Honest question:. Do you think we'll EVER get another really good Pokemon game?

Honest question:
Do you think we'll EVER get another really good Pokemon game? Realistically, do you think they can make something work any time in the future? Let's say they will. What's ONE feature you would want over anything else, if you had to pick?

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  1. 6 months ago

    Good monster designs.

  2. 6 months ago

    PLA and SV were good so yes. I'm sure they're on the right trajectory and the next game will be great if it pulls the best from both these games.

    • 6 months ago

      I like the facial customization from SV, but I wish we also had the type of clothing customization SwSh had.

    • 6 months ago

      >PLA and SV were good

  3. 6 months ago

    SV being so ass doesn't give me much hope.

  4. 6 months ago

    >What's ONE feature you would want over anything else, if you had to pick?
    proper routes and dungeons

  5. 6 months ago

    I think GF have shown more than enough to show you.
    All Pokemon with all past move sets usable perfect for PvE training and PvP learning.

  6. 6 months ago

    scarlet/violet are the best pokemon games in terms of gameplay in my opinion
    there are some flaws, and the performance and visuals could really use a lot of work (havent encountered any of the bugs since i am playing on pc) but these were still really fun games
    i hope they continue with the open world approach and add legends features like the pokemon attacking the player character and physical moves making contact
    the artstyle could also be much better than what we got

  7. 6 months ago

    >posts a really good Pokemon game
    >"will we ever get another really ghood pokemon game???"

  8. 6 months ago

    Considering the replies, no.
    Pokemon fans have zero standards.

  9. 6 months ago

    No, we won't. The empty and unfinished world with dev placeholder beacon pokeballs was the highest selling pokemon game ever. They don't need to finish anything, they don't need to fill anything. No more cool little side areas. No more cool calender or random events. No more interesting submechanics. No more fishing. No more contests. No more interesting NPCs. It is well and truly over for anybody but competitives.

  10. 6 months ago

    No, they're never going to make a pokémon game for your overgrown kiddy arse manchild. They ARE improving their games, but they are not going to chase full-on grawfixbabby-tier presentation, because they sell this shit at kids primarily and kids aren't pozzed to the meme of "grawfix=good gameez" like you hilariously childish homosexuals were reared to eblieve because the memeboxes saw graphics as an easy sell-point rather than making any actual good games.

  11. 6 months ago

    >Do you think we'll EVER get another really good Pokemon game?
    Most likely not. Easier to see what's trending, half-ass it in your entry, and then have people praise the game outside of the glitches and poor performance, pretending that those things are the only things wrong with the games.

  12. 6 months ago

    you didnt buy pla so no, we wont

  13. 6 months ago

    SV has a lot going for them but the ridiculous and frankly unacceptable technical performance of the games is really emblematic of the problems facing the series. the franchise is way bigger than just the games and the generational release pattern of the products mean if the cards, the anime, the merch, and all the marketing is ready to go, they WILL release the games even if they are not ready. SV clearly needed 6-12 months more development time but the amount of money that would be lost be delaying the release of the rest of the Pokemon ecosystem mandated they were released clearly unfinished.

    GF just refuses to scale up appropriately to keep up with their own self imposed release schedule, this kind of shit causes intense burnout of staff and results in subpar products. its really troubling they made these mistakes just a single generation after Nintendo already felt obligated to step in after SwSh were a development nightmare. the sales of SV clearly are going to send a positive message to the C suite that this strategy works so hopefully the famous Japanese need to preserve face will at least force GF to pour more resources into game dev after all the memes about how ugly the games are and how buggy they were at launch

  14. 6 months ago

    >haven't played pokemon in years since sun/moon
    >be given legends arceus
    >finally get around to playing it
    >like it
    >really really like it
    >god its so good i love it
    >kinda sucks there's no real battles or breeding but it's still great
    >100% it
    >check if there's DLC
    >okay i guess that's it then... lame
    >get that itch
    >that monster collecting itch
    >really want more pokemans
    >finally cave and buy a used copy of scarlet
    >get 3/4ths of the way through the base game and realize that... i hate this. i really hate this. it runs badly, it looks and sounds like ass and i hate every character
    >hate the fact that i'm stuck in that ugly-ass uniform, too
    >it's like windows 3.1 fricking hotdog stand up in here
    >haven't found a thread on Ganker or /vg/ about this feeling
    >realize i'm stupid and Ganker probably has a pokemon board
    >scan hopefully for something that says arceus will get some dlc in the future
    i'm going to cry
    i genuinely hate scarlet and violet. i can't do it. i can't beat the game. every time i turn it on i get angry at how clunky it feels in comparison.

    • 6 months ago

      Literally me. Disliked all of Gen 6-9, I'm just sitting here waiting for another Legends game or more romhacks. Hopefully we get a Johto Legends game, that would be awesome.

    • 6 months ago

      Dom't worry, we all know.

      We do.

      • 6 months ago

        I know you do anon
        I just am really late to scarlet and violet and going from pla to this just hurts and I needed to scream into the void
        It hurts so much.

      • 6 months ago

        Speak for yourself, homosexual.

  15. 6 months ago

    >Do you think we'll EVER get another really good Pokemon game?

  16. 6 months ago

    pic unrelated. scat and violet sucked.

    • 6 months ago

      It's a step in the right direction

  17. 6 months ago

    >Do you think we'll EVER get another really good Pokemon game?
    In a post-HOME post-Dex cut post-SM post-GO world? No.
    But we can hope for at least moderately passable like PLA or decently fun and involved like SV.
    > What's ONE feature you would want over anything else, if you had to pick?
    If I had to pick just one thing, probably Megas. But we also don't know if they'll put us back on the leash for Gen 10 like Gen 7 and 8 did. I'll sacrifice anything to have games that actually let me fricking play.

  18. 6 months ago

    >What's ONE feature you would want over anything else, if you had to pick?
    I'm cheating, but EVERY FEATURE. The games have constantly been 1 step forward and 2 steps back since Gen 3 and I say that as someone who loved Gen 3. We shouldnt be adding a big new feature just for it to be gone in the next game, we should instead be iterating upon that feature or adding others.

  19. 6 months ago

    Use PLA as a base and
    >cut all the annoying ass dialogue with the annoying ass characters
    >remove the railroads, make it an open world adventure exploration game (that doesn't run like shit)
    >polish the combat to something actually engaging

    • 6 months ago

      >>cut all the annoying ass dialogue with the annoying ass characters
      You had me at that, I want it. I spent so much time in SwSh and SV judt pressing the A button ajd saying "oh myy god shut up already"

      • 6 months ago

        PLA had just as much dialogue at the start

        • 6 months ago

          I didn't play it, I came back from Gen 3 with SwSh and then played SV. Both of these games had dialog so long and awful that Inwpuld have been embarassed if anybody saw me playing them.

          • 6 months ago

            nobody would give two flying fricks
            in fact most normies would go 'omg is that pokemoooonnn my favourite is psyduck he has a headache all the time like me lol :3"

  20. 6 months ago

    I think AI will eventually do the heavy lifting and GF will be able to focus their time and energy on coming up with new ideas and concepts. With the assistance of AI, I might add.

  21. 6 months ago

    PLA is a boring slog. Anyone who considers it good is fricking coping and probably plays nothing but pokemon.

    • 6 months ago

      S/V drop down into the single digits in terms of fps so yeah, I am coping because it's not like I have any other options.

  22. 6 months ago

    SV are arguably the best games in the entire franchise so I'm pretty sure the next ones or the ones after that will be really good.
    >best games
    I'm talking about gameplay, you know, the most important thing in a game.
    People think that Pokemon fans will buy anything but I'm pretty sure GF are well aware they can't release unoptimized technical messes several times in a row and expect them to sell well.

    >What's ONE feature you would want over anything else, if you had to pick?
    All I want are real detailed environments, forests, bushes, flowers, lakes, real houses you can enter, real paths leading you into a forest, a clearing, a small village, etc.
    I want real routes, not empty meadows like SV and not the 15 meters long linear paths with 4 patches of grass and 3 trainers like we had before either.

    SV feels like a MMO to me, visually speaking, the camera in too far from the character and everything is vast and open. I want a game that feels more like an adventure game.

    • 6 months ago
  23. 6 months ago

    >Play PLA
    >Have fun
    >Play SV
    >Have fun
    >Play X
    >Have fun
    Y'all are frickin' stupid.

    • 6 months ago

      >play pokemon
      >have fun
      >play any other game
      >dont have fun
      why does it keep happening

  24. 6 months ago

    not unless everyone at gamefreak gets canned and replaced. its sad that one of nintendos most iconic and profitable franchises is helmed by one of the laziest studios around

  25. 6 months ago

    no. the culture of "we don't have to try because it's going to sell anyway" is simply too ingrained in gamefreak for them to ever make a good game again.

  26. 6 months ago

    Until they add pokemon save be either backed by the cloud or save connected to the cartridge; we will never get another good pokemon game

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