
Hey /tg/, theres a big Shadowrun 6E bundle up on Humble, I've heard 6E is kinda shit though. Is it worth getting? Whats wrong with 6E anyway? And is the stuff in the bundle "fixed" if they fixed anything with 6E. Last edition of SR I've played was 4E.

Shadowrun thread, I guess.

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  1. 2 years ago

    If you can't be arsed to at least try to be honest then frick off. This is even more sad than the usual bumpgayging.

    • 2 years ago

      The frick are you on about, sperg?

      >I've heard 6E is kinda shit though. Is it worth getting? Whats wrong with 6E anyway?
      6e so good, every thread about it starts like this.

      Well, shit. Really that bad?

      • 2 years ago

        >Really that bad?
        The subreddit had a mini meltdown over the year after 6e came out.

        • 2 years ago

          Was it a problem with mechanics being unbalanced, a lore spergout like with VtM, or some stupid shit like using dolls instead of high quality artwork?

          • 2 years ago

            The sheer number of new people asking, "Is 6e really that bad?"

            • 2 years ago

              But is 6e really that bad?

              • 2 years ago

                The newest one I've played is 5, but I've seen commentary on 6 that's had me conclude 6 is an unplayable mess.

              • 2 years ago

                Since 6e dropped the overall interest in Shadowrun has plummeted. There used to be generals here but barely anyone talks about it any more and if they do, it's never about 6e unless it's to shit all over it.

                The worst thing of it is that 6e has some improved mechanics and better choices.

              • 2 years ago

                Name them

              • 2 years ago

                No idea, but im not going to invest learning , or ask my players to do so unless other people who have suffered first can vouch for it - which they can't.

                I [might] pick up Anarchy seriously the next time I try playing.

      • 2 years ago

        First person you replied to is probably a bot

  2. 2 years ago

    >I've heard 6E is kinda shit though. Is it worth getting? Whats wrong with 6E anyway?
    6e so good, every thread about it starts like this.

  3. 2 years ago

    >shadowrun Bad
    It was never good.
    Didn't look into 6 but all SR editions sucked. Anything else was just the helsinki syndrome of the guys who didn't manage to steal from the fluff and then ran as fast as they could.

    • 2 years ago

      >all SR editions suck
      But some editions are more suck than others

    • 2 years ago

      you are correct, however 6e takes sucking to a whole new level. It is incoherent as a system on a level rivals F.A.T.A.L for sheer frickery. It's irredeemable. People b***hed about 5e because there was reason to be angry it could've been a really solid system if Catalyst gave a frick.

  4. 2 years ago

    Frick you op. Post off-brand duelists to regain your honor.

    • 2 years ago

      >on Ganker
      Only honor I got here is when I'm honor your mom lmao

      • 2 years ago

        Only honor you got is showing your other honor.

  5. 2 years ago

    After a long Rabbit hole tier amount of searching and getting doxxed by the corp she ran away from, my team's medic concluded that catching hmhvv would cure the couple of weeks in cfd victim in the party.
    After the victim's meltdown and insistence on being turned, the street sammy called up her tamanous vampire doctor and told him, not asking for reward or anything first, that method. This game is set in 2078 when cfd is still considered incurable.
    Here I am at two particular questions.
    A. The mage who has been turned into a vampire had barely any karma at the time, and is now in some serious karma debt. How should I treat him and his new powers with that debt?
    B. Tamanous was given a pretty tasty piece of information for free, but something not too useful since how often will a cfd victim know they have it before it's too late? Should I reward the party anyway even if one was never brokered for at the outset?

    • 2 years ago

      Usually when you go into Karma debt...You just can't buy anything that requires Karma until you pay off the debt. So they're gonna be sitting around for a few sessions basically not getting SR's version of EXP as it all has to be funneled directly into paying off the debt.

    • 2 years ago

      How, precisely, does catching regular zombitus cure robozombitus?

      • 2 years ago

        If you catch CFD and try to lick a ghoul, the two fight inside your body and you die. Being infected before exposure to CFD makes you resistant.

  6. 2 years ago

    Since 6e dropped the overall interest in Shadowrun has plummeted. There used to be generals here but barely anyone talks about it any more and if they do, it's never about 6e unless it's to shit all over it.

  7. 2 years ago

    just use a Neonpunk Crisis (cyberpunk Everywhen) and slap the lore on top of it (if shitty SR lore is what you like)
    maybe add shit from Dogs of W.A.R. for more guns and other sci-fi/fantasy hacks for tech and magic (almost everything within Everywhen is cross compatible)
    the SR system has never been good and it keeps getting worse, do yourself a favor and play something else
    plus, the switch to BoL/EW changed my life for the better and people should know about it

    • 2 years ago

      what is BoL/EW

      • 2 years ago

        BoL: Barbarians of Lemuria
        EW: Everywhen, the generic system it's based on (or that's based on it, I can never remember which of the chicken or the egg)
        in any case, it's easy, light on the rules but still covers the essentials and adaptable to nearly every genre with little
        BoL is especially good and the more widely known, definitely check it out

  8. 2 years ago

    Roll4it one of the best Shadowrun DMs basically declared it completely unplayable after a few sessions. This was a guy that knew all the 5E rules almost off the top of his head.

  9. 2 years ago

    It has some good ideas but none of it matters when book itself is complete garbage that makes it impossible to find anything, half of rules reference mechanics that don't exist in 6e, other half shoehorns the edge mechanic into shit that wasn't changed to work with it and edge itself is complete mess that was probably never playtested. Let's not even talk about how fricked the lore got and sheer amount of editing errors. Even krauts gave up on trying to fix it.

  10. 2 years ago

    >I've heard 6E is kinda shit though.
    It is
    >Is it worth getting?
    >Whats wrong with 6E anyway?
    Take your pick. A lot of the rules were heavily stripped down in favor of faster play, including the skill system, equipment and augmentation lists and matrix rules. There is absolutely a space for a rules-light Shadowrun variant, but part of Shadowrun's charm, for a while, has been its massive tables of gear and modifiers and how weirdly rules-intensive it is. Breaking away from that makes it fundamentally-different from the editions before in a different way than even the other editions differed from each other.Even then, in many ways (buying ammo is a big example), it actually fails at its design goals of making things simpler.
    >is the stuff in the bundle "fixed" if they fixed anything with 6E
    They... sort of did. 6e currently is a very different monster than its release version, partially because three different massive erratas has fallen in the interim.

    • 2 years ago

      >6e currently is a very different monster than its release version
      Don't lie to farm (You)s.

    • 2 years ago

      >They... sort of did. 6e currently is a very different monster than its release version, partially because three different massive erratas has fallen in the interim.
      6E is unfixable due to its core resolution mechanic. Unless Edge as it currently is gets removed there's no point.

  11. 2 years ago

    I'm running an intro run, need to think about what to include

    Party is
    A late-career urban brawl player looking to train in the off-season, going for obnoxious fame and very stupid.
    A turbo-autist gearhead rigger who is looking to be literally me from Drive
    A decker who gets his kicks from fricking with data havens

    So far I'm thinking to start with a "Gangers took my brother" quest that is a fake out for corporate extraction frickery.

  12. 2 years ago

    I gotta be honest, seems like most people haven't played 6e at all.

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