Honkai: Star Rail

2023...I am forgotten...

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  1. 1 year ago

    it's a generic turn based autobattler with no gameplay why are you waiting so warmly

    • 1 year ago

      Mostly hoyodrones. Who else would give a shit about another turn-based autobattler but this time with mihoyo's stingy gacha and genshin's artifact system.

    • 1 year ago

      I actually want a decent turn based game. Their action combat is shit anyway.

      • 1 year ago

        >decent turn based game
        you wont find it here with this overused formula

        • 1 year ago

          I've been playing Genshin for a bit now, and there's one gigantic flaw, something that'd me never play past actually clearing the general content: It takes way too much time. No auto, no skip, nothing. So every day you have to do a lot of checklist things, and every week is even checklist gaming on top of it. Stuff that takes 5 minutes in other gacha, takes way longer in Genshin, completely aside of that it's boring to do the same shit all the time.

          Checklist gaming is the absolute worst, where they want you to do a little of everything, yet it doesn't even make sense to do that every single week (or day). Like cooking. You fricking cook when you need food, and not every week. This is an issue that a lot of modern gacha took care of, by really only asking you to do things you should really do while keeping some other things optional with whatever rewards, so you get reminded it exists. Meanwhile old shitty games like pricon really ask you every fricking day to level up some char and increase the rank of an equip. Like why in the fricking world? Genshin's battle pass is checklist gaming at its worst.

          I hope this game will be better in that regard. Turn based means, at least auto should be available. Maybe it's actually going to be a modern gacha that respects your time a bit more as a result. Of course it could also be shit, but then I'll simply stop playing.

          • 1 year ago

            >Maybe it's actually going to be a modern gacha that respects your time a bit more as a result
            You know it won't because mihoyo already found the lifehack solution to keep "player retention" high

      • 1 year ago

        >decent turn based
        Buy an RPG then. Whether or not it is a CRPG or JRPG, it doesn't matter, just don't expect gameplay depth from a gacha when a gacha's goal is to either be a cultural brand or make money.

        I've been playing Genshin for a bit now, and there's one gigantic flaw, something that'd me never play past actually clearing the general content: It takes way too much time. No auto, no skip, nothing. So every day you have to do a lot of checklist things, and every week is even checklist gaming on top of it. Stuff that takes 5 minutes in other gacha, takes way longer in Genshin, completely aside of that it's boring to do the same shit all the time.

        Checklist gaming is the absolute worst, where they want you to do a little of everything, yet it doesn't even make sense to do that every single week (or day). Like cooking. You fricking cook when you need food, and not every week. This is an issue that a lot of modern gacha took care of, by really only asking you to do things you should really do while keeping some other things optional with whatever rewards, so you get reminded it exists. Meanwhile old shitty games like pricon really ask you every fricking day to level up some char and increase the rank of an equip. Like why in the fricking world? Genshin's battle pass is checklist gaming at its worst.

        I hope this game will be better in that regard. Turn based means, at least auto should be available. Maybe it's actually going to be a modern gacha that respects your time a bit more as a result. Of course it could also be shit, but then I'll simply stop playing.

        >modern gacha that respects your time a bit more as a result.
        The problem with this is that "respects your time" has so many meanings person by person that it doesn't matter.

        • 1 year ago

          >The problem with this is that "respects your time" has so many meanings person by person that it doesn't matter.
          Not them but I think it's a general consensus that Genshin doesn't respects the player's time. Everyone and their mother hates the slog that dailies are.

          • 1 year ago

            dailies are the least of your problem, its the event and dialogue structure, chinese new year had literally NOTHING for plot yet it wasted at least 2 hours on cutscenes

            • 1 year ago

              Not having a skip cutscene/dialogue function is another problem yes.

          • 1 year ago

            Assuming you hit the end game and has a good enough team
            Dailies is 10 minutes tops.
            Burning resin is another 10 minutes.
            But I agree that Genshin need fast forward, at least for dailies.

            • 1 year ago

              The problem isn't how much time it takes, it's that it's the same repetitive and boring quests. If Hoyo sold skip tickets for real money there would be backlash for sure, but a lot of people would buy them.

              • 1 year ago

                >it's that it's the same repetitive and boring quests.
                Welcome to gacha games, dailies is the same boring old shit everywhere.

              • 1 year ago

                True, but most games make them fast or allow you to skip them, not Genshin.

              • 1 year ago

                Bingo. Other games have one or the other, Pricon/BA lets you skip farm your dilies, AK or E7 lets you autofarm, the latter even has autorepeat. Mihoyo's shovelwares have neither. In fact I'm going to assume right away, that despite being a 3D copy of E7, Star Rail doesn't have autorepeat either, not for events, not for dailies. I'd like to be proven wrong but at this point, I don't expect anything from them

              • 1 year ago

                Autorepeat aside, if they don't at the very least let you auto fights despite being a turn-based game then there's no hope for any QOL in the game. I want to believe they're not so moronic as to not have that.

                I can skip them just fine

                By skipping I don't mean not doing them, I mean a button that autocompletes them by spending skip tickets or something like that.

              • 1 year ago

                >Other games have one or the other, Pricon/BA lets you skip farm your dilies
                Priconne and BA also has other things to do like raids and PvP that ended up stacking for longer time
                >AK or E7 lets you autofarm, the latter even has autorepeat.
                If you have played AK long enough, you'd know its dailies is even longer than Genshin, especially if you're doing stages with lower sanity cost like 1-7.
                >Mihoyo's shovelwares have neither. In fact I'm going to assume right away, that despite being a 3D copy of E7, Star Rail doesn't have autorepeat either, not for events, not for dailies.
                You can take up to 6 waves for exp, money and skill mats farming.
                Other domain doesn't, but considering Genshin, I expect battles to be super short with Auto and 2x speed anyway.

              • 1 year ago

                I can skip them just fine

              • 1 year ago

                There's only 5 minutes difference.
                Dailies in Genshin took 10 while in other gacha it took 5.
                You're already wasting time playing gacha and being here, don't pretend you care about time.

              • 1 year ago

                Those 5 minutes add up and as another anon pointed out, other games let you auto those things, which renders the time to 0 since you can do something else while you wait.
                >You're already wasting time playing gacha and being here, don't pretend you care about time.
                What I consider a waste and what I don't is up to me, other gachas known dailies are boring chores and let you auto or skip them, alongside making them not take too long, Genshin doesn't, your attention and time has to be on it, the boring slog and the amount of time used on it is shoved into your face as opposed to being something on the side you pay minimal attention to.

              • 1 year ago

                >other games let you auto those things, which renders the time to 0 since you can do something else while you wait.
                It doesn't, auto without repeat like AK, they still require you to pay attention to it to press the buttons to repeat the stage again.
                Games like Priconne and BA has other things to do like raids, guilds, shops to complete every checklist in the daily list, the time you spend isn't going to be 0.

                >What I consider a waste and what I don't is up to me
                Then just stop playing if you consider those 5 minutes so precious, because you can instead waste time here shitposting and b***hing about stuff.

                >other gachas known dailies are boring chores and let you auto or skip them, alongside making them not take too long, Genshin doesn't, your attention and time has to be on it, the boring slog and the amount of time used on it is shoved into your face as opposed to being something on the side you pay minimal attention to.
                It's actually incredible that some people "play" games to complain that some games doesn't let them not play them.
                Just stop playing Genshin if it's making you suffer so much, because no matter how much you b***h or shit on it, nothing will change.

              • 1 year ago

                >require you to pay attention to it to press the buttons to repeat the stage again.
                Having to come back after 5 or so minutes to click one button and leave it be for another 5 or so minutes isn't the same as having to pay attention to it all the time.
                >raids, guilds, etc.
                Stuff like raids can have auto too. Regardless, the conversation is about dailies so there's no point in bringing up other stuff you do in a game.
                >It's actually incredible that some people "play" games to complain that some games doesn't let them not play them.
                There are other things you can do in the game, wanting an option to auto a repetitive part you're expected to do daily doesn't mean you don't want to play the rest of the game or even do said repetitive thing yourself from time to time.
                >Then just stop playing
                >Just stop playing Genshin
                You're assuming I play it and also basically saying "you can't complain about anything, nothing will change so just quietly accept the way things are". Chill, I'm not trying to change Genshin, I just mentioned how things are in the game when talking about wanting it to be different in another game, it's not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be.

              • 1 year ago

                >Having to come back after 5 or so minutes to click one button and leave it be for another 5 or so minutes isn't the same as having to pay attention to it all the time.
                Yeah, because you will end up forgetting about it for an hour or two, or it breaks the flow of whatever you're doing since you have to press it every 5 minutes.
                You still end up having to pay attention to it.

                >Stuff like raids can have auto too. Regardless, the conversation is about dailies so there's no point in bringing up other stuff you do in a game.
                Raids are part of dailies too, they're a regular thing in BA and GBF.
                Auto in raids, seriously? You have never played raids in any gacha, have you?

                >There are other things you can do in the game, wanting an option to auto a repetitive part you're expected to do daily doesn't mean you don't want to play the rest of the game or even do said repetitive thing yourself from time to time.
                homie please, we know you're just shitposting, not actually wanting it, after all, you don't even play the game.
                Not to mention anyone who have played enough gacha know it will never happen, be realistic, newbro.

                >You're assuming I play it
                So you're just shitposting about shit you don't actually play or really know, alright.

                >and also basically saying "you can't complain about anything, nothing will change so just quietly accept the way things are".
                Absolute moronation.
                I'm saying it's meaningless to criticize it in a basket weaving shitposting forum here.
                You want things to change? Be the change you want to see. Email MHY, spam them with critics.
                Or I guess you can keep shitposting and doomposting here as if it will have any effect whatsoever.

                >it's not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be.
                You're the one who's making it a big deal, muh 5 minutes a day, you don't even play the game.

              • 1 year ago

                >Auto in raids, seriously? You have never played raids in any gacha, have you?
                I'm doing it right now actually.
                >You want things to change?
                No, I literally said I'm not trying to change Genshin.
                >You're the one who's making it a big deal
                I made a short post about a common complaint people have with Genshin and you acted like I killed your mother, but sure, I'm the one making a big deal out of it.

              • 1 year ago

                No, you b***hed about Genshin's dailies being 5 minutes longer than other gacha endlessly, and you don't even play the game.

              • 1 year ago

                I wasn't even the first one to mention time nor even the first one to mention 5 minutes specifically in the reply chain, I mentioned that only twice (

                Those 5 minutes add up and as another anon pointed out, other games let you auto those things, which renders the time to 0 since you can do something else while you wait.
                >You're already wasting time playing gacha and being here, don't pretend you care about time.
                What I consider a waste and what I don't is up to me, other gachas known dailies are boring chores and let you auto or skip them, alongside making them not take too long, Genshin doesn't, your attention and time has to be on it, the boring slog and the amount of time used on it is shoved into your face as opposed to being something on the side you pay minimal attention to.


                >require you to pay attention to it to press the buttons to repeat the stage again.
                Having to come back after 5 or so minutes to click one button and leave it be for another 5 or so minutes isn't the same as having to pay attention to it all the time.
                >raids, guilds, etc.
                Stuff like raids can have auto too. Regardless, the conversation is about dailies so there's no point in bringing up other stuff you do in a game.
                >It's actually incredible that some people "play" games to complain that some games doesn't let them not play them.
                There are other things you can do in the game, wanting an option to auto a repetitive part you're expected to do daily doesn't mean you don't want to play the rest of the game or even do said repetitive thing yourself from time to time.
                >Then just stop playing
                >Just stop playing Genshin
                You're assuming I play it and also basically saying "you can't complain about anything, nothing will change so just quietly accept the way things are". Chill, I'm not trying to change Genshin, I just mentioned how things are in the game when talking about wanting it to be different in another game, it's not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be.

                ), first in response to the one who mentioned it first and then again to who I assume is you because you acted as if me mentioning 5 minutes once meant that it's a big deal to me, completely missing the point which was never the exact time, it was simply the difference between having to keep your attention on something non-stop and being able to put your phone down/alt-tab while auto takes care of the daily and me preferring the latter.
                It's funny you say I b***hed about something non-stop but you don't drop this discussion despite me already making it clear repeatedly what I was talking about, I even kept it short in my previous post because there's no point to this. Listen, I'm not attacking Genshin, I'm not shitting no it, it was just a normal discussion, there's nothing for you to defend.

              • 1 year ago

                >it was simply the difference between having to keep your attention on something non-stop and being able to put your phone down/alt-tab while auto takes care of the daily and me preferring the latter.
                Yet you have no argument to this reply

                >Having to come back after 5 or so minutes to click one button and leave it be for another 5 or so minutes isn't the same as having to pay attention to it all the time.
                Yeah, because you will end up forgetting about it for an hour or two, or it breaks the flow of whatever you're doing since you have to press it every 5 minutes.
                You still end up having to pay attention to it.

                >Stuff like raids can have auto too. Regardless, the conversation is about dailies so there's no point in bringing up other stuff you do in a game.
                Raids are part of dailies too, they're a regular thing in BA and GBF.
                Auto in raids, seriously? You have never played raids in any gacha, have you?

                >There are other things you can do in the game, wanting an option to auto a repetitive part you're expected to do daily doesn't mean you don't want to play the rest of the game or even do said repetitive thing yourself from time to time.
                homie please, we know you're just shitposting, not actually wanting it, after all, you don't even play the game.
                Not to mention anyone who have played enough gacha know it will never happen, be realistic, newbro.

                >You're assuming I play it
                So you're just shitposting about shit you don't actually play or really know, alright.

                >and also basically saying "you can't complain about anything, nothing will change so just quietly accept the way things are".
                Absolute moronation.
                I'm saying it's meaningless to criticize it in a basket weaving shitposting forum here.
                You want things to change? Be the change you want to see. Email MHY, spam them with critics.
                Or I guess you can keep shitposting and doomposting here as if it will have any effect whatsoever.

                >it's not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be.
                You're the one who's making it a big deal, muh 5 minutes a day, you don't even play the game.

                >Yeah, because you will end up forgetting about it for an hour or two, or it breaks the flow of whatever you're doing since you have to press it every 5 minutes.
                You still end up having to pay attention to it.

              • 1 year ago

                There's nothing to argue, I already talked multiple times including in the quote you replied with that about the difference between always paying attention and being able to do something else for a while.
                >but you'll forget about it or it'll break the flow of the other thing you're doing
                What happens during the time I'm doing something else, how long that goes on for and what happens when I come back to the game is irrelevant to what's being discussed (see above).
                >but you'll still have to pay attention at SOME POINT
                Yeah, but it won't be always so it's not the same thing, which was my point.
                There, I explained it to you again since it was so important to you that I replied to that specific part of your post, satisfied?

              • 1 year ago

                >always paying attention and being able to do something else for a while.
                So this is your point?
                That you don't want to always paying attention and want to be able to do something else in the meantime?
                Sure, then make this simple.
                What you stated isn't true at all, pressing buttons through menu and starting stages take time.
                Then pressing buttons again to do redo the stages also take time.
                In Genshin, you only need to do 4 simple, short 2 minute chores, no need to spend resin/stamina, you get your gacha currency immediately.

                Non-Genshin dailies is a bigger checklist than Genshin;
                >do certain stage X times
                >kill certain enemies X times
                >create/obtain X items
                >deal with base/guild/home
                >other kind of chore
                The time spent doing all these adds up.
                Even with auto this doesn't render the time to 0 as you claimed, after all you still need to pay attention to the game to press the right buttons to clear dailies.
                Otherwise Genshin also take 0 time to clear because I also do other things while clearing dailies.

              • 1 year ago

                What kind of bad and outdated games do you play?

                The main dumb thing about Genshin is how it doesn't even have something so simple as free stacking / skipping specific content that you've cleared way too many times anyways. What's the reason to run a domain many times instead of just once and get 8 times the rewards? Or kill the same boss 4 times in a row, instead of just once?
                To waste your time. Simple as that. I know no other normal gacha that does this shit on a regular basis. You may need to do content once, but not over and over and over in a single day.
                Take Blue Archive raids. You can do it up to 3 times per day during raid season, but you only need to do it once. That is okay. Any game wants you to actually play it a little, or else it just comes down to menuing and nothing else. If Genshin had free stacking, it'd be a LOT better. Alas.

                And I say free for a reason. Genshin also has this absurd idea that quality of life has to be put behind gacha or grind. In this case you can actually sorta stack rewards. But you have to create an item for that which you have to farm ingredients for. And of course you can only get double rewards, not any more. In the end you get your time wasted in a different way. Hilarious and sad at the same time.

                I genuinely believe Genshin could be good, if they'd care more. But they don't. A lot of enemy design also speaks worlds there, where it feels they are solely designed to waste your time in any way they can. The game design is just generally piss poor considering how much you grind in this. That WILL and DOES piss people off.
                Enemies aggroing from a mile away. Enemies teleporting around like crazy. Digging into the ground all the time. Just generally doing all kinds of shit to waste your fricking time. Normal enemies at that. Why?

                And THAT is something that is unlikely to be replicated in a turn based game. Unless they make it a very high random encounter rate with piss poor escape rate.

              • 1 year ago

                The combat is why I couldn't continue on with Genshin. It's awful and gimmicky, it became literally a dread for me to play after the gimmick of the action combat and elemental reactions wore off. The abyss especially was a nightmare I couldn't even be bothered trying, and felt like torture to even do the easy stages. It didn't ask much of you, but it still felt awful because of the combat the little it did ask.

              • 1 year ago

                Reactions stop being interesting when it turns out its the only way to actually do damage in the game and all except bloom work vritually the same anyway. Instead of being a action game, genshin turns into a singleplayer mmo where you just mash skills whenever they are off cooldown

              • 1 year ago

                >What kind of bad and outdated games do you play?
                The kind that's selling way more than most other gacha and has way more gameplay than the ones with auto.

                >To waste your time. Simple as that. I know no other normal gacha that does this shit on a regular basis. You may need to do content once, but not over and over and over in a single day.
                You're fricking deluded if other games has no system to waste your time too.
                All the miscellaneous tasks in BA still eat time, they still the same boring shit you do daily.
                It's the same shit in other gacha; GBF, GFL, AK, AG, Priconne.
                It's no different with doing dailies manually in Genshin, all of them are equally time wasting and boring.

                >I genuinely believe Genshin could be good, if they'd care more. But they don't. A lot of enemy design also speaks worlds there, where it feels they are solely designed to waste your time in any way they can. The game design is just generally piss poor considering how much you grind in this. That WILL and DOES piss people off.
                >Enemies aggroing from a mile away. Enemies teleporting around like crazy. Digging into the ground all the time. Just generally doing all kinds of shit to waste your fricking time. Normal enemies at that. Why?
                Holy shit peak newbie complains, get decent artifacts and you'd clear anything not named Abyss floor 12 and certain bosses instantly.
                No wonder you hate Genshin so much, you're very shit at the game and uses muh time as an excuse.

                The combat is why I couldn't continue on with Genshin. It's awful and gimmicky, it became literally a dread for me to play after the gimmick of the action combat and elemental reactions wore off. The abyss especially was a nightmare I couldn't even be bothered trying, and felt like torture to even do the easy stages. It didn't ask much of you, but it still felt awful because of the combat the little it did ask.

                Reactions stop being interesting when it turns out its the only way to actually do damage in the game and all except bloom work vritually the same anyway. Instead of being a action game, genshin turns into a singleplayer mmo where you just mash skills whenever they are off cooldown

                Wow you people really expect so much from a fricking gacha game huh? Let me guess, this is your first gacha and you treat it like a normal game instead of gacha game, the pitfall every normalgays and newbies falls into.
                And you had to pretend you don't play the game so you can avoid the stop playing the game point.

                Yeah, whatever, your opinions is meaningless.
                Gacha games aren't for you, you should go back playing Candy Crush or PUBG or CoD.

              • 1 year ago

                Bruh I had a much more enjoyable time with turn based gacha than I ever did with Genshin's combat. It's not that I am expecting too much, it's that the game just has annoying tedious combat, to the point where it's better off being turn based. Not to mention action combat in mobile is not impossible to do good, look at Punishing Raven. But that doesn't even matter, my problem isn't that the combat isn't complex enough, just that it's just tedious and the opposite of enjoyable. I would literally have no problem if it was turn based, which is the complete fricking opposite of expecting too much. It's not about the combat not being fun or good enough, it's about not actively having a bad time during it.

              • 1 year ago

                I understand now.
                Genshin is just not for you and you like turn based games, it's just that simple.
                You expect Genshin to be fast paced like PGR, but it's not, it's much slower and casual.
                Honkai 3rd is much closer to PGR than Genshin ever will be.
                >my problem isn't that the combat isn't complex enough
                That's literally expecting too much from a fricking gacha.
                PGR and Honkai 3rd aren't complex either, they're just fast paced.
                What's "complex" for you exactly? Micromanaging in 4X games?

                ah shit we made the baby cry

                Hey, I'm not the one who stopped playing Genshin because Abyss is too hard (LOL).

              • 1 year ago

                >slower and casual
                I guess for me that's not enjoyable when it's combined with action combat. It's probably that simple.

              • 1 year ago

                ah shit we made the baby cry

              • 1 year ago

                Seriously, after reading the rest of the thread it seems he thought he was replying to only one person. He also keeps bringing up the 5 minutes crap who I wasn't even the one who said it in the first place and keeps acting as if I said I don't want to play the game, that I don't want to spend time on it or want to spend as little time as possible, when anyone with a brain would've understood from the start that I and others were just saying that while it may not be a deal breaker to have to manually do repetitive stuff like dailies, it's very much appreciated when devs give us the option to auto them because it shows they respect the player's time instead of wanting them to do stuff for the sake of playing their game even if the stuff isn't enjoyable.

              • 1 year ago

                Having auto doesn't mean a gacha is respecting your time moronbro.
                Auto doesn't take away the time you need to spend doing other misc shit, but I guess you still won't reply to me because you have no solid argument like the loser you are.
                Pretending you're someone else doesn't also mean everyone think you're not OP.

              • 1 year ago

                >Take Blue Archive raids. You can do it up to 3 times per day during raid season, but you only need to do it once.
                You need to do it once per difficulty, but it's not the only time consuming thing in Blue Archive.
                Cafe, lessons, club, shop, PvP, raid, Joint Firing Drill, bounty, maybe commissions, scrimmage and normal+hard missions too. They add up, you're not getting away with just 5 minutes doing all that shit.
                This shit applies to every other gacha, they're all time waster that want you to play a little bit everyday consistently.

                >Any game wants you to actually play it a little, or else it just comes down to menuing and nothing else.
                So you hate playing games and just like the boring lifeless routine of navigating the menus and watching the game load?
                Are you a new kind of masochist? Is this some really niche fetish?
                Maybe you don't care about everything but the gacha and you're just addicted to gambling and cheap excitement.

                You really, REALLY need to see a therapist.

              • 1 year ago

                >So this is your point?
                Are you serious? I've said the same thing multiple times and you act like only now you realize that's my point? For the rest, the amount of time is irrelevant I already said it in the post you replied to, it's having the option to auto daillies which Genshin doesn't have, this is a fact. It is also a fact that people complain about the daillies, they don't like it, this is what I initially said here

                >The problem with this is that "respects your time" has so many meanings person by person that it doesn't matter.
                Not them but I think it's a general consensus that Genshin doesn't respects the player's time. Everyone and their mother hates the slog that dailies are.

                , it was a simple comment about something that is true. It's okay if you're fine with it, I already said I'm not asking it to change, this is a Star Rail thread and this was brought up because me and others hope this will be different, that's all.
                >Even with auto this doesn't render the time to 0 as you claimed
                The time while auto is running IS rendered to 0 because I'm not playing the game during that time, the game is playing itself so I'm spending 0 time on it, it's that simple.
                I'm sick of repeating myself and this post already made it clear you're either trolling or not even bothering to read what I say, so I won't bother with this discussion anymore.

              • 1 year ago

                you made a mistake of engaging with a mihoyo white knight, just ignore the morons rant

              • 1 year ago

                You're right, at this point I can't see it as anything other than bait with how repetitive this is being.

          • 1 year ago

            >muh genshin need 10 minutes full of attention to clear dailies
            Other gacha's auto is fricking trash to Genshin's super short, super simple 10 minutes (at most) a day daily primo proccess.
            >open game, pick stage, start battle
            >3-5 minutes later, press buttons a couple times to exit drop screen, loads a bit
            >click start stage and confirmation
            You still end up wasting a solid 20-30 seconds each time and it adds up with other misc daily tasks to be long as Genshin's daily, but worse because it's stretched on.
            With Genshin I only had to deal with it 10 minutes daily and forget about it until the next day.
            >b-but muh repeat stage X times feature
            Yeah, good luck playing a decent gacha with it, at best they'd have auto for the mediocre to shit gameplay or they're irrelevant gacha no one play (like AG).
            Otherwise it's outright sweep like Priconne and it's clones, but these games' gameplay is simple and boring, and they're pretty much just a mobile VN with gacha and gameplay baggage.
            Games with sweep like Priconne and BA still has time waster like guild house/cafe, raids that has to be played manually for the best performance and other baggages.
            Auto games end up needing 10 minutes of full attention, just like Genshin, and they all doesn't respect your time.

            • 1 year ago

              >super simple 10 minutes (at most) a day daily primo proccess.
              >liyue kids
              >escord a baloon

              • 1 year ago

                Why are you still doing commissions in Liyue? Are you a newbie or something?
                One ask you to clean a ship, use Sayu.
                Another ask for an item you should have in the hundreds.
                Last one talk a bit before walking and asking for an item you should have in the hundreds.
                Either way, it's still 2-3 minutes tops.

                a baloon
                Again, why are you still doing commissions in Mondo, Liyue or Inazuma like a newbie?
                Anyway just whip out your Ganyu, otherwise use Sayu to move fast to each blockade.
                You don't need to kill all enemies, only destroy all blockades because enemies pose 0 threat against the balloon if it's not blocked, then you do something else like when you play gachas with auto.
                2-3 minutes tops.

      • 1 year ago

        For a gacha it's alright, but if you want actual depth go play non-gacha turn based games.

  2. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      That's the one good thing it has, there's a shit ton of waifu-only games out there if I wanted that.

      • 1 year ago

        >That's the one good thing it has
        >Mihoyo selling out honkai
        >a good thing
        Frick off

        • 1 year ago

          Mihoyo is a fujo/yume studio now, sorry bro

          • 1 year ago

            Enjoy the genshit audience then you deserve it.

            • 1 year ago

              I dropped genshin ages ago after realizing that they're only pandering to women now, never playing another hoyoshit game again

        • 1 year ago

          Good, HI2 needs to be put down already

          • 1 year ago

            Enjoy the genshit audience then you deserve it.

  3. 1 year ago

    no news on zzz either

    • 1 year ago

      57K likes on youtube, not forgotten: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZIQMP8w3M4

      >steam servers cannot connect to Oyohim's login server, thus there's a divide in the NA/EU community
      the frick are you talking about? EU/NA was split from the get-go for whatever reason on oyohim's side. And using the steam client you're not put into some steam exclusive server or anything, you get your choice of region just like the native client and you end up on the same exact servers.
      The only difference with the steam client is it's bound to a steam account only and can't be linked to a native oyohim account.

      Steam client version also is unable to enter into contest. This is because Valve's rule on it after the whole CSGO gambling thing. So many people on honkai impact lost out on a free artbook since you are require to put in your address.

      Never play the steam version of any game, Valve's rule, their servers and doing nothing for 30% is not worth it.

      • 1 year ago

        >willingly let a chinese company farm your real address
        >for something that you can just download on the internet
        not gonna be me

        • 1 year ago

          >implying they don't have it already
          Submit to the Pooh bear anon

  4. 1 year ago

    Star Rail is cheap cash-in on the korean autobattler formula, using the honkai name and characters to make the chinks interested since they have some cult following for some fricking reason
    ZZZ is just honkai on a decent engine, which would be a good idea if not for them doubling down on QTE bullshit where you just mash the big glowing buttons for big damage
    Mihoyo can not make a single good game

  5. 1 year ago

    Same room?

  6. 1 year ago

    It's my fault. I told them in the beta that the dungeons were hallways. I'm sorry

  7. 1 year ago

    >all these rent free homosexuals who cannot get based mihoyo out of their dick sucking mouths
    Based and star rail will murder all the low effort jap turn based trash while showing how real mens turn based GAMEPLAY should be

    • 1 year ago

      But this is low effort turn based trash.

  8. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      But this is low effort turn based trash.

      U mad cuz mihoyo rollin with the production value, superior gameplay and fgo destroying storywriting

      • 1 year ago

        easy on the bait, sis

        • 1 year ago

          Easy on sucking for Japisraelite israeli trickery homosexual
          everyone knows it is turn based japtrash lovers who are at their beck and call to who shitpost this game out of fear
          oh based mihoyo give us the final solution to the inferior japs

  9. 1 year ago

    easy on the bait, sis

  10. 1 year ago

    >not israeli as frick

    • 1 year ago

      japisraelite worshipper plz
      just cuz you have shit tastes does not mean it is reciprocated
      mihoGOD is the passage into the next golden age of gaming and you deny the teachings of prosperity because you are a devil spreading regressive dogma spread about by the jap israelites and jap pedos and jap rapist ntr worshipping cucks
      Genshin will be the opening to a new golden age and it will be GLORIOUS

      • 1 year ago

        Try adding more buzzwords next time moronic hoyodrone, genshit is boring trash btw.

        • 1 year ago

          it has gameplay unlike your shitty trash jap israelitetrash homosexual 🙂

  11. 1 year ago

    >New beta starting
    We're gonna make it!

    • 1 year ago

      Not just BETA. They said it's a FINAL beta. So Hoyo definitely planning to have this game out in 2-3 months. Maybe 4.

    • 1 year ago

      turn based is solve and mihoyo wins again
      jap trash shoveling cucks coping forever
      tick tock gay gay order u are done 🙂

  12. 1 year ago

    Sorry but i dont want homosexuals in my game and detest israelitehoyo for selling out on their omnipandering

    • 1 year ago

      How to tell me you're CCP Shill Chink without telling me you're one.

      • 1 year ago

        a CCP shill would be telling you that Star Rail is the greatest rpg ever made, kinda like

        japisraelite worshipper plz
        just cuz you have shit tastes does not mean it is reciprocated
        mihoGOD is the passage into the next golden age of gaming and you deny the teachings of prosperity because you are a devil spreading regressive dogma spread about by the jap israelites and jap pedos and jap rapist ntr worshipping cucks
        Genshin will be the opening to a new golden age and it will be GLORIOUS

    • 1 year ago

      I feel the same but artifacts being in the game also is deterring from playing this shit.

    • 1 year ago

      Agreed, there are not enough boys. The cast should be at least 60% cute boys.

      • 1 year ago

        Your post doesn't make any sense

    • 1 year ago

      Good thing homosexuals won't be in your game, you can stay in Honkai 3 forever enjoying watching the lesbian characters, oh wait, you don't like homosexualry, guess it was never your game then.

      • 1 year ago

        What kind of actual homosexual doesn't like anime lesbians? It's not like they're rainbow twitter dikes.

        • 1 year ago

          The point is it's still homosexualry and you could argue it's worse than homosexual homosexualry because it involves something you like (women) yet they'll never want anything to do with you, including letting you watch them have sex.

          • 1 year ago

            cope. honkai was originally made by het otakus for other het otakus with the blatant yuribait as obvious fetish. ywnbaw

            • 1 year ago

              Good, I like being a man. You'll never be desired by said yuribait though.

              • 1 year ago

                Lmao the girls in self insert harems don't want you either, just admit you like dicks and move on.

              • 1 year ago

                I do like dicks, but you didn't see me crying about women ruining the game for me and as I said previously, your yuribait game Honkai 3 isn't going anywhere, you'll survive.

              • 1 year ago

                People b***h about mobages having too many women all the time even in genshin's fanbase.

              • 1 year ago

                Bitching about omnipandering games having bad ratios is one thing, acting as if the game is ruined and deciding to not play because of that is another. Regardless, I did neither, you did the latter.

              • 1 year ago

                no one gives a shit what normalgays think, better to filter them that way.

                kek same
                straight male gamers are so weird about this; they immediately start chimping out at the sight of a playable male character in a video game (anime), but boycott if there is a playable female character in a video game (non-anime, example forspoken)
                imagine caring about what the character's gender is instead of thinking whether you will enjoy the gameplay or not

                >east good, west bad!
                unironically. it's not that hard to understand
                >imagine caring about what the character's gender is instead of thinking whether you will enjoy the gameplay or not
                imagine caring for any of that lmao
                play it as a waifu/husbando collector, that's all that matters for gachashit.

                >imagine caring about what the character's gender is instead of thinking whether you will enjoy the gameplay or not
                Not really there believe or not there are games like Touken Ranbu/Azur Lane that are targeted to people who want to play a game with only males or females given how saturated mobages are in general, if someone doesn't want to play a omnipandering turn based game they have a literal ocean of games to play that appeals to them.

                the thing is I'm interested in mihoyo girls because it's in a high budget game and nothing has filled that niche yet.

              • 1 year ago

                >no one gives a shit what normalgays think, better to filter them that way.
                You seem to be forgetting normies are mihoyos new target demographic

              • 1 year ago

                >high budget games
                jarpig cucks are going to get rekt oh i cant wait

                >filtered by jrpg combat

                it will be superior to any final gaytasy or any trash shit enix can cook up troony gay go have a nice day you worthless sack of moron brains

              • 1 year ago

                Jesus dude you're drinking too much of the kool-aid

              • 1 year ago

                kek same
                straight male gamers are so weird about this; they immediately start chimping out at the sight of a playable male character in a video game (anime), but boycott if there is a playable female character in a video game (non-anime, example forspoken)
                imagine caring about what the character's gender is instead of thinking whether you will enjoy the gameplay or not

              • 1 year ago

                >enjoy the gameplay
                It's a turn-based gacha

              • 1 year ago

                >t. straight male gamer

              • 1 year ago

                Thats not a downside on its own, problem is that this is just another 2 skill autofest

              • 1 year ago

                Yes that's what being a turn-based gacha implies.

              • 1 year ago

                Does it? I mean sure, this style spread out by 5000 asiatic low effort games is the most recognizable, but theres games that arent like that. GBF, Another Eden, Record Keeper, Brave Exvius and probably many more, have more than just 2 skills per character. Now obviously, each of these has elements OTHER THAN COMBAT that makes them varying degrees of unbearable but thats beside the point here. I just dont think we should look at the most reused, garbage format and use it as the definition of this "sub genre" of sorts.
                I would be the least bit interesting in SR if the combat was different, but as it is the only innovation it has is s-break from Trails...God, braindead journalists and normies will probably consider this revolutionary

              • 1 year ago

                >imagine caring about what the character's gender is instead of thinking whether you will enjoy the gameplay or not
                Not really there believe or not there are games like Touken Ranbu/Azur Lane that are targeted to people who want to play a game with only males or females given how saturated mobages are in general, if someone doesn't want to play a omnipandering turn based game they have a literal ocean of games to play that appeals to them.

              • 1 year ago

                >enjoy the gameplay
                It's a gacha, it's already implied that the gameplay is bad. If I wanted gameplay I would play a real game. The only reason gacha is a thing is because you can gamble for sexy girls and claim them for yourself.

      • 1 year ago

        Enjoy the genshit audience then you deserve it.

      • 1 year ago

        The point is it's still homosexualry and you could argue it's worse than homosexual homosexualry because it involves something you like (women) yet they'll never want anything to do with you, including letting you watch them have sex.

        Good, I like being a man. You'll never be desired by said yuribait though.

        >Got both yuri and the genshit audience
        How do you feel know?

  13. 1 year ago

    >sign up for the beta
    >get funneled into some visial novel with dalies
    >read the notice
    >500 fastgays get access
    >everyone else rolls for 100 access spots and merchandise via gacha (almost certainly all gone already)
    >open the twitter
    >hey guys to improve your experience we'll be giving out access via some sort of vague email process and a couple twitter campaigns too 🙂
    Brilliant. Game probably sucks ass anyway, so whatever.

    • 1 year ago

      its a epic7 clone so yeah, you are missing out on nothing

      • 1 year ago

        As long as they don't copy the awful systems it's fine.

        • 1 year ago

          you mean how the equipment works? they already copied it for genshit, all signs show they are copying it for starshit as well

          • 1 year ago

            They didn't copy it for genshin since you don't need optimal artifacts, but I wasn't talking just about this. The gacha was my main issue with E7, with how bloated it became due to having characters and artifacts share the same pool, releasing new ones every two weeks making it even harder to get the character you want and I say this as someone who stopped playing around when Bellona got her first alt, I can't even imagine how much worse things have become. There are other things too, having to do so many shit, farming gear, the labyrinth, guild wars, that other thing I forgot the name that gave a witch character back then, the character upgrade system, how heavily p2w it is. Seriously, I have no idea how that trash is still alive, it's one of the worst gachas I've ever played.

            • 1 year ago

              >since you don't need optimal artifacts
              Thats a different problem, theres just no content(besides abyss) that needs optimal artifacts, but the equipment system is nearly the same. You wouldn't need optimal gear in E7 if not for pvp and max difficulty hunts etc
              >I can't even imagine how much worse things have become
              Unironically a tiiiiiny bit better because now you can actually spawn a 7-day long banner with specific character and their artifact and thats a pernament feature that covers all characters except limited/ML ones
              Now your complaints are all fair and good but I'm worried if they will replay in SR
              >farming gear
              Safe to assume its gonna be just as fricked in shit rail, theres even more filler stats now compared to e7 and genshit
              >the labyrinth, guild wars
              I am like 99% sure they will have pvp modes since its the exact same style as every korean turn based 2-attacks gacha. Labirynth I dunno, depends if they use their genshit mentality of "having actual content causes anxiety for the players"
              >the character upgrade system
              Its mihoyo, its gonna be bad
              >how heavily p2w it is
              We shall see, the only thing I have seen so far that was real problematic was that shit rails abyss has a turn limit on it in which you have to finish the fight, so it could be really, really bad
              >I have no idea how that trash is still alive, it's one of the worst gachas I've ever played.

            • 1 year ago

              My main fear about Starshit is the gear system. In Honkai you could offset some part of your gear by just playing better, but this is a turn based game so numbers rule supreme. That said, while the Hunt and gear are the worst part of E7 it has many annoying things that pile up to make ot feel like shit for anyone who isn't so deep into it they can't quit anymore.
              Moonlight gacha conversion of 120 normal rolls = 1 ML roll, that secondary moonlight gacha with 200 rolls pity, HP scaling bruisers, nerfing RGB characters if they're decent once they rerun them a few times, paying ingame money to change your gear, inventory always getting filled with garbage, gear crafting is shit but needed because Hunt droprates are even fricking worse, the mode that unlocks gear overcaping, a stat reroll system that only lets you reroll one stat, you need to get the token with the right set and mainstat and even then it can only roll susbtandard... also no sweep option because that'd impact the whales that optimized their hunts for 40 sec clears.
              No way in hell can MiHoYo be that much of a frickup.

              • 1 year ago

                >No way in hell can MiHoYo be that much of a frickup.
                1. its their first time making a serious turn based game
                unlike what ppl say turn based is actual hard mode in balancing and developing new characters just look at how epic shit ended up making entire playerbase mad with rimuru or hwayoung
                2. as much as honkeks try to say honk 3 was superior the powercreep in honk 3 was much worse with celestial hymn and judah in old abyss days
                to say mihoyo knows what they doing is hilariously naive

                more worried for what is bigger number going to be for

              • 1 year ago

                Oh I didn't say they nececarilly know what they're doing. It's just that Epic 7 devs copied everything bad about Summoners War because they coppied everything good about summoner's war too, then added a bunch of fricking awful shit of their own. I expect MiHoYo not to make their game quite as obnoxious, though if they wind up having Genshin tier upgrades off dupes and no way to gain them outside of gacha I'll probably drop it quick. Like, as obnoxiously greedy/grindy as something like Langrisser M is, I know I can get three charas from 3 to 6 star in 4 months if I get a single copy, Onmyoji let me get skillups from dupes or rare items, CounterSide didn't need them at all (they added them for KR a week ago and the players seem pissed so we will see what happens). I've no hope it's like Epic 7 or Arknights where dupes are fairly minor stat gains...

              • 1 year ago

                >just that Epic 7 devs copied everything bad about Summoners War
                my brother in christ
                the koreans were copying summoner war and lineage for around a decade at this point

              • 1 year ago

                >No way in hell can MiHoYo be that much of a frickup.
                you underestimate how moronic they are

              • 1 year ago

                >No way in hell can MiHoYo be that much of a frickup.
                I agree. Say what you want about them, but you need a special kind of talent to make something as bad as Epic7. The only other gacha that pissed me off almost as much was TAC. The need to roll the newest OP unit to even think about doing EX stages, the absolutely moronic story (I'll believe this man I just met instead of my step-brother and step-father just because. I'll also tell the girl I want to protect to stfu instead of listening to what she has to say because I totally care about her.) and the awful gacha. It's not as bad as E7, but it was still a terrible experience, the story alone would've been enough reason to drop it.

              • 1 year ago

                They already fricked up twice, what more proof do we need?

              • 1 year ago

                sacrificing their firstborn child most likely. keep in mind that we have a lot of devoted mihoyo "fans" here

              • 1 year ago

                I used to be one of them, it took a lot of pain to finally get me to break free. I still miss the honk girls, but it just wasn't worth putting up with dawais bullshit.

              • 1 year ago

                sacrificing their firstborn child most likely. keep in mind that we have a lot of devoted mihoyo "fans" here

                Learn to read, it's not about whether they'll frick up or not, it's about whether or not they'll frick up AS MUCH as Epic7. It's a comparison not a defense to Hoyo, they'll likely frick up in some way, I just don't think it'll be to the level of Epic7.

              • 1 year ago

                e7 isn't even that bad, it's about as good as it gets for a turn based rpg. A bland and generic story with a bland and generic main character and his bland and generic group that goes around having bland and generic adventures and anything interesting happens off screen. If you aren't trying to get to high rank in pvp or full clear abyss you don't even have to care about the gay shit like dragon grinding. The game is generous enough and when I was still playing I had 90% of normal characters and a good amount of the ML characters completely f2p starting after SSB.
                The game is just aggressively middling, it rarely did anything horrible like other gacha I play that turn the game on its head a couple times a year.

              • 1 year ago

                I don't know what SSB is, probably something that came after I stopped playing so I can't comment on whether or not the game got better, but as I said before in this thread back when I played it was pure garbage, I have yet to play a gacha as bad as the dumpster fire it was back then. In any case, let's wait and see how Hoyo will frick SR, hopefully not that badly but I won't be betting on that.

              • 1 year ago

                >not they'll frick up AS MUCH as Epic7
                And I honestly think they will. Look at it this way, the constant frickups E7 did made players angry, it forced them to change some things, introduce more QoL changes, it's not enough for me to say that Epic Shit is a decent game now, but its SOMETHING. Compare that to mihoyo where the slightest complaints get drowned out by literal cultists, them only ever responding to actual outrage from chinks and genshit getting at most one QoL change per year. I really think the mentality at mihoyo and mentality of the surrounding playerbase is a sign that they'll make a ultimately worse game

              • 1 year ago

                Just look at the communities both games spawned. They are very different, one is tolerable morons that can at least laugh at themselves. Genshindrones don't even act like humans, I can't imagine how cancerous the general is going to be for this game after launch.

              • 1 year ago

                A fair point, especially when it comes to Genshin. It's too big to expect them to hear the voices of a minority. But who knows, with SR being technically a new game maybe it will be a little better or maybe I'm just being too optimistic.

              • 1 year ago

                You are being optimistic, after genshit came out, honkai progressively got worse, to the point theres new S-ranks releasing back to back to back with spending events every other update, and thats the game people consider to be their "passion project", so what the frick is going to happen to this thing thats literally just a copy paste of existing mobile game formula?

              • 1 year ago

                If it ends being good enough for me to enjoy something in it then great, if not then I'll drop it/won't play the game, it's that simple to me. That's why I'd rather just wait and see while staying cautiously optimistic.

              • 1 year ago

                Other turn based games, Arknights, Blue Archive, E7, every chibi game you have laying around not updated; they are sweating bullets right now. This is going to be a sucking black hole for turn based mobile. And honestly, I'm glad. Kill the greed driven, asset flip, IP reliant, asset theft trash. Raise the quality expectation, push devs to release content that isn't just reskins and costumes in their mediocre trash.

              • 1 year ago

                >Kill the greed driven, asset flip, IP reliant, asset theft trash. Raise the quality expectation, push devs to release content that isn't just reskins and costumes in their mediocre trash.
                are you uniorincally describing the trash mihoyo puts out? nice

              • 1 year ago

                cope homosexual japtard

              • 1 year ago

                He has a point, even if Hoyo's games are flawed and can be improved, it's undeniable that they're pushing the bare minimum standard acceptable by players. Open world/zone, 3D models, the carrying pity system and so on. Whether other companies will copy them remain to be seen, but we've already seen games copying Genshin after it's success, so it's fair to assume the same will happen if SR is successful.
                Regardless of what you think of Hoyo's games, it is a good thing that they're pushing the gacha market past chibi and jpg games, which will still be acceptable for small companies making niche original games, but not for big ones making either original games or ones based on a popular IP.
                With that said, even if the standard is pushed forward that doesn't mean the games will be good, that has to be judged on a case by case basis.

              • 1 year ago

                No, he does not have a point. (You) are just enabling a schizo in his mad ramblings.
                >open world
                Implying open world is somehow good when all of them have barely any noticeable consequence to exploration nowadays. Especially in live service, all you get is just a World of Warcraft playground in a asiatic MMORPG form decades ago.
                >3D models
                That does not carry over much in turn based when 3D unironically looks clunkier in a 3D form most of the time. Genshin isn't even the first people to do 3D turn based games so get the frick out of here with this claim.
                >carrying pity system
                Arknights does this and people still b***h about it. It's not about the presence but how it's done. The only reason why Genshin didn't get put in the fire was because constellations aren't required just like how Arknights avoid being burnt down to the ground due to how Potential is trash.
                >so on
                You need to iterate these because it's just rambling at this point.

                Go back to /r/gachagaming.

              • 1 year ago

                clunkier in a turn-based form* on the 3D models part.
                Also, it says a lot when people try to compare this game to Persona 5 when Persona 5 had so many more things like the entire Persona system to customize. Holy hopium overload.

              • 1 year ago

                >The only reason why Genshin didn't get put in the fire was because constellations aren't required
                I'd sooner say its because cultists drowned out the complaints, the system isn't much different than it was in PGR, where BY DESIGN they made is so that your chances of getting S-rank outside of pity were abysmall. Sounds familiar? Except in their case, they got slammed so hard for it they had to fix it

              • 1 year ago

                It's a more stealthy form of the Korean gacha system. Let them taste the new thing but put optimization behind paywalls one after another.
                It is sad how many morons just eat it up.

              • 1 year ago

                >Implying open world is somehow good
                Nowhere did I say that or whether anything is good or bad, I explicitly said at the end that whether a game will be good or not with those things needs to be judged on a case by case basis, my post is about the standard of how gacha games should be like is changing.
                >Genshin isn't even the first people to do 3D turn based games
                Because Genshin isn't a turn based game. Regardless, the point isn't being the first, it's being popular and successful enough that other companies are copying it, which is what leads to a change in the market.
                >It's not about the presence but how it's done
                True and if the reason it works is because it exists in conjunction with someone that's fine, if it were different it existing with that other thing may have not mattered and people would dislike it.
                >You need to iterate these because it's just rambling at this point.
                It depends on what others are copying from Genshin which is why I kept vague, I mentioned what I believe they would based on what I've heard Genshin players say it's good or at least satisfactory.

                You are the kind of kid thats gets impressed by how big the world is and how pretty the graphics are, no better than typical AAA-loving idiot. Under this "impressive" exterior their games are absolutely barren. Mihoyo has only pushed the market more into "marketable, overly safe, copy pasted and devoid of identity" territory

                Nowhere did I say I'm impressed by it, want it, like it, consider it good, etc. If you must know I don't like the push for graphics, whether the game is open world or not doesn't matter to me, the combat system usually doesn't matter to me since I'm open to trying different things, basically if I don't like the game what it's elements are doesn't matter, it's trash as far as I'm concerned. This isn't relevant to my post though, whether I think what Genshin and possibly the future Hoyo games are pushing is good or not doesn't matter, I was commenting on that change happening because at the end of the day companies don't care about what's good, they care about what makes the most money.

              • 1 year ago

                >Because Genshin isn't a turn based game
                Flub on that one, sorry.
                But you get my point. Star Rail isn't the first game to even try turn based on 3D nor was it the first to try turn based on open world.
                If anything, people complain about open worlds in turn based because it means random encounters up the ass or turns into platforming without any sort of the gameplay integration that action has.
                >It depends on what others are copying from Genshin which is why I kept vague
                It doesn't matter how many games try to copy Genshin because they will never reach the financial success Genshin will have.
                Wuthering Waves will never reach Genshin levels. Nor will that Seven Deadly Sins game Netmarble wants to do to try to chase Genshin. The only copium people put out is over how the newer games will provide a more "hardcore" experience yet all that will do is just frustrate the casuals away.

                Besides that, "minimum standard accepted by players" are just "minimum standards forced by Redditors who have nothing better to do than type fancy essays critiquing fricking gacha games like a snobby New York Times culinary restaurant reviewer who gets his breeches in a twist when the wine is fricking 0.8 C* warmer".

              • 1 year ago

                You are the kind of kid thats gets impressed by how big the world is and how pretty the graphics are, no better than typical AAA-loving idiot. Under this "impressive" exterior their games are absolutely barren. Mihoyo has only pushed the market more into "marketable, overly safe, copy pasted and devoid of identity" territory

                >morons ITT pretending png simulators are better than anything

              • 1 year ago

                seethe zhing

              • 1 year ago

                What's even the difference? Genshit has four playable models. In three years we have yet to get a fat guy or a buff guy when the models existed for NPCs since the launch.

              • 1 year ago

                You are the kind of kid thats gets impressed by how big the world is and how pretty the graphics are, no better than typical AAA-loving idiot. Under this "impressive" exterior their games are absolutely barren. Mihoyo has only pushed the market more into "marketable, overly safe, copy pasted and devoid of identity" territory

      • 1 year ago

        Will it have a Rabi?

  14. 1 year ago

    Not gonna play this because this game gonna bring the worst bunch from both honkek and genshit. Enjoy your yuriBlack person and twittertroon.

  15. 1 year ago

    Yurichads, we won.

    • 1 year ago

      Only interested in this now that yuri is confirmed.

      What happened?

      • 1 year ago

        The HSR accounts posted about Bronseele.
        Dunno why people act as if it's anything new though, they've been paired together in the prior betas and every other prior honkai game too

        • 1 year ago

          >and every other prior honkai game too
          You think modern shithoyo audience knows that?

  16. 1 year ago

    Only interested in this now that yuri is confirmed.

  17. 1 year ago

    Why is everyone chasing after the e-girl at the end?

  18. 1 year ago

    rerollinng for Bronya

  19. 1 year ago

    For me, it's the hag israelitefox.

  20. 1 year ago

    >Less chances to get Bronya

  21. 1 year ago

    cant wait for the 15% mihoyo edition

    • 1 year ago

      >my max effectiveness unit fails to land their debuffs
      >meanwhile 0 effectiveness enemy stuns my whole team
      yeah can't wait for round 2 of this shit haha.....

  22. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Do they look more unemotional compared with previous art here?

  23. 1 year ago
  24. 1 year ago
  25. 1 year ago
  26. 1 year ago
  27. 1 year ago

    >same undigestable Mihoyo artstyle with the same 3D character style
    At least ZZZ took a different art direction

  28. 1 year ago

    Gacha animation leak

    • 1 year ago

      too long

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago



  29. 1 year ago

    go back troony

    • 1 year ago

      you're in a thread for a troony game

      • 1 year ago

        this isn't a genshin thread

        • 1 year ago

          it is a mihocuck thread through

          • 1 year ago

            one again
            >a thread for a troony game
            this isn't a genshin thread

        • 1 year ago

          you're right I should have specified, a turn-based troony game

          • 1 year ago

            you're THIS scary Arktroony?

            • 1 year ago

              what does arknights have to do with anything?

              • 1 year ago

                seems i got you

              • 1 year ago

                >ask a question
                >get bullshit response
                Alright, mihoyo's marketing bots are here

              • 1 year ago

                >arktroony got caught
                >you..you're a bot!

              • 1 year ago

                scripted response

              • 1 year ago

                sure sure
                go back to /akg/

  30. 1 year ago

    >gets ptsd from a word

  31. 1 year ago

    Can we go a single day without daweis personal wienersucker squad having a meltdown?

  32. 1 year ago

    To be honest, this game just looks boring to play

    • 1 year ago

      >filtered by jrpg combat

      • 1 year ago

        >jrpg combat

    • 1 year ago

      Just like most gacha it's only worth it if you're into the characters and story. I'm just here for bronya.

    • 1 year ago

      combat only exists to be autoplayed through, like all turn based jrpg gachas / e7 clones

  33. 1 year ago

    I hate 2016 tourists

  34. 1 year ago
  35. 1 year ago

    CBT 3 = release version 1.0
    Release = March 7?

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        CBT 3 = release version 1.0
        Release = March 7?

        • 1 year ago

          whats the point of the beta then? recruiting e-celebs for the shill program?

    • 1 year ago

      why censor the numbers, are they important?

  36. 1 year ago

    Star rail will have a positive reception but will dwarf in comparison to Zenless Zone Zero's anticipation and success which will rival Genshin.

    • 1 year ago

      >Zenless Zone Zero's anticipation and success
      >literally Honkai gameplay

    • 1 year ago

      An action roguelike isn't nearly as casual as turn-based and will not attract the Nintendie audience like a Zelda clone. It will still be popular enough to make Honkeks seethe though

    • 1 year ago

      >Star rail will have a positive reception
      not when people realize its the most generic autobattler ever

      • 1 year ago

        Women and children (i.e. this game's target audience) don't care and will empty their bank accounts regardless while gushing over it on Twitter.

      • 1 year ago

        The auto battle is actually kinda shitty and makes poor decisions. Against bosses that, under manual control, I could easily beat, if I tried to use auto-battle my characters would end up dying as the auto-battle wouldn't heal enough.

        It's fine for trash mobs, but against elites and bosses you can't rely on it at all.

        • 1 year ago

          Is there any way to swipe battles, or will I have to rely on auto for dailies?

          • 1 year ago

            What do you mean by "swipe battles"?

            • 1 year ago

              Standard mobage term, you skip the battle entirely, usually consuming some form of ticket.

              • 1 year ago

                No, you can't do that in Star Rail. You can, however, turn on auto-battle and 3x speed, which clears most trash in no time.

  37. 1 year ago

    Is there coop or any kind of multiplayer in this game? I think it would be cool to have several people controlling several characters in the turn based combat just like divinity original sin. But who am I kidding its probably another singleplayer gacha like genshin with no real combat depth. Just wishful thinking from my case.

    • 1 year ago

      There's beta footage on youtube if you want to see how combat works.

    • 1 year ago

      The short version is it's a turn based Genshin(core concept of its combat system) with extremely similar gear and character progression as well.

      • 1 year ago

        I wouldn't say Star Rail shares the same core concepts as Genshin. Star Rail doesn't have elemental reactions, which is a huge part of Genshin. In Star Rail the elements of attacks are only relevant for taking advantage of enemy weaknesses and causing breaks.

        You are right that they are very similar in terms of gear, though.

        Light Cones = Weapons
        Relics = Artifacts

        • 1 year ago

          >I wouldn't say Star Rail shares the same core concepts as Genshin. Star Rail doesn't have elemental reactions, which is a huge part of Genshin. In Star Rail, the elements of attacks are only relevant for taking advantage of enemy weaknesses and causing breaks.

          So it's simpler and worse SMT/Persona system?

  38. 1 year ago

    > generic auto-battler
    > Honkai's story has gone so full moron that I've actually dropped the game

    Meh, I couldn't care less.

    • 1 year ago

      > Honkai's story has gone so full moron that I've actually dropped the game
      This, I miss when Honkai was still fairly Sci-Fi and not this...quantum fantasy bullshit (for lack of a better word)

      • 1 year ago

        It should have ended after Otto's death, Kevin is probably one of the most boring "antagonist" I have ever seen, the quantum physic and bubble universes mumble jumble also keep getting worse as they drag the story out.

        • 1 year ago

          I used to think Mihoyo spoiling the ending early on with APHO was just them getting wienery, but now I realize it might have been because there was a very real risk of Genshin crashing the company if it failed (plus other chinks were starting to catch up with Mihoyo tech-wise)...
          Either way, makes it easier to bail from this crazy train than Kingdom Hearts post-2 or 3

  39. 1 year ago
  40. 1 year ago
  41. 1 year ago

    I didn't get in 🙁 See you March 7

    • 1 year ago

      i don't know why i thought i'll get in my luck irl is already bad so not sure what i expected....

      • 1 year ago

        Dont put it on luck anon. Its pretty much just mihoyos most devoted shills and ecelebs that got in

  42. 1 year ago

    >it's only at 1,6m pre-registrations
    We're never gonna get the free Serval, let alone the 15 passes at this rate..

    • 1 year ago

      Homoverse will fake the numbers, I trust Da Wei.

  43. 1 year ago

    anyone else received a survey via mail?

  44. 1 year ago
  45. 1 year ago

    >Rita and Sakura have been leaked to be in HSR

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      fu hua too apparently

    • 1 year ago

      >When you realize Gepard and Serval are the reincarnations of Owl and Ana

      Guess that is how Owl saw Ana, as a sister he wants to save.

  46. 1 year ago

    /hvg/ waiting room

    • 1 year ago

      on /vg/?

  47. 1 year ago

    All I want to know is how long it takes to reroll.

  48. 1 year ago

    >genshit pity
    >genshit rates

    • 1 year ago

      Honestly people shit on this for little reason.
      I've been playing Genshin f2p since its release and I'm missing only 2 characters I really wanted.
      As long as you don't roll on absolutely every new banner (unless you get really unlucky with the coin flip every time), the system is fine.

      I just hope the premium currency gain is going to be comparable(or better) in Star Rail.

      • 1 year ago

        >why are people shitting on 180 rolls at 0.6% chances?
        Gee, I wonder

      • 1 year ago

        >I like getting fricked in the ass, so you should too.

      • 1 year ago

        >I really wanted
        Did you "really want" like 4 characters in total? lol

        • 1 year ago

          Not him but I got Tartaglia, Zhongli, Albedo, Itto, Xiao (rerun), Cyno, Scaramouche and Alhaitham even though I didn't play the game for about a year (total, I stop here and there when I don't feel like playing). Although I got lucky with the others, I lost soft pity when pulling for Itto, Scara and Alhaitham. Yes, it's only 8 characters, but it's the characters I wanted which was what that anon pointed out and this is also from someone who lost a lot of primos for the time I didn't play.
          It's very common to see people wanting to be f2p without understanding how to, it usually requires sacrifices, you either get lucky or give up on things, whining about it won't change that it's how it works. I'm not saying whether this is good or bad or if it's how it should be, that's beside the point, the way gachas work won't change, we can either adapt or not get involved with them.

  49. 1 year ago

    >pc version is exclusive to the epic store
    kek, won't be touching this shit

    • 1 year ago

      It's not epic exclusive.
      You can download the game's launcher from the website, just like with Genshin.

    • 1 year ago

      most likely cause steam servers made Oyohim salty with honkers
      realistically chinks want to stay with chinks

      • 1 year ago

        the steam release was an aftertough at best so I dont know what you are talking about

        • 1 year ago

          steam servers cannot connect to Oyohim's login server, thus there's a divide in the NA/EU community

          Is this a good entry point in the Hoyoverse? I feel like I've missed too much of Honkai.

          Even if you played honkers, you'd only get half of the story.
          Most likely there will be some references to honkai but it should be easy and stand alone like genshit

          • 1 year ago

            >steam servers cannot connect to Oyohim's login server, thus there's a divide in the NA/EU community
            the frick are you talking about? EU/NA was split from the get-go for whatever reason on oyohim's side. And using the steam client you're not put into some steam exclusive server or anything, you get your choice of region just like the native client and you end up on the same exact servers.
            The only difference with the steam client is it's bound to a steam account only and can't be linked to a native oyohim account.

          • 1 year ago

            HI3 doesn't matter

            NTA, but something I've been curious about: Is the Welt in this game the same guy as in Honkai Impact 3rd? Haven't played much of HI3rd, so I don't really know much about his presence in that game.

  50. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Animation too long

  51. 1 year ago

    I think I will try Higan Eruthyll instead.

  52. 1 year ago

    Is this a good entry point in the Hoyoverse? I feel like I've missed too much of Honkai.

    • 1 year ago

      HI3 doesn't matter

  53. 1 year ago

    >already started putting their girls in grannypanties

  54. 1 year ago

    The more I look at it, the less I like it.
    It's like it has Genshin's gameplay depth and animations but you watch the combat instead of doing it yourself.

    • 1 year ago

      The market is for the people quitting honkai since the final arc is literally here. Maybe some genshin players will join due to the name attached to it, but they're not the intended audience

      • 1 year ago

        >but they're not the intended audience
        Why lie?

      • 1 year ago

        >The market is for the people quitting honkai
        Where the absolute frick did you get that moronic idea?
        There is literally nothing for the honkai audience in this game. It's a different genre and there's zero connection to the story outside of Welt existing. Hell, even zzz looks like it's going to completely miss the mark for the honkers audience because the combat is so simplified.

        • 1 year ago

          >believe it's the final story
          You know nothing of the honkai

          You really think people play HI3 for the gameplay? Save for the few remaining whales, I'm betting that most play for the story for the two gay girls
          >You know nothing of the honkai
          It's been stated many times that this will be the final act for the trio. But Mihoyo will continue to make bubble universes like haxor

          • 1 year ago

            >You really think people play HI3 for the gameplay?
            Are you fricking daft? How huffed up on your own shitposting are you, dude?
            The devs literally said that this past year was the most profitable year for the game, period. It's been out for over 6 years and not only does it still track well on mobile charts it also has a frickton of hidden revenue from the PC client.

            • 1 year ago

              >Players like the gameplay
              >Red Lotus is piss easy to maintain with BP
              Honkai is literally Warframe, players will come back once in awhile and buy rolls for cool shiny shit and wait for the next patch.

            • 1 year ago

              People like you blow HI3's gameplay out of proportion when it's just a DPS check, no skill involved whatsoever.

              • 1 year ago

                Is luck a skill?
                Gotta be skillful so my boss patterns are favorable for my rotations I copied from BiliBili

              • 1 year ago
          • 1 year ago

            It's not really the end, this is made up by crazy "lore" youtubers. We still have to fight the Will of honkai, Aliens and who ever sent Husk monsters into our world.

            When the developers and Kevin say you no nothing of honkai, they means it. You don't know anything about the honkai.

            • 1 year ago

              >fight the Will of honkai
              Who's gonna tell him?

              • 1 year ago

                Ganker lore experts have insider knowledge that the masses don't have. Clearly anon knows something about honkais that we don't

              • 1 year ago

                the game spells it out, it doesnt exist

              • 1 year ago

                No screw your crazy lore from youtube, we don't know what the Will of Honkai is, not in GGZ or honkai impact.

              • 1 year ago

                neither does mihoyo

              • 1 year ago

                can I get a QRD what happened in chapter 29-31?
                I really cbf to read any of the stories since I didn't find any of the flam chasers appealing

              • 1 year ago

                This is what happen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbjBu85AUSA

      • 1 year ago

        >believe it's the final story
        You know nothing of the honkai

    • 1 year ago

      >gameplay depth
      hahahaha, what?

      • 1 year ago

        Who wants Genshin but slower.

  55. 1 year ago

    the mahjong girl is pure soul. everything else is pretty meh

    • 1 year ago

      >RNG: The Character
      No thank you.

  56. 1 year ago

    It has Himeko so I will play

  57. 1 year ago

    will cocolia be playable

    • 1 year ago

      In the future for sure. Can't wait for this sexy hag.

      >it's only at 1,6m pre-registrations
      We're never gonna get the free Serval, let alone the 15 passes at this rate..

      4.5 mil. now and we still have like 2 months which is when things will really start ramping up, all the rewards are basically guaranteed now.

  58. 1 year ago

    To be honest HRS does nothing for me, it has the same design direction as genshin but in the future, it became a 'chinkslop' game if you will

    • 1 year ago

      Its like they merged genshit with e7, which is funny since genshin already reuses e7's gear system with artifacts

  59. 1 year ago

    >can't even keep a general on /vg/ alive
    yep, I'm thinking it's DoA

    • 1 year ago

      going to be proven wrong at release but keep coping 🙂

  60. 1 year ago

    >Million pre-registration.
    >Million YouTube viewers
    >Million dollars advertisement
    >Billion dollars company
    >Dead /vg/
    >Dead /vmg/

    • 1 year ago

      It might surprise you but most people don't visit this place.

    • 1 year ago

      >Million pre-registration.
      Chinese Bots
      >Million YouTube viewers
      Chinese Bots
      >Million dollars advertisement
      Really not that much money for a global ad campaign
      >Billion dollars company
      None of which is going into Star Rail, the game is cheap as frick

    • 1 year ago

      I got the beta but it is hard to care about it when everything is going to be wiped out at the end.
      they are not even giving you stuffs to try out.

      • 1 year ago

        >they are not even giving you stuffs to try out.
        Supposedly they waited until closer to the end of the beta to give out the free 5*s last beta.

        Which character will attract the most secondary coomers?

        Himeko, Welt, and Kafka for the normies.
        Silver Wolf and Pela for the hebegays.
        Clara and Bailu for the pedos.

        • 1 year ago

          Frick you Himekogays are the most opressed Honkers players. Beautiful disaster cake got sent on a bus becase she's not gay enough...
          I'll go like that chang and get into stabbing range of their CEO if they kill off Himeko again.

    • 1 year ago

      >Million pre-registration.
      Chinese Bots
      >Million YouTube viewers
      Chinese Bots
      >Million dollars advertisement
      Really not that much money for a global ad campaign
      >Billion dollars company
      None of which is going into Star Rail, the game is cheap as frick

      holy fricking cope batman
      the absolute rent free nature of haters

  61. 1 year ago

    Which character will attract the most secondary coomers?

    • 1 year ago

      Sure as hell wont be that lame ass design

  62. 1 year ago

    Who are you aiming for?

    • 1 year ago

      I'm just gonna take whatever I get from the beginner banner. I'll probably roll for Seele, though, assuming she's the first banner at launch.

    • 1 year ago

      Sampo, Arlan, Gepard, Dan Heng and Welt. Good thing only two of them are 5 stars.

    • 1 year ago

      Himeko or Bronya and at some point Kefka

    • 1 year ago

      Rerolling for Seele, don't think I have enough patience to go for Seele+Bronya with mhy shit rates

      I actually want a decent turn based game. Their action combat is shit anyway.

      >decent turn based game

    • 1 year ago

      Has prydwen ever been right about anything?

      • 1 year ago

        They are only useful for general info + translation but dogshit for tierlist

      • 1 year ago

        What is wrong about their rankings?

        • 1 year ago

          Prydwen is notorious for shitty tier list. Like D tier being put in S tier see Counterside

          • 1 year ago

            So nothing wrong with this games rankings, good to know.

          • 1 year ago

            There are a lot of tier lists if you just search for it, most of them are prydwen-tier though, this is a more accurate one with different criterias

            I've never played a game where these Prydwen guys are doing shit but they can't be worse than ubatcha's butt buddies and KQM's garbage

            • 1 year ago

              Dedicated tier list groups are usually trash, most good tier lists come from one autist who has too much disposable income

              • 1 year ago

                Best tierlists are definitely from random autists or random guys. They're good because they're from small guys that just want to get the info out and don't really win or lose anything if you take it or not and usually have good credentials like were on the beta or have topped every leaderboard of the game since it came out.

                Then there's dudes like Prydwen, Genshin.gg, Ubatcha's butt buddies, KeqingMains, etc etc where they NEED you to consume the information, they WANT you to click on their website and make them money to get more sponsors and ad money so they always bait people with clickbaits, put every new character in SS tier rank so people roll for them and have the most moronic takes.
                Or if you want to go the malicious route then there's that TimaeuSS guy from priconne global that wrote a lot of guides, made himself the community speaker and got efamous on his little community for the game when what he was actually doing is spreading misinformation so his clan could score higher in clan battles because everyone else was gimping themselves without knowing due to his advice.

              • 1 year ago

                Oh now I see why no one can tell me what's wrong about about prydwens scores. Because they don't actually exist lol. They have no tier or individual scores. Damned if you do damned if you don't I guess.

            • 1 year ago

              Tier lists are subjective and always in flux and they cover a ton of games. Obviously things should be taken with a grain of salt but they are a good baseline and easy to read. The hate for them I see around here is frankly absurd and feels like jealously.

              • 1 year ago

                nah man I agree with the above dude
                Day0 tierlists smoke dick and pretentious groups that always try to rank shit in a tierlist always suck ass

              • 1 year ago

                Stop using words you don't know the meaning of. People want and expect tier lists, there is nothing pretentious about providing them.
                I've asked multiple times and no one has been able to point out large flaws in their tier list for this game so I am going to assume that it is jealously that they were able to make money providing gacha information while individual autists aren't.
                Sorry you weren't go getter enough autist, make a better website with more and better info and you can get those sweet google bucks as well.

              • 1 year ago

                ok pyrdwen
                you're still the joke of the gacha community and we will continue making fun of you

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago


                Why are you replying to yourself?

              • 1 year ago

                >still unable to back up a single claim
                I accept your concession.

              • 1 year ago


                >still unable to back up a single claim
                I accept your concession.

                Stop using words you don't know the meaning of. People want and expect tier lists, there is nothing pretentious about providing them.
                I've asked multiple times and no one has been able to point out large flaws in their tier list for this game so I am going to assume that it is jealously that they were able to make money providing gacha information while individual autists aren't.
                Sorry you weren't go getter enough autist, make a better website with more and better info and you can get those sweet google bucks as well.


              • 1 year ago

                >. Obviously things should be taken with a grain of salt but they are a good baseline and easy to read.
                I followed a tierlist for genshin and I got an account with Keqing and Qiqi for starter characters because they were rated SS tier on top of having the worst fricking luck on this shitty account for like two fricking years and i'm still paying for the consequences of my actions to the day.

                Tierlists can suck my wiener because i'm never making that mistake again.

              • 1 year ago

                Everyone said to roll for venti bro, that's on you. (I did the same thing except never saw kek so I dropped it).

  63. 1 year ago

    Imagine spending your hard earned time or money to end up rolling off banner homosexual pity.

  64. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago


  65. 1 year ago

    Can I get the twitch drop thing now and link it to my real account later?

  66. 1 year ago

    hi anons, i'm trying to form /vmg/'s team in the 4cc and i wanted to ask if you are interested in choosing a character to represent the thread on the team as a player, if you don't know what i'm talking about


  67. 1 year ago

    this game will make 10 milion on launch at most and settle down to 1-3 million monthly revenue mark my words

  68. 1 year ago

    Did they drop plans for a Playstation version?

  69. 1 year ago


    Thoughts on game development team now 700 employees compared to 400 employees just one year ago?

  70. 1 year ago

    >very simplistic gameplay
    ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, the game has to be like this to attract more players?

    • 1 year ago

      Well that’s how you get the genshit players.

    • 1 year ago

      Well that’s how you get the genshit players.

      >morons still pretending their jap trash png simulator are even redeemable as average

      • 1 year ago

        >nobody mentioned jp games
        >sperg out on it anyway
        Wow. Must be hard being a chink shill bot.

        • 1 year ago

          >"nobody mentioned jp games"
          >anon can't read

          • 1 year ago

            The ones you replied to isn't mentioning any jp games tho?

    • 1 year ago

      Yes, just look at all the omnipandering games with a few guys thrown in despite clearly being a waifu focused game. I don't understand either, this doesn't please either side.

      • 1 year ago

        Reminds me of Aether Gazer and how they baited people during mid development as the game went from a bishoujo to add males once the preregs got going. Ironically enough the game failed to attract the arknot/genshit audience and are now in a weird spot as the female units greatly outnumbering the males due to their inclusion being a last minute decision along with said males not making any money compared to the females.

        • 1 year ago

          The real dumb decision was to delay the global release to add english voices. homie, Genshin not only killed Honkai clones, it already kinda fills the niche for a casul Honkai clone (basically AGazer's niche), so you're doing yourself no favors taking your sweet-ass time.
          Also you're probably just gonna phase out the english VAs anyways, like Alice Fiction and Last Cloudia did.

          • 1 year ago

            >Genshin not only killed Honkai clones, it already kinda fills the niche for a casul Honkai clone
            not really since genshit somehow manges to be a even worse game. You really think having copy pasted characters and slow ass combat is what people want?

            • 1 year ago

              At the very least, they seem to tolerate it. Remember, most people probably see Genshin as a better BoTW instead of a worse Honkai.

              • 1 year ago

                yeah because one is a thing they set out to copy in the first place and the other was already niche

  71. 1 year ago

    god i wish i worked for oyohim, i don't even care about their shit flashy games i just want their dirty ass money and stability in the field

  72. 1 year ago

    Why is is Seele so shit bros?

  73. 1 year ago

    is the e celeb shill campaign working?
    will it be as popular as genshin

    • 1 year ago

      >will it be as popular as genshin

    • 1 year ago

      >will it be as popular as genshin
      Of course not, Genshin is a case of being in the right place at the right time. Unless there's another pandemic and Genshin fell into obscurity something similar won't happen.

      • 1 year ago

        >Unless there's another pandemic
        I'm pretty sure covid didn't contribute that much to Genshin's popularity.

        • 1 year ago

          Genshin released in the most dead period ever as every game is delayed due to COVID
          Many people including me and my friends played it as there's no new game to play during that time

    • 1 year ago

      >will it be as popular as genshin
      Of course not, Genshin is a case of being in the right place at the right time. Unless there's another pandemic and Genshin fell into obscurity something similar won't happen.

      You kinda don't want it to be that popular. Games thrive in being extremely successful, but Genshin was so ridiculously successful that it circled back into biting it in the ass. Mihoyo doesn't care enough because they know as long as they do the bare minimum the game will still be crazy profitable, and it's popularity is also what has led to a bunch of censoring and other bullshit. I can easily see it being second only to Genshin, but because of the many factors that played a part in that game's success, many of which Star Rail doesn't have the privilege of, I don't see it reaching Genshin levels. And honestly, second best is in many ways a better position to be in.

  74. 1 year ago

    Why does this thread has so many doomposters?

    I understand there's not much to discuss since the game is not out yet.
    And it's clearly not a revolutionary mobage by any means.
    But it's as if anyone who doesn't give a frick about it has to come here to voice their opinion.
    Is it because of Genshin's success? I see a lot of people shitting on Genshin daily for the smallest things. And I'm not even sure those people even play the game.

    • 1 year ago

      >morons spam a lot of slower moving generals trying to doompost in the name of star rail
      >be surprised when there's open animosity against star rail, especially when it seems to have nothing going for it other than being made by oyohim, maker of another game with the current most obnoxious poster base on 4chinz

    • 1 year ago

      just haters coping how mihoyo will revolutionize their jap trash low effort turn baseds into the fricking trash where said trash belongs

      • 1 year ago

        list of low effort jap trash that mihoGOD will curbstomp into eos after star rail destroys them with passion and quality:
        1. any trash wright planecrash studios makes from heaven burn or anotroon gayden
        2. any shit enix trash like romance shit gayverse or some stupid shitty name and final gaytasy copera omnia
        3. any low effort anime trash like eminence in shadow or flavor of the day trash
        4. cyshit garbage like granblue fantasy finally making way for mihoyo to dominate the mobile gamingi ndustry deservingly
        5. all anime ip low effort cash grabs like dragonball after a year when star rail proves dominance over japanese overreliance on anime ips by making superior ips in game over the japs
        the koreans will follow and make equal quality as star rail that will destroy the trash japs ez
        dont bother replying with rent free cope cuz ur wrong if u think this is wrong LMAO

        bro you haven't replied to my post here

        The ones you replied to isn't mentioning any jp games tho?

        I know being a chink shill bot is a hard work but you shouldn't ignore every post that call you out with a fact like that!!

    • 1 year ago

      Popular games attract more shitposters.
      /gig/ is full of shitposters and it's no wonder many came her to shitpost, not to mention players from other gacha games.

  75. 1 year ago

    list of low effort jap trash that mihoGOD will curbstomp into eos after star rail destroys them with passion and quality:
    1. any trash wright planecrash studios makes from heaven burn or anotroon gayden
    2. any shit enix trash like romance shit gayverse or some stupid shitty name and final gaytasy copera omnia
    3. any low effort anime trash like eminence in shadow or flavor of the day trash
    4. cyshit garbage like granblue fantasy finally making way for mihoyo to dominate the mobile gamingi ndustry deservingly
    5. all anime ip low effort cash grabs like dragonball after a year when star rail proves dominance over japanese overreliance on anime ips by making superior ips in game over the japs
    the koreans will follow and make equal quality as star rail that will destroy the trash japs ez
    dont bother replying with rent free cope cuz ur wrong if u think this is wrong LMAO

    • 1 year ago

      >granblue fantasy
      I don't know man. From what little I know of that game, it's way too different from normal gacha to really be a competitor with Star Rail.

  76. 1 year ago

    I randomly got Yanqing from the standard banner yesterday and he has really surprised me with how good his damage output is. I think he may actually be better for bosses than Seele. His crit-focused kit also pairs very well with Bronya.

  77. 1 year ago

    >turdhoyo RPG

    • 1 year ago

      >oh god yes *sluuuuurp* japgods please feed me more of your delicious cum!!! *sluuuurp* I can't stop sluuurping japdick cum all day *sluuuuuuuuurp*

      • 1 year ago

        >oh god yes *sluuuuurp* chinkgods please feed me more of your delicious cum!!! *sluuuurp* I can't stop sluuurping chinkdick cum all day *sluuuuuuuuurp*

  78. 1 year ago

    I'm tired of waiting for this game frickkkkkk it's been years since a new gacha has even been worth trying. And I know this one is just bait but at least it's something.

  79. 1 year ago

    Is Seele banner limted? She seems rather weak

    • 1 year ago

      Yes, she's limited.
      She's a pretty good ST attacker, plus Quantum characters are 2nd most rare element in the game.

      • 1 year ago

        Are you new? Qua characters are dead concept now that IMG are everywhere. Also, ST is no longer meta, she got replace with HoH her time stop gives you 2 seconds more than that old character.

        • 1 year ago

          >Qua characters are dead concept now that IMG are everywhere
          Not true, there's still plenty of Quantum weak enemies and teams.
          Also Welt is not limited while Seele is limited.
          There's Qingque but she's nothing special.

          >Also, ST is no longer meta, she got replace with HoH her time stop gives you 2 seconds more than that old character.
          ? ? ?

          • 1 year ago

            the heck you talking about, the beta for Star Rail can change the meta. also why are you talking about meta when the game isn't out.

            • 1 year ago

              It's the final beta moronbro, it's pretty much the finished product apart from some unfinished cutscenes, they're not going to change anything else except patching out bugs.
              Also I'm not talking about the "meta", the previous world has different enemies and thus a different "meta".

              • 1 year ago

                No it's not FinAL, remember when genshin impact did not release all the characters and all the maps. Nothing you say is true.

  80. 1 year ago

    So what killed the hype?

  81. 1 year ago

    When is Silver wolf coming?

    • 1 year ago

      Probably way later, she's not in the story in the Beta.
      We're probably getting Kafka first.

      • 1 year ago

        I was looking at Kefka's wiki paged and was shocked when I saw she was someone's girlfriend, then that someone turned out to be another girl. Love me some dykes.

        • 1 year ago

          Isn't that just in Honkai?
          We barely know anything about her in Star Rail.

          • 1 year ago

            Holy shit I thought I was going crazy since I just checked the wiki page again and it's not there anymore. Checked the history to be sure and yeah it was edited in by some dipshit named Kafxuannyanya before getting edited out again today. I am once again reminded why I hate wikis.

            • 1 year ago

              >see history
              >Fuxuan's girlfriend
              Sorry, but Fu Xuan's mine.

      • 1 year ago

        >DoT specialist
        She's gonna suck

        • 1 year ago

          Seele is gonna be so much better it's not even funny. Unfortunately my frick is calling for Kefka though...

          • 1 year ago

            >Summoner gay
            >Healer gay
            >Sliver Wolf
            I'm gonna have to settle for Seele

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah, it's funny because she's Nihility but actually a straight up 5* version of Serval who's Erudition with all the Electro DoT spam.
          You can combo her with Sampo who increases DoT taken and Silver Wolf who does more damage against enemies with many debuffs.

          >Summoner gay
          >Healer gay
          >Sliver Wolf
          I'm gonna have to settle for Seele

          You mean Jing Yuan?
          He's an AoE gay, with his stand he pretty much attack twice per turn.
          Lightning Lord also seems to be able to do pretty good ST damage too if you level his talents and stack the attack count.

  82. 1 year ago

    Is this a game for coomers?

    • 1 year ago

      About as much as Genshin is.

    • 1 year ago

      Cooming is illegal in china, fun has been eliminated and anyone attempting to view fun will be sent to the reeducation camps.

  83. 1 year ago

    If any of you ever wonders why everyone shits on you and calls you unstable cultists, this is why

  84. 1 year ago

    Does Star Rail have comparatively more men than Genshin or does it seem like that because I have actively filtered every man from the latter?

    • 1 year ago

      Genshin has 7 males out of 20 characters on launch (21 if you count Klee).
      SR has 8 males out of 24 characters on launch.
      Both are 1:3 ratio.

      • 1 year ago

        Good enough for me then, I really like the way this game looks so far but I was getting worried it may be more female targeted. It probably seemed that way to me because it has less shotas.

        • 1 year ago

          There's more adult men now.
          There are 3 type of body for them; manlet, early adult and late adult.
          The last 2 felt redundant since the latter is just a bit taller version.

    • 1 year ago

      Good enough for me then, I really like the way this game looks so far but I was getting worried it may be more female targeted. It probably seemed that way to me because it has less shotas.

      As someone who had the same concern I'm glad I can at least make a full party of guys I like.

      • 1 year ago

        When I said female targeted I meant for female players. I actually was worried it had too many men, not too little, if that's what you meant.

        • 1 year ago

          My bad, I misunderstood your posts then. I don't think you have anything to worry about then, unless the game has a male only cast there's always more females than males.

  85. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      genshit fans in a nutshell

    • 1 year ago

      genshit fans in a nutshell

      >replying to yourself
      youre no different from him lmao
      complaining about respecting time in gachas
      keep replying to the moron obsessively
      shitposting in general
      this thread is full of schizos
      such a promising future for this general

      • 1 year ago

        Not like the general is gonna stay here anyway.

  86. 1 year ago

    Me and my daughter

  87. 1 year ago

    It's over

    • 1 year ago

      speaking of that, is Higan out? I heard theres soft launch but I cant find the apk

    • 1 year ago

      It's not like he's wrong

      • 1 year ago

        Unless I missed something and Higan has a pc version, there's no way it'll be big. Heavy 3d and mobile only is never going to be big.

        The dudes thing sounds like someone is in denial of something. Is Genshin so different? I mean I get it, gacha guys that get designed with a female audience in mind are usually very uninteresting for the male target audience, but you can always ignore that. Maybe there's even a nice one around. But that usually only happens in game that clearly know they target guys. (Like Counterside, the guys are actually quite alright. The few that do exist, be it in human form, or mech form)

        • 1 year ago

          Genshin and Star Rail have the exact same ratio of men and women at launch, that being 2/3 women and the rest men. It's literally the same thing.

        • 1 year ago

          The closest genshit got to cool male characters was some 1.0 characters and arguably Itto, but that one is only cool to people that like actual morons with peanuts for brains. Also, given mihoyos heavy model reuse, star rail is unlikely to ever have a male character that isn't generic prettyboy from china

          • 1 year ago

            Hey to be fair Star Rail at least has one more male model than Genshin.

            speaking of that, is Higan out? I heard theres soft launch but I cant find the apk

            Unless I missed something and Higan has a pc version, there's no way it'll be big. Heavy 3d and mobile only is never going to be big.

            The dudes thing sounds like someone is in denial of something. Is Genshin so different? I mean I get it, gacha guys that get designed with a female audience in mind are usually very uninteresting for the male target audience, but you can always ignore that. Maybe there's even a nice one around. But that usually only happens in game that clearly know they target guys. (Like Counterside, the guys are actually quite alright. The few that do exist, be it in human form, or mech form)

            Higan kinda shot itself in the foot. morons are mad that the soft launch allows others to get ahead of them, and apparently there is no guest accounts so rerolling will also be harder. A bunch of people are calling it DOA for pushing the release date and directly competing with Star Rail.

            • 1 year ago

              >Higan's publisher is Bilibili
              Not surprising, these guys are probably one of the biggest morons in market right now.

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe he should git gud enough to use only girls to beat content.

    • 1 year ago

      actual moronation
      imagine caring about what gender your character is instead of worrying about gameplay and game quality

      • 1 year ago

        >worrying about gameplay and game quality
        >in gacha games where the main point is collecting waifu/husbando/favorite characters
        You're as moronic as him.

    • 1 year ago

      >body pillow lovers rights are human rights

      • 1 year ago

        Damn, that homosexual really is a treasure trove of autism

  88. 1 year ago

    Is Seele the best single target?

    • 1 year ago

      I think so. Probably also the second best character after Bronya who is just crazy good.

    • 1 year ago

      Overall? Yeah.
      But you should abuse weaknesses anyway.

    • 1 year ago

      I think so. Probably also the second best character after Bronya who is just crazy good.

      Overall? Yeah.
      But you should abuse weaknesses anyway.

      Having gotten Seele in the first beta I was in and Yanqing, I've been having more success with Yanqing. Seele's free turns are nice when she gets them, but in some fights that never happens, as there are bosses with no adds. Yanqing, on the other hand, is able to utilize his full kit in any fight. With +60% crit rate on his ult, he can guarantee crits easily, and deal huge amounts of spike damage to bosses, which is the intended role of The Hunt characters. Seele, on the other hand, feels like a weird hybrid of The Hunt and The Erudition in that her kits is single-target, but she needs there to be multiple enemies to fully utilize it.

      After playing the beta more, I need to say that the opinion of Erudition/AoE characters being weak/useless is fricking wrong.
      First, battles is often waves of 3+ enemies, or 2+ tanky enemies.
      But the main point is that bosses and some elite enemies summon minions (usually 2 at a time) periodically, these elite enemies are often the boss of domains you farm artifacts and mats, also Simulated Universe and Forgotten Hall.
      The elite enemies in Belboog only summon small fries you can take out easily, but the boss of that world summons ice pillars which are annoying and are actual threats.
      In the next world, the elite enemy can summon 2 minions, these guys revives themself to 1/2 HP when they died. While they haven't been killed at least once, the elite enemy has heal on attack. You see this tanky butthole pretty often.

      Sure, there are a lot of fights with adds, but there are quite a few with none at all, such as the buzzsaw robots, or that only summon a single add infrequently, like Svarog. Whereas The Hunt characters can be useful in any fight, The Erudition characters are only able to shine in about half of the game's content. The Hunt just ends up being more reliable.

      Also, there are some bosses that start with adds, but once you kill them, never summon more, such as Kafka. In fights like that, Erudition characters are only useful for the first 2-3 turns, then they fall off for the majority of the fight.

      Actually someone that played the beta here, nice. How is Himeko? Between her and Bronya I like her a bit more aesthetically but I hear so many good things about Bronya while Himeko seems pretty meh to everyone.

      Bronya is far more universally useful. She can be slotted into any team and vastly buff the damage of whatever character is your primary damage-dealer. She also gets an action advance on using her regular attack, leading to more turns overall, and thus more skill points for your team to utilize.

      Himeko, on the other hand, has good AoE damage, but falls off when there are only 1 or 2 targets, which is quite a few bosses in the game.

      • 1 year ago

        How's Clara in the beta? She looked cute

      • 1 year ago

        Another point I forgot to mention: Although I've been using a single-target-focused team with Yanqing, when doing Simulated Universe, I take The Hunt's Eon Power, which deals a ton of damage to all enemies. By doing so, I'm able to instantly wipe add spawn waves and continue doing single-target damage to the boss. This feels, at least to me, far more efficient than using a The Erudition character who would have peaks and valleys of usefulness, rather than a more consistent option like a The Hunt character.

        Also, a slight mistake I made in this post: I meant to say that I got Seele in the first beta I was in, and got Yanqing instead in this one, as I lost the 50/50.

        How's Clara in the beta? She looked cute

        Funny you ask, as Clara happened to be my beginner banner 5* in this beta. I've been using her quite a lot, and she surprised me with how useful she is. Svarog's counters do a surprising amount of damage, and her skill's AoE along with the enhanced counters from her ult can easily wipe add waves and deal significant damage in single-target scenarios as well.

        That, and she also provides a nice amount of team damage reduction. Her ult taunts enemies for two turns, and she has a permanent 15% damage reduction, increasing to 30% when her ult is active.

        The only downside I'd say she has is that, because the majority of her damage is gated behind enemies hitting her, she has anti-synergy with characters that slow or otherwise reduce the turns enemies get, like Welt or Ice characters that can inflict freeze.

        • 1 year ago

          Any strong characters that stand out among beta testers? I'll probably try to reroll for Clara or something.

          • 1 year ago

            I haven't had the opportunity to test all of the characters, but of the ones I have, my stand-outs are:

            Welt: I got him in the first beta I was in and he's a monster. His skill deals 3 hits of damage, and his passive deals extra damage on each of his hits if it hits a slowed enemy. His passive can trigger on every hit of his skill, so if you use his skill on a slowed enemy, it becomes one of the highest damage abilities in the game. His ult also deals good damage to all enemies and pushes their turns back. Very useful overall.

            Bronya: Amazing buffer. She gives the whole team more attack and crit damage, can buff the damage of a single other character with her skill, and her normal attack always crits and advances her action, as I previously mentioned. Also, when he uses her skill to buff a teammate, that teammate has their next turn instantly advanced to the front of the queue. Normally, you just use this to instantly get off a buffed damage attack, but this also has great utility. For example, I've had instances where I had someone at risk of dying to the bosses' next attack, and my healer's next turn was after the boss', so I use Bronya's skill to move my healer's turn before the boss' to heal up the character that's in danger. Oh, and Bronya's skill also removes a debuff from whoever she uses her skill on. Arguably the most useful character in the game right now overall.

            Seele: Great single-target damage but, as I already mentioned, her free turn gimmick only works when there are multiple enemies. In single-target fights, she falls off a bit.

            Clara: Great for the previously mentioned reasons.

            Yanqing: My favorite The Hunt character so far. He deals amazing single-target damage, can guarantee crits with his ult, and he event gets follow-up attacks that can freeze, to boot.


          • 1 year ago

            I haven't had the opportunity to test all of the characters, but of the ones I have, my stand-outs are:

            Welt: I got him in the first beta I was in and he's a monster. His skill deals 3 hits of damage, and his passive deals extra damage on each of his hits if it hits a slowed enemy. His passive can trigger on every hit of his skill, so if you use his skill on a slowed enemy, it becomes one of the highest damage abilities in the game. His ult also deals good damage to all enemies and pushes their turns back. Very useful overall.

            Bronya: Amazing buffer. She gives the whole team more attack and crit damage, can buff the damage of a single other character with her skill, and her normal attack always crits and advances her action, as I previously mentioned. Also, when he uses her skill to buff a teammate, that teammate has their next turn instantly advanced to the front of the queue. Normally, you just use this to instantly get off a buffed damage attack, but this also has great utility. For example, I've had instances where I had someone at risk of dying to the bosses' next attack, and my healer's next turn was after the boss', so I use Bronya's skill to move my healer's turn before the boss' to heal up the character that's in danger. Oh, and Bronya's skill also removes a debuff from whoever she uses her skill on. Arguably the most useful character in the game right now overall.

            Seele: Great single-target damage but, as I already mentioned, her free turn gimmick only works when there are multiple enemies. In single-target fights, she falls off a bit.

            Clara: Great for the previously mentioned reasons.

            Yanqing: My favorite The Hunt character so far. He deals amazing single-target damage, can guarantee crits with his ult, and he event gets follow-up attacks that can freeze, to boot.



            Bailu: Amazing healer. Players used to Honkai Impact 3rd or Genshin may undervalue this, but this being a turn-based game where you can't avoid damage like you can in those games, having a healer is crucial for tough fights in Star Rail. Bailu provides multi-target healing on both her skill and ult (Natasha's skill is purely single-target healing) and she provides a damage-reduction buff as well.

            Dan Heng: Players will likely overlook him as he's a "starter" character, but she's a surprisingly competent The Hunt damage-dealer. He won't out-perform Seele or Yanqing, but until you get either of them, he'll be your go-to single-target machine.

            Asta: Great buffer, despite being a 4*. Provides a speed buff, which is broken in any turn-based game, as well as an attack buff, although her attack buff is a bit unreliable, as it requires multiple enemies to get more than one stack, and her skill can sometimes hit the same enemy multiple times, leading to a lower attack buff.

            Natasha: Solid free healer. Always on one of my teams since I got her.

            Pela: Another good support. As the inverse to Asta, she debuffs enemies rather than buffing your characters, and she has the unique ability to remove buffs from enemies, which can be extremely useful against certain enemies, although this does mean that she's more situational than other support options.

          • 1 year ago

            NTA but I have heard a lot of people not enjoying the passive playstyle of Clara though. Not really surprising, any character that depends on the enemy doing something to work is bound to suffer in some way.

            I haven't had the opportunity to test all of the characters, but of the ones I have, my stand-outs are:

            Welt: I got him in the first beta I was in and he's a monster. His skill deals 3 hits of damage, and his passive deals extra damage on each of his hits if it hits a slowed enemy. His passive can trigger on every hit of his skill, so if you use his skill on a slowed enemy, it becomes one of the highest damage abilities in the game. His ult also deals good damage to all enemies and pushes their turns back. Very useful overall.

            Bronya: Amazing buffer. She gives the whole team more attack and crit damage, can buff the damage of a single other character with her skill, and her normal attack always crits and advances her action, as I previously mentioned. Also, when he uses her skill to buff a teammate, that teammate has their next turn instantly advanced to the front of the queue. Normally, you just use this to instantly get off a buffed damage attack, but this also has great utility. For example, I've had instances where I had someone at risk of dying to the bosses' next attack, and my healer's next turn was after the boss', so I use Bronya's skill to move my healer's turn before the boss' to heal up the character that's in danger. Oh, and Bronya's skill also removes a debuff from whoever she uses her skill on. Arguably the most useful character in the game right now overall.

            Seele: Great single-target damage but, as I already mentioned, her free turn gimmick only works when there are multiple enemies. In single-target fights, she falls off a bit.

            Clara: Great for the previously mentioned reasons.

            Yanqing: My favorite The Hunt character so far. He deals amazing single-target damage, can guarantee crits with his ult, and he event gets follow-up attacks that can freeze, to boot.


            Bronya just sounds too good not to have. With everything she apparently does I can't imagine somewhere you wouldn't want to use her. As for Seele, I am surprised you say she isn't that amazing, everyone seems to hyping her up. All the more reason for me to go for mommy Kefka though if the former isn't that amazing.

            • 1 year ago

              >NTA but I have heard a lot of people not enjoying the passive playstyle of Clara though. Not really surprising, any character that depends on the enemy doing something to work is bound to suffer in some way.
              Doesn't it depend on what you're doing? Like if i'm trying to advance story and clear trash then I absolutely would not want a slow ass tank in my party but if i'm trying to turtle through hard content I have no business doing then a tank that can soak up damage and then reflect it back would be a godsend.

              I'm not a beta player though, i'm just speaking from me playing other RPGs and shit since I don't mind hunkering down and just slowly turtling hard fights since I've done shit like abusing total immunity on games like trails where I'd have physical and magic immunity up at all times and just turtle the shit out of the enemies by having impenetrable defenses.

            • 1 year ago

              Don't get me wrong, Seele's great, it's just that she's only able to hit her apex in some fights. People tend to be enamored by seeing her do 4-5 turns in a row by taking out multiple enemies, but this tends to only happen in trash fights, where you're never needing to be at your best anyway. Some of the toughest fights in the game are ones where there are only 1-3 enemies in the entire fight, so he barely gets to use her gimmick at all. She's another "peaks and valleys" character in that regard. When she shines, she shines the brightest out of any damage-dealer, but when she can't use her gimmick, Yanqing ends up feeling more useful and reliable.

              And yes, Bronya is as good as she sounds. By far the best support in the game at the moment. She also pairs very well with Yanqing as Bronya buffs crit damage and Yanqin's ult can guarantee crits. I've had Yanqing hit for 20k+ ults by combining the two.

              >NTA but I have heard a lot of people not enjoying the passive playstyle of Clara though. Not really surprising, any character that depends on the enemy doing something to work is bound to suffer in some way.
              Doesn't it depend on what you're doing? Like if i'm trying to advance story and clear trash then I absolutely would not want a slow ass tank in my party but if i'm trying to turtle through hard content I have no business doing then a tank that can soak up damage and then reflect it back would be a godsend.

              I'm not a beta player though, i'm just speaking from me playing other RPGs and shit since I don't mind hunkering down and just slowly turtling hard fights since I've done shit like abusing total immunity on games like trails where I'd have physical and magic immunity up at all times and just turtle the shit out of the enemies by having impenetrable defenses.

              Ironically, I've come to find Clara the most useful in trash fights, and less useful in boss fights. Unless I'm doing content I'm underleveled for, I've never really felt the need for a "tank" character as Natasha or Bailu can just heal through anything they put out.

              Although, take the above with a grain of salt, as I have had Bronya in my party this whole beta, so if my healer gets imprisoned or otherwise debuffed, I've been able to clear it with Bronya. If I didn't have Bronya, Clara's ability to taunt debuffs away from my other characters would be more useful.

              • 1 year ago

                Can Clara (Or any other tank in the game) tank AOEs or hard hitting abilities? Games sometimes have these dickass bosses that deal insane amounts of damage and having someone reliably tank that hit makes the fight so much easier. Or better when said tank has the ability to tank for the entire party and turns AOE into single target damage like this for example

                >Receive all attacks in place of allies (includes all-ally attacks)

              • 1 year ago

                That is, unfortunately, one of Clara's shortcomings. She does taunt enemies, but she cannot mitigate AoE damage in any way.

                Gepard, on the other hand, does have an ult that gives the entire team a shield, so he may be closer to what you're looking for.


                Other characters that can do this, albeit not as well, are the main character's second class and March 7th.

                After you get her to a certain level, March 7th's shield lasts 4 turns, rather than 3, meaning that, if you use her skill every turn, she can keep the entire team shielded.


                The MC, in contrast, provides a team-wide shield with every action he/she takes, however its HP is far lower than the one Gepard provides, so it's more of a safety cushion than a truly dependable defensive option.


              • 1 year ago

                Nah, shield is shield. I think I've only seen that ability on granblue or at least I only remember it on granblue since games don't always let the team be immune for AOEs. I always approach RPGs and stuff by taking the holy trinity of classes which would be healer, tank and DPS but dunno if star rail will go this way too or if it'll just be a DPS race where you only take damage dealers to go faster.

              • 1 year ago

                I don't think a team of 4 damage dealers will be viable in any of the game's more challenging content. I've always had to have at least a healer against any boss I wasn't overleveled for. I've also seen a lot of people successfully clear content they're underleveled for by bringing both a healer and someone who provides defensive utility, like the MC's second class or Gepard. When trying to fight a level 60 boss in Simulated Universe while my team was still level 50, I did have one character get killed from 100% health in one turn, so having that extra shielding can be invaluable for content you're underleveled for.

              • 1 year ago

                >When trying to fight a level 60 boss in Simulated Universe while my team was still level 50, I did have one character get killed from 100% health in one turn
                Yeah, from experience playing RPGs there's always that boss with the oneshot where if it hits an important character then you're fukt because it means your entire party can crumble in seconds unless you waste someone else's turn to revive them and then heal them back up.

              • 1 year ago

                This is even more true in Star Rail than in other RPGs because you cannot in-fight rez, and having one less character means less skill points, meaning you not only have less turns, but also less ability to use those turns on things that matter, because you have to normal attack more to make up for the skill points you're missing by having one less character.

              • 1 year ago

                You can't res in fight? No phoenix downs, no revives, no nothing? That sucks

              • 1 year ago

                That's right. You also cannot use healing items in fights, either. So no "potions," just your healers' abilities.

                The only exception to this that I've seen so far is Bailu. She has a passive that, once per battle, she auto-rezzes the first person to die.


              • 1 year ago

                Guess they really want players to stick to traditional triforce teams then

              • 1 year ago

                That's right. You also cannot use healing items in fights, either. So no "potions," just your healers' abilities.

                The only exception to this that I've seen so far is Bailu. She has a passive that, once per battle, she auto-rezzes the first person to die.


                Oh, and Gepard also has a resist death passive that can trigger once per battle, but it's just for him.


              • 1 year ago

                Tank without a taunt seems weird though like a healer without heals

              • 1 year ago

                One of his traces (think Sphere Grid from FFX) does increase his chance of being targeted by enemies, although it's not a 100% taunt like the MC's second class has.


              • 1 year ago

                So only characters with a taunt so far are MC and Clara?

              • 1 year ago

                Even Clara's ult does not technically inflict taunt. It's just greatly increased chance of being targeted. If you read the MC's second class' skill and Clara's ult, you'll notice the wording is a bit different.



              • 1 year ago

                I guess MC is more of an actual tank while Clara and Gepard are more of tanky bruisers then?

              • 1 year ago

                MC is the only one that can fully guarantee enemies attack them, yes.

                I haven't used Gepard, so I can't speak to his passive's efficacy, but as for Clara, I would estimate the taunt chance on her ult to be around 80%. The vast majority of the time, while her ult is active, enemies will target her, but every 3 or 4 attacks an enemy will target someone else.

              • 1 year ago

                From what I heard mc here seems actually quite solid unlike Genshin. A lot of people say he is genuinely a good character, especially his fire version.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah, MC is surprisingly good. Their 1st class is a solid and versatile damage-dealer who can choose between high single-target or blast (damages targeted enemy and the two adjacent enemies) damage with their skill and ult. They're also a bit more tanky than most other damage-dealers.

                As for their 2nd class, they provide some nice defensive utility. Possessing the only "true" taunt in the game on their skill and nice AoE damage on their ult, they strike a nice balance between defense and offense. They also provide a small team-wide shield every time they take a turn, which gives a nice safety cushion.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah, MC is surprisingly good. Their 1st class is a solid and versatile damage-dealer who can choose between high single-target or blast (damages targeted enemy and the two adjacent enemies) damage with their skill and ult. They're also a bit more tanky than most other damage-dealers.

                As for their 2nd class, they provide some nice defensive utility. Possessing the only "true" taunt in the game on their skill and nice AoE damage on their ult, they strike a nice balance between defense and offense. They also provide a small team-wide shield every time they take a turn, which gives a nice safety cushion.

                Also, unlike Genshin they force you to use the MC for actually challenging fights at times. For example, you're required to use the MC in the final boss fight on the first planet.

              • 1 year ago

                Well if MC's good and a tank then it should be easy to force MC into the tank role and then roll with DPS/Healer characters then?

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah, they're actually quite good in that fight as the boss is weak to their element and they help counter the party-wide damage that the boss does. Basically, the only point I was making by pointing out that the game forces you to use them is that it's not a "waste" to level them like some people feel is the case with Genshin's MC.

              • 1 year ago

                Considering they will probably progressively release new elemental versions of him as well, then it sounds like it would be a no brainer to level the mc up even if the game didn't force you to. Especially if they are as good as his first two elements.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah, it seems that way. Unfortunately, their leveling works like Genshin where they keep their base character level when switching between classes, but you have to level up their traces separately.

              • 1 year ago

                I have him, Gepard is more of a tanky defensive buffer.
                You want to increase his DEF for tankier shields, so he will be more resilent to damage, plus he has more HP and one time self revive.
                He just doesn't die with the 3* LC Defense at max dupe, effect is heal 30% max HP on ulti.

                From what I heard mc here seems actually quite solid unlike Genshin. A lot of people say he is genuinely a good character, especially his fire version.

                Yeah, he's good.
                The Phys class is alright although not amazing but the defensive class is really good.

                Why is taunt a stat? What does it do?

                Like the other anon said, it's how high the chance a character is going to be attacked.
                Taunt is similar to speed where it's depended on class/role rather than individual, though speed isn't as rigid, as someone from the same class/role could be faster or slower from someone else in the same class.

                Is that a bat

                Yes, MC uses a fricking bat.
                Though he changed to a spear in the defensive class.

              • 1 year ago

                More like a lance than a spear

      • 1 year ago

        Another point I forgot to mention: Although I've been using a single-target-focused team with Yanqing, when doing Simulated Universe, I take The Hunt's Eon Power, which deals a ton of damage to all enemies. By doing so, I'm able to instantly wipe add spawn waves and continue doing single-target damage to the boss. This feels, at least to me, far more efficient than using a The Erudition character who would have peaks and valleys of usefulness, rather than a more consistent option like a The Hunt character.

        Also, a slight mistake I made in this post: I meant to say that I got Seele in the first beta I was in, and got Yanqing instead in this one, as I lost the 50/50.

        Funny you ask, as Clara happened to be my beginner banner 5* in this beta. I've been using her quite a lot, and she surprised me with how useful she is. Svarog's counters do a surprising amount of damage, and her skill's AoE along with the enhanced counters from her ult can easily wipe add waves and deal significant damage in single-target scenarios as well.

        That, and she also provides a nice amount of team damage reduction. Her ult taunts enemies for two turns, and she has a permanent 15% damage reduction, increasing to 30% when her ult is active.

        The only downside I'd say she has is that, because the majority of her damage is gated behind enemies hitting her, she has anti-synergy with characters that slow or otherwise reduce the turns enemies get, like Welt or Ice characters that can inflict freeze.

        >Sure, there are a lot of fights with adds, but there are quite a few with none at all, such as the buzzsaw robots, or that only summon a single add infrequently, like Svarog. Whereas The Hunt characters can be useful in any fight, The Erudition characters are only able to shine in about half of the game's content. The Hunt just ends up being more reliable.
        >Also, there are some bosses that start with adds, but once you kill them, never summon more, such as Kafka. In fights like that, Erudition characters are only useful for the first 2-3 turns, then they fall off for the majority of the fight.
        Kafka is the only boss that doesn't summon backup regularly, while elite enemies that does often become the boss of farming node/stage.
        For example Svarog in Simulated Universe's World 4, this fricking butthole spammed hand robots in his 3rd phase like there's no tomorrow.
        In world 3 Gepard summon a new batch of enemies on every phase and regularly summon them on the last one.
        In world 6 Cocolia summons ice pillars regularly, with Bronya joining in in the 2nd phase.
        Even with the Hunt's arrow rain, it's still not enough to kill them fast, Gepard can even protect his soldiers and letting them stay along for too long is just a bad idea.
        Erudition is also useful for farming, which is like 90% of the things we already doing and will keep doing.

        • 1 year ago

          >Even with the Hunt's arrow rain, it's still not enough to kill them fast
          Not sure what to tell you other than "Works on my machine" seeing as I cleared all of Simulated Universe with a The Hunt team. For Svarog I just bursted down his hand add every time he summoned it and never had a problem. Maybe you just didn't have enough single-target damage to take it out quickly.

          • 1 year ago

            Actually, I just looked at your screenshot and I see the problem: Your team.

            You have two tanks, a healer, and a single The Erudition 4* damage dealer. Of course you're not killing them fast enough.

            I cleared all of SU with Clara/Dan Heng/Bronya/Natasha. You should try swapping MC for someone with more damage. Having Fire MC + Gepard is redundant.

            Nah I reset it and cleared it manually just fine.
            The problem isn't my team, it's because the auto is dumb.
            I expected an AoE situation and brought 2 characters with AoEs.
            3 defensive characters because my characters are underleveled, managed to not get one shot by keeping everyone's HP high.
            You have Bronya so you can just bruteforce it much easier, try not using her and you'd have a harder time.

            How important is strong healing? People overvalued the hell out of Qiqi when Genshin started and thought you'd have to reroll for her but as the game went on, everyone noticed she was pretty shitty.

            Star Rail is different though since it's turn based. Will I have to reroll for a healer like that e-girl that revives like in Another Eden where you had to reroll for a strong healer or suffer immensely or are the free 4* healers strong enough to do the job?

            You can dodge in Genshin, you can't in Star Rail, so you have to run at least a shielder or healer.
            It's easier in the the story and for farming because you can just run back into the healing spot, but in the harder game modes healing is much more scarce.
            Having Bailu is nice for one time revive per battle, but if homies are dying more than once you should level your team as a whole rather than counting on a specific character to save your ass.

        • 1 year ago

          >Even with the Hunt's arrow rain, it's still not enough to kill them fast
          Not sure what to tell you other than "Works on my machine" seeing as I cleared all of Simulated Universe with a The Hunt team. For Svarog I just bursted down his hand add every time he summoned it and never had a problem. Maybe you just didn't have enough single-target damage to take it out quickly.

          Actually, I just looked at your screenshot and I see the problem: Your team.

          You have two tanks, a healer, and a single The Erudition 4* damage dealer. Of course you're not killing them fast enough.

          I cleared all of SU with Clara/Dan Heng/Bronya/Natasha. You should try swapping MC for someone with more damage. Having Fire MC + Gepard is redundant.

  89. 1 year ago

    After playing the beta more, I need to say that the opinion of Erudition/AoE characters being weak/useless is fricking wrong.
    First, battles is often waves of 3+ enemies, or 2+ tanky enemies.
    But the main point is that bosses and some elite enemies summon minions (usually 2 at a time) periodically, these elite enemies are often the boss of domains you farm artifacts and mats, also Simulated Universe and Forgotten Hall.
    The elite enemies in Belboog only summon small fries you can take out easily, but the boss of that world summons ice pillars which are annoying and are actual threats.
    In the next world, the elite enemy can summon 2 minions, these guys revives themself to 1/2 HP when they died. While they haven't been killed at least once, the elite enemy has heal on attack. You see this tanky butthole pretty often.

    • 1 year ago

      Actually someone that played the beta here, nice. How is Himeko? Between her and Bronya I like her a bit more aesthetically but I hear so many good things about Bronya while Himeko seems pretty meh to everyone.

  90. 1 year ago

    >why are you still doing commissions in Mondo, Liyue or Inazuma
    Because fricker keeps adding new commissions with achievements and the chance of encountering it are total random? Day 1 player here and i still can't complete the love whisper or whatever it called achievement because i need to do the same commission for 5 times and i still got 2.

  91. 1 year ago

    I really like how this game looks and can't wait for it but I bet discussion about this will be so cancerous that every other board will have to kneel to the sheer autism on display

    Hope discussion is alive on this board at least but I bet all those people will just follow it here

    • 1 year ago

      >honkek+genshin audience
      why even bother with post release threads

      • 1 year ago

        I'm adding whatever general comes out of it to my filter so I don't get tempted to click on it but /hig/ is already one of the worst schizo circlejerks on /vg/ with an autistic hipster audience even outside of Ganker always desperate to prove they're better than Genshin and then you have all the genshin babies, shitters and shitposters that populate that game so imagine mixing those two with other game tourists, fotm shitposters and various other morons.
        It's the perfect recipe for disaster.

        • 1 year ago

          >desperate to prove they're better than Genshin
          Considering that genshin is a normalhomosexual game for people that hate gacha and is gacha in name only every other actual gacha game wins by default.

          • 1 year ago

            wow you're so cool for hating on genshin can I suck your dick?

            • 1 year ago

              Sure bro, but I just got done with a long edging session so you'll have to wait until tomorrow the tank is empty.

          • 1 year ago

            >and is gacha in name only
            nah man, genshit is bad because it suffers from 2014 era gacha design. The "singleplayer" parts of it are already bad but then you throw more badly designed shit on top

            • 1 year ago

              >The "singleplayer" parts of it are already bad
              If anything it allow the game to be more casual and attract more players.
              Other top grossing gacha/mobile games are PvP focused and I can't see it working well with an open world, exploration based game.

              • 1 year ago

                >If anything it allow the game to be more casual and attract more players.
                If you are saying that really shallow and badly done singplayer attracts players then we can agree on that
                >are PvP focused and I can't see it working well with an open world, exploration based game.
                You don't need pvp to make a good game, if anything it would make genshin even worse

              • 1 year ago

                >If you are saying that really shallow and badly done singplayer attracts players then we can agree on that
                Yes, it's a casual gacha game, it attracts casual players easily.

                >You don't need pvp to make a good game, if anything it would make genshin even worse
                Then, within rationality, what do you suggest?

                I don't understand the 2014 era gacha design, the bad "singleplayer" parts.
                I can guess what are the badly designed shit.

              • 1 year ago

                by 2014 I mean more so the hyper-restricted stamina(resin) and how the daily dungeons are designed, locked to specific days for example, so many games move away from that nowadays or put less emphasis on that, yet mihoyo over here reminds me why shit like puzzle dragons fell off hard.
                >Then, within rationality, what do you suggest?
                Same shit that was mentioned whenever this topic is brought up, make the rougelike mode pernament. They didnt bother even rerunning it unlike every other event

              • 1 year ago

                The funny thing is that they're moving from all that in Star Rail, no more specific day domains, and they have the roguelike-IS2 copy permanently on top of Abyss.
                The thing is, Genshin's system is working well already, so it's pretty unlikely they'd implement all the QoL stuff from SR to Genshin.
                As someone with a max AR account, the specific day domains and limited resin doesn't matter anymore to me.

          • 1 year ago

            >gacha in name only
            haha lol
            >low rate
            >dupe (cons and refinement) give huge advantage to justify having pity
            >low distribution of free roll
            >give free roll for delayed update but then reduced the gain from consecutive patch to balance it out
            >added one (uno) free roll for completing each main quest on current patch but reduced the gain from events to balance it out
            It's all text book gacha game strategy. More like action rpg in name only because all you do are playing mini games every patch.

    • 1 year ago

      >really like how this game looks and can't wait for it
      well thats the first problem

      I'm adding whatever general comes out of it to my filter so I don't get tempted to click on it but /hig/ is already one of the worst schizo circlejerks on /vg/ with an autistic hipster audience even outside of Ganker always desperate to prove they're better than Genshin and then you have all the genshin babies, shitters and shitposters that populate that game so imagine mixing those two with other game tourists, fotm shitposters and various other morons.
      It's the perfect recipe for disaster.

      >always desperate to prove they're better than Genshin
      granted, thats not hard

      You can't res in fight? No phoenix downs, no revives, no nothing? That sucks

      Its a mobile game, not a jrpg. Kind of shocked you didnt realize that until now

  92. 1 year ago

    The question remains the same, male or female mc? Since we are not so fricking gay looking this time, I say male and self insert with the rest of the party as my harem.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah MC looks like a gigachad instead of girlier than the female char so I'll pick male this time

    • 1 year ago

      Female to prey on the shorter boys

      • 1 year ago

        >shorter boys
        So far that's just Yanqing and Arlan. Compared to Genshin, Star Rail is starting off with a distinct lack of shotas.

        • 1 year ago

          I feel also like if Clara was in Genshin she would be a chibi instead of a young girl.

    • 1 year ago

      I hope the avatar you don't pick is reused somewhere in the game.

    • 1 year ago

      Is that a bat

    • 1 year ago

      the one who looks the most disinterested so femc

      • 1 year ago

        They both have the same disinterested look to me, just in different ways. Female has the droopy eyes while male seems to be sighing.

  93. 1 year ago

    Why is taunt a stat? What does it do?

    • 1 year ago

      Probably how likely this character is to be targeted? I am just guessing here.

  94. 1 year ago

    For those who played the beta, what is the stellar jade income like? Is it enough to warrant a 0.6 SSR rate? I heard you can basically clear the entire game with hyper invested 4 star units but as new content gets released we might need the "niche" characters for certain content.

    • 1 year ago

      60 like Genshin
      5 tix for standard and limited each like Genshin too

      Simulated Universe
      >One time only
      5 std tix, 10 Herta Bond, 2 Herta dupes. Haven't unlocked the last world but it's probably additional 2 Bond and 1 dupe
      >Refreshes every week
      105 + 1 std tix
      Currently the score caps at 5000 for me, but there are stages that give more score than that, so it will probably increase in cap and rewards
      There's also a shop that uses a special currency named Herta Bond, acquirable only in the game mode, you get 1 per week and a std tix's(unlimited stock) cost is 2. So it's more like 1.5 std tix a week
      Other items are 3 5* Light Cones, cost is 8 each, they have a special superimposer/dupe so you don't need to spend 8 each time, only 2.

      Forgotten Hall
      >One time only
      200 * 15 stages = 3000
      >Refreshes every 2 weeks
      60 * 10 stages = 600

      Sadly, characters doesn't give out standard rolls on ascension.

      60 * 30 = 1800
      105 * 4 = 420
      600 * 2 = 1200
      3420 / 160 = 21.375 rolls monthly for any banner
      Add 5 more rolls for standard and limited each from monthly, plus up to 6 more rolls for standard, or just 4 if you're still buying other stuff in Herta's shop.
      BP give additional 5 standard tix, not sure how long the duration of BP is, but it has lower cap than Genshin (800 vs 1000 per level), it's probably monthly instead of 6 weeks.
      Assuming all jade are used for limited banner only:
      26 limited + 14-16 std
      I think that wraps up the expected regular monthly rolls.
      There are achievements, events, many type of quests and chests for more rolls.

      I have been playing for 3.5 weeks now, played story until the end, where we just captured Kafka, and played through the majority of quests.
      I have rolled 164 times, 60 of them used free rolls given by the dev for the beta, at least 20 rolls are from free standard tix in-game.
      I still have jade worth of 39 rolls left plus 8 limited banner tix.
      That's for early game rolls.

  95. 1 year ago

    Is Himeko going to be killed again in this game?

    • 1 year ago

      Why would you think that?

    • 1 year ago

      She's a major character and maybe some of them will die, either Welt or her.

      More like a lance than a spear

      Oh yeah, definitely a lance, not sure why I said spear.

    • 1 year ago

      no because post-genshit mihoyo doesnt have the balls to do it

      • 1 year ago

        They killed Signora despite the hype for her being playable at some point. I don't think they'll kill anyone who is already playable though.

        • 1 year ago

          >muh signore
          She wasn't playable, her backsotry is a dark souls joke and barely counted as a character with barely 20 lines of dialogue. Apples and oranges

          • 1 year ago

            No need to sperg out, I mentioned her to point out that they do have the balls to kill characters, just not ones that are already playable so while I don't think they'll kill Himeko, they may kill some other Honkai character that people expect to be playable in the future.

            • 1 year ago

              If mihoyo wants to kill things then just bring in the writers from Honkai 3rd and they will have successfully killed everyone's desire and hype to play the game

              • 1 year ago

                Didn't Honkai 3rd's story just ended?
                Is it closing down or moving on to the next arc like FGO?

              • 1 year ago

                I think it's moving on to the next arc
                The PV for the next arc seemed interesting but dragging my balls through broken glass seems more fun than reading the final story arcs of that game to catch up so I'll pass

              • 1 year ago

                They're going to be starting a new arc. They just put out a teaser, and advertised an engine upgrade in a recent dev stream.

              • 1 year ago

                >stakes and consequences in the story? I dont wan't those, bleeeh
                Don't worry, they replaced the writer with the hack that gave us elysiawank 24/7

              • 1 year ago

                Stakes and consequences are good though? Honkai's story became utter garbage after Moon halo
                spoiler]not like it was that good before to be fully honest with you my senpai[/spoiler] and became the reason I dropped the game. Community went to shit, story went to shit, game went to shit so it felt like a great time to bow out and move on.

              • 1 year ago

                Oh I agree then, sorta, Kolosten was fine but now it became obvious they just wanted to write Otto out. Concidentaly they replaced the writer after Kolosten so that says a lot

              • 1 year ago

                I like stakes and consequences, I want the story moving, I want to see effects of the story in the real world like how the entire genshin world changes irreversibly after arc 3. That shit was pure KINO.

                Honkai's the opposite of this, things happen but everything is more or less back to the status quo after things happen and the writers just push and shill their favorites in the story without giving a flying frick about what the fans want, what would be natural story progression or telling a good story.

              • 1 year ago

                >like how the entire genshin world changes irreversibly after arc 3
                what fanfiction are you reffering to?

              • 1 year ago

                try playing the game, it's good.

              • 1 year ago


                They're referencing how Rukkhadevata was erased from Irminsul.

                That's the cause.
                The consequence is that every book, item description, character dialog, quest and everything you could find is changed to reflect that Rukkhadevata never existed since she was erased and everyone forgot she existed

                Doesn't help that Rukk was only ever mentioned during Sumeru, so her name being erased means nothing

              • 1 year ago

                They're referencing how Rukkhadevata was erased from Irminsul.

              • 1 year ago

                That's the cause.
                The consequence is that every book, item description, character dialog, quest and everything you could find is changed to reflect that Rukkhadevata never existed since she was erased and everyone forgot she existed

              • 1 year ago

                >just push and shill their favorites in the story without giving a flying frick about what the fans want
                >More Kiana simping
                >More Mei simping
                >More lesbian shipping and romance.
                Isn't that what form the core value of Honkai?

              • 1 year ago

                I wonder if Genshin's arc 4 will be as good as Sumeru or if we'll go back to lackluster storytelling or Kolosten tier shit or whatever the frick was that final chapter in honkai where you just want to vomit blood

                Genshin's latest story developments gave me hope for hoyoverse's storytelling so my expectations for Star Rail are high.

              • 1 year ago

                >as good as Sumeru
                >Teppei 2.0
                >bad adaptation of groundhog day
                >literally stumbling into the plot multiple times
                >bad heist movie
                >retcon tree
                >scarashit dindu nothing wrong

            • 1 year ago

              Wasnt my intention, just pointing out that the two are nowhere near comparable. Mihoyo doesnt have the balls to kill a PLAYABLE character, better? Signora as a character was about as relevant as that generic npc in inazuma

    • 1 year ago

      This himeko doesn't exactly seem like.the self sacrificing kind. She also doesn't really have any kind of moral responsibility towards anyone to do that.

  96. 1 year ago

    How important is strong healing? People overvalued the hell out of Qiqi when Genshin started and thought you'd have to reroll for her but as the game went on, everyone noticed she was pretty shitty.

    Star Rail is different though since it's turn based. Will I have to reroll for a healer like that e-girl that revives like in Another Eden where you had to reroll for a strong healer or suffer immensely or are the free 4* healers strong enough to do the job?

    • 1 year ago

      I have had no problems clearing everything in the current beta with Natasha for my "main" team and March 7th as a backup for content that requires two teams such as Hall of Forgotten Memories.

      Bailu/Luocha are nice-to-haves, not necessities.

      • 1 year ago

        The thing with Genshin healers is that people got better at the game, started dodging well, and then there we no need for healers. Also shielders became a thing, so you could preemptively block damage. I didn't play the beta, but from what I saw, you can do well with just Natasha (4 star healer) and 7th March (4 star shielder) you only need one in a team, at least for the content that's on the final beta. Of course, Bailu (5 star healer) trivializes content that we have now, but you don't need her if you're good enough, or over leveled enough.

        Nah I reset it and cleared it manually just fine.
        The problem isn't my team, it's because the auto is dumb.
        I expected an AoE situation and brought 2 characters with AoEs.
        3 defensive characters because my characters are underleveled, managed to not get one shot by keeping everyone's HP high.
        You have Bronya so you can just bruteforce it much easier, try not using her and you'd have a harder time.

        You can dodge in Genshin, you can't in Star Rail, so you have to run at least a shielder or healer.
        It's easier in the the story and for farming because you can just run back into the healing spot, but in the harder game modes healing is much more scarce.
        Having Bailu is nice for one time revive per battle, but if homies are dying more than once you should level your team as a whole rather than counting on a specific character to save your ass.

        The issue is that the game i'm mentioning here (Another Eden) is that it had a lot of harder boss fights and shit where you needed to do mechanics, grind the frick out of things and overall get stronger while rolling a healer like Mariel would allow you to bulldoze story a lot more easily and clear content faster/more easily

        AE's kinda dead to powercreep today so you're late to the party if you never tried it and want to play it now but it is pretty much a turn based game like star rail and seems the closest comparison. Epic7 was kind of the same too I guess, your recommended reroll wasn't a big badass DPS but a healer like Angelica or Tamarinne so you could actually clear content and do things far more easily.

        • 1 year ago

          While I haven't played AE or E7, I can see where you're coming from, and I don't think that is going to be the case with Star Rail. There actually isn't that big of a difference between Natasha and Bailu, to be honest, so I can't imagine getting progression-gated by not having "the right" healer.

        • 1 year ago

          As I said, Bailu trivializes content but you don't NEED her, at least for the content that we have now. As later content releases, we might need a strong healer or two to clear it, but as of now, we don't need it. Hopefully Star Rail doesn't fall to power creep like other turn based gachas, where the only objective is "do more damage" or "tank more damage". For example, an enemy that deals more damage on their next turn if they take damage or you heal an ally.

          • 1 year ago

            AE definitely fell to powercreep badly. I always find myself asking why the frick did they powercreep the game so badly when it's just gacha chrono cross but now characters have skills with 4 effects packed into them and the skill changes depending on what stance is activated vs "Deal 300% fire damage" from launch characters.

            E7's powercreep is due to it being a PVP game so naturally they would release stronger units overtime then counter to these stronger units and so on due to a necessity to shake up the PVP meta and force whales to roll for the newest strong character.

            • 1 year ago

              >AE definitely fell to powercreep badly. I always find myself asking why the frick did they powercreep the game so badly
              Because superbosses and boss rush exist

        • 1 year ago

          All things considered, comparing AE to SR is kind of like comparing final fantasy before 13 to autobattlers

        • 1 year ago

          Bailu heals a bit more than Natasha and can revive once, that's their difference.

          As I said, Bailu trivializes content but you don't NEED her, at least for the content that we have now. As later content releases, we might need a strong healer or two to clear it, but as of now, we don't need it. Hopefully Star Rail doesn't fall to power creep like other turn based gachas, where the only objective is "do more damage" or "tank more damage". For example, an enemy that deals more damage on their next turn if they take damage or you heal an ally.

          I doubt it, from the so many system that's copied from Genshin and the depth of the gameplay, the game is, like Genshin, focuses on casuals.
          So it's probably will be like Genshin, occasional powercreep but older characters can still clear latest content.

          AE definitely fell to powercreep badly. I always find myself asking why the frick did they powercreep the game so badly when it's just gacha chrono cross but now characters have skills with 4 effects packed into them and the skill changes depending on what stance is activated vs "Deal 300% fire damage" from launch characters.

          E7's powercreep is due to it being a PVP game so naturally they would release stronger units overtime then counter to these stronger units and so on due to a necessity to shake up the PVP meta and force whales to roll for the newest strong character.

          AE has no PvP right?
          It's dumb to implement such ruthless powercreep when even non overpowered characters will still sell.

    • 1 year ago

      The thing with Genshin healers is that people got better at the game, started dodging well, and then there we no need for healers. Also shielders became a thing, so you could preemptively block damage. I didn't play the beta, but from what I saw, you can do well with just Natasha (4 star healer) and 7th March (4 star shielder) you only need one in a team, at least for the content that's on the final beta. Of course, Bailu (5 star healer) trivializes content that we have now, but you don't need her if you're good enough, or over leveled enough.

      • 1 year ago

        >people got better at the game
        nice joke, the actual reason is that more shield characters came out

        • 1 year ago

          I mean, Genshin was never really difficult, except maybe trying to clear Abyss 12-3 as a F2P without min maxed characters. They seem to be going the same route in Star Rail, hopefully we get some harder content that for example, let's us grind jades or passes. (Very unlikely but eh)

  97. 1 year ago

    Has there been any confirmation yet on the end date of the current CBT? Jing Yuan's banner says it has 5 days left, but the Cosmic Warfare event says it has 7 days left. So it seems like either:

    1: The beta will continue longer than a month and we might be getting another banner after Jing Yuan.
    2: The beta's ending on the 10th, exactly 1 month after it's start, and Cosmic Warfare's timer is wrong.
    3: It'll be ending on the 12th, and there will just be 2 days of no limited banner.

    • 1 year ago

      >end date of the current CBT
      Why would you want your wiener-and-ball torture to end?

    • 1 year ago

      It will probably end in 3 weeks because the BP ends in 3 weeks, which would be exactly 1 month before 26th April, the supposed release date.

  98. 1 year ago

    when able play

    • 1 year ago

      April 26 is the date that is listed on the mobile appstores.

  99. 1 year ago

    i wait for porn of the dudes
    that is all i want to say

  100. 1 year ago

    Sushang or Dan Heng?

    • 1 year ago

      I think Dan Heng is better just because of speed down

  101. 1 year ago

    To the people who played the beta, is Arlan as bad/difficult to use as people say in tier lists?

    • 1 year ago

      theres tierlists? link one

      • 1 year ago

        There are a lot of tier lists if you just search for it, most of them are prydwen-tier though, this is a more accurate one with different criterias

        • 1 year ago

          This list is a bit exaggerated.
          Arlan isn't that bad and Dan Heng isn't that good.
          I more or less agree with a lot of things though.

          Please tell me Sushang is better than Dan or even Seele

          The only one better than Seele is Yanqing.
          Sushang has better ST damage but Dan Heng has slow if you can crit on his skill, which isn't very reliable in early-mid game unless you go out of your way for it.

        • 1 year ago

          Seele seems to be one of the characters he has overrated according to a lot of people. Still very good but not that good.

    • 1 year ago

      The slightly higher damage Arlan does over his fellow 4* damage-dealers doesn't justify his HP-sacrifice mechanics, especially in a game where higher-tier enemies have attacks that can easily chunk you for 50% HP in one turn. The only way I could see someone making him really work is combining him with a VERY strong dedicated shielder like a fully defense-built March 7th or Gepard to allow him to sit at low HP permanently without taking HP damage from enemies.

      Please tell me Sushang is better than Dan or even Seele

      Better than Seele? No way.

      Better than Dan Heng? They have their pros and cons. Dan Heng has better crit/speed manipulation, whereas Sushang is better for phys break.

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks for answering. Since I plan on getting Gepard anyway, I guess I can try to make Arlan work. Would be nice if they release some equipment or another unit that helps more, otherwise it will have been a waste creating the HP-sacrifice mechanic.

        • 1 year ago

          I wish you the best of luck, but some things I'd take into consideration:

          1: Arlan has no reduced chance to be attacked trace like Dan Heng and Seele have.
          2: Gepard does have a trace that makes enemies more likely to attack him, but it is not a "true" taunt like the Fire MC has.
          3: Gepard's shield is on his ult and only lasts 3 turns, so you'd need to make sure you're always casting Gepard's ult at least once every 3 turns, which may be tricky without increased energy regen gear.

          • 1 year ago

            I haven't looked into much about the game other than characters I'd want, so for now I'm thinking that I'll have to use Fire MC too and I guess I'll have to build him and Gepard focused on defense if I want higher chances of this working.

  102. 1 year ago

    Please tell me Sushang is better than Dan or even Seele

  103. 1 year ago

    Will they reveal something tomorrow since tomorrow is March 7

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      They are moronic for not launching the game tomorrow.

      • 1 year ago



        • 1 year ago

          I don't give a shit about chink calendars I'm tired of waiting reeeeeee

          • 1 year ago

            >Play Chinese game
            >I don't give a shit about Chinese calendar
            I reiterate: Bruh

            • 1 year ago

              no one but your countrymen give a shit

              • 1 year ago

                His countrymen are literally all that matters, considering most of the money comes from them.

  104. 1 year ago

    Are destruction characters bad?

    • 1 year ago

      Clara is good.
      MC and Hook are decent.
      Arlan is alright.

  105. 1 year ago

    Reminder that turn-based combat is almost as obsolete as text adventures, and there is no reason to make or play one when any other combat system is technically possible

    • 1 year ago

      Right now the combat seems simple but strategical, maybe they will switch it up like they did when adding dendro to Genshin, they just need to add enemies where you have to change your strategy and your approach to battle, maybe like the Time Eater from Slay the Spire or the Divinity from Monster Train

      • 1 year ago

        >full prereg reached on march 7th
        totally natural guys, no number inflating here

        >2 skills + ult

        • 1 year ago

          >totally natural guys, no number inflating here
          Unless this is your first gacha you already knew that those milestones are rigged and there's 0 reason to worry about them.

          >5m reached
          >still no release date given
          What is their plan?

          To finish the CBT first.

        • 1 year ago

          4.5m a couple days ago, nothing weird here.

          >totally natural guys, no number inflating here
          Unless this is your first gacha you already knew that those milestones are rigged and there's 0 reason to worry about them.
          To finish the CBT first.

          is more likely.

    • 1 year ago

      That's nice dear, always interesting to see what the kids are into these days. Would you be so kind as to fetch my newspaper for me?

    • 1 year ago

      I didn't know dunkey played gacha

      is this gonna be another summoners war clone in which the only stat that matters is speed again

      I got recommended a vid where some dude was using shit to slow the enemy and get a million turns before the enemy did
      Not sure if that is just a meme strat

      • 1 year ago

        If it's possible to outspeed the enemy then that'll be the meta strat always but devs don't usually allow that

        I remember one of the trails games didn't balance test correctly and you could endlessly delay your enemies to the point your characters were so fast that you could take 20 turns before the enemy took one because you just spammed them with delay skills

        • 1 year ago

          Found this on hoyolab, but it's from last year: https://www.hoyolab.com/article/4902048

          • 1 year ago

            They'll probably make bosses immune to this or you could cheese the SHIT out of the game

  106. 1 year ago

    We...... Lost...............

    • 1 year ago

      Do you have to register with a specific email to get the rewards or is it that thing where every account made will get them?

      • 1 year ago

        It's for everyone, as usual.

  107. 1 year ago

    How long must I wait for her banner?

    • 1 year ago

      Good news is they are doing double banners immediately. Bad news is that the game seems to already be inflated with a bunch of 5* so who knows. No more than 3 months though.

      • 1 year ago

        >Good news is they are doing double banners immediately.

        >Bad news is that the game seems to already be inflated with a bunch of 5*

        • 1 year ago

          We already have like 6 five star characters that are not part of the standard banner and will be rotating on limited. Not to mention the standard banner has another 7. As for the double banner, just go look at some video talking about the gacha rates, I don't have a specific link.

          • 1 year ago

            Who's standard and who's limited?

            • 1 year ago

              Those seven, just the original five was better. Now I will have to filter a e-girl and a shota through my rerolls on top of the two other dudes.

              • 1 year ago

                So Luocha, Kafka, Silver Wolf, Seele and Jing Yuan are standard while those are limited? I wonder what will be banner order.

              • 1 year ago

                There is also Blade, and we do know of Fu Xuan as well.

          • 1 year ago

            So you have no real source, no official announcement, no leak, no datamine.
            Just a guy who speculates in Youtube.

            Who's standard and who's limited?

            5* standard is pic related.
            5* Limited characters with datamined stats and skills are
            >Jing Yuan
            >Silver Wolf

            While leaked limited characterss are
            >Dan Heng

            Fu Xuan has been announced as 5* but there's no datamine

            • 1 year ago

              >So you have no real source
              I honestly remember seeing double banners in one video, so it wasn't meant to be speculation but I could be misremembering it, chill out.

              • 1 year ago

                I've been in the last two CBTs. Neither had double banners. So far they've just had:

                1: Limited character banner
                2: Light Cone (weapon) banner for the current limited character
                3: Standard banner
                4: Beginner banner

            • 1 year ago

              Nice, I guess I don't need to miss Eula anymore. Hopefully her personality lives up to the design.

  108. 1 year ago

    >5m reached
    >still no release date given
    What is their plan?

  109. 1 year ago

    is this gonna be another summoners war clone in which the only stat that matters is speed again

    • 1 year ago

      Is it because you can one shot enemies and vice versa?
      So far we can't one shot them without being overleved, bosses can't be nuked either.

  110. 1 year ago

    Who is the best 4 star character?

    • 1 year ago

      Almost all the 4 stars are good gameplay wise, for sexability wise I would say Hook

    • 1 year ago

      It's obvious

  111. 1 year ago

    It's March 7. Give me some good news

    • 1 year ago

      Game will be released March 14 2024

    • 1 year ago

      Good news you are alive.

      • 1 year ago

        Not very good news eh

  112. 1 year ago

    Compiled all the leaks I can find plus unreleased characters.

    • 1 year ago

      Wow Hua's finally getting her first mhy expy. Kinda sad there's no Theresa but i'm pretty sure honkai writers hate that character from the bottom of their hearts.

      • 1 year ago

        Other Honkai characters supposedly have high chance of appearing and becoming playable, no worries.

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah but that particular character has gone like six years or so without getting shit. The entire first arc of Honkai 3rd came and went and she didn't get a S-rank past the one she got on release year.

          At least there's Nahida I guess, that's one character that has been pushed pretty heavily in Genshin and shares many similarities with her.

          • 1 year ago

            Sorry bro dudu needs her 5th alt. She's the main character of the game and all.

          • 1 year ago

            Nahida in star rail when?

    • 1 year ago

      Saving XueYi and Silver Wolf

    • 1 year ago

      I only care about Luka who's luckily a 4 star, guess I'll be saving for a long while.

    • 1 year ago

      Man I can't believe how uninteresting and unoriginal all of these look, I don't think I could remember even one after looking away for a few seconds.

      • 1 year ago

        thank you for your opinion but I dont believe I asked

        • 1 year ago

          Good, I don't care about the opinion of a homosexual.
          Let me compare the number of fanarts of genshin characters after CBT2 and the ones the characters of this game are getting.

          • 1 year ago

            NTA but wow way to out yourself as a collosal homosexual. Even disregarding that though, are you really trying to imply that the characters here are any less original that Genshin? They both do the same shit and are done by the same people moron. Go pull your tribal circus elsewhere.

        • 1 year ago

          NTA but wow way to out yourself as a collosal homosexual. Even disregarding that though, are you really trying to imply that the characters here are any less original that Genshin? They both do the same shit and are done by the same people moron. Go pull your tribal circus elsewhere.

          Just don't reply to the moron. Resist the urge to reply and ignore them.
          Better get used to them now because most of the existing community in /hig/ and /gig/ is obsessed with shitposting like the honkai general literally cant spend a day without seething about genshin for example.

          • 1 year ago

            I am not gonna say much more because I don't want to continue this, but if originality is the measurement we are using, the characters in Star Rail have been a lot more original than Genshin's so far, which is partially because there is no moronic weapon system to limit creativity as well as turn based combat allowing for some more interesting designs that wouldn't work with action combat, like Clara.

            • 1 year ago

              They're also not limited on how far they can go with ultimates because they don't have to worry about terrain, how it interacts with enemies, etc since it's a turn-based game.

          • 1 year ago

            >like the honkai general literally cant spend a day without seething about genshin for example.
            is genshit baby crying again that his game is criticized?

            • 1 year ago

              Worse, nobody brought up his game. He just started crying about how much worse Star Rail is to Genshin out of nowhere.

              • 1 year ago

                well, he's not wrong...

              • 1 year ago

                What are you doing here then?

              • 1 year ago

                my interest in the game is from before it turned out its a reskinned genshin with e7 battle system slapped in place of EQEQEQ, at this point I'm just here to see how much worse things can get

              • 1 year ago

                >reskinned genshin with e7 battle system slapped in place of EQEQEQ
                Am I supposed to believe that's a bad thing?

              • 1 year ago

                if it wasnt a literal copy paste, even incuding stats and gear system(to my understanding), I might have agreed with you, but as is you are trading one badly designed combat system for another, if you think thats good then...without shitflinging at each other, we wouldn't get along

              • 1 year ago

                >even incuding stats
                What, exactly, do you mean by that? Genshin and Star Rail share some stats like attack, defense, crit rate, crit damage, etc, but they also differ in terms of some stats. For example, Star Rail has several stats Genshin doesn't have like break effect, stat chance, and speed.

              • 1 year ago

                >attack, defense, crit rate, crit damage,
                All of which of course are completely exclusive to Genshin LMAO

              • 1 year ago

                >stat chance, and speed.
                Yeah, literally copied from e7, look up effect resistance. Genshin stats were already copied form that but at least they removed SOME of the stat bloat, but then added elemental damage and heal power in their place. Now Star Rail has that AND the stats they removed during e7->genshin transition, so the bloat is even worse

                You are exaggerating, game has a lot of different stats that are necessary because it's turn based. Not to mention the skill tree each character has and cones are just straight up better than weapons. Chill turn based combat is also much better than the spastic shit Genshin forces you to do.

                Tell me more about skill trees. Though I wouldn't be surprised if that too was copied from e7, either awakening or skill upgrade trees the Speciality Changed characters have access to(Angelic Montmorancy, Falconer Kluri, just to name examples)
                >are necessary because it's turn based
                Tell me if genshins artifact system is a good thing, then make it 3 times worse specifically BECAUSE its turn based and much more important
                >and cones are just straight up better than weapons
                E7's Artifacts, literally, I'm not joking even that s copied
                >Chill turn based combat is also much better than the spastic shit Genshin forces you to do.
                Depends if star rail goes the way of post-episode 3 e7, where you need some real specific team compositions to beat main story fights because of the stat bloat

              • 1 year ago

                >Tell me more about skill trees

              • 1 year ago

                Is that it? Tiny incremental increases like +4% ATK?
                Please scroll down to "ANGELIC MONTMORANCY'S AWAKENING" section, and to "Skill Tree Progression (by Qelris)". Can you tell a difference? Because I sure can't
                It feels weird to complain about bad shit I see in star rail when its the exact same systems and mistakes I already saw in another game

                Bros, Im thinking of playing honkai impact, until april 26. Is it good

                used to be decent, at this point you should avoid it

              • 1 year ago

                Same traces are very impactful, and can completely change how you build characters.

                For example, Bronya has a trace that gives her 100% crit rate. This then synergizes with her ultimate, which buffs her teammates' crit damage based on her crit damage, so because she innately has 100% crit rate, you can completely forego crit rate on her to build full crit damage, which in turn further buffs her teammates' crit damage.

              • 1 year ago

                So she's Star Rail's version of Challenger Dominiel more or less. Man I'm gonna probably lose my mind if I try to look which character is a copy of which. Can you only pick one trace or do you max out all of them eventually? Because if its the latter then thats not even the matter of how you build a character, thats just plainly how they work

              • 1 year ago

                You unlock more traces as you level up and ascend the character, eventually getting all of them, so a lower-level version of the character can work completely differently than the maxed out version.

              • 1 year ago

                So what the frick are you talking about, theres no build variety thats just how their kit functions. So the whole "skill tree" system is really just copy of another e7 thing

              • 1 year ago

                It does change how you build the character before you get that trace and after you do. I've been playing the current beta for approximately a month and still don't have all of the traces, so it does make a difference for a significant amount of time.

              • 1 year ago

                >It does change how you build the character before you get that trace and after you do
                That means literally nothing dumbass, thats like saying you build characters in genshin differently at level 20 and 80 just because they dont have all their passives or skills at 10. No, you just don't build them until they are level 80 unless it one of your first 4 characters you started the game with. Its like you are trying to sell th system for something it isn't

              • 1 year ago

                You're being very aggressive for no real reason. I'm just answering your questions about the game, there's no need for that kind of behavior.

                >No, you just don't build them until they are level 80 unless it one of your first 4 characters you started the game with
                That simply isn't viable. I'm a month into the game, am Trailblaze level 48, have characters capped at 60, and have had to build two full teams of 4 characters each in order to be able to clear Hall of Forgotten Memories.

                >Its like you are trying to sell th system for something it isn't
                I am simply answering your questions and correcting your misassumptions.

              • 1 year ago

                >You're being very aggressive for no real reason
                Sorry if I came off like that, wasn't the intent and the dumbass remark was wholly unnecessary but what you are saying sounds absolutely insane and meaningless to me

              • 1 year ago

                Once we're a year into the game and can instantly make our characters max level like we currently can in Genshin, it effectively will be, but until then it is a relevant point, and will be for at least a month or two after the game's release.

                Impermanence is not always meaninglessness.

              • 1 year ago

                >So she's Star Rail's version of Challenger Dominiel more or less. Man I'm gonna probably lose my mind if I try to look which character is a copy of which.
                Man sounds like you are fricking moronic to me. This is anything unique to E7, there are only so many things you can do with crit rate/dmg

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                >there are only so many things you can do with crit rate/dmg
                Thats a fair point, yes I come off as unhinged. Yet their application here is exact same, its not a different take, its the same "equipment meta" where you stack as much cdmg as possible while maintaining high enough crate to be reliable. Let me ask you this then, because this could potentially be a thing they do differently. Do you automatically get a "hidden" +15% to crit rate if you are attacking an enemy with a element they are weak to?

              • 1 year ago

                >literally copied from e7
                Stats like that is common in turn based strategies, E7 didn't start them.

              • 1 year ago

                You are exaggerating, game has a lot of different stats that are necessary because it's turn based. Not to mention the skill tree each character has and cones are just straight up better than weapons. Chill turn based combat is also much better than the spastic shit Genshin forces you to do.

      • 1 year ago

        Barely anything is interesting and original anymore in this world.
        Practically everything has a basis on some things that exist already.

        • 1 year ago

          The problem is that every male character in chinese gacha looks exactly the same. Chinks have no concept of anything except the shota and the metrosexual pretty boy.

          • 1 year ago

            but womyn eat it up everytime
            you have to realize when something works and it may cost you to change it, you dont change it

    • 1 year ago

      >Doesnt at least try to add a Mei copy
      Fake leaks again, we had Mei in GGZ, we have Mei in genshin impact and we have Mei in honkai impact. Yet no one thinks for a second that Mei look a like will be in this game too. Very disappointed in the fanbase.

      • 1 year ago

        Do you even look at the image, blindbro?

        • 1 year ago

          >image is filled with art and text
          This is not how leaks work people, gosh why are you all so dumb. Back in my days in honkai impact, we ripped the models and used MMD until the company give up and released them themselves.

          You'll are a disappointment.

          • 1 year ago

            >didn't even read the post
            >inb4 I was just trolling/pretending
            Keep making excuses moronbro.
            Have one last (you).

            • 1 year ago

              >only shows pictures
              How about you people just released actual important models instead of art. Anyone can make art, only a few can make 3d models.

      • 1 year ago


  113. 1 year ago

    >The eruditon
    Are they all shit?

    • 1 year ago

      The lion dude is good

  114. 1 year ago

    Help bros, Im running out of star rail content to consume, they better release soon

  115. 1 year ago

    gays are the best

  116. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Loomsis our response?

      • 1 year ago

        Apparently posting fanart where she looks better than the gnome like creature she is in-game.

      • 1 year ago

        It's nice that this game uses both Trailblazers in promotional content tbh

        • 1 year ago

          Guess they don't want to deal with the complaints like they have with Lumine.

          • 1 year ago

            Complaints that came from small numbers of western twittards?

  117. 1 year ago

    Do you need dedicated farmer in this game? I hate aoe damage dealers single target is the superior choice

    • 1 year ago

      Pretty sure we're going to get serval for free and she's a good multi target unit with also some single target power. Of course if you get Jung yuan you can just leave every farming stage on auto.

    • 1 year ago

      AoE is going to farm stuff faster when combined with a ST rather than 2 ST, but with auto around it shouldn't matter, just alt-tab or put the game in the other screen.

  118. 1 year ago

    Reminder that action rpg designed for a phone will never compete with an action rpg designed for a keyboard and mouse or controller.

  119. 1 year ago

    Maybe I should roll Jing Yuan because I have Yanqing for ST already, but I already have Serval.

  120. 1 year ago

    I think the cast is diverse enough for launch, but I hope to see an alien-human or a cyborg-human in the future

  121. 1 year ago

    I don't want any of the release 5 star, how long do I have to wait for Silver Wolf?

    • 1 year ago

      Probably a couple months in.
      I can't see her being released this early because she has yet to appear in the latest chapter, only namedropped.
      Rate-up is probably
      Seele > Jing Yuan > Kafka > Blade > Luocha
      Seele and Jing Yuan have a rate-up and are playable normally in the final beta test.
      Kafka, Blade and Luocha has datamined stats.
      Silver Wolf also has complete datamined stats for gameplay, but she's not relevant in the story yet.
      Fu Xuan might also get a rate-up since she has been announced and appeared in the story.

    • 1 year ago

      Bro, just get one of the characters you like and then just save for her. As another anon said, it's probably gonna be a couple months in until we get her.

  122. 1 year ago

    Here's my memelist for rerolls and early-mid phase of the game, in no particular order:

    Outright broken, skill grant an additional turn plus removes a debuff and her ulti increases ATK and crit damage. Wind element characters are also rare.
    Healers are very, very valuable early on since you can only get Natasha from the gacha or get her later for free (mid chapter 1). Even compared to Natasha, she's better since she can heal multiple allies with one skill. Her ulti give reactive healing on top of normal heal. She also auto revive the first ally that dies once (including herself? Effect say an ally and not another ally). I'd wager she'll drop to A later on, but healers never really go out of fashion in turn based games, at least the properly balanced ones.

    A very strong ST attacker, gets 60% crit rate up on ulti when he uses it which is basically guaranteed crit, also gets a crit damage up if the buff from skill is active, which will go away if he gets damaged. You want to babysit to keep him from getting damaged and feed him SP(Skill Point) so he can spam his skill and trigger his talent more often, but that shouldn't be difficult at all.
    Another very powerful ST attacker. Killing enemies give her additional turn AND damage, which let her kill multiple small fries faster than other ST, this also make her better than Yanqing if the boss regularly call for backup. Speed buff on skill lets her trigger the Planar Ornament's set extra effect easily. She will have lower performance if the boss doesn't summon additional enemies regularly for her to prey on.
    Being the only rollable Imaginary character so far, plus his skill can hit up to 3 enemies or hit 1 enemy 3 times that can also inflict debuff, not to mention he can inflict delay debuff on all enemies with ulti, it's obvious why he's so good.


    • 1 year ago

      She does great damage and has inherent damage reduction on top of another damage reduction on her ulti, plus her skill is AoE and does additional damage on enemies that attacked her. Her weakness is that the majority of her damage utility is reactive and dependent on enemies, and so you cannot fully control when you'd deal big damage since her ulti only increases the chance of her getting hit and no a true taunt like MC.
      Using his ulti that makes shield combined with max dupe Defense Light Cone turn him into a semi immortal His shield is nice but early on it won't be strong enough to weather a lot of stuff. In the mid game it will be a lot stronger, even then you'd still want a healer, depending on the battle. Maybe later in the late game when we can make his shield absurdly strong and spammable so he'd be more useful, but for now he's not a high priority.

      She is a "normal" or standard Erudition character, she does AoE damage and can do a follow up attack on certain condition, she does have higher multiplier in exchange for having no real unique gimmick or utility, that's about it. You will be able to use her for some time early on, but she's just... does not felt special or powerful. MC later gain fire preservation class, and he can do AoE attacks, albeit lower, in exchange for having taunt and big damage cut, I think you're better of just using him for AoE fire and Hook for ST.

    • 1 year ago

      They will nerf Bronya

    • 1 year ago

      Yanqing or Seele?

      • 1 year ago

        For gameplay performance, think of it like this; Yanqing is constantly 90, while Seele is 80 if the boss doesn't call for backup regularly and 95 if the boss does.
        The difference isn't that big, but bosses that call for backup isn't uncommon either.
        Yanqing require some luck to roll while Seele in on a rate-up, she's also limited. You can get Yanqing from the 300 rolls thing, but that's going to take a while if you spend all your jades on limited banners.

        • 1 year ago

          What number would you give Dan Heng and Susheng?

          • 1 year ago

            NTA, but if no adds Seele is 80, Dan Heng and Susheng would be around 60 or 70. Even without her extra turn gimmick, Seele outperforms 4* The Hunts thanks to 5* stats and a free action advance on her normals. If you want to compare their kits:


    • 1 year ago

      What about 4 stars?

      • 1 year ago

        Pick your poison:

        • 1 year ago

          I'm not watching 2 10 min video Black person

          • 1 year ago

            Watch only one. You also don't need to watch all of it, just watch the part of the characters you care about. And also for the first one you can just go to the end of each character's part and read what's on screen.

  123. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      His complaints reeks of him never touching Genshin, and checking out his channel, yes he never played it or at least never posted a video about it.
      >hardcore grinder
      >want more end game grind stuff
      He's going to get disappointed.
      He'll drop this a couple months in just like other gacha in his channel.

      • 1 year ago

        The comments are basically telling him the game will end up like Genshin. With most of the UI being the exact same as Genshin, same resin system (more resin recharge but higher resin cost per dungeon) same gacha rates etc etc. Yes there are new content like Simulated Universe and talent tree system per character, hopefully they build on Genshins systems instead of copying it's success and making a Genshin 2

        • 1 year ago

          >higher resin cost per dungeon
          It's the same 40 per pop, 30 for weeklies.
          EXP and money are cheaper because there are more characters and equipment you need to level.

          >hopefully they build on Genshins systems instead of copying it's success and making a Genshin 2
          That's way off.
          I doubt they'd implement all the improved QoL in SR to Genshin too, at least not so soon.
          Gotta make SR has QoL advantage over Genshin so some Genshin players are wiling to give it a shot.

          • 1 year ago

            >It's the same 40 per pop
            I mean the drop rate is the same as using condensed.

        • 1 year ago

          this is a valid criticism, in my opinion
          i dont think it is a bad thing entirely, but it does feel way too much similar to genshin, except its not open world and has turn based combat system

      • 1 year ago

        >He'll drop this a couple months in just like other gacha in his channel.
        He's a youtuber, he can't keep playing games for long anyway since he has to play the newest thing to keep making content.

        • 1 year ago

          Plenty of youtubers stick with Genshin though.
          You can do multiple projects in one channel.

          • 1 year ago

            I think I remember listening to a podcast by some long-term Youtubers and they claimed that, with changes to Youtube within the past few years, it is now better to keep channels to one "type" of content.

            One of them even made a new channel for his spin-off content because of this.

          • 1 year ago

            It depends on what they want to focus on. If you want to be talking about every new game (of the type you're interested in) that releases and make guides/tips videos about them you will not have time to keep playing older ones all the time while also doing that because sometimes a lot of new games release close to each other.

      • 1 year ago

        He is one of those people that likes wasting his time on gacha. Not wanting high tier characters and grinding all day. Kinda of a moronic mindset to have on such surface level games.

        • 1 year ago

          Hey, if it makes him happy.
          Though it still crazy that he chose to grind in gacha games instead non-gacha.

          The problem is that every male character in chinese gacha looks exactly the same. Chinks have no concept of anything except the shota and the metrosexual pretty boy.

          If it works, why change it?
          Although all tall bishoujo men whether it's from China or Japan, look similar for me.

          • 1 year ago

            >If it works, why change it?
            >eat this nutrient cube, it works why do you desire other types of food?
            Sure ok I guess.

            • 1 year ago

              Exactly, the one who choose to keep eating in this chinese gacha restaurant is you.
              If you don't like it, then go visit other gacha restaurants.
              They're not going to change what they're serving because lots of people eat it up, they're not going to care that a handful of people complaint about it.

  124. 1 year ago

    Anyone know other turn based games with gacha elements like this one? Preferably mobile

    • 1 year ago

      Another Eden (Destroyed by insane powercreep)
      Epic Seven (Also known as EPIC SHIT due to being P2W garbage with 10 different PVP modes)
      The Alchemist Code (Died to powercreep and closed like two weeks ago)

      Yeah, shit's pretty dead. Just play a non-gacha turn based game lmao.

      • 1 year ago

        Fug, gachautists never win I guess

        • 1 year ago

          You empirically lose the moment you pick a gacha, any gacha, so yes

    • 1 year ago

      Omyoji and Dislyte, but they are also grindy as frick

  125. 1 year ago

    i will probably just play with dan, hook, herta, serval, the free quantum character and the mc
    dont have any desire to reroll as i am not really looking forward to playing this for a long time
    this does remind me a lot of the older final fantasy games and i love turn based games, but its gachatrash and i have noticed that i tend to drop gachatrash very quickly, even if ot is high quality like genshin
    plus, some people who have played the beta have talked about how its difficult to get higher rarity characters (although everything else is very f2p friendly)
    if i am unable to clear any content, then its an instant drop
    the only gachatrash i am actually looking forward to is zzz, because it just looks so good and i love the character designs

    • 1 year ago

      >plus, some people who have played the beta have talked about how its difficult to get higher rarity characters
      lol wut? The beginner banner guarantees a 5* within 50 rolls, and they're giving 15 rolls away just for the pre-registration alone. They throw free currency at you in the beginning of the game.

      I'm in the current CBT where you are literally unable to spend any money and I have gotten 3 5* characters and 2 5* light cones.

    • 1 year ago

      >dont have any desire to reroll as i am not really looking forward to playing this for a long time
      Reroll is as long as Genshin's anyway (20-30 minutes), any sane person and non-masochists won't do it.
      >this does remind me a lot of the older final fantasy games and i love turn based games, but its gachatrash and i have noticed that i tend to drop gachatrash very quickly, even if ot is high quality like genshin
      Hmm, it's probably best for you to pick it up and drop it ASAP, satisfies your curiosity and keeps you away from gacha.
      >plus, some people who have played the beta have talked about how its difficult to get higher rarity characters (although everything else is very f2p friendly)
      The system is 100% like Genshin's, 90 rolls max to get a SSR, with the first time having a 50:50 chance to get the rate-up character or the off rate ones, if you failed then the next SSR is guaranteed to be the rate-up one.
      Once you get the rate-up character it loops back to 50:50 again, and so on. No 5* equipment in the character gacha and vice versa.
      Usually you get a SSR in 76-80 rolls.
      >if i am unable to clear any content, then its an instant drop
      There's no super difficult content but harder ones require some grinding regardless of character pool because of statchecks.
      >the only gachatrash i am actually looking forward to is zzz, because it just looks so good and i love the character designs
      Eh, it's just more modern Honkai Impact with furries to me, but good for you I guess.

      • 1 year ago

        >Reroll is as long as Genshin's anyway (20-30 minutes), any sane person and non-masochists won't do it.
        Bruh you will be playing with that character for MONTHS until you can roll for another, and maybe even a year or more if you want anyone specific from the starting roster. Rerolling for the one 5* you want isn't that hard. You can do it casually and it won't take more than a couple days at most. For anyone not looking to drop the game in a couple of months it's a no brainer.

        • 1 year ago

          I'm not a rerollgay but with the lack of pulls given at the start rerolling seems like a good idea. From what I've seen it will take you a couple of days to get the beginner banner 5* and a couple of months for 300 pulls on the 5* pick banner. Hopefully they make a guaranteed 5* banner that you can reroll until you get the start that you want, but given its israelitehoyo we will probably have to manually reroll.

          • 1 year ago

            No way they are going to make it easy on us, it's gonna be a manual reroll. The strat will be to reroll on the standard banner (since you won't have enough rolls for the beginner guarantee anyway), so at the end not only will you have the 5* of your choice but also another 5* after 40 pulls at most in the beginner banner.

            • 1 year ago

              Wouldn't it be better to roll whoever's limited banner is on since the rate is 0.6% there instead of shared 0.3% between unit and light cone in standart, also most of the standart banner units are meh (not saying they're bad but I'd rather get a seela than a gepard) so you also have a chance at the limited unit

            • 1 year ago

              Wouldn't it be better to roll whoever's limited banner is on since the rate is 0.6% there instead of shared 0.3% between unit and light cone in standart, also most of the standart banner units are meh (not saying they're bad but I'd rather get a seela than a gepard) so you also have a chance at the limited unit

              Oh I thought you meant with stellar jades, I forgot we get 20 standart pulls for free yeah then that makes sense

            • 1 year ago

              Another reason to go for the standard banner is that you can roll 5* light cones too, if you're lucky you can get one with the 5* character you want.

              • 1 year ago

                Nah, rolling a cone seems like an automatic reroll for me even if it's the character I want. That's a waste of a 5* and we can get any of the starting character cones through the equivalent of the starglitter shop.

          • 1 year ago

            >a couple of months
            lmao no way friend, that will take you close to a year unless of course you are planning on wasting your premium currency on it which is a stupid idea.

        • 1 year ago

          I watched a video earlier that said the same as you, very repetitive but the guy made sure to drive the point home: https://youtu.be/a70GPBBk8SY
          I can say from my experience with Genshin that using units you don't want to use because you didn't get who you want or you're saving for future units is a miserable experience. People can call me autist if they want, but I know I won't enjoy the game if I don't reroll for someone I like, those few days of rerolling will be a nothing compared to who knows how many months of misery playing with someone I dislike.

          • 1 year ago

            It's not even that farfetched of a thing to do, people are just being too dramatic. Now rerolling for 2 characters, especially if you want someone specific in those two, that's crazy (I did try it on Genshin, and almost turned myself into a speedrunning autist as a cope). But just making sure you have a solid start really isn't that crazy nor would it take too long.

            • 1 year ago

              >I did try it on Genshin, and almost turned myself into a speedrunning autist as a cope

        • 1 year ago

          >Bruh you will be playing with that character for MONTHS until you can roll for another, and maybe even a year or more if you want anyone specific from the starting roster.
          Depends, if you don't want to spend Jades for newbie gacha or don't want to roll Seele and Jing Yuan, that might happen.
          Pic related is from a month old final beta account, they gave us 60 free standard tix.
          Gepard was from the newbie rate-up, 50 rolls (costed 40 standard tix).
          Yanqing was from the standard rate-up at 79 rolls.
          Seele was from the limited rate-up and I was lucky enough to win 50:50, similarly at 75 rolls.
          Plus post pity rolls, I have done 215 rolls total, I still have like 15 rolls left.
          Even deducing 60 rolls, you'd still get 160 rolls from just playing the game, deduce another 40 for newbie gacha and you'd have 120.
          You should get 1 ssr at least, maybe 2 with some luck.
          We're also getting 18 tix at least from the milestone rewards.
          If you really want another 5*, it definitely won't take you months unless you're extremely unlucky and got a dupe.

          >Rerolling for the one 5* you want isn't that hard. You can do it casually and it won't take more than a couple days at most. For anyone not looking to drop the game in a couple of months it's a no brainer.
          It's not hard, it's just extremely tedious.
          Whatever free stuff they give us in the mail is pretty much most of the rolls we have when we are finally able to roll freely.
          You want to reroll in the standard or limited rate-up so you can have 2 SSR, 30 minutes per reroll will drain your soul super fast.
          You can probably setup a couple of emulators in your PC if you can make a macro, but with 0.6% rate, and 1/7 chance of getting the one character you want, it's still going to take a while without a lot of luck.

          If you really, REALLY want to start with a 5*, I suggest buying a starter account, people will be selling these cheap, saves a lot of your time for just a couple bucks.

          • 1 year ago

            >30 minutes per reroll will drain your soul super fast.
            Depends on if you are experienced in rerolling, I am so it won't be an issue. I rerolled for Genshin for way longer than I should in the first place, after that just getting the one 5* I want is a walk in the park.
            >If you really, REALLY want to start with a 5*, I suggest buying a starter account,
            All the credibility you managed to build in this whole post went down the drain

            • 1 year ago

              >Depends on if you are experienced in rerolling, I am so it won't be an issue. I rerolled for Genshin for way longer than I should in the first place, after that just getting the one 5* I want is a walk in the park.
              It has nothing to do with experience, there's just tons of unskippable text and cutscenes, it's still going to take forever to get a specific SSR out of 7 characters, off a 0.3 to 0.6% rate.

              >All the credibility you managed to build in this whole post went down the drain
              Why? Because I recommended a realistic and reasonable solution?
              Besides I don't care about credibility in this basket weaving vietnamese shitposting forum.
              If you don't want to do anything or don't believe anything I said, then whatever, what you do is your business.

              • 1 year ago

                Hopefully they give out enough resources through maybe story or events that it makes rerolling not worth, since people did clear the entire content on the final beta with free characters and 4* units, I think 5* isn't that important as of now, but when we get giga broken content (as with most turn based gachas) that require a very specific strategy or character, or inflated stats (which 5* units have) we might wish that we rerolled. Again, hopefully israelitehoyo proves us wrong and we don't feel heavily punished for not rerolling, but knowing it's israelitehoyo, we will probably have to reroll for a good 5*, if not a broken 5* like Bailu or Bronya

              • 1 year ago

                >Hopefully they give out enough resources through maybe story or events that it makes rerolling not worth
                when will you stop inhaling copium?

              • 1 year ago

                Eh, looking back at Genshin again, there was never a time where you need a specific 5* to clear anything ever.
                Having stronger 5* means you can clear stuff faster but the only thing that's truly relevant to this is floor 12 Abyss, and you can 6 star it relatively easily to get 2/3 of the reward.
                SR has its own Moon Spire called Memory of Chaos, but instead of 4 floors it's 10 instead.
                There's also Simulated Universe, but it's much more casual, it's pretty much like AK's IS2 where you want to stock on strong buffs to have an easier time killing the boss.

              • 1 year ago

                Hopefully they give out enough resources through maybe story or events that it makes rerolling not worth, since people did clear the entire content on the final beta with free characters and 4* units, I think 5* isn't that important as of now, but when we get giga broken content (as with most turn based gachas) that require a very specific strategy or character, or inflated stats (which 5* units have) we might wish that we rerolled. Again, hopefully israelitehoyo proves us wrong and we don't feel heavily punished for not rerolling, but knowing it's israelitehoyo, we will probably have to reroll for a good 5*, if not a broken 5* like Bailu or Bronya

                Guys it's really not that hard to understand. Rerolling is for those people that simply want a specific character and don't want to have to spend 9 months miserably feeling the 300 pity, or maybe you want more than one character and don't want to leave your fate to rngjesus so you reroll. It has nothing to do with the difficulty of the game. For those people if will never not be worth it because no matter how many random 5* they give us, with 7 on the standard banner it's gonna be a fricking nightmare to try to randomly get the one you want. It was already hard enough with Genshin's 5.

              • 1 year ago

                >It has nothing to do with the difficulty of the game.
                Nope, some people definitely reroll or buy an account to play with strong characters to have an easier time in the game.

                Gameplaygays won't bother rerolling unless there's a broken unit live Venti in Genshin, the majority rerolling is always waifugays.

                Well there's Bronya.
                Bailu is also just as strong this early into the game.

              • 1 year ago

                >It has nothing to do with experience, there's just tons of unskippable text and cutscenes
                So exactly like Genshin

              • 1 year ago

                Yes, except there's no guest account.

              • 1 year ago

                I forgot did Genshin have guest accounts at the start? Well anyway it sure as hell hasn't now and I didn't reroll with guest accounts anyway so it will be the same thing, turns out experience does matter after all

              • 1 year ago

                >I forgot did Genshin have guest accounts at the start?
                I don't know if it did at the start, but they were already gone a month before 1.1 dropped when I started creating accounts to reroll for Tartaglia.

              • 1 year ago

                It does, and it's a bit faster with Guest account.
                Even with experience I can't see it breaking 20 minutes barrier, likely to be 25-30 minutes with macro.

                >It has nothing to do with experience
                Nta but, it does. Rerolling is only a soul crushing experience for people not used to it, those who are know what they're getting into if they decide to do it.
                >I think 5* isn't that important as of now
                Why is it so hard to understand that some people want a specific character because they like their design, their playstyle or something else? It would be the same if they were 4* in that case.

                >Nta but, it does. Rerolling is only a soul crushing experience for people not used to it, those who are know what they're getting into if they decide to do it.
                It's still soulcrushing regardless, you just can last longer.
                Rerolling in Genshin was bad enough, it's worse in SR with 7 instead of 5 characters.
                I doubt they're going to give us way more rolls than in Genshin at the start too.

              • 1 year ago

                >Rerolling in Genshin was bad enough, it's worse in SR with 7 instead of 5 characters.
                It's worse but that's also one more reason why you SHOULD reroll, you will need to be a real luckchad to get what you want with 7 of those frickers. I am honestly still mad they added the e-girl and the shota, especially the shota.

              • 1 year ago

                No one sane is going to waste time rerolling in MHY games unless they're an account seller.
                Very few people rerolled in Genshin.

                Even if you did that it wouldn't be available as soon as the game releases, what would you do until it is? Twiddling your thumbs? No, you reroll yourself. If the char you want is one everyone wants like Bronya though, good luck getting that account first.

                >Even if you did that it wouldn't be available as soon as the game releases, what would you do until it is? Twiddling your thumbs? No, you reroll yourself.
                Not everyone is a NEET with nothing else to do, you know.
                You can play other games, do your hobbies, hang out with people or even play the game normally so your "real" playthrough is smoother.

                >If the char you want is one everyone wants like Bronya though, good luck getting that account first.
                Fortunately, gameplaygays are vast minority, so people who want Bronya wouldn't be in too much trouble, at worst sellers will inflate the price.
                There's going to be tons of account sellers anyway.

                There is risk, don't pretend there isn't, and the last thing I want is my account getting banned after spending all the time in it. But my real gripe is that I simply don't like picking up someone else's game, probably my own weird trait but that has been the case with every game I played, I don't like picking up where someone else left.

                There's always a risk, but I really have never heard or see a post of someone getting their account taken back by the seller, only the looming fear of it happening, it's extremely difficult and borderline impossible to pull off anyway.
                At worst it was people getting scammed at buying and selling accounts, but it's only happened to old accounts.

              • 1 year ago

                >Very few people rerolled in Genshin.
                Yeah that's because Genshin has a huge amount of normalgays playing it.

              • 1 year ago

                No, it's because rerolling in Genshin is way too long.
                Rerolling in other gacha only take 5-10 minutes tops and can be macro'd easily.
                Genshin? Too much of a hassle unless you're an account seller.
                That's also why there are way more of Genshin account seller than other gacha and normalgays don't buy starter accounts, so they're not even the target audience.

              • 1 year ago

                >It has nothing to do with experience
                Nta but, it does. Rerolling is only a soul crushing experience for people not used to it, those who are know what they're getting into if they decide to do it.

                Hopefully they give out enough resources through maybe story or events that it makes rerolling not worth, since people did clear the entire content on the final beta with free characters and 4* units, I think 5* isn't that important as of now, but when we get giga broken content (as with most turn based gachas) that require a very specific strategy or character, or inflated stats (which 5* units have) we might wish that we rerolled. Again, hopefully israelitehoyo proves us wrong and we don't feel heavily punished for not rerolling, but knowing it's israelitehoyo, we will probably have to reroll for a good 5*, if not a broken 5* like Bailu or Bronya

                >I think 5* isn't that important as of now
                Why is it so hard to understand that some people want a specific character because they like their design, their playstyle or something else? It would be the same if they were 4* in that case.

              • 1 year ago

                If you're gonna waifugay rerolling is completely valid, I'm just speaking from the perspective of a gameplaygay. Of course if you play a game for a specific character and you don't have that specific character for like 3 months what the frick is the point

              • 1 year ago

                Gameplaygays won't bother rerolling unless there's a broken unit live Venti in Genshin, the majority rerolling is always waifugays.

              • 1 year ago

                >Of course if you play a game for a specific character and you don't have that specific character for like 3 months what the frick is the point
                Exactly, that level of soul crushing can't even compared to rerolling for a couple of days.

              • 1 year ago

                You can just avoid both soulcrushing method by buying a $5 account with your favorite character and another SSR.

              • 1 year ago

                Even if you did that it wouldn't be available as soon as the game releases, what would you do until it is? Twiddling your thumbs? No, you reroll yourself. If the char you want is one everyone wants like Bronya though, good luck getting that account first.

              • 1 year ago

                There is risk, don't pretend there isn't, and the last thing I want is my account getting banned after spending all the time in it. But my real gripe is that I simply don't like picking up someone else's game, probably my own weird trait but that has been the case with every game I played, I don't like picking up where someone else left.

          • 1 year ago

            >If you really, REALLY want to start with a 5*, I suggest buying a starter account, people will be selling these cheap, saves a lot of your time for just a couple bucks.

            They won't.
            t. Account seller

            An account with just Diluc went for $90-$100 dollars on launch. An account with Keqing was like $30.
            Sure, prices go down after a week or a month but it'll be a while until they do and I assume all of us want to play on launch and not wait until like july to pick up a cheap account with multiple 5*'s

            • 1 year ago

              That much? Going to reroll for Clara anyway, might as well sell the others.

              • 1 year ago

                Usually the meta shit or things people are going for sell for tons while off-meta or things people don't want go for peanuts or get trashed. So best hope your favorite isn't considered good or meta by the masses or it'll be expensive as FRICK.

            • 1 year ago

              They will.
              t. bought accounts pretty often when gacha games launched

              Not everyone is going to buy meta account and multiple characters are actually good at the start here.
              Prices are definitely going to be marked up for some characters but not going as bad as Genshin.

              Sinoalice had the most player friendly rerolling ever in a gacha, I honestly wish I had never played it. Now every reroll is just painful memories of what could have been.

              It's also one of the worst gacha ever with hour dependent stages and raids.
              I can't believe I actually played it for a week back in 2017.

              • 1 year ago

                >Prices are definitely going to be marked up for some characters but not going as bad as Genshin.
                so literally what I said???
                If you're trying to buy whoever ends up as the hot meta then you'll be milked out of every single dollar they can squeeze out of you but if you're trying to buy some char nobody cares about then people will be happy to offload those for any price

              • 1 year ago

                Yes but it won't be $90-$100.
                There are more viable characters at the start and the market is smaller.
                I'd be amazed if Bronya is being sold at $50 on average.
                $30-40 is the most I can see for her.
                Protip: You should look for SEABlack person sellers, they often sell accounts for really cheap because they're desperate for quick money. Chinks are also on the cheap side although not as cheap. Western sellers are israelites.

              • 1 year ago

                Day1 I can see meta accs selling for $100 and accs with more than one 5* selling for whoa mama prices
                After that yeah the prices deflate quite a bit until meta is only slightly more expensive

  126. 1 year ago

    >Summons a fricking black hole
    >Baseball bat
    How did Yu Narukami lose bros?

  127. 1 year ago

    Bros...my braincell...

    • 1 year ago

      Google the 2 doors question.

  128. 1 year ago

    I am gonna to do it bros, I am gonna reroll until I get both Himeko and Bronya, it's gonna be a long spring.

  129. 1 year ago

    Bros, Im thinking of playing honkai impact, until april 26. Is it good

    • 1 year ago

      It's alright. It's kinda like if Devil May Cry was dumbed down to be playable on phones, then they replaced Dante and Vergil with waifus.

      It's free and a small download, so just give it a try and see if you like it. They currently have an event going on where you can get Herrscher of Origins (Basically Vergil from DMC) for free.

    • 1 year ago

      May as well try PGR, it's literally just a better Honkai.

  130. 1 year ago

    I still don't get how interstellar traveling works in this game

    • 1 year ago

      Judging from the cutscene in-between Herta's Space Station and Jarilo-IV, it looks like standard sci-fi "warp drive" stuff.

    • 1 year ago

      Judging from the cutscene in-between Herta's Space Station and Jarilo-IV, it looks like standard sci-fi "warp drive" stuff.


  131. 1 year ago

    How long is the reroll process?

    • 1 year ago

      Jewtubers say around 30 min

      • 1 year ago

        With pity?

        • 1 year ago


  132. 1 year ago

    How did rerolling work in the beta? Can you reset your account info in game or do you have to jump through bullshit hoops?

    • 1 year ago

      Rerolling is literally impossible in the beta. You get one account with a beta invite, and that account gets what it gets. No way to reset.

    • 1 year ago

      You can't reroll in beta, though people figured out it takes 25-35 min until you can get to gacha being unlocked from the beginning.

  133. 1 year ago

    Sinoalice had the most player friendly rerolling ever in a gacha, I honestly wish I had never played it. Now every reroll is just painful memories of what could have been.

    • 1 year ago

      Anything that lets you reroll for a single starter SSR without having to make a new account is good enough for me, too bad israelitehoyo doesn't give a frick about their players

    • 1 year ago

      doesnt matter when shit enix cant make any actual games on the phone for their life LMAO

  134. 1 year ago

    I spent two entire weeks rerolling in genshin 16 hours a day. Rerolled 100 accounts trying to get keqing. Halfway through my brain was melted, I made it by turning the game into a speedrunning contest, even timed myself and raced against other rerollers.
    Never did get her either, dropped the game because of that. Was mentally wrecked for a while but now I'm grateful it kept me away from that cancer.
    Not sure how long I will reroll here, there's a couple of characters I like this time instead of just one so it would be nice if I could be a true day one player for once.

    • 1 year ago

      Jesus frick, my account that I don't play on anymore has a C1 keqing if you want

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks but I got over it a while ago. It was a good lesson honestly. I never realized how insidiously gacha could get into your head.
        Nowadays I play much more casually and try to enjoy my time instead of chasing the dragon trying to out game the system.

        • 1 year ago

          Yes most gacha games especially hoyo games work extra hard to get into your head. Its crazy how many dirty neuromarketing tactics are being casually used in gacha games. Unfortunate because hoyo makes most of the best looking games for mobile.

    • 1 year ago

      Had a similar thing happen to me, speedrunning really is the ultimate cope for rerolling, it gives you a new target to strive for while also working on your original goal. But damn anon, that's some bad fricking luck. 1 week is already very bad luck, but two weeks and nothing? Holy shit that's record breaking levels. You know what the worst thing about this is? The rest of the game isn't like that at all, you can save and actually consistently get what you want because of pity, so I was never disappointed when I saved up for something. But frick me those standard characters can really frick your shit up.

    • 1 year ago

      LMAO what a moron. This game is for you then, same as genshin.

  135. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      cool but i'm not giving you a click

      • 1 year ago

        the marketer reacted fast huh

    • 1 year ago

      >Genshin became popular because it was marketed to people that like breath of the wild
      Talk about brainlet take, you can see the bubble this dude is living in just based on that. The majority of people that play Genshin probably haven't even played a Zelda lmao

      • 1 year ago


        >Pretends like persona 5 is the natural counterpart to compare Star Rail to
        I hate how fricking right I am every time

  136. 1 year ago

    It's funny because israelitehoyo is more likely to invest in a billion dollar system to spot account sellers than give players a reason not to reroll

    • 1 year ago

      Like what totally happened with Genshin?

  137. 1 year ago

    >ctrl + f genshin
    >1 of 201 matches
    rent free

    • 1 year ago

      Considering SR is just Genshin with a turn based gameplay and minus the open world, it's hardly puzzling people mention Genshin a lot.

      When are we getting our own general?

      We did have one for some time, then it dies because there's not enough people to talk the game with and there's not enough topic to talk about since very few people got into the Beta.

      >Genshin became popular because it was marketed to people that like breath of the wild
      Talk about brainlet take, you can see the bubble this dude is living in just based on that. The majority of people that play Genshin probably haven't even played a Zelda lmao

      >Pretends like persona 5 is the natural counterpart to compare Star Rail to
      I hate how fricking right I am every time

      Looking at other videos in his channel made me think he's just a contrarian and/or shitposter, but genuinely moronic people exist, so...

  138. 1 year ago

    When are we getting our own general?

    • 1 year ago

      When the game's released probably, but then you'd have to deal with schizoposters

      • 1 year ago

        Oof the day one doomposters will be something to behold

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah, I'm probably not going to touch any /vg/ or /vmg/ threads for a while after the game comes out. Give it some time for the bandwagoners to find something new to shitpost about and let actual discussion flourish.

  139. 1 year ago

    I want to have baby making sex with Cocolia.

  140. 1 year ago

    I hope Star Rail has something like this. I always hated Honkai for the lack of consequences and stakes so this was really good.

    Obvious genshin spoilers in the video.

    • 1 year ago

      There is but it's pretty minor, a couple of quests has you to choose for the ending of it.
      There's an android that's a copy of a dead woman; she's been getting errors so the old husband want to reset her (it's a periodical thing), but the person in charge want you to choose.
      >reset her
      >tell her the truth
      >destroy her

      Another is a person who has an elderly household worker want to fire her, and you get to steer her whether to fire the worker or not.

    • 1 year ago

      >Blue archive finishes the first arc on anniversary
      >Massive event, amazing storyline, get actual visible changes on your game
      >Genshin finishes sumeru
      >Entire game changes and gets rewritten
      >Honkai finishes their entire story after 7 years
      >Literally nothing

      and theres people that still think its hoyoverse's passion project lmfao

      • 1 year ago

        Both BA's and Genshin's changes are pretty minor really.
        It's just lores so it's pretty easy to do too.

        • 1 year ago

          If they're so minor then why couldn't honkai do the same? Since it's a passion project and all that

          • 1 year ago

            I asked a friend, he said if you pick Kiana as the bridge girl, like the character you pick as the homescreen character in other gacha, she doesn't appear at all because story related reasons.

            Priconne changes title screens permanently too once you reach a certain point in the story. I thought that was small detail but a cool detail.

            FGO does that too.

            • 1 year ago

              >she doesn't appear at all because story related reasons.
              the story related reasons are dumb though
              Kiana is supposed to be "sealed" in the moon but she isn't really sealed. She's working over there with scientists, she can call her friends any time she wants and her friends can physically go see her and hang out with her any time they want so it really cheapens the "omg she got sealed on the moon" kinda ending.

              Also according to youtube videos uploaded literally yesterday, she's still there? Unless it's a new CN thing but I doubt they'd do that since they wouldn't be able to sell new Kiana costumes or suits if they did.

              • 1 year ago

                It's a CN thing.

      • 1 year ago

        Priconne changes title screens permanently too once you reach a certain point in the story. I thought that was small detail but a cool detail.

      • 1 year ago

        game changes and gets rewritten
        >ctrl+f Rukk

      • 1 year ago

        Comparing Sumeru to BA Final chapter is kind of silly. The changes Sumeru makes are either tiny, or downright moronic
        >muh lore books and items descriptions changed
        Thats something only soulsgays(or moronic "theorists" that make youtube videos for a living) will care about in the first place, 90% of the playerbase does not give a shit. The whole thing is also internally inconsistent because despite Rukk being erased from memory, Nahida is still reffered to as lesser lord even though she's the ONLY lord. So the whole game supposedly gets rewritten but they can't bother to change dialogue that happens minutes after the change?
        The other outcome of Sumeru is Scarashit and his 180 degrees character "development" and retcon. Scaradouche was barely a character before this, and had maybe 15 minutes screentime total in the game, if you missed the 1.1 event then he only had 3 minutes instead. The changes Sumeru does are superficial at best.
        Compare that to having actual lasting changes, a pernament reminder with a 2nd adult card that you could use or leave in your inventory for sentimental reasons, and a second Arona that will show up with or instead of the original
        Sorry for sperging out, the tism wakes up when someone pretends Sumeru is good

        • 1 year ago

          >Compare that to having actual lasting changes, a pernament reminder with a 2nd adult card that you could use or leave in your inventory for sentimental reasons, and a second Arona that will show up with or instead of the original
          2nd adult card that will turn to dust if you use it, so it's actually worthless
          Prana appear sometimes, but 90% of the playerbase doesn't care about that either
          These "actual lasting changes" are even less relevant than what happened with the retcon tree at the end of the Sumeru questline
          Wow a fricking visual fanservice and a purely cosmetic item that you will forget in 5 minutes

          • 1 year ago

            >2nd adult card that will turn to dust if you use it, so it's actually worthless
            And the dust remains in your inventory, yes, so one way or another, you have a pernament reminder
            >but 90% of the playerbase doesn't care about that either
            Sure, I'm willing to agree to that, but this change isn't something you can miss, unlike item descriptions. Thats what Im getting at, the changes stare you in the face, they aren't buried under 3 menus and 50 random books
            >less relevant than what happened with the retcon tree at the end of the Sumeru questline
            That I can't agree with, Rukkhadevata wasn't a character, it was a name thrown around whenever they could, and when they did show her, they just lazily reused Nahida's model with no changes, so this change means nothing going forward, not even for the story.
            >Wow a fricking visual fanservice
            I'd say fanservice means a lot to the fans
            But lets call it quits here ok? My bad for going on a rant

            • 1 year ago

              >And the dust remains in your inventory, yes, so one way or another, you have a pernament reminder
              A permanent reminder that it's worthless like the books in Genshin.

              >Sure, I'm willing to agree to that, but this change isn't something you can miss, unlike item descriptions. Thats what Im getting at, the changes stare you in the face, they aren't buried under 3 menus and 50 random books
              So the change has to be fricking obvious, only then it would count?
              I'd say it's hard to miss the fact the the whole Sumeru doesn't talk about Rukkhadevata anymore, but hey, it doesn't count for you

              >That I can't agree with, Rukkhadevata wasn't a character, it was a name thrown around whenever they could, and when they did show her, they just lazily reused Nahida's model with no changes
              Phrenapates, Prana and Kuroko aren't a character either
              They barely have any characterization

              >so this change means nothing going forward, not even for the story.
              Same shit with Prana appearing as a fanservice and Phrenapates' card, it's nothing

              >I'd say fanservice means a lot to the fans
              And actually changing in-game lore and dialogue doesn't mean anything to Genshin fans?

              At this point you're just making excuses so you can make the things you like count and the things you don't like don't count
              You're still over the moon over how good the latest chapter in BA, understandable, but you're being really moronic now
              Whatever, you just want to shit on Genshin, feel free to do so, in /gig/

              • 1 year ago

                >I'd say it's hard to miss the fact the the whole Sumeru doesn't talk about Rukkhadevata anymore
                you talk to every npc you see?

              • 1 year ago

                You don't talk to every single NPC in a single player game?
                Besides the majority of NPCs talk about Rukkhadevata even if just a little.

  141. 1 year ago

    What's this? Is it like another beta test?

    • 1 year ago

      >spoonfeed me despite the answer being in the article

      • 1 year ago

        sorry im a guruguru brain
        but they said the final closed beta was the last one so its surprising they release another beta.

        • 1 year ago

          Confidential testings happen even after games are released

  142. 1 year ago

    >muh tree that can just be used for any bullshit rewritting in the future to sell "evil" characters who got redeemed
    >good world changing plot device

    • 1 year ago

      My favorite part is when they force you to do a 6 hour long quest involving talking vegetables if you want to explore then completely shat on it's message because Fat Xiao and the world quest writer obviously hates each other.
      >In the end, the forest did not remember.

    • 1 year ago

      My favorite part is when they force you to do a 6 hour long quest involving talking vegetables if you want to explore then completely shat on it's message because Fat Xiao and the world quest writer obviously hates each other.
      >In the end, the forest did not remember.

      edgy kids like you is why everyone sane is going to be dodging HSR threads when the game releases
      you're the scum of this site

      • 1 year ago

        What part of their post was edgy? Genshin writing is irredeemable garbage.

        • 1 year ago

          Bro you can't just criticize genshin, it's practically enshrined in millennial/zoomer culture. It's their mario/zelda.

      • 1 year ago

        They'll get bored of seething eventually

        • 1 year ago

          Dunno about that, it's been entire years and the edgy children have spent every second of that time seething about Genshin. It's nearly their entire personality for some.

          • 1 year ago

            >criticism=edgy children
            Give it a break already zhang

          • 1 year ago

            Which is why everyone sane will avoid the threads after the game comes out or the release is closer. I don't know how anyone could deal with the assclowns on a daily basis and find it enjoyable.

            • 1 year ago

              >he doesnt generate dopamine from shitflinging with homuncluses on a canadian car dealership forum
              why do you even 4chin bro

              • 1 year ago

                Bro you can't just criticize genshin, it's practically enshrined in millennial/zoomer culture. It's their mario/zelda.

                You're right, I should derail every single vidya thread ever with intense rabid seething about Genshin when prompted and unprompted. That'll show everyone how aloof and cool I am when they see how much I hate everything!

                You pathetic sad frick. Abortions like you are what killed /vg/, Ganker and Ganker as a whole because it's impossible to have any discussion at all with c**ts like you that heard the site was for shitposting and took it seriously.

              • 1 year ago

                You're the one derailing shit constantly crying because people don't suck off your favorite game.

              • 1 year ago

                I didnt know shillbots are capable of being angry yet here you are

  143. 1 year ago

    >Silverwolf has chibis of herself from different game genres on her splash
    Cute, too bad she won't be playable for a while

    • 1 year ago

      One thing I have a gripe with the splash arts of this game, is that they are kinda misleading. Those chibis aren't used at all in her moveset and she is far from the only character to have the problem of misleading splash arts. Bronya for one looks like an ice unit and Bailu has literally nothing indicating she is lightning unless you know how dragons are in chinese mythology and if you didn't know water wasn't in the game you would assume she is one with all the water and fish everywhere even during her moves.

      • 1 year ago

        please understand, the artist is just thrilled to draw something that isn't generic element-related background

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah I understand it adds some variety so I am not REALLY complaining but it is a bit too weird sometimes. Bronya has no place being wind for example let's be honest.

      • 1 year ago

        >One thing I have a gripe with the splash arts of this game, is that they are kinda misleading.
        Because it's not leading you to anything.
        Most splash art has nothing to do with the characters' element.

        • 1 year ago

          If you are gonna pretend you didn't mistake Bronoya for an ice unit when you saw her the first time that's fine, but we both know you are lying.

          • 1 year ago

            Projecting your stupidity and inability to read now?
            Sorry that I can read that her element is written as Wind.
            The first time I see her was in-game, I didn't see her splash art and never thought of her as ice.
            Even if I did I wouldn't assume her as ice from her splash art because splash art not matching the element of a character is nothing new.

            • 1 year ago

              Read what moron? Both her splash art and her animations, which is what most people would watch of her first are completely ice themed with little to no hints of her weak element, stop larping.

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                Wait did they really change bronya to "wind" element? She has always had an ice theme wtf are they doing?

              • 1 year ago

                Read her element in the wiki, dumbass.
                Or read it in a youtube video's description, or hear what the guy said about her element or pay attention to the details in the video?
                Or fricking pay attention to all the element logo you see.

                >splash art
                newbie trap, stop falling for it.

                There's literal wind drifts in her skill and ulti.
                Her ulti button is green, and really hard to miss if you want to use her ulti.

                >what's with all the ice then
                She's living in an ice world, doesn't mean everyone has ice related powers.

                The only time you'd see her splash art is when you get her, where there's an obvious logo of what element she is and when you use ulti, where the color of the very obvious button is showing the element of the character.
                It's very difficult to conclude her as ice unless you're really stupid and doesn't pay attention to anything ever.

                Wait did they really change bronya to "wind" element? She has always had an ice theme wtf are they doing?

                She was always Wind from the first CBT.

              • 1 year ago

                >She was always Wind from the first CBT.
                I'm talking about Bronya the character in the honkai verse. Not whatever new shit they cooked up in this game.
                That's just as absurd as if they suddenly made mei an earth based character.

              • 1 year ago

                Forgot pic.

                >She was always Wind from the first CBT.
                I'm talking about Bronya the character in the honkai verse. Not whatever new shit they cooked up in this game.
                That's just as absurd as if they suddenly made mei an earth based character.

                No character has a fixed element in HI3.

              • 1 year ago

                Forgot to add, except characters like the twin e-girl who has no additional alts and Seele.
                I don't really remember HI3 stuff anymore though, besides the obvious ones.

              • 1 year ago

                Are you actually fricking moronic man? I was clearly talking about the first impression Bronya has been misleading. Her wiki page is not the first impression you fricking imbecile. Holy frick learn to read man, I am not arguing what's her element.

              • 1 year ago

                >Her wiki page is not the first impression you fricking imbecile.
                Neither is her plain splash art, moron.
                Pic related is when you first meet her in the story, there's no fricking ice anywhere for you have an impression that she's an ice character.
                Gacha? See

                Forgot pic.

                No character has a fixed element in HI3.

                The only ice nearby is something could have been mistaken as part of the background or gepard's art and you're not going to focus on it, you're going to focus on the characters, and guess what, the name Bronya has a Wind logo next to it, both in front of her.
                You're not going to get the first impression of her being an Ice character unless you look for her plain splash art in google for some moronic reason.
                The only reason you b***h about her splash art now is because you just looked at it, before that you didn't say anything because you have never paid much attention to it.

              • 1 year ago

                The game isn't out moron, that splash art IS the first impression we got from her, I don't know why you are so persistent with this, as I said I don't really mind it but it's an observation and a valid one no matter how much you seethe about it

              • 1 year ago

                >that splash art IS the first impression we got from her
                They probably made her ice at first, drew the art, then changed it prior to CBT1

              • 1 year ago

                >that splash art IS the first impression we got from her
                No, it's the first impression YOU got from her.
                Stop projecting what you thought and experienced to others and pretend it's a valid argument.

                >I don't know why you are so persistent with this, as I said I don't really mind it but it's an observation and a valid one no matter how much you seethe about it
                You're the one who's seething about her having ice-like arts and not being ice.

              • 1 year ago

                >No, it's the first impression YOU got from her.
                Stop projecting what you thought and experienced to others and pretend it's a valid argument.
                Bruh you are either the biggest moron in this thread or purposely trolling at this point. When the game was announced, the first thing literally everyone saw was her animations and splash art, both of these are heavily ice themed. It's literally that simple, I don't know what you think people saw, but that's what everyone did. They didn't see her in game stats because the game isn't out nor did they immediately go and scour the wiki. So stop with this dishonest argument, it doesn't even make sense.
                >You're the one who's seething about her having ice-like arts and not being ice.
                As I said already before I don't even mind it, but your utter obsession with pretending what I am saying is invalid is hilarious to me. You have big problems if you are seething so hard about me just saying her first impression is misleading because it looks like an ice unit. That's literally all I said, and then you started calling me names and posting paragraphs about why I should immediately know an ice themed character is actually a wind unit. You are the one seething, and I still don't know why, you are so fricking weird man.

              • 1 year ago

                >Bruh you are either the biggest moron in this thread or purposely trolling at this point. When the game was announced, the first thing literally everyone saw was her animations and splash art, both of these are heavily ice themed. It's literally that simple, I don't know what you think people saw, but that's what everyone did. They didn't see her in game stats because the game isn't out nor did they immediately go and scour the wiki. So stop with this dishonest argument, it doesn't even make sense.
                Wow, when will you stop lying?

                Bronya appeared for a second, not even obvious and not even full body shot or splash art, let alone using a normal attack, skill or ulti.
                There isn't a single trailer where we get to see her animations and splash art.

                >As I said already before I don't even mind it, but your utter obsession with pretending what I am saying is invalid is hilarious to me. You have big problems if you are seething so hard about me just saying her first impression is misleading because it looks like an ice unit. That's literally all I said, and then you started calling me names and posting paragraphs about why I should immediately know an ice themed character is actually a wind unit. You are the one seething, and I still don't know why, you are so fricking weird man.
                Sure you don't mind it, like this post said

                One thing I have a gripe with the splash arts of this game, is that they are kinda misleading. Those chibis aren't used at all in her moveset and she is far from the only character to have the problem of misleading splash arts. Bronya for one looks like an ice unit and Bailu has literally nothing indicating she is lightning unless you know how dragons are in chinese mythology and if you didn't know water wasn't in the game you would assume she is one with all the water and fish everywhere even during her moves.

                That's also why you keep replying to me, seething that it's misleading.

              • 1 year ago

                Honestly you are the biggest moron I have seen on this site and that's saying something, but yeah I am the one seething, making a big deal out of literally nothing, sure.

                Read her element in the wiki, dumbass.
                Or read it in a youtube video's description, or hear what the guy said about her element or pay attention to the details in the video?
                Or fricking pay attention to all the element logo you see.

                >splash art
                newbie trap, stop falling for it.

                There's literal wind drifts in her skill and ulti.
                Her ulti button is green, and really hard to miss if you want to use her ulti.

                >what's with all the ice then
                She's living in an ice world, doesn't mean everyone has ice related powers.

                The only time you'd see her splash art is when you get her, where there's an obvious logo of what element she is and when you use ulti, where the color of the very obvious button is showing the element of the character.
                It's very difficult to conclude her as ice unless you're really stupid and doesn't pay attention to anything ever.

                She was always Wind from the first CBT.

              • 1 year ago

                No more argument? Still projecting?
                I accept your concession.

              • 1 year ago

                It's funny how some people will die on the hill of semantics. Bronya has historically always been an ice themed character and anyone would notice her ice themed splash art. To argue otherwise and claim tiny minutia somehow counters all that is peak Ganker autism.

              • 1 year ago

                >read her element in the wiki
                actual moron
                anon has been talking about first impressions this entire time, and I agree I thought bronya was ice when I first saw her.

              • 1 year ago

                Where did you see her the first time?
                >the splash
                And where did you see her splash?

              • 1 year ago

                probably some article when the first characters were announced, or maybe even the official website. are you expecting me to say the wiki?
                why would I remember and how is it relevant? they were talking about the art of characters and the art alone.

              • 1 year ago

                >are you expecting me to say the wiki?
                I wasn't expecting anything since I'm not the anon who was in that discussion with that other anon, but since that anon pointed out that neither her splash nor any ice theme was shown in the trailers, I was curious if your first impression which is what's being discussed came from some article or video from when the game was announced. Why you may ask? Because I could've heard nothing of SR until now and happened to see Bronya's splash art, that would be my first impression of her, but it wouldn't mean it's the first impression everyone else got of her, which I think was that anon's point, depending on when you heard of the game and what you saw of the game your first impression will be different.

              • 1 year ago

                His point is moot because both her animations and her art is ice themed, which is 90% of people's first impression and pretending that's not the case is dishonest. Anon is literally just creating a Strowman where somehow everyone is checking out the wiki and notices that she is a wind unit immediately, he is the one biased towards his own first impression even if logically speaking very few would ever do what he did.

              • 1 year ago

                >which is 90% of people's first impression
                I doubt it, I imagine the first time most people her was in a trailer. Saying most people will definitely see her splash first is as ridiculous a claim as saying they'll go to a wiki first.

  144. 1 year ago

    i hope there are more cute characters like gepard
    i dont know if i should reroll for him, i just hope i get him in some standard banner or something

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      the femoids are already here

    • 1 year ago

      For me, it's Jing Yuan

    • 1 year ago

      He should be one of the least desired characters in the standard banner, so you can probably get an account with him for cheap.

      • 1 year ago

        >He should be one of the least desired characters in the standard banner
        So if this ends up being like Genshin he'll be one of the characters people will regret not getting in the future.

        • 1 year ago

          Healers/shielders and buffers/debuffers are usually the character types that can stand the test of time

        • 1 year ago

          No lmao

          • 1 year ago

            People said the same about Bennett and we know how that ended.

            • 1 year ago

              because he buffs on top of healing
              the buff is more important obviously
              gepard only puts up a shield to take damage

        • 1 year ago

          doubt it because this game is going to prioritize on clearing with as many turns remaining (for the abyss equivalent)
          healers/shielders just prolong the gameplay, unlike buffers (like how bennett from genshin was overlooked)

  145. 1 year ago

    >Just noticed that /hvg/ is kill
    lmao that explains it

  146. 1 year ago

    Is there any info about what will be in the shop yet? Will there be anything worth it for low spenders? I can usually put 10-20 dollars a month towards gacha, would that even be worth it for this game?

    • 1 year ago

      Usually the low spender option is "Welkin" which gives like 300 jades upfront and 90 every day for 30 days, for 3000 jades a month. That makes for almost 20 pulls a month, but more importantly, combined with the jades you get from dailies, you can guarantee a pull EVERY DAY. The other option is of course the battle pass which gives good enough resources for active players. Not many pulls but still is good purchase. Idk what else they would put that wouldn't be a steal as big as the Welkin or battle pass but we will have to see

  147. 1 year ago

    evens playerbase will balance out after a while and be comprised mostly of waifugays which will lower the release of new males in the future
    odds it will be the genshin situation and fujos will win and it will be 90% males

    • 1 year ago

      honkai is saved!

    • 1 year ago

      I don't understand. Do you think the game is gonna turn fujo or a waifu haven?

    • 1 year ago

      I don't understand. Do you think the game is gonna turn fujo or a waifu haven?

      >No coom
      >hoyo title

      I am guessing fujo haven.

      • 1 year ago

        >No coom
        Is this bait? You're right that males simply existing is enough for fujos, but saying there's nothing for waifugays is moronic.

        • 1 year ago

          >0 fasnservice
          >genric mass produced designs

          • 1 year ago

            What do you expect? It's tencent, they forced dawai to ban summer outfits in honkai. The passion is dead, whatever creativity they had is bottled up deep inside and can't be let out unless they want to get disappeared.

            • 1 year ago

              Didn't they rebrand as hoyoverse out of china to act independently of the CCP or are they still shackled by the pooh

              • 1 year ago

                They fricked up and got too big before getting out. There is no way the ccp is letting that cash cow leave.
                Their games were full of creative and interesting designs and fanservice until the day genshin dropped and they became a household name. All their other games took two bullets to the back of the head after that.

              • 1 year ago

                Congrats anon, you believed their shell company publishing arm would change something, you are actually stupid.
                Mihoyo is a chinese company, working from china and Dawei(or maybe mihoyo at large) is part of CCP, nothing is ever going to change

        • 1 year ago

          It's bait and he's shitposting, good job replying to the moron.

          • 1 year ago

            >everything that doesnt praise mihoyo is a bait
            ok cultist

        • 1 year ago

          >Is this bait?
          No I am dead serious if the females had HI's or Zenless designs then the audience would probably lean more towards waifugays. But looking at the lack of fanservice and how ladies like Cocolia are nerfed in compared to their Honkai counterparts like with genshin. I can't honestly see coomers/waifugays at least on the western side playing this game in mass like they do with Nikke or AL and this game's western fanbase will probably look similar to genshin's as the game was clearly made for their sensibilities in comparison to Zenless which is more in line with HI in terms of fanservice and tit sizes.

          • 1 year ago

            >which is more in line with HI in terms of fanservice and tit sizes.
            that wont last

            • 1 year ago
          • 1 year ago

            In case you didn't realize, both SR and Genshin are targeted at normies. There isn't a lack of porn games, so go play those instead of expecting panty fanservice from games targeted at the general public. That's just moronic.

            • 1 year ago

              >general public
              >raw uncensored troony sex good
              >cute wholesome fanservice bad
              The general public doesn't deserve anything but death.

  148. 1 year ago

    wtf nanook based

    • 1 year ago

      Same, Nanook. Same.

    • 1 year ago

      frick THAT fish fr
      you know what fish i am talkin bout

  149. 1 year ago

    Molinia bros is she really dead?

  150. 1 year ago

    >no character with green hair

    • 1 year ago

      Just gotta wait for them to add Dendro, bro.

  151. 1 year ago

    Only way we can save hoyo from the clutches of fujo money is if we forfeit all our mortal possessions to roll for the next uohh character, we will win with the help of dickybros and w*myn will be no more

    • 1 year ago

      >roll for the next uohh character
      >lalafel-tier trash potato

  152. 1 year ago

    It must be amazing to be a fujo in china right now. The government working hand in hand with the gaming and entertainment industry to cater to you.

    • 1 year ago

      Not really, they just found out they can exploit the fujos AND the waifugays together to gain double the money. As they say, play both sides, always win.

  153. 1 year ago

    Who to reroll for?

    • 1 year ago

      Gameplaygay wise all the 5* characters are good in situations, if you want the most out of your 5* pull go for Bronya Bailu or Welt. Though remember any character is good with certain team comps or against certain enemies.
      Waifugay wise go for whatever you want.

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