Hey which tomb raiders are worth playing?

Hey which tomb raiders are worth playing?
There are like 54 of them on steam and I'm craving some platforming and puzzle solving in exotic locations

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  1. 2 years ago

    the nu ones are some fun at least with the best version of lara

    • 2 years ago

      They look alright I guess but youre right I'd bone the protagonist for days

      The first 4 are amazing, 3 is one of my favourite games of all time. Chronicles was meh, Angel of Darkness is really fricking bad. avoided the others up until Tomb Raider 2013, had some fun with it but never played Rise or Shadow.

      First 4 are great. Next two are shit. Steam ports for all those suck. Legends games are alright except Underworld which is ruined by it's godawful camera. Nu Raider is the most bland nothing series ever. I'd be surprised if you even remember playing them after you are done. Honestly if you've played any triple A adventure game in the last two generations you've basically gotten the experience already, especially if you played Uncharted.

      The first game is a masterclass in game design and atmosphere, and a playthrough is required. 2, 3 and 4 are more difficult but still brilliant. The formula runs out of steam after.

      The more recent entries are decent enough but they aren't my favorite.

      I was really eyeing the first couple games, the screenshots ooze some really solid atmosphere
      What exactly went wrong with chronicles and angel of darkness?
      Are the 2007 games basically remakes of the originals?

      Garbage franchise.. move on.

      Why is that?

      • 2 years ago

        Long story short I think it goes like this: Devs didn't wanna make more Tomb Raider but the publishers kept making them pump them out because Tomb Raider was a big money maker, they got tired and bored and didn't want to make them, so they got lazy and sloppy, chronicles was literally a cash grab, they said it themselves, they needed the money, it's a game that takes place during different points in Laras career and is only a few hours long. Angel of Darkness is the same story but worse, they really didn't want to make it.

        Here's a quote from Andy Sandham
        "Tomb Raider 5 was effectively a load of old shit. That was the most depressing one for us. We were effectively just doing that for a paycheck because no other team wanted to take it on. So we had to do it, basically. By that time, it had taken its toll. Three years of hammering it, and we were burnt out. That shows in the product".

  2. 2 years ago

    The first 4 are amazing, 3 is one of my favourite games of all time. Chronicles was meh, Angel of Darkness is really fricking bad. avoided the others up until Tomb Raider 2013, had some fun with it but never played Rise or Shadow.

  3. 2 years ago

    Garbage franchise.. move on.

  4. 2 years ago

    First 4 are great. Next two are shit. Steam ports for all those suck. Legends games are alright except Underworld which is ruined by it's godawful camera. Nu Raider is the most bland nothing series ever. I'd be surprised if you even remember playing them after you are done. Honestly if you've played any triple A adventure game in the last two generations you've basically gotten the experience already, especially if you played Uncharted.

  5. 2 years ago

    The first game is a masterclass in game design and atmosphere, and a playthrough is required. 2, 3 and 4 are more difficult but still brilliant. The formula runs out of steam after.

    The more recent entries are decent enough but they aren't my favorite.

  6. 2 years ago

    >hur dur new bad
    I know I don't need to tell you this op, but remember to filter out the mouth breathers' opinions when you're asking about reviews on Ganker. The new trilogy is pretty dang good, but if you could only buy one of them then I would highly recommend Rise of the Tomb Raider. You don't really need to know the story of the first game, the environments are incredibly cool, and the puzzles are great, especially in the dlc tombs. Playing it on maximum difficulty makes it way more immersive and is imo the best modern tomb raider experience

    • 2 years ago

      I don't know too much about the series and assumed they were like Prince of Persia sands of time (that's one of my favorite games) esque vidya minus the combat sequences, but never got around to actually see if that's the case cause I forgot about tomb raider all the time
      how true was my assumption?
      in the new trilogy trailers they showed way more combat action than I imagined the series was known for
      Is that a major part of the games as well?

      >paying for ROMs on Steam

      yo they're less than a buck and I rarely spend money on anything else

      Long story short I think it goes like this: Devs didn't wanna make more Tomb Raider but the publishers kept making them pump them out because Tomb Raider was a big money maker, they got tired and bored and didn't want to make them, so they got lazy and sloppy, chronicles was literally a cash grab, they said it themselves, they needed the money, it's a game that takes place during different points in Laras career and is only a few hours long. Angel of Darkness is the same story but worse, they really didn't want to make it.

      Here's a quote from Andy Sandham
      "Tomb Raider 5 was effectively a load of old shit. That was the most depressing one for us. We were effectively just doing that for a paycheck because no other team wanted to take it on. So we had to do it, basically. By that time, it had taken its toll. Three years of hammering it, and we were burnt out. That shows in the product".

      That explains a lot and sounds like a familiar story, damn

      • 2 years ago

        I was the same situation and bought all these games on Steam and they really do run like shit. The PS1 games at least do. Better off just emulating those. I think the legends games are at least okay.

        • 2 years ago

          I would play IV, since its the most playable out of the classics whilst still playing as the classics. If you never played them, 1,2,3 would be a bit of a hard sell. I could not get the gog version to run though, dont know if they work via steam on modern hardware

          I do like the nu-series. 1 Is alright, Rise is Uncharted, and shadow is a bit slower with more of a focus on puzzles.
          Fun series

          The ones you shouldn't even be buying on Steam

          It sure can't be that hard to make them work on win10
          Got some busted games running without issues before

          All of the original run up until you feel like it trying to be an action game despite its whack-ass combat, then drop it.

          I liked the reboot trilogy too. No, not that one, the first one. Underworld is so melodramatic that I don’t blame you for dropping it and the remake/Legends have a few stinky QTE sections back when people were still doing that shit.
          Lara Croft GO is fine too. Haven’t played Temple of Osiris.

          So the legends trilogy is a completely new story with new locations locations and setpieces rather than a remake?

          • 2 years ago

            Anniversary is just a straight remake of 1 with a different set of mechanics. Which I wish came with the original but it's still worth a playthrough, features some nice Toby Gard commentary where he tactfully never directly admits that he thinks the remake team missed a lot of the point.

            Legends/Underworld are their own thing.

    • 2 years ago

      >hur dur new bad
      In this case, yes. The only people that the new games appeal to are low-IQ cretins that want their hand held while everything explodes around them. They require zero thinking or precision, and try to make themselves out to be a fricking CiNeMaTiC aDvEnTuRe to the detriment of gameplay and replayability.

  7. 2 years ago

    >paying for ROMs on Steam

  8. 2 years ago

    All of them. Anniversary is kind of the odd one out of the modern ones that's good, but purely because of the ambient music + greece level (honestly done better then the original). Legend is okay, Underworld is decent (again saved from being meh by the music), Tomb Raider is a little better, and honestly just skip the last 2 games that have come out.

  9. 2 years ago

    I would play IV, since its the most playable out of the classics whilst still playing as the classics. If you never played them, 1,2,3 would be a bit of a hard sell. I could not get the gog version to run though, dont know if they work via steam on modern hardware

    I do like the nu-series. 1 Is alright, Rise is Uncharted, and shadow is a bit slower with more of a focus on puzzles.
    Fun series

    • 2 years ago

      >I do like the nu-series. 1 Is alright, Rise is Uncharted
      May as well watch a fricking movie. They aren't even games.

      • 2 years ago

        Thats just the intro, it opens up and gets pretty fun. Shadow is a bit weird, it starts al bombastic and linear, but the real game is a rather open and slow with a lot of focus on puzzle solving.

        But hey I played the game, and you have a gif of the worst part of the game. Maybe you are right

      • 2 years ago

        Thank fricking god Tomb Raider is with another publisher now. Hopefully they whip Crystal into making actual Tomb Raider games again.

        • 2 years ago

          If it has the industry standard ots camera and controls I can't imagine it will have very involved platforming or puzzles like the old games. I'm just so use to that mold being so derivative and samey I just don't see anyone breaking out if it

  10. 2 years ago

    Only the Fisherman one

  11. 2 years ago

    The ones you shouldn't even be buying on Steam

  12. 2 years ago

    For me, it's Tomb Raider: Fisherman

  13. 2 years ago

    All of the original run up until you feel like it trying to be an action game despite its whack-ass combat, then drop it.

    I liked the reboot trilogy too. No, not that one, the first one. Underworld is so melodramatic that I don’t blame you for dropping it and the remake/Legends have a few stinky QTE sections back when people were still doing that shit.
    Lara Croft GO is fine too. Haven’t played Temple of Osiris.

  14. 2 years ago

    I'm pretty sure The Last Revelation is malware. I can never seem to uninstall it or remove it's folders.

    • 2 years ago

      Zoomer moment.

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