Holy Trinity

Which do you prefer?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Buff/debuff supporter

    > BUT THE TRI-

    Shut up

    • 4 months ago

      For me, it's any kind of control-oriented debuffer.
      >silence mages
      >blind archers
      >slow warriors
      >hold rogues
      >divert healer

    • 4 months ago

      In a modern game this is just classified as a DPS and is brought along solely to make the real DPS do better damage

      • 4 months ago

        And then it gets shat on for not being high in dps meters and the normalgays ignore that everyone else is higher that they otherwise would be. If the class is extra unlucky then it gets "buffed" to make it just another DPS and normalgays think their own class got nerfed because suddenly it is doing more DPS and they are doing less.
        TLDR; Frick modern MMOs.

        • 4 months ago

          Maybe back in the day, but nowadays every single game mechanic is closely analyzed and then propagated out through various guides, so what REALLY happens is "bring four of the buff class to make your high dps classes shred everything" until that gets nerfed and then no one plays the buff class because you get better DPS from regular classes

    • 4 months ago

      >Buff/debuff supporter
      this, but most fun is the tricky sneak rogue who fricks with people
      it's very rare though

  2. 5 months ago

    >MMO """"classes""""
    Go back.

  3. 5 months ago

    Almost always the tank.

    First, it's cooler since the dragon is actually facing me, whereas DPS are usually slashing at the back of the dragon's ankles. It's just cooler.

    Second, as tank, I have the most control over whether the group succeeds or not. I determine how many mobs are pulled, I determine where we park, I determine the pace of the group, etc.

    Third, tank is typically the easiest role, since your only job is to hold aggro and live, and you have a simplified rotation compared to other classes. If you do that (hold aggro and live) then you've succeeded. That's a binary that is easy to accomplish. DPS is much more stressful because you're constantly being compared to other players and theoretical meta numbers. You can be pushing okay DPS - more than enough to clear the content - and still get kicked because the raid leader wants an easier carry by replacing you with higher number parsers. As a tank you don't have to fear that.

    Third, tank is the most demanded class, so it's the easiest to progress in. I can login to WoW, open LFG, and get into any key I want within 30 seconds, whereas DPS you will have to apply to dozens and dozens of keys and wait more than 30 minutes to get into a key, and you might not get into the dungeon or keylevel you wanted. As a tank, if a run goes bad, no problem, you can just instantly get into another key, whereas as a DPS it's another 30+ minute wait.

    • 5 months ago

      tfw one of those babies is dead and the other was left to be raised as by the pandaren


      Which do you prefer?

      Tank or healer. I think it's because back when I started MMOs I didn't know anybody and networking was the only way you'd get places as DPS.

  4. 5 months ago

    It depends on what game I'm in, something like Pathfinder doesn't truly have clearly defined trinity but you can set it up that way if you want to.
    MMOs are more rigid, so sometimes my reasoning aligns with the tank guy that posted. However I'm good enough to find anything enjoyable. I don't have trouble keeping parses in especially something like wow where it's just a matter of bring your consumables, don't stand in the fire, and pay attention to aoe opportunities and your time to target.

    I actually have gravitated to healing and utility classes over time because I find that utility is where you can usually break the rules of the game the most, especially if you're a buildgay like me and then also tank or deal damage while having an ability to strategically carry the group as well, and you're always wanted. Cleric was the original spellblade, and can still do most functions in D&D for example. It is a very fun base for multiclassing, and you usually have some eccentric god to lord over RP situations with as well, and I'm partial to blowing up undead with holy light and fire.

  5. 5 months ago

    Support because I suck at other two roles.

    Also, because I find it to be less stressful and their gameplay has a more unique and tactical feel to them.

  6. 5 months ago

    I always perform better as tank but I wish I had the mindset for DPS. Seems like the best class for skill expression

  7. 5 months ago

    unless I can do some summoner meat-shield+command stuff I usually just stick to the glassiest, close range burst DPS (with a heal if possible)

  8. 5 months ago

    Healing. I am a gentle man and I care about my friends. Also partial to DPS that cast spells

  9. 5 months ago

    I usually go with a tank/healer mix if there's one, but I guess the one I like the most is the healer/support

  10. 5 months ago

    healer because i find it funny that good healer players who are women get shit on and good healer players who are men get praised

  11. 5 months ago

    If i want to have fun DPS.
    If i want to progress Healer because i can fix other player mistakes and someone ALWAYS frick it up.

  12. 4 months ago

    I love getting rawdogged by big fricking dragons while 9 to 24 other people watch. Healers and dps don't get that experience.

    • 4 months ago

      Yes, but usually supports get gangraped by the enemy team while their teammates ignore them.

      Source: am a support.

      • 4 months ago

        >Yes, but usually supports get gangraped by the enemy team while their teammates ignore them.
        True but I don't do pvp

  13. 4 months ago

    DPS. No matter what, you always need cash and drops, DPS is almost always the suited role. Plus, I just love creeping into high level areas taking down mobs through planning and kiting. Tanking and Supporting feels too chained for me.

  14. 4 months ago

    Tank and Healer are literally the same thing (sustain), just done in different ways
    If the DPS kills the enemy quick enough, you wouldn't need sustain.

  15. 4 months ago

    I prefer mez or buff/debuffers, the trinity is for brain dead homosexuals.

  16. 4 months ago

    Disabler/Crowd Controller

  17. 4 months ago

    Healer for me.

    I get to choose who lives & dies, and I get to gaslight consitently dead players out of groups im in for being shit and/or underage. Also there's nothing more unfuriating than the unkillable healer you can't lock down in PVP lmao. Feelsgoodman

  18. 4 months ago

    I hate the trinity. Healing shouldn't be that easy in the middle of combat.

  19. 4 months ago

    I like to play healer, or a healer dps/buffer

    • 4 months ago

      Lithe, feminine hands with a surprisingly strong grip typed this.

  20. 4 months ago

    The trinity is a bastardizatin of Everquest combat system.

    • 4 months ago

      >bastardizatin of Everquest combat system.
      5/6 roles? How is a normalgay ever supposed to do everything themself if they have to interact with others? 3 roles a moron can understand TOPS and they are only allowed to bars go up or down!

  21. 4 months ago

    Tank in every MMO, except for FFXI, where red mage was the best. Shout out to tank classes trying to dps instead of tank in dungeons, you are homosexualS.

  22. 4 months ago


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