Hes right

He’s right

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    Thank you Phil

  2. 9 months ago

    Where are the games, Phil?

    • 9 months ago

      > what is hi-fi rush, redfall, Starfield, Forza motorsport

      • 9 months ago

        that dude has been holding a grudge for 9 years.longer than most of Ganker has been alive. He's never letting it go.

      • 9 months ago

        also on PC*

        • 9 months ago

          Yes, they're also on PC

          There isn't a single M$ current gen exclusive that's not also on PC.
          You homosexuals claim that games like Ragnarok or HZD don't count as PS5 games because it's also on PS4 or PC, fair is fair.

          >Ragnarok or HZD don't count as ps5 games
          they don't, they are ps4 games

          • 9 months ago

            >these xbox games count as xbox games even though they're on multiple platforms
            >these ps games don't count as ps games because they're on multiple platforms
            you anti-sony fricks are hilarious.

            • 9 months ago

              Too bad "It's not exclusive if it's also playable on PC" was started by Sonygays long ago. Literally nobody cared about games being on Xbox/PC except for the PSgays and now that its happening to PS too, they want to take it back. Especially when they got hit with the asterisk during one of the first PS5 showcases. Pathetic.

      • 9 months ago

        You guys really still wanna champion Redfall?

        • 9 months ago

          >You guys really still wanna champion Redfall?

          Have you played it?

          >all dogshit

          >all dogshit

          You look like picrel.

          • 9 months ago

            Damn tourists like you always give me a giggle.

      • 9 months ago

        There isn't a single M$ current gen exclusive that's not also on PC.
        You homosexuals claim that games like Ragnarok or HZD don't count as PS5 games because it's also on PS4 or PC, fair is fair.

        • 9 months ago

          >I won't play those because they're not EXCLUSIVE!!
          the age of exclusives is ending, everyone is invested in PC now, even Nintendo has all their games on PC

        • 9 months ago

          You do realize PC is also microsoft exclusive right? Like they made this thing called Windows, it's the only OS these games can run on.

      • 9 months ago

        >all dogshit

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        Hi-Fi Rush is the only one I enjoyed and Starfield is a "wait for the bugs to be fixed" game

        • 9 months ago

          frfr just let the game cook is what i say

    • 9 months ago

      Where are the games Jim?

      • 9 months ago

        Definitely looking forward to Avowed. Also P3 being on Gamepass is pretty much the only way I'd play that since $70 isnt going to happen. Maybe if it were cheaper, but $70 is too much to ask for that.

  3. 9 months ago

    No point in doing a mid-gen refresh when the S is just going to continue to hold everything back.

    • 9 months ago

      Games have to scale for shitty PCs anyway, it's fine to release lower spec S versions. They need to release some games.

      • 9 months ago

        Average card according to Steam is 1060 6GB which mogs Series S.

        • 9 months ago

          >1060 6gb mogs series S


          • 9 months ago

            >Matrix Awakens
            Now show an actual game and not a tech demo that was specifically optimized for consoles and wasn't even officially released on PC

            • 9 months ago

              The city demo was available last I knew

              • 9 months ago

                There was no Matrix demo release on PC. Only way to see it on PC was to run it with UE5 Editor in the background which is a huge performance hit.

              • 9 months ago

                the pc demo is on egs. i just googled it. i have an rtx 3080, but i wont install egs. so frick it.

              • 9 months ago

                It's not.
                The assets used to generate the demo are on PC and you can build it yourself via the UE5 developer tools, but that's fundamentally a completely different thing than what was on the PS5 store to download and 'play'.

      • 9 months ago

        >Games have to scale for shitty PCs anyway
        No, they absolutely do not.
        They DO have to scale for the shittiest available console, which ends up being worse than 600$ budget PCs, but that's in spite of not as a result of.

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah they do, it's why harry potter is deck verified.

          • 9 months ago

            Deck verified just means that the game runs on the deck and there's no massive issues that cause the game to be unlaunchable.
            BG3 and CP2077 and Elden Ring are also Deck Verified and they run at sub 20 FPS on the lowest settings.
            >t. an actual Deck owner, not just a smarmy frickwit like you

            • 9 months ago

              I own one but don't play that stuff. Even still, the S isn't holding anything back when a 15w handheld can run new software acceptably enough for shitheads.

        • 9 months ago

          Why is $300 thing worse than $600 thing, and worse yet thats not even a true statement

          • 9 months ago

            That post says that the devs have to scale to the 300$ machine which is drastically inferior to a cheap 600$ PC rig, which is why the notion that pc devs scale to PCs, not the lowest console, is ridiculous.

            • 9 months ago

              >which is why the notion that game* devs scale to PCs, not the lowest console, is ridiculous.

    • 9 months ago

      >the S is just going to continue to hold everything back.

      Xbox One and PS4 do that well enough.

      • 9 months ago

        This. Why the hell do we still get games for those consoles?

        If Devs are gonna blame the SeX then cut out the One and PS4 first.

      • 9 months ago

        no, they actually sold well enough to justify the expense of downporting a current-gen game to run on a lesser platform. the X|S hasn't. their combined sales are less than half of the xbone. that's how much of a disaster it is.

        the S is holding the X back, not the rest of the industry, which is just ignoring Xbox completely. nobody wants to pay for downporting to the S to get on the X when neither are worth anything.

        • 9 months ago

          >Downscales game to run at 900p30fps on PS4 and Xbone
          >Can't just take the PS4/xbone version and put it on the series s at 1080p30fps
          Sounds like incompetence to me

  4. 9 months ago

    Yes, he actually is. They need to slow down production of new PC hardware as well and force devs to stop being dogshit.

  5. 9 months ago

    I still predict the Series S will be discontinued as games become more and more demanding. They'll introduce an all digital Series X at $400 to ease the transition.

    • 9 months ago

      I think they’ll make the Series S a handheld

      • 9 months ago

        And it will STILL get mogged by the dying Switch.

      • 9 months ago

        It's not going to be a handheld.

        I still predict the Series S will be discontinued as games become more and more demanding. They'll introduce an all digital Series X at $400 to ease the transition.

        It's a good product, it'll probably get a nice sales bump from people on potatoes or PS5 owners who just want to play starfield. It supposedly runs at 1440p on the S so it wouldn't look bad on a 4k display.

    • 9 months ago

      Hopefully they go all in calling it the XBOX XD

    • 9 months ago

      The switch 2 is about to come out and be weaker than the s. It will be fine.

  6. 9 months ago

    Phil knows BG3 can't run on the series S and he's still parroting this bullshit

    • 9 months ago

      That's bullshit and you know it. It's clear sony did a backroom handshake with them to keep BG3 off xbox for a bit.

      • 9 months ago

        No they didn't the Series S can't handle co-op and I believe it after seeing how BG3 performs in single player on a better PC than Series S in act 3. Running around the city with 4 players is probably unplayable.

        • 9 months ago

          sounds like a dev issue then not a hardware issue

        • 9 months ago

          Where did all this coop shit come from? I found out recently that divinity original sin 2 has coop, like how the do you coop a top down rpg? It's madness I tells ya!

          • 9 months ago

            You do it by doing split screen.
            Fun fact. The reason Halo Infinites couch co-op split screen mode was basically abandoned was because they couldn't get it running on the S properly.
            Same problem Larian is now having running split-screen in BG3s on the S.

            >I won't play those because they're not EXCLUSIVE!!
            the age of exclusives is ending, everyone is invested in PC now, even Nintendo has all their games on PC

            I personally don't give a frick about exclusives one way or another because I'm not a third worlder that can only afford to buy 1 game a year. I have a beefy gaming PC, a switch, a steam deck, and a PS5.
            I just find it hilarious that there are people on this site that will argue till they're blue in the face that the PS5 set of exclusives don't count because they're on PS4 or PC, and in the next breath argue that the Xbox exclusives DO count even though they're on PC as well, because "PC is a M$ system anyway" or some such other nonsense.

            I own one but don't play that stuff. Even still, the S isn't holding anything back when a 15w handheld can run new software acceptably enough for shitheads.

            >the S isn't holding anything back
            See above. It's quite literally the single reason why Halo Infinite isn't getting split screen, and is going to very likely be the reason why the Xbox doesn't get BG3 either. If M$ would just drop the parity thing and say that some features for some games won't be available on the S I'd agree with you, but that's unfortunately not the case.

            • 9 months ago

              I'm not talking about literally how. I mean that it's a game where you control all the characters, so what the hell does a coop person do? Do they control half the characters? If so, what's the point, what does that add when you could just do it?

              • 9 months ago

                You can play up to 4 people, each controlling a character.
                >what does that add when you could just do it?
                I'm so baffled by this question that I do not know how to reply.
                It adds the fact that you're playing with your friends. I don't like to automatically assume everyone on here is a legit friendless loser, but I think that might be the case with you if you can't fathom what the point of playing a game co op would be.

            • 9 months ago

              Split screen got cut for halo infinite because of the Xbox one moron

            • 9 months ago

              >I just find it hilarious that there are people on this site that will argue till they're blue in the face that the PS5 set of exclusives don't count because they're on PS4 or PC
              I think that's because snoys are very vocal about how much exclusives matter, I couldn't care less honestly, back then having a game be exclusive was a big deal because consoles were fundamentally different, and ports were butchered lowest denominator shit, take silent hill 2 on PS2 for example, but between the Xbox and the PS5 we have little to no differences between each other, beyond the graphics API being different but that gets thrown out as diversity hires get paid to use unreal / unity anyway. Exclusives today are just corporate bullshit, no different from "oh this movie is not on Netflix, you have to find it on Disney+/HBO/paramount/prime/etc etc"

            • 9 months ago

              >The steak deck can handle split screen coop
              >Somehow the series s cant

              He is 100% right, Red Dead 2 looks miles better than 99% of the shit on new consoles and it runs on base XBO/PS4. A mid-gen refresh is only going to be a shitty crutch for bad developers to lean on and push onto the consumers to cough up money to reasonably play their unoptimized shit


              He’s right

              >20 years ago
              >Play Halo 1-3 Split Screen on the couch flawlessly
              >doesn't even shake when we're having sex even though these titles had some of the best graphics at the time
              >Play Borderlands 1-3 split screen flawlessly
              >even with 1 million particle effects
              >Play Gears of War 1-3 co-op with the bang bros
              >works flawlessly and has THE best graphics of any game at its time
              >as years go on all devs slowly stop adding split screen to ANY game (this started before the Series S even existed in Phil's ballsack
              >devs start saying it's impossible to do spli screen due to 'x'
              >fast forward a generation
              >"We can't put Arkham Knights on Series S because it too hard :(("
              >game is entirely single player and ran like shit on ANY system
              >Now all of a sudden every lazy dev says Series S is the reason all their games are dogshit
              >despite 4 player couch co-op being the norm on 360 with Halo 3 having better graphics than most games at the time

              I fricking HATE this lazy ass generation. Shut the FRICK up and do your GOD DAMN JOB. Holy crap, modern game devs are the only fricking people I know that get to go "uhhh, that's too hard. I won't do it, or I'll just half ass it and blame it on everyone else.". Holy shit, you get paid to do it, so FRICKING DO IT.

              • 9 months ago

                >Shut the FRICK up and do your GOD DAMN JOB.
                Diversity hires can't be talked like that anon, they get triggered. Oddly enough Nintendo is the last competent dev, working on an underclocked 2015 tech shitty Android tablet with 4GB of SHARED memory

              • 9 months ago

                Nintenfos gimmick has been "lateral thinking with withered technology" since the gameboy

              • 9 months ago

                Another reminder that limitation breeds creativity. Perhaps if the Series S was the norm, we'd have better optimized and more creative games, or maybe just upscaled ps4 games des u

              • 9 months ago

                Those devs are on switch

              • 9 months ago

                Except that's not true at all both the Gamecube and N64 were the most powerful consoles at the time. It is arguable that the SNES was the same way although I don't agree with that. The GBA was literally a pocket SNES that mogged anything until the PSP came along (no one bought a tapwave zodiac) they have a history of not giving a shit what the competition does. For instance Sega's goal was always to beat everyone to market which only kind of worked since their shit was always rushed. Where Sony for instance was pretty intent on having multimedia integration. Microshit was deadset on pushing online connectivity.

              • 9 months ago

                Nintenfos gimmick has been "lateral thinking with withered technology" since the gameboy

                Nintendo is never thinking on having the absolute best or worse or..
                The main driving force of nintendo is maximizing profit per hardware unit.
                Cost/benefit is the absolute ruling king of nintendo, and even cents are shaved.
                The power of the nintendo console is decided by the best deal nintendo found alone.
                And they're willing to risk everything on this, make absurd orders of number of chips and all.
                The famicom basically almost broke nintendo with the fricking huge deal of chips they made just to get the chips as cheap as they wanted.

              • 9 months ago

                From a 2004 interview:
                - Because of other companies' pricing policies, we had no choice but to cut the price of the GC
                - I think the game industry is maturing in different ways to those I imagined
                - The industry is displaying certains aspects of being in a crisis
                - Gamers don't just want beautiful graphics, sounds and epic stories
                - We cannot guarantee interesting and fun games just by using better technology and increasing the functions of the machines
                - But makers have plenty of money, so they won't stop making that kind of game
                - The truth is, I thought about the idea for DS about 18 months ago
                - We plan to show something new at next year's E3, though typical gamers are not demanding high specs. The people who speak about the "next generation" are people who don't know games
                - The management are expecting good things from the DS
                - If we can increase the scope of the industry, we can re-energise the global market and lift Japan out of depression - that is Nintendo's mission
                - If the DS succeeds, we will rise to heaven, but if it fails we will sink to hell
                - The next two years will decide Nintendo's fate
                - Dual screen games is my final suggestion
                - From now on, I won't interrupt management flow, though I can still ask for their strength.

              • 9 months ago

                I'll never understand this, for example the weird ass El Cheapo graphics chip on the 3DS, wtf was that? The PS Vita had an iPad 2 chip inside and was even overclocked, ran rings around it. But then again, sony saw it as a PS3 ports machine and when they couldn't do that anymore left it to die. In contrast the 3ds was the kinoest of Kinos

              • 9 months ago

                It was a chip that delivered a lot for the price, because it had a shitload of fixed function effects rather than using pixel shaders.
                Sadly only capcom knew how to use that chip right.

              • 9 months ago

                Oh absolutely it was a sight to behold, impressive how they managed to get so much done with it, but I still don't know how Nintendo found out about it instead of going with adreno or imagination

              • 9 months ago

                As i said on the first post, nintendo just drives their entire thing around it, so it's pretty obvious that they check the obscurest of the obscure licenses trying to find the best one.

              • 9 months ago

                >Diversity hires
                I'm afraid that's not the case. This trend started ages ago before sjwhaboutism plagued the market. However, only recently has it become so fricking widespread that every fricking day I hear a developer crying about how damn hard it is for them to do their fricking job. I can't go one day without some fricking homosexual screaming "Uhhhhh Baldurs Gate 3 is an IMPOSSIBLE game, no devs can do what they did!!!" "Don't expect us to make a game as expansive as Elden Ring, it's impossible!!!!!" "Red Dead 2 is a masterpiece, but only Rockstar could make a game like that!!!!" "Please don't expect us to do better at our job, that other company is simply better than us!"

                Imagine if a fricking car engineer said "Don't expect our car to work as well as Toyota's. They can hire good engineers and we only hire morons. Toyota set an impossible standard for us morons."

              • 9 months ago

                Zoomers entered the gaming industry in 2013

              • 9 months ago

                Devs have it both too easy and too hard nowadays, for one it's amazing how quick you can get something done in Unreal, they have access to literally all documentation online, tutorials, curses, books etc (back then you had to make do with C++ programming books and some outdated man pages). But at the same time, monetization has run rampant, release dates have been shortened, competition is fierce and if you don't sell your soul to a publisher you'll be forgotten 2 days after release due to the lack of marketing and shilling, even if your game is good.

    • 9 months ago

      That's bullshit and you know it. It's clear sony did a backroom handshake with them to keep BG3 off xbox for a bit.

      No they didn't the Series S can't handle co-op and I believe it after seeing how BG3 performs in single player on a better PC than Series S in act 3. Running around the city with 4 players is probably unplayable.

      sounds like a dev issue then not a hardware issue

      >The steak deck can handle split screen coop
      >Somehow the series s cant

    • 9 months ago

      is baldur gate a resource monster? looks like just another RPG

  7. 9 months ago

    The series s is a powerful console. Devs today are just lazy shits who wish they could make their games exclusively for the PC master race who have top of the line rigs. If the gen 7 consoles could do as much as they did with their specs they can make the series s work. Lazy entitles motherfrickers.

    • 9 months ago

      Microsoft probably isn't giving devs enough resources (time and money) to make their games work on their special needs console. Hogwarts Legacy runs pretty well on the white brick. I think 45fps/1400-1800p.

  8. 9 months ago

    If people cared about high fidelity and frame rates, they'd go to PC anyways. The only purpose of a console is convenience.

  9. 9 months ago

    Too bad Unreal Engine 5 disagrees

  10. 9 months ago

    >buy 3-4 different versions of the same console!
    >buy 3-4 different versions of the same game!
    >buy a $1,600 gpu to play games on 1080p ultra!
    >buy our dlc!
    >buy our digital deluxe!
    >preorder now and get x!
    >don't forget the ultimate edition!
    >also the microtransactions!
    >buy buy buy
    >pay pay pay
    I think I'm about done with vidya.

    • 9 months ago

      Wait till you find out that gaming is legitimately one of the cheapest hobbies a man can have.

      • 9 months ago

        getting a gym membership or joining an amateur sports team is way cheaper
        fricking hell even going to a fancy gym/health club or something like a climbing gym is cheaper than being a good guy console owner who >buys games

  11. 9 months ago

    >game devs barely know how to optimize as it is
    >devs making shit for Xbox already have to deal with deploying to two fricking SKU models that require their own handling/optimizing
    Yeah no shit they're not doing a mid-gen refresh since that'd bump their minimum models to support to 4, depending if they refreshed both the S & X.

    • 9 months ago

      why do people freak out about devs having to support more than one GPU

      • 9 months ago

        Because I already don't trust modern devs to even get shit running properly on a single console. Adding more shit to the equation just complicates it further for them.

        • 9 months ago

          do you only play slop

          • 9 months ago

            Mostly older PC games these days while keeping tabs on what's coming out that may interest. Working on Albion of late, and before that Pathologic 2.

  12. 9 months ago

    I think a smart strategy would be to release a next gen console in 2025 to beat Sony to the punch, and drop the mandatory support for the Series S.

  13. 9 months ago

    >not my problem

  14. 9 months ago

    I just don't understand what the frick went wrong in the last four years where you need to even upgrade to get 60fps performance at 1080p. 1080p was a solved resolution before, the gtx 1080 was capable of running red dead 2 at 60fps on high, that's DirectX 12. If you can't get a stable framerate at that resolution on your game on console, it's because you haven't even bothered trying to optimize. See: starfield requiring SSD (they will never abandon gamebryo after 13 years)

    • 9 months ago

      >(they will never abandon gamebryo after 13 years)
      And use what instead? Make a whole new engine? Dont say unreal engine, there is already too much unreal slop

      • 9 months ago

        They literally own ID Software why can't they just put them to work on the engine for all of Microsoft? It's not like people are DYING to see Doom 3 (2). Plus they could set up bootcamps and help with development on every team, the ones who need it the most are 343 and Bethesda. Nintendo basically does this right?

  15. 9 months ago

    He is right but the Series S was a bad move.

    • 9 months ago

      The series S accounts for like 70% of all Xbox sales this generation and account for over 50% first time xbox buyers.

      • 9 months ago

        and as time goes on the RAM will be a problem for more and more games and the parity shit will lead to more games not coming or gimping the Series X. How the frick are both of them running Starfield at 30FPS.

  16. 9 months ago

    Yeah, we do our own thing, frick PlayStation.

  17. 9 months ago

    Starfield is 30 fps on the fricking series x you dumb motherfricker, that's proof enough that they need a pro version.

    • 9 months ago

      Starfield won't be capable of 60 FPS on PCs without DLSS/FSR, and you're kidding yourself if you think otherwise.
      A pro version of a console doesn't help incompetent devs that do not know what they are doing when it comes to proper optimization.

      • 9 months ago

        The game is CPU-bound.
        It will run great on PC where users don't have gimped CPU's like the consoles do.

    • 9 months ago

      Reminder that they prioritized being able to store 60 sandwiches in your cabin over the game running at 60fps.

  18. 9 months ago

    Devs need to adapt.

  19. 9 months ago

    except new video cards keep coming out

  20. 9 months ago

    The only reason to make a "pro" version of your console is to milk more money out of your customer base. All games need to be made to work on the base model anyway so it's better off just to have one system that devs shoot for optimizing and making the best looking game they can for. That's half the point of consoles is that everyone gets the same experience instead of having it depend on your specific assortment of hardware.

  21. 9 months ago

    Lads I’m planning to finally update my One X and get a series X for Starfield but I’m worried I’m a bit late into the cycle


    • 9 months ago

      Nonsense. The cycle was held back two years because of hardware shortages. Devs are finally just now leaving Gen 8 behind.

  22. 9 months ago

    He is 100% right, Red Dead 2 looks miles better than 99% of the shit on new consoles and it runs on base XBO/PS4. A mid-gen refresh is only going to be a shitty crutch for bad developers to lean on and push onto the consumers to cough up money to reasonably play their unoptimized shit

  23. 9 months ago

    >mid generation
    >Barely any games from all of the big three

    • 9 months ago

      sorry bud they learned they can supplement game releases by just offering fortnite and other pvp slop on their consoles

  24. 9 months ago

    if he was right then why do high spec PC's exist?

  25. 9 months ago

    This will likely be a very long generation because they know for a fact that if they try to get substantially better hardware anytime in the next 5 or so years, AMD will utterly rape them with pricing which will cause console prices to skyrocket to $1,000+. That means people won't buy them.

  26. 9 months ago

    Why are games so allergic to launch with the 720p60fps modes they all eventually patch in a month after launching?

    • 9 months ago

      2 reasons.
      Laziness and fear of bad marketing
      They're afraid some homosexual will make a video showcasing the low resolution mode and scaring off potential buyers because it's graphics are 'too bad'.

  27. 9 months ago

    They're obviously doing one but they can't say so because it would crash the Cuckbox's already woeful sales.

    • 9 months ago

      no one is asking for a mid-gen refresh

      • 9 months ago

        I'd buy one. I bought a ps4 pro.

        • 9 months ago

          The base console is already as expensive as the Pro was.

          • 9 months ago

            well I'd sell the old one. Probably would cost $100-200 to upgrade.

            • 9 months ago

              What component could you upgrade for $200 and make a meaningful difference?

        • 9 months ago

          PS4 and Xbone were rushed out using 2011 laptop parts because Sony and Microsoft realized their consoles using mid end 2002 tech that could barely run vista with the aero theme disabled were shitting themselves trying to play Minecraft beta 1.5

          • 9 months ago

            yea I wont say it would be very popular but there are people who would like a more powerful console who dont want to exclusively game on PC. I've also got an expensive PC but like using consoles on my tv.

            • 9 months ago

              I'm not really a graphicsfriend but if I feel like getting that "premium" gaming experience I buy the game on series x because I'm an idort with all the consoles even though 90% of my time gaming is spent at work on either my steam deck or rog ally while I work a 10 hour shift because the morning people hate their job

      • 9 months ago

        No one asked for Xbox to be here but here we are.

  28. 9 months ago

    This generation didn't even started yet.
    Games are heavily compromised by still using engines designed for shitass slow hard drives and depth texture shadows that eat a lot of performance.
    It's the worst of the two worlds.
    The main problem of the series S is the lack of memory, that could be solved if the game was made with SSDs in mind and could quickly swap assets around from the storage, but that ain't happening as long the engine still have to support loading assets at 40MB/s

  29. 9 months ago

    hes right
    these hack devs gotta learn how to optimize

  30. 9 months ago

    I dont even have an Xbox (pc actually) and i agree.
    Fricking graphics are stagnant already. Develop around those

  31. 9 months ago

    They need to kill the series S

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      what the frick is even a series S? last time I gave 2 fricks about xbox was during the 360 era

      • 9 months ago

        A console duh

      • 9 months ago

        Cheaper Series X with lower power draw and a modern budget GPU suited to 1080p output. The CPU is the same but clocked a tiny bit lower. Devs are just incredibly useless and deserve to hang, as always.

  32. 9 months ago

    PS5 Pro is more to keep up with PC as Sony admitted they were worried PS4 players would jump to PC. Which seems pointless this gen since most PC gamers can't afford or are not willing to pay for the prices that Nvidia wants for the 4000 series.

    Sony should focus more on getting out exclusives instead of hardware like VR and Pro.

    • 9 months ago

      take me back

  33. 9 months ago

    Series x was already the pro model.

  34. 9 months ago

    How's that xbox version of BG3 going, Phil?

  35. 9 months ago

    Completely. Devs seethe endlessly by having to make the s work. All a refresh will do is have them seethe about making the x work while games still come out running like shit no matter how much stronger the hardware gets so consumers don't benefit in any way. Pointless endeavor for everyone involved and only raises costs.

    • 9 months ago

      I remember when the One X and PS4 Pro came out and hardly any game took advantage of it outside of a bump to resolution.

      • 9 months ago

        The CPU in them was still massively outdated trash, even after the literal netbook cores glued together in the base consoles. They needed a much better CPU for more frames and they cheaped out on that.

  36. 9 months ago

    They should just make PS2 games again.

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