Hey guys I know our battlefield maps are shit and we fricked the balance

So like... what if we made it so ranged units can shoot through other units with no friendly fire?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Irrelevant memebug and non-issue. The actual problem is that game still doesn't have a campaign map

    • 2 years ago

      its an intended gameplay feature that was in the patch notes

      • 2 years ago

        Where is it in the patchnote, moron? Don't tell me you mean the change to overlapping units being able to fire now. That was how it worked back in fricking Med2.

        • 2 years ago

          >Don't tell me you mean the change to overlapping units being able to fire now. That was how it worked back in fricking Med2.
          This isn't med2 you moron

          • 2 years ago

            It's a good feature you moron. Overlapping unit being able to shoot is good. That's how you get pike and shot back then. WH is so rent free in your head even good feature coming back is a bad thing now, apparently. What's next? You're gonna whine at cavalry having momentum again?

            • 2 years ago

              You're such a redditor. Believing OP without checking first for yourself.

              >We can just blob our whole army into one corner of the map and our shotgunners can take out 3 armies at once all individually worth more than our own
              >Our gigantic cannons can just shoot through our monster infantry because they're rubbing shoulders
              >Our flamethrowers can phase through an entire formation because 4 guys are overlapping

              Skaven units should take friendly fire. Please I'm begging you CA!

              Behold the future of TW. This is the game Med2 gays want for us. Long gone are the days of using the terrain to plan formations. We big blob armies now.

              • 2 years ago

                >Long gone are the days of using the terrain to plan formations
                You didn't do that in Med 2
                You used heavy cavalry and soloed everything

              • 2 years ago

                Hey, I used cav archers too.

              • 2 years ago

                >this means that a disgusting blob of infantry will be just as effective as a beautifully built formation
                Does this guy play modern total war games past the deployment phase? Nothing holds formation as soon as one model touches their unit.

              • 2 years ago

                Why is this the case anyway? Surely this isn't intended, right?

              • 2 years ago

                Because the engine was designed primarily for gunpowder combat, not melee. This is doubly egregious because gunpowder in Warhammer is hot trash and worse than Med 2.

              • 2 years ago

                >Overlapping units will not friendly fire
                Meaning if all your units overlap none of them will friendly fire. The only way to get rid of this is to disable it completely or add some sort of restriction on how many formations can overlap or what units this applies to like flamethrower units.
                Don't listen to this moron

                Because the engine was designed primarily for gunpowder combat, not melee. This is doubly egregious because gunpowder in Warhammer is hot trash and worse than Med 2.


              • 2 years ago

                Black person that's a bug. why do you pretend that this is somehow intended

              • 2 years ago

                >To prevent instances where ranged units hold their fire because a friendly unit is in their line of fire, overlapping units are now considered (by the game as) part of the same unit. This should ensure that ranged units can more consistently carry out firing orders.

              • 2 years ago

                Big blob is a tactical choice, moron. Even putting unit on a straight line is a tactical choice in this game because one spell can erase half a line. You gain more firepower at the cost of losing more model every spell.

              • 2 years ago

                big blob good
                terrain bad

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                >TW:WH sucks, all the strategy is stripped away for monsters and spells
                Also med2gays:
                >Blobbing up your units and having it nuked by spells is strategy

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Who are you talking to?

            • 2 years ago

              Thats not how it works in med 2. if you had 2 units on top of each other only the first row of the unit in front would fire

        • 2 years ago

          >how it worked in Med2
          doesn't know what friendly-fire is, which is what M2 had. Know what it didn't have? Missiles no-clipping through ranks in the same unit. Now CA thinks WH3 needed no-clipping through different units as long as they stood close enough, until the backlash thought them to reverse it. They still would have done it if they knew they could get away with it though; they ruined practically everything else they could. I didn't use to feel like this, but now I can't wait for Hyenas to flop and CA to just frick off and die.

    • 2 years ago

      can shot enemy that is in deep mele/ enemy hero while hi is in middle of your infantry
      its a feature tho , cos with each game heroes geting stronger

      • 2 years ago

        whine more. WH still won't pay rent.

  2. 2 years ago

    >imajun ma shok when a studio that stripped strategy game features of its series over the past decade and more to accomodate roleplayers who want to steamroll the map with one unit spam "doomstack", strips another strategy game feature away to accomodate roleplayers who want to steamroll the map with one unit spam doomstack
    why is this game still being discussed anyway
    what the frick are you morons expecting, its over, its barely even a strategy game anyway

    • 2 years ago

      Wouldn't a roleplayer on a warhammer game want to make a more realistic army for the setting?

      • 2 years ago

        You must not have met many roleplayers. I've been a GM for like 30 years, and getting players who aren't in it for power fantasies is difficult.

  3. 2 years ago

    DLC ruined these games. Warhammer 1 dropped the ball on the DLC but at least the races were fleshed out and designed to work within the games systems. By Warhammer 2 they started just giving each new DLC character some gimmick with a gigantic UI menu and overpowered units. The community positively reacted to this so now they're throwing the core game out and everything is about how OP and good looking the game is and how many buffs the lord gets by fiddling around with some shitty minigame in a UI.

    This is the fricking moba update philosophy.

    • 2 years ago

      Reminds me of HoI4 modders and eventually even devs becoming obsessed with barebones minigames in the decisions menu. Like, how about making a global system instead, like the Pope in Medieval 2 or factions in Rome 2 or allegiance in FotS.

      • 2 years ago

        A global system in Warhammer wouldn't make much sense

    • 2 years ago

      >back in the day b***h about how underwhelming some units are and how lords don't really had any niche
      >Now CA gives buffs like candies and everyone is broken by stacking passives/some lord skills
      I swear this is not how I imagine it.

    • 2 years ago

      The community reacted positively because most of them are fun. What's gay is when you get a skaven situation where every dlc faction is unique and insanely interesting but the base game factions are boring as shit. Dark elves have this I think (I'm not an elfgay though so correct me). Imperial authority applying to the empire, whilst giving Wulfharts faction his own cool system is the best balance, where there's no obviously shit and not shit subfaction to pick. If every faction in WH was as fleshed out as the empire is then it would be a perfect game.

      • 2 years ago

        >never heard about mods
        Vanilla races are boring but you can fix them with for example SFO Grimhammer, add to it topless Morathi and sweet israelites for Jesus I loved that campaign.

    • 2 years ago

      >races were fleshed out
      Races all had the exact same stamina. As far as I'm aware, WH was the first game in the franchise to do this: even Shogun 2 with 'no unit variety' has different stamina for all of them. But apparently an Elf and a Dwarf can sprint all over the place and get tired very slowly at the same rate, only to get tired after a minute of shooting a bow, crossbow or gun.

  4. 2 years ago

    Skaven units should take friendly fire. Please I'm begging you CA!

    • 2 years ago

      You're such a redditor. Believing OP without checking first for yourself.

      • 2 years ago

        I think you should have a nice day

        • 2 years ago

          be a man and kill me yourself, homosexual.

  5. 2 years ago

    No one cares about Warhammer 3. Stop posting about this shit game. Why don't you beta testers just play the decent game Warhammer 2 mortal empires instead of whining about your buggy open beta.

  6. 2 years ago

    So it's just like the opening scene in Lord of the Rings?

    • 2 years ago

      Wtf are you talking about bro

      • 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    I remember when this board first dropped and we could have actual fricking discussions about strategy games, and the Ganker-tier bickering got shut down every time. It hasn’t even been a year and already every fricking thread is just whining and b***hing and moaning. If I wanted to interact with a bunch of manchildren whining about video games I’d go to fricking Ganker

    • 2 years ago

      truth is strategy players are the most autistic of them all

    • 2 years ago

      its because strategy games today are just complete garbage
      imagine thinking what total war could be 10 years ago with polished ai and engine

    • 2 years ago

      Volound is a gravely autistic Scottish manchild whose entire life revolves around screeching about how his favourite video game series is going to shit.

      • 2 years ago

        I remember when this board first dropped and we could have actual fricking discussions about strategy games, and the Ganker-tier bickering got shut down every time. It hasn’t even been a year and already every fricking thread is just whining and b***hing and moaning. If I wanted to interact with a bunch of manchildren whining about video games I’d go to fricking Ganker

        he won and you lost tho

  8. 2 years ago

    What the frick is happening over at CA. How is the result of this not your very first thought?

  9. 2 years ago

    We get it you saw the volosneed video

  10. 2 years ago

    >Sigvald is staying with Warriors of Chaos
    OK, this one I expected since forever and shut up the guys who wanted him to move to Slaanesh.
    >Azazel, Festus, Valkia and Vilitch are coming to WoC because their faction emblems are identical with typical WoC ones as the leaks showed.
    OK, so I want now Valnir, Arbaal and Egrimm because having two Slaaneshi LLs throws it all out of balance.
    Also a related upside. Norsca can now Empire-build. CA got rid of their outpost mechanics and can now take over every settlement.

    • 2 years ago

      >OK, this one I expected since forever and shut up the guys who wanted him to move to Slaanesh
      Sigvald can be played both with WoC and with Slaanesh faction. You can choose. New paypig LLs will be likely this same.

      • 2 years ago

        >Sigvald can be played both with WoC and with Slaanesh faction.
        But only in multiplayer. And indeed, same for other marked LLs.
        But then again I'm still concerned that WoC now have two Slaaneshi LLs and because of that they need three more marked LLs to balance it out.
        Which also means that factions like Norsca and the Monogods will have problems with LLs for themselves. Then again there is still plenty of Chaos characters and there are also still named daemons for the monogods. Greater Daemons to boot.

        • 2 years ago

          There are two tzeenchian lords too. You are forgetting about Bird from W1 WoC

          • 2 years ago

            Wait. He's actually not playable in the campaign luckily and only available in multiplayer. This means that Egrimm can still get in.

            • 2 years ago

              I think they will add him after the DLC lords are announced as bonus to players that already owned WoC, kinda like Drycha for Realm of Wood Elves

              • 2 years ago

                PS: Egrimm would be great addition down the line, but I wouldn't get your hopes up just yet

              • 2 years ago

                PS: Egrimm would be great addition down the line, but I wouldn't get your hopes up just yet

                >I think they will add him after the DLC lords are announced as bonus to players that already owned WoC, kinda like Drycha for Realm of Wood Elves
                Hopefully with Arbaal and Valnir in the future. The rest can go anywhere because those two and Egrimm are what I care the most.
                Also love Egrimm for his lore, what he pulled off and how his book made him truly great.
                I can see him as the one guy who has lore of light...but it would be a mixed one sadly with lore of Tzeentch.
                They confirmed they are dropping multi-lore LLs and thus Mannlet won't have his two lores of Death and vampire and instead get a spell mix of the two.

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