Honest thoughts on King's Field, Shadow Tower and From Software?

Honest thoughts on King's Field, Shadow Tower and From Software?

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  1. 9 months ago

    king's field was an early ps1 game for me, but i never got very far in it. its a game ive been meaning to replay for a long time. i love the quiet, lonely vibe of it. never played shadow tower. the only other retro from software games ive played are tenchu (first 3 games) and a little bit of ps1 armored core.

  2. 9 months ago

    Never played it, looks cursed and remarkably boring.

  3. 9 months ago

    I played Shadow Tower a few months ago but didn't beat it, and Shadow Tower: Abyss I dropped earlier today after 7 hours in
    the former is pretty rough in terms of controls and the lack of music is a shame
    the latter is much easier to play, I used control option 4, switched O and X and used the fan translation of course. here's a write-up on the stats if anyone in the future is looking this up in the archive or whatever:


    Abyss has some great atmosphere and starts off very strong, but it fizzles out pretty quick once you realize that the durability system is junk, and the game showers you in items which are just stat sticks since none of them play differently, so the whole thing just gets in the way
    the environments look a bit dull at times, so it can sometimes become a struggle to remember where you are when a lot of the rooms look the same
    from what I've seen, King's Field is more of the same except it looks even more slow, dull and brown, so frick 'em
    as for their later games, I think DeS is spectacular and easily their best game to date. it feels like they took all of the good parts of ST and KF, threw out the crap and just built on top of it
    DaS is also good but everything after that seems to have largely lost the spirit that made them unique, which was methodical adventuring in a grounded and atmospheric world, mostly in favor of bombastic orchestras and large epic boss battles with multiple phases that require you to roll around for 10 seconds and dodge large attack strings just so you can squeeze a single hit in. not my cup of tea

    • 9 months ago

      >the former is pretty rough in terms of controls
      Last I played, there was an option to customize the controls so I mapped camera controls to face buttons and everything else to shoulder buttons

  4. 9 months ago

    >Honest thoughts on King's Field, Shadow Tower and From Software?
    Fantastic games made to filter zoomers whose first FromSoft game was DaS2. The series peaked with King's Field: The Ancient City and Shadow Tower: Abyss. After these FS went astray with the Souls series, focusing in boring mechanics rather than ambience, exploration, and uncovering layered mysteries. Also, Rurufon is my waifu.

    • 9 months ago

      Youre a fricking moron

  5. 9 months ago

    FromSoft used to be good in the 5th and 6th gens, but now they just copy and paste their souls formula and it's all garbage now.

    • 9 months ago

      >I repeat memes I hear online

    • 9 months ago

      >FromSoft used to be good in the 5th and 6th gens, but now they just copy and paste their souls formula and it's all garbage now.

      Oh it's even worse than that. They originally wanted to expand upon King's Field and make a modern adventure RPG with lots of investigation and exploration built upon Ico's engine. They made that for Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. Turns out though, that's NOT what people wanted.

      What people liked about the games was the hardcore boss fights, challenge, and dark fantasy horror designs. So we got more and more "refinements" which reduced the adventure and rpg elements, but upped the action. All boss fights are now in the same giant square arena because we don't want any obstacles to get in the way of fast rolling.

      THEN they made that game over and over again.

      I wish someone would make another game like this and EXPANDED on the elements I liked: the exploration, the investigation, the figuring out, the puzzles. But alas, everything is now just roll souls.

      • 9 months ago

        KF style peaked with echo night and DS style peaked with Sekiro, everything else is for smelly dnd weirdos

      • 9 months ago

        I miss Demon's Souls...
        Even DaS 1 wasn't as good as DeS in terms of atmosphere, level design, npc interactions and more

    • 9 months ago

      >copy & paste PS1-2 games
      >copy & paste PS3-5 games

  6. 9 months ago

    I played through Armored Core 1 recently after only playing the demo like 20 years ago. Got my dick flattened but I had a good time.
    There was an Anon that was telling me I don't need Human Plus, and he was absolutely right, I didn't even reset my run. I managed to pull myself out of a shitty situation and I turned my AC into a half decent fighting machine. Feels good.

    Soon I'll be playing the first King's Field.

    • 9 months ago

      I love armored core

      You're the anon that missed the Karasawa?

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah. After beating the game I went back for it, only to realize I couldn't equip it with the legs I've grown accustomed to, so I just kept using the Laser Rifle.

        • 9 months ago

          It's incredibly powerful, but you can find more efficient stuff pound for pound, and that kind of optimization is what leads to good ACs. But it's more noticeable in the later, harder, games.
          You're planning on playing the other 2 PSX games or something else in the series after KF?

          • 9 months ago

            Yep, gonna play the two expansions and then dive into King's Field. These games are pretty fricking awesome.
            I'm a little aggravated my AC is classed as "Above Average" even after equipping so many good parts. Hell I managed to slap on two shoulder mounted energy weapons on top of the laser rifle I'm using, so I've got a full arsenal, moonlight, the best quad legs, and that one core that's extra armored up.

            • 9 months ago

              Give 3rd and 4th gen a shot at some point

              • 9 months ago

                That's the plan. These games are growing on me, quite a lot.

                And don't bother with the in-game AC rankings for anything, they're dogshit and don't count anything except raw stats. You've gotta feel it.

                Noted, and I sure feel like my AC is a half decent fighting machine, pic related

              • 9 months ago

                It's probably giving you above average because it's not min-maxxed enough in either direction, The core and legs are heavy but the arms aren't, but it's a non issue beyond the rating, as long as it eats enough hits as you need it to and you aren't bogged down. Arms in 1st gen are barebones stat wise, moving on to the later ones you'll have to take some other things in consideration when choosing a pair. You'll likely find the cores added by PP and MoA interesting.
                Cute quaddie and color scheme, 10/10

            • 9 months ago

              And don't bother with the in-game AC rankings for anything, they're dogshit and don't count anything except raw stats. You've gotta feel it.

  7. 9 months ago

    Nobody would care about King's Field if not for their recent success. Auties will seethe at this post but it's the truth.

    • 9 months ago

      Listen up zoomer, your opinion is not reality. Kings Field 2(1) was a big deal when it hit the US PlayStation back in the day. KF 3 and 4 were also increasingly successful here and massive hits in Japan.

  8. 9 months ago

    All God-tier games. The atmosphere in retro FromSofware games is palpable. You can't go wrong with cryptic dungeon crawling, high difficulty and measured combat. There's hidden doors/rooms/secrets, especially in the KF games. Get your hands on KF IV. Its the most polished of the bunch.

  9. 9 months ago

    >Honest thoughts on King's Field
    It's right there in the name: King.

  10. 9 months ago

    Didn't you prefer leaving anyways?

  11. 9 months ago

    No one here will give you “honest” thoughts on KF. It’s shitty. It’s frickall ass and boring. The only reason people are sucking it off now is because they’re hipster homosexuals that are obsessed with dark souls and shit.

  12. 9 months ago

    Too short if I'm being honest.

  13. 9 months ago

    It's too bad that From was making games pre-ps3 because now we have to deal with from homosexuals on vr as well

  14. 9 months ago

    I picked up a copy of Kingsfield II when I was a kid, from a bargain bin. I loved RPGs and strategy games, fantasy settings of all kind, so I thought it looked cool.
    I found the game to be very foreboding and confusing, it was simply too much for my simple 9 year old mind. It kicked my ass and the controls felt too clunky. I liked the graphics and level of detail that seemed to be present in the world; it was really satisfying finding the bones of some old soldier and stealing his armor/weapons, finding neat looking magic items, the purpose of which I didn't understand. I wanted badly to explore this dark, foreboding world but kept getting killed by the fricking stupid carnivorous plants near the beginning. I was paying too much attention to the action part and not the RPG part and kept trying to stab tough monsters to death with 0 relevant stats to the gear I was using.

    If it were the 90s and I discovered it as a teen or older I probably would have loved it. Thinking back I can totally see the Dark Souls DNA all about this game

  15. 9 months ago

    good to watch bad to play

  16. 9 months ago

    Love the early armored Core games, project phantasma is my favorite.
    Shocked the same company and produce this boring shit

  17. 9 months ago

    Any good Sword of Moonlight games?
    I'm always surprised that they released such a tool. Very cool of them.
    Also cool that third parties have continued to support it.

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