I'm a fan of that powercreep

        • 1 year ago

          >and I guess Higuchi once they're all here
          What will actually be stronger for the thunder comp, Higuchi who can put a thunder field and use her generic crit buff, or a thunder crit buffer?

          • 1 year ago

            I thought they were going to balance the 打 weapon type in some creative way, but now every weapon type just gives 3 hits of overdrive on their normal attack. They're really not trying at all with the battle system. I do wonder how they're going to approach the remaining 4 SS debuffers. If I had to guess, they'll just make them the remaining elemental Higuchis for the heck of it. Or maybe they'll be replacing the initial fielders. I can definitely see them getting something like elemental field + vulnerable for their ult

            It depends if you need a blaster/ another healer I guess. The locked slots are Kayamori,Yunyun,Muua, and Kozue.
            For the last two slots it'll be
            Higuchi + Higuchi replacement for faster clears
            Higuchi + blaster for bigger damage
            Higuchi + healer for survivability
            Funnily enough Higuchi probably won't be replaced in thunder

            • 1 year ago

              What did they do with Ruka's autoattacks? 1.5 per swing?

            • 1 year ago

              >I thought they were going to balance the 打 weapon type in some creative way, but now every weapon type just gives 3 hits of overdrive on their normal attack. They're really not trying at all with the battle system.
              I'm honestly glad they're doing something at all instead of just not touching it. Buff the fricking stuns too while you're at it.

            • 1 year ago

              >to approach the remaining 4 SS debuffers.
              I still have no idea why they left so many debuffers for last. Remaining 4 + guaranteed Megumi SS3 soon + Miya SS2 is probably not too far away. They had the opportunity to release one now, but they went for 31E instead.

      • 1 year ago

        They've never been particularly good at balance, but now it's like they're in full headless chicken mode. It's more boring than anything.

        • 1 year ago

          >but now it's like they're in full headless chicken mode.
          It doesn't seem so to me for this specific change. I don't know if this was the correct way, but they had to do something about it. Currently, it doesn't matter what element you use, Higuchi and YunYun are just the best buffers to put in. You have them, you have your attacker, then you maybe need a healer/defender, maybe a blaster, maybe a debuffer, maybe a mind eye, and only then you see if you actually have any slots left for the elemental buffer/field. Maybe you're lucky and you have something like Miya who can do both, maybe not. That's just silly, it had to be changed somehow.
          But then again, we don't really need to use these new crit buffers, do we? I think Higuchi will still be "great enough" to clear any content in the game. Yes, your big number in the score attack won't be the biggest one anymore, but other than that it's probably just whatever, just play her anyway.

      • 1 year ago

        >This "she's better than Higuchi, but for fire only" feels like such a desperate(but interesting) meta backpedal moment.
        Doesn't feel like backpedalling at all to me, just like planned powercreep. Buffers started out as generic as possible (team wide non elemental buffs) and then became more specific (team wide elemental buffs -> targeted non elemental buffs -> targeted elemental buffs). There was no way they'd let the whales get away with using the same two buffers on every team for any significant amount of time.
        Higuchi and Yunyun are still good for f2ps because right now there's zero content that isn't trivialized by those two alone.

  94. 1 year ago

    I saw scarlet up and couldnt resist the urge to roll...ended up with Nocturne...

  95. 1 year ago

    >new styles don't have 3 passives again
    We live in a society.

  96. 1 year ago

    So, if Higuchi is generic and Yotsuha is fire, so these are 2 different effects, how are they going to stack exactly if you use both?

  97. 1 year ago

    Xmas Waki is already made irrelevant by Kanade. Once Light Higuchi gets released, she'll be less than irrelevant...

    • 1 year ago

      That entire line of buffers "Wakki > Tama > Seira" is kind of silly now. Imagine if Tsukasa alt powercreeps Tama, that would be dumb as frick.

    • 1 year ago

      To be fair, all of these elemental buffs are irrelevant, unless they are fire or ice. It's not like Shiki or Tama are that much better. A buffer's primary job is buffing, and not attacking. Attacking makes the buff weaker, which you never want.

      Anyways, we get another really good healer. Same power level as Yanagi, if not a bit better because frankly the downside of a party heal making you skip a turn is not really existing for a healer, and her buff has probably more impact. Only problem is the weird rearguard thing. This means all your supports that usually don't need to be much in the front have to come out, which, depending on the content, can be ass. On the flipside this synergizes with defenders which are basically not used? Might've been the idea, to synergize with their onee chan.

      Both are good styles I guess, but personally I'm not interested. I have none of the sisters, and this looks like it's not interesting unless you do. Also I think single target hyper buffs for as little cost as possible is better in HBR, due to the hyper carry meta. Buffing multiple chars hardly matters. When the single target super mind eye buffer comes, I'll be interested.
      Also I happen to have 3 ss healer. (4 if I count both Tama styles, though I can't use them in the same battle) I'm good.

      • 1 year ago

        >Only problem is the weird rearguard thing.
        Isn't it just for convenience? So the attacker doesn't steal the slot from any buffers, debuffers, blasters etc. doing their thing setting up the strike.

        • 1 year ago

          A lot of good units are good because they buff themselves though, and often your offensive chars are higher limit break, and as such have an easier time living. Also they want to be in the front as they need more SP.

          Take Kanade. To attack she needs a whopping 25 sp minimum. Supports often need less to do their job. I'd not call it convenience, just different. There are definitely cases where you'd be happy about it, just as much as cases where you really wouldn't be. Especially also because you can't use the buff immediately.

  98. 1 year ago

    In the end all of the Oshima sisters are setting up for the theoretical attacker they don't have.

  99. 1 year ago

    Playerbase dynamic after the anni/collab
    Teens: x2.2 times increase
    People in their 20s: x2
    In their 30s: x1.4

    • 1 year ago

      I must be the only 60 yo who is playing this

      • 1 year ago

        Look closely at February 12th. Your friend also played.

      • 1 year ago

        Sasuga jiichan

    • 1 year ago

      This will most likely frick over the chapter clearance rates. Even if there was an increase in 3/4.1 clear rate, the next graph is probably going to look even worse than the previous one.

      • 1 year ago

        Even more when some percent of the new people also make their own alts for the free quartz.

  100. 1 year ago

    8 new music files and the usual new images now in the mega: SB0088_C, SB0128, SB0129, SB0130, SB0131, SB0134, SI0077, SV0077

  101. 1 year ago

    >10 minutes to repeat things that were announced like 3 times already
    >a segment abort the year old event

  102. 1 year ago

    The event concept looks interesting, but it depends on the actual mechanics implementation. Could be really fun, could be frick this shit-tier.

  103. 1 year ago

    What's with these comedic animations, these aren't non-canon alts, it's their actual story styles.

    • 1 year ago

      On the other hand, they already did stuff like the Niina style, I'm probably being too autistic about it.

    • 1 year ago

      31E is a comedic meme squad, so it fits.

      • 1 year ago

        I understand, but what is this animation of her running even supposed to represent in battle.

        • 1 year ago

          She shot the enemy, drew their aggro, and is now running away!

        • 1 year ago

          Running to the nearest vending machine to buy refreshments for everyone.

  104. 1 year ago


  105. 1 year ago

    This banner is interesting, it's objectively very good, yet I have zero desire to roll.
    Yotsuha is strong, but I don't feel like replacing Higuchi I already have for 1 specific comp is that valuable. If it was a character I really liked, it would be different, but for now it feels like wasting my resources on something I don't need.
    Mind Eye is also very strong and useful, but it's not completely broken like YunYun buff to be a must roll style. I already have multiple healers I like and use to go for another one, I can probably get it from some character in the future.

    • 1 year ago

      If you already have a strong/cohesive comp, you shouldn't need to roll on anything. I doubt even with powercreep that they'll balance new chapters such that Higuchi/YunYun won't be good enough.
      So you can save for your favorites or whatever other criteria you want.

      • 1 year ago

        I'd assume the same. Given the nature of the game, issues won't arise from dealing damage but rather from living.
        I can see them having a "hard mode" for chapter 4.2.

        • 1 year ago

          Chie's stonks are only going up!

  106. 1 year ago

    Dungeon stacking. Only 2 for 1 but that's still better than nothing.

    • 1 year ago

      I mean they're just stacking the items. I don't see why they can't let you use up to 5 life and tickets like prism battles

      • 1 year ago

        Probably because max life is 5 and you can only pay up to 2 runs at once.

        • 1 year ago

          They should absolutely let us use 5 dungeon tickets at once though. I understand 5 life doesn't work.

          • 1 year ago

            To be honest, the 2 cost is so annoying with 5 life max. I'm not logging in twice per day anymore, so I always end up needing to do 1 prism if I do dungeons, if I actually want to spend my 5 life.
            Shouldn't complain too much though. I was there for the times without any stacking whatsoever and needing a whole lot of turns.

  107. 1 year ago

    Were there any new expressions in the update? Don't know if I should keep rolling or save for 31X.

    • 1 year ago

      Just the same as the last update for some reason.

      • 1 year ago

        Don't new expressions usually appear in in-between updates? We should get the next batch around the 25th then.

  108. 1 year ago

    which events weren't written by maeda

  109. 1 year ago

    New SA boss hits really hard and has quite a lot of DP. First time in a long while that 180k hasn't been possible for me straight away.

    • 1 year ago

      Do you use double healer? I always do when I go at higher than 91 attempts, just because it's more comfy and dealing damage isn't exactly an issue, like ever. We also got the godly event S, who is really good as a secondary healer now. 40% damage cut + party heal. Unless the border starts to be a problem, S styles can be quite useful.

      I'll check it out once I'm done with the event. My fire is pretty weak (having not a single SS of the sisters kinda does that), but it's not super awful either.

      • 1 year ago

        Zero healer (Aoi). Unfortunately at anything higher than 96, Seika1's regular doping, no matter the attack, leads to an instant break even with full LB1s (Seika1 at LB2 takes 4600), and at 97+25 Sumomo can't quite do enough damage to DP break with regular enhances as opposed to doping. Ended up having to do 98+25 with Seika, Sumomo and Aoi all breaking and it was narrowly enough with double doping.
        Unfortunately my fire is also significantly weaker (LB1 Yuki2, LB1 Ichiko, LB0 Yuri+KareTsuka+Yanagi with no other options besides maybe dropping Yurippe for Megumi1) and this SA has the double whammy of ice+thunder resist this week and nonelem resist next week, so with this boss's one and only stall turn being turn 10 with the DP up I had to spend more time figuring out the right window to do my usual setup.

    • 1 year ago

      The most annoying thing is it keeps using the attack that reduces your overdrive gauge. Ordinarily I would be able to overdrive around turn 6, but because of the constant overdrive reduction it took until turn 10 or so.

      I should probably get my third copy of the drive gain orb skill to prevent that from happening in future.

  110. 1 year ago

    Is this the first gaijin filtering event? The shop minigame is actually pretty fun, but boy do I hate spending 20+ minutes collecting materials

  111. 1 year ago

    Looking at people actually running her in the wild, Yotsuha feels like a convenience sidegrade/minmax toy rather than a gamechanger of any kind. Now I'm more interested to see how they're going to handle future YunYun-like units.

    • 1 year ago

      Makes sense, since we are at the point where we have more buffs/debuffs than you can fit in a team.
      And taking Ichiko out of your team is both good and bad. Having the extra defense is definitely useful if you are doing the harder bosses (120 SA, hard mode).

      • 1 year ago

        Waiting for the 12 char combat, where you have the boss in the center, and 3+3 chars at both sides. Buffs and heals only affect one side, but the other side can take advantage of debuffs on the boss as well.

  112. 1 year ago
  113. 1 year ago


  114. 1 year ago

    31E events are 2 for 2 so far among my top favorites. I actually even liked the shop mechanics. My one big criticism there is that they probably should have told us what your current level of popularity lets you sell before committing to it. But I apparently can't get enough of these poorgays. Not only did every sister feel like she made a significant contribution to the story, but they expanded on their characters and referenced so many other events that the whole base felt like it actually progressed since the beginning and that this event didn't happen in a vacuum. Of course it also gets bonus points for the Ruka x Yuki and Tsukasa x Karen nods.

  115. 1 year ago

    Pretty annoying 120/35 this time around. Had to double healer to keep myself alive since the boss was hitting me for 5.5k-6k DP damage on single target with the buff.

    • 1 year ago

      They really are pushing up the power of these bosses to get you to buy the powercreep units. Kinda annoying. Not only does this stupid thing have really high DP but it hits really hard too AND has low max DR.

      • 1 year ago

        >Not only does this stupid thing have really high DP
        They're trying to make people to use breakers somehow.

        • 1 year ago

          You mean those units that fricking suck because the difficulty of the enemies quickly eclipsed the potential of current units? Yeah I guess making the enemies harder would fix that.

          • 1 year ago

            I mean how else are you gonna raise the value of breakers?

        • 1 year ago

          Give me Hisame SS2 and I will.

          • 1 year ago

            Sorry, she's busy supporting both light AND dark teams.
            I wonder if we ever get a hybrid like this again.

            • 1 year ago

              >Sorry, she's busy supporting both light AND dark teams.
              They are probably going to replace her later. If they're willing to completely powercreep elemental buffers like they did with Yotsuha, Hisame sitting on two important debuffs is even more shaky.
              >I wonder if we ever get a hybrid like this again.
              In the previous thread there was a prediction that they would release a fire and ice unit for the fire and ice story chapter, but I don't know.

  116. 1 year ago

    rate the new event

    • 1 year ago

      One of the better ones, up there with U140.

    • 1 year ago

      I fricking hate the dungeon farming, absolute trash

    • 1 year ago

      Both of their events are well written, but I'm still not into most of their team members, so it's okay, I guess?
      I'm also starting to feel that 31E will get fricked the most by the plot, they get too much of their worldbuilding in the events.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't know. I'm sure Oshima fans would love this event, but I'm kinda indifferent with the Oshimas. They're easily the most straightforward? characters and it feels like all their stories revolve around the family rather than themselves. It definitely is a welcome dynamic, but there should be a balance too.
      very straightforward very oshima. I like how they remembered Mari, but the whole shop thing really came out of nowhere, especially for someone like Muua. In that regard it feels like the Mari event all over again where they give this simple character a comically dramatic history. I wonder if there will be more characters tied to this underground society thing though. Maybe Ichigo, Sumomo, and Inori could be related too? The research dialogs were nice. My favorite being Hisame and Inori, which means this event takes place after the Inori event.
      Selling and research was fun. Dungeons are not fun. Simple as

  117. 1 year ago

    This guy is probably half of this game's revenue.

    • 1 year ago

      FTP actually, I'm just lucky

  118. 1 year ago

    was it rape?

  119. 1 year ago

    How much bank did you make? I wonder what items you would need to sell to make 600k. Obviously you would want to do all the research items, but is it even worth it to sell onigiri on the last week just for Maki when they're so cheap?

    • 1 year ago

      560k. I just made as many of the high value items as I could. There was one item that still had a downward arrow despite being in the highest popularity level, so I don't know if increasing it further would have made it sell better.

  120. 1 year ago

    Ending of the AB collab. I don't know why we couldn't get this in game, but it is what it is.

    • 1 year ago

      Wow, that only would've been a pretty great ending if they actually put it in.

      • 1 year ago

        I assume wfs were like
        >Maeda bro, we don't know if there will be a 2nd collab or not, and how it's going to connect with the first one, so don't disappear them yet please

        • 1 year ago

          Probably want to get Sekine in and add more girls. Would prefer Shiina, but it will probably be Yui and Iwasawa.

  121. 1 year ago

    >Fragile is being treated like a completely normal utility effect
    >Mind Eye is being hyped like an insane ability, a gift from the god
    Why? Am I not getting something?

    • 1 year ago

      A debuff which only lasts for 1 turn, so needs proper timing. You can usually only stack it during overdrive, which may or may not be hard to get depending on the boss
      Has a wider distribution with 2 good styles getting it (Kozue - gets misfortune and lightning defense down, Megumi - gets defense down), 1 great style getting it (Maki - doubles as a blaster), and 1 specialized style getting it (Miya - also has light field)
      >Mind's Eye
      A buff that doesn't trigger from regular attacks, so can be stacked freely
      Has limited distribution. Minori was only good for fire teams and if you used her for any other comp, you would be taking up someone else's slot. Meanwhile fragile users could play other roles (def down, field). And of course tenshi could only be used in light teams

      The reason why Muua is so great is that she's the first ever MindEye style that is both universal and can serve another role (healer). She's almost on the level of Yunyun

      • 1 year ago

        Isn't Fragile itself a bit on the rare side? I haven't kept track of who has it because normally I ignore the boss weakness, but I still don't have any SSes with it.

        • 1 year ago

          5 characters have it. It was only on Miya and Megumi for a while, but since then some more characters have gotten it.

        • 1 year ago

          Not anymore, no, but fragile was actually more rare back then than mind eye is now. It took them around 8 months to get more than 2 fragile users out, mind eye already got 3 different characters using it in 4 months and they obviously aren't going to stop there either.

          • 1 year ago

            I think we'll see more fragiles than mindeyes given that there's 4 debuffers on the way. The only style I can see getting mindeye in the next month or so is Akari.
            Of the 4 debuffers, I can see them giving fragile and elemental fields to Fubuki, Sharo, and Vritica to mimic Miya. Meanwhile Aina could go either way. She could just get something boring like rousing spirit, or maybe revive to finally give Tama competition, or maybe a new effect like DP guts.
            After that, we'll finally be in the wild west where every style onwards is an alt

  122. 1 year ago

    >all this for a measly 150k GP
    Mari makes more in a single sale. Step up your game or you'll never make it in the real world Ooshimaya

  123. 1 year ago

    So, finally done with the event. 665k at the end, netting a skill guide and a bunch of things I can't carry. I made a billion food at the end, and the madwomen at this base bought almost all of it. Holy crap.

    I'd rank this event last. Not because of the story, though this part isn't too strong either. It does nothing for quite a while to the point you wonder if there's even something, and what is happening is pretty meh as well. I also still dislike that they do these stories about the past after 4.1. I pray they stop with 4.2 releasing. I REALLY fricking hope so. I really can't care. I'd rather have something like the last event on the island story-wise, where that at least doesn't have any impact.

    What killed this for me were the dungeons. Not only are they boring for a lot of players, no, you also basically have to manual if you want to be efficient. Not even life refreshes allowed. What a royal waste of time. The entire event felt like it had more "gameplay" than anything else because of this.
    The shop part was actually fine and enjoyable enough. But holy crap the dungeons. I really didn't need to go in there 4 damn times. A skill guide made this kinda worth..? I dunno.

    • 1 year ago

      >I also still dislike that they do these stories about the past after 4.1.
      Why? There's nothing wrong with exploring the other characters' storylines, and they rarely require the main story to be developed. I don't see why everything has to be story relevant to be enjoyable.

      • 1 year ago

        Because of spoiler reasons. It's not their past, and it's questionable if any of it happened to begin with.

        >I also still dislike that they do these stories about the past after 4.1. I pray they stop with 4.2 releasing. I REALLY fricking hope so. I really can't care. I'd rather have something like the last event on the island story-wise, where that at least doesn't have any impact.
        I think I would've dropped the game ages ago if I'd stopped caring like you have. Less touched-upon squads having their dynamics explored further is the perfect way to tide things over until 4.2, and events like this are a rare silver lining in the otherwise terrible 9 month wait that we're still in the middle of. 31F and now 31E have greatly benefited from being put in the spotlight, because it creates a solid baseline for those post-4.1 stories you want more of to build upon.
        Plus, Maeda's just straight-up good at this and 31E does not yet suffer from 31A's (and 31B's to a lesser extent) issue of having been the focus of far too many pre-chapter 3/4.1 events. Considering the alternative (Iroha's event, which isn't even hers really), I'll gladly take this instead. Now I just want 31D and 31X to get the same treatment and then he can do whatever he wants. Preferably more in-your-face yuri for a change.

        I've been with HBR for quite some time and told myself I'm gonna see where it goes. It has a massive amount of issues, also with its gameplay, but it also has a lot of really positive things. Even the gameplay is slowly changing for the better.
        There's also Aoi's story which is solely based around her as a seraph, so even retrospectively it's good, and that includes the summer event, the Iroha interlude, and some events don't go too deep into stuff like that, so it's also okay. Sure, it's random as frick to get that mermaid on this island, but at the same time it's also rather interesting. This one is one of the very little truths we can actually believe about the world we see. Only things our main characters experienced together with us, and what the senpai know from their time as seraph are likely true. But all the memories from before that are a big question mark. This mermaid isn't subject to this.

        Even if they can't lock everything behind 4.1, I feel like they can do more implications like this. Gives food for thought, which in itself is a healthy thing.
        Though again, while I just felt the story to be meh and I'd like things to go a little different, the dungeons killed it for me hard. Fricked the pacing really badly as well.

        • 1 year ago

          I mean, if you go there, then it's questionable whether many of these non-story related events are even canon for the main story or if it's something that happened in the other worlds/timelines. The main story chapters actually don't have any long enough empty windows for all of this shit to happen.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah I've played 4.1, don't worry. But that doesn't automatically make me disinterested in their entire lives. In fact I play these story events and start to wonder how they ended up dying in the end. Simply because the characters we see aren't the metaphysical characters that they are doesn't mean that I can't relate to an emotional story involving them, in fact I think it's incredibly autistic to take the developments of 4.1 and think that automatically makes every story about those characters pasts completely uninteresting especially considering the entire emotional crux of that chapter requires you relate to both them as an identity and them as who they are right now.

        • 1 year ago

          It's incredibly autistic to be paranoid about the possibility that one day they'll go "Hey you know that one backstory told in that one story event? Sorry, it was a fake memory implanted by the military hahaha".
          Backstories are assumed to be true because that's how narrative and storytelling works.

          • 1 year ago

            While he's autistic in this specific case, I wouldn't be surprised if they will later do a DUN DUN DUUUN reveal that Karen-chan "forgot" a bunch of shady government missions she was used for or that Megumi got years of her psychic training erased so she won't do any funky shit. Tama who was directly in the military is potentially a black box of hidden bullshit.

          • 1 year ago

            It's neither autistic nor paranoid. When the entire plot is about this very thing, then this question will naturally come up.

            Assuming anything right now is ultimately just that: Guesswork. Just like nobody can say "that will definitely be a thing", nobody can say the opposite either. That is the entire damn point and why the characters struggle.

            "You are what you think you are" is very true, and once you realize that has been fake, that isn't actually "you", shit isn't easy to deal with. Some figured they want to keep going with what they know is real and true to them, their current lives as Seraph. Megumi couldn't. She relied on something in the past to fuel her. And while she tried to find something in the present, she failed. For now.

            Of course, it could be that somehow this past is actually of real people and their memories, and perhaps you can find yourself to believe in that being you, and you've just been reborn. Or perhaps that's not the case at all. Perhaps it's all just invented, because feelings are what powers Seraph, and you can't really get that by having them start at literally 0.
            Perhaps it's half and half. We do not know. Nobody remembering how they died is most definitely convenient as frick and not just a coincidence. No need to remember the details, but getting closer to the point of death? Nothing? Really? Yeah, no. It's incredibly weirdly twisted, that they managed to get them to never doubt their life, until they literally got explanations due to seeing something they should've not seen as far as the military code goes.

            Given all of that going on, wondering why exactly one should care about the past of a character that is a seraph, I simply don't know. If we'd at least know they have to be true. But we really, unfortunately don't. If you can believe that for yourself, that's nice I suppose. What do they say: "Ignorance is bliss". That is something the characters also had to experience themselves.

            • 1 year ago

              if you're going to schizopost at least make it funny

              • 1 year ago

                You can tell it's from the aoigay with bad takes.

    • 1 year ago

      >I also still dislike that they do these stories about the past after 4.1. I pray they stop with 4.2 releasing. I REALLY fricking hope so. I really can't care. I'd rather have something like the last event on the island story-wise, where that at least doesn't have any impact.
      That's the problem and the trap they put themselves into, you kinda can't do that right now. Events are the monthly content, you can't limit this monthly content to only like 15% of the playerbase, especially when they just started 2 new servers. They even had to invent a prelude "fragment" format and do 2 events in a month to dance around it for that Iroha thing. At some point they will have to say "fricking enough" and progress to the new status quo fricking over anyone who isn't ready in the process. But not after 4.2, the playerbase isn't ready for that yet.

      I think we'll see more fragiles than mindeyes given that there's 4 debuffers on the way. The only style I can see getting mindeye in the next month or so is Akari.
      Of the 4 debuffers, I can see them giving fragile and elemental fields to Fubuki, Sharo, and Vritica to mimic Miya. Meanwhile Aina could go either way. She could just get something boring like rousing spirit, or maybe revive to finally give Tama competition, or maybe a new effect like DP guts.
      After that, we'll finally be in the wild west where every style onwards is an alt

      >given that there's 4 debuffers
      That doesn't say much to be honest. After light buffer(attacker) Wakki and thunder buffer(healer) Tama, I'm sure they can just give anything to anyone.

    • 1 year ago

      >I also still dislike that they do these stories about the past after 4.1. I pray they stop with 4.2 releasing. I REALLY fricking hope so. I really can't care. I'd rather have something like the last event on the island story-wise, where that at least doesn't have any impact.
      I think I would've dropped the game ages ago if I'd stopped caring like you have. Less touched-upon squads having their dynamics explored further is the perfect way to tide things over until 4.2, and events like this are a rare silver lining in the otherwise terrible 9 month wait that we're still in the middle of. 31F and now 31E have greatly benefited from being put in the spotlight, because it creates a solid baseline for those post-4.1 stories you want more of to build upon.
      Plus, Maeda's just straight-up good at this and 31E does not yet suffer from 31A's (and 31B's to a lesser extent) issue of having been the focus of far too many pre-chapter 3/4.1 events. Considering the alternative (Iroha's event, which isn't even hers really), I'll gladly take this instead. Now I just want 31D and 31X to get the same treatment and then he can do whatever he wants. Preferably more in-your-face yuri for a change.

  124. 1 year ago

    I wonder if these new mini games(cooking/shop) are a consequence of the 4.2 development cycle. Megumi probably won't have any cancer fights in her parts of the story, so they probably came up with some minigame to compensate for that. And then they were like "What if we did something like that in the normal events too?"

    • 1 year ago

      A Yakuza-style set of mini games for Megumi's life in the dome would be very strange but also hilarious.

  125. 1 year ago

    >Yukki's comment after getting her the lip balm
    They should just frick already. Also Megumi remains the funniest moron. My only gripe with the fetch quests was they didn't make a little step stool model for Tama to stand on after you get her one, I would've lost it.

    • 1 year ago

      Seems like I missed out by fast forwarding through all the “waiting for customers” segments

      • 1 year ago

        It's not in that segment but in the overworld, when you walk past her after giving her the lip balm her line changes from the one about microfiber cloth to "Ruka has been staring at my lips a lot lately..."

  126. 1 year ago
  127. 1 year ago

    I rerolled during the last week of the AB! event, my only goal was Yunyun + Aoi which I actually managed to get, after that 20 rolls on the AB banner got me Kanade and another 20 on the Muua/Yotsuha banner for A-san.
    I'll still get Yurippe and another free SS from tickets so this account is looking surprisingly decent now.

    • 1 year ago

      Just got Muua at 30 rolls and I feel like I'm already set in terms of meta. Aoi + Muua are enough to never die and Yunyun + Muua buff enough to kill everything.
      I'll probably save the rest of my starter rolls for the Inori/Maki banner in two weeks since I figure I can now pretty much just roll for who I like.

      • 1 year ago

        that's what people who had seira felt like at the start

        • 1 year ago

          >at the start
          It's how i still feel. I'm not rolling until she Tama and my cursed LB2 Chie fail me.

  128. 1 year ago

    Is it worth spending tokens to lb achan?

    • 1 year ago

      she's definitely the best dps early game, but without an element she loses out on - fragile, mindeye, elemental defense down, elemental attack up, weakness bonus, etc. That along with some later dungeon bosses resisting neutral damage makes typeless attackers a risky investment. Maxing out her welfare also gives you a level 120 cap already. Honestly the only dps I would consider investing in are overtuned ones like tenshi or suit ruka. I personally wouldn't invest LBs into dps at all (not more than 1 at least or unless their lb 3 passive is really good) since it's the buffs and debuffs that really scale their damage. The best styles to invest in imo are ones that you want sitting around to soak up damage, but also do something good with their passive. So healers like Tama, Muua, or Yanagi that give DP recovery every turn. I guess you could LB dps styles if you don't have any good buffers, but if you want to boost their damage without lb, I would just shuttle run to max out their skill level instead

      • 1 year ago

        That is not a negative. For 18 SP and 3 turns in the front, setting up 2 of them (good to combine with Higuchi's buffs), she has an ice attack with 3100 ish base power. That is more than enough to deal major amount of damage. And in general some of the absolute highest power any blaster has.
        It only doesn't work with yunyun, but in a way that is kinda a plus as well, opening up other things.

        The only reason to not give her a limit break is, that her style itself is whatever, and the moment an alt gets released, her current style becomes obsolete if you get the new one.
        It's really hard justifying giving an LB to a first SS style, given the current system. Any alt with a good ultimate you like isn't going to run into this problem, until they change how generalize works. But if they'd ever do that we don't know. I actually hate that this even exists. They really feared that people don't want alts back then. It completely robs the identity of vanilla SS styles outside of their lb3 boost, but that is entirely irrelevant for the vast majority of players.

  129. 1 year ago

    I didn't think it was possible to cap out on GP, damn.

    • 1 year ago

      Whoa whats the cap?

      • 1 year ago

        100 million.

  130. 1 year ago

    this might've obvious from the get go since Yotsuha is the fourth child of the 6 siblings but still have the body of a child. Unless it's just that kind of trope, I think it's save to assume that Yotsuha died the youngest compared to the other siblings.

    • 1 year ago

      Mua and Isuzu casually calling Yotsuha as their Nee-san is pretty funny and sad. I doubt they even realize it themselves nor remember how she died since being a Naby pretty much distorts their reality to fit the environment.

    • 1 year ago

      explains why at the end, there was abit of a small reveal that Yotsuha's potato flavor croquette turns out to be resembling the flavor of Ichiko's recipe the most. Since you know.. her memory is the most fresh regarding their childhood. Maeda is planting seeds already.

  131. 1 year ago

    Oshimaya huh.. I was always wondering why the Ooshimas are chosen to be in the Seraph. The new event shed just a bit of light regarding as to why the military chose them. Interesting that they'll drop that info on the event.
    To my surprise, this event have more substance compared to the usual events that felt 'slightly' like filler for sure. Felt like this is phase 2 in terms of the importance of these side story to the overall main one.

    • 1 year ago

      Maeda is setting up for the human society factions for some time already.
      >military clearly trying to hide shit from "someone" in the tower
      >some non-affiliated entities conducting cancer research
      >psychic organization who were assembling forces to protect Earth, yet we never heard anything about them in the present
      and now this. I guess you can't just throw some bigger cancer at your characters every single chapter and call it a day, the setting will grow wider.

      • 1 year ago

        I mean yeah I know that already.
        I'm talking about the quality of this event in terms of how it matters to the overall story is more 'noticeable' compared to the others,
        The fact that they finally gave away a piece of vital connection regarding the Ooshima sisters and as to why the military 'recruited' them is the proof of that.

    • 1 year ago

      Ooshimaya (a black market for smuggled overseas weapons)

      >did they fueled the start of World War 3?
      >does the assassin sisters got their weapons from them or possibly from the Satsuki family?
      >does the mob (Aoi-.. I mean Jasmine's family) have gotten their weapons from them?
      >Which 31X members do you think have some connections to the Ooshimaya? That seems to be rooted way back their great grandfathers.

    • 1 year ago

      Whoever suggested that they're getting substantive events because their story's probably not going to be touched on in the main story makes the most sense to me. The only other substantive events have been epilogues to story chapters

  132. 1 year ago

    200% week is here. Who are you gonna spend it on?

    • 1 year ago

      Spent it on Kanade already. Dunno if I immediately spend the next 100%. No rush.

    • 1 year ago

      Lb1 Maria but I'm gonna wait until end of next week.
      >Needs a lot of turns on the front row to build tokens
      > SP hungry
      >Improvement to 1 turn nukes
      >Based on 4.2 title there might be a fire/ice boss
      >I still don't have a single ss2 so i might as well give it to somebody who's gonna get hers later.

      • 1 year ago

        I don't see myself ever investing in any token based attackers after they started releasing these 50% HP + buff/debuff monsters, unless it's my most favorite character ever.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm thinking of using just 100% to get Blaster Yuina to LB2. I've been hoping to use it on Higuchi, but I only have her regular SS.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm waiting for Sharo's SS on the 23rd

  133. 1 year ago

    It would be interesting if there were abilities to let other units farm tokens for you. Like you tag a debuffer and she farms your tokens while putting her debuffs out.

  134. 1 year ago

    Shame I can't slot Maki for my current setup, I would be doing 800k or so. Double healer or I eat shit.

  135. 1 year ago

    Mari's interactions with Muua and the implication that they've been happening for a while now really makes me wish we could get bond and memory events from the POV of characters other than Ruka. Such a great way to breathe life into characters and create new dynamics.

  136. 1 year ago

    Confused HBR thread poster
    >why don't they celebrate valentines???
    Ascended HBR twitter guy
    >celebrates Pi day https://twitter.com/heavenburnsred/status/1635475838408720384

  137. 1 year ago

    Capitalism, ho!

  138. 1 year ago

    It's finally the Aoi/yukata Yuki rerun banner and now I remembered how there was a 2nd gacha S Tama in there. What was up with that? I thought they were going to keep releasing these, yet there was no follow up at all.

    • 1 year ago

      There has been, just not a whole lot. Kura's event S from the Yuina event was her second one, as is Niina's event S from the current event.

      • 1 year ago

        Event welfare style + gacha style is not the same as 2 gacha styles. Tama is the only character like that in the entire game.

        • 1 year ago

          Tama was also the first with 3 SS gacha styles. Tama tama dayo.

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah, but getting styles earlier isn't even a good thing in this game, her thunder debuff is already destined to get powercreeped by a future thunder crit unit. It wouldn't be like that if it was released a few months later instead.

            • 1 year ago

              I meant buff. But it would be interesting to see if they can come up with a new debuff when there are 4-5 debuffers that will be released soon.

            • 1 year ago

              Eh. Tama is currently one of the strongest elec hitters in the game. Only one competing is MC alt alt. She has gigantic wis gain, similar to her base style at 70% without LB, and basically deals damage like one or two LB higher normal offensive chars as a result. Stacking wis is also much more efficient than having to deal with two stats. Her ult has normal single target power, so nothing fancy, but much more than say Shiki has. The enhance on top of it, and she hits hard. Very hard.
              Yes, weird for a.. "healer", but that's just how it is. There are only 3 wis scaling ultimates in the game. I don't actually know Mom's wis gain by heart, but Miko has horrendous wis gain in comparison, and her ult is STILL really damn good, to this very day.

              For whales it's uninteresting perhaps, but for normal players who don't have everything at super high LB, Tama's second alt is extremely powerful for elec teams. Just do not mistake her as a simple buffer like Wakki alt or Shiki. Those are shit as frick low base power ultimates.

  139. 1 year ago
  140. 1 year ago

    Really struggling to decide if I should do a spark on the popular banner, or try my luck on Muua. Both have their advantages.

  141. 1 year ago

    I've never had a full spark in my bank despite skipping 90% of banners
    probably because I missed about 100 days of login bonuses and daily missions...
    this game is painful

  142. 1 year ago

    >not saving your spark for HBR 2

  143. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      B-But you can do two runs at once now.

      I'm just starting in 46, bop the boss after collecting extra turn and then autorun to the room in 48 where a drop is, collect it, and peace out. I feel like these upgrades are actually pretty damn good on supports, but I can't be bothered to do more. Considering how long other dailies in gacha tend to take, doing a 10-15min dungeon per day isn't any different.

      The true evil is shuttle running. Even more potent than these things you can grind in that dungeon, yet taking for fricking ever.

  144. 1 year ago

    >hashtag pictures background is different now
    Are they just fricking around?

  145. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago


  146. 1 year ago

    the pacing of the story chapters (the way they justify having constant battle content) is pretty awful. Reminds me of early FGO and their fricking wyverns.

  147. 1 year ago

    Are the default gamepad controls for the rhythm game mode the norm for such games? I'm having a really hard time with this layout.

  148. 1 year ago

    does anyone here actually fight the score attack over and over to get all the tickets?

    • 1 year ago

      No. I'm long since past the time I needed to be "efficient". I only log in once per day, too.
      I struggle more dealing with not capping out on tickets / life stones.

    • 1 year ago

      I do. It's not the most enjoyable thing, but rewards are rewards. Using all the dungeon tickets is more tedious than that since the higher hoju floors can't be auto'd.

    • 1 year ago

      I usually use one of my prism teams on auto against an easy level to get that, but yeah I do.

  149. 1 year ago

    who's clit did achan lick to be spared from the gaijin squad

  150. 1 year ago

    HBR live is today. I don't think they're going to announce anything of relevance there, but I will look for it.

  151. 1 year ago

    Flowers from Megumi's VA.

  152. 1 year ago

    Flowers from Yuugen.

    • 1 year ago

      Oh, I'm moronic.

  153. 1 year ago

    Cancer invasion in the venue.

  154. 1 year ago

    HEAVEN BURNS RED LIVE 2022. Even if you don't care about the performances, there are multiple original 31A segments on

  155. 1 year ago

    Karen's VA did a Before I Rise cover too. To be honest, you can see her being slightly butthurt about Karen having separate vocals from time to time, so I'm not surprised.

  156. 1 year ago

    Okay, between popular and new banner I decided to go with the new banner after all. Didn't need to spark though, so big win in my book. Got Ichigo lb1, as well as Yanagi lb2 now.

    I think, double healer will be a thing for a decent chunk of content, this will be nice. Though Yanagi REALLY doesn't want to get replaced.

  157. 1 year ago

    Are we getting a new banner this week or nah?

    • 1 year ago

      I'd be surprised if not.

  158. 1 year ago

    >new styles & future updates
    Wonder if they are going to pre-upload leak it tomorrow again.

  159. 1 year ago

    tfw most hbr fanart is AI generated

    • 1 year ago

      Is it? I've got that one setting on Pixiv turned on and I hardly ever see any, and certainly none of the artists I follow have ever shared AI art. HBR just doesn't get much much in the way of art in general.

    • 1 year ago

      I've never seen one at all

      • 1 year ago

        New Chie attack is CON scaled. Is it good? I have no idea how her stats are.

        I've seen some, but there aren't much, probably like 1% at best.

  160. 1 year ago

    and because of that, now more people are making hbr AI art just to spite him

    • 1 year ago

      Very nice

  161. 1 year ago

    I hope Chie's new style is broken with her S skill. Also kinda confirms that next month's event is 31D

    • 1 year ago

      >Also kinda confirms that next month's event is 31D
      Is it though? If we're getting a 31D style now, then the banner we're getting in 2 weeks doesn't have to be them, no? Like, it can still be, but the probabilty is lower now.

      • 1 year ago

        I mean it just makes sense to me that they'd want to finish the final 2 members like they've been doing with the other teams. It could be 31X, but I feel like they're saving them for 4.2. It could still go either way, but 31D is looking really likely. That or they'll pull a 30G and Yuina out of nowhere because of the popularity poll.

        Styles datamine is up. Okay, this is a real skip banner if I ever seen one. At least you can finally remove Hisame from the dark party, if you want.

        It's sad. If Chie even had a HP+30%, she'd be really good. But at this state even Misarin contests with her. Also they really screwed Ichiko over. If she got a heal over turn then she can still be used for tanking. Guess the card art reflects her sad state

        • 1 year ago

          >It's sad. If Chie even had a HP+30%, she'd be really good. But at this state even Misarin contests with her.
          Huh? You know Chie has the OP +hit buff right? And her new ult scales off 1 stat, is elemental (dark), and has high damage. She actually has the highest damage attack now, beating out Maria. And she will reach higher damage easier, thanks to CON scaling. And unlike Tama's WIS scaling, having high CON is actually useful.
          The only gotcha of course is that you need to spend 24 SP on the ult, but to say Misarin contests her is wrong.

          • 1 year ago

            Misato got actually pretty okay after the recent blunt normal attack OD change. OD is much easier to gain now, which plays into her hands. I have an LB1 Misato, and will likely use her when the opportunity arises.

            Still absolutely dogshit in dungeons, but alas.

            • 1 year ago

              Misato does 12510x1.3=16263 damage
              Chie does 13365*3.4=45441 damage
              Feel free to use her if you want, but they are not comparable.

              • 1 year ago

                I hope they'll go back and buff some of the old SSes one day. A defender and a healer leaving actual attackers in the dust really drives home just how boring the recent powercreeping spree has become.

              • 1 year ago

                >defender and a healer leaving actual attackers in the dust
                I think they made a big mistake with the class names being too generic. If "defender" was actually "paladin"(not literally, but something like it that makes sense for sci-fi) nobody would question it having attacking capabilities.

              • 1 year ago

                They could've also kept going with the old trend of changing classes for different styles, like making Maria and Chie attackers, or Wakki's alt a buffer.

              • 1 year ago

                They could, but they deliberately pursue class mismatches for some reason. Like Vritika with her defender seraph, provoke, attack down being a debuffer, even though debuffers are one of the most populated classes and defenders are the least populated class. Maybe her SS is going to be a defender though.

              • 1 year ago

                The defender label for Chie makes sense since they want her her selfish attacker DPS gimmick represent an aspect of her personality. This contrast only works if she's a class that normally doesn't have that capabilty, like a "friendly" healer/defender class. Same concept as Maria.

              • 1 year ago

                You can't compare stuff like that. And you know that yourself.
                You need way more SP with Chie, and on top of that any LB advantage is not something she'll ever beat either. Old SS tend to have this advantage. You have dupes.

              • 1 year ago

                Old styles that 12510 x 1.3 just aren't great. Not just Misarin, but Fire Ruka too. Not to say they aren't usable, but they have a lot lower firepower.
                Now you are right that you can't 100% compare 1:1, because you always use an attacker in a party. So the question is what party are you using for each?
                Chie, Fubuki, Higuchi, Shiki, Iroha, <Healer>
                Misato, Fubuki, YunYun, Shiki, Iroha, <Healer>

                Getting to use YunYun is a big benefit. From there it looks more like (100% DR, full buff/debuff)
                Misato: ~1.7M
                Chie: ~2.8M

                Very dependent on having YunYun for Misato though. And Chie still has 65% damage over her, without including the fact that you only need to max CON as Chie.

              • 1 year ago

                >Misato, Fubuki, YunYun, Shiki, Iroha, <Healer>
                Is it even worth to use Shiki or Iroha over Higuchi?

              • 1 year ago

                Assuming you already have YunYun for the doping level enhance:
                Higuchi adds 40% damage (1.5->2.1 crit damage)
                Iroha adds 50% damage (field)
                Shiki adds ~65% damage (2x dark enhance+charge) or ~49% damage if you use Yanagi for charge.
                You could still use Higuchi over Iroha for a small loss in damage but gain in convenience, I definitely would unless I couldn't break DP without the extra.

              • 1 year ago

                This is just "I want the highest number", which is pointless. Convenience also doesn't matter there anymore. You are so utterly inconvenient already, may as well go all the way.

                The good thing about Higuchi alt, Yunyun and such is that you get very quickly to surprisingly good damage, which is enough for almost every single scenario. If it's not, then the answer is usually: Blaster. All the setup in the world is never beating a 999% blaster.

              • 1 year ago

                Yes, use the crit damage orb.

              • 1 year ago

                Isn't Misato 15,512 (at rank 13 & overdrive) * 147 (max scaling) * 1.3 (HP+30%)

                and Chie 15,770 (rank 10) * 149 (max scaling)

                I mean you can count Chie's S skill too, but then you would have to factor in Yunyun for Misato

              • 1 year ago


                Old styles that 12510 x 1.3 just aren't great. Not just Misarin, but Fire Ruka too. Not to say they aren't usable, but they have a lot lower firepower.
                Now you are right that you can't 100% compare 1:1, because you always use an attacker in a party. So the question is what party are you using for each?
                Chie, Fubuki, Higuchi, Shiki, Iroha, <Healer>
                Misato, Fubuki, YunYun, Shiki, Iroha, <Healer>

                Getting to use YunYun is a big benefit. From there it looks more like (100% DR, full buff/debuff)
                Misato: ~1.7M
                Chie: ~2.8M

                Very dependent on having YunYun for Misato though. And Chie still has 65% damage over her, without including the fact that you only need to max CON as Chie.

                where I did a more thorough look. But you have to include Chie's S, otherwise she isn't even worth talking about.
                You can't take Misato+YunYun plain against Chie because that's 2 party members vs 1, but you can compare 2 full parties.

  162. 1 year ago

    Styles datamine is up. Okay, this is a real skip banner if I ever seen one. At least you can finally remove Hisame from the dark party, if you want.

  163. 1 year ago

    It's the future assets update patch, we will probably learn about the next event squad as soon as the datamine anon does his thing. Maybe even with some micro 4.2 spoilers too.

  164. 1 year ago

    This is kind of obscure, but how the frick do I use game/window capture on the pc version of this game? Obviously monitor capture works, but whenever I try the other 2 the feed is just a frozen screenshot of my current window.

    • 1 year ago

      Do you have a dual-GPU laptop?
      Try forcing your recording software to use the same GPU as the game.

      • 1 year ago

        nah I'm on a desktop with only one GPU installed
        I figured it might even be some anti datamining measure since I can't get this shit to work but if nobody else has the issue it must be a problem with my system

        • 1 year ago

          Are you using something like vntranslator or some other tool overlaid on top of the game? Me and a friend of mine both had this issue with a couple of different tools.

        • 1 year ago

          >I figured it might even be some anti datamining measure
          If they really cared about datamining, they would stop leaking banners before the streams almost every time.

  165. 1 year ago

    >So, the last SS debuffer we released 5 months ago was fragile + status down. Now it's time to release a new one. What are we going to do with her?
    >Uhm... Ehm... I know! Let's give her a fragile+status down ult!
    Can debuffers get at least like 10% of the love they give to their buffing styles? How can one side get crit chance, crit damage, multi hit, heal+buff combo etc., and the other one just gets the same fricking abilities rehashed over and over again.

  166. 1 year ago

    >Megumi VA guest

  167. 1 year ago

    4/20 - 4.2 reveal stream with Megumi VA(nice date btw)
    4/6 - 4.1 retrospective stream. They haven't teased the event, but they almost never do, so I assume there will still be something.

    • 1 year ago

      >4/6 - 4.1 retrospective stream.
      I misheard, it's ch.1 and ch.2 again.

      • 1 year ago

        Wtf why.
        Most memorable part is the PV spoiling the end of chapter 2 for everyone before even starting the game.

        • 1 year ago

          I don't know why, this will be like the 3rd or 4th time they do it. I guess the next stream after that will cover ch.3 and ch.4.1 then.

  168. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Don't hurt yourself Megumi

    • 1 year ago

      If it's dialogue-related and not just "go there/don't go there" kind of stuff, I hope she will get her own alternative to Ruka's clown choices, like an option to scream at everyone you meet or something like that.

      • 1 year ago

        And of course the option to invite e-girls into the bath.

  169. 1 year ago

    Some new expressions:
    Byakko: Sadness, Special1
    Fubuki: Serious2
    Ichiko: GreatFatigue, Superiority2
    Minori: Neutral2
    Niina: Neutral2

    Unfortunately there seems to be an issue with Mouth_03 in Ichiko's GreatFatigue. I hope the next iteration of her faces fixes it because I sure can't imagine finding the motivation to do it manually.

    • 1 year ago

      >Byakko: Sadness, Special1
      Legendary Byakko event?

  170. 1 year ago
  171. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago
  172. 1 year ago

    Warning: Fubuki's character story contains a lethal amount of cringe.

  173. 1 year ago

    Is there an alternative to seraph day? Doesn't work for me on firefox or on chrome (mobile) for a while. I know there's the JP site where you can also get dungeon maps and stuff, but they don't have detailed numbers for attacks and such.

    • 1 year ago

      seraph.day is https://hbr.quest/ now.

      • 1 year ago

        Ah, that explains it. Thanks anon.

  174. 1 year ago

    Is having misfortune slapped on an ult being overdrive-only even a good thing? Yes, you automatically get it in a big combo, but it's one of the few debuff effects you can just casually use in battle and now you can't.

    • 1 year ago

      I thought misfortune pretty much has no effect when you crit since the -50 to enemy border just overwrites it

      • 1 year ago

        That's just damage. Misfortune main uses are:
        1. Improving debuffs for your big turn
        2. Lowering enemy damage

        #1 works with Fubuki's ult. It doesn't help at all for #2 though, that's where Kozue is great with a 4SP misfortune. It's not as good as a defender damage cut, but you can spam it.

    • 1 year ago

      I think she not being elemental is the bigger issue. Fragile is good, but not having any element on your ult nowadays feels just bad.

  175. 1 year ago

    If we're talking about new styles, I have to say that Chie's ""condition"" is dumb as frick. "Your ult costs 7 SP if you used a multi turn 3SP ability you're permanently using anyway" isn't a fricking condition, it just means her ult costs 7SP.

  176. 1 year ago

    Oh boy, blast from the past. Another event with triple medals. Turns out I never got the bells from the shop. Doing a quick 5 times highest difficulty one apparently completed some missions.

    And what do I see there. The good old challenge mission of "defeat SS version in 7 turns". Back then I could beat SS but not that fast, so it's still there. Now I do a harder fight in 3 turns. (which does not count for the mission mind you) Things truly changed.

  177. 1 year ago

    What is this cover (注目) effect that Chie's SP-halving triggers on? Since I couldn't find a skill that applies it to enemies, I'm guessing it's a buff they give themselves?

    • 1 year ago

      It's skills that make the enemy attack that character. Her new 3SP skill and original ult do that.

      • 1 year ago

        Isn't that provoke 挑発?

        • 1 year ago

          I'm looking here: https://www.hbr.quest/styles/chie?jp&s=in_date&desc&p=1
          3SP: 全体挑発
          Ult: 敵が挑発または注目状態のとき時、「挑発中」計算。
          Both use the same language, right?

          • 1 year ago

            Yes, I'm asking because it says it triggers when the enemy is affected by 挑発 or 注目, so I thought cover was a separate effect.

            • 1 year ago

              I see what you mean now. The only other effect I can think of is Aoi, which is not called either 挑発 or 注目.

              • 1 year ago

                The skill description doesn't say it but you can check the debuff in battle, cover is Aoi's effect.

    • 1 year ago

      Cover is the thing Aoi has.

  178. 1 year ago

    what's the effective parameter formula for buffs and heals? It seems like every skill with less than 10SP calculates by using (SP*8)+160, but every skill above 10SP follows their own rules

  179. 1 year ago

    Alright 1 spark on popular banner.

    3 summer Tsukasa's (didn't have her yet)
    3 Aois (had her at lb0)
    2 Seiras (had her at lb0)
    4 Yuinas (didn't have her)

    I can't complain, even though this was a little clumpy and no yunyun. Now I have these awkward lb 2.5 as well, though even assuming 2 SS less, this is still very good. A bit strange that you can't use the half LB and make up the difference with the bar/gold coins.

    • 1 year ago

      You got 12SS in 200 rolls?! Crazy. You can at least get YunYun from the spark.
      You can use the universal shards with a 2.5, you just can't use the weekly mission bar. Too confusing for their technology.

      • 1 year ago

        How many SSes should you expect to get while sparking? I haven't pulled with quartz in over half a year.

        • 1 year ago

          200 (rolls)*0,03(ssr rate) = 6
          Plus your spark target so effectively 7.

          • 1 year ago

            Goodness, the one time I sparked I got 2, 3 counting the spark target.

      • 1 year ago

        Now that I checked again, I should've read the fineprint. It says if you don't have enough exclusive pieces, it takes general pieces.
        And yes, I was lucky. I actually was pretty lucky recently in general, so I figured I do something nice for myself (birthday) and get Yunyun. I had really bad SS luck for a long time though.

        So now the question is.. is that worth it to lb3. I already had the very old Yukki at 2.5 the entire time because I figured it's not useful, and you don't use the style anyways.
        In Yuina's case, I can see myself using her for elec related stuff, but lb3? It's only 25% elec damage increase. She'd already mess up anything she's gonna be useful in (i.e. whenever the duo orb weak against elec comes). I'd assume these buffs count as a self enhance? I do have her base SS, but that was kinda heavily powercrept by Kanade. Though with Mua existing now, maybe not?

        Aoi does sound pretty useless, as you need to break before it does anything. Though perhaps it's better than I think.

  180. 1 year ago

    Looking to get into HBR now (yeah yeah I know, just missed anniversary), but I'm intimidated by the gameplay walls. Do you still need to grind non-stop with SSR units to beat hard story walls?

    • 1 year ago

      this game never really had grind but it was hard without the right units. They buffed the level cap and nerfed the story so it's pretty easy now. If you want to really breeze through it just reroll for seira

      • 1 year ago

        It's 2023. We also have the popular banner going with Higuchi alt and YunYun on there. Especially the former is WAY better than Seira, who does literally nothing in dungeons, and is a useless piece of shit for new players till she gets her ult. And even then she isn't really as good as Higuchi alt is.

        Seira is only good in ice teams with her alt now.

        Looking to get into HBR now (yeah yeah I know, just missed anniversary), but I'm intimidated by the gameplay walls. Do you still need to grind non-stop with SSR units to beat hard story walls?

        It's not requiring you to spend more time on it than other gacha do, even if you do a dungeon. That'd take maybe ~15 minutes, and would be your entire daily. Most days you probably wouldn't do that, and just do a prism fight -> lategame that takes usually 2-3 turns, and then you start the afk grind, another 2 turns. Then irregularly you have stuff like score attack, but that isn't exactly grind, unless you really want to.
        As far as real days passing goes, this is also a not very harsh game. You get to endgame within a month, 2 at worst. I'm personally constantly capped of all important resources, because you can get most of it for absolutely free via afk grinds.

        The only thing actually eating up all time would be shuttle running, but if you are on mobile that's out of question anyways. It's optional, though very powerful for skill leveling. You don't really do much yourself, other than make the chars auto run from one end of an area to the other end, while auto battle clears the battles. It just takes time. A whole fricking lot of time.
        Most do not do this, and it's not like the game expects you to, either.

    • 1 year ago

      Trendwise the game is getting easier with powercreep of new styles, progression content changes (you can now do 5 prisms at once for example) and various balance tweaking in favour of the players. Therefore existing content is no where near as hard as when it was released. The producers also admitted that the difficulty was too high and that it resulted in abysmal clear rates for later chapters.
      As for the story, the main story has been moving at a glacial pace and we are only getting the third new chapter (4.2) next month. Only then we will know what their true vision regarding the difficulty of new story will be.

  181. 1 year ago

    TW server twitter did a poll about the chapter clear rate and 4.1 won with 40%. Of course, this doesn't represent the whole server playerbase because it's only 700 votes, but I still find this result very interesting.

    • 1 year ago

      Heard a few others talk about this as well. Discord game servers tend to attract people who are at least okay or willing to get better at the game in question, but I wouldn't be surprised if the 4.1 clear rate was ultimately still better there than in Japan.

      • 1 year ago

        To be honest, chapter 4.1 is nowadays at worst a matter of patience. The only actual issue you can possibly have is the final boss. Having a turn limit is always an issue if you are relatively weak.

        The biggest issue people generally had outside of that was having no usable healer/defensive support, but that problem has been solved, at least temporarily, by the colab event S. Expect people who have missed that one however to get that issue again.
        We do have a few more potential SS in the pool that can function as your healer, but the general pool also got a lot bigger. I still don't get how HBR is still holding on this dumb idea of not providing the player with a good free healer solution. Pretty much any damn gacha does that.
        Early bad reviews always complained about the game being unplayable without Tama. Even Seira wasn't as necessary, as ch3 could be beaten without her just fine. With Tama SS that is. Any S basically couldn't take a single hit.
        Seira just made it a whole damn lot easier. Orb bosses then came to solve the problem with crits (although it took a while before people could generally do them). But they never solved healing/sustain. You are still relying on gacha there, unless you played during the colab period.

        tl;dr: It's not strange that a server shortly starting before the colab would have a lot of people beat the story, given that all of them have a very good healer, for absolutely free. The immense value of that char is not to be underestimated, even if a lot of oldgays (like me) swim in healers to the point you might not care about this char/style. Especially with Muah SS now being what she is.

        • 1 year ago

          I have a friend who's just completed chapter 1 and missed the AB collab. He has no plans to spend and I can definitely see him struggling before he gets to the 4.1 boss.

          The lack of an event S healer and the heavily diluted nature of the SS pool right now are both serious issues. I'd imagine the 40% in that pool just got around them through heavy rerolling and spending. At least it's not as frustrating as it was when doing pre-pre-prenerf 3-21 when you needed around about the same level of power both for FlatHand and for clearing floor 50 of the original dungeon without dying to the horribly overturned octopi along the way, which seriously limited how much you could grind for either of them.

        • 1 year ago

          I really get the impression that they don't plan around free units at all. Like, they just decided what everyone are going to get for their first/second S, and then they just assign whatever unit to an event or a gacha and give the girl what she was supposed to get regardless.

          • 1 year ago

            Planning in general has not exactly been their forte so far.

  182. 1 year ago

    story in HBR is just peak moronic because they decided not to have any friend unit mechanics or quartz revive mechanics. This means that sooner or later you will actually have to play the game in some capacity. And everything so far indicates that they will just keep upping the difficulty and then add more and more grind systems to compensate. Obviously they keep nerfing chapters, but what will the experience of a new player be in say, 2 years? How much free shit will they have to hand out to them?

    • 1 year ago

      >This means that sooner or later you will actually have to play the game in some capacity.
      Oh the horror.

    • 1 year ago

      >And everything so far indicates that they will just keep upping the difficulty and then add more and more grind systems to compensate.
      4.1 was certainly easier even before the level cap buff than 3 was when it came out, so I wouldn't be too sure about that just yet.

    • 1 year ago

      >And everything so far indicates that they will just keep upping the difficulty and then add more and more grind systems to compensate
      Sounds like a standard RPG. In less than 2 years, I predict the new player experience will start out with a new SSR select ticket from the beginner missions at the end of Chapter 2, another level cap increase, and some sort of increase at the rate we gain % on the lb bowl thing.

  183. 1 year ago

    So what is it?

    • 1 year ago

      Does it not have a handle?

      • 1 year ago

        It's not a beer glass, why would it have a handle?

        • 1 year ago

          >It's not a beer glass
          Everything is a beer glass if you're desperate enough.

    • 1 year ago

      That's cute as frick

  184. 1 year ago

    what was that random update?

    • 1 year ago

      More unique live mode lines and some bug fixes, they announced it on stream. What's more important, it seems they added even more datamineable future assets, despite just adding some last week.

      • 1 year ago

        Also a new orb boss according to the usual site.

  185. 1 year ago

    Did I mess up by fully leveling my buffer's hoju stats? Apparently I need at least 530 wisdom to meet the parameter requirements now?

    • 1 year ago

      There's nothing negative about using hoju. The extra wisdom is just required to get the full hoju benefit.

  186. 1 year ago

    New orb. Looks surprisingly non-moronic?

    • 1 year ago

      Slot eater. But can make my auto teams go 1 turn faster.

    • 1 year ago

      Pretty good for those Houju bosses that have low HP compared to their damage. For faster battles support buffers didn't have else anyway and it can also work for 14 SP attack skills if you use a crit buffer. Not sure if it will help for effiecency since it's a marginal 1 turn decrease at the costs of the extra animations. It can frick up backline bonus SP gain if you shiki/yun yun.

      • 1 year ago

        For that I'd need to reincarnate shit for extra slots. My current team isn't exactly struggling with my route anyways though. (46->extra turn-> gathering the 3 acc filler items on the way to and including in 43)
        Maybe it'll help others.

  187. 1 year ago

    4 weeks left...

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah. Star Rail is going to be interesting. Good 4.2 release date.

  188. 1 year ago

    I'm surprised this clown fiesta of a franchise haven't done any April Fools' bullshit.

  189. 1 year ago

    Damn, the new orb bosses are hard without AOE ults. The nonelem resistance they gain when you kill just one of them is particularly brutal because the resistance bracers you get from them turn your attacks back to nonelem.

    • 1 year ago

      Pretty tough with it as well. Though Muah helps a bit, and Aoi can also help a little.
      The overheal of Muah is actually not to be underestimated. She really just loves to take more and more damage.. and her friends start to like it, too. Still. It's pretty brutal damage-wise. And in this case it doesn't have much to do with border, so it'll be interesting to see if they soon (tm) release stuff to deal with this, or if it's finally time to shine for stuns and such.

      This week's hard boss got actually completely messed up by my A chan, getting confused and then self hit both turns it lasted. Not really necessary, but the actually first time I've seen a boss get messed up this hard by an ailment. I can see that being an interesting approach against the dual orb bosses as well.

  190. 1 year ago

    I got Nanamin Shock and Nice Login two days in a row. Except that the game was muted, so I didn't actually hear those parts.

  191. 1 year ago
  192. 1 year ago

    I can't believe there were cooking and merchant mini-games before baseball.

    • 1 year ago

      Even just a straight port of the Little Busters baseball minigame to HBR would be wonderful. Perfect opportunity to give Ichigo a relevant SS2 too.

    • 1 year ago

      I never understood the rules for baseball and actually had to do research for the angel beats segment. I still don't understand them.

      • 1 year ago

        Be glad Japan didn't import Cricket then.

  193. 1 year ago

    New event. Unused assets never lie.

    • 1 year ago

      Called it again, yeah.

    • 1 year ago

      >release a potentially broken blaster right before 4.2
      Ah frick

      • 1 year ago

        If it's just another "look, this one is doing the biggest damage number in the game now" style, then I won't be very impressed or excited.

        • 1 year ago

          Given Adel's S, I'd be shocked if this didn't happen again.

          • 1 year ago

            Well they avoided giving elemental ults to people with +hit skills, but then Chie broke that. So I expect it to be super high damage.

          • 1 year ago

            They can always do some stupid shit like that sad Yamawaki alt style. But they seem to like A-san, so I don't expect them to screw her over.

  194. 1 year ago

    It seems that they really care a lot about the proper event MC allocation. Now it's like this:
    1st phase:
    31C(Mari) > 31B(Ichigo) > 31D(Nikaido) > 30G(Kura) > 31F(Maruyama) > 31E(Ichiko) > 31A(Ruka) > 31X(Carol)
    2nd phase:
    30G(Yuina) > 31D(Iroha) > 31B(Kozue) > 31F(Inori) > 31A(Tama) > 31E(Muua) > 31C(A-san)
    31X girl left.

    • 1 year ago

      Huh going by that pattern, it'll take at least 2 and half years to finish all characters. I feel bad for anyone whose favorite character is in the last wave

      • 1 year ago

        >it'll take at least 2 and half years to finish all characters.
        They did said they have a 5 years plan or something like that. But it probably won't be like this forever, when the default status quo baseline(chapter 1/2) gets replaced with something higher(like 4.2/5) for the fist time, this system will probably go to hell. Like, I won't be surprised to see a 2nd Yuina event.

  195. 1 year ago

    I hate these shield regenerating event bosses for autoing

  196. 1 year ago
  197. 1 year ago

    Uhhh, isn't the point of alts to give the characters a different look and feel?

  198. 1 year ago

    This one tho, yuugen is horny on main again.

    • 1 year ago

      huh the floor 50 death slug was stronger than I thought. It being immune to fragile and mind eye really sucks. I'll have to bring yunyun, but she's useless for the dungeon part

      let's use this for the next OP to attract players

      • 1 year ago

        It's gonna be either her or Adel for sure, but Adel might get the nod because it's her event.

        • 1 year ago

          I only suggested her because of how badly 5ch thirsted over her. With how loud they were going on about the side boob, I thought there'd be more skin

          • 1 year ago

            5ch hbr thread overreacts to everything, either positively or negatively. The threads were on fire last month about Yotsuha "powercreeping" Higuchi, 1 month later and nobody gives a shit about her.

            • 1 year ago

              Well she does powercreep higuchi for fire. Apparently this Mari powercreeps muua and higuchi for ice or so I've heard

              • 1 year ago

                >Well she does powercreep higuchi for fire.
                She does, but the difference in their output is so mediocre, it only really matters if you're a whale rolling for every single unit or if you're obsessed with minmaxing fire to its best possible state. Otherwise, having one higuchi and pretending these new buffers don't exist is a strictly superior player experience(unless the other future variations do much more than Yotsuha did).

              • 1 year ago

                I duuno, her fire attack up is arguably more vauable than higuchi's attack up on her ult since you're getting the attack up buff from yunyun's ult anyway. Also fire critical damage up can stack on top of x2 critical damage up, right? So you can use the crit damage orb instead of higuchi and get more critical damage with yotsuha

              • 1 year ago

                This goes into the
                >if you're obsessed with minmaxing fire to its best possible state
                category. If you have Higuchi and YunYun, you're already on the path to do more damage than this game wants from you anyway, at this point it's more optimal to focus on the other members of the squad(if the squad is lacking in something) or on setting up more elements, because you already have 2 amazing universal units that work in every elemental comp. If you have Yotsuha, you will use her over Higuchi, but having her isn't a necessity for an average player in the current state of the game. It's different from Seira to Higuchi transition, when having Higuchi over her was such a massive power spike all across the board, it wasn't even funny.

    • 1 year ago

      Is she going to be in the shop?

  199. 1 year ago

    Forget this discussion. The styles are up on hbr.quest and Mari just straight up powercreeps Higuchi as a unit, hahaha.

  200. 1 year ago

    Yamawaki just casually gets self YunYun buff on her S.

  201. 1 year ago

    This SA is normal length, so it ends on the 21st, one week away from 4.2. Wonder what they'll do for the second one this month then.

  202. 1 year ago

    After looking at it closer, the condition on Mari's ult is really weird, I'm not sure what to think about it.
    Adelheid is the infinite damage style just as expected.

    • 1 year ago

      Isn't it literally just that the bigger effect only happens the first time you ult?

      • 1 year ago

        Not him but yeah. It makes it a lot worse though, since for stuff like SA you end up using all 4 uses.

      • 1 year ago

        Yes, and it feels kinda inconvenient to use. You can only use mind eye once in battle, you can't use it for break, you can't stack this ult properly, unless I misunderstood something about it.

  203. 1 year ago

    Yeah, unless it's a mistake, or the wording is misleading and it works in a different way, the more I think about this skill, the worse it gets. Higuchi is still the queen, I'm grateful to wfs for letting me skip yet another banner before 4.2.

  204. 1 year ago

    It's a cool update for the ice comp, you can now use Wakki SS+S2 or A-san SS2 without YunYun, freeing up a slot. Their main weakness is the lack of a real debuffer, it would be nice if they will add a new Fubuki-like fragile ice debuffer(Sharo? Tenne alt?) or if Megumi will get an ice debuff on her next alt.

  205. 1 year ago

    New Styles.
    Wakki S isn't fixing her shitty alt.

    Adelheit gets an alright style. Nothing compared to e-girlta, but still pretty good. If she hits a weakness, the destruction rate is through the fricking roof. Doubly so if you get her lb3. Probably one of those chars where it'd be REALLY good to get lb3 on. She'd carry you with that for a long time I'm sure.

    Mari is basically a stronger Higuchi alt.. but only once. And that means you can't use her to replace anyone really. For speedruns however, this is good. Problem is: Vanguard. So she gets affected by it herself as well.

    • 1 year ago

      Mari seems like a really great upgrade for people who already use her for Ice, then it's just a nice cherry on top. I don't know about using her as a standalone style, it isn't bad on paper, but it feels annoying in comparison with characters who can just use their ults when they want.

      • 1 year ago

        But she can do that as well. It's still a big enhance + 70% critrate for the vanguard. It sure beats Tsukasa alt's ultimate for example, and is barely worse than Higuchi's. Hers costs 1 less, but also only targets one, while the only advantage is 30% crit damage (so 80% instead of 50%). It's not THAT big, all things considered. Especially given that we have crit damage orbs as well now.

      • 1 year ago

        I think she's a better Higuchi for any fight that needs a breaker. That's 10sp along with mind's eye in comparison to Higuchi's 18 sp. I can definitely see them making more enemies like the Muua event SA that'll actually make breakers somewhat relevant again

        • 1 year ago

          >make breakers somewhat relevant again
          Yuki, get off your copium.

  206. 1 year ago

    >covered ass on the actual model
    It gets worse.

  207. 1 year ago

    Did he say that Mari's skill doesn't get triggered by normal attacks? I can see it being ok now that crit damage orbs are a thing. Muua still isn't getting replaced though

  208. 1 year ago

    Huh shame it doesn't preserve the crit stuff. I can still see it being used in a comp with a breaker, but outside of that not much

    • 1 year ago

      The 30% crit dmg increase on Higuchi alt is actually not that huge of a deal, considering that Mari buffs 2 at once (and herself) for 1 sp more.
      I'd consider it a pretty neat alternative to Higuchi alt. Not inherently a replacement, but Higuchi alt isn't very useful in dungeons for example. Mari is. She has pretty decent aoe attacks (new attack from ss2 and her ice ult of ss1), and can buff just fine against dungeon end bosses I'd like to say.

  209. 1 year ago

    I don't get it, If they prepared special retrospective videos for every chapter, why do they waste so much time with these segments. It was a really empty stream despite its length. Well, the next one should be amazing, so it's all right.

  210. 1 year ago

    Special videos:
    4/9 - Ch.1 Ruka, Yuki, Yamawaki, Bungo
    4/16 - Ch.2 Aoi, Ichigo, Sumomo
    4/23 - Ch.3 Tsukasa, Monaka, Kura
    4/27 - Ch.4.1 Megumi, Tama

    • 1 year ago

      Update from twitter: There's also Iroha in 4.2 video to cover her interlude. Also, Yuki is in every video as an MC, not just in ch.1.

  211. 1 year ago

    The transition when you scroll to the end is so nice, like shit is about to get real.

  212. 1 year ago
  213. 1 year ago

    Do you think they will make a non-ult mind eye buffer later to make everyone who rolled for these mind eye styles really mad?

    • 1 year ago

      You can ask yourself the same thing about all non basic enhance buffs. So far all work the same. Either personal, or ulti only. Be it crit chance, hit count, crit damage, mind eye, elemental buffs or fields. There is one slight exception with charge, but that's obviously not really a crit chance buff like the other ones that do exist.

      The only regular stuff are debuffs and generic enhance, but given how much harder the former are used, it makes sense. Ultimates with debuffs however usually apply them BEFORE damage. Interesting tidbit.

      So, right now I see no reason to assume anything but regular enhances or the small status buff will be on non ultimates. Still, for example the non ultimate slight status buff from Tama is limited to 5 uses, instead of the usual 10 for heals. That almost ulti limitations.
      What's in a year or two however nobody knows.

      • 1 year ago

        I was actually thinking about charge recently. While all the other effects get units trying to powercreep each other every few months, when was the last party charge even? Was it Yanagi like 10 months ago?

        • 1 year ago

          I'd assume they don't want to make Shiki even more useless.. or something? Yeah, it's been a while.

    • 1 year ago

      >Do you think they will make a non-ult mind eye buffer later
      >to make everyone who rolled for these mind eye styles really mad?
      Anyone who‘d get mad at that should just drop the game now, HBR‘s first year has already been a powercreep tour de force, no way things will suddenly improve on that front.
      Just accept that styles will stop being meta within ~6 months of their release and hope that WFS don’t start releasing content that requires the most recent powercreep styles to clear.

  214. 1 year ago

    I wonder which route of powercreep the new blasters will stick to
    Will they act as attackers like Yurippe's +HP,
    act as a debuffer like Maki,
    have increased destruction rate when they have the type advantage like Adelheid,
    or come with a destruction rate buff like Niina

    • 1 year ago

      I don't think they'll necessarily stick to a particular paradigm, they more likely just realised that blasters need to offer additional value beyond their high destruction and are going to stick something like that on most future blasters.
      Worked out fine for three out of the four characters you listed (blaster with high dmg/additional debuff), only one that kinda sucks is Niina because her feature is... more destruction on top of destruction? When the whole issue with blasters is that destruction alone is often not enough to justify putting them on your team.

      • 1 year ago

        We could certainly use more 999% fights. The upcoming SA capping out at 500% instead of the 300% they've seemingly grown accustomed to is a step in the right direction at least.

      • 1 year ago

        That's not really an issue, if it'd work like with Adelheit. It just doesn't. It's a group buff and you rarely take more than 1 blaster, unless it's team 1 vs. weekend boss maybe.

        Adelheit SS2 with lb3 will get almost max 999% destruction on the weekend bosses with 10 base destruction, with just two self charges and her new ultimate. That's overblown perhaps, but don't forget that even in single team fights the value of quickly maxing DR is incredibly useful.

  215. 1 year ago

    I wonder why they recommend to finish Carol event first before starting the new one, Yes, A-san was there, but her role was a purely comedic one. Just for the movie cast cameo?

    • 1 year ago

      Wow, I didn't expect it to be this integrated, it's like they're building a separate secondary story line with these events. Also lost from the meta joke about fan letter praising every character but Carol who was the MC, just like how it happened with her event.

  216. 1 year ago

    New expressions:
    Adelheid: Special3
    Aina: Neutral2, Sadness3, Superiority
    Sharo: Placeholders for LittleJoy, LittleJoy2, Serious and Special1. I'll assume the real assets will be added later, so I didn't update her file in the mega folder.
    Yunyun: Placeholder for Anger2. Same deal as with Sharo.
    Megumin: Joy2
    Vritika: Placeholder for Serious.
    MC04 Girl: Joy, Neutral

    I also finally updated the program so the new cast members don't need to be named the same as their filenames anymore.

    • 1 year ago

      >Megumin: Joy2
      It's the same expression that was added for her 4.2 outfit months ago and felt like a spoiler, so her default getting it too now is probably an even bigger spoiler.

    • 1 year ago

      Fricking finally.

  217. 1 year ago

    I mean the whole powercreep issue can be fixed if they just start generalizing some of the older alts. Maybe it would be a pipe dream to also wish for a system to revert voluntary limit breaks

  218. 1 year ago

    Phew I didn't have to buy a shitty regular pack. Here's hoping that they bring back the 15000 quartz ones for 4.2

    • 1 year ago

      Man I'm so scared of this banner. HBR has been bad to me recently, and it really doesn't help that I LIKE these two and they aren't bad, AND I do use their base forms quite a bit already.
      The daily free pull will help. It lasting a bit longer than usual as well. But I'm scared of what they do 4.2.. and my luck now. My entire luck goes into a different gacha. (1/1000 chance, gotten within a 7 pull? Yep. That's me.)

  219. 1 year ago

    Rate the event gozaru

    why are there so many kidnappings happening

    • 1 year ago

      >Rate the event gozaru
      I won't say it's the best event from the story perspective(it isn't), but I was really impressed with how it was constructed, it's the best story event structure-wise for me. The way it combined a personal story with both the squad and the multi squad crossover stories and how it was a direct sequel to multiple events while still being its own story was really nice.

    • 1 year ago

      I liked them looking at a few characters at once.
      Also A-San and Mari are cute together. It's been a while that my yuri heart was tickled by HBR. Predictable as it may have been, from the beginning till the very end, it was nice. I also seem to like 31c more than I remembered. RIP Miko.

      Otherwise it has the typical "issue" of post 4.1 events, but at the same time also raises some interesting question(s). Considering how much military and/or the higher ups don't want to let dome people interact with our chars, after all they are supposed to be dead, this little girl was apparently not a problem? Assuming they didn't brainwash her afterwards.. and forged the letter. Feels like it goes a bit far, but then you have to consider how so many at first harmless little things had more meaning than you'd think, reaching back as far as the very beginning, where the protagonists fought much better for their "first time" than they should.
      If you consider the movie, they might've chosen relatively unproblematic chars that people wouldn't recognize, like for example due to their origin and/or residence around the time shit happened. And the little girl only ever saw A-San.. I'd assume.


      Also, good song. I still don't need the dungeon, but at least it wasn't nearly as bad as Muah's event... poor Muah though. It's never great to be the target of "at least it's not..".

      Weekend Boss is also down, with no healer used for once. No weakness didn't stop Yuina from bopping for over 10m.

      • 1 year ago

        So what's the reason Mari not just tell Adel that she's the ninja who saved her?
        Feels forced just to keep it 'mysterious' for no reason

        • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          I'm pretty sure it's because Mari thinks she can't live up to the image Adelheid has built up of her over the years.

          • 1 year ago

            Not just that. She's embarrassed/ashamed because of her reason.

            I mean, what would be an issue with some random little kid interacting with her?

            Kids don't lie.

      • 1 year ago

        I mean, what would be an issue with some random little kid interacting with her?

    • 1 year ago

      I think I have a pretty good grasp on who's the main writer for which event. There's no way Maeda led this one. It's just way too one track to be Maeda. The gags were also really subdued. I had expected that there'd be some development between Mari and A considering their occupations, but isn't this a bit too much?

      >born into an affluent family
      >naturally skilled
      >ex luck
      >gets the girl of her dreams
      >hollywood star
      A has it good. Maybe too good... Almost Mary Sue levels of good...
      In any case I think I was most disappointed by the lack of a follow-up to the research facility plotline. I mean did they really bring it back just for the lost child plot? I thought at least we were going to learn more about the Cancer battery project and this would be some side intrigue that develops over time, but alas not this time. The only interesting lore tidbit is this weird expanding web of interconnectivity between characters. I hope it actually leads to something and could maybe be the key to (everything) but at this point it could also just be a nothing burger. The main standouts of the event were actually Tenne and Carole for me. I've definitely gained a new appreciation for them.

      • 1 year ago

        >It's just way too one track to be Maeda. The gags were also really subdued.
        Perfect for me then. That said, which other events do you think weren't written by him?

        • 1 year ago

          >Events 100% written by him
          Survival Island
          >doubt it was written by him/ less involvement
          That Day's Friend
          Under 140
          >Not sure
          Oshima 1 and 2
          Swordsman tournament

          • 1 year ago

            I don't believe you

      • 1 year ago

        These are side events. They will never do important things. It's the downside of all of them, as we basically have to always keep the status quo. But it's still perfect to gauge interest, and do things the main story wouldn't.

        I'm sure there'll be follow up stuff, if people show interest.

        >It's just way too one track to be Maeda. The gags were also really subdued.
        Perfect for me then. That said, which other events do you think weren't written by him?

        NTA, but I think the only events by Maeda are anni events (august + colab) and the new year one. I don't consider Iroha's interlude part of events, but rather part of the main story.
        That said, he's gotta be supervising and probably giving general plot outlines or at least "stuff to include in some way".
        Like for example regardless of if Maeda working at it or not, Misato's event was extremely typical Key stuff.

        • 1 year ago

          Wait, you think Requiem and 1186 aren't his either?

          • 1 year ago

            the only event he wrote was the island adventure and yuiiiiinasenpai

            • 1 year ago

              Lord help me because I'm gonna hurl.

  220. 1 year ago

    I'm not sure why it's "recommended" to play the prequel events and not hard "required", playing this event with zero context feels like a crap experience.

  221. 1 year ago

    What was Tenne's spiel about 15% 85% from the laser room about again?

  222. 1 year ago

    if i didn't enjoy the mari event at all will I not enjoy this one? The one track writing makes me worried

    • 1 year ago

      It's more similar to That Day's Friend imo

  223. 1 year ago

    Is it just me or does Megumi sound colder than usual in the last few events(AB collab, Ooshimaya and this one)? It's like her VA never fully went back to her original early chapters voice after doing her 4.2 recording.

  224. 1 year ago

    Thread is about to implode

  225. 1 year ago

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