>Heavier focus on action/combat. >Bad enemy design. >More reliant on jumpscares. >Repetitive dungeons

>Heavier focus on action/combat
>Bad enemy design
>More reliant on jumpscares
>Repetitive dungeons
>Weaker atmosphere
>Hastly put together non-sensical plot
>Too hamfisted, subtlety and deeper themes from previous games are gone
People give Silent Hill 4 alot of shit, but 3 isnt too far behind

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  1. 1 month ago


  2. 1 month ago

    There wasn't a heavier focus on combat though, that was Silent Hill 4. Enemies were mostly better designed than in previous games with more enemies sensitive to light or sound that you could bypass entirely by turning off the flashlight or moving slowly, with few exceptions like the fat tumor guys that could block your movement but could be bypassed by knocking them down with a single shotgun blast and running past them while they were on the floor. You just had more options in how to fight enemies or avoid them. Combat still kind of sucked.

    Area design was mostly good even if they half recycled the hospital from Silent Hill 2.

  3. 1 month ago

    You forgot to mention:

    - The female main character looks like Justin Bieber.

    - You return to some places you already visited in Silent Hill 2(lazy developers).

    • 1 month ago

      >lazy developers
      they weren't lazy dickhead, higher ups mandated they change the entire premise of the game halfway through development.

      • 1 month ago

        What was the plot supposed to be about, then?

    • 1 month ago

      He wasn't even born back then, you bloated clown.

      • 1 month ago

        Justin Bieber is like 30 now lmao

        • 1 month ago

          So is this game ROTFLMAO XD BOL NFT

          • 1 month ago

            It's 21

            • 1 month ago

              So Bibi was 9 when it came out and not famous at all.

            • 1 month ago

              You stoopid

    • 1 month ago

      >both games take place in the same town
      >act surprised when you pass by the same locations

    • 1 month ago

      >You return to some places you already visited in Silent Hill 2(lazy developers).
      It's the same town though, don't really see the issue

    • 1 month ago

      >The female main character looks like Justin Bieber.
      Still would.
      Love is love

  4. 1 month ago

    I hated the slurpers in 3. Never really understood why the ghosts in 4 got so much hate, I had no issue with those. But the slurpers were just awful. 3 also putting dogs inside didn't make much sense because they were supposed to be a faster mobile enemy that you'd maneuver around outside where you had more room.

    3 having so many deaths that can happen in cutscenes or other instant deaths wasn't very fun either.

    I still liked the story though for the most part. It was a good idea. I thought it had decent puzzles, and the mirror room probably scared me the most out of 1-4.

    IMO each game in the series was weaker than the previous one regarding gameplay.

    • 1 month ago

      Are you for real? Out of any game of its generation it probably has the best atmosphere

      No really, it's one of the greatest games of its gen

      >IMO each game in the series was weaker than the previous one regarding gameplay.
      I thought 3 was way more engaging than 2

      • 1 month ago

        >I thought 3 was way more engaging than 2
        It was more engaging but I'm not sure if it was more enjoyable. If that makes sense. When playing 2 it was a bit boring sometimes and like I turned my brain off just running around. 3 didn't let you do that as much, but there were more times with 3 where I just felt annoyed.

        2 is like driving on an empty foggy road in a car that doesn't go fast enough. 3 is like driving a faster car while someone keeps jerking on the steering wheel.

        • 1 month ago

          A game that makes you mad is always better than a boring game because it makes the gameplay more memorable
          -Shigeru Miyamoto 1944

          • 1 month ago

            He said that before he was born?

            • 1 month ago

              Probably a mistype.

            • 1 month ago

              Probably a mistype.

              I think it's a joke on this quote.

    • 1 month ago

      >Never really understood why the ghosts in 4 got so much hate
      You can't really run from them, they can hurt you without touching you while you run from them, you only waste ammo and health attacking them unless you feel like wasting your sword on one.

      • 1 month ago

        You can run from almost all of them very easily taking minimal to no damage, except for Richard because he just teleports to you. They can only follow you into certain rooms as well. Only the 4 new ghosts that appear in the second half of the game are even much of a threat, and only Richard is a big one because of the teleportation.

        • 1 month ago

          all i remember was that I used the sword on a ghost in an apartment room and then tried to just run away from all the others while they slowly chipped my health away until i died.

          I never touched the game again.

          • 1 month ago

            It's not worth fighting them for the most part since they never die and you can only permanently pin them down with swords which are not that common an item. Changing rooms to one they can chase you to forces them to come through the wall which takes several seconds and you can just keep running and changing rooms until you get to somewhere they can't follow. This still works in the second half of the game even when it's a giant escort mission. The second half of the game ghosts worth pinning (mostly Cynthia and Richard) can often be encountered alone and there are silver bullets that down them in one shot so you can pin them right away.

          • 1 month ago

            I never played 4 but that sounds like shit

            It's not worth fighting them for the most part since they never die and you can only permanently pin them down with swords which are not that common an item. Changing rooms to one they can chase you to forces them to come through the wall which takes several seconds and you can just keep running and changing rooms until you get to somewhere they can't follow. This still works in the second half of the game even when it's a giant escort mission. The second half of the game ghosts worth pinning (mostly Cynthia and Richard) can often be encountered alone and there are silver bullets that down them in one shot so you can pin them right away.

            >the second half of the game even when it's a giant escort mission
            Oh no no no no

            • 1 month ago

              Yeah it's as bad as it sounds and yeah the second half is all that + an escort mission AND a stalker with infinite HP who is also equipped with firearms and not some melee weapon. Also limited inventory, 10 slots, bullets also don't stack and each bullet pack takes up 1 slot. This game feels like pure torture to play. Whenever someone says shit like 'better than Reddit Hill 2' you just know it's a Gankertard who watched a let's play

              • 1 month ago

                the bullets not stacking blew my fricking mind when I played it. also the game having like <10 healing items in the entire campaign, most of which are in the back half of the game, so in the first half you have to keep going back to the apartment and letting it heal you hella slowly. so many baffling design decisions in sh4. I managed to stick it out and beat the game, and was rewarded with the worst, most disappointing ending possible, all because I left eileen alone for a few minutes so I could do a puzzle in peace. didnt know that she just takes damage for no reason if you leave her alone, even if theres no enemies around. goofy ass game

              • 1 month ago

                >and was rewarded with the worst, most disappointing ending possible
                Same and I couldn't care less, I was glad that shit was over

  5. 1 month ago

    Yet still it’s superior to Reddit Hill 2

    • 1 month ago

      2 was boring to play sometimes while 3 was frustrating to play sometimes. I think being a bit bored might be better than being actively frustrated.

  6. 1 month ago

    combat in 3 feels like running into a herd of cattle and trying to punch one to death with your bare fists.

  7. 1 month ago

    It’s definitely a “so bad it’s good” kind of game

  8. 1 month ago

    the only reason anyone likes this game is because they want to frick or be the kid in it

    • 1 month ago

      She's like 18 and considering the fact that pic related is what a 14 year old looks like in the SH universe, Heather is NOT a kid

  9. 1 month ago

    It's basically about teenage pregnancy, told from a feminist POV, demonizing the child and those who want to keep it alive.

    • 1 month ago

      >everything is about muh /misc/troon controversies, please engage
      seek a cliff any time

    • 1 month ago

      This is truly the perspective of someone who doesn't interact with women.

      • 1 month ago

        >basica b***h coming of age story
        >pro abortion
        although anon isn't so wrong, it's harder to pick up japanese political references, because of language barriers. but abortion was a hot button topic back then

        • 1 month ago

          It definitely wouldn't have pro abortion in the western sense. It would be treated as a grave moral transgression even if shown in an empathetic light like james losing it and smothering mary.

    • 1 month ago

      >basica b***h coming of age story
      >pro abortion
      although anon isn't so wrong, it's harder to pick up japanese political references, because of language barriers. but abortion was a hot button topic back then

      It's more like a girl trying to have an abortion after being raped. In SH1 Alessa was forced to become "pregnant" with "God" through violent acts forced on her. Heather is a reincarnation of Alessa still carrying it. Heather fighting that worm boss in a nightmare world at the beginning seems to allude more to rape than consensual sex.

  10. 1 month ago


    4 had many faults, but I liked it more even with them than 3. 3 was fine, but I don't really remember anything about it except that it looked great and the mirror room.

  11. 1 month ago

    >QTP2T protag
    All is forgiven.

  12. 1 month ago

    and yet it's the peak of not only the series but the whole survival horror genre
    SH3 > SH4 > SH1 >>> Cow's Dung >>> Reddit Hill 2

    • 1 month ago

      1 > 2 = 3 >>> 4

      • 1 month ago

        >Reddit Hill 2 above anything

        • 1 month ago

          I don't let other people sperging out over a game change my own feelings from when I played it.

          SH2's main problem is that it is too easy and short. SH3 is slightly longer and has harder enemies BUT those enemies are almost always annoying as frick and knocking you down, and the story/writing is really bad compared to 1 and 2.

          • 1 month ago

            Reddit Hill 2 had many problems, boring, piss easy, braindead AI, wastes your time with lots of ''walking from point A to B'', terrible bosses (Rule of Rose tier of shit), chessy dialogue and shitty unoriginal story inferior to 1,3 and 4 (the latter is the peak of the series when it comes to writting) but the worst thing about Reddit Hill 2 is it was not that scary a huge downgrade from the first game, and by the way posers like you may think Reddit Hill 2 was the first ''psychological'' horror game but that only shows how low your IQ is because SH1 did it first and it was much better and subtle than ''Muh sexual frustration: the game''

          • 1 month ago

            Ganker Hill 2 had many triumphs, exciting, hard as hell, human-like AI, enriches your time with lots of ''walking from point A to B'', amazing bosses (dark souls tier shit), insightful dialogue and amazingly original story superior to 1,3 and 4 (the latter is the worst of the series when it comes to writting) but the best thing about Ganker Hill 2 is it was scary and a huge upgrade from the first game, and by the way oldgays like you may think Ganker Hill 2 was the first ''psychological'' horror game but that only shows how high your IQ is because SH2 realy did it first and it was much better and subtle than ''Muh daughter went missing: the game''

            • 1 month ago

              Shut the frick up good god

            • 1 month ago

              Silent Hill 1 has a much better atmosphere and mood than Reddit Hill 2.

            • 1 month ago

              >by the way oldgays like you may think Ganker Hill 2 was the first ''psychological'' horror game but
              You realize you are literally arguing with yourself, yes?
              To me, there's horror and survival horror. That's it. Either the game is meant to just be spooky or the game has puzzle/supply management gameplay mixed with the horror.

              Plus, SH1 had plenty of psychological horror moments. Pic related is right at the beginning, they show you a mangled corpse where you can only vaguely identify it as a dog due to the "BEWARE OF DOG" sign on the gate. You can see a ribcage, a lack of skin, and entrails; and if you look at the wall you see a heavy impact mark and large claw marks signaling the presence of a very dangerous creature in this same alley that Cheryl just went down. You never see the monster that caused it, nor does Harry make any comment besides what he says in pic related.

              My opinion isn't changing because you are a sperg.
              1 > 2 = 3
              or, if this makes you feel better

              10/10 > 8/10 = 8/10

              • 1 month ago

                >psychological horror moments
                NTA but there are various types of psychological horror and I think that SH1 is a surrealist game. Surrealism is usually devoid of any metaphors, allegories and 2deep4u shit, there are only objects and that's it. Sure there is some stuff 'explained' in this game like how some of the bosses are from fairy tales Alessa used to read but for the most part it's just pure insanity. So 1 is pure psychological horror (because surrealism is an integral part of psychological horror) it's just not the same as 2

              • 1 month ago

                >To me, there's horror and survival horror. That's it.
                Psychological means a more subtle kind of horror, with a lot of drama without cheap jump scares from dogs and monsters.
                >SH1 had plenty of psychological horror moments
                SH2 has a better and more extended story with longer gameplay. The main story in SH2 gets deeper with lots of plot twists without all the cult shit from SH1. SH1 has harder gameplay but it takes much less time to finish and feels incomplete along with the story. SH2 got more enemies and characters too meet and better cutscenes. SH3 gets better gameplay and better visual art but looses the story that made SH2 more depressing instead of just scary.

              • 1 month ago

                >SH2 got more enemies and characters too meet
                No, wtf. This is absolutely not true lmao, why would you lie like that?? Huh?? And what kind of an argument even is 'more characters'?!?!?! Why does it matter? Enemy variety is important though yeah but iirc SH1 literally has like twice as many enemies as SH2

              • 1 month ago

                >And what kind of an argument even is 'more characters'?
                More characters to add for the story and cutscenes like in a movie.
                >SH1 literally has like twice as many enemies as SH2
                I meant more enemies to kill not more variety. There's no point in having different looking enemies that make for only a few to fight and finish the game in a small map.

              • 1 month ago

                For some reason people feel like psychological horror HAS to involve dealing with personal trauma created from someone's unique experiences rather then just any kind of horror where the protagonist is unsure about the state of reality and their own mind. I don't mind later games having the psychological horror stem more from the protagonist themselves, it helps better develop them as characters, but I hate how people now interpret that SH is psychological horror only when it does this. SH1 and SH4 deal with protagonists who hold no trauma and work fine as is.

                >To me, there's horror and survival horror. That's it.
                Psychological means a more subtle kind of horror, with a lot of drama without cheap jump scares from dogs and monsters.
                >SH1 had plenty of psychological horror moments
                SH2 has a better and more extended story with longer gameplay. The main story in SH2 gets deeper with lots of plot twists without all the cult shit from SH1. SH1 has harder gameplay but it takes much less time to finish and feels incomplete along with the story. SH2 got more enemies and characters too meet and better cutscenes. SH3 gets better gameplay and better visual art but looses the story that made SH2 more depressing instead of just scary.

                >without all the cult shit from SH1
                What "cult shit" exactly? I always love seeing people complain about how SH1 has too much emphasis on the cult when no character in the game is an active member or working for their benefit. The cult in SH1 is dissolved, it exists to provide backstory for the events leading up to the state of town once Harry gets there.
                >SH1 has harder gameplay but it takes much less time to finish and feels incomplete along with the story
                Because SH1 actually wants players to explore its world and replay the game. It's a much better approach but asks a lot of the player which devs just can't rely on, hence how many people beat the game and think it "makes no sense".

            • 1 month ago

              Silent Hill 1 has a much worse atmosphere and mood than Ganker Hill 2.

  13. 1 month ago

    SH3 is still pretty aesthetically pleasing. That alone makes it worth playing.

  14. 1 month ago

    Resident Evil 3 is a "shitty rehash" even though only like 5% of its environments are re-used from 2.

    But Silent Hill 3 and its town and hospital? Silent Hill 3 gets a pass. Despite the amount of re-used location being greater and despite the implementation being so much worse (the town is completely empty and just filler). Yes, it gets a pass. It's The "Legendary Team Silent" after all.

    • 1 month ago

      >Silent Hill 3 had the same Silent Hill town as Silent Hill 2!!!

      • 1 month ago

        The fact they used Brookheaven Hospital instead of Alchemilla Hospital (which makes far more sense) shows they didnt want to put effort into remodelling SH1's town at all.

        • 1 month ago

          >which makes far more sense
          no it doesn't, Heather went to Brookhaven hospital because that's where Leonard was it wasn't because a of a revelation calling her back to the old hospital she was at
          and besides we did see Alchemilla hospital in Origins again

          • 1 month ago

            >Heather went to Brookhaven hospital because that's where Leonard was
            And why couldnt have they put Leonard in Alchemilla as well? They just wanted to recycle an old asset from SH2.

            • 1 month ago

              >complains about rehashing old locations
              >but why they didn't rehash this other old location!

              • 1 month ago

                rehasing the other old location would require them to model it for the PS2 retar

            • 1 month ago

              Alchemilla is a normal hospital.
              Brookhaven is a mental hospital.

              Leonard wasn't sick, he was crazy.

              • 1 month ago

                I just think it's strange for a game that is a sequel to SH1 take part in SH2.
                It's pretty evident Team Silent had something completely different in mind for 3, and the convoluted story and recycled assets shows they changed the project halfway and had to improvise thanks to Konami.

    • 1 month ago

      Well, the difference is all the SH games are shitty rehashes.
      RE3 is just RE2 with gimmicks and less content.

  15. 1 month ago

    So do you people actually dislike SH2, or are you just reacting for it being so popular?
    I really liked 2, but it's not as good as 1.

    • 1 month ago

      It's mostly one person who posts about "Reddit Hill 2" I think. And I think that's mostly a reaction to how it was kind of impossible for a long time to criticize 2 without being attacked by superfans. Most people are a bit more reasonable about it now.

    • 1 month ago

      I'm an sh2 defender but it has problems, no way around it. enemy design stalls out halfway through the game(fighting garden variety early game enemies in the prison is very lame) and while difficulty balance isn't great in any of the games it's most problematic in 2. It's a great horror experience but a mess of a game.

    • 1 month ago

      i think it's both, 2 is the weakest team silent game but it gets all the spotlight, seeing 2 gays shitting on the other SH titles and trashing the ''cult'' plot is annoying

  16. 1 month ago

    singling out sh2 for being easy is kind of bullshit. any additional fierceness you face in 1 and 3, when played on normal, is superficial. they both can be mindlessly potion chugged through on normal just the same, only exception being the instadeath sequences.

    • 1 month ago

      That's true. At the end of 1 I had tons of ammo and health supplies. 3 was more limited in supplies but never really that hard either.

      The issue with 2 is just that it has no fast enemies to ever put you on edge a little bit.

      • 1 month ago

        The reason 3 feels limited in supplies is because it has dynamic difficulty. If you play the game like a survival horror game by saving up all your ammo and never shooting anything but bosses, the game removes a bunch of ammo pickups you could've gotten.

        As a result, every game of SH3 I play runs out of ammo on the last boss despite not shooting anything but other bosses the whole game. I don't remember ever beating that boss without resorting to a melee weapon.

        • 1 month ago

          >If you play the game like a survival horror game by saving up all your ammo and never shooting anything but bosses, the game removes a bunch of ammo pickups you could've gotten.

          You have no idea how much I hate that system. I'd go as far as saying it's anti-survival horror. Good games reward the player for doing well. Silent Hill 3 punishes them and rewards players who play like morons instead.

          and the final boss with melee is awful, unless you abuse an exploit (which was fixed in some versions anyway)

        • 1 month ago

          I didn't know SH3 did that. I always hate dynamic difficulty in games.

          >I don't remember ever beating that boss without resorting to a melee weapon.
          Same for me.

          >If you play the game like a survival horror game by saving up all your ammo and never shooting anything but bosses, the game removes a bunch of ammo pickups you could've gotten.

          You have no idea how much I hate that system. I'd go as far as saying it's anti-survival horror. Good games reward the player for doing well. Silent Hill 3 punishes them and rewards players who play like morons instead.

          and the final boss with melee is awful, unless you abuse an exploit (which was fixed in some versions anyway)

          >Good games reward the player for doing well. Silent Hill 3 punishes them and rewards players who play like morons instead.
          I had the same issue in Max Payne with its dynamic difficulty. Doing well just makes the enemies harder and harder until it's basically impossible to not die. And then there's an issue where it doesn't reset with quick loading after you die, so it can stay that way, and it makes the game a lot less enjoyable.

  17. 1 month ago

    >Heavier focus on action/combat
    SH3 simply has better melee combat controls, the combat/action levels are the same as the previous two games, but now the melee is better
    >Bad enemy design
    Don't see how the enemy design in SH3 is better or worse than any of the other games. I enjoy the fat things, the tall things, and the mini boss knife guys
    >More reliant on jumpscares
    the only jumpscare in the game is the one in the amusement park haunted house
    >Weaker atmosphere
    it has the best atmosphere in the series
    >Hastly put together non-sensical plot
    your only valid criticism
    >Too hamfisted, subtlety and deeper themes from previous games are gone
    "deeper themes" kek

    • 1 month ago

      >SH3 simply has better melee combat controls, the combat/action levels are the same as the previous two games, but now the melee is better
      The fact SH3 has a parry mechanic, more powerful weapons and numerous enemies is a statement to how much the game is more focused on combat now.
      Both 1 and 2 rewarded avoiding combat, it's a stark contrast to the previous games.
      >Don't see how the enemy design in SH3 is better or worse than any of the other games. I enjoy the fat things, the tall things, and the mini boss knife guys
      The first 2 games had fewer enemy variety, but used them to greater effect. In 3 their use seems almost random, like having dogs in tight corridors. Thematically they dont make much sense either. Like, wtf is the Missionary supposed to be? Did Claudia summon a B.O.W like Resident Evil out of nowhere to kill Henry? And then at the end Vincent says you could potentially be killing humans?
      It doesnt feel as coherent as the previous games in concept.

      • 1 month ago

        >Both 1 and 2 rewarded avoiding combat
        lol, what does this mean? how does 1 and 2 reward you by avoiding combat? SH3 has the least amount of resources, and dodging monsters results in saving resources, just like the other games

        • 1 month ago

          >lol, what does this mean? how does 1 and 2 reward you by avoiding combat?
          It rewards you with not having to do the combat

        • 1 month ago

          NTA but see

          The reason 3 feels limited in supplies is because it has dynamic difficulty. If you play the game like a survival horror game by saving up all your ammo and never shooting anything but bosses, the game removes a bunch of ammo pickups you could've gotten.

          As a result, every game of SH3 I play runs out of ammo on the last boss despite not shooting anything but other bosses the whole game. I don't remember ever beating that boss without resorting to a melee weapon.

          If you play SH3 like 1 and 2, you'll be left with no ammo or health items in the endgame. If you are constantly shooting enemies and getting hit, you'll be rewarded with the normal supplies in the final areas; if you conserve ammo and avoid combat, it doesn't spawn those in at all.

          • 1 month ago

            In SH1 you shoot a fair bit and then beat everything to death with the fire pick. In SH2 there are at least 200 shotgun shells to kill everything in the game with. How does SH1 and 2 reward you for not fighting? Other than having even more resources

      • 1 month ago

        >In 3 their use seems almost random, like having dogs in tight corridors.
        I'm glad to see someone else mention that. Pretty much went completely against the design theory that worked so well in 1.

      • 1 month ago

        >Both 1 and 2 rewarded avoiding combat, it's a stark contrast to the previous games.
        >In 3 their use seems almost random, like having dogs in tight corridors.
        This makes harder to escape combat and can be seen as a good thing, but you still can use beef jerky to distract them. There was no way to distract dogs in SH1 and they were much faster, and having birds coming from nowhere in the fog and a bad camera made even more annoying. And SH2 was to easy to kill or avoid enemies. Combat gameplay in SH3 was definitely better improved than previous ones.
        >And then at the end Vincent says you could potentially be killing humans?
        That was the biggest redpill in the franchise. The father of Claudia turn out to be one of them as well.

      • 1 month ago

        >And then at the end Vincent says you could potentially be killing humans?

        >Both 1 and 2 rewarded avoiding combat, it's a stark contrast to the previous games.
        >In 3 their use seems almost random, like having dogs in tight corridors.
        This makes harder to escape combat and can be seen as a good thing, but you still can use beef jerky to distract them. There was no way to distract dogs in SH1 and they were much faster, and having birds coming from nowhere in the fog and a bad camera made even more annoying. And SH2 was to easy to kill or avoid enemies. Combat gameplay in SH3 was definitely better improved than previous ones.
        >And then at the end Vincent says you could potentially be killing humans?
        That was the biggest redpill in the franchise. The father of Claudia turn out to be one of them as well.

        I always thought that he just meant the cult members saw them as angels. Or at least some of them. Like how Dahlia thought the otherworld in SH1 was the beginning of paradise and that thing in Alessa was God.

        That seems to be the simplest explanation. Saying that Heather was running around killing actual people and she only saw them as monsters and trying to explain how she was able to do that ends up making things really complicated, and any explanation for that doesn't really have any proof in the game so it's just theorizing.

        • 1 month ago

          >That seems to be the simplest explanation.
          The simplest explanation is he was just fricking with her to scare her, i.e. making her think she was killing normal people.

        • 1 month ago

          >SH3 simply has better melee combat controls, the combat/action levels are the same as the previous two games, but now the melee is better
          The fact SH3 has a parry mechanic, more powerful weapons and numerous enemies is a statement to how much the game is more focused on combat now.
          Both 1 and 2 rewarded avoiding combat, it's a stark contrast to the previous games.
          >Don't see how the enemy design in SH3 is better or worse than any of the other games. I enjoy the fat things, the tall things, and the mini boss knife guys
          The first 2 games had fewer enemy variety, but used them to greater effect. In 3 their use seems almost random, like having dogs in tight corridors. Thematically they dont make much sense either. Like, wtf is the Missionary supposed to be? Did Claudia summon a B.O.W like Resident Evil out of nowhere to kill Henry? And then at the end Vincent says you could potentially be killing humans?
          It doesnt feel as coherent as the previous games in concept.

          Yes, obviously Vincent doesn't see them as monsters. It's his vision of paradise, he lives in the godforsaken place for christ sake. I also always thought that's what he meant by that and everyone just interprates it wrong, although the line is probably misleading on purpose.

          • 1 month ago

            >It's his vision of paradise
            That was Claudia's vision. Vincent was very different and not a fanatic like Claudia. He was trying to use the cult knowledge for his own personal advantage, he didn't believe in the cult the same way Claudia did.

        • 1 month ago

          >and any explanation for that doesn't really have any proof in the game
          Wrong, Leonard Wolf happens to come up as monster even though he was talking to Heather as human. After seeing this Heather says she doesn't care anymore about what Vincent said.

          • 1 month ago

            That doesn't explain the claim that people make about Heather being the only one to see monsters and she's actually killing random innocent people.

  18. 1 month ago

    I like Silent Hill 3 more than 2 because it’s scarier, simple as

    • 1 month ago

      Meh the scares in SH2 stuck with me more than the ones in SH3

  19. 1 month ago

    >best sh waifu

    • 1 month ago

      She dresses like a femcel. Get dem breasts out when you run in Silent Hill b***h.

  20. 1 month ago

    Silent Hill doesn't have dungeons. Dungeons are about adventuring and character progression not trying to avoid everything in a maze

  21. 1 month ago

    The carousel setpiece in this game is hilarious. I guess it was intended to be a disturbing sequence where you have to kill the tortured horses. In practice it turns into a comedy where they shed a couple drops of blood and play a cheesy horse sound effect from some stock library while you wail on them with a katana.

  22. 1 month ago

    All that matters is that 4 will always be the worst one.

    • 1 month ago

      >All that matters is that 2 will always be the worst one.

  23. 1 month ago

    Tendieslop thread instead? Lets talk about zelda!

  24. 1 month ago

    I fricking hate zoomers.

    • 1 month ago

      Because of SH's structure I can see why someone logically would refer to them as dungeons. Calm down schizo.

      • 1 month ago

        Those "dungeons" aren't even below ground most of the time. Every part of the game where the gameplay gets more intense is a "dungeon" now because that's the way Zelda did it? What a moronic concept.

      • 1 month ago

        Only 1 and 2 have dungeons. 3 is just a set of levels, there is no 'pseudo open world' in it like in the first two games

        Those "dungeons" aren't even below ground most of the time. Every part of the game where the gameplay gets more intense is a "dungeon" now because that's the way Zelda did it? What a moronic concept.

        Honestly I've realised that many people including me naturally refer to those moments as that. The first two SH titles are not like other survival horror games where each game is essentialy a one big 'dungeon'. But with SH3, yeah, it sounds stupid

  25. 1 month ago

    >end of small sanctuary starts playing
    You're wrong

  26. 1 month ago

    I like it the most because it has the best music in the series and heather is cute 🙂

  27. 1 month ago

    I agree with all of this, plus SH3 is overrated bcuz "muh cute stronk womyn!"

    But SH3 is a masterpiece nonetheless. If you compare the 4 Team Silent games, you compare them to every other game that wasn't made by Team Silent.

  28. 1 month ago

    3 is worst of them all. 4 at least had an idea for itself and 3 is really just few great moments and copypaste of previous SH.

  29. 1 month ago

    Heather is a cootiepatootie tho

  30. 1 month ago

    name a horror game with good combat

    • 1 month ago

      The RE Outbreak games have good combat for what they are. I'm a David player and there's plenty of depth involved in order for you to knife everything without taking damage.

    • 1 month ago

      I get what you mean by good so Fatal Frame games, especially the first one. Other than that honestly most popular horror games are good at what they are trying to achieve. Not trying to spout some Youtube video essay type shit like 'can games be bad on purpose' but that type of combat SH games have just works. Yeah, Fatal Frame is fun as hell but when you get good these games stop having any tension and only spook you with their atmosphere. Meanwhile in stuff like Rule of Rose you just know you can die any minute due to how unreliable the combat system in this game is

    • 1 month ago

      RE4 (it's a trick question, whenever a horror game has good combat people just say it's not a horror game)

  31. 1 month ago

    I never heard of these games until I got a demo disc that had SH4. I went and bought the game the same night. It was pretty frustrating and the burp sound effects were really annoying but I finished it.
    A decade later I played 1 and 2 and loved them. I played 3 but quit towards the end. SH4 I have no desire to ever replay.

  32. 1 month ago

    SH3 has one of the best OST's of all time....



  33. 1 month ago

    Maybe, but dude... literally those graphics combined with the dread and filth these environments are soaked with. It's a work of art, especially combined with the soundscape. It holds up incredibly well.
    >weaker atmosphere
    >gameplay complaints
    None of these games are great in the conventional sense.
    Like what? Most of the game's just unnerving and visceral, but it hardly sneaks up on you with it. Like maybe a sound or two out of nowhere but all the games do that.


    • 1 month ago

      3 starts off by putting you into narrow corridor dungeons with "scary" monsters, whereas 1 and 2 starts by letting you immerse yourself into the foggy Silent Hill, slowly introducing the more disturbing elements, at the right time.
      3 may have more shocking and intense imagery, but that doesnt necessarialy improve the atsmophere.
      >None of these games are great in the conventional sense.
      Just exactly what do you mean by that? Are you equating gameplay to combat? If you dislike horror games thats fine, but it's dishonest saying "none of them are great".

  34. 1 month ago

    To agree with some of the shitters
    >recycled hospital
    >plot; especially the ending/endgame
    Yeahhh... still a stone cold classic though.

  35. 1 month ago

    focus on action/combat
    >>Bad enemy design
    >>More reliant on jumpscares
    abbawdely false
    put together non-sensical plot
    >>Too hamfisted, subtlety and deeper themes from previous games are gone

    • 1 month ago


      Town/exploration -> School -> Town/exploration -> Church -> Town/exploration -> Hospital etc
      Town/exploration -> Apartments -> Town/exploration -> Bowling/Club -> Town/exploration -> Hospital etc
      Shopping -> Subway -> Apartments -> Town/exploration (far more limited than 2) -> Hospital -> Amusement Park -> Temple -> end

      See how SH3 doesnt have a cooldown between dungeons?

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