Highly valuable IP released at its arguable height, fun gameplay, visually gorgeous, why did this game fall on its ass so fast and so hard?

Highly valuable IP released at its arguable height, fun gameplay, visually gorgeous, why did this game fall on its ass so fast and so hard? It should have been printing money.

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

  1. 11 months ago

    Fill priced AAA game that's an mmo. They also looked silly

    • 11 months ago

      They looked fine, these characters existed a long time before the MCU. I don't understand why everyone pretended like they needed to look like the movies but then nobody ever cared that Batman didn't look like Christian Bale in Arkham Asylum. It was always just a made up complaint.

      • 11 months ago

        Batman has never had a definitive look. He's had many variations which are all equally popular so it wasn't a big deal that Bruce didnt look like Bale or Keaton. Also Kevin Conroy voicing him was a huge selling point. Thats not the case for any of the Avengers characters

        • 11 months ago

          >Batman has never had a definitive look.
          grey suit with blue/black gloves/boots/cowl and yellow belt is the definitive look tho

        • 11 months ago

          >Thats not the case for any of the Avengers characters
          Not that anon but I completely disagree on this point. You can chalk it up to me just being a comic reader before the films but there's still a sizeable chunk of readers that are fine with them changing looks. Is it better and more expected now for them to have their film look because of the large audience that's been exposed to them from there? For sure, definitely. However, the trends for changing them up never really changed. You can argue either way about The Hulk depending if you consider changing being his design as a whole or just his amount of muscle to fat ratio/if he's given balloon arms or a change in shorts or pants.

      • 11 months ago

        >They looked fine, these characters existed a long time before the MCU.
        I was floored how people were uninterested because they weren't similar to their MCU variants. Do people forget the MCU is based off of the original work by Marvel? Just so crazy.

        aren't they gonna close the servers soon?

        >aren't they gonna close the servers soon?
        No. The Definitive Edition has it set as peer 2 peer connection meaning as long as you have a copy it'll work online. Same thing for consoles

        Is $6 the lowest it'll go before being delisted in September?


        Honestly Marvel's Avengers is basically cope Ultimate Alliance. There's tons of good shit and good gameplay loop. I love going in and doing a few missions and play more later. It's really awesome. It's fixed.

      • 11 months ago

        People shat on that guardians of the galaxy game because star lord isn't the MCU star lord too

  2. 11 months ago

    >there are barely any porn of Kamala and Trilla from fallen order
    everyone is so fricking gay

    • 11 months ago

      The lack of porn for the game was one of the earliest clues that it had failed.

    • 11 months ago

      Trilla was super fricking hot but got immediately overshadowed by Merrin, can't compete with goth aliens.

      • 11 months ago

        Merrin is a gothic witch girl living alone, she is 1000% guaranteed to have a hairy pussy, and I doubt there's a lot of showers on Dathomir. Hard pass.

  3. 11 months ago

    I wanted to play Avengers like Lego Marvel Superheroes not nuMCU reskin with the main protagonist being a poojeet girl in a live service loot box gayme.

    • 11 months ago

      She was an incredibly fun character to play though.

      • 11 months ago

        she's just a shitty version of Mr Fantastic

  4. 11 months ago

    This was released after Endgame and by that time people were burnt out over a decade of superhero movies so the hype was not even there. Doesn't help the fact that the game was buggy and unoptimized.

    I just picked it up for 6 dollars it's a fricking steal especially if you're a Marvel fan. It's good now.

    • 11 months ago

      aren't they gonna close the servers soon?

    • 11 months ago

      >It's good now.
      If its good now, it was good then, its exactly the same game.

      • 11 months ago

        >its exactly the same game.
        You are the same gay from the Steam forums huh?

        It's not the same game. I played it at launch and it was awful. This new version has all DLC and skins. The skins that costed fricking 20 dollars is now only 6 dollars for the entire game. They fixed all the stupid fricking game breaking bugs, it's more optimized now. It's way more complete than it was at launch. Yes, it's the same game at it's core but not really with all of the updates they've done over the years.

        • 11 months ago

          >they added new costumes, its good now!
          I don't use steam forums, but I can tell you're a moronic homosexual who does.

          • 11 months ago

            >they added new costumes, its good now!
            That's not the only thing I fricking praised you moron. They fixed all the game breaking bugs, the added DLC, it used to run like shit now it runs way better. And yes, I enjoy the skins because they make throwback and references to old Marvel shit to alternate universe ones. Don't mistake that shit with le random Fortnite zoomer skins.

            Holy frick you're dense.

            • 11 months ago

              >They fixed all the game breaking bugs
              no they didn't
              >the added DLC
              "oh wow the game has urban hero and a single raid, its fixed now!"

              • 11 months ago

                >no they didn't
                Ok nerd they fixed the majority of it. Yeah, I'm sure there's a few but not enough to break your game. I haven't seen any problems in my 30+ hour time.
                Stop exaggerating. They added like 4 more campaigns and new heroes. It's mostly gameplay loop a lot like Destiny if you've played that it's just that vut a beat em up brawler

                Look, it's shit. They could have made it better but it's fricking fun for 6 dollars

              • 11 months ago

                >They added like 4 more campaigns and new heroes.
                Hawkeye, Hawkeye with a vegana, black Wolverine, Thor with a vegana, who else? Bishop was generally fun to play, but they just fricked up the roster entirely. Even Captain Marvel would have gotten more attention than Kate Bishop.

              • 11 months ago

                Winter soldier.
                Look I'm not saying it's fricking perfect. But for what it's worth 6 dollars is a fun mindless RPG brawler. Like I said it's a cope Ultimate Alliance. Gameplay loop can be dull for some but I like knowing I can just jump in and do some missions.. Gain a few levels, repeat. And then go into the HARM room to beat up some npc baddies. It's hella chill.

  5. 11 months ago

    Is $6 the lowest it'll go before being delisted in September?

  6. 11 months ago

    They had the entire Marvel Universe and decided to make you fight Robots and AIM scientist.

    • 11 months ago

      >They had the entire Marvel Universe and decided to make you fight Robots and AIM scientist.
      You mean it's like a comic book?

  7. 11 months ago

    GAAS model that didn't update quick enough.
    that's really it.
    I genuinely was keeping up with this game's updates waiting for a good moment to get into it but it just took too long to add in new shit.
    I'll always remember that part of the documentary on warframe's development when they pitched the game to different investors and upon asking why nobody wanted to fund them one of the investors turned around and said to the lead designer's face "it's beautiful, it's a great game, you will fail." because of how detailed it was it was assumed they wouldn't be able to update it often enough without sacrificing quality. To a degree, they were right. Warframe goes years between major updates now and even smaller content updates are few and far between.
    The same principle applies to Marvel's Avengers. It's too big for what it was setting out to do. It didn't matter how much money they were getting, they would not be able to update the game often enough to compete with other GAAS competitors without sacrificing quality. It was one or the other and Square clearly chose not to sacrifice the visual quality at the cost of update frequency.
    The few chances they had to regain popularity they spent making characters like the Hawkeye, Kate Bishop and Mighty Thor, two of those owing their identity to largely being gender bent versions of existing characters. Afaik, those 3, Black Panther and Spider-Man were the only post launch characters they had a chance to launch. The latter of which being a console exclusive.
    I'm sure if they had used their time to bring in new players with more impactful characters akin to Black Panther and Spider-Man then the game would probably still be alive but still battling the lack of an update cycle. The entire thing of the game adopting a GAAS model from the very beginning was an unavoidable death knell from the start. It simply was not a winning combination and people lost interest.

    It was doomed from the start. It's happened before.

    • 11 months ago

      They did take way too long to add anything, its clear they didn't have the process established to create good content fast. It only shipped with two bosses and by the time they shut the server down it had 3 or 4, years later.

      The first new character being Kate Bishop and not Wolverine or someone, and taking so long to come out, didn't help either, even if she was fun to play.

  8. 11 months ago

    Even billing this shit as "Avengers", why is the cast so fricking lame? I never want to play as fem Thor or Hawkeye, let alone Muslim Marvel. I'll play Marvel trash to fill the void that Marvel Heroes dying left, but not with boring heroes.

  9. 11 months ago

    >fun gameplay

    • 11 months ago

      It was. They made a big mistake in that you had to build your character up until they felt right, Hulk didn't feel like Hulk until you were 15 hours into him, but once you had that it was incredibly fun when everything worked.

      • 11 months ago

        >Changing Hulk's fists makes him do more damage
        >Thor's hammer doesn't send normal human enemies flying with one hit
        >Captain America's punches are weaker than Black Widow's
        >Black Widows's guns do nothing
        It's a shit grindy game made specifically to increase morons playing it longer and longer so they can boast about gametime. It's Marvel's version of Gotham Knights.

        • 11 months ago

          Its a video game, make the same concessions to it you made for Marvel Heroes or Ultimate Alliance or any of a thousand other video games that didn't have Hulk and Thor one-shotting everything while Black Widow jerk offd in the background.

          • 11 months ago

            They need to bring back Marvel Heroes. What the frick is wrong with them? Just put up a fricking server like how hard is it.

            Also Ultimate Alliance 3 when

            • 11 months ago

              >Also Ultimate Alliance 3 when
              It already happened, made by team ninja, since it was made by japs they didnt have to ugg up the characters for western audiences, I actually liked it quite a bit, switch exclusive though which blows shit, but I am pretty sure switch emulation is pretty easy these days

              • 11 months ago

                >ultimate alliance 3 finally releases
                >every character I want
                >made by a competent team that believes in sexo
                >its locked to the fricking shitch so i havent heard of it until now

                oh how the monkey paw curls

          • 11 months ago

            >make the same concessions to it you made for x and y
            No. I will not make excuses for bad games based on other games.

            >Thor's hammer doesn't send normal human enemies flying with one hit
            They've explained in the comics that they don't go full power when they're fighting normal humans or else they will kill them.

            And that is why capeshit games are bad. It's moronic devs pandering to overgrown manchildren. A Hulk game should play like Prototype.

        • 11 months ago

          Hulk's fists makes him do more damage
          >>Thor's hammer doesn't send normal human enemies flying with one hit
          America's punches are weaker than Black Widow's
          Widows's guns do nothing
          Literally all of those criticisms apply to Ultimate Alliance and some of them even to Marvel vs Capcom.

        • 11 months ago

          >Thor's hammer doesn't send normal human enemies flying with one hit
          They've explained in the comics that they don't go full power when they're fighting normal humans or else they will kill them.

          • 11 months ago

            >or else they will kill them
            they aren't batman, they kill people all the time, especially in this game

            • 11 months ago

              >Having Kamala Khan on the Avengers
              >Having a literal 16 year old kid kill super villains
              No it's not really happening in this game.

              • 11 months ago

                She smashes people so hard they go through concrete, Widow shoots them, Iron Man sets them on fire with lasers, etc. They're dead.

              • 11 months ago

                The punisher game from the 2000s had iron man bloodily killing people. Can't believe disney ruined it

              • 11 months ago

                >They're dead.
                They're not. If you play the game you can see the enemies on the ground rolling in pain.

              • 11 months ago

                Black Panther has an end of battle quote that outright mentions killing enemies.

              • 11 months ago

                >black widow hits guy in the head with 50 cal pistol
                >iron man hits guy in the head with anti tank missile
                >its okay they're just hurt

                Whatever you fricking nerds. Shut the frick up.

              • 11 months ago

                >black widow hits guy in the head with 50 cal pistol
                >iron man hits guy in the head with anti tank missile
                >its okay they're just hurt

  10. 11 months ago

    They didn't add Moon Knight so I don't care. I was waiting the whole life cycle of this game for him and they added black panther instead

  11. 11 months ago

    "overgrown manchildren" says man posting moronation on Ganker who literally watches anime

  12. 11 months ago

    I enjoy

    It’s fun to play while listening to Spotify or whatever and it’s a good co op game. It didn’t start well however and never really recovered.

  13. 11 months ago

    I liked Midnight Suns.

    • 11 months ago

      It was a lot better than expected

    • 11 months ago

      I'm waiting for the usual heavily discounted, all-in-one package that Firaxis does.

  14. 11 months ago

    marvelheads just want to consume they dont want to actually engage and like press buttons and stuff that sounds like effort

  15. 11 months ago

    Capeshit is a scam

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