>Henry: There are a lot of characters from the Warhammer Universe that I'd want to be, but I can only really be one, cos once I'm one the...

>Henry: There are a lot of characters from the Warhammer Universe that I'd want to be, but I can only really be one, cos once I'm one then I can't be others. If it were to ever happen, if there were to be anything live action, I would have to be very aware of that.
>Interviewer: In five years you'd make a very good Gregor Eisenhorn I think.
>Henry: I mean, that would be exciting, yes, but then I'd burn primarchs, and the captain-generals, so I don't really know.

Is there an obvious candidate?

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  1. 4 months ago

    random guardsman that rapes the female protagonist

    • 4 months ago

      >random guardsman that gets raped by the female protagonist

      • 4 months ago

        random guardsman that rapes the female protagonist

        I would literally pay money to see Henry having sex with absolutely anything.

        • 4 months ago

          Just get Grindr and go to Jersey.

      • 4 months ago

        >Random Daemon prince who rapes both the male and female guardsmen before raping themselves


  2. 4 months ago

    Eisenhorn is an easy almost can't go wrong

    I'm afraid Cavill is to much of a fanboy that would want play a Primarch or the Emperor or Valdor... That would likely mean Horus Heresy.

    • 4 months ago

      I still see him in Ciaphas Cain's role
      >Can swing a sword
      >Can play the charming guy with heroic outbursts while internally crapping his pants with his impostor syndrome
      >Can be badass and ridiculously pathetic in some scenes but quickly get back into character

      The only problem I have is who would be Jurgen

      • 4 months ago

        Just pick up a random homeless guy from Norway

      • 4 months ago

        Willem Dafoe?
        Danny deVito?
        Tony Robinson?

      • 4 months ago

        Steve Buscemi, who else?

      • 4 months ago

        with his craven inner monologue done by Zach Braff

      • 4 months ago

        but is he smug enough?

      • 4 months ago

        Karl Urban hunched doing an accent for an1 hour at a time

      • 4 months ago

        I was talking about this with a friend of mine.
        If they do a Ciaphas Cain TV show or movie, they should have two actors play Cain. One who is like Henry Cavill and plays him in scenes where Ciaphas is being seen through other characters' eyes. Sulla, Jurgen and such. He's a big, strong hero, spouting one-liners and defeating foes with the deftest of ease.
        The other should be someone like David Tenant: A weaselly-looking skinny dude. He's whenever we're seeing events from Cain's POV and with his narration, as he tries desperately to survive and not get himself placed in any danger.

        • 4 months ago

          Does GW have ANY original ideas?


          • 4 months ago

            Admittedly Cain isn't just a rip off of Flashman. He's Flashman combined with Blackadder, and then a tad more heroic than either of those characters.

            • 4 months ago

              Does GW have ANY original ideas?


              Isn't he a cowardly version of Sharpe?

              • 4 months ago

                You wash yer mouf out
                Nowt bettern Richard Sharpe

                (Unless married to him in which case you will statistically die)

              • 4 months ago

                now thats soldierin

              • 4 months ago

                Loved LeRoy
                Hated Simonsen
                Simple as

              • 4 months ago

                Slaves, cotton and molasses.

              • 4 months ago

                He is what I wished Americans still were. I have a Virginian friend and he would definitely pour a rifleman a drink.

                Picrel was a real guy and you can read his memoirs.

              • 4 months ago

                He seems like a cool guy, but it's also kind of sad that he can't get over the fact that the only thing he's done of note was being a secondary character in a moderately successful 90's TV series.

              • 4 months ago

                God Save Ireland

              • 4 months ago

                I never sais Sharpe was a coward, quit the contrary.
                and really as long as your wife stick with Harper, you'll live 100%.

                14 movies and Harper kept Sean Bean alive, now that's solderin'!

              • 4 months ago

                guy was a gigachad in his own right

            • 4 months ago

              Flashman is harder to like over like seven novels. I think Cain gets humbled occasionally lol

      • 4 months ago

        Rowan Atkinson should play Ciaphas Cain, doing Blackadder and Mr Bean in equal measure.

        • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          Please, no more Blackadder. "Blackadder Goes Forth" had lots of funny jokes, yes, and that final scene was so very sad, but by God I hate that series for perpetuating the anti-historical, if not outright propagandist, "lions led by donkeys" myth.

          78 British generals alone were killed in action during WW1. Proportionately, 75% more officers died than soldiers. Even LORD KITCHENER HIMSELF - y'know, the guy off the "Wants YOU" poster - died to enemy action. These were not cowards hiding behind the lines sending brave men in their stead, and it frustrates me that this damned sitcom poisoned a whole generation of discourse. I bear Rowan Atkinson himself no ill-will but if he turned up in the 40k show these comparisons would only end up getting made constantly and I don't want that.

          • 4 months ago

            >Even LORD KITCHENER HIMSELF - y'know, the guy off the "Wants YOU" poster - died to enemy action

            Very disingenuous example, deliberately misleading. Kitchener, like 99.98% of the other soldiers and sailors and diplomats on board Hampshire that day, was killed after she hit a mine less than 3 km north of mainland Scotland where (apparently) no one on board was expecting an enemy presence. Killed in action, yes, but only in the same sense that had he been on duty lounging around in the officers' mess at Woolich and some German had thrown a grenade through the window he would also have been KIA. It wasn't a case of him on the front line going over the top like you're trying to get us to think, he was on a diplomatic mission to Russia thinking he was safe as houses.

          • 4 months ago

            It took Haig four years to learn what Joffre learned in two. Not as bad as the Italians by any stretch but certainty not good.

    • 4 months ago

      I mean, both of those characters are alive in the modern setting. Horus Heresy just couldn't work as a show, there's too much shit to cover properly, and it means that GW can't advertise the majority of their line. Setting it in the Indomitus era is way easier for storytelling, since you can basically just do whatever you want without shitting on old lore.

      • 4 months ago

        >Setting it in the Indomitus era
        So we get both lilth and ynnari feet?

      • 4 months ago

        Actual historical facts and paying attention to what you've said before don't seem to have been a concern for anyone called GW

      • 4 months ago

        Counterpoint: the Indomitus Era is shit.

    • 4 months ago

      HH would be so incredibly expensive to make properly that it would be made badly and with stupendously awful CGI

      • 4 months ago

        We should wait until we can do HH for real and just tell people it was a movie.
        T. blue bean

        • 4 months ago

          I for one would gladly postpone a live action Horus Heresy for another 28,000 years.

          • 4 months ago

            No we should totally will It now
            Will melt my pile of shame

    • 4 months ago

      I mean, both of those characters are alive in the modern setting. Horus Heresy just couldn't work as a show, there's too much shit to cover properly, and it means that GW can't advertise the majority of their line. Setting it in the Indomitus era is way easier for storytelling, since you can basically just do whatever you want without shitting on old lore.

      HH would be so incredibly expensive to make properly that it would be made badly and with stupendously awful CGI

      The Horus Heresy is too massive of an event to properly encapsulate in a film or even a television series. There are too many big players and critical events that demand buildup or context to be told effectively. The halfwits at BL struggled to even put it down in writing. If they wanted to do a Horus Heresy film, it would have to take the perspective of a group of civilians or members of one belligerent faction in a battle. There are plenty of directions they could take it.
      >A Tallarn Desert Raider tank crew during the Battle of Tallarn this has a lot of potential
      >Guerilla fighters during the aftermath of the Betrayal at Calth
      >A parent trying to get their child to safety during the Burning of Prospero

      • 4 months ago

        I will maintain to the end of my days that the Horus Heresy should never have been depicted directly, and should have remained a quasi-mythical historical event referred to only vaguely in 40k-era sources, like the Trojan War or the Epic of Gilgamesh are in our own time.

        • 4 months ago

          It removed the mystisism of the Emperor, the Primarch, everything.
          It's like making amove aobut Jesus where Jesus is seen taking massive shits after eating, working his ass off as his israeli customers all whine about this or that detail to pay less, seeing him mend his sandal...It removes the aura around the Person, as 30k whiped clean th slate about those Super-Humans who are nothing more than 12 year olds in bodies of gods.

          • 4 months ago

            It also kickstarted the Primarch craze which led to GW reviving them.

            • 4 months ago

              and basically killing the 40k setting for the Primaris 40k setting

    • 4 months ago

      They are doing 40k, he is playing Roboto.

  3. 4 months ago

    hes the emperor you fricking mook, name one other human charichter who could play big e in a horus heresy movie/series

    • 4 months ago

      Please no. Horus Heresy should never be adapted to live action.

  4. 4 months ago

    hes gonna be the emperor, and for bringing 40k to the big screen he deserves it

    • 4 months ago

      we just have to say that the marines are cloned from the emperor so he can play everybody!

  5. 4 months ago

    Ben Kingsley as Magistus Amon.

  6. 4 months ago

    If he's smart he wouldn't touch anything HH related, no living emperor and no primarchs.
    Eisenhorn is okay if it gets a one over and its glaring lore mistakes changed. Space Marines should be rare and the focus should be on the poor slave classes of the Imperium.
    If he was really smart he'd start with necromunda, start with something contained to a single planet. Which still lets you have any xeno/chaos thing you want but it keeps it simple to start with.

    • 4 months ago

      They could bring one of the Imperial armor books to the big screen. Vraks, Taros, an Anphelion Project horror story, Betalis Campaign.

      • 4 months ago

        Vraks would be my beat, WW1 troops but with laser guns so very easy for general audiances to get it. Enemies are the same but get deamons. GK and SM used sparingly.
        But I dunno how you can fit it all in 90 mins.The fall of Vrkas, the long drawn out war of 20ish years thats very bloody and bloody slow, and then the dramatic finale of overrunning the fortress and killing everyone inside to win the war.

        • 4 months ago

          Either do the star wars thing of three movies. With each one covering the different generals while covering the major offensives with the filler years used as the low periods.
          Just make a 270 minute long movie bollywood style.

          • 4 months ago

            >Either do the star wars thing of three movies
            I don't think starting with a planned trilogy is the best idea. Rhe first star wars was meant to be a standalone film and I think thats what made it so good. Going in with the intention of 'well hint at X,Y,Z is very marvel and something to be avoided.
            If they do space marines as the focus it should be Badab not HH. Badab was meant to be the modern repeat of the founding myth that is HH when it was written and is in my view the better stroy of falling from grace and into chaos.
            All the different chapters lets people see how different cultures can be as well. And Huron is really cool

        • 4 months ago

          Vraks doesn't have that many characters and while it lasted a while in universe the actual turning points are reasonably simple.

          I'd probably do it by having the Cardinal and Vraksian high command be the focus characters.

    • 4 months ago

      Nah, start with some agents fomr the inquisition.
      -Can get more race/sex diversity without feeling forced or hack-knee BS
      -Public learn as the Acolytes do.
      -Realise how hey are the 'bad guys' at the end, yet the other choices are worse.

      Starting with the poor slave class, will only show how the Imperium is bad and how toppling the system is a good idea (it's not)

      • 4 months ago

        Acolytes tend to be people who already have a very in depth understanding of whats what in 40k. No acolyte will not know what a space marine is.
        >Starting with the poor slave class, will only show how the Imperium is bad and how toppling the system is a good idea (it's not)
        nah I diagree its more as 'showing how the Imperium is bad and how toppling the system is a good idea (it's not possible they'll be killed by the Imperium)
        you can try to topple imperial control over the planet and remove the governor but you'll be put down

        • 4 months ago

          Still, the thought is there: The Imperium is evil and must be destroyed.
          I blame it on the fact that peple cannot have an empathis thought to save their lives, and everything is seens throught the lens of current year.

          The Impeirum might lok bad from our point of view, but in the setting it is the best, last hope for Man.

        • 4 months ago

          It could be an unsanctioned psyker (or blank) getting recruited by an inquisitor.

          Has innate skill that makes him useful and an inquisitor can override rules

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Helsreach is the perfect intro.
      See space marines, but only a handful amongst mostly regular humans.
      Orks are a super safe enemy, no nuance needed and no one to upset over race stuff.
      Small, contained story that has other bits attached easily.
      Shows some of the religious nature of the Imperium without any of the crazy stuff to put people off.

  7. 4 months ago

    >snorus boresy
    No thanks.

  8. 4 months ago

    Am I the only person that thinks that no regular actor should really play a space marine, and definitely not a fricking primarch? Like, we're basically talking about a 90% cgi mocap actor at that point anyway. They really don't even have normal human proportions outside of being anywhere from 8-10 feet tall. Likewise, I don't think any xeno she be played by just a person either. Even Eldar literally have a different musculature system than humans. If you want a properly compelling and relatable story, Spess Marheens are really far from that anyway. Also, don't even think about anything HH related until the real money is there to fund a decades long project. Tell one of the smaller (relatively speaking) stories, and tell it well. Focus on narrative elements over spectacle, and just let the universe exist. Even GW can't manage this though.

  9. 4 months ago

    Alex jones should voice lorgar

  10. 4 months ago

    I wonder if he'll be able to make anything as kino as this pic.
    The weird random chapter serfs, the tech priests, the diginified groups of astartes with armour that doesn't make them look silly. And of course the sheer lunacy of the honour obessed prideful super soliders have so lost the plot in the last 10k years they waste their time with random fricking parades, becuase they like the Imperium is choking to death on tradition and dogma spurned on by a mandatory state religion

    • 4 months ago

      >spurned on by a mandatory state religion
      In case that wasn't just a typo: spurred on.

      Unless gw has changed things yet again while I wasn't paying attention, spess mahreens as a rule don't follow the state religion and are as heretical as the techpriests.

      The crusader/iron helmet at right is a nice thing to see along with the beak and the various pauldrons. If it hadn't been for your vivid description I don't think I would cast a second glance at the image. You're right, it's a great pic with a real story to it.

      • 4 months ago

        >Unless gw has changed things yet again while I wasn't paying attention, spess mahreens as a rule don't follow the state religion and are as heretical as the techpriests.

        Space Marines may not be "religious" in that they are not orthodox communicants of the Temple of the Saviour Emperor and go to kneel in the shrine every Praiseday, but they are religious. It's sort of like how Buddhism is classed as a religion even though it doesn't have a god (technically, kinda-sorta, etc.). Space Marine traditions are ancient and ritualised and functionally religious even if not literally so. Ultimately, even the most stripped-down customs of the Space Marines all bow to the most fundamental, most primitive religion of them all - ancestor worship.

        • 4 months ago

          >Buddhism is classed as a religion even though it doesn't have a god

          We'll agree that Buddhism doesn't have at its head a supreme deity comparable to the Abrahamic religions or the variously named Krishna/Vishnu/Shiva/Parabrahman supreme being of modern Hinduism but we don't agree that it doesn't have a god. If you look at Mahayana Buddhism as practised by the laity today you will see that the bodhisattvas are for all intents and purposes gods. Even buddhas like Shayakamuni Buddha (the historical buddha) and various buddhas of various pure lands like Amitabha/Amida are prayed to and petitioned for boons like good health, wealth, marriage, rebirth in a pure land. Theravada Buddhist laity do similar things. Even Theravadin priests/monks engage in some of these practices.

          If you read sutta/sutra you'll see that Buddha does not deny the existence of Indra (who was the sky-father and chief god of the Vedic religion for a time before Shiva or Vishnu rose to prominence) or other gods but says that worshipping them is ultimately pointless. You may get rain for your crop, maybe you won't, but you'll still be reborn. There is at least one sutra that warns that the gods themselves will age, and lose their beauty, approach death, and be shunned by the other gods who don't want to be reminded of this suffering. The ailing god will then seek the teaching of the Buddha to escape the cycle of rebirth.

          Limiting religion to something that involves a belief in a god/gods is too limiting. Even though the marines normally don't regard the emperor as a god they do engage in religion as you point out.

      • 4 months ago

        I did mean spurred on thank you anon.
        >spess mahreens as a rule don't follow the state religion
        You're totally correct, most chapters don't view the emperor as a god. However all of them exsit within the Imperium that view them as demigods and as the 'Emperor's angels'. They are treated by everyone like this even if they don't personally beleive it. This 'you are demigods and the grandchildren of the God Emperor' has led to them becoming obessed with their personal honour and prestigeto to live up to that standard, they have prayer scrolls on their armour. Some chapters have to hide their gene seed since its mutated and due to the state religion mutants are seen as the arch enemy of mankind and they rish destruction if it is found out,
        They are shaped by it, at a fundmental level and thats meant to be part of the grimdark nature of 40k

    • 4 months ago

      I did mean spurred on thank you anon.
      >spess mahreens as a rule don't follow the state religion
      You're totally correct, most chapters don't view the emperor as a god. However all of them exsit within the Imperium that view them as demigods and as the 'Emperor's angels'. They are treated by everyone like this even if they don't personally beleive it. This 'you are demigods and the grandchildren of the God Emperor' has led to them becoming obessed with their personal honour and prestigeto to live up to that standard, they have prayer scrolls on their armour. Some chapters have to hide their gene seed since its mutated and due to the state religion mutants are seen as the arch enemy of mankind and they rish destruction if it is found out,
      They are shaped by it, at a fundmental level and thats meant to be part of the grimdark nature of 40k

      To add to this pic, do you see in the backrow the one marine that is hanging his down, breaking the other wise perfectly uniform formation? That's little detail makes it my favourite artwork in 40k.
      I see it as the one dissenter in the ranks, the one marine who suddenly realised that he is in a parade for no reason instead of fighting or training. He had an epiphany and see just how backwards the Imperium is and how trapped his chapter is in tradition and dogma, and how trapped he is in his chapter. And there's nothing he can do about it but hang his head in shame.
      And because this is 40k and must be grimdark that one senior space marine overlooking the parade sees him breaking formation and we can infer he'll be punished and possibly re-hypno-indoctrinationed back into complacency

      • 4 months ago

        Cool take. When I saw it, I saw it as one guy fidgeting or shutting down half his brain or whatever it is they do to stay awake so long, and then I thought bowing head in prayer, but for the same effect you already said.

  11. 4 months ago

    My dream long running never going to happen series would be a broad Time of Ending show.
    Start with the Damocles Crusade, end with the Fall of Cadia.
    And right after Guilliman wakes back up flash back to 30k and do a Horus Heresy show.

  12. 4 months ago

    The best Warhammer show wouldn't even be set inside the universe.

    Instead, it would be a real-world, and realistic, kids/teen drama set in a school, like a remake of Grange Hill or Byker Grove. We would follow the lives of the pupils who are members of an afterschool wargaming club, where Henry Cavill plays one of the teachers and the club's supervisor. Their games would entirely be on the tabletop, although the camera would be down at table level and the miniatures would move and fight each other in stop-motion amidst the dice and rulers.

    • 4 months ago

      Adding further comments:

      I think this is the only way that a 40k show won't be a total embarrassment. As others have pointed out, how on earth do you do Space Marines in real life? Yeah, there are great cosplays stomping around conventions but as soon as you take their helmets off (and they must, Astartes aren't so iconically associated with their helmets like Master Chief or Judge Dredd) you realise any human actor is absurdly small for them.

      The fact is that a 40k show is going to be hideously expensive with all those demands for dark gothic sets and elaborate costumes, and I seriously doubt that Amazon is going to be giving Cavill a Rings Of Power-level budget. I genuinely think that a show should make a virtue of the actual, physical game and the real practice of the hobby itself. It would be a genuine original and might even get more people painting models.

      • 4 months ago

        The best Warhammer show wouldn't even be set inside the universe.

        Instead, it would be a real-world, and realistic, kids/teen drama set in a school, like a remake of Grange Hill or Byker Grove. We would follow the lives of the pupils who are members of an afterschool wargaming club, where Henry Cavill plays one of the teachers and the club's supervisor. Their games would entirely be on the tabletop, although the camera would be down at table level and the miniatures would move and fight each other in stop-motion amidst the dice and rulers.

        Warhammer yugioh

    • 4 months ago

      Adding further comments:

      I think this is the only way that a 40k show won't be a total embarrassment. As others have pointed out, how on earth do you do Space Marines in real life? Yeah, there are great cosplays stomping around conventions but as soon as you take their helmets off (and they must, Astartes aren't so iconically associated with their helmets like Master Chief or Judge Dredd) you realise any human actor is absurdly small for them.

      The fact is that a 40k show is going to be hideously expensive with all those demands for dark gothic sets and elaborate costumes, and I seriously doubt that Amazon is going to be giving Cavill a Rings Of Power-level budget. I genuinely think that a show should make a virtue of the actual, physical game and the real practice of the hobby itself. It would be a genuine original and might even get more people painting models.

      If you're going this route, rather than stop-motion minis fighting, you should be cutting from the table, to actual in-universe fighting between the forces, with occasional incredibly hammy dialogue that's what the teens are saying to each other at the table. Axe Cop by way of 2000 AD.

  13. 4 months ago

    I want to see Ryan Gosling as Ollanius Pius (as a human Guardsman defending the Emperor from Horus, no gay perpetual homosexualry)

  14. 4 months ago

    Celebrity worship is fricking disgusting.

  15. 4 months ago

    I'd rather they avoid doing a direct adaptation of any of the existing novels. If they do, people will b***h endlessly over ever little change they make and ever casting decision that isn't exactly like how they imagined it when reading the book.

    If I had to cast Cavill as a 40k character, I'd have him be the villain of the show/movie; a Rogue Trader who maintained an outward appearance of perfection, while actually being a decadent, cruel heretic in league with either Dark Eldar or Slaaneshi cultists.

    • 4 months ago

      Tht would be intresting, as everoyne will figure Cavill is the hero or the guy who will come and save the hero 5-6 episode down the line, (He is Henry Cavill after all), of course they might ruin that twist by putting some obivous, tell-all clue straight in the middle of a shot in episode 1

      • 4 months ago

        Am I the only one who doesn't like shocking plot twists that come out of nowhere? That's some M. Night Shyamalan crap, as far as I'm concerned. If they're gonna have someone be a secret heretic, it should be foreshadowed in some way, at least in a way that a lore-knowledgeable person would pickup on or that would be noticeable on re-watching.

        It doesn't have to be super obvious, but you want people's reaction to the reveal to be "Oh, yeah, that makes sense," not "What the frick was that?"

        • 4 months ago

          The real twist would be planting the seeds of heresy, small potential clues which we all go "oh yeah he's definitely a heretic" but no solid clues on which god he's gunning for. Then the real plot twist that gets everyone; Rogue Trader Cavill is actually just a really good guy that doesn't believe in one iota of the Imperium's bullshit, but is still a hero (Basically Iconoclast from the new owlcat game)

          • 4 months ago

            >a really good guy that doesn't believe in one iota of the Imperium's bullshit, but is still a hero
            That's a character concept that can definitely work well if done right, but there's a risk with that approach of sanitizing the setting to the point that it's just Star Wars with gothic architecture. They'd have to make it clear that this attitude represented an outlier in the Imperium, and that the character can only avoid being persecuted for his views because of his aristocratic status.

        • 4 months ago

          Well, if we are follwing Hero X, we'll learn it at the same time, rather than knowing it all along and just looking at Hero X going throught the motions until the 'big reveal' which we knew already.

          The real twist would be planting the seeds of heresy, small potential clues which we all go "oh yeah he's definitely a heretic" but no solid clues on which god he's gunning for. Then the real plot twist that gets everyone; Rogue Trader Cavill is actually just a really good guy that doesn't believe in one iota of the Imperium's bullshit, but is still a hero (Basically Iconoclast from the new owlcat game)

          That would be lame and simply be there for assosiation with the audience. If he's to be the good guy after all despite his excesses (which are still within his power and autority as a Rogue Trader), he ought to be loyal to the Imperial system. After all, it is the System that allowed him to be there and do what he does. He should be a reminder that, in the end, even the roguist, self-serving man is still but a servant of the God-Emperor.

  16. 4 months ago

    There were rumors about Ana de Armas, Karl Urban and Idris Elba being attached to the project or in talk.

    The way I ser it
    >Eisenhorn - Cavill
    >Fischig - Urban
    >Betancore - Elba
    >Bequin - de Armas

  17. 4 months ago

    Do you people really think that it isn't going to be about Marines, or are you all just huffing that copium as hard as you can?

    • 4 months ago

      I think it's going to be a radical inquisitorial retinue or a rogue traders retinue so they can have these wacky elements like unsanctioned psykers and xenos to appeal to the majority whilst not angering fans

  18. 4 months ago

    I love painting Space Marines and not knowing or caring who these c**ts are since 1997. I haven't even seen Henry Cavill act outside that Henry VIIIth thing.

    • 4 months ago

      Absolutely based, to live forever in the moment of "hey, that looks kind of neat" and have the fortitude never to dive to the level of "what is this crap I just read?"

      • 4 months ago

        I'm like 90% historicals, I have lawns to mow and tell people to get off. Space gun go boom

  19. 4 months ago

    He's Davian Thule obviously

  20. 4 months ago

    So, this pretty much confirms that it’s going to be a Horus Heresy series and that he’s going to be The Emperor.

    • 4 months ago

      Isn’t that extremely douchey considering he is also producing?

      • 4 months ago

        He could direct, write and act as the Emperor for all I care.

      • 4 months ago

        >Kenneth Branagh IS Kenneth Branagh in Kenneth Branagh: The Kenneth Branagh Story

    • 4 months ago

      Primarchs doesn't preclude modern era, any more.
      Could be Rowboat or Lion.

  21. 4 months ago

    We must ask ourselves, what is worse, The anti fan or a fan with a view on the lore and setting we (read as you) don't like.

  22. 4 months ago

    roboute guilliman

  23. 4 months ago

    Alan Ritchson as Roboute Guilliman

    • 4 months ago

      He should play the Lion, Henry should play Roboute.

  24. 4 months ago

    Konrad Curze

  25. 4 months ago

    Ghazghkull Thrakka, of course

  26. 4 months ago

    I love henry, i like 40k. But this protection is fricked.
    Cause there is NO decent self contained story in 40k.

    HH is shit and has too many characters to put on screen.

    You need to add some space marines cause they are iconic, but they show no emotion . So they are either not Canon or make shit screen material.

    Inquisitor Eisenhorn story could work, but it will be too dark for a 1st time story, all the filth of an underhice , the torture. Nah. Chapas cain could work but a comedy as first entry is a bad idea. A spin off down the line maybe.

    There is no existing story that is worth adapting and Hollywood is shit at writing original script. So we are fricked

    • 4 months ago

      They could just also take any IG black library book and adopt it to the screen. Edit some marines in while Henry plays as the protagonist. Hell they could do guants ghost since the early books are kinda self contained.

    • 4 months ago

      Maybe do an anthology like Hammer and Bolter?

    • 4 months ago

      How about making an adaptation of pic related as the entry title, and hamfist Henry as Caiaphas Cain into a cameo role so they can then lead into his series?

  27. 4 months ago

    Jesus Christ imagine not having him play Ciaphas Cain.

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