H*ntai/p*rn games for phones

Any good games that can play on my phone besides pic related?

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Rise of Eros

  2. 2 years ago

    Finally, a nsfw thread. Anyways, summertime saga is always good. Extra life you can find it on itch.io and then some 3dcg games on androidadult

  3. 2 years ago

    Lust Doll Plus was good, I liked it enough to have some 16-18 hours logged and beat basically all of the available game. UI is not especially optimized for phones, but you can play CoC 2 on phones as well. Ravager if you want some story and are up for being a rape dragon. Itch has some other stuff, especially those Koikatsu model VN games if you like them. Akabur's old games should all have mobile ports if you like them, but they're a bit dry in my opinion.

    • 2 years ago

      Itch has some darn good hidden gems, I just started playing my dystopian robot girlfriend and its easily one of my favorite games right now.

      • 2 years ago

        I played it too. While the idea is neat, and the basic animations are alright, the execution beyond that is somewhat weak. My biggest issue is that there is not really any significant development with the robo gf beyond superficial dialogues that don't affect much of anything beyond perhaps suggesting if she's horny/etc (which happens if you just praise/rub her and don't have sex).

        If you play Artificial Academy or AA2, you can expect basic dialogues at the very least and then have some ero personality developments. If you play HentHighSchool+ or whatever it's called (slow but fun one), you can expect resistances to lessen over time and for people to become more and more subservient or lenient with you. MDRG is a very neat idea, but needs more fleshing out in my opinion, since the sex anims themselves will get fairly boring fairly quickly due to low variety. Don't mean to shit on the game you're enjoying, but rather give my own thoughts to the discussion.

        • 2 years ago

          Oh the porn is the weakest part for sure, but the game has some very good bones. The pozzed world makes me chuckle and the priest robot being coded by a saint who was visited by Terry Davis is great. The UI looks great too, and the slight survival aspect and waifu customization has some potential. I sort of wish I could be the idea guy/writer for the guy who's making the game because there's so much shot you could add to make it a 10/10 game, but as it is I'd recommend just giving it a play to see a game with a large amount of potential.

          • 2 years ago

            Give me ideas. I'm the developer of that game.

            • 2 years ago

              I have no idea if you really are, but I'll bite. I think you have an amazing game on your hands and the first hour or two are very fun but the more you play the more shallow you realize the systems are. Buying parts for your robowaifu is fun but after she has a full body there's not many options, maybe if you made the rarity of parts matter for more than just getting views, for example making lower quality parts look visually different, very used parts could have exposed wiring and be covered in coom or some shit like that. Another thing about customization is the clothing, I liked the story of where you can buy your waifu clothes but the clothes themselves are horribly bland, maybe put some knockoff brand names on them and make clothing more unique, so you're actually visiting the clothing store more often to check their stock rather than just buying the same shirt over and over but in different colors., maybe even add the quality rating to clothes and have them be more ratty the worse the quality. Also you should add more clothes in general, basically try to make it a dress up game for coomers. Different hairstyles could be neat too, maybe a story arc about anon taking an online hairstyling course, the player would practice on their doll and as they do they could unlock new hairstyles at random, this would also introduce that the dolls hair grows meaning you can drag in the crowd who like hairy girls, you could customize the hair on her head and her public hair and even armpit hair :^)

              The elephant in the room though is the sex scenes, right now when you stream you can only do doggy or missionary when there's so much more basic shit you should be able to do, like getting a hand job or a blowjob for example. Maybe even add setups you can buy to unlock more angles for scenes and better lighting, and even some sex toys to spice things up. 1/2

              • 2 years ago

                Finally I want to commend you on how great the browser and sites are, the idea of it is very fun and reminds me of .hack//, but I will say you need ,ore secret content in there, maybe make the news stories click able links that lead to a short paragraph about pope goku the second or some of the other funny headlines you wrote and have links hidden in there. I'm not too good at imagining how you'd wanna go about it though but I will say you need more online shops and things you can buy, like maybe after a while you can buy another sexbot or something. Your game needs more moneysinks because once you figure out how to make cash you basically never run out.

                With a few more features and a bit of added depth I think this game could make a lot of money on something like steam and GOG, and of course mobile, but as it is right now it's just a very good proof of concept with a funny story. If you are actually the dev I wish you luck anon, and if you ever need some more ideagayging I'm always lurking somewhere on here, /vg/ or 8/v/

                inb4 I got duped and the game will be stuck as is for the rest of time

              • 2 years ago

                Lower quality parts do looking different was added a while back. It's not as drastic as exposed wires etc(This would be a huuuuge pain to make work with live2D.), but it's there. We are working on adding more customisation and the newest update we added a blowjob scene. Most of the things you've mentioned are planned or in the works, but game dev takes a looot of time. Guess I just need to work harder.

              • 2 years ago

                Different guy than you were talking to here

                Just want to say, I love the game. Been playing for a while and ive explored all content. Thanks for your time and effort making it.

                If you want ideas to hopefully add...

                More lewd clothing options, maybe bondage stuff. Also clothing presets?

                Cuter and more feminine clothing to wear outside, dresses or something? Please anything but just t-shirts that hide her form.

                I like the new makeup options, expand on that.

                Body mods like bigger breasts, ass, etc.
                Expanded facial expressions

                Check out a game called Virtual Succubus for lots of ideas on everything I listed.

                >sex scenes and streaming

                Add in chat donation requests for certain sex acts

                More positions or camera angles please (top priority for titfricking, riding, reverse cowgirl, handjob stuff)

                The auto mode is awesome but maybe add in some more variety, speeds, bot automatically changes positions and things.

                Also youre an absolute legend if you add in multiple bots, threesome animations, and group content.

                (And please for the love of god let us frick Annalie already... Threesome with bot maybe?!) 😉


                More bot character development, personality and dirty talk possibly?

                The ability to move to a better place without the scummy landlord maybe?

                Honestly, content wise, just focus on expanding the sex content as a priority first as fast as you can and I think your game could be extremely successful, youve got a really good setup that could truly stand out as an amazing game.

  4. 2 years ago

    Legeclo has actually good gameplay

    • 2 years ago

      is it just Fire Emblem but with porn?

      • 2 years ago

        Its actually Langrisser Mobile 2
        Same characters with abilities but now females.
        Still better than fire emblem heroes.

      • 2 years ago

        Its actually Langrisser Mobile 2
        Same characters with abilities but now females.
        Still better than fire emblem heroes.

        Gonna check it out.

    • 2 years ago

      where can I find it?

  5. 2 years ago

    A Night With Laverne did it for me, if you only want a quick fap from a short novel game. i just wish more artist to be willing to make these kind of short games but I guess they dont sell and can easily be pirated.

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