Hope you enjoyed the story so far

Now please excuse us while we completely drop the plot so you can do a bunch of bullshit minigame side missions for every business in the city.

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  1. 6 months ago

    go be a storygay somewhere else

    • 6 months ago
      Chud Anon

      Mini games were a mistake

    • 6 months ago

      It's extremely easy to spot zoomers posts on this board because they constantly frame every discussion about narrative even in games like GTA or RE

      • 6 months ago

        I'm not sure why story is a bad thing and the gripe of videogames not being war and piece level literature? Like people only consume and enjoy high tier art all the time. Most things people consume are mediocre, why do videogame storylines get the shaft but b movies are cult classics? Only games to get the same treatment is resident evil.

        • 6 months ago

          >why do videogame storylines get the shaft
          Because it contributes very little overall.

        • 6 months ago

          Because even in that time period Vice City was not supposed to be a cohesive narrative or stringent piece of story telling. It was and is a frickin videogame comprised of movie settings and visual motifs. The entire franchise is a bit/comedy routine between a group of movie buffs in the form of an entertainment product.

          some games frame themselves around imparting a story to the player and some of them use it as an excuse to get into shenanigans. nobody cares about the story to DOOM the same way nobody should care about the story to GTA. theyre irrelevant outside the homages to genre staples

          TLDR; what the FRICK are you doing making a narrative critique of what is LITERALLY "shoot gun, steal car: the videogame"

      • 6 months ago

        It’s extremely easy to spot zoomers on this board, because they keep posting about GTA games in a retro board. Yes, it’s considered ”retro” by the board’s and the zoomers’ standards, but come on, GTA 3 is like the turning point at which games stopped being games and turned into dumb open world playgrounds for zoomers to act their power fantasies in.

        • 6 months ago

          >GTA 3
          zoom zoom

          • 6 months ago

            Black person, that anon was saying Gta 3 WASN'T retro. He was agreeing with you. I hate this board.

            • 6 months ago

              No he wasn't, GTA and open world games were shit before 3 you moronic Black person homosexual have a nice day now

        • 6 months ago

          No, that was Ultima actually, but keep thinking you're so unique for shitposting about the games the dudes who beat you up in high school played

  2. 6 months ago

    Shit, wrong pic

  3. 6 months ago

    the side missions are not the problem, they are great usually.
    The issue is that you need to save money to actually do them by just sitting idle.
    I always consider cheating money at this point of the game but never do because I hate cheating internally somehow and cant bring myself to do it

    • 6 months ago

      >The issue is that you need to save money to actually do them by just sitting idle.
      welfare Black person, get a job

      • 6 months ago
        Chud Anon

        >just play more minigames to unlock the mini games bro

        • 6 months ago

          Wait until real life hits you.

          • 6 months ago
            Chud Anon

            >come home from real job
            >boot up your virtual job as a taxi driver

            I'm replaying this right now and OP is right. It's fricking atrociously bad. I still love the game and cherish all my memories but holy frick the missions suck. Gta SA was such a massive improvement, and gta 3 holds up better because it's more rooted to its arcadey classic games.

            Still though the aesthetics are great and it's fun to drive around but man it really aged poorly in the gameplay aspects.

            The soundtrack is literally the GOAT, I’m not acting like the whole experience is horrible, but those loading screens between islands was painful even back in the early 2000’s.

            • 6 months ago

              But enough about Crazy Taxi

          • 6 months ago

            >real life
            >looks at board title
            >/vr/ - Retro Games
            >thread is about a videogame

    • 6 months ago

      This is the plot-authorised time for you to collect secret packages, do the rampages, vigilante and Top Fun stuff, and frick around.

      • 6 months ago

        tfw you are playing the no blood censored version and there are no rampages

    • 6 months ago

      Maybe buy the right businesses. Buy Malibu first and a few small ones like boatyard and ice cream factory. You shouldn't really have to wait around much for money to buy anything as long as you're consistently picking it up in between every few missions.

      tl;dr (You)

  4. 6 months ago

    remember when people existed that actually had fun doing things in video games that didn't drive the narrative like towing cars and doing taxi and ambulance missions?

    and he was a good friend

  5. 6 months ago

    I'm replaying this right now and OP is right. It's fricking atrociously bad. I still love the game and cherish all my memories but holy frick the missions suck. Gta SA was such a massive improvement, and gta 3 holds up better because it's more rooted to its arcadey classic games.

    Still though the aesthetics are great and it's fun to drive around but man it really aged poorly in the gameplay aspects.

  6. 6 months ago

    Why did it break the game?

    • 6 months ago

      with great booba comes great responsibility

  7. 6 months ago

    The only minigames are the boat racing and the “ice cream” selling. All of the other assets give you access to legitimate missions. The only problem is getting the money to buy all of the properties, but as long as you have 120k you can buy all of them by abusing a glitch with the replay function on PC. If you’re on PS2 just do the crazy cone minigame to get a bunch of money with no effort.

    • 6 months ago

      >open world game lets you tackle major objectives in whatever order you choose
      >this is somehow a bad thing

      Because even in that time period Vice City was not supposed to be a cohesive narrative or stringent piece of story telling. It was and is a frickin videogame comprised of movie settings and visual motifs. The entire franchise is a bit/comedy routine between a group of movie buffs in the form of an entertainment product.

      some games frame themselves around imparting a story to the player and some of them use it as an excuse to get into shenanigans. nobody cares about the story to DOOM the same way nobody should care about the story to GTA. theyre irrelevant outside the homages to genre staples

      TLDR; what the FRICK are you doing making a narrative critique of what is LITERALLY "shoot gun, steal car: the videogame"

      You're missing the point entirely. You have to complete all of your fricking businesses before reaching the final missions. Most of which are not even new missions, one is a fricking mind numbingly bad ice cream mission, one is a boat race with the absolute fricking awful boat controls, another is a car collectathon where sometimes the game will actually glitch and refuse to spawn the ballista compact and actually completely brick your progress, another is fricking taxi horseshit.

      The point is vice city is unfinished and they had to pad the single player out with garbage. It makes me never want to replay the game ever again to completion

      • 6 months ago

        Stay mad

      • 6 months ago

        >filtered by the fricking taxi asset missions

        • 6 months ago

          Have fun abusing the moronic cone mini game to even have enough money to buy all the businesses first. Especially since nothing in the game gives you enough money once you bought half the businesses. Or just enjoy grinding or idling at your businesses all day.

          Also I didn't get filtered by that, I got filtered by the stupid bug that doesn't let the game spawn the last car you need to deliver.

          It's time to admit VC is the worst classic gta

          • 6 months ago

            How are you that bad? I don't even do optional missions these days and still have enough cash to buy a couple of assets. Legit question, outside of buying guns, somewhat useless houses and penalty from dying/getting busted there's nothing to spend money on, how are you THAT broke?

      • 6 months ago

        Cap the collector starts the final act and it is unlocked by:
        -copland (Vercetti asset)
        -5 other assets
        -hit the courier (printworks asset)

        You do not need to do all of them. You can pick the cheapest and easiest ones to do as there are 10 assets total and only 6 are needed with Vercetti and printworks being essential. Missions alone and doing assets should net you more money and should be enough to keep buying more.

        The easiest are:
        >pole position
        >ice cream
        >interglobal studios

        You do not need to so Sunshine autos at all. And you can do the car collection while doing the rest at your own free time.

        Side missions are also fun and quite rewarding.

    • 6 months ago

      There's an infinite money kind of glitch that you can pull off on PS2 involving vigilante missions if I remember right. I'm forgetting the details now but it involved you activating vigilante missions then putting the police car in the garage at the mansion.

  8. 6 months ago

    >ugh, gameplay? In my videogame!? I want to see more story and cutscenes!

  9. 6 months ago

    The minigames were no where near as intrusive as others in the series, and you could avoid them completely if so desired. What is the problem here? Some people (zoomers) just like to complain about fricking anything.

  10. 6 months ago

    I've tried to beat this game like 5 times and I always drop it after getting the mansion. I want to like it so bad but it just wears me down like a pencil eraser. One out of 4 missions is a real son of a b***h, just fricking bullshit, and it's just so tedious. You boot the game up and end up spending every session doing something over and over again, until you beat it. By then I just feel drained. To top it off, you're regularly getting fricked in the ass by bugs.

  11. 6 months ago

    >open world game lets you tackle major objectives in whatever order you choose
    >this is somehow a bad thing

    • 6 months ago

      Zoomies are afraid of choices, they want to have shooting gallery targets lined up in front of them and have the game basically play itself

  12. 6 months ago

    I didn't mind the side missions, but I found it kinda random that you're supposed to drive taxis and whatnot when you already are essentially a capo. It really felt that most of the side missions should happen much early because they feel way below your level once you have the mansion. Not to mention that it's ridiculous that the cutscenes showed a lot of people in the mansion like they were your crew, but they never help you with anything. All in all it made the story look unpolished.

    • 6 months ago

      The game is quite abstract. Your crew is running the protection rackets and drug distributions behind the scenes that generate the Vercetti estate revenue. Tommy is the head who buys the businesses and then personally does the legwork to get them up and running.

      Now, would I have loved a system like MGS Peace Walker where you recruit a team, they all have their own stats and you can send them on missions? Sure but Vice City is a quick sequel die to GTAIII’s unexpected success so there was limitations as to what they could do and they were already expanding the game heavily as it was.

      • 6 months ago

        >Your crew is running the protection rackets and drug distributions behind the scenes that generate the Vercetti estate revenue.
        God damn, I feel stupid now.

        • 6 months ago

          Everything ties together. The hidden tiki packages are tourist statues filled with cocaine. The boatyard is used to pick up cocaine deliveries by sea. The ice cream store is a drug dealing front. Other businesses launder funds. Vercetti gang does drug deals, racketeering and other crimes because Tommy and Lance took over Diaz’s operation and inherited all the guys.

          Once Tommy does the work if setting them up the crew take over the day to day which is why they automatically produce profits. It is very video gamey that the boss is doing it but they wanted gameplay variety. I would love a GTA style game be about operations and recruiting and sending multiple guys on missions.

  13. 6 months ago

    i always though that section of the game was a of callback to scarface after tony kills frank, takes his mansion, and does a bunch of sidequests to "push it to the limit"

  14. 6 months ago

    I never noticed my VC copy was censored before today.
    kinda annoyed at that, but now I wonder how I never noticed.
    I guess I just thought no one blood was because of an engine limitation or something, but i saw someone play the game on youtube and there was blood and yeah there is no blood in my game.
    But atleast I have haitians in my game so its not haitain censored version, just no blood and no rampages.
    I dont really care about the blood but missing rampages is a bummer

  15. 6 months ago

    moron. The whole point of the second half of the game is that you're building your empire and cutting Sonny out of the loop. It's plot relevant.

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