>Here's your Tactics Ogre remake bro.

>Here's your Tactics Ogre remake bro.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Hope that's with a smoothing filter that you can toggle off

    • 2 years ago

      Someone will figure out how to mod/replace them with the SNES sprites if they've been upscaled, this will end up on PC eventually.

  2. 2 years ago

    Lookin' good

  3. 2 years ago
  4. 2 years ago

    >Yet another unnecessary release of LUCT instead of making a new game.
    >It's probably shovelware with aesthetic changes, so crafting fun and class leveling bullshit are back in full swing.
    I'm gonna choke a b***h at this point if Square Enix keeps handling the IP like this. They could have made PoLC canon or have given Knight of Lodis a proper upgrade, but no...

    • 2 years ago

      I want a rerelease of the NGPC entry into the series and I suspect you would, too. It's basically a romhack (or "dee-elle-sea," as it were) of the original game. Same gameplay. New story. The only downsides are that it's a NGPC game IE it's graphically shit and the "music" brutally rapes your ear canal IE it desperately needs an update, IMO.
      I haven't ever played much of any console newer than a Playstation but I would strongly consider buying whatever console a western release of Prince of Zenobia were on. Due to its simplicity, however, I doubt I would have to as I would guess it'd probably get a mobile release, if any at all.

    • 2 years ago

      Why would you want Square Enix to make new games? They produce garbage.

      • 2 years ago

        This. They've barely made anything half decent since the merge. But I already know there's going to be a bunch of SE's pussywhipped fanboys pulling the "You have to buy it so they'll know people care and make a new game!!!" shit despite SE having a reputation for, you know, NOT doing that. It would probably just line more exec pockets.

      • 2 years ago

        Why make remakes then since they are garbage too?

        • 2 years ago

          No idea, if they could make good games then the remakes would probably be good too.

    • 2 years ago

      The ones before MotBQ don't even matter, it's like Star Wars or the Xeno games where it intentionally has things start in the middle. What should be made is the final game in the saga after LUCT that everything was building up to previously.

    • 2 years ago

      >They could have made PoLC canon
      Why would that matter?

    • 2 years ago

      >so crafting fun and class leveling bullshit are back in full swing.
      Why don't you just do your homework before Doom posting?
      >The class-wide level management system used in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (2010) has changed to a unit-by-unit level system. Theorycraft your way through endless combinations of classes, equipment, skills, and magic.

    • 2 years ago

      Square Enix has literally never made an Ogre Battle game. and they have a pretty bad decent to dogshit ratio.

      Why would you want them to make an Ogre Battle?

  5. 2 years ago

    And? The remake is fricking awesome.

    • 2 years ago


  6. 2 years ago

    Looking forward to the interesting takes on this morally grey human drama that the "ethics department" of Square Enix and their "localization specialists" will have.

    • 2 years ago

      Why do people sperg out over smoothing shaders? You weren't meant to see raw pixels, that's zoomer historical revisionism. You'll likely get an option to turn it off, so you can stare at chunky pixelated messes on your 4K TV.

      Has there been any localization frick ups with Square recently? I don't pay too much attention to their modern stuff.

      • 2 years ago

        Recent mishandled localizations include Chrono Cross, Project Triangle, and Live-A-Live. Writing women with character flaws is now off-limits for nu-Square. No matter how murderous, heinous, abrasive, or generally unlikeable, any male characters will kiss the ground she walks on or walk on eggshells to implore her to maybe change her ways, while her shit qualities will be amplified because "strong and independent woman". Weddings, romances, traditional gender roles, etc, are unacceptable because of how offensive biology is to axe wound bearing persons.

        The ethnic cleansing in Tactics Ogre was rewritten to blood war in the PSP version before this, but there's still a lot of story content about war crimes and women really not given the kids gloves that's well beyond what Square's ethics department allows.

        • 2 years ago

          >Chrono Cross
          >censoring a 9 year old's panty shots even in the Japanese release
          I think you left the details out because it would expose you as insane

          • 2 years ago

            >pedophile projecting
            found the shit localization shill resetera user.

            • 2 years ago

              >Yeah this little kid should totally behave like a crotchety old frick and care about shit like that, in a fricking little fishing village of all places
              Also I think that is the only example that people can post

              • 2 years ago

                >shit translator thinks it's its place to decide how characters are written
                know your place troony

                Who called you a pedophile? Sounds like you're the one projecting.

                The one who brought up, unprompted, the subject of low poly panties of a 9 year old girl in a discussion about poorly translated "problematic" stories is implying that very thing.
                ResetEra users tend to defend real life pedo behavior while defending shit localizations, hence the observation.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not implying anything, you're the one who read "pedophile" into it. You refused to name specific examples so I had to look it up, and indeed, that's what a lot of these sites bring up. Your immediate defensiveness is interesting though, maybe you've been frequently called a pedophile?
                >ResetEra users tend to defend real life pedo behavior while defending shit localizations, hence the observation.
                That's nice, but this isn't ResetEra. Please discuss things with the users on this website and not the voices in your head born from hatereading other forums.

              • 2 years ago

                Incorrect, that's the implication with bringing up child sexualization and tying it to any criticisms about Square's ethics department. It's a convenient (and disingenuous) way to shut down these conversations.
                >immediate defensiveness
                Images of panties have nothing to do with story themes in Tactics Ogre. Your priorities, topic derail attempts, and so on... are ideas to be engaged with. If you can't take the heat of pushback for these, you can't expect to explain it away with your ad hominems dressed in whatever excuse (like mental illnesses?) that work so well on forums to make inconvenient opinions disappear.
                >maybe you've been frequently called a pedophile?
                If you want a candid answer, I couldn't resist pointing out the irony behind a possible ResetEra user accusing anyone else (its anti-shitlocalizer enemies?) of being obsessed with 9 year old panties, a subject hitherto untraveled in this thread unless that ResetEra user brought it up. I thought I'd let you know about my opinions about your possible motives for bringing it up.
                >That's nice, but this isn't ResetEra.
                And you are sticking like a sore thumb here, and anywhere you speak with the exact same anti-customer, anti-life ideas, and tactics. You're not fooling anyone and you're not bothering to keep up appearances about your raids here.

              • 2 years ago

                When you don't cite any specific examples and make people Google for them, then unfortunately others will end up speaking for you. Let this be a lesson. The main purpose in bringing up panties was to show that these changes are very miniscule and have little to no bearing on the actual plot and themes of the game, just like the change made here

                >pedophile projecting
                found the shit localization shill resetera user.

                . Though watching people get very defensive about it is a very funny bonus.
                >And you are sticking like a sore thumb here, and anywhere you speak with the exact same anti-customer, anti-life ideas, and tactics.
                You're really not helping the mental illness allegations, huh? I'm just words on the computer screen, which you're projecting your anger from being banned from other forums on. Let it go, you'll be happier this way.

              • 2 years ago

                >The main purpose in bringing up panties was to show that these changes are very miniscule and have little to no bearing on the actual plot and themes of the game
                Very out of touch shit localization shill.

                Meanwhile in reality, the ethics department rewriting Kainé's backstory in the NieR Replicant website to be a transexual instead of her actual backstory, Project Triangle / Octopath Travelers / Live-A-Live with any discussion with women becoming weird and stilted even in life-or-death situations, and most of Luna's scenes in FFXV cut over feminist complaints leaving her with no screentime, and a scene in Bravely Second where the heroes discover that two assassins mutually killed each other all depicted in chibi graphics and no gore terminology was cut simply because the Square localizers thought it was "too dark".

                Surely this extremely low bar for arbitrary censorship will be a perfect fit with Tactics Ogre, a game rife with war crimes, rape slaves, fratricide and an inspiration by the bosnian war and its ethnic cleansings. Let me guess, you will be here to say that's not "an actual theme".

              • 2 years ago

                I think that you're having to lean on what the website does and stuff entirely uninvolved with the localization process (the FF15 complaint? lolwut) is telling of how much you're reaching. That being said, I couldn't let this go without comment:
                >a scene in Bravely Second where the heroes discover that two assassins mutually killed each other all depicted in chibi graphics and no gore terminology was cut simply because the Square localizers thought it was "too dark".
                This likely wasn't a Square decision, considering Nintendo published the game outside of Japan and was the one who responded to the criticism. Bravely Second was heavily modified due to Japanese fan response, or at least so Nintendo says.

              • 2 years ago

                >When you don't cite any specific examples and make people Google for them, then unfortunately others will end up speaking for you. Let this be a lesson.
                >Let it go, you'll be happier this way.

                LMAO you're over here talking about citing sources and all this bullshit then you try to act above it all, like you're not even more involved in this discussion than he is.

                Don't even know what you're debating at this point because I'm skimming the thread, I just popped in to point out this blatant disconnect between the first sentence and last sentence of your post you absolute dingus.

                Don't even bother responding cuz this thread is about another shitty remaster and is boring so I'm leaving.

              • 2 years ago

                >so I'm leaving.
                Probably for the better, this shit thread doesn't need people with poor reading comprehension.

              • 2 years ago

                >this blatant disconnect between the first sentence and last sentence of your post
                probably used to writing articles that have "Here's why it's a good thing" in the headline that then try to defend something horrific

            • 2 years ago

              Who called you a pedophile? Sounds like you're the one projecting.

            • 2 years ago

              this minuscule localization change with some random nobody npc in a random fishing village completely took me out of the game, i agree. it is a shame not enough people have this 20 year old game's script memorized like me to be able to spot egregious changes like these

    • 2 years ago

      >morally grey human drama
      The same story where Vice becomes and edgelord because you didn't and vice versa?

  7. 2 years ago

    How is this a remake? The maps, sprites, and portraits are all the same as the PSP version.

    • 2 years ago

      I've been told they're gonna ditch the moronic class system from the psp version

  8. 2 years ago

    the only non-improvement are the sprites, everything else is better, including VO and changing class levels to unit levels
    plus, what are the chances they'll add a lil something extra to the end? maybe a secret ending like lodis

    • 2 years ago

      I'd settle for giving neutral route more unique recruits, like maybe Leonard

    • 2 years ago

      >including VO
      I don't give a shit about voice overs but hearing another Sakimoto OST with a full orchestra will be nice. I'd only be fine with voice overs if it was literally all of the same people behind Final Fantasy XII's dub.

  9. 2 years ago

    Is knight of lodis good

    • 2 years ago

      it has some nice ideas
      >seeing who you're fighting so you know when to bring a dragoon
      >all classes have the recruit option
      >emblem system
      >can adjust soldier level for a price in the soldier office
      >quest mode
      and one bad idea
      >getting rid of the speed based turn order from the first game in favour of a simple phase based order (all your guys go first the all the enemies' guys go)

      story and characters are kinda bland

      • 2 years ago

        all your guys go first the all the enemies' guys go
        This moronic change keeps me away from playing this, romhack when?

        • 2 years ago

          Play FEDA Emblem of Justice

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah it's good. Ignore the other guy who said the story is bland

  10. 2 years ago

    it keeps happening

  11. 2 years ago

    Been meaning to get into the Ogre games, will I dislike the Ogre Battle ones if I don't like RTS?

    • 2 years ago

      I only played the first one on SNES but... it really hasn't much to do with RTS like Warcraft and stuff, nor is it fightin' on a grid like what we see in the OP image here - it's more of a simulation game, if anything, where you manipulate a war less directly than you might expect. You give some commands, wait for a bit to watch what happens, tweak this or that as the simulation plays out, wait a bit more, etc. If you're open-minded and patient and willing to roleplay in a world whose rules are never clear, you might like it. If you mainly want to win battles using interesting strategies then you might not like it. It's pretty weird.

    • 2 years ago

      What does RTS have to do with this? Are you stupid?

      • 2 years ago


        >ITT morons who skipped Ogre Battle
        Yes, the literal whole point of the series prior to Tactics Ogre was that they were literally RTS RPG hybrid games

        • 2 years ago

          My bad, I assumed you were asking about Tactics Ogre in a Tactics Ogre thread. Ogre Battle is boring as frick, but it barely even resembles RTS gameplay.

        • 2 years ago

          Sorry to break it to you, but before Tactics Ogre, there was no series yet. There was a single game, Ogre Battle. Then Tactics Ogre came out and Viola Davis: a series was born.
          And before you or anyone else argues against this point, name the games in the Crusader of Centy/Soleil series, the Mr. Gimmick Series or the Cooking Fighter Hao series.

          • 2 years ago

            >There was a single game, Ogre Battle.
            Then it should be obvious anon was talking about the RTS, the style of the first game and not Tactics Ogre

          • 2 years ago

            >Cooking Fighter Hao

            • 2 years ago

              Hao is that related?

    • 2 years ago


  12. 2 years ago

    lmao this means they're going to ruin FFT too

    • 2 years ago

      wotlffbe already exist

      • 2 years ago


  13. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Dunno what's with you people, this is way better than the usual Funky Kong lookin' good trash. The land looks pretty nice, the UI looks good, the portraits are good enough, the units are a little iffy but not too bad, the glow around units at the bottom is likewise iffy but okay. It ain't perfect but it's basically fine, visually at least. Of course it's unnecessary like almost every remake, but at least this one screenshot doesn't show any signs of ruination.

      • 2 years ago

        it's not terrible but it's worse than the PSP version which makes no sense

  14. 2 years ago

    >hire voice actors for fully voiced English and Japanese cutscenes
    >hire a full orchestra for a new soundtrack
    >completely rewrite the game's AI
    >add a dozen new features and tweak old ones
    >what are we going to do with the graphics, shouldn't we update those as well?
    >eh, just slap a cheap filter on them and call it a day, nobody will notice!

    • 2 years ago

      >hire voice actors for fully voiced English and Japanese cutscenes
      This is bad.
      >hire a full orchestra for a new soundtrack
      Probably also bad.
      >completely rewrite the game's AI
      Possibly very good? Probably just okay though.
      >add a dozen new features and tweak old ones
      Sounds good, maybe?
      >what are we going to do with the graphics, shouldn't we update those as well?
      >eh, just slap a cheap filter on them and call it a day, nobody will notice!
      Sure, nicely redrawing them all would be better, but slowing everything down with voices and ruining the music (probably) is far worse, and potentially improving lots of things mechanically is (potentially) good enough to make up for the graphical imperfection and then some. Your priorities are off.

      • 2 years ago

        >Your priorities are off.
        Presentation is key to everything.

      • 2 years ago

        Ignoring that I was copying a post from /vrpg/, it says something when so much work is put into other aspects and then the visual part is basically an afterthought. And if you think people don't sperg about graphics in remakes, try the Live A Live thread and see how /vr/ is

  15. 2 years ago

    Why can't Square-Enix let Matsuno make a new game? They let him work on that FFXIV expansion. What do they have to lose?

    • 2 years ago

      Well for one he doesn't work for Square anymore.

  16. 2 years ago

    L O O K I N
    G O O D

  17. 2 years ago

    Who are those girls on the cover? I see Ravness. Are the others supposed to be Catuas?

    • 2 years ago

      The four on the left are Mreuva's daughters: Olivya, Sherri, Cerya and Cistena counter-clockwise. And I take it you didn't do the Glass Pumpkins + Orbs fetching if you don't recognize Deneb at the bottom.
      You recruit at least Olivya in all paths at Chapter 4. Cerya can be recruited in the Chaos and Neutral paths, you can (optionally) rescue Sisteena in the Chaos path and Sherri can be recruited in Chapter 4 after fighting her and letting her live in that westernmost island where she wanted to abduct her father.

      • 2 years ago

        I played the game maybe 10 years ago, and on the cover, they all look the same to me, except for Ravness.

  18. 2 years ago

    Funko Pop Tactics

  19. 2 years ago

    >no class leveling
    >day 1 wait for sale because I'm not paying full price for this

    • 2 years ago

      I don't usually pay full price but I'd do it because I want a new Ogre game. They are probably gauging interest with this remaster before deciding to make a new installment.

  20. 2 years ago

    Are there any weebs around who can simply translate the Chronicle Valeria 2 romhack for the SNES version?

  21. 2 years ago

    I wish someone would put the psp music into the ps1 version, definitive experience of tactics ogre right there

  22. 2 years ago

    Excuse me but I'm very late. But can I do multiplayer on psp emulator? Like the co-op missons?

  23. 2 years ago

    Then I suppose the move-in-bulk feature some of you Black folk talk about is optional, judging by the screenshot.
    That seriously kept me away from KoL for a long time.

  24. 2 years ago

    I don't understand how someone could look at this and think it's okay. And not even just a single person but an entire team of people were like "yeah this looks good"

    • 2 years ago

      It looks good.
      What would you do?

  25. 2 years ago

    This game was so broken. I would literally fly with Canopus until he was in range of the enemy leader and snipe him and win the battle.
    You might say that's so based bruh!!! except your other party members don't get XP for that shit. meanwhile my knights were weak as frick and canopus and the other archers were just chilling
    game was poorly balanced

    • 2 years ago

      I always thought the monster killing specialists were designed oddly.
      With Dragoons you'd hit something until you had enough points to use the Dragonslayer or Beastslayer skill and then you'd just start one-shotting them. Why the foreplay? I would have liked it if Dragoons just had naturally higher damage against those types of foes to begin with.

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