Hey is this game good? It looks fantastic and it appeals to my inner LOGH fan. It's early access however.

Hey is this game good? It looks fantastic and it appeals to my inner LOGH fan. It's early access however.

Anyone buy it yet?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

CRIME Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 6 months ago

    It's supposedly good but like most things in the current year the community is actually just AIDS.

    • 6 months ago

      autistic people are susceptible to the trans ideology for a number of reasons. but autistic people can often sniff out very good games... so I'm thinking this is a good sign (in one respect)

    • 6 months ago

      Why are they so fricking unfunny?
      I swear to god trannies have three (3) jokes and they're all variations of the same thing.
      >x says TRANS RIGHTS!!!
      >insert mundane thing here or random person IS TRANS!!

      • 6 months ago


        • 6 months ago

          I know autists that can be funny though
          There's something about trannies that causes their entire identity to be subsumed into troonydom and causes everything, from their jokes to their friend circles to revolve around being a troony

    • 5 months ago

      rent free in your head, find a different hobby you transphobic incel

      • 5 months ago

        >RENT FREE
        bellows as
        lack of personality, lack of humour and obsession with troony identity in your face repeatedly, turning everything
        latches onto into a mess of blue, pink and white noise

  2. 6 months ago

    is it like a hyperautistic clunky homeworld clone? Why are the maps set in or around huge fricking space landmasses? And why are all the ships so ungodly slow

    • 6 months ago

      >Why are the maps set in or around huge fricking space landmasses?
      Because space.
      Fighting in open space is a slugfest and leaves little room for tactical maneuvering.

      If you were to get in to a gunfight would you prefer to fight on open ground or somewhere with cover?

      • 6 months ago

        also a good point is that people fight over things, not the void.

      • 6 months ago

        has almost nothing to do with Homeworld gameplay-wise

        so whats the appeal? so far I see none, just flat "9000 hours in paint" UI with broken text rendering and not-homeworld full 3D traversal system slowed down 100x.
        Do you at least design your ships?

        • 6 months ago

          I don't think so.

          I think the appeal is that it is supposed to be like a huge space naval combat sci fi sim. I think the scale and maybe some intelligence warfare stuff will set it apart.

          • 6 months ago

            Have you even seen the game?

            so whats the appeal? so far I see none, just flat "9000 hours in paint" UI with broken text rendering and not-homeworld full 3D traversal system slowed down 100x.
            Do you at least design your ships?

            >so whats the appeal? so far I see none
            It's basically submarine-combat - IN SPACE! Tactically the game is very complex and isn't a straight forward 'my ship is more powerful than yours' kind of affair. There's a big emphasis on tactical positioning and electronic warfare.

            >Do you at least design your ships?
            Yes. You can chose weapons loadouts, and load up with a varying amount of subsystems, EW packages, engines, damage control teams, etc. You can also pick the physical location for the various subsystems. Where you get hit can matter just as much as how hard you get hit.

            • 6 months ago

              >Have you even seen the game?
              I'm op, that's what the steam page tells me about it.

    • 6 months ago

      has almost nothing to do with Homeworld gameplay-wise

    • 6 months ago

      Good space submarine simulator.

      >why are all the ships so ungodly slow

      It's a tactical-strategy game. You win by deciding how to approach and what loadouts to use, not by microing 30 ships simultaneously and aiming with your twitch reflexes.
      A slowpoke with a good plan always wins a esport moron who simply rushes the mid.
      There's plethora of faster compos in the game like Clipper unguided torpedo spam, but big guns are still more fun to use. Nothing is better than locking onto a random liner and turning it into swiss cheese with a 450mm barrage

  3. 6 months ago

    Yes but the community is total ass, expect half your teams ships to be named "transrights" or "NAFO fleet"

    I'm waiting on the conquest mode to get released early in 2024

  4. 6 months ago

    I didn't like it. It's like EVE combat but way easier to dive into as complex as it seems, and it is just combat. Probably decent game if you're into that, but the gameplay only takes my dopamine levels so far with the shitty graphics and bland assets.

    • 6 months ago

      >shitty graphics and bland assets.
      >t. I prefer graphics to gameplay

      • 6 months ago

        Personally just tired of the basedjak cutesy retro pixel indie shit. Gameplay x Graphics argument only goes so far when we're approaching 2024, we can have minimally demanding graphics that look great that aren't this.

        • 6 months ago

          This, it's not a matter of 1 or the other. It's the fact that a fricking weekend of blender tutorials would allow you to churn out better assets than this. The reasons the game looks the way it does aren't performance related, technical limitations or a consequence of the limited, indie development. It's a conscious choice to make the game look this way, and it's ugly.

        • 5 months ago

          This, it's not a matter of 1 or the other. It's the fact that a fricking weekend of blender tutorials would allow you to churn out better assets than this. The reasons the game looks the way it does aren't performance related, technical limitations or a consequence of the limited, indie development. It's a conscious choice to make the game look this way, and it's ugly.

          It looks cool imo. It's not "cutesy retro pixel indie shit", at all. I don't think you guys have looked at videos of the game. Sure, you can add custom meme insignia to your ships if you want, like here

          Yes, the game is good. The balance is overall quite good and the ship customization is neat. Experimenting with different missiles is extremely fun. There's two factions now so lots of experimenting to do.

          Downside being the UI and controls take awhile to learn, but at least the tutorials are well made. It's also VERY slow paced. Which I think is a good design choice, but if you are looking for a faster paced RTS, this ain't it.

          Overall, if you think it looks nice, you'll probably enjoy it. But consider it's EA, you can always wait. I've got 250 hours and think it's a solid game, but I just frickin love space ships.

          The particle effects look nice, and the ship models are functional, not "cutesy retro pixel indie"

  5. 6 months ago

    Yes, I had fun with it for like 4 weeks, but the community is as aids as people make it out to be. Used to run Quad Whips, and be the fastest thing on the map as a BB rails player, was fun. Also did oversized 4k and 5k cost 5v5 destruction battles that were really quite fun, and surprisingly balanced on the open maps. We had a player who would dominate with stealth laser DDs. Devs tried the oversized game mode, had a fit that the games last ~1 hour, and I’m like bruh, that’s standard for most RTS games. Had some very interesting battles, might get back into it, there were some good players. Probably won’t, I doubt anyone will try an oversized match with how things are now.

    Finally, if you want to troll, go rail DDs, they do less damage, but are the most survivable of anything in the game as long as you do not get spotted. Of course, the most popular game mode is capture the point, so actual tactics and strategy are irrelevant, as you basically have 15 minutes to take a point. good luck folks.

  6. 6 months ago

    Yes, the game is good. The balance is overall quite good and the ship customization is neat. Experimenting with different missiles is extremely fun. There's two factions now so lots of experimenting to do.

    Downside being the UI and controls take awhile to learn, but at least the tutorials are well made. It's also VERY slow paced. Which I think is a good design choice, but if you are looking for a faster paced RTS, this ain't it.

    Overall, if you think it looks nice, you'll probably enjoy it. But consider it's EA, you can always wait. I've got 250 hours and think it's a solid game, but I just frickin love space ships.

    • 5 months ago

      >Downside being the UI and controls take awhile to learn
      i found 3D movement controls to be unnecessarily clunky. all they had to do was copy Homeworld's scheme (just click and drag for elevation) instead of the needlessly "realistic" angle-based system in a game that doesn't even warrant that much realism.

  7. 5 months ago

    it's bretty good but it's kinda hard to get a good match
    community sucks dick but you don't really have to interact with them much
    controls, UI and movement are ASSS made by crab people for crab people, and the game is needlessly like 3x slower than it really should be
    also the devs have the bad kind of autism and where they draw the line between what they consider dumb scifi bullshit and acceptable losses of realism for gameplay purposes is completely arbitrary and squiggly.
    a lot of maps are set around gay fricking asteroids because empty void battles are range wins everything brawls, but that could easily be avoided with some good old scifi bubble shields, or cloaking. but that wouldn't be a direct 1:1 copy of existing USN technology so it's not happening.
    tinkering with ship designs is what scratches the average brain the most and I imagine for most people ship design is where most of their hours played are
    I would wait for a full release.

  8. 5 months ago

    this game is too hard for 4chin giga chads
    dont even try

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