Heaven Burns Red

Just 3 weeks left until 4.2. What are your predictions?

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Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago
  2. 1 year ago

    >Ninja with a gigantic gatling gun.
    A-San made her wear this.

  3. 1 year ago
  4. 1 year ago

    >What are your predictions?
    I think Megumi will return in this chapter already. Killing her off at this point in her character arc is pointless, but stretching it out over several chapters is not something I expect them to do either. Many JP users expect her to become an edgelord, but knowing Maeda, I think the opposite will happen, she will become more open and honest with herself and those around her.
    But this game isn't about happy endings, so something has to make up for it. Either someone from 31X will suffer, someone in 31A will find a new drama, or maybe they will do another big twist like they did in 3.
    Who knows though, maybe Maeda will surprise me. I didn't expect 4.1 to be the way it was at all.

    • 1 year ago

      Honestly I'd just feel a little weird if she leaves, we wait the better part of a year for the next chapter, then she comes right back. I can't really describe it but it feels a little weak. I guess it's how dramatic and built up her exit was that only really gets more momentum as it's the last thing you're left with while more content is made, so I guess I'd just want a little more time before going back on it. I would appreciate if 4.2 is her working it out on her own and then being back for the next story chapter though.

      • 1 year ago

        >I guess it's how dramatic and built up her exit was
        Well, the thing is that she really had no reason to leave, she was being dramatic because she is confused and hasn't had time to just relax and think things through after ch.3.
        Her being able to lock dimensional shifting cancers in place is probably one of the most useful abilities in the entire base, even if she can only consistently do it once and it will never get better(we don't know that, it was the first time she did that), it's still an amazing thing to have in this war. And she has already found her place in this world in 31A, she doesn't need that "savior" label og Megumi longed for, people around her just like her for who she is, now who she's supposed to be.
        So she doesn't have some grand quest to fulfill or a long-term goal to reach, it just has to "click" for her in her head, that's all. If she wants to become The True Savior™ or the Grand Psychic Master™ then yes, it's a multi chapter epic. But if she wants to realize her place in this world as Aikawa Megumi, then one chapter is more than enough.

    • 1 year ago

      Honestly I'd just feel a little weird if she leaves, we wait the better part of a year for the next chapter, then she comes right back. I can't really describe it but it feels a little weak. I guess it's how dramatic and built up her exit was that only really gets more momentum as it's the last thing you're left with while more content is made, so I guess I'd just want a little more time before going back on it. I would appreciate if 4.2 is her working it out on her own and then being back for the next story chapter though.

      What do you think they are gonna do with the e-girl? I don't see Megumi joining up with the main squad as long as the e-girl is alive unless she's coming too, but that might be unlikely for story reasons assuming the e-girl is a regular human. Renegade Megumi has way more potential for later story if you can still get the regular Megumi fix from events.

      I've been thinking, but I feel like we currently have THE best reroll starting situation for new players, like ever. I thought the popular banner is hard to top, but this one is nuts.

      Start with the obligatory Tama out of the tutorial.
      Then proceed to get both banner units (Mari alt and A-San alt).

      You now have:
      -An extremely strong and versatile buffer. Earlier on she can enhance, then deal really good pierce aoe damage for dungeons in case you lack pierce damage, and once she gets her ultimate, you'll have a very strong and fast all around buff in your hands, that works well for new players who can't use specialized teams and lack unit variety.
      -The best Blaster in the game, with an event S to grind. (if I recall right), and insane self steroids to the point you can probably oneshot almost anything in the story together with Mari's buff. She's probably able to bop even slash resistant stuff from earlier story chapters if you set her up fully. Has some not very good slash aoe for dungeons.
      -Obligatory healer, once you get her S. Slash aoe for dungeons.

      This will take care of any and all boss troubles for quite a while alone. Rare that this potent stuff happens. Of course eventually you may want something against blunt weak enemies, but if the slash resistance isn't too big.. A-Chan has very big numbers with her self buffs alone.

      >. Of course eventually you may want something against blunt weak enemies
      And pierce bosses, I don't have Adel so i can't say how hard she'll carry off element but covering only 1 weapon type (Wich you already get wellfare Ruka for)in a reroll that requires 3 specific SSR feels a bit iffy.

      I'd still rather have started during anni for the popular banner + Yurripe, + guaranteed SSR + collab healer + like 40~50 free rolls from login. That would also allow you to leisurely read through the story and prepare for 4.2 to play it on launch.

      I'm just curious about where 4.2 is even taking place. I don't know where in Japan you would find a desert with those kind of rock formations. Then there's the ice area too. So presumably the team would be traveling to two separate areas that are extremely far apart from each other. That'd be pretty weird since they're still trying to reclaim central Japan, but I guess maybe they're sent there to assist the domes? There's also the possibility that since 31X is involved, they're being sent overseas? Though leaving Japan feels a bit early at this point in the story.
      Either way, after this long of a wait I strangely don't even care anymore. I feel like there's so little to look forward to when we're still at the preamble of the story and each new chapter takes 1/2 a year + to come out. I was really excited about Iroha's involvement in 4.1 and her potentially revealing the truth to everyone (which didn't happen). I feel like without everyone being privy to it, they're essentially still stuck on chapter 1 and we'll have to keep following 31A. That's fine and all, but I guess I just want a fresh perspective after this long. I mean we don't even have a villain group yet and this whole reclamation project is so nebulous and linear. I don't know how to express this feeling, but it just boils down to how little we have and how long it takes to progress

      It definitely is. It took me 5 hours to get both Tama and Mari though

      Cancer can change the environment so i don't think you can get any hint about the real location from the cold/heat.. It's probably just central Japan again, maybe closer to Kansai to setup that part of the Megumi story line.

      • 1 year ago

        Welfare MC isn't really good. Even against no weakness, A-San's ult is as strong as the MC one, and that doesn't include her blast yet. She also has a lot of mad steroids so she alone can get herself to about 10 times the power of MC. Add to that her insane blast, and realistically she'd deal about 20+ times the damage as welfare MC. Of course it'll cost a lot more turns and SP, but for early-ish that's less of an issue than getting all those buffs via other chars.

      • 1 year ago

        I would love to have a strong opinion on the new e-girl sub-plot, but it's pretty much fanfiction-tier discussion at this point, not until we will get the actual trailer or maybe even her character description during the reveal stream.
        Even at the most basic level, she's probably a regular human like you said, but she can also be a psychic, she can be a designer baby like Tama, she can be an another retired seraph squad member, she can be a military spy checking on Megumi, she can represent some new faction/concept, she can be the first introduced human cancer, she can be anything. Let's say she is just a human. There are still so many possible routes you can take with her, something like
        >literally Tama(human ver.)
        >young Megumi 2.0 for Megumi to realize a lot of things about herself as she tries to help her
        >antagonistic mesugaki c**t that will constantly banter with her
        >dead inside orphan
        >psychic cult-related girl idolizing the legendary savior who has finally arrived at her dome, just as the psychic prophecies foretold
        I can't say anything really.

  5. 1 year ago

    I've been thinking, but I feel like we currently have THE best reroll starting situation for new players, like ever. I thought the popular banner is hard to top, but this one is nuts.

    Start with the obligatory Tama out of the tutorial.
    Then proceed to get both banner units (Mari alt and A-San alt).

    You now have:
    -An extremely strong and versatile buffer. Earlier on she can enhance, then deal really good pierce aoe damage for dungeons in case you lack pierce damage, and once she gets her ultimate, you'll have a very strong and fast all around buff in your hands, that works well for new players who can't use specialized teams and lack unit variety.
    -The best Blaster in the game, with an event S to grind. (if I recall right), and insane self steroids to the point you can probably oneshot almost anything in the story together with Mari's buff. She's probably able to bop even slash resistant stuff from earlier story chapters if you set her up fully. Has some not very good slash aoe for dungeons.
    -Obligatory healer, once you get her S. Slash aoe for dungeons.

    This will take care of any and all boss troubles for quite a while alone. Rare that this potent stuff happens. Of course eventually you may want something against blunt weak enemies, but if the slash resistance isn't too big.. A-Chan has very big numbers with her self buffs alone.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah, this banner is crazy. Usually at least one of the two styles on double rateup banners is fairly mediocre or niche but you simply can't lose when rolling on this one.
      SS2 Mari in particular is easily the most comfy style released so far. Yes, SS2 Higuchi is likely going to remain the more meta option for top SA scores but Mari is going to be amazing for any content where the goal is simply to kill the enemy as quickly as possible rather than to attain the highest damage numbers which is pretty much everything outside of SA.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm just curious about where 4.2 is even taking place. I don't know where in Japan you would find a desert with those kind of rock formations. Then there's the ice area too. So presumably the team would be traveling to two separate areas that are extremely far apart from each other. That'd be pretty weird since they're still trying to reclaim central Japan, but I guess maybe they're sent there to assist the domes? There's also the possibility that since 31X is involved, they're being sent overseas? Though leaving Japan feels a bit early at this point in the story.
      Either way, after this long of a wait I strangely don't even care anymore. I feel like there's so little to look forward to when we're still at the preamble of the story and each new chapter takes 1/2 a year + to come out. I was really excited about Iroha's involvement in 4.1 and her potentially revealing the truth to everyone (which didn't happen). I feel like without everyone being privy to it, they're essentially still stuck on chapter 1 and we'll have to keep following 31A. That's fine and all, but I guess I just want a fresh perspective after this long. I mean we don't even have a villain group yet and this whole reclamation project is so nebulous and linear. I don't know how to express this feeling, but it just boils down to how little we have and how long it takes to progress

      It definitely is. It took me 5 hours to get both Tama and Mari though

    • 1 year ago

      so Tama and the two banner units are what I wanna go for as a new player? I've been rerolling for 10+h and haven't gotten that combo yet. close to reaching my limit. is there a less ambitious option that'll still allow me to clear the story?
      I got one roll with: Tama + 樋口聖華(探究)
      one with: Tama + banner A-San
      another one with: Seira (from tutorial) banner Mari and 豊後弥生(夜空のShining Star)

      • 1 year ago

        Tama is probably the easiest to ignore because nowadays you can cope with S healers for a long long time. If you want to prioritize, I'd say:

        Mari (Ninja buffer)> A-San (Ninja blaster) > Tama.

        That said, if you have Higuchi alt (this one is important, her only pierce version, not the elec one), that's totally fine as well instead of Mari. For a new player Mari might be a little better, but honestly, it doesn't fricking matter to the point of rerolling forever.

        To try and explain this a little:

        In HBR your biggest enemy is the so called border, aka enemy stat. For a long time S styles couldn't be strong enough to live against some of the later story content, but by now this situation is less bad. You can grind events a bit for S coins to limit break an S healer that you SHOULD get at some point. As long as you put in enough work, an S healer can carry you through the entire story right now. SS is going to be easier with less work, but ANY SS healer works, provided it's an SS healer that's not wearing red nun clothes. She's fake.

        Mari is just a super buffer that combines good things you will struggle getting your hands on for a while, and will excel in midgame once you get her ult. From my experience, at that point you tend to use more offensive units than what lategame hypercarry comps sometimes do, so affecting 2 other units than her is really nice. It's a bit worse if you use it more than once in a battle, and not good for hypercarry, but yeah. You don't care.

        Adelheit (blonde Ninja blaster) isn't nearly as fundamental as you ideally use damage dealers that deal weakness damage and as such need a variety. She is insanely good to have, but her real power is only really showing later on. If you get her event S for her self buffs however, she can probably oneshot any and all ch 3 and 4 bosses that are weak to ice with Mari's buff. (a lot major ones are weak to all elements) Not needed though. Definitely not needed. But brutal as frick.

        • 1 year ago

          Thanks man, this is very helpful.
          Is there utility in having both banner Mari and Seira or does Mari basically replace Seira's role?
          I have that one Mari + Seira account, that also has an S healer (Mion).

          • 1 year ago

            just rolled a Mari + A-San + Seira account!! (^____^)
            gonna take this one. finally my suffering ends.
            thanks again for the breakdown

            • 1 year ago

              Mari and A-San should be fine. You should look out for Tama S with フィルリカバー . This is your main healing spell.
              Mua's S with 我忘恍惚 is the S alternative. It's cheaper, but can't be used twice in a row. Otherwise same power. The SS healer people tend to use don't actually heal more, but their ultimate tends to have a buff attached. (Largely Yanagi and Mua's SS)

              Tama has more than 1 S though. Hopefully you'll get a good healer at some point, or Aoi's SS.

              As for Seira, I'm not exactly sure if you mean Seira or Seika who you mentioned before. If you mean Seira (fortune teller) base SS (blunt aka green), you don't need her with Mari's new SS. If you mean her alt (ice blunt), it's only good for ice teams, which you'd kinda have with A-San. Her buff kinda covers A-San's self buff you get from this new SS though.
              As for Seika's second SS (pierce, instead of pierce + elec), you are likely not needing both in a single team. They have both their use though.
              I'd just experiment and see. This is not a game where you get good teams within a month or two.. unless you are a luck god, or whale some 5 digit amounts.

              • 1 year ago

                I meant fortune teller Seira from the tutorial gacha.

                Just the banner units are good enough on their own.

                SSR Seira is basically a bonus meatstick if you run her alongside another crit buffer. She can do some minor healing and help guarantee crits(not sure if Mari needs the help), altough there are better options for both. Compared to the other buffers her "niche" is that her ult is way more user friendly since it also hits the backline and is active for 3 full turns instead of 1 attack/turn. The trade off is a lack of raw damage and needing at least an enhance slave like Tsukasa of Mari for other buffs.

                As for Adel. Make sure to use her event SR buff twice to stack it. That's when the damage calculation becomes wonky.

                Mari has an event unit too which you can LB for an increased level cap, just like Adel.

                Alright, nice. How much longer will the event be around? Not sure how much I'll actually get to play this week.

              • 1 year ago

                Aside from the anniversary collab every event has become permanently available in the event menu. You can play at your own pace.

              • 1 year ago

                As the other anon already said, events don't time out. It's also not the current event that is relevant for A-San. Game isn't running away. There's hardly time limited things other than some missions sometimes. (and the recent colab)

                Anything else, which includes monthly event related missions, are there forever.. even if it looks like they aren't. You just need to unlock the event later on with edelweiss, which every single event has one of in its event shop. It's a flower-ish thing.

                The only regular and limited rewards are:
                -Daily login, sometimes special logins
                -Score attack direct spoils (largely useful for needing to grind events less, and for a few score attack only items like something for generalizing base SS ultimates which isn't very relevant for you at first, but eventually might be)
                -weekly boss rewards (far away for you, but same idea. Largely about getting the generalize item)
                -special campaign missions that may reward you for reaching a certain milestone within a timeframe (they did that to make people play chapter 3 post nerf for example), or grind campaigns where you get additional rewards for doing prism battles. The latter is actually pretty common, but has generous timeframes, and usually supplies lifestones to the point it's very easy to do.

            • 1 year ago

              Just the banner units are good enough on their own.

              SSR Seira is basically a bonus meatstick if you run her alongside another crit buffer. She can do some minor healing and help guarantee crits(not sure if Mari needs the help), altough there are better options for both. Compared to the other buffers her "niche" is that her ult is way more user friendly since it also hits the backline and is active for 3 full turns instead of 1 attack/turn. The trade off is a lack of raw damage and needing at least an enhance slave like Tsukasa of Mari for other buffs.

              As for Adel. Make sure to use her event SR buff twice to stack it. That's when the damage calculation becomes wonky.

              Mari has an event unit too which you can LB for an increased level cap, just like Adel.

  6. 1 year ago

    A main point of contention after the event was the question of Mari's age and how she could have such prominent breasts when she was still presumably a child. Is she actually older than the others or was she just well endowed at a young age

    • 1 year ago

      I have no problem thinking she's 20 when Adelheid is like 16-17.

    • 1 year ago

      source pic?

      • 1 year ago

        there's an evil thread on 5ch that posts heaven burn "art" daily. You'll need a vpn to enter. Since their stuff is posted on imgur, it'll get deleted after some time if it's nsfw

    • 1 year ago

      I thought because of the way the Narby work, it’s possible that it wasn’t THIS Mari that saved THIS Adelheid, which would explain away any age inconsistencies.

      I completely forgot what happened during Mari’s event. The tablet had the last words of her mother or something?

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah but you may wanna use spoiler tags for that stuff in the future. It's generally a mystery how it exactly works though. Mari should technically realize if there's something amiss, but we know how good they are with brain washing.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah but you may wanna use spoiler tags for that stuff in the future. It's generally a mystery how it exactly works though. Mari should technically realize if there's something amiss, but we know how good they are with brain washing.

        My guess is just that they died at considerably different points in time from each other and Mari was simply born a few years earlier. But considering Mari does remember saving her if they were really that far apart in age back then she'd probably wonder why they seem so close in age now.

    • 1 year ago

      These Chinese AI masters are pretty impressive.

  7. 1 year ago

    Starting soon.

  8. 1 year ago

    This was much more fun than the normal stream recap segment. I had no idea it would be this long though.

  9. 1 year ago

    Silly 31A sketches from Yuugen's twitter.

  10. 1 year ago

    finally going to have to start grinding houju

    • 1 year ago

      I recommend doing 46->42 if you can. If you look at the map (or explored yourself), you'll see that on the way there are 3 dead ends (one on 44, 43 and the final goal on 42) that have the item to put substats into accessories, guaranteed. That's 3 per run and quite reasonable if you can finish most combat within 2 turns including the extra turn on 46 you collect first. If you are a bit less efficient, you can also stop in 43.

      Only issue is you need to beat 45, without fighting before, but with extra turn. It's a pretty chill route otherwise, and going from 46 forward is a lot worse as the items you can collect only have an extremely low chance to be slot fillers, and a very high chance to be slot shufflers.
      I always struggled to get fillers, but after doing a few dungeon runs like that I'm now so comfy on them already I can just slap them into anything I want.

      The full lazy route however is to just point your auto explore to 48 miniboss room, and once there collect the thingy and get out. I did that one a lot, but with stacking available now the time saved can be used by collecting some shit you kinda want anyways.

  11. 1 year ago

    I just can't into the nip thinking I guess. Mari's and iroha's events don't work for me at all. "My parents sucked and traumatized me but THEY HAD JIJYOUs TOO! I LOVE MOMMY"

    • 1 year ago

      It rubs me the wrong way too, but in Mari's case it's a good fit for who she is. That aspect looked like it was reworded a bit when revisited in this event too so it's a bit less egregious.

  12. 1 year ago

    Global when?

  13. 1 year ago

    When aniplex bites the bullet and buys the license

  14. 1 year ago

    I miss Kura

  15. 1 year ago

    The site has been updated with the ch.3/ch.4 stuff and apparently they don't mind putting giga spoilers there. We're slowly moving towards the new status quo where these events are treated the same way as ch.2 is now.

  16. 1 year ago

    I don't know how I got this idea that my Tama alt alt could buff elec for Ichigo, with 2 elec def downs, 1 def down (Higuchi failed me), 2 big enhances, 1 hit buff and 2 mind eye on her, while Feeler was at 999% destruction. I should've known.

    This entire plan of making her hit hard once, because it's not much extra work given how Mind Eye gets applied to the entire back row, and the strong enhance by both YunYun and Higuchi work for 2 chars as well, and then one more time unbuffed for the big Ichigo finisher.. had a fatal flaw. This elec buff is on a strong ultimate scaling with wis. Ouch.

  17. 1 year ago

    Got my first 400k score. It took me two attempts because the first time ended with the boss surviving my attack with the tiniest sliver of health and breaking Ruka immediately afterwards, making me lose the No-Break bonus I needed. The second attempt went better after I changed Ruka's earrings to the correct set.

    • 1 year ago

      Just narrowly got my first earlier today as well. Honestly surprised I was able to do it at all given my chronic lack of debuffs and especially LBs.

  18. 1 year ago

    Ch.2 video is about to start.

  19. 1 year ago

    I know there's this item to revert rebirth.

    How's the working exactly? Is this an easier way to get more slots than to just continue rebirthing?

    • 1 year ago

      Use it on char A. she loses 1 rebirth level > get chalice > use chalice on char b to give her +1 rebirth without having to pay the exp cost.

      It's not that important of a system.

      • 1 year ago

        Oh, it's just to transfer? Okay. That's kinda whatever.

  20. 1 year ago

    >only had like two As total with the free pulls so far
    >just nabbed SS Adel
    Whoa. I'm usually not this lucky.

    • 1 year ago

      Oh my god. I was definitely jealous when I read your post, especially because I also dropped 30 pulls on this myself, getting no SS.
      Guess what this daily gave.

      I'm so happy. Maybe your post brought me the luck.

      • 1 year ago

        You're welcome

  21. 1 year ago
  22. 1 year ago

    10 days until 4.2 comes out. What are you planning to do in-game until then? I'm just on track to finish grinding the SP orb to 100% for a few characters.

    • 1 year ago

      What's the point of asking this before the stream, maybe they will announce something there. Doesn't the current score attack end in a few days?

      • 1 year ago

        I doubt the stream will mention much since I expect it to focus more on continuing the story recaps. Not even sure we'll get a new banner since the A-Mari one ends when 4.2 comes out, and iirc there will be another stream just before that on the 27th.

        • 1 year ago

          No, this upcoming stream is the big 4.2 reveal stream with the proper PV, early banner announcement etc. The video on the 27th is just

          Ch.2 video is about to start.

          but for 4.1.

          • 1 year ago

            Ah, that's a hard skip for me then. Key's tendency to spoil shit with their PVs has never been my cup of tea.

        • 1 year ago

          You were correct, there's an another stream on the 27th, they will have a double stream special. They will reveal the new styles, Shimoda will be there to talk about development stuff too.

  23. 1 year ago

    watching jigokuraku, did maeda literally just rip sagiri out of there for inori or is the executioner swordsman girl who needs to make up her resolve a wider trope that I haven't encountered yet.

    • 1 year ago

      I can think of a million sword girls

    • 1 year ago

      >is the executioner swordsman girl who needs to make up her resolve a wider trope
      Yes, actually

      • 1 year ago

        what other ones are there?

  24. 1 year ago

    Chapter 4.2 patch is 3.0.0, they even updated the system requirements for it.

  25. 1 year ago

    I don't know why they made the triple edelweiss campaign from anniversary a limited time thing. They should just give all new players one free edelweiss so they won't have to be afraid of new players not having an event to grind if they don't meet the chapter requirements of the current event

  26. 1 year ago

    So, do you think they will release casual clothes Megumin as a new alt? On the one hand, it's a no-brain opportunity to take advantage of all the marketing around the chapter release and to get a canon alt that actually means something for once. One the other hand, it's not flashy at all compared to the alts they usually make, and it's kinda spoiler'y too.

    • 1 year ago

      If anything I want them to release more casual alts. Too much of anything good can quickly become bad and casual Megumi has always looked cool, even considering what it's currently associated with, so she'd provide a fun contrast. The spoiler part is an issue, but seeing as they plan on doing the recaps for everything so far, including 4.1, I'm hoping this is a sign that they don't see this as being much of an issue anymore. At least I hope so, because I'd love to see more monthly events that build off of chapters 3 and 4.1.
      Plus, I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love it if picrel was Karen3, especially if it had alternate voice lines (Karerin instead of Karen-chan).

      • 1 year ago

        >The spoiler part is an issue
        It's a bit of a Schrödinger's spoiler. If you've actually finished the chapter you know it's a spoiler(but it's already irrelevant for you). But if you haven't, then it's just a random outfit, you have no context for it. Anyway, I don't think WFS cares as much about it as we do, if you check the apple app store page, there's this banner there, they don give a frick. So the real question is whether they think it would sell or not, and whether they want to release a new Megumi style now at all.

      • 1 year ago

        I'd like Karen chan to remain Karen chan. She's the only kind of this char in HBR and that identity shouldn't be touched. Also story-wise it wouldn't really make sense so far.

        Also for what it's worth, you only have one set of battle lines, and no matter the costume the default ones are in the dungeon. Before we get completely different alts like that, this would need some attention. Actually really fricking weird, with how much attention to detail the game has, that this of all things still hasn't been looked at. Different battle lines for the different SS of a char would be great to have, and the costume should also be applied to the dungeons. Is that really that much extra work?

  27. 1 year ago

    VA countdown messages:
    Tsukasa: https://twitter.com/heavenburnsred/status/1647919080597512192
    Yuki: https://twitter.com/heavenburnsred/status/1648280221517316098
    Megumi: https://twitter.com/heavenburnsred/status/1648642602273759232

  28. 1 year ago

    New 4.2 screenshots from the app store.

    • 1 year ago
  29. 1 year ago

    >No update before the stream
    I guess it'll be an actual surprise this time. Will it be
    >No new styles. It's a repeat gacha
    >Akari and Aina since they got new expressions
    >New Megumi is spoilery so no update

    • 1 year ago

      The patch is going live next week before the chapter release day, there's no point to update today other than just spoiling things early.

  30. 1 year ago

    Small in-game update, nothing in the app store. Judging from the site:
    DeathSlug rerun for the next couple of weeks.
    The prism campaign is back. You also get some quartz for going through 4.1 and Iroha's event now. Between these, you get about 5k quartz.
    31A 1.5x. Ruka3, Yuki3, Karen2, Tsukasa2, Megumi2, Tama3, no offrates. Banner runs until March 12th, so exactly 2 weeks after 4.2's release. Not sure what that says about the possibility of the 4.2 banner being Megumi3.

    • 1 year ago

      >banner end date
      Of course, I meant May 12th.

    • 1 year ago

      > Not sure what that says about the possibility of the 4.2 banner being Megumi3.
      We had Ruka SS2 + 31A banners running around this time last year, this probably doesn't mean much. I don't know if it will be Megumi specifically or maybe Karen/Tsukasa, but I'm 100% sure there will be a new 31A girl alt banner for the story chapter update.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, I'm still going to assume that that's going to happen, I'd just forgotten about any previous similar situations.

        • 1 year ago

          Well, I see the small possibility of them not doing this, but I would be very surprised if they did not take advantage of the rare special happening date outside the anniversaries.

  31. 1 year ago

    Let's fricking go.

  32. 1 year ago

    Bring back Kura please she's too fun to just permanently go.

  33. 1 year ago

    Holy frick, I have no words.

  34. 1 year ago

    That certainly explains why they upped the hardware requirements. Not a big fan, but I'm happy so long as the story itself is good.

  35. 1 year ago


  36. 1 year ago

    Fishing lvl?

  37. 1 year ago

    Is this really a fricking mobile game, what the frick.

    • 1 year ago

      genshin is a mobile game, it doesn't mean much anymore

  38. 1 year ago

    We're rich bros.

    • 1 year ago

      More attack animations please

    • 1 year ago

      Straight back up to 120k quartz with nothing to spend it on...

  39. 1 year ago

    No new style previews? I guess they will just randomly drop it next week(we will get spoiled by the datamine again)
    It also probably isn't Megumi then if it wasn't revealed there with her VA present.

  40. 1 year ago

    This stream was so nice, I can't remember the last time I was this invested. Can't wait for the new chapter.

  41. 1 year ago

    Chapter 4.2 PV

  42. 1 year ago

    So Megumi seems to be dead set on staying there, but I doubt she will in the end so Rumi might not be a reccuring character. I really doubt they'll fridge Tama this early, but one of these e-girls probably won't make it to chapter 5. Also that 31X and ice area bit from the first trailer were kind of a red herring, but I guess that answers the change in environment question

  43. 1 year ago

    Haha we're getting break bars like fgo. It's Yuki's era now

    • 1 year ago

      WTF you need to break to this boss x3?

      • 1 year ago

        I don't see the issue here

        • 1 year ago

          A breaker isn't going to have any advantage due to their damage being usually last damage hit focused. So unless you majorly overpower the enemy, I doubt it matters having bonus damage.
          And when it comes to majorly overpowering and dealing with multiple break bars, there are better ways of doing that than using a breaker. The only breaker with a native hit buff is QED, and she's only having 2 hits. Hit buffs are the best thing to get around this, and while sure, yunyun can provide this to an extend, it's pretty obvious that it's pretty cope in comparison to e-girlta or A-San. QED is too shit (no element) to be usable until she gets an alt.. likely not anytime soon.

          So yeah, I see no place for a breaker. I think there are also not that many in the game. Or my view is biased, because I basically have none.

          I have Yukki (shit) and her alt, as well as vanilla Sumomo (who's terrible by now). Bungo vanilla doesn't count, she doesn't have any anti dp on her ult. Hisame is a debuffer.
          So yeah, I definitely miss some, but it's kinda funny how little there are. 7 out of the 48 chars are breaker, 1 doesn't have any SS yet. Out of the remaining 6, 2 are having unusable base SS (drastically weakening them, as it's kinda neat to have a good vanilla SS ultimate around), and one is basically used as a light/dark debuffer and dungeon encounter wiper.
          Then there's one that has an Attacker alt (Sumomo), and one without an element.

          Okay, shit. I thought breaker are heavily shafted in this game, but damn. It's BAD.

          • 1 year ago

            It's hard to be surprised by the relative lack of breakers when WFS's focus as of late has been on constantly giving people either the next 10 digit damage stat stick for score attack, or the next way to turn someone into a 10 digit damage stat stick for score attack. I'm glad they're at least showing signs of mixing things up for the story, but I wouldn't expect 4.2 to be particularly difficult for anyone who's say, at 15.5k or above going into it, so I doubt it'll matter much.

            • 1 year ago

              That's why you use full base 31A team for the main story (without Megumin of course)

              • 1 year ago

                I would if I had Yuki1 as she's the only one I'm missing.

              • 1 year ago

                I'm somewhat similar but I lack base Tama (I have her alt1 though).

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah I've got an annoying mix as well (5/6 SS1 and 3/6 SS2). I don't like being inconsistent and mixing up regular SSes with alts unless I really have to.

              • 1 year ago

                Let's just hope that they will let us switch the styles' look in the future.

          • 1 year ago

            Nah you just like to hate on Yuki

        • 1 year ago

          The issue is I have no fricking breakers

          • 1 year ago

            You'll be fine, it's just 50% damage.

    • 1 year ago

      I sure hope they'll also let me use my breakers' skills more than just 4 times for that.

  44. 1 year ago
  45. 1 year ago


    >I wonder if these new mini games(cooking/shop) are a consequence of the 4.2 development cycle. Megumi probably won't have any cancer fights in her parts of the story, so they probably came up with some minigame to compensate for that. And then they were like "What if we did something like that in the normal events too?"


    >A Yakuza-style set of mini games for Megumi's life in the dome would be very strange but also hilarious.
    They knew.

  46. 1 year ago

    Skill issue

  47. 1 year ago

    I've never rolled a breaker other than Yukki

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      As a Seiralet who's beaten pre nerfed flathand with just base Yuki and Ruka, nice.

      • 1 year ago

        My old pre nerf flathand party was:

        -Tama, Ruka, Karen lb1, Monaka, Tsukasa S and Hisame.
        I think I had Yukki's SS there, but she was already too bad back then. I started in May at Hisame's banner.

        I won without a single heal left and my final ultimate. Though not all ultimates had 4 charges yet. I've never had such a nerve racking and tight fight ever again. I was literally shacking afterwards.
        Nowadays it's really just about how big the numbers can be, and when in doubt Aoi. Still, I'd not appreciate what I have if I never experienced that.

        • 1 year ago

          I do miss the old style. Even as a Seiragay that fight took fricking everything I had.
          >Already been more than a year

        • 1 year ago

          I went into it with Sumomo, Byakko and Seika as my only "real" SSes, all at LB0. Free Ruka, S Kozue and S Tama really couldn't do much of anything except tank and heal. It took me multiple weeks to get through it and while I enjoyed the actual win, it was more out of relief at no longer being locked out of the story. I'm damn glad 4.1 was much easier in comparison (especially having so many more options to get stronger) and I really hope 4.2 will be the same.

  48. 1 year ago

    Is Tama tryharding because Megumi was dumb enough to tell her to become the savior instead of her?

  49. 1 year ago

    This is Hisame's new VA. With some proper voice direction, she should be a fine replacement.

  50. 1 year ago

    God I can't wait for the full version of that song. Though apparently it has a lot of death flags in it?

  51. 1 year ago

    Huh, now I wonder if her future style will be a defender.
    1. It makes sense for the plot(at least based on the PV)
    2. It would help the general class distribution, there are only like 5 defenders yet 9 debuffers currently in this game
    3. It would ease the future release schedule, there are 3 upcoming new debuffers(Aina, Vritika, Sharo) and 3 more debuffers(Tenne, Miya, Isuzu) waiting for their first alt in the queue, that's quite a lot.

    • 1 year ago

      These words don't mean shit anymore.

      We have a defender that majorly acts as a buffer. Two even, though I don't have onee chan to know if she gets bonus damage reduction on aggro or bonus enhance, like Seira alt gets.
      We have a defender that's a healer, including bonus healing on the style.
      We have a defender that deals the highest possible damage in the game.

      As far as I'm concerned, a defender is either shit, not actually a defender, or Aoi.

      • 1 year ago

        >Two even
        I wouldn't be surprised if Vritika ended up being the third.

      • 1 year ago

        I always thought of defenders as a class that can provoke and def up/attack down during battle, and then having some sort of a specialization for the actual attack sequence. So Aoi isn't like "the" defender, it's just her specialization is pure tanking, while others play either support or offensive roles.

        • 1 year ago

          Nah. Misato is an Attacker with atk down. The initial idea was probably aggro, but it's just not that great.

          Anyways, did Flathand (hard) for the first time. Pretty good simulation of my vanilla try way back then, including using charge turns for buffs. (doping this time, back then Tsukasa S)
          I always way overshoot my goal though. The final blow (by Kanade) was 50m damage. I am really bad at making 2 parties, so it ends up that one is focused on the killing blow with OD3, and the other one basically gets there. This time I tried to to at least have a little backup blast and 1 healer around in party 2, but my first party didn't need that help and reached their goal alone, making 2 out of the 6 chars in party 2 pointless. (Yes, Miya, Hisame, YunYun and Kanade do that damage against 999%)

          Wonder if there are better party building ways. To really stand against these bosses for a long time your party needs to invest a lot into defensive plays. To break the second version I had to use 3 offensive ultis, because I forgot how the field gets scraped on phase change and the weakness to elec disappeared as well.

          Also A-San confused Flathand twice. It canceled one Flash of Death, too. Hit buffs do NOT influence that chance, do they? I'm getting confused myself.

          • 1 year ago

            >Nah. Misato is an Attacker with atk down.
            And YunYun has a def down, that doesn't mean debuffers aren't debuffers anymore.

            • 1 year ago

              You say that, but the standard defender style bonus is related to aggro. Increasing the power/chance of debuffs is something debuffer have. Atk down is part of that.

              Though as I said, this entire idea is long since out of the window, as classes have different class passives, making it super confusing. Like why does Tama SS3 and Seira SS2 have bonus enhance but are considered Healer/Defender respectively? Pointless. Just call it Buffer.
              These classes COULD help making you understand their primary purpose and style bonus, but nah. They only affect what kind of equip they want for bonus SP and score attack rules.

              • 1 year ago

                >Like why does Tama SS3 and Seira SS2 have bonus enhance but are considered Healer/Defender respectively?
                Probably a hoju thing. Heal bonus is more beneficial to have on Tama in the long run even if you use her SS3.

              • 1 year ago

                But she doesn't have heal bonus. Both have bonus enhance, even though neither are considered Buffer.

                Anyways, I saved up 6k quartz thanks to the recent gains again, and tried my luck to get Mari, and then ended up throwing 10k yen at them to try 3 more times, as no SS. I got her in the final 10er. 96 total pulls on the banner so far and only 2 SS isn't the greatest, but I have both. I am content. That's pretty lucky I think.
                That's my "vote with wallet" for the last event. Probably gonna use these two quite a bit. They've become some of my favorite chars (though I always liked them before.. which says a bit given how Mari's first event didn't do her well). Feels like a good way to use the 49 gold coins I have saved up.. though I'd need 1 more if I wanted to lb3 A-San and lb1 Mari.

                Now I hope this game is holding back a bit making me like characters. It's expensive. Or get sexy styles like Mari's. Like seriously. More suits please. I have a very easy time ignoring that. Even swim suits, no problem. But me not being a huge maid outfit fan on top of this Mari outfit.. yeah. This banner was bad for me. I'm glad I got out of this relatively well.

              • 1 year ago

                >why does Tama SS3 and Seira SS2 have bonus enhance but are considered Healer/Defender respectively?
                The hoju bonuses have always been tailored towards the style's ultimate skill. That's why Ichiko has enhance+ and Matsuoka has crit+ or atk+ I forgot which one. Role identity really doesn't mean much when it comes to buffers and healers since they both use their wisdom stat and both stats are 110 + 39% for all characters as far as I know. As for defenders they more or less don't have a role identity outside of Aoi so they're made into buffers. Though that new Chie might indicate that they're taken into the direction of bulky attackers, but who knows

  52. 1 year ago

    God im so fricked for 4.2. Neglecting GP since chapter 3

    • 1 year ago

      Shouldn't you just passively be past max without doing much?

      • 1 year ago

        thats what you usually have to do but I am moronic

  53. 1 year ago

    Yeah, I don't think they give a damn about "spoilers" anymore, if anyone doesn't know what happened in 4.1 it's just their problem.

    • 1 year ago

      I hope it's a sign that we're gonna get more monthly events that require you to have done chapter 3 or 4.1.

    • 1 year ago

      That's really not a spoiler at a glance.

    • 1 year ago

      I mean 4.1 was almost a year ago. Most gacha games are fine with spoiling the previous chapter when a new one comes out

      I hope it's a sign that we're gonna get more monthly events that require you to have done chapter 3 or 4.1.

      I kinda doubt it since we're still going through the "character introduction" phase of events where they're going over the backstory of its focus character. Besides, nothing much has changed for 90% of the cast that would warrant setting a event to be past chapter 3 or even chapter 1 since this is such a 31A focused game.

  54. 1 year ago

    I just know they're going to force us to fish in every single chapter from now. Even when Megumi leaves the dome, there will be a fishing spot in the base. On the bright side, maybe this will give Aina a new relevant character to interact with.

    • 1 year ago

      I hope they don't force me to play the rhythm game.

      • 1 year ago

        When they previewed the dome gameplay and there was that music icon, I actually thought there might be a karaoke rhythm game like in the Yakuza series, or maybe some guitar hero-like shit, but they went with the Key crossover jukebox instead.

    • 1 year ago

      What's wrong with that? Love fishin'

      • 1 year ago

        I mean it's just a glorified button masher. A kinda bare bones button masher too. I'm surprised they made it a point to showcase it during the stream. I don't mind it either, but it's interesting that this was the minigame they decided to spotlight

  55. 1 year ago

    inb4 they will add some break related styles to grab easy money because of a new boss. A new breaker(Akarin? Karen alt?) and some buffer/debuffer interacting with shield break.

    • 1 year ago

      Still patiently waiting for an AOE ice breaker Ichigo...

    • 1 year ago

      I wonder how having multiple bars will differ compared to just 1 big one with more DP. I doubt it affects which characters you bring along since multiple hit ults already had the advantage.
      I'm guessing they will use it for phase transitions + a boss where you have to time the breaks to prevent a big nuke.

      • 1 year ago

        I’m most concerned if overflow damage will carry over to the next bar. I’m assuming it doesn’t, which means we’re going to need a lot of skill charges

        • 1 year ago

          We won't know until we've seen it, but I'd be surprised if it carried over. Not carrying over just means you have to go more slowly, but carrying over would be straight-up fatal for single-hit ults and I don't expect them to go in that direction for story bosses after they made such a big deal out of the low 4.1 completion rate late last year.

          • 1 year ago

            >1 hit ultimates
            Honestly doesn't matter. They haven't really done that in a long time, and you overestimate what two more bars can do. In the end it's nothing different to a two phase fight. And if we get this in a multiple phase fight without recovery in between is something we'll see. It's more likely that that simply won't be happening, than no damage carry over.

            Also it honestly doesn't make sense if there's no carry over.

            While I write this, I have another idea of how this could be done. The multiple break bars aren't necessarily "one after the other", but all there at once -> more aoe focus. Gotta break all of them before you hit the boss. It's honestly about time HBR does multi part bosses.

        • 1 year ago

          What would be the point of multiple bars if damage carried over? Just give the boss three times the DP then.

          • 1 year ago

            >the point
            Most damage of ultimates is on the last hit of it, so "just more DP" isn't really the same, as you will always waste damage on the hit that breaks.
            Then there's the thing with potential free turns on break.

            It's not like it's unheard of that you can't deal more damage than "X" in fights from some games, but that is honestly just bad game design. It's not like the current system couldn't have already done it either, no need for multiple break bars. But so far, only the breaking hit will waste the rest of damage, which is quite important. (i.e. 1 hit enemy attacks can never game over you, provided you aren't having broken chars yet, but multi hit can)

            Changing this entire concept just for multi break bars seems weird to say the least. I still hope they work differently though, and it's more several parts (aoe) rather than "one by one".

  56. 1 year ago

    Daily countdown picture + Tama's VA comment

  57. 1 year ago

    Karen's VA comment

  58. 1 year ago

    Chapter 3 recap video is starting soon.

  59. 1 year ago

    This new CM is actually nice. I still think they go overboard with them, but it's pretty decent this time.

  60. 1 year ago

    Tsukasa's VA

  61. 1 year ago
  62. 1 year ago

    Now I got Mari from the daily.

    I was aware of this possibility when I rolled for her after getting A-San from a free daily, but somehow free pulls gave me both banner chars. Why did I pull 80 times myself? Let's just say.. those were necessary. The average SS rate of the banner is now average. (2 from free pulls, 1 from my own 80) However all are rate ups.

    RNG is fricking bonkers in this game.

    • 1 year ago

      It's come full circle. I am wholly jealous of you now anon

  63. 1 year ago

    Can't believe AI are spoiling the opening CG now.

  64. 1 year ago

    I still cant get past 4.1 boss..what do bros..

    • 1 year ago

      post team

      • 1 year ago

        Show box. (imagine weird cat picture)

        But anyways, you need damage that's all. I think the boss isn't too hard if you have a few crit orbs. If you don't, go beat up the fire orb boss. Though I'm not sure if lv2+ orb bosses are still as strong as they were when I did them. If so, you may need some sort of cheese.
        Hard to say though without knowing what you have. I doubt you have a crit buffer, otherwise you would've won already...?

        I don't know what's the meta team these days
        I also haven't touched the dungeon after clearing B50

        • 1 year ago

          Anon you can do it!

        • 1 year ago

          >have tama, space higuchi, aoi
          >all those 0/80s
          >0/84 space higuchi
          I mean you really only have yourself to blame

        • 1 year ago

          What's your equipment like? Characters cleary aren't the issue so it's either you are lacking good 6 star equipment from the elemental prisms or are deliberately gimping yourself with your team.

        • 1 year ago

          You have enough material to build really solid light/fire/ice comps or mediocre, but still functional dark/thunder, what is even the problem there?

          • 1 year ago

            What's your equipment like? Characters cleary aren't the issue so it's either you are lacking good 6 star equipment from the elemental prisms or are deliberately gimping yourself with your team.

            pretty much had no drive to grind equipment

            >flathand phase 1
            Fire kayamori or Yuri/ yukata izumi/ space higuchi or seira/ tama/ ichiko/ toujou
            Just use a standard fire team for it. Ichiko and Tama should be enough to tank. Idk if you need the fragile from Maki too, but this should be enough damage
            >phase 2
            Same team but use Yuri here. Try to build up destruction before using up all your ultimates. You are on a clock, but this phase was easier than 1 imo

            From the looks of it you just need to enhance your styles and craft better equipment. The Dp bonus from crafted earrings is essential

            thanks, this handholding guide is what I need

        • 1 year ago

          >flathand phase 1
          Fire kayamori or Yuri/ yukata izumi/ space higuchi or seira/ tama/ ichiko/ toujou
          Just use a standard fire team for it. Ichiko and Tama should be enough to tank. Idk if you need the fragile from Maki too, but this should be enough damage
          >phase 2
          Same team but use Yuri here. Try to build up destruction before using up all your ultimates. You are on a clock, but this phase was easier than 1 imo

          From the looks of it you just need to enhance your styles and craft better equipment. The Dp bonus from crafted earrings is essential

        • 1 year ago

          This is really just a case of "play the game god dammit". You have an unused SS LB, not upgraded styles and apparently also put no effort into anything really.
          Most of HBR doesn't take any time. A 5 stack prism battle does take less than a minute. The auto grind setup the same. Total time spent on the game per day 3 minutes. If you'd just do that every day, you'd not even remotely run into any problems whatsoever.

          Dungeons aren't even necessary. They'd help a little, but the most important accs are crafted nowadays, aka from prism battles. There's even a campaign right now. Play the game.

    • 1 year ago

      Show box. (imagine weird cat picture)

      But anyways, you need damage that's all. I think the boss isn't too hard if you have a few crit orbs. If you don't, go beat up the fire orb boss. Though I'm not sure if lv2+ orb bosses are still as strong as they were when I did them. If so, you may need some sort of cheese.
      Hard to say though without knowing what you have. I doubt you have a crit buffer, otherwise you would've won already...?

  65. 1 year ago

    New chibis.

  66. 1 year ago

    Megumi's VA

    • 1 year ago

      I can't believe Karen is bullying the crippled

  67. 1 year ago
  68. 1 year ago

    >no scars

  69. 1 year ago

    Yuki's VA

  70. 1 year ago

    The update is there? Does that mean you can datamine everything already?

    • 1 year ago

      The download on my phone is just 2.3GB so it's probably not everything yet. Some stuff is though, like the new SSes. Megumi SS3, Kura SS2, plus a new S for Yuina.

  71. 1 year ago

    Megumi alts are always so pretty.

  72. 1 year ago
  73. 1 year ago

    The styles datamine is up on hbr.quest. Megumi's ult is... interesting. Kura is just a simple normal style.

    • 1 year ago

      She's pretty great in fire teams since she replaces both tsukasa and isuzu. Though you'd probably still want another debuffer with how sp heavy she is. Also after all this time we still don't have a +50% fire attacker.
      That Kura is ok as long as aoe destruction skills have the same % as ST ones. Then she's a pretty decent blaster for dark teams though you might still run Maki over her for the fragile.
      Nothing TOO broken with these two styles. Kinda expected more for a main chapter release. These two are just win more styles. Maybe I should wait for the 31X event

      • 1 year ago

        She would be godlike if her non-ult skill was some utility and not the pointless self-enhance that you will get from higuchi/yunyun/mari anyway if you ever want to use a style like this as your attacker for some reason. And I feel like there's a deeper intention behind the 2 turn debuff mechanic than what I'm currently seeing, maybe it's for the new multibar bosses. Also, is this the first 65% field?

        • 1 year ago

          2 turns is just convenience. Debuffs are still largely used during OD.

          That said, this is a sidegrade at best, unless you really only care about the biggest theoretical fire numbers.

          As a general rule of thumb these debuffs on so expensive ultimates aren't that hot. (pun intended) As a debuffer or buffer your job is to amplify damage, not necessarily to deal it. There are some useful exceptions like the second Tama alt, because the entire ability scales with wis, not just the buff, and she has tons of natural wis growth. But elec enhance vs def down and fire field is still a bit of a different beast. Def down can only really be made use out of via stacking it, and while you can do this with 2 turn duration, the cost is too high to do it without at least od2, killing the point. And then you do not get anything out of the field being used twice.

          Is this really good? I honestly don't think so.

          As for dark Kura, her ult is as strong as Yuina's... but only if hits a weakness? At least the blast is gigantic in that case. Absolutely garbage otherwise though. They didn't even try to give A-San competition, and I'm happy about that.

          Wake me up when 2 turn debuffs come from chars that can actually stack them without OD.

          • 1 year ago

            I mean, I understand your point about stacking and you're not wrong, it would be an infinitely better style if she could put a field and stack elem down easily, but damage formula-wise, her ult is basically an equivalent of double elem down stack that happens in a single turn before the actual attack turn, let's alone OD. I see it as a giga comfy ability that would make everything about playing fire just better.

            • 1 year ago

              To me comfy chars are those that can be used in any situation. Megumi ss3 sucks in dungeons. Mind you I have no blunt char who doesn't, but still.

              Once you actually got used to chars that deal good single target and multi target damage, it's hard to go back. It's why I didn't want Ruka ss3 either. I'd be perma benched. Heck even ss2 is kinda benched by now. But that's largely because the last part of the grind dungeon has enemies resistant to light in there. Makes her ulti bad.

  74. 1 year ago

    You can spoil the full list of key crossover songs from Megumi's part for yourself by checking new items on hbr.quest
    They have the Nagisa theme(dango song), people are going to die from that.

    • 1 year ago

      Holy shit SJ_008 got me crying for the third time this morning.

  75. 1 year ago

    So many things you could spoil yourself with in these assets, but also many pretty backgrounds.

  76. 1 year ago

    Ruka's VA
    4.2 recap team

    • 1 year ago

      4.1, obviously, I'm too impatient.

  77. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      I thought shimoda was showing up today

      • 1 year ago

        Tsukasa VA coping about getting powercreeped was so funny.

        He will, just for the last segment.

  78. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Cheapest elemental AOE?

      • 1 year ago


  79. 1 year ago

    There he is.

  80. 1 year ago

    The way they said that really sounds like a death flag

    • 1 year ago

      Tama hat is gonna get killed

  81. 1 year ago

    His perspective was interesting, but I expected some graphs and shit.

  82. 1 year ago

    And 4.1 recap stream. This one has Megumi and Tama VAs in it, so should be fun.

  83. 1 year ago

    This was the best one out of 4. So much honest serious talk, so little filler crap.

  84. 1 year ago

    >21 new characters with poses
    >2 new variants of existing characters
    Megumi Ordinary Offcap
    Tama Captain
    >3 updated existing pose files
    Byakko, Megumi Ordinary: I think placeholders were replaced with the real graphics
    Tama: Sadness4

    You will have to download the new version of the program though if you want to look at all the new characters. There was a bug that happened when a character only has one expression. And also 45 new mp3s along with loads of other things now in the mega.

  85. 1 year ago

    I like this animation. Her first alt clean pretty slashes always felt a bit strange after DEKA NARE, the new one went back to unga bunga again, which suits the character much better.

  86. 1 year ago

    How exactly do these permanent +10% passives(suit RukaYuki, AB girls, new Megumi) work? Do they stack with proper elemental buffs if you have both? If you have both Ruka and Yuki, will they provide 20% or only 10%?

    • 1 year ago

      apparently they're stackable with other passives and probably added with skills. Not sure how accurate this chart still is

      • 1 year ago

        It should be. Generally speaking these auto buffs are very bad due to you enhancing anyways.
        The way to deal big damage is to focus on the categories that aren't attack buff, to make those numbers as high as possible to benefit from the relatively big attack buff multiplier.

        The only question of accuracy is the others category. It's so old yunyun doesn't exist, and I don't know if her hit buff multiplies with Monaka's token damage increase (or Maria's). I actually never tested this, even though I have lb2 Monaka and yunyun as well.

  87. 1 year ago

    Any chance for a global release?

    • 1 year ago

      We'll probably get a better idea of whether that's ever going to happen some time after 4.2 comes out. I know a fair few Key fans and yuri fans who are waiting on it, but more regular gacha fans have told me it's pretty unlikely, despite the fact that Another Eden has a global version.

      • 1 year ago

        They've synced up CN KR to the JP date, so you'll have to wait next year for anything guaranteed, where they might announce it I guess the 1.5 anniversary?

        I see, thanks bros, I'm going back to my cave then.

    • 1 year ago

      They've synced up CN KR to the JP date, so you'll have to wait next year for anything guaranteed, where they might announce it I guess the 1.5 anniversary?

    • 1 year ago

      The real question is when is the anime coming out.

  88. 1 year ago

    whens the gacha going to come out bros

    • 1 year ago

      Already up now, along with 3k quartz for logging in, start of a 10-day SS-guaranteed login ticket, and a paid SS-guaranteed gacha too. Sucks that I have to work tomorrow, so story is going to have to wait, but good luck to everyone who is gonna try to work through it today

      • 1 year ago

        >40 pulled only the guaranteed S

  89. 1 year ago

    I wonder if we're going to get 7 star accessories or if they're going to wait until chapter 5 to powercreep them.
    I hope when we do we're get an item that lets you inherit the slot bonuses from accessories

  90. 1 year ago

    Wow, I forgot there were bath scenes after the bond events.

  91. 1 year ago

    >get SS Muua from the free daily roll
    >get this from the new banner on my first 10-roll
    What did I do?

    • 1 year ago

      My thoughts exactly, too strong Key vn vibes from Megumi’s part
      Personally I am getting Summer Pockets vibes from this

  92. 1 year ago

    Megumi's part is pure soul, feels even more like a vn.

  93. 1 year ago

    This is some clannad after story shit, they even have a discount Sunohara.

  94. 1 year ago

    Fricking already teared up at the food

  95. 1 year ago

    Huh I thought they were going to mention Holmes's drug addiction during Irene's story, but I guess we're not that M rated yet

  96. 1 year ago

    They really should have called this chapter 5 and not 4.2, it doesn't feel like half-chapter at all.

  97. 1 year ago

    >No steam on THAT scene
    Getting gutsy are we?

  98. 1 year ago

    Is Ultimate Feeler (hard) actually doable without Aoi? I can't help but feel it's not, or if it is then with much luck. Technically it can almost always trick dance, and the only turns it definitely attacks it's 1hit single target.

    Anyways, it's down. With that I managed to do all currently available weekend bosses. Now back to the stars..

  99. 1 year ago

    I've only cleared 6 days so far, but I already can't see any other outcome than Megumi's return in this chapter. Maeda probably still has some epic tearjerker moment prepared for this as usual, but it won't affect her return, it's just happening.

  100. 1 year ago

    shit I should've leveled my elemental skills. Now even normal mobs resist non elemental attacks

    • 1 year ago

      I just ult them, no need to make things difficult.

    • 1 year ago

      There barely exist any non ultis. I hope they don't go too hard into that, because the last non elemental styles aren't exactly far away. (Mari with her 10 cost aoe pierce)

      • 1 year ago

        >because the last non elemental styles aren't exactly far away. (Mari with her 10 cost aoe pierce)
        Surely they care a lot about every style non-ult abilities being useful.

        • 1 year ago

          Joke's on you, because the last non elemental ultimate wasn't that far in the past either.

          If they make the whole "need element" so important, why not give all new styles an element.

  101. 1 year ago

    Megumi-sama... I kneel

    • 1 year ago

      Who? I only know of Kato Eri

  102. 1 year ago

    Fricking Maeda found a way to conjure rain in my room yet again.

  103. 1 year ago

    I heard something about this getting an English translation. Will it be getting a Global Release or is it going to be that the Japanese version will have an English language option?

    • 1 year ago

      >I heard something about this getting an English translation.
      There hasn't been any information about EN yet.
      >Will it be getting a Global Release or is it going to be that the Japanese version will have an English language option?
      If it ever happens, it will be both. There will be a new server following JP 1 to 1 without any delay, and you will be able to play on JP with the English language option too. That's what happened to KR and TW.

  104. 1 year ago

    is the gacha f2p-friendly ? can you clear events and story up until last part of chap 4 without SSR ? how hard are SSR to get and is key generous with quartz (or whatever they are named in HBR) ?

    • 1 year ago

      F2P will easily have full SSR teams

    • 1 year ago

      As long as you bring enough time, eventually you'll be fine.
      Still salty they made the event S healer fricking limited. It'd be so good for all new people.. but alas. Nowadays when there's a will there should be a way.. even if it takes time and isn't too pretty.

  105. 1 year ago

    Have KR and TW been compensated for the difference in quartz yet?

  106. 1 year ago

    I hadn't really thought about it before, but after playing 4.2, I'm really surprised that Megumi doesn't have wis scaling on her attacks out of all the characters in this game. I understand that they don't have to align the gameplay and lore perfectly, but like come on.

  107. 1 year ago

    I appreciate every golden hopper that appeared in the story

  108. 1 year ago

    I went into that final boss blind, thankfully Yukki was enough to kill all phases with 1 ult. Gotta keep it lore accurate afterall.

  109. 1 year ago

    What exactly is happening here?

    • 1 year ago

      Rap battle.

    • 1 year ago

      Rap battle.

      I wonder what influenced Maeda recently, we got that Fubuki memory first, then multiple rap memes across the new chapter. If this continues, we will get a rap battle event or something like that soon.

      • 1 year ago

        Maeda just likes to put references to rap, hiphop and whatnots in his works. There is a rap section in the ed theme of Kanon even.

  110. 1 year ago

    >80% of enemies are resistant to slash or fire
    Did they actually want me to play this with a 31A team or what?

    • 1 year ago

      I guess it's supposed to represent their struggle without Megumi or something. But yes, they really do expect you to play this chapter with Megumin-less 31A setup if you want to do it the "right" way.

  111. 1 year ago

    Guys taking your time reading it or you finished anon?

    • 1 year ago

      I'm definitely taking my time. I'm on day 7 even with skipping all the obnoxious parts of the dialog.

    • 1 year ago

      Planning on saving it for the (frequent) dead weeks we have in FGO now, so putting it off for a little bit while I finish up Xenoblade 1 since I'm right at the end I think

    • 1 year ago

      I would like to finish it before the new event on Thursday, but even with a lot of free time I'm only on day 8. I want to read through 5ch thoughts too, but there's no spoiler hiding there. It's a pretty great chapter so far, especially Tama's backstory. I will say that I expected a bit more from Megumi's free time parts, especially when they had 9 months to develop everything, but I guess that's the tradeoff for cool looking maps and bosses.

  112. 1 year ago


  113. 1 year ago

    found one CG unlocked from fishing mini-game, need to caught the 8th fish. to uncap fishing level you need to go several times to scrap junkyard(3 level per run, max.lvl uncap is 30).

  114. 1 year ago

    Cleared the chapter. Took me 28 hours according to Steam. Too much padding thanks to the need to do so many dungeons.

    The fight against the boss was pretty cool. Loved the music too. A good vocal song in JRPG boss fights can get so hype.

    Chapter 5 could have some really interesting reveals. Wonder if we’ll have to wait until 2024 for it.

  115. 1 year ago

    I wonder if they are going to start doing stealth post 4.2 events now where the event is ch.1 locked but you can tell it's placed later just by Megumin being nicer.
    Actually, now I wonder if there are already such events and we have never noticed.

    • 1 year ago

      When you did Aoi memory story ruka felt grief upon meeting her

    • 1 year ago

      Before ruka woke up they showed previews of what happened in chapter 2 and 3, This happened again in chapter 2 in the camping grounds before the red crimson fight yuki was calling out to ruka before the cat woke her up

    • 1 year ago

      Ch1 BADEND pointed it out being a nightmare

  116. 1 year ago

    Just lost my account. Couldn't get past the main menu because of some bizarre initialization error -- tried everything, including reinstalling multiple times, and finally running the "uninstall" script the game comes with. It worked, except it deleted all my data. Turns out your information is in a registry entry in Windows and not tied to your Steam account in any way. I feel like an idiot and this has completely drained my motivation for playing this game. Has somebody already uploaded the new chapter to Youtube for me to follow along at least?

    • 1 year ago

      There was never an option that said you can bind to steam anon, only phones and emus
      this guy finished it his https://www.youtube.com/@user-pk2ww7sc2j/streams

      • 1 year ago

        Now I know! I think the game might've told me about this when I first started playing but I was just mindless clicking through all the messages to get to the actual game. Lesson learnt.

        You could try to contact the staff if you have any info to prove the account is your.
        Also reminder to bind your account. You can do so even in the Steam version. Just bind it to a throw away gmail account and no need to worry about losing your account anymore.

        Did so before I made that post, but I don't have any specific information.
        A lot of the questions in the data recovery request were related to in-game details, like amount of gems and which SSs I had, which I answered pretty accurately, but I have a feeling they just ignore requests without purchase details as it's too difficult to confirm otherwise.

        The error probably had something to do with corrupted save data. It should've told you to refresh the save on the title screen menu.
        Did you not set up an id+password for your account? The game's not going to automatically link your data.

        Half sure it was this "復帰不可能な初期化エラーが発生しました" (this error was mentioned in their recovery form and I recognize some of the wording)
        I think it just told me to try again later or contact customer support, and every time I clicked "OK" it would open a generic help.wfs.whatever FAQ page on my browser and then instantly open the same error message again.

    • 1 year ago

      You could try to contact the staff if you have any info to prove the account is your.
      Also reminder to bind your account. You can do so even in the Steam version. Just bind it to a throw away gmail account and no need to worry about losing your account anymore.

      • 1 year ago

        You reminded me of doing this. I wanted for the longest time actually make sure to do this once more, because I think the last time I did this I still had a weird code(?) for that. Not exactly sure though, but now I know I linked it to my google.

        I MAY have done it before already, but whatever. I know linking to google wasn't a thing at first, and when they introduced it I probably did it. Or not. But better be sure.

    • 1 year ago

      The error probably had something to do with corrupted save data. It should've told you to refresh the save on the title screen menu.
      Did you not set up an id+password for your account? The game's not going to automatically link your data.

  117. 1 year ago

    How should I build my team when starting, is having each style and 2 colors of each attribute, slash, thrust and hit, good if I want to be versatile against most mobs/boss ?

    • 1 year ago

      Anything will do, just bring your strongest characters, and at least one buffer and healer.

      • 1 year ago

        Gyaru Megumin is enough for hit, if any mobs do have hit you can always kill them with thrust

        Thanks anons

        For the first 2 chapters you can get by by making teams with lots of SS’s and steamrolling everything with your level advantage.

        But after that you’ll definitely need to grind for equipment crafting drops and plan proper teams.

        Roll as many SS rarity you can get. Not clearing the main story quest and repeatedly dying to regular mobs is pretty normal in this game. Don't worry too much. It's intended to be that way if you are not whale.

        The rate is so low I'm waiting for a banner I really want, so I guess I will have to do with the free Ruka and that Tama SS I got for now

        • 1 year ago

          They have x1.5 rate up banners wait for that if you lack ssr.

          • 1 year ago

            They are a lie. I sparked one and got no more than what a typical 3% would promise. Meanwhile I got like double that on a normal 3% banner.

            It's honestly better to just pull on a banner you like. Good or bad luck will never stop to matter. As long as you stick around, SS just naturally multiply.

            • 1 year ago

              Finished the chapter

              Less encounters per dungeon part but every enemy hits like a truck. Compared to other content I didn't feel that much difference when using units with lower LB's. As for the difficulty, If you have a good variety of SSR's I don't think this chapter will filter you but for people just starting out the 2 party gimmick and all the elemental attacks you need will be a big hurdle. You can't prepare for it with just a single reroll anymore since you need quantity as well.

              Story (SPOILERS). Great chapter overall. Finishing of without a twist or big reveal feels a bit lackluster but the 王道 payoff of 4.1 and the music and visuals are great. Shoutout to Megumi's "we really are the 贅沢の感情t tm' line.

              Random thoughts

              Did the kitou guy make a Suzume no Tojimari reference with his chant? It sounded like a butchered version of the chant from that movie.
              Rumi's 乗りがいい/ copying other people gimmick is 100% there to setup her being a Narby.
              Weird to see only Kura and Aoi at 2 conversation events when every other characters has 2. Not sure how it looks like for a new player but that might spoil somebody if they don’t change it. With the squad events and Megumi's side events, it’s about time to rework that entire screen.

              sparked that gacha as well before the chapter and it paid off for me. I got 3 characters at LB2 and 1 LB1 On paper this banner is completely cracked if you just want to use the main squad and have these units or their base forms already. If you spark you get on average you 9 SSR's from 200 rolls + 1 SSR from the spark bonus from a pool of 6 units, so pretty high changes of getting limit breaks. Easily the most practical gacha we got for F2P since the character poll one.

    • 1 year ago

      Gyaru Megumin is enough for hit, if any mobs do have hit you can always kill them with thrust

    • 1 year ago

      For the first 2 chapters you can get by by making teams with lots of SS’s and steamrolling everything with your level advantage.

      But after that you’ll definitely need to grind for equipment crafting drops and plan proper teams.

    • 1 year ago

      Roll as many SS rarity you can get. Not clearing the main story quest and repeatedly dying to regular mobs is pretty normal in this game. Don't worry too much. It's intended to be that way if you are not whale.

  118. 1 year ago

    Someone mentioned here recently being capped on money. I'm too, now. I'd assume that'll solve itself once I start playing the next chapter, but damn.

  119. 1 year ago
  120. 1 year ago

    New event teaser doesn't have any voice/visuals/logo/anything this time. Do they have the balls to release something 4.2-related already? Why else would you hide it.

  121. 1 year ago

    For day 14 do they force you to use your dungeon team on the boss like they did on day 12?

    • 1 year ago

      You get the option to change

  122. 1 year ago

    I lost my shit when Megumi went tsukkomi rap god on day 4.

  123. 1 year ago

    Just finished it. Not sure how I feel about it yet, but I guess I'll list what I liked and what I felt needed improvement
    1. The two character story telling method is great and opens the door to future chapters utilizing it. 2. Tama's anecdote was honestly amazing and the way they split it up for the mystery was great. I see so many JP comments say that no one died this chapter, but how'd you miss the death of best AI main computer and Kotetsumaru? 3. Everyone in Narashino dome was charming, especially the ridiculous jobs. There's so much love put into the map too. It's way smaller than I thought it'd be, but the lively mobs make up for it. The maps and bosses overall this chapter were amazing. 4. Speaking of bosses. Woo boy. 100k heal, two parties, multiple break bars. Yeah skullfeather and the whole chapter is definitely getting nerfed in a few months. A sadistic side of me really likes that final boss though. It feels like a proper usage of the two party system. 5. The Aki story is cheap. It's bullshit. But goddammit it works. It's a dirty trick to pull the mom card out everytime. Screw you Damae, it's good, but I have some complaints. 6. Waki
    >Parts that need improvement
    1. The Megumi and Aki connection would've been perfect if we only had more scenes of young Megumi. Otherwise it feels like it came out of nowhere. I would've liked to see Megumi running away from home to parallel her running away from 31A. It just felt a bit rushed at the end. 2. I know it's greedy to want big world building reveals every chapter, but dammit could we not have at least made it to the super generator? Whaddya mean we still can't get into Kyoto yet? At least the hook for next chapter is interesting. 3. This one is obvious, but frick molearms and objection gates. 4. The Megumi minigames were kinda underwhelming. They felt like chores instead, especially when so many good items were locked behind justice.

    • 1 year ago

      > Only hint we were given was being familiar with the Takikomi gohan that megumin ate and rumi having the same eyes as megumin before the big reveal, yeah would've been nice if there more hints towards the fact. What about wakki anon? it looked like you ended that abruptly?

  124. 1 year ago

    >teaser not spoiling the event before stream reveal
    >no data leak
    Huh. Is it a super secret event, or have they finally learned not to spoil everything?

    • 1 year ago

      I doubt it's the former. There's no way we're getting a post 4.2 event this early. Though there is the very slight chance it might be a collab event if they're keeping it this secret. I just hope they realized that not spoiling the event would lead to more viewership

  125. 1 year ago

    Maybe it'll be a supplementary event for 4.2 just like with the Iroha event, if you could even call it that.

    • 1 year ago

      The will probably make one from Waki's point of view. Personally i'd rather have it be next months event since rushing the new chapter + a new story in 1 week is a bit too much of a good thing.

      • 1 year ago

        They should just let the boss be fightable without doing the event.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, I was thinking about 31C 4.2 event releasing in a few months from now too. Maybe Tenne finally getting her alt + Wakki SS3(so fast because her SS2 was so bad). If it's a proper event, and not a fragment, you can even do a Megumi event S.

  126. 1 year ago

    Someone guessed it a month or two ago, datamined expressions never ever lie.
    Also, frick Aoi, let her go already.

    • 1 year ago

      Soulless dataminer. How unsurprising.

      • 1 year ago

        4th or 5th event reusing Aoi is the definition of soulless.

  127. 1 year ago

    its byaako event!

  128. 1 year ago

    Is Aoi's ult just a dumb token-based attack without any twists, or did I hear wrong?

  129. 1 year ago

    They sure went full coomhomosexualry with the Aoi alt huh.

    • 1 year ago

      I kinda hope it won't do as well as they expect it to, because I don't want them to go even further in that direction, but it's Aoi, so it most likely will.

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe if you live in Saudi Arabia.

      • 1 year ago

        That animation of her blushing and holding her skirt to not flash her panties felt like it's some coomer chink mobage, he isn't wrong at all. Why is she getting something like that in the first place, isn't she popular because of her heartfelt tragic story and soft personality?

        • 1 year ago

          That contrast should be the easiest thing in the world to understand

          • 1 year ago

            Aoigays are also coomers, who would've thought.

  130. 1 year ago

    Update is out it seems, proper styles numbers datamine soon.

  131. 1 year ago

    i thought this tiger is just a meme

  132. 1 year ago

    Might be the second event I instantly lost interest in.

    • 1 year ago

      You could start a blog with all the obnoxious complaining you're doing here.

      • 1 year ago

        Cry about it

        • 1 year ago

          You're doing that plenty for everyone
          Maybe someone can datamine the cry numbers for an exact amount

          • 1 year ago

            Not even that anon but apparently it hurt you enough to cry about it.

  133. 1 year ago

    It's no wonder this is considered the worst thread on /vmg/

    • 1 year ago

      When you have dedicated Aoischizos, of course it is.

  134. 1 year ago

    Good posts - Fanart or story posts
    Bad - Gameplay autists

    • 1 year ago

      Good posts - Me
      Bad posts - (You)

  135. 1 year ago

    star rail gameplay literally mogs this game so hard as turn based JRPGs, I wish jap devs actually put more effort in that department

    • 1 year ago

      The gameplay was an afterthought, unfortunately. Also a literal who studio.

    • 1 year ago

      even the story there makes more sense than this garbage story
      hope this trash eos so we can move onto the better gane

      • 1 year ago

        Have you tried not playing a game you don't like?

  136. 1 year ago

    Aoi just casually has 4 passives, not even 31A gets wanked this hard.

    • 1 year ago

      Wait until you get Yuina's 2nd alt.

  137. 1 year ago

    Aoi is probably strong? CON scaling, passive token farm, token boosting LB3. I don't care enough because I already have my suit Ruka, but she's probably going to hit like a truck. I expected something more mechanically interesting though, not a "grug smash" kind of style.

    • 1 year ago

      I think she does outdamage electric ruka at full stacks even with ruka's +50% to HP. Though depending on your debuffers ruka can maybe outdamage her with her defense down. I think the general gist of it is that ruka is easier to set up, but aoi does more damage in exchange for longer setup time, which is pretty much the standard formula for token users

      • 1 year ago

        If she has the style upgrades that give damage reduction during aggro, she's actually gonna be quite a wall, aside of just retaliating eventually. Like a truck.
        Chances are she will have it, because defender, aggro skill and nothing but damage on her ulti.

        I.. actually don't remember what her base form has, but it should have this. It doesn't really matter given that she either doesn't take damage, or is chilling in the back.
        The question would be, given that the passive triggers when the enemy has aggro or Aoi ult's exclusive status.. would it trigger twice when the enemy has both? That could be gigantic damage mitigation. I.. hope it doesn't.

  138. 1 year ago

    I died to the boss of Day 7 while trying to look for the new artifact chips, and a tutorial dialog appeared during the game over sequence. The sandstorm effect that makes you take damage every turn was actually a field effect, and can be overwritten by the various elemental fields we have. I could see them experimenting more with field effects in the future.

    • 1 year ago

      I want field stacking. Once all field elements in a single battle are used, you get the rainbow field which instantly kills all normal enemies, fires of overdrive 3 (without using your bar) and turns all your attacks into rainbow element, which hits all weaknesses the boss has. Rainbow element attacks will get stronger from any elemental buff or debuff, regardless of the element, as well.

      Joke aside, the ability to actually mix and combine elements would actually be a neat thing, even if it's not gonna be with all of them at once.

      • 1 year ago

        Etrian Odyssey IV had a class with the ability to put fields in combat which would attempt to cause status effects to enemies every turn, and the fields could be detonated for healing or to nuke enemies. With the recent Megumi style having a field with a limited duration, they might come up with something similar.

        Chrono Cross had an elemental field that would be updated every time an elemental skill was used, and your skills would also have their damage changed depending on how compatible the field was. Not sure how that would work here though, abilities are too expensive for that kind of constant manipulation.

        If they can add Angel Beats characters, I hope we get the commanders as playable characters as well in the future.

  139. 1 year ago
  140. 1 year ago

    New expressions and 3 new mp3s.
    Sharo: LittleJoy, LittleJoy2, Serious, Tiresome
    Yunyun: Anger2
    Vritika: Serious

    • 1 year ago

      So, 31X will finally get their event soon. I'm not sure why 31B just jumped over them like that, I guess they really wanted an excuse to push the new Aoi style.

      I want field stacking. Once all field elements in a single battle are used, you get the rainbow field which instantly kills all normal enemies, fires of overdrive 3 (without using your bar) and turns all your attacks into rainbow element, which hits all weaknesses the boss has. Rainbow element attacks will get stronger from any elemental buff or debuff, regardless of the element, as well.

      Joke aside, the ability to actually mix and combine elements would actually be a neat thing, even if it's not gonna be with all of them at once.

      They will probably just add more elements later, Another Eden did exactly that. I don't think it's even that far away, there are already only 2 elements left for Ruka before she has everything.

  141. 1 year ago
  142. 1 year ago

    we've finally jumped the shark...

    • 1 year ago

      what shark? its cats!

  143. 1 year ago

    I thought it couldn't get worse than survival island, (and that one wasn't even that bad) but wow. Not sure how I feel about what they did to Byakko either. I thought there was a lot more to her, but I guess not. At least we got the objectively cooler menu

    • 1 year ago

      It feels like an actual filler event. People were calling some events filler in the past, but this one is a literal filler, just something to fill a monthly event slot while people play the new chapter.

      • 1 year ago

        All the budget went into the rain

  144. 1 year ago

    heheh I knew scouting with the Byakko eye would bring good luck

  145. 1 year ago

    what the hell who puts molearms in a bonding story

  146. 1 year ago

    Rate the event

    • 1 year ago

      It's not very good, but I'm really happy with 4.2, so I'm willing to cut them some slack and pretend that it never happened.

    • 1 year ago

      I can't. Aside from Higuchi, 31B isn't my cup of tea, so I just skipped through it.

    • 1 year ago

      The rain effect was exciting but thats it, not much there for byaako.

    • 1 year ago

      Mediocre. the cat's had some decent コント for a one off event but they could have done a lot more with it if they found a way to connect the cat's forgetfulness with Aoi's Hyperthymesia in the climax. still not sure what the 3'd cat's gimmick even was aside from being a foil to setup female cat's jokes.

    • 1 year ago

      Worst event by far, it was incredibly boring. Especially after coming out of the main story.

      • 1 year ago

        It feels like a fanfic to be honest
        >what if I uhh... write a story about a group of talking cats roaming the base
        >and uhh... it will be filled with Yuina scenes because I love Yuina
        >and uhh... there will be Aoi too because I love Aoi

        I can't believe Tsukasa touched Karerin's tail without asking for permission.

        This joke was already in the anni event VA sketch, they just reused it.
        This event makes no sense timeline-wise by the way, Karen and Tsukasa are already doing their post ch.3 scared Tsukasa routine, but Megumi still has her pre ch.4 personality.

        • 1 year ago

          I don't think it's inconsistent for Tsukasa to be scared of Karen-chan before ch 4 when she suddenly starts yelling. Tsukasa after ch 4 wouldn't have been brave enough to touch the tail on her own.

          • 1 year ago

            Really? Maybe my memory is bad, but I genuinely can't remember them having a single interaction like that before that 4.1 scene.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah the worst part is that they could've done so much better with Byakko. Like I could picture an event reminiscing about her time with 28K and what led to that final scene.
          Instead we got an event with some cats that no one cares about.

        • 1 year ago

          Maybe it takes place sometime after 4.2?

    • 1 year ago

      I like it much more than expected. Reminds me a bit of Maeda's older stuffs, same with Megumin's part in 4.2.

      What's with the difficulty spike in game. It was mostly fine until that last boss in chap 2, and then everything went to shit. F40 and Prism 7 keep fricking me for days even though I leveled up like 25 more lvl than when I first unlocked them, and I'm close to max lv.

      When the game first released the level cap is much lower (90 for SS styles if I remember correctly) and there are fewer options to strengthen your character so chapter 1 and 2 used to be harder. There's a jump in difficulty in chapter 3 though. You can try watching some guide on youtube if you don't know what to do.

      • 1 year ago

        Will do but I doubt it will help me that much for now. I guess I have to give up those quartz from the 4.1 campaign and clear this event and the ones after for a while without a better team

        • 1 year ago

          Just enjoy the game at your own pace. Also if you post your characters and problems here people might be able to give you some advices.

        • 1 year ago

          There are two important things to consider in HBR.

          -Your stats vs. the enemy stat. Generally speaking if your defensive stats are lower than the enemy stat, damage starts to explode pretty fast. Even just 10 less can be a HUGE as frick difference. You can see the enemy stats over at hbr.quest for example.

          For for example, the highest prism battles are 340 border. While for prisms it's not THAT important, your goal should be to have average 340 in defensive stats for that. Be aware that some moves target con or spr more, so keep that in mind with huge differences. For example 320 con and 360 spr can be pretty bad vs a 340 border enemy attacking with a "physical" move.

          -Combo play. You usually don't want to attack a lot but stack as much debuffs and buffs as you can before going in. It's very potent in this game. Most buffs and debuffs stack once with their own kind, though rare exceptions exist (like charge, or fields). Elemental buffs/debuffs are separate from non elemental ones. Crits are very strong, as they lower the enemy stat for damage calculation. Similar to damage taken, damage can explode really hard really fast if you are close to the enemy border with offensive stats.
          It's simple once you follow this general idea. I'd assume the most common mistakes that new people do is underestimate what just a few stats can do, and how potent buffs and debuffs are.

  147. 1 year ago

    Is the middle cat supposed to be Kura's reincarnation?
    She sounds and makes the same joke as her

  148. 1 year ago

    Fricking minmax gods, I kneel.

  149. 1 year ago

    She came home..

  150. 1 year ago

    I wouldn't mind having Megumi side in ch.5 again, if it means you don't have to fight the trash mobs for half the chapter.

  151. 1 year ago

    I can't believe Tsukasa touched Karerin's tail without asking for permission.

  152. 1 year ago

    So that Aoi really got us to 1st place sales again huh. I guess this is the same fanbase that voted swimsuit tsukasa as the best style

    • 1 year ago

      While Aoi is a REALLY big reason for that(less popular character obviously wouldn't perform as well) , our 1st places usually happen because of the double banners.
      This one is Aoi + people still rolling for Megumi(that banner is only week old)
      AB one also had people still rolling for RukaYuki anni banner
      Tsukasa swimsuit also had people still rolling for AoiYuki half-anni banner

  153. 1 year ago

    Kinda sad we only got a shoddy 10 pull ticket bonus offer for golden week. I hoped for more during the chapter 4.2 or golden week period. At least 10 limit break coins, or whatever.

    Gotta flip a coin which one to get and then get 0 SS out of anyways, rendering the bonus mood.

  154. 1 year ago

    What’s with all the music references in this event lol

  155. 1 year ago

    The score attack this time has rather difficult penalties. It’s been months since we had the “lose overdrive gauge every turn” one. And the swapping lock is annoying because it always feels like it happens on key turns.

  156. 1 year ago

    What's with the difficulty spike in game. It was mostly fine until that last boss in chap 2, and then everything went to shit. F40 and Prism 7 keep fricking me for days even though I leveled up like 25 more lvl than when I first unlocked them, and I'm close to max lv.

    • 1 year ago

      you need to get proper equipment now anon, the golden hopper dungeon should provide you enough

  157. 1 year ago

    wtf I'm an Aoi x Ichigo shipper now

  158. 1 year ago

    How'd your free 10 go? 2nd SS was a surprise, only 1 appeared at first, but overall kinda meh anyways

    • 1 year ago

      I got one Miya.

    • 1 year ago

      After a long time of no SS on a lot of event banners, first I get double SS Kura and then this. Rockstar Ruka even came from one that appeared to be an A unit at first.

      • 1 year ago

        Got a Yamawaki-sama.

        Frick you!

        • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Got base Seira which is nice enough since my only meta buffer is Yunyun.

  159. 1 year ago

    I am happy with any SSR and I don't care about the meta. But I wanted someone more useful (maybe she is good, but I don't know)

    • 1 year ago

      You put her into the back with yunyun and Shiki S with at least lb3 in the front, so she gets 8sp turn 1. She then self buffs turn 1, and you buff her as much as you can in turn 2, or debuff the enemy, while using her ult there.

      Speedruns prisms, the arena ball and such.

  160. 1 year ago

    I'm happy to get Mya-san

  161. 1 year ago

    Got Hisame for my SS. Her skillset makes no sense…

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      As the weakest of the senpai squad, her job is to amp the living shit out of them.. and slap her twintails at normal encounters to wipe them, because her squad partners were really bad at that. Until alts.
      Waiting for Hisame alt. First dual elemental ultimate? The power of light and dark, COMBINED.

    • 1 year ago

      She's really good though.

  162. 1 year ago
  163. 1 year ago

    Maeda is such a strange person, I feel like the only reason I play this game is to see the weird shit he pulls. Just look at the current event, the guy actually thinks Cats have goldfish memory. How does that even happen?

    • 1 year ago

      You are implying the event is written by Maeda. They usually aren't.

      • 1 year ago

        Based on his reactions from Twitter, this one was though.

        • 1 year ago

          >Based on his reactions from Twitter
          Isn't his account still locked?

          • 1 year ago

            He made a new one and was posting on it. After going menhera again from bad reactions to the event story, he deleted this one too.

            • 1 year ago

              I mean, I can't even defend it. I actually like the survival event and think it has been unfairly hated because of irrelevant stuff(4.2 delay situation, NY bag being scam), but this one is just... ehh.
              But like... accept it and man up? They have just released one of the best stories in the game, and it was written by you, you can tank a stinker after that. Is there really no one around to tell him that?

              • 1 year ago

                this event was good (if unfunny) until the ending. I don't understand what the frick he was thinking, either he actually believes Cat's have memory issues or was trying to make fun of the "cats forget their owners in 3 days" misconception in an absolutely bizarre way. I think if he's going to keep writing events he needs somebody to supervise him because I'm starting to wonder how many twitter accounts he can go through before he actually starts taking the flame personally

              • 1 year ago

                Just finished the story, and really, wtf was that ending...story was ok, kinda whatever, up until the little guy gets back there, but everything after that just makes me wonder why bother including it other than "oh we NEED to have a sad moment"

            • 1 year ago

              >he deleted this one too.
              You mean the one he made after deleting his account after the survival island event? Maeda, come on, this is starting to become a regular thing

            • 1 year ago

              He knew he was going to get burnt for writing survival island 2.0 and yet he went looking anyway

              • 1 year ago

                I feel like that donor heart in his chest is the only thing preventing him from committing suicide one day, guy seems absolutely mentally ill.

              • 1 year ago

                He's secretly a gigachad because despite all this menhera shit on twitter he continues to write about whatever the frick he wants write with unbending will.

              • 1 year ago

                I knew a guy like that. Got arrested for raping his elderly mother

  164. 1 year ago

    Oh frick off

  165. 1 year ago

    now yugen is schizo posting because of the sega game

    • 1 year ago

      That sega game is one of the most "destined to fail from the first reveal" high profile gachas I have ever seen, I don't know what sega were thinking,

  166. 1 year ago

    This game's RNG is so bad. Aside of not rolling any natural SS in 29 random rolls today (happens more than I'd like), the two guaranteed SS were the exact same one. Swimomo.

    Now, I didn't have her so she's at least usable, also my only ice is Bungo (haha) without any LB (hahaha), A-San, Mari and Seira alt, so this does come in handy. It's still hilarious how that's a thing.

    For minimum luck, this is quite nice. I can now do pretty solid single or multi target damage for all elements, though dark will never be my favorite due to the natural problem of blunt. Though I hate the style type change for Sumomo. Not sure if generalizing her normal ult is even a good idea. I'm not swimming in those mats.

    Also the cat event sucked. Why they'd make an event where 90% of dialogue is from random cats is beyond me. What's next, cats in the gacha?

    • 1 year ago

      >natural problem of blunt
      They fixed the OD generation for blunt, is there still anything else?

      • 1 year ago

        Yes. 1 hit ultimates and normal skills SUCK ASS. While some poor chars outside of blunt have 1 hit ultimates as well (rather old styles), when it comes to "normal" aoe stuff that's basically exclusive to a bunch of poor blunt units.
        There are some better blunt moves, like Seira alt for example, but that's still more of an exception.

        • 1 year ago

          For normal skills, blunt AoE is 1 hit but ST is 2 hit. Pierce AoE is 2 hit and ST is 1 hit. Basically everything except slash sucks for normal skills.
          For ultimates, disagree. Looking at all damage ults, 3 are 1 hit and 9 are multi-hit. 1 hit ultimates are the exception. And dark e-girlta kicks ass, so blunt is cool in my book.

          • 1 year ago

            ST normal attacks do not matter. Also pierce has 3 hit single target as well. Not like it matters though.

            There are 3 hits aoe normal skills for all damage types by now, it's just still rare. My personal blunt situation is just awful, and it's hard finding good ones in general.
            e-girlta is actually a good example. She's bad outside of her niche of high single target damage. Her regular moves are crap, her regular SS ultimate is also crap (way too low power for an ultimate).

            I vastly prefer chars that are versatile, and I have 0 offensive blunt ones that actually are. Either the default SS ult is terrible, the normal attacks are terrible or they don't even HAVE a second SS.
            There are a few SS that are pretty versatile without a second SS as well, like A-San (high aoe and single target burst thanks to cheap self hit buff), Hisame (wipes dungeon encounters with cheap anti dp ult, debuffs light/dark vs bosses) and such. But I'm not sure if any blunt unit would fit this one either. Monaka is the closest, simply because of how hard her aoe ult can hit anyways. But she's super slow in exchange, and has only 1 hit moves.

            In the end it's all about what you have though, and when you are like me, and your blunt = dark, and has the names of Monaka and Misato, it's pretty obvious why I'd rather avoid dark. They are old styles that just ooze blunt issues they only started addressing much later.

            • 1 year ago

              I can understand if your blunt SS suck, but blunt doesn't suck (anymore).
              Blunt's AoE is 1 hit, but there aren't many non ultimates that can actually kill difficult enemies (hoju, 4b) in 1 skill anyway. I use Monaka and Megumi in my hoju team and they tag team to take down a set of enemies. Even when I use my slash instead, I still need 2 characters to use their skills so it doesn't feel like I'm wasting anything.
              If Chie isn't your thing, there's Minori (AoE multi-hit with mind eye), Megumi SS2 (AoE multi-hit and debuff suite), Megumi SS3 (ridiculous buff/debuff), and Maki (fragile on a blaster ult).
              Blunt has a lot of good styles, and I only talked about the ones with damage ults that do more than just ST damage.
              Even the 1 hit ults aren't nearly as bad if you have YunYun. She was how I was able to use Monaka in 4b to take down most blunt or dark weak enemies.

              • 1 year ago

                Once you tasted the godly versatile units, offensive blunt just feel meh. I did pic related for a reason.
                But yeah, there are definitely better units by now. I still will never stop hating 1hit aoe normal moves though, because that shit is awful for dungeon overdrive generation. (i.e. Monaka's aoe move) They may have fixed normal attacks, but skills are obviously untouched in this regard.

  167. 1 year ago

    Isn't the gacha supposed to be about sad moment anyway ? Idk about the other events since this is the first one I'm doing, but aren't the others like this too ?

    • 1 year ago

      The other events usually go with emotional and sometime sad moments but not overly depressing like this.

    • 1 year ago

      usually the events highlight some sad aspect of a characters backstory but then end with a happy or bittersweet ending. I figured the sad parts were going to be the flashbacks with Aoi and the obligatory having to part with the cats scene, but then Maeda just goes full moron.

    • 1 year ago

      It's "supposed to be", but it's something they decided to force upon themselves for no reason, I honestly have no idea why this game can't have some silly meme event every once in a while, you know, like a special anime episode.

  168. 1 year ago

    A girl deprived of her event even when her birthday was 3 days off

  169. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      I'm getting around to it

    • 1 year ago

      I mean after just barely beating a certain penis monster I decided to spend a week grinding. I really wish they would stop making chapters so difficult

    • 1 year ago

      Ive completed the story but the achievement wasnt unlocked

      • 1 year ago

        Steam was showing me I had 13/13 achievements done, but those only went up to day 3. I had to restart Steam and then it downloaded a 500MB update for the game which included 3 more achievements. Then I just had to log in to the game to claim them.

  170. 1 year ago

    Man Miko Megumi is leagues ahead of all the other debuffers. Setting up a field and a two turn debuff really does wonders. I just hope they don't cuck Sharo and Vritica and make them like Fubuki instead

    • 1 year ago

      Being like Fubuki isn't that bad. The real horror scenario for any debuffer girl is them remembering that they still have 4 more elemental stun ults they can assign to someone.

  171. 1 year ago

    I wish my lucky free rolls would give me a meta character for once

    • 1 year ago

      This game is a meme. The two scams yesterday gave me two swimomos, unlikely as that is.
      Today I did shuttle running with her, Ichigo (new S, may as well) and some other chars, and daily free roll gives Ichigo lb2.

      Not sure what to say about this.

  172. 1 year ago

    holy frick this game is complete and utter wiener and ball torture. I struggle my way through 4.2 and then they put a literal DPS check boss on the end of day 12.

    • 1 year ago

      nah I'm out. Peace.

      • 1 year ago

        Just a matter of time. It's only restricting dupe chars though. You can use the same equip.

        • 1 year ago

          >Just a matter of time
          yeah I'll be back in 4 years

      • 1 year ago

        These are easy mode-tier teams, I've seen random girl vtubers beating this fight with random shit they could field.

        • 1 year ago

          4.2 is generally pretty easy for S chars when it comes to surviving. For damage you probably want SS. They massively changed how stats impact damage taken. So 10 or 20 less def barely matters now. Likewise, more def does very little, too. Attacks have lower range and much higher parameter caps now.

      • 1 year ago

        Well you have Yuina in the Ruka team and Ruka in the Yuina team, no wonder it didn't work!

      • 1 year ago

        If I could beat it with a bunch of S chars then so can you, or not. Seems like a skill issue.

        • 1 year ago

          Literally didn't even bother trying more than once, I can't be fricked playing this game anymore because the gameplay is so terrible it actually negatively impacts the story for me. They literally pull this shit every single chapter and then decide to nerf the frick out of everything weeks later. I'm not going to waste time upgrading random units when the devs hit the emergency button anyway when they see the clear rate data.

      • 1 year ago

        I am not but I just got to that battle.
        It was a pain in the ass but I could beat it (it was easy mode with my Ruka's team).

        • 1 year ago

          I have finally finished 4.2. The only thing I have to say is that the next double battle and the final boss are a lot easier.

    • 1 year ago

      Molearms were much more harder then that anon, whats your roster look like

  173. 1 year ago
  174. 1 year ago

    What should I be doing with my israeliteels? I think I got one of each special accessory then called it a day. Which ones should I try to get a good roll on and actually use?

    • 1 year ago

      Probably those that increase your defensive stats (体力 and 精神). They will help you survive earlier on.

  175. 1 year ago

    Oh, so these prize figurines are based on the squad visual. I was so confused by Ruka's pose when they previewed hers.

    • 1 year ago

      >squad visual
      That means Tsukasa will most likely get an awakened version figure released before getting a normal one. Also, Megumi's pose gives them some... choices to make

  176. 1 year ago

    I know I shouldn't, but I keep thinking about how much better things would have been if this was designed from the start as a normal console JRPG instead of a gacha game

    • 1 year ago

      This game literally not existing isn't better than it existing.

    • 1 year ago

      Given the quality of console jrpgs, it'd be likely worse, unfinished and nothing like what we have with 4.1 +. Sorry, this hits a bit of a nerve, so let me rant a bit.

      Console jrpgs are fricking garbage nowadays. The market barely exists anymore for a reason. So many idiots in deciding positions thinking turn based combat is dead, on top of nobody daring to have player agency in their game anymore, having streamlined and piss easy character building + combat. And even if there's good enough difficulties available, they lock them behind beating the game.

      HBR may not have the best gameplay.. it sure as hell doesn't, but it still makes you think a bit about team building, resource management and the likes. Sure, being a gacha means technically money solves most issues, but if you aren't a giga whale you don't have to care about that. Even just simple decisions like what to pull for, what to invest your limit breaks into. That carries way more weight than any decision making you may have in console jrpgs nowadays. There no matter what you do, it's gonna be easy and free.
      Meanwhile Star Rail came out and you char building (via artifact stats and so on) have drastic impact on your char performance, having people rewrite tier lists on a daily bases because "ah wait, this char could actually be good like this in that situation!". We ain't having that good stuff here, but it's really sad seeing what happened with console rpgs and how they just can't compete anymore. Star Rail isn't better than your above average PS2 jrpg. It is a gacha. You can actually make much better games. Alas. Feels like most of the talented staff got roped into gacha companies because it pays better. Likely the truth.


      • 1 year ago

        >Meanwhile Star Rail came out and you char building (via artifact stats and so on) have drastic impact on your char performance, having people rewrite tier lists on a daily bases because "ah wait, this char could actually be good like this in that situation!". We ain't having that good stuff here
        I think that HBR, even in its current state, has a lot of room for theory crafting and team building, but our gameplay autists are simply too obsessed with min maxing the biggest damage number possible, rather than exploring the "sub optimal"(where optimal is overkilling the boss 10x times) comp possibilities, building around tricky characters(like Irene), experimenting with the unconventional meme teams etc.

        • 1 year ago

          I'm not sure. Our accessory system has too little impact to matter. I think that's deliberate, but yeah.

          Irene's sp=3 skill is simply useless because buff and debuff stacking is too good. She also has nothing else. You can use her with yunyun for rushes, but most of the time she is the damage dealer, because her self buff is better than what yunyun provides.
          If she isn't, Carol is dealing the damage, and she can actually make use of two yunyun buffs. You generally would use her vs pierce resistant stuff (aka slash weak), so :
          -Turn 1 yunyun buff plus Irene sp=3 on yunyun, while Carol uses crit orb.
          -Turn 2 with Mari alt + Yunyun buff nr. 2.

          Problem is just that at this point a simple def down wouldn't do any worse than the second yunyun buff. You already have 2 big enhances, so you go from X * 1.5 (1 hit buff) to X * 2 (2 hit buffs). A simple def debuff would add a 1.3 multiplier at the very least, resulting into something very similar. This assumes absolutely no upgrades from the style for debuff enhances (unlikely) and having no higher stat than the enemy either. Realistically the def debuff is worth more.

          So yeah, buff and debuff stacking is too good. It's simply best to have as many different kinds of damage amplification than focusing on one, and Irene's skill is that. If you don't have those sp>0 ultimate using chars, the same applies though you are obviously slower until you hit your ultimate's SP cost.

          tl;dr: People don't focus on the biggest damage possible without reason. It's really the only way to play the game. Multipliers are just really powerful mathematically speaking.

          • 1 year ago

            The thing is that our multipliers are already getting high enough for properly prepared attackers to overkill everything multiple times over. When something like this happens in other games, theorycrafters usually start exploring what else you can do with the system. What other units you can put in while still being strong enough, and what can they add, how shit your attacking units can get while the buffers are strong, searching for the most comfortable and easy to use setups, trying out random off-meta options, exploring weird or dumb mechanics etc. This kind of exploration is how the special autistic strats are usually being found, not by min maixng the most optimal thing, that's the easiest thing to do.
            A good example of this are the last two banners. When miko megu got released, there was actually some interesting experimentation going on, like people trying to add Kozue to see how fast they can get the fire setup ready, checking how much you need to buff megu to make her ult a guaranteed break and if it's worth the investment, what combination of her debuffs(ult, fragile, defdown) is the most optimal depending on what your team is and how much SP/OD you have. Then maid aoi got released and the discourse instantly degraded back to "d-damage? damage! damage big!". Even though aoi herself invites a lot of exploration being an amazing defensive unit playing an attacking role, only damage matters.
            Personally, I'm 100% sure there's some really stupid way to play this game that nobody knows about that people will find one day.

            • 1 year ago

              The most "stupid" way to play the game is to abuse ailments. But that is RNG (not fun).

              Unfortunately the game is too simple for anything but buff/debuff stacking. It doesn't help that any interesting passives are stuck on S (that people don't use) or require LB3 SS, which people don't have.

              There's no doubt that they could make the game more interesting. But currently there are only 2 components:

              I do like my memes, which is why I have my lb3 A-San alt, but in the end her "meme" is that she alone can buff herself 4 fricking times and is essentially going to deal BIG DAMAGE with relatively little support. Absolutely fricking awesome for any team 1 in weekend bosses. Unfortunately I couldn't try last weekend's. A-San wasn't ready yet and I jumped to conclusion when I saw its border. It's nowhere near as bad as the border makes you think. Because it was released with 4.2 I figured maybe it has new stat booster equip, but that's not really it.

        • 1 year ago

          Making the biggest numbers is the easiest target to aim for and also what the game instructs you to do (see score attack). And big numbers are fun. Anything else is memeing, which is fine but it's to be expected that its way less common. If you are using random characters but just choose suboptimal ones (even among what you have), is that particularly interesting?
          Doing full squad comps is a little interesting, but also very restricted on what you have, your LBs, and what content you are doing. Any particular person is going to be limited to probably 1 squad for hard content unless they are a whale. I wonder if any full squad teams can do the new hard mode, it might not be possible (38M is a lot). Maybe with 2 MLB teams? I wonder which squads are the strongest now.

        • 1 year ago

          There is nothing to theorycraft because the game's combat system is too shallow and simple. Most of the skills do the same thing with just different numbers and typing, there's no depth or interesting mechanics to play around with.

          • 1 year ago

            The game is still fairly new so it depends on what they're going to do from here. The system is interesting enough, it's just that the characters and enemies don't have much unique mechanics to explore it fully. Also balance.

            • 1 year ago

              If Another Eden is any indication.. BIGGER NUMBERS.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah, Another Eden power creep is pretty bad it seems. You can see people have fun clearing it with free units only though and the new units all have uniqe gimmicks you can play around with. AE supposed to have pretty good balance at the start so there's hope. If anything they might even let us change the difficulty of the main story in the future.

  177. 1 year ago

    What should I do if a have a A or S at max lv, should I just keep her in the team to be faster/do more dmg and lose xp, or change for another one to xp her even though she is much more worse ? in this case it's the only good buffer (Tsukasa S) I have

    • 1 year ago

      Focus on clearing battles and dungeons for now. If you keep doing the story to get crystals, you'll soon have enough SS units to fill parties and you'll also be drowning in life stones and prism tickets before you know it. Then you can power level your other units very quickly. The easiest one to do it with early on was the yellow prism battle because it basically gives you two free turns out of 3 or 4.

      • 1 year ago

        This is the most abusable, once you realize it will never kill with its charged attack, only break. And the AI loop is also super easy:
        charge->break->attack->repeat with a dp heal somewhere in there.

        That said, exp is only really good on the highest prism lvl (13), and I'm not sure if they even have that for the old ones. Before you can do that, I'm not sure how useful it is to care about exp. Probably not very. And even then you need to be good enough to carry people through it.

        I think the best exp is simply from the offline grind arena. It's not very good past lvl 100 or so, but until then it works well and is the easiest to pull chars through for early game.

      • 1 year ago

        This is the most abusable, once you realize it will never kill with its charged attack, only break. And the AI loop is also super easy:
        charge->break->attack->repeat with a dp heal somewhere in there.

        That said, exp is only really good on the highest prism lvl (13), and I'm not sure if they even have that for the old ones. Before you can do that, I'm not sure how useful it is to care about exp. Probably not very. And even then you need to be good enough to carry people through it.

        I think the best exp is simply from the offline grind arena. It's not very good past lvl 100 or so, but until then it works well and is the easiest to pull chars through for early game.

        Thanks anons, I was mostly doing the purple one since that's the only one where I have 2 SS slash, will do the yellow one. I'm stuck for now with dungeons since at floor 40+ I keep facing weak to green and strong to purple, and golden hopper is only after f50's boss

        • 1 year ago

          If you aren't that far yet, afk arena is really your friend. Even later on it's still going to be your friend.

          Keep in mind that fast inputs count. The loop time is based on the real time you spend in the battle, +~20 seconds.

          Normal arena loops have a minimum duration of 50 seconds, which you basically can only get if you first turn clear it.
          The newer arena (no idea when that unlocks, or if it's unlocked from the start), where you can choose what drops you want and fight a ball, has a minimum of 80 seconds. 2 turn kills are pretty comfy on the min. Unlikely for new players of course, but it's worth keeping in mind. It can be better to do a lower tier when it means you cut the duration per loop down by a lot. For normal arena it's also good to consider using auto, and only allowing the skill(s) you want. Auto will be faster using them.

  178. 1 year ago

    Autismo charts guy is now dumping his stuff there instead of just randomly dropping it on twitter.

    • 1 year ago

      I thought hit+ and token were just added together. Were they always in separate multipliers? That would make Aoi and Maria way too op if they were

      • 1 year ago

        They were always in separate multipliers, but we only found out when YunYun released.
        And yes, token users have the highest ceiling in terms of damage. We are at the point where you don't have enough slots for everyone, and Thunder team with Aoi should have the highest possible damage.

        • 1 year ago

          >We are at the point where you don't have enough slots for everyone
          Fire teams actually do because Yotsuha + YunYun + Megumi + MindEye style cover fricking everything. They just don't have their ebin level attacker yet.

          • 1 year ago

            Megumi can't do everything if there is weakness. 2x ult, 2x fragile, 2x defense down takes too much SP and too many turns.
            And you can technically add Higuchi for a moderate increase (40%). If you add her and then also add Isuzu to reach FULL debuffs, then you're using 6 people and no attacker/blaster.

            • 1 year ago

              YunYun can do defense downs, she barely needs SP for her double buff anyway.

              • 1 year ago

                Oh right I forgot (man she's OP). Still 48 SP from Megumi for 2x ult and 2x fragile, so you gotta skip 1. Still pretty good though, way better than any other team.

              • 1 year ago

                Well, if you go for the "best numbers", you can get there, if you don't, then yeah, you go like 1 ult + 2 fragile or 2 ults + 1 fragile, assuming you don't also use Maki or something.
                There's also the question of what effect their +50% attacker(they will probably get her before their token) will have on their attack, like suit Ruka(defence down) and Tenshi(light attack up). If she gets either fire def down or fragile, their comp optimization is going overdrive.

        • 1 year ago

          >We are at the point where you don't have enough slots for everyone
          Fire teams actually do because Yotsuha + YunYun + Megumi + MindEye style cover fricking everything. They just don't have their ebin level attacker yet.

          I wonder if he visits this thread. Probably just a coincidence.

  179. 1 year ago

    Im surprised they havent added a new variant to the heal hopper yet

  180. 1 year ago

    Is this good? I haven't played for a year.

    • 1 year ago

      Are you rerolling? Byakko is still good, Tsukasa is outdated. You can check this tier list for more detail https://game8.jp/heavenburnsred/425643

      • 1 year ago

        If Tsukasa is outdated, so is Byakko. Non elemental single target ultimates have no reason to exist anymore.
        Tsukasa is at least a buffer. Not the best, but she can at least do SOME things. Including a fire aoe dungeon attack.

        • 1 year ago

          Base Byakko is good as a blaster because of her 10 sp normal skill which she can spam not her ult. You can still use Byakko in dungeon just fine.

          I'm not saying Tsukasa is bad but most new buffer is far superior. Byakko still does her job decently enough. Also I don't have a favorite squad, if anything I like 31a more than 31b.

          • 1 year ago

            >I'm not saying Tsukasa is bad but most new buffer is far superior. Byakko still does her job decently enough. Also I don't have a favorite squad, if anything I like 31a more than 31b.
            Meant for

            >non elemental still good
            >buffer bad
            Your 31b bias is showing
            It's alright, but it depends on what other units you have.


          • 1 year ago

            Most new blasters are far superior with their additional debuffs, Tsukasa still does her job decently enough. Your post is stupid.

            • 1 year ago

              Most new blasters have restrictions to reach their full potential. Byakko is good in general. It more that buffers got power creeped harder than blasters.

              • 1 year ago

                Tsukasa can be used anywhere vs any content. Byakko is useless against conent with non elemental reaistance. Now you tell me which one has more general use? Powerceeep or not, it doesn't change the fact that she's outdated too.

              • 1 year ago

                Currently there are not many contents with non ele resistence and they may add non ele weekness later too. Resistence also doesn't affect blasters much since their job is to raise damage rate.

              • 1 year ago

                Damage rate is affected by resistance

              • 1 year ago

                Frick it, lets just ignore 4.2 content as a whole to save face too.

              • 1 year ago

                No it's not. Unless they changed it.

              • 1 year ago

                It may as well be with how low her rate is.

              • 1 year ago

                How low Byakko's rate is?? Her SS1 skill (not ult) is 16.6 DR per SP. It's literally top tier and only exceeded by conditionals (like new Adel / Kura).
                You can say that the style isn't good for 4b, but it's good basically everywhere else. If you get her event S, she has good enough AoE for any dungeon except 4b. And her SS1 can be used as a blaster for any score attack or hard mode. It doesn't have liabilities like defense down (Kura SS1), conditionals, or even limited uses (can matter if you are doing 999 with 1 blaster). I wouldn't aim for it, but for anyone still filling out their roster, it's a nice pickup.

              • 1 year ago

                Adel's condition isn't necessary due to the innate hit buff. Her normal style's ultimate already has 1.59 DR per SP with two hit buffs used. Her single target one on her new SS has a bit more than that, surpassing Byakko's. She will also (obviously) outdamage her, and can be set up while breaking the enemy.

                That said, the DR of Byakko isn't bad, but that's all she has going for her. No self buff, no real damage. Her dungeon move is actually quite okay. One of the best non ultimates, but aoe ultimates are still usually better.

      • 1 year ago

        >non elemental still good
        >buffer bad
        Your 31b bias is showing

        Is this good? I haven't played for a year.

        It's alright, but it depends on what other units you have.

    • 1 year ago

      It's definitely not a bad roll for free gibs. It'll definitely carry you up to and through chapter 4.1, but chapter 4.2 and onwards will be really rough without any strong elemental attackers. The current standing looks something like this though. Considering moving initial Adel, kemono byakko, yotsuha, new year tama, and miya down 1 into their own tier. Carole and swimsuit sumomo deserves to be higher too maybe, but even with this new chapter AOEs aren't really a thing and when they are a threat, it's usually the spikey slicers and gates that need pierce and blunt styles

      • 1 year ago

        You mean to say, moving initial Adelheit up a tier, right?

        There's literally no other style in this game that has as much good stuff as she does. Both very competitive single target elemental damage AND aoe stuff. The aoe is non elemental, so it has certain disadvantages, but also advantages in dungeons. Some of the best blast per SP in the game, too.

        Still by far the best all around style in the game, that can be used pretty much anywhere with great success. Just like the best supporters in the game, really. As far as offensive units go, that's the absolute peak you can reach, without relying on multiple SS styles. And if you consider that part of the tier list, things get very messy very fast.

        In other words, there's offensive SS that can do things better than Adelheit when it comes to ONE thing. But she'll outdo any of them in TWO things, and the one thing she's worse in isn't even that bad. Honestly, broken char. There's really no other SS offensive style you can use as easily and well as her.

  181. 1 year ago

    I'm a bit sad that kura got another pretty basic SS style because in terms of design it's one of my favorites so far. At least her dark atk up is cheaper than the light atk up on her SS1, I guess if she gets a really good S style for once she could become more useful.

  182. 1 year ago

    Does Tama have to scream every single line?

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      No, sometimes she pulls out old net slang too.

      • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago


  183. 1 year ago

    Oh god the subjugation dungeon for this chapter is absolutely brutal

    • 1 year ago

      Just did it yesterday, it was harder than the story dungeons because it was a normal sized dungeon with these stupidly hard encounters. I needed to use 3 life to complete it and kill the boss.

  184. 1 year ago

    Super dead during this event huh? Well the mid month gacha is coming up. Who do you think it's going to be? I'm betting on Bunnygirl Tsukasa and some Monaka alt. Mainly because if they do another 31A swimsuit event this year, Tsukasa definitely isn't getting one. They also seem to be going through and giving the rest of 30G their alts with the recent Chie and Kura.

    • 1 year ago

      It doesn't need to be this banner, but give me a banner with 2 30Gs. These single ones are bleeding me dry.

    • 1 year ago

      >Mainly because if they do another 31A swimsuit event this year
      I just hope they're not stupid enough to waste Yuki or Megumi swimsuit on an event S you will never use as a style like they did with Ruka.

      • 1 year ago

        It's fine since they'll eventually add outfit options.

  185. 1 year ago

    I like the old one more. This one sounds too forced

    • 1 year ago

      She sounds amateur-like but cute, I like it. Forced is a stupid buzzword that lost its meaning.

    • 1 year ago

      exaggeration is needed to get better at the subtlety. The one line she had for the chapter 4 boss was jarring though Hope she improves and they update her voice once she gets there. I'll miss the old hisame.

    • 1 year ago

      She will progress/adapt as the time goes on to fit the character better, just give her some time. If you replay the first few chapters/early memory stories again, you will notice that many of the characters' voices have changed by now, the biggest example is probably Megumi who went from being fairly high and more tsundere-like to this chad lower tone she uses everywhere now, even in the pre-chapter 4 events.

  186. 1 year ago

    New styles datamine is up.

    • 1 year ago

      Why the frick can't you give Hisame a good ult Kaki. I want to get all the 30G styles but this one is so bad I can't even be bothered. Did you think putting Hisame in a maid outfit is enough to get me to roll on this? I'll just watch the ult video on youtube.

      • 1 year ago

        So, is Aina good? 50% OD is a really fat increase, but 15SP cost is also fat for an utility skill, and she only contributes fragile, an already overcrowded niche. Obviously a good character for 2 team battles and comps that have free space(like fire), but I don't see her replacing any proper multiplier character.

        Hisame is really unique, how is it possible to have 2 different elemental def downs, and then dark doesn't want you, and light can't wait for the day when they can replace you. And this style could have improved her position in the light comp, but she got dark instead and they don't want her still.

  187. 1 year ago

    Stream is starting.

  188. 1 year ago

    Hisame skill line actually sounds bad, she needs to try harder.

  189. 1 year ago

    31D... Surely they're saving Date for her event and not dropping her midway next month, right...?

    • 1 year ago

      Isn't she the only one left? So probably.

  190. 1 year ago

    This was a really weird showcase of Aina style, you can ignore her ult in this scenario and nothing would change.

  191. 1 year ago

    Yikes these two styles are pretty bad. Hisame will probably be good whenever the aoe meta happens. Whenever that is... Her 5sp is actually kinda interesting for future offensive styles. Whenever that is... Pretty disappointed cause her 3D model and animations are some of the best so far for alts. Also disappointed that this means she won't be the focus of the next 30G event, which should be coming up soon.
    Aina is ok and could be interesting against score attacks that lower your overdrive. Thing is that's not too important and you always use a high hit blaster instead. Her use as a debuffer isn't that great either.
    That murofushi S doesn't save her from being the worst healer in the game either
    I guess they wanted to take a break with meta styles after miko Megumi and maid aoi. That's pretty evident with the only 2 passives. More quartz for Sharo, I suppose. Sucks for Hisamecchi though who's still stuck as the one trick light debuffer.

    • 1 year ago

      >the next 30G event, which should be coming up soon.
      It's surprisingly predictable this time with only Monaka and Miya left, unless they want to delay until Yuina SS3 and give her the 2nd event in a row for hyperwank.

    • 1 year ago

      >Aina is ok and could be interesting against score attacks that lower your overdrive. Thing is that's not too important and you always use a high hit blaster instead. Her use as a debuffer isn't that great either.
      She feels like a good partner for Megumi in the "perfect" fire party, speeding up her SP heavy setup and providing additional fragile, but other than that it feels more like a minmaxer's toy, rather than a style that makes you noticeable stronger, most parties don't have any free space for such luxury skills.

  192. 1 year ago

    If anyone is paying, why would they ever roll on the new banner instead of going for this.

    • 1 year ago

      Because this one is paid quartz only

      • 1 year ago

        Now read the post you replied to again.

    • 1 year ago

      Because they like Hisame and/or maids.

      • 1 year ago

        >Oh hey, Hisame alt
        >She's even cute with a maid outfit, even though I usually dislike them
        >Finally a new Break-
        Frick that. This is just another Swimomo. Dead on arrival. Just like Aina, being no element. Also what the frick is that shit as frick self charge with additional turn. Talk about not only shit, but also outdated shit. In the days of hit and crit buffs, charge? Charge reliant on ult? It's even WORSE than Swimomo. Can't even use it to get setup with other buffs, because of the additional turn, and using multiple buffs (aka Monaka) is completely useless because charge isn't stacking.

        No idea what they are thinking. Both of these are so trash all my love for Hisame can't make me pull that shit. Her base style is way more useful. RIP. They did my girl really fricking bad. She was my first SS, and I have very fond memories (including being confused about a "sword master" using a gun..), and this shit now. I'm not happy.

  193. 1 year ago

    Tennen-chan got a LittleJoy expression, but that was it aside from the usual new images. Not even new music.

  194. 1 year ago

    It's still メイドの日

  195. 1 year ago

    Aina is the hero of 31D

    • 1 year ago

      Uoooh Aina belly button

    • 1 year ago

      I'm not sure how to properly explain it(I'm not an artist), but the proportions of this art really don't make me feel like she's only 141cm.

  196. 1 year ago

    Looking at twitter, I'm wondering if the top 10 score attack results they're going to show on stream are going to be just 10 Yurippe parties.

    • 1 year ago

      I mean, I got my Yuri out of the garage for this as well. It kinda screams "use me". And because it almost never screams that, I paired her up with Yukki and let them have fun.

      Meanwhile it was Yukki's favorite weekend boss time again as well. Double the Yukki, double the fun. Though I let A-San murder it after the break. Not Yuri. A-San is better at that, even without hitting a weakness.

  197. 1 year ago

    >see 31A going ham in the cutscenes
    >then remember that half of their "canon" styles are fricking worthless or got powercreeped to hell
    I understand that they are expecting you to buy the alts, but I still hope they will introduce some sort of strengthening/upgrade mechanic for them later, at least for Yuki, Megumi and Tsukasa. I'm not even going to start with non-31A ones like Misato, they probably prefer to pretend she doesn't exist.

    • 1 year ago

      At least 31A is one of the few squads that can theoretically function on its own. Several are missing key roles like healer or buffer that I wonder what Kaki is thinking making them. (That's a trick question, he isn't thinking)

      • 1 year ago

        There really aren't many defensive supports. If we care about plot, it's even worse.

        That said, I don't care that much about squad integrity. I think it's good enough if a few chars of a squad synergize well enough to use them together.

      • 1 year ago

        I don't think Kaki touches this game balance(other than asking them to throw any balancing out of the window and make Aoi fricking broken every time), it's more on Shimoda.

        • 1 year ago

          New Aoi is actually largely nerfed by the fact that you usually want her to protect you instead. She'd be pretty good for single target stuff otherwise, but alas. Also still not very interesting outside of boss battles.
          The problem of these kind of chars. Tama SS3 is also affected by this, but due to her not really being the best healer (meta-wise) to begin with, you can use her as an elec attacker/buffer no problem, IF you have replacements. But there simply is NO replacement for Aoi's base SS. So building a team around her maid damage is going to be awkward. I don't really believe in theoretical numbers, which are obviously very good for her.

          • 1 year ago

            Well it's not just theoretical numbers, the new hard mode is actually hard with ridiculously high HP and Aoi does so much damage that its much easier to use her than a different damage dealer. I see Aoi teams 1 shotting the HP, my LB3 Chie took 3 shots.

            • 1 year ago

              You still have to get there. And that's much much easier with Aoi.
              1 shotting the boss is absolutely unnecessary, and the hardest part is getting destruction up, as well as the break obviously.

              I'd really consider her mid-tier for most people:
              -Her normal style exists
              -Token user = slow, and none of the self buffs help you reduce the amount of support she needs (compare that to innate hit-buff e-girlta, or hit buff + ice buff + destruction rate A-San)

              Even at her best setup, she shouldn't hit 3 times as hard as e-girlta. The theoretical advantage she can have is more about 20%, because of the difference in hit buff power, otherwise same buff/debuffs.

              So yeah, not sure what you've seen, but if she really hits 3 times as hard as e-girlta, then you did something wrong, or dark simply sucks fricking ass compared to elec. But then plenty of elec chars will outdamage e-girlta. Even Ichigo.

              • 1 year ago

                The main difference with token users is that they have a strong self buff and still get to use YunYun. Monaka is slow, but Aoi gains tokens from being attacked. So you can use her SS1 ult to charge tokens.
                If you have every buff and same stats, Aoi will end up just below 2x the damage as Chie. Mostly because YunYun is ridiculously good. But it's also because Aoi has tokens, not thunder vs dark. Though thunder's enhance being on a healer helps team comp a lot.
                Ichigo is worse than Chie, Monaka would be more comparable to Aoi with maybe 20% difference. But Monaka is really slow to gain tokens and provides no value while gaining them, while Aoi provides team protection while gaining tokens and then can nuke to finish.
                So yeah, I still maintain that Aoi SS2 is really good.
                - She provides defense AND offense in one slot, and the former helps power the latter.
                - She provides a very high damage ceiling, and we have battles where that is starting to matter.
                It's not a tier 0 style like YunYun that makes nearly every party better, but it does elevate thunder team in a way that makes difficult battles significantly easier.

              • 1 year ago

                I'm not sure what you calc, but the hit buff difference means that Aoi isn't just below 2x, but WAY below 2x. She has around 11k, while e-girlta has around 9k base that way.

                Yunyun's buff is much weaker than your self hit buff. Also you only have 1 yunyun, and that also plays a role, just like you only have 1 Aoi.

                Don't forget that most of these Defender/Healer damage dealers use 1 stat (Wis or Con) for their damage, making them hit max damage much easier than actual attackers.
                Balance is fricked, attackers suck. And don't even ask about breakers.

                Con isn't as good as wis, because unlike wis, con never has absurd growth (70% wis growth Tama is kinda the only one making really good use of it). In fact, it's usually lower than str/dex. You also can't easily chip boost it, though they realized their errs and the new wis chips are only a +1, while str/dex got +3 on the former 6. Yes, you can technically minmax via accessory slots, but wis can do that as well. I'm not sure about new Aoi's stat spread, but I wouldn't be surprised if in the end there's fairly little difference compared to a str/dex offensive unit. Tama's second alt on the other hand.. once that happens on a pure offensive style, that's gonna be something else.

                Can Aina consistently enable a full 6 debuff combo for another debuffer with the pre-turn OD > turn > OD thing?
                I know it's completely pointless to do now(only Megumi can do that, and if you have both Aina and Megumi in the same team, Megumi doesn't need to use fragile anymore), but I'm thinking more about the future if they're going to introduce any new debuffs you want to use, and then our min-max people will start doing some yu-gi-oh tier shit.

                Aina will be mostly fricked by bosses resisting non elemental, making her OD gain go down from 26 points to 20. You can use her to extend your OD by 1 turn, but that also means you use up two turns doing nothing. 6 full debuffs would mean 2OD bars bonus. No SP for 3 uses, unless you Kozue. But that's 4 actions in 4 turns on "doing nothing", as Kozue's ult only works <20sp. Possible, but jank as frick.

  198. 1 year ago

    I hate new Aoi because she gets rewarded with infinite damage for doing the work she's supposed to do anyway. It was already a problem with Chie where her ult costs nothing if she uses a cheap ability that she's supposed to use anyway, but at least she needs to buff herself still. Aoi gets damage for tanking, basically the thing she's supposed to do.
    Imagine a debuffer that gets more damage than most attackers do if she puts her debuffs on a boss? That would be stupid. Or a buffer that gets infinite damage after using her buff combo? That would be moronic. Yet Aoi is exactly that. And she can do that because she has more passives than anyone else in the game. While everyone else get +10% of irrelevant shit, she gets a passive that makes her a goddess AND +10% of irrelevant shit too for some reason.

    • 1 year ago

      Don't forget that most of these Defender/Healer damage dealers use 1 stat (Wis or Con) for their damage, making them hit max damage much easier than actual attackers.
      Balance is fricked, attackers suck. And don't even ask about breakers.

  199. 1 year ago

    Can Aina consistently enable a full 6 debuff combo for another debuffer with the pre-turn OD > turn > OD thing?
    I know it's completely pointless to do now(only Megumi can do that, and if you have both Aina and Megumi in the same team, Megumi doesn't need to use fragile anymore), but I'm thinking more about the future if they're going to introduce any new debuffs you want to use, and then our min-max people will start doing some yu-gi-oh tier shit.

  200. 1 year ago

    What should I aim for in event shop? I started less than a month ago and it's really damn slow to farm medal
    Should I continue with this event or give up and go for the x3 medal one?

    • 1 year ago

      You can always unlock past events later. Doing 3x medals should always be a better bang for your buck.

  201. 1 year ago

    Why do they make these live 2d animations, but don't use them in-game? Can't they be used as backgrounds?

    • 1 year ago

      >Why do they make these live 2d animations,
      I don't know, most twitter style ads they make these days aren't like this at all. It seems like they were really hoping to bank on the waifugay appeal of this style. Looking at the rankings, it seems that people are just recovering after Aoi/Megumi/31A banner hell, so it didn't seem to work.

  202. 1 year ago

    I wish they'd shown us this side of Ai-chin much sooner.

  203. 1 year ago

    2022 stats. 1 million active users, 88/12 male to female ratio. No idea how authentic this site info is.

  204. 1 year ago
  205. 1 year ago

    I have been thinking about one thing recently. Every single event in the menu has its own main character poster, but the swimsuit event picture is Tsukasa. Is it just a single exception because of the gacha, or did Ruka just casually steal her event slot?

    • 1 year ago

      Probably because of the gacha. Ruka wasn't the SS there.

  206. 1 year ago

    Just getting back into the game
    Don't care if she's bad, I'm still keeping this reroll

    • 1 year ago

      Tensai kenshi!

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      She's completely fine if you don't have anything better for dark, it's sub-optimal, but not unusable.

      • 1 year ago

        As a new player you'd hardly care. I used my base twintail just fine. Probably better than the maid version though. Her ult was the only thing that helped me against the dreaded squids back when ch3 was difficult. (and some other dungeons featuring them)

        But in general, yeah. They really did her bad. No breaker, outdated requirement and a second aoe ultimate with a terrible secondary SS skill on top. It's not great. It may not be Wakki terrible, but I seriously hope that (and Shiki) never happen again. Those two should've been like Tama SS3 at least.

        • 1 year ago

          >It may not be Wakki terrible
          Ironically, Hisame would have been more interesting if she had Wakki's skill set, having light debuff x light buff on a single character.

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah. Wakki is in a very sad state. Her base SS is completely useless with A-San's new style hitting harder than her (hit buff difference), even vs. HP and without weakness, making it utterly irrelevant to ever bother with her. And her alt.. you know.
            Giving her the weak hit buff for herself was kinda rubbing it in. Not gonna lie.

            • 1 year ago

              It really pisses me off at how shitty and inconsistent the design in this game is.

              • 1 year ago

                It's not like they don't know about this. If you look at A-San's numbers you'll see she's worse in literally everything than other recent blaster styles. As a result you basically hard require to set her up.
                For more casual people she might not even be considered that good. The general playstyle however obviously benefits her.

                Though I do agree. Giving strong hit buff having chars strong elemental ultimates and then Aoi might really be a bit much. I know nobody here expected this, and in a way the former two are indirect yunyun nerfs. Aoi however? Some back paddling, so yunyun is actually keeping her place as a good buffer? Maybe. Regardless, we are in a weird spot now, that's for sure.
                Makes you wonder how they continue. Maybe a 1 time per battle only strong hit buff for a char on another buffer? I feel like going further down the line of hit buffs isn't going to end well.

              • 1 year ago

                My predictions for multi-hit are
                1. More characters getting YunYun self-buff version(like Wakki did) and 1-2 more characters getting the broken A-san version
                2. Elemental multi-hit buffer variations(like Yotsuha to Higuchi)
                3. Another n hit x% damage variation being introduced
                4. Mediocre/shitty multi-hit orb, maybe using the new variation
                But I'm not worried about multi-hit, I'm more worried about the next big game break moment. I know they will find a way to make an another moronic "best in the game" buffer before the end of this year.

            • 1 year ago

              >Her base SS is completely useless with A-San's new style hitting harder than her
              Sometimes I wonder if you guys truly understand what "completely useless" actually means.

  207. 1 year ago

    A-San dealt 7.7m damage to a just broken red crimson (hard). #balanced

    def down x2, ice def down aoe x2, 100% crit, crit dmg buff + crit dmg orb, hit x2, ice enhance x 2 (from Seira, aka stronger than self), strong enhance x 2, ice field, charge.
    Seira broke the boss, thanks to her own double ice buff and one (part of the first) Mari ult she got.

    No wonder the latest weekend boss is on a different level. I remember when I dealt 2m damage to this boss with a party 2, that had 999% set up by party 1. (or at least quite a bit) Now this sucker dies in a speedrun.

  208. 1 year ago


  209. 1 year ago

    I've been reading fan tls for this and the only 2 on youtube is one written by a probable ESL with machine learning, and the other is one that seems to slightly rewrite the dialog.
    EOP life is suffering

    • 1 year ago

      You should learn nip

      • 1 year ago

        I should.

        >and the other is one that seems to slightly rewrite the dialog.
        Yeah, if it's the one I'm thinking about, they're constantly adding some random banter into Yuki's lines that wasn't there in the original.

        I wonder if it's just an intent thing or what, I cant think of a reason why

        • 1 year ago

          Sometimes it's funny though.

        • 1 year ago

          >I cant think of a reason why
          I think they really misunderstood what tsukkomi is, and they think it's some cool kid who dunks on everyone in epic fashion, so they're trying to "adapt" her lines to fit this perception.

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah, it really reads like the translator trying to edge things up. He does say in the description most of this was done by ear with some idioms googled but I don't really believe that

            • 1 year ago

              I wonder how an official TL would go about all this.

            • 1 year ago

              Most of the game you can make out with even the slightest understanding of nip so you really have to be clueless to be looking for translations. That translator doesn't do jokes well at all though. I'd be really curious to see how the official TL handles some of the wordplay and real life brand references. Now that I think about it, there's a lot less of those jokes in the recent chapters

    • 1 year ago

      >and the other is one that seems to slightly rewrite the dialog.
      Yeah, if it's the one I'm thinking about, they're constantly adding some random banter into Yuki's lines that wasn't there in the original.

      • 1 year ago

        That's funny. It's not like she's lacking any originally.

  210. 1 year ago

    I love this step up. The top 5 chars are all very good meta stuff you can basically use all the time, while the bottom chars are some weird mediocre shit that either got "replaced" by now but was good in the past (you can obviously still use them, and probably also will in case of Yanagi), or is just very niche in usage.

    Kozue: Weird char trying to be both an elec debuffer and ice fragile debuffer.. making her really more of an elec char that for whatever reason uses an ice ulti to fragile..
    Maki: Non elemental blaster with fragile? Meh. The new A-San made old blaster essentially redundant. Fragile is nice and all, but the tradeoff is huge.
    Miya: Needs a new SS asap. Technically still really good for light teams (and only light teams), but I fear the power creep isn't far off.
    Yanagi: Got Muahed, if the enemy has a weakness.
    Sleepyhead: Only for fire, otherwise doing absolutely nothing.

    Is this intended?

    • 1 year ago

      >ice fragile debuffer
      I still have no clue what was the idea with it.
      First they screwed over light by giving light defense down to Hisame and turning their first debuffer, Megumi, into a fragile debuffer who contributes nothing to the element. Then they screwed over ice by making their first debuffer into a fragile debuffer who contributes nothing to the element, so they STILL don't have their first ST defense down, while the other elements are already getting their second options.
      Why are they so obsessed with fragile in general, literally every single SS debuffer they have released in the last 8 months has a fragile skill on them or on their alt styles.
      >Aina: fragile, another fragile on S
      >Megumi: fragile on SS2
      >Fubuki: fragile
      >Kozue: fragile
      >Miya: fragile on A/S

      • 1 year ago

        They prepare for the inevitable "if you don't hit a weakness, you don't deal damage" followed by "if you hit a weakness, you get countered and killed".

        Man, looking at what kind of absolutely moronic bullshit exists in Another Eden makes me very curious, but also scared where HBR is going.

  211. 1 year ago

    >just finished 4.1
    >ah frick it, got some gems, let's pull once
    >got ss2 megumi
    this fricking game...

  212. 1 year ago

    Sharo event.

    • 1 year ago

      Huh they're revealing it pretty early this time

      • 1 year ago

        Well, everyone were expecting it anyway, it's the last squad without their 2nd event and one of the last characters without an SS.

  213. 1 year ago

    How do I level up the skill of my characters, where can I grind effective

    • 1 year ago

      Skill Guides, or randomly after battles during shuttle runs. Chapter 3 Day 11 and Day 14 are popular choices for shuttle runs.

      • 1 year ago

        do I need to use the skill I need to level up every battle?

        • 1 year ago

          No, just having the skill equipped is enough to level it up.

  214. 1 year ago

    >you can use Aina to get 3OD+2OD with a team that kills the boss in OD3 as 5 if you don't waste your turns by using Aina

    >uhhh... what?
    I thought I had underestimated Aina in some way and that people would find some clever ways to use her, but now I'm convinced it's a gimmick toy style that doesn't do anything.

  215. 1 year ago

    Wow Sharo is practically made for Maid Hisame and the AoE meta. The AoE meta that is ACTUALLY here with the new score attack. I can't believe the day has finally come...
    Now they just need to make grinding orb skills easier and have the new ones be desirable like point care

    • 1 year ago

      >The AoE meta that is ACTUALLY here with the new score attack.
      Are you sure? Canon has very little HP/DP and its moveset is to buff itself 5 times then shoot. I think you're intended to burst it quick.

      • 1 year ago

        B-But there's two enemies. And the crab can taunt but only for two turns and it's cover taunt so aoes don't work anyway... But there's TWO enemies

  216. 1 year ago

    The only aoe meta existing is in the new orb bosses, but A-San + any weakness aoe really does the trick here.
    For the fire one I actually just happen to have pretty good shit in the team, but I feel like that's vastly overkill. A-San empties half the HP bar, while Swimomo follows up with like 2.4m damage. Even without a matching field, without being an Attacker, without elemental buffs.. as long as you hit the weakness with double strong enhance, sure crit and double mind eye, it's probably enough. Especially considering what A-San does without being able to hit a weakness to begin with.

    I think the only one I'd change more than the weakness attacker is the one where Mari's field wouldn't overwrite. Not sure what to do then. Higuchi alt is such a worse option, due to a single target only buff being not exactly ideal in this fight. But I could still ditch Aoi as well. Her job is basically just pull one turn's attacks, and I feel like I don't REALLY need that. Turns out that 45% damage reduction for 2 turns from Seira alt is REALLY good (9sp cost!), just like the Muah overheal.

    Anyways, Vritika might be the first char to consider using QED as a slave for. Broken when it comes to only wanting to live.
    Maria finally becomes a healer.
    Charlotta is disappointing. If she just had fragile instead of dark def down..

    • 1 year ago

      I dunno, I see potential in Sharo and I think def down and elemental def down is actually better since there's already 3 aoe fragile skills. Meanwhile there are 0 aoe dark def down skills and 1 aoe def down skill. Her being able to back to back apply both stacks of the defense downs on all enemies makes her a prime debuffer for AoE dark. She's just specifically geared towards AoE battles

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